#swiss diplomacy
govswiss · 2 years
Separation of Religion and State
Stay out of people houses
Make appointments online by email or text confirmation
Do not talk to citizens in their households Digitally
Embassy appointments 09:00 - 12:00
Embassy church baby groups and citizens home visits, Groups for the elderly
Consulate business 14:00 - 18:00
Business hire out church in the afternoon 14:00 to 18:00
Special License Events & Work
18:00 to 00:00
21:00 Vatican HolyseeUN Meeting one hour crafts and relax.
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H.S.H Princess Isabel M Neuchâtel
Principality of Neuchatel
Government of Switzerland
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tomluongo · 2 years
Episode #122 - Pascal Najadi and How the Swiss Regain their Neutrality
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soon-palestine · 1 month
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A video shared by an Israeli troop, appearing to show soldiers destroying the Canada Water reservoir in Rafah, southern Gaza, in July, is certainly a breach of international humanitarian law (IHL),” Mark Zeitoun, director general of the Geneva Water Hub, a Swiss institute specializing in hydro-diplomacy, told CNN.
The IDF said the incident was under review by the Fact Finding and Assessment Mechanism.
Israel’s 10-month-long assault in Gaza has destroyed and damaged water systems, according to the UN and various other international bodies, compounding the civilian population’s suffering, risking the spread of disease and leading human rights experts to accuse Israel of using water supply as a weapon.
Several Palestinians told CNN they are forced to make hazardous journeys in search of water, risking exposure to Israeli attacks. Two people told CNN they had witnessed physical violence and even killing at public distribution points as people fight for scant resources. Those displaced to makeshift camps described scenes of sewage spilling into the streets and children drinking from puddles. Women are forced to endure several menstrual cycles without access to a shower, the UN said.
Read our reporting, with @StockwellBilly . Visuals by @Mark_Oliver_ , Alex Newman, @mrlourobinson , Rachel Wilson and @StockwellBilly .
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girlactionfigure · 4 days
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Carl Lutz was a Swiss diplomat in Hungary who saved tens of thousands of Jews during the Holocaust by providing them with transit visas and creating safe houses throughout Budapest.
Carl was born in 1895, in Walzenhausen, Switzerland, to a devout Methodist family. When he was 14 his mother died of tuberculosis. The next year he left school and started working at a textile mill. Carl yearned to explore the wide world outside his sleepy mountain town, and at age 18 he moved to the United States, settling in Granite City, Illinois. For five years he worked and saved money for college, then in 1918 enrolled in Central Wesleyan College in Missouri.
In the summer of 1920, Carl took a summer job in Washington DC working at the Swiss Embassy. He loved the international environment and the rewarding work. Carl’s gracious personality and keen intelligence made him well suited for diplomacy. He enrolled in George Washington University, graduating in 1924 with a BA in law and history. Two years later, Carl moved to Philadelphia, and then St. Louis, to serve as Swiss Consul in those cities. Around this time he married Gertrud Fankhauser, a Swiss human-rights activist,
Carl was sent to Jaffa in 1935, where he was Swiss Vice-Consul. In 1936, he and Gertrud watched an unarmed Jew being lynched by a mob of Arabs. They were horrified and helpless to do anything. The tragic incident haunted Carl and perhaps contributed to his later stunning heroism in Europe.
The Swiss government recalled Carl from the Middle East in 1942 and sent him to their embassy in Budapest, Hungary. He represented not only Switzerland, but also countries that had broken ties with Hungary after it allied with Nazi Germany. As soon as Carl arrived in Budapest, he began working with the Jewish Agency for Israel to provide Hungarian Jewish children with transit visas, enabling them to emigrate to Palestine, then under British Mandate.
In 1944, the Nazis occupied Budapest and immediately started rounding up Jews and sending them to death camps. It was late in the war, and the Nazi war machine had gotten chillingly efficient at murdering Jews. During a two month period, 440,000 Jews were deported to Auschwitz. Carl Lutz kicked into high gear to save lives. As a diplomat, part of his job was to cultivate relationships with Hungarian officials, as well as German Nazi leaders in Budapest. He used these connections to negotiate a special deal – he could issue protective letters to 8000 Jews, enabling them to move to Palestine.
Carl used clever tricks to increase the amount of Jews he could save. He enabled each letter to cover an entire Jewish family of any size, rather than just one person. Taking the ruse further, he issued tens of thousands of protective letters, making sure each had a number between 1 and 8000, so that busy officials wouldn’t realize that more than 8000 letters had been issued. “The Germans are very correct people. They admire discipline and order. So when Nazi commandants saw these letters, they accepted them,” said Eric Saul, founder of “Visas for Life,” a project that honors diplomats who saved Jews during the Holocaust.
As thousands of Jews were being shoved onto cattle cars and taken to their death, Carl was desperate to save as many as he could. With the integral help of his wife Gertrud, he set up 76 “safe houses” all over Budapest, designating them as under the control of the Swiss government, and therefore beyond the reach of Hungarian or German authorities. One of them was the Glass House, a former glassware manufacturing facility previously owned by Arthur Weiss, a Hungarian Jew. In the summer of 1944, Weiss’ business was forcefully taken from him and he disappeared, leaving the large building empty. Carl rented the space to open the newly created Swiss Embassy’s Emigration Department for Representing Foreign Interest. Over the next few months, over 3000 Jews found refuge in the Glass House.
During this time, the Nazis overthrew the Hungarian ruler and installed the fascist Arrow Cross Party as the new government. The Arrow Cross was viciously anti-Semitic, and after taking power they started massacring Jews in the streets. One day, Carl was strolling by the Danube River when an Arrow Cross officer shot a Jewish woman right in front of him. Bleeding, the woman fell into the river – and Carl, in his suit and tie, jumped in after her. He rescued her from the water, and demanded to speak to the Hungarian officer who’d ordered the shooting. Projecting confidence and authority, he proclaimed that the wounded Jewish woman was a citizen of Switzerland and was protected by international law. As the Nazis stood mouths agape, Carl quickly helped the woman into his car and took her to safety.
