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qldqueerboy · 1 year ago
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You have all the equipment to make a positive change to a lack lustred relationship today even though actually sorting out where to begin is going to be tough and difficult. There are too many variables at stake in this relationship should you approach the task and person the wrong way. Today it seems that before you do anything carefully analyse if what you are planning to do will bring in a better connection and joy into the relationship or will it only create more burdens and compliancy.
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carolinayourspiritmaster · 30 days ago
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Spending some quality time with my Symbolon deck today – for those of you who may not be familiar with the deck, it was created by Peter Orban not as a divination deck, but as a tool for psychological exploration of the hidden personas of the subconscious, with an added dose of astrological content.
Given the fact that this year I am neck-deep in several Psychology and Astrology courses, it was the perfect time to revisit this beautiful deck, and go deeper into its many layers of meaning and magic. Decks need charging and feeding just as much as any other tool, so I dressed the table up a bit in its honour, and took some pictures for my archive.
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oz6912 · 2 months ago
Kártyák titkai: A Symbolon
Új blogot kezdek, amiben szeretnék Nektek bemutatni olyan kártyatípusokat, amik alapvetően nem játékkártyák, hanem valamilyen gondolati tartalmat hordoznak, utakat kínálnak fel vagy - mint esetünkben - egyfajta belső gondolkodásra késztetnek, ahogy az alkotók - Peter Orban és Ingrid Zinnel - fogalmaznak, az emlékezés játéka.
Azért választottam elsőként a Symbolont, mert a tarot kártyákat sokan ismerik, sokan - jól, rosszul - használják is és alapvetően a jövő útjait szeretnék kifürkészni.
itt azonban egészen másról van szó. A játék célja nem a jövő és a kinyilatkoztatás, hanem a múlt és az emlékeztetés. A kártya lapjai olyan szerepszemélyiségeket (archetípusokat) illetve léthelyzetket jelenítenek meg - Thea Weller csodálatos grafikáin keresztül - , amelyek mindannyiunk lelkében ott lakoznak és ezáltal alkalmasak terápiás célra. A kártyalapokon szereplő szerepszemélyiségek megjelenhetnek problémaként, a probléma megoldásához vezető útként vagy akár a probléma megoldásaként. A képeknek sajátos emlékeztető szerepük van, amely messze meghaladja az írott szó lehetőségeit. Az írott szó felejtést csepegtet a lelkekbe, mert az ember - az írásba vetett bizalma miatt - már csak a kívülről jövő idegen jelek (betűk) által tud emlékezni, nem pedig közvetlenül, belűlről. Így aztán az emlékezés kívülről jövő aktusság válik.
A képekre nem vonatkozik ez a korlátozás. Ezek közvetlenül lépnek kapcsolatba a lélekkel, megérintik és elvezetik a kérdéshez: mit jelent a lelkemnek ez a kép?
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Tisztázzuk először is, hogy mi a symbolon fogalma. A symbolon olyan szó, amely egyidejűleg jelöl tárgyat és tevékenységet. Olyan tárgyat, ami egykor kettétört és részei szétszóródtak a világban. Régebben cserépedényt vagy tányért törtek ketté, hogy a két részt egymást nem ismerő embereknek adják, akik aztán elkezdik keresni a másik felet (manapság ilyenek a kettétörhető szív medálok).
Belátható, hogy nem könnyű a szimbólumokkal bánni. Nagy bátorság kell ahhoz, hogy a lelkünk mélyére alámerüljünk. De aki vállalja ezt, annak a kártyalapok évekig, évtizedekig mesélni fognak.
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A lélek képekben és érzésekben él, hiszen a képek igazából megmerevedett érzések. A képek - hasonlóan a mesékhez, mondákhoz, mítoszokhoz - táplálják, erőssé és elevenné teszik a lelket. Ehhez olyan képekben elmesélt történetek kellenek, amelyek saját belső kincseinkre emlékeztetnek. A mélységből neked kell - akár egyedül, akár a segítségemmel - kiemelni őket. Neked kell elindulni a keresésre. Ilyen keresés vezet pl. minden házassághoz is és ezen az esetleges válás sem változtat, hiszen szakítás után mindkét rész újra kiegészülést keres.
