#ta-daaah there she is
theunderestimator-2 · 2 years
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Her Weirdness, Kathleen Lynch, the surreal go-go dancer who used to perform with the psychedelic/hardcore punk band The Butthole Surfers in the mid-’80s.
Also known as “The Shit Lady” or “Ta-Da” (from the time she used to take a dump at the end of her peep show performances while saying “Ta-daaah!”) and though not an official member of the band, she was a major contribution in their out-of-this-world pagan live gigs, performing topless or completely naked, urinating or even screwing around at the foot of the stage with lead singer Gibby Haynes.
…But then again, don’t forget it’s The Butthole Surfers we’re talking about…
(via, via & via)
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babblydrabbly · 2 years
Day 06 | Nadja x Reader x Lazslo Cravensworth 
a/n - @flufftober. Maybe ooc on account of the fluff. But this month is all about the lovey dovey ♡ and I love when Nadja and lazslo are corny anyway
prompt - candles/lanterns/fairylights
fluff - 650 words - warnings: f!reader. established relationship (polyam). implied spice.
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You arch a brow as the camera crew squeezes into the kitchen first. It’s a tight fit with most of the clutter and the table between all of you, but you try your best to ignore them in favor of Lazslo filing in last. His singing could be heard from all the way upstairs. You wonder idly what’s put the vampire in such a good mood.
“My little darling. My pet!” He calls in his timbre. “Your presence is required in the boudoir.”
“Oh?” You narrow your eyes at the lack of a reason. “Is this a surprise?”
“Indeed it is, now come.” You snort as he takes your hand assertively. You abandon your bowl of cereal and let him lead you out of the room with his typical flair, shooing the other humans away. They follow anyway— you suspect they already know what’s going on. 
Nadja and Lazslo’s room hasn’t changed much since you began frequenting the vampires’ residence. With the exception of some of your clothes (usually flung somewhere, forgotten), it was still very much their room. When you wanted a place to lie down, you typically went to the lounge, or posted up beside Guillermo when he was home. Needless to say- they were both very creative when it came to sharing you without a bed. But tonight, you’re floored when Lazslo pushes the door open. 
It’s hard to miss: Both their chairs have been pushed to the side in their own nook now, in favor of a large queen bed in the center of the room. It’s dressed in beddings to match their gothic tastes, save for a gaudy heart-shaped pillow set atop all the others.
But what’s more is the rest of the room’s decorations— dozens of sets of fairy lights in a cool, twinkling silver are strung throughout the room. You lean down to inspect one of the many LED lanterns, too, watching the fake flame inside flicker. 
“Ta-daaah~” Nadja sweeps her arms out from the other side of the bed with a large grin. “You should see your face! Lazslo, do you see her awe?”
“Yes my love, I’d say it was well worth our expedition to Bed, Bath, and the Beyond.”
You blink, still a little speechless as you step into the room further. “What’s all this for?”
“It is our anniversary, you silly little pumpkin.” Nadja tuts. She rounds the bed and embraces you firmly, almost lifting you off the ground. “It has been one year since Lazslo and I both lured you with our thrall to have as an evening snack. And here you are, still scrumptious. Uneaten, of course.”
You try to remember if tonight is actually the anniversary of that day, but you honestly didn’t think Lazslo and Nadja would care about that sort of thing.
In fact, you’re a little moved by the gesture. It was true enough that last October, they had tried hunting you down as you jogged Bloomingdale Park. But you could argue you’ve been devoured in many other ways since then. A flush creeps up your neck at the thought- that and at the display before you. 
The two of them stand there and wait for your reaction as the realization sets in— you really are dating the married vampire couple. It fills you up with joy— and gets your heart fluttering in a way you knew they both can sense, even from a few feet away.
“Out.” You suddenly say. You turn toward the camera and begin ushering the crew out of the room. “Out.”
Laszlo shoots you a sharp grin. “Time to break her in, my dears.” He hollers, jumping onto the mattress. Nadja claps as you finally shut the door and turn back to her. 
“That is what I am talking about, baby girl!” Nadja shrieks. Her elated glint shifts, eying you hungrily. “The memory foam will never forget this night.”
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murmursdraconic · 16 days
"Hey!! A little birdie told me it was your birthday, sooo... Ta-daaah!!"
It's a Charmander plush! Seemed like a safe choice. It might not be shiny, but it's got a decorative purple ribbon wrapped around its neck! "Happy Birthday, Shay!!"
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Little birdie, more like a little dragon if you asked her.
Especially since Charmander plushies were a bit of a weakness in terms of gifts. The bow was cute, and kind of matched her hair as well.
"Oh, thanks Lyra..." She blinks a few times. "This, was uh... unexpected, thank you."
Someone being nice to her for no reason? More likely than you think.
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oldastime · 2 months
Plot: Good ol` roadtrip!
based off the first prompt
open to anyone
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Elliot had been frantically dashing around her house, trying to get everything ready. She couldn't have felt more unprepared when her friend arrived right on time while she was still in disarray. Her heart sank at the sound of knocking, and she flung herself at her phone lying across her bed to Facetime them, "You're early!" She says, trying to diverge from the fact she procrastinated the whole time. Rolling off her bed and shuffling to the door, she abruptly ended the call and swung open the door. "Don't hate me," a nervous chuckle escapes her mouth, and she steps back, unleashing her mess of a home to the other. "Soooo, I may have gotten a little too excited last night and didn't get a (damn thing) done until now. Ta-daaah." she declared, clasping her hands together as she welcomed her friend inside and closed the door. "I can make you toast? I'll give it a little extra flair and add some jam if you're in the mood for something special," she proposed, grinning as she approached them. "Eh? Eh?" she said, flashing a goofy expression and nudging them with her elbow.
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mainenaturaldesign · 1 year
0 notes
syntaxeme · 7 years
Name: Natalie “Nat” Cordova
Callsign: Estrella Flux (formerly Firefly)
Species: human (mutant)
Age: 19
Gender/sexuality: cis bi girl
Ethnicity: Mixed Latina. Her father is Mexican, and her mother is Cuban (grew up in America; her parents immigrated before she was born).
Alignment: Chaotic Good 
Body: 5’ 7”. Medium brown skin, notably darker than Myles as she spends more time in the sun. Her freckles aren’t as numerous as Myles’s, but they’re there if you look closely. Pointing them out or complimenting them seems to embarrass her, because she knows it means you are looking closely. She’s slim, almost lanky, like her brother, but with more muscle; think gymnast. She doesn’t have much going for her in the T&A department, but it doesn’t really concern her. She feels like her body fits her perfectly. She has numerous scars, all earned in various ways but for the same reason: her overconfidence outmatched her skill/control. She kind of likes them, though. The only one she doesn’t like is a particularly nasty gash down her left temple and cheek, and she’s always used her bangs to try to cover it up.
Body language: What’s the opposite of “ladylike”? That’s what Nat is. Maybe it’s intentional, maybe it’s subconscious, but she can often be seen taking up as much space as possible, stretching her legs out open instead of crossing them, lying out full length and taking up two seats on the bus, etc. Her stance is very firm, not to be shaken; as previously mentioned, she is incredibly self-confident. She has no qualms about making eye contact and will not back down if pushed. The only time she may not be quite so immovable is during an especially manic spell; for that period of time, she’ll become more hyper, restless, almost jittery, and she’ll feel she needs to constantly be moving.
Hair: Thick, black, wavy. Since disappearing out of her family’s life, she’s cut off practically the entire length of it, something she didn’t dare do while in school. The sides and back are buzzed short, but the top still has some length so she sort of has bangs to hang over her forehead. 
Eyes: Very light, very bright blue; they mark her as a mutant right off the bat to anyone who knows what they’re looking at, especially when the rest of her is so dark. When they moved schools in the seventh grade, she started wearing brown contacts so people would stop staring and teasing her. They’re deep set and slightly narrow.
Powers: Energy manipulation. Her control applies to several kinds of energy: potential, kinetic, thermal, radiant, and electric. To be clear, these are the types she’s learned to work with; it’s possible she may learn to do more in the future. She’s tried to work with sound and found that she can’t; that’s Myles’s territory. Because energy can’t be created or destroyed, she’s only able to transfer and convert the energy in question. This means she’s able to transfer live electric energy from one device to another or sacrifice heat energy to create light, etc. The larger the conversion, the more concentration it takes from her. She does have a great deal of stamina, however, having built it up over the years, so she’s capable of some pretty impressive feats when (let’s say) fully-rested. Because her abilities are so versatile, it would be very easy for them to become dangerous in the wrong hands. Nat tries her best to prove that she’s worthy of them and that she can control them. She does, however, question whether that’s true herself.
Background: Since the age of thirteen, Nat has been doing hero work with her parents and her twin, Myles. She was advocating for them (her and Myles) to join in the hero stuff since they were ten, and their parents insisted that they weren’t old enough (heroes can’t become officially sanctioned until they’re legal adults). They changed their mind about that when the twins were captured by an enemy and held hostage. This was when Nat got the scar on her face. She tried to fight their captors, using her powers, but since she had no training and not much experience controlling them, she pretty much got the shit kicked out of her. But she kept Myles from getting hurt, which was the important part to her. After their parents rescued them, it was clear to everyone that they needed to be taught how to defend themselves. That quickly led into them becoming involved in the work itself.            Nat took to hero work easily, as it gave her an outlet for her practically-boundless energy. She did have some extracurricular gymnastics to occupy her, but learning MMA from her mother was even better. Learning to control her powers was also very intellectually stimulating for her; it led to her developing an interest in physics, which entailed a lot of research on her part. Through study and practice, she’s gotten very good at precisely controlling her power. The idea of justice is also very appealing to her; she can’t stand to see people get less (or more) than they deserve.            At around sixteen, Nat began experiencing symptoms of schizophrenia: she started to see and hear things that others didn’t, started to perceive others (outside her family) in ways that weren’t accurate, and developed the powerful believe that she was “supposed” to be enacting justice where it hadn’t turned out naturally, that it was what she was made to do. She was diagnosed at age seventeen, but she had a mortal fear of medication for it. They were told that her condition could be managed, so her parents let her choose to do so.            She doesn’t hallucinate “normal” things, like everyday conversations or images that could easily be real; they’re almost always fantastic enough to make her question them right away. This leads to her often asking those around her for reality checks, e.g. “are you seeing this happening right now?” Her auditory hallucinations are usually very clear and easy to understand, most often insulting her decisions and telling her that other people can’t stand her. They don’t really have distinct, recurring voices that she’s noticed.
Personality: Outgoing, playful, confident. She’s a bit cynical, a bit sarcastic sometimes, but rarely in a way that’s meant to be hurtful. She doesn’t see any reason to be rude to others unless they started it. She’s generally very friendly and likes attention, likes making friends. For the most part, she’s pretty open about her mental condition and doesn’t mind talking about it. If people look at her funny when they find out, she doesn’t care; she does want to be liked, but some other person’s approval isn’t worth lying about who she is. Ever. It’s not uncommon for her to have mood swings that are difficult to explain to other people (not that they happen for no reason, but the reasoning wouldn’t make sense to most others).
