wala-ala-nano · 4 months
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kuliak · 1 year
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Patch notes below:
Super, super pleased with the Electus Versio firmware’s feature to sidechain the tail with the input. It creates lets you paint these vast washes while still letting the dry sound come through somewhat. Here’s that leading into data bender in micro mode. Both are clocked, leading to rhythmic glitchy delays.
Source sound is, as always, Taiko and Daiko controlled by Marbles. Jittery main beat on Taiko, while Daiko 1/2 are playing on a ratio, fed a random value by Pam’s every so many bars to make a break. Taiko has noise in for release 2, while 0-ctrl is also clocked with a sequence going to Daiko’s wave and gate outs on a handful of steps to accents on each drum. Pam’s has a random reset to keep it changing over time.
Subharmonicon is also playing some chime-y notes on Prime clock divisions (1/16, 3/16, 5/16, 7/16) for interest and to add more tonal content into the tail of Electus.
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kurgy · 1 year
screaming crying throwing up at ai discourse with vocaloid please use any available search engine and read. please
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sleepingangelmusic · 1 year
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tymime · 2 years
New album
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gentlemean · 7 months
Since I'm getting back into composing, I wanted to set myself some challenges. I'd say my orchestral music is pretty good, but I haven't really tried to write anything beyond the realm of classical symphonies lately.
So: I set out to write a little theme for @meat-planet, which is the silly little webcomic of @cottoncandylesbo and their streaming gang (whose streams I've been enjoying greatly over the last few months!!).
Creative thoughts under the cut!
Picture this: you're sitting in a cheap diner, and while you're trying to enjoy the deepfried food of your choice, those whimsical idiots who are running the place keep getting into trouble.
In the background, we've got some typical lo-fi stuff. An electric guitar playing gentle chords, an electric bass, some drums, all run through that nice filter that makes everything soft.
Then, the individual characters get their chances to shine:
First off, there's @jame7t. They're clumsy, they're funny, they get into trouble. Their voice is played by a guitar with a wah-filter, because a weh-filter hasn't been invented yet.
Following them, there's @kelleycubes, being played by the slimiest sythesizer I could fit into this song. She's more elegant, more refined, more slimy.
Next is @sanitymakesposts, with the acoustic guitar. He's gentle, he's taking the time to stike whole chords instead of just pressing forward with his melody.
Then it's time for the big boss herself, @cottoncandylesbo. They've got that crunchy distortion, his electric guitar is the only thing in this song that's kinda grinding against the soft lo-fi filter.
Second to last, we've got @christianstepmoms. Siel is grumpy but straightforward, and his part is the only one that doesn't start with a pick-up beat.
Last but not least, we've got @cryptotheism's Mattie. Mattie's voice is played by a clarinet, goofing around in the background. It's more lively than the others, with multiple groups of eight notes instead of calmer, distinct melodies.
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crystalstunes · 4 months
crystal's tunes #1 - Hex Dealer by Lip Critic (2024)
for the first album to talk about on this new blog, why not go with the most recent album i've been loving, namely Lip Critic's debut studio album Hex Dealer. i first heard of these guys late last year, and was immediately intrigued by their unconventional instrumentation - two samplers, and two live drummers. in anticipation for the album i listened to their previous releases countless times, and since the album's release back in May its been one of my most streamed albums of the last month.
the opening track, It's The Magic, immediately sets the vibe with a comparatively slow and long track (4.5 minutes as opposed to the album's average of 2.5), but this works very well to ease you into the unique sound on display here. bret's vocals are absolutely fantastic on this album, providing a raw, punk energy to every track, but it never becomes *too* much. they know when to pull back and give a quieter performance before absolutely yelling one final chorus to pack an extra punch.
the real highlight of this album though is the production. the combination of distorted samples (though never straying into harsh noise territory) along with the two live drum tracks offer you a wide variety of textures and rhythms that never lose your attention. this is probably the most inspiring and creatively produced album i've heard this year, its completely unlike anything else i've heard recently and is bursting with enough energy to get you absolutely locked in - it's been my soundtrack for when my brain needs a jumpstart all month. every single element here is just so satisfying to listen to, like the audio equivalent of popping bubblewrap. destructive and chaotic, but simultaneously thought out and carefully considered.
these lyrics are surprisingly catchy too, with the choruses of singles Milky Max and In The Wawa (Convinced I Am God) being major earworms. they also don't stay too serious with this album's lyricism, often going for absurdist or surreal scenarios as opposed to personal introspection, especially on My Wife and the Goblin, a song about his wife and the goblin and how his son and the mailman want to kill him with bombs. its an utterly ridiculous concept for a track, but its so well-constructed that it just works effortlessly.
