#sweet inko
habken · 1 day
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“two eight year olds in a trench coat” version of the fusion au was so good too
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beybuniki · 8 months
I know that tiktok is just supposed to be a cute/funny thing, but I noticed that the onesie baby Bakugou went feral for is the same one baby Deku wore in the show and that it was Bakugou's dad who bought it for them.
Now I'm wondering if whenever Bakugou's parents buy All Might merch for their son, they make sure to buy 2 of everything for Izuku too, because they know Inko might not be able to afford some of them and they don't want her to feel embarrassed, so they lie and claim that it was "buy two for the price of one!" thing or something.
And maybe Bakugou (before his bully phase) would notice Deku silently eyeing certain All Might merch, but without saying anything because he doesn't want to bother their parents, so then Bakugou would have to pretend to also want those merch, when he really doesn't want them, just so Deku can have them.
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deusvervewrites · 11 months
Star for All x Quasar x Gun for All x Sweet Dreams x Momnight x Inko/Kaina/Cathleen:
The power of love!
I mean
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riahlynn101 · 3 months
"Kidnapping is Easier Said Than Done."
summary: Yoichi sometimes wishes he were born into a better family, but what he wants more than that is for his nephew to be raised by someone, anyone that's not All for One.
Trigger warning: Kidnapping
Yoichi’s favorite hobby is people watching. Call it a holdover from his childhood days of being relegated to the shadows of society, but it has never ceased to amaze him how people interact with the world around them. The park near his apartment is both a nice place to relax and to indulge this hobby. 
He likes to sit on a bench in the center of the park, between a row of neatly planted tulips and a scattering of wildflowers. People pass by, sometimes in pairs or groups, sometimes alone. 
But today he’s there for a different reason. 
“Hello,” a young woman pushing a stroller greets him. 
“Ah, Midoriya-san, how are you doing today?"
“Good, good.” She sits next to him. 
“And how is Izuku?” He looks over the baby. Now a little bigger than the last time he saw him, even though it’s only been a couple weeks. “Getting bigger.” He clicks his tongue. “They grow up so fast.”
Midoriya-san frowns. She traces a finger down the baby’s chubby cheek. “Too fast.” 
Yoichi suddenly feels guilty. He shouldn’t, not yet. But he does. Making people upset has never sat right with him. 
“He has your eyes,” he says, changing the topic to something less imminent than her baby growing up. Though, if Yoichi’s being honest, he knows that’s not true. The only similarities little Izuku and Midoriya-san’s eyes share are that they’re big and green. 
Midoriya-san laughs. “My husband says Izuku has his brother’s eyes. I’ve never met him before….” she trails off, chewing on her bottom lip. “Guess I’ll have to take his word for it.” She laughs again. The sound is nice. Nicer than anything his brother deserves to listen to.
“How is your husband?” Yoichi asks. Maybe his brother calmed down, retired even. As much as he doesn’t want his nephew being raised by his brother, Yoichi really doesn’t want to cause the young woman next to him any pain. She seems nice, just gullible and misled. 
The smile falls off her face, replaced by a frown, and Yoichi knows the answer before she speaks. “Hisashi’s on a business trip.”
“How long?”
“Who knows,” she murmurs. Izuku coos in his sleep. A soft fondness overtakes the sad, tired look in Midoriya-san’s eyes. “I’m sure he’ll be home soon, though.”
It’s Yoichi’s turn to frown. “Yeah,” he agrees, “I’m sure too.”
He looks at her. At her soft hair and soft features and big eyes. Yoichi knows his brother. He knows that he didn’t fall in love with this beautiful but naive woman for no reason. There has to be a plan in place. A scheme to get his hands on One for All, or a chance for a new quirk. Yoichi can’t put his finger on what it is exactly. 
“I’m tired,” she admits in a small voice, like she’s ashamed. Midoriya-san looks at him, and he sees the countless hours of sleep she’s lost raising Izuku on her own. She bows her head, one of her hands rest on the stroller, absently moving it back and forth. “I’m so, so tired.” Tears fall from her eyes, she sniffles.
“I would be too.” Yoichi pats her shoulder. He’s not the best at offering comfort, but he’ll be damned if he doesn’t try. 
