#swm pride
harbingerofdespair · 1 year
Do y'all think cal or Yvette would have gotten their routes if we saw how vinca really was. She was different in onyx's route and we didn't really see much of her but I can tell a lot more people started to like her after reading Yvette's route. I think she would have won the votes instead of cal
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explorya88 · 9 months
Purple: Nahara
Pink: Fang
Red: Ograth
Azure: Dracaena
Green: Onyx
Orange: Vinca
Bold Azure: Yvette
Bold Red: Lucceia Germana
Bold Green: Nerius Granius
Bold Orange Uzumati
Bold Pink: Nakoma
NAHARA'S EPISODE: Sorceress of island of Eowiressi.
Year: 2017, Month: June, Day: 22 State: Toirwen/ Falrysal/ Snowpond, outside Frigg Fortress.
Nahara: I've come this far and now the time has come...
Today is the day in which i start my conquest of Vinlad, avenge my fallen sister Choshuka and my fallen brother Sri-Yqoa and finally in the end, one day i will return home the island of Eowiressi, at the head of an army of slaves, kill my father and the other Sin Overlords so i can take the throne.
Nahara: ...Let us go, my daughter.
Year: 2001, Month: September, Day: 7 State: island of Eowiressi.
I was born and raised on the island of Eowiressi, i am the second daughter and thirdborn children of King Hercle of Eowiressi, also known as Void's Island; my older sister Choshuka and my older brother Sri-Yqoa where slayed by our father for their failed attemp to overthrown him thus proved theyself weak. I was trained from birth to be merciless in combat, to master all the type of magic and to predict anticipate any strategy my enemy may use so to humiliate and slay them all and like them i long since planned to kill him and be the queen. Until I saw the remains of a smuggling ferry and since I had nothing better to do I dug into the remains to see if there was anything useful...
Nahara: An egg, a big egg and not your average egg but the egg of a Mighty leviathan! The embodiment of chaos and eater of the damned, harbingers of disease and destruction.
And the egg hatches in my hand, the most adorable and cuddly leviathan in the world.
Most adorable and cuddly leviathan in the world: Mommy.
You got have kidding me right!?!
Nahara: How i am supposed to kill my father with a cute puppy.
I shouted and the puppy was nearly reduced to tear at my anger.
Nahara: Sorry, sorry, forgive my unjust wrath. Now, since i found you, i claim you as my familiar and so you need a name, let see...Dracaena, you like it?
Dracaena kissed my nose and coo, she is so cute.
Nahara: Together we will conquer Vinlad, my home and then the world.
Then two years later...
A woman named Lucia came to us, seeking our help in a war that her side was losing but we refused and she asked that at least one of us help her to go home, since her warjet is unusable. Dracaena the naive child she was, decided to help her to return to her fellow soldiers so Lucia took her hostage and demanded that King Hercle, my father provide warriors for her cause or she would kill Dracaena. Much to my horror, my father simply told me to save my familiar myself, which i did, by stabbing Lucia in the neck. My father explained that this was my final lesson, words and emotion could be potent weapons which i would need to master and familiars are only items of war. We had anticipated the rise of metahumans in the next yearrs and so we were sent out to infiltrate and gain control over them.
Nahara: Let's "befriend" the presidentess Nakoma, my daughter.
Dracaena: Yyyyyyeeeeessss!!!
Year: 2019, Month: June, Day: 22 State: New Thurwyn/ Clifflyn County/ Fort Merrimoor.
Lucceia Germana: Listen to me, you steak! You may even be one of the founding fathers Faustus Sestius Britannicus himself. Either make an appointment like any imbecile out there or wait for your turn! In case you haven't noticed, Presidentess Nakoma is engaged in a very important discussion with the ambassador of the island of Eowiressi Nahara Byrd, learn her name well and respect it, also known as the headquarters of the Sin Assassins and their leaders the Sin Overlords ruled by King Hercle and second do not use these slangs like terror judges, executioner dogs or whatever, are we or are we not professionals?
Nerius Granius: I'm here to put an end at her extended and undue influence Presidentess Nakoma with the good or bad manners!
Uzumati: We don't have time for this, get out of our way Lucceia!!!
My colleague roar as he grabbed Lucceia's neck, her lips tightened with fury; her eyes bulged in anger. She tried to lash out, to strike Uzumati, but his grip was like the jaws of a lion, holding her fast. She couldn't breathe. She couldn't move. Finally, after a few agonizing seconds, Uzumati toss her across the corridors and we entered. Lucceia staggered to her feet, her face and neck red and bruised from the attack.
Lucceia: You'll both pay for this!
-Presidentess room-
Nahara: Who is your mistress bitch?
Nakoma: You, my goddess.
Nahara: So you'll give me the Database off all metahuman, Sin Assassins, Dark Assassins and anything else to me.
Nakoma: Yes, anything for my mistress.
I crackled, my demonic flowers` unleashed their spores, removing Nakoma free will and turning her in yet another a bimbo sex slave and puppet.
Nahara: Oh and who truly rule Vinlad?
Nakoma: You...NAHARA BYRD!!!
I smile cruely at Nakoma's response, her red eyes glowing with satisfaction.
Nahara: Yes, i am the ruler Vinland and you are my new bimbo sex slave and puppet, Nakoma...I command you to do my bidding and before you fulfill my demands... give my daily dose of climax and you can't bumbo sex slaves don't deserve this me first.
