sapphirefate · 8 months
My demon
I was pleased to meet a devil who treated me better,
He refused a deal but protected me like Heather.
He had a tattoo etched into him perhaps, he was etched into my soul.
He was an angel to me while a devil to the rest of the world.
When he said he would leave me alone,
I pleaded for a deal and pledged my soul.
But he left me with scars while all I needed was him because he was my home.
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Blue skies
White clouds
Taking any shape you could ever imagine
Buildings tall as if they could touch the sky
Leaves swaying in light breeze
Birds getting out of their nest in search of food
Squirrels making high pitched noise
Do they ever think about their purpose
Here I'm screaming what's the meaning of all this pain
0 notes
marie-swriting · 12 days
Love Advice - Jake "Hangman" Seresin
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Top Gun Maverick Masterlist
Summary : Jake comes back after six months of deployment and he needs your help to win the woman he loves.
Warnings : a tiny bit of angst, mutual pining, thinking there's an unrequited love, happy ending, maybe some grammatical mistakes as English is not my first language, tell me if you see some or if I missed any warnings.
Word count : 3.4k
French version
Song inspiration : How You Get The Girl (Taylor's Version) by Taylor Swift
Somebody knocking on your door takes your attention away from your TV show. At first, you just lower the volume down so the person doesn’t know you’re home and wait for them to leave. However, the second the knocks on the door get more insistent and you hear ‘I know you’re home’ with a Texan accent, you jump out of your couch and run to open the door to Jake. You joyfully shriek before throwing yourself into his arms. Jake laughs because of your enthusiasm, then he tenderly holds you close to him. 
You haven’t seen each other in six months because of his last deployment. Of course, you called each other almost every day, it’s just not the same. You've been thick as thieves since you were five, you need to see each other often. 
“Why didn’t you tell me you were coming home today?” you ask, breaking the embrace.
“I wanted to surprise you.”
“Well, you did. I missed you so much!” You exclaim, kissing his cheek before bringing him inside. “I hope you’re staying home for a long time. Six months without seeing each other is too much!”
“I totally agree.”
As usual, when he comes back home, you spend the day together then, Jake sleeps at yours. You go downtown, eat something, even watch a movie if there’s something interesting and the next day, Jake goes to his place - he lives twenty minutes away.
As soon as the night comes, you go home, takeout food in hand. You go into your living-room and you put a random show as background noise. You keep talking about the last few months in order to catch up when you decide to bring up a topic Jake seems to avoid.
“So, you didn’t tell me anything, what’s going on with Lara?”
Jake met Lara in a bar a week before leaving. You weren’t with him that night, so you don’t know a lot about their relationship. All you know is Jake got along with her pretty well.
“Oh, huh… Well…” he stutters and avoids your gaze.
“Jake,” you say with a disapproving tone. “Don’t tell me you messed up. Not again!”
“Not really. Okay, maybe a little.”
“What did you do?”
“I may or may not have not called her since I left.”
“Are you kidding me?” you scream, hitting his shoulder. “Do you realise you’re the kind of guy we talk shit about when we’re talking with other girls? Jake, you have to stop being a dick and destroying your relationship. You’re a nice guy, but whenever it’s about love, you’re the worst of them. Every time you find an awesome girl, you just ruin everything.”
“I know and this time, I want to fix this.”
“Before we keep going, you didn’t cheat on her, did you?”
“I might suck at relationships, however, you know I have some limits and I’m quite proud to say I’ve never crossed that line.” he affirms with a grin.
“You better!”
“Anyway, at first, I didn’t know what I wanted with her but now I do. I really connected with Lara and I want her to forgive me and give me another chance, I just don’t know how to do it.”
Following his sentence, you immediately understand what he wants. He messed up and now he needs your wise advice to fix the situation. Again. You roll your eyes before straightening up.
“I’m gonna make you pay for my love advice one day, at least, I’ll become a billionaire in a month with you.”
“You’re the most stable person I know when it comes to relationships so obviously I always go to you! Besides, you’re a woman, you know what to do.”
“True.” you modestly confirm. “First thing first, meet her in a neutral environment, a café for example.”
“And I buy her flowers?”
“Do you know her favourite flowers?”
“Roses are the safe option, right?” he suggests and you’re desperate.
“Do you know any personal details about Lara, like her favourite book?” you ask and he shakes his head. “Well, just pay for whatever she orders. First, you apologise and you do it correctly, you put the focus on her and what she might have felt. The goal is not for her to comfort you because you feel bad when you’re the one who messed up. If she still hasn’t thrown her glass of water in your face, you’re on the right track. Then you say, in the most convincing way, you want her, not another girl, for worse or for better. You know it’s gonna take her some time for her to trust you again but you will forever and ever. Tell her you know you broke her and you’ll put it back together because you care about her and you want to do better for her. In short, show her you want to be a better man and make sure your actions match your words quickly. And that’s how it works, that’s how you get the girl. At least, your chances will be higher.”
“You seriously think it can work?” Jake asks sceptical. 
“I can’t 100% promise you but, at least, it shows you want to be the man she deserves. Either way, you have to keep me updated! And also, don’t wait too long to do it. You should even contact her right now so you can see her in the following days.”
“You’re right.”
Jake takes his phone and quickly types a message. After you approve it, he sends it and nervously waits for the response. However, being tired from the travel, Jake quickly starts to yawn so you go to sleep. Jake sleeps in the same bed as you. You’ve always done it so you’re not going to change this now. After all, between you two, it’s purely platonic.
At least, for him. The same cannot be said about you. When you were still in High School, your crush on Jake was almost embarrassing. It’s actually the only secret you’ve never told him. Officially. During prom, you confessed to Jake you wanted to be more than friends nevertheless he was so drunk he didn’t understand it and the next day; he had zero recollection of it and you were very grateful. You don’t know what you would’ve done if he had remembered. You probably would have lost your best friend and you couldn’t allow this to happen so you just repressed your crush until it eventually died. 
