#sweet ring
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chapter 12: Sweet Ring
[scene changes to Sweet Ring] ささ、早く席に着きましょう。
ねえ、どうしたのヤヨイ? 今日何か変だよ?
Let’s hurry up and sit.
What’s going on, Yayoi? Something’s not right.
[YAYOI:] Here we are. Come on, let's sit down.
[RUI:] Hey, Yayoi, what's going on here? Something's up with you today.
そう? ケーキが無性に 食べたくなったからかしら?
う~ん、かなりしんどいんだけど。 まあ。とりあえず中に入ろうか。
Really? You sure it’s not just a wild urge for cake?
No no... I’m sick of cake. Well, lets go in.
[YAYOI:] Really? Maybe because of my overwhelming hunger for cake?
[RUI:] Mmm… this is such a pain. Well, whatever. Let's go in.
How’s the rear table?
Alright, Saijo you too.
[YAYOI:] Sure. In the back, then.
You too, Saijou-san.
ほらっ、ルイ。 このキャロットケーキ美味しいわよ。
Hey, Rui. This carrot cake is grea��!
[YAYOI:] Here you go, Rui. This carrot cake is delicious.
[RUI:] Thanks.
Hmmm, this is...
...it’s amazing!
[RUI:] Mmm, this….
…this is almost too good…
このティラミス、甘さ控えめで 美味しいですよ。
Saijo, help yourself.
This Tira misu is slightly sweet, but really tasty.
[YAYOI:] Help yourself, Saijou-san.
This tiramisu has a light sweetness. It's very good.
……ねえ、ヤヨイ。 何で私を連れ出してくれたの?
By the way, Yayoi. Why did you bring me here?
Why? Because we’re friends.
[RUI:] …Hey, Yayoi. Why did you bring me along?
[YAYOI:] Why? Because we're friends.
そう言ったじゃないのルイが。 みんな幼なじみなんだって
You said it yourself. ”We’re childhood friends.”
[YAYOI:] You said it yourself. We're all childhood friends.
[KENICHI:] Hey, welcome!
I’ll get out of the way.
Long time no see, Kenichi.
[YAYOI:] Oh, excuse me.
[RUI:] Midou-san. It's been a while.
そうそう、うちのバカ息子を 昔みたいに殴ってきたかい?
It’s been a while, Rui.
So, are you still beating up on my foolish boy?
[KENICHI:] Hi there, Rui-chan. It has been a while.
Say, have you been beating up on my idiot son like you used to?
もうしませんよ、そんなこと、 だって大人なんですから。
Wh, what?
I don’t do childish stuff like that anymore.
[RUI:] Wh-whaa…?
No, not at all. I'm an adult now.
いやいや、叩いてやればいいんだ、 昔みたいに。
はぁ……アイツと来たら、 昨日の夜にいきなり電話越しに、
No, no, you should hit him just like the old days.
He called last night, said ”I’m in the hospital.”,
and hung u��.
[KENICHI:] Oh, no, you really should be. Just like the old days.
sigh ….I swear, that boy. Last night he called me up out of the blue…
…"I'm in the hospital," he says. Hangs up.
急いで駆けつけた人の気も知らないで、 『大丈夫』の一言だけ……。
Not another word. No ”I’m ok.” or anything.
That stupid kid...
[KENICHI:] I rush over there. He doesn't care. "I'm fine," he says. That's all.
sigh …That stupid kid.
大丈夫ですよ。御堂さんは とっても元気でした。
You must have been worried.
But don’t worry. Akira seemed just fine to me.
[YAYOI:] Hee hee. But you were worried about him.
Don't worry. Midou-san was doing very well.
He can go home anytime now.
Is that so...
[YAYOI:] He might even be discharged today.
[KENICHI:] I see…
いや、本当にあいつは良い友達に 恵まれていると思うよ。
That kid is really lucky to have friends like you.
It puts me at ease, too.
[KENICHI:] He sure is lucky to have friends like you.
So that puts me at ease.
親なんてものは、ある程度の歳に なったら要らないのかもな。
まあそれだけ、みんな成長したって ことだね。
He’s at that age that he doesn’t need his parents.
