#c: Binna
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Mortisse está siendo perseguide por una fila de ratas y Binna es la única que lo puede rescatarle para que no le noten los humanos que se acercan. +REVERSAㅤ✦ㅤ @binnas
sus ojos se abrieron de sobremanera al ver una hilera de ratas detrás de ella persiguiéndola sin razón alguna, estaba paranoica por la repulsión que le causan y ahora para variar, tenía que cazarlas. su primer instinto, querer alejarlas con su obtenebración, mas al levantar la vista se encontró con humanos acercándose por las dos intersecciones del callejón, no estaba dispuesta a romper la mascarada por una estúpida rata. se echó a correr tan pronto uno de los roedores le tocó los talones. se detuvo al encontrar a una de los vástagos, en busca de ayuda. " ¡hey tú! ayuda con estas. " hace un movimiento de cabeza para indicar los pequeños animales molestos.
#no c si está bien así aksjf#pero va con cariño a <3#como estás?#𓈒 🗝 ˚ ׅ𝑠ℎ𝑎𝑑𝑜𝑤𝑠 𝑑𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝑚𝑦 ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑠𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑒ㅤㅤ៸ㅤㅤthreads .#ft. binna.
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@binnas 'quítate del camino' — debe de estar bromeando, humor se encuentra lo suficientemente drenado para soportar a cualquier otro cainita que no resulte de utilidad. " no me jodas. "
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no contesta como usualmente lo haría, manos en sus bolsillos mientras camina, lluvia cayendo en su rostro y acumulándose en sus pestañas ' no gastes el pañuelo, lo vas a necesitar para cuando te tengas que limpiar las ilusiones de encima ' no lo quiere dudar pero prejuicio que maneja en contra de ella le hace cuestionarse quién podría soportarse la actitud de la chica y quedarse lo suficiente como para que le considere sus amigos ' ¿eres una de esas personas que a cualquier conocido le dice amigos? ' cuestiona con genuina curiosidad. tiene pinta de que lo es pero quiere confirmar sospechas aunque tampoco es que espere una respuesta honesta. después de todos los insultos que ha soltado contra ella, yeri tampoco cree que se lo merezca. actitud que ha tomado con todo lo que ha sucedido entre ambas es reprochable y ha sido recriminada por parte racional de su ser. rechazo que le genera nunca debió ser excusa para insultarle tan libremente sin importar que contraria lo hiciese primero: sencillamente, nunca debió permitir que las cosas se quedaran tan lejos, pero pelinegra es lo suficientemente terca como para no soltar una situación a no ser que no tenga la última palabra. y con rival, supone que ese pedazo deplorable de personalidad es algo en lo que coinciden, viendo que tampoco le ha puesto una pausa a lo que sea que esté sucediendo entre ambas. echa de menos días en los que podía, simplemente, alejarse de cualquier situación que trajera conflicto a su mente, porque, en vez de estar llevando a dicha situación a un motel barato, estaría de camino a su departamento para dormir cómoda entre sus sábanas caras ' no me interesa que lo que la camarilla tenga que decir de mi. no he hecho nada a nadie ' está limpia, mente también. no tiene ningún secreto terrible que atente contra el mundo cainita así que miedo que intenta meterle le pasa por encima y choca contra una pared ' ¿eso quiere decir que serás mi sugar mommy? en ese caso, acepto ' por supuesto que no planea decirle que tiene dinero de sobra, ahorros por encima de fortuna heredada. no es de la incumbencia ajena, concluye, y también concluye que no quiere que le trate diferente si se entera que sí tiene dinero. prefiere que las cosas se queden como están o que desaparezca de su vida, directamente ' no sé por qué asumes que no tengo un amante o un espacio para relajarme ¿por qué crees que conozco este motel? ' cuestiona, adentrándose en recepción y acercándose a la ventanilla ' una habitación, cama doble, preferiblemente en un piso alto por si me tengo que tirar por la ventana ' le dice al encargado que ni reacciona ante bromita y le estira la llave. pagará cuando se vaya, como siempre lo hace ' espero que te guste subir escaleras ' ✩ @binnas
