#eclipse squad deserved better
meeblo · 10 months
Is there an operator you really like the gameplay of but never use because of their story/bad vibes & the flip-side, is there an operator you like the lore of but never use because their kit is so bad
I don’t really have anyone who falls under the former. I still use people I think have bad vibes if I find their gameplay fun or useful, like SilverAsh. I rarely treat gameplay as if it were canon, except for instances where they do something really cool with the level design that reflects something in the story like sometimes happens.
For the latter, I do have a couple. I’d like to use Shining more but I just never find myself needing her defense buff. I only ever consider her if I feel like Aak buffing someone who would die otherwise, and I don’t even do that much because I haven’t given him masteries yet. I want to use Ch’en more but she’s hard to justify the squad space for when Irene is right there. Ch’en certainly isn’t in as bad a spot as a lot of other characters but I still find myself rarely using her when content gets mildly challenging. I really wish I could use Saga more but the DP generation meta is entirely eclipsed by flagpipe and agents sadly, and she doesn’t have as much other utility or versatility as, say, Muelsyse. I really wish Grani was good but I haven’t even leveled her yet, I know I’d just be disappointed compared to Bagpipe or Vigna. Perish in Frost once again has me wishing Frostleaf wasn’t godawful. I’d like to use Haze because she’s great in ALSiD but I have too many better casters. Honorable mention to Vigil, wasn’t my favorite character of Il Siracusano (though I did enjoy his story because everything in that event was great) but god does he not deserve that clusterfuck of a kit.
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simperoniandcheese · 5 months
The One Time I Wasn't There - Part 3 (oh my god someone pinch me) - The Fact That He's Always Been Here Scares Me (whump, please read de tags!)
A cloud.
Her mind was in an isolated cloud, alone, up where the air was thin enough to kill.
She would've preferred it that way. But try as she might, Cora considered herself to be severely lacking in the 'luck' department.
Except for when she found the family that took her in and invited her for dinner and made her feel emotion again.
19 year old Cora Vasquez, if asked what she would be doing once she had a day off, would scoff in the asker's face, fill her calendar up with work, work, and more work just to let people know that she was fine, thank you very much.
Because, after everything that she'd gone through, why should she let anyone in? If she trusted, she believed she'd lose everything.
And she still believes it now. Just less.
That year, Cora spent her Christmas looking out of the coffee shop's window at the families passing by, wrenching her gaze away from the wooly mittens of the children, or the snow-bitten but smiling faces of their parents.
And she's been chasing after so many unreachable things that she hasn't paid any attention to the things that really matter.
The squad and all the jokes, gags and fake blackmail they had accumulated over the years.
When Ryan brought his new cat in and the whole room went to chaos.
Burl's leaving party, and how it was extended a whole week because nobody wanted him to retire, and "leave us with the choir boy!".
The little clump of girls that worked in the force that gathered every Friday at Farrell's for drinks. Somehow, a handful of guys would be dragged along with them. Cora didn't think she'd ever get to see or hear her own boss do an impression of 'Total Eclipse Of The Heart' on the old karaoke machine.
She loved it though, regardless. TJ was just an angel, and she loved it.
She loved him.
She'd taken so long to realise that the coffees he refused to let her pay for, the sideways glances when he thought she was looking at the case files, the warm smiles, all of it was for her.
TJ Caruso was a pain in the ass, but he was also her closest friend, her mentor, and (even if she hated it) he was and had her whole heart.
She just didn't know how to express it anymore.
It had been 3 weeks, and the staff had informed everyone that today would likely be her last day in anesthesia because of the thinning they'd commenced in the meds about 5 days ago.
And TJ was working late that evening.
The night before, he'd (like every day since the shooting) gone to talk to her about everything and nothing at the same time. How all the detectives and officers were doing, stories that his father had told his friends too many times to count, how his day was going (she'd definitely laugh at this)
He'd been researching all the information he could find on induced comas, and other related things, so he didn't screw up and could help her the best he could. She deserved only the best, after all, she was the definition of best in his opinion.
Smart, funny, and god, if he looked too many times at her on a normal day, he'd usually be wound up for the rest of their shifts.
Is that bad? It's probably bad. Oh dear.
TJ swiped the weariness out of his eyes with the back of his hand, resettling on his desk chair to get a better angle of the witness's hastily-scribbled report.
He'd have to re-assess it in the morning.
She winced as the iron-tang of blood hit her in the face, and as she looked slowly, drowsily down at her body, where a swathe of bandage was secured around her waist down to her stomach, the other stretch of white which was on her arm being eased off by a stressed looking nurse, and she jolted her head away, fighting her gag reflex as red skin peeled away from the single yellowish, angry sore that must've been one of the places she'd gotten shot.
"Can I have some water?" She cringed as her raspy voice reached her ears, and started to cough violently.
"You're awake!" The nurse perked up a little, then upon hearing Cora's condition, she blanched.
"Hold on, let me just, Callie!" she got up off her knees, calling for who was presumably the other late-shifter assigned to this ward.
A head popped around the curtains, and the nurse who was changing the dressings motioned something with her hands, and Callie took off again, nodding.
"Was that..Is she deaf? I hope you don't mind me asking," Cora asked with wide eyes, her face alight in interest.
"No, Callie is just mute, the kind soul, so we use ASL here to communicate with them and also it's kind of easier to gesture than to speak." The woman smiled. "Ooh, I was also going to say, there was a young man at the front desk asking to see you a few hours ago, he looked so worried, poor thing..."
She sharply looked up from picking her fingernails, a jolt of surprise zipping through her nerves as she stared at the nurse.
"Is that..alright? We can send him away, so many women here get visitors-"
"No, no please don't. Can you um, possibly let him in as soon as you can? I really need to tell him something, before it's too late and I fuck up again." Cora half-begged, not caring if her nerves showed through her voice. She'd had enough of holding her tongue anyway.
Callie returned, her curly red hair falling slightly out of place as she lowered down to give Cora the water, and a mutual smile of gratitude was shared between them before she stepped back into the seat of her desk, her eyes trained on the screen as it lit up her face in the midnight lighting.
"I can maybe ask around for you in a few hours, I think you should get some rest while you can, First, before that happens, I need to change your dressings." She answered warmly from the other side of the room, where she was dropping the used equipment into a yellow bag.
Cora nodded, tapping on the small cannula that snaked off the bed, behind her, where it connected to a small bag of what looked like water, even though it clearly wasn't water.
As the nurse came over, she took Cora's forearm in her hands affably, and in a second or two, there was a fresh sheet of cloth on her wound, the sting of ointment felt easily beneath the layer.
"Right, so I'm not trying to be weird, but since the other bandage is around your torso, I'm going to need you to loosen and pull down your gown,"
"Oh, okay. Also, I was wondering, what's your name, so I can stop referring to you as 'kind woman'?"
The lady laughed a little, her eyes crinkling at the sides, easily visible even through the lack of light.
She looked a little bit like Cora, if she was going to say anything about it, minus her bleached hair tips and her long high-ponytail.
"It's Frieda, but lots of people find that weird, so just Freya if you're one of those people." She smiled, looking back at Cora as the curtains were drawn quickly.
As she untied the small knot in the back of her hospital clothing, Cora looked the other way awkwardly as the nurse produced an intimidating roll of fresh cloth, covering her chest with her hands.
Sooner than she'd thought, the cold sensation of the ointment on her overheated skin made her stomach flip, and she let out a small, surprised yelp, at the amusement of Frieda, who was focused on her patient's side.
She was muttering words under her breath as she worked, even if Cora wasn't looking her way, she silently wondered how working in a hospital would be different from working in the squad. Did they have the same kind of banter? Was it harder on your mental health?
Most of all, did the nurses fall in love with their boss?
That was a weird question.
As soon as the bandage had been secured around her waist and lower chest, she got to work, busying herself with the strings of the gown as Frieda once again returned to the yellow bag, then checked on the IV drip.
"I'll just go now and tell your poor friend he can see you," Frieda announced airily as she opened the curtains, and the light, as little as it was, poured in. Cora gulped, hoping she wouldn't start crying like she had the last time she'd been as low as she was.
Which, funnily enough, she hadn't even apologized for.
She'd been angry at everything that night, not to mention tired, still drowsy from whatever Warren put in the champagne, and she'd taken it out on poor Anthony, who'd just been trying to help. She failed to ask his dad where his son had been when the reception took place, eventually finding out that he went through something that was probably worse than what she had from the grapevine of chatter that circulated around the offices, since TJ was conveniently ushered out of the room whenever she came into it by anyone who was there at the time.
But despite TJ's physical presence (and the warmth and light and love he brought) being absent from the too-long hallways that her boots loved to echo on as she tried to sort her shit out on the walk to and from a taxi (she'd been too terrified to use her car), she'd still think of him.
And it helped chase her demons away for a while.
Wiping her eyes a little, she wondered how far from the ward TJ was, and if she would have any time to bury herself underneath the sheets and sleep.
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petrichoraline · 1 year
Hiii let me chacha real smooth in your inbox for that "X or Y" game!
The Untamed or Word of Honor? Pat or Pran? To my star or To My Star 2? Pawin in Star in my Mind or in The Eclipse or in Never Let Me Go?
Gmmtv whiped boys edition: Palm or Tinn?
And would you rather eat Noey's over salted food OR Tan's 'dr bun wont eat that' instant(ly failed) noodles? -☆
<33 what a smooth sliding into my ask box 🥰 it's a tough road ahead from here on though, go make a cup of tea, i've prepared you a read
The Untamed or Word of Honour?
ohhh shit, okay. so.
cql was the most draining show - it's amazing and so enticing but i had never watched anything from the wuxia genre before so it was A Lot..i would not rewatch it tbh, maybe the special addition if i miss wangxian too much 💞 it's so tragic and i'm always at risk of The Feels when i come across any cql or mdzs post, not to mention the yi city arc which fucked me up in a particular way...
woh doesn't make me as emotional because everyone is insane? it's actually impressive how unhinged every single person in the show is, the stories are tragic too, especially the last episodes but i was kind of numb to it, decided to focus on my guys and their happy ending only ✌️
woh gave me wen kexing, visuals (the designs of the characters are wild, espeecially the ghosts, they're straight out of a children's book, so expressive and individualistic) and the most blatant expression of romance they could - not only could you feel the love through each gaze, touch and action but boundaries were pushed in terms of script and the portrayal of physical affection was more than what they had to do. also i'm obsessed with the lipreading videos <3
cql and mdzs are still distant to me and i feel like an outsider to the fandom but i feel the same way about woh. cql introduced me to wuxia, i see posts about it more often and i feel like i remember the characters and events better. not to mention i got into mxtx bc of it so i have it to thank for the blast i have when im reading svsss. so ig i have to pick the untamed? but woh really is special, i hope ppl watch it
Pat or Pran?
boyyy i would usually say pat no questions asked but i think about pran and how he's handled all that his mom put him through and how he clearly struggles in so many ways and my protective instincts are screaaming, he's such a brave patootie (or, yknow, patootie)..but yeah no, i'll say pat, he is so loving loving loving despite everything, so considerate, so caring, he's a bit of a jock, a bit of a theatre kid, a bit of a band member - he's straight out of high school musical but adorable
To My Star or To My Star 2
TMS2!! i am sure s1 is great but it just didn't leave a lasting impression on me, it was the second season that had me shaking in excitement and yelling at the screen and going through tumblr to read analyses and stuff. it made me care about seojoon and jiwoo soo much and even if in the future i find the first season better in retrospect, s2 is my baby (and it got me so excited bout daseul's vision for blueming 2 🥰)
Pawin in Star in my Mind or in The Eclipse or in Never Let Me Go?
