#sweet sweet Mulder
flappielxx123 · 26 days
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The vulnerability in this scene 😭
Episode: irresistible
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thursdayinspace · 3 months
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I think when they get married, it's going to be just like this. Private. They will get their piece of paper, say the official vows -- maybe they will even dress up for it. There won't be many people there, if any. It's a formality, the official part. It's a nice formality, there may be a happy tear or two, a gentle kiss; it's a special day, after all.
But the real wedding, that is just them. At home. Nobody else present. They know their own vows, they have all the words in their heads, in their hearts. They go home, change back into their casual clothes and go for a walk. Enjoying the peace and quiet, the comfort of each other's company. And in a patch of sunlight, they'll stop, take each other's hands, look at each other the way they have from the very beginning, and speak their love to each other. For their ears only.
Ever since they met, they have been a unit of two. Even before they were a couple, they'd stand close together to talk, using their bodies to block out the outside world, creating a private universe contained only in the space between them. What they have to say to each other isn't meant for anyone else.
They don't need to shout their love out into the world, they don't need to promise undying loyalty and devotion where other people can hear. What they share is so intensely private, and it always has been.
It's the two of them, hands joined, looking into each other's eyes, and that is all there is. That is all they need. That is all they want. Each other. Nothing else.
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pinkravat-art · 7 months
was watching x files and then remembered i have free will
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bestangelofall · 27 days
Thriller story where you follow a detective who's investigating a teenager's death that's been "badly" investigated. The teen's father is super sus. The butler of the father is also super sus.
Near supernatural shit starts to happen in the detective's surrounds as the investigation goes on. Have I mentioned that the father really doesn't want the death to be properly investigated?
Also, have I mentioned that it's two detectives? One of them starts to hear a voice whispering every night. He also starts to come across clowns or drawing or clowns, and also the logo of the company the dead kid's father owns.
His partner, skeptic, thinks that there isn't really anything supernatural to it all, but she's also sure that the father and the butler killed the kid or are in some other way involved.
Yeah this is Mulder and Scully investigating Jason's death.
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bisexualfbiagents · 10 months
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You know when I was a kid, I had this ritual. I closed my eyes before I walked into my room, cause I thought that one day when I opened them my sister would be there. Just lying in bed, like nothing ever happened. You know I'm still walking into that room, everyday of my life.
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my favorite scully and mulder moments from s1
the evergreen classic mulder reaction to a terrified scully knocking at his door in the very first episode- how he checks over her, holds her close, and brings her into his room
(and then ANOTHER instance of examining each other for aliens in episode 8 which was wild. if i had a nickel for each time they had to look at each other's bodies for evidence of aliens, i'd only have two nickels, which isn't a lot, but its weird that it happened twice)
him playing with scully's necklace in episode 3, while admitting he feels "territorial"
the first time he calls scully "dana", right after her father dies- which surprises her so much she mumbles her name back to herself- and he follows up by grabbing her face and gently running his finger over her cheek
(and the first time she tries to call him "fox", after he had been awake for 3 straight days on a stakeout, and she begs him to go home- he laughs and says he even made his parents call him mulder)
((still, she brought him a sandwich and a drink- “if there’s an iced tea in that bag, could be love” “must be fate- root beer”))
scully in Doctor Mode™ after mulder got stuck in the fire in episode 12, trying to give him water as he lays in bed, while he gets all emo and pushes her hand away
when scully gets kidnapped in episode 15 and mulder calls her "dana" again over the phone, her first name slipping out in his fear, then he tells the kidnapper "listen to me, you lay one hand on scully, and so help me god..."
(and THEN he tells everyone going on her rescue mission that this is a very important mission to him, so please everybody do their best)
the endless banter: "i still don't get it. what does this have to do with us?" "robbing a jewelry store is a federal crime" (flatly) "thank you."
when he is at an autopsy with scully in episode 18 and makes it very clear he does Not Want To Be There (but she still is sad he won't join her on her next one in episode 22!)