Notwithstanding, what you don’t know and the only secret Jake has never told you is that he remembers pretty well what you told him that night. He was just so stunned that he pretended he didn’t understand it. He thought he didn’t like you that way so he said nothing to not alter your friendship. Though, the backlash was pretty violent two years later when you got your first serious boyfriend. Jake was insanely jealous. At first, he just thought he was afraid to lose his best friend until he reached the dreadful conclusion: he has feelings for you and it’s too late, he missed his chance with you. As a consequence, Jake went from one fling to the other while you were going from one long-lasting relationship to the other without him understanding what you found to ‘those dudes’ like he always says. Though, these last few months, he has come to terms with the fact one of ‘those dudes’ whom you’ve been with for several years is the one for you. Jake isn’t sure he’s the one you deserve, and he doesn’t want to ruin your friendship, that’s why he wants to fix his relationship with Lara, especially because your relationship with Scott is the longest one you’ve ever had and he’s probably your future husband so Jake definitely has to stop hoping you’ll get together one day. He has to move just like you did.
The next morning, once Jake wakes up, you’ve already left for work. Whilst he’s eating breakfast, Jake’s eyes are set on a picture of you and him hung on your wall, he has his lips pressed on your cheek while you’re trying to hide your fluster with a smile. The picture was taken on the last day of High School and he’d be lying if he said it wasn’t one of his favourites. He finds you cute in this photo. 
His phone ringing catches his attention. He unlocks it and discovers a text from Lara.
Message from Lara to Jake, 8:37 A.M.:
I’m willing to hear you out, but just because I want some explanations. Is tomorrow afternoon okay for you?
Jake quickly answers her and confirms the date. He should be happy, Lara is open to the discussion though, he can’t help his heart to tighten, and he stares at the picture on the wall again. He shakes his head and brings back his attention to Lara. You’re part of his romantic past, even if nothing ever happened, Lara is his future. He has to think about her, not you.
The minute you come home from work that night, Jake tells you about his date the next day. You congratulate him with a big smile, though your heart breaks a little. Jake repeats to you what he’s going to tell Lara to make sure he won't ruin his last chance and you assure him his speech is perfect.
“White lilies, those are her favourite flowers.” Jake says point blank.
“Then offer her some. It’ll prove you care about her because you remember a small detail about her.”
“That’s why you didn’t want me to take roses?”
“Exactly. If you are lucky and it’s her favourite flower, you’re good but imagine if she hates them because she finds them cliché, you’ll ruin your chances before opening your mouth, ‘cause on top of not being original, you just prove you don’t pay attention to her. Roses are the safe option, yet it doesn’t mean it should be your choice at the slightest obstacle. You’re already taking risks by coming back after six months of dead silence so go all the way, don’t play safe with roses.”
“You’re right.”
“I know I’m right! And please, please, please, don’t buy her flowers only when you screw up. Do it when everything is good between you. Do it even when there’s nothing to celebrate. It’s those kinds of tiny details that’ll make all the difference, it proves you care about her. Of course, it goes further than flowers but you get the idea, the fact is, you can’t let a routine get in the way and the only times you break it and you give her some attention is to make up to her or believe me, it’s the breakup for sure because she’ll feel abandoned.” you specify, saying your last sentence at an incredible speed and Jake looks at you suspiciously.
“Is everything okay between you and Scott? It sounded personal at the end.”
“We’re not talking about me but you.”
“So the answer is no.” he affirms, reading you like an open book.
“We broke up five months ago.” you sigh.
“What? Why didn’t you tell me? What did he do? He didn’t cheat on you, did he?” Jake questions, protective.
“No, it’s not that. It’s just after six years, almost seven years of relationship, we lost ourselves in a routine and we realised we were together out of habits not out of love. Besides, we argued more and more for useless things. It’s better like that.”
What you’re not telling Jake is that there is another reason. Scott was sure you and Jake are in love. No matter how many times you said your crush on Jake was only when you were a teenager and that Jake never loved you like this, Scott never believed you. Your friendship with Jake was the main argument between you and Scott.
“You should have told me sooner rather than pretending you were fine when we were on the phone.”
“Don’t worry, I got over it. Let’s talk about you and Lara again. You didn’t tell me a lot about her.”
“In my defence, I never thought I’d go further with her.”
Jake replies to your several questions, but he can’t help and think back to the information you just gave him. You broke up with Scott, something it didn’t think would happen. He was sure you were going to end your life with him. As opposed to your exes, Jake had to admit Scott did deserve you and it cost him a lot to say it nonetheless he could see how Scott made you happy like he never could. Maybe this time Jake could make you happy? Jake pushed this last thought in the back of his mind. He agreed he had to leave you in the past. Jake can’t hope for a future with you when he’s about to win Lara’s heart again! He needs to stay focused.
Jake ends up leaving in the late evening to go to his place. You hug him and give him some encouragement for his date before closing the door behind him. That night, Jake struggles to fall asleep, completely lost about who he truly wants.
The next day as it is your day off and raining a lot, you stay home and clean your apartment from top to bottom. Music coming out of your phone, you wipe the floor with care when someone knocks on your door. You loudly sigh then put the mop back in the bucket and make sure it doesn’t fall before walking to the door whilst shutting down your music. Once you open, you surprisingly find Jake, soaking wet, with a bouquet of several flowers in purple tones.
“Jake? What are you doing here?”
“I remember.” he tells you as if you were supposed to get it.
“What are you talking about?”
“What? Aren’t you supposed to be with Lara by now, anyway? And I thought you were gonna offer her lilies.” you question, after you understood what he meant.
“The flowers, they’re for you. I’m not playing safe, I know you love those kinds of bouquet because you can’t pick a favourite flower and your favourite colour is purple.” he says, handing you the bouquet, yet you don’t take it.