ohh that's interesting..maithee, namo and phum are all annoying but supportive losers lol
i dont have much of an opinion on any of them like phum was a villain for most of the show and then he had a glow up and became a rich hottie with a cute boyfriend, namo was a decoy that suddenly became a part of the squad and i dont remember much about maithee in the og show honestly.. based on the our skyy 2 episodes, i'll go with namo - he gave off sweet supportive kid who just wants to be loved and that's pathetic and cute <3 (tho maithee deserves betterrr)
Palm or Tinn?
in terms of whipped, i think i'd go with palm. man is borderline crazy for nueng, it's impressive. with their our skyy 2 eps out it's confirmed it's not just teen hormones lol
when it comes to my personal fave...they're both precious and frustrate me a lot but ig i'd go with tinn - i think of his reaction to gun rawring at him, about him coming back with those grocery bags.. he's so intense and awkward and devoted but it's not in the way palm is (which makes even me a bit uncomfortable hahah)
eat Noey's over salted food OR Tan's 'dr bun wont eat that' instant(ly failed) noodles?
i cannot deal with salty food, i'm more sensitive to salt than others so whatever noey's cooking has got going on that makes others spit it out immediately? not for me. nuh uh.
i can't find tan's noodles but i found the chicken scene and boyy that is probably salty on top of burnt and with disgusting texture soo (also burnt on the outside raw on the inside is wildd)
yeah. noey's food. small bites, lots of water - if it's otherwise tasty then i'll take a day to finish it, it's cool. :') (on a side note they'd both look with such anticipation and nervousness and wide eyes and aaa reminds me of dfqc, i love it when bad cooks try their best and realise they suck lol)
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shannybasar · 3 months
Euro 2024 stories - quarter finals
Not quite sure how England have made it through to the semi finals without playing well:
For England it was a step up performance-wise although they had set a very low bar to achieve that with their first four showings in Germany. There was a move to a back three and the team felt better balanced. “We are fighting and we are not going to stop fighting,” said Gareth Southgate and belief in the squad that England can win the tournament is building.
I was really happy for Saka, after his experience of missing a penalty during the final of the last Euros:
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Saka is a player you just love to see have these moments, to smile, to remind you – in between running and working and covering because he is the most assiduous of modern footballers – that this is still at bottom a matter of play, joy, fun and invention. And he deserves this too, because football has been hard on Saka. All of the players involved in the worst parts of that horrible, murky Wembley shootout final three years ago have suffered in its wake. Saka needed time and support. It was just so brutal, so hard, so public, so vicious in its echoes, so sinister in its summoning of blockheaded racist abuse from the toxic corners of the internet. Saka has this now, another memory.
This was redemption, Saka-style - done with class, abundant skill and with irresistible likeability. "I think for me, it's something I embrace," Saka said of exorcising the demons of Euro 2020. "You can fail once but you have a choice whether you put yourself in that position again and I'm a guy who is going to put myself in that position. "I believed in myself and when the ball hit the net I was a very happy man
And I was really happy for Trent as he scored the winning penalty:
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And especially for this reaction:
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The French players may have more important things on their mind than football:
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Sad to see the Turkish team leave as they were always so attacking and had one of the young stars of the tournament:
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Great story from the Spanish game:
This was the only thing I had left,” Ángel Miguel Merino joked, and now even that had been taken from him, but it was worth it: in return, he was given the gift of a lifetime, a gesture of gratitude for, well, for everything. No wonder there were tears in his eyes. There were 65 seconds of extra time remaining when his son Mikel jumped, twisted his neck and headed Spain into the semi-final of Euro 2024. At first there was, Merino Jr said, an “incredible silence”, a moment’s uncertainty when “I wasn’t aware what was happening”, and then he saw his teammates sprinting off the bench and it came to him just what he had done; what he had to do too. They embraced him and then, when they let go, he set off on a run around the corner flag.
Which was also a goodbye to Toni Kroos:
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vespertine-legacy · 4 years
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Cershaa had to climb up to the top of a very high rock and have a little sit-down after carrying out Garza’s little errand on Rishi, because WHAT. THE. FUCK.
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Garza, what--and I cannot stress this enough--the fuck?
There had damn well better be an option for Cershaa to slap the ever-loving fuck out of Garza when she gets back to the rendezvous.
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twilightdad · 6 years
i've rewatched eclipse today and my heart breaks for riley biers ngl.
he was just a young guy with a regular life. he was vulnerable and victoria knew that. his life completely changed out of nowhere when he was attacked and turned into a vampire. being a newborn is confusing as hell and she took him by the hand. she used her good looks and her charm and told him 'you have a purpose now. this is more than you could have ever imagined'. the thing is, getting validation from such a gorgeous woman feels irresistable to many young men. especially when they aren't sure about their identity and their purpose. suddenly he was a vampire. he felt lost.
riley believed that victoria loved him. she was good at awakening his protective side. she acted like a vulnerable woman who needed help to destroy some 'evil' vampires that allegedly threatened her.
that was easier than acknowledging the truth: victoria ripped him away from his family and friends just so that she can get her revenge. she took his dreams and his future away. she took his life from him.
my boy made terrible af choices. i would never excuse that. but he was vulnerable as hell. victoria was all he had in that moment. that was her cruel plan. he was weakened and ready to believe in a lie. walking alone on this earth with no guidance felt too frightening. riley wasn't strong enough to even realize that he could have decided against following victoria. so he let her guide him to an early grave. what a terrible waste.
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spacialstar · 2 years
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Lorraine Jolie Beau
- Huge thanks to the STUNNING @small-sketch and the FABULOUS @avoidghost for bringing my vision of my ( Triple Changer ) OC to life !! They both had borderline NOTHING to work w/ and STILL exceeded my expectations !! You both are so awesome and I would DIE for you.
So, how does one describe this chaotic TC ? Well, let's start with the basics. Lorraine was actually created on Cybertron, by the name of Eclipse. Granted, at the time she didn't look quite as outlandish as her newly minted design. Back then, she was a dulled hue - given that she didn't have much need for personal appearance. She was created to be a form of entertainment, a brawler in the pits. She was one of the best, though that didn't mean much since even the winner would suffer extensive damage. So, when she was introduced to her most FORMIDABLE opponent ... Things took a turn. Suddenly, she was on a losing streak. Megatronus couldn't be beat, he was too strong, too adept, too much like a WARRIOR. She was being injured beyond comparison with each cycle, and she'd be snuffed out if she didn't pick up her game. This was her life. She wasn't giving up, and she certainly wasn't admitting that he was better than her. The turning point was a mere cycle before the war started, the last battle that would ever take place in the pits ... It was the day that she emerged victorious. She was beaten badly, but SHE stood tall above her enemy - SHE WAS THE ONE THEY WERE CHEERING FOR. That was the last time that she'd be in such a close vicinity to the mech. When the war began, she took the side of the autobots due to their views : though many questioned her loyalty due to her history in the pits. She was put on the front lines due to her strength and skill, and was actually the lead bot in the rescue squad that brought back their wounded scout. At the time, she didn't give him a second glance as anything more than a selfless autobot who had prepared to give it all for the cause. When they landed on a new planet, things were hard for her in brand new ways ... Humans were hard to deal with, a liability in her opinion. She trusted OP with her life, but the one decision she TRULY questioned - was allowing humans to be present in their dangerous war. Over this time, she grew close to Bee, who had long since recovered from the majority of the damage he sustained back on their home planet. He was bright and easy to excite, and she found herself talking the extra mile to let him have fun without being caught. Racing ? No problem. Seeing human concerts ? Consider it done. Museums ? Hard, but she'd hunt down a way. They grew incredibly close, though the breaking point was watching him die on the space bridge ... The last time he saw her, was when she went out to patrol the planet one last time after life was flushed back into their planet. Despite being instructed by OP that their priority was rebuilding their home, and that they couldn't waste time searching for her, he still went in secret. This was where he discovered what was left of her ... He assumed that she'd died, but unbeknownst to him, she'd crawled to safety like a dying dog and taken the form of a human. Forced to erase her memory in case of decepticon capture, desperate to allow her body to heal. But without her memory, her body was not healing properly. It was taking on a form that reflected her interests, absorbing information that stuck strongly with her and mimicking just that. She moved, and in her new city, became rather close to a hermit by the name of Denny Clay. This was later the reason for him discovering him once again, though she didn't reveal herself even after her memory rebooted. He didn't deserve to mourn twice over someone like her. Granted, she was later forced to reveal herself when some familiar cons came back into the picture. Soundwave underestimated them for the last time, especially when he didn't give cadence to her not having lost her weapons when the war ended...
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cosmicrew · 3 years
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Close your eyes, take a deep breath, follow your intuition and choose the pile that calls on you! You can also use your pendulum, whatever works best for you. After you’ve chosen click on read more to read your message.
Disclaimer: This is a general reading so take only what resonates for you intuitively and leave the rest.
Legal disclaimer: This reading is for entertainment purposes only and the user is responsible for their own choices and decisions.
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PILE ONE: All may not be quite as it appears. Not everything that shines is gold. Tune in to your intuition and listen to your gut instinct. By looking beyond what is apparent superficially you will be able to see the truth and decide if something (or someone) is good for you. For some of you this is a warning to take things with a grain of salt, someone might try to deceive you, just remember your internal compass always knows the truth! Don't trust words that are not backed up by actions and double read all contracts and agreements you sign during the Eclipse/retrograde period. By loosening your grip (hello control issues squad!) and learning to detach from your fears you will avoid making choices driven by those same fears that you might regret later. It is important to honor your emotions and connect to your intuition, so the choices you make come from your authentic self. Refrain from taking impulsive actions, take some time to breathe and try to meditate during this time of heightened energy. Try to communicate your needs to others as clearly as you can, and also try to be honest with yourself. There’s a big focus here on fears that don’t let you see the situation for what it really is, fear often “distorts” our perception of reality in order to fit its agenda, this is why it is important for us to become aware of where our fears lie and face them head on. What better time to shed and release what’s holding us back than a Solar Eclipse? So take some time for yourself and try to connect to your inner world, keep a close eye on your inner workings and always question yourself, especially when you find yourself afraid to take certain steps. See where the fear is coming from. Remember that your greatest strength is being yourself and you are already doing a service to the world just by existing, so treat yourself with the unconditional love and respect you deserve. You can do anything that you put your mind to!
An additional message that’s coming up for this pile is that whoever hurt you in the past / whoever harbors bad intentions towards you will soon get their karma.
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PILE TWO: Everything is interconnected and you are exactly where you are supposed to be. You might have doubts right now, might ask yourself whether you made the right choices, however every single step you took and every single path you chose were the ones that are heading where you are meant to be. Even if you don’t see it right now because you are still walking, you will realize it once you reach your destination and look back, and see how it all made sense. You have been working hard to achieve your dreams or a certain dream, whatever you are working towards, you will get it. One of your wishes will be fulfilled because you have been actively working towards it, however you could experience small delays or petty annoyances/ frustrations (I find it funny that in this deck the Eight of Wands reversed is the Mercury retrograde card and we are right in the middle of it) but everything will be solved in the end. You are a very creative person and are not afraid to walk your path alone, you are a leader and do not particularly enjoy following others, this is why you took up a path that not many people take up, it takes courage and innovativity to do what you are doing and these are the very qualities that will lead you to success!
