skullsnbruises · 1 year
More women? More women.
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Taglist @poprockpanda @brick-a-doodle-do @local-squishmallow @dingbatnix
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lenfantdeverone · 4 months
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Happy Pride month to the best piece of clothing ever made this shirt is so pretty it's my top 1 thing ever
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slenderfurry · 3 months
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My attempt to make a slenderpossum fursona
For @poorlydrawnsplendorman :3
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mysterious-gizem · 5 months
𝐎𝐝𝐝 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐎𝐮𝐭
Warning/s: ???
Taglist: @da3dm, @gt-mcyt, @coolest-moon
Chapters: Ch1 | Ch2
"Puffy get out here!"
The sheep hybrid tumbled down the stairs as she raced towards her front door, she flung her front door open as she was met with her very serious, and rather furious, older brother. The ram hybrid sighed as he stared her down.
"Hey JJ- what brings you here, shouldn't you be with Dream at the docks?" She chuckled trepidatiously, her brother pursed his lips before he began to speak. "The elders are scolding him...he may have crushed some of the wood we were going to use."
The ram let out an exasperated sigh, "Look Puffy, I love my nephew, but..." His words trailed off as he stared at her sister's wide, soft eyes. "I can't keep defending him...Everyone's getting pretty..." Another sigh escaped his lips, "Well- everyone is getting pretty scared; I've heard that he almost stepped on some old lady!" Schlatt was about to continue but Puffy spoke first.
"What am I supposed to do Schlatt? He can't control what's happening to him- and it wasn't my decision for him to be going around doing chores! He's a kid, he should be out playing in the fields, not working in them..." Puffy was tired, she was tired of seeing her son come home exhausted; not exhausted from playing, but rather tired from working.
It hurt her as she watched her child lay on his bedroom floor, having to get rid of his bed and furniture for the sake that he would still fit in his room. She remembered the nights her son would cry relentlessly, begging to be held; yet all she could do was gently hug his leg as fat tears rolled down his face.
Now her brother—one of the few people who caused this to happen to her son—stood in front of her criticizing his mistakes once more, how dare her brother have the audacity to take away his childhood and still complain!?
Schlatt let out another sigh, it snapped the sheep hybrid out of her daze. Both stood in awkward silence as the ram hybrid stared down at her with gentle eyes, while she was resistant to meet his own. The two were having a silent war; that they barely noticed another presence arrive, until they were startled by a shadow looming over them.
"Uhm- Uncle Schlatt? We're—we're done with the docks and they told me to go on break..." Dream sheepishly announced as he avoided eye contact, Puffy's heart broke, her boy, despite the fact he towered over everyone in the flock; looked so, so small. The ram hybrid's lips pursed as Puffy began to speak. "Hey duckling, you hungry?" The blond gave a shy nod, still unwilling to meet her eyes.
"There's food in the dining room, I made it all for you so don't worry duckling." She reassured, Dream muttered a grateful 'thank you' as he ushered himself inside the house; needing to bend down to walk around the house. The sheep hybrid turned around to face her brother again, "Look Schlatt- if you have nothing else to say I have stuff I need to do..." He sighed and shook his head.
"Goodbye JJ."
"Dream can you get the tools over there?" A disheveled middle-aged man gently commanded the blond which he complied too, "Yes sir..." The child simply responded as he took a few strides and bent down to pick up a box full of tools.
It was another day for Dream, he was helping rebuild the town fountain at the core of their little village; which got damaged after some rogue hybrid went into their village and started throwing bombs, luckily another group of hunters came and escorted the hybrid away before anyone got hurt—the blond was especially lucky he wasn't there to be spotted by the said hunters—he stood at his full height and stared at his surroundings, taking in how much damage the bombs did.
A few patches of the streets were affected due to the obvious holes in the ground, and he expected to fix them sooner or later, it was sadly turning into his new normal, barely anything about this was normal. Another abrupt command made his head snap back toward the ram hybrid, "Go get the bricks over there, it's like laying on a wooden platform so get it all." Dream nodded and spotted the bricks atop a wooden pallet, he quickly rushed over and picked up the crates with his two hands.