In November 1944, the Arrow Cross gathered 70,000 Jews from transit camps and hiding places and forced them on a death march to concentration camps in Austria and Germany. Carl and Gertrud followed along in their car next to the exhausted marchers and used every opportunity to surreptitiously pull people out of line and provide them with protective documents. Carl later described the scene, “For these people it was the last glimmer of hope, for us, this was the worst form of spiritual torture. We saw the people being lashed with dog-whips and lying in the slime and mud with bloody faces…. Whenever possible I would drive alongside these people on their way to the concentration camps to try and show them that there was still hope.”
After Hungary was liberated in early 1945, Carl and Gertrud returned to Switzerland. Without a shared humanitarian mission, the marriage fell apart and they divorced in 1946. Three years later, Carl married Magda Csanyi, a Jewish woman he had saved, and adopted her daughter Agnes.
Carl was not honored for his heroism for many years. On the contrary, when he got back to Switzerland he was criticized for exceeding his authority by saving Jews; the government didn’t want their neutrality called into question. In 1958, the Swiss understanding of World War II started to change, and Carl Lutz was “rehabilitated” and honored as the great man he was. The riverside promenade where he saved the wounded Jewish woman from drowning is now the Carl Lutz Rakpart. A street in Haifa, Israel was named after him, and in 1965, Carl became the first Swiss national to be honored as “Righteous Among the Nations” by Israeli Holocaust Memorial Yad Vashem. There are other memorials to him in Washington DC, Israel, Switzerland, and Budapest, where the Glass House is now a small museum. Carl died in 1975 in Bern, Switzerland.
For saving the lives of over 62,000 (!) Jews, we honor Swiss diplomat Carl Lutz as this week’s Thursday Hero.
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odinsblog · 6 months
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“How about, for balance, encouraging Putin to have the courage to withdraw his army from Ukraine?” Polish Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski wrote on X. “Peace would immediately ensue without the need for negotiations.”
Leaders in Ukraine vehemently rejected Pope Francis’s suggestion of negotiations with Russia to bring an end to the war — his use of the words “white flag” drawing particular scorn — reiterating that the country would never surrender.
In a recent interview, Francis used the term “white flag,” repeating the words of a journalist, which some read as a call to surrender.
President Volodymyr Zelensky responded to the pope without naming him in his nightly address Sunday.
Praising Ukrainian chaplains on the front line, Zelensky said: “This is what the church is — it is together with people, not two and a half thousand kilometers away somewhere, virtually mediating between someone who wants to live and someone who wants to destroy you.”
Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba urged the Vatican to support the Ukrainian people “in their just struggle for their lives,” writing: “Our flag is blue and yellow. Under it, we live, die, and triumph. We will not raise any other flags.” He thanked Francis for his prayers for peace and urged him to visit Ukraine.
The pope’s remarks were made in an interview with Swiss broadcaster Radio Télévision Suisse, recorded in February, part of which was released Saturday. The full interview is set to air March 20.
According to a transcript translated and shared by the Vatican news agency, interviewer Lorenzo Buccella asked Francis: “In Ukraine, some call for the courage of surrender, of the white flag. But others say that this would legitimize the stronger party. What do you think?”
Francis responded by saying that, in his opinion, the stronger side is the one “who has the courage of the white flag, to negotiate.”
The controversy prompted a clarification from the Vatican.
“The Pope uses the term white flag, and responds by picking up the image proposed by the interviewer, to indicate a cessation of hostilities, a truce reached with the courage of negotiation,” spokesman Matteo Bruni said in a statement, adding that the Pope stated that negotiations are never a “surrender.”
Though he has often condemned the war in Ukraine, Francis has provoked debate within the church over whether his messaging on the conflict has been too cautious and too focused on maintaining ties with the Russian Orthodox Church. His supporters argue that maintaining neutrality has long been at the center of Holy See diplomacy.
In May 2023, after his first private meeting with Francis following the outbreak of war, Zelensky said any peace formula “must be Ukrainian” and any role of the Vatican must be in service to Ukraine’s peace formula.
Ukrainian church leaders and Ukraine’s allies, too, pushed back against the pope’s latest remarks.
Sviatoslav Shevchuk, the head of Ukraine’s Greek Catholic Church, told a prayer gathering in New York that no one in Ukraine “even thinks of surrendering,” the same day that part of the interview was released. A later statement by church leaders said they would not “dwell” on the pope’s remarks and instead emphasized that Ukraine is a victim of Russia’s aggression.
“How about, for balance, encouraging Putin to have the courage to withdraw his army from Ukraine?” Polish Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski wrote on X. “Peace would immediately ensue without the need for negotiations.”
(continue reading)
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miasmaghoul · 7 months
miasma I need your thoughts on this but if you had to assign a Mass Effect race to each ghoul what would each ghoul be (multiple ghouls can be the same race or everyone can be different, dealers choice!)
(I am basing this mostly on personality, not physical characteristics.)
Turian: Dew, Swiss, Mountain
Fiercely loyal and dedicated, would do anything for those close to them. Can be a bit intense, but take great pride in being able to care for their people.
Asari: Aurora, Cumulus, Terra
Elegant, beautiful and whip-smart, their femininity can be used as a weapon as much as an enticement. Don't underestimate them because of their beauty, though, or they're liable to eat you alive.
Krogan: Ifrit, Alpha
Stoic but quick to anger, would rather fight that have a discussion of any kind. Not ones for diplomacy, they'd rather take what they want or die trying.
Quarian: Rain, Zephyr, Aeon
Incredibly intelligent, skilled with their hands and with technology. Can come across as cold or strange, but nothing means more to them than their community.
Drell: Aether, Omega, Mist
Subservient, but not in a way that makes them lesser. Deeply faithful, honored to care for those they serve, and unparalleled storytellers.
Salarian: Ivy, Cirrus
Knowledge is power, and no one is smarter than they are. Keen experimenters and inventors, they're always gathering information - whether the others know it or not.
Vorcha: Pebble, Sunshine
Creechur. That's all I have to say about that.
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twwpress · 10 months
Weekly Press Briefing #74: November 19th - 25th
Welcome back to the Weekly Press Briefing, where we bring you highlights from The West Wing fandom each week, including new fics, ongoing challenges, and more! This briefing covers all things posted from November 19 - 25, 2023! Did we miss something? Let us know; you can find our contact info at the bottom of this briefing! 
There are no open challenges/prompts that we know of this week. Do you have a challenge or event you’d like us to promote or know of one we’re missing? Be sure to get in touch with us! Contact info is at the bottom of this briefing.
