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noseysilverfox · 2 months ago
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🎭A very small puppet theater and its amazing curved clock tower by Georgian playwright Rezo Gabriadze are hidden in the old part of Tbilisi. A place where you can find many surprises: a wall of tiles, a performance of dolls on top of the tower, the smallest clock in the country and such birds decorating the entire building🏰
By the way, another decorative bird is visible in the photo on the pipe away from the tower😏
🎭В старой части Тбилиси спрятался очень маленький театр марионеток и его удивительная кривая часовая башня грузинского драматурга Резо Габриадзе. Место, где можно найти много сюрпризов: стену из изразцов, выступление кукол на вершине башни, самые маленькие часы в стране и вот таких птичек, украшающих все здание🏰
Кстати, на фото видна еще одна декоративная птичка на трубе в стороне от башни😏
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picsfromsiberiangirl · 2 months ago
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The Word We Need The Most.
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rolliusworld · 19 days ago
Нынешний мир сошел с ума. Страшно жить в информационном вакууме, но с новостями жить ещё страшнее. Только найдешь что-то утешающее и на твоих глазах это утешение просто разрушат. Так хочется, чтобы люди стали добрее... Я понимаю, что это нереально, но все же...увидеть хоть немного доброты каждый день и жить захочешь. Складывается ощущение, что нас просто хотят извести, а "неравнодушные" добавляют бензина в этот горящий котел...
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vladimir777sk · 8 months ago
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⛰ Сигирия – один из самых удивительных природно-архитектурных объектов в мире.  
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afranse · 1 month ago
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Вести о мире скорей принеси,
Скончался, мол, главный ублюдок Руси,
Жизнь подошла к закату.
Он прирождённый был единорос,
Из подворотни родом.
За четверть века так много принёс
Бед и несчастий народам.
Уничтожал он российский народ,
Уничтожал украинский,
Уничтожал и сирийский, урод,
Уничтожал и грузинский.
Уничтожал он чеченский народ,
Всегда убивал самых лучших.
И подводил так убийствам итог:
«Лес рубят, летят сучья».
Но даст дуба Всероссийский упырь,
В кремль завезём мы любые гробы,
Пусть смело сдыхает диктатор.
Вести о мире скорей принеси,
Чтоб люди счастлив�� жили,
Скончался, мол, главный ублюдок Руси,
Мастер вранья и насилья.
Bring news of peace quickly,
Pathologist, our friend.
Please, inform us that the main bastard of Russia has died,
His life has drawn to its end.
He was a natural-born United Russia member,
Of the ignorance and lies a true beacon.
For a quarter of a century he brought so much
Troubles and misfortunes to the people.
He worked hard to destroy Russians,
He worked hard to destroy Ukrainians,
He destroyed also Syrians in military actions,
Destroyed Georgians… He has schizophrenia.
He worked hard to bring Chechen folks to abyss,
He always killed the very best, bloody kremlin clown.
And he summed up his murders always like this:
«The forest is cut down, the branches fly around.”
But this year the All-Russian ghoul kicks the bucket,
Life sometimes breaks really hard.
We will bring any coffins to the kremlin chuckling.
Old ghoul badly missed by graveyard.
Bring news of peace quickly, pathologist,
So that people can have a great time.
Please, inform us that the main bastard of Russia,
The master of lies and violence, has died.
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milenamill · 6 months ago
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Мир разрисую красками цветными, Чтоб люди были счастливы всегда, Чтоб тучи не сгущалися над ними И не коснулась жизни их беда 🎨
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I'm just gonna say it: I have very mixed feelings about the Soviet Union.
On the one hand, the Soviet Union has been a special interest of mine since I was about sixteen and I love learning about Soviet history, especially regarding the Soviet space programme but also just things about the way people lived. I love Soviet music and the few Soviet movies I've seen. As something of a leftist I like how the Soviet Union made advances in education and worker's rights that were only possible in a socialist system. Soviet women had rights long before women in capitalist countries did. I find the ethos of the Russian dreamers of the early Soviet Union quite inspirational. As I'm applying for jobs I've caught myself wishing I lived in the USSR and could just be assigned a job upon finishing my degree. I also unironically want to live in a society where jeans are banned.
But I know I wouldn't last a day in the Soviet Union, and ultimately I'm glad that the Soviet Union collapsed because it meant the end of oppressive Russian imperialism in Ukraine and the Baltics (at least for some time). Stalin was an asshole who attempted multiple genocides: against the Ukrainians, the Crimean Tatars, the Jews. Arguably Stalin's genocide against the Ukrainians influenced modern-day Russia's genocide against the Ukrainians. Soviet antisemitism still kills Jews today, since the Soviet Union was behind the creation of Palestinian nationalist groups. Overall, despite everyone officially being equal, there was a lot of racism against anyone who wasn't ethnically Russian. So many people suffered under the gulag system, which was not what internet slavaboos would have you think it was. So many people lived meaningless lives, no different than their counterparts in capitalist countries. And although the Russian Empire was an oppressive empire that one should not long to return to, the Soviet determination to put it on the ashpile of history killed the few good things that came out of the Russian Empire: the literature and philosophy, a prominent vegetarianism movement that was denounced as bourgeois, the Mir commune which was an actual communist community.
Why am I saying all of this about a long extinct country that no one in my family ever lived in? I just be like that.
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leatherjacketblesseddreams · 11 months ago
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eleanorjusticenature · 8 months ago
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rinmystic · 7 months ago
Боже блять сколько вранья вокруг и ведь не стыдно было тем, кто это всё придумал и надурил "доверчивых"....
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bboldishkov · 2 years ago
Прощаваш не защото заслужават, а защото заслужаваш вътрешен мир.
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noseysilverfox · 4 months ago
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The whole earth, which is visible in the photos, was under water in the spring. That group of trees ahead is a former island that couldn't be approached. During the hot summer, the river became shallow. It amazes me how much they can dry up under the sun, but nature always strives for balance. The water has gone, but in its place has grown young grass– food and a home for animals🌱🍃
��ся земля, которая видна на фотографиях, весной была под водой. Та группа деревьев впереди– бывший остров, к которому нельзя было подобраться. За жаркое лето река обмелела. Меня поражает, насколько они могут иссушаться под солнцем, но природа всегда стремиться к равновесию. Ушла вода, но на её месте выросла молодая трава– пища и дом для животных🌱🍃
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pharaohgargamel · 4 months ago
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Доброе утро всем!
Счастливого, солнечного, радостного, мирного дня!✨😸😘🌹✨
Good morning everybody!
Have a happy, sunny, joyful, peaceful day!✨😸😘🌹✨
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proekt-prosper · 2 months ago
“ Вътре в теб има покой и убежище, в което можеш да се оттеглиш по всяко време и да бъдеш себе си. ”
- Херман Хесе
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vladimir777sk · 2 months ago
██▓▒­░⡷⠂Не проливать ничьей крови, обеспечить покой всему миру и мир своему веку - вот высшая доблесть. Луций Анней Сенека⠐⢾░▒▓██
Not to shed anyone's blood, to ensure peace for the whole world and peace for your century - this is the highest valor. Lucius Annaeus Seneca
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