He was slowly walking back to the fountain, being extremely cautious with the bricks; he was halfway there when he heard a loud feminine voice let out a commanding yell, "Jack! Elliott! Come back here!" Suddenly two children came running his way he lost his footing as the two children were seemingly playing tag, he yelped as one of them ran in front of him and he almost stepped on them.
He panicked as he tripped backward dropping the bricks in the process, shrill shrieks were heard coming from all over the place as bricks flew in every direction. Dust encompassed the area, in all of the chaos he prayed no one got hurt; a cough escaped his lips, as the dust settled down, the two other kids; who were probably around his age were huddled up together, covered in dust and debris themselves.
He watched as numerous amounts of rams and sheep hybrids ran to the duo's aid, a familiar stinging sensation made itself known; yet in the midst of all the chaos he couldn't even focus on anything, everything felt hazy as he sat there with his head limp and arms shaking. And the weird feeling spreading all over his body.
He felt something protruding in his gums and as the chaos began to settle down he grew.
He cried alongside the townsfolk as they all scrambled to get away from him, at that moment he silently thanked his mom and Bad that they put a spell on his clothing to adjust to his size, no matter how tall he was. Pain shot throughout his body, he could barely comprehend whatever the people were yelling.
Suddenly he ceased his movements and dropped to the ground.
"Captain Puffy!"
Puffy was having a light conversation with Bad that day, they were simply talking about events of the week, trying to have a good time; keyword: trying.
"Oh Samuel? Why are you in such a rush." The sheep hybrid asked as Bad stood beside her respectfully waiting for them to finish. The panicked ram hybrid who was apparently named Samuel was catching his breath, Puffy patiently waited for the other to speak.
"Your son-" He heaved and took a big gulp of air, "He grew right before our eyes! And—and he fainted, Mayor Schlatt told me to get you." As he finished his sentence Puffy bolted from her spot not even saying a proper farewell to the demon hybrid. She almost tripped a few times as she took one step after another.
Other members of the herd who were oblivious of the situation happening at the core of the town gave her weird looks; some even attempted to follow her. More and more people began gathering to see what all the commotion was about. Puffy's thoughts were scattered everywhere as she yelled at people to move to the side.
All of a sudden she crashed against another figure which she quickly realized was her brother, "Schlatt let me go! I need to see him!" Tears began to form at the corner of her eyes as Schlatt held her back. "Please JJ..." Her voice began to grow quiet as Schlatt quietly huffed. "Puffy...I don't—I don't think you should see him right now."
The sheep hybrid was now letting on soft sobs whilst weakly grasping her brother's arm, she could only register the fact more people kept rushing behind them; she so desperately wanted to see what they were up to, what were they doing to her baby?
Puffy sat at the foot of her bed, she sobbed so much she started to choke; she began to cough and gag as fat tears kept rolling down her face, earlier that day she waved her son goodbye as he left with a bright smile on his face. Now the day turned gloomy and dreadful.
Her son's broken worried voice forced her to lift her head, for a moment she was scared startled to see a luminous emerald green eye stare at her through her window, she quickly pushed down her fear sorrow and walked over to the window, Dream backed up so she could see his face more clearly as she pushed the window open. It was obvious the poor boy had been crying; his eye's were puffy and red, and he was seemingly trembling.
"Oh baby- what's wrong?" She tried reaching out her hand to touch his face, however he stayed put; unmoving and silent. Puffy had no idea what to do at this moment, she could barely see his face as the sun took cover behind the horizons. The last remaining streaks of light highlighting the saddened features of the blond's face.
His mouth opened hesitantly as he stumbled over his words, "Are you okay mama? I-I'm sorry..." Puffy quickly gestured for him to come closer, "You did nothing wrong duckling, it's okay." Tears came back at full force as the now giant leaned against their house, the sheep hybrid could only reach the strands of his hair as she softly touched it—the blond probably didn't even feel it.
Puffy watched as stars began to twinkle in the sky, both simply fell into the haze of comfort and calm as they simply basked in the feeling of each other's comfort; the sheep hybrid gently felt the blond's soft breaths. She quietly went back to her bed and let the child sleep in peace.