           She has a habit of speaking and acting without thoroughly considering the consequences; she sometimes needs to be reminded or informed of a potential problem with what she’s doing/saying/planning in order to rethink it. Sometimes she listens, usually if it’s in regards to other people’s safety or wellbeing. If her own ability is being questioned, however, she instead feels the need to prove that she knows what she’s doing. She rarely worries about her own safety, as one of her persistent delusions makes her feel like she’s pretty much invincible. The only time she really questions herself is when her naysaying voices are being especially persistent.
She’s fluent in both English and Spanish. I think she prefers Spanish, and she probably has several Spanish-speaking friends. Usually if she’s speaking privately to someone in her family, it’s in Spanish.
Nat is as contemporary as one can possibly be. Her pop culture interests are all 100% modern, and she doesn’t really care for “deep” shit that has to be deciphered. She wants music that’s fun to dance to, often with sexual and/or aggressive lyrics (Ke$ha is one of her favorites), she wants movies that are fun and engaging to watch (art films and anything depressing are o-u-t), and she has an easier time getting engrossed in a comic book than in a novel. Comics led her to manga, which led her to anime, so she likes that, too.
She uses the words “schizo” and “psycho” to describe herself on occasion, usually in a negative way. However, she will not stand for the word “crazy.” Hearing it in passing (e.g. “the traffic here is crazy”) bothers her, but hearing it directed at a person, especially herself, makes her absolutely furious, which quickly leads to her being aggressive and physically violent toward the person who used it. “Loco/loca” will get a similar reaction.
Civvies – Cut-off shorts, crop tops and bralettes, sneakers, whatever allows her to move most easily. She has no issues with showing skin. She hates dresses and skirts. Just. Hates them with a passion. They inhibit her movement and make fighting difficult, especially long ones, so she avoids them whenever possible. She likes boots and jackets. She likes the colors blue and green. And she loves galaxy print. Or anything to do with stars.
Her theme color is cobalt blue. She wants to look cute and flashy, but functionality comes before anything else. Meaning nothing strapless, nothing restrictive (like tight leather pants), nothing she’ll have to worry about slipping or coming off, etc. For some reason, peplum shorts are really speaking to me. And a ¾ sleeve crop top. Maybe with some fun sheer details.
In order to leave her fingertips and palms to be exposed (for whatever energy-based purpose she may need) but not cut up her knuckles, she wears knuckle guards like one would use for boxing.
Her mask is the opposite of what most heroes wear; rather than covering her eyes, it covers the lower half of her face (from her nose down). When she’s working, she doesn’t bother with her contacts (unless it’s a sudden, spur-of-the-moment thing), so her eyes don’t look the way they normally do, so she figures this is okay. 
Visual refs: 
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fa-by · 3 years
AMA’s 2018
Hey guys 👋🏼🤗. As promised, ta-daaah 🎉✨🎊🎉✨🎊✨. Before diving headfirst into this big, detailed ass analysis, I’d like to say a couple of things.
First thing: I'll repeat what I already said in my previous post.
I absolutely don't want this analysis, this post, to get out of here. Nope. If you've known me for a while, then you guys already know how much I don't want to be involved in any way. Most of all, I don't want my stuff to get to their teams or Camila and Lauren themselves. Like, never. Never, ever, never in a million years. I'd rather go back to being a silent fan. You also already know how much I despise Twitter, but by ‘I absolutely don't want it to get out of here’, I really mean nowhere else. So, no YouTube, no Instagram, no Facebook, no TikTok, and yes, especially no fucking Twitter of course.
I love Tumblr for a reason, but unfortunately, I'm aware this is the internet. I'm aware of the risk that the same thing that happened with my very first post, could happen again with this one. I can’t control the actions of others, and I certainly can’t decide for you. I can, however, ask you to have respect for my decision. If you really have the need to publish it elsewhere, then please ASK ME before doing so. This also applies to the proofs you'll see in the post. Please, ask me first, and we'll arrange what's good for me for you to post and what's not, okay? That's all I'm asking. Don't make me regret even creating all this. Please and thank you 🙏🏼.
Second thing: This post was possible also thanks to the help of @romanticentropy and @mentesimploria​, who helped me collect the proofs. I've already thanked them many times privately, but I'm also doing it publicly. I would have done it regardless because, you know, it’s the way I am 🤷🏻‍♀️😄, but someone, *cough* Nadi @mentesimploria​ *cough*, insisted by even wanting a whole paragraph to thank her 🤦🏻‍♀️🤣. Sorry, bish, but as I already told you, not gonna happen. Just settle for it 😜.
All kidding aside, thank you. Thank you so much once again, you two 🤗. Thank you for dedicating your free time to the research, thank you for sending me what you found, thank you for the patience, and thank you for helping me in general 🥰. For real, thank you so much 😘.In the post I'll point out when one of the two of them has sent me something, so you'll know exactly how much this has actually been possible thanks to their help. They haven't read the post, so it will be a surprise for them too, and I really hope they both like it 🤞🏼😊.
Oh and, a little special shoutout also to my friend, lil J (@jane-ellie​) 👋🏼😁, for that conversation that helped to confirm even more other things.
Last important thing you need to keep in mind, is that this post is based on the real hours that happened. Like, literally. They won't all be 100% accurate and you'll see why, but they're still those ones anyway, and they're based on the actual Los Angeles hours. I believe this is why this post will be different from all the others and make a difference in your eyes.
Having said that, let's get started. Enjoy, babies 🙃.
  That year's American Music Awards took place on October 9, 2018, as always at the Microsoft Theater in Los Angeles. By starting with Lauren, she was at the JW Marriott Hotel getting ready before the show. Justine Marjan (celebrity hairstylist and beauty influencer) and Carlene Kearns (celebrity makeup artist) took care of her hair and make-up. Justine and Carlene have known Laur for a long time:
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Justine since August 2017 when she started hairstyling 5H https://www.instagram.com/p/BYUXonwHeSi/?utm_medium=copy_link, while Carlene also for longer and for many more things than Justine (tours, awards, performances, etc.), since March 2016  https://www.instagram.com/p/BC_2XrKpuWd/?utm_medium=copy_link (👈🏼 first time she did their makeup). But focusing only on Laur, Justine and Carlene have both hairstyled/put makeup on Lo for many things, including the music videos for All Night, Expectations, and More Than That. And about that night, they both posted pictures and IG stories:
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Including that famous IG story that Carlene still has among her posts (third slide).
Besides Justine and Carlene, it obviously couldn't miss her oh so precious PR with which she immediately started the stunt thanks to the help of Tara Beikae (manager of both of them at the time; Lo's since the end of December 2015 with 5H) and some people/friends from Tinky Winky's personal team who were there in that room with them. Now. Why am I so sure that that room was in the JW Marriott Hotel? Because first of all, the hotel was tagged in one of the proofs that I'll exhibit later, and second of all, because I compared their first stunt video of the evening with the actual pictures of the hotel itself:
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See that particular floor design? Here:
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With this, even the color of the wall:
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Oh and, the JW Marriott Hotel and the Microsoft Theater are basically attached to each other:
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Let's move on to Camila. After performing at the Live Austin City Limits Music Festival on October 7, 2018, Mila arrived in L.A. the day before the AMA’s, which is on October 8, 2018: (remember this pic for later)
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She and her parents stayed in the same hotel for two nights before leaving for Brazil to continue the stops of her Never Be the Same Tour:
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The same evening they settled in the hotel (the 8th), Mila posted a video in the room with her dad to advertise the orchestral version of Consequences which would've been released at midnight of the same night, and which she would've performed live for the first time the next day at the AMA’s:
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Contrary to Lauren, Camila got ready directly in the theater for the AMA’s. She left the hotel in this outfit, and yes, this picture was posted days later when she was already in Brazil, but it actually dates back to October 9:
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and she changed into the theater. Besides her parents, there were three people on her team that night with her: Dvora Englefield (her publicist since October 2016), Roger Gold, and Gian Mitchell (both her managers; Roger since March 2015, Gian since April 2017). Dimitris Giannetos (celebrity hairstylist) and Allan Avendaño (celebrity makeup artist) took care of her hair and make-up:
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Mila's been friends with them for years now:
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and they're the ones she calls most of the time for her projects/events. Allan met Mila and started doing her makeup since September 2016 https://www.instagram.com/p/BKTv6OXDfRk/?utm_medium=copy_link, while Dimitris knew her much earlier because he started hairstyling her and 5H since November 2014 https://www.instagram.com/p/vY85TMjoFy/?utm_medium=copy_link.
Having said the pre-show, let's move on to the actual show. As I said at the beginning, this post is based on the actual Los Angeles hours which are in the Pacific Time Zone. The AMA's started at 5 pm and finished at 8 pm: (Thanks, baby, for the website of the second pic 🥰)
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I’m going to write the whole schedule setlist of the show, and my love’s sent me all the tweets (except the last one) from the official account, so thanks for these too, babe ❤. They were punctual to both start and finish according to the schedule, therefore, keep in mind that we have to calculate that the team behind the account took about 5/10 minutes, sometimes even a little longer, to receive the pictures or videos, edit them, write the caption, and lastly post the news, okay? Oh and, I've used the bold font for Mila and the performances, and I've of course only picked the key tweets we're interested in.
                        ��         AMA's schedule setlist:
- Taylor Swift: I Did Something Bad
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As you can see, the show opening was tweeted at 5:06 pm, but it started at 5 pm sharp, and by 5:02 pm, people were already tweeting about Tay's performance. Indeed, the team of people or person behind the account, used the present continuous because the performance was still ongoing since it lasted for about 6 minutes and 30 seconds. In fact, it was ending at that moment.
- Tracee Ellis Ross (the host) with her opening dance routine
- Bebe Rexha and Florida Georgia Line presented Favorite Rap/Hip-Hop Artist (winner: Cardi B)
*commercial break*
- Amber Heard introduced Twenty One Pilots = Twenty One Pilots: Jumpsuit
- Macaulay Culkin presented Favorite Pop/Rock Male Artist (winner: Post Malone)
*commercial break*
- Heidi Klum presented Tour of the Year (winner: Taylor Swift)
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5:59 pm, so let's say 5:52 pm.
- Chloe x Halle introduced Mariah Carey = Mariah Carey: With You
*commercial break*
- Shawn Mendes, Zedd: Lost in Japan (Remix)
- John Stamos and Busy Philipps presented Favorite Soul/R&B Male Artist (winner: Khalid)
*commercial break*
- Tracee Ellis Ross introduced Cardi B, Bad Bunny & J Balvin = Cardi B, Bad Bunny, J Balvin: I Like It
- Ashlee Simpson and Evan Ross presented Favorite Pop/Rock Song (winner: Camila Cabello)
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6:15 pm, so let's say 6:05.