"happy birthday scully!" (pause of confusion) "you're two months early!"
when she finally listened to the psychic to get evidence for a case in episode 13, trying to make mulder proud- "i'd thought you'd be pleased i'd opened myself to extreme possibilities"- only for him to yell at her for putting herself in danger
(later in the same episode she screamed at the criminal, saying that if he did anything to mulder, she'd kill him herself)
((AND their conversation at the end of that episode when mulder is laying in a hospital bed: "why can't you believe?" "i'm afraid"))
the very empire strikes back coded fighting in the arctic compound in episode 8
"you think it's remotely plausible that someone might think you're hot?" (stunned silence. scholars are still trying to figure out what was going on here)
oh, this one made me weepy: "i have never met anyone so passionate and dedicated to a belief as you. it's so intense, sometimes it's blinding. but there are others who are watching you, who know what i know, and whereas i can respect and admire your passion, they will use it against you. mulder, the truth is out there, but so are lies" aka the episode 17 monologue… what if i melted into a puddle? how would you react to this news? how about mulder the protector turning into mulder the protected?
(also, episode 17 had a moment where he grabbed her shoulder and leaned in and i had to restrain myself)
them having hand signals to indicate watch what you say, we’re being listened to
in episode 18, the preacher’s kid tries to taunt mulder with information about his sister and scully tries to shut him down Immediately
they’re looking for each other in the dark in episode 19 while a wild beast is on the loose and mulder finally kicks open the door and finds scully while she whispers “it’s okay, it’s me, it’s okay”
episode 20, when he shows her a bunch of lumberjacks, which he describes as “rugged manly men in the full bloom of their manhood” and he says she should look for anything unusual or a boyfriend among them... and she laughs
scully losing her mind when the evil cocoon bugs get on her, screaming at mulder to get them off of her, while he holds her still and explains it’s okay as long as they're in the light
(and then they sit on the bed, side by side, talking through the night)
when mulder’s friend dies and she kneels and says to him, “you’ve been through a lot… more than I think you realize” and encourages him to take some time for himself
any episode where they both wear big coats (for the snow in episode 8, or the rain in 20) is an instant classic to me
“mulder, you’re rushing me out of the room… is there a girl coming over?” from episode 11... yeah I laughed. and then laughed even more when he was just hanging out with deep throat in the next scene!
episode 23’s “how was the wedding? Did you catch the bouquet?” “maaaaybe 😊”
and who can forget the finale! she apologizes for doubting his alien leads; “I should know by now to trust your instincts” “why? no one else does” (both smile and i, once again, collapse)
there's so much to unpack here and i could spend a lifetime doing it, but before i watch s2 for the first time i needed to make note of the things that especially made me happy or brought great angst to the forefront; i am studying their dynamic and putting it in a bottle <3
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mossdogs · 6 months
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turned the fbi agents emo
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tennant-the-tigger · 6 months
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Sleepy Mulder
Late night reading
TXF Fanart ☆ MSR Fanart
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icedteainthatbag · 1 year
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mulder and scully in “pusher”
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bakedbakermom · 3 months
Sweet Surrender (read on ao3)
kinky smut // rated X // 20.5k tagging @today-in-fic @ao3feed-msr
“You want me to… dominate you?” he asks, in the careful tones of a man who has just spotted a glittering treasure chest across the room and is testing the floor for booby traps.
Mulder and Scully have some good kinky fun. Pure, dirty, smutty smut.
Posting the prologue today, the rest tomorrow. I'm not teasing, I'm building antici ....................... pation. 😜
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fortycumber · 4 months
listen, I hate Krycek as much as the next person, but I've gotta admit that I absolutely live for his dramatic demeanor.
for example:
he breaks into mulder's flat in the dead of the night, tackles him to the ground, whispers some freaky alien war/resistance shenanigans to him in a low (seductive? yuck) tone, breathes down his neck, holds him at gunpoint, hands him possibly misleading intel, gives him a little SMOOCH on the cheek (correct me if what I think I saw was wrong, it was rather dark 😂😂😂), greets him in Russian and lastly vaporizes from his sight, to presumably do something similar again sometime in the future.
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The X-Files 4x23 Demons
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agent-troi · 1 year
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“well, maybe you should take some time off”
“i’ve already lost too much time”
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california-112 · 6 hours
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randomfoggytiger · 6 months
Random pop-up from my laptop should not be as funny as it is:
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baronessblixen · 1 year
Wait I just learnt that DD’s dad was in a scene of the pilot when they are on the plane and he’s sitting behind Scully??
Yes! You can see him a few times 😊
There he is.
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