#taash greatest character of all time
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biowho · 4 months ago
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amaryllis-sagitta · 4 months ago
The writing the writing I need to rant about the writing
The issue with companion quests and rendezvous is that they're, to a great extent, conversational, with some very basic mechanical filler to give player the illusion that they're doing something. So the brunt of character development falls to conversations we have with them. This wouldn't be the problem if conversations themselves weren't sooo all over the place.
I wrote before that the beginning suffers from severe first draft syndrome and most conversations could have been singular lines. Early exchanges between Neve & Harding are just fluff, and taking note of their differences could have been a single line. It... gets a little better in Act 2, but it's still padded with generic conversation fillers and painfully repetitive about the only points that matter. I swear I've had so many conversations where the same expository sentence was said to me twice or thrice about 2 paragraphs apart.
It's like they want to say something, they are able to pepper in some genuinely touching moments, but then the dialogue wheel minces it all into the blandest mix of responses you've ever seen, or it unnecessarily polarizes issues that already have buildup into simplistic choices. Examples: we encourage Taash to embrace a syncretic, multicultural identity and BAM! A CHOICE APPEARS LATER that further polarizes it in a way that's totally uncalled for. We build Harding up to overcome her fawning tendencies, to embrace her anger and to let herself feel justified in it so she can handle the bond with the Stone, or we can make her feel weird and unaccepted with her new abilities - and BAM! CHOICE because what would we do without reminding survivors that compassion and forgiveness are the socially expectable ways to go? I fear Emmrich is going to feel the same, after lichdom is built up as the pinnacle of his expertise and his greatest dream, only thwarted by the terrifying risk of him permadying in the ritual (because the risk of corruption of character, like it happened to Johanna, is quickly dismissed as something OOC for Emmrich). Choices that pop up in the middle of otherwise fairly linear arcs feel manufactured.
I thought I would begrudge UI explaining to me what my choices mean, but I started to need it at times, becuse the dialogue options by themselves fail to inform me what I'm about to do half the time. I'm in romance with Neve but the only input Rook has ever given in the Flirty options was "We have problems... but we are not alone..." I have genuinely no idea what the dynamic between characters is there. According to the Character tag line, Neve has "fallen unexpectedly".
Maybe it's because Rook feels completely disjointed from whatever is happening to them. The Zara/ Illario twist almost makes them stupid on purpose because the plot can't advance yet. My Shadow Rook had nothing to add when Zara almost uttered "amatus" once before Illario choked her, no, that exposition had to happen on Emmrich's dissection table.
I also don't understand this game's urge to summarize everything for the player after the proper conversation -- not just in the UI, not in the mission quest summaries, but also in the final cutscenes in Lighthouse after most our rendezvous. These are always the most awkward, low effort reiteration of the conversation that was held minutes ago. I feel like this was supposed to be the space to form some logical conclusions, but all they do is revert whatever poignant points have been made before to very superficial takes on the problem.
I also roll my eyes on the later Lighthouse "quests" where Rook is the HR department for companions' petty grievances that can be solved by minor communication adjustments. Only the Davrin/ Lucanis conflict feels like it has any meat because it involves ambitions tied to the main quest. Taash calling the old man Skullfucker is funny but it boils down to both parties needing to be better listeners. And why would Harding and Emmrich plan a trip to Ferelden that is being consumed and ravaged by the Blight to end all Blights in real time??? Did no-one proofread this???
My point is, I wouldn't be mad if companions were generally agreeable. I love hanging out with the girlies and nonbinaries because they get along so well. The banter heard throughout the map traversal is so, so, SO much better in this regard. It's structured like relational mini-arcs that feel really satisfying to witness. The Lighthouse mini-conflicts feel manufactured in comparison.
It's like the moments that matter occasionally poke their heads above a nondescript sea of grey goo and get dragged right back down by the ugly, eldritch tentacles of filler and redundancy.
It really, really, REALLY does not defeat the allegations that some points game wanted to make through that writing were explicitly prompted as a guideline... while everything else was left to a complex form of algorithm... that combines random generation... with imitation of holistically preserved states... of complex statistical operations... done on pre-collected source material...
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bloomingdead · 4 months ago
i might go in depth on this later, after I’ve played the game a few times, but i really think the greatest issue with datv is a lack of time. there’s such a good shell there, although it seems very disjointed and poorly written at times, even compared to inquisition which used to be considered the worst of the games. like the companions internal struggles feel hollow, it’s like they tried too hard to shorten quests and decided that they required less talking rather than less gameplay. which is awful considering how they promised to have “gone back to their roots” with focusing on their characters. but a lot of it felt half-assed.
like yes i had to improve my relationships with my companions and their factions in order to get a “good ending” but there were so many side quests that could’ve just been blended into the story missions while gaining me approval with my companions. if i don’t bring the companion with me, they’ll be standing at the trigger point to start the personal quest when i arrive anyways. so then why couldn’t i have had my party of 3 turn into 4 when i meet up with this companion, have it be a feature of the story mission I’m on, and in return increase my bond with both the companions in my party as well as the tag along for their personal quest, that is built into the story missions rather than just coincidentally in the same map location as the story missions? if all of my companions are “at every main story fight but just off screen doing their own thing,” why couldn’t the gloom howler mission be apart of a story mission, where i meet up with davrin real quick and we do our free willy thing, then go back to fighting the main boss?
and the 1 on 1 socialization writing is so weak, it really feels like no one ever wanted to make suggestions or (constructively) criticize a coworker’s work, or like they all checked their own work without anyone else looking it over. which in turn has left the veilguard feeling scared to openly criticize one another. there’s no real tension, there’s no scene where a companion is drunk and angry the world is ending, no scene where we get drinks together (unless you include the intro bar scene w varric ig), no scene where i was genuinely scared there’d be no positive resolve between any two characters including my own, no genuine infighting like would be natural in an organization rushing to save the world.
