#sweet girl; loves getting into various shenanigans
A james potter x fem!reader request <3
James is in love with Lily. He always has been, right? Ever since the first year of attending Hogwarts he has been chasing after her affection. It’s all anyone thinks of when they think of him. “The boy who chases the unattainable.” Through all of his failed attempts, Reader has stood next to him, supporting him through everything despite the raging love she feels for him.
James does something bad while trying to attain the affection of Lily… again. While his attempts work and he gets the girl, he ends up losing his best friend in the process.
Please have it end with a happy ending where they end up togetherrrr!! Thank youu!!
(If you want to of course, if you don’t mo worries. You can also add smut if you want 👀)
smart, sexy lacy, i’m losing it lately
pairing: james porter x reader
warnings: cursing, jealously, james being stupid, insecurity, confessions, lowkey toxic!james, rosekiller and dorlene my babies, hurt/comfort, ANGST, twin evan and pandora 💘, james being shit on for being a douche, happy ending
wc: 2.5k
a/n: ok i absolutely love this idea but i’m not sure if i executed it very well, however i did have so much fun doing it :)))
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It was no secret that James Potter was in love with Lily Evans. He always has been, it was just a part of Hogwarts life now - a wild shenanigan to gain the affection of the woman he wanted.
It was also no secret that you stood by his side and picked up the pieces for 6 years every time his schemes got shut down by Lily.
You and James had grown up together, your families running in the same social circle. So you were well aware of his antics and escapades. But in these 17 years of being by James’s side as a friend, you wanted more.
You have wanted more since the two of you escaped from one of your family’s parties when you were 12. He led you out to the garden where the two of you stargazed for the remainder of the boring, high-class party.
But you could never let James know the love you had for him. You were his highest confidante and his best friend, you didn’t want that to be ruined. You’d rather keep James as friend than not have him at all.
You love James, however, you hate Lily Evans. You hate everything about her. Her stupid beautiful smile, her perfectly kept hair, her sweet personality, her Outstanding test scores, and of course the undeniable love and admiration from James Potter. She is just perfect, and you hate her for it. Except you can’t really hate her. You hate the envy you’ve curated towards her. She is so admirable it’s annoying as hell.
You sat in the Marauders’ room, helping James plan out his next gesture for Lily. The rest of the Marauders were spread around the room doing various things, reading, drumming, smoking.
You were getting annoyed at him now, you just wanted him to notice you. Of course you were there but you wanted him to see you, not see through you. Tension had been thick between the two of you for weeks.
“Alright so pink flowers or blue flowers? Or both?”
“Is this a baby shower?”
James frowned at your harsh tone, “Okay…”
You held your hand at the bridge of your nose and closed your eyes, “Just get her Calla Lillies or something. Simple flower and her name is Lily,”
“Oh that’s an amazing idea! You’re a genius, what would I do without you?”
You rolled your eyes, probably get yourself killed, you thought.
James noticed your slumped demeanor, and so did Remus as he perked up from behind his book to listen in on your conversation.
“What is wrong with you?”
“I beg your pardon?” you snapped at him.
“What. Is. Wrong. With. You.?” he annunciated every word archly, like you were a small child.
Remus stepped in like a parent, “James don’t talk to her like that,”
“No, I want to know what’s wrong with her attitude,”
“There’s nothing wrong,”
“You know what, fuck you, I don’t even care,” he turned around to put his parchment down.
“Yeah, you never do,” you got up to leave when James grabbed your wrist.
“You’re just fucking mad that no one cares about you like I care about Lily,” this brought the rest of the people in the room to the conversation.
“James!” Peter and Remus shouted at him simultaneously. Peter was always on your side, he had grown up with you, Marlene, and James as kids. And he knows about your crush on James.
“James, what the hell?” Even Sirius was shocked he could say such a thing to you.
Your expression hardened as you tried to hold in tears, you pulled your hand away from him and mustered up as much strength as you could to speak back to him, you looked at him with glassed over eyes, “Fuck you, James, I never want to see you again.”
You ran out of their dorm, Remus and Peter in tow, and into your dorm, slamming the door in their faces.
Falling flat on the bed, face first, screaming into your pillow, you wanted to die. Actually. This was actually the end of your life because there was no coming back from this.
Soft knocks on the door pulled you from your trance. You stood up and opened the door meeting Lily’s soft face, “Are you alright, I could hear you screaming from outside?”
You wanted to throat punch her.
“Yeah, I’m okay. Just stressed,”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah, 100%,”
“Okay. Well Mary, Marlene, and I are going down to the greenhouse if you’d like to join?”
“I think I’m going to stay… and study,”
“Alright, well we’ll see you later then,” Lily left the dorm doorway with a smile and you went back to you bed and flopped down. Does she have to be so perfect?
You were never getting over this.
Back in the Marauders dorm, James was being berated by his friends.
“How could you say that to her?”
“James, you’re so fucking dense,”
“Do you ever think before you speak?”
“You’re an actual idiot, genuinely,”
“You clearly need time to think, so we’ll give you some time alone to reflect on your relationship with her,” Remus and Sirius stormed out, Peter following.
At the doorway he hesitated and turned to James sitting slumped on his bed, “James, have you ever thought you’re not in love with Lily and she’s just a distraction for you?”
A distraction? What? From what? From who?
Peter left shortly after sticking James with the question of a life time. Was he talking about you?
It didn’t matter. He loves Lily. Right?
The next day he expected everything to go back to normal, you would be back by his side and his friends would be alright. Except this wasn’t the case. His friends were still wary of him and you were no where to be found.
At breakfast his friends only talked about school work and he noticed you weren’t at the table with them. He had also noticed that Marlene gave him an upturned look every time he looked in her direction. You must’ve told her what happened.
At lunch he noticed you still weren’t in the Great Hall. He hoped you were eating something, he knew how easy it was for you to accidentally skip meals. He left lunch early to look for you after his friends wouldn’t talk to him and he kept getting dirty looks from the rest of the girls at the Gryffindor table.
He took a couple laps around the school until he remembered that you loved the library and you had to be there! When he got there he beelined for the spot you and him always shared and as he approached he heard hushed voices and giggles.
He peeked around the corner of a bookshelf and saw you sitting way too close to Evan Rosier.
What the fuck were you doing with Rosier? How do you even know Rosier? Why are you talking to him? Since when did you even become friends?
Evan was one of your closest friend’s twin brother, you’d grown up next to Pandora and Evan just as you had with James, Peter, and Marlene.
You were quite well-known in the wizarding world because of your parents' social lives; always throwing lavish parties and social events.
Evan had been a confidante of yours for a couple of years now, especially since the two of you exchanged advice and stories about the guys you’ve been pining over for years.
But what were you doing with him, of course? Debriefing.
James suddenly felt like he was going to throw up everywhere. How dare you fucking bring Evan fucking Rosier to your spot.
He stormed out of the library and into his next class. He couldn’t even focus on transfiguration. Everything he touched just blew up, which was quite the parallel to his social life.
At dinner he noticed that you still weren’t at the table. There was no way you were going to skip all three meals just because you were avoiding him. That’s when he saw you across the Great Hall sitting at the Slytherin table, in between Rosier and Crouch, laughing at something that probably wasn’t even that funny.
His appetite was suddenly gone. Not to mention he was getting looks from almost everyone at the Gryffindor table. Alice Fortescue, Marlene, Mary, and even Lily were all avoiding his pleading gazes.
Emmeline Vance, Dorcas Meadows, and Emma Vanity would occasionally catch his attention with their hard and disgusted stares.
Fuck. How many people had you told about what happened?
Tomorrow will be better. Everyone is just tense today.
Tomorrow was not in fact better. It was quite possible that it was almost worse than before.
James felt alone. If you were still here with him, he would wrap himself in your arms and cry into your shoulder. But you weren’t here because he pushed you away, quite harshly he may add.
In the morning you sat with the Slytherins, at lunch you sat with the Slytherins, and at dinner you sat with the Slytherins. You may as well be one by now.
The next day came and everything was the same, except for the fact that his friends were a little more talkative. But he didn’t have you.
You were gone, Lily wouldn’t even look at him, which at this point he didn’t even care. He just wants you back.
On the third day of losing you, you still weren’t around and it was really affecting James. You’ve never gone this long without something as simple as a check-in.
He thinks by now all of Hogwarts has known what he had said to you and for the past two nights he’s laid awake thinking about it, wishing he could take it back.
You hadn’t really told anyone except Dorcas, Pandora, and Evan. Dorcas told Marlene, Marlene told Mary, Lily, and Alice. Pandora told Barty who told Regulus and Mulciber. Regulus told Emmaline and Emma. And from there it spread like wildfire.
A week passed and you got closer to the Slytherins and he increasingly got worse. He lost the quidditch game to Ravenclaw. He failed his Defense Against the Dark Arts paper. And most of all, he was losing it, snapping at everyone and constantly drunk or high.
His friends cornered him in his dorm one afternoon, “Have you thought maybe you’re like this because you love her?”
“Of course I bloody love her! I fucking messed up,”
Merlin. He’s had so much time to think about you and he realized that Peter was right. Lily was just a distraction from you.
He hated how long it took him to figure out his feelings for you. You were just perfect in his eyes — your hair, your teeth, your eyes, your smile, your kindness, your humor, he wanted every single part of you and he irrevocably fucked it up.
“Talk to her, that’s the best you can do.”
He found you in the library, alone this time. Calling your name hesitantly, you looked up from your book with an arched brow.
“Can we talk?”
”No,” you said archly. James was taken aback, not expecting you to say that. You packed your things and James watched as you left the library. What the fuck just happened?
He stormed back into his dorm where the group had added Marlene to the mix. James came in and slammed the door.
“I take it the talk went well,” Marlene added sarcastically.
“Fuck off, Mckinnon,” Marlene hated that. Standing from her place next to Sirius’s bed she walked towards James aggressively.
“No, fuck you, Potter. Dorcas told me what you said. Dorcas! Not even my own best friend told me what happened, I had to hear it from my girlfriend!”
“You’re so fucking dense it’s actually painful,”
“Please can you just help me talk to her,”
“Go to our dorm, she’s in there, I’ll stand at the door to keep her in,”
“Thank you, Marlene, I’m so serious, I owe you big for this one,”
“Yeah, okay, just go fix it, you’re getting really horrible to be around.”
James raced to your dorm and knocked on the door, which was the mistake. He knew you weren’t going to answer. He opened the door, seeing you laying on your bed with a book.
“We’re talking. Right now,” you looked up at him and rolled your eyes.
“Please, please hear me out,”
“No, please,” you let out a breath and nodded your head at him, curtly, egging him to go on.
“I cannot even express how horrible I feel for shouting at you and saying some horrid things. I want you back more than ever, I love you so much and I am so fucking daft for not seeing it sooner,” your gaze softened but you were still skeptical.
“Listen, what you said isn’t what totally bothered me, it was the way you said it. James, I have stood by your side for years while you pinned over Lily, and when you said that I wished I had someone to love me like that, I was hoping it would be you,”
“And it is me, I love you, so much, and I can’t even comprehend my love for you because it’s absolutely wild,”
“How can I even trust what you’re saying right now? How can I know everything isn’t going to revert back to the way it was?”
He moved closer to your bed, his knees against the mattress, standing above you.
"Because I promise to give you everything in my entire being. I want to give you my all - my heart, my mind, my soul,” he sat beside you, taking your face in his hand, brushing away stray hair with his other hand.
“I want you James, but I can’t trust you anymore,”
“We can build on it,” you want him so bad. You need him so bad.
“Do you promise?”
“I swear on my life.”
You lean in and softly press your lips to his. Your lips move rhythmically against his, as if they were meant to be together.
The kiss was more than electric, it was as if everything in the world went silent and the stars had aligned in your favor. The short time you were together you felt a need and an urgency to be with him.
There was nothing you loved more in the world than James Potter.
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panda-writes-kpop · 5 months
Hiiii hope your having a wonderful day. I enjoy reading your scenarios especially dreamcatcher and aespa. Which made me wonder if I can request aespa as your pirate GF :o
Pirate! Aespa as Your Girlfriend
a/n: Thank you for the lovely message, anon! I'm so glad you love my aespa and dreamcatcher stuff 🫶 and of course you can, dear! Hopefully, you enjoy this! Obligatory tag of @foolish-sparrow ❤️ can't write about pirates without acknowledging the Pirate AU queen! Please check out all of her stuff because it's all so amazing 🫶🫶 also I tried something new with the banners, so let me know if you like it or not!
tw: it's in order of how the girls are introduced in the Pirate AU fic universe (no, I have not forgotten about Giselle or Ningning I will be getting back to them plz have patience with me 🫠) instead of age order, booze and drunken activities, violence, pirating and other forms of stealing
♡ Masterlist ♡
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Winter ~ The Captain
she's always busy as the Captain of the Red-Haired Pirates, either trying to corral her crew (mostly Karina and Giselle) or find the next place or ship to plunder.
but for you? she has all of the time in the world.