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PILE THREE: If flowers know exactly when and how to bloom, then so do you. You might feel that life has been busy lately, that you were too busy taking care of responsibilities to follow your dreams, you might feel that your dreams are a bit too hard/impossible to achieve. Spirit is saying that they are not. That you can achieve everything you put your mind to and you don’t need to make big breakthroughs every day, it is enough to slowly start working and taking baby steps towards them. You are being held back either by these responsibilities or your past (a certain aspect of it), however the choice to move away from this energy is yours, the strength and power to do so are qualities that you definitely own and the Universe will aid you as soon as you take the conscious decision to move towards what you really want. A big energy shift is in store for you as soon as you decide to move on from stagnant energy, start believing in your ability to achieve what you dream of and start taking practical steps (no matter how small) in order to reach your goal. Remember that you’re a precious child of the Universe and that if you learn to accept that you deserve everything you want the Universe will do anything to help you get it. Miracles are in store!
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“Stop ignoring or sidelining Scott McCall when he is the true alpha and the main fucking character of Teen Wolf!”
LOL the fuck is Scott/Posey Stans’ problem https://scintalla.tumblr.com/post/650697822782586880/i-am-really-done-with-the-tw-fandom-i-mean-this
I am really done with the TW fandom. I mean, this post isn’t about ALL fans of Teen Wolf but the majority have just ruined my experience in this fandom. Keep in mind that these are my opinions which I’m sharing and not a personal attack on anyone. So here’s why I’m fed up with both the fandom and even the show to an extent:
1) The hatred towards Scott McCall is just appalling. I genuinely can’t think of a reason why anyone would hate this precious ray of sunshine who is always trying to protect everyone. Like is a 16 year old and doesn’t know everything about being a werewolf the second he was bitten? *Lol, he’s so ‘dumb’.* Doesn’t immediately trust Derek because he has no reason to? *Poor Derek Scott is such a 'meanie’* Doesn’t abandon Allison the moment Derek tells him to because the latter is a stranger and Allison doesn’t even know about her family being hunters? *Everything is Scott’s 'fault’.* Makes a masterplan to defeat Gerard and save everyone? *Fandom shrugs and continues to make everything about Stiles* His ex girlfriend dies in his arms? *Fandom cries a tear and moves on to fawn on Void! Stiles* Saves everyone in the show, becomes the true alpha from the merit of his character *Fandom closes its eyes and fawns over one liners that Stiles threw* Literally dies and is attacked by his best friend for not saving his father when he was DEAD? *Poor Stiles, Scott is such a bad friend. Why can’t he just do everything according to how Stiles wants him to? Who cares that even Stiles himself trusted Theo and confided in him only about having to kill Donovan and never clarifies to Scott that he did it in self defense.* Like I can go on and on about how much of Scott’s trauma and pain are shrugged off because of fandom’s obsession with Stiles and even the show makes it appear as if it was Scott’s fault somehow that he died and couldn’t save Stiles’ father. I’m so tired. Tyler Posey was so good at playing Scott and his performance is ignored by 99.99% of the fandom.
2) KIRA YUKIMURA DESERVED BETTER! She was treated so badly by both the fandom AND the show! People were continually comparing her and Allison even though Allison was okay with Scott moving on and even teamed up with Kira in 'De- Void’ episode. And why can’t Scott move on? Allison wouldn’t have wanted Scott to mope over her forever. And Kira’s story and character development are thrown in trash and she isn’t even mentioned in season 6! Like, I’m not mad that she chose herself over Scott because it’s okay but they could have spent AT LEAST five minutes to talk about Kira and where she was and how she was doing. And the fandom’s unwarranted dislike of her even though the show had made it clear that she isn’t Allison’s 'replacement’ or whatever reasons people use to justify their hatred of her. Like she is a sweetheart, her relationship with Scott was cute and healthy and she doesn’t deserve any hate thrown towards her. Arden Cho portrayed her so well and I hate that she was treated like this by both fandom and writers of the show.
3) Malia Tate is treated so badly by the fandom that even I was surprised by the venom hurled towards her. Malia spent eight years as a coyote, so obviously she doesn’t know how to handle complex human emotions that even teenagers struggle with. And she does better than expected . She is not an 'unsupportive’, 'abusive’ girlfriend that toxic Stydia (i.e. not ALL stydia shippers, only the toxic ones) shippers make her out to be. She even figured out that Stiles had killed Donovan in self defense and said she didn’t judge him for it. And what did she get in return? She was ditched by her boyfriend for her efforts. And no, it’s not toxic that she was jealous of Lydia and Stiles because she was just dumped and wasn’t given closure over it, so obviously she isn’t going to be okay that her boyfriend was moving on so quickly. Like it’s not ideal but it’s not the worst thing. And even if you don’t ship stalia, you have no reason to hate on her. Just ship your ship and leave others who don’t agree with your personal opinion alone.
I haven’t even scratched the tip of the iceberg but these were the only ones that came to my mind. The blatant sexism and racism from the fans really saddens me and I wouldn’t be so mad if actors like Tyler Posey, Arden Cho, Shelley Hennig etc.. weren’t hated on for doing their literal jobs. Like, I’m not telling you to hate Stiles or Derek (which is impossible as it is when it comes to TW fandom) or tell you to stop shipping Sterek and Stydia (There’s nothing wrong with the ships inherently but I wish its stans weren’t so hell bent on making everything in TW about their ship). Only that you stop hating poc, female characters for no valid reasons and stop excusing your white faves’ problematic actions because they cried about it once or whatever. Like no wonder why white men are able to get away with the worst shit while poc and women suffer for no fault of theirs and hated on for things they can’t control; like their race or gender.
“I’M NOT TELLING YOU TO LIKE SCOTT AND HATE STILES AND DEREK” Antis screech at the top of their ragged lungs as they proceed to hate Stiles and Derek for daring to eclipse their whiny fav Scott from day one without even trying, throw a temper tantrum because everyone – including the whole Teen Wolf cast and their bitter flop fav Tyler Posey himself – prefers Stiles and Derek to Scott, and go out of their delusional way to twist and/or erase canon in order to blame Stiles and Derek for Scott’s own canonical toxic actions and behavior.
I also luv the way they try to paint Tyler Posey as a poor mistreated, sidelined, discriminated victim and pretend to give a shit about Arden Cho and Kira Yukimura as if Posey hasn’t been texting Jeff Davis begging his buddy to give him a job for the past five years and didn’t refer to Kira as “a good distraction for Scott”
@scintalla post is another proof that Scott Stans never watched an episode of the actual show:
“Scott makes a masterplan to defeat Gerard and saves everyone? Fandom shrugs and continues to make everything about Stiles”
Except that Scott didn’t save anyone in Master Plan – Stiles, Peter and Lydia did – and failed to kill Gerard. The only thing Scott achieved with his dumb excuse of a plan was prompting his buddy Gerard to order the Kanima to slaughter everyone in the warehouse, including Scott.
“His ex girlfriend dies in his arms? Fandom cries a tear and moves on to fawn over Void Stiles”
Did you notice how Scott/Posey Stans, just like Tyler Posey and Jeff Davis, try to make Allison’s heroic death all about Scott? Also: the Teen Wolf fandom can call the show writers out for shitting on Allison and making her heroic death all about her toxic ex boyfriend AND fawn over Stiles and Void Stiles at the same time. Just saying 😘
“Scott saves everyone in the show, becomes the true alpha from the merit of his character” Lmfao sure Jan! Like, everyone knows Jeff Davis came up with that true alpha nonsense last minute just to make his self insert Scott a little less irrelevant. But go off I guess
“Who cares that even Stiles himself trusted Theo and confided in Scott only about having to kill Donovan and never clarifies to Scott that he did it in self defense”
1) Stiles never trusted Theo. Theo himself had no problem admitting that Stiles was smart enough not to trust him. Unlike Scott, who fell for Theo’s cheap lies and got played by Theo like a cheap kazoo throughout Season 5 #Oops
2) Scott is neither Stiles’ dad, alpha, nor authority figure. Stiles is not obligated to share his traumas with a toxic friend if he doesn’t want to
3) Scott’s the one who yells “B-b-but it is not self defense anymore!” at Stiles in Lies of Omission
“I can go on and on about how much of Scott’s trauma and pain are shrugged off because of fandom’s obsession with Stiles… Tyler Posey was so good at playing Scott and his performance is ignored by 99.99% of the fandom”
If Scott/TP Stans are so butthurt that everyone is in love and obsessed with Stiles and Void Stiles instead of paying attention to superior true alpha Scott, then why don’t they take their jealousy and frustrations out on Posey? Tyler Posey is just as in love and obsessed with Dylan O’Brien, Stiles and Void Stiles as everyone else is (if not more.)
As for @scintalla & Scott McCall defense squad circle jerk whining and throwing a tantrum cause “Posey’s performance got ignored”, well… they should be fucking grateful everyone – including critics, fans, viewers, the whole Teen Wolf cast, and Posey himself – were too busy praising and gushing all over Star & Breakout Star of the show Dylan O’Brien’s phenomenal acting talent to pay attention to Tyler Posey’s cringe worthy attempts at acting
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rainofaugustsith · 4 years
SWTOR: The Shadow of Revan class missions
The Shadow of Revan expac and Prelude have some dialogue changes for each class. Each class gets a unique cut scene at the beginning of the expac, and there are little references here and there. Each class also gets their own unique side mission while they are on Rishi. 
After going through each mission, and many several times, I have...opinions. Here’s what I think of the SoR class story side missions. 
Trooper - The trooper must resolve General Garza's latest mess, which involved lifting that scary tech from Manaan and trying to make a squad of elite cyborg soldiers. The soldiers are not in a peaceful state, and the trooper is sent to put them down. Why is Garza on Rishi, how does she know about the Revanites and Manaan? We never do find out. There's no option to even try to save Eclipse Squad, and that's a heartbreak because it quickly becomes clear that they were vulnerable people who were terribly exploited.
What is extremely satisfying is that you finally get the option to call Garza out on her war crimes, and even say that you will testify against her. My trooper had wanted to tell Garza that she was a terrible person since Coruscant, so this was really nice. Exceptionally nice. I think it's the only time, Republic-side, that a character gets to give an open "fuck you" to their superiors, and in Garza's case it's very well deserved. 
Sith Warrior - Darth Vowrawn tracks down the Wrath to inform them that the Servants are tracking them all the time with stealth droids. Even better, Vowrawn has procured the Gree tech needed to take them out - which he gives to the warrior with no strings attached.
I really like this quest for two reasons. First, someone does something for the Wrath without expecting anything in return. It's implied that it took Vowrawn quite a bit of effort to procure the tech to destroy the droids, but he did it. It also gives the Wrath the chance to break, literally and figuratively, with the Emperor and his servants. 
There’s also a moment when Vowrawn asks the Wrath what they want for themselves, and I don’t think that’s a question they’re asked very often. Again, it’s someone who seems to have an interest in the Wrath’s personal well-being, or at least an interest in prompting them to think about that. 
Imperial Agent - The agent teams up with the old Keeper, now in exile, to rescue Shara Jenn and send her off to be de-programmed. This felt like such a good bit of resolution for Watcher Two. She's the agent's support for much of the class story. She's there when the agent is faced with the terrible choices posed by Darth Jadus. And she gets thrown into a coma. Rescuing her, sending her off to a life without Imperial Intelligence, helping her get deprogrammed - for once the story does right by a character and lets you actually help them. 
here’s some turnabout for Keeper here. He’s the one responsible for the Agent’s Castellan restraints, but now he’s risking his life to help another Imperial Intelligence colleague remove her mental conditioning and brainwashing. Keeper’s response to the agent also depends on the way the agent handled the end of the class story; if they chose to work with the Sith, Keeper doesn’t trust them. If they chose to keep the Black Codex and become a ghost, Keeper is far more amiable. 