“Izuku is a good boy. I know he is, and I know that it’ll get easier when he gets older. But right now…” Midoriya-san sobs into her hands, shoulders shaking. The noise almost wakes Izuku. Yoichi keeps an eye on him, even as continues to pat Midoriya-san on the back. 
“Do you have any family or friends?” 
She looks up from her hands, shaking her head. “Besides Hisashi, you mean?”
Of course his brother would choose someone without a good support network. The thought fills Yoichi with an indescribable rage. But he’s nothing if not good at managing his emotions (living with someone like All for One will do that to you), so he just flashes a gentle smile. “Yes.”
“Mitsuki, she’s my best friend.”
“Why don’t you reach out to her?”
“She has a baby too, only a few months older than Izuku. I don’t want to burden her.” At those words Midoriya-san devolves into sobs again. 
Yoichi grimaces. The guilt is already setting in. “Midoriya-san,” he says. “You look like you need a break. I’d be more than happy to watch Izuku for you.”
Midoriya-san shakes her head. “N- no….I…you can’t. My husband doesn’t like people watching our son.”
“Besides you?”
“Besides me and him.”
“How is that fair?” Yoichi asks. “You can’t sustain yourself by taking care of Izuku all the time. Besides, your husband will never know. You can go home and sleep, and I’ll take care of the baby. We can meet up here at five.”
“Should be here to help you.”
Midoriya-san looks at him and then over at her baby. “Are you sure…? Izuku can be a handful and I’ve heard horror stories of babysitters getting frustrated and-”
He cuts her off. “I’ve dealt with worse, trust me.” Not babies but All for One is certainly close enough. Yoichi takes her hand. “I promise to take good care of your son.”
“His diaper bag is at the bottom of the stroller. It has everything you’ll need.” Midoriya-san sighs sadly. She leans over to kiss Izuku’s downy head. “I love you, Izuku. Be good until mommy comes back.” She then looks over at Yoichi. “Take care of him. Oh, and I know you’re only watching him for a few hours, but he might be a little fussy when he wakes up. He’s not used to being cared for by anyone except my husband or I.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.” The sudden urge to throw up washes over him. He smiles. 
Yoichi abandons the stroller a block away from his apartment. He shoulders the diaper bag, and carries the baby close to his chest. Izuku is thankfully a heavy sleeper, so the rest of the trip isn’t interrupted by the sounds of a crying baby. 
He enters his apartment. It’s totally empty, minus a few bags, the baby, him, and….
“You got him,” Kudou, his husband, says. His amber eyes are warmer than usual, staring at the baby in his arms.
“I feel sick,” he admits. The baby moves a little, snuggling closer to his chest. Yoichi imagines his baby nephew finds the sound of his heart relaxing. Anything to offset his racing thoughts. “I don’t think I can go through with this.”
Kudou places a firm hand on his back. “I won’t fault you if you don’t. It’s not easy, and if I was anymore approachable I would have been the one to do it. But it is either All for One, us, or a random family’s doorstep.”
“I- Midoriya-san is so kind,” Yoichi whispers, looking down at Izuku. “I don’t think she knows.”
“Would she tell you if she did?”
Yoichi thinks of his own lived experience of protecting his brother’s identity from prying feds and nosy neighbors. The constant paranoia that anyone he talked to could be vying for his brother’s head, and even now he wouldn’t want that. Especially if his brother decided to settle down and retire. 
But that’s a pipe dream , he realizes for the millionth time in the hundred-plus years he’s been alive.
“No,” he says, a finality in his tone. 
Izuku stays asleep for the duration of the car ride. Given, it’s not exactly a long ride, but the fact that he does stay asleep is a small mercy. Kudou doesn’t know what he would do if he had to both comfort his husband who is one minor inconvenience away from having a panic attack and soothe a crying baby. 
They bought a new house in the countryside. It’s still hours away, so they’re going to stop for tonight. He already feels like they are pressing their luck. 
Kudou pulls into a shady looking motel’s parking lot. A glowing ‘vacancy’ sign sits in the window. “I’ll be right back,” he says. Yoichi nods. He hasn’t said much this entire trip.
The receptionist is a middle-aged man who, upon Kudou asking for a room, threw the key at him, annoyed at being asked to do his job. After completing this, apparently, herculean task, the man returns to watching his soaps at full volume on the tiny TV in front of him. 
Kudou rolls his eyes. 
Some people. 
