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russianclasses · 2 years ago
Learning Russian Numbers Made Easy
Learning the Russian language requires a good understanding of the numbers. If you're planning to visit Russia or just want to expand your language skills, mastering Russian numbers is a must.
Let's start with the basics, numbers 1-10. Repeat after me:
один ("a-deen")
два ("dva")
три ("tree")
четыре ("chye-tir-ye")
пять ("pyat")
шесть ("shest")
семь ("syem")
восемь ("vo-syem")
девять ("dyev-yat")
десять ("dyes-yat")
Good job! Now, let's move on to numbers 11-19:
And finally, the compound numbers:
двадцать ("dva-dtsat")
тридцать ("tree-dtsat")
сорок ("so-ruk")
пятьдесят ("pyat-des-yat")
шестьдесят ("shest-des-yat")
семьдесят ("syem-des-yat")
восемьдесят ("vo-syem-des-yat")
девяносто ("dyev-ya-nos-to")
сто ("sto")
двести ("dva-sti")
триста ("tree-sta")
четыреста ("chye-tyr-es-ta")
пятьсот ("pyat-sot")
шестьсот ("shest-sot")
семьсот ("syem-sot")
восемьсот ("vo-syem-sot")
девятьсот ("dyev-yat-sot")
тысяча ("tysyacha")
миллион ("meel-yon")
миллиард ("meel-lee-ard")
Practice counting from 1 to 10, then backwards from 10 to 1. Challenge yourself by counting in increments of 10, and eventually practice forming bigger numbers. With enough practice, you'll soon be able to understand Russian numbers with ease!
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yayakamissoko · 9 months ago
SYSTEME NERCEUX 1 https://infasci.sharepoint.com/:v:/s/INFAS_L1ISF_ABJ_23-24COURSENLIGNE/ERGIYi53ooxJh9S3nJs0DJ4B2LVt-IqgnrPlU_IT6TLlfg?e=g5kQ1d SYEME NERVEUX 2 https://infasci.sharepoint.com/:v:/s/INFAS_L1ISF_ABJ_23-24COURSENLIGNE/Eex_m6uMxB9PnlIXAIXa7noBKN6w2ZgcFeT8D9bjaLFCdw?e=gWyxRE LES GRANDES ANDROCRINES…
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antonioarchangelo · 1 year ago
Jovem de 16 anos de Piracicabana lança seu primeiro romance "A Psicodélica Mente de Vênus Syems
Isabella Grenieri, uma jovem talentosa de apenas 16 anos, está prestes a dar um grande salto em sua carreira literária com o lançamento de seu primeiro romance, intitulado “A Psicodélica Mente de Vênus Syems”. O evento de lançamento está marcado para a próxima sexta-feira, 29 de setembro, às 19h30, na Società Italiana Di Mutuo Soccorso, situada na rua Dom Pedro I, 781, no Centro de…
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alles-ist-anders · 4 years ago
Solange wir an unserem System, Zivilisation festhalten, also an unserem dualistischen, also trennenden System und somit an dem Gegeneinander, dem Kampf festhalten, wird letztlich alles in Katastrophen enden, wird das Leid und Elend niemals ein ende haben.
Otto Morr
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jeonstellate · 4 years ago
classified files: compromised identity — file ii
adaira jace is on the verge of losing herself after failing to inject the next dose of her prescribed medicine amidst all the chaos.
⎊༄ platonic!tony stark x original character (ft. platonic!bucky barnes x original character)
⎊༄ mentions of being a hydra captive; displays of being a hydra operative
⎊༄ paragraph format — 0.5K words
masterlist | cf: ci masterlist | next file
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[gif’s full credit belongs solely to its owner]
⎊༄ dialogue in bold is said in russian (via google translate, rip).
The sky was gloomy. Through the enormous glass windows of the Tower, the Avengers were provided with the best view of the streets down below and of the sky high above. Although they couldn’t physically feel the wind outside, the chilly weather was apparent — amongst every available signs, it was most evident on the scarves warped around each passerby.
“She’s a what?” Contrast to the cuddle-perfect weather, the atmosphere inside the Tower was tense. Everyone was at the edge of their seat, somehow finding it quite difficult to process the new information given to them.
“You heard me.” Jessica Jones, a private investigator with a temporary alliance with S.H.I.E.L.D., replied nonchalantly.
“Since when did S.H.I.E.L.D. start accepting twelve-years-olds?” She couldn’t be bothered in trying to figure out if that was an insult or a simple question, so she just opted to answer as earnestly as she could.
“They don’t — Agent Collins was just an exception.”
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“Who the hell is AJ?”