She stood up, her blue, purple and gold dress slinking along the floor and once she naked Nakoma moaned softly as she obeyed my commands, her hands and lips exploring every inch of my curves. She wanted to please me in any way she could, to satisfy my desires, she wanted nothing more than to be my puppet for life as my body trembled with anticipation too as Nakoma moved closer to me. I caressed Nakoma's hair, pulling it away from her face so that i could better see her.
Nahara: Yes...That's it...let your desires free...do as I command...and serve me...
I laughed, my voice low and husky as i pulled Nakoma closer, my lips brushing lightly against Nakoma's only for Uzumati and Nerius stormed in and point their guns to me.
Nerius Granius: What the...
Uzumati: ...Presidentess!?! Nahara What have you done to her?
Nahara: Make this bitch useful but you ruined the fun.
With a snap of my fingers Uzumati and Nerius Granius were quickly trapped by my thorn vines. They tried to fight against her power, but it was no use, They were completely ensnared in my vines, unable to move. I smiled at their predicament, my eyes gleaming with evil delight.
Nahara: So much for your little rescue mission, you should have been faster useless fools.
Nakoma: You spoke wisely my master. This is what happens when you dare to interrupt my mistress fun!
Nakoma said, a look of coldness in her eyes. She approached Uzumati and Nerius, who were still ensnared within my thorn vines.
Nahara: Fuhuhuhuh, let's see the presidentess` database.
Nakoma: They made the mistake of getting in your way and now they will suffer the consequences. Let this be a lesson to anyone who would challenge you, my mistress.
I took advantage of the interruption to search through the presidentess database. I found a hidden file with information on all the metahumans, dark assassins, etc... in the world, including their locations and abilities and dowload to my computer. Then i ordered the thorn vines to whip Uzumati and Nerius Granius, while also ordering Nakoma to perform a humiliating act for their amusement. I laughed as i watched them squirm, enjoying their humiliation and failure to protect their presidentess.
Uzumati: Wh-what are you doing?
Nerius Granius: Let me go! Mercy! Please!
Nakoma felt a rush of excitement as she obeyed Nahara's order to perform a humiliating act in front of Uzumati and Nerius. She laughed at their failure to protect her and enjoyed mocking them as they were whipped by the thorn vines. She derived pleasure from their humiliation and loved every second of it, knowing that they were powerless to stop her. She felt empowered and euphoric as she danced in front of them, showing off her body and taunting them with her movements.
Nakoma: Oh look, it's the intruders. Did you think you could stop my mistress, little ones? You failed to protect your presidentess, and now you'll pay the price which is enjoy this show just for you and my mistresd.
Nakoma said, her voice sensuous and seductive and laughed, dancing in front of them as the thorn vines continued to whip Uzumati and Nerius Granius while she moved closer to them, her body swaying hypnotically and alluring. Lucceia came rushing into the room, only to stop in her tracks as she saw the bizarre scene in front of her. Me seated in the presidentess chair, while the intruders Uzumati and Nerius Granius were tied up by thorn vines, which were whipping them. The presidentess herself was performing a sexy show for them, smiling and laughing at their humiliation.
Lucceia: What the hell!?!
Lucceia exclaimed, unable to process the madness before her eyes.
Nahara: Hmm...the poor Lucceia does look exhausted, Nakoma, service her now.
I ordered the president to perform an act of service for Nakoma, enjoying the look of utter disbelief on Lucceia's face. I leaned back in the presidentess' chair, satisfied with the chaos i had caused and the humiliation she had inflicted until...
Nahara: What's the meaning of this?!?
I roared after downloading the database, i screamed as while reading the profiles until i read the recent update of the profile of the Wren twins better know as "Twisted Twins", the psychotic and depraved spree killers who stated that they were recentely seen with a woman on 20-25 years old, whose name is Dracaena and thanks to her they slowly conquering several turf including the twins hometown Minnesota.
Nahara: My daughter with not one but two women at same time! She too young for that.
I exclaimed, my maternal instinct kicking in. I turned to Nakoma whom as if to confirm my fears, Nakoma continued her lap dance on Lucceia while tied to the thorn vines.
Nakoma: But mistress, my database says that she's old enough to have as many women as she wanted. Why don't you sit back and enjoy the show?
She purred, looking up at me, her eyes hooded with lust and her voice dripping with sensuality as she continued to move her body seductively, her body pressed against Lucceia's.
Nahara: Big mistake, dead meat!!!
I say in respose as i exploded in blind rage, my demonic flora responded to my stormy emotions by mutated into carnivorous plants which swiftly swallowed Nakoma, Lucceia, Uzumati, and Nerius whole. The four were trapped in the clutches of the plants, unable to escape their deadly vines. I stood over them, my eyes glowing with a murderous light.
Nahara: Those two bitches will pay for stealing my daughter from me! No one messes with my family and gets away with it, those two better pray that I find them first, before my plants do...
I roared, my voice dripping with rage, as i watched as the carnivorous plants fully digested their prey and after they finish i proced to seek them.
Somewhere in Minnesota...
I tilted my head in confusion as i suddenly felt a chill in the air.
Vinca: It's suddenly cold here.
I said, shivering, Onyx who was standing nearby, agreed with me.
Onyx: You too?
She said, shivering herself. Dracaena looked at us with concern.
Dracaena: Are you alright? Should I call a doctor?
Onyx: Don't worry...
Vinca:...is unnecesary, now straddle on me cute pie.