“What? Are you insane? Lara is the one you’re supposed to win over, not me!”
“That’s what I thought, too, but it wouldn’t have been fair to her. I still went to meet her and apologise for ghosting her though, she isn’t the one I want.”
“Jake, I don’t understand.”
“Can I come in?”
Without replying to him, you step aside and let him in. Jake takes his damped shoes off before walking to the kitchen entrance.
“I’m gonna get you a towel, I don’t want you to be sick. Make yourself a coffee to warm up.”
Whilst you grab a clean towel, you try to understand what’s happening. You didn’t expect to see him, especially with flowers. The second you go back to him, Jake puts his freshly poured cup down and takes the towel while handing you the bouquet once more and this time, you accept it. Without holding yourself back, you smell the flowers and tenderly look at them; you love them. Jake got it right. He’s proud of himself when he sees the soft smile on your face.
“They’re beautiful, Jake but why?”
“Like I said, I remember. I remember what you told me during prom.” he specifies whilst drying his face.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” you lie, avoiding his eyes.
“I think you do. You told me you had feelings for me.”
You stare at Jake, confused. You were convinced he had no memory of that moment. In one second, your cheeks heat and you don't know what to do with yourself.
“I pretended to not remember because I didn’t know how to react and I’m sorry.” Jake admits, putting down the towel and taking a sip of his coffee.
“Don’t apologise, you saved me from a moment that would have haunted me until I die like this moment will.”
“I shouldn’t have ignored you.” he affirms, putting down his cup on the table. “You confessed something very important to me and by ignoring you, I broke your heart and mine too in the process. I didn’t know it at the time but I also had feelings for you. I realised it too late, actually when you met dickhead number 1.”
“You mean Josh?” you ask, laughing.
“That’s what I said. Anyway,” Jake resumes getting closer to you, “I should have talked to you and not leave you in the dark. Your friendship means a lot to me and that night, I didn’t act as a good friend. Even if I hadn't had feelings for you, I should’ve said something and not let you deal with your broken heart alone. I’m sorry I broke your heart that night and if it’s not too late, I want to pull it back together. I never stopped having feelings for you. I spent years ignoring my feelings and every time I wanted to confess them, you were with someone else and now, it’s the right time. I want you, not another girl, for worse or for better.”
“What about Lara? I thought you liked her.” you ask, trying not to get your hopes up.
“She’s nice but she’ll never make me feel what I feel with you. I would have never been honest with her if I had been with her. That’s why I never got in a serious relationship actually, you were always on my mind and I didn’t want another girl there. I wanted to try with Lara because I thought I had missed my chance with you so I wanted to move on, yet when you told me you and Scott were over yesterday, I knew you’d always be in my heart. That’s why I preferred to apologise to Lara without getting into a relationship with her. I could have never committed to her because I want to do it with you. I don’t know if you still have feelings for me and if you do, you’re probably hesitant considering my history and I get it though, I mean it when I say I want to commit to you.” he insists, looking you right in the eyes. “I’m not saying I’ll be perfect right away but you can be sure I’ll do everything to be. I know it’s gonna take some time for you to trust me but I will forever and ever. I care about you, no, I love you and I want to do better for you. For once, I wanna be the good boyfriend and more particularly the man you deserve,” Jake states, putting his hand on your cheek, “the one who will buy you flowers at any occasion, the one who won’t abandon you, the one you’ll never get stuck in a routine with, the one who will make you happy, make you feel loved and who will cherish you until his last dying breath.”
At the end of his speech, you’re at a loss for words. You didn’t expect a confession of love from him and you never thought Jake was capable of saying such beautiful things or even being serious about a relationship. Not knowing what to reply, you put your free hand on Jake’s cheek and kiss him with passion. He doesn’t waste a second to kiss you back. Among all the kisses he’s shared, this one is officially his favourite, and he hopes he’ll relive it every day of his life. His heart is beating fast in his chest while he brings you closer to him. As soon as you break the kiss, you look at Jake with eyes full of love.
“I never stopped loving you, Jake.”
Jake smiles as he hears your confession. He was very nervous when he came to your place. He was afraid he’d ruin everything, and he’s relieved to know he was wrong.
“Wow, your advice works wonders,” he suddenly says with a sarcastic tone. “Well, I improved your speech a bit but I approve of it. You really should get paid for your love advice.”
“I told you that’s how it works.” you affirm as if it was obvious. “That’s how you got the girl.”
“That’s how I got my girl.”
When you hear the emphasis on the pronoun, you avoid his gaze for a second, flustered. You clear your throat before speaking again.
“You should take me to a first date then.”
“Oh, I will. Any advice as to what to do on a first date? I have to impress this girl who means a lot to me.”
You both laugh then you bring Jake close to you again before pressing your lips on him, the second kiss even better than the first one.
Top Gun Maverick Masterlist
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misscherry-26 · 2 years
Oh I have this sexy idea where Chris Evans and his wife reader does a sex tape
Sex tape - Chris Evans
Summary: Chris and his wife make a sex tape.
Pairing: Husb!Chris Evans x Wife!Reader
Warnings: +18! Smut!Sex! Unprotected sex!
Author's note: I hope you like it as much as I liked writing it, Because OH. MY. GOD (hehehe)
Enjoy it and thank you for requesting! ❤️
Mistakes will be corrected later!
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“Keep going baby. Keep-ah- going.”
“Chris mmhmm”
Chris pumps in and out of you passionately, holding you from your waist with one hand.
“Yeah, you look so sexy like this, my wife’s so sexy-yeah baby”Chris turns up the intensity, this time he comes completely out of you, just leaving the tip inside, hitting your spot. Your internal walls lubricate and cream Chris's member more and more, the wet noise is more than proof of it.