That just shows how much you’ve all matured.
[KENICHI:] Maybe we stop needing our parents at a certain age.
Well, that just goes to show how much you've all matured.
寂しくもあり、嬉しくもありって 言ったところか。
As they say, ”The rainbow comes after the storm.”
[KENICHI:] I guess I'm lonely, but I'm happy too.
[RUI:] …..Ggh.
Rui? Rui!?
[RUI:] crying
[YAYOI:] R-Rui?!
うっ……ううっ……。 グスッ……ううっ……。
お父さんのこと…… 思い出しちゃった……
...sniffle...sniffle... sob...sniffle...
I just remembered... My father...
[RUI:] sob sob sniffle sob
I just… remembered my dad…
昔、私も入院した時、 お父さんがやって来たんだ。
I’m sorry...
He came to see me in the hospital a long time ago.
[RUI:] I-I'm sorry…
A long time ago, I was in the hospital and he came to see me.
それなのに『大丈夫かルイ!』って すごい怖い顔で入ってきて、
I wasn’t hurt very bad.
But he said ”Are you OK!” and looked really scared.
[RUI:] I wasn't hurt badly or anything.
But he came in with a really scary look on his face, asking, "Are you okay, Rui?!"
全然大丈夫って言ってるんだけど、 看護師さんとかに何度も聞いていた。
外、雨が降ってたの、 捜査中だったからびしょびしょ。
I told him I was ok, but he kept asking the nurses.
It was raining and he had been out investigating.
[RUI:] I said I was completely fine, but he kept asking the nurses over and over.
It was raining outside and he was in the middle of an investigation, so he was soaked.
それで何度もくしゃみばかりして、 最後には風邪移しちゃダメだって。
エヘヘ…お父さん、また慌てて 出て行っちゃった……。
He kept sneezing and said I shouldn’t catch his cold.
Hehehe. Then he got really excited and left...
[RUI:] And he kept sneezing, and finally he said he better not give me his cold.
Hee hee… And then he hurried back out…
マコさんが死んで…… お姉ちゃんが最近おかしくて……。
It’s very hard for me now.
Mako died... Yui’s been acting crazy...
[RUI:] I'm having a really hard time right now.
Mako-san died… and my sister's been acting so strange.
それにね、もう私の能力もダメ みたい……店辞めなきゃ……。
も、もうこんな自分が嫌…… もう消えちゃいたいんだ……。
...I don’t know what to do.
My power’s no good anymore so I must stop working...
I don’t like this ”me”. I want to erase it all...
[RUI:] I don't know what to do.
And then my powers aren't working anymore. I have to close my shop…
I… just hate myself… I wanna disappear…
Correct me...
[YAYOI:] slap
[RUI:] Y-Yayoi…?
[YAYOI:] Take that back.
消えたいなんて言わないで。 絶対に言わないで!
Don’t say you wanna go away, you got it?
[RUI:] ….Huh?
[YAYOI:] Don't say you want to vanish. Never say that!
そんな言葉は、軽々しく口に してはダメなの。
言ってしまうと、重みのある 現実の言葉になってしまうから。
You can’t just throw those words around.
Words carry weight once you say them. So...
[YAYOI:] You can't just throw those words around.
If you say them out loud, they gain weight and become reality.
私たち友達よ? 私を頼って。 自分1人で背負わないで。
Don’t say things like that.
We’re friends right? You can trust me to help you.
[YAYOI:] So don't say that, no matter what happens.
We're friends, right? You can count on me. Don't try to shoulder everything yourself.
[RUI:] …Yayoi?
[YAYOI:] What is it?
あんたがそれ言う? 一番一人で背負い込むタイプじゃん。
Is that you? You the first to tackle something alone.
Well, not recently...
[RUI:] Are you really one to talk? You're the first one to try and shoulder things on your on.
[YAYOI:] Well, I haven't been doing that recently.
You’re strange, Yayoi.
[RUI:] You've changed, Yayoi…
[YAYOI:] Really?
うん。最近よく笑うようになった。 まるで出会った頃みたいに。
アキラも今日は昔みたいに 凄く良い笑顔してた……。
You laugh more nowadays. Just like when we met.