Dracaena eagerly straddles Vinca, the strap-on pressing against her tight anus as Vinca thrusts forward, the sensation of her anus being stretched sends waves of pleasure coursing through Dracaena's body. She can't help but let out a deep, guttural groan of ecstasy, her desire for more growing with each thrust. I positions myself on Dracaena's chest, ensuring that she remains still and unable to move, with a mischievous grin, i leans forward and licks the top of Dracaena's head, savoring the taste of her skin. The sensation of my tongue gliding over her scalp sends shivers of pleasure down Dracaena's spine, intensifying the pleasure she is already experiencing. The combination of the strap-on filling her from behind and my skilled tongue teasing her head creates a delightful symphony of sensations that leaves Dracaena craving more. Vinca thrusts with a powerful force, driving the strap-on deep into Dracaena's eager anus. Each forceful thrust sends shockwaves of pleasure rippling through Dracaena's body, making her gasp and moan with every movement. The intensity of Vinca's powerful thrusts leaves Dracaena feeling utterly consumed by the overwhelming pleasure, her body trembling with desire as she surrenders herself to the relentless rhythm, my hands seize Dracaena's breasts, my grip firm and possessive. With an assertive squeeze, i exerts pressure on the soft mounds, causing a mix of pleasure and mild ecstasy to surge through Dracaena's body. My actions intensify as i delivers a sharp smack to Dracaena's breasts, leaving a tingling sensation in their wake. The combination of pain and pleasure heightens Dracaena's arousal, fueling her desire for more intense sensations, her eyes roll back in pure ecstasy, her body completely under our control as we continue to dominate her in every way, her mouth drools a torrent of saliva, a physical manifestation of her overwhelming arousal. She revels in the sensation of being completely dominated, surrendering herself to our desires and finding immense pleasure in every second of our intense encounter. The power exchange and our control over her ignite a deep, primal desire within Dracaena, leaving her craving more of our dominance and pleasure.
Meanwhile at New Thurwyn/ Clifflyn County/ Fort Merrimoor...
I am at work brainwashing a taxi driver and ordering him to drive to Minnesota where i had tracked down Dracaena's location and determined to put an end to my daughter's antics once and for all. With the help of my powers as an ambassador and my connections, Nahara had managed to track down the twins and Dracaena, a feat which i was proud of and eager to capitalize since i will not let my daughter throw away her life and her future so recklessly. I will put her foot down, and this madness would end now but suddenly, an earthquake erupted, causing a massive car crash. People were shouting and screaming in fear and shock, as buildings and vehicles were damaged. Of course, i am unscathed but annoyed at the disruption to my plans, i scanned the surrounding area, seeking to locate the source of the earthquake. I would not allow anything to distract me from my mission to find Dracaena and the twins, who were the main reason for me coming to Minnesota and this earthquake would not stand in my way. And i spot Ograth, the archdemon, controlling a familiar woman.
Nahara: So it's you, didn't you learn your lesson?
I growled, remembering our last encounter, despite the situation i couldn't help but notice the woman's appearance, particularly her thighs and breasts. She was definitely an attractive and delectable figure and i couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to lick her nipples, pinch them and scratch the abs. Nonetheless, i am determined to not allow such desires to distract ne since i have a job to do and i would do it.
Ograth: I do this is why i possess Fang, she's more than match for you and i'm rising an army of brainwashed metahumans, supernaturals and dark virtues, then we will defeat anyone who threaten my kind, especially you, the Sin Overlords and your father!
Nahara: Oh, I don't think so, More than a match for me? I'd like to see her try.
I said, with a cold and calculating voice since i had dealt with many powerful opponents before, and i was not one to be intimidated just because of a few flashy tricks, i would not let Ograth and his brainwashed puppets and supernatural allies menace my position, my plan, or my daughter, i will not hesitate to crush them and all who dared to defy me.
Fang: ... (Ograth control me but I'll not allow since he want me, metahumans, supernaturals, everyone, this world for himself but i won't allow it since this world is MINE OR NOBODY'S)
Fang proced to punch the ground causing a shockwave that corroded gradualy the bystanders, i love their scream.
Ograth: You are mine, we are one there is no you.
Nahara: Well, well, someone want to play, isn't that so baby girl?
Fang: (Baby girl!?!) You're coming with me. Wait! I won't allow ...IT!!!
My mind screamed out in desperation, even as i was being controlled by Ograth. The archdemon's grip over me was strong, but my desire to resist was even stronger so with a yell, i roared so strong that i shatter every single glass of this city.
Nahara: Most impressive, baby girl.
I found herself pleased by the scene. The fear and uncertainty of the bystanders was enjoyable.
Fang: I don't know who are you, but know that i crush any freeloader who stand in my way.
Ograth: (Capture her this cunt, stupid pawn) Give up bitch!
I licked my lips amused by Ograth fake bravado, while internaly pondering that after this how i should try to seduce this cutie and make her my lover.
Nahara: There is news just for you. This woman HITS BACK!!!
The bystander stared in horror as Nahara and Fang's fight continued, the impact of their strikes causing unimaginable damage and destruction. They desperately tried to flee from the scene, but the two women continued to trade blows, inflicting death and destruction around them, the Nilton Monument was reduced to rubble in the fight, and people were fleeing in fear.
Bystander 1: These two women are fighting like war goddesses!
One bystander shouted.
Bystander 2: They don't care about the destruction they're causing, they're just fighting!
Another screamed.
Bystander 3: Everyone run for your life, it's a war zone out here!
Nahara: Who is in control of the bus (body)? You Fang or Ograth?
Fang: I'm part of Ograth and so you'll be too.
I pouted, loathing to see that useless piece of shit messing with this cutie, especially is official that i will make her mine, since she so far prove to be a match for me.
