#swapped freedom- thread
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7rabbi7s · 1 year ago
Swapped Freedom- A Planned Plot With @mmm4r1ass3cr3ts
Flicking over the final ask he'd sent, Hab frowned at the answer he'd been given. 'Dear' could be used platonically? That didn't really track to him, especially since he was essentially swapping her Habit out for himself.
That, coupled with everything on Maria's blog?
Shaking his head, Hab shoved his phone in his pocket. He's got better things to do right now, like actually making good on his promise.
No knocking, this Habit didn't deserve even that. Crushing the shield like a rock on glass and grinding his metaphorical paw underneath it to drive the broken shards of energy and pride into the bastard's back. He was surprised how weak the other was, but maybe that was because Hab's spirit burned brighter than any protective layer.
"MARIIIIIAAAAA! COME GET YOUR COAT!" Hab howled, his plan on stealth now forgotten with just how easily this Habit was crushed. It was really just natural selection at this point.
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starlightshadowsworld · 1 year ago
Bsd Beast except it's Atsushi who has memories of the "original world."
He is the books guide afterall.
Though Atsushi did not make this world, nor know who did.
Atsushi who gets hit by a wave of nostalgia when he enters the cafe but doesn't let himself think on it.
He befriends Kyouka, his heart feels lighter whe she's by his side.
He wonders if they were always destined to be friends, and that makes him smile.
Atsushi finds it funny that there was a time he saved Dazai when here the man saved him.
Though he supposes both of them bought him to them for their own means and plots.
Not that Atsushi minds, he owes everything to Dazai. Though the memories of the other are wild, seeing him as a goofy lazy detective.
But Atsushi knows Dazai, knows the other possesses the same wit and cunning as his Dazai.
Akutugawa makes him pause... A world in which they both swapped, Atsushi went to the agency and Akutugawa to the Port Mafia.
It makes him laugh.
That boy was not Mafia material and yet.
He watches his originals memories, so many things changed and yet so much stayed the same.
Atsushi does not wish for his other self's life, but sometimes he wonders if he could ever be that happy, in control.
He dismisses those thoughts.
The Akutugawa he knows is so much happier than he is in these other memories. So much changed, so much stayed the same but that is a constant.
The lonely boy from the slums found a home.
Atsushi refuses to take it from him. Maybe it's out of guilt for Gin, maybe it's because of their coffee talk and the understanding the two now share.
Whatever it is, Atsushi won't let him lose this.
He looks at the wrist watch, the one from the Headmaster. Atsushi would be nothing if he couldn't save those infront of them.
So he completes his orders, he hides a smile seeing Dazai and Chuuya subtly (well not to him, not now) flirt at each by other's sides.
A Dazai who never thinks of dying and a Chuuya who was never left behind.
He tells Kyouka he'll always be there for her, he sparrs with Akutugawa and sees his eyes light up talking about the agency.
All while hiding the existence of something more.
A world in which Atsushi got his happiness and freedom, while this one wears a collar.
Akutugawa smiles more easy every time they meet, and Atsushi thinks of that everytime the fear and his ability get to much.
He screams into nothingness, clings to his humanity on a severed thread and pretends there's not a world where he never had to suffer like this again.
All for them.
All for him.
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themememerchant · 4 months ago
Persona 5 Arcana Swap: Queenpin Of The Metaverse
I had this idea when I was awake one night and before I knew it I was opening a google doc to start writing a new Arcana Swap fic.
I have A LOT of ideas for all of the characters involved in this. Mostly revolving around various 'what-ifs' and headcanons I have in regards to the original story of P5R.
There's still a lot of kinks I Ned to iron out, specifically the confidants.
But the general idea of the phantom thieves has been sorted out in a way that I think I'm pretty satisfied with.
So keep in mind that some of these ideas may change later as I think of new plot threads to introduce, but for the most part the stories of the new Phantom Thieves of Hearts has been pretty well thought out.