You're very famously known as her soft spot on the crew, and people will use it to their advantage.
Of course she knows this, but if you're going to continue to kiss her and whisper sweet nothings in her ear... she'll let the shenanigans slide, for now.
Winter likes to show you off, whether by letting you commit the finishing blow on an opponent or giving you a chance to show off your own unique set of skills
Most of the time you spend together is at night when you're out at sea.
She'll be busy looking over the a map or checking some coordinates when you wrap your arms around her waist
a rare smile appears on her face as you state out at the open ocean together.
"Where are we going, my lovely Captain?"
"As long as you're by my side, wherever the seas take us, my dear."
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Karina ~ The Marksman
the loser (affectionate) marksman by day, the greasy (slightly drunk) flirt by night finds herself changing her ways as you two enter a serious relationship.
Karina feels much more comfortable being her dorky, usual self when it's just the two of you alone, but as your relationship progresses, more and more people see a different side of her
if you aren't a marksman like her, she takes you to a local shooting range and teaches you everything you need to know
"You need to aim a little higher on the target, otherwise you won't do much more than give them a good scare."
"I'd love to focus my aim, Karina, but you're making my heart pound when you're this close to me."
Karina is well-known on her crew for her drunken antics, especially with the various people she meets during her travels
It all stops with you - either you're watching her to make sure she doesn't get absolutely wasted, or you're the one participating in her antics while you're both drunk.
If it's the first option, you're able to pull her away from the bar with lots of affectionate or promises of stronger booze on the ship (you just send her straight to bed, and she's too tired to argue)
If it's the latter, you two often find yourselves cleaning the decks in order to avoid Winter's wrath due to the shitstorm that you usually cause.
But hey, at least you have someone to cuddle with as you nurse your hangover away.
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Giselle ~ The Arms Specialist/Mapmaker
Pulling double duty on the ship takes a toll on the amount of free time Giselle has, but when she has a free night, you can be sure that she's living it up, especially with you at her side.
You'll literally have her heart forever if you help her with her daily tasks, she's so stressed out with everything on her plate.
Depending on your specialties, you're either marking the map or helping with coordinates, or you're cleaning up gun powder and restocking the gunroom with newly pillaged supplies.
It works in Giselle's favor because she always can find a reason to talk with you when you're working on similar tasks.
"Do you need some help, darling?"
"I think I can handle myself, Giselle, but I don't mind the company."
After the ship has docked and the sun has disappeared from the sky, Giselle is finally free from most of her responsibilities.
She's dragging you to the nearest bar, either to hustle some of the crew at cards or to grab a few drinks.
You tell her that it's unfair to play cards against people you can't even sit straight, but you find that your concerns are silenced when a bottle of your favorite liquor is sitting at your side.
And if you're just grabbing drinks with her, she's sure to tell you how much she loves you (and all of the awesome pirating stories you missed out on before you started dating).
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Ningning ~ The "Rogue" Mercenary
The quiet, withdrawn "misfit" in the crew isn't drawn to having a friendly relationship to many on the crew, except for you, of course.
She hasn't fully adjusted to the pirating life, considering that she joined the crew after being held captive by them, so she often is quietly looking over your shoulder to understand how to be more useful aboard the ship
"You can come closer, it's easier to learn how to tie a knot when you can see what I'm doing."
"I can see fine from where I'm at, but thank you for the offer."
You invite her to many of the crew's nighttime activities, and it's rare for her to accept, but when she does, you see her cracking a smile and occasionally laughing at everyone's antics.
Ningning likes spending time with you one-on-one, and that's when she confesses her feelings for you.
Literally no one knows that the two of you are together, except for a drunk Karina that saw the two of you embrace one night (and no one believes her, to this day).
She doesn't like to teach you her trade, she went through a lot of shit to get her skills, but she will show you how to fight if you aren't the greatest at it.
You'll just have to put your pride to the side because she will beat your ass, every time, without fail.
Plus, she can steal a kiss or two while she has you pinned to the ground. She lectures you about not being distracted with a smirk on her face, as if it isn't her fault.
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thescarletnargacuga · 2 months
Thanks to: @allisonraeyt for the prompt
WARNING: alcohol (light use), multiple ships, domestic shenanigans
Pomni set the last of the snacks on the coffee table. "There. Cheese, meats, bread, chips, dip, salsa, popcorn, cookies, soda, wine. Perfect." She double checked the living room for clutter. It was only her closest friends coming over, but she still preferred to have any mess out of the way.
"The place is spotless, dear. Stop worrying." Caine sipped a drink from the kitchen. Bubble sat at his feet, thinking he had something worth sharing.
"I know, but Queenie is coming this time! I haven't seen her in person in ages. This will be the first time she's seen the house." Pomni straightened a few throw pillows for the fifth time.
"You plan on giving her a full house tour?" Caine asked, amused.
"Well, no, but-"
The doorbell announced the guests arrival. Pomni checked her phone. She had been so busy getting ready, she missed all of the update texts. She rushed to the door, opening it to find Kinger and Queenie outside.
Pomni squealed and hugged Queenie right there on the door step. "Ohmygoditssogoodtoseeyou!"
Queenie giggled lightly. "It's wonderful to see you too, darling."
"Come inside! I just got everything set up." Pomni let them in.
"There she is! The global wanderer returns!" Caine gives Queenie a hug. "How was England?"
"Oh, England is lovely this time of year, so long as you don't mind a bit of rain." Queenie looked around the spacious, yet humble abode. "You two got such a nice place for yourselves. Oh! And you must be Bubble!" She knelt down to greet Bubble excitedly dancing at her feet with a toy.
"That's our boy." Pomni said proudly before turning to Kinger. "Hey! Don't think we forgot about you!" She hugged him.
Kinger smiled. "Don't worry. My wife coming home is always a big deal to me too. Hey Caine, you said you finished the rec room?"
"Yep! The basement is finally done. I'll show ya." Caine and Kinger went downstairs, leaving Pomni and Queenie to catch up.
Gangle and Zooble were the next to arrive. "I brought sweets!" Gangle raised two plastic bags full of various chocolates and candies. Some wrappers had other languages on them. She puts them on the floor by the coffee table and attacks Queenie with a hug. "AAAH! You made it! Girl's night isn't the same without you."
"Aw..." Queenie hugged back.
Zooble gives Queenie a quick hug too and joins the girls in the couch. "What are the boys doing?"
"Caine is showing off his rec room. Basement finally got finished a few days ago. You can join them if you want." Pomni offered.
Zooble shrugged. "Eh, you weirdos are more fun to hang around."
"That's high praise coming from you." Queenie said as she checked her phone. "Have any of you heard from Ragatha?"
"Speak of the devil." Pomni leapt up to get the door. Ragatha and Jax entered seeming a bit frazzled.
"Sorry we're late!" Ragatha apologized. "We got lost-"
"We didn't get lost." Jax rolled his eyes. "We took a detour because of construction."
"...and THEN we got lost." Ragatha added. "Anyway, I hope you don't mind, but I've brought champagne."
"Really?" Pomni asked. "What are we celebrating?"
Ragatha curled her lips and showed Pomni her left hand. A beautiful engagement ring adorned her finger.
Pomni gasped. "WHAT!?"
"I KNOW!!"
"AAAAAAAAAAAA!!" The two women jumped up and down and screamed.
Jax covered his ears and looked around. Zooble motioned to the basement stairs. Jax nodded appreciatively. "Glad you're excited, babe, but I'm going down before I go deaf from you two."
Ragatha was too busy showing off her ring. Gangle joined the scream huddle. Queenie admired quietly with a laugh at the others. Zooble gave a thumbs up when Ragatha shoved her hand in their face.
Jax meandered downstairs to find Caine and Kinger in the middle of a game of billiards. "So this is what married men do for fun?" Jax asked as he grabbed a drink from a mini fridge.
"Hey Jax." Kinger greeted. "I should have figured you were the one at the door. Who else would all the ladies be screaming at?" He chuckled.
"Ha. Ha. Very funny. No, they're losing their minds over the ring I gave Ragatha." He casually sipped his drink.
Caine missed his shot, the white ball bounced wildly around the pool table. "You asked her?? Congratulations!"
"Yeah, that's a big step for you two. Congrats!"
"Thanks." Noticing that Bubble had followed him downstairs, Jax entertained the dog as Caine and Kinger continued their game.
The women toasted to Ragatha's engagement, all relaxing in the living room. "How'd he propose?? I NEED to know!" Gangle pleaded with wide eyes.
Ragatha smiled to herself. "Funny story. It was an accident."
"Huh??" Gangle said while the others gave looks of confusion.
"He took me out to dinner and he was going to do it there, but eeeeeverything went wrong. You know how some places will put the engagement ring in a drink or on a dessert? Well, this place put it IN the dessert, and then SERVED IT TO THE WRONG TABLE!"
"Oh no!" Pomni covered her mouth, not sure if she should be laughing yet.
Ragatha started laughing through her story. "So Jax starts this lovely speech, and then freaks out that my dessert was wrong. I thought he was just being belligerent. Then the lady at the table next to me screams that a cook dropped a piece of jewelry in her food. Jax nearly takes her out diving over the table to grab the ring!"
Everyone laughed and Ragatha needed minute to breathe before continuing. "I got upset because I was embarrassed by his behavior. He took me to my favorite restaurant and I felt like I couldn't show my face there again because of the way he was acting. Part of me thought it was a cruel joke...so I left."
Gangle gasped. "Then what???"
"It was raining and, I was so mad at him, I didn't care. Ruined my hair and makeup to try and catch a cab. He came out after me. I admit, I said some things I'm not proud of...but then he shows me the ring. Said it was meant for me. And I could still have it...if I wanted."
"Oh my god..." Gangle was on the edge of her seat.
"Everything and nothing made sense at the same time, and I was cold from the rain. I kissed him."
Gangle squealed, her feet tap the ground giddily. "Yay! I'm so happy for you two!"
"A first engagement kiss in the rain. Novella worthy." Queenie said.
Pomni finished her drink. "Seriously! That is a story to remember! You should write it down."
Ragatha blushed at the memory. "I'll do that. Not that it compares to yours, Queenie. Didn't Kinger propose to you in a literal castle?"
"Oh, let's not compare, dear. Each and every engagement is special, regardless of location....but yes, he did." Queenie swirled her drink, sitting sophistically. "We were on a tour in eastern Europe when he popped the question, right in front of a grand Romanian castle. It was very romantic, but not as fun as fireworks misspelling the question. Isn't that how it happened for you, Pomni?" She smirked.
Pomni coughed, almost choking on a piece of popcorn. "That wasn't his fault! The pyrotechnicians got the timing wrong!"
"Wasn't it also a situation of ring fumbling? It ended up in a lake, if I recall correctly." Queenie continued to tease.
Pomni pouted. "Yeah, but he found it!"
"So both of you..." Queenie looked at Ragatha and Pomni. "Said yes to sopping wet bafoonery. You're the best of friends on every level."
"We did, and they're OUR baboons!" Ragatha defended.
"That's not what she-" Gangle tried to correct.
A heartier laugh came from Queenie. "Indeed they are. My sincerest congratulations."
Gangle and Zooble listened happily to each engagement story. They didn't have one of their own yet, and they weren't in a hurry. They had each other. They didn't need all the paperwork.
Jax threw Bubble's toy from end of the basement to the other. A loud round of laughter from upstairs made him realize how bored he was. "I'm gonna go see what they're doing up their." Jax got up to leave.
"Woah! Hold on!" Caine zipped out in front of Jax. "It's ladies night. That means no disturbing them."
"Yeah, well, I'm being disturbed down here not doing much while it sounds like they're having a great time." Jax easily side stepped Caine.
With both Jax and Kinger being well over six feet tall, they made Caine's average height of five foot nine seem short. "Jax! Don't! They won't want you there!" Caine looked to Kinger for help. Kinger shrugged in a "What do you want ME to do about it?" gesture.
"Just a peak." Jax said as she snuck up the stairs.
