marianasue · 7 days
sydcarmy truthers
I rewatched s2 of the bear , and I realized that we already get a confirmation about the scrunchie theory .
during all the episodes , I noticed that there´s much focus an syd hair ,
the girl wears many different scrunchie in many episodes :
this scrunchie :
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another one:
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also she wore red scrunchie in ep 4 I think
+ black scrunchie :
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and this one :
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and finally this scrunchie in carm apartement :
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like , I´m now 100% .
carm kept syd scrunchie , a part of her in his apartement .
also , the scrunchie +micheal card together : two important people in his life , and the ones who he loves them and shared the restoreant dream with .
unlike claire claw (there´s an episode where we see a claw on the table : I´m sure it belongs to claire) , it was on the table alone ...
I think we can talk now about the scrunchie , as a fact not a theory.
I just hope carm is not confused about the scrunchie ....
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naneki-maid · 3 months
made me so angry this season to watch carm become everything he always hated—the near spitting image of his worst abuser. last season being all about growth and progress for both him as an individual and in terms of his professional relationship with Syd, his current state of regression is especially devastating. and while this regression is understandable, he’s experienced so much trauma, i think his discovery of all this is what’s gonna finally break him. like he’s been on the edge this whole season, barely managing to remain stable, refusing to acknowledge the cry for help that almost everyone at the bear is begging him to notice. so if/when syd finally decides to confess to him about how he’s been so toxic and difficult to work with that it’s actually causing her to have panic attacks? it’s gonna break his heart. the last smidge of sanity he’s held onto thus far will slip away once he realizes this.
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marianasue · 5 days
sydcarmy truthers , hear me out !
I don´t know , but I have a theory , maybe it´s gonna be true in the upcoming season , and maybe not , anyway I just want to share it with you and hear your opinions about it .
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guys , do you remember the conversation between Emmanuel and syd in s2 , during her mother birthday .
when Emmanuel talked about his third date .
focus with me :
the next episode I think , carm told syd to go with him to kasama: this is supposed to be their first date but sadly claire interepted .
in s3 , carm invites syd to ever to go with him also : this is supposed to be a second date but sadly chef david was there .
my theory is :
in the upcoming season , we gonna get the third date , I don´t know how or when or why , but there must be a third one .
why I´m saying this ?
because I felt that Emmanuel story with syd mom may be repeated again with carm and sydney .
something catched my attention is , when syd mom fixed the car problem , sydney said to her dad :´´ you didn´t know that her dad was a mecanic ?!
emmanuel said : absoluetly .
and this is really interesting , because until now I assume that carm knows nothing about emmanuel, especially his job .
what if something similar may happen between the two , and syd open up about her dad and mom to carm ??????
I don´t know but can you see my vision , I´m smelling a third date in the air , can you feel it with me ??????
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I´m waiting ...
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marianasue · 18 days
for sydcarmy truthers , a similar situation I shared with carmy .
Before , I discover this beautiful fandom , I watched the bear as someone who knows nothing about its plot , and I had no idea about what´s going on in the show , but when I finished watching it , first thing I said at that time : ´´something too deep is going on between syd and carm ´´
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and carmen story with claire , reminds me of myself and a boy who is a friend to me , and maybe if you know my story , you can have a real exemple about how carmy is feeling . I hope you all understand it :
I´m the yougest girl in my family , and all the focus was on me , so my parents protectiviness and awarness grew more complicated trough time , and it becomes a real probleme and because of it , I was a shy kid , and I was bullied in school , I didn´´t have any interest in the education , I was and I still fond of art and I spent my time is school , just drawing .I really wanted to have friends , many friends , but I pretended to be someone else , just to attract people and I never liked it . so during high school , everybody loved a boy , he was handsome , nice , intelligent , he was really every girl´s dream and of course he was our neighbour and my family know him . he was alway there for me , he was very nice to me , he was always sitting behind me , his over protectiviness and social personnality always reminded me of my dad and mom , I felt like he was controlling me , even everybody was trying to convince me that he was more than a friend
and this is really annoying because he was the opposite of me and he was good to everyone .
so time passed , and everybody are still believing that he is my boyfriend , he is now a doctor , and I´m still studying art because I stopped my education after high school and I have returned just last year .