Overall I felt as though this mission, even in its brevity, really helped heal a major wound from the agent’s class story, find closure for several characters, and let the agent walk away feeling better about things.  Meh:
Consular - There's nothing really objectionable overall to this quest, which sends the Consular on a mission to prepare a holocron of herself. You get to visit one of Rishi's beautiful waterfalls. It just felt like a continuation of the Consular class story and nothing more. They take and take and take from the JC for the entire story, without any regard as to how it affects her, and this is more of the same. They’ll send her all over Rishi on their errands. There's really no personal closure or growth for the Consular; just an expectation that she's going to continue to jump whenever the Council asks. This time they're literally asking the Consular to make sure they can keep using her even after she's dead. I really wish there had been an option to ask the Council "you never stop taking, do you?" 
Jedi Knight - I suppose how much you like Orgus influences how you feel about this quest. I don't, and my Jedi Knight was very angry to see him. He sends you off on little humanitarian missions as a way of reconnecting you with being a Jedi, but...that's never what the Jedi Knight does at any point in the story. You never really see most Jedi doing that, In fact at the beginning of the Knight's class story, if you ask to help the refugees on Tython that are being completely ignored by the Jedi Order, Orgus blows it off. Humanitarian aid? It's not the Jedi Knight's fault they weren't doing that before, Orgus.
There's also an offer to remove the Jedi Knight's trauma to "make them whole again," which, as a trauma survivor...yeah, that didn't particularly sit well. At least the Knight was able to counter that with “it’s all a part of me” instead of just accepting that. 
Bounty Hunter - Remember Crysta Markon from the Bounty Hunter story? Your tireless supporter and mentor for the Great Hunt, who honestly seemed thrilled to see you do so well? Yeah. They wrote her out unceremoniously and now you have to avenge her death by killing her murderers. Oh, and Crysta's daughter will be sketchy. The emails you get from Crysta beforehand, and her daughter after, are tear-jerkers. They're really well written.
Still, I rate this quest low because of the way it needlessly killed off a very likable character. Can you imagine what it would have been like to have Crysta in the Alliance? She might have worked well with Hylo as co-leader of the Underworld department. But no, she gets killed offscreen.
Also, I dislike this for the fact that the bounty hunter can't even express real fondness for Crysta; the closest you get is a "Crysta and I weren't friends but I guess she was okay." WTF. I felt like there should have been an option to say "yeah, I really liked Crysta a lot" and have the bounty hunter genuinely angry and upset on a personal level about her murder. 
Smuggler - The smuggler meets up with Beryl Thorne and embarks on a questionable scheme. At the end, there's a chance to tell Beryl "you know you could always walk the straight and narrow and work for the Republic!" Sure, my pirate queen smuggler who was totally exploited by corrupt senators is obviously going to say just that. While it was fun to see an old familiar face, this felt 'meh' to me because the LS/DS choices at the end seemed really heavy-handed. On the other hand, nobody killed off Beryl, so she's one of the only characters from the Smuggler's story who actually still has the potential to return at some point. 
Sith Inquisitor - So there are these ancient devices just hanging out in the middle of the Rishi jungle, and they add years of life and...yeah, I don't know either. We never hear about them again.  I liked that this quest allowed Talos to participate in one of the Inquisitor's quests for relics and ancient knowledge but it seemed kind of muddled and underdeveloped overall. 
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spxctrixmru · 3 years
Headcanon #001 --- Garrus Vakarian
- This gets LONG.
This post goes into full specifics as to the changes to canon for this AU, how it affects Garrus’ Loyalty mission, what happens afterward, etc. I made a small IC post hinting at this Headcanon post becoming a thing, well, here it is.
Lantar Sidonis, in lack of a better term, was used as a scapegoat for the Blue Suns, you see--they knew the base location for weeks before they even captured and tortured Sidonis. Tracked purchases, took their suspicions on the same group of people going everywhere together, eventually tracked two drunk squadmates of Garrus speak about their base of operations in the Kima district.
All this time, They KNEW the location of Archangel’s base, which should go as said that it isn’t just Garrus who was Archangel, it was the entire squad. The two squadmates that were eavesdropped on aren’t known to anyone (not even to myself as of right now), But, the Blue Suns eventually came up with a plan to capture one of their squadmates, it didn’t matter who, it was just whoever they suspected first. Sidonis was there at the wrong time and place, but it was either him or any of the other squadmates.
That being said, they tortured him and interrogated him for a location they already knew was their base of operations. Even when they acted like this was their target when Sidonis caved in and told them a false location for their base, and let him go. I just want to tell that Sidonis TOLD Garrus that Blue Suns had tortured him for a location and they gave a false one, and that he wasn’t going to be going to their base for a couple of days to stay low, only getting closer and closer whenever there wasn’t a single Blue Suns merc in sight.
Garrus was out on a solo intel mission that wasn’t actually fake, they did get solid information out, the tricking never happened, Sidonis put Garrus onto an intel mission that did yield important information. Now--here’s where canon and AU diverge greatly. Sidonis finally feels like he’s in the clear but little does he know he’s being stalked by Blue Suns from miles away, there’s a Turian Blue Suns merc with a sniper, scoped in on Sidonis’ head the entire time, and they close in on him once they approach the door to their base, Everyone, being on break, didn’t have any of their armor on, well, except for the Batarian tech expert and their Salarian friend, who I h/c were the only two somewhat alive other than Sidonis when Garrus had returned.
Everyone was dead but the four of them, Sidonis had been knocked out but a Human Blue Suns merc had a gun held up to their head, legitimately holding the other turian hostage. Sidonis wakes up and tells Garrus to shoot Sidonis--that he doesn’t deserve to be alive, that the Blue Suns found out where he was going despite staying low, the Blue Suns don’t reveal that they knew the entire time. Instead--the Batarian shoots the human merc in the head, who drops Sidonis, Garrus doesn’t know what to believe, but as he’s unable to save the final two Squadmates, they stare down in Sidonis in disbelief.
Out of anger, agony of loss and frustration. They walk away from Sidonis, not a single one of them say another word, and Sidonis goes into hiding, trying to disappear as soon as possible--and Garrus is back to being alone, just himself in the battle against the merc groups on Omega.
So what happens in ME2 / ME3 that’s different than canon, how does his loyalty mission go, and what other events happen?
Now I know loyalty missions can be done in really any order, but in this timeline, here’s how the loyalty missions go, in order from earliest to latest: Grunt, Mordin, Jack, Jacob, Zaeed, Miranda, Kasumi, Thane, Samara, Garrus, followed by Tali, then Legion.
By the bold, Miranda’s loyalty mission is ironically where Garrus begins to learn the truth about his squadmates’deaths on Omega and how Sidonis was never truly at fault. While on Miranda’s Loyalty mission, some Blue Suns that were there on Omega had then joined the Eclipse, and Garrus, had well, gone off in a different direction, and had Kasumi lock him into Eclipse comms to help out Miranda, instead of actually finding any helpful information for locating Niket, Garrus listens to ex-Blue Suns talk about how they knew the location of Archangel’s base for weeks before they captured that turian, who is Sidonis, how they used the poor guy as bait and a scapegoat, betrayal, wasn’t truly a betrayal.
Timeskip to Garrus’ Loyalty mission, specifically when Harkin is giving Sidonis a meetup spot, It’s now a completely empty room they they’re going to meet in, completely secluded, Sidonis agrees, and Garrus heads up to a sniper spot, the things those blue sun/eclipse merc weighing down on him, his past laying down on him. Sidonis has hardcore survivor’s guilt, and blames himself the entire time, it’s nearly identical to Garrus sparing Sidonis until Sidonis says that the Mercs knew the base location, that he found out from a dying Blue Suns Merc that had tortured him weeks prior to the killing, “Thanks for being our scapecoat, you’re welcome for ruining your life” plays on the omni tool that Sidonis has, and Garrus drops his gun, and rushes down to Sidonis
Garrus has been utterly selfish, blinded by loss and grieving the teammates who died that day, and hadn’t even thought about the possibilities that Sidonis was INNOCENT. They rush up to Sidonis and.. beg him for forgiveness, blaming himself for doubting Sidonis, blaming himself for almost killing Sidonis under the false narrative that it was all their fault.
So what happens after? Well, here’s a summary of it all... Garrus and Sidonis fully rekindle their friendship, going out and just.. talking everything out with each other after they destroy the collector base. Just another timeline thing, Overload is the one DLC mission pack to take part in Act 1, Lair of the Shadow Broker and Arrivals happen Post-Collector Base Suicide Mission, This rekindling happens during Lair of the Shadow Broker, Garrus and Sidonis talk it out, and become close friends again, they spend the better part of the time Shepard is away with Liara just constantly apologizing to each other.
Garrus Spends his time Pre-Reapers popping up with Sidonis, noting they’re both still not dating or anything, and Garrus is single (even though the two of them were pining each other for several months on Omega before the whole disaster happened) During the Reaper War, Garrus’ family is primary rescued by Sidonis alongside a couple of other turians who are unnamed, they’re all taken to the Citadel until further notice, Garrus is forever grateful that Sidonis was able to safely get their Father and Sister off of Palaven.
From this point on, the pining has returned and they’re still mutually oblivious to it. It isn’t until Post-ME3 that they start to realize it, yeah, in this AU, a Fix-It ship because I’m already doing Kryterius why not grab another somewhat rare pair that’s stunted by canon grounds.
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fistsoflightning · 4 years
20: solar eclipse
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prompt: free day ⮞ perihelion || masterpost || other fills || ao3 mirror
word count: 1165
Oktai thinks this situation must be terribly frustrating to Sadu and Zaya, what with Magnai apparently having made an advance on him after fighting the ironmen and him ignoring it in favor of bleeding. (Or; usually it’s the moon that moves to eclipse the sun.)
HahahAHAH I KINDA SORTA TRIPPED INTO THIS SHIP, NOW DIDN’T I… okay for real thought Magnai/Oktai was a joke until it wasn’t and I have to apologize to mom squad for putting up with my bullshite yet again. Oktai I don’t know if you deserved this but you sure have it now. Takes place a few days after the MSQ Naadam!
To the sound of ruffled feathers does Oktai wake, blinking sleep from his eyes as he untangles hair from round his horns. Taban would call him a fool if she could, seeing how he utterly and completely collapsed onto his bed after just a week of proper Khagan duties, seeing how he forgot his usually careful braid to keep from waking to the morning chill and an absolute mess. 
In his waking dream, he catches the last few glimpses of yesterday’s golden dream, indulging in the fleeting image of his sisters taking their supper in his tent rather than at home with their mothers, firelight and shadows dancing around the walls of his tent. The air nips at his skin as he pushes his covers aside, an unwelcome greeting to the day but one he must accept nonetheless. Any normal morning, and he would have lingered in the embrace of his woolen blankets, let the light be blocked out by the woven pillows and plushes Sarnai insists on dumping into his lap whenever he goes out to the yurt he should still live in, at the edges of Reunion.
Outside his yurt, someone shuffles their feet, fingers brushing against the closed canvas flaps and letting shards of morning sunlight, bright and blinding, scramble their way into his yurt.
Nhaama save him, if that yol—or falcon, he supposes, thinking of the Domans once more—has carried someone seeking audience so early that not even Iturgen khan has not yet graced Reunion with his presence he is going to have words to say.
He tries his best to carry himself as someone worthy of being khagan would, but today he was promised by Taban herself that she would ward off who she could, staying the night in a temporary yurt. Today, he’d been full intending to simply rest—aching muscles and bandaged legs besides, the bags under his eyes had begun to worry even Zaya, who had known he suffered with a lack of sleep since they were small. If it were later, perhaps he’d have tried to present himself better than one who had just rolled from his bed, somehow put together like Magnai had been in his reign, but he is tired and new to having constant visitors so instead he harshly pulls back the flaps of his yurt to glare in the eyes of—
Oh. Magnai Oronir himself.
Part of him starts to wish he dawdled to fix his hair, right about now.
