trashyswitch · 8 months
Wiggle Worm Brandon
Brandon and Cameron finish up filming for the youtube video "Things AMAZON Made Me Buy! (500lbs of LUBE!)". But when Brandon gets really playful...Cameron makes sure to turn Brandon into the ultimate form of himself: Wiggle Worm Brandon.
This fanfic goes out to the guys themselves: Brandon Farris and Cameron Domasky. If I can recall from your 'Things FIVERR Made Me Buy!' video...you were looking for more fanfics about you two. So I personally decided to give you a fanfic myself for the low, low price of COMPLETELY FREE! So, gentlemen...I hope you enjoy.
And for everyone else, check out @imbrandonfarris and @Cameron Domasky on Youtube if you want. Highly recommend!
Cameron was splitting up the Ransom™ magnets and putting one of them onto his magnet bracelet, while Brandon was trying to get the plastic wrap off his deck of Ransom™ cards. “And then…I have to pick you a ransom card, you pick me one, we have to wear it.” 
“Okay.” Cameron replied, picking up the second deck of Ransom™ cards and trying to get the wrapping off. 
Brandon looked at the camera. “You can buy this on Amazon.” He mentioned. 
“This is not for the video, but-” Cameron showed Brandon the bottom card on his Ransom™ deck. 
Brandon let out a breathless laugh, showing Cameron his approval. This made Cameron’s laughter increase in pride. No one really knew, but hearing Brandon laugh always warmed his heart. If he made Brandon laugh, then all was right in his world. Being able to make videos with him was already amazing. But seeing Brandon’s most genuine reactions during their sessions always made his day.
Bits of their back-and-forth conversation slightly hinted at what the card said…but as far as the audience was concerned, that card was a secret between the two of them. 
Cameron had managed to get some of the plastic off, while Brandon reached out in front of him for the box cutter. When he brought his hand back in frame, Brandon visibly shivered. “You cold?” Brandon asked Cam. 
Cam looked over at Brandon. “No, I’m good. Why?” He asked. 
Brandon hummed awkwardly. “No reason.” He said, before attempting to work the box cutter. 
“I turned the air conditioning on.” Cam mentioned, still working at the stupid plastic wrap. 
Brandon watched as the box cutter dropped out of his hand due to his hands still being covered in lube. “Yeah…” He muttered timidly, picking up the knife again. 
Cameron laughed at Brandon’s hesitant ‘Yeah’. “That…pacemaker is popping out at you right now.” He said, following up with an inside joke the two of them had on this video. 
“Pacemaker’s looking a little small…” Brandon joked in reply, making Cameron wheeze and laugh, before coughing. 
“What’d you pick?” Cameron asked. 
Brandon lifted his hand up, and looked at the card and magnet. He twisted his hand so the camera could see the card better. “What’s your biggest regret?” He said. 
Cameron looked at Brandon. “What’s your biggest regret?” Cameron repeated, so it sounded more like HE was asking Brandon instead of the card. 
“This.” Brandon jumped out of his pink office chair, and dove right for the barrel of lube. 
It took a second for Cameron to process what Brandon was doing…and by the time he figured it out, Brandon’s face and shoulders were already deep into the lube. “No-” Cameron reached out and got out of his own chair before attempting to grab at anything on Brandon to get him out. “No- Brandon, no-!” He yelled, When his upper legs weren’t grabbable, Cameron reached higher and gripped Brandon’s middle-to-upper ribs. “No, no!” He reacted, pulling Brandon up. 
“aaAAH!” Brandon screamed naturally high-pitched, jumping up in surprise before landing awkwardly on his feet. Brandon gasped for air when he was out of the liquid, before spitting and coughing to get the dripping lube out of his mouth. 
“God, dude!” Brandon reacted, worried for his friend. 
“What?” Brandon asked, acting as if he hadn’t just shoved his upper body straight into 55 pounds of lube. 
Cameron grabbed a towel and tried to clean off Brandon’s face a bit. Brandon blew into the towel with his lips in the hope to get the lube off his mustache and lips. Though Cameron should’ve been used to Brandon’s crazy endeavors by now, he wasn’t…not even in the slightest. One of these days, Brandon was going to severely hurt himself. And everyday that Brandon tests his limits, Cameron grows more worried. And Cameron is determined to make sure he’s there when it happens. 