*commercial break*
- Sara Gilbert and Thomas Rhett presented Favorite Country Female Artist (winner: Carrie Underwood)
- Normani and Liza Koshy introduced Benny Blanco, Khalid and Halsey = Benny Blanco, Halsey, Khalid: Eastside
- Billy Eichner and Kathryn Hahn presented Favorite Adult Contemporary Artist (winner: Shawn Mendes)
*commercial break*
- Constance Wu and Rita Ora presented Favorite Pop/Rock Duo or Group (winners: Migos)
- The Chainsmokers and Kelsea Ballerini introduced Post Malone and Ty Dolla Sign = Post Malone, Ty Dolla Sign: Psycho & Better Now
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6:34 pm and 6:43 pm are 9 minutes, but the introduction and the performance actually last for about 5 minutes and 10/12 seconds, so you see what I mean? And according to the calculations I made, the performance ended at 6:33 pm.
*commercial break*
- Dua Lipa: One Kiss & Electricity
- Vanessa Hudgens introduced Jennifer Lopez = Jennifer Lopez: Limitless
- Lauren Daigle and Kane Brown presented Favorite Soul/R&B album (winner: XXXTentacion)
*commercial break*
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7:08 pm, but actually started at 7:02.
- Amandla Stenberg presented Favorite Pop/Rock Album (winner: Taylor Swift)
*commercial break*
- Taran Killam and Leighton Meester presented Favorite Country Male Artist (winner: Kane Brown)
- Tracee Ellis Ross introduced Ciara and Missy Elliott = Ciara, Missy Elliott: Level Up & Dose
*commercial break*
- Tyra Banks presented New Artist of the Year (winner: Camila Cabello)
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7:32 pm, but actually around 7:23 pm.
- Tracee Ellis Ross introduced Carrie Underwood = Carrie Underwood: Spinning Bottles
*commercial break*
- Rami Malek, Joseph Mazzello, and Gwilym Lee introduced Panic! at the Disco = Panic! at the Disco: Bohemian Rhapsody
- Lenny Kravitz presented Artist of the Year (winner: Taylor Swift)
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7:47 pm, but actually a couple of minutes before.
- Tribute to Aretha Franklin = Gladys Knight: Amazing Grace - Donnie McClurkin: Climb Higher Mountains - CeCe Winans: Mary Don't You Weep - Ledisi: How I Got Over - Mary Mary: The Old Landmark
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8:10 pm, and 8:05 pm tweeted by a fan, but the AMA's actually ended at exactly 8 pm.
Now that you know the schedule setlist, let's delve into the events that happened during it. We're interested in three: PRen/Tyren, one of the commercial breaks, and Consequences. All three are connected and intertwined with each other, and all three of them are about Lauren. But before that, you need to have an understanding of the surroundings to understand everything better.
Both Camren were seated in the Microsoft Theatre area that's called the orchestra. It's divided into five parts by six hallways. Those five parts, are in turn subdivided into let's say invisible sides of the right and left as regards the assignment of the seats (thanks, mi corazón, for having understood this 😘). Lauren was sitting in the center-right orchestra on the invisible left side in the third seat of the fifth row. While Mila, was in the central orchestra on the invisible right side in the ninth seat of the first row. Because of the semicircle shape, the center-right and center-left parts have one row fewer seats in front, and that’s why Lauren turned out to be in the fifth row and not the fourth; because the assignments are calculated by the central orchestra as a reference point.
I created the layout of the theater of that night and compared it with the original floor plans to make you understand better what I'm talking about:
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And with these, you can understand even better:
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Do you see Mariah Carey's seat? Despite being the first row of the center-right orchestra, it's calculated as the second row because it's prospectively in the same line as the second row of the central orchestra.
Having explained that, let's move on to those three events that I mentioned earlier and, I'm sorry for this, but I'll also debunk some moments in which many thought that Lauren was there when in reality wasn't.
During the commercial break after Mariah Carey’s performance, PRen left the theater to go to the trailer they assigned to Tycoon so that he could change for his performance. This means that Laur wasn't there when Mila won the Favorite Pop/Rock Song award. I saw that picture that spread around, but that's not Lauren. Don't worry, I'll show it to you later along with other proofs.
Laur returned during the commercial break between the Migos' winning for the Favorite Pop/Rock Duo or Group award and Post Malone and Tinkerbell’s performance. Right after the performance, PRen left the theater again, and Tara posted that boomerang to let believe that they were leaving the AMA's:
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Now that I've shown you that collage, I can delve into the topic of one of the commercial breaks specifically. You see, once back in the theater and before going to her seat, making those stories, and attending Tympanum’s performance, Laur made a small detour:
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Yeeep 😏. Despite the painful pixelation due to the zoom for the distance and the potato ass quality, we can very well see that it's them. I even took the pic where Laur is from behind and I mirrored it, changed the perspective to have her more or less in the same position as the other pic, and I played with colors, shadows, and other things to compare them. Here:
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I defy anyone to say that that's not Lauren even after this 😎. But anyway. She did it at that moment precisely because it was a commercial break. Risky? Yeah, 100%, but at least she had a public excuse: to say hi (as if they hadn't seen each other for a long time ��🤣) and congratulate on the award that Mila had won. Let's talk for a moment about why she did it knowing the risks, and mind you, this is just my theory, and no, it's not about Camren in this case.
3 out of 5 former Fifth Harmony members were at that event. The fake narrative of the feud was still going on. Hell, it still is today when it's convenient 😒. They knew, all three knew that the media would create rumors for gossip, and I don't know if you remember, but they were all pretty sick of playing along in that period. So what did they do? They played in advance. Both Laurmani met Mila at different moments in front of everyone (and by everyone, keep in mind that I mean more like ordinary people/fans and not industry people since they know everything about everyone most of the time). Why? Because they wanted people to see them together, even if briefly, to be able to disprove the rumors that were then indeed created. Fans didn't capture the moment of Normila's meeting like they did with Camren, and so we don't have visual proof, but we have proof thanks to Mama Dre:
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I mean, why should Laur have risked being seen talking to Mila in such an open way? She, who's forced to pretend to be allergic to Camren? Because it's the same plan they used the year before at the 2017 Jingle Ball. And same thing with Mani. What reason would Andrea have had to clarify that if that wasn't the plan? She could very well have said nothing and let another fake rumor spread, but she didn't. Especially after they ‘had buried the hatchet’, of a war that never really existed 🤭, from the 2018 Billboard Music Awards:
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So this is my theory. Of course I could be wrong, but that's the only thing that makes sense to me. Let’s move on.
When Tara posted that boomerang to let believe that they were leaving the AMA's, PRen were heading back to the trailer they assigned to Typod. Remember that Twix's performance ended at 6:33 pm and that Mila's one started at 7:02 pm? Good, because this means that Laur had exactly 29 minutes between one thing and the other. And what does that mean? That she had all the time in the world to go back to see Mila. Hell, in 29 minutes you have time to take a shower, or read a couple of chapters in a book, or have a meal, and I mean, you get it, right? So let alone go back to the theater 🤣.
Now not only will I give you the proof that Laur wasn't there when Mila won the Favorite Pop/Rock Song award as I mentioned earlier, but I will also debunk another big proof that unfortunately spread throughout the fandom, and at the same time, I will confirm the true version.
So. I created this collage of the stories she posted just before Tyco Bell's performance to show you the people around her:
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In addition to those people, you can also notice how the stairs were slightly to her left from her perspective. You can also compare it with the layout of the theater that I created in that collage that I showed you previously.
I created this collage to show you both the people around her and in her proximity, and her seat position from a better and more realistic point of view:
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And lastly, I created this one to show you the people who were around her and how SHE DIDN'T APPEAR:
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First pic: as I've already explained to you, Laur was sitting in the center-right orchestra on the invisible left side in the third seat of the fifth row, and the stairs were slightly to her left from her perspective. That girl? She was in the central orchestra. Lo and Tijuana (and his sister) left during the commercial break after Mariah Carey's performance, so she wasn't there when Mila won. And as if that weren't enough, the dress the girl was wearing was black. Take a closer look and notice how there's also the lack of the tulle of the skirt that Lo wore:
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The rest of the collage pics: I'm sorry if everyone thought the one in the famous Consequences video was Lauren, believe me, it hurts my soul 🥺, but it's just not her. That girl, the “fake Lo” as I named her, has always been there. You can also notice her in the previous collage in the second pic (Post Malone's speech). Not to mention that that's the third row, while Lo's seat was in the fifth row. Here, take a look at this other collage I created to better understand:
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I know perspective can be deceiving. It mostly depends on the starting angle, and I mean, what the hell, look at this other picture:
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From this angular perspective, it looks like Laur’s seat is very close to Mila’s, but as I showed you even with the previous collage, they weren't at all. I mean, Mila and Cardi were sitting in the front row of the central orchestra, while Laur, Angel, the guy from Lo's IG stories, and the guy in a suit were sitting in the fifth, sixth, and seventh rows of the center-right orchestra respectively. And does it look like that in this pic? Absolutely not because it's a matter of perspective, and as I've already told you, it can be deceiving.
Going back to the collage where Lo doesn’t appear, I even zoomed in on the third pic (Taylor's speech (after Consequences)) to show you not only the same people, but also how the seats that belonged to Angel, Laur, and Tipsy were empty:
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And, I had already edited the screenshots of the original video for the collage so that you guys could see better, but I also zoomed in on the “fake Lo” to compare her with the real Lo:
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This girl had shorter hair, and even here like the other pic with that other girl, the dress was black and no tulle skirt. The only thing similar to Laur's dress is the neckline. I'm sorry, babies, but that's not Lauren. BUT, don't worry. I said that girl isn't Laur, but I never said she wasn't there. Indeed, if you remember, I also said that she had all the time in the world to go back to see the performance. Just because we didn't see her in the videos, doesn't mean she wasn't there. I mean, she did it on purpose since she couldn't be seen, but unfortunately for her plan and luckily for us, there are four proofs that confirm it.
Proof number 1: (Thanks, Nadi, for the link of these two tweets 😄)
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This proof is the least reliable because it's just words. Don't get me wrong, it's still proof, but it's just an attestation without actual visual proof, like, I don't know, even a shitty-quality pic.