“Ah. Khagan.” Magnai eyes him curiously and if it were not for the fact his arms hurt and moving them too fast would result in reopening wounds Oktai would have hid his face in his hands. “I have caught you at a bad time, I take it.”
Oktai grunts in agreement. No shite.
“Bold fashion choice, Oktai,” he continues, crossing his arms over his chest and oh, if his lance weren’t propped up at least a few yalms away from him he’d have the thought to sweep Magnai off his feet—not in the way that would have Tuya giggling, either. “Surely your hurts are not so grave as to turn away a single audience. Your sister seemed inclined to agree.”
How Magnai managed to convince Taban, who has been wary of him ever since he asked Sarnai if she was his Nhaama, is well beyond Oktai, but if she saw him in he’s not quite able to decline, now is he.
He lets one of the yurt flaps fall down as he covers his yawn, stepping aside to invite the Oronir khan in—surely, if he has come so early in the morning, taking his yol right from the Dawn Throne to Reunion, surely it must be of import. Enough to push aside his stomach’s low burning hunger. He ambles about, lighting a small fire while Magnai settles down too stiff to be here for business; perhaps something about the spring falling into summer’s heat, then, something worrisome that has not yet torn itself into an issue proper.
What he doesn’t expect when he sits across from Magnai is the words that spill from his mouth, like water into the Azim Khaat. Like sunlight dripping slowly through his palms as he raises his hand to block the sun during his checks around Reunion every evening.
“You have heard enough of me asking about for my Nhaama, I am sure. As a child of Azim, it has been a belief I have grown with, held just as dear as my axe,” Magnai says, and the light twitch of his tail has his brow furrowing just slightly.  “As of late, I may have had a revelation as to why I have searched for so long without answer.”
Oh, Oktai thinks idly as he sets another piece of firewood into the small pit. He’d… not quite expected this; now, with the morning chill having given way to the warmth of the flames, his stomach feels much too strange. 
“I was told she would be gentle. Ethereal. A dancer in the morning mist born of the dusk.” Magnai clears his throat, a flush just barely apparent on his cheeks as firelight dances across the gold of his hair. “But I see the same in you, and I question whether I have been searching too far all along.”
Oktai tips his head even as he feels his face flush brighter than his, pale skin not making a good canvas with which to hide his flustered state. He had not expected Magnai to be so… demure? Soft-voiced, about this?
His confusion must register as disdain, as Magnai inhales sharply as his eyes meet Oktai’s, finally lifted from the embers of the fire.
“Though I have been known to make demands of others,” he explains, hands clasped together in his lap as if he might break should he let go. “I would not make the same of you. You and your sibling, I have known for long enough to… value our relationship. More than most. If my words discomfort you—”
“No,” he blurts out, and when Magnai’s eyes widen he knows he’s already stepped in the hole, so why not finish. “I—” He stands up, abrupt as he walks over and sits himself closer to Magnai, now, worried of how he might convey this in a way that would make sense. One that takes less words, something that he is… not out of his comfort, to express.
He settles for brushing the knuckles of his hand light as a feather against Magnai’s horn, keeping his rather embarrassed stare level as he looks into the golden glow of Magnai’s eyes and seeing a glowing sun in the warrior’s shock—one more bearable to look at than the one rising just outside. Swathed in yellow and goldenrod, he is, about as close to the sun as he might get without filling himself with flame.
And perhaps it does get across, with how Magnai’s face softens from his tense stare and his hands unclasp.
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puppy-the-mask · 5 years
I’m pretty sure I mentioned it in the tags but the ‘CodeName: BloodMoon’ arc of GitM ends 1 of 2 ways. The canonical way, and the Eclipse route. Lately I’ve been getting back into the Eclipse route (which is what that version of the character is called since at that point the story has diverged and become an AU)
So since it isn’t canon I kinda wanna talk about it.
SO! In canon BM is helped and on the path to recovery surrounded by the classmates that abandoned didn’t know she was in trouble. She reclaims the life she had and now has a reason to actively attack the Corporation that she used to work under, eventually taking it down with everyone else
In the Eclipse path BM and the Corporation win the pseudo war with the protagonists, who give up taking jobs at multiversal semi-mercenaries (they fill job requests) since their main driving force is depleted and they’re just highschoolers. Or the war just never occurs after the initial meeting with BM.
Anyway, BM stays with the Corp and the group she works with. She learns all of her groupmates names and such- she’s stoic and doesn’t talk much, keeping her mask most of the time she works and in the ‘barracks’ but she cares. She does everything she can to prevent any casualties to her squad, only 2 of the personnel know her name (her commanding officer and handler/partner/Co commander) and a 3rd has seen her face. Those three are the ones she likes the most. One of which is named grant, everyone calls him ‘Grunt’ cause that’s what he is (the rest of the team are also technically grunts but it’s his name that was closest so therefor it’s his nickname now)
So she has the closeknit group among her squad but she also often does solo work, direct orders from the head. She acts as his personal body guard, he’s her top priority, as much as she hates the guy. Eventually though the empire falls, big bad is in prison, and a new head takes over and turns the Corp into a force for positive change in the world.
BM is not okay when this happens, she keeps getting orders to break the big bad out that she constantly has to ignore because it’s what he deserves and she doesn’t want to be the reason a vengeance blinded maniac who wants to eradicate a whole nation is set loose to continue his torment. This is a problem because in the midst of the empire literally crumbling a very important machine went with the building, a machine that detailed just what they did to her to make her ‘loyal’ to the cause. (Brainwashing, it was brainwashing) and how to tweak her mindset back to something other than disturbingly loyal to the one person in all of existence that she actively hates with all of her soul... it’s complicated and semi spoilery but uh... yeah- big ol oof
After the first month or two goes by she gets antsy, it gets harder to control herself (they filled her with a LOT of rage and generally bad vibes, they used that to make her actually do her... work without too much hesitation. Shit got DARK man) but her core group are there to get her through it, handle her anger and keep her grounded.
When the new head reaches out her and the group decline to join, as good as they are now there’s just too much history. BM moves back to the home she hasn’t visited in years, her group right behind her. Her commander was just a mercenary and figures a home base couldn’t hurt, her partner in crime- Solaris is practically glued to her hip. He still blames himself for what happened to her but overall he just wants to be there to see her happy and help her get there (also he’s kinda been banished from his homeland and was probably gonna move out eventually), and Grant figures he doesn’t have anywhere better to go- he’d just be getting an apartment for himself and rooming with friends doesn’t sound half bad (also he basically adopted them, he doesn’t care if they were a higher rank he’s older and they’re his little siblings now so deal with it)
So basically- BM and Sol are a power couple who haven’t yet coupled, Grant adopted them as his younger siblings, and Trap Man has adopted them all (he’s the commanding officer, he’s good at trapping and hunting things down so I always just referred to him as Trap Man in my notes, he needs a name =~=)
It’s in these living arrangements that they realize how much of a mom friend BM is and that, while she’s rusty, she can cook pretty well??? Well Sol knew that but he’s just so fucking hyped that he gets to see her like this again, he tries to get her to tap into her playful side again every so often and has told enough stories about how she used to act to the other 2 to have them in on it, over time they all get better. They all have nightmares from time to time from what all happened, they all have their experiences and scars, but together and with time- they overcome them. They grow from them, and they live.
I have a whole idea of what would happen if Grant pushed BM to attend her 10 year highschool reunion (she technically didn’t graduate but after, admittedly a lot less finagling than he expected, the faculty still invited her.) Grant came as her plus one and, while she was nervous and certain it would end badly, he’s just too damn charismatic to refuse. I planning to write it later ~
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vespertine-legacy · 4 years
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Putting captions, more screenshots and a breakdown (in terms of picking it apart and just like, general me having one) under a cut because this is gonna get long.
It’s TROOPER TRAUMA TIME! Spoilers for not only Trooper Shadow of Revan side quest but also Trooper version of War on Iokath and Trooper version of the Nathema Conspiracy. (I haven’t played the later two, but I know exactly what happens in them, and I need to talk about them now.)
Garza: Thank you for cleaning up my mess. They deserved better, but so do you. Cershaa: You can’t walk away from this, Garza. I just killed six of the Republic’s finest! [side note: holy shit the delivery on this line was so fucking good, Jennifer Hale I love you] Too many people have died--Eclipse and everyone murdered at Fort Klemark. Garza: You’re more right than you know. I could cover up Ando Prime, Tavus’s defection, but not this. Eclipse Squad killed two hundred innocent people. The politicians will pounce. My SpecForce career is over. Cershaa: It’s time to stop hiding behind operational secrecy. You need to tell the truth--about SpecForce’s full record. Garza: No one’s hiding. I’ve shielded the Senate from the decisions they can’t face. You should know that. Cershaa: But you keep making the same choices, and people keep paying for them. There has to be accountability. [side note: fuck me amazing delivery again] Garza: Would you testify against me, Major? Cershaa: If I had to? Yes. [side note: good GOD the delivery in this scene]
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Garza: I see. [just. fucking floored. I don’t know why she is floored at this point.]
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Garza: All the testimony in the world won’t right my mistakes. I’ll be stripped of my uniform; likely put in a comfortable prison.
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Garza: But I know better than to pit myself against you. When the Senate calls, I’ll open the record.
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Cershaa: We’ve had our differences, General, but Havoc and the Republic owe you a debt of gratitude. You helped make me who I am. [side note: I picked this as a verbal slap in the face since there was never a “[slap the absolute fuck out of Garza]” option, and the delivery for it was spot-on for how I intended it]
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Garza: That’s enough, Major. Thank you. [her delivery here absolutely solidified that Cershaa’s “you made me who I am” was a giant middle finger with one hand and a wicked backhand right across the face with the other.]
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Garza: It’s been a long flight to Rishi, and I do need to get back to Coruscant. It could be some time before we meet again. [OH, SO YOU’RE ALSO HERE WITHOUT APPROVAL FROM YOUR SUPERIORS, HMMMMMM?]
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Cershaa: I understand. I’ve got my own mission to handle here. [YEAH, ACTUALLY SAVING THE REPUBLIC/GALAXY.]
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Garza: Then get the job done.
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Garza: I meant what I said before--you’ve outgrown me, and I am proud. It’s been an honor serving with you.
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Cershaa: General.
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Garza: For the last time as your commander. Dismissed.
So that was Cershaa’s final conversation with General Garza. (God, I hope it’s her final conversation with Garza. As I’ve said before, I really want Cershaa to be my Pub Loyalist. I need Cershaa to be my Pub Loyalist. At this point, it is making less and less sense for her to be a Pub Loyalist because FUCK, but I will not survive what Elara says to her on Iokath if she sides with Acina, and I would physically fight someone if I had to sit through the accusations that get thrown on Nathema at a Saboteur Trooper BY GARZA), but I think maybe I can still convince myself to keep Cershaa loyal to the Republic even if her commanding officers are complete and utter idiots? If I can keep Raz loyal to the Empire out of desperate hope, I can keep Cershaa loyal to the Republic. I am glad that the Trooper at least gets to call Garza to the carpet for her bullshit, and have an emotional response to the bullshit (even if I didn’t get to slap the fuck out of her, which she deserved).
Garza admits to having covered up both of the Havoc Squad defections that happened under her tenure. Rather than, I dunno, NOTICING THAT THERE’S A PROBLEM AND MAYBE Y’ALL STOP ABANDONING YOUR MOST ELITE SQUAD FOR DEAD OR WHATEVER. Hmmm, we keep picking the absolute best, brightest, strongest, most deadliest soldiers, putting them together in a tiny unit, then throwing them into death’s maw and LEAVING THEM THERE, and--strangest thing--when they survive it, they’re pissed at us and they defect from the Republic. IT’S SO WEIRD. Huh. Oh well, better start over and do the exact same thing again. As others have stated before, if your Trooper defects, you’re just carrying on the Havoc Squad Tradition.
