#swtor oc cershaa
vespertine-legacy · 2 years
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Name: Cershaa Vadesh Also Known As: Pronouns: she/her [cisfemale] Race: Togruta Origin Story: Trooper Canon Compliance Level: essentially canon Combat Style/s: Vanguard, Operative Combat Role/s: Tank, DPS, heal Alignment: LS Allegiance: Galactic Republic, Eternal Alliance Title/Job: CO of Havoc Squad, Colonel of the Galactic Republic Army Romantic Interest: Elara Dorne, Aric Jorgan [orientation: bisexual, polyamorous]
Information: [To be updated when I have a brain]
character tag: swtor oc cershaa
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vespertine-legacy · 1 year
I'll still never have a nice OC page, but I am working on individual profile pages for each of my OCs that will help keep information about them a little better organized.
The "canon" (or most canon) 8:
Jedi Knight: Battlemaster Enex Qadara
Jedi Consular: Barsen'thor Kestrel Fortuna
Smuggler: Nizhuvi Kenno, the Voidhound
Trooper: Colonel Cershaa Vadesh
Sith Warrior: Atmena Jenkari'uul, the Empire's Wrath
Sith Inquisitor: Cassija, Darth Nox
Imperial Agent: Razimiri, Cipher Nine
Bounty Hunter: Dao-Mox Brood, Champion of the Great Hunt
Side, canon divergent, and non-canon characters:
Jedi Knights: Veld'arelith, Em'leekha, Ev'enai Kesh
Jedi Consulars: Hinah Ulresse, Minnalle, Gen'norirr
Smugglers: Vyshtal Sekra, Vradath Malaran, Min'avos'imirri, Kott'erret'imirri, Lusk Omyava, Tantivi Ysat, Fasuur Varim, Hypatia
Troopers: Azi'kesti, Kott'ozet'imirri, Sunena Krasul
Sith Warriors: Khynan Xandal, Akise Toradte, Em'laizha, Rom'neln, Alindhra
Sith Inquisitors: Shrodinger's Cathar, Juryata Dhezhini, Eleison Kirnah, Zurrium
Imperial Agents: Nulis Ziureti, Gezta Eitryr, Ayadi Morora, Tulia Neperi, Min'yr'imirri, Hrassim Malaran, Zvedac, Strilbe, Zhailto
Bounty Hunters: Orcodaa Vadesh, Ath'ey'anil, Min'ikaz'imirri, Aurin Alteiho, Arvionto Trehalt, Werota
I try my best to tag spoilers for new swtor content (when we have new content), but I'm pretty bad at tagging anything that could be considered spoilers for older content and for class stories. My general tagging scheme is "swtor [thing that's being tagged]", whether that be the name of an expansion, the name of an origin story, or the expansion number when content is new.
New and Not-SWtoR: My Guild Wars 2 Characters
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vespertine-legacy · 2 years
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Name: Orcodaa Vadesh Also Known As: Coda Pronouns: she/her [cisfemale] Race: Togruta Origin Story: Bounty Hunter Canon Compliance Level: canon non-compliant Combat Style/s: Mercenary, Scoundrel Combat Role/s: DPS, heal Alignment: LS-leaning Allegiance: Eternal Alliance Title/Job: Combat Medic Romantic Interest: Indirae (@miss-spooky-eyes) [orientation: pansexual]
Information: Fraternal twin sister to Cershaa Vadesh, Coda was always the more rebellious of the two. While Cershaa was willing to follow in their mother's footsteps and serve in the Republic Army, Coda had no such aspirations, and ran as fast as she could from their military schooling (she appreciated the combat medic training, but had no interest in war). She bounced between a few different crews (some legitimate operations, some smugglers, some shadier than others), and eventually found herself on Nar Shaddaa in the employ of the Eidolon. When things went south with the Eidolon, she fled on the first freighter she could board, which unfortunately only took her as far as Hutta, but fortunately landed her in the path of Great Hunt hopeful Indirae Jexqzk. Coda charmed her was onto Indy's crew (and bodychecked Skadge into the lava on Belsavis to keep her spot on the ship), eventually accidentally chemically married Indy well before the two realized they were falling in love, and made it her mission to cause as much mayhem as possible with her for the rest of their lives.