i know from interviews I’ve watched in the past, BioWare has some weird thing with springing entire storylines on employees. like trick being spread thin is talked about in a positive light, as if they’re just so amazing they can do anything when really, i can tell taash’s writing suffered in favor of solas. as if someone said either you get everything you want with character A at the expense of character B, or the inverse. how many writers did they do this to in this game, that aren’t on trick’s level of detail oriented? is this an intentional tactic utilized to force compromise in a company where the employees are nervous to be genuine with their criticism? or is it just a symptom of a rushed game with fired/quitting employees being scabbed halfway thru the game? whoever was in charge of making sure different employee’s visions were meshing, they did a poor job.
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daremol · 1 month ago
Probably some info about my Rook
Heyooo, @midnightwind thank you for tagging everyone who read your post, I was one of them ahaha
Tags: Well, I don't have any DA moots, so dudes, anyone who wants to fill this out, consider me tagging you!
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Name? Laurent Thorne Most likely, he uses the "Rook" nickname more often than his real name
Gender? Male (He/Him)
Age? He's only 23 at the start, small guy
Are they more optimistic or pessimistic? He positions himself as an optimistic. His position is similar to “everything can definitely be fixed if you put in enough effort.” Perhaps this works against him at moments when in fact nothing can be fixed.
Are they introverted or extroverted? Absolutely extroverted and hyperactive I think he doesn't handle loneliness well in general
How do they display affection? Infodumping, spending time together, a lot of initiative in communication The same guy who remembers your preferences and desires, and then tries to make a gift you something that you should like he, being falling in love, will most likely spend tens of hours to understand the topics that interest his LI (Bellara, haii👋👋👋).
What is their greatest fear? Becoming helpless himself and not being able to help
Do they have siblings? Older or younger? He has no blood brothers or sisters, but I'm sure he sees Taash as a little sibling (even if they older than him, lmao)
Did they grow up nurtured or neglected? It's hard to say that he was surrounded by excessive attention, but he definitely received enough of it. He's not a Dalish, and neither are his parents. He grew up listening to his father's stories about the gray wardens, the Blights, and so on (nd when he got older, he discovered books by Varric) Inspired by stories about heroes, he decided to join the gray wardens at all costs in order to support the common cause. After joining the Gray Wardens, he regularly wrote letters to his parents, trying to keep in touch with them. At least he wrote until they died.
What is the worst thing they did to someone they loved? He allowed for a scenario in which Bellara was not only blighted, but also sacrificed herself at the end of the story. "It's all my fault"
Has anyone ever saved their life? I wouldn't be surprised if the companions had to pull him out of the water at Treviso more than once. For an elf who can't swim, he surprisingly rarely looks where he's going
Do they believe in love at first sight? Most likely yep. However, he understands that love, like anything else, requires time, trust and other things.
Are they in a relationship? It's… complicated Technically, he is single because Bellara died
Has your character ever been in love? Bellara is his first love experience. He may have had some teenage crushes before, but it wasn't that serious (I doubt he ever admitted it)
Are they most likely to fight with their fists or their tongue? He tries to the last to resolve the conflict diplomatically, if possible. Violence begets more violence and all that. However, despite subordination and his preference for talking over fighting, this did not stop him from hitting the First Warden in the Weisshaupt Arch (this was the last straw and Rook decided that talking would no longer help)
What is their choice of weapon? Mageknife and orb For a mage, it's surprisingly difficult for him to use a staff. He would rather just hit his opponent with it than be able to effectively cast spells with this “cane”. However, he can use magic in battle without third-party accessories quite actively
How many weapons they can use? Mageknife and orb/magic, he's actually pretty good with a sword (I think he pesters Davrin from time to time to practice some friendly sword fight)
If they could save one person, who would it be? "Ahaha- can I sacrifice myself to be able to save at least two person?..."
What is their greatest regret? Lots of things. No matter how much he says that need to let go of regrets, he blames himself for everything that happened. Starting with what happened at the interrupted ritual and continuing with everything that happened after that. “I don’t have time for regrets, I need to come up with something to correct the situation” and so on. I bet that at the end, as soon as he was left alone in the room and could finally breathe out after everything that had happened, he just cried for a while.
