#swtor 7.1
thebreadtree · 2 years
Thoughts on the Swtor 7.2 livestream and slight spoilers for story I guess
7.2 Release date: Sometime in winter, so around middle to late december or early january if it gets delayed. Just guessing though, nothing concrete from them for now
Story: Basically what Shae told us what is going to happen in 7.1 so no new information here yet. Still trying to figure out how the Mandos tie in with Malgus apart from Sahar but guess I'll see
Ruhnuk looks cool and propably wont fry my toaster like Onderon so plus points for that. I can already see myself falling down the canyons though xD
(*hoping for Theron*)
Rhunuk again:
New daily area with fully voiced characters
Damn Shae has a cousin (smash)
(YOOO EIN BAGGER (Sorry my inner german got exited there))
The planet actually seems to be somewhat of a decent size. I think around the size of Ossus from what they're saying
I have never really played with PvP but the changes sound good (can't really compare how better from the current system the changes are but chat seems to like it)
Gearing changes:
*cries in I have played this game for years and still don't really understand the gearing system* All I know is green arrow means better xD
(The guy talking kinda looks like Mark Forster....)
New UI:
Colour blind mode, noice
The new Minimap is so much better
OMG THE NEW MINI MAP @b4um3pfl4um3 You'll love the new mini map.
The mini map damn
Love how you can customize what things you see in the utility bars
Finally a good destruct/delete window
Overall very impressed
Cartel market:
The weapons are cool (I need those for Ky'rii) NEW BLADES
*sighs in Life Day while sparkling with snowflakes from a snowball*
Glad for y'all but I don't like that event
Happy Wookie Hugging though, I will be hiding in my stronghold for those 5 weeks
That hat though xD
Overall it's going to be a pretty cool update. Very excited for more story and the new UI
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cryo-lily · 2 years
What are your Top 3 controversial Swtor opinions?
Ohh This one makes me have to stop and think I don't have many controversial opinions per say but...
1. Skipping random mobs in group flashpoints is lazy. A good group can wipe all the mobs you run into easy if you work as a team. *(I get there are sometimes reasons people would want to only fight the bosses but I like getting all the xp from the mobs too)*
2. I don't get all the hub-bub behind Revan/Mando items. Like all the power to those that love those kinda items, hell they've made my one buddy very rich off selling Revan & Mando Cartel items. Like Yea Ive played Kotor and all that jazz but I dont remember nearly enough to wanna collect all the items from it.
3. I still have some naive hope we'll get some decent story content past 7.1. I know the chances of that happening tho dwindile by the day.
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tiredassmage · 2 years
wip wednesday!
It happens to be Wednesday! And I happened to be up later than planned in some weird form of tomorrow denialism performed in Google Docs.
I have like... two versions of this piece that I’m jumping between atm and I have no idea which one I’ll end up keeping; the base idea is the same, just involving two different companions, so ideally, whichever doesn’t happen will just happen at a different time and also assuming I decide to keep it happening in either case, but anyway xD That's why it's a wip, Dot.
It’s SWTOR! (ofc). Loosely set around 7.1 events after a particular conversation on the Fleet, but doesn’t particularly detail anything so spoilers kinda and but mostly not // Gen rating, light swearing // feat. Tyr/my Imp Agent (naturally) & my brainrot about Tyr/Theron/Malavai, but this one is  primarily a conversation between Malavai & Tyr.
[brief context bc I apparently can't write chronologically to save my life; this is obvs set after my rewrite of Iokath where Tyr recruits Quinn to the Alliance despite siding with the Republic, and... sometime between then and now (undetermined don't look at me), Tyr brings him into confidence about the double agent plot and also 3 pretty boys all catching feelings for each other bc I love all of them, that's really how we ended up in this mess. Anyway, enjoy!
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“Commander.” The prim, yet gentle greeting drew Tyr out of the haze beginning to descend upon his mind as his fingers danced over the controls. Was it time already?
He looked over his shoulder to find Malavai attentively waiting for him, as always, and a fond smile slipped across his lips easily - as instinctive as the systems checks he’d been running, supposedly in anticipation of this moment to make the Major’s job easier, but…
“Apologies,” Tyr murmured, “I hadn’t heard you coming.”
A slight frown pulled at Malavai’s lips as he joined him on the bridge. “Love, if I may…” His hand rested first on Tyr’s shoulder as the Commander finished the check he’d been in the middle of, rubbing a few circles before he reached for the back of the Commander’s neck, seeking out the tension doubtlessly built there.