Yoichi sits in the front seat. He can’t get his mind off Midoriya-san. Izuku’s mom. He knows he shouldn’t feel bad. She made her choices. Choices that Izuku, being born into this family, had no say in. 
But he can’t stop the gnawing guilt clawing at his insides. It’s not too dissimilar to what he felt all those years ago, being rescued and (in certain people’s eyes) leaving his brother behind. The guilt of breaking an unspoken bond. 
The bond of brotherhood. 
The bond of perceived friendship. 
A hiccup startles Yoichi out of his thoughts. He looks over his shoulder at the baby (who is laying a pile of blankets in a laundry basket). Another hiccup and a sniffle. 
Oh, no!
That’s all the warning he gets before Izuku starts bawling. Little arms flailing around.. His face is scrunched up and red from the few seconds of crying. Yoichi unbuckles his seatbelt. He kneels on the seat, leaning over into the backseat. 
“Hey, hey, it’s okay,” he says, waving his hands around frantically. “Shhh….it’s-”
His husband decides to come back right at that moment. Kudou has an annoyed look on his face, but it instantly fades when he looks between the screaming baby and Yoichi’s tearful expression.
“Yo’,” he murmurs. “I got him. How about you go check our room out.”
“But,” Yoichi starts, anxious and frustrated in equal measure. Logically, he knows that he’s in no state to calm his nephew down. But the idea of not being the one to do it, of offloading that responsibility on someone else, only adds to his guilt. 
“We’ll be right behind you. You need a few minutes to yourself. Just to collect your thoughts.”
Yoichi opens his mouth to argue but finds that his husband (as always) is correct. “Fine,” he says. 
He gets out of the car, taking with him a backpack and the baby bag. The sounds of his baby nephew crying and his husband shushing him fall silent as he heads to their room. 
Kudou is a soldier. A warrior. A commander. 
He’s killed and fought and lost everything.
And somehow, wrangling a squirming baby is the hardest thing he’s ever done. He comes to two conclusions simultaneously. One, his nephew is going to be a royal pain in the ass, especially if they want to continue to stay undercover. And two, baby Izuku looks an awful lot like his dad. 
He shakes his head. He would rather chew on broken glass than willingly think about All for One. The bastard doesn’t deserve to take up residence in Kudou’s head. Not after all the chaos and calamity he’s caused. And, more importantly, the baby doesn’t deserve being compared to someone so awful. 
Tamping down any comparisons or thoughts of All for One, Kudou scoops the baby up. Izuku sniffles, looking up at him. His big eyes seem to search Kudou’s face, as if deciding on something. 
He breathes a sigh of relief, ear drums still ringing from the few seconds of the baby’s screams. But it’s short lived, as not a second later, Izuku bursts into hysterics - louder than before. 
Kudou sighs again, this time resigned to his fate. He carries the baby, squirming and crying like a banshee all the way across the motel parking lot. An older woman shoots him a dirty look as he passes. 
As if the baby crying is his fault. 
To be fair, it technically is. But she doesn’t know that. He glares at her, and feels a little vindicated when she quickly looks away. 
By the time he makes it to their room, Izuku has settled down some. He’s more still and his cries have less bite to them. Which doesn’t help his poor ears, but at least they won’t be kicked out because of a noise complaint (not Kudou has any faith in the guy up front to do anything about it). 
Yoichi is making a makeshift bassinet on the bed. He forms some of the pillows and blankets into a circle. He looks up when Kudou enters. 
“I was starting to worry.” He glances at the baby in Kudou’s arms. “He didn’t give you any trouble?”
Deciding not to fuel his husband’s growing anxiety, he shrugs his shoulders. “Nope. None.” 
He hands the baby off to his husband. Kudou busies himself with drawing up plans for the next day and offering small encouragements to Yoichi as he paces the room. 
Eventually, thankfully, as the sun sets beyond the horizon, the baby finally sleeps. His cries taper off into small whimpers and then into soft snores. Yoichi places the baby in the center of the bed, sliding into bed after him. His body curls around the pile of blankets. 
“Coming to bed?” Yoichi asks, quiet because of the looming threat of the baby waking up. 
Kudou hums. “Not yet. I’ll be there in a second.”
Yoichi nods, settling down for the night. It’s not long before he, too, is fast asleep. 