Nahara: It sounds like it's you who desires me.
I teased, my voice dripping with seduction. I knew that the attraction was mutual and that my charm could easily have Fang wrapped around my finger. All Fang had to do was ask and she will be my only lover.
Fang: You will join us and free the demons.
Fang said, her voice flat and without emotions. In her mind, there was only Ograth's voice, overriding her own. I knew that she was under his control, and that she had no choice but to obey his commands.
Nahara: You never learn, everyone thinks they can conquer me, only to end up licking scraps from my heels, begging to be my toys.
I said, mocking Ograth's plans for me, then i turn my attention back to Fang, who was still under the control of Ograth, and i punched her across the road.
Nahara: Fang will be mine and those old pigs and sows, the Sin Overlords and dad dearly, will not rule the world but me!
I growled, determined to make my presence known, and prove that my power was absolute.
Ograth: I will enslave dark assassins, metahumans and everyone else starting with you bitch, so when your father, Sin overlords and their slave Sin assassins will come here to enslave us, we demons wil be ready.
Nahara: So this why is you enslave Fang, known as the Tyrant of Nevada, The Butcher of Las Vegas Strip and the personification of Vajrayaksa? Very clever of you old pig. It's a pity because your testosterone toxic attitude and typical male hubris needs me to bring you down!
I mockingly coo Ograth, taunting him with my knowledge while easily dodged Fang's frantic attack and delivered a powerful double punch that crashed her face into the road. I am enjoying the fight and the exercise of my powers. I am determined to win this fight and would not allow myself to be bested by a mere archdemon.
Fang: You're powerful i'll conced that, sadly for you, me and Ograth will enslave you. Give up you're embarassing yourself since if you don't noticed ...YOU'RE SURROUNDED!!!
Nahara: You'll have to do more than that to take me down. I'm surrounded? So what? I have you beat, and you know it.
My eyes were glittering, and i relished being in control of the situation, i knew that i am always one step ahead of Ograth, and there was no way that a silly archdemon could defeat me, my confidence was unshaken, and i had no intention of allowing the archdemon to take me down.
Nahara: My dear plants and flowers, keep them still!
My plants and flowers paralyzed Ograth, Fang and everyone else so i can act without interference.
Nahara: And now let me help you to enjoy the view.
Fang: V-View.
Ograth: Don't get distracted! Free me and kill her!!!
I purred while i walking, swaying my hips, showing my curves making Fang blushing and once i came face to face i show her my bosom, Fang blushes and squeak in surprise keeping stroking my desire and lust in her confront.
Nahara: Enjoying the view?
I struggled to free myself from the vines that held me in place. As i fought against them, i found myself blushing and squeaking in surprise when Nahara came face to face with me, showing her bosom. Seeing me struggle, Nahara asked if i was enjoying the view, to which i quickly lowered my gaze and she laugh demurely as i continued to struggle against the vines, my embarrassment growing by the moment. As i looked away from Nahara, Nahara's voice cut through the air, offering her something unexpected.
Nahara: They can be yours if you accept to be mine.
These words jolted Fang out of her embarrassment, forcing her to confront her desires.
But before anyone of us can answer, we're interrupted by a woman who had frozen all those around her, except for herself, Nahara, me, and Ograth.
Ograth: Who are...you?
My master asked, his confusion evident.
Nahara: So it was you... Yvette Holte. Want to join the party?
Yvette: No! Crucco, I wanted to point out that while you were too busy playing, we were invaded by them.
She point to the sky above us and...
Nahara: No! Not them!!! Not them!!!
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ja-lin · 4 months
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Villainous Night of Sin, Pride month crossover special (short excerpt) SWM MC “Not to be cliche, but you’re our hero!” Windswept Beauty “Hero?” She lets out a laugh, her voice warm like the rising sun in the morning. Windswept Beauty “My dad tells me I’m more of a menace. A villain of sorts.” She reaches out and offers her hand in greeting. Dawn “My name is Dawn.”
It took a long time to design, but I think I'm ready to release concept art of the Villainous Dawn MC. Villainous Dawn started as an April Fool's joke a long time ago, to be a sequel of Villainous Nights. It follows Renzei's daughter as she returns to San Francisco. She will be the first "taller" MC standing at 5'8'', because Renzei is tall as well.
I'm also currently working on a special Pride Month visual novel fanfic crossover between my two fanfic series which will feature Dawn, Onyx, Ripley, SWM MC, and Vinca in a short story.
I was hitting a lot of writing blocks with editing Ripley's ep3, and I think taking a break to write this short story will help me a lot. Anyways hope you enjoy this small sketch and writing excerpt!
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roalinda · 1 year
you reminded me - how it slays me actually that in swm James stopped showing off with snitch for Sirius, but he didn't stop harassing Snape for Lily. Different scales, yes, and yet. Sirius had quite a character in his youth, and James seemed to value and thrieve in this part, too - mean, arrogant. And it's not like Sirius minded James' faults like showing off - when he told James to put snitch away, it was not [stop because you irritate me], it was [stop because Wormtail' reaction irritates me].
SWM is probably one of my most favourite chapters in the whole HP series. Not just because it stars James and Sirius in their teenage days, but also because it shows the darker parts of their personality ( specially James' ), a neat contrast to Harry's usual hero worship for his father. I think this scene is what makes the reader appreciate James as a great character later, the way he matured and lived and sacrificed. (but this is completely another discussion ) 
You are completely right anon, Sirius was mean and arrogant and so was James. They were two parts of a whole, working together like a tandem, dysfunctional without each other. They were too similar yet different and that was their glue, their magnetic gravity. We have three books (POA, GOF, OOTP) to see Sirius' arrogance ( or at least traces of it ), but for James we only have less than ten pages. 