Proof number 2: I think you all remember that fan's IG stories, right? In case you don't, her name is Raffaella Lamar and she posted 9 IG stories in order of how the show unfolded:
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As you can see, the pic with Lo was posted after Consequences. People asked her if Lo stayed during the performance, and she first said yes, but then changed her answer to no when she saw that the news began to spread. Now, let me tell you and show why she did it. Raffaella has known them for many years. She's part of that group of fans (who understands, understands). Plus, she is or she was a Camren Shipper. She had a Camren/5H fan account. Oh and, remember how I told you to remember that picture from when Mila arrived in L.A. the day before the AMA's, which is October 8, 2018? You'll find it again in this collage, because yes, it's the same girl: (thanks, Nad, for the translation of that tweet 😊)
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Honestly? I would've done exactly the same thing in her place to protect them. Actually, I wouldn't have answered yes to the question at all, but you know, we're not all the same, and there's also the excitement/adrenaline of the moment of knowing something beautiful and important that no one else knows and that you'd like to shout at the top of your lungs. So it's understandable on the one hand. But, we have to consider that the biggest risk Laur took that night wasn't the one of going to Mila to ‘congratulate’ her after the award since, as I told you, I think all three of them decided it together, but it was the one of coming back to see her performance.
Now, I don't know how things really went. I don't know if it was Raffaella's own idea because she saw how the news spread and therefore changed her version so she wouldn’t get into trouble. I don't know if she did it on her own initiative to protect them after realizing that her answer “Ela ficou até o final” (She stayed until the end) spread everywhere. I don't know if she was contacted to declare that Laur wasn't there. I know nothing. I can only hypothesize. But one thing is certain. Laur was there, and the order of publication of the stories proves it in itself, with or without her confirmation.
Proof number 3: Another thing that proves it is in that same picture:
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If you zoom into the one with Lo, you can notice how the pic was taken in the hallway (n° 3) between the center-right orchestra (Laur's) and the central orchestra (Mila's). You can even notice G-Eazy, who we know was seated in the front row of the center-right orchestra. The other thing that can be noticed, is how that pic was taken during yet another commercial break (you can even see how all the people are standing up talking to each other), and that makes me understand that Raffaella was going to Laur, saw her, and stopped her just as she was about to leave the theater to go back to Tic Tac’s trailer. This explains the reason for the location: the hallway.
Proof number 4 (the best one in my opinion 😏): Once she got back to Tyred’s trailer, they both took a picture with the GD Media Enterprises guy:
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Yeah, the guy messed up in the caption which he then corrected, but, in this case, you don't have to focus on yet another proof of their PR even though it was important. You have to focus on why I'm so sure it happened after seeing Mila's performance.
Let's do a little calculation before showing you this other proof that's connected with that picture. Consequences' performance began at 7:02 pm, and lasted for 4 minutes. Amandla Stenberg’s Favorite Pop/Rock Album presentation and Tay's speech lasted for about 2 min. 6 min for everything, so 7:02 pm+6 min= 7:08 pm. 7:08 pm+let’s assume another 2/3 minutes between talking and taking the picture with Raffaella, it gives us approximately this time: 7:10/11 pm. Now, I don't know exactly the distance between the trailers and the theater, but also calculating another ten minutes of time for Lo to get back to Typology's trailer, it gives us approximately this time: 7:20/21 pm. Maybe a little more or maybe a little less, who knows 🤷🏻‍♀️.
Having explained that, this is the other proof:
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As you can see, the sunset (so when the sun disappeared below the horizon) happened at 6:26 pm. From 6:26 pm to 6:51 pm, the civil twilight occurred. From 6:51 pm to 7:20 pm, the nautical twilight occurred. And lastly, from 7:20 pm to 7:49 pm, the astronomical twilight occurred. Remember that Post Malone and Tyronic's performance ended at 6:33 pm? That means the sunset occurred when PRen were still inside the theater, and that the boomerang that Tara posted, was made once outside during the civil twilight. When Lo arrived at the trailer according to the calculations I made earlier, it was approximately 7:20/21 pm, and this means it was during the astronomical twilight. I don't know exactly if that pic (PRen+PR guy) was taken right after she arrived or a little more time after that, but you can literally see the lights on even in the back buildings if you zoom in. You can also notice how Twinkle Twinkle Little Star wore the same after-party outfit that I’ll show you later.
The GD Media Enterprises account unfortunately no longer exists, so we can't know the exact time when that picture was posted (because yes, there is a way, and you'll see it in other proofs later), but I believe these two proofs and my calculation show us very well that PRen were still in the Microsoft Theater at that time. So, Miss Tara Beikae from Maverick, with that boomerang and like so many other times during that PR, you failed 🤣. Besides, I don't think Typecast needed almost an hour to get changed, and he certainly couldn't leave without Lo. So he leisurely changed, waited for Laur, they took that picture with the GD Media Enterprises guy, and left the Microsoft Theater together. Most likely, Lo went to get her things from the JW Marriott Hotel room where she got ready before the show, but once outside, they both went their separate ways 😏. We'll come back to that later 😉.
Let's go back to Mila now. She stayed inside the theater until the end of the show (8 pm), and right after, she went to the press room for the pictures, both single and with the awards won (for New Artist of the Year, Collaboration of the Year, Video of the Year, and Favorite Pop/Rock Song). 2 min for the pictures. For the interviews we have E! News: 1:41 min. Access: 1:41 min. EntertainmentTonight: 2:20 min. Stingray Music: 35 sec. ExtraTV: 1:21 min. InStyle: 52 sec. Variety: 1:26 min. On Demand Entertainment: 51 sec. And lastly, Billboard with Chelsea: 2:23 min.
15:10 min for everything to be exact. So it was 8:15 pm when Mila finished with the press and went to her dressing room for the last time to collect her things and change. You can also see here how the various press account teams started tweeting about it once she left (still because you have to calculate the time needed to receive the pictures or videos, edit them, write the caption, and lastly post them): [thank you, amore mio, also for these two 💖]
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After gathering her things and changing into the same outfit she’d arrived in (the same as the afternoon and the pic she posted on the 12th, but with different shoes), Mila was out of the theater around 8:20 pm. She met a bunch of fans both outside the Microsoft Theater and in the parking garage where they had their car: (thanks, Nadi, for the link of the video and for the one of the third pic's tweet 😁)
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Among these, a girl with her hair gathered up whose pic was photobombed by a girl and none other than another fan who has known them for years, Ricardo De La Cruz:
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Ricardo then posted the same pic, but cropped and with the location:
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He was also at the AMA's:
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And once the show was over, he staked outside and waited in hopes of meeting celebrities exactly as he did before the show when he met Chelsea Briggs as I've shown you, J Balvin (singer), and Bryan Tanaka (dancer, choreographer, and boyfriend of Mariah Carey). Same thing he did hours later managing to catch Debby Ryan (actress), Luc Mbah a Moute (basketball player), Josh Dun (Twenty One Pilots drummer), and PRen at the JW Marriott Hotel:
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You can see the location at the top also in these two as well as in the one with Mila, and you can also notice that Typo has the same outfit (you can notice especially the same shirt and the same jewelry) as the pic with the GD Media Enterprises guy as I mentioned to you before:
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People thought that the pictures Ricardo posted with Camren were taken in the same place mostly because of the type of road, but that's not the case. First of all, the location is indicated in both pics, and second of all, as I've already shown you at the beginning, the JW Marriott Hotel and the Microsoft Theater are basically attached to each other, so it's normal they have the same type of road. I even checked by making the road route with the Google Maps little yellow man 🤣.
After people's insistence even years later since that day, Ricardo posted TikToks on January 31, 2021, to explain again how those pictures weren't taken in the same place, and how the times were also different. The TikTok that interests us in this case, is this one (thanks, Nad, for the link 🙃). I took the screenshot and circled the info at the top to give you another proof:
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As you can see, there's a difference between the two. The one with Mila only indicates the date and the time, while the one with Laur also indicates the location (South Park is a neighborhood in downtown Los Angeles that includes both the Microsoft Theater and the JW Marriott Hotel, btw). Why's that? Because unlike the selfies he himself took with PRen, the pic with Mila wasn't taken with his phone because he just photobombed by appearing in the camera view of the other girl while she took her selfie with Mila. That pic with Mila, was sent to him by that girl, and that's why the info of the pictures we see in the TikTok of his gallery/camera roll are different.
Oh and, another important thing. In the TikTok, Ricardo said that people told him that he got paid to say those things and that he was leaving stuff out for that reason, but he was actually telling the truth for real. BUT, and yes, there is a but 😏, at the same time, he actually really left a detail out. He said that PRren left at 10:27 pm and that Mila left at 9 pm, and proved it by showing the details in his gallery/room roll. The time indicated in the pics with PRen is accurate precisely because, as I've just explained to you, he himself took those pictures, but the time indicated in the pic with Mila? Nope, it's not. 9 pm is the time he received the pic from the girl, and not when the pic was actually taken 😎. So that's not the accurate time Mila left the Microsoft Theater, and this is another proof that further confirms my calculation, which is that Camila left the theater around 8:20 pm, and calculating more or less another ten minutes spent with the fans on the way from the theater, the parking lot, and lastly to the car, she left at approximately 8:30 pm.
An umpteenth proof I can give you is the precise time when Ricardo posted the pic with her. Remember how I told you earlier that we couldn't know the exact time the PRen pic with the GD Media Enterprises guy was posted because the GD Media Enterprises account no longer exists, but that there's actually a way to see it and that I'd have shown it to you in other proofs? Here, this is the moment. Thanks to my tech baby 😍 who viewed the HTML source code of the picture for this:
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See the blue part? [<time class="_1o9PC Nzb55" datetime= "2018-10-10T04:42:05.000Z" title= "Oct 9, 2018">October 9, 2018</time>] What interests us is the datetime part. The letter T indicates the end of the date, and the letter Z, indicates that the timestamp is expressed in UTC+0 (Universal Time Coordinated) timezone. So we need to read it like this: (2018-10-10) October 10, 2018, (04:42:05) 4:42 am in UTC+0. And doing the calculation with the Los Angeles time in the Pacific Time Zone, we get: October 9, 2018, 9:42 pm in UTC-7.
Ricardo posted that pic with Camila at 9:42 pm, which is 42 minutes after receiving it, and certainly in one of the free moments before going to stake out in front of the JW Marriott Hotel or while he was already there waiting to catch the other celebrities that I mentioned to you earlier. I'll also show you later on the exact time in which he posted the one with Lo because it's very important, but for the moment, let's go back to Camila and Camren.
After leaving the Microsoft Theater, Mila and her parents went to the hotel. It took them about 29/30 min to get there, so they were there by 9 pm. Once they arrived at the hotel, they stayed there for a while, surely also to relax for a moment and catch their breath after the show, and in the meantime, both Camila and Alejandro changed because they would then have to go out to dinner at Madeo Restaurant in Beverly Hills (an Italian one 😜 ayy, wassup!):
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I think you’ve all recognized that it's the same tracksuit that Mila wore also in those two of her famous IG stories 😏. We'll get to that, don't worry, won't be long now 😉. Now let me prove to you why I'm 100% sure Camilita and her parents went first to the hotel and then to the restaurant. These are Ale and Sinu outfits:
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And these are Mila's:
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If they had gone to the Madeo Restaurant right after leaving the Microsoft Theater, then both Mila and Ale would’ve been wearing those same outfits and not the tracksuit for Mila and different pants and shoes for Ale. But as I just proved to you, that wasn't the case 😜. Mila tweeted this once she changed while still in the room:
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And now, why specify and show you both Mila and Ale’s change of clothes, and the time of that tweet? Why are all those details so important? Just because I'm a perfectionist who has to know and explain every little detail? Yes 🙈🤣, but also because with those two famous IG stories, Mila purposely confused the timing of the events. It was her plan, and it worked perfectly. Let me explain.
