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thincso · 2 years ago
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Rue du Lion-d'Or, Lausanne, Theme "Space between buildings", Paul Dettwiler oil tempera on canvas 75x60cm #lausanne #cantonvaud #suisse #pauldettwiler #creditsuisse #ruedebourg #emergingartist #artcollections #artdealers #lacleman #artinvestors #artinvestments #kunstsammler #urbanpainting #schweiz🇨🇭 #artcollectors #collecteur #ubsartcollection #Mirabaud #ModernMasters #lausanne🇨🇭 #lausannecity #architecture #artnouveau #artlausanne #emergingartists (på/i Lausanne - Switzerland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpW9hbmow8S/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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iannelloartwork · 1 month ago
Mesmerizing Beach Acrylic Painting | Sunshine Coast, Australia
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videogeist · 2 years ago
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Untitled Painting on canvas 2006 210x150cm #philippgeist #videogeist #rummelsburgerbucht #lichtenberg #Berlin #berlinartist #painting #analog #malerei #acrylicpainting #structures #motion #blur #malerei #abstractart #abstractpainting #berlinstyle #abstractartgallery #berline #artinvestor #artshowcase #berlininstagram #paintinginprogress #colourtherapy #berlinlove #modernpainting #acrylpainting #artmoderne (hier: Berlin, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqThcizoM0T/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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1408anjalisingh · 1 year ago
Size : 31*39.9 (in cms)
Medium : Paper, Fine Pen
Title : Unconditional Love
Description : Paper has been carefully cut and layered to portray Human-Canine Bonding. A Sacred connection between two. Dog's Love,Trust, Faithfulness, Protection, Loyalty all these strong expression comes without any condition.
- Terry Kay
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seakclauswinkler · 2 years ago
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Servus! Ultra High Networth Individuum Wenn der deutsche Maler SEAK Claus Winkler nicht gerade am malen ist. Er wechselt von Raum zu Raum, sitzt beim malen phasenweise immer wo anders. Dann klickert er auf seinem iPhone Handy im Internet, schreibt Texte wo es um seine Kunst, seinen Prozess, Inspiration, geht, oder was er bei seinen Arbeitskreisen in 27 Länder erlebt hat. Oder ist beim Sport, entweder laufen, im potthässlichen Köln, Kölner Umland, einer Industrie Region, und oder im Wald. Im Sommer em schwimmt er in den naerholungs gewässern mit seinen Wickelfish schwimm säcken welche er beim Viertel & halb Marathon In Zürich bekommen hat. Oder er macht Training mit Hanteln und Gummi Bändern. Er interessiert sich für männerrechte, Gesellschaftliche Lügen, Redpill praxeology, politik, das dating und mating verhalten, Geschichte, Militär, deutsche Kultur, Amerika, und Technik. Sein Leben ist zu 100% im Dienst seiner Kunst. Sogar beim Wehrdienst bekam er von seinem Stammkompanie Hauptmann, und dem Oberst ein eigenes Atelier in der Kaserne. 2005 Bekam er denn Kulturpreis. Auf seinem Website Blog den er Seit 2022 wieder führt verarbeitet er seinen Kunstalltag in schriftlicher Form. Zum Freizeit Ausgleich trinkt er gerne Wein, guckt Videos in der Badewanne, und geht gerne wandern in der Natur. Er würde gerne mehr lesen, und mehr reisen, museums besuche machen, und hätte gerne Tiere ( Hund, Katze, Meerschweinchen, mehrere Esel, und Hausschweine. Vielleicht später, er muss sich auf das malen konzentrieren. Gehen sie auf seinen Weblog, locken, und teilen sie seine Beiträge, und empfehlen sie ihn weiter. Danke für ihre Zeit, und Ihre Investition. #SEAK #ClausWinkler #SEAKClausWinkler #Scifipainting #artinvesting #artinvestor #retroscifiartwork #modernesgemälde #makingpicture #picmakers #museumcurators #modernesbild #neuemeister #makingpictures #modernpainters #kunstsammlung #neuekunstsammlung #neuesgemälde #artfoundation #newartcollection #artfoundations #bildermachen #newpiece #newpieces #makingpicture (hier: Mändli (bergstopp i Schweiz, Obwalden)) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqXqbZ3ojtT/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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bernardreneguillot · 2 years ago
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#bernardguillotpainting #contemporaryart #wallpaper #kraftpaper #drawing #collage #galleryart #artgallery #paris artgallery #contemporaryartcollectors #artfollowers #abstractart #contemporaryart #contemporaryartcurators #abstractartexpressionism #dailyart #fineartgallery #foundation #abstractionfigurative #artcurators #artcollections #artcollectors #kunst #artreview #artmagazine #artinvestor #artcollections #artlovers #imprecis #imperfect
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windzofdezire · 2 years ago
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The Final Forever and Perfect Eternity Collection | Fantasopia: Winds of the Night 🖼
Explore the Natural World when the sun sets 🌅
#foreverandperfecteternity #windsofthenight #zirilstarrz #diamondarcania #artinvestor
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palettearthub · 3 months ago
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Extra Large Colorful Wall Art Textured Abstract Painting
On Canvas For Home Office Decor, Large Textured
Abstract Art Colorful Painting
#arttexture #artcollector #artmarket #artinvestors #artbuyers #artist #palettearthub #dailyart #homedecor #canvaspainting #abstractart #artoftheday
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carmelitesartgallery · 5 months ago
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Singapore Artist : Tan Choh Tee
Title: 聖淘沙母子樹 ( Common Pulai (Alstonia Angustiloba), Sentosa
Medium: Oil on Canvas
Size : 21 inch X 25.6 inch
Year: 2010
Available for Collection
Discover more through our Artsy website : https://www.artsy.net/partner/carmelites-framing-and-art-gallery-pte-ltd