character tag: swtor oc coda
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vespertine-legacy · 4 years
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I’ve seen this meme float around several times and decided why the hell not give it a try (featuring @miss-spooky-eyes​‘s Indy)
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vespertine-legacy · 4 years
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@astrifer-bound and I took our Togroopers (Togruta Troopers) out to Solve Problems on Purpose (a nice change, since most of our toons Cause Problems, mostly On Purpose, sometimes just Incidentally) out for a spin, and Rory is so cute I’m gonna die
(also please enjoy Hexid also doing the little Mission Briefing Squat, because we lol’d)
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vespertine-legacy · 4 years
Ops Shenanigans tonight:
A member of motu was sad that we weren’t doing our usual Friday evening Group Finder ops run and wanted to put it together, but didn’t really know how to do that, so roped @gazromantic into helping her (but also didn’t really understand that the point of doing a Group Finder run is that you do the one that’s on the Group Finder bonus, I think...). She wanted to do TC on Impside, so I hopped on with Raz to be sure we had a healer, and we got a partial group together and pug’d the rest. Gaz dropped group to do GF, but that gave Ziza lead, and Ziza didn’t understand that she needed to be the one to add us to the activity queue. Took a minute to get everything sorted and get us added into queue, get it to pop for TC and matched with Gaz. Pugs got a little frustrated with the wait, but it went okay.
Then we somehow ended up doing an undermanned Hive Queen, down a dps and a healer. Gaz warned the ops chat that they’d probably get killed by the healer if they made me solo heal something again. I said, “nah, I just won’t heal you.” But we did it anyway, and it ended up being fine (and I healed Gaz plenty, because I try not to be petty and because I love Gaz).
Then Ziza wanted to do Monolith, but we convinced her that we should wait to do Monolith until another time when we could be better prepared, with a full group (maybe on one of our planned World Boss Wednesdays or something), since it’s a little more complicated.
I took a break to take care of things with the dogs and to check on my RAs with the program they were running tonight, and when I came back, Ziza had roped Gaz into running TC on the pubside, so I asked if they needed any spots filled. They’d just lost a healer who had gotten frustrated waiting for someone to get to the door to summon, so I jumped in with Vysh to help out. On the first pull, we had a dps not get out of the laser beam in time, and res’ing them distracted me from being able to put a shield on myself when the purple circle was targeting me (which usually doesn’t do enough damage to kill you in story mode, but again, distracted), so I ended up dying. Then Ziza (who was the other healer) I think didn’t realize the combat res was still on cooldown and couldn’t figure out why she couldn’t res me, but I think it was while she was trying to res me that something killed her... but it just went very downhill very quickly. Second pull went a lot better, but I did notice one point when the purple circle was on me and two dps were standing in it with me even though I’d explicitly said before the pull that if someone had the circle on them, you needed to move out, or you’d take damage too (didn’t explicitly say that I wouldn’t heal you if you stood in it while it was on me, but hope that was implied, because how else will you learn?).
A bit later, one of Diversity Fleet’s teams needed a tank for story mode SnV. And I love SnV (I’m a slut for all things Dread Masters), so after checking that it was okay that I’ve never actually tanked it, but done it enough times as a healer that I know the basic gist of what the tank needs to do (just might need a few more specific directions in places), I was able to hop in on Cershaa. Off-tanking SnV was actually pretty fun and went pretty smoothly! 
We realized partway through that we only had one healer...whoops. The solo healer did a very good job, and really the only spot they were having trouble was with the Cartel Warlords, since the tanks are pretty far apart for most of the fight, with one of them kiting Sunder and the other keeping Tu’chuk busy on pretty much opposite sides of the room. On our first pull against the Warlords, my health kept getting scary low, and I would use my dcds when Vilus jumped over at me, but it seemed like I wasn’t really getting a lot of healing (spoiler alert: I wasn’t. the healer was focusing on the main tank so that Sunder didn’t completely kill her, and one of the dps was pocket healing me when they could), and when Tu’chuk did some kind of little soft enrage or whatever, I ate it. But we did a second pull that went pretty much perfectly.
