#joshua rosfield x jote
flowersbane · 1 year
YESSSSS THANK YOU!!! I read your Joshua x Jote fic and I love the flower festival idea!! PLEASE GIVE THAT BOY SOME SLEEP AND ROSES!!! (*≧∀≦*) I’m glad I could inspire you and can’t wait for pt. 2! (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)
you are most welcome!! thank YOU for your request, i had so much fun writing it! thank you for your patience & i hope you enjoy part 2!
Stop & Smell the Roses, pt. 2
Joshua Rosfield x Jote
Joshua and Jote spend some time at the festival. Joshua's eager interest for the festival may have been a bit more than Jote had expected.
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Rating: Teen
Word Count: 2.2k
Tags: Flower Festival, Jote Worries And Joshua Scurries (Off Somewhere), Festival Shenanigans, Fluff, Cutesy, Sweet Words And Sweeter Declarations, Jote Appreciation, The More Carefree Half Of The Story, Unedited
You can read part 1 here!
The following morning, Jote woke before Joshua. She pulled on her cloak and gloves, careful not to wake the sleeping Phoenix. He looked so much younger in his sleep. She could almost imagine him as an ordinary boy, not bound by prophecy or duty or his unyielding ailments. She would’ve liked to see a world where Joshua Rosfield was unburdened. But this was not that world.
She pulled on her boots before quietly exiting the room. The downstairs tavern was mostly empty, save for a few stragglers who were still passed out at various tables. She approached the bar and ordered two plates of breakfast. After paying, she took the plates upstairs. She had to place one of them down in order to open the door. She kept note of which it was to ensure that it was not the one she would serve His Grace.
Joshua was awake when she re-entered the room, but it looked as though he had only just awoken. “Jote,” he got up to help her, holding the door and softly closing it behind her.
“Good morning. I hope I did not wake you.”
“No, you didn’t.”
Jote offered him the first plate. He nodded his thanks. 
The two sat in silence for a few moments as they began to eat. After several minutes had passed, Joshua spoke again. “The markets will open soon. Once we are finished eating, we should make our way outside to begin our search.”
“Yes, Your Grace.”
Breakfast was as uneventful and peaceful as it was most mornings. The day was young and the hour was too early for trouble to find them. Joshua slid his sword into its sheath and pulled his hood over his head. He led the way downstairs and out, onto the streets that were slowly beginning to crowd. He glanced from side to side before settling on a direction.
The streets were lined with floral decorum and eager merchants. They focused on Jote as she passed, no doubt finding her much more approachable than the cloaked man she walked with.
“Fresh preserves, come get your fresh preserves!”
“We have the sweetest honey you’ll ever find!”
“Buy a bouquet for your wife! Steal her heart all over again!”
“You there, young lass, you look like you know how to appreciate a fine bottle of wine!”
Jote looked away from the merchants. From what she could see, Joshua seemed completely unbothered by them. He was walking at a moderate pace, head directed forward, when suddenly his path was cut off by a small child.
“Fresh flower crowns, milord, I’m selling fresh flower crowns! Only three gil a piece!” She was carrying a basket of flowers and looked to be around five or six years old. Her round cheeks were flushed and her reddish brown hair was tied into two pigtails on either side of her head.
Jote stepped forward to guide the child out of their path, but Joshua raised a hand to stop her. “Lord Margrace?”
He crouched down, allowing the hood to fall from his head. “Let’s see what you have then, shall we?”
The little girl’s face lit up. She shuffled around her flower crowns until she found one that was on the thinner side. A circle of daisies was lined by greenery, bound together by a white ribbon in the back. “I think this one would suit you best,” she said.
He allowed her to place the crown on his head. He turned to look up at Jote. “Well? What do you think?”
She did her best to ignore the quickened beating of her heart. “It’s lovely, my lord.”
Joshua turned back to the girl. “I would like to buy this piece, please, along with something for my friend here.”
The girl’s grin widened and she nodded. She took out a second crown for Jote and presented it to her. This one was thick with deep emerald leaves and violet flowers. “For you, milady.”
“Thank you.” Jote handled the piece with gentle fingers. She glanced at Joshua. He gave her an encouraging nod. Her face still warmed as she placed the crown on her head.
The girl held out an open palm to Joshua. “That will be 10 gil!” she declared.
Joshua raised his brows, but he did not sound at all offended when he asked, “10 gil?”
