mlmshipbracket · 7 months
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Fulman art by syberfab on Tumblr
Alfred Hillinghead x Henry Ashe:
Fulgrim/Ferrus Manus:
Maybe the best example of “Fuck Slaanesh and Horus” I can possibly think of. 
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post/750547495919239168 https://www.tumblr.com/mhawkeandfenris18plus/750565949065904128/syberfab-style-1-commission
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divinacaptivus · 3 years
Did the events captured by remembrancer Syberfab actually happen?
“Unfortunately, yes. Angron has a fierce backhand.”
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Head cannon... Curze likes playing the splinter cell games and batman arkham games. Russ loves to have his head scratched... But everyone's to terrified to do it.
I don't about Curze but for Leman is 100% Canon. It has to be. Only the Emps is not scared of petting him, as you can see it in this @syberfab 's sketch.
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daarka · 5 years
While I was wreaking havoc on Temix’s blog, I encountered something I see a lot! 
“There aren’t ANY sylvari artists! :( ”
But that’s not true at all! I follow several great artists who produce sylvari content, so I wanted to give them all a loving shout-out!
@daarkaarts​ 👀 @katnaxel​ @mahvalousmesmer​ @erinobaron​ @hemlockgrimsby​ @emybunart​ @woozyintyria​ @setahart​ @mabaki​ @commander-titania​ @lostmylongbow @commander-thiernaen @izzydrawctyl @syberfab​ @rinidinger @sylvanironbark @korlynn @gardens-of-flesh-and-bone
You can also follow my side blog, @foxsalad​, to see the various GW2 content I reblog! You might find even more great artists there <3
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syberfab · 6 years
So uh, hey! I’m returning to the tumblr wasteland just to update you guys on what I’ve been up to (any of you still out there after the nsfw purge? :P)
So obviously I haven’t been using this place - I haven’t done any fanart to show for years now - if you are wondering where I’ve gone; I operate out of fur affinity now. Only enter if you are 18+ http://www.furaffinity.net/user/syberfab/ commissions really blew up after I joined so I’ve been doing commissions on there full time ever since, you can see my commission list here, the waitlist is always open should you want a com https://trello.com/b/phF1Tl4h/syberfab-commission-progress
I’ve never been great at maintaining social stuff like blogs/twitter and talking about myself or my life so when I had no relevant art to post this kinda fell into disuse, then after the nsfw pruge I really knew I wasn’t welcome here hah
I’ve make a wordpress archive of this blog syberfabarchive.wordpress.com
I’m still big into warhammer ofc - I’ve been working my way through the Gotrek and Felix series (just finishing up Shaman Slayer now) and LOVED the Magos, the latest Fabius Bile book and the recent revival of Gaunt's Ghosts.
Also still big into games, just finished up Red Dead 2 last night and loved it. 
I’m currently looking for another art site I can archive my fanart too, I can rule out DeviantArt and Fur Affinity Isn’t really the place for it either. I’ve had a lot of fun on here over the years and met lots of nice people, I’ll check back every so often so if you wanna message me on here if you want <3
Syber out xoxo
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Artist: Syberfab
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Pictured above is a remembrancer image of the Primarchs of the XIII  and II Legion’s just moments after victory at Ullanor was assured. 
Heimvald Aonghusson depicted on the right was known as the Ursen Lord or the Bear of Man. Third Primarch found by the Emperor of mankind he was noted upon being found having conquered a small empire of worlds that would be comparable to the Realm of Ultramar in size, the Primarch met with the Emperor at the border of this realm known as the ‘Tamin Dominion’. Upon meeting the Emperor Heimvald swore an oath of fealty to his father and new Lord. The master of mankind gave to his newfound son the II legion of Space Marines and due to his son’s emotional promise the Emperor declared that the legion would be known forevermore as ‘The Oathsworn’. Heimvald was shadowed by Leman Russ the previous Primarch found when he first received his legion, from him the new Primarch gained knowledge of strategy and warfare as well as some influence on his own legion’s internal structuring. 
Later in the Great Crusade when the Primarch Angron Thal’kyr was discovered and subsequently abandoned shortly after by the Emperor, the Solare Alise beseeched Heimvald for assistance and informed him of the gravity of his brother’s plight. Spurred on by the knowledge of Angron’s terminal condition, Heimvald sent scouts from his legion who scoured over 9 worlds in five different systems of space for anything they could find. His scouts returned with news that the solution to the Red Angel’s woes was on the Ork held manufactorum world of Geryl’s Forge which reports say had at one point in its planetary history acquired either a copy of the original Butcher’s Nails STC, or somehow obtained the original. Regardless with this they had created a piece of technology based upon the original implants known as ‘The Foundation’, it was used as a multi-functional neural pathway for technology to integrate with the nervous system. 