Your husband's gaze travels there. “Look at that” he says with a raspy voice.
A fine line of saliva drips from his mouth and falls in between, making the pass much easier.
“Chris please-Ple-please keep go-goin'”
"I don't plan to stop," His gaze returns to your face, gently squeezing from your cheeks, making your full lips stand out more.
He wants to document every fine detail of you.
“Look at me honey, look here,” He quickens his pace. "I'm not going to stop. Oh, of course not. Not until I fill this precious pussy with my hot cum. Not until you creame me.”
But he doesn't expect you to respond to that, because he knows that your response is the moans, the murmurs that barely come out from the intense stimulation your body is receiving second by second.
Your body is in a state of relaxation and, at the same time, of excitement that you lose track of time. Chris is about to come, the pressure and force that he exerts now is much more intense, strong, passionate.
For a moment the small device falls from your husband's hand to your abdomen. You don't even flinch in taking it, you have no strength. You need to explode. Your body needs to release all that pleasure.
You need to reach the top of the mountain.
Chris takes it quickly but instead of holding it, this time he puts it on the bed. Some pillows support it from behind so it doesn't fall, giving the perfect shot of both of them, although he can't see his face, not until he lays on top of you, hugging you tightly, as if he had to hold on to keep from falling.
Both of you are close, you lace your hands behind his head, pulling him towards your neck.
The fireworks in both begin to light up, The fire begins to spread by the thread that holds the small box with gunpowder.
The fire spreads more, and more.
And more.
And more.
Until finally…
It's like an explosion, a big, charged explosion that happens inside of you, and inside of your pussy.
The white liquid covers each of your intimate walls. And it mixes with yours. Chris feels it too. The body of both boils. The perspiration you emanate is already beginning to make a presence.
After a few minutes to be able to calm the breathing, and return the heart rate to a calm state, your husband takes off from you, but not before giving you a passionate kiss on the lips.
Getting up, he presses the little button to cut the recording and turns off his phone.
You are slow to open your eyes. They feel so heavy. You don't fight to open them so you keep them closed.
You listen as Chris goes to the bathroom and as the faucet is turned on. After a few you feel a very wet cloth that cleanses your intimate area a bit.
Chris places the used cloth in the laundry basket and then lays down on the bed, burying his head and face between your bare chest. His arms covering your waist, hugging you.
Both sinking into a deep state of relaxation, falling asleep.
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mx-sinisters · 8 months
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pairing; ladybug/cat noir, marinette dupain-cheng/adrien agreste
word count; 10.2k
rating; g
tags; canon universe, fortune telling, tarot, angst, hurt/comfort, pov alternating
notes; got a tarot deck for my bday a while back and fell down a rabbit hole learning how to do readings. my advice is to never learn how so ur friends and family don’t harass u every time they see u but that’s just me.
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summary; françoise dupont middle school is abuzz with excitement when juleka starts reading her classmates' fortunes with almost scary accuracy. after a week of bad luck, marinette is hoping that the future has something good in store for her, especially if it has to do with adrien. what she gets instead is a reading that reveals a little too much.
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“she’s alive!”
marinette swatted away alya’s playful poking. “yeah, yeah, just barely.”
it’d been a rough few days for marinette to put it lightly. she came down with a fever on monday and missed school. unfortunately for her, hawk moth didn’t do sick days. with cat noir out of town, she had no choice but to haul herself out of bed every time an akumatized villain appeared. the constant back-and-forth ended up doubling her recovery time. before she knew it, it was monday again and she was a week behind on homework and class rep duties.
the school courtyard was completely packed. excited whispers filled the air as marinette tried to weave her way between groups of students. she was only able to catch her breath once she made it into the safety of the locker room.
“what in the world is going on?”
“have you checked your texts?” alya asked.
she had a vague memory of checking her phone and being overwhelmed by the hundred or so unread messages. she’d add that to the ever-growing list of things she needed to catch up on. “uh, i was about to, but then–”
“save it,” alya rolled her eyes. “the short version of it is juleka’s been reading everyone’s fortunes with the tarot deck rose got her for her birthday. and they’ve been accurate. like, scary accurate.”
read more on ao3
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h2oblivious · 1 year
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WOAH! I’m back!
Here’s a new chapie for LYAML~ :V
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aikenns · 9 months
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Genre: Romance
Word Count: 2.5k
Rating: G
Tags: Winter, Photography, High School, Meet Cute
Notes: Completed for @writersconnection's Wintering Event
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Summary: Felix is on the verge of failing his Digital Photography class. Fortunately for him, his teacher shows some mercy and offers him a make-up assignment to complete over winter break. Unfortunately for him, there's snow and a chance encounter with a girl who's a little too passionate about romances in the forecast.
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"An F? Seriously?"
"You're telling me," Felix said, slamming his locker shut with an irritated sigh.
Markus thumbed through the Digital Photography assignment like he was missing something. Unfortunately for him, Felix had spent the entire morning examining and reexamining his photo and the attached rubric for where he went wrong. If there was anything to find, he would've found it hours ago.
"Didn't you say the assignment was supposed to be easy? Still life or something like that."
"Apparently photos of fruit baskets are about a hundred years out of style."
That was the answer Mr. Prescott gave Felix when he stuck around after class. While his composition and photo quality were average, his originality score had completely tanked him. The assignment dropped his semester grade from a D to an F. Not exactly how he wanted to start his winter break.
Read more on Wattpad
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What are the seven Chakras of Human Body - Sarika Bhardwaj
Sarika Bhardwaj says "From the root to the crown, aligning my chakras to radiate positive energy." There are 7 chakras of human body i.e root chakra, sacral chakra, solar plexus chakra, heart chakra, throat chakra, third eye chakra, crown chakra.
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woodsteingirl · 2 years
that book is better than any rpf anyone could ever write. my heart is soaring i go to sleep with high spirits and a wonderful outlook on the next day.