Even Akira was all smiles today.
[RUI:] Yeah. You smile all the time lately. Like back when we first met.
And Akira was all smiles today too…
だけど…私だけ…私だけは、 暗い気持ちのまま……。
Yeah, he was...
But I... I’m the only one still gloomy and dark.
[YAYOI:] He really was.
[RUI:] But I'm… I'm still depressed. Just me.
みんなが楽しんでいる時、 心のどこかで腹を立てていた。
That’s why I didn’t want to go to that place.
Everyone’s having fun, I’m just pi��sed for no reason.
[RUI:] That's why I didn't want to be there today.
Everyone's having fun, and deep down I'm pissed off.
なんで私だけ苦しまなきゃっていう 嫌な気持ちになった。
Why do I feel like I have to be depressed??
...It’s scaring me.
[RUI:] I was angry. Why am I the only who has to suffer?
I… I'm scared…
私、どうなっちゃうんだろうって。 みんなを傷つけるような……。
私たちを!? どうして?
I feel like I’m gonna hurt everyone...
Hurt us? Why?
[RUI:] I don't know what's wrong with me. I feel like I might hurt you guys…
[YAYOI:] Hurt us?! Why?
そんなこと有り得ないし、 もしそうなっても助けてあげる!
みんなも同じ気持ちだと思うし、 私も一緒。絶対守ってあげる!
Well, It may happen, but if it does we’ll help you!
We all feel that way, so we’ll protect you!
[YAYOI:] That would never happen. But if it does, we'll help you!
I know everyone feels the same way. We'll protect you!
ルイが言ったじゃない、 私たち、みんな幼なじみだって。
Didn’t you say so? We’re all childhood friends!
[YAYOI:] You said it yourself. We're all childhood friends.
[RUI:] Y-Yayoi.
I... I’m sorry...
*sobs* S-Sorry...
[RUI:] I… I'm sorry…
sobs Sorry…
もう少し、ルイの事務所で 話をしましょう。
Rui, let’s go home.
Let’s talk a bit more at your office.
[YAYOI:] Let's go, Rui.
Let's talk a little more at your office.
ね、いろいろ聞かせて。 今日はルイのそばにずっと居るから。
Tell me everything! I’ll be with ya the whole time.
*sniffle* ...Ok...
[YAYOI:] Tell me everything, okay? I'll be with you the whole time.
[RUI:] sniffle Okay…
西条さん、一緒に来てくださって ありがとうございました。
Saijo thanks for accompan- ing us. We appreciate it.
I’ve got Rui. We’ll be fine getting home.
[YAYOI:] Saijou-san, thank you for coming with us.
I'll take her home.
私が余計なことを言って しまったようだね。
I’ll see you around
I said some pretty un- necessary stuff, huh.
[YAYOI:] Excuse us.
[KENICHI:] Looks like I said a little too much.
せっかく来てくれたのに すまなかった。
��かし、神代さんって女の子は、 ほんとうに強い子だな。
I’m sorry to have been a pain in the neck.
But Kamishiro’s one heck of a woman. She’s strong.
[KENICHI:] Sorry I spoiled your outing.
But that Kamishiro-san is one strong girl.
あれなら、あとは彼女に任せれば 大丈夫だろう。
There’s power in her words.
If we leave it up to her everything’ll be fine.
[KENICHI:] There's a lot of strength in her eyes and her words…
I think things'll be fine if we leave it to her.
また、ルイちゃんと神代さんと ゆっくり遊びに来ておくれ。
Let’s all hang out again sometime soon.
See ya.
[KENICHI:] Come here again with those two and take your time.
See ya.