With that thought she laid down and slowly drifted off to sleep aswell.
"Woah dude! I'm sorry- but you look so cool right now!" Sapnap was gawking at the blond boy's new height, they finally got another chance to hang out and they were more than grateful. Dream sheepishly grinned at Sapnap's antics, he felt elated that the other treated him no differently than he did before, no matter what happened.
"I'm guessing you'll only wear one pair of clothes for now?" The blond nodded along as he tapped his fingers against the grass below him, "Y-Yea Mom said until she and your dad figure something out this is my clothes for now." The hybrid simply shrugged and an idea quickly popped up in his head.
"How about hide and seek?" He grinned widely, "We can even go in the forest so it's fair!" The taller hastily nodded and mustered up the courage to stand at his full height; vertigo smacked him as he stared at the difference of the size of his house to himself. Sapnap quickly snapped him out of his thought with the prompt of a race. The blond happily obliged and carefully sprinted towards the ravenette; albeit the blond being as careful as possible Sapnap could still feel the ground softly shake yet he shook his head and thought nothing of it.
As the two now stood in the midst of the forest, Dream was more fixated on the few small scrapes around his legs caused by the branches, it just gave him another reminder on how tall he was at the moment. Sapnap was the first to break the oddly awkward tension, "How about you hide and I seek?", He chuckled at his suggestion yet meekly nodded along.
In the blink of an eye Sapnap was now propped against a tree with his arm covering his two eyes and began to count down, for a moment the green eyed giant stood completely and utterly still, why? He couldn't exactly say, maybe it was the fact he couldn't exactly think of a place to hide or was it the strange noises her could hear, it heard like other people chatting?
Oh he was definitely losing it now.
He suddenly remembered what he was supposed to be doing and sprinted deeper into the forest to the direction of the mountains, he knew he should watch on how far he was going but surely the small caves and taverns he would spot on the way would be a better hiding spot.
The blond quickly halted as he spotted an opening to a cave on the forest floor, somehow he could hear Sapnap's counts getting closer to zero and he bolted inside the cage; he crawled his way in and situated himself—the cramped space gave him a familiar feeling, instead of uncomfort and uneasiness he felt...safe and warm(he couldn't exactly pinpoint why, his thoughts were pretty jumbled up right now)
Dream felt tranquil, his eyes slid shut and purely embraced the feeling. A heavy sigh escaped his lips, his body fell slack as he leaned in closer to the cavern walls.
It was like he felt truly at peace.
An ear-splitting cry broke his valuable silence, in his groggy state of mind he could barely comprehend where the scream came from; until another wail erupted once more. His eyes shot open and his body jumped at the sound as everything became slightly clearer.
A rush of memories and emotions overwhelmed him, he was torn between remembering the moment a similar instance happened or rush to see the ravenette; it was like his body was on auto-pilot, none of the movements were his, like a foggy cloud sheilding away his sight.
As his hulking figure reached the sound of Sapnap's screams, he watched as a group of hunters were trying to chain the nether-born as he emerged from the forest all the hunters heads snapped towards him, seemingly just spotting their new prey.
"Stop it you shits those are my horns!"
As if history was repeating itself, his movements were dazed, downright feral.
That day blood coated the forest floors and a giant left the forest with a slightly traumatized hybrid.
"Dream, you okay?" Sapnap asked as he stood before the giant in the drizzling rain, the blond slowly lifted his head, tears mixed with the rain, the only reason the nether-born was sure the giant was crying was the constant hiccups and sobs he would stutter out as he tried to suppress them. Even with the thunderous claps and heavy winds accompanied with the earth's very tears; it felt so, so silent. Sapnap began walking closer, he was greatly startled when the other scrambled away.
"No—no I don't wanna 'urt you..." The giant was shaking his head side to side while mumbling incoherent sentences with pain and panic laced with every word, his lips trembled as he spoke, "Uncle Schlatt a-and the elders said I should stay away from the flock for a while till—till they solve stuff." Without any thought Sapnap walked closer and held his hand out to touch the other.