And poor Elara is just standing there this whole time looking SO UNCOMFORTABLE, because she defected from the Empire to get away from shit like this. But because Cershaa had Elara there for this entire fallout, because Elara saw FIRSTHAND what Garza had her do, HOW THE FUCK WOULD ELARA BE ABLE TO JUSTIFY TELLING HER “it would be better if you had died” if I do choose to have Cershaa side with Acina on Iokath? When Jace Malcolm is just as bad IF NOT WORSE than Acina in that moment, when Acina is the only one who has offered any aid to the Alliance, HOW could Elara live with herself?
And when you get this letter from an already-dead Monarch? How can the Commander of Havoc Squad not see their own bleak future in this?
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deepdisireslonging · 6 years
Family Found Part 38: Squirrels in a Row
The Royal Rumble is a hit and a new champion is crowned. When Monday night rolls around, the reader and Seth Rollins have a heart-to-heart that reveals some of the motivation for some of her recent choices.
Warnings/Promises: wrestling violence
Word Count: 5340
Note: It’s the Rumble, it’s big. Sorry. Interesting stuff happens though! I can already tell you that WrestleMania will be getting its own chapter. A lot of dialogue in this one, 95% of it advancing the plot. Comments, reblogs, and every other means of reader reactions are super appreciated! Enjoy.
Part 1: Welcome to the Team
Part 36: Choices
Part 37: Planning the Rumble and Beyond
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Royal Rumble – January 27, 2018 – Phoenix, Arizona
“And we are rapidly approaching the first step on the road to WrestleMania!” Michael Cole introduced Renee and Corey before the last match on the pre-show. “Next up is the greatly anticipated match between the Nia Jax and Tamina against the Raw women tag team champions, the Riott Squad.” All three members of the announce table picked which team they thought would win. It weighed in favor of Nia and Tamina.
Sarah Logan and Tamina started off first, their rematch having been interrupted last Monday. Holding true to her promise, Sarah held the upper hand until Nia tagged in. Then she survived only a little bit before needing a respite and tagged in Liv. Ruby directed from ringside, watching her teammates’ backs and calling for tags when she noticed either getting tired. Her presence was giving them an edge, something their opponents did not appreciate. 
While Tamina was keeping the two occupied, Nia ran around to take care of Ruby. Liv disengaged and left the ring to help, leaving Sarah alone. Tamina was distracted as Liv attacked Nia, jumping on her back, and tried to go after her. Sarah used that to her advantage and won the pin.
The Riott Squad had retained.
To officially begin the Royal Rumble, the men’s Rumble match was first. The crowd counted down to each wrestler’s entrance. At the number six spot, Dean’s music hit then shifted to Curt Hawkins’s theme. Their match on Monday had ensured a better entry for Dean, but how much better remained to be seen until the fortieth spot. Again, there was a switch of music until Dean came out. About that time, Hawkins was finally eliminated. Dean gave him a salute on his way by before sliding into the ring. R-Truth entered last thanks to his win with Carmella in the Mixed Match Challenge.
Dean had his focus on a group of Smackdown wrestlers trying to toss him from the ring. Samoa Joe was leading the attack. Your cousin grinned as Elias approached, thinking he was there to help. Instead, Elias tipped Dean and two of the group over the ropes, eliminating them. And bringing the match down to the final five of him, Finn Balor, Mustafa Ali, Andrade, and Samoa Joe. Mustafa went for Joe and was assisted by the rest of the group to send him over. He tried to get back in the ring and retaliate, but the referees prevented him. Four to go. Finn rind the ring of Andrade after a show-off of power and ring acrobatics. Mustafa returned the favor, flipping onto Finn to weaken him, then accepting help from Elias to eliminate him.
It was down to Elias from Raw and Mustafa from Smackdown. Grappling against speed. And both capable of keeping their feet on the ropes instead of the canvas. Mustafa tried to flip onto Elias like he had with Finn, but Elias came up with a high knee. Exhaustion almost brought the match to a halt. They wobbled to their feet and gave each other an approving nod. Mustafa ran at full speed towards Elias hanging onto the ropes. The Drifter dropped, taking the top rope with him. Mustafa went over but landed on the apron. A hard shoulder finished the match.
Elias was going to WrestleMania. But for which championship?
Now the first of the Raw championships was up for grabs. Ember Moon stalked down to the ring, glaring at Rhonda Rousey already in the bottom corner. They started with a stare-down, muttering threats at each other. Threats only one of them was going to be able to live up to. Rhonda attacked first, taking the upper hand. Ember had to retreat until she was able to break free and make her own offense. From corner to corner, then around the ring, they fought tooth and nail. When the referee’s ten-counts got to close for comfort, Rhonda rolled into the ring and out, breaking them. A count-out or disqualification would give Ember the win. Which seemed to be the champion’s strategy.
Often, Ember would let Rhonda trap her in the ropes or in a corner, where the referee would threaten Rhonda with a disqualification if she didn’t back down. Each one made her more and more irate. Her last fuming around the ring ended as she breathed herself down, then turned just in time to catch a Total Eclipse. One, two, and three. Ember retained her championship fair and square. Give or take messing with Rhonda’s head.
The Raw men’s tag titles match was also a mental minefield. But not because either side had ahold of the controls. Both the Authors of Pain and the team of Chad Gable and Bobby Roode had power and great minds for strategy. Either side could win the titles and no one in the crowd would feel cheated of a good show. But this is WWE. Since when is anything easy?
Rezar slumped off his feet in a corner. The referee was busy on the other side trying to break apart Gable and Akam. Roode rushed at full speed towards Rezar. As he reached the corner, Braun Strowman jumped up onto the apron and roared. Startled, Roode fell back and Rezar caught his legs for a roll-up pin. By the time the referee turned, Braun was gone; he counted to three. The bell rang. As it’s echo came to an end, it was replaced with laughter. AOP and Maverick rushed to the ropes, shocked to see Dr. M with the bell mallet in hand.
“Congratulations,” he said with a bow. He took the tag titles to the ropes and handed them to the referee to hand to them. Then he left with Braun, slowly backing up the ramp until he was sure that they knew who had helped them win. And why.
Heading towards the end of the show, the triple threat for the Intercontinental Championship was up next. Seth Rollins, Drew McIntyre, and Dolph Ziggler eyed each other from various sides of the ring. They stepped left and right, both trying to make the first move and to keep away from the others. Dolph nodded towards Seth, looking at Drew. The Scotsman shook his head. Not tonight. Not ever. Seth made to grab at Dolph. Drew grabbed him before he made a step. Dolph laughed as they fought and left to recline in a corner. He was ready with a near-zig-zag the second Seth was able to rid the ring of Drew.
When Drew was able to stagger his way back up to the apron, Seth and Dolph shared a look. As one they gave him a kick to the jaw. He crumpled outside the ring, giving them space to continue one-on-one. Dolph won control of the ring for about ten seconds, which he spent gloating instead of watching his back. Seth gladly took a breather as the two former teammates tore each other apart. He quickly rejoined them as Drew went for a pin, breaking it with a double fist between Drew’s shoulder blades. Sometimes all three were involved in a show of strength, each trying to push one man from the locked group in the center of the ring. Dolph was thrown wide, his back arching around a ring post. Seth turned from the view to a Claymore kick that dropped him for the pin.
There was a new Intercontinental champion. Drew kneeled, looking at his title, then stood tall and held it high, smug and proud.
It was a given that Carmella was going to enter last. But the presence of Alexa Bliss was a welcome surprise. The second appearance of Rhonda a little less so, but she wanted another chance. And she was willing to fight for it. Unfortunately for the both of them, neither made it to the final five. Alexa did have the pride and privilege of eliminating Rhonda before then, but she was eliminated by Lacey Evans. Who in turn was eliminated by Mickie James with a smile. She was tipped out of the ring by Bayley.
The final five women in the ring stood in a circle. From Raw, Ruby, Natalya, and Bayley stared down Sonya Deville and Carmella from Smackdown. The flurry of activity whittled down the group to just two: Ruby and Sonya. They ran and bounced off the ropes, colliding in the middle and falling to hold their torsos. With the fight that continued, the commentators wondered how the wrestling universe would change if Sonya left Mandy and joined the Riott squad. Or if they both left their teams to form a new one. The thoughts were thrown out the window as each woman refocused on breaking the other one down enough to throw her over the ropes. Sonya was standing on the apron. Ruby went to elbow her in the face, but Sonya used that momentum to send her flying over and onto the floor.
The ladies’ WrestleMania moment belonged, well deserved, to Sonya.
Monday Night Raw – January 28, 2019
“With the Royal Rumble out of the way, now everyone has to focus on the Elimination Chamber. It’s one of the last chances to get into a WrestleMania match.” Cole side eyed Corey as he scoffed. “Something to add, Graves?”
“Yeah. The Royal Rumble could have gone better for several people if there weren’t elimination Chamber matches before it. General manager Y/N might have ruined people’s chances!”
Renee piped up, defending you. “I don’t agree with that at all, but look at it this way. They’ve still got the Elimination Chamber and Starrcade to make it onto the card. We’re on the road, but it’s not done yet. And starting the show is the first of those opportunities for the Raw women’s championship. Mickie James and Lacey Evans are going to start us off. It should be interesting considering Mickie eliminated Evans from the Rumble last night.”
It was. Mickie continued to avenge Alexa’s elimination and worked to finish the fight she’d started between them. Lacey took it all in stride. She sneered and knocked Mickie to the canvas, daintily walking over her with a yawn. Cole noted that it was experience versus class, though Renee didn’t agree with the description of class. Lacey’s mask of control began to slip as Mickie refused to stay down and take the pin. She grew frustrated. And Mickie took advantage. She rolled up her opponent, bracing her feet on the ropes out of the referee’s view, winning the match and her spot in the Elimination Chamber.
Lacey Evans left the arena fuming. She showed up on Smackdown on Tuesday and did not come back to Raw.
Finn Balor searched backstage, bouncing off Elias’s shoulder at one point until he found Drew waiting to enter the arena. “There ya are. Was beginnin’ ta think that Seth was too much for ya,” he joked.
“What do ya wan’, Finn?” Drew didn’t look at him, instead focusing on a smudge on his white and gold title.
“I’m here to receive my end of the deal. Ya do remember our deal, right?” Finn crossed his arms and grinned.
Drew grinned back. “I do. An’ I remember that it was for the Universal, not the Intercontinental. And that you would only get a chance for keeping Dolph off my back. Which you didn’t. I handled ‘im myself. So, really, why are you here? I mean, the challenge is open, but you’ll probably have to beat someone else to it.” In the background, Drew’s music started. He smirked at Finn, then turned his back to enter the arena.
In the ring, Drew took his time parading around and raising his new title at each of the corners. Mostly he was met with boos, which he ignored. “Finally!” He smirked and raised the title in the middle of the ring before dropping it to his shoulder. “It’s about time this title was worn by someone deservin’ of it. Someone whose attention isn’t divided. Someone who will wear it pro’dly like the gold it is and not as ‘nother win for the lists. The WWE has a true Intercontinental champion now. And I am going to erase the reign of Seth Rollins with my own long stay as champ.”
He growled as Seth’s music struck. “That might be a little difficult, Drew. I mean, I was a pretty good champ. I defended it for over eighty days. And you’re barely going to hold it for twenty-four hours.”
“And what makes ya think t’at, Rollins? Automatic rematches are a thing of the past.”
Seth shrugged. “I know. But really, I’m just trying to help you out. You see, our match wasn’t one-on-one. Which didn’t bother either of us, but I have a feeling that a certain former teammate of yours will make a claim. Are you going to let Dolph hold it over your head that you couldn’t beat me by yourself? Have to admit, that doesn’t sound like you.”