How do they respond to a threat? "Dude, what's wrong with you, why can't we work things out peacefully?" (only if the threat could potentially be resolved diplomatically, but practically - no) "HA, LETSGO" *starts the fight first* (In cases where the threat is agressive not a rational being, like darkspawns and others) Tbh, fighting is surprisingly good at helping him calm down ahaha
Sorry for my English, it's not my native language and sometimes I use a translator 😔🤘
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silly grumpy guy time by time
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yappacadaver · 9 months ago
All my notes from the Q+A, organized by topic
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Going as in depth here as my notes allow, was doing this at work so I may have missed some things. This will be long. but here’s the gist of it below 👇
Switch from 4 person squad to 3 person squad
For the sake of combat gameplay, 3 seemed to be the right fit
Was described as more “immersive” and “intimate”
The team wanted to “spotlight” these characters and give them more presence
Romances and relationships
All seven companions will be romanceable by any Rook
All are pansexual, none are asexual
Companions will romance each other if Rook doesn’t
Confirmed Harding/Taash as a possible companion romance
Companions may “temporarily leave” based on Rook’s decisions but will still “always fight for Thedas” as “this is the greatest threat we’ve seen”
Heavily teased permadeath
When asked abt the possibility of a Manfred romance: “not THAT skeleton, but not NO skeletons”
Misc Companion/Npc info
Inky will be coming back, as confirmed before
Devs excited for the “authenticity” of our new companions, and the fact that they “feel like dear friends”
Companions’ looks will be somewhat customizable, like in DA2 where their fit could change depending on story beats, but with a wider range of choices
These will be the “deepest companion arcs we’ve ever done”
The combat will be “quite tactical” with more opportunities for strategy in higher difficulty settings
A “robust difficulty system”
Tactical mode will not be overhead, but will be a targeting system as shown in the demo
Tactical mode will be used in and out of combat
Emphasis on synergies and combos
Companions will be controlled via issuing “commands”
Rook’s death/downed status will cause a save to reload unless one of your companions has learned the revive spell
Healing magic is coming back
Class specifics
Some specializations for mages were mentioned including Necromancy, “Combat Mage” which promised more close quarters fighting, and “something more elemental”
Dual wielding is coming back but is once again for rogues only, not warriors
Warriors will have a choice of ‘sword and board’ or two-handed
Cone of Cold and Fireball are getting revamped versions, namely Frost Nova and Meteor
Character creation
Everyone who spoke about the character creator was very excited to mention how robust it is
Extra attention paid to hair styles and physics
“Magnificent” dwarf beards
More tattoo variations for different cultures
Body sliders and a wide range of skin tones
The character creator will be shown off in more depth in the future before launch (👀)
Roleplaying and story
Rook will be from one of six factions, that will combine with a "lineage" to provide context for our character
There will be no playable origins, but we will be given opportunities to define the character through play
This includes defining emotional reactions to the mentioned events of Rook's background and lineage
Rook can be nonbinary, with He/She/They pronoun options
Crafting will, while revamped, make a return. You will be able to "improve and customize" your character's look
Somehow, they were not able to reveal more about crafting because it gets into spoiler territory ("a mysterious entity helps you")
The Keep will not be coming back, instead you will be able to define your choices from previous games through the character creator in a "Last time on Dragon Age" type of recap
The game begins in Minrathous, as confirmed by the gameplay teaser, but doesn't stay there
Rook will be visiting plenty of new locations previously unseen in gameplay such as Arlathan forest (where there will apparently be many "fade touched" enemies)
Kal Sharok was mentioned, with no confirmation that we would actively go there in-game, but they promised to "show what they can" of this location
We will have a hub (like skyhold/haven) called The Lighthouse
While war table missions won't be making a comeback, the lighthouse will have it's own gameplay functions
Locations will change based on player actions
More brand new locations will be "drip-fed" to us in references, like Tevinter was in dao
No more mounts, as locations are trimmed down and more linear we will not need them
Tone/Emotion/Choice wheels are coming back
Emphasis on making clear what Rook will be saying/choosing (hopefully no more mishaps a la "glass him")
Wanted "choices to be explicitly clear, consequences less so"
Dev notes
What everyone on the team is excited for
Character creator got huge shoutout
Companions were also hyped (story arcs feel deep and authentic, characters react to you in a meaningful way)
Art team received a big shoutout as well, with this being their "best attempt yet" at visual storytelling (not just codex entries and conversations)
Veilguard is meant to combine "familiarity and novelty" with the team saying it should feel like coming home to longtime fans, and also be something fresh for new players
Team Promises
A focus on delivering a complete single-player experience (no microtransactions, no subscription, no live service)
More VA information and teasers in the future pre-launch
More information on pre-orders soon
Side quests will be "handcrafted" and "support the narrative" ie no more collecting shards, no more getting locations locked behind power mechanics
Accessibility features were glossed over, but there was some talk of saving this info for launch (???)
Random bits
We will have many opportunities to hug and pet Assan the griffon
Elves went bald after living a millennium, this is why solas is an egg
The inquisitor will be heavily tied to solas' story and will appear in the flesh
The decision of who was left behind in the fade will not be important to Veilguard, but was heavily implied to be relevant in the future (not in this game but...)
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 4 months ago
Review of Dragon Age the Veilguard
First off, right off the bat, I’m putting out there I am foremost a story person. Give me a good story and I’m happy. Then it’s graphics, gameplay (by which I mean do I think it is very replayable), then combat.
So positives first for me:
Story: I love the story. It’s a little cliche and a bit silly but it’s so much fun. Besides it’s not like Dragon Age has ever not been a bit cliche. Secret bastard son of the king saving his homeland. Frosty witch with a secret sensitive side. Assassin who wants out. These were in the FIRST game. I very much enjoyed it and the lore we were given. I actually went ‘WHAT THE FUCK’ out loud multiple times and had a blast through the whole thing. I actually dropped my controller in shock during the final battles because of several moments.
I’ve seen complaints about the writing being ‘MCU’ but honestly I just recently replayed the first three, and this is the same to me. It’s actually better to me then Inquisition which I found so boring. No really, Inquisition was the weakest to me character and writing wise. It felt so flat but Veilguard brings back the spark that Origins and DA2 had. This sort of ‘we need to get people together and save the world despite the odds’ spark.
Characters: I love every single one of them and am already starting more playthroughs so I can ROMANCE THEM ALL. Some may not be your cup of tea but honestly a lot of the hate I notice tends to be the weird feminist ‘you have to be serious’ tone, the ‘I don’t like anything cheery’ type, transphobes or racists. The actual critical takes I find tend to veer on the usual bullshit of the writers in general. (Such as Taash apparently having to choose between two cultures and how their gender is handled. Which fair. I love their gender storyline but it isn’t the greatest story)
The characters are very dynamic and fun to get to know. I didn’t care about Harding in Inquisition but I love her here. It’s just so much fun.