Sirius stared around at the students milling over the grass, looking rather haughty and bored, but very handsomely so. ( HP and OOTP, chapter twenty eight , page 644 )
"Reading between the lines, I'd say she thinks you are a bit conceited, mate (James)," said Sirius. (HP and OOTP, chapter twenty-eight, page 649)
Obviously, James had been called arrogant in this chapter a lot by both Lily and Snape, but I quoted Sirius on purpose because here he shows/says:
Yes, Lily sees James as an arrogant toerag, so he should not delude himself with the fact the she doesn't. ( right now)
He himself doesn't care about James' arrogance. (He said that about Lily, he never said I think you are too arrogant as well) 
He said - a bit conceited - , both to sweeten the rejection for James and to insert a bit of sarcasm. 
James had started it all to liven up Sirius as he himself put it. I am not discussing the morality of the situation here because it is not relevant to this talk. He wanted to entertain Sirius. He wanted to show off in front of Sirius, not the girls around the lake or Lily at that moment. He wanted to show off in a way that Sirius can be indulged in as well, and not to be irritated by James' actions, be it straight from him playing with the Snitch or Peter's extreme excitement. True, he enjoyed the attention of the crowd, it is a part of his character, but at that moment it was Sirius' attention he was seeking. Sirius was easily irritated by Peter and was brilliant enough to ignore Remus when he suggested to test him for Transfiguration, so naturally it was James whom he indirectly seek entertainment from. He doesn't mention it or anything, he just says I am bored and James jumps and practically is, Yessir, yes, your majesty, your wish is my command, let me indulge and entertain you. 😂
That's the simplest approach to SWM. Sirius and James didn't care for anything as long as the other was satisfied. 
This doesn't go for Lily, even after James started dating her. James never stopped hexing Snape 🤺 , because Snape also never missed an opportunity to curse him back. 🤺 Yes, it's only one person whom he has a bad history with but the point is he does not change his ways for Lily completely if he doesn't see it fit.
He also is clearly triggered after Sirius tells him that Lily thinks he is conceited (which results in the line below), because arrogance and pride is a part of him, a part that can be either pleasant or unpleasant, depending on who is he interacting with. 
"Right," said James, who looked furious now, "right —" (HP and OOTP, chapter twenty-eight, page 649) 
This is the difference between Lily and Sirius and the types of showing off James has for them. Sirius has James on leash, be it in a positive or negative way. He says start, James starts. He says stop, James stops. This does not go for Lily. James even told her - don't make me hex you - , although it was earnest and in good humour. But let's face it, he would never say this to Sirius in a situation like that.
Sirius is fond of James as well and never minded his faults as you rightfully put it. He was fond of his arrogance and idiocy as he later told Harry. (by idiocy I don't mean the incapability of achieving brilliant magical performances and academics, I mean the way he was a jerk) 
There is a reason Sirius and James are soul mates. It is not just because they adored each other and were Quite the double act, it was also because they had accepted and were not trying to change each other. They loved each other's faults in an exclusive private way, never ashamed or worried about social etiquette in each other's company.
Gods, sorry for the long rant 🙈 thank you for the ask.
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forestdeath1 · 5 months
Do you think James really matured? If so, why do you think he still hexed Snape? And if you say that it was because “Snape never lost an opportunity to hex him” why has he never told Lily?
This is a genuine question I simply want to know your take because you’re probably the only person on here that likes them both.
No, I'm not the only one. There's also @seriousbrat and @fiendishfyre and maybe someone else.
I've always thought that James matured in the sense that he stopped seeing what he does as a worthy knightly deed. In other words, he realized that it's not something to be proud of and that it's worth showing off. And that strutting around like a pompous turkey, cursing everyone you don't like, even if you justify it in your head by saying they're filthy Slytherins — that's just rubbish behavior.
But James didn't become someone who would turn the other cheek. The Marauders, even as adults, stuck to the idea — an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. I don't know what you mean by "matured," maybe that James became like Dumbledore or like Harry... well, no. From the conversation between Sirius, Remus, and Harry, it's clear that they fully justify James's actions in his seventh year, because they're all children of a different mindset "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth," and they don't understand any other way. They don't turn the other cheek for a hit, they hit back. So they justify James, and I think James felt the same way back then.
But he knew that Lily had a different mindset, plus Snape was her best friend, I don't think she would have wanted to know all that. I think she wanted to exclude any mentions of Severus from her life altogether; it caused her pain. Actually, the fact that James understood it needed to be kept secret, not bragged about, shows that he at least started to think that it could actually be unpleasant for Lily (before in SWM James humiliated Snape with pride and constantly glanced at the lake, thinking Lily would appreciate how "cool" he was).
So, if for you "maturing" means finally understanding that violence in any form is unacceptable— then no, James didn't mature. Even Remus and Sirius didn't "mature". From this perspective (typical Christian morality, which is abundant in the books), Harry, for example, acts much more maturely in PoA when he decides not to kill Peter.