This Week in Canon:
Welcome back to This Week in Canon, where we revisit moments in The West Wing that occurred on these dates during the show’s run.
Season 1, Episode 9: The Short List aired on November 24, 1999.
Season 2, Episode 8: The Portland Trip aired on November 22, 2000.
Season 3, Episode 7: The Indians in the Lobby aired on November 21, 2001.
Season 4, Episode 9: Swiss Diplomacy aired on November 20, 2002.
Season 5, Episode 8: Shutdown aired on November 19, 2003.
Season 6, Episode 6: The Dover Test aired on November 24, 2004.
Here’s what was posted from November 19 - November 25:
Bradley Whitford posted a photo of Elton the cat awaiting Thanksgiving dinner. 
Bradley Whitford posted a photo of his wife Amy with their dogs and a funny caption. 
Josh Malina posted a video calling for the release of Israeli hostages taken by Hamas terrorists. 
Josh Malina posted a screenshot promoting his Red Cross blood donation team, JOSH MALINA IS NICE!.
Marlee Matlin posted art of hand turkeys spelling out Happy Thanksgving in ASL. 
Mary McCormack posted a throwback photo of Allison Janney with her kids when they were tiny, along with a touching birthday message. 
Peter James Smith posted a photo of a bunch of his old The West Wing scripts. 
Peter James Smith posted photos from Here Lies Love, which is ending its run on Broadway. 
Peter James Smith posted clips from his appearance on Upload. 
Rob Lowe posted promoting Liberty or Death: Boston Tea Party. 
Rob Lowe posted photos from I Melt With You and recommended it as an alternative to feel-good Christmas movies. 
Donna Moss Daily: November 19 | November 20 | November 21 | November 22 | November 23 | November 24 | November 25
Daily Josh Lyman: November 19 | November 20 | November 21 | November 22 | November 23 | November 24 | November 25
No Context BWhit: November 19 | November 20 | November 21 | November 22 | November 23 | November 24 | November 25
@twwarchive: November 19 
@iamhere4191 is looking for a fic. Details here, interact with the post or contact us directly if you think you know the fic!
Editors’ Choice: 
The Portland Trip first aired 23 years ago this week, so we are featuring some fics set during it or inspired by it!
drinks, dinner, dancing, dessert by joshatella (shuuuliet) | Rated G | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | Complete | Josh, being Josh, ruins Donna's date, the night she shows up in the bullpen in a red dress. Then, Josh, being Josh, sets out to fix what he's broken. Missing scenes to 2x07: The Portland Trip. Wish We Could Be Like That by supernatural_mondler (starzinoureyes) | Rated G | Josh Lyman/Sam Seaborn | Complete | Post-ep to s2e7 The Portland Trip. The Marriage Recognition Act. don't want you to go but I'll be okay by Luppiters | Rated T | Danny Concannon/C. J. Cregg | Complete | C.J. finds some unexpected closure when she goes out for dinner during the Portland trip. Fish Nor Fowl by Marguerite | Rated T | No Pairings Listed | Complete | "Oh man," Josh said aloud, rubbing his temples with the knuckles of his index fingers. "Just how badly did I screw this up?" - Post-ep to The Portland Trip. A Donna Moss Musical Moment Poem by Piper135 | Rated G | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | Complete | The difference for me is exactly the same Replaying intimations, again and again A touch, a glance, a lingering look An intimate dedication in an antique book An imagined thought process as Donna leaves the building after a long day and a terrible date. even i don't know myself tonight by belledamn | Rated M | Ainsley Hayes/Donna Moss | Complete | Ainsley’s body is warm against hers, and she smells good, and Donna’s never done anything like this before but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t feel good.
Stay tuned for our reblog with this week's fics!
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toyybox · 1 year
Spiderwebs #4: Diplomacy
content: lab whump, kidnapping, non-consensual drugging, failed escape attempt
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Jackie did not realize the severity of his situation for a while—he blamed it on the bullets—but it did eventually dawn on him that, yes, he was locked in a stranger’s basement. For a reason he still was not privy to. Again, very rude. He could rule out human trafficking, more or less, considering that the unnamed lady wanted him dead. That still left serial killer, hitman, or organ salesman on the list, none of which were much better options. 
He needed to escape. That much was clear. It was what every prisoner did, what every prisoner wanted. It kept his thoughts occupied, in any case. 
There were no windows in the basement. It was cold and somewhat dusty. There was no carpet, only concrete, and the walls were painted a nondescript off-white. There were two doors. One, he assumed, led to a different room. The other, which sat atop a flight of stairs, led out of the basement. The doors were all very fancy. Almost Gothic, dark mahogany under a slight glaze, all very intimidating. Enough about the doors, though. He doubted they were unlocked, and even if they were he’d have trouble opening them in his current position—that is, trussed up like a Christmas goose. 
Sneaking out would be hard, then. He was willing to bargain with his captor. Jackie was smart enough to realize that cooperation would get him farther than blind rage. Blind rage had a time and a place, of course. Preferably when his opponent did not wield an aluminum bat. Until then…
He kept searching. There were a few pieces of furniture—a decaying dresser, the empty frame of a mirror, a wooden chair and table. There was a large, boxy freezer—large enough to store a few bodies, at least—though it was currently unplugged. There was a cardboard box of cleaning supplies, and Jackie could see the handle of a broom sticking out. A lone light hung from the ceiling. He hoped it wouldn’t go out any time soon. Lord knew what he’d keep busy with in a dark room.
Would the police believe him? He wasn’t sure how many people had died at his new captor’s hands, or how many people would die in the future. He had a duty, no? To tell the cops? To guide the hand of justice? Then again, maybe it wasn’t any of his damned business. He’d keep his hands clean of the whole affair and hopefully be a free man before his vacation days ended. He’d stay safe, he’d stay quiet, and he’d forget it ever happened.
There was not much else to contemplate. There was a steady ache in his chest, in his head, and around his wrists. The pain was already becoming familiar, however, fading into white noise along with the buzz of the lights. Jackie nearly fell asleep again when the door opened.
“Hello.” At the door, she wore a cashmere sweater, not a bloody apron. Her hair fell loosely around her neck, scraping her shoulders. She held a glass of water in her right hand, clasped the doorknob in her left. There was nothing violent in her expression, nothing but a soft indifference. “Feeling alright?”
