corysmiles · 1 day
Mage Hand
A BG3 g/t fic
Rating: general
Warnings: mentions of blood and violence
Summary: During a fight Tav gets spotted, and Gale has to react quickly to protect the tiny. Much fluff and protective giant Gale
Truly they hadn’t been expecting a fight at all.
Gale frantically cast out magical missiles at the goblins that had ambushed them. One fell to the miriad of blows, but the larger one just growled in anger. Blood pooled in Gale’s robes from the arrow still lodged in his side, but he couldn’t stop to look at the damage just yet.
They’d been on their way to set up camp for the night when they were attacked.
Arrows flew out through the trees before any of them could react, and after such a long trek they were too tired to put on a good fight. Out of the corner of his eye Gale saw Karlach whipping her axe around wildly, although her face showed the strain it was taking on her, and Astarion was slower than usual to slice through one of the smaller goblin’s throats.
“Fuck,” Gale hissed as he pressed one hand to the bleeding wound at his side.
He could feel his magic starting to run low, if he didn’t rest soon he wouldn’t be much use at all, but until the goblins were gone he just had to push through it.
With a yell a burst of flame appeared in his hand and shot out at one of the goblins circling around Shadowheart. The goblin screeched in pain as its clothes caught fire, and not a second later Lae’zel had ran it through with her blade.
They were doing okay, but they were all taking too many blows for his liking. Gale’s eyes shot up at the sight of a new goblin running out from the trees, rusted dagger in hand. It ran at Astarion who had just helped Wyll finish off the largest goblin, but before Gale could yell to warn him the dagger sliced through Astarion’s back.
Astarion fell to the ground with a hiss of pain before he turned to angrily stab through the goblin’s leg. The goblin fell with a loud cry, and while that was enough for Astarion at the moment, he wasn’t dead.
Typically, that wouldn’t be much of a problem. In most cases a downed enemy was as good as dead.
But one glance was all it took for Gale’s heart rate to shoot into a panic. The downed goblin growled and clawed at his blade trying to push himself back up when its eyes locked on the same thing Gale’s did.
Tav had fallen out of Astarion’s pocket.
The goblin’s eyes darted between the vampire now a few feet away and the tiny before a gnarled green hand darted out to grab her.
In all his life, Gale had never reacted so fast before.
His mind drew from the last reserves of magic he had to conjure up a glowing blue hand that quickly darted out to grab Tav. The goblin’s hand missed by only a hair before the mage hand glided away back to Gale’s side. Gale wanted to check on the tiny to make sure they were okay, but the goblin’s eyes were now trained on the wizard, a violent snarl painting their features.
With a flick of his fingers he guided the mage hand to drop Tav in his pocket, and kept the spectral hand floating near in case she fell out again. He spared one glance down at the tiny who was clearly shaken, before throwing another bolt of flames at the goblin.
The goblin fell with another shrill scream as he burned and writhed on the ground. He wouldn’t be surviving that.
Gale frantically looked around at the others to make sure everyone was okay, and saw Lae’zel finishing off the last of the goblins with a victorious yell. Only when the goblin took its last breath did the wizard allow himself to relax.
Subconsciously, his hand reached into his pocket to thumb at the tiny’s head. Their warm presence felt relaxing.
“Gale,” the small voice said, “Are they gone?”
The tiny attempted to peak their head out of his pocket, and before Gale could even register that he’d commanded it the spectral mage hand pressed her firmly back down into his pocket- back to where it was safe.
He blinked in realization and embarrassment at the protective instincts, and with a muttered apology waved off the glowing blue hand.
Gently, he reached into his pocket with an open palm- an invitation. Once he felt all of Tav’s weight in his hand he curled his fingers around her form gently and brought her out.
“Yes, they’re all gone I believe,” Gale sighed, “Unless more of those bastards are hiding in the trees.”
“They’re better not be,” Karlach grumbled at that, her tail swinging side-to-side angrily, “I need some food and a fucking nap.”
The tiny laughed in Gale’s palm at Karlach’s words and the softness of it brought a smile to Gale’s face. He was glad she felt so safe in his hands.
However, the domesticity of the moment was quickly broken by Astarion yelling.
“Tav?” he yelled, his eyes darting around frantically.
“Don’t worry I’ve got her,” Gale called out to the vampire, watching as Astarion’s shoulders visibly relaxed at the sight of her in the wizard’s palm.
“Fuck okay, good,” Astarion exhaled slowly, “My apologies little love, I didn’t anticipate for another one of those bastards to be in hiding. Usually they’re not that smart.”
Tav just laughed and waved him off, “It’s okay, I’m fine.”
Astarion smiled, softer than normal due to the exhaustion from the day.
“Well I believe we might as well just set up camp now,” Astarion hummed, “After that I doubt we’re making it that much farther anyway.”
Everyone agreed with nodded heads and soon the tents were set up and a campfire was burning. Gale had almost forgotten about his injury until Tav said something.
“Does that hurt?” Tav said pointing up at the wound from where they sat on the soft rug in his tent, “You should get Shadowheart to look at it.”