“3 for each crown, 2 for each consultation.” She sounded like she was struggling with that last word, still too unpracticed in language to gracefully speak it.
Joshua chuckled. He paid her exorbitant fees and the girl dashed off. Jote took a step closer as Joshua got to his feet. “Your Grace…” she said in a low voice.
“It’s alright, Jote. We have the funds to spare.”
Her doubtful look remained. Joshua only smiled and continued their path through the merchants’ stalls. He kept his hood down, which unnerved Jote, but she saw the look on his face. The small joy. She couldn’t bring herself to interrupt it. Just for today, she told herself.
They eventually crossed a stall manned by an old woman. It was cloaked in squares of dark fabric, but through its opening, Jote could see that the inside glowed with candlelight. “Ah, you two, lovebirds,” the woman called.
Jote blushed at her obscene accusation. Joshua only grinned and approached. “This is quite the setup you have here,” he said.
Hardly. Jote kept her disagreements to herself. If this is meant to be a fortune teller’s tent, she has everything all wrong. 
“You look as if you have traveled much, milord. No doubt there is much you have yet to discover. I could help you get a step ahead. For a fair price, of course.”
There was no way His Grace would– 
“Why not? Sounds interesting.”
Jote gawked at him, mouth fallen ajar. “Lord Margrace,” she attempted to caution.
He only glanced over his shoulder and shrugged, as though he was just as helpless as she was. She hesitantly followed him into the woman’s tent. Joshua sat on the bench closest to the entrance while Jote stood just behind him and to his left. The woman took the seat across from him.
“I do things a little differently from other tellers,” the woman explained.
You don’t say. Jote tried and failed to keep her cynicism from her face.
“I use flowers to see into the otherworld. They communicate things to me known only by the land.”
Jote crossed her arms over her chest. If that were true, why waste your time selling fortunes on the side of a road? 
The woman’s attention suddenly turned to Jote. “Oh, please, dear, take a seat too. You are also part of this journey, are you not?”
Jote stalled, refusing to move from her spot near the exit until Joshua turned to look at her. He patted the empty spot on the small, wooden bench next to him. She gave him a look. Are you serious, Your Grace? He returned it with one of his false pleas. Please, Jote. She sighed and crossed the small, empty space between them. There was barely enough room for two people. When she sat beside him, there was no way to keep their legs from touching. He didn’t seem to mind so Jote tried to ignore the contact.
“Please,” Joshua invited the woman to begin.
The supposed-teller spread out a variety of flowers onto the deep purple tablecloth. She ran her fingertips over the petals, closing her eyes, and taking a deep breath. “Your travels have not been easy,” she said. Jote was unimpressed. The woman continued, “for they have come with a heavy burden. Not one easily seen.” Jote stirred a little in her seat. It was still too vague to mean anything, but she didn’t like the idea that the woman would guess anything correct about them. “The good thing is, the two of you have each other.”
Now Jote’s face was warming up. Joshua flashed her an affectionate smile, but the best she could do was a quiet hum, small nod, and an awkward, upwards twitch of the corners of her lips. He seemed satisfied with that as he turned his smile back to the woman. Her gaze was locked on Jote. It startled her for a moment, eyes widening when they met the old woman, but there was nothing to be alarmed about in the woman’s face.
“He is very dear to you.” Her heartbeat quickened. “You are the winter to his summer, the thunder of his lightning, the shadow of his flame.” She tried to keep still in her seat, but it just made her posture frigid. “The flowers say the two of you have been together for a long time, and you have longer, still, to be by each other’s side.”
Joshua was still entirely unconcerned. “That’s good to hear, isn’t it?”
She gave him a worried look, but his expression only made her sigh. “Yes, my lord.”
The fortune teller continued to make general, open-ended statements for a few more minutes. Once she was done, Joshua paid her fee and the two stepped back outside.
“That was intriguing, wouldn’t you say?”
“You cannot truly believe she had the ability to speak to the planet through flowers–”
But he was already several yards away; scanning the area for the next extortion he could become the victim of, no doubt. Jote sighed for what felt like the hundredth time that day, and quickened her pace to catch up with him.
She was glad he was taking the time to enjoy the festival, but she wondered if she had relaxed too much. By the time the sun was beginning its descent across the sky, they were down a couple hundred gil and still nowhere near completing their task at hand. Of course, all of the merchants with useful wares were located at the end of the street. Joshua purchased more supplies for travel. After some convincing, he also bought more supplies for medicine.
