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clemsblog · 1 year ago
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ki-flor · 2 years ago
I'll always hate when the GA just wants some random character as a love interest for one of the main characters. I need to see the chemistry. I don't want to see Will with some dude
Especially since that's not what's been built up for his character arc
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pocket-mobster · 2 years ago
the lack of t3d lass0 r34 leads me to the perfectly logical conclusion that the show just does not exist. rule 34's pretty fuckin clear: if it exists, there is porn of it. it would only fit to reason that if there is not porn of it, then it does not exist.
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demareth · 2 months ago
nonono entities become Not White after theyre corrupted by EVIL, there ARE non white coded characters but theyre all the corrupted evil nasty barely humanoid looking ones WHICH IS MAYBE PROBABLY DEFINATELY WORSE THAN HAVING NONE IMO BUT WHATEVER
my mum was googling for an article about why everyone in the lord of the rings film is white (like to be clear she was annoyed by this) and the google ai was apparently like “everybody in the lord of the rings is not white. gandalf is grey.”
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narizentupidocartazes · 1 year ago
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[2023] 27 de Julho | Fim de Emissão#27 | PREC & Joana Domingues | // o_phe_lia | Małgorzata Suś & Shela | T3D BUNNY | Desterro - Lisboa
Cartaz [Rita Comedida]
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fruitscoups · 5 months ago
got my twt permanently suspended cuz i said taeil needed to be c@str@t3d 😭
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artoflevity · 5 months ago
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a belated anniversary piece i did for my longest-running dnd campaign! so, so in love with this party & this group. i’m definitely going to hold this story in a special place in my heart for a long, long time.
happy six years, T3D gang ❤️
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rjalker · 6 months ago
proposal for fun. actual mathematicians will probably be mad lol.
anyways. I'm gonna use "vwindir" (spelled V W I N D I R) in place of hypersphere since why would 4D people name themselves after 3D shapes?
Based on an incorrect but much simpler to say pronunciation of the Al Bhed cipher of the word "fourth" (vuindr).
Vwindir is singular, plural would be vwindirii (spelled V W I N D I R I I)
because I think it looks and sounds cool.
it is not an existing word yet.
Feel free to use.
Anyways here's Ted, who is visible in T3D (The Third Dimension) only as a Sphere.
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[ID: An MS Paint drawing of a deep blue circle covered in five pointed, pale yellow stars, labeled, "Ted the Vwindir (Hypersphere). End ID.]
For my stories, Ted is the one who teaches the Sphere about the Fourth Dimension, and makes the introduction to a 5th Dimensional Being who explains that as well. Ted uses they/them pronouns, and where they are from, Ted is the gender neutral root of many longer, gendered, names.
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tendermiasma · 2 years ago
I Hope this question won't attract unwanted crowd, I'll try to type it in a way it hopefully will prevent it, but I have a question. As a professional artist, do you have any advice on how to not feel discouraged by A /i g3 ner*a/t3d images? And what to do to protect my art from being stolen? Recently I discovered one person close to me, also an artist, started incorporating that into their works and got into selling stuff assisted by it, and I feel kind of... heartbroken, betrayed? I don't know what to do, it makes me not want to continue the relationship, because this stuff is, in my opinion, actively hurting artists, but on the other hand, I don't want to lose a friend over it. Also, I am afraid that the only way to prevent what I create from being stolen is to not share it online at all, which is also heartbreaking, because one of the biggest part of creating (at least to me) is a form of dialogue with fellow humans, sharing emotions, and interaction between the creator, the art and the audience. I just feel lost. Also, I really admire your art, your skill, and you inspire me in a very profound way, just wanted to say that. Hope you have a good day!
Hi! It's a really shitty situation and I also often feel really doom and gloom about the whole thing. But the reason I keep making art is simple: It is my greatest joy to communicate through art and with every piece I make I continue to assert over and over that my human soul and the expertise that comes with it is a thousand times more valuable than a machine, and even though a lot of people wouldn't give a shit if a person or AI made it, there are always people out there who will care. I just really, really love doing it even while capitalism and our culture of consumption is taking on new and terrible forms. If we stop making art, what's left? Just the machine and nobody to speak up otherwise. Do nothing and lose everything vs keep fighting and something else, something better by some measure happens. Action is always the cure. I'm a big believer in that because I've found it to be true.