Kudou watches them for a while. If he didn’t know better, he could almost pretend that they just adopted Izuku. That the baby is really theirs, and not the product of All for One scheming. His heart clenches.
Izuku extends his arm in his sleep as if reaching out for something (or someone). 
He frowns, which only deepens further when the baby cries out in his sleep. His tiny hands brushing against scratchy blankets. 
Kudou puts his plans for the next couple of days on the back burner. He sits awkwardly on the edge of the bed. One of his hands hover above the baby, unsure of what to do or how to offer comfort. 
Carefully, tentatively, he strokes a finger down the baby’s chubby cheek. One of Izuku’s hands come up to grab onto him. The whimpering and crying instantly stops. 
Kudou comes to one more conclusion, body curled around the pile of blankets and pillows on their bed:
Their nephew, soon to be son, is innocent and needs to be protected and has all the potential in the world to become something great and kind - if they only treat him with all the compassion neither of them were given while growing up. 
He falls asleep, holding one of Izuku’s tiny hands. The baby’s fingers wrap around his thumb. 
Across from him, Yoichi smiles.
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vanishingstarrs · 1 year
shoutout to inko midoriya for creating and raising izuku all on her own, husband? she doesn’t need one. she willed herself to be pregnant and give birth to the world’s greatest hero on her own, that boy is all her so that was all her and no one else
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purplesoulsapphire · 3 months
IF Only 🥺❤️
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Resharing from Twitter.
Belongs To Original Artist.
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spacebunniesmha · 11 months
I don't think I've ever met someone who genuinely hated Inko?? (As it should be)
And whenever i have seen someone hate on her online, they always get bombarded with hate. (Also how it should be)
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delku · 2 years
the post-kamino inko conflict is one of the better-written portions of the story. like, seriously, it's up there with chapter 1 and chapter 326 as being one of my favorite parts of the main series - inko is morally neutral, and just wants to take care of izuku, and will stop at nothing to make sure he's being treated with due care at ua. she's not demonized for it, but she's absolutely presented as a huge obstacle for izuku and all might. and all might handles it so gracefully
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luxthestrange · 6 months
BNHA Incorrect quotes#13...The awakening 2-
NB!Y/n*Meeting the Big Three after Izuku told you about his odd but nice upperclassmen*Are the big three Zuzu told me about?~Im Y/n Midoriya!~
NB!Y/n*Chuckling at his comment, looking at his eyes* Arent you sweet~
Mirio*Flushed under the collar and looks at Nejire and tamaki*O-Ok you guys get out of here...so me and beautiful gorgeous can live happily ever after-
Tamaki*Hidding his face and covers his eyes from your...radiance* Mi-mirio you in highschool and they're college, their old...er-
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part 2:
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theoriginalkaminari · 1 month
A fluffy little oneshot on Izuku x reader, where he’s just crushing on his best friend?
Lil bro I gottchu
(Hope you don't mind, but I did him as a teenager still)
This is pretty bad reading over it ngl but I can't find the right way to write it???
Enjoy at your own risk.
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"Today, they had finished Uraraka's strawberry cake so it wouldn't go to waste." The green-haired boy mutters to himself as he furiously scribbles in his notebook. Izuku had found himself writing more about you everyday. Anything and everything you did interested him, even if it was the simplest thing you did.
He first excused it as nothing, he was just writing down everything you did because it would probably strength the bond you two had!
It wasn't until his mother found his open notebook that the realized be might be in love with you.
"Izuku!" Inko had said, her voice slightly panicked. "Why are you stalking this person?" She asks, holding up the notebook in confusion and worry. "I know you're a teenage boy, and you are going through some changes, but-"
Izuku blushes intensely, grabbing the notebook and holding it close to him. "Mom! No, its not like that!" He stammers, face now a heavy red. "They're just beautiful and sweet and amazing and-" He pauses, seeing the look on his mom's face. "...oh..." He mutters to himself, understanding that his feelings for you weren't platonic.
So here he was. You and the Dekucrew all went out to the mall, and had stopped at the food court to eat. Izuku scribbled down everything you did in intense detail.
Uraraka gasps. "Tsu, look! That dress is so cute! Uraraka says excitedly, shaking her friend. Asui perks up, looking at the mushroom patterned dress. "It is! Lets go check it out." She replies, taking her hand and walking towards the dress.