The side of Drew’s mouth twitched with a sneer. He looked past Seth, waiting for Dolph’s music to hit on cue. Or Finn’s, considering the earlier conversation. When it didn’t, he nodded. “Alr’ight Rollins, I hear yer point. Let’s get a ref out to here settle it. But… when I beat you. That’s it. I don’t want to see you followin’ me like some sad puppy trying to get a second chance.”
With a grin, Seth walked down the ramp. “Fair enough.”
They started like always, staring each other down from the other side of the ring. Drew ran for the attack, but Seth scaled the turnbuckles and was ready with a jump that turned into a Northern Lights Suplex. That set the pace for the rest of the match. With the way it went, people were going to talk about it for months.
It came to a screeching halt when Dolph in a black hoodie dropped the camera chords he’d been holding and slid into the ring. He toppled Seth, hitting him about the face and head. Drew tugged him off and threw him into a corner. “Winner by disqualification, Seth Rollins!” Jojo announced. “But still your Intercontinental champion, Drew McIntyre.” Drew glared at Dolph, who only smiled back.
Seth was making it to his feet when you rushed out to the stage. He saw you coming and motioned for a mic. “Don’t, Y/N. There’s not use restarting this.” He nodded respectfully at Drew. “It’s the way things happen around here. No matter what you try to do. And besides, we agreed. I only had one chance.” He stretched out his arm, nodding again as Drew accepted his handshake. Seth left the ring, Dolph scurried out, and Drew was left to hold his defended title high.
She was sitting on a crate. To a quick glance, Bayley looked like she was just waiting for the show. But her shoulders were slumped deeper and her head hung a little lower looking over her phone. You gently sat beside her and leaned your back against the wall. With a soft smile, you turned your head to look at her. She sighed. “How’d you know?”
“You’re one of my wrestlers. I do try to pay attention to how you guys are feeling.” You fiddled with the hem of your blouse. “Are you okay to talk it over with me?”
Bayley looked both ways through the hallway. “You aren’t busy?”
“Nope. I’ve got all the time you need, sweetie. Is here okay to talk, or would you like to do it in my office?”
“No,” she rushed. “Your office is too… official. Here’s fine.”
You turned slightly to give her your full attention. “Alrighty. What’s up?”
There was a moment of silence while she gathered her thoughts. “I don’t know what to do. Sasha and I are just this side of hating each other’s guts. But we both hate seeing the Riott Squad with the tag titles. On the other hand, I don’t… we’re not-“
“You feel that because you guys aren’t friends, you don’t feel like you should hold the tag titles either.”
She sighed. “Yeah. I don’t trust her. Probably never will again. What kind of a team is that?”
Drumming your knees, you let the conversation lapse. “Would you rather be involved in the single’s title matches? You’d probably have to face Sasha in matches again, but you can go after your own goals then. I’m sure Ember would be glad to face you.”
Bayley chuckled. “I actually don’t mind Ember as champion. She’s doing a great job. And I really don’t want to have to fight Sasha again.” She couldn’t find much more to say. “I guess that leaves us at an impasse.”
“Not necessarily.” You tapped your collarbone, finalizing your thoughts. “The Riott Squad beat Nia and Tamina last night.  The Riott Squad will be looking for their next challenge. What better way to grab their focus than to beat who they beat? For all your disagreements, you and Sasha work well together. And you’re a threat. Ask any team or woman here. Fight them tonight. If you win, you and Sasha are the number one contenders for the tag titles. I assume your teammate will be okay with that. Lose, we can talk about your next step. Sound okay?”
Nodding, Bayley’s cheeks twitched with a small smile. “That sounds nice.” She bumped her shoulder into yours. “Thanks for listening.”
“No problem. You can come talk to me anytime. Or text me that we need to have another travel crate session. Whichever you need,” you jokingly added. She thanked you again as you left. You were only a few feet down the hall when Seth got caught up to you. “Hey. I really am sorry about your match.”
He waved away your words. “It was going to happen either way. Having said that…” He pulled you to one side of the hallway. “Miss manager of Monday Night Raw, you better get your ducks in a row or the consequences will keep coming.”
“I don’t have ducks; I don’t have a row. I have squirrels. They are everywhere, and their names are Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose, and apparently Dolph Ziggler. And depending on the week, there’s another monstrous one named Braun Strowman.” You grinned tight at him. “If you want my job dealing with his moods for a week, be my guest. I’ll split my paycheck with you.”
It was getting harder and harder to keep yourself from bubbling over. And Seth knew it. He was standing his ground, but at a split second’s notice, he could be out of the way. So, you licked your lips and kept talking, trying to use up your oxygen.
“Though you guys do come in handy sometimes. People come to see you, they fill the seats. Management is happy. They pay me so I can pay off college. I get to have fun putting you guys in crazier match after crazier match. And for the most part, the show runs smoothly. And the cycle continues as long as I keep them,” you motioned toward the arena and crowd, “entertained.”
“So, you do all of this… because it’s best for business.”
You froze and swallowed hard, looking at the ground knowing what he was referencing. “Yes, I suppose so.”
Seth let out a deep breath. “If you mean it… you have to say it.”
Looking up, you set your shoulders broadly. “Fine. Yes. I do all of this: the ego-deflating, the stressful match setting, the rules and the stipulations, the wrestler wrangling, all of it,” you swallowed and tried to make your voice as strong as it could be, “because it’s best… for business.”
He nodded. “That’s all I needed to hear.” Seth walked around you and left you alone. You refused to look over your shoulder, missing the look of knowing pity he gave you.
After a commercial break, Renee announced that a tournament for the Intercontinental championship’s chamber matches had been set up. First up was Apollo Crews and Jinder Mahal, who begrudgingly agreed to send the Singh brothers to the back during the match. For the majority of the match, it looked like Jinder was going to the elimination chamber. He had Apollo wobbling on his feet and barely rolling back into the ring before the end of a ten-count. But Apollo was faking it. He caught Jinder in a flurry of hits, dropping him. It was a struggle to hold him down, but Apollo managed it, winning his spot.
The next match was just for the opportunity to get into the elimination tournament, this time for the Universal Championship. Dean and Baron Corbin met in a flurry of hits that didn’t let up until Dean lost ground. He caught himself on the ropes, springing forward to hit Baron. They continued trading blows and throwing each other from the ring. Baron tried the most for pins. And each time Dean was able to kick out. Dean didn’t try for one until after a Dirty Deeds, a method that was successful. Renee cheered that Dean would have another match for an elimination spot soon.
“Ready for round two, Baron?” Dean blocked Baron from continuing down the hallway. “Where are you headed so angrily?”
Baron growled, “to see your cousin and to give her a piece of my mind. You should come with me. Our match was filler, and you know it. She’s hiding something. She’s been hiding something for weeks. And if she doesn’t come clean soon, she’s going to have to start watching her back.”
Dean placed his hand on Baron’s chest to keep him from walking around. “Watch what you say about Y/N. It was a fair opportunity. She wouldn’t have put me in the match if it wasn’t.”
“You sure about that? Seems like Elias gets more chances than you and look where he’s going. Oh. To WrestleMania. All he had to do was stay in your way. Or didn’t you notice?” Baron shouldered past him, but only made it about a step before Dean snagged his shoulder.
“Baron, stay away from Y/N. She’s doing a lot better job at managing than you ever did. Stop being such a jerk about it and move on or you’re the one who’s going to have to watch their back.” He nodded for Baron to go back the way he came. He didn’t let go of Baron’s shoulder until he was sure that’s where the lone wolf was headed. Once he was gone, Dean sat down on a crate and began to think about the last several weeks.
The crowd chanted along to EC3’s theme, ‘top one percent!” He made his way to the ring, snagging a mic off the stairs on his way in. “Well hello, Phoenix.” He grinned. “I think it’s about time I introduced myself. As you all just heard, I am the top one percent of this business. The strongest. The fastest. The most willing to do anything to win. The best. Now, when they asked me to join Monday Night Raw, I wasn’t so sure I wanted to join. Then I took a closer look at the line-up. There’s the heavy hitters: Rollins, Balor, Ambrose… Ambrose-es, the like. Heavier hitters like Strowman. Then there are several middle-grade wrestlers. Too many.” He titled his head. “That made my decision for me. Raw is desperate for a talent like me. And congratulations, now it’s got one.” He looked towards the stage, confused, as Bobby Lashley’s music hit.
“Woah, woah, woah,” Lio Rush said, popping out from behind Lashley. “You seem to have forgotten one very important person on your ‘heavier hitters’ list.”
EC3 shrugged. “I really don’t think so. You’re not even on my,” he leveled his hand closer to the ground, “easy prey list.”
“Har-har,” Lio sniped. “You don’t have to worry about me anyways. I’m on 205 Live… if any of you were looking for ya boy.” He shook his finger. “No, no, no. You forgot the one and only Bobby Lashley. You may be the top one percent, but he is the top of that. And if you don’t believe us, he’ll prove it when he pins you tonight for that spot in the Universal champion elimination spot.”
Unimpressed, EC3 backed up against the ropes. “Then what is he waiting for? Except for you to shut up. Get him down here so I can prove him wrong.”
Considering it was his first full match on the main roster, in hindsight EC3 may have wanted an easier opponent. He’d faced big guys before on NXT, but Lashley also had the skill built up from years of wrestling in multiple rings, squared and octagonal. Still, he rose to the occasion. Thanks to a botched distraction from Lio, he caught Lashley in a lucky hit that dropped him and won the pin. He left the ring quickly, headbanging to his theme along with the audience.
Next was another round for the women’s elimination chamber: Nikki Cross versus Dana Brooke, who was accompanied by Tyler Breeze. They both flinched as Nikki entered the ring in her usual high-velocity way. Breeze quickly dropped to the floor, giving Dana a thumbs-up as the bell rang. Dana’s superior strength could do little against Nikki’s speed and resilience. Though she did get in several hits that showed off her gymnastic skills. But in the end, it was Nikki Cross who was going to the Elimination Chamber. Breeze reassured Dana, reminding her that they had a chance to go in the tag teams.
Speaking of the tag teams, the defending champions, the Authors of Pain, made their way to the ring with Drake Maverick to celebrate their win on Sunday. They were barely in the ring when Dr. M appeared at the bottom of the ramp.
“No!” Drake said, rushing to the ropes. “What are you doing out here? Where’s Braun?” he added twisting around to check the other end of the ring.
Dr. M smiled. “He is in another wing of the arena… preparing the next dose of the plan. Why I am here, is to ask the powerhouses of the tag division if they have learned what they needed? And, if they are ready to begin the healing process.” He lowered his mic and waited patiently.
In the ring, Drake’s brow creased. He shook his head, trying to figure out what the man meant. Then he was lifted into the air by Akam and Rezar. He bounced across the floor, where Dr. M stepped over him. He watched, jaw dropped, as Dr. M kneeled in the center with AOP flanking him at his shoulders. “It has begun!” he shouted.
The Titantron came alive, showing what was going on backstage. Finn sailed through the air into a pile of boxes. Braun roared and picked him up, throwing him again, this time into a group of poles that clanged as they hit the ground.
In the background, Elias tweaked his guitar strings, struggling to hear them over the ruckus.
A few referees were able to make Braun step away so they could check on Finn.
Back in the arena, Renee shrugged. “I think he’ll be fine. Finn already has a spot in the elimination match for the Universal. He beat McIntyre, Mahal, and Mojo Rawley for it a couple weeks ago.”
Adding his two cents and then some, Corey talked over what else she had to say. “I bet he’s still thinking about holding both titles. Balor might be a bit jealous of how Rollins was able to do that for so long. I think he needs to focus on one title at a time though. But none of that explains why Braun attacked him.”