In the story, she said “I'm in a food coma”, but she hadn't even gone to the restaurant yet in reality 🤣. So how did things really go? It's time to reveal to you also the name of the hotel where Mila and her parents stayed for those two nights. I didn't want to mention it before on purpose *sound effect* 🎵dun, dun, dun🎵. Sorry, not sorry 🤭🤣. Believe me, it was a challenge, but after searching every hotel for five hours non-stop, I finally found it 🥳. The hotel was the Sunset Marquis in West Hollywood (that's why I knew it took them about 29/30 minutes to get there), and I even managed to find the room:
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I also created this collage so that you can see how it all coincide together:
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Oh and, if you've ever seen this around:
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please, don't believe it because it's not true. As you can see here:
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that was an IG story by songwriter/producer Blake Slatkin made on October 11, 2018, in the studio. It's not a proof! I always say it and I will always repeat it: this is the reason why we're called delusional shippers, and I hate it 😒.
But anyway, back to the post. Remember I told you that PRen left the Microsoft Theater together and that once outside they went their separate ways? Good, because Typic went to have dinner in a restaurant with his friends (I'll show you later) and instead Laur went to Mila's hotel. When Mila arrived at the hotel, Laur was already there and had also ordered room service by dining directly there. Reason why we can see the congratulatory dessert ordered by Lo which they most likely shared:
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When Mila said “But I still have dessert left”, it was actually the first thing she was eating 🤣. So Mila arrived, changed, tweeted her thanks to the fans by saying she was going to eat, and stayed with Laur to celebrate for a while by even recording those two IG stories which, however, she didn't post right away. And yes, babies, of course that was Lauren:
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And why didn't Mila post them right away? Simple: I remind you that paparazzi are called. Especially during awards nights when so many celebrities are in different places scattered around the city. Mila knew that when she'd have gone to the restaurant they would've been there, and since for some unknown reason which I'm very grateful for she wanted to show Lo, she waited to post the stories when they both were already in different places. Which is when? When she was at the restaurant herself, and when Lo was already with Tiresome for their stunt of the night. She did it so as to have a cover. An excuse like “no, it wasn't her because, see? I'm in the room (but I'm actually in the restaurant), and she's in a club. Look at her IG stories”. Let me prove it to you.
Typhon was the performer of dj Dre Sinatra's birthday party at the Avenue. Their after-party, took place in that club. Same club in which Lo posted a couple of stories; the same ones I mentioned in Mila's example:
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And other people who were there also posted stories: (thanks, mi bebé, for the link 💓)
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The party started at 10:30 pm, but thanks to the fan, Ricardo, we know PRen were outside the JW Marriott Hotel at 10:27 pm when he met them there. So Lo went to Mila's hotel, had dinner, waited for her to arrive, they spent some time together celebrating, she changed, left the hotel around 10 pm to reach Tyro outside the JW Marriott Hotel, and together, they then went to the club for their stunt by arriving there around 10:50/11 pm.
The proof I was telling you about, Mila's plan, is this (they're three related in reality):
N° 1: The time of the publication of the IG stories. This is a screenshot of the update account that took longer to post it, 11:44 pm:
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N° 2: The time of the publication of Mila's stories and Ricardo's pic with Laur, was exactly the same: (thanks, Nadi, for these two 🤗)
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N° 3: Remember I told you that later on I would also have shown you the exact time in which Ricardo posted the one with Lo because it's very important? Good, because it's super important actually: (thanks, my tech cutie, also for this 😻)
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Remember the blue part as before? [<time class="_1o9PC Nzb55" datetime= "2018-10-10T06:13:46.000Z" title= "Oct 9, 2018">October 9, 2018</time>] Remember that what interests us is the datetime part? So we need to read it like this: (2018-10-10) October 10, 2018, (06:13:46) 6:13 am in UTC+0. And doing the calculation with the Los Angeles time in the Pacific Time Zone, we get: October 9, 2018, 11:13 pm in UTC-7.
This shows that Mila's two IG stories were latergrams because, if Ricardo saw Lo at 10:27 pm, but posted the pic at 11:13 pm which is the same moment as Mila's stories time of the publication (the update account took longer to post it, 11:44 pm), this means that Mila already saw Lo, and she was in the restaurant at that moment and not in the room 😎.
Remember I'd also have shown to you that Tyrannosaurus went to a restaurant for dinner with his friends after PRen left the Microsoft Theater together? Nadi managed to find these two tweets, and I asked my boo to contact the first account for having more information: (thanks to both of you 🤩; oh and, the translation is a mix of all three of us 🤭🤣)
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We have no visual proof of those stories, but at least they're two attestations, and we know that the first account, said that Typewriting was at the restaurant at the same time as Camila's video, while the second one, said that he was at the restaurant while Lo and Mila were in the hotel together, and the latter, confirms what I said and is another proof that proves that while Camren were in the room, Tyro was in a restaurant on his own.
All of this, is what we know for sure. Unfortunately, since after Lo's podcast with Becky G, many accounts no longer exist, and with them, some proofs of that night. I found another ‘proof’ in which a fan implied that PRen left the club around 12:40 am and that along with other fan friends of theirs, they then went to Mila's hotel at 1:40 am to ask for her, and that the receptionist told them she wasn't available because she had a guest. This is the ‘proof’:
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I found out that that IG account no longer exists. I managed to find that account's girl and we tried to contact her to have the confirmation that it was her in the first place, and then eventually ask her about it or if she had concrete proofs of what that fan said, but she unfortunately never replied. But now, why did I write proof in quotes? Because n° 1, there's no visual proofs, and unlike the previous proof, it's just an anonymous person who said it. I mean, it's just words, you know? But more important thing, the n° 2, the thing that makes me think it's not true, is that whoever that fan who wrote to @itscamrenbish was, said that the club and Mila's hotel were 30 minutes apart when in reality, it wasn't true. These are all the distances:
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If that fan was telling the truth, then they should’ve known that the club and Mila's hotel were actually only 15 minutes apart 🤷🏻‍♀️. I truly do believe Laur really went back to Mila after the stunt, but I'm sorry, I don't believe this fan's words and times just because they should’ve known the distance between the two places if they really had been at Mila’s hotel reception.
So. Quick recap before leaving you:
The AMA's started at 5 pm and finished at 8 pm. Lauren got ready at the JW Marriott Hotel and Mila directly at the Microsoft Theater. During the commercial break after Mariah Carey's performance, PRen left the theater and returned before his performance in the commercial break during which Laur made that little detour to go to Mila. After the performance (6:33 pm), PRen went to the trailer again, and Tara posted that boomerang to let believe that they were leaving the AMA's, but we know that's not true. Laur went back to the theater, saw Mila (Consequences, 7:02 pm), took that picture with Raffaella, and left during the commercial break by returning to the trailer (7:20/21 pm) where PRen took that picture with the GD Media Enterprises guy before leaving the AMA's together. Once outside, they arranged to see each other later, most likely Lo even got her things from the JW Marriott Hotel room where she got ready before the show, and while he left with his friends then eventually to a restaurant, Laur went to Mila's hotel, the Sunset Marquis (distance between JW Marriott Hotel/Microsoft Theater and Sunset Marquis: 29/30 min), where once arrived, she called room service by dining directly there while waiting for Mila’s return.
After the show (8 pm), after the press (8:15 pm), after having changed by leaving the theater (8:20 pm), and after the pics with fans including the photobombed by Ricardo one, Mila left (8:30 pm) by arriving at her hotel at approximately 9 pm. Once there, Mila changed (Alejandro too), tweeted her thanks to the fans by saying she was going to eat (9:37 pm), and stayed with Laur to celebrate for a while by even recording those two IG stories which, however, she didn't post right away. After dessert, Lo changed and left the hotel (10 pm) by reaching Typable at the JW Marriott Hotel where they took that selfie with Ricardo (10:27 pm) before heading to dj Dre Sinatra's birthday party at the Avenue (10:50/11 pm) (distance between JW Marriott Hotel and Avenue: 24/25 min). Meanwhile, Mila was at the Madeo Restaurant (distance between Madeo Restaurant and Sunset Marquis: 13 min) with her parents to celebrate (paparazzi photographed them both when they arrived and when they left), and posted those two IG stories at the same moment that Ricardo posted his selfie with Laur (11:13 pm). After the restaurant, Mila returned to the Sunset Marquis and waited for Laur to reach her after her stunt at the club (distance between Sunset Marquis and Avenue: 15 min).
If you want to believe what that fan implied, then I also add that PRen left the club around 12:40 am, and that by 1:40 am when they together other fans went to ask about Mila at the reception, they were told she wasn't available because she had a guest.
 Aaaaand that's really all, babies 🥳. I tried to cover really everything for real, but this is all we could find. Obviously if you have other information (must be valid tho) feel free to contact me and I'll add it to the post 😊.
I would like to thank both @romanticentropy​ and @mentesimploria​ again for helping me collect the proofs and making this possible. Thanks, guys 🤗, and I hope you both liked it 🥰. Please give them a virtual round of applause 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼.
After this post that took me really but a really long time, I will take at least a couple of days off before starting to answer the 31 asks in my inbox. Please understand me 😅, and don't hate me 🙏🏼. Hope you enjoyed it, and see you at the next one 😄. Byyee 👋🏼.
As usual, remember to be nice. Always. Both with others and with yourselves. Be a good example. Be patient. Be safe and take care of yourselves. Don't let our ship sink. Keep shipping them, but please respectfully 🙏🏼 Sending you virtual love and hugs 🤗🤗🤗 I love you, babies. Always with love, F ❤️ ​
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amberrskiies · 2 years
Just The Way You Are
Pairing : Leviathan && Amber (MC) [ Romantic Relationship ]
Status : pre-dating
Inspired by the Angelic Demons Event
When Amber said she was interested in seeing them in Angel clothes, she didn't mean to see a whole other personality of theirs when they were angels. Well at least one of them wasn't one to begin with but still!
It was really uncomfortable for her since Lucifer being all nice and all was very weird and he wasn't being his prideful self. Next being Satan who wasn't even angry which was super weird, making her leave. She wasn't used to this kind of personality of theirs.
This time she was heading towards Levi's room to see what he was up to and the fact that she got a sudden text form him too to come to his room as well. She knocked on his door as he heard Levi call out from the other side to come in.