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A keresés lényege nem az eredmény, hanem, hogy elindulj. Nem a cél a fontos - hiszen az útközben változhat is -, hanem, hogy felkelj a fotelból és elindulj valahová, érezvén, hogy a symbolonnak csupán az egyik fele vagy. Ez az, amiben a kártya az emlékezéshez segítséget nyújt.
Az elkövetkező bejegyzésekben bemutatok majd Symbolon kártyalapokat, és némi segítségként leírom majd a laphoz fűződő gondolataimat is.
Ha gondolod, tarts velem az utazáson, ha pedig segítségre van szükséged, bátran keress meg.
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alexesguerra · 1 month ago
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Symbolon Deck Symbolon Deck Cards – June 1, 1993 by Peter Orban (Author), Ingrid Zinnel (Author), Thea Weller (Author) --Brand New-- The imagery of this unique 80-card deck helps the reader uncover memories from deep within the soul for profound personal insights. Unlike oracle decks, Symbolon is designed for summoning the past rather than diving the future. The cards, which depict historical scenes from European daily life as well as mythological stories, can be used in two different ways to explore memories of the past. The cards can be interpreted with a purely psychological approach, which does not require any knowledge of Astrology. Alternatively, Symbolon can be used a remembrance tool using Astrology. Each possible astrological constellation in the horoscopes is illustrated by the cards as an expression of deep, spiritual activity. The booklet describes each card with both the psychological and the astrological meaning. In addition, each card is interpreted by one of three positions in a spread: as the problem, the way through the problem, or as the outcome. This 80-card deck uncovers the memories of the soul. Astrology, personal insights, and symbolism in daily life are revealed. Product details Cards: 78 pages Publisher: United States Games Systems (June 1, 1993) Copyright Date: 2010 Language: English ISBN-10: 0880797258 ISBN-13: 978-0880797252 Product Dimensions: 3.5 x 1.2 x 5.2 inches Shipping Weight: 9.6 ounces
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derangedrhythms · 2 years ago
The English word ‘symbol’ is the Greek word symbolon which means, in the ancient world, one half of a knucklebone carried as a token of identity to someone who has the other half. Together the two halves compose one meaning. A metaphor is a species of symbol. So is a lover. In the words of Aristophanes (in Plato’s Symposium):
ἕκαστος οὖν ἡμῶν ἐστιν ἀνθρώπου σύμβολον, ἅτε τετμημένος ὥσπερ αἱ ψῆτται, ἐξ ἑνὸς δύο· ζητεῖ δὴ ἀεὶ τὸ αὑτοῦ ἕκαστος σύμβολον.
Each one of us is but the symbolon of a human being—sliced in half like a flat-fish, two instead of one—and each pursues a neverending search for the symbolon of himself. (191d)  Every hunting, hungering lover is half of a knucklebone, wooer of a meaning that is inseparable from its absence. 
Anne Carson, from ‘Eros the Bittersweet: An Essay’
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psikonauti · 2 years ago
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Alessandro Keegan (American, b. 1980)
Endless Symbolon, 2023
oil on canvas
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cuties-in-codices · 1 year ago
so, could you find stuff that looks like what the demon on top of the pillar VII of the Chauvigny Saint-Pierre collegial church?
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answer below the cut :)
hi! since you said 'demon' in singular i assume we're talking about the the squatting creature in the middle? (on wikipedia it says that this one is the devil, flanked by two demons.) i can't say that it reminds me of any particular demon/devil, but it also doesn't look atypical to me at all. demons/devils in medieval art come in all shapes, sizes and colours, and to my eyes this one just looks like another variation of the recurring 'themes' of demon depictions. here's the devil on another pillar of the same church:
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so, he seems to have fur, a tail, wings, some kind of claws or paws for feet, relatively human hands, spiked hair, spiky ears and a kind of half-human/half-animalistic face. all of those features are very common in the demon/devil depictions i've come across.