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nottyoursbutmine · 1 year
bridgerton fic recs 2
🐝 = fav
bridgerton @inpraizeof
anthony bridgerton
i really care about you @marie-swriting 🐝
no longer in denial @iwritefandomimagines
benedict bridgerton
not for him @iwritefandomimagines
bb’s posts @clemswinecorner-socials
(be)longing @fayes-fics
simon basset
a lady of the greatest honor @multifandomfix
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nekoannie-chan · 2 years
Masterlist of reblogged authors during 2022 #-D
This is the list of the writers that I reblogged during this year 2022 in alphabetical order. Unfortunately, some blogs no longer exist, so they were not included.
@1000night  @nana1000night Masterlist
@abbatoirablaze Masterlist
@abit-of-mayhem Masterlist
@alexusonfire Masterlist
@alittlegiraffe  Masterlist
@allaboardthereadingrailroad  Masterlist
@alwayssunnyinedensgate  Masterlist
@americaswritings Masterlist
@ana-swritings  Masterlist
@angelltheninth  Masterlist
@anika-ann Masterlist
@animnerd Masterlist
@assembletheimagines Masterlist
@astheskycries Masterlist
@avengersimaginings Masterlist
@barb-aricyawp  Masterlist
@becca-e-barnes Masterlist
@binkszamsstuff Masterlist
@blog-of-a-multitude-of-fandoms  Masterlist
@bluemusickid Masterlist
@blushstories Masterlist
@bolontiku Masterlist
@bonky-n-steeb Masterlist
@bonkywobble Masterlist
@britishserpent Masterlist
@bubblessunshinehoney Masterlist
@bubbleteaimagines Masterlist
@bucky-boo-bear Masterlist
@cactiem Masterlist
@callmeluna Masterlist
@caplanbuckybarnes Masterlist
@captain-rogers-beard Masterlist
@carpediemm-18 Masterlist
@carryonmywaywardbucky Masterlist
@charmed-asylum Masterlist
@chiefdirector Masterlist
@chrisevansredbelt Masterlist
@chrissquares Masterlist
@christycurlswrites Masterlist
@christywantspizza Masterlist
@clints-lucky-arrow Masterlist
@cockslutpadalecki Masterlist
@creativebeang Masterlist
@cruelfvkingsummer Masterlist
@daisysliv Masterlist
@darkficsyouneveraskedfor  Masterlist
@ddaz3d-and-cc0nfused Masterlist
@d-l-dare Masterlist
@donutloverxo Masterlist
@druckkugelschreiber Masterlist
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illwynd · 1 year
did u once say u were swriting a skrull thor tr au fic or did i imagine that
hey nonny! not your imagination. i did say that, and now that LMD is finally finished I'll be able to start really working on it again. in fact i was sitting in doctor's office with no pants on the other day and suddenly had a bolt of inspiration for a thing i needed to figure out for it, so things are in fact actively happening with it!
(the lack of pants is not really related to the nature of the inspiration but i did think it was amusing timing)
that said, i don't like to start posting until i have a fic at least mostly written, and with what i've already plotted and written i'm guessing it's probably gonna be a long and involved one, so it may still be a while before it's ready for other eyes.
but with that caveat, to whet your appetite, what i'm excited about with it is that... when i sat down to plot it, i was really struck by how much good material there was that Marvel simply left unused in the IW/EG movies, and that really all it needs is to be written by someone who actually cares about the characters, for people who have actually been paying attention. and i was also struck by just how many problems it would fix on the characterization front if the real Thor had been abducted sometime after AoU and replaced with a deep-cover skrull.
(spoilers below)
so that's where it starts, basically: with Loki, during TR, shocked and horrified by this change in his brother but believing that Thor has really just changed enough to happily abandon him twitching in pain on an alien planet. But instead of Loki sticking around on the ship to get killed by Thanos, he decides fuck that shit and bails. Ends up in a grungy bar on some backwater planet, nursing his emotional wounds.
Elsewhere, the real Thor has just spent a long while imprisoned in a dark cell by some unknown enemy that he encountered while on the search for the infinity stones after his visions in the Norn pool on earth, and when at last he gets free he finds himself on a ship in deep space. Steals an escape pod and manages to get away, to end up... in a grungy bar on some backwater planet. And that guy at the other end of the bar looks oddly like his brother... his dead brother, who he last saw speared through and bleeding out on Svartalfheim. Cue all the drama, distrust, and confusion and then them finally figuring out what happened.
So ultimately the two of them have to both go after the skrull impersonating Thor on the Statesman and stop Thanos from getting all the infinity stones, all while they sort out what went wrong with their relationship and whether there's any way to fix it.
(I'm really looking forward to working on it more, because it'll let me both fix TR/IW/EG and write some really fucked-up shit, and I have been craving writing some fucked-up shit.)
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marie-swriting · 3 months
To Be With You - Kate Bishop
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Marvel Masterlist
Summary : After having a nightmare about you dying, Kate is scared for your safety but she doesn't know how to talk to you about her fears.
Warnings : character's death in a dream, anxiety, mention of Natasha's death, hurt/comfort, angst, happy ending, maybe some grammatical mistakes as English is not my first language, tell me if you see some or if I missed any warning.
Word count : 2.6k
French version
Song inspiration : Talk Too Much by Reneé Rapp
Fear can be read on Kate’s face, her wide opened eyes are set on you. Her bow is armed with an arrow, she doesn’t know whether she should shoot or find an other solution to save you. On the edge of the building roof, Wilson Fisk has his arm around your neck while his other hand holds a gun against your temple. Your body is shaking and your eyes are full of tears whilst you gaze at Kate, completely terrified. 
“You should listen to me, Kate, and give me what I want or you can say goodbye to your girlfriend.” Fisk threatens with a harsh voice. “If you really loved her, you would’ve already saved her.”