So here we go! Introducing...
My Arcana Swapped Phantom Thieves:
Sumire Yoshizawa-Maruki - The Fool
Codename: Queenpin
Persona: Queenie
Despite being the protagonist and the fool, she doesn't have the wildcard ability, since I don't feel the need to include it from a literary standpoint.
MUCH different than her canon counterpart in behavior, as well as the fact that my version of her is trans and autistic (ME?! PROJECTING?! NOOO...)
The story of her arrest is that she came from an abusive household, one day she punched her father in a fit of rage while he insulted her for not being as good as her sister. The next night, the police crash into her room claiming they had an anonymous tip that Sumire had guns and narcotics in her possession, sure enough, when they searched her backpack, that's exactly what they found.
Her parents also hired someone to rig the trial she was forced to attend, they made it so they would be able to disown Sumire and people would think it was her own fault for being a criminal. When everything was said and done, her parents were all too happy to package her stuff up and send her to live with a foster caretaker to the other side of Tokyo.
After Sumire got to experience true freedom when she stood up to her parents, even if only for a moment, she vowed to never let people walk on her again. Which is exactly how her persona is able to coax her into having an awakening.
She's much less blindly polite than her canon counterpart. She's not insulting people left and right or anything, but she can and will call someone out on their bullshit. She's also not above some light jabs with her friends.
She flirts with every cute girl or hot guy with all the confidence of a maxed charm stat, but she immediately turns into a blushing puddle if anyone actually flirts back.
Growing up with strict parents who were trying to raise a perfect Olympic gymnast leaves her to feel the need to ask permission for the littlest things from any adults near her. She's fine in a room with just her friends or other kids, but when an adult is in the room she goes stiff and doesn't speak unless spoken to, the other thieves compare it to her almost going into a trance.
On the note from the above statement, she feels a little weird about being around people her age that are fine with acting relaxed around adults. it almost triggers a flight or fight or freeze response when one of the thieves so much as moves when an adult is talking.
She eventually starts a running gag with the thieves of calling Principal Kobayakawa, "Principal Humpty-Dumpty".
Her persona Queenie is called the godmother of Harlem, similar to how Arsene was called the pillager of twilight in the original. Queenie was the alias of an early 20th century mob boss, a woman who's own gang was so strong that she was able to keep Harlem clear of much more dangerous threats, she also employed many Harlem citizens with positions in her numbers-game schemes.
Queenie helps Sumire remain attached to reality whenever she's having a particularly rough time. Going from such a strict household to total freedom can give you some serious whiplash, so Queenie makes sure Sumire doesn't completely lose her mind from the sudden shift, while simultaneously helping her learn more about freedom.
Goro - The Magician
Codename: Ace
Persona: Sherlock Holmes
An ally who helps Sumire and Makoto by providing the information on palaces and changes of heart.
He doesn't fully take canon Mona's place, as he is completely human rather than the embodiment of humanity's hope. He does act as the resident expert on the metaverse due to the fact that he was once involved in the research of cogninitve psience, specifically, he was the first successful case of a person being transported to the metaverse when he was 13. Unfortunately, he ended up being trapped in Mementos for around 4 months without knowing how to escape.
The distortions of the metaverse affected him by turning his skin pure white with constantly changing black patterns, similar to Loki's design, he also has large crow wings on his back. In the real world, his skin turns it's normal color and his wings and dazzle-camouflage turn into tattoos all over his body.
He obviously doesn't have the ability to make people turn violent like he did in canon, nor does he have the ability to hold more than one persona. He's simply a guy who happens to know a lot about the metaverse and chooses to use that knowledge to fulfill his long-lost childhood dream of becoming a hero, he also has the hopes of making his mom proud from heaven.
Despite not going down the path of becoming a personal hit man for Shido, he still keeps his patented Goro snark that he had in the canon third semester. Though it's in much more of a-"I'm to tired to be polite"- way, and less of a-"Fuck you, just let me die already"-way.