Gale looked down at the tiny on the floor next to him and then down at the wound in his side. He had pulled the arrow out before starting to set up camp, but the adrenaline from the fight had almost made him forget.
“Ah, yes,” Gale frowned as he touched at his blood-soaked side, “I believe I got a bit carried away. No need to bother Shadowheart now though, she’s just as drained as the rest of us.”
Tav frowned in response as she started to climb up Gale’s pants from where he was sitting cross-legged on the ground. He barely breathed as she climbed him, afraid of accidentally knocking the tiny off.
Once Tav was close enough she peered at the wound through the hole in his robe.
“It looks pretty deep,” she grimaced, “At least take a healing potion, wouldn’t want it to get worse.”
Gale blushed at the proximity to the tiny as one of her minuscule hands brushed against the skin around the wound.
“Yes- yes of course,” he stammered, looking away from where the tiny was perched on his leg, “I think I have a few extra.”
Tav nodded at that, seemingly pleased that the wizard agreed to take care of himself and plopped themselves down on his leg.
“You didn’t have to help me like that you know,” Tav said softly after a few moments of silence, “I could have managed.”
To accentuate her words she opened her palm where a small burst of magic appeared. Of course Gale knew she wasn’t defenceless, the tiny had proven herself to be useful enough times already.
But something about seeing the goblin reaching for her, about seeing his eyes dripping with malice… Gale couldn’t let him touch her.
“I know,” Gale said, tilting his head in flushed embarrassment, “Just…I wanted to. I want to keep you safe. I apologize if it seemed like I didn’t think you could fend for yourself.”
Tav laughed softly, and patted their hand against Gale’s thigh from where they sat.
“It’s alright,” Tav smiled, “And regardless it would be rude of me not to thank you.”
Gale flushed again, not used to the kindness in her words. He tried to look away to hide it but he knew the tiny saw it when she laughed again.
“You know I’m never opposed to being held by you,” Tav smiled slyly, “Mage hand or not it’s quite nice.”
Her words only caused Gale to flush more, “Well then, I um…I suppose I can hold you more. If you’d desire it of course.”
Tav giggled at his nervousness and gifted the wizard a soft smile, “I’d be delighted.”
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roguescorner · 3 months
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“The way the Gods do”
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maatdraws · 1 year
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part 2 : "you like him for more than his looks, but he will never believe that"
• Part 1 | Part 3
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artlystica · 2 months
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bbidiza · 8 months
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saw @anaviarts do this with her Tav and Karlach and couldn't help myself lmao
Also bonus second design content bc I think they deserve matching coulpe t-shirts (:
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officiallygoblin · 10 months
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What ever should we do, I wonder…
I’ve been in really bad autism burnout but I’m trying to fight it with MORE AUTISM!! Meaning let me completely indulge. Plus as much as it sucks grad school has helped with utilizing refs better
(Please do not repost my art! Reblog is fine!)
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cerudinaeart · 2 months
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batstarion....but as a werebat. and my tav, sohla ;)
full pic.
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el-tur-el · 4 months
Hello! May I kindly ask for a Tav comforting Rolan after a night terror/nightmare? I loved the Rolan comforting Tav after a nightmare headcannons and I would love to see the roles reversed!
Hello, lovely! Sorry it took so long for me to get to this one! I hope you enjoy!!
Tav Comforting Rolan After a Nightmare
I think we all need to be honest with one another; after everything that man has been through, there is undoubtedly some level of trauma there. The mind is resilient, but only to a certain extent, and he endures enough over the short course of the game to last a lifetime.
He won't say anything about it - Tav has to be the one to bring it up, to initiate comfort; he doesn't want to swallow his pride. Terrified that he's weak or less than in the eyes of others.
Which is blatantly untrue. It takes courage to be open and vulnerable with others.
They'd wake to him sitting upright in bed, staring at the far wall, lips pressed into a thin line. Though he's doing his best to seem composed, it's clear that he's anything but.
The second Tav pulls him into their arms, he falters; 'I'm fine', or, 'You don't have to worry about me, go back to sleep'.
When Tav presses a kiss to his temple and insists that they care about him, that they'd like to know what troubles him, he'd crumble.
The sheer earnestness in their eyes, the soft, genuine care in their tone. How could he not?
And so he tells them - about how nights are sleepless more often than not. About how sometimes, when he closes his eyes, he can feel the shadow curse peeling its way beneath his skin. Can hear the nasal of Lorroakan's voice.
They gently coax him back into laying down with them, and they pull him close to their chest. Softly thank him for opening up to them, that they know it can't have been easy.
He feels safe, here, in their arms. And while it doesn't undo the past, he knows that he doesn't have to endure the weight of everything alone.
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eurydia · 4 months
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fake romance scenes - A Gentle Path (7/-) my latest Tavlor fic, A Gentle Path, is now available to read on Ao3! dedicated to my wonderful friend and fellow Zev enjoyer @dark-and-kawaii ❤️ a SFW, mostly dialogue one shot of Tav and Zevlor having a heart to heart at the caves.
this line is actually delivered by Glen in this beautiful Cameo: [Zevlor accepting a romance during the celebration]
[A Gentle Path on Ao3]
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leopardmuffinxo · 1 year
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what if you didn't run this time? what if you stayed, and let love overtake you?