"Stay in groups!" Iida calls after them as he jogs to catch up with the two girls.
Izuku looks up at this, realizing that you and him were left alone, since Todoroki and Tokoyomi went to go find some food a little bit ago already.
Izuku turns red as you make eye contact with him, his palms beginning to sweat and his heart pounding in his chest.
"So, you good?" You ask, raising an eyebrow. "You've been distant the whole day." You say, genuine concern seeping into your voice. You lean closer, trying to get a read on whatevers' inside his head.
Izuku gulps and looks away, using his arms and hands to cover his face. "Yep! I'm good! Just a little...overwhelmed! By all the people here!" He laughs nervously, not daring to make eye contact with you.
You only become more concerned as you place a hand on his arm. "Hey, we can go back to U.A if this is to much for you." Your soft voice makes Izuku blush even more, his hands trembling slightly.
"No! No, I'm okay!" Izuku quickly says, standing up and stepping back. "Hey, just stay here for a sec! I gotta go find Todoroki and Tokoyomi!" He says, needing an excuse to calm himself down.
You seem slightly disappointed, and this makes his heart ache. "Right. Okay." You say quietly, placing your chin on your palm.
Izuku feels terrible for making you dissapointed. No! That wasn't his goal at all! He wants to see you happy, this isn't happy!
Izuku decides to give you a hug as an attempt to make you feel better, but when he does, he just freezes. He can't let go of the hug. He NEEDS to hold you close forever, he needs to just...stay like this. In your arms, where nothing bad could happen.
Izuku hides his face in your shoulder, his body trembling slightly as he realizes how badly he loves you.
Izuku Midoriya had a crush on his bestfriend.
(This is kinda shitty anon if you hate it you can be honest🙏🙏 love u)
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habken · 3 months
nobody wants to work anymore nobody else is on that 24/7 shipmaxxing grindset smh nobody’s got the guts to take two characters that have negative screen time together and make them fall deep deep in love where is your whimsey where is your sense of adventure
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sugarplumz100 · 18 days
Can I request reader meeting Mha characters family, you can pick whoever you think fits best :3
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A/N: Hiiiii thank you so much for requesting!
Characters: Midoriya and Bakugo
Synopsis: you get invited to go over to your boyfriend’s house to meet the parents!
Midoriya is a naturally nervous person. He isn’t nervous that his mom wouldn’t like you, that she will forbid Midoriya from dating you because she’s super nice and isn’t that kind of person. However he is nervous that something will go wrong, what if he trips when greeting you at the door, what if he gets food between his teeth, or if his mother shares an absolutely embarrassing story about him.
Although he’s very nervous himself, he will try to reassure you as much as he can if you’re incredibly nervous. From how he speaks about his mother you know she’s a nice woman and that you probably have nothing to worry about.
Once you arrive to the Midoriya household you can help but feel nervous. Gripping onto the nicely packaged thing of chocolates you knock. This is it…it’s happening…there’s no turning back
Good news chat! SHE LOVES YOU!
She thinks you’re absolutely perfect for her son, he knows he is a sweet boy and he has a ton on his plate with being a hero in training. She is glad that you have shown him nothing but kindness, love, and respect. That’s all she wanted for her son as a mother. She definitely tells you some stories but nothing too bad because she doesn’t want to embarrass Izuku too much. However she does whip out the photo album !
Pictures of izuku at the age of 9 playing with his figures, izuku in his boy scout uniform, and many other pictures that make Izuku turn into a tomato. Overall meeting Inko was more than you expected in a good way. She fully supports you two being together.
Although he doesn’t show it, he’s pretty scared that his mother will scare you off. Even though he’s basically a carbon copy of her and you put up with him, shit you even love him, he still thinks that her loudness and abrasive personality will scare you off.
The meeting was definitely a short notice, his mother probably found out he had a girlfriend and she just wanted to meet who would be the brave soldier to love and put up with her incredibly loud son.
Bakugo definitely did try hiding you from his parents for this exact reason, he’s just extremely nervous and won’t admit it. He isn’t to worried about his father disapproving because he’s the most forgiving however his mother definitely has strong opinions.
When you show up to the Bakugo household, his parents are genuinely surprised how different you are from him. They definitely thought he would’ve found someone just as hot headed as him but they were (happily) proved wrong.