Tyr sighed almost instantly - and nearly involuntarily. Malavai’s head tilted in the corner of his vision, but Tyr only closed his eyes and tried to ignore the inevitable for a moment longer. The Major’s careful ministrations were a welcome warmth and distraction.
“You should get some rest,” Quinn counseled quietly, “It’s time for a shift change. And you’ve barely slept since we left Vaiken, love…”
Tyr’s shoulders sagged with a faint groan. “That obvious, is it..?”
A half-smile quirked the corner of Malavai’s mouth. “With all due respect, love, it is much easier when we all share quarters.” The expression didn’t last long, however. Quinn had never been much for sugarcoating things.
“Commander…” Tyr’s teeth dug at the inside of his lip as Malavai’s hands fell away, returning to that formal stance of a soldier. “I feel I must express some concern… You’ve barely loosened up since we departed the Fleet. You simply cannot maintain this schedule.”
“Always to the point, Major,” Tyr murmured as he bowed his head.
Malavai’s small smile was almost apologetic. “In my concern for you, I… find it most prudent to be blunt,” he replied. “You spies have a way of wiggling out of my care otherwise.”
A faint breath of a chuckle tumbled from Tyr’s lungs. “You know what they say about old habits…”
“I do.” Malavai gestured to the seats behind them. “If you’re offering me the pleasure of your company, you might at least consider your own comfort, love.”
Tyr rolled his eyes fondly. “Alright, you win this round, Malavai.”
“Don’t act like you’ve gotten off easy.” Malavai’s eyes quickly scanned a few of the displays to assure that their flight would remain largely uneventful. “You’ve still yet to admit what has been keeping you up. You were pacing last cycle.”
“Sorry,” Tyr muttered as he sank further into his seat. He didn’t want to admit it, but exhaustion was beginning to wear on him. He briefly pinched the bridge of his nose. “I didn’t keep you up, did I?”
“No,” Quinn assured with another small smile, “Theron is a gifted and persistent cuddler. I slept quite well, actually.” He carefully narrowed his eyes at Tyr’s tired, fond smile. “Tyr…”
The Commander blinked at the shift in his lover’s voice - it dropped lower as the Major fixed him in a careful gaze, brow knitting over his vibrant blue eyes.
Both Theron and Malavai had both learned quickly that it captured his attention and eased him. Just as Lana’s irritated stubbornness could coax him, so, too, could their gentle insistence. Both had their strengths, time, and place to be employed.
“You made me a promise,” Malavai reminded him, taking one of his lover’s hands carefully in one of his own to brush his fingers carefully over his knuckles. “When we agreed to this, I promised to be there for you and walk this path with you. I cannot do that unless you allow me to, Tyr.”
“I know,” Tyr breathed softly. He gently gripped Malavai’s hand back as he watched his lover’s fingers work. “I guess I just… We’re all in over our heads.., aren’t we..?”
Malavai sighed quietly. “You should have told us your plans with Malgus. I would have gone with you.”
An amused puff of breath loosed from the Commander’s lungs. “All three of you have said that, you know? Which of you was going to mind the ship?”
Quinn clicked his tongue disapprovingly. “You know the Fleet staff is more than capable, love,” he chided, though the mild reprimand was somewhat betrayed by the slight quirk at the corner of his mouth. “Lana and I at least enjoy assumed clearance.”
“Good. I won’t have to pick any fights with the Dark Council again.”
Malavai narrowed his eyes. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d accuse you of putting me in an early grave,” he scolded dryly. He leveled a stern gaze on his lover once more. They could only keep bantering around the matter for so long.
Malavai’s fingers had stilled over his hand and his grip had tightened. “Do you have any new concerns?”
Tyr shook his head. His free hand rose to rub over his chin. “No.” The gentle hum of the ship was all that filled his following silence for a few moments as his gaze drifted over the consoles. “I’m just… hell, I don’t know… getting too old for all this shit,” he muttered.
Malavai frowned down at their entwined hands. One might have been inclined to instinctively differ with someone they loved, but… none of them were quite ‘average’ in that respect.
“Do you regret it, Tyr..?” he asked quietly.
The Commander and ex-Cipher was silent for another long moment. “No.” Tyr rolled his jaw before he finally looked back at his lover. “May I speak frankly with you, Major..?”
