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whatiwillsay · 2 months ago
Swiftie Girlfriends React to The Tortured Poets Department FIRST LISTEN
making this youtube thing happennnnn
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the-hushed-one · 2 years ago
We almost know the reason of the swiftwyn breakup.
Now that you think of it, Taylor's friends, especially Ryan and Gigi and also Abigail unfollowing Joe on Instagram was quite absurd.
Like Joe didn't even do something wrong. Joe was frirnds with Gigi before he knew Taylor. And Ryan wrote in that article that Joe and him were pretty good friends. I'm pretty sure his kids refer of referred to him as uncle Joe (Which is cute)
Them unfollowing Joe like this was quite stupid. Didn't they know that this kind of mass unfollowing can have such a big affect on the pr and stuff? This move basically encouraged the cheating rumours about Joe.
Instead of just choosing sides, they should've been supportive of the both of them. I get it that they were better friends with Taylor than with Joe, but they all did such a high school act as if Joe did something wrong.
Was Taylor trying to get back at Joe? Idk, but this was such a mean and a rude and a bad move.
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swiftmixermonster · 2 years ago
I totally agree with this and it's also how I see the situation. I feel like I'm not in a place to judge Joe bc if I was in his place I would also attempt to take all job opportunities possible since he's not an established actor you know? It's valid for him to want to do the best he can to make his career work. But at the same time, Taylor is valid for wanting someone to give their all to the rs with as much passion as she has. Yes, I know she has a considerable advantage since she's extremely succesful and very established in her industry, but she's in all her right to want someone to be there by her side as much as possible, and bc of what his career demands of him at this point Joe can't do that unless he gave up at least partially on his professional aspirations. As I've been saying, very sad overall bc it's a case where all the love in the world isn't enough to keep two people together.
the new people article feels more like tree and it just validated the thought that they took breaks but fundamentally couldn’t work it out and this was the final break for them
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youareinlove · 9 months ago
well toe is a horrible name like who even called them that
mostly people who didn't like them and then it was sort of used by the fandom as a joke-ish thing
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taylortruther · 1 year ago
At this point the conversations about Swiftwyn are very recycled because everyone's basically making the same points, which I understand because this is a big deal but it gets boring sometimes and it gets annoying too because people get so upset if you tell them Taylor's probably still not over the breakup or when you try to explain the complexity, not-black-and-whiteness of it all.
the way people simplify the breakup is funny. Do they realize who Taylor is? The woman who wrote an RED and 1989? Do they realize how breakups and feelings and healing work? People say she's already moved on and I wonder what they expect her to do, post a video of her crying and saying she misses him? She's probably writing songs about her feelings and 2 years from now we'll know how she felt at this time.
I remember when folklomore came out I saw someone ranting about how Taylor is still writing about snakegate and she should move on. Life-changing events are, well, fucking life-changing and they affect you for years to come it's crazy that people expect her to just move on as if there is a specific time-frame for healing, as if once something terrible happens to you you can just go back to who you were before. One point of Midnights is that everything that happens to you is still on your mind and you can find yourself thinking about an ex whose name you can't rememeber now.
the way people expect her to move on from 2016 is one of my joker moments in the fandom. same with how people said joe should worry because she wasn't "over" jake, harry, matty, etc.
even my mean anon yesterday sent me a few more asks about how it's stupid i still talk about my ex. i know some of this fandom is very young, and not everyone has the privilege of having their heart broken, but god. if your world was ever changed by someone, and you DON'T think about it for years after, i really think you're probably just repressing.
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pitohuimaki · 4 months ago
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whatiwillsay · 3 months ago
Not to rehash Taylor or Joe too much but bleachers just released a Christmas song and I saw a TikTok from @Jessiswifttok that made a pretty convincing argument it could be about Joe and then we have the bleachers antihero remix. Anyway, have you ever gotten any tea on how Jack felt about Joe?
let's rehash! i just dropped the last toe timeline episode!
i don't have any tea on joe and jack but sometimes jack seemed like he didn't like him. that's pure vibes though not evidence based at all!
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persephone-sails · 2 years ago
What annoys me the most is when her fans pretend that she isn't and has never been the one in power in her relationships, when guys have been saying for years that dating her would be emasculating (including the one she's currently dating lol). Personally I hate that word but it just goes to show that she is a loud and proud girlboss artist. It's not just her wealth or talent that scares insecure men,its the prospect of being the muse–a role that has historically been played by women. As she herself said she's The Man. She's ambitious, hard working, and is unapologetic of her fame and wants someone who is comfortable with it. It's clear that she wears the pants in pretty much any relationship she's in. The only time this wasn't the case was with John Mayer, Jake G and Calvin; in first two it was because she was way younger and relatively naive and in the last one it was because she was in a bad place, mental health wise. Its even more hypocritical when those same fans have no issues when its her being somewhat predatory(Connor Kennedy was literally in highschool when she dated him btw). Either way idk who fucked up and who didn't in swiftwyn but its deeply sexist to assume Taylor's the victim. If anyone is the victim however it's the woc swifties who are forced to watch their idol proudly flaunt someone who enjoys watching them being explicitly humiliated and degraded.