Caine followed to make sure Jax didn't leave the stairwell. Kinger followed out of curiosity. Bubble chewed his toy, no caring what the humans were up to.
The three men peered over the short wall that separated the stairs from the main floor. They were unnoticed by the chatty group, half way through their wine.
"...and Caine said he wanted to try the cleanse too. Nothing but kale, juice, and magnets for a whole week. Pretty sure everything but the kitchen sink came out of him." The whole group broke out into fits of laughter.
Caine went beet red. "She wasn't supposed to tell anyone about that!" He whispered under his breath.
Jax was struggling to keep it in. "You did what? Oh man, you didn't eat the magnets did you?"
"No!" Caine hissed quietly.
Kinger silently giggled.
"Oh, I have one for you." Queenie spoke. "Kinger once fell for an internet scam as well. He clicked a link that said Do you have permanent orgasm face disorder? He thought it was a real thing. Bought into the treatment plan and everything. God, he spent so much money."
Kinger sank down as the women laughed their asses off. He could feel Caine and Jax staring at him, judging him. "This can't go on."
"I agree." Caine said.
"You two are a couple of pansies. Can't handle a little embarrassment?" Jax taunted.
"Oh! Oh! I just remembered one for Jax!" Ragatha wiggled excitedly in her seat. "He once bought stamina enhancement supplements, but all they did was make his pee turn blue."
Jax rushed downstairs as quietly as he could, trying to pretend that the laughter around him was not at his expense. "Tell my secrets will you..."
Caine and Kinger came down too. "What was that about being a pansy?" Caine taunted.
Jax grumbled. "Take these. We're putting an end to their secret sharing circle."
Caine caught a few throw pillows from the couches. "Uh...are we-"
Kinger took some on his own. "Let's do this." He and Jax marched upstairs with purpose. Caine didn't see the point in denying involvement and followed. Bubble came too.
Ragatha was the first to take a pillow to the face. The ladies were caught completely off guard and were pelted by pillows. Because of the mild level of shared intoxication, instead of getting angry about it, pillows were thrown back. The living room became a travesty of fluff and food all over the floor.
Bubble helped himself to the meat and cheese as the humans played. He liked his humans. They were fun.
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elliessub · 1 year
Sex Shop Shenanigans
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Pairing: Ellie Williams x Fem!Reader
Summary: Your girlfriend, Ellie, told you she had a surprise for you.
Genre: Modern!AU, fluff
Warnings: Suggestive themes, Ellie is a cocky bastard, reader is a shy crybaby, sex toys, lingerie, implied to Ellie being rich af, Ellie has a dominant aura, cursing
Word count: 1.9k
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
"Els, where are we going?" You asked, probably for the thousandth time but your girlfriend still wasn't saying anything, keeping a hand on your thigh as she drove you two somewhere. 
"You'll see baby, be patient." This was always her answer to the question. You huffed and turned away from her, crossing your arms and pouting so she knew you were upset. She glanced at you and gave a soft, deep chuckle, "Now don't be a pouty baby, you'll like it I promise."
You turned back to her, lips still pouty, the puppy dog eyes that usually work on your girlfriend were doing little to nothing to further your cause. Ellie glanced at you once more, telling you how cute you were before focusing back on the road.
After another 10 minutes of driving Ellie was pulling into a parking spot in front of a shop. Your eyes widened when you noticed what type of shop it was. She got out of the car, walking to your side and opening the door for you to get out. "We're here."
It was a sex shop.
Your cheeks heated up in embarrassment. You knew Ellie went to one of these shops from time to time, the sex toys in her penthouse that she loved using on you were evidence of that, but you yourself never went. 
Although you're not as innocent as some of your friends, and sometimes your girlfriend, thought you were, you do have sex toys at your place as well (okay one vibrator that you bought online that also made you blush madly when the delivery guy delivered it to you with smirk and an "Enjoy") but you've been curious about going to a sex shop, even though you never had the guts to go in one, especially not alone.
You felt Ellie’s presence behind you, her body so close to yours. You felt Ellie’s lips on your ear as she leaned in to whisper in it, "Surprise baby." 
The two of you began walking towards the door, your heart beating faster and faster the closer you got to it. Your mind was coming up with so many impossible scenarios of what could happen in there, like what if your grandparents were in there, even though you knew that wouldn't happen since they live 2 hours away, but your brain couldn't stop thinking of such scenarios.
"Let's go in, yeah?"
You only gave a nod in agreement and let her lead you in by the small of your back. The inside of the store was very organised, rows with various toys lined the shelves, the little signs above the rows indicating which types of toys were in which rows. Toys weren't the only thing in here, you could also see rows for lubricants and different types of condoms, you didn't even know they made ones with flavourings, and there was also a row for lingerie in the back. You also noticed how it wasn't really crowded, there were only two other people in there.
Ellie grabbed a basket that was by the door and pressed it into your hands, "Go nuts baby." She gave an encouraging smile while you took the basket giving your girlfriend a confused look.
"What do you mean?" Your voice was soft and quiet as you just noticed the smiling cashier behind the counter which you definitely accidentally ignored when she greeted you when you walked in.
Ellie tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear, giving you one of her loving smiles which she reserved just for you. "Get anything you want from here, anything you'd like for me to use on you or just anything you'd like to have for yourself. I'm treating you sweet girl." She gave you a kiss on the cheek and patted your butt for you to get going.
You were sure you'd combust from how hot you were feeling, both from the humiliation and from Ellie’s words. You took a few steps forward before turning around to look at Ellie who gave you an encouraging nod towards one of the rows.
You entered one which had a sign saying 'Vibrators' above it and immediately got surprised by how many different ones there seemed to be. From vibrators that looked like dildos to egg shaped ones to rechargeable wireless remote control ones. The one you had at home was pretty basic, a cute small pink one with a white head that vibrated and was battery operated. All of these seemed so advanced compared to your one.
You would be lying if you said your eyes didn't linger on the wireless remote controlled ones. It would be easier to charge one than to constantly buy batteries for your old one and the thought of Ellie using it on you, maybe even in public, was enough to get you to squirm in your spot in an attempt to press your legs together. You picked up a hot pink one from the shelf and put it in the basket.
You moved on to another row, one that had a bunch of strap on's in different colours and sizes. You sucked in a breath. You really enjoyed when Ellie introduced a strap in your sex life, you trusted her and she made you feel safe and so good with it if you're being honest, but you also felt bad that she never got any enjoyment out of it even if she always said her pleasure came from seeing your pleasure. You walked to the ones that were duo pleasure ones, that way your Ellie could also get some type of pleasure while fucking you. 
You gave a little squeal when you noticed it vibrates too, so double pleasure. "Oh that's why it's a duo pleasure." You said quietly to yourself before putting it in the basket as well.
Last row you wanted to visit was the one that said 'Games' above it. You were curious what type of games could be in a dirty store and you definitely weren't prepared as much as you thought. Sex dice with positions, a game of truth or strip? Oh, like truth or dare but with stripping. You giggled once you saw bells that were called Ring For Sex, there were also board games with spinners and figurines. You picked the position dice packet, turning it over in your hands to see what sort of positions there were.
"What'cha got there baby?" You felt Ellie snake her arms around your waist, pulling you into her body. You turned around and gave her a sweet smile that made her smile down at you.
"Just got these dice, seeing what they're offering." She took the dice from your hands, examining it the same way you just have.
"I think these will be pretty fun for us to do sweet girl." She placed the dice in the basket and picked up the other two things you got, you immediately felt heat rising to your cheeks. Ellie gave you a smirk when she noticed the wireless vibrator you chose, putting it back with the dice. She then held the strap next to her head, "Baby, what's this?"
"Uh, well it's a strap on." You avoided her gaze.
Ellie chuckled, taking a step towards you, "I know it's a strap pretty, but why is it the duo pleasure one?"
You whined, hugging her waist and hiding your face in her chest, mumbling something in it.
"What was that babe? Speak up."
You put your chin on her chest and glanced up at her, "Wanted you to get pleasure too."
She cooed, bringing her free hand to pet your head, her tone was low and gentle how it usually was when she talked to you, "Babygirl, how many times have I told you I get pleasure from seeing you get it?" It wasn't a real question and you knew it, yet you couldn't stop yourself from answering her.
"But I feel bad Els!" The corner of your eyes started getting teary, "You always make me feel so good and I never do anything to repay you." You buried your face in her chest once more so she didn't see you when your tears inevitably started rolling down your cheeks. She took the basket from you as you latched yourself onto her like a koala the moment it was in her hands and shushed you while rubbing your back in a comforting manner.
She tried moving away to let her see you but that only made you whine once more and hug her more tightly, "Come now my little crybaby, look at me." She hooked her finger under your chin and lifted your head so you were looking at her. Your eyes were red and cheek smeared with tears when made her coo once more. 
"My sweet baby just wants to make me feel good too, huh?" You nodded meekly as she kissed your tears away from your cheeks. That made you smile a little, she always knew how to make you feel better. Ellie lovingly caressed your wet cheek, "How about we go and pay for this pretty baby, hmm?"
You nodded and let her lead you back to the register where the cashier was, smiling at you two. You hid yourself behind your girlfriend's back, not wanting the cashier to think you were a baby for crying, even though you knew Ellie would immediately attack anyone that tried saying anything bad about you, you also wouldn't admit to yourself that you were feeling a bit shy from the items in the basket. Ellie pulled out her card, paid for the things and pulled you outside back towards her car. 
She opened the door for you once more, helped buckle you up and got into the driver seat, but before she turned the car on she reached back to the backseats and tugged a bag in the front, plopping it into your lap.
"What's this?" You asked softly, opening the bag and reaching inside to see what's hidden in it. You pulled out maroon coloured lingerie making you squeak in surprise. The panties were crotchless, the hole where your pussy's supposed to be making you instantly blush. The panties also had some silk material that was supposed to cover the hole and could be pulled to the sides, exactly like a curtain would. 
You glanced at Ellie to see she was already staring at you, observing your reaction. She wet her lips with her tongue while maintaining eye contact. You didn't know if she did that on purpose or if it was a subconscious act, but you did know it turned you on. Maybe more than you'd like to admit.
Clearing your throat you put the panties back and picked up the other article of clothing that was inside the bag. The new article made you bulge your eyes out. Eyes darting towards Ellie once more to see she wore a slight smirk on her face, body laid back in the seat and legs slightly spread, elbow on the window platform, fingers rubbing her chin and watching you like a hawk.
You swallowed thickly before turning the matching maroon bra she picked out for you, it was very pretty you had to admit. But what made you bulge your eyes out was the breast cups, maroon lace that was see through and very soft under your fingers as they grazed over the cups.
"Els," you were sweating, you hate to admit how turned on this was making you, "w-what's all this?"
She leaned towards you, "One more gift for you sweetheart. Now c'mon, let's go back home so I can see how pretty you look in this." She turned the car on, pulling out of the parking spot.
"Plus, we gotta break in those new toys of yours."