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dizzy-pixels · 7 months
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Previous Assassin Group
Dorran (Leader/Pride)*
Cal (Sloth)
Esperanza (Wrath)
Izaiah (Gluttony)*
Ripley (Envy)*
Gage (Lust)*
Yvette (Greed)
Current Assassin Group
Esperanza (Leader/Wrath)
Cal (Sloth)
Malakai (Gluttony)
Onyx (Envy)
Darius (Lust)
Vinca (Pride)
Yvette (Greed)
Assassin Seer
Demons are parasites that take hosts in humans. After taking host, the human has only a week to live. The main way to exorcist them is to murder the demon. They prefer taking host in sinful people which is why there is an abundance of them in Las Vegas (Sin City). When a demon dies, it takes the damaged afflicted with them. As a result, humans are okay after the exorcism but will experience no memory of their time as a host and will be confused.
Their different colored marks correspond to the seven demons that match for each sin. The marks appear when a demon is cornered or about to inhabit another body. Demons bleed green, alcohol poisons them, and humans cannot see their real faces. Demons can grant humans special abilities in return for their loyalty. This is seen with Yvette being given the ability of illusions, Vinca given the power to read minds, and Lazareth given the ability to manipulate emotions.
Another way to get the demon out of a human is to torture it so much that the demon has to leave the body. But this is not recommend as it causes pain to the human since the demon is leaving the body instead of dying and therefore not taking the pain inflicted with it. This leaves the human with the pain.
Also another way to get rid of a demon is by normal exorcisms, such as what Malakai's mom does, but this takes a long time and since a human only has one week to live. The preferred method is the troupe's way which is just to kill the demon in while it inhabits the host.
Long ago demons ruled the earth so the Assassins were created by Malakai's ancestors to fight back. Assassins are chosen based on how well they match their sin. This makes them the best choice to take down the main demon correlating to the sin when the time comes. When an Assassin dies, another one is chosen to take their spot. The Assassin Seer is the one who gets visions of the one who will become the next sin. Then the troupe's ringleader will find them to join.
The envy assassin is the only one that becomes reincarnated into an animal after they die. Malakai's family passes the gluttony assassin down from generation to generation instead of being chosen. The pride assassin was originally always the Ringleaders until now with Wrath.
Assassins are immune to demon inhabitation.
Humans cannot usually see demons. Once a human is infected with a demon, they have up to a week to live (Unless a demon contract is used). There are ways for a human to see demons. These include being involved in rituals (Darius, Cal & Onyx route.). Or having special objects (Demon Heirloom in Wrath route, Gemstone in Yvette's Route).
Assassin Seer
The Assassin Seer has the power of precognition and magic. They act as a consultant for the sins and is also the one who chooses the next sins after they die. Nahara is the current Assassin Seer (she was previously Pride before Dorran). She can also control vines.
Envy Assassin
The Envy Assassin is the only sin that does not completely die but instead comes back as an animal. They can talk to a certain animal while alive, but that does not necessarily mean that is the animal they will come back as when they die. An example is Ripley could talk to raccoons when they were alive but came back as a bear after dying.
Gluttony Assassin
The assassins as a whole were started by Malakai's ancestors to fight against the demons. After creating the assassins, they took on the role of the Gluttony one. The Gluttony Assassin is the only sin that is not picked by the Seer but instead passed down in their family. Members have to compete to be picked as the next assassin. Malakai's mom was the Gluttony Assassin and passed it down to Izaiah. After Izaiah died, Malakai took over.
There is a ward on their tatus that prevents them from falling in love so that they focus on their mission. If they do fall in love they will feel such intense pain and can even die. Even to have children to carry on the gluttony line, it can not be for love. This often results in children not knowing their other parent.
It is soon revealed that the wards were placed on them in the first place as there are two Gluttony Assasins and they become each other's true love. One is always fated to eventually fall under a trance towards the Mouth of Merzogot and die there. The wards were placed to prevent Gluttony Assasins from dying by not having them fall in love and meet their true love in the first place.
Lust Demons
Lust demons can create dreams for other people and enter them. The Lust sin is the sin of living in fantasy and dreams are the most potent fantasies hearts can have.
This is the time where the natural energies of the human soul and earth align. This is when human souls are at their strongest, strong enough to push back a demon's influence.
Demon Mark Ritual
First step is to leave demonic tidbits in your target as a result of being possessed many times. The next step is to give the target demon sight. The last step is to bite them with a bite of passion. This bite gives them a demon mark that can be drawn upon as a well of power. If the target kneels to its spark (the person who initiated the ritual), the demons will grow to unimaginable power. The only way to stop the ritual is by killing its spark.
The spark can augment the demons powers while the bearer of the mark can augment the assassins powers.
Mouth of the Merzogot
The Mouth of the Merzogot is the gateway to hell. No assassin has actually known its location and it has been thought to be just a myth until Malakai's route. The entrance is located in the desert and covered by black sand that swirls in the air and is repelled by Earth's magnetism.
Ograth is a demon monster. Demons work like a hive mind, bestial and terrifying at once. MC's ancestors knocked out Ograth's tooth back in the days when demons ruled the earth and it incapacitated every demon. They couldn't kill it completely but sealed it in an heirloom passed down in their family for generations. MC's family has always been tasked with finding a way to kill Ograth once and for all.
Lava Demons
Lava Demons are a special kind of demon that lives in the earth's core and wants to end life on the surface. They have orange flaming eyes. They get their powers by feeding on the energy of the earth's core and seek to suck it dry. They have immeasurable strength and can vanish into the earth to escape capture.
Demon Contracts
It is very rare for a demon to be intelligent enough to sign a contract with a mortal. Signing the contract allows the demon to inhabit the human longer without killing its host since humans can only survive one week when inhabited by a demon.