Cameron hoped and prayed that Brandon had a limit to his behavior. Surely the man has a line he knows not to cross. He’s a father, for god’s sake! Whatever that line is…apparently jumping into a vat of lube is not on the other side of that line. 
“God dude…” Cameron said, slightly calming down as he placed the soiled towel onto Brandon’s shoulders. 
“Yeah?” Brandon asked, his eyes still squeezed shut. 
“You could’ve died!” Cameron told him. 
Brandon and Cameron moved to the chairs. “What does yours say?” Brandon asked, his upper body glistening brightly due to the lube. 
Cameron tittered as he sat himself into the chair and looked at his own Ransom™ card in the magnet on his wrist. He scooted his chair closer, took one look at the card, and looked at Brandon with a smile. “Where do babies come from, which we also just answered.” Cameron replied. 
Brandon pointed to the tub of lube behind him. Seeing this, Cameron tittered again. “The lube bowl.” 
“The lube bucket.” Brandon said next. 
Brandon looked to his right, and spat out yet more lube. Seeing this naturally made Cameron look away and yell in disgust…only to burst out into a mix of laughter and coughing. While Cameron is busy coughing up a lung, Brandon has gotten up out of his chair and walked himself behind Cameron. 
There, Brandon casually remarked “It-It tastes so sweet.” 
“So sweet, so slick.” Cameron replied in moderate disgust. 
[Fast forward 24:07 minutes]
“That’s probably the worst video I’ve done in a long time.” Brandon mentioned as he pulled the American mullet hat. 
“That-Yeah. Like, I would rather do a spicy video than be covered in lube.” Cameron admitted. 
Brandon walked up to the camera and turned it off. “And cut.” He said before closing the camera lens cover. “There. Another video done.” Brandon said.
Cameron moved his hands through his lubey hair. “Do you need to shower?” Cameron asked. 
Brandon shrugged. “Not right away.” He replied. “I might jump in a couple more times first.” He admitted with a chuckle. 
“Brandon…” Cameron said in a disappointed Dad voice. He gave their off-camera helper the side-eye, before looking at Brandon again. “Am I gonna need to pull you out again?” Cameron asked. 
Brandon looked at the tub…looked at Cameron, then looked back at the tub. He looked over at Cameron once again, and shrugged his shoulders at him. “Maybe?” He said. 
“Brandon!” Cameron yelled. “I’ll have you know, that the lube makes it really hard to lift you out of there.” He told his friend. 
Brandon laughed. “Actually, when you lifted me out the second time, you grabbed me so hard…” Brandon admitted. 
“Well, yeah! You were slippery!” Cameron argued. 
Brandon laughed. “I know.” He walked up. “When you lifted me, it felt like-” Brandon walked up behind him, and tried to wrap his hands around his upper ribs. 
“What are-WaiTDON’T-” Cameron turned himself around and tensed up with a cackle. 
Brandon leaned back with laughter of his own, still holding his lower arms out. “I’m trying to-” 
“WELL DOHON’T!” Cameron shouted amidst his laughter. 
Brandon threw his head back as he let out another fit of laughter. “Ihihi’m trying to show you how you grabbed me!” Brandon tried to explain. 
“YOU DON’T NEED TO SHOW ME!” Cameron argued. 
“Why? You ticklish or something?” Brandon asked, slightly wiggling his fingers in a playful manner as he walked closer to him. 
“I- YOU KNOW THIS!” Cameron argued. 
“I’m not sure what you’re talking about.” Brandon said in the most obvious lying voice, before losing his composure and laughing.  
“Take another step, and I will destroy you.” Cam warned. 
Brandon paused for a moment, and just stared at Cameron. His hands were down by his sides. 
“Brandon…” Cameron warned. 
He continued staring at him as he veeeery slowly lifted his hands up. 
“...Brandon…” Cam warned again, a slight smile filling his lips. 
But Brandon’s slow teasing only continued. Cameron could easily tell Brandon was planning something evil…and like usual, his protests weren’t stopping him in the slightest. He could feel his nervous smile filling his lips even more as he watched his best friend like a hawk. He was going to do something…he could feel it in the spot just above his ‘pacemaker’. 
But his giddy fear had escalated dramatically the moment Brandon’s fingers had started wiggling once again. And the moment Brandon’s lips twitched into an evil smirk, Cam rapidly stood up out of his seat. “BRANDON-” 
In 2 seconds flat, Brandon had sprinted to Cameron and tackled him into the carpet. An outsider would think this was impossible given the size difference between the men. But Cameron has always learned to never underestimate Brandon’s strength. 