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Faramir & Sam extended scene 4k
#lotr#lord of the rings#lotredit#4k#faramir#samwise gamgee#sam#david wenham#sean astin#the two towers#I love this moment so much#It should have been in the theatrical version#Showing a glimpse how faramir really is#Sam is so sweet here blushing after he compliments him
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“The West Door of Moria” by Darrel K. Sweet (1981)
#darrel k sweet#gandalf#lotr#lord of the rings#jrr tolkien#retro fantasy#wizard#fantasyart#retroart#painting#fantasypainting#90s fantasy#80s fantasy
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a lil bit of merry and pip
(was going to draw more scenes based off the book, but I drew the last pic first, and then immediately went back to drawing baby hobbits)
#my stuff#lotr#lord of the rings#meriadoc brandybuck#peregrin took#merry and pippin#merry being a protector is so sweet#every scene with these two either fills my heart with joy or dread for what's going to happen#listening to TTT and pip just grabbed the scary sauron ball#the description of that experience was breaking my heart
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>> 52_foodie
#mr donut#mochi donut#mochi donuts#ring donut#glazed donut#food#sweets#bakery#donuts#food stim#donut gif#pink#pastel#stim#stimmy#sensory#my gif#my gifs#offline
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Palo Alto 2013
#this is what makes us girls#girlblogging#this is a girlblog#live laugh girlblog#just a girlblog#palo alto#gia coppola#2014 tumblr#the bling ring#girlhood#sweet sixteen#hell is a teenage girl#teenagers#james franco#emma roberts#just girly posts#just girly things#friendship#girl power#the virgin suicides#sofia coppola#lisbon sisters#a24 films#i miss 2014#2k14 grunge#old tumblr
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it’s Gimli’s turn to tell the nightly tale
#lord of the rings#gimli#gimli son of gloin#lotr#the hobbits#i think abt the different members of the fellowship’s storytelling styles so often + gimli and the hobbits is an underrated dynamic#gimli tribute bc i love him and i got to meet the legendary john rhys davies this year at comic con#he was so sweet i nearly started crying. the most grandfather man#newt arts
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#art#ride kamens#ride kamens spoilers#ride kamens episode 14 spoilers#can't believe i made a joke about it being his eye color AND THEN#i did see his updated sprite before i got to 13 but i didn't even notice it at first...#at least he also got a funky little face marking to go with it#shine on you super shitsuji!!!!#anyway I AM FINALLY CAUGHT UP#on main story anyway i haven't played the tower emblem event yet :')#but man i am loving this game#i was not expecting it to be a full-on mystery! with intrigue!#who is lying! who is telling the truth! who THINKS they're telling the truth but isn't!#punctuated by the most delightful nonsense like the unbreakable magic superhero covenants#where you gotta touch rings in the magical wedding chapel dimension that we teleport to sometimes to talk to our dead dad#(OR IS HE???????)#NO IT'S GREAT (and it does make sense in context i just love it)#still 50/50 on yellow beyblade man secretly being our dad but i can't get into theories now i don't have enough tags#man this really has the essence of what i love about rider ❤️#so far i do think agata is my favorite#but then there's leon...#let me put it this way: i would tell agata a hard truth about himself if i thought he needed to hear it#but there is no amount of money in the world you could pay me to say anything even slightly mean to our sweet leon#LET 👏 HIM 👏 HENSHIN 👏#WAIT SHOOT is it too late to redo my survey answers i need to demand that i be able to put hats on leon
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John MacTavish used to spend parts of his summers in England visiting extended family and this is where he ends up meeting a boy a couple years older than him named Simon. Surprisingly enough, they hit it off. His bombastic, extroverted personality somehow manages to compliment Simon’s rather timid, introverted one. Joined at the hip, the two of them quickly call themselves best friends, and, as children tend to do, develop a bit of an innocent crush on each other – going so far as to promise to marry one another if they haven’t found anyone else by the time they’re both twenty-five.
But then autumn arrives and goodbyes are made and their promises to meet up again never come to fruition.
He doesn’t forget him though. Their friendship remains a fond memory, even a decade later, though much of the details are blurred with time. Perhaps it’s because they’d been each other’s first kiss – if the chaste peck of lips-on-lips can be called as such – or it’s the ring of twined straw, brittle as tinder, he has tucked away in his box of mementos that make that particular summer an unforgettable thing.
That and his steadfast insistence no one else is allowed to use a certain nickname for him.