The Ursen Lord brought the might of his Legion upon the world with assistance from both the World Eaters Legion and the Solare Alise Romero who was accompanied by a cadre of Sisters of Silence. The Orks although initially confident were weakened in a series of assault campaigns to retake the world with minimal collateral damage, this world acted as the first joint campaign both legions had undertaken and it would not be their last together. With assistance from the XIII Legion’s Fleet Captain Lotara Sarrin in orbit and the joint task force of two legions alongside a cadre of sisters of silence proved too effective for the Orks. After only two conflicts the Warboss known as Spinekraka was lured out and slain, the Greenskins could not recoup from the loss of their leader quick enough and control of the world was returned to the Imperium. A unique form of the Foundation was created for Angron, designed to overlap and take over the Butcher’s Nails. Consent for the surgery took some time as the Primarch was loathe to have anyone in his head again, though for some reason he changed his mind and consented to the Magos and Dominion medical engineers.
Angron was put into a medical coma and mentally assuaged by the Solare while the Foundation was installed, the procedure although grueling was a success. The Primarch’s terminal status was rescinded with great joy and with time his unique physiology would hopefully begin to regenerate parts of his brain that the Butcher’s nails had damaged or destroyed outright. The surgery the Primarch undertook was mirrored and performed on Alise with her consent, the Foundation acting as a bridge for the Solare to manually hook up to the Primarch and act as a transitionary limbic system. The hope being that eventually Angron’s mind would repair itself and no longer need the Solare, though by this point the two had begun to foster a relationship that Heimvald was keen to encourage as he saw it as a wonderful thing for his brother to find someone who cared so much for his well being. 
(Hello all! @syberfab is the one who I commissioned for this work! I thought I might as well make a blog and post to share my headcanons about my Primarch. Look forward to more stuff from me in the future! @asklotarasarrin @askangron40k @ask-solare-alise)
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fenwxlf · 7 years
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Original Comic by @syberfab
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pureirishnonsense · 8 years
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Credit to Syberfab for the art.
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fuukonomiko · 2 years
I think you are pretty great but have dubious taste in men (but then, so do we all). *eyes Konrad*
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"Say that again?" Ahahahahha thank you so much, anon! :D Yes we all have dubious taste in men! Because why not??? I mean, how can you not? Nine foot beefy war criminals who spit acid and who make questionable life decisions! What’s not to love? XD
(art by the amazing @syberfab )
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sylvesfield · 8 years
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@syberfab @syberfart
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tinytricksterprince · 8 years
*starry eyes at @syberfab * 
Omggg...the commission's they just drew for me is perfect. Amazing. I love it!
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syberfab · 8 years
nakoosrebloggingblog: @syberfab @syberfart Oooh...
>____>; I was told this is forge world ahzek ahriman, though I have no way to access the leak my friend is referencing.
Eh he’ll always have a beautiful head of hair to me so if thats true I can safely ignore this bit of canon :P we have enough angry testicals as it is so I always give Astartes hair lmao
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flunkyofmalcador · 8 years
Fanfic meme
Chug is passed out on my lap so I’m here for a minute.  This seems like fun.
1. What was the first fandom you got involved in?
As a group, probably 1970s Dr. Who.  I went to my first cons--Creation Cons--for that material.
2. What is your latest fandom?
Warhammer 40k.  However, I’m returning to both Star Wars and Star Trek, both of which I adored by myself as a child.
3. What is the best fandom you’ve ever been involved in?
Mobile Suit Gundam, original series.
4. Do you regret getting involved in any fandoms?
5. Which fandoms have your written fanfiction for?
If I was into it, I wrote it, even if it was only for myself.  My ff.net and AO3 accounts include Mobile Suit Gundam, Legend of the Galactic Heroes, Horus Heresy, Warhammer 40k, and one-offs for The Wicker Man and Captain America: The Winter Soldier.
6. List your OTP from each fandom you’ve been involved in.
Here’s a few:  Horus/Sanguinius, Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes, Kai Shiden/Sayla Maas.
7. List your NoTPs from each fandom you’ve been in.
Sayla Maas/Amuro Rey.  This is a canon ship with zero support except in the novels, which aren’t canon.
8. How did you get involved in your latest fandom?
My friend Nathan was always talking about 40k, and in 2008 I decided to check out some of the novels, because he liked them so much.
9. What are the best things about your current fandom?
The amount of ways you can be creative.  “The Lord Inquisitor”, about which I’ve written fic, is the apex.
10.  Is there a fandom you read fic from but don’t write in?
Welcome to Night Vale.
Ship Questions for your Current Fandom
11. Who is your current OTP?
Horus/Sanguinius, but I’ve done very little with it in the past couple of years.
12. Who is your current OT3?
Nathaniel Garro/Saul Tarvitz/Euphrati Keeler.  They are new to me.
13. Any NoTPs?
Anything with Lion’El Johnson, cause I can’t stand him.