When Amber entered the room, she noticed how the room felt really spacious. That's when she realized that the room was cleaned and the mess which was here was now gone.
"Oh, Amber! You finally came! I was waiting for you!" She heard Levi say as she took in his angel form.
She had to admit he looked really nice in his angel clothes and the angel clothing Levi wore was very fitting for someone like him. Besides the clothing, she dreaded what Levi was gonna say or do next right now.
"Sorry for texting you so suddenly... There's something I want to give you." Levi said, making Amber tilt her head curiously and that's when she saw what Levi was holding.
"Ta-daaah! It's my limited-edition Ruri-chan figurine! I don't need this anymore, but I don't want to throw it out either... I actually want you to take these as well!" This made Amber shocked because she knows he would never throw away his figurines and valuable like this.
"I seriously can't take this from you. You love keeping these." Amber said, trying to reason with him after she took a look at the contents of the box of figurines and merch that were in it.
"I actually don't need any of these anymore. I decided to clean up a little as well. Look, isn't my room so clean? I organized and put away all of my manga, figures, games and DVDs!" Levi said as Amber shook her head.
"You've lost your identity completely." Amber told him, making Levi falter a little.
"Huh? My identity? Wasn't my identity solely based on me being an otaku?" Levi asked as she stayed silent on the question.
"I've been using anime, manga, and games to hide all this time... Always looking down on others while locking myself away in my own world." Levi rambled on as Amber looked down at the floor.
"But not anymore! Instead of spending all my time and energy on 2D stuff, I'm going to spend it on nurturing my relationships in the real world." Levi said planing it all out.
"When I said I wanted him to get out in the open and not stay in his room, I didn't mean it like that..." Amber thought to herself cringing a little at the irony.
"Doesn't that sound wonderful?" Levi asked as Amber looked at him before having a small smile on her face.
"That's wonderful!" She replied to him, making him smile.
"Right?! I think so too! Having turned into an angel has actually turned out to be a good thing!" Levi said, smiling even more.
"No it hasn't! This just made me feel even worse! I like the way you were as a demon!" She screamed in her head.
"It's taken me a really long time to open up to you and tell you how I feel, Amber. But, that's all changing now!" This made Amber perk up and turn her attention towards him.
"It was my own weakness that held me back!" he said, feeling a little mad over it as Amber sweat-dropped at this and held her hands up.
"Calm down. It's okay." She told him as he sighed.
"I'm calm, Amber! I feel calmer than I've ever felt in my life. How I... truly feel about you." This made her look at him, eyes widening.
"Huh?" She blurted out.
"Can you give me your hand?" He asked, making her blush a little as she nodded and did what he told her to do.
"Amber, I love you. From the bottom of my heart. There is nothing more important to me in this world other than you." He said, only to her bringing her into a warm embrace, making her face go red at the confession.
She had a crush on him for a while but she didn't believe he would feel the same. She wanted to be happy but she could tell he wouldn't remember a single thing after he came back to normal so she wasn't sure how to feel on this.
"From now on, I'm going to live everyday, looking only at you. I'll never hide from my feelings for you again." He told her, but she on the other hand still didn't know how to respond to all of this.
"Can I hold onto you a little longer?" he asked as you stayed silent before slowly nodding, knowing this won't last long.
"Y-Yeah... Of course!" She told her as he smiled.
"... You make me happy, Amber." He said, making her want to tear up right.
This is the first time she heard words like these coming from her crush. The last time she had a crush on a guy, she was left heartbroken.
"Remember this, Amber. I'm going to be more honest with my feelings for you from now on. I hope you're prepared for that." Levi said before letting her go and handing her the box of his items.
Amber just looked down at the box and replayed the words that Levi told her now. She knew he was not going to remember this afterwards but it still made her smile, knowing he might feel the same too.
"Alright. I'll see you later then, Levi." She told him as she left his room and sighed.
"I'm going to keep this in my room. I know he'll come looking for it after this is over." She told herself.
Luckily for her the entire Angel fiasco came to an end and right now she literally had Levi, Mammon and Asmo's belongings with her. She had already given Asmo and Mammon's stuff when they came to her asking if they had seen them.
Right now she was scrolling through her D.D.D. waiting for Levi to barge in through her door to ask about his things. After awhile, the door to his room opened to reveal a frantic Levi.
"Normie! Please tell me you have all my things?!" he asked, very much out of breath.
"Yeah i do. I kept them safe." She said, picking up the box and putting it on the table next to him.
"Oh thank goodness! You're a lifesaver! At least I gave these things to you. God knows what would have happened if I gave it to someone else- Wha? H-Hey!" He exclaimed as Amber wrapped his arms around him for a hug.
"I'm so glad you're back to normal." She told him, making him look at her in shock before relaxing.
"Honestly I guess you have a point." He said as Amber let go of him so he could take his stuff.
"I didn't say anything weird as an Angel did I? I am really sorry if I said something to make uncomfortable!" He said, getting nervous as she shook her head smiling.
"No you didn't. You were alright." She told him as he let out a sigh of relief.
"Oh that's good. Anyways after I'm done finding my things, would you like to binge watch some anime with me? After today I just feel like keeping to myself." He told her as she happily nodded.
"Sure! Just let me know and I'll come by!" She told him.
"Alright see ya." He said, picking up the box and leaving.
Amber sat at the edge of the bed, staring at the door Levi exited from. The smile she had was gone and she knew why.
"Right... He doesn't remember at all." She mumbled.
"I guess it's best to keep it that way." She continued, going back to her D.D.D so as to distract herself from it.
She knew it wasn't going to be easy but she wen on with it anyways. She didn't want to make things look awkward. She'd wait for him to confess to her on his own or when the time is right.
But she doesn't know when that will be either...
A/N - Yeah this went from being all fluff to sadness but i guess that's just how it is :'D
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misselko · 3 years
Just some self-indulgence writing and small hand drawings of mine! Please kindly excuse my childish like style of drawing 😭 Hope you enjoy my fic!
Ps: Special thanks to @that-wasnt-so-bad who helped me to proof read this fic! 💕
Warnings: Fluff
It is a beautiful morning, but Dimitri is busy with his paperwork and council meetings scheduled for today. He takes another deep breath and push aside stacks of paper on his study desk. Bill of trading for purchase of supplies for the upcoming winter, new tax policies, and harvest reports from the Noble Houses of Faerghus. Hours later, he raises his head from stacks of paper and stare blearily at tiny hands that tugs on his cape. Small Lydia came to ask him to play with her a bit.
“Lydia really wants to have matching hair with Papa so we can be twins just like big brothers: Glenn and Rodrigue.”
“But Papa is busy today. How about asking Lambert or Glenn and Rodrigue? They would be happy to play with you,” said the gentle king as he pats her head.
“Big brother Lambert is busy with his lance training and the twin brothers are busy honing their equestrian skills. Mama is resting, and Lydia doesn’t want to disturb her and little baby brother in her tummy.” Holding two pairs of matching lacy pink ribbons, she asked Dimitri to do his hair so they can be twins. The Savior King feels conflicted about whether to join her or not. Besides... getting his hair tied up with pink frilly ribbons is.... humiliating. But how can he turn down his little angel?
Little Lydia saw her father’s reluctant face and gets tearful eyes. “It’s okay.. Lydia knows Papa is very busy and doesn’t want to play. Maybe Lydia will try to ask Mama to...” Dimitri is mortified when he sees those sad doe eyes brimming with big, fat tears. Not to mention that Lydia planned to wake you from your much-needed rest. Being heavily pregnant, (Y/N) needs more rest than ever. Pregnancy made you sleepless as the due date come closer. He. Needs. To. Do. Something. QUICK.
Dimitri pushes his documents from his desk hastily and lift his only daughter to sit on the couch together.  Produces a fine silk handkerchief, the king gently wipes his daughter’s eyes and cheeks. Staring at her beautiful cerulean eyes with concerned smile, Dimitri holds her hands in his palm with a great fondness and as much softness as he could manage. “Okay, let’s take a break! Papa will be your companion for today!”
With a big smile as bright as that Summer sky, she hug him tight and ask Dimitri to sit up nicely. Her tiny hands were trying their best to wrap and curls the King of United Fódlan’s hair into two adorable pigtails. Resigned to his fate, the almighty king is just a mere fool human in front of his only daughter.
“Ta-daaah! We are twins now, Papa! Lydia love Papa the most! Papa is so pretty!!”
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Looking at his reflection on the mirror, Dimitri just wants to die. He has an important meeting with the Noble Houses of Faerghus this afternoon. Sylvain won’t let him live this down. Not to mention the weird looks that he will get from his men and Ministers. Maybe if he asks nicely, Lydia will change her mind and let him go...?
As the king lost in his own depressed thoughts, he feels soft tugs at his cape. Lydia raises her hands, asking him to pick her up. She kisses Dimitri’s cheek affectionately, looking at him with pure love and adoration.
“Thank you for being my twins, Papa. Let’s stay like this for this whole day. Lydia want to show her best Papa to everyone! Everyone will have a hard time to tell us apart, now! Papa and Lydia is very much alike!” That smile. That beautiful innocent smile. She got that deadly, lovely smile from you. A smile that will be the death of the King of Faerghus. His fate is sealed. He is no king in front of this little girl, just a slave for that smile for eternity.
“Papa is my best, beautiful big big big lion! Lydia love Papa the MOST!” As she was peppering his face in cute kisses, Dimitri can feel his soul leaving his body from the sheer proud and joy. Is this what it feels to be in heaven? Lydia is singing happily with such merriment in his arms. He watched his child’s happiness with nothing but delight in his heart. A warm smile tugs on his lips and Dimitri’s heart have soared from his chest into the heavens.
‘My precious little princess sure has me wrapped around her little fingers. How could I say no to those eyes?’ He muses to himself. It would be a greatest sin against humanity to turn her down. If anyone can do it, I can do it!
“Come along, princess.” Dimitri smiled. “We’ve much work to be done, today.”
......And that’s how Dimitri sit with a deep scowl and frightening murderous glint in his eyes on the meeting. Dimitri is trying to do his best to ignore questioning looks from Ingrid and Annette that seem to be transfixed at his twin pigtails. Sylvain can’t stop snickering and hold his laughter. Felix just eyeing him with mirth, trying his best to not pull a sarcastic mockery at the king because he’s being considerate of Lydia that sit on her father’s lap.
“Papa and Lydia are twins and nobody could tell us apart!” sings Lydia happily as she rubs her father’s large hand.
What a sight to behold. It is such a stark contrast, to be honest. A sweet little princess with adorable pigtails sitting peacefully on the king’s lap humming sweetly; and the feral king himself with another lovely pigtails emanating ominous aura, glaring daggers at everyone in the meeting room that afternoon. Aside from their same golden hair and cerulean eyes, it’s hard to believe that they are father and daughter. The council members do their best to agree and ignore their king’s menacing deadly glares.
