#swl vibes
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paint-lady · 1 year ago
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animasolascreenshots · 4 months ago
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Atlantic Island Park - Secret World Legends (2012)
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paint-lady · 1 year ago
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There's something transgenerationaly delightful in using the words meatspace and blorbo in the same sentence.
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arsene-inc · 2 years ago
Quick thoughts about the TSW/SWL TTRPG
So we just received a text only pdf of the Secret World TTRPG. 456 pages long, no formatting, no layout
After a quick read/glance through, here are my thoughts :
The game is set in our time, a decade after 2012 where the events of the game occured. Some, especially in Kingsmouth, don't have memory of this decade, weird. It also means some of the game story happened while others are a mystery.
The NPC have aged. This means I can't legally adopt Carter anymore.
Reading through a text only with no layout is rough
We have some more locations, not a lot but some news like Paris. (And I am still infuriated that I can't see the "Paris of the Alchemists" themed visit because i chose the wrong time to vacation there)
Character creation : Well this is indeed a 5th edition game, and you will need the books for the spell effects
The class are named based on decks from the mmo
Only One class, no multiclassing. BUT, secret archetypes that everyone can have regardless of the class, you can have as many as your proficiency, will give you the liberty to better fine tune your character ( I miss the Wheel)
A summary of 5th rules adapted to a modern world, Good.
GM section: I can't say a lot on this. Having advices on themes is appreciated.
The missions are not all destroy creatures, on the contrary the differents types of missions from the mmos are there. Will they work with dnd rules ? we'll have to see.
Adventure seeds ? Good. No fully written adventure ? Not good ( there is a 8 pages one for backers but not in this pdf, not there yet)
There's not enough juicy secrets from the original lore that I wished for when backing this game.
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void-botanist · 1 year ago
spin spin!!
Two spins for you, Ren! I'm not gonna post screenshots because I'm away from my normal computer but you got Bean & Kylis Shenanigans and DS Book 3.
I haven't really talked about either but I want to connect some of the dots for Shenanigans: Bean is a quasi-parent to Red from the Melichacha crew. When Red was six, Bean, who was training to be a teacher in the capital alongside Kylis, got his first placement as a middle school teacher in Red's town. In fact, partly because Red's mom was the placement coordinator for that area, Bean came to live with her and Red. Kylis, meanwhile, got placed somewhere else, possibly in the same city where they eventually became a drag queen's assistant. But you know they both got asked to use their teacher skills (such as the rare skill of being able to drive a car) for some real ridiculous stuff.
I had to actually go and look to see what DS book 3 was supposed to be because how the Delphonus Saga is divided up is still kind of uncertain. Here's the summary:
After months of training, the Melichacha crew is on break to go home and see their families for a month before the mission launches. This book follows all seven of them as they try to tie up loose ends and say goodbye.
I fucking love this whole book concept and I've written a tiny bit of it. The speed round version (made possible by the fact that the powerpoint intro exists) of what everyone gets up to is:
Quint faces up to the dad they're sure isn't proud of them
Vy was originally supposed to be the one non-astronaut member of the trifecta; that's changed but either way she has heart-to-hearts with her trans mom, probably about how things are going to shake out with her various partners after this mission
Red reflects a lot on home and how this might be eir last mission, in more than one way (ey're not like suicidal but this mission is scary)
Derik runs into his ex-boyfriend Mirilde in a coffee shop and gets back together with him
Wylie might still follow my old vision of making things right with his oldest sibling Snap - it depends on when Snap moved to Icepith I think
Binna has to reconcile the Silas situation and entertain some difficult feelings about her dad
Dez goes to Halli & Sam's wedding with Syndy as his plus one (originally Zalen and Silas's but I was like dude I dropped a canonical future wedding right here in TFA let's have the payoff)
🎡 Tell me to spin the wheel of wips and get a new fact! 🎡
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l-la · 2 years ago
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Sketches. Faeriebell at various ages, and two Pixies thrown in for good measure. Also me blushing over Pixie because. uwu
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paint-lady · 2 years ago
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Coral Island NPCs: Yeah after that oil spill all these big black roots started growing in the ocean, we can't get rid of them. My 5k+ hours in TSW/SWL ass: That's filth, babes.
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house-of-leave · 2 months ago
{{Hey, im thinking about that old man again-
Do y'all remember the fact that during some scenario runs the bogeyman is just, like there? Way off in the distance-
//Screenshot courtesy of reddit.
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Are we gonna talk about that? Hell, while we're at it, I think we also need to mention the 'possession in progress' modifier.
Because, genuinely what the fuck??? I haven't played the game personally in years for a few reasons. So I may just be looking into arbitrary shit, misremembering details, or it's just a possible glitch (which SWL is known for)
But, the existence of a unique modifier implies he's there for a reason-
Not to mention if you play as a Templar, the text you get from Sonnac after the AIP questline implies Nathaniel will most certainly come back after being 'killed'
If one were to just play through 'The Park' it's easy to pass that spindly fuck off as a shallow one time encounter. But during 'theme park tycoon' in SWL it's clear the bogeyman holds so much influence and power over the savage coast, proving just the opposite to be true.
I understand we'll probably never see anything like that come to fruition, as in the past years we've been getting less and less new content.
But Funcom is obviously setting Nathaniel up to be something akin to a force of nature as opposed to a person anymore. He has an agenda, vague as it is, and despite that being the case it's clear cut that, that agenda isn't good for anybody's sake.
