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witekspicsoldpostcards · 1 year ago
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10sim · 1 year ago
y are student loans so complicated...........
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junafard · 2 years ago
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#hot_air_balloons #ballooning #swirzerland #photo_by_juna_fard  @juna.fard  'always help, never hurt'. truth, right action, peace, freedom, justice, love, solidarity, fraternity. "no to the violence #globo_de_aire_caliente #lakers  #balonismo #ballon_à_air_chaud #mongolfiera #heteluchtballonnen #heissluftballon  #balão_de_ar_quente #sicak_hava_balonu #naturephoto #natura #minimalisme_gallery #globo #ballonfahrer #balonistas #balloonist #bäume #ballonfahren #ballon_à_air_chaud #mongolfiera #heteluchtballon #heißluftballon #montgolfière #cold froid #kalt #sıcak_hava_balonu #naturaleza https://www.instagram.com/p/CltS45xL1Pw/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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oxanahadid-blog · 7 years ago
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Colori d'autunno 🍁💛
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meawslove · 8 years ago
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This American-Swiss gay couple's engagement photo looks like it's straight out of a TV show
#America #Engagement #Gay_Couple #Swirzerland
American guy dressed up in a ...
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fantroll-purgatory · 3 years ago
how could you make a limeblood work on alternia? i don't just wanna do the "hidden away from society in a cave alone ;o;" thing OR the "just hides their blood color lul :^)" OR just a karkat fated life ripoff but i cant think of anything else
I mean one possible way to do limebloods that isn’t any of those things is to just do an AU where they like. Exist. But I assume that’s not what you mean; it seems you want them to exist on Alternia as we understand it within the comic without resorting to any of the above tropes?
Let’s see...off the top of my head, they’re not hidden in caves, but are all onboard the Condesce’s ship. They’re her hit squad, effectively, and make first contact with new planets to lull them into complacency before she comes and crushes them all. So they exist and have a place within the hemospectrum, but it doesn’t really come up because they’re forcefully recruited at grubhood. It’s not illegal to talk to one or acknowledge one but other trolls rarely see one outside of a coup attempt so why bother?
OR, limebloods exist openly and keep their blood color, but are simply classed as olivebloods by everyone else. They’re just a shade of green, after all! Lots of intracommunity squabbling but to the rest of Alternia they’re all basically the same caste.
OR limebloods exist but are considered a specialized class of people and therefore out of the hemospectrum. Maybe they’re a healer class, since they’re known for pacifying abilities! And so, they’re considered a sort of Swirzerland of Alternia; you don’t fuck with a limeblood regardless of your caste because to earn one’s ire is to risk your entire caste’s access to healing abilities. Limebloods still live in and participate in society, but effectively get to live in a peace bubble due to their strategic viability.
I could probably go on if I wanted to but yeah you can think up a bunch of reasons that limebloods might’ve existed in Alternia but gone unacknowledged by our main block of trolls.
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yael-things · 2 years ago
cock and bal 🇨🇭 ?
swirzerland....what r u doing amongst the balls
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tealingual · 3 years ago
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Temauke: Langblr Weekly Challenge | Week 21 | My country Countries in Europe
Remaking this vocabulary list because I can’t find the original one anywhere. Also changing the topic from “my country” to “countries in Europe”.