14. Go on, who are your BroTPs?
Angron/Lorgar. Anakin Skywalker/Obi-Wan Kenobi
15. Is there an obscure ship which you love?
I’ve seen a whopping one fic, and it changed my perception, but Scar and Rose from “Full Metal Alchemist”.
16. Are their any popular ships in your fandom which you dislike?
Guilliman/Lorgar.  I can’t see it.  I wrote fic where the Emperor tried to get them to at least communicate with each other over a daughter He gave them.  It doesn’t work, much to poor Matilda’s unhappiness.
17. Who was your first OTP and are they still your favourite?
It would have been a female OC, and not overtly sexual.  And no.
18. What ship have you written the most about?
I’m not sure.  Maybe Horus/Sanguinius, because that one is given to one-shots, but I did a very long Garma Zabi/Char Aznable one (Another Man’s Son) that I’m very proud of.
19. Is there a ship which you wished you could get behind, but you just don’t feel them?
20. Any ships which you surprised yourself by liking?
Char/Garma, once I reframed it from “Char is all suave and Garma is a shy virgin.”  
Author Questions
21. What was the first fanfic you ever wrote?
I remember writing Star Wars fic when I was 11 or so.
22. Is there anything you regret writing?
23. Name a fic you’ve written that you’re especially fond of & explain why you like it.
“Gentlemen of Fortune”.  Anavel Gato (of whom I am immensely fond) is taken by the Cima Fleet to Garden of Thorns by what can only be described as the scenic route.  It’s a pirate story, he falls in love with one of Nathan’s female OCs, and it dovetails into Nathan’s massive but unfinished “In Vain Doth Valour Bleed.”
24. What fic do you desperately need to rewrite or edit?
25. What’s your most popular fanfic?
Gundam: Reconciliation, although I don’t know if it is still getting hits.
26. How do you come up with your fanfic titles?
With great pain and suffering.
27. What do you hate more: Coming up with titles or writing summaries?
28. If someone were to draw a piece of fanart for your story, which story would it be and what would the picture be of?
Cima Garahau Irish dancing on top of a galley table in “Gentlemen of Fortune”.
29. Do you have a beta reader? Why/Why not?
Betas usually are slow.  I edit myself.
30. What inspires you to write?
Usually a line or an image that I want to write a story around.
31. What’s the nicest thing someone has ever said about your writing?
“I am so proud to know you.”
32. Do you listen to music when you write or does music inspire you? If so, which band or genre of music does it for you?
I usually listen to instrumental music, but not for the mood, just for background sound.
33. Do you write oneshots, multi-chapter fics or huuuuuge epics?
34. What’s the word count on your longest fic?
50,000 words?  IDK.
35. Do you write drabbles? If so, what do you normally write them about?
Yes, and anything.
36. What’s your favourite genre to write?
Stories wherein the character realizes who he or she really is, after a lifetime of assuming they were something else.  Anavel Gato realizes that he doesn’t like the life course he is on, but can’t quite seem to get out of it.  Garma Zabi realizes that A. he’s gay and B. he doesn’t need a relationship.  Sanguinius goes from being the leader of a bronze-age desert people to the leader of a futuristic army.
37. First person or third person - what do you write in and why?
Depends on the effect I want.  First person is limited to what that character knows.
38. Do you use established canon characters or do you create OCs?
I infinitely prefer established canon characters, but OCs keep a story from being canon dogmatic.
39. What is you greatest strength as a writer?
I’ve been told my characters are very developed and believable.
40. What do you struggle the most with in your writing?
Just keeping up the pace.
Fanfiction Questions
41. List and link to 5 fanfics you are currently reading:
I’m reading Sailor Ptah’s “He Says He is an Experimental Theologian” which is WTNV/His Dark Materials.
42. List and link to 5 fanfiction authors who are amazing:
43. Is there anyone in your fandom who really inspires you?
The artists, @sisterofsilence, @syberfab, @fourtygay, @catizza to name a few.
44. What ship do you feel needs more attention?
45. What is your all time favourite fanfic?
46. If someone was to read one of your fanfics, which fic would you recommend to them and why?
47. Archive Of Our Own, Fanfiction.net or Tumblr - where do you prefer to post and why?
I’ve abandoned the very restrictive ff.net and cross post AO3 and Tumblr, to put it right in front of my friends.
48. Do you leave reviews when you read fanfiction? Why/Why not?
I try to, because I love reviews so I want others to have them.
49. Do you care if people comment/reblog your writing? Why/why not?
I do, because ATTENTION.
50. How did you get into reading and/or writing fanfiction?
I wrote Star Wars stories because I wanted more Star Wars stories.
51. Rant or Gush about one thing you love or hate in the world of fanfiction! Go!
I hate: characters shoehorned into ships.  I love: writing that really makes me feel what the characters feel.  I hate: male/male ships that are just straight ships re-pronouned.  I love: sex scenes by people who have had sex and liked it and want to write hot stuff.
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