Jote relaxed over the stretch of the day. How could she not? The Phoenix’s joy was as catching as his flames. She had thought she had wanted him to take time to rest, but seeing his smile, seeing the curiosity that sparked in his crystalline eyes every time they crossed something new, she knew this had been what she wanted all along. Even if it could only last a short amount of time, he would be Joshua today. Not the Phoenix, not an archduke or the leader of the Undying, just Joshua.
They were nearing the end of the market when the voice of a middle-aged man with dark hair and a short beard reached them.
“Fresh roses,” he called. “Good for decor, freshness, and softening your lover’s heart.”
Joshua tossed a playful grin in her direction as he pivoted his steps to head towards the rose stall instead. “I’d like to buy one,” he told the florist.
“Ah, of course, my travel-worn friend, please, select whichever you’d like.”
It didn’t take long for Joshua to make his decision. The florist wrapped the stem in thick, brown paper and Joshua paid him. As he and Jote continued their walk, he held the flower out to her.
“My lord…” Receiving a gift from him felt like diving into a deep pool from a cliffside edge that was almost too high to trust. She did not immediately reach to take it from him. Instead, her hand lingered by her chest, fingers in the proper formation to hold the stem.
“It’s a gift, Jote. Take it. Please.”
She reached for it, handling it like it was made from the thinnest glass. “Thank you, Your Grace.” Her voice was barely a whisper, but he heard it.
He tipped his head upwards, face met with the golden, afternoon rays. “You were right to have us stop here,” he said. “You would think by now I would have learned that I need not doubt you. For if I know one thing in this world, it is that you will always act with my best interest at heart.”
Jote could not look away from him. Her mind told her that she was staring, that she should say something, but her heart had seized every muscle in her body. He had seized every part of her. The last thing she wanted was for him to let go.
When she remained silent, he eventually laughed. It was an affectionate, kind sound. She did not need to say anything. He knew. He extended his arm, holding out his hand with his palm facing upwards. “Come. Let us return to the inn. We will find something to eat along the way.”
It would be improper of her to hold his hand. But it would also be improper of her to refuse him. She passed the rose into her right hand and took his in her left.
“Always,” she whispered.
She lifted her gaze to meet his. “I will always remain by your side.” She spoke louder this time, but only just so he could catch her words.
His smile was natural. Because he knew. He didn’t need to say anything. Because she knew too. She’d known for a very long time. They both had.
“And I will treasure every second of it,” he swore.
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slackertherubycat · 1 year
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I did something 🔪
Because of this tweet on Twitter , u know knife lamp outfit color 🥺 makes me love Jote even more knowing she related to a deadly cutie in FF
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moonilit · 1 year
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Modern AU Doodles
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semokan · 8 months
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Welp, my @semokan twitter(x) account got hacked and twitter(x) aren’t helping,
So let’s say I will create another account later 🥹
Meanwhile I’ll just put up some FF16 doodles here for the record.
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grimdraaaws · 6 months
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1. secret admirer..
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foxloresartden · 28 days
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Peaceful days~
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snakegorl212006 · 4 months
Inspired by the latest FF16 request, the reader from our world gets their secret reviled via their journal which had old polaroid photos of their latest trip to New York before getting isekai by truck-kun.
Side Note: Your work always makes my day, thank you. Also you are amazing.