“Oh, f—”Jessica had to stop herself from cursing in front of the teenager, not willing to be another bad influence. “Have you— When was the last— You haven’t—” Quite flustered, she struggled to form coherent sentences. After multiple attempts, she eventually sighed, “This is worst than I expected.”
While majority of the Avengers were completely lost, Steve Rogers immediately connected the dots. Looking intently at the teen agent and his best friend’s general direction, he whispered his conclusion: “She was a HYDRA captive?”
“Yes,” her voice was tight. “It was the only life the poor kid ever known — until S.H.I.E.L.D. found her four years ago.”
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“Someone hold her down!”
As much as it pained Jessica Jones to witness the teen, the very same one trusted under her wing, struggle under the death grip of two supersoldiers, she forced herself to put on a hardened exterior. She knew she must remain strong, for the sake of everyone — but most especially of AJ.
“What do you remember?” The private investigator pressed, urgency was noticeable in her voice. When she received no proper reply, only grunts and screams of anger, her heart sank to the pit of her stomach. It didn’t help when Thor, the Norse god of thunder, had to assist Steve and Bucky from restraining the teen assassin, either.
“Any second now!” The Winter Soldier urged. Although he did spend more time as a HYDRA captive, the girl grew up with them; her brain had been more susceptible to their influence than his was. His abilities and strength, too, were simply enhanced compared to hers that those scientists molded.
AJ was becoming less like herself and more like what HYDRA made her to be with each second that she missed her dose. However, it was crucial that the proper amount was injected — for too little would do nothing while too much would kill her. The required amount of the golden liquid solely depended on how much of herself was left in the brainwashed assassin, but, at the moment, she was making it too difficult to tell.
“Riptide?” If there was one thing AJ hated the most, amongst other elements of her dark past, it was her lack of a humane identity. “Dva A-Deen Vo-Syem’? Eksperiment Dvesti Vosemnadtsat’?” [“2-1-8? Experiment 218?”]
Recognition flashed on her features, but it was the faint sadness and distaste in her eyes that let Jessica know that she was still in there somewhere, albeit barely. Not willing to waste another second, the private investigator immediately plunged the proper syringe into her arm.
Riptide-AJ screamed before she lost consciousness.
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insectdefence · 5 years ago
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al-mayriti · 3 years ago
I'm now making some info on dialects of the languages in my fantasy world (Magiyai, you can find more info on my masterpost linked to my blog) and I thought I could show you some cool ones I'm making :)
In the Central Himesian dialect of the Magic Tongue there's some influence in vocabulary of the Himesian language (in the present day only reduced to the island of Rireru after colonialism brought the Magic Tongue to Himesi). For example, in Magic Tongue 'plum' is iany, but in this dialect it's issiuwgrtesme (in Himesian is eessheegteshme); rhy (thyme) becomes daiysesme (Him. deyyeseusme); and iany rhybaiyr (peach) becomes siwtclyme (Him. shouuthkleeme), among many other words.
In the Eastern Himesian dialect of the Magic Tongue there's a change in the formation of the transitive past continuous tense, using an infintive + personal pronoun instead of the normal way. This way, whereas 'you (singular) were swimming' in the other dialects is conjugated pwmpych throedlla, in this dialect it would be said as throedllalla.
In the Bensian dialect of Bihayri some numerals differ from the other dialects, specifically 20, 40, 60 (and its derivatives). 20 is vae, 40 is lýna and 60 is dyd, in opposition to the forms in standard Bihayri: troa, nasarroál and júrretr respectively.
In the Southern Relian dialect of Fedian direct questions are constructed differently; the personal pronoun is doubled by adding a suffix to the verb. For example, the phrase "who are you?" would be said "anod kaob gachraeord gurr?" instead of the normal form which is "anod kaob gachrae gurr?".
In the Mørian dialect of the Giant Tongue the sound /d/ is dropped when it is intervocalic. For example, gbydysnø (garden) becomes gbysnø; ødønø (grandfather, grandmother) becomes ønø; stødypqøqnø (store) becomes støypqøqnø; sbedøqlyqq (to tie) becomes sbeøqlyqq; and yybbedenleqte (invisible) becomes yybbenleqte.
In the Duyian dialect of Peltan, grammar, writing and phonology is identical to Peltan, but almost all of its vocabulary derives from the Magic Tongue, due to the unique situation and history of Duyekk. For example, taisbaan (sand) becomes luudiyy in this dialect (in the Magic Tongue is lludhe); muuwuun (magic) becomes lun (Mag. lun); caluuvad (water) becomes oomaayy (Mag. oeme); taawlaiitayy (hello, greetings) becomes kayytuh (Mag. qotych); fafbuukjik (to swim) becomes zidla (Mag. throedlla); and caamiibdiiv (candy) becomes nudce (Mag. nedcot), among many other words. This is why Peltan-speakers and even Duyians themselves consider Duyian its own distinct language, even though Himesians, who can understand Duyian better, insist it's just a dialect of the Magic Tongue.