Landing on Cam’s upper torso, Brandon skittered and danced his fingers on his upper ribs. 
“BAHA! WAHAITNO! BRANDON-” Cam quickly curled towards his left side, letting out a high-pitched “EEEK!”. 
Brandon had shoved his hand into his left side, and scribbled his nimble fingers deep into his side. “How ticklish are you here?” Brandon asked way too casually. 
“BAHAHAHA- HAHAHA! STOHOHOP!” Cameron yelled, kicking his feet a little bit. 
Brandon chuckled. “I don’t wanna yet. This is fun!” Brandon admitted.
Brandon was taken aback by this. “Are they really?” he asked before placing his fingers on his own forehead. “Okay, I feel it. You’re right.” 
This seconds-long moment allowed Cam to take control of his arms again. Desperate to not let this opportunity go to waste, Cam reached up and went straight for his friend’s armpits. 
“Cam-NOdon’tyoudare-” Only a few touches was enough for Brandon to wheeze and go limp. This made his body collapse straight onto Cam’s body. 
“OOF!” Cameron yelped, before laughing. “Gohohod!” 
“Yohou okay?” Brandon asked before poking his ribs. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?” He asked next with a giggle. 
Cam grunted and yelped as he brought Brandon’s body over to his right side. “Yohohou staharted this! Ihi’m just finihihishing ihihit!” Cameron told him in between his own laughter as he tickled his armpits. 
Brandon threw his head back and bursted out laughing. “GAHAhaha! HAHAhahaha! HahahAHAHA!” He weakly pulled his knees up to his chest. “HAHaha- Yohohou suhuck!” Brandon yelled, trying (and failing) to cover up his armpits. 
“I suck?!” Cameron protested in shock. “Again, you started this! We don’t need video proof to prove that you started this.” Cameron told him. 
Brandon attempted to reach his hands up into his armpits to stop Cam. “Pleheasedon’t- aAAHAHAHAHA!” Brandon shrieked almost completely out of nowhere. 
Cam laughed at his friend as he took advantage of the opening by digging his fingers further into Brandon’s underarms. “Did you really think moving my fingers would help?!” He asked. surprised by the guy’s lack of logic. 
“SHUT UP!” Brandon shouted back at him amidst his laughter. “CAM- NAHAHAHAHA! P-PLEASE!” Brandon yelled. 
Cameron could feel his grip on Brandon slipping slightly. Brandon had always been a crazy wiggler when being tickled…Especially regarding his arms. Cameron could recall Brandon throwing his bony elbow back, and elbowing him in the chest once.
…So I guess you can say that Cameron knew his quirks off by heart. 
But jokes aside, Cameron needed to do something about Brandon’s wiggles. “Okay, hold on.” Cam said as he took a moment to adjust his arms a bit. 
Brandon used his unbelievable flexibility to his advantage. The little bugger reached his arms back and squeezed his friend’s sides. 
“aAH-” Cam paused for a moment. The audacity of this man…
But he quickly turned the tables and pulled Brandon into his arms. “Nope, not anymore.” 
“AAHWAITNO!” Brandon shouted back, suddenly regretting his life choices. 
Cam’s preferred way of handling a thrashing Brandon, was to hug his entire upper body from behind in a frontward X motion. This would effectively immobilize Brandon’s spazzy arms. Cause if he can remember, his legs are not as much of a danger compared to his arms. But with his arms firmly placed in this position, Cam could still tickle him by going for his front upper ribs with his fingers. 
Though this action would likely look unbearable to everyone else, this kind of rough housing was an occasional occurrence between the two men. 
“Having any regrets yet?” Cameron asked him with an evil grin on his face. 
“NAahaha- Nehever! NEVER!” Brandon yelled, kicking his feet a little harder. 
Cam laughed a bit. “Never’s a long time, dude.” He told him. “I could tickle you aaaaall night long.” He teased. 
“I’m gonna kihihihill youhuhu.” Brandon told him. 
“But if you kill me…” Cameron said in an uwu voice. “Then we wouldn’t have any more Amazon review videos.” Cam finished his sentence. He looked at Brandon from the right side. “Your sense of logic is not very good right now.” Brandon giggled. “I think the tickling’s making you stupid.” He told him. 