Character Creator: This is honestly the best one I’ve seen yet. I know everyone loved BG3 and how they do it but Veilguard BLOWS it out of the water. Just so many options and things to do.
Plus as a side note you can choose to be nonbinary or trans and it has an affect. It is so cool. I loved my Rook talking about their gender.
Combat: Oh man this is weird for me but I love this combat. Let’s be real- tactical stuff in the past games were clunky and off. A lot of Origin purists say DAO was the best but who ACTUALLY used half the stuff? Like traps? Maybe a fair few but the majority didn’t. The whole series so far had been button mashing for me. Here? Nope! It’s a lot more complex for me and makes me actually think. I love it.
Puzzles: One person I saw said they were to simple. My response is that the early ones were but they sure ain’t later on. Took me forty minutes to figure out one. It’s awesome.
Gameplay: FUN! Just everything about it is so nice and I love it. It’s not annoying to do, it’s simple once you get used to it and honestly I like how the missions are set up. I do think it is very replayable as a whole.
The Ending: I FUCKING LOVE THE ENDING IT IS SO DAMN COOL. I dropped my controller during it, I gasped, I cheered (totally guessed one plot twist but DAMN did not expect the very end) and HOLY SHIT it was SO GOOD.
Now the negatives.
Story: There’s a lot of sanitization of the Crows. The Crows are canonly assassins who buy a lot of their recruits and brutally train them to become Crows. It is not nice unless maybe your family are Crows and you’re treated nicely. Even then, Lucanis canonly was beaten by his grandmother during training and other things.
Also, I did not like how my Rook Laidir suddenly talked about being a galley slave. It was confusing as that was never brought up before. If they’d included it in the description it would have been better. So I’m headcanoning something different for Andy Laidir. I think this is just an over sight, but it is off putting for me that it’s suddenly said once then vanishes.
There's also a few things with how story progression goes. It feels a bit to fast in some moments, and to slow in others. I think that they had to many ideas, but I'll talk about that in the factions section.
Characters: While I love their story line I think Taash could have done better if there was less ‘choose between being Rivaini or Qunari’. Like having a disconnect from your culture is understandable but I felt it was to… ‘you must conform or reject’. That’s not how it goes.
As well the discussion of gender was fairly Western specific which isn’t true across all cultures. It would have been interesting to explore it more and with Taash also wondering about the Qunari version of gender as why they don’t feel right.
I’m also semi kinda upset with how Davrin kept getting the same ‘intro’ scene to his quests a bit. Just him carving something. It was recycled to me and compared to the others… kinda felt off.
Also, while I love him, Lucanis' romance isn't my favourite. It's very slow burn and while nice, I felt that it was to much of a slow burn in the end, where it's just them kissing and a few words of love. I haven't been spoiled about the others too much, but he feels very lacklustre. But it might just be me there. I will defend it saying it isn't bad, but for me? Not my cup of tea.
I'm also disapointed with Isabela's cameo. While YES WE SEE HER, I do romance her with Hawke often and I can't believe any of my Hawkes who did (and lived) are't with her causing chaos. Plus for fuck sakes she gets some generic outfit but Morrigan gets a super special one? Really?
Combat: While I love it, I think they made the dragons to OP. It’s really hard to get close and fight them. Of course I am not a combat person so it may just be I’m bad at it. I do think some of the 'being shoved backward' moments could have been done better as well.
Gameplay: Okay so… I think the choice to have Varric narrate things wasn’t ‘bad’ but they really went to spoiler filled in some. Like dude, don’t SAY that?!? I don’t get to eagerly wait in suspense now, I know what’s going on. That’s not fun. Boo!
Also the animations for opening chests was annoying.
Factions: I feel this is another kinda let down. I truly believe the only four that mattered were Veil Jumpers, Shadow Dragons, Crows and Grey Wardens. Plus I felt again a lot of this is sanitized. The Crows are not a good organization. Sure they basically are the Antivan military but they’re assassins who buy their recruits half the time. Lords of Fortune are pirates and treasure hunters. They're not 'good' people.
This really ties into my thoughts on progression: we could have done away with the Lords and the Mourn Watch to focus only on the four factions and it would have been amazing. Probably would have had better pacing for the plot to. While it was so cool to see these places, in the end it would haven't taken away from the main plot by just not having them be around.
However- despite my negatives, and despite my issues?
This game is a solid 8.7/10. It was truly 9.5/10 for most of the game, but by the end, I did find that I was a bit dissatisfied with some things. However, the game is genuinely amazing. It's a call back to the original 'rag-tag bunch of losers go and save the day' and has elements of Mass Effect 2 I adore.
Solid game, if you loved Origins, DA2 and even some elements of Inquisition, go for it. It might not be everyone's cup of tea, but it sure as hell is mine.
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utilitycaster · 3 months ago
I HAVE VEILGUARDED. everything below the cut for spoiler reasons. I will also say to the anon I shut down earlier (again, me not you!) that I do intend to do a second run because I had a marvelous time, I would really love to do the Dock Town quests and explore Neve's other options (and romance her, frankly) and check out some of the other companion options (honestly I'd be open to almost all of them except for Lichdom. sorry I refuse to leave Manfred dead and I'm correct.) and maybe this time I'll actually solve the stupid wisp puzzles and get all the chests and uhhhhh maybe even play on Easy mode instead of Easier Than Easy mode (because lbr my equipment does not matter a ton because. story mode.)
because I am a good girl and did all the quests everyone lived. I also accidentally got the best ending, because Rook in this run is a romantic and optimistic person. This is funny to me because I am god's greatest hater and so I am ROLEPLAYING a character who is like yeah inquisitor go be with your boyfriend who looks like a stupid egg. I did have the Diet Essence Of Mythal but I've been informed the secret even better ending only hits if you know other past characters, which I don't, so whomst cares!