' es el efecto que causo en ti, querrás decir. tengo muchos amigos. ' exagera como siempre, hay vástagos con quienes últimamente ha forjado un buen vínculo, esa parte no es mentira, ¿pero de ahí a considerarles sus amigues? binna es desconfiada, solo en ocasiones muy específicas decide abrirse y deja entrar a los demás, y sí, su carácter podrido siempre complica las cosas. ' pero lo entiendo, cuando la opinión de alguien te importa tanto es muy fácil dejarte afectar por cualquier cosa que diga o haga. ' encoge sus hombros, sonrisa de satisfacción, yeri desea mostrarse fuerte, siempre despreocupada y dejando en claro lo mucho que la detesta, lo mucho que la quiere lejos, así que en cada ocasión que tiene intenta demostrarle que en el fondo no es así, manipulando la situación y las palabras para que estén de su lado, para dejarla como una devota de su persona. ' tengo un pañuelo en mi bolso, si quieres te limpio la espuma de la boca. ' propone para continuar tocando sus nervios y, para acercarse a ella, ¿por qué no? una excusa que le permita reducir distancia entre ambas siempre es bienvenida. se abraza a sí misma mientras caminan, mojada e incómoda, no deja de mirar las calles completamente oscuras a su paso. para colmo, un perro ladra y provoca que deba avanzar más rápido, lo último que necesita es un enfrentamiento con el can. maldita zona horrible, jamás debería haber puesto un pie allí. ' los camarilla no estarán felices de escucharte, se supone que el problema terminó con wilhelmina, que ya no hay más culpables y que no debemos preocuparnos, eso desea el príncipe que creamos. ' a pesar de que grangel se pone a la defensiva, ella mantiene palabras racionales, seriedad también, pocas cosas logran meterse en su mente y debajo de su piel, estando los casos de diablerie en el top de la lista. no cree ni una sola palabra de la historia que han inventado alrededor de la malkavian, pareciera otro plan que tiene como objetivo enaltecer a la realeza. ' tranquila, cari, si quieres conocer un hotel cinco estrellas puedo llevarte cuando todo esto termine. ' como si yeri alguna vez fuera a aceptar esa invitación, sabe que no y su comentario en realidad no es una verdadera propuesta a realizarse, más bien una forma de hacerle sentir inferior, de pisotearla e intentar molestarla, tentar a las fieras que por el momento duermen dentro de ambas. hace una mueca de desagrado cuando giran, ambiente nunca se vuelve mejor, parece empeorar en cada recoveco en el que se meten. detiene sus pasos cuando la otra lo hace y observa sus ojos mientras habla. ' no tengo problemas para dormir, y en los días que se vuelve más complicado una copa de vitae de calidad y un buen amante lo solucionan, deberías probarlo. ' asegura socarrona también pues es verdad, culpa y remordimiento pocas veces aparecen en la vida de lasombra. vuelve a andar hasta divisar lo que cree, es el motel a lo lejos. ' ¿llegamos? ' pregunta analizando fachada y recepción del sitio repleto de velas y lámparas, igual de feo y poco sofisticado que en su mente. @nayerimz
#no creo que se arranquen la peluca esta vez.... o sí#no c#ASDHASJDHDASJASDH#no la cucarachina pobrecita#pido perdón x la demora :c#𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐈 𝐬𝐚𝐲 𝐈 𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐯𝐞; archivo de conversaciones.#binnas
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☾⋆⁺₊🎧✧ NCT PINK . . . 2020 - 2022
Ah, it's never easy to stan an SM girl group, but 2020 through 2022 for NCT PINK felt like the exception.
Though overworked, which is nothing new for NCT, the girls were seemingly given proper promotions. For the first time since their debut, their schedules didn't clash with other units, resulting in every comeback having the full NCT PINK lineup.