“Hahahaha! Hahahehehe! Thehehen- Then stohop tickling mehehehe!” Brandon told him. 
Cam hummed. “Right…I guess that’s a thing I can do.” Cameron momentarily stopped his fingers and sat there, lost in thought for a moment. Though Brandon was thankful for the chance to breathe, he was still stuck in Cam’s arms. 
“Cam?” Brandon called, wiggling a little bit. “Cameron?” Brandon called again. 
“Hm?” Cam replied. 
“I’m stuck.” Brandon told him. 
“Really?” Cameron reacted casually, as if he wasn’t holding Brandon hostage at that moment. “How do you know?” He asked, checking his fingernails like a bored woman. 
Brandon grunted and wiggled around a little more aggressively before stopping. “I don’t know…” Brandon stared at the ceiling. “Just a hunch.” 
Cam threw his head back with a fit of laughter. “Just a hunch, eh?” He clarified. Feeling the playfulness overcoming his mind again, Cameron poked and tweaked his sides.
Cam widened his eyes in shock. “Holy sh- Were your sides always this ticklish?” Cam asked, not recalling Brandon being very ticklish there. 
“NOHOHO! THEHEHEY WEREN’T!” Brandon replied. 
“Then…” Cameron tweaked his sides a bit more. “Then why are you laughing so hard?” Cameron asked next. 
“THE LUBE! IHIHIT’S THE LUHUHUBE!” Brandon yelled back. 
“What?” Cameron asked, confused. 
“There’s no way.” Cameron muttered aloud. “Let me try this.” 
Cameron moved his friend’s soaking shirt up, and slipped his fingers under his shirt. All of a sudden, Brandon had gasped before higher-pitched laughter had come bursting out of him. This made Cameron gasp with excitement. “Wait, actually?!” Cameron sat both of their bodies up and picked up Brandon’s torso to adjust him. “One more test, I promise.” 
Brandon took in a few breaths to calm himself down. But the moment he saw Cam’s fingers, Brandon tensed. “Cameron-” Brandon tried to protest, but curled up slightly and squealed. 
God, even Cameron’s grip on his torso was tickling him. 
But when he was positioned correctly, Cameron squeezed and skittered his fingers on his sides to prevent him from protesting any further. “NaHAHAHAHA!” Brandon fell backwards and hugged his sides as his cackles overcame him. 
Cam couldn’t help the surprised little smile that grew on his face. “Oho my god!” Cameron let out a fit of laughter as he put more of his right hand under Brandon’s slimy shirt. “The lube is actually making you more ticklish!” He exclaimed. 
Brandon had leaned over onto his right side and fell against the gray carpet. But Cam’s fingers would follow his body down and continue to tickle his exposed left side, almost identically to how Brandon had tickled Cam’s side earlier. 
“IHIHIT’S-” Brandon wheezed for a moment and squeezed his eyes shut. “AHAhahaha! IHIT’S SO BAHAHAD!” He yelled. 
“I can tell!” Cameron reacted. “How ticklish is it?” Cam asked, before adding a second set of fingers to Brandon’s left side. 
Brandon wheezed again and pounded his fist into the carpet. 
“Dude…Is this too much?” Cam asked. He was beginning to get a little worried. 
Brandon didn’t really reply. All he did was take a breath in, and let out a large fit of hysterical laughter. 
“Dude, I need an answer!” Brandon told him. The man STILL couldn’t believe how much Brandon was laughing. It was wild! He didn’t think Brandon was even capable of letting out this much laughter! It was absolutely surreal! 
Cameron shrieked in horror, pulling his fingers away and looking behind him. OH GOD, WHO’S THERE?! 
But his body exhaled a sigh of relief when it was revealed that it was only Autumn. She had opened the door to the room, and was staring at him and Brandon. The state of the room, the breathless laughter, the soaking carpet, the clothes they were wearing (Specifically Brandon’s)…he could only imagine the crazy theories Autumn was coming up with in those moments. 
The look on her face…was of confusion mixed with disappointment. “I’m not even gonna ask.” Autumn told them both, before walking out of the room and closing the door. 
Cameron slowly looked over at Brandon, who was staring right back at him. In 2 seconds flat…the boys had busted out cackling and laughing. That was one of the best reactions they had ever seen out of Autumn! It made their day, and was certainly worth the jumpscare.