His mother definitely asks you a bunch of questions, not in an interrogation way but to know more about you. So far she loves everything she’s hearing and Katsuki couldn’t be any happier seeing both of you getting along so well. His father is mostly listening and joining in here in there, just basking in happiness that his some found someone good.
Overall, they both love you and invite you over again and again. His mom definitely gives you a bone crushing hug once you leave though.
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mysteriesmuse · 2 months
childhood trio izuku, katsuki, and y/n!! who are constantly dragged to each other things! Like, Katsuki and Izuku who both got signed up for T-ball and Pee-Wee Soccer. Katsuki who eventually got good at it and had baseball tournaments every other weekend and your parents are dragging both you and Izuku out to watch Katsuki. The sweetness of a sticky box of crackerjacks and peanuts shared as you spend dozen of weekends sitting together in the stands at his field games with the big pointer finger foam hand and corn dogs — and the everlasting hope of catching a ball. It gets close to happening once or twice, and eventually Katsuki reluctantly gives everyone in his fanclub a signed baseball from the game. It sits proudly on your bookshelves.  Katsuki who in middle school eventually gets recruited to the small wrestling team as well and so now you’re stuck in the van in between these too in the back seat and driving all the way to his other tournaments in a giant sweaty gym. All of you with folders of paperwork in your laps as you dutifully try to complete hw before the match. You and Izuku snickering behind your books as Katsuki complains about a weggie from the uniform being too tight in the crotch. And Izuku, who started winning at spelling bees at an early age; whose ramblings landed him a spot in debate club when he got older. The T-ball never really stuck for him like it did for Kacchan. Who’s got an auditorium full of overachievers and stuffy dressed people staring at their stopwatch’s that are taking down every note. The evenings where there’s a tie being grueling. The early mornings a challenge of wits as you and Katsuki used to pilfer through a dictionary together. Index fingers frantically running over the letters of the words Izuku was trying to spell as your heads nearly bump into each other. The evenings where you’d lay your head on his or your parents shoulders as you tried to stay awake . . . Momma Inko always gently patting the two of you on the shoulders when the debate is over. You and Katsuki rubbings the sleep out of your eyes as you run off to congratulate Izuku. The late night milkshakes in the car as he continue talking about all the exciting little quirks of the game. You nodding along w The hours spent where Izuku would practice his word count at the kitchen table afterschool. You and Katsuki, used to the new routine, now bring headphones to drown out the noise of him practicing his talking so that you both can focus on studying. And y/n who’d gotten signed up for dance classes the same time the boys were busy attempting miniature versions of sports. Eventually sticking with it and finding that she’s naturally talented at looking graceful across the ballet stage. Always having Izuku and Katsuki come out to the performances and sitting with all the parents. The two of them always forced to dress formally like proper audience members and each of them clutching and handing you a bouquet of their own choosing when you arrive from backstage. Izuku’s classic green button up and eagerly handing you a sweetly wrapped ghetto bouquet as he comments on the ballet. Katsuki who comes out in slacks and loafers and sheepishly hands you a classic bouquet of red roses with his sweaty hands. Sometimes even getting you a matching bouquet so you can take photos with it in your costume; a factor you never seem to miss with a gasp and tease. Y/N who’s always preparing for the ballet over at Katsuki’s house. His father taking the time to help prepare your costume and pointe shoes together. The family office (which already was a design studio) now an explosion of ribbons and bubble gum pop as pins and needles do hems and tucks. Your mother and his always taking the time to practice teaching you how to do the makeup and hair yourself. Katsuki will always peak his head into the office to office to announce his presence as you swivel your head and beam from the dress pedalstol.