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------------Clive + Jill-------------
-Clive and jill would gosp about it to themself -like if there S/o tells them that there from another world, they would gosp about what questions they should ask -Jill is less surprise then Clive for you abilities seemed odd -none of them would ever bring up the fact that you left your diary open and they just happen to find it laying around for anyone to see -your secret is safe with them
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---------Joshua + Jote-----------
-jote would want to confront you about it but she doesn't want you not to trust her after peaking in your book when cleaning 
-....yeah Joshua thought your diary was an actual book with a weird ending. Until he saw a page about himself 
Joshua if he got caught:
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-he would never admit he read it all even if you told them the truth 
-he just nods his head and acts surprise about it all
-they wouldn't care that you’re from another world but would feel bad about you and how there’s a little to no chance of returning home
-they hope you find a home with them 
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-would genuinely feel guilty for reading a snippet of your journal -he would admit that he saw what you wrote about your past -he feels horrible that you were taken away just like that -by a truck,he probably thinks it some beast -other then that he doesn't care that much about his lover being from another world -the hideaway is full of outcast so you just fit right in
S/o: hey cid.. I’m not from this world
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-she wants to feel angry that you never told her about this -but she also feels angry that your home was strip away from you just like that -half is genuine and half is just pity -she would confront you about what was written and would ask why you never said anything -it would hurt her a lot if you hide this part of your life from her but i don’t think she would be salty about it -she has stuff from her past she would hide from you too coughpast relationships cough -I don’t think she would get rid of your journal but would prefer if you didn���t hide anything important from her
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--------------Dion + Terence------------
-would NEVER tell you that they took a peak in your book -but they would also feel bad that you were taken out like that -once you tell them where you’re from, they would ask a bunch of questions -”who’s truck-kun?” -”(name of place your from) sound like a nice place” -”what’s a ‘florida man’” -” why is the sound of a clock a ‘app’” -would encourage you keep this secret as well -Terence would make sure your journal is safe and tuck away -Dion would buy you a locket for your book -both would ask you to tell them stories about your home land
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--------Barnabas +Sleipnir---------------
-oh they knew from the beginning -Barnabas would find out everything about you big or small -Sleipnir would think it laughable that you would hide this from them -but they would wait for you to come clean first -sure you’re from another world big deal but that might come with a advantage -lets say the world of FF16 was the videogame we all love -if Barnabas finds out about you playing 16 , he would utilize you so his plans can succeed -you could see the future after all
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-would look but wouldn't care to bring it up -it’s your choice if you wish to discuss your origins and at this point it doesn't matter -he loves you and would go to hell and back for you -you're from another world? Ok that’s nice what do you want for dinner -I just don’t see him caring that much -it doesn't change the way he sees you in fact it just amplifies your uniqueness
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comeonlight · 1 year
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I think of them often.
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hienle99 · 1 year
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18 years.
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zhero123 · 1 year
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Jote: Joshua kissed me! Terence: Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God! Jote: It was unbelievable! Terence: Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God! Jill: Okay, we wanna hear everything. Terence, get the wine and unplug the phone. Jote, does this end well or do we need tissues? Jote: Oh, it ended very well. Terence: Do not start without me! Do not start without me! Jill: Okay, alright, let’s hear about the kiss. Was it a soft brush against your lips or was it like a, you know, “I gotta have you now” kind of thing? Jote: Well, at first it was really intense, you know? And then, oh God, and then we just sort of sunk into it. Jill: Ohh... So, okay, were they holding you? Or were their hands on your back? Jote: First they started out on my waist and then they slid up and then they were in my hair. Jill and Terence: Ohhh. *meanwhile* Joshua eating pizza in their house: And, uh, and then I kissed them. Clive: Tongue? Joshua: Yeah. Dion: Cool.
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flowersbane · 1 year
Hey Flowersbane I saw your requests post and thought Id send one in if that’s cool (*´꒳`*). Could I ask for a cute Joshua/Jote fic about one of the days they use to travel together, maybe where they finally take a days rest in one of the towns on their way to another lead, and Jote has to take care of Joshua so his condition doesn’t worsen? I hope that helps! (๑>◡<๑)
um, yes, absolutely, anon, you have inspired me greatly, thank you so much for your request! i hope you like it (=´∀`)人(´∀`=)
Stop & Smell the Roses, pt. 1
Joshua Rosfield x Jote
I tried to keep it concise, but I may have gotten ahead of myself. I’m definitely going to have to write a part 2 later, but I always get so eager & want to post what I have so far so here we are. I'll post this to AO3 once I've written the second part. At least there it can be a one shot. (lol)
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Rating: Teen
Word Count: 1.9k
Tags: Flower Festival, Jote Taking Care of Joshua, Joshua Being Joshua, Jote Getting A Wee Bit Frustrated, Unedited, Faerin Try To Write A One Shot Challenge: Failed
You can read part 2 here!
Jote was beginning to think the entire world was one big obstacle. Dhalmekia’s air was too dry, Sanbreque’s weather was too cold, and everywhere they went, someone was bound to be searching for them. Her and Joshua had been following a lead about an ancient text, holed up in the Crystalline Dominion’s oldest library. His Grace’s eagerness had kept them moving fast. The consequences of such were becoming more and more apparent each day.
The final village before their destination rolled into view. Jote quickened her pace to ensure that all was well. A few stray merchants traveled down the main road, but the path was otherwise clear. “Your Grace, I believe-”
Her words were interrupted by a coughing fit. Jote ran back to Joshua’s side, brows drawn with worry. “Your Grace?”