(tw: flashing images from 1:30)
there are darker moments on the album however, such as the first half of Sermon, which feels like you're being surrounded by a suffocating stormcloud and offers a brief moment of respite from the fast-paced madness, before going into a frantic breakdown with deliberately strained vocals launching you into the back half of the album.
the combination of highly sythesized instruments and percussion including breakbeat loops combined with the live dual drumming helps create a unique sound on every track, with each song taking on its own distinct identity despite often sharing some common qualities. from rapid arpeggiators to gritty bass tones, soft keys to vocal samples, theres never a dull moment here. Lip Critic have created an explosion of creative, colourful and crushing music and compressed it into a 32-minute blast of intensity and energy, and they're shoving it directly into your bloodstream.
if you check out the album and wanna hear more, i highly recommend their previous project Lip Critic II (technically their first "album", though it's more like a mixtape), as well as their EPs Lip Critic: Truth Revealed and Kill Lip Critic, especially the song Entry Level Stud (a song about getting your kidneys stolen while trying to get an ear piercing at Claire's).
stream the album!
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ampersketch-art · 2 months
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Everyone has Mai, it came free with your fucking Sythesizer V Studio Pro!
(I might be making a song using Mai so I'm making my own design for her)
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daramdarararam · 4 months
Ngayon ko lang narealize, ang hilig ko pala sa mga kantang gumagamit ng sythesizer! almost lahat ng fave artist ko may ganyan. baka may same ako music genre sa inyo recommend naman kayo, specially sa opm, ung tataya pinaka maganda kong napakinggang synth opm! baka may alam pa kayong same nyan. thank youuuu hihi!
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mtsodie · 1 year
Warren is a Pewdiepie fan transmasc Colin is a sythesizer transmasc Coffin is a dad shoes transmasc Lamp is an absinthe transmasc Duck is a fancy thrift store finds transmasc and Red Guy is a dad shirt transmasc and all of them are tumblr gays
wgere am i
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autisticsupervillain · 11 months
It's Fictional Throwdown Friday!
This Week's Fighters...
Corvus vs The Warden!
No restrictions.
Corvus travels down into the Deep Dark, suspecting its mutations to be a new variation of the Vile Blood plague, and gets attacked by the Warden.
Analysis: Corvus
The beautiful, prosperous kingdom of Hermes was the largest and most powerful in all the land. So advanced was its knowledge of science and medicine that it was among the last of the lands to fall to the supernatural plague that had swept the world. Yet fall it still did. Humanity seemed to be on the verge of extinction, with this shining bastion of power simply representing its last candle.
Until the brilliant scientist Emerald, inventor of the art of alchemy, brought forth her greatest discovery. Vile Blood, as the blood of the infected was named, could be used to sythesize a cure, dubbed Pure Blood. The world had seemingly been saved and alchemy advanced as a science at a completely unprecedented rate in order to completely contain and eliminate the Vile Blood disease. But that proved to be the Great Mistake that would doom mankind forever.
When mixed with Pure Blood, Vile Blood would begin to adapt and mutate. Even completely incinerating corpses would no longer kill the pathogen within, and it would soon demonstrate the ability to completely overtake the mind. The soldiers of Hermes, still sentient even in their mutated state, would turn against the crown, butchering and infecting all they could find. Even infected blood, on its own, could come to life and pull itself back together into a humanoid form to keep spreading the plague. Put up against a newfound regenerative ability on that scale, Hermes quickly fell dowm to its last legs again.