“Sure it does. Braun took the second spot before the Rumble. Honestly, Corey, your memory is very selective.” She giggled. “Too many Mean Girls quotes,” Renee quipped.
The women involved in the tag match entered, ready to prove themselves. Tamina and Nia laughed to see Bayley and Sasha actively avoiding one another as they came down the ramp. They stopped laughing after the bell rang. As you’d noticed, despite their differences the women made a great team. They knew each other’s in and outs, their strengths, and their tells for when exhaustion was creeping in. As such, Sasha was able to keep Tamina occupied outside the ring, and Bayley was able to pin Nia. Sasha slid into the ring to celebrate like it was old times but just for a second. Bayley pulled her in for another longer hug as the defeated stared daggers into the women’s happiness.
Ember Moon entered the ring next, her defended title bright on her shoulder. “Well, that’s another match over. It doesn’t matter how many more there are in the future, my next step is winning the Elimination Chamber, which I will be competing in. As champion, it is my right and my privilege to be in that match, being the champion that you all deserve. Here and active.” She groaned as Ruby entered the arena.
“Are you sure you can be that champion?” Ruby mewled. “We all saw your match last night. It was close. Too close. Had Rhonda been the wrestler management thinks she is, we’d have a different woman in the ring right now.” She sauntered down the ramp. “No matter. It doesn’t matter which one of you won. What matters, is that I’m going to beat you tonight.”
With a chuckle, Ember asked, “Oh, really? And just how are you going to do that?”
Ruby entered the ring and stepped to Ember, making her take a step back. “I just talked with Y/N. We’ve got a match right here, right now, for your spot in the Elimination Chamber. That is… unless you’re too scared to compete. Or too tired.”
Ember swallowed. “Fine. Where’s the ref?”
The bell had barely rung when Ruby knocked ember over. She was quick to keep her off her feet, targeting the places Rhonda injured her on Sunday. It worked quickly. Ruby crowed triumphantly as the referee raised her arm in victory. She rolled out of the ring and was almost at the stage when you came out.
“I have to say well done, Ruby.” You gave her a clipped grin. “But there is one little thing I forgot to mention… possibly because I didn’t think I’d have a reason to… but because you have taken the champion’s spot, you will be starting the match at Elimination Chamber. I hope that isn’t a problem”
You gulped as she got in your face and took your mic. “I welcome it. And really, why would that be a big deal?” She twisted her head to look at Ember still in the ring. “A competent champion would be able to do it. A competent champion would be in that spot anyway. I’m just speeding up my duties as Champion.” She held the mic back out to you, then dropped it before you could take it. Cackling, she left the arena.
Charly Caruso rushed to catch up with Elias as he headed toward the garage. “Wait. Elias. Just a moment.” She caught her breath as he finally turned and waited for her question. “We’ve barely seen you just after you won the Royal Rumble. Which title do you have in mind to go after at WrestleMania?” She lifted the mic closer to him and waited.
Elias looked over her head where Drew McIntyre was leaving too. Drew glared, but gave him a nod, acknowledging the potential match and rolling his shoulder under the Intercontinental. The rolling of suitcases sounded behind Elias, and all three of them looked back to see Seth gathering the last of his things, placing the Universal title on top.
“Well?” Charly tried.
He looked forward, thinking. Then he shrugged and continued on his original path.
Part 39: Misplaced Second Chances 
Series Masterlist 
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WWE/Series Tags: @a-home-for-stray-stories @kingslayers-queen @top-1-percent @mother-forker @neversatisfiedgirl @racheo91 @roman-reigns-princess @secretagentfangirl @thetherianthropydaily @wwe-smutfics @scuzmunkie @floraldiscette @likeisaid-whatever @cait-kae @ramsaypants @sony-undead18 @brianaraydean @st4yingstrong @dopeybubbles @crystallizeme @jessica91073 @denise8691 @stalelight @kenyadakblalock @1dluver13xx @lauren-novak @lunatic-desert-child @littledeadrottinghood @livelifewondering 
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thezodiaczone · 6 years
August Forecast for Virgo
Feeling foggy? It’s not you, Virgo—it’s the stars. The Sun is drifting through Leo and your twelfth house of rest, closure and healing until August 23. While your subconscious is working overtime (hello, vivid dreams), your usually spot-on linear-thinking abilities aren’t as sharp as usual. The solution: Work WITH it instead of swimming upstream. This is your annual time to rejuvenate before Virgo season (and your birthday time!) starts later this month. Tie up loose ends, escape off the grid and move at a more languid pace whenever possible.
Your ruling planet, Mercury, the celestial guardian of communication, technology and travel, also happens to be retrograde in Leo this same befuddling zone from July 26 to August 19, making it even harder to piece together a thought or complex sentence. But with a Leo solar (new moon) eclipse arriving on August 11, you COULD have a major intuitive hit or spiritual awakening—especially if you tame that overactive mind of yours.
Solar and lunar eclipses sweep in four to six times a year and redefine “business as usual.” This is the last one of 2018—and the second-to-last in a two-year series that’s fallen on the Leo/Aquarius axis beginning February 10, 2017. This group of eclipses has been revolutionizing your health and healing sectors, helping you figure out when to lean in and when to let go. The line between control and surrender has been reconfigured for you, Virgo, and you’ll have one last round of that on January 21, 2019, when a final Leo lunar eclipse brings events sparked today—and over the past couple years—together with a dramatic flourish.
Another reason to pace yourself? On August 7, changemaker Uranus begins its annual five-month retrograde, prompting you to scale back some supersized risks between now and January 6. We’re not telling you to shrink from sight or dim your light, but take note of whether you may have leapt a little TOO far beyond your comfort zone—and now need to tweak your plans. For this, you can thank innovator Uranus, which shifted into Taurus and your expansive ninth house on May 15, kicking off a journey of growth and discovery that will last until April 2026. In November, Uranus will make one last visit to Aries and your investigative eighth house. Take time to research, strategize and read the fine print before Uranus settles in for a longer trek in March 2019. If you’ve got big dreams that involve travel, study or starting your own business, do some behind-the-scenes plotting and aim to launch your plans next spring.
As Uranus in your future-forward zone slows down, you can get back to living in the present—and loving it—especially once the Sun moves into Virgo for a month on August 23. Don’t you have a birthday party to plan? With jovial Jupiter in your social third house until November 8, this could be THE year to throw an epic bash, perhaps one where you introduce all your fabulous friends from disparate parts of your life to one another.
There may be no better day to do that—birthday or not—than August 25, when the Virgo Sun forms a potent grand trine to trailblazing Uranus in your global ninth house and structured Saturn in your fifth house of passion and creativity. This “golden triangle” could be the perfect day for a romantic bucket-list trip or to share your talents with the world. The spotlight will happily seek you out, and with Mercury retrograde in the rearview as of August 19, you’re safe to raise the curtain on something original that you’ve been dreaming up. You might make your mark as a thought leader or have an incredible breakthrough in your love life. With ambitious Mars ending a two-month retrograde on August 27, you’ve got the all-clear to go full-speed ahead and start living out loud again.
And there’s no need to go it alone, Virgo. On August 26, the year’s only full moon in Pisces spotlights your seventh house of partnership. Where could you bring more balance to your bonds? A budding commitment could turn official, or, since full moons can bring transitions, you may decide to part ways from someone who’s no longer a fitting match. Should you choose the latter option, trust that that vacant spot will soon be occupied by a kindred spirit. In both romance and business, dynamic duos get a lunar lift as the month closes out. Choose your collaborators wisely, then start combining your superpowers!
Love & Romance
Ready for romance with a routine? On August 6, love planet Venus grooves into Libra and your stabilizing second house of money, security and values for first of two trips this year. This could spell a period of enhanced self-esteem—and a slew of sultry summer dates that involve dressing up for al fresco romance. You’ll be craving more upscale encounters, and “casual hookups” probably won’t cut it with your security zone activated. Single? Don’t be afraid to “pre-screen” dates to find out whether they’re looking for something lasting. Couples might take a big step regarding commitment or future plans. How sweet to be on the same page! But take note: Venus will go retrograde from October 31 to November 16, a time when you could have second thoughts or experience a romantic setback. Don’t rush into anything TOO regimented now if you’re not fully ready for it.
On August 7, Venus syncs up with passionate Mars in your sixth house of systems, service and self-care. It’s a good day to discuss the practicalities of love, relationships and all the little things that keep the wheels greased. It’s fair game to bring up your emotional needs, the division of expenses and whether you (both) feel supported and appreciated. But don’t just talk about it. SHOW how much you care by doing something out of the blue. Dating? Go green! Take a hike or yoga class instead of meeting for happy hour, or dine veg instead of on greasy burgers and heavy bar snacks.
Of course, with Mars retrograde until August 27, all might not be peaceful in paradise. Old arguments about petty stuff could flare as you try to make your date or mate “perfect.” Then, on August 12, the red planet backpedals into Capricorn and your fifth house of passion and romance for the duration of the retrograde. Romance could retreat into the shadows: A new affair might hit the skids, or couples may find themselves fending off jealousy and high drama. Retrogrades are disruptive by nature, so an ex could burst back onto the scene, or someone might be flirting up a storm with your S.O. Keep those fiery reactions in check.
Perhaps the most exciting astro event of the month is the August 26, Pisces full moon in your seventh house of committed unions. You might finally decide to make it official, possibly with a public announcement. Single? The two weeks following this full moon are powerful for finding someone with keeper potential. If you’ve been “slacking” a bit in your dating efforts, now’s the time to rev your engines!
Key Dates
August 9: Venus-Saturn Square Tough love isn’t easy, but sometimes it’s the best medicine. Today, constraining Saturn squares off with dreamy Venus. Even if your heart is saying yes, your head may veto that vote. If your timing is off or the object of your affection isn’t a worthy candidate, don’t waste any more time pursuing it. There’s no reason to settle for anything less than a stable and mutually fulfilling relationship.
Money & Career
Feeling scattered? Since June 26, ambitious Mars has been retrograde in Aquarius and your sixth house of organization, dulling the edges of your Virgo efficiency. Stress levels may have gone through the roof, and you could be second-guessing your decisions on just about everything. Easy now! You haven’t lost your keen judgment, Virgo, but you may have misplaced a little confidence. Slow down and pace yourself. You don’t have to figure everything out in a day. In fact, allowing things to develop through their own organic process can prevent you from making hasty mistakes. If it’s not coming together easily, don’t force it!
Mars stays retrograde until August 27, and on August 12, it will back into Capricorn and your reactive fifth house. Tempers and egos are running high, so dodge the divas and their demands—and be careful not to stir up any drama yourself. You may require additional reality checks from your levelheaded friends now.
This goes double because your ruler, communication planet Mercury, is retrograde in your twelfth house of illusions and hidden agendas until August 19, making you a bit paranoid. It will be hard to discern who’s really got your back, but an eye-opening Leo solar eclipse on August 11 could usher a new “guardian angel” type onto Team Virgo or spark an epiphany about who deserves a berth on your squad. If you’re not sure, you’ll get a glimpse soon after the August 26 Pisces full moon, which illuminates your partnership house and could bring an exciting contract or offer to join forces with someone whose skills complement yours to a tee.
Key Dates
August 19: Jupiter-Neptune Trine During this third in a trio of rare trines (the first was December 2017; the second was May 25), you may rediscover an affinity for someone you worked with in the past—in another capacity. But before you assume you can make magic again, test it out with a small-scale initiative, letting them show their true colors. Trust your gut under this alignment of these intuitive planets, which aren’t usually wrong about such things.
Love Days: 22, 26 Money Days: 6, 15 Luck Days: 4, 12 Off Days: 1, 11, 24
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