SMACKED would be the PINK title track of NCT 2020, becoming a "girl crush staple" almost instantly upon its release.
This would mark the first title track produced by the girls with Niky and Carmen credited as producers and songwriters. This would be a recurring theme throughout the rest of their releases, although they would not produce another title track together until 'C U L8R' in 2022.
BLIGHTS acts as the sister track to NCT 127's sticker due to it's unique sound which is a kind way to put it. NCTZENs are quite divided on the song whilst other stan twitter users often use it to 'prove' NCT PINK has bad music...Tasteless comes to mind, but I'll keep it classy, this is a discography post, after all.
Following suit of 127, the girls would release a repacked version of BLIGHTS, DLIGHTS, with the title track BLUE HEART that would showcase the girl's vocal capabilities more, something PINKZENS have been begging SM to do since their inception.
Bouncy in the PINK discography is a bit of an enigma, often a forgotten title track despite going massively viral on social media for its choreography. The girls, with the exception of Hyujin, pretend the song doesn't exist with a notable case of it coming on shuffle during a Binna live stream, her making a sour face, and skipping it before laughing.
C U L8R would be title track for the mini album '1-800-PINK' and was produced and written by members Carmen and Niky AKA The Leader Line. Though sounding vastly different from their other releases, the song was universally loved by critics and fans alike. The girls also loved it, being told 'they never looked happier' when on stage.
It was a good two years to be an NCT PINK stan...That was never going to last long!
#(ᓀ‸ᓂ) music !#fictional idol community#nct addition#nct female subunit#nct fanfic#fictional idol group#kpop fanfic#idol oc#kpop oc#fake kpop oc#kpop au#idol au#kpop addition#idolverse#oc girl group#fake kpop girl group#fake kpop idol#oc kpop group
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1 Lakh Rupaai lehkar Biwi Kaahi Chaligayi Shouhar ko binna bataai Bacho ke saath meh, Ghar ka Qheemti Samaan Lehkar, Bahadurpura PS Limits, Hyderabad
C: 916 078 8570
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' o podría reclamarle a los lasombra por tratar de asesinarnos, de lo contrarió, no haría falta que tengamos niñeros ' labios apenas curvándose, una vez que movimiento ha concluido. piensa que será lo mismo que discutir lo del huevo y la gallina, entonces añade : ' no somos culpables de lo que hacemos por sobrevivir, ustedes tampoco ' y, tal vez, solo para quitarle óxido al asunto: ' ¿quieres un cigarrillo? ' . / @binnas
' solo a los guardias camarilla le importa lo que hagas. ' contesta con sequedad y se acerca al borde, habiendo subido a la azotea para chequear que tanta seguridad hay realmente por las calles. ' en todo caso puedes reclamárselo a ellos. ' @satcmis
#⋆ 𝗹𝗲𝗳𝘁𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘀 : interacción .#c. binna#tw cigarillos#hola 🌹#lloro por no poder responder esto antes#¿puede comenzar su arco de redención? ah#they are just girls ;(
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Happy STS! If your characters went out to karaoke, which song would they belt out at the top of their lungs?
Finally getting to this one! My mind remains full of Elbas Island so if we pretended that they know Earth music:
Milo: the idea of him doing Barbie Girl with Binna, where he is Barbie and Binna is Ken is just too funny to not be the answer.
Nidilaenn: Major Tom (Coming Home).
Ellery: Poor Unfortunate Souls. He wants to be dramatic about it and he wants you to understand how dramatic he's being about it.
Patience: Hollaback Girl. You know Mel is singing backup.
Mel: Last Dance by Donna Summer.
Tirias: she literally cannot sing so she would either put on a song everyone knows (All Star) and let them sing it while she hams it up or announce that this is a rendition of John Cage's 4'33". These two things get different responses from the audience but they are functionally the same thing.
Ysa: Friends in Low Places by Garth Brooks.
Rae: Any Way You Want It by Journey.
Madge: Sucker by Jonas Brothers.
Rigo: Break My Heart by Dua Lipa.