أُورُوبَّا [ʾurubbā] - Europe فِنْلَنْدَا‎ [finlandā] - Finland السُّوَيْد [as-suwayd] - Sweden اَلنُّرْوِيج [an-nurwīj] - Norway الدَّنْمَارْك [ad-danmārk] - Denmark آيِسْلَنْدَا [ʾāyislandā] - Iceland رُوسِيَا [rūsiyā]   - Russia إِسْتُونِيَا [ʾistōniyā] - Estonia لَاتْفِيَا [lātfiyā] - Latvia لِتُوَانِيَا [lituwāniyā] - Lithuania بِيلَارُوسِيَا [belarūsyā] - Belarus أُوكْرَانِيَا [ʾukrāniyā] - Ukraine مُولْدُوفَا [moldōfā] - Moldova رُومَانِيَا [rūmāniyā] - Romania بُلْغَارِيَا [bulḡāriyā] - Bulgaria تُرْكِيَّا [turkiyyā] - Turkey قُبْرُص [qubruṣ] - Cyprus جُورْجِيَا [jorjiyā] - Georgia أَذَرْبَيْجَان [ʾaḏarbayjān] - Azerbaijan أَرْمِينِيَا [ʾarmīniyā] - Armenia اَلْيُونَان [al-yūnān] - Greece أَلْبَانِيَا [ʾalbāniyā] - Albania مَقْدُونِيَا الشَّمَالِيَّة‎ [maqdūniyā š-šamāliyya] - North Macedonia كُوسُوفُو [kūsūfū] - Kosovo الْجَبَل الْأَسْوَد‎ [al-jabal al-ʾaswad] - Montenegro الْبُوسْنَة وَالْهَرْسَك [al-būsna wa-l-harsak] - Bosnia and Herzegovina صِرْبِيَا [ṣirbiyā] - Serbia كُرُوَاتِيَا [kuruwātiyā] - Croatia سْلُوفِينِيَا [slovēniyā] - Slovenia المَجَر [al-majar] - Hungary سْلُوفَاكِيَا [slovākiyā] - Slovakia بُولَنْدَا [bulandā] - Poland جُمْهُورِيَّة التْشِيك [jumhūriyya(t) at-tšīk] - Czech Republic النَّمْسَا [an-namsā] - Austria لِيخْتَنْشْتَايْن‎ [liḵtanštayn] - Liechtenstein أَلْمَانِيَا [ʾalmāniyā] - Germany هُولَنْدَا [hūlandā] - Netherlands بِلْجِيكَا [biljīkā] - Belgium لُوكْسَمْبُورْغ‎ [luksamburḡ] - Luxemburg سْوِيسْرَا [swīsrā] - Swirzerland مُونَاكُو‎ [munākū] - Monaco سَان مَارِينُو‎ [san marīnū] - San Marino إِيطَالِيَا [ʾīṭāliyā] - Italy الْفَاتِيكَان [al-fatikān] - Vatican city مَالْطَا [mālṭā] - Malta الْمَمْلَكَة الْمُتَّحِدَة‎ [al-mamlaka l-muttaḥida] - United Kingdom بِرِيطَانِيَا الْعُظْمَى‎ [biriṭāniyā l-ʿuẓmā] - Great Britain أَيِرْلَنْدَا [ʾayirlandā] - Ireland فَرَنْسَا [faransā] - France أَنْدُورَا [ʾandūrā] - Andorra إِسْبَانِيَا [ʾisbāniyā] - Spain الْبُرْتُغَال [al-burtuḡāl] - Portugal جَبَل طَارِق‎ [jabal ṭāriq] - Gibraltar Please let me know if there are any mistakes!
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tainbocuailnge · 4 years ago
for the record i wanted iceland to win but at this point ill take france as long as swirzerland doesnt take the fucking win what the fuck is going oooonnnn
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319tattoohouse · 7 years ago
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#experimentink #swisstattoo #swirzerland #valais #valaistattoo #tattoo #instaart #martigny #davidroduit #artoftheday #bn #wolftattoo #wolf #animal #animaltattoo #killerink #RadiantColorsInk #radiantcolors (à Experiment ink Tattoo)
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junafard · 2 years ago
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#hot_air_balloons #ballooning #swirzerland #photo by juna_fard  @juna.fard  'always help, never hurt'. truth, right action, peace, freedom, justice, love, solidarity, fraternity. "no to the violence" #globo_de_aire_caliente #lakers  #balonismo #ballon_à_air_chaud #mongolfiera #heteluchtballonnen #heissluftballon  #balão_de_ar_quente #sicak_hava_balonu #naturephoto #natura #minimalisme_gallery #globo #ballonfahrer #balonistas #balloonist #bäume #ballonfahren #ballon_à_air_chaud #mongolfiera #heteluchtballon #heißluftballon #montgolfière #cold froid #kalt #sıcak_hava_balonu #naturaleza https://www.instagram.com/p/Clqfr8buwfk/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mjminteriordesign · 8 years ago
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More fabulous ladies joining The Dream Team. Global dream is becoming a reality. #entrepreneurs #globaldreamteam #germany #austria #swirzerland #swiss
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architecture-anddesign · 6 years ago
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Bern, Swirzerland, a month back after a spontaneous shower.
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paisajes-on · 2 years ago
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#seitzerland #suisse #suiza #nature #naturephotography #naturelovers #naturaleza (at Lugano Swirzerland) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cifv9JlopJI/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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thincso · 2 years ago
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Boungiorno Lugano, "Time travel day dream at Piazza Riforma, Lugano" work in progress, Paul Dettwiler oil tempera on canvas 75x75cm Theme: SPACE BETWEEN BUILDINGS #piazzariforma #pauldettwiler #ModernMasters #instaart #ticino #lugano #svizzera #switzerland #emergingartist #artcollections #architecture #kunstsammler #artinvestor #perrotin #pittura #tessin #artreviewmagazine #viewartgallery #contemporaryartists #zaw2022 #luganodavivereinsieme #artinvestor #art #ancientart #originalpainting #artcollection #artcollector #artinvestors (på/i Lugano Swirzerland) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cib-5u-sH-V/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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alephotto · 3 years ago
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presso Lugano Swirzerland https://www.instagram.com/p/ChFdoSeLP_X/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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