In the Western Sallian dialect of Amallian all words start with a consonant, so changes in their vocabulary and pronunciation are made to adapt to this peculiarity. This way, evegni (mother) becomes vegni, erh (in) becomes rhe, and allchani (armor) becomes llachani, among many other words.
In the Eastern Sallian dialect of Amallian, they use five vocals instead of the three (a, e, i) used in standard Amallian. Because of this, some vocabulary and pronounciation changes appear in this dialect. For example, girerhani (healthy) becomes girerhuni, rasni (candy) becomes rusni, shifini (cold) becomes shofini, divani (single) becomes dovani, baxerhjarni (cauliflower) becomes baxorhjurni, etc.
In the Western Ilkian dialect of Aiphi, due to the influence of the area's native language, this dialect has a dual form, formed by adding -gul to the root of the word and being invariable. Also, it has two forms of saying 'we': lyet / lyem (masculine / feminine) is the inclusive form and the one used in standard Aiphi; and syet / syem is the exclusive form.
In the Eastern Ilkian dialect of Aiphi, due to the influence of the area's native language, this dialect has no need of verbs, simply noting the verb function of a noun, adjective or adverb adding the suffix -tyek to the root. For example, in this dialect 'to judge' would be vyeketyek (judge + tyek) instead of the normal form which is yuvkt.
In the Qøpqian dialect of the Giant Tongue, when at the end of the word, /ph/ and /b/ become /p/, /g/ becomes /q/, and /d/ becomes /t/. For example, mgygg (to go home) becomes mgygq, ptebpomb (to reference, to cite) becomes ptebpomp, qpødpøg (permanent) becomes qpødpøq, pbød (delinquent) becomes pbøt, and tud (sunrise) becomes tut.
In the Lagoon dialect of the Magic Tongue the vowels in the suffixes assimilate to the root word's last vowel, sometimes changing form. For example, 'the fastest' becomes fynthill instead of the standard form, fynthaill; and 'they will share' becomes phunngrun instead of the standard form, phunngreun.
In the Eastern Empusa dialect of Bamyepi they use the same personal pronouns that appear in the minoritarian Empusa language, instead of the complex ones used in standard Bamyepi. These pronouns are iydhi (me), bheshu (you), nyapyi (he), tyihyo (she, they), and pullu (we). Also, due to the Empusa language, all /b/ in the final syllable become /p/. For example, aynabyo (sailor) becomes aynapyo, ubay (color) becomes upay, jybo (appearance) becomes jypo, rubyu (person, people) becomes rupyu, and poypabyo (tomato) becomes poypapyo.
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reginaldjuice · 4 years ago
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Syem Raja Lawak
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incompletequeen · 4 years ago
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My Little Nightmares OC, Syem!! <3 
He/Him pronouns, Loves wearing heavy clothes, no special abilities, just a very nervous bean UoU <3
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shogikappa · 3 years ago
So I was reading a book about MC rimes and I came across Branner's transcription for Middle Chinese: 失占切 Baxter (1992): syit + tsyem = syem Branner (1999): {syet₃ᵦ} + {tsyam₃ᵦ} = syam₃ᵦ
At first I thought, wait, there are extra numbers and letters at the end? That's more cumbersome! But then I thought, actually this is a more neutral transcription because unlike Baxter's transcription, it doesn't try to posit what the values of those rimes are, simply designating them based on shiep (攝) its subclasses, so I see what they're trying to do and it truly manages to be a "pure" transcription without projecting guesses of the values as much onto the rimes.