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anna-scribbles · 2 years
hey anna! the wait for kwami’s choice part 2 truly is abysmal and it’s so hard to navigate through the tag with all the leaks about, do you have any fic recs to tide us over until gloob puts us out of our misery?
not only do I have fic recs, I also have way too much to do rn and therefore will spend an inordinate amount of time crafting a detailed rec list for you 😘 (we can also just consider this my 2022 ao3 wrapped lol)
goes without saying perhaps, but ANYTHING by @peachcitt is gold and also uniquely devastating, some of my particular favorites being:
metamorphosis - 97k, enemies, sleepovers, you get it. i'm normal
those benevolent stars - 23k, ladrien thief/prince/soulmates au. what more do I even need to say
chat noir's white french man hit list for feminist purposes - 7k, hilarious and devastating, this fic is a child to me
double dare - 32k, ladrien, absolutely everything. cemented my friendship w/ peach bc I had to scream at her everyday abt it
I thought the plane was going down - 11k, attuned to my tastes specifically, adrinette having a History while on airplanes
@carpisuns also puts out banger after banger like it's her dayjob, specializing in understanding the ridiculous nature of the lovesquare to such a degree and also being the funniest person alive. some of my faves from her are:
tell me something I don't know - 120k, the marichat fic EVER, mar's dissertation on lovesquare and guess what she's right
pink - 14k wip, adrien loves marinette, SOFT
two idiots and a hamster (collab with @botherkupo) - 24k, adrinette roommates, makes me cry laugh
@picayunearts is a goddess on earth. she bends word and image flawlessly to her will. recently she has enraptured me with
final girl - 41k, marichat, au where marinette succeeds in giving up her miraculous to alya in origins. INCREDIBLE marinette character study
@rosekasa invented ladynoir and i'm not afraid to say it. check out everything on her ao3 but just note the following
when things were good - 15k wip, breakup fic/post hawkmoth takedown, has been ruining me in a SPECIAL way
new marinette 12k, post-guardianship memory loss marinette, a classic
like poles of a magnet - 12k, enemies au, hurts my feelings
ya'aburnee - 13k, ladynoir, HURTS ME VERY MUCH. I'VE NOT RECOVERED
@buggachat's fics always feel like i'm attending a course on adrien and marinette's true characterizations explained to me by someone with a PhD in lovesquare and I walk away enlightened. she has an incredible gift for storytelling and just Getting It. anyway read
maintaining a professional distance - 43k, ladynoir hotel room shenanigans, god-tier characterization
when you're near 10k, ladynoir dating but adrinette have never met, a classic
@sha-nwa should honestly quit her career and write lovesquare fanfiction for me full time. proof:
the way I loved you - 68k, marichat break up fic, will be cemented into my mind forever
photograph - 1k, sweet adrinette, abby loves making me cry
things WOULD be amiss if I did not mention @officialratprince (carolinaa on ao3) bc their fics derailed my homework schedule on several occasions last semester, though I'll be honest that their fics are not for the faint of heart or those who wish adrien agreste to have a good time. my faves are
I will take it / it can't go wrong series - 3 fics at 16k, 25k, and 39k, adrien's journey through experiencing child abuse and his friends being there for him, culminating in gabriel's court trial
home sick - 14k wip, adrien gets pneumonia and Everything Is Really Bad
other various fics I love for various reasons:
how hawkmoth got his groove back series by @agrestenoir - 2 fics at 3k and 1k, one of my favorite crack fics i read last year. had me crying laughing
1 step forward, 3 steps back by agnes writes - 10k, breaks my heart every time I read it. also makes me legitimately angry at adrien while still keeping him in character which is a feat in and of itself
the last day on earth by reiaji - 10k, chat blanc keeps happening as marinette gets older, I am incapable of not recommending this fic
okay now go forth and don't do your work<3
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midnightmayhem13 · 1 year
hi! do you think you can do something where maria confesses her feelings after seeing r get flirted with by someone? basically a jealous maria confessing her feelings lol
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But I love you more
ofc i can, i love this submission! ty and enjoy🩶
maria hill x reader; bff nat, yucky men, hint of angst?, jealous maria❕fluffy at the end
while maria kept a cold and professional composure around everyone, you were her only exception.
around you, she could be maria, not agent hill or commander of shield. she was soft around you, gental and sweet with you.
you two had gotten close ever since you met. you broke her walls and she fell for you. there was something about you that she let herself fall for you. she wanted to love you. you reciprocated the feelings. and while maria was literally the maria hill one of the best spy and agent in the world, she didn't think you liked her back.
but oh was the feeling incredibly mutual. and you would've told her if you weren't just a little bit intimidated by her. you had to admit, she scared you when you first met. but that's exactly why you fell for her. seeing a woman in power was refreshing.
since maria's feelings of you were getting stronger by the day, she grew protective of you. as if you were hers. you both so desperately wanted that to be true but it unfortunately wasn't the truth yet. but she couldn't help it. when sam or any of the guys would flirt with you she'd send them off claiming it was just a coincidence they were needed whenever nat blamed her for getting jealous.
nat was a close friend to both of you. she knew both of you liked the other and encouraged you two to ask eachother out. she wouldn't pry but she was a big supporter of you two.
and you were an incredibly beautiful women. you could have anyone you wanted and maria was aware of that. there was always eyes on you, compliments and flirtatious remarks constantly came your way. maria was just another of your 'admirers'.
little did hill know that she was the only one that could ever have your heart. you wished she would be the one flirting with you or asking you out. you tried to get over her but soon figured it was impossible. she seemed to avoid you when she saw someone flirted with you. was it something you did? your thoughts got the best of you 'does she think i'm a whore?' you shook the idea from your head deciding to do the best you could and try to talk to her.
she couldn't hold a grudge on you for very long. she easily started talking to you again. she never got mad at you. she was jealous. she thought if she avoided you it would go away, it didn't.
tony decided to host a gala. it was an anniversary for the battle of new york. you attended by force but you enjoyed his shenanigans. maria also attended, only after nat told her you would be there.
you looked absolutely stunning to maria. well to everyone there. but you only ever wondered if maria thought you looked good.
you couldn't take your eyes of maria. she looked so so yummy. (yes, yummy, cobie smulders is yummy)
as expected you got hit on by various people, that weren't maria. a few women came up to maria but she was too busy watching you like a hawk to acknowledge their presence.
you politely rejected them saying you weren't interested. most were understanding but there was one man, of course, that didn't understand no.
maria watched you from the bar she was leaning on.
"you're gonna let him sweet talk your girl, hill?" nat asked with a smirk pouring two shots.
"shut it romanoff" maria exhaled, angrily downing the liquid.
her jaw clenched as she watched you. letting out unconscious groans as she watched the drunk man try to make advances on you. she almost broke the shot glass in her hand when his hand went to your hip. she had enough
"cmon mama, have some fun with me tonight" his voice laced with a think accent. he was okay looking, he wasn't your maria though. he was definitely too pushy for your liking either way.
"i said no. get off of me." you shoved him away, you could easily take him right now. you didn't want to cause attention. but when he tried to grind on you to the music, you were tempted to beat the shit out of him.
"get the fuck off of her"
it was none other than your maria. she pulled him from the collar.
"or what bitch?" he challenged. this couldn't end well. at the blink of an eye maria's fist went to his face. easily breaking his nose.
"get out of my sight." maria said angrily, hoping he'd leave before she lost her patience. of course he left, thank god.
maria turned to you, face and body completely softening by the sight of you. anger turning to adoration and worry. "are you okay? did he hurt you?" she worried holding your face with one hand and your hand in the other.
you pushed her off. "why do you care?" you said walking away to the balcony. okay obviously you were in love with her and she was your knight in shining amour, but she chased everyone one away yet never asked you on a date? you couldn't help but get annoyed.
she followed your quick feet. soon standing with you on the balcony.
"what?" maria was confused. did you genuinely want that thing of a man?
"don't protect me like you want me." you said fighting off tears. if she didn't want you why was she fighting anyone else who did. "don't act like you want me"
confusion and sadness was written all over maria face "what the hell are you talking about?" you're all maria ever dreamed of having.
"you chase everyone who flirts with me away but won't ask me on a date! what the hell do you think i'm talking about!" you were mad. how could she play with you like this.
maria froze. you wanted her to ask you on a date? maria never thought her feelings would be reciprocated. she eventually came back to the present. she had hesitated as you yelled and were now waiting for a response. you went to walk away as she didn't respond.
"i'm in love with you god damn it!" you turned, shocked by what you just heard "wha-" " i scare anyone who wants you because i get jealous alright? because i want you! i want to be the one kissing you and holding you at night and come home to you. i can't stand to see anyone flirting with you because that could be me! i'm jealous i cant call you mine."
now it was your turn to freeze and stare. you thought you were dreaming. maria, wanted you?
"hey i'm sorry it all just came out-" maria was cut off by your lips on hers. your all she ever wanted, and she was all you could ever want.
she immediately wrapped her hands around your waist and kissed you desperately. the kiss became heated as she took over.
when air became a problem, you pulled away. her lips chasing yours. your eyes were still closed, lips parted. you giggled, not believing what just happened. maria did the same letting out a breathy laugh. pulling you closer while squeezing your ass. maybe you two were a little tipsy.
"friday at 7 me and you?" maria asked looking at you lovingly.
"obviously hill" you laughed laying you head on her chest. she was tall, taller than you. she smelled elegant and felt warm. she grounded you and held you close.
the morning after she woke up with you in her arms. you really were a miracle to her. she whispered a hushed 'i love you' before placing kisses all over your neck and face. kissing all the marks she left last night.
her arms around your bare waist. hands once again exploring your body and carefully stroking your breast before giving it a soft squeeze.
"morning angel face" she mumbled into your neck as you stirred awake. you turned around and held her neck kissing her softly and deeply. "good morning my love." you teased smiling. scratching her scalp through her hair softly.
maria melted at the sweet name and gesture. making a cute flustered sound and hiding herself in her neck.
you pulled her away holding her head gingerly. pecking her lips once, twice, then three times. she smiled. not being able to believe how lucky she was
"i love you too"
MARIA HILL POOKIE BAE FOREVER✊ she never die. anyways bye🩶
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morroodle · 1 year
How I feel about various Morro relationships:
I'm bored and I wanna ramble. I headcannon morro as aroace (definitely not me projecting) and don't really care for shipping him but there are some I don't mind, so I thought I'd share my thoughts on various pairings both platonic and romantic (and some qprs)
Morro and Lloyd (green cousins)
Platonic: yes yes green cousins my beloved they mean so much to me
Morro and Kai (destiny duo)
Platonic: is it really platonic if they hate eachother? God they would be hilarious together. Theyre both little shits and they would bounce off eachother so well
Romantic: I kinda love it. Theyre just,,, "you should be addicted to shutting the fuck up" "you wanna fuck me so bad it makes you look stupid" and it's so funny. I like it more casually, as a background or light thing, not so much serious
Qpr: they would never
Morro and Cole (ghost duo/sandstorm)
Platonic: they would be very chill friends. Morro helps Cole with ghost things, Cole helps Morro with being alive and they bond over music. Morro isn't cuddly but sometimes he needs Cole to squish him back into his body
Romantic: yea ok. I think it would be sweet and very similar to their friendship
Qpr: oh yea now that's the good shit. Gimme gimme. I am mentally ill.
Morro and Zane (blizzard?)
Platonic: yea ok. I think they could be friends in a very chill way (pun not intended), and morro would love once zane becomes more sassy. They cook together :D
Romantic: ehhhhh??? I don't see it but if it happened to be in a fic I wouldn't care
Qpr: same as romantic
Morro and Jay (storm duo?)
Platonic: not so much a friendship as it is morro constantly terrorizing Jay. Jay loves showing morro new modern stuff but morro is too much of a little shit for that
Romantic: they would never
Qpr: no
Morro and Nya (wojira duo)
Platonic: yes absolutely I love them dearly. They are besties your honor
Romantic: no
Qpr: no
Morro and Pixal (I don't think they have a duo name)
Platonic: yes absolutely. Kinda similar vibes to him and Nya. Morro is absolutely invited to girls night
Romantic: no why
Qpr: again no
Morro and Wu
Your honor that's his dad
Morro and Garm
There's so much potention for fun shenanigans AND emotions. Wu's his dad and Garm's his uncle. Garm absolutely snuck him cookies when he was little
Morro and Harumi (I think they have a duo name but I don't know it)
Platonic: hell yea hating Lloyd besties. They would get along so well when they're both evil and they would slay so much
Romantic: hard no
Qpr: I don't see it
Morro and Echo (citrus)
Platonic: sure. I really like how it's done in the fic too weird to live too rare to die. Echo is wholesome and morro is not.
Romantic: honestly don't care for it. I don't mind it and there's definitely yummy art but I don't know where this paring came from
Qpr: maybe? I feel like they could cuddle
Morro and Benthomar (Seabreeze)
Platonic: similar to echo? Except I understand it less I think. Again no idea where this pairing came from
Romantic: again similar to echo except I think I like it a little more
Qpr: I don't really see it but my mind could be changed
I think that's all the main ones? Idk if I think of more I wanna talk about I'll add on. In conclusion ghost duo qpr my beloved
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entamewitchlulu · 4 months
stardew valley but it's hamefura
I made these here and i think i saved some of them different sizes by accident so sorry they look crap lol.
aka if i could code i'd make this a stardew valley mod
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Katarina is the farmer, ofc. She's the dumbass, airheaded farming enthusiast who wanders into stardew valley after inheriting a farm and starts fucking around with it.
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Jeord and Alan would live in the house where Emily and Haley are in the original game. Jeord would be the mayor's assistant, while Alan is an aspiring musician. Jeord's heart events would involve you helping him out with various town festivals and events, while Alan's major heart event would be attending a private concert he puts on for you.
The best gifts for Jeord would probably be weird, exotic stuff like cactus fruit or void eggs, because he likes things that surprise him.
Alan's most loved gifts would be fruits, I think. Maybe strawberries.
