#t slur --
daughter-of-sapph0 · 2 years
cis man with gynecomastia scars: hi
the smartest transphobes in the world: kys tranny
and people wonder why I say that transphobia is a danger to everyone.
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h0oty · 4 months
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my friend gave me the best art idea
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nyancrimew · 1 year
this post has been fact checked by real terminally online trannies
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genderkoolaid · 4 months
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Deadnaming, insults and harassment: trans Corrections officer brings landmark human rights case against employer
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soup-mother · 7 months
Wish ppl could understand that maybe trans women might not want to be around men either. like the problem with "women and afab" style spaces is who they're deciding falls into that category and excluding trans women, not the inhent idea of having somewhere away from (primarily cis) men. we still exist in this stupid gender system and it still empowers men to be shit. we can't just pretend it isn't there and that "trannies have got to be comfortable around men or they're enforcing the gender binary". trans women are allowed to want to be in a space without men, can you maybe think of a few reasons why trans women might not feel safe around men?? or why we might enjoy being explicitly welcomed as women??
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 6 months
TG: faGgot
TG: dykAe (the a is silent)
TG: trannY
TT: If you had switched the order of “dyke” and “tranny”, you would’ve had all the letters you needed without having to add the extra “A”.
GT: Yeah could you not do “faGgot trAnny dYke”?
TG: i may be stupid
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pansyboybloom · 17 days
omg you pass so well I wouldn’t even be able to tell that you are— sorry, were a girl until you told me! you look like a real— sorry, cis man! usually I can tell who is a tranny— sorry, transperson at first glance but you look soooo good 😌
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07170 · 2 years
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jaron kanegson for ftm newsletter, june 1998
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butterfly-room · 3 months
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pride month is over post homophobic companions
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busket · 27 days
"trans men are oppressed for being trans, not for being men"
do you think that when a transphobe looks at me, theyre thinking "I hate those trannies but this one is clearly a man, and I do prefer men over women, so thats not so bad"
no lmao they think I'm a freak of a female who mutilated her body with steroids and hormones, and that I need to either die or be beat into submission and become a wife and mother. my identity of trans man isn't divisible into Trans and Man. if I'm oppressed for being trans, it is because I am a man, because I literally cannot be a Man without being Trans
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dwllie · 3 months
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— TRANNYFREAK : a gender under the genderfreak gender system related to being a tranny and a freak; a trannyfreak. this gender is only to be used by those that identify as transgender and reclaim the slur tranny.
coined by us ♡ requested by no one ♡ genderfreak by @losergendered ♡ flag colors picked from this tranny flag ♡ tagging @accessmogai for a flag id
[PT: trannyfreak~ trannyfreak: a gender under the genderfreak gender system related to being a tranny and a freak; a trannyfreak. this gender is only to be used by those that identify as transgender and reclaim the slur tranny. coined by us. requested by no one. genderfreak by losergendered. flag colors picked from this tranny flag. tagging accessmogai for a flag id. /END PT]
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satyrradio · 4 months
reclaiming a slur: "i've been called a tranny all my life, so i am going to proudly call myself a tranny to take back the word"
not reclaiming a slur: "you're an ugly fucking tranny (i'm trans too so I can say that ecks dee)"
you are not reclaiming anything by calling someone else a slur. You do not get a free pass to throw slurs at people just because it's been used against you as well. You can only reclaim a slur for yourself, otherwise you are just using it as it is: a slur.
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nyancrimew · 2 months
booby trap? yeah im[gets shot]
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batw1nggg · 4 months
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girlfrenemies transphobia edition
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oldsamarie · 1 year
hayy mutuals quick warning for a potentially terfy user ive seen in the mutual circle. under the cut
reblogs off cus i don't wanna make this a big thing but at least for now id recommend my mutuals steer clear of @/gleamfuls, it looks like she follows at least 1 terf & has been liking some of their posts. i sent an ask to see if this was an accidental thing but it looks like she just unliked the posts and didn't block - the reason i say it looks like she didn't block is because we can literally see her in the terfs following list. Lol.
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(same image twice for formatting)
and anyways, here she is liking a post about terfs directly, so it looks like she mightve forgotten to unlike this one
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(continuation of the post is nothing important, just a cat reaction image, but you can see her in the likes)
SOOOOO yes i tried to give the benefit of the doubt but im kinda leaning towards the thought that she might be a crypto. Sorry if that's not the case but i mean like. SHRUG EMOJI. she appears to be a minor so i don't want to make this a whole thing, but i know the mutuals i see interacting are trans so i want to keep you guys informed
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the-queer-demon · 1 year
every so often i hear people talk about the "loud" queer people and how annoying they are and I always think
I think of the first time I saw a trans woman in the aisle of a convenience store. i was 8 years old and had no idea what i was but in that moment i felt like i understood her more than anyone else i'd seen.
i think of the first time i saw two men kiss in a movie. my parents wouldnt let me watch it because it was "inappropriate," but i snuck in anyway and I wondered for the first time if not all boys liked to kiss girls.
i think of the first pride parade i've ever seen. barely aware of who i was and too scared to admit it to myself, i watched thousands of people celebrate their identity, in the face of overwhelming hatred. a drag queen handed me a rainbow sticker from across a police barrier. i think she knew.
i think of when i was 15 and began to change how i presented. i dyed my hair and dressed more androgynously. it was a baby step, and i was terrified of how people would see me. and so many people looked at me differently, but there were kids that looked so familiar, who looked at me and saw a friend.
i think of when i got a roommate for the first time, and tried desperately to pass so i wouldn't make her uncomfortable. she clocked me immediately and asked for my pronouns. she was the first queer person i'd ever dated.
i think of when i was buying soda at a convenience store a few weeks ago. i was so used to dressing gnc that i almost forgot it was strange to most people. i saw a little kid an aisle over, gaping at me. not hatred or ignorance, but curiosity and questioning, and maybe? maybe a little understanding of who i really was.
and i think about all the people that are uncomfortable with these displays, who say it's not right to show in public. and i think that maybe that's the point. because for every 10 people who look at me and see a disgusting tranny, maybe there's one person who feels a little safer. and i think that's worth it in the end
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