Styrak yeeted the main tank into the exhaustion zone about seven times, so I got to briefly experience main tank life on that fight while he was Disinterested with her (pretty much just yell at a Bad Dog, then stare up Styrak’s sweaty skirts for five minutes).
Pretty busy night for me and my idiots.
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vespertine-legacy · 4 years
So, I was probably not supposed to have a companion out at all before heading over to the conversation with General Daeruun and Master Gnost-Dural, but I don’t play by the rules, so Cershaa had Elara with her, and I did not realize that Elara is part of that conversation by default, so I briefly had TWO ELARAS and I can’t tell you how excited Cershaa was at that prospect. I’m not sure what green!Elara was supposed to be inspecting, but it amused me greatly that companion!Elara ended up standing right there to be prodded by herself.
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vespertine-legacy · 4 years
I was tagged (a while ago now, sorry!) by @legacystarwarred​ to do a kotfe/kotet legacy report on my toons. It’s a pretty neat concept, but I’ll admit I’m a bit stuck on it for some of mine... Also, I have played fast and loose with canon and timeline for a couple of them to make the things that I want them to do work out. Some of the toons in this line-up I haven’t ever really introduced on here before beyond just maybe posting a picture and mentioning their name (and most of those, I’ve only played far enough to get a sense of the class/discipline because I’m too lazy to actually finish anything).
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I will put my individual updates for each toon under a cut, because a) damn that’s a lot of idiots, and b) potential for spoilers for all class stories, yay!
I know the pictures there show 26 idiots, but for starters, let’s just have an update on the “main” 8: Ember, Kestrel, Cershaa, Zuvi, Mena, Sija, Moxie, and Raz
Ready for Legacy Update 1/3?
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Name: November “Ember” Almarre Gender: Female Species: Human Status/Position: Alive, Jedi Battlemaster, Alliance advisor Relationship: Kira Carsen (dating) About: Follows class story and assists with Republic efforts on Ilum and Makeb, but I haven’t actually decided what’s canon for her after that (kotfe/kotet is not; she may just stay with her crew and end up with Kira and Scourge on their mission).
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Name: Kestrel Fortuna Gender: Female Species: Twi’lek Status/Position: Alive, Barsen’thor Relationship: Nadia Grell (queerplatonic partnership) About: Kestrel was originally my Outlander and Alliance Commander, but then I decided against that and have basically thrown out everything I’ve already written about her (whoops). Follows class story, then... I haven’t decided what to do with her for a gap in the story, but I’m leaning on having her end up on Ossus with Nadia and the Jedi Colony.
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Name: Cershaa Vadesh Gender: Female Species: Togruta Status/Position: Alive, Colonel in the Galactic Republic Army, Havoc Squad commander, Alliance advisor Relationship: Elara Dorne & Aric Jorgan (polymarried) About: Follows class story, assists in Republic efforts on Makeb, Ilum, and Yavin IV. Taken prisoner by Eternal Empire forces during the war against Zakuul (but not frozen in carbonite), still working out the details but want for her to end up rescued by Coda, with Coda unable to get her back to Elara and Aric for long enough that Cershaa is still declared KIA by the Republic, but have her eventually end up as an advisor to Sija’s Alliance with her whole happy Havoc family (even though they’ll probably leave when Sija makes Odessen part of the Empire). (Twin sister of one of my alt-Bounty Hunters, Coda.)