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Maria would live in the trailer where Penny lives in the original, with her mother. She'd be the quiet small town girl like Penny is, but instead of reading so much, she would spend most of her time baking, and probably works at the saloon at night.
Her heart events would involve cute, simple dates like picnics and going for walks in the woods. The best gifts for her would be baked goods like muffins and cookies, or ingredients like flour.
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Keith would live in the house where Sam and Jodi are (Jodi would be Milidiana, and Kent would be Luigi. I think for the lols I would make Vincent be Katarina's preincarnation self as a kid). He would be an artist making pottery and sculptures, as a nod to his canon earth magic.
Heart events with him would involve shenanigans and things going comically wrong, but ending with funny and wholesome conclusions. Best gifts for him would be books, clay, and artifacts.
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Mary lives in the house where Alex is in canon. She is an avid gardener and maintains most of the flower displays around the town. Her heart events would start off a bit antagonistic, maybe even a little competitive, but then she turns her headstrong nature towards being in love with you instead.
Best gifts for her would be flowers!
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Sophia and Nicol live up on the mountain where Robin's family is in the original game. Instead of a lab, the Ascart family has a massive library where their father is a historian and a writer. Though it doesn't make sense, we do still need a carpenter so their mother is still a carpenter. Nicol helps his father with his research and works at the museum, while Sophia spends most of her time reading at the family's personal library, at the museum library, or under trees around the town.
Nicol's heart events would be a little harder to get, but they would be very soft and sweet, while Sophia's would revolve around reading books together or playacting fun stories.
Best gifts for Nicol would be tea and coffee, while best gifts for Sophia are books.
I have ideas for who I'd replace the others with too but not really going to get into it right now. I just wanted to do the main love interest.
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fox10927 · 6 months
Family Guy
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2 more months before Family Guy changes in late Spring 2024. Fans are really excited for the animated to become a family friendly show on Disney on May 2024. Family Guy the animated sitcom will be facing major changes as Family Guy seasons 1-23 and beyond is about to be rewritten on May 8th 2024 as the animated sitcom focuses on friends and family.
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19 main characters of Family Guy
Stewie Griffin: Stewie is the youngest member of the Griffin family. He is a highly intelligent and diabolical baby with a British accent who constantly devises elaborate schemes and plans for world domination.
Brian Griffin: Brian is the anthropomorphic family dog and the most intelligent member of the Griffin household. He often serves as the voice of reason and offers witty commentary on the events happening around him. Brian is also known for his intellectual pursuits and struggles with his romantic relationships.
Meg Griffin: Meg is the teenage daughter of the Griffin family. She is often portrayed as socially awkward, unpopular, and the target of ridicule both at school and within her own family. Despite her struggles, Meg occasionally displays moments of strength and resilience.
Chris Griffin: Chris is the teenage son of the Griffin family. He is depicted as overweight, not particularly bright, and often the butt of jokes. Chris is known for his simple-mindedness and his love for food.
Peter Griffin: Peter is the bumbling, overweight, and often clueless father of the Griffin family. He frequently gets into outlandish and ridiculous situations and is known for his distinctive laugh. Peter works at a toy factory and has a love for beer, TV, and unhealthy food.
Lois Griffin: Lois is the patient and level-headed mother of the Griffin family. She serves as a voice of reason and tries to keep the family in check. Lois is a stay-at-home mom but occasionally takes on various jobs throughout the series.
Joe Swanson: Joe is one of Peter's best friends and a neighbor. He is a paraplegic police officer who uses a wheelchair. Joe often participates in Peter's misadventures and provides the group with law enforcement knowledge and skills.
Cleveland Brown: Cleveland is another one of Peter's best friends and a neighbor. He is a mild-mannered and good-natured character who often finds himself caught up in Peter's shenanigans. Cleveland later got his own spin-off series called "The Cleveland Show."
Glenn Quagmire: Quagmire is Peter's perverted and sex-obsessed neighbor. He is known for his catchphrase "Giggity giggity goo!" and is constantly on the lookout for sexual opportunities. Quagmire works as an airline pilot.
Patty Patterson: Patty is one of Meg's teenage friends. She is often seen hanging out with Meg and the other girls.
Ruth Rutherford: Ruth is another one of Meg's teenage friends, often seen in the group.
Esther Esthederm: Esther is a teenage friend of Meg's.
Beth Bethany: Beth is another one of Meg's friends. She is occasionally featured in the series and shares some of Meg's struggles with popularity and social acceptance.
Olivia Fuller: Stewie's love interest and a baby. She is often portrayed as sweet and highly intelligent
Jillian Russell: Jillian is a human girl and Brian's love interest. She is portrayed as attractive and somewhat dim-witted but good-hearted
Neil Goldman: Neil is a teenage boy who has a crush on Meg and often appears as a socially awkward character.
Tom Tucker: Tom is a male news anchor in the fictional town of Quahog. He often provides exaggerated and sensationalized news reports. Tom is known for his smooth voice and occasional romantic interests.
Diane Simmons: Diane is a female news anchor and Tom Tucker's love interest. She is often involved in outrageous and scandalous situations.
Connie D'amico: Connie is a popular and manipulative teenage girl who often antagonizes Meg.
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14 Recurring Characters include
Principal Shepherd
Carter Pewterschmidt
Babs Pewterschmidt
Bonnie Swanson
Loretta Brown
Angela Everwood
Evil Monkey
Ernie the Giant Chicken
Tricia Takanawa
Mayor Wild West
Mort Goldman
Miss Tammy
Jerome Cool J
Pouncy The Talking Cat
The Main Plot is in a wacky Rhode Island town, a dysfunctional family strives to cope with everyday life as they are thrown from one crazy scenario to another.
Sick, twisted, and politically incorrect, the animated series features the adventures of the Griffin family. Endearingly ignorant Peter hangs with his friends Glenn Quagmire, Cleveland Brown and Joe Swanson, goes on crazy adventures. Homemaker wife Lois reside in Quahog, Rhode Island with their three kids. teenage Chris their eldest, is a social outcast; Meg Griffin a smart teenage girl, cry baby, hangs out with her friends, Patty, Ruth, Esther and Beth goes on adventures, Stewie, is a genius baby bent on killing his mother, destroying the world, and in love with Olivia Fuller vows to marry her someday, Their talking dog Brian keeps Stewie in check, book writer, in love with Jillian Russell vows to marry her someday and sipping martinis and sorting through his own life issues. Connie being popular girl at the High School. Tom and Diane work as news anchors at the Quahog 5 News Station.
Stewie, Brian, Meg, Chris, Lois, Peter, Joe, Cleveland, Quagmire, Olivia, Jillian, Patty, Ruth, Esther, Beth, Connie, Neil, Tom and Diane are Outcasts, family, hero and main characters of the show.
The 19 main characters go on crazy adventures.
Stewie gives up being evil after season 6 and starts being with his girlfriend Olivia and his family.
Connie gives up being bully after season 9 and begins being nice, taking things seriously being with her friends and the Griffin family.
Stewie Griffin, Brian Griffin, Chris Griffin, Meg Griffin, Peter Griffin, Lois Griffin, Olivia Fuller, Jillian Russell, Cleveland Brown, Glenn Quagmire, Joe Swanson, Connie D’amico, Patty Patterson, Ruth Rutherford, Esther Esthederm, Beth Bethany, Neil Goldman, Tom Tucker and Diane Simmons will enjoy family dinners in all 23 seasons in the animated sitcom.
Family Guy is a feel good show.
The animated sitcom is about friends and family working together and never giving up, above all they’re family.
Meg, Patty, Ruth and Esther keeps Beth in check and preventing her from causing so much trouble.
Stewie, Brian, Peter, Joe, Cleveland, Quagmire, Olivia, Jillian, Connie and Diane keeps Chris in check to prevent him from causing trouble.
Olivia Fuller lives with her mom and dad Tom and Diane, Penelope Tucker is Olivia’s real name. Diane uses her maiden name as Simmons on the Channel 5 Quahog news.
Meg, Patty, Ruth and Esther working at the Sub-Hub.
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mira--mira · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. spread the self-love ❤
Aww thank you 🥺💖
I'm going to list 5 that aren't Out of Time and all its snippets would take the cake 😅
I've ranked these but honestly, they're all so different and I love each of them for various reasons that it's kind of hard to directly compare them to one another.
Spells or Sweets/All Hallow's Eve (fantasy, Halloween, T). Girlies I am weak to Halloween AUs and some of Spells or Sweets is a bit rough, it really was written very quickly, but vampire!Madara and werewolf!Hashirama going trick or treating and letting me make so many spooky puns and themed candy is just...*cries*
Twisting Fate (fem!HashiMada, T, ongoing). One of those 'you forgot about this fic didn't you, Mari?' while I swear I haven't and it haunts me. I tried to pick only one of my fem!HashiMada fics bc are also super special to me, but this is one of those fics that I'm just trying to find time to write because I still have so many ideas of what would happen if Hashirama and Madara were girls in canon and all the worldbuilding and canon divergences it allows me.
A Most (un)Fortunate Marriage (fantasy, arranged marriage, T). A fic that gave me so much grief while writing, but I am so endeared to it now. This is one of my favorite fics to reread, if I do say so myself. A lot of fun identity shenanigans and...say it with me...opportunities for me do more worldbuilding.
Spring Fever (canon compliant(ish), smut, E). Hashirama being needy in spring is a Fundamental Headcanon(TM) of mine now thanks to the prompt that inspired this fic. This gave me the space to work in a lot of mokuton headcanons as well.
Heart's Desire (canon compliant, first kiss, kid!HashiMada T). It's short and it's sweet. Idk why I love this fic so much but god, I do. I love their little interactions, esp Hashirama being so relieved Madara likes him back that he blurts out how bad Madara is at confessing to him lmao.
Thank you for this sweet ask, anon!
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flowersbane · 1 year
YESSSSS THANK YOU!!! I read your Joshua x Jote fic and I love the flower festival idea!! PLEASE GIVE THAT BOY SOME SLEEP AND ROSES!!! (*≧∀≦*) I’m glad I could inspire you and can’t wait for pt. 2! (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)
you are most welcome!! thank YOU for your request, i had so much fun writing it! thank you for your patience & i hope you enjoy part 2!
Stop & Smell the Roses, pt. 2
Joshua Rosfield x Jote
Joshua and Jote spend some time at the festival. Joshua's eager interest for the festival may have been a bit more than Jote had expected.
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Rating: Teen
Word Count: 2.2k
Tags: Flower Festival, Jote Worries And Joshua Scurries (Off Somewhere), Festival Shenanigans, Fluff, Cutesy, Sweet Words And Sweeter Declarations, Jote Appreciation, The More Carefree Half Of The Story, Unedited
You can read part 1 here!
The following morning, Jote woke before Joshua. She pulled on her cloak and gloves, careful not to wake the sleeping Phoenix. He looked so much younger in his sleep. She could almost imagine him as an ordinary boy, not bound by prophecy or duty or his unyielding ailments. She would’ve liked to see a world where Joshua Rosfield was unburdened. But this was not that world.
She pulled on her boots before quietly exiting the room. The downstairs tavern was mostly empty, save for a few stragglers who were still passed out at various tables. She approached the bar and ordered two plates of breakfast. After paying, she took the plates upstairs. She had to place one of them down in order to open the door. She kept note of which it was to ensure that it was not the one she would serve His Grace.
Joshua was awake when she re-entered the room, but it looked as though he had only just awoken. “Jote,” he got up to help her, holding the door and softly closing it behind her.
“Good morning. I hope I did not wake you.”
“No, you didn’t.”
Jote offered him the first plate. He nodded his thanks. 
The two sat in silence for a few moments as they began to eat. After several minutes had passed, Joshua spoke again. “The markets will open soon. Once we are finished eating, we should make our way outside to begin our search.”
“Yes, Your Grace.”
Breakfast was as uneventful and peaceful as it was most mornings. The day was young and the hour was too early for trouble to find them. Joshua slid his sword into its sheath and pulled his hood over his head. He led the way downstairs and out, onto the streets that were slowly beginning to crowd. He glanced from side to side before settling on a direction.
The streets were lined with floral decorum and eager merchants. They focused on Jote as she passed, no doubt finding her much more approachable than the cloaked man she walked with.
“Fresh preserves, come get your fresh preserves!”
“We have the sweetest honey you’ll ever find!”
“Buy a bouquet for your wife! Steal her heart all over again!”
“You there, young lass, you look like you know how to appreciate a fine bottle of wine!”