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courtrps · 5 years ago
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Character Tropes: Sonia Syem Aka Number seven
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stevejaystudios · 4 years ago
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WHEN YOU LIKE SUNSHINE 😍🌟 Photography & Videography @stevejaystudios Mua: @pdk_makeup_artistry Hair: @esplendido.beauty Dress: @modabertha Coordination & Ushering: @seydeeeventsmore Engagement decor: @seydee_events_and_more Reception gown and morning robe- @tumtumclothing Groom wardrobe-Max.K Fashion and Tailoring Groom Shoes- @chasteshoes Groomsmen wardrobe- @Max.K Fashion and Tailoring Wedding/Reception decor- @Kailaevents Bridal party makeup- @Mandy_vylzbeauty Hair bundles-@official_terre_hairandmakeup Fan- @Ellaandella Catering- @flamingfoodsgh Breakfast- @jayscravings Accessories @chains_n_charmms MOH wardrobe- @tumtumclothing Cake- @indulgingtreatsgh Bridesmaids flower hoops- @thebridaltrinket Rings @morgantouch Bouquet- @Oakeventsnfloristry MC- @Norbijnr DJ- @djlampsgh Shoes- @milliy_o Stationary- @billymultimediagh Robes-@pnj_events_gh 💫💫💫💫💫💫💫💫💫💫💫💫💫💫 #stevejaystudios #stevejay #syem #wedding #dopeshooter #beautiful #love #weloveghanaweddings #ghanaweddings #amorghana #idoghana #gh #accra  #ghana #africansweetheartweddings #occasionsgallery#radiancebride #kissthebrideghana#ahoufebridal #nigerianwedding #ghanaweddingvendors #yearofreturn #sugarweddings #weddingnigeria #welovebeautyfulweddings @weddingdigestnaija @idoghana @kissthebrideghana @bellanaijaweddings @weloveghanaweddings @ghanaweddings @kentespiration @africanstylediary @weddingchroniclesafrica  @africansweetheartweddings @bellanaijaweddings (at Spintex Batsonaa) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJ8ynh8JiTX/?igshid=1j0n76zfdo6gx
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un-ionizetheradlab · 5 years ago
“Space Station Oddity” by Bob Rivers
lyrics below the cut
"Uh, roger that, Mir. We're working on that problem right now. Please stand by for further instructions on the re-docking procedure, over." "Uh, right, Mir. What we have now is a situation with the oxygen supply. Uh, could you hold your breath until further notice? Thank you." The Station Mir to ground control "Hello. Hello, Earth?" Station Mir to anyone "Yoo-hoo. Anybody out there? Hello!" Send a rescue ship and bring our asses home " Dyesiat, dyeviat, vosyem..." Station Mir to ground control " Syem, shest, pyat’, chyetirye,..." Equipment broke down engines gone " Tri, dva, adeen." End this mission or we'll all end up marooned "Oops! Uh. Oh boy. Oh boy. Oh boy. Oh boy." This is ground control to Station Mir You guys are doing great And were sorry that you stained your underwear So we'll try to send you up a few clean pairs "Mir request emergency supplies." Ground control to station Mir You'll be alright there's nothing wrong Did you hear me station Mir? "Duct tape." You're not coming in that clear "Send duct tape." Station Mir's made of bailing wire and tin cans "And, uh, Crazy Glue..." Floating by the moon "Coat hangers" Their engine doesn't cruise We should send them up some booze "Ah Stoli! Excellent idea." "OK everybody. Time again to moon Kremlin. Ready? On three. Tri, dva, adeen! Aaaah! Kiss the tushie! Hello, kiss the tushie Moscow! Yoo-hoo, Hello! See you next time around planet!"
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labirinmu · 2 years ago
syem, belajar berhari hari , pas pretest salah 7, temen aing salah 6 pdhl ga belajar
ya aing belum belajar materi pretesnya sih.
yokkk semangaaat yok, kemampuan otak kyknya kurang, jd harus belajar lebih extra dari lainnyaaa..
semangaaaaatttt dinaa!!!!!!!!
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syemshop · 2 years ago
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trio-sanat · 3 years ago
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Ritim Atölyesi Çalışmamızdan… … Çocukların okul öncesi dönemden itibaren müzik ve ritim ile tanışmaları; duygularını ifade edebilme, karşı tarafı anlayabilme, iletişim kurabilme, aldığı rolü üstlenebilme, müzik estetik kazanımı açısından önemli rol oynar. Müzik ve ritim aynı zamanda çocuğun kendine güvenmesini sağlayarak özgüven duygusunun gelişmesine yardımcı olur. Çocukların ritim tutarken düzenli düzensiz yaptıkları hareketler küçük ve büyük kas gelişimini destekler. Orff destekli ritimsel çalışmalarımız psikomotor gelişimine ve duygularımızı ifade etmemize yardımcı olur. Eğlenceli bir müzik ya da hızlı neşeli bir ritim ile kan basıncımız artar ve hareketleniriz. Dikkatimizi toplamamıza yardımcı olur. Ritmin akışına uyum sağlamamız bizi motive eder. Ritim çalışmalarında yaratıcı yönlerini keşfetmeleri, zihinsel olarak rahatlamaları ve sosyalleşmeleri amaçlanarak takım çalışması, koordinasyon, konsantrasyon süresinde uzama, stres atma vb. kazanımlar olur. . #ritim #ritimçalışması #ritimatölyesi (at Trio Sanat) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cdniey-sYem/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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