Y/N who quickly dives into theatre and music. The Suzuki cello lessons taking place for so long that eventually when Katsuki gets signed up for drum lessons the new carpool starts to break your routine. Instead of the usual music that you’re studying your accompanied by Katsuki tapping anxiously with his fingers against his knees. His lessons that take place down the hall so loud that you can hear them in the midst of your scales. And everyday for the first few months when asked how it was you’d grumble and snark out “not really sure it was impossible to hear with the super loud drums next door.” And quickly his lessons require a little bit of piano playing and soon enough the hallway is filled with plinkering notes as he attempts a sonata every Wednesday for 20 minutes.  Eventually he gets good enough that his mother starts pressuring him to accompany your cello playing. And it’s 2 grueling days spent at his house where you’re forced to sit as Katsuki stiffly positions himself at the keyboard and hammers out the accompaniment to your solo. Very quickly the parents learn that this isn’t going to work very well and you and Katsuki go back on your merry way with lessons. Sometimes now you even get a good giggle when hammering along to something only for a drumstick to fly out of his hand. The resulting pause and string of curses simply hilarious from your safe distance.  Y/N who joins theatre and try’s out for the musicals for several years. Whose excitement and participation in captivating performances moves Izuku to join shortly after. Momma Inko packing snacks into your bags as you stay afterschool. Your own parents picking the two of you up and having Izuku over for dinner until Momma Inko gets off of work.  Izuku who’s fantastic at memorizing lines and lyrics that he quickly gets lead roles especially when there’s so few boys in theatre. And you who’s good enough at music and dancing that you’re on the “dance team” which is a special group of students from similiar backgrounds who get to do the more interesting choreography. The two of you a perfect duo of tenor and soprano which means that you can sing out all the songs out of context to your hearts content together. The two of you incredibly enthusiastic the year you do Macbeth because it’s the first time you’ve both landed big roles: Izuku as Banquo and Y/N as the head witch in the play. And now the both of you get to interact together on stage besides just being ensemble and chorus members.
Every rehearsal in costume you get to prance around with a cloak and dare to scare Izuku in the dark backstage. Except he’ll usually silently flinch and then grin with his arms open for an embrace whispering “n/n!” as he beckons you forth, “didn’t know you got back from costume and makeup already. That was super fast. You look good - uh I mean bad. Yeah, bad.” 
And Katsuki’s forced to watch by himself with all of your folks giving y’all a congratulations and handing off another bouquet to you and giving Izuku a playful punch to the shoulder. The parents enthusiastically asking to get pictures of the two of you in costume. 
Y/N with best few photos always ending up on your wall just like the rest of them that you have with the boys after everything you’ve done all these years together. Izuku has his catalogued by year in a scrapbook and Katsuki has his favorite one framed: a photo of you in your ballet outfit and him in his baseball get-up with a fashion disaster Izuku in the middle as he had to dress up for both events. The poor boy slightly sunburnt and covered in a far amount of glitter sandwiched between y’all. 
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imagination-mess · 2 months
Ghost!Izuku Part Two
Previously: Ghost Izuku Part One Ghost! Izuku had to be homeschooled until the middle of elementary school. He would vanish on the spot whenever he was embarrassed or nervous. It took a while for him to get the hang of it. Thankfully, Inko found a school that takes in supernatural children, knowing the beginning years are much harder to get used to. This went on until high school, when all children are required to blend into society, should be able to. 
Ghost! Izuku purposely waits for the month of October to get old, sweet payback and is very calculative about it. He has driven people to be paranoid and him. He will be gaslighting people. What do you mean you heard noises? I didn't hear anything. WHEN IT'S HIM. 
Ghost! Izuku can get straight up terrifying when he gets mad. The whole building would feel haunted with the amount of flickering and things flying, along with the doors slamming shut. A poltergeist is now acting up in the building. The aura of the building will be way off. It's less intense when he is moody. 
Ghost! Izuku doesn't really notice it when he does it, but was told by his friends that he is so lucky that their partner didn't see the way his eyes were glowing. He gets territorial over you when it comes to other half-ghosts like him being around you, especially in public at parties. He just stares them down, like daring for them to come closer. The human soul can be used as batteries for the typical ghost, especially those who want to be stronger and cut corners. You can take as many human souls as you want, but it will backfire eventually.
Ghost! Izuku will move throughout the house with ease, especially if you are sick. He will magically spawn whenever you call to him. You are too sick to even realize that he appeared from thin air. If you did see him, you will gaslight yourself. There was no way your boyfriend would just spawn like a ghost. 
Ghost! Izuku is the most human among his group of friends, aside from his witch friend, Uraraka. The others have questionable traits that, no matter how they look, some noticeable instincts slip through the cracks. It's a blessing he doesn't have to worry about the fangs plus claws appearing or wanting to drink his partner's blood because they went over their limit when their typical blood feeding time was hours ago.
The worst Ghost! Izuku can do is become completely transparent and disappear completely in front of you, aside from the poltergeist typical behavior. The poltergeist activity can be blamed on faulty electricity.