Jackie nearly replied with no, before he realized the gag was still on. He shrugged instead, hoping to appear aloof but reasonable, unhappy but in a diplomatic way.
“Great.” She stepped down the stairs. The sound had an echo to it, and so did her voice. “You must be thirsty. Here.” She set a glass down in front of him, where he sat on the floor.
Jackie tilted his head. He flexed his hands, still bound in the thick rope. The lady nodded and pulled a Swiss Army knife from her pocket. Reaching over his shoulder, she worked at the ropes. Her hair brushed his cheek. Her hands were cold as they grazed against his. 
She pulled the ropes away. Jackie wrung his wrists, then pulled down the chiffon scarf from his mouth. “Thanks.”
She brushed her bangs off her face. “You’re welcome. Now, drink something. We’re going to have a conversation.”
It was an unwavering command. The staccato tone she used made him uneasy. Still, he took the glass. There was no use in starting an argument. 
“I never got your name, did I?” he said.
“Hm.” Her eyes narrowed, only slightly. “You’ll be here for a while. We might as well get to know each other. I’m Heather.”
“That’s a plant, isn’t it? Like lavender?”
“I suppose, but I’m not a botanist.” 
“What are you, then? If you don’t mind me asking?”
She definitely did mind. “Drink that first, then we’ll talk.”
He drank the water, then handed her the empty glass. “You’re not a hitman, are you?”
Heather let out a curt laugh. “No, not at all. I’m a chemist, though I take an interest in biology these days. I’m sure you want to know why I brought you here. Truth be told, I want you dead. I wanted your heart, Jackie.”
He blinked. “Oh.”
“Not in the metaphorical sense. I wanted the literal organ.” Heather stood up straighter and continued. “I needed something to test on, that’s all. I’m sure you wouldn’t mind, right? Your contribution would have helped science immensely. That’s not the problem, in any case. The problem is that I have your heart, and you’re still alive.”
Jackie nodded, slowly, wondering if it was better to call the psychiatrist instead of the police. 
Heather stared down at him, expressionless. “You don’t believe me, do you?”
“No, I believe you. You shot me a few times, I think that proves it.” This was a lie. All things died. Jackie knew that. That raw, bloody thing in the jar wasn’t his heart—he still had a pulse, didn’t he? He was still breathing. There was some other explanation he was too panicked to notice. He’d tell Heather whatever she wanted to hear, though, whatever would help him survive this. “But you do know that murder is illegal, right?”
“No, I thought the police would be thrilled to see my organ collection. Moving on, I have good news and bad news.”
Jackie didn’t like the phrase organ collection. He supposed that a scientist could also be a serial killer. Being a scientist would probably make the work a lot easier, now that he thought about it. He’d bet she had access to all sorts of neat trinkets and tools. What was next, her human leather scrapbook? “Okay, start with the bad news.”
“You’re going to stay here, in my house, for the rest of your life.” She said it with such a candid air. “I’ll provide food, water, whatever you need. New clothes, maybe. You’ll sleep in the basement, of course. That door over there is for the bathroom. The shower is broken, by the way. If you want to use the one upstairs, don’t be afraid to ask.”
“Wow. The bare minimum. You’re an angel.”
She powered on without so much as a glare. “Yes, I know. Regardless, I will say this. Don’t try to escape. I’d rather work with you, not against you, but I’m not afraid of getting my hands dirty.”
Or her closet, apparently. “Why are you keeping me here, again? Remind me.”
“I can’t let you run off to the police after all that, can I? Besides, I need a test subject.”
He scowled. “Why don’t you buy a hamster, then?”
“I’m banned from PetSmart, and hamsters aren’t immortal. That’s the good news, by the way. You’re immortal.” She paused, as if waiting for Jackie to pop a bottle of champagne and start clapping. “You’re a biological miracle, and I’m not letting that slip away.”
Jackie stood up to face her properly. “Listen, this all sounds great, but I’ve got other plans on my calendar. Let me go now and I won’t say a word to the cops. I won’t say a word to anybody. Deal?”
“You are aware that I’m holding you captive, right? I make the deals, not you.” She glanced away as she spoke, but looked back to study his expression. “Are you starting to feel tired, Jackie?”
He completely ignored her question. “That’s not a deal, that’s a decision. I say we make a deal. I can give you money? I can let you shoot me a few times, if that’s what you want?”
“That would be highly unprofessional. I’d need to shoot you more than just a few times to confirm my results. And I’d like to test more than just bullets.” She tilted the glass in her hand. “I’ll start the tests tomorrow. Don't look so worried. It’s not as bad as it sounds. Get some rest. Think it over.”
She stood up and walked over to the door upstairs without so much as a second glance. Bargaining hadn’t worked. Clearly, Heather wasn’t interested in his opinion. He wasn’t a variable in this. His thoughts were casualties, his feelings on the matter collateral damage. He would need to resort to other means. 
He followed her to the base of the stairs, quiet as physically possible, treading around the echo. This physical exertion blurred his vision—he fought to keep it fixed on his target. 
As soon as the door opened, he ran up the steps and lunged. 
He shoved her to the ground with as much force as he could gather. There was a short gasping sound as the air was pushed out of her lungs. When she reached for the Swiss knife, he grabbed her wrist and kept it from moving. 
Heather… wasn’t fighting back. She was just watching him, observing him. He felt as though the test had already started. No matter, he needed to move quickly. Rats in mazes didn’t stop to ask questions, did they? He needed to disable her somehow. Restrain her. Jackie pinned her wrist to the ground with one hand and reached for the knife in her pocket with the other.
He let go, for only a moment, as he felt pain crack in his chest. She’d kicked him. That moment was enough for her to keep going and sock him in the nose. The smell of blood began to bloom inside his skull. He wiped his nose, swung at her, missed. She pushed. He nearly fell down the stairs, but managed to hold on by the sleeve of her sweater.
“Are you feeling tired yet?” Heather smiled, still pinned under him yet oh-so confident. “Vision getting blurry? Movement appears to be uncoordinated? I think dry mouth was a side effect.”
“What the hell are you going on about?” He attempted to stand up. This was a bad idea, it seemed, because he lost balance and fell on top of her. 