We're at a crucial time in the entertainment and arts industries. We all have some measure of power we can use against emerging policies and trends that don't benefit/actively hurt us. The WGA is currently striking in part to make AMPTP reconsider their AI policy of essentially just updating the WGA on the technology's progess annually. Other organized labor in entertainment and visual arts can negotiate anti-AI clauses into their contracts to make it less acceptable as a practice overall. You can use Glaze on your work to confuse AI engines and they just came out with a new version that I hear is a pretty nice jump in how detectable the texture is to your eye in the images.
I'm sorry you're going through that with your friend, though. It's hard and messy and there's no set way to go about it. It all depends on what you value most and what your own moral compass is telling you what you need to do here. Personally if it were a close friend of mine, I would talk to them about it. Depending on how they respond, your decision still might be a hard one or they could make it very easy. They will absolutely tell you how much time you should invest into this. Even if their attitude is clearly signaling that they do not care about you here and that you should move on from the friendship, it's probably still going to be painful and you'll grieve it for a while. Surround yourself with friends who understand how you feel and time will do its thing.
I think you should take comfort in that if you continue with art, this won't be the hardest decision you'll ever have to make. You'll have to make harder ones and will still come out on the other side. Even if you choose not to share your art on the wider internet and keep it as a precious thing among a smaller group of friends, it still has just as much worth and as you go along you will naturally find a balance between risks and reward. Don't forget that speaking out does actually have power in itself. Remember we've been able to bully a few companies into rolling back harmful practices in the past year or so.
I hope that was somewhat helpful. We're all trying to figure this out together and there's always going to be a future for artists as long as we keep pushing back hard. Capitalism takes a mile when you give an inch so it always, always matters to be vocal, spread useful information, use anti-ai apps on your art etc. It takes more energy to stay away from something you really want to do so I'm sure you'll find a way to share your art in the capacity you're comfortable with.
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owchie-wowchie · 9 months ago
so so so interested in the star wars au!! do you mind saying more about it?
Oh, thank you! I'm totally fine talking more about it.
So, the original post is the general idea. Pete's (or P3T3) a protocol droid who works in the senate building with his brother (they were built by a random senator a few years ago so they see each other as brothers) T3D and he often hangs out with an astromech from the hangar, R1-CH. Steph went down to the hanger one night to steal her dad's speeder when she met Pete (and Richie but she doesn't really care about him). She talked to Pete for a bit and was like, "He's really funny and sweet" like when she meets Pete in the musical and she develops a bit of a crush on him.
The next day, she's hanging out with her handmaiden, who, in this, are Grace and Ruth, and she's like, "I met a nice boy last night," and they're like, "Oh, who?" and she goes, "A droid." And they immediately are like "A droid? Gonna date a starship while you're at it?" but she likes him so she doesn't really care. She was also one of the very few people that have been nice to him in years and he instantly becomes very attached to her.
Then they start dating but everyone is very much like, "This is weird" but neither of them really care cause they're happy. But, plot twist, the person who owns Pete is actually Max (who's also a senator's kid and he grew up with Steph) and, while he's fine with Steph, he doesn't want his droid dating anyone and it's a whole thing. It's very much like the plot of the musical but the question is do they do the prank or not?
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clemsblog · 1 year ago
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quadrant-horror-stories · 1 year ago
What are your true thoughts on mutants and such like?
I don't think th3y sho>ld 83 as p3rs3c>t3d as th3y ar3.
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postsofbabel · 2 months ago
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3hates4straights · 2 months ago
- P0$T3D 8Y 0T@RU
⚠️ TW: V3NT ⚠️
1 H4T3 831NG @ $3LF D1@GN0$3D D1D :( 1 W1$H P30PL3 83L13V3D M3 WH3N 1 $@Y 1 H@V3 D1D :( WH3N 1 T3LL P30PL3 1 L1K3 T0 H@V3 D1FF3R3NT P3R$0N@L1T13$ TH3Y S@Y 1M JU$T D01NG 1T 83C@U$3 1T'$ "TR3NDY" :( 1 H@T3 MY$3LF! :(
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3 notes · View notes
pastriibunz · 8 months ago
ted 💀 😭
bickerimg like cats and dogs
oh my lord it IS like cats and dogs
poor t3d and kai but like also this shit is kinda funny
4 notes · View notes
kand1-rav3-b01 · 1 year ago
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rAwR!!!! s0 3xc!t3d 2 s33 ma! bff!!!! XP
Rawr!!!! So excited to see mai bff XP
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