#tanchohtee#art#artist #artwork#fyp#tiktok #painting #contemporaryart #fineart #artgallery #oilpainting #acrylicpainting #artlovers #artcollector #artfair #artcollecting #artauction #singapore #artinvestors #southeastasianart #singaporeartgallery #singaporeart #singaporeartist#carmelitesartgallery#artmuseum
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jlphotography2022 · 1 year ago
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#buyart #artacquisitions #corporatecollecting #artinvestment #corporateculture #artconsultant #buyersmarket #artacquisition #corporatecollection #artinvestor #artcollector #corporatebuyer #businessart #artbuyer #corporateart #corporate #buyer #art #buy #sellersagent #homebuying #realestate #arts #paint #artist #artistsoninstagram #draw #instaart #artwork #painting
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thincso · 2 years ago
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Ca’ Dario, built on graveyard of the Templars, 2018-19, Paul Dettwiler, oil/tempera on canvas 75 x 75 cm, Article on my art in the Italian art magazine Juliet (founded 1980), english: https://www.juliet-artmagazine.com/en/the-contemporary-grand-tour-by-paul-dettwiler/?print=print italian: https://www.juliet-artmagazine.com/il-grand-tour-contemporaneo-di-paul-dettwiler/ #venice #Venezia #italy🇮🇹 #Italia #canalgrande #Canal #pauldettwiler #artist #artdealers #artinvestor #instakunst #venezia1600 #venezia360 #instaartist #instaart #emergingartist #emergingart #contemporaryartist #contemporaryart #kunstsammler #artdealer #artcollections #perrotin #artreview #ModernArt #artnetnews #culturalheritage #architecture #artcollector #viewartgallery (på/i 𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐙𝐈𝐀) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpiS62Xord6/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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iannelloartwork · 2 days ago
Mesmerizing Beach Acrylic Painting | Sunshine Coast, Australia
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videogeist · 2 years ago
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Untitled Painting on canvas 1997 170x150cm #philippgeist #videogeist #rummelsburgerbucht #lichtenberg #Berlin #berlinartist #painting #analog #malerei #acrylicpainting #structures #motion #blur #malerei #abstractart #abstractpainting #berlinstyle #abstractartgallery #berline #artinvestor #artshowcase #berlininstagram #paintinginprogress #colourtherapy #berlinlove #modernpainting #acrylpainting #artmoderne (hier: Berlin, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqQYCKUIap1/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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1408anjalisingh · 1 year ago
Size : 55*55 (cms)
Medium : Paper
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Title : Scream
Description : This artwork is expressing a strong emotion of exasperation, detailing it with precise cut.
Feeling of being stuck even though working extremely hard. Is it good to scream? Absolutely, Scream as hard as you can. Get the frustration out of your system rather than piling it up to the ball of anger. Scream if it makes you feel free.
"Screaming is bad for the voice,
But it's good for the heart."
- Conor Oberst
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seakclauswinkler · 2 years ago
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Famous german artist SEAK Claus Winkler: Honored (U) Hnw Individual Should you buy a painting/ paintings by artist SEAK Claus Winkler by what I like visual, or ist smarter to choose a painting I don’t like in the beginning? Do you want to invest in a painting by artist SEAK Claus Winkler for yourself, or because you want to impress others? How do I benefit when artist SEAK Claus Winkler chooses the paintings artist I will collect and invest in to? How do i show the paintings i aquired from artist SEAK Claus Winkler in my art collection? How much money I can gain from investing in to artist SEAK Claus Winkler? What do I talk about when investing in artist SEAK Claus Winkler when I don’t really like, or care, or understand his work? When I don’t know myself why want to invest in his work. What is for me important when investing in artist SEAK Claus Winkler oeuvre? How can I when investing in artist SEAK Claus Winkler, although so something for him? What is it i like about the paintings from artist SEAK Claus Winkler? How many paintings from artist SEAK Claus Winkler will be in my art foundations collection for my offspring? Which paintings by artist SEAK Claus Winkler are my favorites? How can my family & my network can support artist SEAK Claus Winkler and although benefit from him? Where could I hang the paintings by artist SEAK Claus Winkler in my estates and foundations? #SEAK #ClausWinkler #SEAKClausWinkler #paintingoftheday #elites #artinvestmentfund #Economic #artmarket #insidecollectorhomes #artinvest #artinfocus #collectorcrib #artful #artfulhome #artbuyingdecisions #buyingapainting #modernart #aquiringart #artbuying #Artinvestor #selectedwork #selectedworks #artmoney #artinvesting #buyingart #artmagazines #artworld #artinvestments (hier: Sörenberg, Obwalden, Switzerland) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp7zmQcI7eQ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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amino1 · 2 years ago
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Title: Droga Życia | Way of Life Artist: Marcin Dembowski (1979) Size: 20 x 20 cm | 7,87 x 7,87 inch (+ frame) Technique: mixed Surface: canvas Signature: middle down Atelier: @dombesokien Year: 2013 SKU: AmiNo.2094 Stock: SOLD **** Available via dombes.pl * * * * #drogażycia #wayoflife #AX #dembowski #dombes #malarstwo #sztukawspółczesna #nowoczesnasztuka #artcollector #artlovers #artgallery #artdealer #artworld #contemporaryart #artforsale #abstractpainting #artcollection #artinvestor #fineart #interiordesign #homedecor #artbuyers #artmarket #artcollectorsworldwide #artinvestments #artcollectorsclub #modernart #artexhibition #artshows #artfair https://instagr.am/p/CsOHNNwKQ9S/
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