we still seeing each other , he was the same person I knew but this is what happened : he confessed , that he loved since we were at high school and he wants to be with me , so I just said to myself : it´s ok mary , just try , he is your first crush , ´´ and oneday we went to a dinner with his friends , and I had a panic attack , they were asking me how we met , and how he is popular and loved in the hospital , and they were saying that I´m lucky and he didn´t say anything about me to them , he was just watching me panicking and he knew that I have problemes in communication and social events and I find myself pretending to be out of my personnality again . after that , the feelings that I had were very bad , you feel like you´re just stupid person , and you don´t deserve a good thing . He is and was a pressure to me , I didn´t feel peace with him , we didn´t have the same dreams , he was always seeing me as the little shy mary , he still has that picture of me .
so , I decided to end everything and confortting him about how I feel and I discovered that he is not the right person because during the argument , he wanted to convince me that I´m the wrong person , like nobody made me feel shitty , it was all myself , and we just end up like we are just friends .
I moved on from my family house , and I´m studying the thing I love , I´m working in a coffe shop and I have good friends toward me , and I´m acceptting a new love now , someone I´m really greatful to have him , someone understands me .
that´s why I was really attached to the bear and carmy , I know what does it mean to live in a complicated family and have someone like claire in your life .
carmy just need to move on and forgive his past and all the people around him and of course accepts a new love to his life , like I did and many people must do .
I just wanted to share my story and say : not every perfect person is perfect to you . he may be loved by everybody but not by you .
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@thoughtfulchaos773 @gingergofastboatsmojito @bootlegramdomneess
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marianasue · 25 days
for sydcarmy truthers
you all remember when sydcarmy fans compared the speech under the table with a scene in a movie called : as good as it gets .
and today I want to talk about that movie because I find it interesting and after I watched it I became certain that there´s much awaits us in the upcoming season of the bear , so let´s get start and see the similiraties between the movie and the show , have fun :
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Melvin Udall a writer who writes about love and romance but he doesn´t act in real life like his romantic books , like Carmen Berzatto who is a famous chef , who is an artist in his field who personality must be a calm and gentle one like chef terry but his work doesn´t fit his personality in real life , he is living in a mess like Melvin, the two of them have a complicated characters and they are trying not to be shitty with the women they like + they have problem with the word ´´love´´ it´s very difficult for them.
now I noticed that during the movie , most of the conversations between Melvin and Carol are in the table :
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there´s much scene btw ,not only these two . it reminds me of how much scenes in the bear with carmy and syd talking and a table presents between them.
like you feel the table is an obstacle between the two because later in the movie the love confession happened with the absence of the table .
now this is some intersting scenes from the script of the movie :
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Melvin: I have to see you
carol: because
melvin: it relaxes me ..................
carmen when he sees or remembers or hear syd , he becomes relaxed , just like melvin he is relaxing when he sees carol .
the panic scene guys !!!!!!!!
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this is melvin final confession telling carol what he sees when he watches her working in the restaurent .
carmen stares will not be for a waste ............
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he enjoys watching her emmmmmmmmmmmm:
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it reminds of that scene in season one when carmen said to syd that his brother had passed away and he went to Al anon and syd became confused : like the scene is giving me the same vibes .
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and now the famous quotes :
melvin said that and carmen said: you make me better at this .
so in the movie carol in that scene knows that there´s more than feelings here , she knows: it means love .
and under the table scene in the bear when syd repeated his words and that awkward stares and silence , I swear that syd felt something more than friends or partners or chefs , she felt in that moment a love invitation from carmen, that´s why the scene was ambigious for the most of audience.
the bear is a love story :
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marianasue · 15 days
for sydcarmy truthers , I want to talk about Claire .
please get ready , claire story doesn´t make any sense .
like I said before , I lived a similar experience with carmen , but also there´s some differences .
so let´s see what I didn´t understand about claire :
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first thing we know :
claire grew up with the berzatto family and she knows all of them even the faks , cicero , stevie , richie , tiff , god be good she knows everybody related to carmy and she always leave a good impression on them . emmmm , and this is not a good thing , because this makes her know what kinda life carmen had , and at least she must be the one who understand him but sadly no , she didn´t understand him and she can´t and she will not , because he is a human being with heart and soul and mind and feelings , he is not just a broken muscle , that you can fix it with science ....