Haskell: no, I don't do karaoke, no...well, I guess... Girls Just Wanna Have Fun.
Lacey: the most heartfelt rendition of Mary Had A Little Lamb you've ever heard.
#Amadjes refuses out of hand. He doesn't really speak and definitely doesn't sing#no one can let Herric come to karaoke or they won't get off the mic. Urielte will only egg them on#I cannot explain how Rigo Dua Lipa is#Lacey might also attempt a 'grown up' song that per kind of knows and just mumble all the words per doesn't#per's not so good with reading on a karaoke machine at this point#c: Milo#c: Binna#c: Nidilaenn#c: Ellery#c: Patience#c: Mel#c: Tirias#c: Ysa#c: Rae#c: Madge#c: Rigo#c: Haskell#c: Lacey#wip: tfa#elbas island#sts
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Birthday Art I made for my longtime friend, artistic role model, and fellow OC lover @kkas-art!! Happy birthday again my friend c: thank you for all you do and all the times we’ve shared!!
A little scene featuring our MysMe OCs, Binna and Soo-Min. Even far away from each other, their lives overlap in the strangest of ways. And little do either of them know, a long overdue reunion is close at hand...💛💙✨
#mystic messenger ocs#binna chuu#binna#others ocs#kkas-art#solarscribbles#scribbles#2020#if any of you remember Binna...you're the real mvps here lol#they are still so incredibly dear to me#as are you kas uwu#I missed drawing theeemmm!! soo deserves more art from me especially considering it's all thanks to her that we started talking~
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“Yeah, I mean, it wasn't exactly your average Saturday Night in," He admitted, running his hand across the back of his neck at the thought. "And finally? I spent less than fifteen seconds talking about it, but glad to know you have such a great attention span there, Kim Possible," He let out a low whistle at the thought. "Yeah, I mean, I've been better, but so has everyone, haven't they? After the attacks and all? And I was human," He clarified. "Up until a week ago. But, I've been living in this town for going on four years now? So, not being human isn't exactly a requirement for living here. But, uh, I take it that means you're a vampire, huh? Though, actually a Twilight reenactment could be fairly fun? I can do the whole 'say it, out loud' and then you'll go 'vampire' and, after we're done with that scene, you can pretend to be fixing up a broken motorcycle and I can twirl you around and say 'where have you been, loca?' and we can have a whole will they, won't they moment."
“Sounds like an interesting story.” Binna remarked with a nod, before giving a chuckle. Listening to him go on about how they were restricting and whatever with the quarterback, she sat there boredly listening while sipping on her drink. “Not a bit. Thanks for finally realizing though.” She teased playfully. “God no, I want to talk about that even less.” Sports had never really been of interest to Binna outside of trying to capture her father or uncles attention, now she had even less of an interest given everything that had happened. Brushing a few strands of hair out of her face while she listened and nodded along to his words. “Good to know that you’re doing so well.” She remarked with a laugh. “I mean sleep deprivation, extreme stress, poor diet, and lifestyle changes all sound so wonderful.” Rolling her eyes at him sarcastically. “I mean I’m here aren’t I. So I guess the same just without the sleep deprivation part since that’s not really a requirement for me anymore.” Binna remarked with a shrug, knowing that she was choosing to be coy with her words. Letting him ramble on for a moment before he mentioned the word human. “Funny enough always thought you were human too but considering you’re here too.” Taking her finger and she circled the rim of her cup. “So what are you exactly.” She asked curiously with the tilt of her head. “No, I’m not. Would you like me to say it and we have a whole Twilight moment?” She asked with a laugh. “Or should I just show you my teeth?” She asked teasingly.
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“I’m a nice person! Why can’t I get dates?” ( from binna )
( unrequited love starters: accepting !! )
“you ever think maybe you’re... too nice?” maddie’s face remains unexpressive, her answer straight to the point. although it was a valid question, she didn’t feel like she was the best person to ask. “i mean, nice is great but some people just don’t like that kind of thing, y’know?”