“I am fine,” he insisted. As he always did. “We can continue on to-”
Another bout of coughs stole the words from his mouth. Jote retrieved her canteen and passed it to him. He steadied himself enough to drink, but the water did little for his obvious exhaustion. “Your Grace, if we do not stop here, we will not make it to the city before dark. I beg of you, allow us to rest for the night in a warm inn, so you might recover some of your strength.”
He looked like he might continue arguing with her, so she kept speaking first. “You must allow me to take care of you, Your Grace. It would cost us many more days should you collapse on the road. I can see that you are tired, we both are, so please…”
His blue eyes studied her for a telling length of time. He wanted to press on, but he knew she spoke the truth. After a long pause, he finally relented. “Very well, Jote. We will rest here for the night and make for the city in the morning.”
Relief washed over her, but her expression remained mostly placid. “Thank you, Your Grace.”
They closed the distance between them and the village. It was small, with hardly any bearers in sight. Despite that, the town seemed to be in high spirits. Strings of flowers were strung over walkways, hung in place by nearby buildings. Brightly colored cloths decorated the walls, each intricately embroidered with large roses of varying designs. Villagers dashed from place to place, many of them carrying large, wooden crates. Joshua’s pace slowed. “What is all of this?”
A passing woman with a long, golden braid caught his words and responded, “Why, it’s the Festival of Bloom, of course. You’re lucky to have come when you did. The festival only comes once a year. And tomorrow’s the first day.” She gestured to a nearby store. “My dad sells the best rose wine in town and don’t let no one else tell you otherwise. Especially that good-for-nothing Lancel Saragon. His wine tastes like it was fished straight from the sewage.”
Jote wrinkled her nose at the imagery, but Joshua only smiled faintly. “I will be sure to keep that in mind.”
“Aye, you’d better. For your own sake too.”
The woman carried on, leaving Joshua and Jote to move forward as well. As they walked, Jote spoke. “It’s been a long time since we’ve happened upon an event such as this.”
“It has,” His Grace agreed. “It makes me wonder if this is some sort of sign.”
Jote turned her face to look at his. “Your Grace?”
A complicated smile overtook his features. “It is nothing,” he claimed. “Let us find a place to rest.”
The inn was near the town’s center. It was a building two stories high and made from dark wood. Joshua kept his hood up as they entered the building.
“Welcome,” greeted the innkeeper, “how may we be of service?”
“One room, two beds, please,” Jote said.
He pulled out a key from behind his desk. “We charge the standard rate. Your room is on the second floor. Go to your right, all the way down, and it’s the final room on your right.”
Jote paid the innkeeper and took the keys. When she turned back to face Joshua, she did not miss the way his hand fell to his side. She knew he had been pressing it to his chest in search of some relief. And, of course, he was trying to hide it from her.
“Lord Margrace,” she offered her arm as they neared the stairs.
She knew he was still getting used to accepting her help, even after all these years. His hesitation was predictable, but, thankfully, he accepted her offer. She supported him the entire way up, but he still began coughing once they reached the top. A line of worry formed between her brows. “Your condition is worse than you’ve led me to believe,” she observed.
“I am fine.”
She remained skeptical but continued to lead the way down the hall.
The room was ordinary. Two beds on either side of the room. A window across from the door. A desk and chair to their left, pressed up against the northern wall. Joshua sat on the bed closest to the window, as was his preference. Jote dropped her belongings on her bed and began to get to work.
“You should lay down, Your Grace. I will have your medicine ready shortly.”
Joshua remained sitting. “Do you think they will have special dishes for this event?” His question was so sudden that it made Jote freeze in her motion. Joshua recognized her surprise and quickly attempted to back pedal. “I was just thinking… it could be a good time to restock on supplies that are difficult to come by.”
She knew that was not what he had been thinking. She chose her next words carefully, as though she were attempting to coax a rabbit from its burrow. “There is a high possibility that the festival will draw in merchants from across the dominion,” she said, “maybe even beyond that.” She approached him with his medicine, placing it on the bedside table next to him. “If you are concerned about restocking, perhaps it would be best if we waited a day or two to see if more merchants arrive with valuable wares.”
His Grace seemed to consider this, nodding vaguely. “There were already a good amount of merchants on the road…”
“Yes,” Jote jumped at the opportunity, “there are bound to be more to come.”