Having to step away from his wife and sons for even a moment did twist his heart, and painfully so, at that. Thankfully Dimitri still got his only princess with him. He strokes Lydia’s head, tugging at her twin pigtails, hoping this embarrassing meeting coming to an end as soon as possible.
You are surprised when you see your husband and daughter before dinner time. He looks very exhausted. But seeing the tired smile on your husband’s lips and Lydia’s cheerful chatters made it clear he was more than happy with how the day had gone. You were just glad he survived...and didn’t kill anyone that shot him funny look with that cute twin pigtails and lacy pink ribbons.
Glenn and Rodrigue laughed so hard at their dad as they hugged Lydia affectionately. “We’re sorry for being busy today. Let’s play tomorrow. And great job at making Papa so pretty today!”
“Papa, your hair....” Lambert gasps at him incredulously. Kind Lambert is doing his best to stop his little brothers making fun of their father and chide his little sister softly. What a reliable big brother.
Dimitri just shakes his head and blow out an exasperated sigh. Collapsed on the bed beside you, he drapes his arm around your shoulders while you watching your happy children playing together. You run your hand on his head tenderly, tugging off his twin pigtails, much to his delight and Lydia’s protests.
“How’s your day?” he asked with relief as he see two pink ribbons on your palms.
“Thanks to you, I got my much needed rest, Dima. I’m fine now.”
“But you should rest more, my beloved. I’m not going to stand by and let you strain or hurt yourself.” Placing his hands on your shoulders, Dimitri pressing you back into the pillows gently as he rubs his head on your tummy softly. “I miss you two so much.” he hummed lovingly. “You and our children are the best thing that I ever happened to me, my beloved. I feel so elated to have you and them in my life. Though... Today have been quite an ordeal for me.”
“Well, at least she seems to enjoy it,” you laugh heartily at his grimace.
“How can I say no to that beautiful smile that she got from you. Both of you will be the death of me. And I wouldn’t have it any other way.” He sighs with a warm smile on his lips as Lydia hugs him tightly.
Having a daughter changed Dimitri. A lot. He was softer in his own way, and more affectionate. She helped him burst through his past traumas and sadness. And just like your gentle king, you loved your little family more than anything. Always have, always will.
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muffinrecord · 4 years
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Thanks to Antimony (youtube channel here) and Gilde for translating! She gave me permission to post these for you all :D
Leila Ibuki: I tried my hand at a new recipe, and I’m proud of the outcome! Make sure to tell me what you think once you’ve eaten them, okay?
Mikage Yakumo: Ta-daaah, here’s your present from Mii! Sis and I made it together!
Shizuku Hozumi: Here you go: chocolate that I made at home. Feel free to enjoy it with some coffee.
Yuuna Kaharu: Both the ingredients and the quality boast a reliable five-star rating. And it’s a custom order, made just for you!
Ria Ami: Any fan of mine would faint at the mere sight of this! You may graciously accept it.
Temari Kira: It should be obvious even without words, right? The feeling I want to convey to you is...
Shizuka Tokime: These are the feelings of gratitude I hold for everyone. There’s lots of different flavors, so have fun trying them out!
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idiotik-exe · 4 years
Ta-daaah..? ヽ(• ▽ •;)ノ Hah, I still have to study and study...
When I saw her for the first time, I immediately fell in love with her appearance. Two beautiful people created beautiful being (ง ื▿ ื)
She's so adorable and sweet, like... just look at this cutie! ♡(˃͈ દ ˂͈ ༶ )
@kotikaleo that is my surprise for you ☞☜
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"𝓓𝓸 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓵𝓲𝓴𝓮 𝓲𝓽, 𝓼𝔀𝓮𝓮𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓽 ?"
"ү𝕆𝕦 𝕤𝓱O𝓊𝐋𝕕, Ⓑ𝑒ŞⓉ м𝓘𝕤𝕋𝕒к𝔢"
And I know that you are going through a difficult time... I really want to support you, cinnamon bun (morally and, hopefully soon, materially). You can cope with everything that gets in your way!
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We come to a close.
Popping in quickly to interject and say...GEE LEONA THANKS FOR UPSTAGING JACK’S BIRTHDAY GROOVY ART
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“We’re comin’ in~”
The door to the attic swings open, and in saunters a familiar lion and hyena duo.
“Shishishi, had your fun and fill of meat, birthday boy?” Ruggie asks, wearing a lazy smile on his face. He keeps both hand behind his back--as though concealing something.
“Yeah...but what are you doing here, senpai?”
Leona groans, running a hand through his messy mane. “Why do you think we’re here? Ruggie dragged me all the way over for the party--since it’s your special day.”
“The party?” Jack shakes his head. “Sorry, Leona-senpai, but the celebration just finished up. You missed it.”
He nods to Raven, who has busied herself with dusting stray streamers and confetti from the floor. She glances back--catches the sight of Leona and Ruggie--and nervously returns to her work.
“Oh? Did I?” Leona yawns, completely unfazed. “Oh, what a shame, what a real tragedy. I guess it’s back to napping, then.”
“Hold on, hold on. We gotta at least give the freshman his present!” Ruggie grins and whips out an ornate pot from behind his back. “Ta-daaah! One birthday gift delivery for the hard-working Jack-kun.”
The wolf’s eyes light up. “Oh...!! Ooooooh! This is...!!”
“Glad to see that you like it, shishishi.”
“Thank you so much, Ruggie-senpai!! I’ll cherish this cactus forever...!! And I’ll think of you and Leona-senpai every time I water it!”
“Aaaah, you don’t need to go and make it so weird. Just enjoy the gift and don’t think too much about it.”
“Hurry it up, Ruggie,” Leona calls, briskly making his way to the exit. “I’m gonna leave you in my dust if you stick around for much longer.”
“Comin’, Leona-san,” Ruggie chirps. He gives a small wave to his underclassmen. “Well, you heard the boss. We’re off. Enjoy the rest of clean up--I don’t envy ya!”
“Yes! Thank you again! Thank you!!” Jack cries, bowing.
He keeps his head bowed to them, even long after they have departed--gratitude blossoming in his chest, like a flower upon a bed of snow.
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ashleighssims · 4 years
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"Ta-daaah!" Flora giggled as she spread her arms wide in mock accomplishment.
"You made all of these by hand? That's amazing!"
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teatime-scans · 4 years
WPS Chapter 10 Text Translations
After a long time of waiting, we’ve finally been given a new chapter of WPS! Here’s the text tl’s for said chapter, hope you enjoy! Translation: Manaphy TLC: Holmes
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Page 0
Big left text: Morofushi arc!
Left side text: A man carrying a passionate sense of justice, while wearing a peaceful smile. What is the fury hidden in his own heart...? 
Right side text: A justice burning silently... Azure flames!!
Detective Conan Police Academy Arc Wild Police Story
Original Work: Aoyama Gosho Artist: Arai Takahiro
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Page 1
Upper note: The long-awaited Morofushi Arc begins...!
SFX: Fwooosh
Date: Stop it! Date: Morofushi!
Matsuda: You won’t make it in time anymore!
Hagiwara: Come back!
Amuro: H...
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Page 2
Detective Conan Police Academy Arc Wild Police Story
Amuro: Hirooo!
Text: Ignoring his comrades’ voices, the man dives into the raging flames...
Side Note: Together with an ultra-gorgeous and super-complete benefit! The First Volume will go on sale during the 18th November! 
CASE 10. Sow evil and reap evil Original Work: Aoyama Gosho Artist: Arai Takahiro
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Page 3
Box: 3 hours earlier Matsuda: R’lly now... SFX: Scrub
Matsuda: How come the bathroom’s so dirty? Date: That’s what I told you, right?
Date: During the dry run for the Sports festival happening this weekend... Date: Guys from all the classes were covered in mud... Date: On top of that, they did it under the rain yesterday, so... Box: Date Wataru (22)
Amuro: That reminds me, the class flag design you made for the sports festival, Hiro... Amuro: Was really stylish! Morofushi: Thanks! Box: Furuya Rei (22)
Morofushi: Well, I did think that doing a cherry blossom design... Morofushi: Was somehow cliché for the police, though... Box: Morofushi Hiromitsu (22)
Hagiwara: If I’m right, it was finished and delivered this morning, right? Matsuda: Yup! Matsuda: As you see... Box: Hagiwara Kenji (22)
Matsuda: I’m carrying it... Matsuda: Close to myself! Box: Matsuda Jinpei (22)
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Matsuda: Ta-daaah! SFX: Extend Banner: Onizuka Class - Cherry Blossom Riot - Instructor : Onizuka Hachizou - Assistant Instructor : Matsumoto Shouta
Hagiwara: The colors are nice too! ♪ Morofushi: Right? Amuro: I’m excited for the Sports Festival! Date: Hm?
Date: Cat footprints...? Date: And it stinks a bit...
Matsuda: That’s right! As I hung it out outside the window to boast in front of the guys from other classes... Matsuda: It got blown away by the wind... and on top of that...! Matsuda: A stray cat whose paws stepped on a shit walked over the flag...
Matsuda: When I tried to catch that cat with Hagi, he scratched me, and now look at this mess... Hagiwara: So that’s why that cat was stinking...
Matsuda: And so, just when I was about to bring it to Tomori geezer’s cleaning shop... Matsuda: We got summoned by Oni-jerk... SFX: Squeeze
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Onizuka: I think you guys have noticed it as well, but... Onizuka: Complaints from other instructors have been coming too...
Onizuka: That recently, the bathroom and dressing room are too filthy... Date: Wait, that’s not only our faul- Onizuka: Therefore!
Onizuka: In the one week until the Sports festival ends... Onizuka: I decided to have the five of you clean the bathroom every day!
All: Huh?!
Amuro: I-Instructor Onizuka... Morofushi: However you put it, that’s... Onizuka: Come on... I’m saying that I’m giving you a chance to make up for... Onizuka: All the evil deeds you committed up to now...
Hagiwara: All the evil deeds? Onizuka: I won’t let you say that you forgot!
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Onizuka: On top of slipping out from your rooms in the dead of the night and fighting by punching each other... Onizuka: You got your stories straight and gave a false testimony in order to hide it!
Onizuka: You gathered a lot of classmates in a convenience store... Onizuka: And scuffled with a group of robbers!
Onizuka: And not only did you drive a vehicle of your own accord, even though it’s prohibited for students... Onizuka: After doing an eccentric car chase, you completely damaged the precious car my acquaintance entrusted me with... Onizuka: Furthermore...
Onizuka: You also used a gun without permission... Matsuda: Y... Matsuda: You bas... SFX: Whisper
Matsuda: But that saved your life, goddammit! Onizuka: Anyway!
Onizuka: I order the five of you to clean the bathroom and dressing room during one week! Onizuka: If you shirk even one day, I’ll have you get out of this school, Onizuka: So get ready!
Onizuka: Over! Onizuka: Without delay, start it now! Morofushi: ?!