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From Venice to Documenta, Here's a List of All the Major Art Biennials and Triennials Scheduled to Return in Force in 2022 | Artnet News

You never know these days, but 2022 is still shaping up to be a year chock full of art events. From Mali to Morocco, Cleveland to Canada, biennials and triennials are returning to the main stage. It will be truly interesting to see what the new normal looks like at such big international art surveys.
A roster of heavy hitters are set to unleash long-planned events this year, including High Line director Cecilia Alemani taking the reigns at the so-called “Art Fair Olympics” in Venice, and the Indonesian artist collective ruangrupa helming the Kassel-based quinquennial exhibition for Documenta 15.
Below, here’s our calendar of big events that are set to be the talk of the international art world this year.
Shraddha Shrestha, The Family Portrait (2016) is one artist showing at the Kathmandu Triennial. Courtesy of the artist.
When: February 11–March 11, 2022
Curators: Artistic director Cosmin Costinas and co-curators Sheelasha Rajbhandari and Hit Man Gurung
When: February 18–May 8, 2022
Curators: Curatorial director Melissa Chiu, associate curators Miwako Tezuka, and Drew Kahu‘āina Broderick
When: February 19–April 24, 2022
Curators: Artistic director Claude Bélanger, curator Steven Matjcio
When: March 12–June 13, 2022
Curators: Artistic director José Roca
When: March 26–June 5, 2022
Curators: Tairone Bastien, Candice Hopkins, Katie Lawson and contributing curators Clare Butcher, Myung-Sun Kim
Arsenale during the 57th Internaztional Art Exhibition of La Biennale di Venezia. (Photo by Awakening/Getty Images)
When: April 23–November 27, 2022
When: May 19–September 2022
Curators: Artistic director Koyo Kouoh and curators Rasha Salti, Gabriella Beckhurst Feijoo, and Oluremi C. Onabanjo
When: May 20–September 25, 2022
Curators: Lucia Pietroiusti, Filipa Ramos
When: May 23–July 3, 2022
Curators: JARVIS
Still from the video preview of the Front International Triennial. Courtesy of artnet and FRONT Exhibition Company.
When: June 11–September 18, 2022
When: June 18–September 25, 2022
Curators: ruangrupa artist collective
When: July 15–October 2, 2022
Curators: René Block and associate curator Nico Anklam
When: July 16–October 2, 2022
Curators: Artistic directors Prem Krishnamurthy and Tina Kukielski
When: July 30–October 10, 2022
Curators: Artistic director Mami Kataoka
Installation view of Youssouf Sogodogo “Crossroads: A Homecoming.” Courtesy of the artist and Bamako Encounters – African Biennale of Photography.
When: September 7–November 30, 2022
Curators: Lydia Kallipoliti, Areti Markopoulou, co-curator: Ivan Sergeyev and Sonia Ralston
When: September 8–November 6, 2022
Curators: Saâdane Afif
When: September 14–December 31, 2022
Curators: Sam Bardaouil, Till Fellrath
When: September 17–November 20, 2022
Curators: Ute Meta Bauer, Amar Kanwar, and David Teh
When: September 22–November 5, 2022
Curators: Artistic director Christine Eyene and associate curators: Soukaina Aboulaoula and Cindy Sissokho
When: September 24, 2022–April 2, 2023
Curators: Sohrab Mohebbi and associate curator Ryan Inouye
When: September 29–December 5, 2022
Curators: Cristina Veríssimo, Diogo Burnay
When: October 18, 2022–March 19, 2023
Curators: Binna Choi, Nida Ghouse, June Yap, and Ala Younis
When: October 20–December 20, 2022
Curators: Akinbode Akinbiyi, Meriem Berrada, Tandazani Dhlakama, and Liz Ikiriko
This content was originally published here.