Joshua made a final, decisive nod. “Alright, then we shall remain here for another day. Tomorrow, we will search the market for supplies.” She could have sworn she saw the corners of his lips curve upwards before he quickly pulled his mask of stoicism over his head. “You should get some rest as well, Jote.”
He laid back. Jote gave him a somewhat unamused stare. “Your medicine, Your Grace.” He hadn’t forgotten. He had only hoped that she would.
“Oh. Yes, of course.” He sat back up. He took the bottle in his hand but hesitated. “Jote, could you get the lamp?”
She got to her feet and did as he bid. When she turned back to him, he was bringing his hand down from his lips and placing the bottle back on the nightstand. She knew that if she opened the bottle, she would find it still full of medicine. She tried to communicate with him without words, but he was already laying back down with his back turned towards her.
“Thank you, Jote. Sleep well.”
She sighed. She would just have to hope that he would be more willing in the morning.
| • |
She did not have to wait until morning. Joshua’s coughing woke her only a few hours later. She sat up, expecting to see him in his bed, but startled when she saw that he was instead sitting on the windowsill. She yanked the blankets from herself. “Your grace!” she hissed.
He coughed a final time before looking over his shoulder at her. “Jote, apologies. I did not mean to wake you.” His words were followed by another coughing fit.
Jote stopped by his side, trying to control her frustration with him. Why, in good Greagor’s name, would he think she was upset at him for waking her? “First you refuse your medicine and then you refuse to rest. Remind me again, Your Grace, why we’ve stopped here if not for the betterment of your health.”
“I-” He stopped abruptly. He knew there was no point in arguing with her. Instead, he tried to change the direction of their conversation. “I have never seen you so angry.”
For a brief moment, it worked. She flinched back, embarrassed that she let her temper get the better of her, but then she recognized the glint in his eyes, the curve of his mouth. She frowned again. “Your Grace, please.”
He sighed. His attention turned back to the scene laid out before them. The town was alight with festivities. Glowing lights, distant music. “Forgive me, Jote. The scenery was just…” He trailed off.
Jote felt her heart soften. She dared to rest her hands on the sill, dared to follow his gaze.
It was as though the town had captured stars from the sky and lit their streets with them. In the dark, it was a lake’s reflection of the night sky. “There is nothing to forgive, Your Grace. I only wish that you would take care of yourself. Or, at least, allow me to take care of you.”
His blue eyes found her. She could make out his features in the low light, but even if it were pitch black outside, she would be able to picture him. He may wear a hood most of the time, but she was infinitely familiar with his face. She felt the rest of the world fade as she focused on him.
“Alright, Jote. I will go to sleep.”
He began coming down from the window sill. She had to step back to give him enough room to complete his maneuver. He stumbled on the way back down. She jolted forward to support him. She wrapped an arm around his waist as he draped his arm over her shoulders. “Let me help you to bed, Your Grace.”
He nodded. She helped him lower himself into a lying position. When she began to pull away, he grabbed her hand. He was gentle, but the gesture was unexpected enough to startle her. “I will take my medicine now,” he said.
She breathed a sigh of relief. She took the bottle from the table and opened it. She looked to him for permission before placing one of her hands under his head, the other carefully guiding the bottle to his lips.
His hair was soft between her fingers. She focused on maintaining the tilt of the medicine bottle. He drank it, but made a face as it went down. Once all the medicine was gone, she pulled the bottle back and sealed it once more.
“Thank you, Jote.”
She sat back on the edge of his bed. “Of course, Your Grace.”
“I’m sure I would have perished long ago without you by my side. I know it has not always easy, but I’m glad you have remained with me.”
The rate of her heartbeat picked up. “I wouldn’t leave your side for anything, Your Grace. For anything.”
A soft smile graced his lips as the medicine began kicking in, guiding him into an easy slumber.
(Link to part 2)
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slackertherubycat · 1 year
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Morden Au
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moonilit · 1 year
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“Tell me about Kanver,”
Self-Immolation By @itsjustliah, chapter 14
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vixenofthemist · 1 year
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The difference between peacocks and peahens is crazy
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grimdraaaws · 6 months
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..it must be hard for 'Margrace' to hide under that hoodie. But Jote seems to be enjoying every moment of it.
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Even without his hoodie.. (this is after Joshua confronts Ultima)
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