Jote looked away from the merchants. From what she could see, Joshua seemed completely unbothered by them. He was walking at a moderate pace, head directed forward, when suddenly his path was cut off by a small child.
“Fresh flower crowns, milord, I’m selling fresh flower crowns! Only three gil a piece!” She was carrying a basket of flowers and looked to be around five or six years old. Her round cheeks were flushed and her reddish brown hair was tied into two pigtails on either side of her head.
Jote stepped forward to guide the child out of their path, but Joshua raised a hand to stop her. “Lord Margrace?”
He crouched down, allowing the hood to fall from his head. “Let’s see what you have then, shall we?”
The little girl’s face lit up. She shuffled around her flower crowns until she found one that was on the thinner side. A circle of daisies was lined by greenery, bound together by a white ribbon in the back. “I think this one would suit you best,” she said.
He allowed her to place the crown on his head. He turned to look up at Jote. “Well? What do you think?”
She did her best to ignore the quickened beating of her heart. “It’s lovely, my lord.”
Joshua turned back to the girl. “I would like to buy this piece, please, along with something for my friend here.”
The girl’s grin widened and she nodded. She took out a second crown for Jote and presented it to her. This one was thick with deep emerald leaves and violet flowers. “For you, milady.”
“Thank you.” Jote handled the piece with gentle fingers. She glanced at Joshua. He gave her an encouraging nod. Her face still warmed as she placed the crown on her head.
The girl held out an open palm to Joshua. “That will be 10 gil!” she declared.
Joshua raised his brows, but he did not sound at all offended when he asked, “10 gil?”
“3 for each crown, 2 for each consultation.” She sounded like she was struggling with that last word, still too unpracticed in language to gracefully speak it.
Joshua chuckled. He paid her exorbitant fees and the girl dashed off. Jote took a step closer as Joshua got to his feet. “Your Grace…” she said in a low voice.
“It’s alright, Jote. We have the funds to spare.”
Her doubtful look remained. Joshua only smiled and continued their path through the merchants’ stalls. He kept his hood down, which unnerved Jote, but she saw the look on his face. The small joy. She couldn’t bring herself to interrupt it. Just for today, she told herself.
They eventually crossed a stall manned by an old woman. It was cloaked in squares of dark fabric, but through its opening, Jote could see that the inside glowed with candlelight. “Ah, you two, lovebirds,” the woman called.
Jote blushed at her obscene accusation. Joshua only grinned and approached. “This is quite the setup you have here,” he said.
Hardly. Jote kept her disagreements to herself. If this is meant to be a fortune teller’s tent, she has everything all wrong. 
“You look as if you have traveled much, milord. No doubt there is much you have yet to discover. I could help you get a step ahead. For a fair price, of course.”
There was no way His Grace would– 
“Why not? Sounds interesting.”
Jote gawked at him, mouth fallen ajar. “Lord Margrace,” she attempted to caution.
He only glanced over his shoulder and shrugged, as though he was just as helpless as she was. She hesitantly followed him into the woman’s tent. Joshua sat on the bench closest to the entrance while Jote stood just behind him and to his left. The woman took the seat across from him.
“I do things a little differently from other tellers,” the woman explained.
You don’t say. Jote tried and failed to keep her cynicism from her face.
“I use flowers to see into the otherworld. They communicate things to me known only by the land.”
Jote crossed her arms over her chest. If that were true, why waste your time selling fortunes on the side of a road? 
The woman’s attention suddenly turned to Jote. “Oh, please, dear, take a seat too. You are also part of this journey, are you not?”
Jote stalled, refusing to move from her spot near the exit until Joshua turned to look at her. He patted the empty spot on the small, wooden bench next to him. She gave him a look. Are you serious, Your Grace? He returned it with one of his false pleas. Please, Jote. She sighed and crossed the small, empty space between them. There was barely enough room for two people. When she sat beside him, there was no way to keep their legs from touching. He didn’t seem to mind so Jote tried to ignore the contact.
“Please,” Joshua invited the woman to begin.
The supposed-teller spread out a variety of flowers onto the deep purple tablecloth. She ran her fingertips over the petals, closing her eyes, and taking a deep breath. “Your travels have not been easy,” she said. Jote was unimpressed. The woman continued, “for they have come with a heavy burden. Not one easily seen.” Jote stirred a little in her seat. It was still too vague to mean anything, but she didn’t like the idea that the woman would guess anything correct about them. “The good thing is, the two of you have each other.”
Now Jote’s face was warming up. Joshua flashed her an affectionate smile, but the best she could do was a quiet hum, small nod, and an awkward, upwards twitch of the corners of her lips. He seemed satisfied with that as he turned his smile back to the woman. Her gaze was locked on Jote. It startled her for a moment, eyes widening when they met the old woman, but there was nothing to be alarmed about in the woman’s face.
“He is very dear to you.” Her heartbeat quickened. “You are the winter to his summer, the thunder of his lightning, the shadow of his flame.” She tried to keep still in her seat, but it just made her posture frigid. “The flowers say the two of you have been together for a long time, and you have longer, still, to be by each other’s side.”
Joshua was still entirely unconcerned. “That’s good to hear, isn’t it?”
She gave him a worried look, but his expression only made her sigh. “Yes, my lord.”
The fortune teller continued to make general, open-ended statements for a few more minutes. Once she was done, Joshua paid her fee and the two stepped back outside.
“That was intriguing, wouldn’t you say?”
“You cannot truly believe she had the ability to speak to the planet through flowers–”
But he was already several yards away; scanning the area for the next extortion he could become the victim of, no doubt. Jote sighed for what felt like the hundredth time that day, and quickened her pace to catch up with him.
She was glad he was taking the time to enjoy the festival, but she wondered if she had relaxed too much. By the time the sun was beginning its descent across the sky, they were down a couple hundred gil and still nowhere near completing their task at hand. Of course, all of the merchants with useful wares were located at the end of the street. Joshua purchased more supplies for travel. After some convincing, he also bought more supplies for medicine.
Jote relaxed over the stretch of the day. How could she not? The Phoenix’s joy was as catching as his flames. She had thought she had wanted him to take time to rest, but seeing his smile, seeing the curiosity that sparked in his crystalline eyes every time they crossed something new, she knew this had been what she wanted all along. Even if it could only last a short amount of time, he would be Joshua today. Not the Phoenix, not an archduke or the leader of the Undying, just Joshua.
They were nearing the end of the market when the voice of a middle-aged man with dark hair and a short beard reached them.
“Fresh roses,” he called. “Good for decor, freshness, and softening your lover’s heart.”
Joshua tossed a playful grin in her direction as he pivoted his steps to head towards the rose stall instead. “I’d like to buy one,” he told the florist.
“Ah, of course, my travel-worn friend, please, select whichever you’d like.”
It didn’t take long for Joshua to make his decision. The florist wrapped the stem in thick, brown paper and Joshua paid him. As he and Jote continued their walk, he held the flower out to her.
“My lord…” Receiving a gift from him felt like diving into a deep pool from a cliffside edge that was almost too high to trust. She did not immediately reach to take it from him. Instead, her hand lingered by her chest, fingers in the proper formation to hold the stem.
“It’s a gift, Jote. Take it. Please.”
She reached for it, handling it like it was made from the thinnest glass. “Thank you, Your Grace.” Her voice was barely a whisper, but he heard it.
He tipped his head upwards, face met with the golden, afternoon rays. “You were right to have us stop here,” he said. “You would think by now I would have learned that I need not doubt you. For if I know one thing in this world, it is that you will always act with my best interest at heart.”
Jote could not look away from him. Her mind told her that she was staring, that she should say something, but her heart had seized every muscle in her body. He had seized every part of her. The last thing she wanted was for him to let go.
When she remained silent, he eventually laughed. It was an affectionate, kind sound. She did not need to say anything. He knew. He extended his arm, holding out his hand with his palm facing upwards. “Come. Let us return to the inn. We will find something to eat along the way.”
It would be improper of her to hold his hand. But it would also be improper of her to refuse him. She passed the rose into her right hand and took his in her left.
“Always,” she whispered.
She lifted her gaze to meet his. “I will always remain by your side.” She spoke louder this time, but only just so he could catch her words.
His smile was natural. Because he knew. He didn’t need to say anything. Because she knew too. She’d known for a very long time. They both had.
“And I will treasure every second of it,” he swore.
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fox124693 · 1 year
Family Guy
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Family Guy is facing big major changes in May 8th 2024 as it will focus more on Family. Fans are really excited for the animated sitcom changing in late spring of 2024.
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18 main characters of Family Guy
Stewie Griffin: Stewie is the youngest member of the Griffin family. He is a highly intelligent and diabolical baby with a British accent who constantly devises elaborate schemes and plans for world domination.
Brian Griffin: Brian is the anthropomorphic family dog and the most intelligent member of the Griffin household. He often serves as the voice of reason and offers witty commentary on the events happening around him. Brian is also known for his intellectual pursuits and struggles with his romantic relationships.
Meg Griffin: Meg is the teenage daughter of the Griffin family. She is often portrayed as socially awkward, unpopular, and the target of ridicule both at school and within her own family. Despite her struggles, Meg occasionally displays moments of strength and resilience.
Chris Griffin: Chris is the teenage son of the Griffin family. He is depicted as overweight, not particularly bright, and often the butt of jokes. Chris is known for his simple-mindedness and his love for food.
Peter Griffin: Peter is the bumbling, overweight, and often clueless father of the Griffin family. He frequently gets into outlandish and ridiculous situations and is known for his distinctive laugh. Peter works at a toy factory and has a love for beer, TV, and unhealthy food.
Lois Griffin: Lois is the patient and level-headed mother of the Griffin family. She serves as a voice of reason and tries to keep the family in check. Lois is a stay-at-home mom but occasionally takes on various jobs throughout the series.
Joe Swanson: Joe is one of Peter's best friends and a neighbor. He is a paraplegic police officer who uses a wheelchair. Joe often participates in Peter's misadventures and provides the group with law enforcement knowledge and skills.
Cleveland Brown: Cleveland is another one of Peter's best friends and a neighbor. He is a mild-mannered and good-natured character who often finds himself caught up in Peter's shenanigans. Cleveland later got his own spin-off series called "The Cleveland Show."
Glenn Quagmire: Quagmire is Peter's perverted and sex-obsessed neighbor. He is known for his catchphrase "Giggity giggity goo!" and is constantly on the lookout for sexual opportunities. Quagmire works as an airline pilot.
Patty Patterson: Patty is one of Meg's teenage friends. She is often seen hanging out with Meg and the other girls.
Ruth Rutherford: Ruth is another one of Meg's teenage friends, often seen in the group.
Esther Esthederm: Esther is a teenage friend of Meg's.
Olivia Fuller: Stewie's love interest and a baby. She is often portrayed as sweet and highly intelligent
Jillian Russell: Jillian is a human girl and Brian's love interest. She is portrayed as attractive and somewhat dim-witted but good-hearted
Neil Goldman: Neil is a teenage boy who has a crush on Meg and often appears as a socially awkward character.
Tom Tucker: Tom is a male news anchor in the fictional town of Quahog. He often provides exaggerated and sensationalized news reports. Tom is known for his smooth voice and occasional romantic interests.
Diane Simmons: Diane is a female news anchor and Tom Tucker's love interest. She is often involved in outrageous and scandalous situations.
Connie D'amico: Connie is a popular and manipulative teenage girl who often antagonizes Meg.
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16 Recurring Characters of Family Guy
Principal Shepherd
Carter Pewterschmidt
Babs Pewterschmidt
Bonnie Swanson
Loretta Brown
Angela Everwood
Evil Monkey
Ernie the Giant Chicken
Tricia Takanawa
Mayor Wild West
Mort Goldman
Miss Tammy
Jerome Cool J
Pouncy The Talking Cat
Bert and Sheila
Family Guy will have more laughs with the griffin family and their friends. Family Guy is about to be rewritten from Family Guy seasons 1-23 and beyond.
The Main Plot is in a wacky Rhode Island town, a dysfunctional family strives to cope with everyday life as they are thrown from one crazy scenario to another.
Sick, twisted, and politically incorrect, the animated series features the adventures of the Griffin family. Endearingly ignorant Peter hangs with his friends Glenn Quagmire, Cleveland Brown and Joe Swanson, goes on crazy adventures. Homemaker wife Lois reside in Quahog, Rhode Island with their three kids. teenage Chris their eldest, is a social outcast; Meg Griffin a smart teenage girl, cry baby, hangs out with her friends, Patty, Ruth and Esther goes on adventures, Stewie, is a genius baby bent on killing his mother, destroying the world, and in love with Olivia Fuller vows to marry her someday, Their talking dog Brian keeps Stewie in check, book writer, in love with Jillian Russell vows to marry her someday and sipping martinis and sorting through his own life issues. Connie being popular girl at the High School. Tom and Diane work as news anchors at the Quahog 5 News Station.