Takes on characters from previous games in brief. Obviously Harding is great. Solas gets his happy ending and that is FINE I guess. Generic Default Inquisitor Lavellan is like. again Rook is like "do what makes you happy but I am like DUMP HIM. which means that while Morrigan is very "I say things in a portentous voice that are extremely obvious" to me, her deep and abiding hater tendencies towards Solas do it for me. Obviously Varric is great as well. Dorian and Mae? Great (unsure if Mae is in previous games but anyway, love her). Not sure who else is a returning character but I think that covers the bulk of it.
This is very out of order but: because no one died other than of course Davrin in the Isle of the Gods, the pay respect for the dead scene is unintentionally really fucking funny to me, a person who has had to go into morgues for professional reasons. Literally like I walk into a morgue where I know zero people. I walk out. I pass Teia and Viago flirting aggressively as an archdemon ravages Minrathous. I continue.
The final conversations are really good; blighted Neve is of course horrifying but she gets better and her nailpolish, crucially, is not chipped. This is HILARIOUS to me. The final romance line with Bellara is lovely. The ending conversations are all really good but Taash's and Emmrich's were my favorite outside of Bellara's. My girlfriend and I are going to hang out with griffons and she's going to write so much fanfiction about us and it will be unhinged.
Hilarious and sexy of me to wear the appearance of the shadow dragons armor I got literally in like. Shadows of Minrathous or something. the entire fucking time. You can see it in the screenshots and I assure you it's only for the vibes (deep V neck and sick chest tats), I am actually in +8 Warden Champion full plate armor and wearing some wild-ass helm (I did not at any point hide the appearance of my shield. even when I was using the gaudiest gold one that looks like a shell from the lords of fortune. I eventually got a very sick-ass Mourn Watch shield). But it does feel really funny to like, pick Treviso, send Neve to the shadow realm, and wear this armor the full time. I literally didn't see Tarquin for like 2.5 acts.
Elger'nan's first form is weak to necrotic damage. I took Taash and Lucanis. I am fully statted out as a reaper. I have an AOE that does over a thousand necrotic damage. genuinely it was a comedy, I triggered the cut scene where Neve goes to the throne and wrests control so Solas can kill the archdemon almost immediately. Second battle was harder but also level 50 story mode so it was FINE.
I do think a Trick Solas ending would be fun; fighting him seems like it would just kind of suck but like. It's funny I actually really did feel grateful after Blood of Arlathan and then after he stuck me in the mind prison I was like FUCK THIS GUY FOR REAL even after he helped us through in the endgame and killed the archdemon.
Lords of Fortune continue to be hilarious to me. There's a codex that's very BY OUR POWERS COMBINED right before the final assault on Minrathous that I described thusly:
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Then in the final scene before the narration the Lords are pulling people out of the wreckage. Imagine you're in a world-ending fight during an eclipse with wild-ass mood lighting and you are trapped under rubble as a horrifying blight tentacle monster rages above and then it all stops and THEN someone in a gold bikini helps you up.
In all seriousness the fact that the Mourn Watch and Lords of Fortune don't come up in the final narration does have me like. yeah whoever wrote their faction quests should have worked harder. I know the mourn watch is largely unscathed because there's no point blighting the undead but like, idk, I feel there could have been more venatori work there that tied into Zara's whole deal, and the Antaam or Wardens ties to Rivain could have been more thoroughly explored. Taash and Emmrich's companion questlines are fantastic but even playing Mourn Watch and loving the build and the vibe, I was like hmmmm this is underserved.
Second hater moment: loved the song over the credits but it felt jarring as hell to have a modern sound here. stick to the hans zimmer. this reminds me, I should listen to the soundtrack because as my Midst Mutuals can attest I am literally the worst at noticing themes. I know Harding's and Emmrich's because I really like them and like, I vaguely recall Lucanis's because it's got accordion elements but otherwise I'm like uhhhhh if it's not the main theme or the Solas theme I'm confused.
I also realized that hilariously, if you like Neve or Lucanis but are ok with romancing someone else (and I very much am) it's actually kind of great to fuck over their city because then you feel justified in taking them out on every single mission to try to up your bond level.
Finished with Lucanis, Harding, and Bellara fully level 10 and everyone else level 9 (including Davrin, RIP); I do wonder how you can get everyone to 10. I might have assigned some quests badly but also like, 9 ain't bad.
anyway feel free to ask questions; this was great and I'm so happy I did it.
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felassanis · 15 days ago
Hi! I hope you are doing well! i was wondering if we could get some facts about leilani, your hof and your rook. I always love hearing about peoples mcs.👀
I squealed at this. People wanna hear me talk about my silly characters? Thank you!! I'm not sure what facts you want so I'll just drop some random ones?
I'll take literally ANY chance to talk about Lani even if she is kinda underdeveloped. She is my GIRL.
She has an affinity for fire magic, like that is almost exclusively what she uses. Half her hair is cut off because she singed her hair when a spell went wrong :/
Will usually catch her reading in a dark corner, small embers from her magic floating around as a light source that immediately go out when she's disturbed. Or they flare up when she's reading something emotional (or smutty lol)
Has faint burn scars on her palms.
Smoker. Carries a wooden pipe at all times and her sharing is the greatest sign of her respecting you.
Had a fear of the Dreadwolf growing up. When she was a child, the other Dalish kids as revenge for a prank gone wrong, threw her down into a cave. The cave was rumoured to be a den of Fen'harel, and this experience made her devlop a paralysing fear of the dark and deeply superstitious of the dreadwolf. Which uh..makes who she eventually romances really funny actually. That's one way to get over your fears.