just as a random example, here are some demons from a 15th c. bavarian manuscript that share a lot of the same features:
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(Berlin, SBB, Hdschr. 300, fol. 2r and 26r)
same goes for these two:
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(Paris, BnF, Français 22971, fol. 28v)
the squatting position as well as the facial expression kind of reminds me of this depiction of the devil in the 'livre de la vigne nostre seigneur' (france, c. 1450–1470):
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(Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS. Douce 134, fol. 67v)
all of the illustrations shown above were created several centuries later than the (early 12th c.) saint-pierre pillars though, i should add. you would have to ask somebody else if you're interested in an art-historical classification of the st.-pierre devil.
EDIT: i focused on the devil's phenotype, but i just saw on your blog that you're actually interested in the x-shaped cross he's holding, which the (german) wikipedia article calls "a symbol of death, with a tilted cross and dots in the triangular areas". i also have a hard time finding other references to this "symbol of death" anywhere, but in this list of cross symbols the "schrägkreuz" (english wiki calls it "saltire, also called saint andrew's cross or the crux decussata") is said to have originally symbolized the crossed logs of a sacrifical altar (for fire sacrifices) and is thus found in depictions of the sacrifice of isaac and in depictions of the widow of sarepta/zarephath. there seems to be more information on it this in this lexicon:
Gerd Heinz-Mohr: Lexikon der Symbole. Bilder und Zeichen der christlichen Kunst, S. 177. Eugen Diederichs Verlag, München, Neuausg. 1998.
possibly also here? (also german, sorry)
Rickert, Arnold: Über Kreuz und Schrägkreuz als Figuren im Raum. In: Symbolon. Jahrbuch der Gesellschaft für Wissenschaftliche Symbolforschung Bd. 6 (1968) S. 56-71.
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polkadotmotmot · 2 years ago
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Alessandro Keegan - Endless Symbolon, 2023
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joelletwo · 9 months ago
The English word ‘symbol’ is the Greek word symbolon which means, in the ancient world, one half of a knucklebone carried as a token of identity to someone who has the other half. Together the two halves compose one meaning. A metaphor is a species of symbol. So is a lover.
vomits. Every time she brings literal Playing With Words wordplay into the "human experiences that give u the joys and pains of Desire" friendgroup i get jumpscared and lose my mind
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qldqueerboy · 1 year ago
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Miss Cat giving me directions in how to read cards. 😂
You are fighting an internal feeling of incompetence that you have failed to motivate the people in your social or business network to do better. Although you accept that it is not entirely your fault it has forced you to re-examine the approaches you are using in making them think and act differently. It will take time in finding a solution but for the moment you need to be prepared to face many more setbacks until the perfect answer comes.
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carolinayourspiritmaster · 12 days ago
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When I offered the Symbolon Reading Special a few days ago, I was very excited because I knew that my customers, who are the most amazing, self-aware and empowered people I've ever met, would find them as useful and inspiring as they truly are.
The first order came in minutes after the announcement was made via newsletter, and I've spent tthe past three days serving readings left and right. But, I have to say, they are truly surpassing my expectations. The amount of empowerment, guidance, and truth coming out of these cards is just fantastic, and just perfect for a reader like me, who emphasizes solutions for healing trauma over mere predictions.
This is true power – to hold the keys to the year in your hands, so you can open all doors and embrace your fully realized self, through the collaboration of your Higher Self, and my experience as a Spiritual Counsellor. This is true freedom from the lies that trauma sells us, to keep us in chains. This is real healing, through real spiritual work.
This offer is only available until December 31, so don't miss it! Get yours at the link below!
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thegianpieromennitipolis · 11 months ago
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Ossimoro latino, forse risalente a Zenone, riproposto da Erasmo da Rotterdam (1469 - 1536) nel suo “Adagia”, 1500, (Centuria 1878) con questa formulazione:
«Nunc bene navigavi, cum naufragium feci.» «Posso dire di aver ben navigato, solo dopo aver fatto naufragio.»