This entire situation vexes me, I need to know what that walking embodiment of bad vibes is up to. Never trust a man who calls himself 'Daddy' in the third person.}}
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alltomevibes · 1 year ago
what am i currently watching? losing my mind over "the story of park's marriage contract" and "my man is cupid". LOSING IT BRUH.
im also watching "a good day to be a dog", but im lowkey stuck on episode 7 because they're being cute in a high-school way and i was simply not prepared 💀. had to pause "she was pretty" because the fact that she straightened her hair and now suddenly everything is better is wild and i simply had to stop watching before i punched something. also, i loved her freckles and got mad when she suddenly started wearing make-up.
watched episode one of "the bionic life" because bro, song wei long is the loml, and its good! like, i love the editing and everything so far, but i'm not really in a serious mood...so no serious dramas LOL. it's just giving heavy and im not really vibing with heavy rn so it's kind of being put on pause. love you tho SWL.
also watching "sh**ting stars"/"shooting stars", but im stuck on episode 11. idk why i stopped tbh, because i was watching it before finals and then did a tv cleanse so i could focus, but i have no desire to watch another episode rn so it's also on hold. like the show alot tho 💀
anyways, thats what i'm currently watching. anybody got any recs based on what i've said so far? my top priorities rn (in terms of tv) is my man is cupid & the story of park's marriage contract, but i'm down to try something else :)
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paint-lady · 1 year ago
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Alright bees, it's time! Session one: Spirals in the Way back Machine. TSW TTRPG LETS GO!!!
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maypolesyrup · 2 years ago
I was here, i was not anti swl but i also wasnt in any other fandoms, i was just vibing with my pro-ana blog 🙃
superwholock poll
so I think we've all seen a version of this question in a poll by now, but I've never seen it broken all the way down. So with that in mind...
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animasolascreenshots · 4 months ago
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Kingsmouth - Secret World Legends (2012)
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ollie-ollie-oxenfreee · 4 years ago
Council of Venice File #9647: Regarding Jester Lavorre, the Traveler and the disappearance of one “Robert Sharpe”
(File Notes Provided By: Bryce Feelid, Senior Council Member)
Jester Lavorre has been an individual of interest to our organization for quite some time. Her family members are some of the only direct siren descendants documented in recent years (Marion Lavorre, Jester’s mother, is herself the daughter of the renowned “siren of the southern coast” Annalise Lavorre), and her status as the heir of the Lavish Chateau gives her access to arcane and material resources most initiates could scarcely dream of.
Most worrying, though, is her connection to the entity known as the Traveler.
The Traveler is not a well - documented being - his history is vague and fiercely contested. Jester’s description of him - red hair, green eyes, cloaked in green and gold - is consistent with folkloric depictions of Celtic fae, but our envoys in the faerie courts do not recognize his name. He has evident ties to chaos magic, but the Dragon have been frustratingly tight - lipped on his powers may have manifested. Even Lavorre’s own cabal members have little to say about the being beyond a succinct “I don’t trust him, but I trust Jessie” from Veth Brenatto. 
Jester’s interactions with the Traveler seem to have begun in childhood. “I was pretty little when I met him, I think, I don’t remember it too well. It feels like he’s always been around, you know? Always been with me. Like when I summoned him it was just opening a door that was kinda sorta there but kept getting stuck. He grew up with me.”
When pressed on the matter of “summoning,” Jester notably went quiet. “I don’t really know how I did it. I haven’t had to since the first time he came around. Mama said that I picked flowers from the gardens around the Chateau and lined them up on my desk and pulled the petals off like he-loves-me, he-loves-me-not. I told her I was wishing for a friend. And when she left - there he was.”
The relationship between Jester and the Traveler from that point on seemed to work as a normal friendship (or as normal a friendship between a siren - daughter and an apparent fae can be). He did not ask her for the typical patron - follower offerings or sacrifices, content to help her play pranks and teach her the healing magic that she wields to this day. 
Things grew notably more complicated when Robert Sharpe entered the picture. Jester responded with immediate disgust at the mention of his name and elaborated:
“He was like this really gross and creepy guy who would bother my mama when she was working. He acted like he owned her. I hated it. One night he got super mad at her when she asked him to back off and I locked him out of the building and asked if the Traveler could please get him to leave her alone. And he hasn’t bothered us since then. So I guess it worked.”*
*Note - The body of Robert Sharpe was found in rural Ireland by a team of Templar agents, roughly six months after Ms. Lavorre’s interview was held. The team were reluctant to comment on the incident beyond the fact that his remains were in “disturbing” condition - thorns piercing through his skin; stinging nettles looped about his wrists like shackles; a rictus of fear frozen on his face long after death, his open, dilated eyes an unnatural shade of green. 
Jester asked the Traveler to take action, and so it seems he answered.
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pichitinha · 6 years ago
I’ve had a pretty shitty day and just seeing that you’ve updated your fic made it a little bit better. So thanks for that.
aaaaaaa omg! first of all i hope your day improves anon, and i’m glad my fic was a good thing today! i hope you liked/will like the chapter!!
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paint-lady · 4 years ago
As a flute player I am physically shuddering at the concept of putting honey? In your flute??
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manyeyedsphynx · 7 years ago
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Somehow this screenshot from Secret World Legends has some really strong Tokyo Godfathers vibes for me :3
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