Before she would completely give in to despair and abandon mankind, Emerald would make one final breakthrough. She noticed that no matter how much the Vile Blood mutated, it could not infect certain animals. Crows in particular seemed completely immune. In one last attempt to save mankind, Emerald would attempt to combine humans and animals together to create a subspecies that would be completely immune to the Vile Blood pandemic. She had exactly one success, a half-crow, half-human. The last hope of Hermes: Corvus.
As the strongest warrior in the land of Hermes, Corvus was tasked by the last survivors of the royal family to wipe out the Vile Blood plague. In his quest to discover a cure and defend the last vestiges of civilization, Corvus would end up slaughtering a good chunk of the kingdom he was made to save. A remarkable feat when considering that the infected still retain all the skills and sentience they had in life, to the point that many can be heard sobbing over their hellish situation. He's defeated the Fool's God, a giant stone statue filled to the brim with thousands of Vile Blood infested corpses, and even killed it in one hit, fought his way through entire cities of infected soldiers, and even bested the greatest warriors Hermes has to offer. When Varg, the greatest warrior Thymesia had ever seen, and Urg, the royal family's personal assassin and one of the last standing members of the royal family itself, attempted a coup, Corvus was able to fight and defeat them both. He even bested the Sound of the Abyss, a colossal infected worm whose burrowing underground shook the entirety of the Royal Library. As the Library is absolutely massive, easily the size of an entire city block by itself, that burrowing would be creating at least a Magnitude 4.5 earthquake to shake it. To generate that much distructive energy, you'd need up to 84 tons of TNT.
Corvus is fast enough to dodge arrows, is a master swordsman, can rip through people with his talon claws, and, with easily his most dangerous ability, can drain your life force with Plague Weapons. Designed to bypass the remarkable regenerative ability of the infected, Plague Weapons are glowing green mystical weapons that Corvus creates by copying his opponents weaponry. He can create hammers, swords, bows, javelins, and even shields. He can even copy parts of his foe's biology, imitating the writhing tendrils coming out of Mutated Odur's back and fighting with his own. This does, however, require that he get his hands on you with his claws to copy your weaponry.
Even so, you'll be hard pressed to put Corvus down before he can. He can survive getting stabbed straight through the chest and simply just get right back up. His regenerative ability is absurd and he's completely immune to the Vile Blood plague on top of that, to the point of wading through thigh high oceans of Vile Blood without getting infected. When an infected Vard stabbed him through the chest and completely shattered his spine, the worst Corvus got was amnesia out of it.
Ultimately, Corvus would prove to be Emerald's greatest creation, outright surpassing his creator in the realm of alchemy, creating a concoction that would destroy Vile Blood forever. Through the shattered land of Hermes would immediately descend into chaos and war as the survivors fought amongst themselves to rebuil civilization, Corvus has ensured the species will live to see another day. The people of Hermes felt something they hadn't in generations that day. Hope.
Analysis: The Warden
The vast, endless world of Minecraft has always felt... empty. Despite being randomly generated, it has always given the vibe of having been lived in. Abandoned. Forgotten. What ancient civilizations uses to live here before the villagers arrived? Who were the zombies before they turned? And who are we, the Player, really? Minecraft doesn't answer, it simply provides more questions. Perhaps the most alarming and nightmarish of which centers around the Deepest and Darkest part of Minecraft's world.
What are the Ancient Cities buried beneath the world? And what is the Warden that guards them?
This monsterous mob that stalks the Deep Dark is the most powerful monster that Steve, Dream, and all your other favorite Minecraft adventurers could ever hope to encounter. Described by the Devs themselves as "not a boss, but a natural disaster", the Player was not even intended to fight the Warden, let alone defeat it, with the souls of countless other adventurers wriggling inside of it immortalizing those who tried. It is strong enough to dig through netherite blocks effortlessly and can break straight through the Player's shield in a single blow.
This is despite the fact that the Player's shield is strong enough to tank attacks from the Wither, such as the massive explosion it creates upon birth, which is powerful enough to vaporize several basalt blocks at once. To generate a blast that powerful, you'd need at least 38 tons of TNT, enough to destroy an entire city block!