"Good thing I'm not part of the flock then." He grinned with pride, Dream thought for a moment. He's right, Bad and Sapnap were never welcomed to the flock nor did they try and be part of it; or atleast that's what he thinks.
Even if his body wasn't as tense as before Sapnap sighed and sat beside blond. "For what it's worth I'll always be by your side bud."
The ravenette took a moment to cringe at his own words but kept his attention on the other, "Maybe it's best if I leave you know?" He muttered, "Ever since- well this happened to me, everything just...sucks." the nether-born was slightly taken a back with the sudden mature aura the giant gave, maybe he was spending to much time with the elders...
Sapnap was expecting this, he knew Dream was never truly at peace with the town, he thought long and hard before speaking again.
"Well if you do, I'll—I'll join you."
Was he serious? A soft grin made it's way on the taller's face.
"Thanks Sap."
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godza · 2 years
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art by MiuChat-Cat
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sleep-nurse · 7 months
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Hima scug :3
She totally wouldnt kill anyoneeeee
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psi-hate · 3 months
Personally I prefer Marisa puffy t girl tiddies, but to each their own!
you will have both, do not think for a moment i would deny you such beauty
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tpup · 3 months
You fantasize a lot about being a trans woman. That puffy nipples post you made in march made me do a double take when I saw your url was tpup (trans man url.)
Interesting interpretation of my posts! I specify that I'm TME in my bio; I don't wanna mislead people. My posts are not about me fantasizing about being transfem 🤷‍♀️
A lot of posts of mine are made with transfems in mind; I was in a long term relationship with someone while she was transitioning & a lotta my posts come from me enjoying being part of that. I'm also for the first time in my life feeling comfortable as a woman, and enjoying that exploration, but I always try to mention I'm TME so as not to mislead TMA people.
I'm t4t, a lesbian, and generally more comfortable & feel most sisterhood with transfems. I don't identity as a trans man (although I have in the past) I guess I'm something closer to a cisgender transsexual lately. I'm a woman, I like being on T, and I think I want to pursue phalloplasty some day.
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romanticatheartt · 2 months
(づ◕ ▽ ◕)づ
I can't stay anonymous forever my friend. So let's have a little fun! It's time to guess!
I think I know who you are (I guessed pretty early actually😌)
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skullsnbruises · 1 year
Whoops I slipped and dropped my sketches for skeppy and bbh meeting in MFitG au oh noooo
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And a bonus because I’m lovely
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ahogechef · 3 months
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"Today's bonding activity was optional. I rather not attend something so frivolous and do my own thing instead of what those Monokubs planned."
Avoiding social gatherings to go for another swim-- Resulting a certain few people to go looking for him... YET AGAIN. The hope was swimming laps around the islands and explore the deep waters... For almost a day. With his physical prowess, no one could keep up with him. All until Kaede found him lounging in the sand right at sunset.
"Before you go on a tangent about my safety and not telling anyone; I'm grown. I don't need permission to go swimming, do I?"
@91cmspoilers (( kaede knock the sass out of him JSAGDKASH ))
@91cmspoilers !!!
".............." She could feel the corners of her lips twitch. Izuru was supposed to be joining in on the bonding activity for today, but he snuck off somewhere, again. And Kaede and some of the others went to go looking for him...again. The others, some sooner or later, eventually got so tired of looking for him that they just said 'forget it' and eventually went back to everyone else. Kaede still kept on looking, though, since she was honestly starting to grow worried about him. Kaede wasn't nowhere near as good a swimmer, so trying to actually go far out into the water to find him was definitely a no-go: so she was either trying to look far out into the horizon as she could, or just running around the beach, trying to look everywhere she possibly could for him. Then before she knew it, the sun was setting... and that's when she found him lounging in the sand.
"Y-You really love saying that, don't you. Izuru-senpai, I swear to god-"
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She is Puffing her cheeks. She can't believe this boy!!! Much as she would love to lift him up and hurl him into the ocean, she decides to do the much nicer action, instead, by getting on her knees, gripping his shoulders, and shaking Izuru furiously!!!