Virtues existed for as long as demons have and perhaps before then as Virtues are the antithesis of demons created for the world to keep itself in balance. They can only be called upon by those of good nature, though they often refuse when called or deny help to those requesting it.
28 years ago a demon was placed inside Darius for a chance to once day reawaken and continue the plan for demons to be able to take over and walk the earth. Kozolok thought the demon was inside MC, but it was actually inside Darius the whole time. After the ritual of his S1, his demon side is slowly awakening and becoming more powerful. As no ritual was done to awaken it in the other routes, he's still human in those ones.
Kozholok is looking for the demon they sealed away that will help them continue the plan of having demons roam the earth again. Kozholok has been residing inside Nero for over a year and splitting Nero's heart into two to use his soul as a sacrifice in the ritual to awaken that demon. After sacrificing his soul and awakening the demon in Darius, there is now little of Nero left and Kozholok remains in control of his body.
Vuzgamad is the eyeless demon that killed Yvette's parents and bite her which cursed her to burn every living thing her skin touches. She has also claimed to raise and groom Yvette despite being on her own and having to fend for herself. Vuzgamad wants MC dead for her own plans. Vuzgamad is special as she is smarter than the average demon, similar to Kozholok. Her powers include keeping her hosts conscious as she inhabits them so she can torture them physiologically. She also pays respects to her victims and visits their graves
Nitsa is half human half demon and this makes her an exception to many rules. One, is that she does not show demon lines on her human skin surface and it can only be seen when she splits it open to show her demon face. Because of this, when she inhabits people, it's hard to know because there are no demon marks on the skin.
Nita's goal is to inhabit Onyx's dragon form which Onyx will turn into if she was to die.
Wrath unknowingly dated the demon that long ago cursed Yvette to have her burning skin. During an attack to finally catch that demon, Wrath let her go which led to the demon blowing up the building the sins were in and send more demons to finish them off. Everyone died except Wrath, Cal, and Yvette.
Yvette left the troupe afterward and at some point, Vinca joined her. They have their own show with another person working along the demons named Lazareth.
Laz is Malakai's brother who was erased from the Gluttony line after going against traditional and choosing his lover over his duty. This is because whoever is the soulmate of the Gluttony Assassin also becomes Gluttony and one of them is always doomed to be taken by the Mouth of Merzogot. Laz left the gluttony line which erased his memory from everyone in the gluttony line including Malakai. But it did not stop his fate as his lover still died to the Mouth of Merzogot. He sided with the demons so that he can find a way to close the Mouth so Malakai doesn't face the same fate one day and was rewarded empathy powers, but this came at a cost of his humanity that he tries to hang on to by writing his goal over and over for hours so that he doesn't forget, though sometimes he does. He later forms a friendship with Vinca and Yvette and is part of their circus. He does fire tricks like Malakai.
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lioras · 3 years
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Collection of Nahara speaking Portuguese this update !
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May i have a Vinca fic of how she comforts mc when she’s sad or upset? Plz and thank you
Pairing with: Vinca comforting mc after an anxiety attack? 👁👄👁
Vinca fic where she gets mc to sleep because she hasn’t in a long time because she’s going through a very dark time in her life? If not, that’s cool basically fluff  
Vinca sees mc crying and she cheers her up (fluff)
Her hug is tight, grounding. Months ago, you wouldn’t have thought Vinca Wren’s embrace was comforting; she was a sharp woman, with a dangerous glare and a smug little smirk that danced in your mind with infuriating frequency, but now she was a light in the dark, a safe haven.
“You’re okay, Ann, you’re okay,” she was muttering, her concern real and pure, wrapping around you like a warm blanket. “Remember how capable you are. No demon will ever touch you again, I swear.”
You took a deep breath, trying to believe her words, trying to calm your erratic heart, the sinking feeling in your chest because the demons, oh, the demons. Suddenly the shadows seemed more menacing, reaching out with claws and growls for you. Eyes dark with hunger and hate, hunting your deepest fears and tightening them around your throat like a noose. You could bear with them for a while, but constant fighting tended to wear someone down eventually.
You see the dark corners of your room take shape and, despite knowing demons aren’t near, your heart still jumps.
“I swear, Ann,” Vinca repeats, and her words ring true somewhere in your consciousness. “The demon that did this to you will fucking pay.”
You laugh, shakily. “I—I just got a bit overwhelmed. I’ll be fine.”
There’s a pause. Then, softly, “I know. I was like that when I found out demons existed, too. I got over it pretty quickly, but I know what it’s like.”
“It’s hard to imagine you overwhelmed.”
Hard, but not impossible. You had seen her like that, once, when she had thought her sister had died. She had been a hurricane of emotion, snapping at everyone. You had helped her then, just like she was helping you now.
“Let’s go eat something, alright?” The blonde continues, the hug melting away into a loving memory. Vinca meets your eyes, expression open and soft, reaching forward to rub your tears away with her thumb. She holds you both like a porcelain vase and a marble statue, wanting to care for you but knowing you only needed a small push in the right direction to get back on your feet.
“What do you have in mind?” You mumble, smiling slightly.
Anxiety resurfaces like an angry volcano, but you do your best to squash it, meeting Vinca’s clear blue eyes with determination.
You remember countless fights together, the way she commanded demons and shadows and life itself, her pride burning brighter than any star. You’ll be safe with her. You’ll always be safe with her.
“Something private,” she says, extending a hand to help you up. “And then you’ll go to sleep. You’ve pulled enough all-nighters as it is.”
“Quite an exciting way to end the night, huh?”