“I’m not giving you anything.”
“Are you sure about that?” He replies before shooting you in the legs to prove he’s being serious.
“Let her go!” Kate yells following you cry of pain.
“You know what you have to do to save her life.”
“Fine! I’m gonna give it to you, just let her go.”
“Kate, no!” you scream while Fisk tightens his grip on your neck.
Reluctantly, Kate slowly puts down her bow on the ground whilst looking at you as a way to reassure you. She takes her bag off her back and throws it at Fisk. A machiavellian smirk on his face, Fisk loosens his grip however he still doesn’t let you go. You can finally breathe a bit more easily when Fisk suddenly throws you on the side and grabs the bag. You scream as you feel yourself falling off the roof. Your body goes on the other side of the edge when a pair of hands grabs yours. Looking up, you see Kate holding you with all her might. 
“It’s gonna be okay, I’ve got you! I’m gonna pull you up. Hold on.” she comforts you as she tries to haul you up and Fisk runs away from the scene.
“Kate, I don’t have any more strength.”
A tear rolls down your face the second you talk. You’re physically exhausted. Fisk kidnapped you for a whole day to set a trap on Kate and he didn’t go easy on you - he’s known for his cruelty and you’ve seen it first hand. However, you do everything to help Kate to haul you up, in vain.
“I’m gonna find a solution. I’m gonna pull you up. I’m gonna do it.” Kate repeats to reassure you but also herself.
In addition to your fear, acceptance also takes over your body. You know she won’t be able to do it. Kate might be strong yet, you feel your hands slowly slipping from hers so, you tenderly look at her with a comforting smile.
“It’s gonna be okay, Kate. I love you.”
Kate’s panic stops as soon as she hears your sentence, it’s the first time you say ‘I love you’. You’ve only been together for three months and until now, you didn’t dare to say those three words.
“I told you I’m gonna pull you up! Don’t say this as if you-”
“Kate, it’s okay.” you say softly.
“No, stop it. I-”
Kate doesn’t have the time to finish her sentence that your hands slip from hers and you fall down the building. Kate yells your name at the top of her lungs, your fall being engraved in her memory. The thud of your body colliding with the ground resonates and Kate can’t look away from you.
Kate takes a deep breath as she sits on her bed, panting. A hand on her chest, she tries to make sense of her nightmare. Kate brutally waking up makes you open your eyes so you turn around and see her, all shaken up. You sit down and put your hand on her shoulder, at your touch, she abruptly faces you, fear being replaced with relief in her eyes. You barely have the time to notice a tear streaming down her face when Kate throws herself in your arms.
“Kate, what’s wrong?” you question, worried.
“Everything is okay, you’re here.”
“You don’t seem okay.” 
“I’m fine, don’t worry. I just had a dream.” she lies, breaking the hug and faking a smile.
“Wanna talk about it? You seem pretty upset because of it.”
“No need. It was nothing. It was just a stupid dream, it didn’t mean anything. I’m fine.” Kate quickly says before standing up from the bed. “I have to go, I have training soon. You can stay here, if you want to or you can do something else, I’ll probably be home late. Be careful and call me if there’s anything weird.”
Kate finishes her rambling by pecking your lips and then, she runs away from her bedroom as if it was on fire. You stare at where she left, completely confused. Despite what she said, you can see right through her and you know this dream upset her. You tell yourself you should talk to her about it once she’s calmed down.
The following days, Kate’s nightmare keeps haunting her mind and she still hasn’t talked about it. Her nightmare made her question herself, more specifically your relationship. Though she’s never said it out loud, she loves you and she can’t lose you. Yet, since she became a vigilante after meeting Clint Barton, she has to take into account the dangers of this new life. Clint mentioned Natasha a few times and even if her death wasn’t like the one in her nightmare, the fact is, the Avengers are in constant danger and by extent their loved ones, too. Besides, since Kate’s mom went to jail, she is even more scared to lose the people she loves. 
Now that Kate has realised what it truly means being in a relationship with her, she’s not sure you’ve realised it, too. Kate is afraid to be the cause of your death due to her lifestyle so she wants to push you away, but she also wants to keep you close to her, though she knows it might be selfish on her part. She should talk to you about it, on the other hand if she does, she’ll just fall down a rabbit hole by saying too much and probably breaking up with you, her fears growing everyday so she prefers to stay silent. 
Obviously you’ve noticed she acts differently. You’ve tried to put her at ease several times without being too direct, fearing you’ll get her back up, however she always avoids the subject. 
“Are you okay? Are you hurt?” Kate asks, worried, searching for a potential wound.
She doesn't mention her nightmare even a week after and stays lost in her own thoughts. It kills you to see her distance yourself from you like this. You try to talk to her as much as you can but it's like talking to a brick wall and yet you keep making the conversation even if Kate doesn't seem to pay attention.
One day, whilst you’re both walking in the street, you tell Kate about your last exam. As usual the second you’re talking with someone, you don’t pay attention to where you’re going, focusing on your interlocutor. As you’re talking about how you feel about your exam, you just feel Kate violently grabbing you and making you take a step back then you see a blue car driving fast and honking.
“Thanks to you, I’m fine.”
“You really need to look in front of you when you’re talking, especially while walking in the streets!” she retorts, annoyed, “If I hadn’t been there, you could have had an accident! They were driving super fast, they could have hit you. Do you have any idea how reckless you are? You scared me! What if I hadn’t seen this car, you would have died in front of me!”
“But you saw it just in time and you pulled me back before it could hit me. I’m fine, Kate, we were more scared than hurt.” you calmly affirm, hoping to ease the tension.
“Because you were lucky! You won’t always be, something can happen to you at any given moment.”