Dating Ghost! Izuku will make you question things such as the lights flickering only whenever he is around to the occasional drop of temperature whenever you are purposely ignoring him.
Ghost! Izuku is already a little weird to begin with. He doesn't tell you that he is half-ghost until he is forced to. Some of his friends can't talk shit either; they are insane as him dating normies.
Please feel free to ask me anything to request anything within this universe. I am willing to do other characters. I am sucker to supernatural au.
Next: Werewolf! Katsuki Bakugou
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sleeplessdreamer14 · 2 months
Inko: Do me a favor, be sweet to (Name). They kind of have a crush on you.
Iida: Really? I had no idea.
Inko: Of course you didn’t, boys never do. (leaves the room)
Iida: (stifles a laugh)
(Name): (was under the bed the whole time/knocks on the slats) Shut up.
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serendipitous-girl · 3 months
𝐝𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐝𝐞𝐤𝐮
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⊱✿⊰ summary: head canons as a gift to @lovelykil
⊱✿⊰ warnings: nothing crazy. Mentions of pregnancy and kids but nothing nsfw
⊱✿⊰ notes: my first fanfiction on this new account! How exciting am i right??
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❀ Izuku loves to show how grateful he is to have you as a partner. You are kind and compassionate and just amazing. He loves everything about you and does his best to show you that. He buys you flowers regularly, takes you on dates as much as he can (with his busy schedule), and tries to show you he appreciates you.
❀ Although he has a very busy life as a pro hero he makes time for you. Quick lunches in between rescues and the occasional time he takes a day off go spend it with you. Whenever he takes the day off he loves to make you dinner.
❀ He knows he wanted to marry you almost right into dating. You are so perfect ans you make him feel the best he could be. Why wouldn't he choose to spend the rest of his life with you?
❀ surprisingly or not, izuku prefers keeping your relationship details pretty private. Like he doesn't hide you from the public but he does keep them from giving you all invasive questions. Anyway, I think he proposed over a fancy dinner he cooked at home. Popping open the wine, pulling out the candles, y'know the works.
"Oh wow," you said, walking into the very fancy dinner Izuku had made for the both of you. You tried thinking back to if this was a special occasion but you could not figure out what it could possibly be.
"Zu, what's all this for?" You asked, looking at him with grateful confusion. He was so kind to you and you had no idea what you did to earn such a man. He smiles and sits you down, telling you to enjoy dinner and he'd explain later.
So the both of you ate dinner with easy conversation, just like any sort of date you'd go on. After dinner you opened your mouth to ask what had been bugging you all evening when he knelt in front of you.
"Will you marry me?" He asked, his freckled face the most adorable pink color. He looked like the high schooler you met all those years ago, nervous but so strong.
"Yes, yes! I would love to marry you!" You answered, a few tears breaking free from your overwhelming amounts of emotion. He grinned, putting the ring on your finger before wrapping his arms around your waist and twirling you around.
❀ you guys had a relatively simple wedding. Full of family and close friends (not to mention the stray reporters who somehow snuck in.) Your classmates and teachers from UA even managed to come which was lucky.
❀ i think you guys honeymooned in like Italy or something. Izuku would have asked for America though lol
❀ I would think about a year into marriage you start to talk about kids. Izuku has always wanted kids and especially wants them with you so of course he brings up the conversation. He has enough money as a top pro hero to support any decisions including if you chose to continue working rather than being a stay at home mom.
❀ he is so happy when you tell him you are pregnant with a baby girl. After celebrating with you he immediately calls his mom to tell her the good news, which she was also excited for. Inko definitely came to your place later that day with fresh cookies for her son and his gorgeous wife. Inko loves you like you were her own daughter.
❀ The pregnancy goes smoothly and you gave birth to an adorable little girl, named Zuri. (Both her and Izuku's nicknames are Zu). She was perfect and sweet.
❀ Izuku tries to spend as much time with his family as he can. He take days off and makes sure you and Zuri feel as loved as possible.
❀ When Zuri was four years old she asked for a baby brother which you and Izuku were more than happy to oblige. Thus comes your son, Mikumo (nicknamed Mikey)
❀ you guys are honestly the cutest family. You are literally the model family for all of Japan. You guys are on the cover of some sort of magazine or something.
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