He was vaguely aware of how embarrassing this was, vaguely aware of her body under him, but that knowledge wasn’t much help. Every attempt at moving his limbs again was like trying to swim to the bottom of a swimming pool. His thoughts, too, were underwater, distorted by the viscosity of it all. The only thing he could manage was catching his breath.
“I drugged you, Jackie. Or, more specifically, I drugged your water.” She shrugged. “I expected a fight. I wasn’t happy about it, by the way. I was hoping you’d be a little more sensible.”
“And stay in your basement?” he managed to snap back, though it took a hot minute to form the words. “I’m not going to...“
“Come on, Jack.” She was grinning now. “Get up. Fight me. The door’s right there. Your last chance at leaving.”
“Not my last chance,” he hissed. With a heave, he lifted himself off the floor. “You can’t stop me.”
She pushed him away like a ragdoll. His head slammed on the hard surface of the railing. “Get up and fight, then. Go on. Just stand up. It’s not so hard, is it? It’s only a mild sedative. You can do it.”
He looked up at her. There was a certain glow around her silhouette as she stood against the sunlight, a certain blur around her features. The sunlight! He could run. He could make it. He could go home. This little adventure was starting to wear down on him. If only Heather would move out of the way. She was grinning harder now, or maybe it was his mind playing tricks. That was the last thing he saw, that strange apparition, before it all faded.
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dronebetter · 7 months
travel back to the mid-1970's to obtain a degree in television writing in order to sit to the writers' room during the conceptual design phase of the then-upcoming programme Star Trek: The Next Generation, and propose (before anyone else has the idea for either of them) that there be introduced an android whose name is Borg (it is ironic, you see, because he is not in actuality a cyborg) and a lifeform-assimilating collective consciousness known as the Data (whose name belies their effective fungibility and consequent lack of regard for individual members) and then travel to the present of the timeline you have created in order to experience what life would be like without the snide pedants who ask you whether you're talking about the Star Trek character when you incorrectly pluralise data (the mass noun)
or maybe find yourself in a world in which the bastion of Star Trek preserved another word against the unrelenting tides of linguistic drift and our common usage never took hold in the first place (which would also be a preferable world in which to live, however you would have to hold your tongue to avoid unwittingly becoming the spark of a terrible fragmentation until you get used to the convention) and people are on average slightly more knowledgeable about Latin, and as such Italy (having the language that most closely resembles it) experiences 3% more annual tourism revenue, their traditional foodstuffs become more commonly consumed the world over and they become known as a country of peace and surpass Switzerland as the diplomacy capital of Europe, conversely sparking tensions between the two (for you see, the diplomacy industry was founded primarily upon blood) and eventually leading to a cold war culminating in Swiss mechanised* octopodes (they are less endangered due to the world's slight increase to understanding of Latin also causing preservation efforts to be less encumbered by discussion of etymology, and therefore more weaponisable) and the creation of a giant robotic Mussolini (replete with his brain that was secretly preserved in case of such an eventuality) as a last-ditch defence mechanism (Dead Hand-style) that goes haywire and causes our extinction by nuclear warfare and then thinks upon its wrongdoings for many millions of years before aiding the dual species descended from termites and cockroaches that rise to sapience and inherit the Earth in parallel in overcoming their natural distrust towards each other before teaching them about steam engines
or maybe do not risk that and instead dismantle and destroy all evidence of your time machine to avoid others befalling this same terrible fate,** and sigh happily every time you see footnotes tacked onto the dictionary entries for data that would previously have upset you (by reminding you that they would need not exist if people had been more careful about preserving our beautiful language), content that the Earth is safe in its etymo-linguistic and culinary ignorance
*(no-one says cyborg anymore due to the confusion with the popular The Next Generation character, Borg, and it is forevermore relegated to antiquated science fiction books)
**(the time machine only transports oneself to the destination timeline which diverges from the origin one thereupon, Homestuck-style)
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ervbt · 11 months
Switzerland: Land of Rich History, Diverse Culture, and Pristine Landscape
Switzerland a picturesque European country is known for its stunning landscapes which history and vibrant culture in the middle ages, it was a patchwork of cantons, united through the Swiss confederation. Despite their independence, the Swiss remain neutral during conflicts, making the country a haven of diplomacy. In 1848, the Swiss federal state was established solidifying modern Switzerland's political structure. The country's policy of armed neutrality during the world wars therefore enhanced its reputation for peace, Swiss society is characterize by its diversity. The country's population is a mix of German, French, Italian, and Romans speakers. Its linguistic diversity reflects the coexistence of different cultural traditions and values, contributing to a multicultural society. The Swiss are known for their strong sense of community, punctuality, and precision.
During my visit in Switzerland I spend $70 to $100 per day and this includes staying in budget accomodations, eating budget restaurants, and using public transportation. But for mid range travelers, you can expect to spend around $200 to $300 per day. Switzerland has strict regulations that visitors should be aware of. It is essential and maintain cleanliness. Also, Switzerland is known for its impeccable public transportation, and understanding the timetables and ticketing system is crucial for an enjoyable visit.
Switzerland's culture and traditions are deeply rooted in its diverse linguistic regions, each in its own unique customs and heritage. And some of the Swiss culture and tradition are;
Religious Traditions:
Switzerland has a history of religious diversity. While the majority of Swiss are Christian, there is a significant Jewish, Muslim, and Hindu presence.
Customs and Etiquette:
Swiss people are known for their punctuality, precision, and a strong sense of community. Greeting with a firm handshake is customary, and addressing people by their title and surname is a sign of respect.
Swiss architecture reflects the country's diverse cultural influences. You can find charming chalets in the Alpine regions and historic cities with well-preserved medieval and Renaissance buildings.
Sports and Recreation:
Switzerland is a haven for outdoor enthusiasts. Skiing, snowboarding, and mountaineering are popular activities in the Alps during the winter, while hiking and mountain biking are enjoyed in the summer
Arts and Crafts:
Switzerland has a strong tradition of craftsmanship. Swiss watchmaking is legendary for its precision and quality
Swiss cuisine is influenced by neighboring countries. Fondue and raclette, both cheese-based dishes, are Swiss staples.
Music and Dance:
Switzerland has a rich musical tradition. The Alpine region is known for yodeling, and the accordion is a common instrument in Swiss folk music.