In any case… those faded months are far from his mind when John Price is showing him around their base of operations, introducing him to people as they go along. The one-four-one consists of near enough two dozen operatives though he’s told it’s not uncommon to be mostly paired off with a select few of his fellow soldiers if they play to each other’s strengths. He nods along and pushes for the use of his callsign when folks wish to be friendly. Until, eventually, he finds himself face-to-face with a man who needs no introduction. A living legend as it were; who’s records Soap had worked hard to beat.
“Well then, last but not least. MacTavish, this is Lieutenant Simon Riley. Also known as–”
“–my future husband,” John finishes for him, based on a name, twelve percent of a full thought and the manc accent he’d spied when hearing him dismiss a batch of recruits.
Youngest to ever make the SAS and about to be the quickest one ousted, he thinks miserably when the eyes assessing him narrow at his declaration.
“So ye do remember me!” Pivoting from mortification to delight, and heedless to any gawking voyeurs, John slings an arm around Simon’s shoulders to draw him into a loose side-hug. “No’ long now ‘fore we need t’ get hitched, aye?”
“Courthouse is a twenty minute ride,” Simon says drily.
Soap laughs, brighter than he can remember doing for a long time, before he immediately starts teasing Ghost about not proposing properly.
(He does, of course, do so years down the line.)
#this is one of the only times a person has every rendered price speechless#johnny is extremely pleased by that once he stops wishing for the ground to swallow him whole#also also#when ghost proposes soap is like:#soap: sure if you can answer this one question of mine#ghost: ????#soap pulling his own ring from his pocket: will you marry me?#ghost would kill him for giving him a heart attack if it wasn't so sweet#john soap mactavish#simon ghost riley#ghostsoap#soapghost#ghoap#call of duty#ghostly writes stuff#alternate universe
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"My part-time job is King of the Noldor, my day job is trying not to have a nervous breakdown."
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/985a3104eb8a51ab022a8caebd1ca9bb/1c701607a13610d0-10/s540x810/40b6704fafa1a94952b33695990d15470afd56b4.jpg)
"Elrond helps with both of those jobs. Or he makes them harder. It depends."
#the rings of power#rings of power#trop season 2#gil galad#someone get gil galad a glass of wine#Or a sweet tea#Or just a nap tbh
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#i picture galadriel and celeborn as “very intense each in ways that are very different from one another but that just mesh perfectly”#if anything#my unhinged theory is that celeborn “won't” be that different in terms of personality from halbrand#in a way that will make the audience go: “oh. that's why galadriel was sweet on halbrand lol”#that scene where leslie and ben are wasted af in princess bride costumes and getting tattoos?#galadriel and celeborn in beleriand during their honeymoon and you will not convince me otherwise#rings of power#galadriel#celeborn#celedriel
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chapter 12: Company F
「あら? 西条さんじゃないですか」
こんにちは。 また会っちゃいましたね。
”Eh? It’s Saijo.”
Hello. We meet again.
Have you come to see Rui?
[YAYOI, offscreen:] "Oh? It's you, Saijou-san."
[YAYOI:] Hello. We meet again.
Are you here to see Rui too?
>No, it’s a coincidence
>No, it's a coincidence
{1 >Yes
そうなんですか、 私もそうなんですよ。
ちょっとルイのこと、 気になっていたんです。
Oh, I see. Me, too.
I’ve been a bit worried about Rui.
[YAYOI:] Oh, I see. That's exactly why I'm here.
I've been a bit worried about Rui.
今日はいつものルイでしたけど、 最近、落ち込み気味でしたから。
それにルイは、口には出さない タイプですから余計に心配で……。
She was OK today, but she’s been upset recently.
She keeps things inside, so it worries me more.
[YAYOI:] She was her usual self today, but lately she's been depressed.
And she's the type who keeps things to herself, which makes me all the more worried...
だから、今から気分転換に、 少し連れ出そうかと。
それに、西条さんが一緒なら 上手く行く気がするんです。
So I th��ught I’d take her out to refresh a little.
I think it’d be nice if you came along, too.
OK, shall we go?
[YAYOI:] So I thought I'd take her out today for a little change of pace.
I think it would help even more if you come along, Saijou-san.
Shall we go?
{2 >No, it’s a coincidence
ですが、西条さんも最近ルイが おかしいって思いません?