“You wouldn’t last a second if I made it more exciting. You’d burn out too fast.”
“I bet I wouldn’t.”
A flash of teeth. Vinca seems to ponder it for all of two seconds before she frowns, her demeanor firmer. “You’re far too horny for your own good, you know that?”
“You say it like it’s a bad thing.”
She smirks, shaking her head. “Do you always get this annoying with a lack of sleep?” She moves to go, hesitates for a second, and then reaches to grab your hand. You expect her to drag you around, as she often does, but this time her pace is gentler; it warms your heart so much that it feels like the remaining wetness on your cheeks melts away easily.
“Only when you are around.”
“I’m trying to be nice, pipsqueak, don’t ruin it.”
You can only laugh, charmed by this rare show of gentle concern, but well-aware you’ll only get to see it more in the future as Vinca slowly but surely finishes warming up to you completely.
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lovestruck-fanblog · 4 years
Here's to hoping that Vinca becomes an LI by the end of the year 🤞
I know she's not a popular character but there's so much potential here ❤
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harbingerofdespair · 3 years
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Day 16 vinca wren route request
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silverteresa · 4 years
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I LOVE how protective Vinca is when it comes to Yvette, she cares about her so much!💖💙
I ship them a lot😂😍
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seriousbrat · 8 months
imo it's not so hard to accept that SWM takes place after the prank. I mean it is canon so too bad but it makes complete sense to me. there's no evidence the prank was some big life-altering character development moment for any of the characters involved and that they all learnt their various lessons. in fact we see that they don't. in SWM the marauders are clearly still tormenting Sev. In Sev's conversation with Lily post-prank he's still just as obsessed with the marauders and exposing their secrets as ever, if not more. he doesn't consider what lily's saying at all because he's too focused on his hatred towards them.
my hc is that sirius (rather masterfully) used reverse psychology on sev to get him to go down the willow. Sev isn't stupid, he wouldn't have let himself willingly be led into a trap by his worst enemies. I think Sirius probably "let it slip" and then "backtracked" and acted like Snape wouldn't be brave enough to go down there anyway and that he should just forget it. I doubt Sirius directly told him to go down the willow, I think cleverly he told him not to, knowing that Sev would do so anyway (not that this makes a difference ethically bc his intent is still clear, but anyway. this isn't about who is morally better because idgaf honestly lol, I'm just trying to work through their mindsets)
the marauders received no real consequences for the prank, so why would they learn their lesson? Objectively you can't really punish someone for telling someone not to do something if they do it anyway. Not particularly fair, but still. Which brings me to Sev's responsibility in the matter (which yes, does exist imo) we're shown that he was obsessed with finding out what the marauders were up to and particularly obsessed with Remus's secret. Yes, this is understandable given how they treated him, but absolutely not healthy and he still chose to go down there, whether out of pride, greed, curiousity, vindictiveness. He obv was manipulated but there's a reason he was so easily manipulated. As I said previously, his obsession with revenge is what causes him to be blind to lily's feelings.
James rescuing him wasn't some moment of epiphany about how bullying is bad actually. It was just a fundamental part of James's character already. He would never have let him die regardless of how he felt about him.
All of this makes SWM the PEAK moment of hatred between Sev and the Marauders, which explains a lot of their responses. Sirius and James hate Sev more than ever for trying to expose Remus. Sev, justifiably, hates them more than ever for trying to kill him (and he ropes James into this, which is incorrect but understandable in his position)
James "deflating his head" probably wasn't just based on one event in particular. He just grew up and learned what was more important- being a good person, fighting against voldemort. But Sev also had growing up to do of his own during this time. As I talked about in in this post yesterday I think post-swm Sev was beginning to realise that his lack of control over his emotional responses (calling lily a mudblood out of humiliation, for example) was dangerous both to lily and to himself.
Yeah they still hated each other and attacked each other in seventh year. There's too much bad blood there to do anything else. I've talked about the dynamic between Sev and James here and how that might have developed as they grew older. I honestly find it extremely interesting, I could go on about these two for hours rip. My point is that the development of these characters into adults wasn't instant or linear, it was messy and rough. people don't usually change overnight, it happens slowly over time because they have to.
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ja-lin · 2 months
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Screenshots from my Pride special 2024 short story. The game is available alongside my other Lovestruck inspired fanfic visual novel games @ nightofsin.itch.io
I wanted the introduction for Dawn to be similar to Renzei. In Renzei's route he got the MC's wallet back. For this Pride special short story, I had Dawn get Onyx and SWM MC's phones back.
I feel excited now to continue writing Dawn's story in the VN spinoff sequel fanfic, but after I finish Ripley's ep3!
(Trivia: I combined Renzei and VN MC facial expressions together to get Dawn's facial expressions!)
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cometxmc · 5 years
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Onyx: "Let me love you sweetheart. 😍"
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So....I don’t know if anyone else here has thought of this. But I was over thinking that maybe the MC is suppose to be the Virtue to each LI’s Sin opposite of each LI for Envy she would be Kindness for Wrath she would be Patience for Lust she would be Chastity for Gluttony she would be Temperance for Sloth she would be  Diligence for Greed she would be Charity for Pride she would be Humility  I’ve only read Onyx’s and some of Ranza’s stories/routes, and from what I’ve read it does seem like MC is Kindness in Onyx’s story/route. I could just be reading too much into this and over thinking. But I figured I’d let whoever reads this debate that. 
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frosticemage · 5 years
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😤 I’m the one at the bottom of the photo.
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