Festivals and Celebrations:
Fasnacht (Carnival): Fasnacht is a lively pre-Lenten carnival celebrated in various Swiss cities, with Basel's carnival being the most famous. Participants wear elaborate costumes and masks, and there are parades, music, and traditional foods.
Alpabzug (Cattle Descent): This is a traditional celebration when cows are brought down from the Alpine pastures to the valleys in late summer. It's marked by festive processions, music, and traditional alpine costumes.
Linguistic Diversity: Switzerland is a multilingual country with four national languages: German, French, Italian, and Romansh. This linguistic diversity is a significant part of Swiss identity.
The coexistence of these diverse cultural and traditional elements contributes to a rich and vibrant cultural tapestry. I had the opportunity to immerse in the unique blend of cultures and traditions while experiencing the breathtaking natural beauty of the country.
Switzerland celebrates its national day, known as "Swiss National Day", on August 1st each year. This celebration marks the historic funding of the Swiss confederation in 1291. Festivities include fireworks, parades, and gatherings in towns and cities flags and enjoy traditional Swiss foods, including raclette and fondae. Swiss National Day is a time for the people of Switzerland to come together and commemorate their shared culture, history, and unity as a nation.
About the country's climate, it varies base on location and altitude. The alpine regions have cold winters and mild summers, making them ideal for winter sports. The lowlands experience milder winters and warmer summers. Swiss weather can be unpredictable, so its wise to dress in layers and be prepared for sudden changes.
Switzerland is a country that seamlessly combines a rich history, diverse culture, and breathtaking natural beauty. Wether you are exploring its historic cities, indulging in delectable cuisine, or taking in the stunning Alpine landscapes, Switzerland offers a wonderful experience that I will never forget.
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sonicskullsalt · 2 years
Favourite things about TLOVM s2e7
(possible spoilers for any of the campaigns because I watched them and might reference them)
the green fluffy dragons in the fey realm, remind me of Fuchur from The Never-ending Story
Pikelan standing next to each other, hair flowing in the wind, watching their son Grog destroy an evil sword
the disintegrating 'mountain range'
Fearne has got a pretty similar staff
Billy Boyd as Garmelie! Billy Boyd as Garmelie! Billy Boyd as Garmelie!
Swiss Army Knive Grog (and his lil squeaks, and his puppy dog eyes)
Damn, Keyleth, you really gotta learn your spells. - flashback to the dark days
Come on, man, at least let us help out a little - NO!
🎶 Makin' my way 🎵 YEEHAW
What, did I say something wrong again? Nah, you're making fun of me. SCANLAN!
Percy struggling with Diplomacy and only making it work by hitting it.
The drug trip! A+ content! Really hope Sandkeg makes it into Season 3
I can taste the colours 🌈
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cftragedy · 1 year
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Ezrak and Layla were raised among snakes, brought up by a viper herself to be calculating, exacting, and above all else, level headed in moments of crisis. And, indeed, if this had been a matter of diplomacy or policy, Ezrak would have remained as such. But the twins were one in the same in one aspect, and it was matters of heart. As he had heard her moon over the Polish prince, only for that affection to turn to vitriol and indignation, so had she born witness to his own flights of fancy, men and women who drew his eye and attention, and left as quickly. Through it all, there had been one constant. (Two constants, but Ezrak could not pile more than one crisis on her or himself presently.)
She had long since had to listen to his pining for the Duchess of York, his dramatics over her fixation on Maxim Windsor of all people, his hesitancy to ever suggest such a match to their parents. That rejection would be entirely too final, a final nail in a coffin he'd long been ignoring. But now Nilani had been approached by his mother, and...and Maxim had a wife and a child, and he would deny the latter made near the same difference as the former. It was a stressful time, in general, and he'd come to care for the Swiss princess, and Nilani held his heart in his hands, and-- so the stress was wearing on him now. This was the reason he now sought her out. nothing more.
He breezes past the guards at the front of the wing, paying them little mind than to ask where Layla was. He tracks her down, because of course he does, and all but collapses into a heap of drama at her side. "Kız kardeşim, if I have meant anything to you in the nearly three decades we have endured this existence together, you will take me out swiftly and painlessly, that I can continue to avoid my problems into eternity." He sighs, looking at her. "Anne has, ah, had words with Nilani, and I can hardly believe they were kind. Or approving. She has not yet approached me on the matter, but it is only a matter of time and until that moment comes I live on borrowed time."
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ohfantasy · 1 year
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little lady love , daydream darling , keep your illusions , the world is watching .
( ellie bamber, genderqueer, she/her, 21) ** ♔ announcing MARIA ELISABET VON HABSBURG,  the PRINCESS OF AUSTRIA ! in a recent portrait they seem to resemble ELLIE BAMBER. it is a miracle that SHE survived the last five years and for that reason, they are UNSURE OF the kingdoms working together. reflecting on them now, they remind me of ATTEMPTING LONELINESS YET FINDING THEMSELVES ALWAYS ATTENDED, DOTING FAMILY AND FRIENDS ( SO DOTING , ONE MIGHT SUFFOCATE ), SEEKING FREEDOM THROUGH UNCONVENTIONAL MEANS AND THE GLIMMER OF SUNSET THROUGH DAPPLED LEAVES.
A small thing , when she was born . A little premature , a month or so , a bundle against her mother's breast more than that of a wet nurse . She did not cry often , did not wail or scream . Sometimes , maids would worry if the babe had truly come into this world already in the hands of G-d, and the body was still catching up to His plan .
Growing up , now with the darling name Maria Elisabet , the princess would trail after siblings when not taking lesson or sitting upon her father's lap , reading him back the words he taught her . Always at their hems , a gaggle of maids three-step behind , quiet and never somber . There were times she spoke. When being taught , when asked a question , when desiring attention that could not be bought with a smile or a tug of lace . Her voice was quiet , almost crackled , like the top of an overbaked macaron . It was endearing , in childhood.
Though , in teenagedom , the diplomacy lessons started in earnest. For you see , the world may make war . Austria , however, would wed its way to victory . ( Though Lilibet would think on Croatia, the Ottomans , the land surrounding them , at that statement . )
She remained the babe . The youngest of the brood . But the learning was vigorous , and the duty instilled . To be of use to the people that dote on her , this darling of their land must wed well enough to secure better bonds for the spread of the empire . And .. despite her romantic disposition , and into adulthood , her penchant for attempting to slip out through hidden walkways in the stableboy's britches , marry well she would do .