Also one more thing: Your video title states that you have a 500lb barrel of lube...but in the video, you say "55 Gallons of Lube". I had to look it up to figure out which one it was, because I like accuracy. So thank you for making me add "55 gallon barrel of lube" to my search history on Amazon. XD And just because I bring it up, does NOT mean I want you to change it. I find it very 'Brandon Farris' levels of funny.
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ratatatastic · 1 month
"Is [Barkov] a normal dude? Meaning like—is he just like, you're having a cheeseburger some day and he's like 'Oh, no, no, no! I need this, I need the superfoods,' like is he kind-of... is he a normal guy?" "'Is that Wagyu or no?'" "'I need, you know, the best of the best,' Like how is he?" "He's undercover really funny, especially when you get to know him. I don't think he said much for the first 3 to 5 years. But I always joke with him I've never been invited to his house and we've played together for 10 years." "Dude, Brandon Montour said the same thing! We had him on last year! He's like, 'Dude, he's never had us over! We're always like—' But he doesn't live by all you guys, right? He kind-of lives a little further out?" "Yeah, he lives 20-30 minutes away in Boca [Raton.] But, yeah, no I—Listen, it's just his personality. It's who he is, and we respect him for it. Like I said, he's a really funny guy when you get to know him, and sometimes he's got those one-liners. And, you know, he's one of those perfect humans, right? You know, one of the guys we all strive to be, and we'll all come short forever, but—yeah, he's a good person."
The Cam & Strick Podcast | 7.30.24 (x)
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i hope this bit never ends if not for the fact that each time ekky has to say it he has to add another year to it which adds to the comedy of it all
"Hey, who's got the best setup on your team with the Panthers? When all the boys get together, 'We're going to your crib. We're gettin' on the jet skis,' whatever. Who's got the best setup?" "Yeah, um—Aaron [Ekblad]'s probably...I mean, Aaron's been there the longest. Hopefully, Barkov hears this! He's been there the longest, but he never invites the boys over to his house!" "Oh~ Barky!" "Is he cheap?" "I'm gonna call Barky out right now, and see if he can invite the whole team over next year..." "Is he cheap? Is he cheap? What is it?" "Will he do it?" "Oh, he's up in 9 East—obviously, like quiet, unbelievable guy, but he's the only up in Boca [Raton.] So I don't know if anybody wants to even drive up to Boca..." "Oh, Fancyland Zone..." "What do you mean? How far is that away from where you are? Like, and everybody else?" "Yeah, we're all in Ft. Lauderdale, Las Olas—within probably... you know some families are in Parkland by the arena, but we're all within probably 10 minutes away and he's up 30, 40 minutes away so."
The Cam & Strick Podcast | 7.25.23 (x)
the boys ribbing sasha for living so far away and never inviting them to his house but still going btw hes amazing and incredible and perfect and sososo good we say this to tease him but like this is just who he is as a person and we accept that so please dont misconstrue this into something its not this is a joke and we dont take it to heart
and on that topic its really a shame that NA media doesnt know how fucking funny and how absolutely unserious he can be. I understand the notion of diligent no-nonsense captain is a prevalent idea (which he is lets make that clear he takes hockey so seriously) but especially since this season hes said hes cut down on weight so he could skate faster (and the results show) so i understand where the questions are coming from knowing the track record but also
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we've won a cup and hes ramped it up its fantastic and this is one of my favourite examples of it of how quippy he can be
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happy to talk about my cappy!!! happy to tease my cappy!!!
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"and you know hes one of those perfect humans right? you know one of the guys we all strive to be, and we'll all come short forever but yeah he's a good person" do you also cry about how terribly fond and sincere ekky gets about sasha
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d-a-mante · 11 months
Interesting (not in a good way) that Branderson and like-minded people are against both of Egwene's moments in the finale: her killing Renna and helping Rand against Ishamael. Taking away one of those I can prooobably understand. But both?
Without both, this would be a female character who begins the season feeling useless, gets abused for two episodes, and ends the season without a moment to take back power and help her friend like she thought she could have. Doesn't sound like a strong end to her character arc, Brando.
(on the note of characters getting to fuck up those who wronged them: Rand gets to do that, at least a couple of times later. If --and if-- he doesn't, then they might have a point that the show is disproportionately prioritizing female characters over Rand. But I have more faith in the writers than these guys, so)
Slightly related: could it be that the reason they don't see Rand's arc this season is because it's a more quiet strength, "I need to rely on my friends" arc? The kind women usually get in fiction?