Kate’s breath gets more jerky and you understand this goes way deeper than a bad driver. You force Kate to look at you before saying with a reassuring tone:
“Kate, breathe. I’m fine, you’re fine, we’re both fine.”
“I got so scared.”
“I know. Come on, let’s go to my place.” you tell her as you start to drag her in the opposite direction.
“But you wanted to buy the new book you’ve been waiting for months.” Kate protests, confused.
“I’ll buy it another day. We should get home, far away from the cars.” you state with a small smile though Kate isn’t in the mood to laugh. “Too soon?”
“Yes, barely two minutes after your almost accident is too soon.”
“Sorry. Come on.” you say, taking Kate’s hand in yours.
You turn around and start walking to your place whilst you stroke Kate’s hand with your thumb as a way to comfort her. Kate’s reaction confirms you have to make her talk, even if you have to force her. Something is wrong and she’s anxious, more specifically about you and you don’t know why.
Once you get in your small apartment, you let her sit on your couch whilst you make two hot chocolates - no matter the season, Kate loves to drink them. You hope the hot drinks will put her at ease so she’ll talk more easily. As soon as the beverages are ready, you join her on the couch. You let her take a few sips before speaking.
“Kate, we need to talk.”
“I don’t wanna talk about it.” she states, avoiding your gaze.
“You’re clearly anxious about something, you can’t just stay in your fear all alone. Talk to me.”
“I…,” Kate starts with hesitation, “I wonder if you really know what you got yourself into when you decided to date me and if it’s not the case then, I wonder if you’ll still want to be with me when you’ll realise it.”
“Why are you saying that?”
“You died.” she bluntly states.
“Kate, the car didn’t run me over.”
“In my dream.”
“The one you had last week? Why didn’t you tell me?” you question, starting to understand the situation better.
“You died and it was my fault.”
“I’m sure that’s not true.”
“It is,” Kate insists with teary eyes, “Fisk found me again and he wanted my bag - I have no idea what was so precious in this bag but he wouldn’t let it go and to force me to give it to him, he had kidnaped you. He even shot you in the leg and once I finally gave him the bag, he threw you off the building roof - because, yeah we were on a building roof - and I tried to pull you back but I didn’t have enough strength and… and you fell.” she tells you, her voice breaking at her last sentence. “You died and it was my fault. If I had listened to Fisk earlier, if I had had more strength-”
“Kate, it was only a dream.” you interrupt her, taking her hand in yours.
“It didn’t feel like a dream, it felt so real and it made me think.” Kate retorts, putting her cup on the living room table. “At any moment, it could be real. Now that I’ve worked with Hawkeye and with my mom who worked for Fisk, I could be a target and I don’t want you to get hurt because of me. I care about you too much to lose you, especially if it’s my fault. And even if I’m no Spider-man or Captain America, with time, I could have more enemies way more ruthless than Fisk and Fisk is awful enough. This nightmare was like a wake-up call, I can’t be with you because it means you’re in danger and you're already putting yourself in danger when you’re talking in the street without looking where you’re going. Who walks without watching where they’re going seriously?” She rambles before going back to her main argument. “The fact is, by dating me, you put yourself in danger and it’s something you should keep in mind,” Kate adds before taking a deep breath. “Okay, having said all that, do you still wanna be with me? ‘Cause, like, I wanna be with you, maybe even forever, holy shit, maybe not forever. I mean, I’m not saying ‘not forever,’” Kate nervously adds without giving you the time to answer, “I actually have no idea what I’m saying. Are you mad at me because I’m pushing you to break up with me because of a stupid nightmare? You’re mad at me, I’m sure of it and it’s cool if you are, I don’t care. It’s just that with this dream, I can’t stop wondering if it’s a sign, like a premonitory one, you know and if it’s true, I’d forever resent myself for not protecting you by giving you an exit when there was still a chance. And, oh my God, I think I talk too much.” Kate tells herself, “I’m talking too much, aren’t I? I should let you talk. Like you said, we should talk and… Ah! Just shut the fuck up!” she screams, frustrated.
“I haven’t said anything!” you reply, putting your hands up to prove your innocence.
“Not you, sorry, I meant me.” Kate corrects with a guilty face. “I meant I should shut up and let you talk.”
“Can I talk?” you ask after letting her breath for a second. Once she nods, you start speaking again. “Kate, I get your nightmare scared you, but it doesn’t mean it’ll happen. Besides, I knew what I was getting myself into by dating you - I mean, you bragged about working with Hawkeye on our first date so I knew for the whole vigilante thing, potential enemies and everything and I still accepted to go on a second date with you. I’m aware of all of this and despite it, I don’t want us to break up, particularly because of a nightmare.” you add with a soft yet firm voice. “And also, I don’t want to leave you alone. Being a vigilante is already complicated enough, you can’t isolate yourself. You have to talk to me when you’re not okay, especially if you get yourself worried sick. I want to be with you. I might not know how to do archery or fight but I can be here for you. I want to be here for you. You can try and give me every exit you want but I’ll still want to be with you. I love you, Kate.” you confess, looking her straight in the eyes.
“You love me?” Kate questions, stunned.
“Of course.”
“Wow, I didn’t think we were at the stage of our relationship and I didn’t think you’d say it during this kind of conversation. I mean, technically, in my dream, you said it before dying though we should probably forget about that dream. Anyway, I thought you’d say it when we’d be doing something much more romantic. God, I’m rambling again, aren’t I?”
You lightly laugh before putting your hands on both sides of her face and kissing Kate. As she feels your lips on hers, Kate’s fears finally calm down. The kiss only lasts for a few seconds so it can allow Kate to focus on something else, yet it doesn’t mean it’s not full of love and tenderness. Once you break the kiss, Kate gives you a smile you find cute.
“I love you, too.” she says, stroking your right hand on her cheek.
“I love you and I want to be with you, Kate Bishop, no matter what you can say to dissuade me.”