I see...
Don’t you think Rui’s been strange lately?
[YAYOI:] I see...
But don't you agree that Rui's been acting strange recently?
安藤マコさんのことや、 占いがうまくいかないこと……。
I’m so worried.
There’s Mako, and her business isn’t going well.
[YAYOI:] I'm really worried about her.
There's what happened with Andou Mako-san, and then her fortune-telling isn't doing well...
この事務所を開いた時だって、 弱音一つ吐かなかった……。
It’s a lot for her.
When she started this place she never showed weakness.
[YAYOI:] She's dealing with a lot right now.
She never complained once even when she was first opening her office up...
だから、今よけいに絶対に助けが 必要なんだと思います。
I think she needs help now more than ever.
Just like I did before.
[YAYOI:] So I think she must need help now more than ever.
Just like I did earlier.
そういうことですので、 西条さんも付き合ってください。
ルイを連れ出して、美味しい物を お腹いっぱい食べましょう。
So will you come along with me?
Let’s take her out and eat something delicious.
[YAYOI:] So will you come along with us, Saijou-san?
I'd like to take her out to eat something nice.
そしたら、絶対元気になります。 ね?
Then she’ll feel better. Don’t you think?
Here we go!
[YAYOI:] I'm sure she'll feel better after that, don't you?
Let's go!
え? ヤヨイと西条君? どうしたの?
いきなり押しかけてごめんね? ちょっと時間あるかな?
Huh? Yayoi & Saijo? What’s wrong?
Sorry to show up suddenly. Do you have some time?
[RUI:] Huh? Yayoi and Saijou-kun? What's going on?
[YAYOI:] I'm sorry to show up out of the blue. Do you have some time right now?
ん? 何? どうしたの?
ちょっと出かけない? 甘い物が食べたい気分なのよ。
Hm? What? What’s up?
Let’s go out! I wan�� to eat something sweet.
[RUI:] Hm? What? What's up?
[YAYOI:] I'm in the mood for something sweet. Would you like to come with me?
今日、調子悪いっていうか、 気分が優れないんだ。
Oh, sorry... I’ll pass.
I don’t feel well today. I’m just so down.
[RUI:] Oh... sorry, I'm gonna pass.
I'm not feeling great today. Just not doing well.
せっかく来てくれたのに ごめんね?
You came all the way here, I’m sorry.
It’s OK, don’t worry.
[RUI:] Sorry you came all this way.
[YAYOI:] It's all right. Don't worry.
外に出たら気分も変わって 楽しくなるはずよ。
……ヤヨイ? 今の聞いてた?
Once you’re outside you’ll feel better for sure.
Yayoi? Were you listening?
[YAYOI:] Once you step outside you'll start feeling better.
[RUI:] ...Yayoi? Did you hear me?
ええ、もちろん。 さあ、行きましょう!
Yes, of course. OK, let’s go!
H- hey, Yayoi?
[YAYOI:] Yes, of course. Come on, let's go!
[RUI:] H-hey! Yayoi!
Come on, hurry up.
H- hey...
[YAYOI:] Come on now, hurry up.
[RUI:] H-hang on...
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The Arrival of Gandalf by Darrel K. Sweet (1982)
#darrel k sweet#retro fantasy#wizard#fantasyart#retroart#painting#fantasypainting#90s fantasy#80s fantasy#lotr#lord of the rings#gandalf#jrr tolkien
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one day ill write that fanfic
#my art#anihita europa#tarnished oc#messmer the impaler#sote#sote spoilers#elden ring spoilers#hes holding her old dress. it smells like her#she smells like cured meat bc she's got Sweet Caro Flesh#smells nice. honeyed. maybe baked. homey
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#illustration#artists on tumblr#cute#artoftheday#gouache#gouache illustration#gouache art#wholesome#soon#everything will get better#i will be okay#fairy ring#love#sweet art#gentler reminder#things will be okay#okay#we will be okay#artist#artist on tumblr#tag your person#art#nature art#artwork#artist in tumblr#positive thoughts#everything will be okay#nature core#mushrooms#mushroom illustrations
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