My favorite line I've written for him so far is: "I'm Joe Schmoe from Shits-ville, DOES IT MATTER?!"
^This is right after Makoto tries to ask who he is.
Since he doesn't take on a different form in this AU, it means that he can't transform into a bus like Mona can. But he IS able to conjure a rather large trolley car thanks to his distortions giving him an understanding of how Mementos functions on a fundamental level
There's a running gag between the phantom thieves that Goro is homeless,-(think that one bit between Dream and Technoblade)-since nobody has ever actually seen where Goro lives. He likes to join in on the joke sometimes by coming up with increasingly ridiculous excuses as to why they can't come over.
^"Sorry, my house just got destroyed by an asteroid the other day. That's the third time this week too...OH WELL!"
His persona is Sherlock Holmes, not because he's a detective, but because in the early writings, Holmes was described as being a "Bohemian Genius", as well as being very antisocial and more like a renegade P.I. rather a straight-laced detective.
Holmes basically acts as Goro's impulse control, he also helps Goro realize whenever he needs to actually talk to his friends instead of being a smartass 24/7.
Makoto Niijima - The Chariot
Codename: Panda
Persona: Shek Yeung
Sumire's first friend at Shujin Academy, as well as the one who helps her investigate the newfound metaverse with Goro.
She used to be the same "good-girl type of pushover" that she was in canon, until her first day of high school when Kamoshida reeled her in as his newest catch. Halfway through her second year, she decided enough was enough and confronted Kamoshida about how he treated the students, unfortunately, Kamoshida being Kamoshida, tried to sexually assault her while in the student council room. She fought back at him, but he overpowered her and did the same thing that was implied to have happened to Suzui in canon.
After Makoto recovered from the...incident, she tried going straight to the principal about the issues, but he shut her down and called her delusional for insinuating that Mr. Kamoshida could have done something like that. Before she knew what was happening, her position as student council president went out the window, and she was suddenly known as "The girl who tried to whore herself out to Kamoshida-sensei"
To Makoto, it was almost liberating to have all of the expectations of the student council ripped off of her back-(minus the sexual assault part). She turned lemons into lemonade and decided that if people were going to give her dirty looks, she might as well have fun while doing it! So she dyed her hair all kinds of colors (mostly blonde), ditched the school blazer in favour of a customized bomber jacket, and fully embraced becoming a sukeban.
She swears a LOT, more than even Ryuji did in canon.
Chie had steak, Ryuji had ramen, and Makoto has pocky sticks. She always has at least two boxes on her person at all times, and always has one in her mouth, only eating it if shit starts to get real. If she looks you dead in the eye and starts chewing her pocky, you better start running before she swallows...
Makoto has, and will continue to start fights whenever some punk-ass thinks they can get away with being transphobic or ableist to Sumire, or any of the other thieves for that matter.
Less of an overprotective-mom and more like a badass-mom who's fresh out of jail. She's very lax most time but will instantly get on your ass if you do something stupid enough.
Her persona, Shek Yeung, was a woman from a brothel who married a pirate. After the death of her husband, she took his place as the captain of the Guangdong Pirate federation, who ravaged the coast of South China.
Shek Yeung helps Makoto fill the void that was left when Sae stopped trying to talk to her, acting as a big sister that supports Makoto when she can't support herself. She reminds Makoto to give herself some time to be selfish, as well as helping her be more open about what she actually wants in life.
Futaba Ishiki-Sakura - The Lovers
Codename: Rumor
Persona: Cleopatra
The chaotic gremlin child who unfortunately gets caught in Kamoshida's perverted grip when she first starts high school.
She joins the group a lot earlier than canon Ann did, mostly because she's a lot more pragmatic when thinking of solutions to her problems. She realizes pretty quickly that Sumire, Makoto, and "The guy with the weird tattoos" are scheming something that has to do with Kamoshida's obvious crimes, and she's not going to sit back and be a victim while everyone else starts taking action.