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Page 7
Morofushi: ...
Onizuka: Ah, that's a picture of a primary schoolgirl who was reported missing yesterday night in this jurisdiction. Onizuka: I heard she hasn’t gone home ever since going out on an errand... Hiromitsu: ....
Onizuka: What’s up? Morofushi... Onizuka: Do you know this child? Morofushi: Ah, no.. Morofushi: I only happened to see her downtown a short while ago...
Morofushi: Is it fine if I take this with me? Morofushi: Since I might recall something... Onizuka: Sure, I don’t mind!
Onizuka: Well, I’ll go check on you later, so... Onizuka: Before the bathing time at 17:00, be done with the cleaning!
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Page 8
Matsuda: Jeez, ‘till when is this gonna take?
Matsuda: The bathroom’s still so dirty, and yet...
Matsuda: We didn’t touch... Matsuda: The dressing room at all...
Matsuda: At this rate, if we keep taking it easy... Matsuda: It’s gonna be bad, y’know?
Matsuda: How ‘bout we do it while talking about something more exciting? Hagiwara: Exciting, huh...?
Hagiwara: That reminds me, Morofushi-chan... Hagiwara: That little girl on the missing report you were looking at just now... Hagiwara: Isn’t there something about her? Morofushi: Eh?
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Page 9
Date: Indeed... Date: Just because you saw her in the street, that reaction was strange, right? Morofushi: Ah, yeah, that child...
Morofushi: She looked just like a little girl I used to play a lot with when I was a kid... Morofushi: Well, that girl back then died from an illness, but... Morofushi: There’s something bothering me...
Amuro: If it’s your childhood friend, does it mean that I also met that little girl? Morofushi: No... Morofushi: Since it happened back when I was in Nagano...
Matsuda: Now that sounds interesting! Date: Go ahead and tell us about that story! Hagiwara: We’d listen to anything!
Morofushi: In... Morofushi: In fact...
Morofushi: Ah, but... Morofushi: That story isn’t interesting at all, so...
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Page 10
Matsuda: Aaah, damn it! Matsuda: I’m done, I’m done!
Morofushi: Eh? Matsuda: Since Zero asked me to wait until you bring it out yourself... Matsuda: I was holding back, but... Matsuda: I can’t keep with that anymore!
Matsuda: You’re searching for the criminal who killed your Dad and Mom, right? Morofushi: Eeeh?!
Matsuda: And because the little girl from that missing report... Matsuda: Looks related to that case, you’re at a loss... Matsuda: That wrong?!
Morofushi: R-Right... Morofushi: That’s right, but... Morofushi: I can’t!
Morofushi: This is a case I absolutely have to solve myself... Morofushi: I don’t want to involve anybody else anymore... Morofushi: If someone ends up dying again...
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Page 11
Group: We won't die!
Date: Until now, we've been...
Matsuda: Crossing risky bridges non-stop, but...
Furuya: When it’s the five of us...
Hagiwara: We’ve always pulled through, right?
Matsuda: So talk to us, boss Hiro... Matsuda: We won’t do you bad, y’know... Morofushi: ...
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Page 12
Morofushi: Pft- Morofushi: “We won’t do you bad”... Morofushi: That’s a villain-esque line, right?
Furuya: That's true... Date: Cruel Bailiffs do say that a lot... Hagiwara: Since Jinpei-chan is rooted in evil! ♡ Matsuda: Shut your mouths! Hiromitsu: ...
Morofushi: Understood! Morofushi: I’ll tell you...
Morofushi: About that night of dismay... Morofushi: which made my inner clock's hands freeze in place...
Morofushi: Enshrouded in that stench of steel... Morofushi: 15 years ago from now...
 Left Side Text: Continues in SS #49
Right Side Text: Morofushi’s past, revealed... Next issue.
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pixielix · 4 years
୭̥⋆*。 disneyland!au jeongin
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pairing: crush!jeongin + gn!reader genre: fluff word count: 0.6k warnings: none
it’d be a lie to say you hadn’t thought about what holding jeongin’s hand for the first time might be like
you held his hand growing up together to cross the road safely and take cute pictures in school
but now you were older
so if it happened now, it’d be different... it’d be special
but what you don’t imagine about holding jeongin’s hand is the giant frog costume that he’s wearing
or the cartoonishly large cowboy hat perched on your head with matching boots to complete the look
 “you’re enjoying this, aren’t you?” you grit through a fake smile, waving at the children that pass by
“oh absolutely” jeongin’s voice is muffled inside the frog head, but you can tell he’s grinning
“remind me why we took this job”
“cause it pays well and we get access to all the rides” he gestures to the hotdog stand, “including the rollercoaster !!!!”
“wow you really can’t see anything in that thing, can you?” you grab his arm and angle it slightly to the left, “rollercoaster’s over there”
“whatever.... its free real estate” he does a little dance, earning a round of applause from a young family nearby
“thank you! i mean uhh- ribbit ribbit” he blows kisses and gives an exaggerated bow, crashing his head into a lightpost in the process
the kids giggle and clap even more enthusiastically
“you’re doing great with the physical comedy thing but getting a concussion on the first day of work would be rough” you laugh
“then help mee” he whines and sticks out his webbed fingers, “...hold my hand”
“excuse me?”
“you’re meant to be guiding me around the park since i’m basically blind in this costume, remember?”
“... right”
you hesitantly grip his hand and tip the brim of your hat forward to hide the fact that you’re suddenly blushing
jeongin clears his throat and mutters a quick “thanks”
the two of you continue through the park hand-in-hand
jeongin hums along to the cheerful music playing from the speakers and continues to offer high-fives to every kid who walks past
you’re not surprised by how good he is at this since he’s always been known to brighten up any room he walks in, even if you were already in the happiest place on earth
“mummy mummy look a frog!!!” calls out one little girl, “excuse me, mr frog- are you a prince???”
jeongin scratches his head, unsure of how his character should respond since there wasn’t a script, “uhhh ribbit?”
you try to ‘yes and’ the prompt with the strongest southern accent you can muster, “why yes lil lady, you’re darn-tootin’ right he is! a froggy prince!”
“hmm... then kiss him” the girl instructs with a bright smile
“uh-uhhh OH no no not that kind of froggy prince” you try to backtrack, “he’s just a frog that so happens to also be.... a prince?”
the girl’s smile fades as her lips pucker up and she starts to breathe heavily
oh no dont cry dont cry dont-
you look over to jeongin for help but he’s standing completely frozen trying to hold back his laughter
“you know what- i guess it’s worth a try!!” you chuckle nervously, patting the girl’s back to try and soothe her
you slowly shuffle over to jeongin and press a soft peck on the side of the frog’s head
jeongin goes along with it, performing a small twirl and a ‘ta-daaah’
“nothing happened....” the girl sighs with disinterest, “well i guess you’re not his true love. better luck next time, mr froggy prince”
she briskly turns around and continues skipping through the park
your mouth hangs open in disbelief while jeongin bursts into a laughing fit
“shut up” you huff and punch his shoulder lightly, “good luck getting around the park on your own, frog”
“w-wait come back!!! you can’t just abandon me!!!-”
as you pace away, jeongin squats down and brings his webbed hands to his face, somewhat relieved that the frog head was masking his bright red cheeks
it happened - you held his hand and kissed him
not at all in the way that he had imagined
but it happened
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peppermintquartz · 4 years
minific / Playroom!verse
“You don’t like the color?” Finn asks, a mischievous grin on his too-red lips. The glee in his eyes is more befitting a cheeky teen than a man past the mid-point mark of his thirties. He’s dressed in his customary all-black suit, but he has a silvery fur stole over his shoulders, and he’s lounging on his plush sectional.
Roman flushes. “Uh, no, I-I didn’t mean... It just, um. I didn’t. Expect.” He takes a deep breath. “I-I wasn’t expecting a gift at your birthday.”
Reclined against Finn’s legs, Tyler giggles and passes him his martini, the flower crown on his golden head tipping dangerously askew. His white tunic is hiked up ridiculously short to reveal beautifully tanned legs, and it’s clear he’s wearing a glittery gold thong. “I love when you get him all flustered.”
“Where’s my kiss, you brat?” Once he gets the kiss from Tyler, Finn returns his attention to Roman. “What can I say? It’s a chance for me to indulge in my worst impulses. Sweetheart, I want an eclair.”
Seth comes over with a platter, gag in his mouth and dressed in tiny black shorts, and feeds Finn a chocolate eclair. Finn slides his hand up between Seth’s legs as he chides Roman. “You’re not dressed for my party. That present is what I want you to wear. Tyler and Seth, go get him into costume.”
With the two guys 'escorting’ him to the guest room, Roman finds it hard to escape. Everywhere he looks, there’s someone gorgeous in something slinky or skimpy or snazzy. Even Joe is having fun, wearing a deep maroon suit, but practically dripping with gold rings and chains; Mustafa curled against him has a skin-tight devil’s costume, complete with horns and a tail he’s twirling about.
Thankfully, the outfit Finn wants him in is just a skanked-up form of riot gear, nothing too revealing: tight black pants, black tactical vest, fingerless combat gloves.
“Ooh, we’re gonna have to bring this look into our bedroom,” Tyler purrs as he holds up a mesh half-mask that will cover the lower part of his face. It’s painted with the bottom half of a skull. Tyler fits it to Roman and steps back. He bites his lower lip. “Oh yeah, this is working very hard for me.”
Seth, unable to speak around the bright red ball gag in his mouth, undoes Roman’s hair tie and loosens his long tresses about his face. 
“Hey!” Roman protests. He hates having anyone touch his hair, Tyler and his baby girl excepted.
“Babe, you look hot. Like, scorching.” Tyler shivers and wiggles, before he grabs Roman’s wrist and drags him to Finn. As they weave past the partygoers, heads turn to follow them. As they get into the den, Tyler pushes Roman in front of him and gestured. “Ta-daaah.”
Finn wraps up his conversation with a brunette - she looks familiar, possibly an actress, but with her face partly obscured, Roman can’t be sure - and scans Roman head to toe. Then he motions with a twirl of his pointer finger for the younger man to turn around. To his own surprise, Roman does turn around on the spot.
“Very nice,” Finn drawls. “Come here, puppy. At my feet.”
Whenever Finn uses the nickname, a hot, squirming sensation would wriggle in Roman’s belly. He goes to one knee, close to Finn, and shivers when the older man brushes his knuckles along Roman’s neck.
“You’re gonna be good for me, aren’t you?” Finn whispers, now trailing a finger over the top edge of the mask. “You’re gonna protect me, take care of me.”
Roman gulps and licks his lips. He can hear the party going on behind him; Tyler calling out to Mustafa and asking him for a dance; the music changing to something fast and upbeat. But Finn is looking at him, at only him, and in those blue eyes Roman has nowhere to hide. He nods.
Finn smiles. “Good puppy.”
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