Stewie, Brian, Meg, Chris, Lois, Peter, Joe, Cleveland, Quagmire, Olivia, Jillian, Patty, Ruth, Esther, Connie, Neil, Tom and Diane are Outcasts, family, hero and main characters of the show.
The 18 main characters go on crazy adventures.
Stewie gives up being evil after season 6 and starts being with his girlfriend Olivia and his family.
Connie gives up being bully after season 9 and begins being nice, taking things seriously being with her friends and the Griffin family.
Stewie Griffin, Brian Griffin, Chris Griffin, Meg Griffin, Peter Griffin, Lois Griffin, Olivia Fuller, Jillian Russell, Cleveland Brown, Glenn Quagmire, Joe Swanson, Connie D’amico, Patty Patterson, Ruth Rutherford, Esther Esthederm, Neil Goldman, Tom Tucker and Diane Simmons will enjoy family dinners in all 23 seasons in the animated sitcom.
Family Guy is a feel good show.
The animated sitcom is about friends and family working together and never giving up, above all they’re family.
Stewie, Brian, Peter, Joe, Cleveland, Quagmire, Olivia, Jillian, Connie and Diane keeps Chris in check to prevent him from causing trouble.
Olivia Fuller lives with her mom and dad Stan and Carol Thomson. Penelope Thomson is Olivia’s real name. Stan looks like Patrick Pewtershmidt Lois’s brother, the only difference is his hair is black. Britney Wilcox is Jillian Russell’s real name.
Meg, Patty, Ruth and Esther keeps Beth in check and preventing her from causing so much trouble.
Meg, Patty, Ruth and Esther working at the Sub-Hub.
Stewie, Brian, Peter, Joe, Cleveland, Quagmire, Olivia, Jillian, Connie and Diane keeps Chris in check to prevent him from causing trouble.
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beanghostprincess · 10 months
I love trans women usopp. She would be so pretty but still be the same goofy ass usopp as usual. She still lies (she likes to add flirtatious charm or empathy. Babe learned how to cry on command.) Still cowers, dramatic as fuck and bickers with her crew
Sanji would swoon and act a fool towards as he does to Robin and Nami. During fights he jumps in wanting to protect her. 'Don't worry usopp darling! I'll save you! My sweet!'. Before he could finish his affections she's already sprinted the fuck out of there with out hesitation.
She's more touchy with Robin and uses her a Zoro 2.0 and hides behind her and drags her into her shenanigans. Robin likes to use a disembodied hand to shove her or smack the back of the head if she does something stupid. (Platonically of course you know the straw hats. Their Love language is physical violence towards each other)
Her dynamic with Nami did not change. They still cower in fear together, run away together, fight together and yell at Luffy together. They've only gotten closer, they even started fighting with each other more.
Her relationship with Zoro didn't change that much either girly still be yelling at him and criticizing his sense of direction. They still fight with each other, call each other names. Zoro still sees usopp as his equal she's still usopp. Is she still a liar, she's still over dramatic, Still a coward but she never misses her target and that's all he cares about. If only she'd stop nagging him.
She still thinks Franky is cool and is amazed by his engineering. His poses tho are kind of lame to her now but in a cute way. She will laugh whenever he does it. Franky sees her as a little sister which isn't saying much because he used to see her as a little brother. Brook is the same, nothing changed but he does ask her about her panties and you wouldn't believe this but she did let him see them. once!! and only once she was very strict about that and he never asked again.
Her and Luffy are still best friends and still good off. They're still very touchy and grabby. (I love how he doesn't see women's bodies as inherently sexual he just sees them as bodies) He still will wrestle with her, wraps around her and fall asleep next to her or on top of her. He has landed on top of her many times and she has yelled at him many times that he can't do that anymore! her boobs aren't cushions they hurt!
The only real change was sanji (I ship them but for the sake of this post it's one sided) sanji is a gentleman chivalry is his policy and he will treat any lady with the utmost respect (At least that's what he tells himself) he makes her drinks, treats and puts a lot of effort into the dinners that she eats like the other girls. When she started transitioning and developing he started going nuts for her. Usopp ate that shit up not only was it gender euphoric to be treated like the other women but she can ask sanji to do or buy her anything and he'll do it. She fucking loves attention that hasn't changed
Sometimes he'll revert back to his old ways with her especially when they get into an argument. He doesn't care if she's a gorgeous woman with pretty hair, a luscious body and smells like lemon and rosemary! (He does care. He cares so much. It's pathetic) stop bitching and start fishing!... Please darling.
Her fashion sense tho. It's the same but better She has sun hats, cabbie hats, brimmed braise, regular berets, beanies, buckets, cloche, and so many headbands. Short overalls, baggy overalls, jumpsuits of various sizes. She doesn't like wearing shirts she never did, unlike the other women on the boat she doesn't like letting her girls loose. It's not practical or functional for her line of work. She wears a sports bra or something with great support. Her favorite top is a high neck sports bra with a zipper in the front. Her hair is usually in a protective hair style. French braids with Afro puffs in the back or regular ponytail. She likes to let it down sometimes but it gets in the way. She's not that girly but she still wants to turn heads
In short she didn't really change and her crew treats her the same and the changes that did happen benefited her
See??? You send me asks like this one and then I don't have anything else to say because everything here is just perfect!!!
Transfem Usopp has changed my life for the better and this whole text is so so beautiful because this is exactly how I imagine her dynamics with the crew!!
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stormsbourne · 5 months
Top five final fantasy characters recruited after the first act finishes
this is interesting because it makes me piece out when the end of act 1 is for various final fantasies. here are some thoughts in no particular order:
yuffie kisaragi, specifically the remake/rebirth version. I was never one of those people who despised yuffie (though I did always find .... yufficent?? vinfie??? vincent x yuffie nonsensical), but the remake did a number on this girl. she is unironically among my favorites. I love her. she joins maybe a good third of the way into rebirth, in addition to not being in remake at all outside of the dlc. you really get a sense of her bitterness about wutai (specifically this game's version of wutai), her loyalty to her home, and even her materia-grubbing nonsense is dialed up in a fun way. she's also very funny and very adorable. chocobo, choco choco chocobo, I'm on a chocobo, you're on a chocobo! also loved all the "team babies" sidequests with her and red interacting.
joshua rosfield. now listen. sure. technically there is no party in ff16, something that did honestly really let me down, but you can see the outline of what could have been and he is a party member in all but name. perhaps even THE party member. he is up to his own shit the entire game, extremely sweet and gentle and smart as a whip, the way he is the person directly acting to keep clive from finding him too soon? it's damn good
kain highwind. alright. listen again. sure this guy starts with you. he leaves immediately. he rejoins and then leaves again and the second time, I believe it's stated/implied (it's been a long time since I played ff4) that his time with you was effectively as a mole/spy. and then when he really rejoins you for real-reals you can tell he feels like absolute shit and wishes he was dead. he truly despises that his possessive jealousy (of both cecil and rosa I would argue) was used as a weapon against those very same people. this leads to some pure shenanigans in the sequel from what I understand, but this guy is so fucking ashamed. peak dog wandering behind the party with his tail ALL the way between his legs
auron. tbh I still feel this is a somewhat cringe pick but I like the guy. you get the sense, after you know what all is going on, of the way he's seen his worldview dismantled to give way to the sacrificial cycle of spira. when he finally lets himself truly go to the farplane at the end you can almost feel his satisfaction. also he's forever mourning his two dead boyfriends (one is not dead but IS stuck as a giant kaiju whale so.) and he gives the pre-yunalesca speech which I feel is a major turning point for a TON of the cast and obviously the plot in general
celes .... I think my feelings on her have cooled a lot since I haven't played ff6 in a long, long time, but it's very fun that she gets to be the party leader in the last bit of the game, rushed and mistranslated as it is. I also think it's just genuinely quite fun to have the enemy defector as a party member. see above ponderings on kain, but celes isn't a dog with her tail between her legs, she's determined to make things right and less than able to compromise
some misc notes
rebirth cait sith almost makes this list. he's so fucking good. he joins later than yuffie and you not only get a sense of this guy as a cartoon mascot fortunetelling cat, but also about the sheer grimace.jpg going on with reeve behind the scenes. he's so emotive, he seems to have a genuine personality and worldview, and also, reeve always needed more attention to really sell him. the bit with reeve photoshopping the poster is so good. I trust that The End Of Rebirth is going to make this guy/cat reevaluate his life and decide firmly that team avalanche is the name to back.
I've also got high hopes for what remake pt 3 is going to do for cid and vincent. cid especially needs it. vincent, like yuffie, is a victim of deadline and money cutting his presence down significantly, but cid? cid has a pretty nasty legacy of beating his live-in non-wife and drinking all the time. he's already on good ground in rebirth and I'm interested to see what the game does with him.
did you know how many ffs acquire the entire party before the end of act 1? not to mention how hard the acts often are to define! I'd argue end of act 1 for ff8 is the edea parade and everybody is already there! where do you put the act break in ff10? (the blitz game imo, which means auron technically counts as act 1, but .... ??? what about the canyon where a gajillion people die including the gay crusaders? or macalania??) does act 1 of ff7 end when you leave midgar? when you get the tiny bronco? when aerith dies? is act 1 of ff6 where the world of ruin starts or?? (I'd argue the doma poisoning because that is very noticeably when shit gets Real but)
I did not allow myself to put ff14 because it's extremely complicated but the answer for that one is g'raha tia. obviously. come on
or alisaie. shit. how can I choose
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foxshows1 · 4 months
Disney's Family Guy
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Fans are anxiously excited to see Family Guy seasons 1-22 changing on May 8th 2024 however it will take until mid season for the edits to be completed. The Animated Sitcom will be focusing on friends and family. The new version of Family Guy is available on Hulu, Disney, abc, Fxnow and Fox.
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21 Main Characters are:
Stewie Griffin: Stewie is the youngest member of the Griffin family. He is a highly intelligent and diabolical baby with a British accent who constantly devises elaborate schemes and plans for world domination.
Brian Griffin: Brian is the anthropomorphic family dog and the most intelligent member of the Griffin household. He often serves as the voice of reason and offers witty commentary on the events happening around him. Brian is also known for his intellectual pursuits and struggles with his romantic relationships.
Meg Griffin: Meg is the teenage daughter of the Griffin family. She is often portrayed as socially awkward, unpopular, and the target of ridicule both at school and within her own family. Despite her struggles, Meg occasionally displays moments of strength and resilience.
Chris Griffin: Chris is the teenage son of the Griffin family. He is depicted as overweight, not particularly bright, and often the butt of jokes. Chris is known for his simple-mindedness and his love for food.
Peter Griffin: Peter is the bumbling, overweight, and often clueless father of the Griffin family. He frequently gets into outlandish and ridiculous situations and is known for his distinctive laugh. Peter works at a toy factory and has a love for beer, TV, and unhealthy food.
Lois Griffin: Lois is the patient and level-headed mother of the Griffin family. She serves as a voice of reason and tries to keep the family in check. Lois is a stay-at-home mom but occasionally takes on various jobs throughout the series.
Joe Swanson: Joe is one of Peter's best friends and a neighbor. He is a paraplegic police officer who uses a wheelchair. Joe often participates in Peter's misadventures and provides the group with law enforcement knowledge and skills.
Cleveland Brown: Cleveland is another one of Peter's best friends and a neighbor. He is a mild-mannered and good-natured character who often finds himself caught up in Peter's shenanigans. Cleveland later got his own spin-off series called "The Cleveland Show."
Glenn Quagmire: Quagmire is Peter's perverted and sex-obsessed neighbor. He is known for his catchphrase "Giggity giggity goo!" and is constantly on the lookout for sexual opportunities. Quagmire works as an airline pilot.
Patty Patterson: Patty is one of Meg's teenage friends. She is often seen hanging out with Meg and the other girls.
Ruth Rutherford: Ruth is another one of Meg's teenage friends, often seen in the group.
Esther Esthederm: Esther is a teenage friend of Meg's.
Beth Bethany: Beth is another one of Meg's friends. She is occasionally featured in the series and shares some of Meg's struggles with popularity and social acceptance.