And if being able to rip straight through Steve's armor and shields wasn't deadly enough, the Warden can ignore them entirely of it so chooses. It's screaming is loud enough to generate sonic booms, the vibrations of which go through Steve's armor completely and its fast enough to simply run Steve down no matter how fast he flees. This is the same Steve who can keep up with Endermen in combat, who are fast emough to react to and dodge arrows at point blank range. Arrows which on average can move up to 100 meters per second. And Steve can't outrun this thing even with a swiftness potion.
The Player's best option is to simply never get caught by the beast in the first place. Which is easier said than done. While the Warden may be blind, so long as it's around, so are you, as it's Darkness status effect blinds everyone around it in a ten meter radius. And unlike the Warden, you don't have the superhuman hearing to sense the slightest vibrations, nor the smell to pick up on its prey.
A Player's only saving grace is that the Warden is a literally blind animal. As soon as it detects its prey, it charges them down in a rage to rip them to pieces, only strategizing by screaming from a distance or using its honed senses to hunt. It's not a fighter. It's barely even an animal. It's a raging natural disaster.
We may never know what happened to the ancient cities it guards. Perhaps the Warden is their equivalent to a golem, the last remnant of its ancient race. Or perhaps, the Warden is the thing that wiped them out.
Throwdown Theme:
Throwdown Breakdown:
The Warden is a very different beast to the kind that Corvus usually hunts.
While Corvus's extensive skill would be a handful for virtually any beast, the blindness effect of the Warden's presence would mitigate that. When combined with the Warden's loud, disorienting shrieks and definitive spped advantage and Corvus is going to get the tar kicked out of him. After all, Corvus might be able to dodge arrows, but the Warden can outrun people who can do the same.
However, Corvus's strength advantage would allow him to weather the hits. The Warden may be immensely stronger than the Wither, who can generate 38 tons of TNT, but Corvus regularly slays beasts in the 84 tons range, giving him a notable strength advantage that no one else in Minecraft has had over the Warden. This combines with Corvus's own impressive regeneration to allow him to wheather the storm of the Warden's relentless onslaughts and give him a chance to adapt before getting crushed.
There are plenty of outcomes where the Warden catches Corvus off guard enough to pummel him to death before he can recuperate. But seeing the brutal beatdowns Corvus has bounced back from in his own series, I see him recovering enough to land a hit with his trump card. Plague Weapons.
There are no weapons that can simply suck the life force from someone in Minecraft the way Corvus's plague weapons do. As such, The Warden would have no resistance against them and its beastial intellect would have no answer for the variety of forms these weapons can manifest as. If the Warden was capable of strategizing, it might be able to turn the tables back around. But that's not how it fights.
In a fight, The Warden keeps relentlessly attacking until you're dead or it is. It has never run away, never relented. And against a stronger, more skilled opponent that can harm it in a way no one else can, this relentlessness is it's downfall. The Warden would catch Corvus off guard at first, but uf it doesn't end the fight quickly, it wouldn't managed anything more than that.
This Throwdown's Winner is...
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rigil-kentauris · 1 year
less sad mopey immortals more immortals who cannot wait to show you the mad recording they made on their homemade gramaphone monstrosity of a song they played on the piano they made from scratch including growing the tree and then remixed using quantum computing sythesizers
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natteryaktoad · 2 years
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Jack & Rose Unity, Day 82, Part 2
When they got home, Jack and Rose headed straight to bed (although not to sleep!) and Jude played around with the sythesizer until she was tired enough for bed. Jack and Rose ended up going down to the hot tub before they eventually got to sleep.
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chakapriambudi · 26 days
Orchestra Pengiring Teater Musikal
Pertunjukan teater musikal semakin sering kita lihat di jagad media sosial, ini menjadi penanda bahwa seni pertunjukan  teater mulai diminati kalangan muda terutama millenial dan gen Z. Beberapa mengangkat tema dari OST film, ada yang mengangkat dari puisi/buku  bahkan baru-baru ini mengangkat musik dari artis TULUS. Combo Keyboard 1, Digital Piano Keyboard 2, Sythesizer Electric Guitar &…
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datenarche · 5 months
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