She overhears the three talking about how they need "-a third member to safely explore the palace." and decides to come to them directly.
^"Look, I don't care if you're blackmailing him, or planning to break his knees with a bat. Whatever it is you're doing, count me in!"
Her story doesn't revolve around being a shut-in,-(Though she still has social anxiety)-but rather that these new people she's met are really the first to actually make her feel valued as a person, and that she is someone worthy of respect.
Since she's not a shut-in, she's a lot less savvy when it comes to hacking and data mining, but she's sort of like the middle man between the thieves and some more...questionable sources of intelligence and resources. Whenever there comes a time for needing to analyze data, Futaba adjusts her glasses and calmly states: "Hehehe...I think I know a guy for that..." Nobody wants to ask what exactly she means by that, and it's probably for the best they don't know.
She has at least 157 different accounts built for browsing the dark web without the risk of collecting viruses or privacy-invasion. All of which have multiple fake IDs, credit cards, cryptocurrency, and other things necessary for her shady connections.
Her mom isn't dead in this AU, she was able to safely go into hiding with the help of Sojiro, whom she is now engaged to. Futaba has some repressed mommy issues since she still feels neglected from her mom needing to work, as well as her new fiance sweeping her off her feet at every turn.
Cleopatra, who needs no introduction, was the final Pharaoh of ancient Egypt. She was sought after by ancient rulers far and wide for her beauty, yet only in the modern day did people actually appreciate her for her intelligence and leadership.
Cleopatra sort of fills the motherly roll Futaba's needed for a long time, it's very helpful since Cleo knows exactly what Futaba needs to hear when she's upset. She praises Futaba for her work with the phantom thieves, gives Futaba reassurance on her appearance and behavior, and helps calm Futaba down from her frequent anxiety attacks.
Futaba once started bawling her eyes out in her sleep when she talked with her persona in a dream, and Cleo said: "I am very proud of you, Futaba...I love you..."
Yuuki Mishima - The Sun
Codename: Trickster
Persona: Geronimo
The fifth and final member of the founding phantom thieves.
He-(sort of)-takes the place of Shiho in this AU, where he has a breakdown on the school rooftop and strongly considers jumping, luckily Sumire, Makoto, and Futaba are able to shove their way through the crowd so they can talk him down and help him.
The story is that Kamoshida, after the gang starts screwing around with the stuff in his palace, finally snaps and decides that merely beating poor innocent Yuuki is not enough for him anymore. So he calls Yuuki into his office one day and decides to "Try something different..."
After the whole mess on the rooftop happens, the gang decides that Yuuki deserves to get some revenge on Kamoshida for what he did. They bring him into the palace and, sure enough, after seeing just how Kamoshida treats not just him, but the whole school, he awakens out of pure anger and desire to be a hero for once.
He's much more jokey than canon, usually opting to make hilariously bad puns and occasional innuendos. He also has no idea about anything involving the real world.
^Yuuki: "I'm inside her heart-shaped-box." ^Futaba: "You know what that means right?" ^Yuuki: "No actually I just know it's a song-" ^Makoto: "JESUS FUCKING CHRIST YUUKI!"
He's just about as awkward as he is in canon, but rather than being treated like shit for it, his awkward jokes are usually just met with a slight pat on the shoulder and a comforting "......we'll work on it, sweetie" from Sumire or Makoto.
He still creates, opens, and monitors the phansite on his downtime. Futaba and Sophia usually help him with how often the requests get backed up.