Keeper Deshanna, the canon Keeper, is actually Leilani's aunt and her mother's younger sister.
Leilani's father was originally from Kirkwall
Her parents called her 'Little Fox'
I imagine she smells of ginger and orange.
Is an only child, as her mother's magical genes are really strong. And they couldn't have more than two mages at a time.
Lani has a cousin, Deshanna's son, that she views as something like a little brother. He's called Samriel, but their relationship crumbles. Because she becomes a 'human herald' and removes her Vallaslin, he views it as a betrayal.
Solas leaves her the jawbone necklace, and she constantly wears it after Tresspasser's events.
I have an AU where she winds up with Felassan obviously. They're very good together :)
For my Rook, Avicia De Riva? I have a lot more for her...
Is the first ever Qunari Crow because I say so
Is nervous around animals any bigger than her head. So, doesn't immediately take to Assan. But they warm up to each other, and she overcomes her fear.
Her onyx, prosthetic horn was a gift from Teia after she lost it getting into a fight with a Wyvern that she barely won.
She's Andrastian. Though she isn't an avid practitioner (you won't catch her in the chantry) she is a believer right up until they see one of Solas's memories. She just liked the idea of finding repentence and forgiveness given her career.
She doses herself on poison at Viago's insistence
She was born in Par Vollen! But was taken from the Qun by a sympathetic Tamassran when her magic manifested at eight. This Tamassran then gave her to the Crows, an exchange that benched on Rook being safe from the Qunari chasing them. And the Crows getting a promising mage for their ranks, and someone who could blend into Qunari society for future contracts.
The Tamassran was killed, but Rook never found out.
Rook, being born under the Qun did not have a name until Viago named her Avicia. I imagine he named her after an artist or an opera singer he likes. (apparently Avicia means Strength and Bird which was a happy accident on my end)
Her biological dad is Sten from Origins :) but again, doesn't know this. If Sten ever saw her, he would maybe know though I think. As she looks like her mother.
Taash becomes Avicia's little sibling essentially. The two form a close bond, given their shared heritage and just geneal chemistry with each other.
Avicia cooks for Viago most of the time. Her cooking is the one he doesn't obsessively check for poison and trusts to eat.
Where Lucanis is good at killing mages. Avicia is even better at killing Sarebaas, given most of her contracts are in Qunari lands.
Has complicated feelings on the Qun. Part of her respects it, respects her people too. But she also finds a lot of it abhorent, especially how they treat mages. She thinks a lot about how all it took was one Tamassran to help her avoid such a foul fate. Bu there's still a reverance in her for it..
My Hero of Ferelden Kalinna Aeducan who I never talk about so THANK YOU FOR ASKING LMAO
She was a BIG daddy's girl. Definitely Endrin's favourite child and everyone knew it.
But a priviliged asshole in the beginning. She had the perfect life, had everyhing handed to her on a silver platter. Was adored, desired, praised...While she was not cruel. she was bigotted and didn't care about politics or understanding how oppressive Orzammar is to the casteless.
Kinda saw Bhelen's interest in bettering Orzammar as a fun quirk and his way of rebelling against their father.
Was enamoured with elves. She had never seen one before coming to the surface, and just finds them beautiful. Naturally, Zevran is and will always be, the most beautiful man to ever grace Thedas to her and was smitten straight away.
Her and Zevran do have a kid after the events of Origins.
I think Kalinna though, when the Blight starts to manifest in her and looking for a cure isn't going anywhere...it results in growing arguments and tensions between her and Zevran and they seperate. Or rather, she leaves one night and vanishes. I imagine they do reunite eventually, and despite her looking pretty...rough. Zevran still just his amor, and they rekindle what they had. for it never left.
Is the spitting image of her mother.
Can drink Ohgren under the table and often does.
Actually develops a somewhat mentor/student dynamic with Ohgren (in a world where he is written with more care and not reduced to poor sexist jokes and jabs)
Supports Bhelen because he was right. It kills her, as she misses Trian and Endrin. But without Bhelen, she'd still be that horrible spoilt princess.
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druckkugelschreiber · 1 month ago
Get to know Rook
Thank you @pixiedurango for the tag! Now I get to stress out about figuring things out about my OCs I don't even know lol
First Kestryl! Because they are always on my mind
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Name? Kestryl de Riva
Gender? they/them Nonbinary
Age? 24
Are they more optimistic or pessimistic? Idiotic they are idiotic as Viago would say, but more on the side of stubbornly optimistic (I will punch fate in the face)
Are they introverted or extroverted? ambivert, cause I can't make decisions to save my life and they are really neither
How do they display affection? they will joke less when they are with you (ironically enough), also pestering you in any why, quality time (or not so qualitiy time)
What is their greatest fear? being a failure
Do they have siblings? Older or younger? No
Did they grow up nurtured or neglected? Meh, I mean they are a crow so kind of neither? Nurtured in the crow way as in their talents were definitely nurtured, the soul? Probably not so much.
What is the worst thing they did to someone they loved? I can't come up with anything, but the worst thing they would do is kill their childhood best friend Misha if Viago ordered them too
Has anyone ever saved their life? Viago saved their life when he picked them off the streets
Do they believe in love at first sight? Absolutely not. Love is for children and life is unfair.