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god tywin lannister deserved worse
just remembering elias death and i wanna puke and the way tywin talks about elia and what happened is so damn gross
but rip tommen and myrcella we all know what’s about to happen in the next book :/
the cycle of violence just keeps spinning and damn you tywin for beginning it
(i got a bit crazy in the tags 💀)
#rest in peace elia and rhaenys#i’m one of those crazy ppl who thinks jaqen h’ghar is aegon 💀#literally lost the teeny tiny amount of credibility i had#anyways i think doran’s in on it and i think rhaegar switched out asharas child for aegon paralleling the baby swap jon does#the pact made in braavos about viserys and dany marriages is a half truth half lie#and arianne being sent to faegon is simply doran testing his heir. if she messes up then whoever’s spying for doran will correct her#gerold dayne knows too much that’s why doran thinks he’s too dangerous#but this would make the dornish plot sooooo much more interesting and would show that no doran hasn’t been doing nothing#it would also automatically make the daynes more important#jaqen (aegon) was in kings landing to kill robert but got caught by varys. syrio was sent to find him. ned cleared out the black cells tho#saving aegon in the process. fun how we’re actually introduced to this character through lyanna starks mini me arya#aegon was able to kill robert with a boar tho so mission accomplished.#now he’s in old town trying to hatch his dragon egg. the stone beast taking flight in danys vision is aegon being symbolically depicted…#..as a spinx#i’m crazy delusional. but ppl who think faegon is actually aegon are even more delusional than me#plus the real aegon being alive fulfills the suns son part of quaithes warnings#i like this theory bc it makes the dorne plot more interesting and it explains whatever is going on with jaqen h’ghar cause he is sus#yes yes i know i’m delusional 💀 i just think it’d be a very interesting twist#kinda hoping no one sees this post at this point bc i know no one will take this theory well lol#i do think this theory can be supported by the text tho#and cerseis throw away line about ned stealing asharas baby would suddenly become peak foreshadowing#barristan comparign dany to ashara would also be peak foreshadowing bc ashara would take the place of gilly in this parallel and she was dis#dishonored by someone at harrenhall. likely aerys and then she turned to a stark probably brandon for comfort#tbh i think it was ashara who lied to brandon about what happened to lyanna. perhaps she was trying to mess with brandon’s wedding and#was trying to get back at rhaegar for humiliating elia at the tourney. i highly doubt it was baelish who lied to brandon cause brandon#has little reason to believe him and no reason to trust him. ashara tho? arthur daynes sister and elias lady in waiting? also his lover?#anyways varys the spider potentially stealing aegon away (if he did take a child it was the false aegon) is there to parallel the others#who ride ice spiders taking crasters sons. tbh i think it was aegon who decided he wanted to train as a faceless man so he could get revenge#on his own terms. and the sea lord of braavos at the time was in on it and helped aegon with his plans#the unveiling coming up is going to be a lot more important than arya just reclaiming her identity. yes im delusional lmao. rant over
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drunktuesdays · 2 years
The what is glomping post has the same energy as the clearly written by a fresh grad story post I saw on a pop culture insta yesterday that was about the demise of panic at the disco and it said ‘the early 2000s tumblr girl inside us all is hurting.’ Kids these days don’t know about bandom LJ and they don’t know about glomping to everything there is a season turn turn etc etc
crying. for some reason, this immediately put one direction's "they don't know about us" in my head. they don't know about the things we do! they don't know about the 'i love you's!!!!!! tumblr girls know nothing. they know nothing!!!! they don't KNOW about what the bandom girlies lived through. they have no idea about the STALKERS taking pictures of MAILBOXES. the ENDLESS discourse about whether ryan ross was capable of putting it in anyone!! the WAR of passive aggression between the brendon/spencer diehards vs ryan/brendon freequez (complimentary). GOD EARLY 2000S TUMBLR give me a goddamn BREAK. damnyouwentz and fbr_trash and bandflesh and icecreamhdaches was where the culture was BEING MADE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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The city of Chicago sued Glock Inc. on Tuesday, alleging the handgun manufacturer is facilitating the proliferation of illegal machine guns that can fire as many as 1,200 rounds per minute on the streets of the city.