Even though some of his jokes end up falling flat, he's still really good at coming up with zingers on the spot. The thieves have dubbed him as "The official phantom-comedian", to the point that he, Akira, Futaba, and Sophia all collectively come together to annoy the shit out of Goro
His persona is Geronimo of the Bedonkohe band of the Chirihacua Apache, an American-Indian shaman who fought against Spanish soldiers after his family was murdered. He was said to have converged with a spirit to become immune to bullets, and it took all of 5,000 U.S. soldiers to drag him back to the San Carlos reservation, which he escaped later again
Geronimo fucking loves Yuuki's stupid-ass jokes and will always be his #1 fan, but despite Yuuki's quips, Geronimo knows he's hiding a lot of pain from what he went through with Kamoshida, so he always encourages his other self to admit there's nothing wrong with being upset or afraid because of the circumstances.
Akira Amamiya - The Emperor
Codename: Ghoul
Persona: Brutus
The pupil of Madarame who writes poems, plays, and dables in art which Madarame, of course, plagiarizes from him.
The thieves hear about how Akira is the only pupil who has not left Madarame from another source, and they try to ask him about the plagiarism and accusations of abuse. Akira, of course, denies all of it, but the thieves can see that there's something in his eyes begging for an escape from his situation.
Things pretty much proceed as they do in canon with Madarame's palace, but rather than the whole "Nude painting incident", Sumire pretends to go on a date with Akira at his shack so Goro can sneak in and open the necessary door to help their progress. Madarame comes home, Akira has a panic attack, and they discover the room with the supposedly stolen painting and it's copies before dipping into the metaverse to escape the security.
The painting that Akira is obsessed with isn't the Sayouri, but rather, a self portrait of his father. Akira, of course, has no idea until Madarame's shadow reveals this at the end, but it explains Akira's fascination with it.
Even though he is a gifted painter, he is much more interested with acting and script-writing. He is 100% a gayass theater kid who joins Yuuki's bad jokes to give people headaches.
He is the king of random talents and parlor tricks; he can do a hand stand walk, write and type with his feet, he's very good with sleight of hand tricks, and can even use throwing knives to catch flies.
He's personality is pretty much that of Gomez Addams, he's a hopeless romantic who flirts with anyone and anything that moves, and is constantly down to do the weirdest shit for his loved ones.
His persona is Brutus, the trusted ally of Julius Caesar who later joined a conspiracy to end his life for the benefit of Rome. He realized that Caesar was a dictator and decided to side with his own lofty ideals and morals. He is best known for his role in the Shakespearean play: 'The Tragedy of Julius Caesar'.
Akira often consults Brutus whenever he faces a complicated situation that requires thinking of things from a different perspective, Brutus, being a master of rationalization, is always there to give Akira a push in the direction that will certainly benefit him in the long run, even if Akira doesn't like it.
Sophia Ishiki-Sakura - The Star
Codename: Rogue
Persona: Peter Pan
A 10 year old girl whose abusive mother was run clean-over by a truck 10 months before the events of the story-(not Ichinose). She spent the last several months being tossed around the abysmal foster care system until she ended up at the Ishiki-Sakura household with Futaba. When she moves in, Futaba's meta-nav pings in on a "semi-palace" that has begun forming.
The thieves begin brainstorming ideas on how to help Sophia, then Goro chimes in with: "Why don't we just help her confront her shadow?" and the rest of the team's like: "...what?". So Goro gives the gist that, theoretically, someone can change their own heart by directly confronting their shadow. The thieves decide they have no other choice to prevent Sophia from becoming fully distorted, and bring her into the semi-palace.
Things happen, Sophia awakens to her persona on the 2nd visit with the help of her shadow, but the semi-palace doesn't disappear. The thieves learn that the semi-palace is actually ruled by a cognition, (similar to canon Futaba), she confronts it and is able to change her own heart. After everything is said and done, she basically twists the thieves arms until they allow her to become a permanent member.
Sophia becomes much happier after her semi-palace is destroyed, up until then she was the poster child for gifted kids who were forced to grow up too fast. Her shadow and persona helped her tap into her inner child, now she gets a lot more enjoyment from being so smart, while still acting like a dumbass kid sometimes.