Are they in a relationship? Lucanis is the loml and probably the only one whose word they would put over Viago's
Has your character ever been in love? Except with Lucanis nothing was ever all that serious, they got huge trust issues and training to be a crow took up most of their time
Are they most likely to fight with their fists or their tongue? Fists! Annoy them and they will like to punch you, they can talk their way out of things, but they usually lack the patience
What is their choice of weapon? Mage knife and orb
How many weapons can they use? A lot of them. Despite being a mage they are well versed in all other kinds of combat
If they could save one person, who would it be? Is themselves a valid answer? Because Kestryl also as attachment issues and is determined to survive, but probably Viago or Varric
What is their greatest regret? I'm not big on regret, so it doesn't really feature in my characters and Kestryl doesn't really regret things, however they did lose their clan when they were six years old and while they don't regret it (wasn't their fault and out of their control entirely) they do sometimes wish it had never happened and they could have been a dalish instead of a crow
How do they respond to a threat? Knives
And Kione too because they were my first Rook (and sort of spawned Kestryl) and I love them and I want to see how different they and Kes really are
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Name? Kione Thorne
Gender? they/them Nonbinary
Age? 24
Are they more optimistic or pessimistic? Optimistic and they'll fight for it too, they've seen how bad things can get and how people work together when it happens. They fight for the world and the people.
Are they introverted or extroverted? technically introverted, but they are very nice to everyone they meet and can approach confidently
How do they display affection? acts of service, quality time, you got their attention and they will listen to you, also touch
What is their greatest fear? seeing their friends die and the world get blighted
Do they have siblings? Older or younger? No
Did they grow up nurtured or neglected? Neglected, they grew up with a dalish bandit clan
What is the worst thing they did to someone they loved? They left their clan to get blighted (they were bandits, but they still raised them)
Has anyone ever saved their life? Sure, plenty of times when fighting darkspawn, especially when they themselves were blighted and joined the Wardens
Do they believe in love at first sight? Nope, but they do like the idea of it
Are they in a relationship? Taash swept them off their feet
Has your character ever been in love? Some crushes here and there but nothing that left lasting impressions
Are they most likely to fight with their fists or their tongue? Fists! They will punch their way out of anything
What is their choice of weapon? Mage knife and orb
How many weapons can they use? Quite a few, they learned bow and arrow with the dalish and picked up some other weapons as well when they joined the wardens
If they could save one person, who would it be? Evka & Antoine, I know it's technically two people, but they are their best friends
What is their greatest regret? They don't really have any regrets, head through the wall and ever moving forward
How do they respond to a threat? Square up, assess and probably punch and or fight No pressure tagging anyone who wants to talk about their OC, please tag me if you do!
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biowho · 3 months ago
I think it's very iconic of you that you respond to anon hate and rb heavy criticisms of the game when you know that there are devs of said game following you
There were Veilguard dev following me. While I don't know if they've actually left (I'm not looking through my followers list at people's blog descriptions to see if their jobs are listed to check, its far too large and its not my business) I wouldn't be hurt and they wouldn't be remiss for setting this blog aside
Though I would like to clarify if there is anyone still here that worked on Veilguard that my sadness and frustration has nothing to do with the work you did, it's with the people above you at EA. I work in film production, I understand the power of a CEO who doesn't care about you or what you're creating
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mercurialmalcontent · 4 months ago
I am SO glad that I've mostly weaned myself off of the 'people-pleasing wet rag' type of character for my first playthrough of an RPG because it's made those first playthroughs so much more memorable. I barely remember my first DAI character because she didn't have a personality beyond 'largely inoffensive', and while I had fun it was something like 60 hours of my life that could have been a lot more enjoyable.
My first Veilguard playthrough, however, is going to stick with me a long time. Playing as Mimir meant making choices that valued the greater good as he (I) knew it at the time while setting aside personal feelings, which meant living with harsh results and having to ask, was this really worth it?
(Spoilers for the whole game behind the cut)
The first big one that comes to mind is the choice to personally defend either Minrathous or Treviso. He'd had a growing interest in Lucanis, who is very much his type, and it broke his heart to have Lucanis plead with him to save Treviso but feeling like he had to prioritize the Venatori as a growing threat.
But then he had to see Treviso turned into a blight-filled horror, Lucanis wanted nothing to do with him, and the Venatori weren't slowed down even a little bit. I had to think a lot about how that would inform his future choices, and decided it made him more impatient with stonewalling, but more willing to consider closer, more personal factors.
Treviso hardened him in some ways while softening him in others. It made him have no patience with the First Warden, which was bitter and sad when he and Davrin found the man in the Deep Roads and what little sense he had left him at the sight of Mimir. It made him feel more able to open his heart to Harding and willing to be a little selfish to keep her at his side, which may have kept (did keep) her alive (and he'll always be haunted by the 'what if', as much as he is by Davrin and Assan's deaths). He was so protective of Taash that he said harsh things to their mother that he'll never be able to take back.
Without all of this, he would have tricked Solas into taking the wrong dagger, but with that softening of his heart he was willing to consider Embriel's plea to find another way. But what if? What if Lace had died? (He would have thrown the full force of his anger and grief onto Solas, forcing Solas into the Fade still screaming he's a god, is what.)
And other things, little things, like advising Taash to embrace both of their cultures as he did his as both an elf and a Nevarran. Feeling immense grief at Manfred's sacrifice, but still advising his beloved friend to follow his greatest dream because he knows what an honor it is and he can think of no one better to watch over the Necropolis and the Fade for eternity (but how would he have felt about his peace with Manfred's death if Lace had died? Could he find that peace for her if he can hardly find that peace for Varric? That's a hypocrisy that will weigh on him for a long time).
If I'd had that milquetoast first playthrough, I wouldn't be getting the enjoyment of chewing away at this, I'd have to delay it to the next playthrough, the fun playthrough. Worst of all, the see-all-sides-make-no-strong-statements style of playing would have robbed me of the impact of Mimir absolutely ripping the absent Solas a new one:
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(The British male VA killed it with the angry choices in these scenes.)