At your words, Kate’s smile gets bigger, grateful she’s found someone so comprehensive and kind as you are. She couldn’t have dreamed of a sweeter girlfriend in this brutal world.
Marvel Masterlist
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misscherry-26 · 2 years
Oh i got this total idea where chris evans is taking a nap for an interview with ET while his wife, reader cooking up. their toddler girl has a makeup kit for kids and use it on chris. Chris didn't know about it until the interview
Mommy, do you like the way I did daddy's makeup? - Chris Evans
Or said by Blue Evans: "Mommy, do you lite the 'ay I tit daddy's mateup?"
Summary: Chris decides to get some rest before the ET interview, and falls asleep on the couch. His daughter, Blue decides to get her dad ready for the interview.
Pairing: Husb!Chris Evans x Wife!Reader x Daughter!Blue Evans.
Author's note: I swear I've been working on this for a week and I even felt a little bad because I never got around to finishing it because of how busy I was.
I have to say that I loved writing this beautiful and cute story!!!
Hope you like it and thanks for requesting!
Gif from Pinterest
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Little Blue Evans is sitting on the floor, with all her toys scattered on the carpet, watching cartoons on television.
At least that's what you see from the kitchen. You're making some chocolate cookies. Chris and Blue's favorites.
And speaking of Chris, your husband, you realize that you didn't see him with your daughter. How strange. If you remember correctly, he told you that he would be there.
You take the tray with the cookies and place them inside the oven. Then, curious, you go to look for your husband. As you get closer, you start to hear a slight… snoring?
And you're not wrong. In front of you is Chris, lying on the couch, sleeping. Looking at the time on the clock, you move him a little to wake him up.
"Chris. Chris." He shifts a little on the couch, but doesn't open his eyes. You try to call him about two more times, and that's when it seems to work.
In a hoarse, sleepy voice and opening his eyes a little, he asks you what you need.
"Don't forget that you have the interview with ET in an hour babe"
Chris has been up since six in the morning, going from interview to interview about his projects, life… so it's more than understandable that he is taking a nap.
"Mhm, I know, I'm up now" and he goes back to sleep.
You shake your head, chuckling at your husband's action, and head back to the kitchen to clean and put everything away, as well as checking the cookies from time to time.
But what you don't know is that little Blue, hearing that her father has an interview, got up as soon as you left, to get her makeup kit.
The little girl quickly returns and places the small pink suitcase on the floor and opens it. She then gets down on her knees to get up to her father's face and… gets to work...
Chris wakes up to the sunlight starting to hit him in the face. He slowly sits down on the couch and wakes up a bit. He watches the clock. Just in time for the interview.
Without time to see himself in the mirror, he straightens his hair a little and takes the computer and turns it on.
"In today's section we will be interviewing a great Hollywood star, husband and father. With you, Chris Evans"
At that moment Chris turns on the camera, completely inhibited of what is happening… on his face.
On the other hand, you are in the kitchen decorating the cookies with a chocolate coating, when Blue runs in with the small suitcase in hand.
"Mommy mommy mommy!"
"B I told you the cookies aren't ready yet" you notice her running in "and what did I tell you about running in the kitchen? It's dangerous B–"
"Am 'orry mommy, but come! Loot what I tit!" Your daughter drags you by the hand. You hope she hasn't broken anything, but the surprise you get is a very funny one.
Chris is sitting on the couch, computer in hand, camera and microphone turned off. His face, it's hard to find expression on it. You don't know if he wants to laugh, scold his little girl or even cry.
Your husband is full of paintings on his face, or rather… makeup.
"Mommy, do you lite the 'ay I tit daddy's mateup?"
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mx-sinisters · 1 year
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pairing; cat noir/ladybug, adrien agreste/marinette dupain-cheng
word count; 5.1k
rating; t
tags; canon universe, alternate universe, time travel, implied/referenced character death
notes; saw that shadybug & claw noir is gonna be about alternate universes and wanted to have some fun with it.
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summary; cat noir is getting nowhere with ladybug romantically and doesn't know what to do next. his soul-searching is interrupted when his future self drops in needing help returning to his time. cat noir is happy to help, especially if that means getting a peek at how his and ladybug's relationship turns out. the only problem is that his future self isn't who he says he is.
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“another purrfect job, m’lady. pound it!”
cat noir waited for the familiar brush of ladybug’s knuckles against his, but it never came. he looked over to see her leaning against a nearby railing. instead of taking in the dazzling city lights that illuminated the streets below, she seemed distracted.
“are you alright?”
ladybug jumped, spinning to face him a bit too quickly. “oh, yes, i’m alright. it’s just been a long day.”
“c’mon, bugaboo. you know this cat’s got sharper eyes than that,” he said, moving to stand beside her. “what’s on your mind? you can tell me anything.”
pushing like this always resulted in cat noir getting scolded. ‘keeping their identities secret’ and all that. but he couldn’t help himself. if there was even the smallest chance of getting a glimpse of who was under that spotted mask, he’d take it every single time.
to his surprise, he wasn’t immediately shut down. silence hung between them as ladybug wrung her hands. eventually, she spoke.
“when i’m ladybug, i feel like i can see everything clearly. i have a mission. i have a plan for my lucky charm. i have you. because of that, i can be confident, brave. i wish that translated to my everyday life.”
cat noir was too busy processing the fact that ladybug had willingly shared information about her secret identity to register what she was saying. once the realization set in, it hit him like a sucker punch.
“this is about the guy you like, isn’t it?”
read more on ao3
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h2oblivious · 2 years
Ok, listen—I’ve got some Anakin whump heading your way soon. The idea popped into my head last night as I was trying to go to sleep. I like making the precious boys suffer apparently. I’m also working on the next chapter for LYAML, so don’t worry about that lol! It’s slow going, but it is definitely going. Love you all! ❤️
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