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bisluthq · 6 months ago
"After which she was single for like 7 weeks and then she started dating Travis."
And a decent chunk of that time she was (presumably) still interested in matty. The definitive 'they are no longer in contact' people article was a month after he left on tour/ghosted. Before that the articles were 'they are not together it was just casual, but who knows about the future ;)'. Which all makes sense now since we know Taylor didn't know wtf was going on at the time.
right??? And I am *not* a Maylor. I’d be fucking annoyed with her if they did a 3.0 because there are a myriad reasons why they won’t play for keeps this time (either) lol. I actually only became a fan of 75/Matty (idk if I’m a Matty fan idk he does so many stupid things) when I was researching 2.0. Like having only heard the hit songs and stuff about him online, he was fuck annoying. Now he feels like… idk my friend who’s a mess but I respect that he’s a nice person?? And ofc that’s parasocial but that’s why we follow celebs lol. He seems very fucked in the head but I can’t judge that.
I would say though that leaving your bf for your own ex who you had a slow burn friends to lovers things on the 2.0 is genuinely not insane. Like… people say “that was her episode of mania!!!!” and was it??? He was her ex, he became her friend, he heard about what was going on at home, he gave his 5 cents, she wanted to be with him and they got together. THAT part is normal. (The “she pined for him for 10 years” is not). That’s legit sane. That’s fair. Then he dumped her (which is SO rude of him like how he did it but I also can’t judge him because sometimes there’s fuck all to say) and that sucks but you’re telling me she got over both things in like… 8 weeks and was just meeting people, the healthiest she’s ever been??? Okay.
he also wasn’t well straight after their thing btw but he met a friend of a friend and she’s a good fit and follows him around idk and like he’s… evidently working on it.
she’s just aggressively yelling “I AM FINE!!!!”
PS. I wouldn’t approve of Tatty 3.0. At all. I expect it in the back of my mind but I wouldn’t approve as a fan.
PPS. Tatty 3.0 would piss me off less than Swiftwyn 2.0 unless both grow entirely new personalities.
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the-hushed-one · 2 years ago
I think since the break up news got out (swiftwyn), the fandom got divided into two parts.
Half the swifties are there, justifying every wrong thing Taylor is doing these days and half of them are just wondering if they can love Taylor as much as they loved her before this drama.
Half are over this swiftwyn breakup, while half are just still manifesting for their patch up.
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thelasttime · 9 months ago
i don't really use ship names that much except for relationships that are really really old but i believe the popular ones were/are
jaylor (joe j and taylor)
taylor squared (taylor lautner and taylor)
gyllenswift (jake and taylor)
taco (conor kennedy and taylor but i don't think anyone shipped this)
haylor (harry and taylor)
tayvin (calvin and taylor)
hiddleswift (tom and taylor) (also rip)
swiftwyn (joe a and taylor)
maylor (matty and taylor but i think a very specific subset of people ship this)
tayvis (travis and taylor)
is this mostly correct?
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lcndonboysstuff · 10 months ago
that blog was just being weird
That blog (bisluthq I assume? I think it came from them) is always weird. Parasocial beyond belief. I remember they made it seem like Richard abandoned the family in London. No, he traveled for work. He made films and those films were sometimes based in other countries. It will be no different for Joe when he’s a dad.
BUT, they always had a lot of information on stuff! How? No idea.
oh i meant mustlikeme4me, she’s the one that was making that comparison between joe and his dad in April.
but yeah bisluthq was invasive beyond belief lol😂. ah i didn’t know they made it out like that smh.
they had so much info, just looking through their swiftwyn tag was insane. i think the video of t+j at his uncles funeral originated on that blog too. not to mention their partick tag also
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thegreatimpersonator · 2 years ago
the worst part is .. there was this blog who used to write the cutest swiftwyn fics and i came to tumblr ONLY for her fics. and as soon as they broke up.. she went to this psychic and now she believes MATTY AND TAY are belonged and excuses his every fucking behavior !
like i freaking don't understand. how can someone excuse that! also she is a full on joe anti rn. literally saying shit like "he never cared enough " or " didn't go to enough shows" (that debate is sooo bad , like joe has work and decent work unlike matty)
like idc if she thinks tay belongs with someone else
but suddenly believing they are belonged and literally defending them and his behaviour! is.... idk
im sorry you read what
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taylortruther · 1 year ago
My ex and I broke up 4 years ago and I don't miss her, but I still had to mute her instagram so I wouldn't see her stories. After the breakup I was in a very bad space and I healed but healing doesn't mean I'm someone completely new, it just means I'm the person who grew *from* the heartbreak. Now it's just when I see her it's just a little painful to see how much of a stranger she is and to know that I don't particularly like this stranger who was once someone I deeply cared about. And sometimes I miss her even without seeing her. It's very rare at this point but I grieve over what we had and what we will never have and sometimes I picture myself telling her my plans or ideas. I don't know how to explain this idea that I've healed and moved on but what we lost will always be a scar but like, god knows I try because half the things I write are trying to capture this feeling and failing because I think it's just impossible to capture. It makes me think a lot about Swiftwyn because, as someone who experiences it, I think it will always be something she writes about especially because it's gonna be some time until she heals.