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claire is not carmen girlfriend .
carmen was a shy boy , I swear he didn´t make any eye contact with claire back to school , he was just crushing on her like any one of us was crushing on someone when we were young . and since he was lonely child in a big family , he was maybe close to claire and not because he drew her that makes him in love with her . the berzattos just wanted him to open up and has a girlfriends in his life but everything went wrong and claire believed herself and believed that carmen is in love with her . and she becomes his unofficial girlfriend , she becomes the berzattos girlfriend and not carm´s.
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third point :
according to my understanding , claire didn´t see carmen for long time , more than 5 years I swear , suddnely she appears in s2 and they quickly kiss , they quickly make out , and quickly goes to carm appartement , and they did everything quickly ,like hold on guys you didn´t even be a proper boyfriend and girlfriend , even you are not an ex . just imagine you meet your childhood crush after 10 years and you make out with him out of nowhere.
the only explanation I have is :
carmy was horny at that time and he still of course ,because did you find it weird is that after seeing syd or talk to her , he goes to claire and they do their intimate things like he is projecting his hidden desires on claire :
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forth point :
claire baby , did you stayed all that period without a boyfriend in the college or in the hospital , like come on all the doctors must have a list of exs , claire did you wait for carm , didn´t she put a possibility that he may has a girlfriend .
another point :
s2 last episode : carmen didn´t say anything wrong to claire , he was describing what he feels , and at that moment we should see claire staying with him , calming him , waiting for him and support him , but instead we get how she gonna deal with him , she just left him , and she was crying and she made everyone blaming carm and she even told tiff about what happened with wrong facts.
claire has 0 understanding with carm
just watch this :
when you wake up in the morning you can prepare something for your boyfriend if you feel he is anxious
this carm and claire in the morning :
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this is carm and syd :
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you feel the difference ha.
we have carm and syd cooking together /we have carm cooking alone for claire
we have claire sitting in the table with make up and elegant clothes having fun and carmen serves her / we have syd stressing in the kitchen
and many thingssssssssssss.
fact : claire doesn´t make sense to me .
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marianasue · 2 months
realistic endings for sydcarmy fans
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do you remember these two alex and dr.ben from the mountain between us , I know the story is totally different from the bear but when I watched this movie I realized that these two were suppressing their true feelings for each other . why I´m telling you this because in the end of the movie : alex said to dr ben that the heart is just a muscle and they hug each other like friends do and when they departed they realized their feelings and they decide not to run again and this is what happened :
they run into each other in the final scene .........................
so , and because storer loves realistic things ,I think syd and carmy will realize their feelings in the last moments in the show and they will make the audience say: what ? are they not platonic partners ? what´s happening ??????????????
bonus: when storer said something like platonic or it´s partnership you will see ......... there´s many types of platonic relationship one of them is platonic romance (respect , admiration , attachement,physical avoidance .....) this type of platonic 90% usually turn to be real romantic partnership in the end ....... just saying .
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marianasue · 13 days
sydcarmy truthers
I want a scene like anthony and kate when he had a panic attack ,with syd and carm :
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I want to see syd calming carm face to face
I want to see a scene like this one , happening with syd and carmy ;
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from the choice .
I want to see their first kiss going sudden and intense like gabby and travis :
I want them to use the same song : terrible love , god that song is fucking beautiful , I want to hear it in the bear .
I want to see carm saying : I love you like travis said it here :
guys I want to see passion , actions , a revolution in the bear !!!!!!!
I´m tired of the hints , it´s time to see their fire .
please guys watch the 2 videos , you will feel what I feel .
by the way the song terrible love of the nationals is really fitting carm situation so please hear the alternative version :
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marianasue · 17 days
for sydcarmy truthers , I brought a new movie to watch .
Hear me out , I watched yesterday a movie called : phantom thread (2017) , maybe you hear about it or you watched it , anyway I found interesting things I want to share :
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so , the plot of the movie is different from the bear but if you look at it from another angle , you´re mind will blow so let´s begin :
to make it simply : Reynold Woodcock is a fashion designer , he is an artist , he is charming , beautiful manners , lovely but but but (3 times) he is the most complicated , he has his own bad side , what does it mean here : every time he lose his interest in a woman , he just doesn´t care about her feelings , he just treated her as a thing not as a human being , he just use women to be his muses and inspiration .
sometimes he is good , and other time he is shitty : he is hot and cold , he is weirdo .
emmmmmmm carmen berzatto vibes
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alma is a young girl , nice and try to make reynold happy ,she is his opposite .
so alma becomes the muse of reynold , and his model , but she was surprised by his personnality : sometimes he is close to her and sometimes he is too cold .
now you have an idea about the characters , let´s see what I found :
first : in the begining of the movie , reynold lost his muse , so he is in his cold era , and the scenes are blue :
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doesn´t this reminds you of some blue scenes in the bear ?????
second : a red dress for a first date :
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white and red , why every character whose gonna have a date wear red and white . Baby syd , I swear you believed that you´re gonna have a date with carmen that day . emmmm
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a table scene , many table scenes hhhhhhh.