The lawsuit alleges Glock unreasonably endangers Chicagoans by manufacturing and selling semiautomatic pistols that can easily be converted to illegal machine guns with an auto sear — a cheap, small device commonly known as a “Glock switch.” The switches are the size of a quarter and are easily purchased illegally online for around $20 or manufactured at home using a 3D printer.
The complaint filed in Cook County Circuit Court is the first to use Illinois’s new Firearms Industry Responsibility Act, passed and signed into law in 2023 to hold gun companies accountable for conduct that endangers the public.
The lawsuit states police in Chicago have recovered over 1,100 Glocks that have been converted into illegal machine guns in the last two years in connection with homicides, assaults, kidnappings, carjackings and other crimes.
The lawsuit alleges that Glock knows it could fix the problem but refuses to do so and seeks a court order requiring the company to stop selling guns to people in Chicago. It also seeks unspecified damages.
“The City of Chicago is encountering a deadly new frontier in the gun violence plaguing our communities because of the increase of fully automatic Glocks on our streets,” Mayor Brandon Johnson said in a news release.
“Selling firearms that can so easily be converted into automatic weapons makes heinous acts even more deadly, so we are doing everything we can in collaboration with others committed to ending gun violence to hold Glock accountable for putting profits over public safety,” Johnson said.
Joining the city in the lawsuit is Everytown Law, a Washington-based firm that seeks to advance gun safety laws in the courts.
“Right now, anyone in the United States with $20 and a screwdriver can convert their Glock pistol into an illegal machine gun in just a few minutes,” said Eric Tirschwell, executive director of Everytown Law.
Phone messages were left with Smyrna, Georgia-based Glock seeking comment on the lawsuit.
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batfamiliar · 1 year
so im watching season 2 bc the last time i watched it was literally 10 years ago and there's this bit where some princess forces brandon to marry her. they drag brandon to the wedding and he's like "i'm doomed, i'll never see the sun again". and i was like, oh because the kingdom is underground, but also bc stella is his sun, gotcha
then they do a brief flashback and show you this
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so apparently sky is brandon's sun and also sky is trans????
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shiningclown69 · 2 years
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Prince in Misery
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pink-inkling · 1 year
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Silas seems to accidentally say dumb stuff around Brandon a lot, hehe. I wonder what he said?
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titsthedamnseason · 8 months
i guess an unexpected twist at this point would be that zane is the hero of ascension? seems far fetched but i’m struggling so hard to figure out why he hears voices and i feel like it doesn’t just boil down to insanity. i mean if that’s true though i don’t know why this supernatural force is so murderous? also i guess with his upbringing / situation it’s not that hard to believe that he’s extra messed up in the head and bloodthirsty without divine intervention? I DONT KNOW!
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skitztoonz · 2 years
This is why I chose THIS hairstyle for my lil buddy 😂
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ckygetsjobs · 2 years
Dico used to play piano hello?
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redhairedgirl95 · 2 years
in their first year and the first season of the show did sky (brandon at the time) not take his royal classes? like that confuses me to this day how did two teenage boys pull this off without at least slipping up in front of timmy and riven. i also think that it would make sense that saladin would know about the switch for security reasons.
How did Brandon/Sky and Sky/Brandon manage the switch situation at school?
Saladin definitely knew. Maybe the other professors didn't (too many liabilities), but they had been instructed to allow the squire (who was the real prince) to attend royal classes. The excuse was that the King of Eraklyon had ordered him to be with the Prince at all times for his protection: this way the real Sky could attend his classes and the real Brandon could protect him.
As for their roommates, both Timmy and Riven knew that something was amiss, but Riven didn't care enough to investigate - as long as he could kick the squire's (real Sky) ass he was fine - and Timmy got distracted too often to follow up on his suspicions.
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izzielizzie · 2 years
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Sean Murdock
if you’re searching for signs of intelligent life in the bayview high junior class, sean murdock isn’t where you’ll find it
oou minor characters 12/14
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athomy · 1 year
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darkpoisonouslove · 2 years
A piece of advice, in the form of one-shorts. One day, a story from the second season, another day, from the fifth. That is not line.
It should stop making rewrites that follow the line of the series and that there are written parts that are the same as the series. That's not a rewrite, it's a novelization. And to read something that I already know, I go back to see the series (I take this opportunity to criticize the rewrites in passing, sorry).
It's way too intricate for one-shots to actually work here.
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