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1 Lakh Rupaai lehkar Biwi Kaahi Chaligayi Shouhar ko binna bataai Bacho ke saath meh, Ghar ka Qheemti Samaan Lehkar, Bahadurpura PS Limits, Hyderabad
C: 916 078 8570
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Despite the persistent winter chill, Willow could feel spring approaching.
Maybe it was all the magic she'd been doing at the Grove to help prepare for Valentine's, or the trips with Flower and Aspen to the spring meadow in the Hollow to help with the change of the seasons for the first time, but she could feel it. If asked, she'd compare it to the way the air got muggy and thick right before the first drops of boiling rain.
It made the snow and the biting winds just a little more bearable.
Being inside the Garden Grove helped; everything was in full, fragrant bloom for Valentine's. Willow constantly smelled like roses now, the scent trailing after her as she moved about the shop chatting with the plants and getting everything ready. When she heard the ringing of the bells above the door, she lit up at the sight of Binna hustling in.
"Yeah of course!" she said, stepping closer and holding out her hands to help take some of the bags from Binna.
Willow still wasn't entirely sure how she felt about being on camera, but Binna had an infectious kind of curiosity that made her anxiety ease up a little. Besides, any publicity was good publicity and after the last video had made their sales bump up, Flower had given Binna blanket permission to film in the shop.
Clover poked her head out from the wall of roses that they had been arranging over the past week, the white and yellow fur of her body sticking out from all the reds and pinks of the Kenyan roses. She buzzed and wiggled a hello, but didn't leave her perch.
"So what are we doing today, again?" Willow asked as they headed towards the counter.
How Does Your Garden Grow? || Double Parked
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Wrapped Scenelets No. 96: bees
I'm writing scenelets for (most of) my Spotify Wrapped top 100 songs. Here's number 96, In The Grass by The Flashbulb.
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The grass came up almost to Binna’s chest where she sat with her back to him.
“You’re not afraid of bees?” Milo asked as he came closer, the seed heads of the grass bumping against his knees.
Binna glanced over her shoulder. “Just let them try to sting me through this wool.” She’d been cropped for a week now, with her skin still almost all covered by a thin layer of white wool.
He sat down beside her, carefully keeping his plate of cookies level in one hand.
“What about your hands, though? Or your nose?”
“It’s not very likely.” In her hands, a string of tied flowers was taking shape. “Besides, I like them. We don’t have bees in Sailla-ghe. It’s too cold.”
“What about ants?”
She shook her head. “We have them, but I don’t like them. They do get up in your business.”
He silently offered her a cookie and she accepted. As he bit into his own cookie, he studied the flow of stems in her flower-string. Maybe he could figure out the pattern.
“What about you?”
He looked up. “Hm?”
“Do you like bees?”
“Ah, not really. They tickle.”
She grinned. “They tickle?”
“Yeah, when they land.” He gestured to his head flowers with a finger. “Ants and beetles usually don’t try so hard.”
“Do you ever just laugh because of a bee?”
“Yeah, every once in a while.” He watched as she stuffed the last of her cookie in her mouth and continued with her flowers. By the time she swallowed, she had a full ring hanging from her fingers, four stems wide and studded with the dense, poofy flowers that grew in patches through the grass. Pinching it between her fingers with each hand, she crowned him with it.
“I don’t need more flowers,” he said, looking up as though he could see it on his head. “Thank you, though.”
Binna just smiled and took another cookie.
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Scenelets wrapped taglist: @kk7-rbs
#Binna is like 6ft5. the grass is very tall#because it occurred to me that uep wouldn't be afraid of snakes in long grass. rodents maybe#Milo is a magnolia uep#c: Binna#c: Milo#rose writ#scenelets wrapped
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spin spin!!
Two spins for you, Ren! I'm not gonna post screenshots because I'm away from my normal computer but you got Bean & Kylis Shenanigans and DS Book 3.