"Hmmmph!!!! Dummy Izuru-senpai!! It's not about 'permission' and you know it! If you're gonna do your own thing, fine; and yeah yeah yeah, "you're grown", but if you just go off on your own without saying anything, y-you're gonna have people worry! I was looking for you for hours, you know....! Mmmnnghhh!!!" She is pouting harder and harder with each shake she gives him! "Anyway!! I'm dragging your emo butt back with me, whether you like it or not! I'll drag you by the feet if I have to!"
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mysterious-gizem · 9 months
𝐎𝐝𝐝 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐎𝐮𝐭
Warning/s: (???)
Prompt given by: @gt-mcyt
(I'd like to thank them for getting me out of my writers block :3)
Taglist: @da3dm
A loud, ear-splitting wail jolted Puffy awake, and she threw the covers off her body and bolted toward her baby’s room. She thought of horrible scenarios of what could be happening. The sheep hybrid pushed the door open and watched as a hooded figure clutched her baby in their arms.
“Let him go!” Puffy ran over to the figure, tugging at their cloak, tears streaming down her face as she attempted to grab her child from the intruder. “Please!” She cried.
The trespasser pulled out a knife with one hand, still holding the baby sheep hybrid in the other. The knife was held closely to Puffy’s neck as she begged a silent plea.
“Please, that’s my baby…”
She sobbed violently as the intruder jumped out the window and vanished into the darkness. Broken cries came from the sheep hybrid. Her knees buckled, and she knelt on the ground, hands over her face in grief. Just then, another unfamiliar sob caught her attention. Puffy’s legs shook as she slowly stumbled toward the crib, which was not empty as she’d thought. Instead, her eyes widened when she saw a small baby sniffling inside the crib.
“Oh, sweet child…” She wrapped her arms around the new child, bringing it closer. She closed her eyes and cried with the baby close to her chest.
“My baby…”
“Be careful when you play outside, okay, duckling?” Puffy enunciated to her child.
“Yes, momma.” The blond child nodded as his mother gave him a kiss on the forehead, not even needing to bend down to do so.
“And make sure you and Sapnap stay away from trouble, okay?”
Another nod came from the child, and Puffy watched him run out the door.
Puffy did notice that Dream was more peculiar than the other kids. He wasn’t the same kind of different as Bad’s kid; Sapnap was a blaze-born, which was already odd enough to see in the Overworld, but Dream was…Dream wasn’t a hybrid, Or, at least, Puffy never noticed any hybrid traits. What she did notice was that her kid was already insanely tall for his age, but every kid was different, right?
The two kids embraced each other in a swift hug, and they chatted as they walked together to the playground. Once the duo arrived, heads turned to look at them; the children of the flock never truly accepted the two outliers. They weren’t particularly open to other kids who weren’t a part of their flock—especially if they weren’t sheep hybrids like themselves.
However, the other kids minded their own business, and Sapnap and Dream planned to do the same.
“Let’s go climb that tree!” The raven-haired child suggested as he dragged the blond. Dream watched with amusement as Sapnap struggled to climb the tree, snickering.
“Dream, you big idiot! Help me up! Put your height to good use!”
Dream sighed and grabbed Sapnap’s waist to help hoist him to the tree branch. His hands almost wrapped completely around his friend’s waist, and the maneuver barely used any strength from him. Dream frowned as he looked down at his hands, insecure. “Sap, do you think I’m too tall?”
The question surprised the blaze hybrid. Sapnap shot the other a perplexed look as he answered, “Nope! My dad can get really tall, so I’m used to it!” The hybrid watched as the blond stared at the other children playing around, still frowning. Sapnap grinned as he thought of a few games they could play to get Dream out of his mood. Sapnap jumped down the branch and slowly crept up behind Dream.
“Tag, you’re it!”
Sapnap giggled as he ran as fast as his legs could carry him.
“Wha- Sap!”
Dream grinned as he bolted from his spot, chasing his friend. The flock watched as the two ran around the playground, rudely and silently judging them. Sapnap glanced back worriedly, watching as the taller quickly gained on him.