"what we've lost will always be a scar" - yes, exactly! you can't keep a scar from forming, but you can do your best to minimize it. but sometimes that just takes time. (and i feel the same way about my ex. i think i might grieve what we could have had - but didn't - for a long time.)
tbh, you know what i think about a lot? how painful re-recording rep would be. like. it must feel like cruel irony that she has to re-record an album about the beginnings of one of her greatest love stories, so soon after it ended (and forced her into another beginning.) like. control, fate, time, rebirth... it's something we all deal with, but taylor in particular has always been so preoccupied with those concepts. idk idk
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Okay I'm ready to talk about it a little but the fact that she chose to write eyes open for the hunger games when it is so very clearly about her own experience with fame makes me think a lot of thoughts but mostly how she's painted 2016 as a war, a battle, a fight, etc etc in her work in particular with long story short. I fully believe long story short is a sequel to eyes open because it's honestly kind of scary how perfectly the themes of everlark as a relationship line up with the themes of swiftwyn as a relationship.
Okay, if you consider fame as a type of hunger games (a capitalistic system meant to exploit the labor and lives of literal children, taylor a literal child star need I say more) then it honestly makes perfect sense why she would decide to place special attention on these two songs because she could have easily switched babe/better man with eyes open/safe & sound (or any of the red vault tracks) but she chose these two hunger games songs to highlight and place in an obvious Easter Egg. She wants us to draw parallels between the hunger games and her life because she wants us to talk about how exploitative the entertainment industry is to children, but I think it's very interesting the order in which she released them (eyes open, safe and sound, then if this was a movie, then all of the girls you loved before) and I think that's a statement on how much better it got for her once she left the industry, because she loved reputation era so much and it's very evident.
She learned how to put up boundaries but most importantly, she learned how to believe in her own reality again. The most important theme in mockingjay is awareness, being aware of your own reality, being aware of what is real or not real, and being able to live in peace with someone you trust wholeheartedly to be able to help you make that very important distinction because it is the very fundamental basis of our sanity, the ability to prove to ourselves that we exist and not only do we exist, but our happiness and our emotions matter. They deserve to take up actual space in reality, and we deserve to make a space in our reality where we can live in peace and solitude- no matter what we've done or who we had to become in order to survive. No matter what lies we told or who we hurt in our quest for peace, we deserve to get that peace at the end of the day because we exist and we are real and we matter.
Children matter, our lives, our trauma, the things we experience matter and Taylor probably really enjoyed the hunger games because it made her feelings of depersonalization feel validated, because she probably really relates to katniss, the girl on fire, and how she's seen as the crown jewel but she doesn't feel like a jewel. She feels like a pawn, she feels used and dirty all the time and she doesn't know why (you don't feel pretty, you just feel used... fuck) and so that's probably why she decided to write those songs for the soundtrack to begin with, and the fact that they're so haunting and heartbreaking to listen to really showcases how not okay she was during red era but how good she was at hiding it.
And then the best part of the hunger games was always everlark, peeta was a man who loved katniss beyond all else and who spent his entire life making sure she stayed grounded to reality, making sure she had someone besides her to work through her trauma of being in the hunger games and who tried every day to make her existence as peaceful as possible. They were different in just the right amounts, the way joe comes off quiet, private and reserved and taylor is the social butterfly fits perfectly with how she probably feels like Joe is her peeta, like he's the only person in the world who is able to truly see the real taylor- who knows who she really is, even when the trauma of the fame/the lies of the industry are telling her otherwise, he's there to make her feel safe and loved and protected from the fire outside her window.
And long story short is literally the mockingjay epilogue, where Taylor says hey look bad shit happened, I was traumatized but I was able to find a rare comet in the sky while I was being exploited by the media so it worked out in the end but the trauma is real and it will never go away, I have to live with this forever so do you think it was worth putting me through all of that which is exactly what Suzanne Collins wants us to ask about the capitalistic society we live in today... okay, we have our phones and our electricity and our clothes but is it worth the lifelong trauma we inflict on real children every fucking day?
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elenaferrante · 2 years ago
I stg every time I listen to little evermore, I literally get legit tears in my eyes when I hear taylor sing: “I swear you were there” 🥺
The way she thought and dreamed about him (“when I was shipwrecked / I thought of you / in the cracks of light / i dreamed of you”) when everything was falling apart… “When she lay there on the ground / she dreamed of […] / a love that was really something / not just the idea of something,” and then, “when she stood […] / standing broad-shouldered next to her / was a love that was really something.” It was real enough to get her through because it wasn’t just the idea of something.
He was there.
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