I haven't really talked about either but I want to connect some of the dots for Shenanigans: Bean is a quasi-parent to Red from the Melichacha crew. When Red was six, Bean, who was training to be a teacher in the capital alongside Kylis, got his first placement as a middle school teacher in Red's town. In fact, partly because Red's mom was the placement coordinator for that area, Bean came to live with her and Red. Kylis, meanwhile, got placed somewhere else, possibly in the same city where they eventually became a drag queen's assistant. But you know they both got asked to use their teacher skills (such as the rare skill of being able to drive a car) for some real ridiculous stuff.
I had to actually go and look to see what DS book 3 was supposed to be because how the Delphonus Saga is divided up is still kind of uncertain. Here's the summary:
After months of training, the Melichacha crew is on break to go home and see their families for a month before the mission launches. This book follows all seven of them as they try to tie up loose ends and say goodbye.
I fucking love this whole book concept and I've written a tiny bit of it. The speed round version (made possible by the fact that the powerpoint intro exists) of what everyone gets up to is:
Quint faces up to the dad they're sure isn't proud of them
Vy was originally supposed to be the one non-astronaut member of the trifecta; that's changed but either way she has heart-to-hearts with her trans mom, probably about how things are going to shake out with her various partners after this mission
Red reflects a lot on home and how this might be eir last mission, in more than one way (ey're not like suicidal but this mission is scary)
Derik runs into his ex-boyfriend Mirilde in a coffee shop and gets back together with him
Wylie might still follow my old vision of making things right with his oldest sibling Snap - it depends on when Snap moved to Icepith I think
Binna has to reconcile the Silas situation and entertain some difficult feelings about her dad
Dez goes to Halli & Sam's wedding with Syndy as his plus one (originally Zalen and Silas's but I was like dude I dropped a canonical future wedding right here in TFA let's have the payoff)
🎡 Tell me to spin the wheel of wips and get a new fact! 🎡
#Snap. my baby. whatever bullshit Wylie said to per with the best of intentions per has just shrugged off#but deep down per's still wounded by it#also haha if you have followed my Deep Lore TM you may remember that per/per are default child pronouns for uep#which makes them seem a little childish to many people. and it's kind of because of this that they're one of Snap's sets#just. immaculate vibes for the most happy go lucky swl#anyway idk how the logistics works to get Syndy to this wedding but i love the idea so much i can't not do it#also Hoven is Julian's plus one so that helps#c: Bean#c: Kylis#c: Red#c: Quint#c: Dez#c: Vy#c: Binna#c: Derik#c: Wylie#wip: ds3#wip: bean & kylis
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everyone had their faults and flaws and oliver knew that. however binna's was something he had simply over looked. the things that her ex had seen as flaws were just another thing that made the female so special. he had been close to her for years and hated the man she had dated. he always felt like she could do better, deserved more and oliver was never a stranger to voice that opinion. "now what friend would i be if i lied straight to your face like that?" his smile grew. "you are goofy as hell but that is what makes you someone i enjoy being around." he pointed out. "well enough? i dont think making you question if you have issues and if you are a problem is well enough, bin." he corrected her. "come on you know that isn't even real-" he paused and shook his head. "the man was a fool. we both know that.. and you sitting here being upset over that jackass hisnt worth either of our time.. what if we get some ice cream? make you forget the jerk for a little while with some rocky road?"
binna's eyes rolled dramatically, before she looked back over to him and stared smugly. "you know, a real friend would tell me absolutely nothing is wrong with me and that the issue was never me but him, instead. because, you know, obviously, there's nothing wrong with me." of course, the woman knew he was only teasing her so she'd done the same to him. "maybe i didn't want to do better, he treated me well enough. he was good to me, he never complained when i wanted to eat and he always took me to see whatever movie i wanted to see. he even bought me that fancy handbag," the ( obvious to her but not to him ) fake designer handbag that he'd spent a couple hundred on rather than the thousands the real ones cost, "on our first anniversary." that was the peak of her gift-receiving. anything else he'd given her was cheap, though she always thought it was the sentiment that truly counted. "i was h—" she stopped herself, clearing her throat quickly before continuing on, correcting her chosen word, "content with him."
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