Especially when her beloved father was killed , and the loss of her brother removed even more stability from beneath her feet .
The plague was terrible --- and this child was bedridden for most of it . Only on keen attendance and stubbornness did she pull through . Her wounds are inside , the outside a porcelain through and through , and despite the scars to her lungs and heart , here at the Swiss summit she stands , alongside the siblings she adores so much .
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noahwright · 1 year
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do they have any distinctive scars, tattoos, or marks?
“ yeah, i have twenty-seven tatts and, uhm ... a few scars. the biggest one is a burn scar in the left side of my torso, right under my ribs. it's quite the story too. oh! and i have a birth mark on the base of my neck, it has a weird leaf shape, i don't know. it's weird. ”
everybody’s hiding something—a fear, a weakness, a strength, an unpopular opinion. what are you hiding right now?
“ a chocolate bar i found in one of the suitcases. it's swiss, but got milk in it, so i'm saving it just in case. don't tell anyone, please. ”
do you believe rescue is possible at this point? why or why not?
“ i don't know, mate, i try not to think about it. we've been here for three months already and i— i just hope they hadn't forgotten or lost their hopes, that's all. ”
what did you dream about last night?
“ oh, my brother theo and i make this amazing, succulent black beans burgers with mashed potatoes that, ugh — they're so good? i've been dreaming with that for the last two weeks, it's torture, honestly. ”
what is the most embarrassing thing to ever happen to you?
“ well, i ... do have an important, embarrassing amount of those, not gonna lie, but ... once i accidentally pulled down some random middle-aged lady's pants on the ice skating park because i was falling and didn't find anything else to grab so my fall wouldn't be so terrible so ... yeah. poor lady, had spongebob panties i'm afraid weren't even hers. ”
do you prefer fighting with your fists or using diplomacy?
“ it depends. diplomacy is nice and all, but sometimes ... a punch to the face is needed. people are dumb, you know? ”
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occrpnewsagency · 7 years
Azerbaijani Laundromat includes two Malta firms
Over €440,000 passed through Malta firms for UK shell company employed in Azerbaijani slush fund
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Malta-registered companies have been featured in the extensive global network through which money from an Azerbaijan slush fund passed.
The data features in revelations published by the OCCRP (Organised Crime and Corruption Reporting Project) into the so called ‘Azerbaijani Laundromat’, a complex money-laundering operation that handled €2.5 billion over a two-year period through four shell companies registered in the UK.
From 2012 to 2014, the money was used by the country’s ruling elite to pay off European politicians, buy luxury goods, launder money, and otherwise benefit themselves.
During the same time period, the Malta company Vostok Media Exchange Ltd was used to process a total of €438,000 in nine separate payments to an English company, Metastar Invest LLP; while Metastar paid another Maltese company, Wise Holding Ltd, €9,510.
Vostok Media Exchange was set up in Malta in 2009, and its ownership is vested in PGM Group SA, which is registered in the tax haven of the British Virgin Islands. Its directorship is held by the Swiss fiduciary services firm Comatrans.
On its part, Wise Holding’s ownership is vested in a Polish firm while its directorship is held by Polish residents in Malta with similar other directorships in Malta-registered firms.
There is so far no information as to what the payments were for.
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OCCRP understands that a company in Malta called Wise holding limited was incorporated with the Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA) in May 2014, suggesting that in 2013 no monies could have been paid to this company. After a protest by its owner Artur Lukasiewicz, this newspaper could find no indiciation that any money was received from Metastar Invest.
According to the investigation by the OCCRP and newspapers such as The Guardian, the money laundering network used four UK shell companies, one of which was Metastar Invest. Its HQ was registered at a service address in Birmingham but ultimately controlled by a company in a tax haven.
Records show that the now dissolved Metastar was run by two “members”: Advance Developments Ltd and Corporate Solutions Ltd, also dissolved and based in Belize.
In turn Metastar controlled other companies, such as Armut, which is alleged to have siphoned €192 million of funds paid by the hedge fund Hermitage Capital Management to the Russian treasury. This particular scandal involved an organised Russian criminal syndicate, the Klyuev Group, which, it is claimed, has stolen at least $800m from the Russian people with the aid of the Russian government.
Sergei Magnitsky, a lawyer working for Hermitage, blew the whistle on the scandal – only to be imprisoned in Russia, and allegedly tortured in a bid to withdraw his testimony. While in prison he developed gallstones, pancreatitis and a blocked gall bladder. A human rights council set up by the Kremlin found that he was physically assaulted shortly before his death, which was the direct result of being denied urgent medical care needed to treat his conditions.
The scandal has only reinforced the perception of corruption at the heart of gas-rich Baku, where the Aliyev dynasty has held sway since the fall of communism.
In a more recent case, an Italian MP was found to have taken bribes to issue favourable reports on Azerbaijan at the Council of Europe. Italian prosecutors accused Luca Volontè, the former chair of the centre-right group in the Council of Europe’s parliamentary assembly, of accepting millions of euros in cash from Azerbaijan in exchange for supporting its government, which has been heavily criticised for subverting elections and jailing journalists and opponents. 
Azerbaijan is often accused of “caviar diplomacy”, using cash and gifts to buy influence – charges first detailed by the European Stability Initiative think-tank in 2012. The council notably voted down a critical report on Azerbaijan’s political prisoners in 2013.
Former Labour MP Joe Debono Grech, a member of the Council of Europe’s parliamentary assembly who was a rapporteur on various reports on Azerbaijan, had denied ever receiving gifts from Baku.
He also had told this newspaper that a speech at a 2015 CoE assembly was misinterpreted. “I do not condone dictatorships,” Debono Grech had told OCCRP, adding that Azerbaijan is “not a democracy”.
But he was adamant that Azerbaijan could not be turned into another Libya.
While admitting that “nobody approves of unwarranted arrests,” Debono Grech described the situation as “complex” and echoed Azerbaijan’s arguments that there is no clear definition of what constitutes a political prisoner.