Olivia Fuller: Stewie's love interest and a baby. She is often portrayed as sweet and highly intelligent
Jillian Russell: Jillian is a human girl and Brian's love interest. She is portrayed as attractive and somewhat dim-witted but good-hearted
Neil Goldman: Neil is a teenage boy who has a crush on Meg and often appears as a socially awkward character.
Tom Tucker: Tom is a male news anchor in the fictional town of Quahog. He often provides exaggerated and sensationalized news reports. Tom is known for his smooth voice and occasional romantic interests.
Diane Simmons: Diane is a female news anchor and Tom Tucker's love interest. She is often involved in outrageous and scandalous situations.
Connie D'amico: Connie is a popular and manipulative teenage girl who often antagonizes Meg.
Bonnie Swanson: Bonnie is Joe Swanson's wife and a friend of the Griffin family. She is often portrayed as a caring and supportive character.
Elle Hitler-Patterson: Elle is the librarian in Quahog and Patty Patterson's obese mother. She often tells jokes that only she finds amusing.
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7 recurring characters include:
Principal Shepherd
Dr. Elmer Hartman
Angela Everwood
Mort Goldman
Carol West-Thomson
Stan Thomson
Jerome Cool J
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The guess star recurring characters Include:
Carter Pewterschmidt
Babs Pewterschmidt
Loretta Brown
Evil Monkey
Ernie the Giant Chicken
Tricia Takanawa
Ollie Williams
Pouncy The Talking Cat
Miss Tammy
Mayor Wild West
Preston Lloyd
Muriel Goldman
The Main Plot is in a wacky Rhode Island town, a dysfunctional family strives to cope with everyday life as they are thrown from one crazy scenario to another.
Sick, twisted, and politically incorrect, the animated series features the adventures of the Griffin family. Endearingly ignorant Peter hangs with his friends Glenn Quagmire, Cleveland Brown and Joe Swanson, goes on crazy adventures. Homemaker wife Lois reside in Quahog, Rhode Island with their three kids. teenage Chris their eldest, is a social outcast; Meg Griffin a smart teenage girl, cry baby, hangs out with her friends, Patty, Ruth and Esther goes on adventures, Stewie, is a genius baby bent on killing his mother, destroying the world, and in love with Olivia Fuller vows to marry her someday, Their talking dog Brian keeps Stewie in check, book writer, in love with Jillian Russell vows to marry her someday and sipping martinis and sorting through his own life issues. Connie being popular girl at the High School. Tom and Diane work as news anchors at the Quahog 5 News Station.
Stewie, Brian, Meg, Chris, Lois, Peter, Joe, Cleveland, Quagmire, Olivia, Jillian, Patty, Ruth, Esther, Connie, Neil, Tom and Diane are Outcasts, family, hero and main characters of the show.
The 18 main characters go on crazy adventures.
Stewie gives up being evil after season 6 and starts being with his girlfriend Olivia and his family.
Connie gives up being bully after season 9 and begins being nice, taking things seriously being with her friends and the Griffin family.
Stewie Griffin, Brian Griffin, Chris Griffin, Meg Griffin, Peter Griffin, Lois Griffin, Olivia Fuller, Jillian Russell, Cleveland Brown, Glenn Quagmire, Joe Swanson, Connie D’amico, Patty Patterson, Ruth Rutherford, Esther Esthederm, Neil Goldman, Tom Tucker and Diane Simmons will enjoy family dinners in all 23 seasons in the animated sitcom.
Elle Hitler and Bonnie Swanson becoming main characters in season 7. Beth Bethany in season 8.
Family Guy is a feel good show.
Elle Hitler is is not only a Librarian but she is also Brian's employer. Angela is not only Peter's Boss but she's also his mentor.
The animated sitcom is about friends and family working together and never giving up, above all they’re family.
Stewie, Brian, Peter, Joe, Cleveland, Quagmire, Olivia, Jillian, Elle, Connie and Diane keeps Chris in check to prevent him from causing trouble.
Olivia Fuller lives with her mom and dad Stan and Carol Thomson. Penelope Thomson is Olivia’s real name. Stan looks like Patrick Pewtershmidt Lois’s brother, the only difference is his hair is black. Britney Wilcox is Jillian Russell’s real name.
Meg, Patty, Ruth and Esther keeps Beth in check and preventing her from causing so much trouble.
Meg, Patty, Ruth and Esther working at the Sub-Hub.
Stewie, Brian, Meg, Chris, Lois, Peter, Joe, Cleveland, Quagmire, Olivia, Jillian, Patty, Ruth, Esther, Neil, Connie, Connie, Tom and Diane represents friendship and family working together and never giving up.
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jimothy-hopkins · 2 years
Meddling Kids VIII
WARNING! This work/series contains mentions of slut shaming, EDs, gore, implied torture, implied SA, SH, violence, and many other things that can trigger some viewers. I will also mention that this work does NOT intend to glorify, romanticize, normalize, or promote ANY of these behaviors or ideas. That is not who I am and that is not what I stand for. Please do not take that message away when you read this.
This is a Manhunt/Bully crossover, so expect non-family friendly shenanigans.
Well, they weren’t going to get anything out of Max, which sucked. He was probably the only one with any dirt on cases. Jimmy had zero plans. Lucky for him, he had two best friends with a shared brain cell.
“Well, there’s gotta be something on their permanent records about this,” Pete suggested.
“You’re right. They have to document that for legal purposes,” Gary nodded, sitting up.
“I have a key to Crabblesnitch’s files,” Pete said.
“Sweet. Let’s go,” Jimmy stood.
The trio shuffled out of the library. The air started to warm up as February began to die. Spring was near. The football season for Bullworth and the surrounding schools would start up soon. Jimmy was never much of a football fan. Sure, he’d sit down and watch it with whichever stepdad was around. But for the most part, Jimmy was more interested in the music industry. The only sport he enjoyed was boxing. Even then, it depended on which rich bitch he was in the ring with.
Once upstairs, they peered into the office. Neither Ms. Danvers nor Dr. Crabblesnitch were in there.
Petey barged in first and grabbed the keys out of his pocket. Jimmy stood by the door to watch for prefects or any other authority.
Petey unlocked each cabinet one by one. Gary began to search through them. Most of the filed paperwork was just accident reports and work orders on various equipment. Nothing too special. Pete knelt and unlocked the last drawer.
School records. Just what they needed.
Gary dove in, pulling up any files relating to Johnny and Norton. Pete took them with care. Jimmy snuffled his way over, nosily rummaging around in the file cabinets and drawers. No wonder Christy loved gossip so much. Being nosy was fun.
“Dude, let’s look through these old yearbooks,” Gary grinned.
Jimmy smiled as he reached into a drawer, retrieving a book that was probably older than his stepdad.
“Bullworth Academy, Class of 1985,” Jimmy leaned back on the wall, and Gary joined at his side.
He flipped the book open, the inside bare of any signatures. Gary leaned over and flipped the pages. Within a few minutes, they were already giggling up a storm. They thoroughly enjoyed their Mean Girls-esque fun. Good god, the outfits. Not to mention the goofy ass hairstyles they wore. Jimmy wondered how their parents let them go out dressed like casual clowns.
“I’d rather kill myself than wear that,” Gary sneered, pointing to one girl who looked like she’d gotten electrocuted.
“This makes me glad I’m bald,” he replied, flipping a page.
Gary’s eyes scanned the names, his eyes falling on one. His face changed completely. Petey turned over to them and raised a brow. Gary looked like a kicked puppy almost. Hero to zero.
“What’s wrong?” Jimmy turned his head.
Gary pointed to one portrait, “that’s my older brother.”
“Since when did you have an older brother?” Jimmy knitted his brows in confusion.
“Since the day I was born,” Gary replied.
“You walked right into that one Jimmy,” Pete spun in Crabblesnitch’s chair.
Jimmy rolled his eyes to the sky and looked back at the yearbook. Gary’s finger still pointed to the face. Under it read the name ‘Leroy Elwood Smith’ that sounded like a grandpa's name. He looked a lot like Gary, but only with dimples and a douchebag mullet with a matching mustache.
He couldn’t help but notice the stale silence in the room.
“So, uh, what happened?...” Jimmy asked with hesitance.
Petey looked at Gary, who seemed to be in a trance.
“Leo committed suicide in 2001, after September 11,” Pete answered, looking down.
Ouch. That was heavy.
Gary slowly pulled the book into his lap. He flipped through pages and only stopped at the ones with his older brother in the pictures. Jimmy looked on alongside him. Leo seemed like a great person. A lot of the photos he was in included him with friends. One boy specifically. Daniel Lamb. That name sounded familiar. Jimmy remembered hearing it from somewhere.
As soon as Gary started to develop tears, Pete grabbed the yearbook and closed it.
“We should go,” he stood.
“Yeah, good idea,” Gary shook his head.
Jimmy stood, making sure all the drawers and cabinets were closed before they left. The last thing they needed was a suspension for being nosy, meddling kids.
Gary snatched the yearbook from Pete on their way out, giving a dirty side-eye.
For the rest of the day Jimmy wracked his brain for any ideas. He was stumped. He was creative, yes. But not in the Scooby-Doo mystery-solving way. Maybe if he watched some Law & Order Special Victims Unit, Jimmy could improve that. Gary watched that show all the time with Parker Oglivie.
But at the stroke of midnight, Jimmy’s rock brain finally sparked.
Happy Volts.
That asylum had all they needed. Records and maniacs.
Jimmy put on his clothes and slipped out of the dorms. He dodged Edward’s flashlight. Better safe than sorry. The snow had now thankfully begun to melt, leaving less evidence of his escape. Winter was the worst time of year to sneak out. Unless you had those dumb tennis racket snow shoes to cover your tracks still, Seth Kolbe or Diana Prescott would mow your as down until you became a snow angel. Regardless of heels and house slippers being their respective choices choice of footwear.
Jimmy made it to the gym, ducking down inside to evade Max Mactavish. He’d been more aggressive since Edward’s nasty confrontation with him. And Jimmy didn’t feel like getting bodyslammed into the cold pavement tonight.
He walked around with squinted eyes to see in the dark. He could see from what little light the swimming pool and exit signs gave, but other than that it was pitch black. It made him uneasy. Alone in a dark, empty gymnasium.
His hair stood on end when he heard the door open.
Jimmy darted down the stairs and ducked into the boy’s locker room. He hid amongst a pile of discarded towels in the far corner facing the lockers. He was busted. Done. If he was lucky it would be a prefect and not whatever maniacs had killed Alice Cuellar. He knew he knew too much. Oh god, the DA probably hired those sick freaks to kill him.
“Come on, let’s go,” A voice whispered from outside.
They sounded young. But it could be those skully guys Edward was rolling with, all of them looked pretty young.
“Move, Sonny! Geez!” one hissed.
The footsteps clambered into the locker room.
“You got the bolt cutters?”
“Of course I do, dumbass.”
Jimmy peeked from the towels.
His eyes widened. These were kids his age.
One was tall with long blonde hair tied back into a high ponytail. Jimmy could tell that it was a guy by the confirmation of their arms and legs. Good god, that boy was big.
The one in the middle was criminally small. He had to have been shorter than Jimmy. It boosted his ego, knowing he wasn’t that short. He had short hair in a classic jock cut.
The third guy was tall and skinny with an obnoxious neon green liberty spike mohawk. Jimmy could vaguely see his unique choice of punk fashion from his towel hidey-hole. The guy also held a pair of bolt cutters.
“Quick! We might get caught,” the blonde urged.
“Sonny quit being such a pussy,” the short one bit.
“Maverick, hold the lock,” the punk-looking guy ordered.
The shorter one, presumably named Maverick, stepped up and held the lock. The punk took the bolt cutters and quickly broke the lock. The blonde ripped the chain out as they pried the door open.
Jimmy watched in disbelief as these guys took out the mascot. They didn't even go to Bullworth. He could tell by their red uniform attire.
He was not going to let this slide.
“Hey! What are you doing!?” Jimmy hollered as he stood from his pile of towels.
“Shit- go, go, go!” The punk pushed, the other two running out with the mascot.
Jimmy dove at him and delivered a blow to his temple. He staggered back and swung the bolt cutters to hit Jimmy in the side of the head. He fell to the ground with a yell as the punk ran.
Jimmy quickly came to his senses and got up. He chased after the thieves until they were in the parking lot.
“Payback motherfucker!” Maverick yelled from the car window with his middle finger up as they sped off, leaving Jimmy in the dust.
He had to get that mascot back.
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