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Name: Nizuvhi “Zuvi” Kenno Gender: Female Species: Mirialan Status/Position: Alive, Voidhound Relationship: Risha Drayen (dating), @rainofaugustsith​‘s Rorjhana (dating), various other flings About: Becomes disillusioned with the Republic. Prefers to stay as neutral as possible in order to have as many potential jobs as possible (and, when you’re neutral, you get to meet more people). Runs away from all of her responsibilities when the war against the Eternal Empire gets bad, and is eventually called upon by Hylo Visz to join Sija’s Eternal Alliance. Uses Lana’s contacts to track down her crew and invite them to join her on Odessen to pull the family back together (gets an absolute earful from Risha about the way she ran off). When Sija officially has Odessen join the Empire, Corso wants Team Smuggler to leave, but Zuvi refuses. It comes out that Zuvi had been primarily helping the Empire the entire time she’d been gone and since joining the Alliance had been offering more support to Imperial efforts than Republic. After Odessen’s official absorption into the Empire, Zuvi tells Sija that the Voidhound Fleet is loyal to both the Eternal Alliance and the Empire, and Corso leaves Odessen without her. (Sister of one of my alt-Smugglers, Archie.)
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Name: Atmena “Mena” Jenkari’uul Gender: Female Species: Pureblood Sith Status/Position: Alive, Empire’s Wrath, Alliance Advisor Relationship: Jaesa Willsaam (dating) About: Grew up wealthy and privileged, but with a modicum of humility. Became close friends with her family’s servant, Sija, and got a rude awakening about power dynamics when Sija left for Korriban. Fiercely loyal to the Empire, and previously loyal to the Emperor. Chosen as the Emperor’s Wrath, and honored to have been chosen until his betrayal. Assists with building the Alliance and becomes an advisor for the Eternal Alliance. Declines the offer to become Acina’s Wrath, preferring to serve the people of the Empire before the Empress. (almost all post-class-pre-kotfe content is canon for her, just that it’s her and Sija together, and she’s there to support Sija after Lana rescues her from carbonite).
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Name: Cassija “Sija” Solborne-Beniko Gender: Female Species: Rattataki Status/Position: Alive, Darth Nox, Alliance Commander  Relationship: Lana Beniko (married) About: Served in the Jenkari’uul household for as long as she could remember, until her Force sensitivity was discovered. Altorius Jenkari’uul trained her for several years alongside his daughter, Atmena, before she eventually was sent to Korriban. Follows the class story and rises to a seat on the Dark Council after defeating Darth Thanaton (Sphere of Ancient Knowledge). Gets framed for Emperor Valkorion’s murder and imprisoned in carbonite by Arcann, but is not Valkorion’s vessel during the carbonite nap, just left to her own thoughts and Horak-Mul’s company. Very reluctant to lead the Alliance after the five-year nap, but settles into the role and is happy to welcome just about anyone into her Alliance. Brings Odessen back into the Empire and regains control of her Sphere, mostly for tactical/safety reasons, partially to keep a closer eye on Acina and try to make her actually keep up with some of the changes that had been proposed during Sija’s first stint as a Darth.
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Name: Dao-Mox “Moxie” Brood Gender: Genderqueer Species: Dathomirian Zabrak Status/Position: Alive, Grand Champion of the Great Hunt, Hired Gun for the Eternal Alliance Relationship: Mahzarin Auksas (on-again-off-again) About: Mostly a free agent after winning her round of the Great Hunt. Reconnects with and mentors Lark while he and Echo go through the Great Hunt, but otherwise attempts to fade into obscurity. Is convinced by Mena to serve as a basically on-call hired gun for the Eternal Alliance in order to not be beholden to Acina.
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Name: Vero’razimiri’vosis, “Raz” Gender: Female Species: Chiss Status/Position: Alive, Director of Operations of Imperial Intelligence (“Keeper”) Relationship: Shara Jenn (engaged) About: Served as a combat medic for the Empire on Hoth before joining Imperial Intelligence. Mostly follows class story. Fosters a pretty strong dislike for the Sith, but comes to respect Darth Marr (works with him on Makeb, Ilum, and Yavin), as well as Darth Nox and the Wrath (works with them on Rishi, Yavin, and Ziost). Is named Keeper of Imperial Intelligence by Darth Zhorrid between the events of Yavin IV and Ziost. Convinces Darth Marr to take Shara on as an apprentice after her Sith awakening, and comes to have Regrets™ about that. Works with Lana Beniko to locate and rescue Sija and Shara from carbonite. Serves as a consultant for the Eternal Alliance. Is called back to her roll as Keeper by Empress Acina after the events of Onslaught.