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veloxaraptor · 3 months ago
Dragon Age: The Veilguard
I'm going to put my honest review of the game here, for lack of a better place to post it that allows long form written stuff.
I'm going to do my best to avoid spoilers as well, but I can't promise anything.
Anyhow, review under the cut.
First off, I really enjoy this game. I'm on my fourth or fifth playthrough. I can't remember.
So with that said, let me start of with the part where I gush.
This game is gorgeous. Visually and audibly, this game is just beautiful.
I love that there's a photo mode option. You can take pictures of the environment or your party. You can take screenshots during cutscenes without interrupting anything. They did a great job including that.
I like that you can set a default armour and weapon appearance and it persists even through equipment changes. And that you can do the same with your companions.
Speaking of the companions, I love almost every single one of them. For the most part, they're interesting characters who feel mostly fleshed out and their reactions to most things feels very authentic or like something an actual person in the setting would do/say.
The boss battles and world bosses all feel challenging and like actual bosses. I didn't feel like I did at the end of Mass Effect 2, where the suicide mission was the greatest challenge and the human/reaper hybrid was a cake walk. The battles in this game, to include the final one, felt like proper boss battles and it felt like I was genuinely fighting an uphill battle to save the world.
I love the return of past characters, even if some of them are more fleeting than others. Just seeing those characters really made my day.
The easter eggs they leave you throughout the game, referring back to the previous games and their various DLCs was also a nice touch and definitely hit me in the feels a few times.
The combat is fun and engaging. I feel powerful without feeling overly OP. It struck a decent balance.
And I absolutely LOVE that I don't really have to worry about keeping my companions gear updated unless I'm looking for a specific passive talent or going for a specific group makeup.
AND NO INVENTORY MANAGEMENT. You just sell everything and whatever armor or weapons or accessories you've picked up, just slot into a bag of infinite holding that you can access at any time.
They did a great job in the Quality of life department.
This game DID feel like the old Bioware again to a degree. Maybe a little TOO far back in some cases, but overall, it had that spark that I was hoping for.
I honestly give this game a good 7.8 out of 10.
And I'm getting into why now.
Some of the companions. Some of them are so.... UGH. Idk how to explain it other than a real failing on the writing.
To be clear: I understand that the writers did what they wanted and felt was best and that is their choice. We're not always going to like something that's put out. It happens and that is okay. That's how art (which writing and video game development absolutely is) goes.
But I feel like the writing team dropped the ball on well.... a LOT.
I dislike this game's iteration of Lace Harding. She just feels like a very infantilized version of the character we got to start knowing in Inquisition and a lot of the actions/choices/dialogue the writers gave her don't really fall in line with what I feel an expert scout would do. And that's just me personally. I know the character is more than just a scout, but that's a huge part of her and the naiveté and woobifying kind of... ruins that.
Another case of this is Taash. I want to love this character. I see a lot of myself in them. From the way they talk, the way they process things, their hyper fixation on dragons, the list goes on. I even have a toxic mother!
I love the way that Taash processes and discovers who they truly are. And the message in general. But... and here's where the biggest issue comes in, it feels PREACHY.
In fact, a lot of topics in this game that relate to matters like gender, sexuality, religion, and human rights(or rather people's rights in this game), feel INCREDIBLY preachy. Which of course, the anti-"woke" crowd latched onto and gobbled up like the bridge trolls they are.
But to sum it up as best I can, it feels a lot like white saviorism and lectures by people who have had a life of privilege and think they're the best equipped to explain and teach you about these issues.
(Disclaimer: I know the team was not solely white, straight, conservative, etc. I am just explaining the vibe that it gave off.)
It's a huge turn off and it makes it difficult for me to want to engage in the story lines in which that's the focus.
I also very much dislike the handling of Taash's relationship with their mother. It's a very... controlling and to be blunt, toxic relationship. But the writers in their efforts to preach to us about non-conformity, don't address it at all. In fact, what it FEELS like they ended up doing was saying that no matter how awful you are in life, the slate is wiped clean if you die.
Then, in addition to the character storylines that I struggle with, there are some times in the game where I get frustrated with the dialogue because they treat Rook like an idiot who knows nothing. The other mages treat Rook like they're barely knowledgeable if you choose to make your Rook a mage, and you don't have any real choices to participate in the more academic conversations. The options you do have just reinforce the concept that your Rook is lacking in knowledge altogether.
(With the exception of Mourn Watch Mage Rook, but that's pretty limited still.)
There's not much change in core dialogue (if there's any at all in some cases) based on your class or your background. Yes, when you meet your faction's representatives, they know you and you know them... but your Rook doesn't even acknowledge that until they're face to face a lot of the time. Even when they're brought up in conversations before meeting. It's frustrating.
Honestly, I think that's the crux of my issue with the game. Is that in some areas, the writing team just... seems to have taken a swing and missed.
The plot is still great. The villains, the story "twists", the characters (for the most part) and everything is fantastic. It's just that there are glaring issues that offset it at points.
And again, this is by no means an attempt to bash the writers. I understand they had to work within a time limit, that it's a miracle this game was even made, let alone released, and that they are allowed to take creative liberties. They can't go back and make changes now, so bitching at them isn't going to do anything.
I just hope that by voicing my opinion in as neutral a manner as I can, it gives them or someone else, feedback for the next game they work on. After all, despite writing and videogames being a form of art, they're also still products. To make a product better, it's good to at least hear what people feel didn't work as great as they might have hoped.
Anyways, that's my ted talk. Thanks for skimming.
(Also I feel like Emmrich's romance is the best and most fleshed out romance that I've played through so far.)
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