Non si tratta di riferirsi al viaggio, ma al viaggio per mare, là, dove nessuna strada è tracciata e ogni rotta è possibile e ogni istante può mutare in tempesta.
Metafora drammatica.
Come per ogni domanda profonda, solo portandosi fino all’estremo confine è possibile scorgere la luce della coscienza consapevole.
Così, la pittura di Turner, agli esordi dell’800, ha già nelle corde il vibrare della crisi di un secolo impetuoso, durante il quale sarà impossibile cambiare rotta per evitare la furia degli elementi.
La metafora diviene simbolo: la tempesta è la metà del piatto spezzato - σύμβολον (symbolon) - che indica l’origine e l’identità da ritrovare.
Essenza del pensiero “romantico” agli albori: esistere, è tragedia.
Il “dipinto-simbolo” racconta il senso, necessario, del vivere: prendere il mare aperto e ogni rischio che questo comporti.
Ogni rischio, anche mortale.
Pur di ricongiungersi con l’altra metà del piatto.
Rimasto ad attendere in un placido canale.
L’ossimoro, si compie.
- Joseph Mallord William Turner (1775 - 1851): “Il naufragio”, 1805, Tate Britain, Londra e “Canale di Chichester”, 1828, Tate Gallery, Londra
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crazy-so-na-sega · 4 months ago
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Quel che ho visto, udito, appreso...
Da Bachofen: che il mito è l'esegesi di un simbolo e che questa esegesi può avvenire solo in forma di racconto.. I nostri teologi, invece, sanno raccontare così poco, che hanno trasformato la novella di Gesù, così fantastica e lieve, in un symbolon, che per essi significa "credo" - cioè in un pacchetto di dogmi.
-Giorgio Agamben
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templevirgin · 11 months ago
I'm watching Symbolon: Pt 2: Session 5: Matrimony & Holy Orders: Service & Communion on FORMED.
Amazing video. So confirming of what I knew inside and felt in my heart.
Marriage must be free, total, faithful, and fruitful, reflecting Christ’s love for the church.
Who can enter into a sacramental marriage?
- Two baptized persons
- Opposite Sex
- People who are free internally & externally
Questions asked during the Rite of Marriage:
1. Have you come here to enter into Marriage without coercion, freely and wholeheartedly?
2. Are you prepared, as you follow the path of Marriage, to love and honor each other for as long as you both shall live?
3. Are you prepared to accept children lovingly from God and to bring them up according to the law of Christ and his Church?
A marriage should be a triangle, one of the strongest foundational shapes: Man, Woman, and God.
Ultimate Goal: getting you, your spouse, and your children into heaven.
This is totally good, beautiful, and true.
I will accept nothing less.
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albarrebol · 1 year ago
The English word “symbol” is the Greek word symbolon which means, in the ancient world, one half of a knucklebone carried as a token of identity to someone who has the other half. Together the two halves compose one meaning. A metaphor is a species of symbol. So is a lover. In the words of Aristophanes (in Plato’s Symposium):
Each one of us is but the symbolon of a human being— sliced in half like a flatfish, two instead of one— and each pursues a neverending search for the symbolon of himself.
Every hunting, hungering lover is half of a knucklebone, wooer of a meaning that is inseparable from its absence.
— Anne Carson, Eros the Bittersweet
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calmwaterstarot · 1 year ago
💬 How Do They Feel About Your Last Message? 📲🔮 Pick-a-Card Reading 🧿 Timeless Tarot Reading ⏳
Book a personal reading with me ➡ https://calmwaterstarot.etsy.com
The Urban Tarot: https://amzn.to/3v1lRz9 The Quirky Creatives Tarot: https://amzn.to/3RqYzuq Symbolon Deck: https://amzn.to/3t3aWEN
Stories Tarot and Broke Bitch Tarot can be found on Etsy
✨TIMESTAMPS✨ 0:00 Intro & Pile Selection 2:11 Card Shuffling 12:18 Pile 1 29:32 Pile 2 49:06 Pile 3
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