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vespertine-legacy · 4 years
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I rewatched my videos of Cershaa’s trip through A-77 to remind myself of Elara’s extreme disappointment in her decisions there to try to convince myself not to let Zeke have a fling with Jaxo, but, oops. I just really wanted to see it for myself, so we’re just gonna pretend it didn’t happen because Zeke is gonna feel bad enough about that dumb mission as it is.
But! I love how forward Jaxo is, how much she doesn’t give a shit that Jorgan and the Senator are standing right there while she’s flirting with the Lieutenant at Port Raga, how she’s the one to initiate the fade-to-black. She has told you from the beginning that she’s impulsive, bored, and Horny On Main, and you’re able to just tell her “cool, have your way with me,” and her response is “I’m gonna go ahead and take that as an order.” There is a lot to unpack with Jaxo, and the way she plays with the power dynamic is hot as hell. She’s totally wrong for Zeke, and I wish Cershaa could have had the fling with her instead (there is so much lesbian subtext in the Coruscant side mission that a female Trooper gets with Jaxo).
Anyway, pretend that Zeke and Jaxo have a playful sibling-like relationship where they rib each other but there’s not any sexual tension and they never boinked, and the A-77 mission is still gonna suck, but he’s gonna do the right thing.
(SPOILERS FOR A-77 MISSION FOR TROOPERS: If you haven’t finished the Trooper storyline and don’t know yet what I’m talking about, STOP READING and don’t finish this post. I think I decided afterward that Cershaa wouldn’t have actually gone through with the “dark” decision on A-77, that she couldn’t have lived with doing that, and here’s how it actually went down: Jaxo’s “there’s always a choice,” pleading not to die there alone killed Cershaa, but she told the technician to do the right thing and walked away from him and Elara so she could keep a private open comm channel with Jaxo through the end, just apologizing over and over, forcing herself to listen to Jaxo die, to the consequence of her choice. She begged Elara to let her go find Jaxo’s body; she didn’t even know if Jaxo had family to return a body to, but could they really just leave her there?--but with droids swarming that level of the facility and an Imperial fleet actively firing on them, they couldn’t risk it, they needed to get everyone off of the prison level and get back to their own ship, or risk having the entire mission be a waste. Having Major Fel suggest that Jaxo be put forth for a posthumous medal for her service broke Cershaa’s heart, but she asked Garza about it; and when Garza asked for details about what happened to Jaxo--if she had been recaptured or if she fought with them to free the rest of the prisoners--telling her that Jaxo sacrificed herself tasted bitter and rotten in Cershaa’s mouth because she had sacrificed Jaxo. But who would she have been if she had let three hundred prisoners die to save one person she cared about, one fellow soldier who knew the risks when she signed up to serve? But none of that rationalization would fix the fact that she killed someone, a friend and almost lover, for the greater good, and had to immediately go back to work.)
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vespertine-legacy · 4 years
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[Elara: I’ll complete my full proposal and submit it to you and General Daeruun for review. Now, that will need to include a PK-87-5 personnel requisition, an AX-590 supply outlay request, at least twenty GR-10s... Cershaa: I love that glow you get when you’re thinking about paperwork... It’s always made me smile. Elara: Really? Cershaa: Really. Elara: I could keep working on this while we share a drink or two... if you’re interested? Cershaa: I’m interested. Elara: Well. After you, then. (REDACTED, because I realized it spoils some trooper-specific-kotfe/the choice Troopers get at the end of Onslaught)]
Okay, this scene is adorable. Elara is adorable. I am angry that they don’t get to kiss, but I am also calming down a little because it’s so painfully in-character for Elara that they don’t get to kiss right away the first time Cershaa makes it clear that she likes her, but in reality, Elara would have known and would have been pining for her for years. However, I remain livid that you are shown ONE POINT SIX SECONDS of them sitting on a couch together. THAT’S IT. If you’re not going to give me a smooch, GOD, give me slightly more TWO DAMN SECONDS and a judgmental old lady looking over at them before it fades away.