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corysmiles · 2 days
t!Tav with the Origin Companions
BG3 g/t
T!tav fluffy head cannons
Notes: this is unedited but I needed to get it out of my brain, so my apologies for any grammar weirdness
This woman is absolutely devastated that she can’t hold Tav because of her engine
She sneaks extra food to Tav because she’s fascinated by the tiny
As soon as her engine is fixed enough for her to touch people she is holding Tav all the time. Her first action after being fixed is just grabbing the tiny
Tav uses Karlach as a personal heater whenever it’s too cold at night and Karlach is 100% there for it. Although, she is extremely nervous about accidentally crushing Tav while she’s asleep
Karlach lets Tav hide in her armor while they’re out so she can keep the tiny close
Gale (+Tara):
Gale is extremely careful and gentle with Tav, letting them sit with him while he reads in his tent. He’s spent a long time writing and using his hands for magic, so he’s very well-practiced in careful movements
He is nervous that Tara will go after the tiny so he sits her down to talk about Tav NOT being food. Tara is upset about it at first, but starts to like the tiny once she realizes she can get the best ear scratches from the tiny.
Gale loves learning so he takes any chance he gets to study Tav. It gets a little weird for the tiny sometimes because he asks a ton of questions but overall they find it endearing
As the resident cook of the group Gale is all in on making sure Tav eats well. At first he’s not super sure about how much they should eat so they end up with a portion way too big for them. He gets better over time at making sure the portions are right but Tav will never complain about there being too much.
If Tav is in trouble or noticed during a fight he conjures a mage hand to whisk them away. The first time it happens Tav is terrified until they’re dropped into Gale’s pocket away from danger, and any time they try to look out to see what’s happening the hand pushes them back into the pocket
Astarion is extremely unsure about Tav at first. He doesn’t understand the point of keeping someone around who can’t really help much in fights, and he doesn’t like the idea of wasting resources on them (even small amounts).
He starts to get along with them when he realizes they’re upset about not feeling like they have much control over their life. One night when drinking they tell him about how they’re used to being used and controlled by larger people, and after that he can’t help but relate to them. And if he is a little nicer to them after that none of the other companions have to know
He definitely teases them about biting them, even though they know he wouldn’t actually do anything to them.
Astarion is also surprisingly gentle with them. His experience with picking locks means he is often the best at holding them without jostling them around too much. Whenever they’re on long walks to their next campsite Tav often lets him hold them since it’s usually the most comfortable. He always complains, but he never actually turns them down
Similarly to Astarion, Lae’zel also doesn’t like Tav much at first. In her opinion the tiny is nothing more than a liability in a fight, and she doesn’t understand the appeal of having them around.
Lae’zel typically avoided interacting with Tav, and if she had to pick them up she wasn’t very nice about it
However, after visiting the crèche Tav comes to talk to her and make sure she’s okay, and the tiny starts to grow on Lae’zel. After realizing that some of the githyanki ideals she’d been taught weren’t right, she starts to find the tiny’s company nice- even if the tiny still can’t help much in a fight
Lae’zel absolutely tries to teach Tav how to fight. She gives them a needle as a makeshift weapon and while it can’t do much damage she teaches Tav all the best places to stab.
Wyll is one of the first to support the idea of allowing Tav to stay with them. He’s always wanted to help other people, and when they find the tiny he can’t help but want to protect them.
Whenever Mizora shows up at camp he hides Tav away because he’s always worried she’ll do something to them to keep Wyll under her control
Wyll reached Tav how to dance once he finds out that they don’t know how. It’s awkward since they’re smaller than his hand but he’s still able to at least teach them the proper movements
Tav loves to hear Wyll’s stories about the people he’s protected before and will sit in his tent to keep him company to listen to him
Wyll is very nervous about holding Tav. He’s always worried that he’ll hurt them somehow or that they’ll fall or he’ll squeeze too tight, but Tav always reassures him it’s okay. He gets better about it throughout their travels, but he still doesn’t hold them often out of fear
Shadowheart loves Tav almost from the start. She’ll talk to them constantly, and sit them on her shoulder for company throughout their travels.
Shadowheart is very keen on training the owl bear cub and Scratch to not hurt Tav. When they finally get to a point where Tav can be around them with out constant monitoring Shadowheart is extremely pleased with herself
After fights Shadowheart also checks on Tav first to heal them if they need it, always worried something bad will have happened to the tiny while she wasn’t looking.
When Tav finds out Shadowheart likes night orchids they start dropping off ones that they find in front of her tent. She doesn’t say anything about it, too worried the tiny will stop if she says anything, but she does appreciate it greatly
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tsaritza-mika · 5 months
Tav: -Lovingly watching Astarion after a long day-
Tav: I love you so much, Astarion <3
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sammakesart · 8 months
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let me love the spider man larian you cowards 😤 (full on pay tree on)
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lynmeril · 2 months
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Wrong version
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emahriel · 1 year
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If I cannot bend heaven, I will raise hell.
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kyo-hiki · 4 months
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i couldnt get out kitty astarion out of my head
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