She goes to Shujin with the rest of the thieves, she was actually smart enough to skip a few grades and go straight to being a first-year.
She's basically the thieves collective little sister. Sumire and her bond over being neurodivergent and stim together, Makoto takes her out for rides on her motorcycle, Futaba is actually her sister and they bond over making immature jokes, Akira and her have actually started a club within the thieves for trauma dumping about abusive parents, and Yuuki and her bond over a shared experience with being sheltered and needing to learn more about real life.
As for her and Goro's relationship...
^Goro: "I've only had Sophia for less than a day, but if anything happened to her, I would kill every shadow in Mementos and then myself."
Her persona is Peter Pan, the forever child who resides in the fantastical world of Neverland, where he leads the group of lost boys and learned magic from sprites. His childishness is meant to be depicted as negative, but here is something to be said for seeing even life itself as another grand adventure.
Even after the thieves take her in as one of them, she still has a lot of trouble with allowing herself to act and play like a little kid, Pan is usually the one to help her indulge in those things she feels ashamed of. He acts like the reverse version of impulse control, encouraging Sophia to enjoy herself with dumb fun instead of trying to live up to her reputation as a gifted kid, Sophia of course, is grateful and tries to listen to his advice.
Haru Okumura - The High Priestess
Codename: Vigilante
Persona: Calamity Jane
She takes the place of Kobayakawa's lap dog, but not by being the student council president, she is simply encouraged by most people in her life to "-have good connections early on." Most of the pressure she experiences comes from her father, who is no stranger to cooking the books.
Unlike canon Makoto, she is much more reluctant to blindly follow the orders of the teachers, but she feels as though she doesn't have a choice in regards to what she does. Mostly in the fact that Kobayakawa has close ties to her father, and threatens to speak to him unless Haru spies on the new transfer student he's obsessed with trying to expel.
Haru befriends Sumire under false pretenses, but goes back on her spying when she learns that Kobayakawa has a personal connection to a local "mafia" and has been exploiting the student body for a long time now. So she goes to Sumire and the thieves to come clean, as well as ask them to change the principal's heart.
Eventually, the thieves need Haru's help with proceeding through the palace, in doing so, she awakens to her persona and begins working towards earning the thieves' trust once again.
Once she gains their trust, she officially joins the thieves as a valued friend. They all forgive her fairly quickly once they proceed further in Kobayakawa's palace
She's slightly more unhinged than she is in canon, constantly saying the most out-of-pocket shit you've ever heard.
^Haru: "Do you think stabbing someone in the dark could be used as a legal loophole for assault?"
She and Goro are absolute besties in this AU. They constantly shit talk random people behind their back, especially the people whose hearts the thieves have changed. She also does this with Sumire and the "Principal Humpty-Dumpty" joke.
She and Ann have a secret "shit-talking-tea-date" that nobody else is allowed to know about. They talk about the stunts pulled by the other thieves.
If Makoto is the fresh-outta-jail mom, Haru is 100% the sassy aunt who encourages her nieces and nephews schemes in an effort to mess with the mother. In most cases, Haru usually just sits back and watches the chaos while calmly sipping a cup of tea.
Calamity Jane was an old West heroine who got her name for her reckless nature on the battlefield, as well as being known for riding straight into an enemy ambush to save her ally. She was a heedless, foul-mouthed, and heavily opinionated woman who made her name famous with her sharpshooting skills.
Whereas many of the thieves directly consult their personas for help, Jane acts more like a spectator with a bucket of popcorn while Haru hilariously flails around without contributing anything to creating a solution. If Jane is really feeling like a nuisance, she will interject with the most batshit things at the worst times.
^Haru: *Taking a test and trying to remember the answer* ^Jane: "Pssst-I think the answer is 25..." ^Haru: ".......this is an English test, Jane..."