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vespertine-legacy · 4 years
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Because, sure, I need one of each class on the European server I’ve started playing on in addition to the two I already play on, and it’s not good enough to just keep cloning my toons, I’m creating new ones over there. So!
Meet Orcodaa “Coda” Vadesh! She’s Cershaa’s fraternal twin sister, younger by just a few minutes, and the family disappointment. Astute viewers will recognize that she’s standing on the Mantis in the first shot there, and about to quickdraw on a dumb motherfucker in the second one.
Cershaa and Coda’s parents are military and wanted the girls to follow in their footsteps. Cershaa did, but Coda had a bit more of a rebellious streak. She could have just stopped at getting involved in smuggling, but bounty hunting turned out to pay way better if you were good enough at it, and the risk was worth disappointing mom and dad that much more.
Coda is probably a lot more like Cershaa than either of them realizes, since they haven’t really seen each other in their adult lives, but both of them thinks the other is pretty stupid for the way she lives her life. Coda thinks Cershaa is a brainless bootlicker and a cog in the Republic war machine; Cershaa thinks Coda is playing with fire every day that she takes a contract and that eventually she’s gonna cross the wrong person and get herself killed.
Cershaa is also salty about the fact that Coda is taller than her, but thankful that their markings are different enough that it’s easy to tell them apart.
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vespertine-legacy · 4 years
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Cershaa had to climb up to the top of a very high rock and have a little sit-down after carrying out Garza’s little errand on Rishi, because WHAT. THE. FUCK.
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Garza, what--and I cannot stress this enough--the fuck?
There had damn well better be an option for Cershaa to slap the ever-loving fuck out of Garza when she gets back to the rendezvous.
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vespertine-legacy · 4 years
Hey, have any of you ever tried to get up and dance with the holo dancers in the cantina on Mek-Sha? Because you totally should. Cershaa had a great time with it.
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vespertine-legacy · 4 years
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vespertine-legacy · 4 years
New things I have done on swtor lately:
Warzones on characters other than Moxie (took Zuvi and Cershaa into warzones for quick conquest points because I felt lazy)
Actually had fun playing Huttball?! Zuvi is really good at protecting the ballhandler and getting hella kills. I still have never actually touched the ball, but I had a match where Zuvi got nearly 40 kills.
Got dragged into a 16-man run on story mode Scum and Villainy with mostly randos on Raz. My dudes, I healed an ops with randos and I didn’t die. (Well, Raz died once, because the entire group died on our first go at the final boss, but I didn’t die). No one yelled at me either! Someone did Leroy Jenkins attempt number 2 at the final boss, and I’m pretty sure there was a point that I was the only one healing, because at the very end people were just dropping like flies and I could not keep up with the heals on my column much less the whole group, but with everyone who died just yelling in chat BURRRRRRN HIMMMMM, YOU GOT THISSSSSSS it got down to me and three dps who managed to take Styrak down.
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vespertine-legacy · 4 years
Had to upload through vimeo (so hopefully this works), because the video was too big to just do straight through tunglr, which killed the quality a bit, but Garza WHAT THE FUCK.
I mean, I shouldn’t be surprised at all after what happened on Coruscant in one of the very first missions for her. (And Cershaa had moral objections to Garza’s ability to rationalize being absolutely shitty to “volunteer” cyborgs then, as well, and when Cershaa respectfully disobeyed Garza’s orders, Garza respectfully told her to eat shit - ”you listen to my orders, then your brain, then your heart, in that order,” was her advice to how Cershaa should handle moral dilemmas in the future.) So I’m not sure why Garza is surprised that Cershaa is a little fucking pissed that Garza thought any of this was a good idea.
Also, Garza says that Supreme Commander Rans was the one who pulled Havoc from covert SpecForces ops, but who wants to bet me that it was actually Saresh who made that call?
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