He’d lowered his voice, reverted once more to the comforting distance of professionalism afforded by their titles. It’d helped Quinn find his footing in the Alliance - something grounding and familiar and unchanging, unlike so much else in the last several years.
“Always, Commander.”
“I’d burn the Empire down to the foundations, Quinn. All of it. Not for the Alliance, not for the Republic… Just… me."
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adamsmithsthings · 1 year
Watch "Swtor 7.1 talking to malgus" on YouTube
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kemendin · 2 years
Scourge sent me a new letter and even just this crumb of new romance content for him has me weak:
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detritusvortex · 2 years
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something's rotting.
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jeswii · 2 years
Spoilers for 7.1
Things I love in the story update so far
Agent specific lines when talking to Malgus about mind control
Theron and Lana being protective about leaving the Commander alone with Malgus
The letter from Lana and Theron about being nervous about sudden change of plans
Being told to "clear my head" send me into a small panic spiral but it was just a phone call.
Manaan is beautiful
The ability to punch a console for literally no reason besides that you're angry and it does nothing.
Saboteur options that make sense
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sullustangin · 2 years
SPOILERS. image and transcription below.
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Subject:  Your chat with Malgus
You’re going to force me into early retirement, you know that? Not that I hate the idea of you and I going on a nice, long -- very overdue -- vacation.  I just don’t want to quit because you keep scaring the pants off me.  Dr. Oggurobb is already “concerned” about my stress levels, you know.
I know exactly what you’re thinking right now:  “I’m fine!  I’ve beaten Malgus a million times before!  The fate of the galaxy depends on me!”  And I hear you.  That bravery and determination are some of the things I love about you. I mean, you handled him better than any SIS interrogator could dream of.
But Malgus is locked up behind all that high-powered, state-of-the-art security for a reason.  I really, really hate surprises, so if you want to take him on without backup next time (because I’m sure there will be a next time), I’d love it if you gave a guy some warning first.
All right, now that you’re aware of how much I actually wrorry about you, how about sharing some tips on getting someone so difficult to open up?  Seriously.  I’m in awe.
1.  I threatened to shoot Malgus XD
2.  “Someone so difficult to open up?”  Theron... after romancing you.... everything is else is child’s play.
3.  I knew he had high blood pressure.  :D  And that he just likes the sound of the word “vacation” -- not actually doing it.
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greyias · 2 years
Digging Deeper
But then. The cutscene ended.
And I saw where the quest marker was leading me
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...I think I might have a bit of a complex from that bugged Malgus fight still.
I know they say they fixed the invisible black hole of death BUT I'M SCARED HOLD ME
this is like the goddamn train all over again
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consularmain · 2 years
arcann romance 7.1
so we got another little moment for the arcann romance where we actually got to hear his voice this time!
it's subtle but i appreciate the difference between romanced vs non-romanced arcann in this update
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vs non-romanced:
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i honestly wasn't expecting any updates from arcann so this was a lovely surprise. i'll talk more about my thoughts about the entire update in another post but so far i have positive things to say!
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forceusingwayfarer · 2 years
Arn - A Romance Letter After Manaan 7.1!
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Just received this letter on a character that I flirted with Arn (and am 100% pursuing that romance option) on after I finished Manaan today.
Yes my character would very much like to spend more time with you. 💚🖤 I'm not sure if all characters on Pub side get this? I'll take any romance crumbs I can take though. 😊
So happy we got something from Arn in this new story content, now I'm going to be greedy and want more please. 😇
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thebreadtree · 2 years
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Is there some evil in the Swtor era that is not somehow linked to him
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astralflows · 2 years
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manaan daily area
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roguescarlett · 2 years
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rainofaugustsith · 2 years
(honestly not trying to start debates or hear why people kept him or whatever, just a comment) So there apparently is some mission you can send the Zakuulan on this time, or send help with him, or I don't even know - but it always amazes me that so many people actually kept him. Like, more people seem to keep him than kept Koth. I don't get it and I don't think I ever will. Yeah, yeah, I know, he was tied to Senya but like, that does nothing for me, I hated her too. Not a commentary on anyone who ships him or loves him or Senya anything, it's just something I don't in any way understand. There are plenty of things I like in SWTOR that others likely don't understand, too.
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anywayhereskirkwall · 2 years
Hell yeah Romanced Lana message with the new update:
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