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this is what reynold said to his sister in the begining of the movie .
he explained that he can´t stick in something , he described it as a butterfly , a beautiful creature who can´t stay forever in his form .
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this when the muse (alma) has returned to him .
but , in some point the two had a big fight :
reynold didn´t like alma surprise , she prepared to him a dish called asparagus :
he didn´t like the dish , he was shitty , shitty , I hated him in that moment but alma didn´t shut her mouth this time , she breaks her silence and confronted him , please watch the fight I really loved it.
she was waiting for him to say that she can leave the house because she does nothing there , he just use her as an inspiration for his works.
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what I like in this movie is that , when reynold became sick , alma didn´t leave him , she stayed with him . and reynold decide to marry her and the two were trying to accept their differences and work on it ..
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this is the final dance between them , the scene was really beautiful , the blue period has ended , and we see the red and blue colors are everywhere , and that focus of the light on them .
this final scene , if you focus , you find that everything is a mess around them but they are together in all that mess.
such a beatiful movie , it ends with their little weeding , their married life , their little baby boy and how alma becomes an important part in his legacy also how she is helping him in his works .
hope you enjoy it ..
#phantom thread
#the bear
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marianasue · 11 days
for sydcarmy truthers
I´m rewatching s2 and s3 , and something catched my attention :
*something about carmy telling syd that she loves taking care of people and she answers yeah , and the way in s3 neil fak telling claire that she is the one they think that she can take care of carmy and she didn´t give any answer .
*something about micheal talking too much with claire about carm
and we didn´t have any clue about her contacting carmen himself .
*something I didn´t like when they made that conversation between luca and syd , I felt like they forced that conversation , and truly I didn´t feel any chemistry between the two .
I know luca seems really that hot nice guy , but I felt his presence can be a threat for carmen , especially that now many people putting sydluca ship ,just please no storer , just let luca be helpful for them , not to make carmy suffer a lot another season.
*there´s build up about an encounter between carm and emmanuel , I´m feeling it , we gonna have a conversation between this two.
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marianasue · 14 days
sydcarmy truthers , who is sydney ?
everybody knows who is syd but I have another opinion about her , just hear me out :
I´m always believing that syd is the replacement of micheal , or let me say she is the good version of micheal and she is the one who gonna take his place in the berzatto family and this is why I believe in that :
*point 1 : sydney appearance was linked to mikey death .
*point 2 : she has an influence on everybody :
she influenced : carmy , richie , marcus , tina
she was everybody friend like micheal who was everybody best friend .
*pete likes her very much
*nat is so sweet with her , we see syd taking care of her :cook for her and let her be a part in the kitchen and in the bear and this is a good difference between syd and claire who is supposed to be the one who asks about nat and try to take care of her anyway .
*cicero seems to respect syd , he even asked her about her opinion in something concerns only him .
*richie oh god richie , he grew to like her everyday .
*marcus has crush on her hhhhh
*tina : science babe ! she like her more day after day
the bear himself likes her, he is like :
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luca , chef terry , the people she worked with before carm .
everybody like her , like everybody loved mikey .
*point 3 : why syd is the one who held and said : let it rip
micheal words becomes her words .
point 4 : she is the one who encouraged carm to realize his dream spot .
point 5 : many similar scene between how carm looks to mikey , and how he looks to syd .
point 6 : she is the one who believed in carmen before she even get to know his shitty side .
syd gave carm confidence , inspiration , a push to be a better person
she represents the family , the friend , the love , and the future .
instead of claire bear
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we can get get syd bear :
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claire is the beef /sydney is the bear .
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marianasue · 14 days
I´m just watching emily in paris for the plot .
the plot :
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fuckkkkkkk , he´´s giving carmy berzatto vibesss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but in another universe
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