“Wait! Wait! Dream– time out, time out!” Sapnap stammered as he slowed down his steps. Before he could catch his breath, a tall, heavy object collided with his body, and he and Dream both toppled to the ground.
“Looks like you’re it!” Dream teased. He giggled as he pushed himself off the other, Sapnap looking over at him with a grin.
“How about hide and seek?” Sapnap suggested. Dream perked up and nodded. “Okay, I count, and you hide!” Sapnap declared, placing his hands over his eyes.
Dream wasted no time dashing across the playground to the small forest area; he already knew the perfect tree for a hiding spot. The blond propped himself down in the hole under the tree. He distantly heard his friend scream “ready or not, here I come!” but his attention was quickly switched to how low the ceiling in the hole seemed. Dream thought, he was always the tallest of every other person in his peerage—everyone was always shorter than him—which resulted in him being the odd one out. Puffy would constantly reassure him with, “We’re sheep hybrids, we’re just naturally shorter, duckling,” or, “You’re a growing boy, Dream, you’ll be fine.”
Dream’s thoughts were put to a halt when a loud, familiar sounding cry broke through the quiet air. Sapnap! He crawled out of the hole, peeking to see what caused the shrill yell.
A few feet away, Dream watched as his fellow flock pushed around the blaze-born.
“Freak! You aren’t a sheep! You and that tall freak shouldn’t even be part of the flock!” The young sheep hybrid stuck their tongue out as they bullied the poor Nether hybrid.
Dream prowled behind the sheep hybrid, and without a second thought, he grabbed them roughly and pushed them to the ground. “Leave him alone!” Instinctually, the blond bared his teeth as he stared down at the sheep hybrid.
A bold statement then came from the other child. “You both don’t belong in this flock, neither does your mama or papa!”
Then, Dream just snapped.
“He didn’t do anything wrong!” Puffy insisted. She couldn’t believe this! Her own brother, being the leader of the flock, was practically saying that he was going to kick out his nephew!
“Puffy- he beat up a kid! Have you seen the state of them? They were bloody and bruised; he wouldn’t even stop crying,” Schlatt explained. “We can’t keep that kid in the flock, we—we don’t even know what he is! He practically mauled that poor lamb.”
“Schlatt, he’s your nephew –”
“No – no, Puffy … my nephew is gone. He was stolen, and that intruder left the boy in the crib. Haven’t you ever stopped to think why they left that kid and took my nephew? Your son?”
Puffy stared, completely outraged at her brother, but she was rendered completely silent. “Please, Schlatt, you can’t take him away…I can’t lose my baby, not again …”
“I’ll…think about it.”
“Momma, are you okay?” Dream’s small voice echoed through the room. Puffy hurriedly wiped the tears off her face and put on a smile.
“Yes, duckling, I’m fine.” Puffy gestured to Dream to come closer, which he did. “Duckling, promise me you’ll stop hurting others? It was wonderful that you protected your friends, but you can’t hurt others to do so.”
“I promise, momma…”
Puffy was undoubtedly grateful for the fact that Schlatt didn’t kick her kid out of the flock, even after many protests came from the members of said flock. She watched as her kid grew up. The others in the flock were terrified of the fact that her kid, at eight years old, was already towering over most people. But Puffy could feel nothing but love for her little—or rather, not so little— duckling.
“Momma! Can I go to Sap’s house?” Dream asked excitedly as he stared down at her.
Puffy shot him a soft grin. “Just behave yourself, alright?”
The blond grinned as he ran out of his own house and quickly went over to the Nether-born’s house—frankly, it wasn’t too far—and he knocked on the front door. Dream heard a bit of shuffling before the door creaked open, and he faced Bad, Sapnap’s dad.
“Hi, Mr. Halo!” Dream greeted warmly.
“Dream, come in! Sapnap’s been helping me bake muffins for you guys!” Bad announced as they walked toward the kitchen.
“Let’s go play in my room!” Sapnap said, quickly taking off his apron as he ran toward the blond. Sapnap was about to drag Dream with him before his father stopped the two.