Way back in 2012, a report by the South East Europe think-tank, European Stability Initiative (ESI), had already included Debono Grech among the list of Azerbaijani apologists, for failing to flag irregularities in the 2010 and 2013 elections in which Ilham Aliyev consolidated his grip on power.
Debono Grech, who served as co-rapporteur for six years, during which he visited Azerbaijan some 30 times, denied ever receiving gifts from the Caucasian dictatorship.
“I can only vouch for myself, but I never received any gifts,” Debono Grech said, who even as consultant to the Gozo minister had refused any remuneration for his role.
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louis0077 · 1 month
Geneva Dentist: Your Guide to Exceptional Dental Care
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Geneva, a city known for its stunning landscapes, international diplomacy, and cultural richness, is also home to a thriving healthcare sector. Among the many essential services available in this Swiss city, dental care stands out as a critical component of overall health and well-being. Whether you're a resident or just passing through, knowing how to find a reliable Geneva dentist, an experienced orthodontist Geneva can make a significant difference in your oral health journey.
Understanding the Role of a Geneva Dentist
A Geneva dentist is more than just a healthcare provider; they are your partner in maintaining optimal oral health. Dentists in Geneva offer a wide range of services, from routine check-ups and cleanings to more complex procedures like fillings, crowns, and root canals. Regular visits to a Geneva dentist are essential for preventing oral health issues and ensuring that any potential problems are detected early.
Services Offered by a Geneva Dentist
Preventive Care: Regular cleanings, fluoride treatments, and dental sealants to prevent cavities and gum disease.
Restorative Procedures: Fillings, crowns, bridges, and implants to restore damaged or missing teeth.
Cosmetic Dentistry: Teeth whitening, veneers, and bonding to enhance the appearance of your smile.
Oral Surgery: Tooth extractions, wisdom teeth removal, and other minor surgical procedures.
Pediatric Dentistry: Specialized care for children, including preventive and educational services.
Choosing a Geneva dentist who offers a comprehensive range of services ensures that all your dental needs are met under one roof. Additionally, it’s important to select a dentist who uses the latest technology and adheres to the highest standards of patient care.
Orthodontist Geneva: Achieving a Perfect Smile
Orthodontics is a specialized field of dentistry that focuses on correcting misaligned teeth and jaws. If you're looking to improve your smile or address functional issues like bite alignment, an orthodontist Geneva can help. Orthodontists use braces, clear aligners, and other appliances to gradually move teeth into their proper positions.
Why Visit an Orthodontist Geneva?
Correcting Misalignment: Misaligned teeth can lead to various problems, including difficulty chewing, speech issues, and increased risk of tooth decay and gum disease. An orthodontist Geneva can correct these issues, improving both function and aesthetics.
Boosting Confidence: A straight, well-aligned smile can significantly boost your self-esteem and confidence. Whether you're an adult or a teenager, orthodontic treatment can enhance your appearance and overall well-being.
Preventing Future Problems: Misaligned teeth can cause uneven wear on tooth enamel, leading to further complications down the road. Orthodontic treatment can help prevent these issues, ensuring long-term oral health.
Types of Orthodontic Treatments
Traditional Braces: Metal braces are the most common and effective method for correcting misalignment. They are suitable for both minor and severe cases.
Ceramic Braces: Similar to traditional braces but made of tooth-colored materials, ceramic braces are less noticeable.
Clear Aligners: Clear aligners like Invisalign offer a nearly invisible alternative to braces, ideal for adults and teens who prefer a discreet option.
When choosing an orthodontist Geneva, it’s crucial to select a practitioner with experience and a proven track record of successful treatments. Consultations with an orthodontist will help you determine the best course of action based on your specific needs.
Emergency Dentist Geneva: Immediate Care When You Need It
Dental emergencies can happen at any time, and when they do, immediate care is essential to prevent further complications. An emergency dentist Geneva is trained to handle urgent dental issues, ensuring that you receive prompt and effective treatment.
Common Dental Emergencies
Toothache: A severe toothache can be a sign of an underlying issue, such as an infection or abscess. An emergency dentist Geneva will diagnose the cause and provide appropriate treatment.
Knocked-Out Tooth: If a tooth is knocked out, time is of the essence. An emergency dentist Geneva can attempt to reinsert the tooth if you seek care quickly enough.
Broken or Chipped Tooth: Accidents can lead to broken or chipped teeth, which can be painful and affect your smile. An emergency dentist will repair the damage and restore your tooth.
Lost Filling or Crown: If a filling or crown falls out, it can expose the underlying tooth to further damage or infection. Emergency dental care will replace the restoration and protect your tooth.
How to Find an Emergency Dentist Geneva
In a dental emergency, it’s important to act quickly. Here are some tips for finding an emergency dentist Geneva:
Research Beforehand: Identify a dental clinic that offers emergency services before an emergency arises. Many Geneva dentists have provisions for urgent care, and knowing where to go can save valuable time.
Contact Your Regular Dentist: If you have a regular Geneva dentist, contact their office. Many dentists have after-hours services or can refer you to an emergency dentist.
Check Online Reviews: Look for clinics with positive reviews regarding their emergency services. A reliable emergency dentist Geneva should be responsive, skilled, and compassionate.
Choosing the Right Dental Care in Geneva
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When selecting a Geneva dentist, orthodontist Geneva, or emergency dentist Geneva, it’s essential to consider factors such as location, office hours, services offered, and patient reviews. Personal recommendations from friends or family can also be invaluable.
Here are some final tips for making your decision:
Check Credentials: Ensure that the dentist or orthodontist is licensed and has the appropriate qualifications and certifications.
Visit the Clinic: Schedule a visit to the clinic to assess the environment, cleanliness, and the friendliness of the staff.
Ask Questions: Don’t hesitate to ask about the dentist’s experience, the types of treatments they offer, and their approach to patient care.
Consider Your Comfort: Your comfort and trust in your dental care provider are paramount. Choose a provider who makes you feel at ease and addresses your concerns.
Maintaining good oral health is a lifelong commitment, and finding the right dental care provider in Geneva is a critical part of that journey. Whether you need routine care from a Geneva dentist, specialized treatment from an orthodontist Geneva, or urgent assistance from an emergency dentist Geneva, the options available in this city are plentiful and of high quality. By following the guidance in this blog, you can confidently navigate the dental landscape in Geneva and ensure that your smile remains healthy and beautiful for years to come.
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