“Hold on—I prepared a snack tray for you guys.” The blaze-born groaned as he reached out his arms to grab the tray. “There’s cookies, berries, and of course, muffins!”
Dream and Sapnap snickered as they both ran to Sapnap’s room—Sapnap almost tripping over his own feet. “Let’s build a fort!” The blond prompted as Sapnap set down the tray of food on his nightstand.
They both built the fort, placing the blanket as their roof and grabbing a few chairs to make it more stable. “Let’s both eat in the fort!” Sapnap grinned as he grabbed the tray and pushed it inside the fort. The duo crawled inside their makeshift home and stared munching on the baked goods. Inevitably, the two began to play with their food, even after the countless past protests from both their guardians.
“First one to throw a grape in the air and catch it in their mouth wins!”
Grapes were now lying on the ground around the two as they both aggressively threw one grape after another. Their frustration grew because neither could catch the grapes in their mouths.
“I got it!”
Dream grinned as his words were muffled by the grape in his mouth. Sapnap groaned as he and Dream collected the fallen grapes from the ground.
“Awh, man!—hiccup—I got the—hiccup—hiccups…” Dream whined as he continued to hiccup. An itching sensation made itself known as Dream struggled with the hiccups.
Sapnap yelped as their fort tumbled on top of him. He pushed the pillows and blankets off him, and as he slowly unveiled the covers, he was met with his friends, and—was he taller?
“Yo, dude! You just grew!” Sapnap exclaimed, staring in astonishment. Dream grew quiet as his hiccups turned into sobs. Suddenly, Dream started bawling his eyes out and pulled his knees closer. Sapnap panicked.
“Dad! Dream’s crying!”
“What did you do, Sap?—What did you two muffin heads do?!”
“Hey Bad! What’s up?” Puffy smiled as she stared up at the demon—to be fair, Bad was far from what demons were normally like—but Bad seemed out of breath, as if he ran in a hurry to her house (he did).
“Puffy—uhm…Dream kind of grew? Like, he’s probably taller than me in my demon form, now…”
“What?!” Puffy stared at him in disbelief, quickly grabbing her keys and locking the door as she began to head to Bad’s house.
“Sap explained that him and Dream were just eating in their blanket fort and Dream got the hiccups, and suddenly I’m giving Dream a giant blanket because his clothes are ripped–” They were both running and Puffy wasn’t able to give Bad a verbal response, but instead a worried look. Once they arrived at Bad’s house, they rushed to Sapnap’s room.
“Momma–” Dream cried as he clutched the blanket that Bad gave him.
“Oh, my poor duckling, are you okay?” As the sheep hybrid comforted her son, Bad gestured for Sapnap to follow him to give the mother and son some privacy.
“Momma, am I a monster?”
“Duckling, no! You aren’t a monster, you’re just…different.” She tried to be reassuring in her answer, but her words trailed off as she took in just how big her son actually grew—it was at least seven extra feet!—The two stood in silence as Puffy soothed her child.
A problem that would later arise was how Puffy was supposed to return Dream to their home without him being seen.
“Bad, is it okay if we stay until night? It’ll be easier for me to sneak Dream back into our house…” Puffy asked sheepishly.
The demon was more than willing to allow them to stay for a bit. “Of course, Puffy! The kids are still playing, anyway.”
“Dream, this is literally so cool! You’re like a giant now!” The blaze hybrid was way more excited than the blond, but he was attempting to hype him up.
“I guess…” Dream replied with a small smile.
The following hours were spent with the two boys figuring out how to play with their new size difference and the two adults trying to sew an outfit for Dream.
“Dream, it’s time to head home!” Puffy called as she continued to speak with Bad. “Are you sure it’s okay to leave the clothes here? It’s still not finished, so if you want, I can finish it. It’s for Dream, anyway–”
“No, no, it’s fine, Puffy! I’ll finish it! It looks like you’ve got a lot on your plate already…” Bad said, firm.
Just then, the two boys came stumbling into the room, Puffy now getting a clearer look at her boy standing up; she was thankful that Bad had tall ceilings. In Sapnap’s room, Puffy only saw Dream sprawled across his floor, but seeing him stand at his full height made her worry even more.
“Oh, and Bad, I’m sorry for taking your sheets—I’ll return them right away, I swear!” She promised.
Bad and Sapnap stood outside their doorway as they waved goodbye to the mother and son. Puffy carefully guided Dream back to their house. The pitch-black sky assisted in hiding the blond but was not as helpful in letting them return home without bumping into things.
After a few minutes stumbling about, they could distantly see their house; the lights were still on. Once Puffy thought they were in the clear, a deep gasp caught her attention.
“Puffy—what the hell happened?!”
“Look—look, Schlatt, I can explain.” Puffy panicked as her brother stared up at her son with fear.
“What is he, Puffy?” Schlatt asked with a shaky but serious tone. Puffy sighed as she glanced at Dream, her heart aching at seeing his terrified look.
“Schlatt, even I’m not sure, but I do know that he’s just a kid,” Puffy said. Oh, Prime, she just hopes Schlatt won’t instantly kick him out.
“Duckling, can you please go to your room? Try to be careful-” The blond listened right away, quickly rushing to his room. Surprisingly, he didn’t knock a single thing over on his way. The ram seemed to ease up once Dream left, which caused Puffy to grimace.
“Schlatt, just…please don’t kick him out?” Puffy pleaded with her older brother, eyes solemn.
The older ram stared at her with a concerned look, “I’ll need to speak with the others…” He sighed. “Good night, Puffy.”
The next day, Schlatt knocked on Puffy’s door, which caused Puffy to stop everything she was doing and rush to the door. “Schlatt, hi!” She said, heaving for breath.
“Look Puffy, I’m giving this to you straight…” Schlatt began, grimacing at Puffy’s hopeful expression. “We’ve decided that Dream won’t be kicked out…but he’s on thin ice—and the others want him to help with village chores. His height does give him leverage, after all…”
Puffy burst into tears and launched herself at Schlatt, catching him in a tight embrace; she stressed about it the entire night. “Thanks, Schlatt…” She cried happily.
“He’s still my nephew,” Schlatt sighed.
Then, unexpectedly, Dream came running down the stairs, the sheet still draping over his frame. His body seemed to go stiff when his eyes locked onto Schlatt’s. “Hi Uncle Schlatt…” The blond greeted shyly.
“Hey kiddo,” Schlatt grinned as Puffy stood up and wiped the tears on her face. “I thought you’d be out and playing with your friends?” The ram asked and looked at the sheep.
Puffy stuttered. “Oh, uhm, we’re still working on clothes for him…so he’s not going to be outside for a while.” She sighed.
“Do you think his clothes will be ready by next week? The village elders wanted Dream to help fix the playground…”
“Already? He hasn’t even adjusted to his height, and you want him to do work so soon?” Schlatt stared at her, silent. Puffy sighed, knowing she’d have to let Dream help. “I’ll go over to Bad’s today and help him work on the clothes.”
Schlatt nodded and started to leave as Puffy shut the door behind him. Dream stared, looking shy.
“Momma, are you okay?”
“Yes duckling, breakfast is in the kitchen. I made pancakes!” She said with a wobbly grin. The kid excitedly hurried to the kitchen as Puffy’s head dropped.
This was her baby’s life now…
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berryblu-soda · 1 year
All it takes is reading an incredibly well crafted fic rewrite of a show youve already seen   and suddenly you feel like an old immortal whos seen the cycle of life and death across thousands of lifetimes, you look at the characters with pain in your eyes despite the fact nothing´s gone wrong yet, you know their fate is written in stone, everything that will happen was supposed to happen since the beggining, you can´t change it (and you wouldn´t if you could)
doesn´t make it any less painful.
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art by MiuChat-Cat
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hotchs-bitch · 1 year
The funniest and sexiest thing about me is my ability to be driving and screaming along to electric touch at 10:13, parking my car at 10:14 and immediately having a breakdown, and abruptly ceasing my crying and entering my apartment at 10:19
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