Yusuke Maruki - The Hermit
Codename: Prophet
Persona: Paimon
Maruki's son whom he adopted in secret after the suspicious death of Yusuke's mother.
Things happen in a similar manner as canon, medjed threatens everyone, Futaba tries and fails to find a way to stop them, Yusuke contacts them under the alias of "Avra" saying that he can help them track down the one responsible for the threats if they change the heart of Yusuke Maruki.
Sumire investigates, finds out about Yusuke's story, and her and the thieves agree to change Yusuke's heart for him.
His palace takes the form of haunted catacombs, with a cognitions of the men in black suits being the true rulers, while his shadow is an imprisoned spirit who's desperate for freedom.
Sophia proposes that since the circumstances are similar, they could just bring Yusuke into his own palace to confront this shadow like she did. Goro interjects, saying that Sophie's semi-palace was no where near as large or dangerous as a full-blown palace, meaning that things are more likely to escalate poorly.
Yusuke comes in on his own during the thieves' heist, he awakens, and the team has a brand new navigator on their side.
Even though he is similar to canon Futaba with hacking skills, he has much more of an occult aesthetic rather than being a super-nerd. He simply picked up coding and hacking as a hobby when he ran out of books to read.
He's still as eccentric as ever, constantly joining Akira in being a drama queen about everything. He 100% knows how to commit to the bit.
Somehow he is even more deadpaningly hilarious than canon. Contending with Haru for saying the most out-of-pocket things, causing people's heads to turn.
^Futaba: "Why do you always say the most outta-pocket shit?!"
^Yusuke: *Deadly serious voice* "It would appear that the pocket has barely been opened at this point..."
His persona Paimon is the ninth spirit listed in the Ars Goetia, as well as a revered king of hell. Said to be a master of "all matter of secret things", he will bestow his conjurer with otherworldly knowledge whenever summoned.
Jane is a spectator who enjoys Haru's lighthearted suffering, and Paimon is a spectator who constantly wants to bash his head against a wall for all the things Yusuke is clueless about. He constantly has to put up with an antisocial teenager who can't so much as read a subway map correctly, despite living in Tokyo his whole life. Paimon is also forced to suffer second-hand embarrassment when his other self unknowingly drops the ball when talking to people.
Ann Takamaki - The Empress
Codename: Knight
Persona: St. Jeanne d'Arc
A friend of Sumire who has suspected her of being a phantom thief ever since the incident with Kamoshida, and later, the Principal. She later came to Sumire requesting that she change her mother's heart.
Instead of Okumura being the one who exploits workers and is involved with the mental shutdowns, Ann's mother is the CEO of a small-scale conglomerate who plans on ascending into politics.
Ann has known Sumire for a good minute, so she trusts her when it is resealed that she and her friends are the phantom thieves, but Ann still wants to see a change of heart in-person so she knows whether or not it is as justified as they say. It also helps that Ann has been hearing the faint voice of her persona over the course of a few months, so Sumire believes she can help with the awakening process.
The exact details of how the thieves prove their methods to Ann will be revealed later on, but the bottom line is that the thieves encounter another semi-palace that they need to take care of as quickly as possible.
Unbeknownst to the thieves, Ann has been very close to having an awakening and forming a semi-palace for several months, and she is beginning to reach the end of her rope. This all culminates in her trying to wrestle her own shadow to death whilst her persona tries to stop her.
When all the madness ends, Ann awakens, she helps the thieves destroy the semi-palace of their target, and she agrees to go forward with the plan to change her mother's heart.
She and Sumire bond over their conjoined "trans girl swag". She's pretty good with helping Sumire out with any lingering dysphoria that she's not comfortable about sharing with the rest of the thieves.
She has a weekly shit-talking session with Haru which usually happens over tea and sweets. They basically just talk about the stupidest things that the other thieves have attempted that week.
She and Futaba often unite to sow chaos amongst the group, they plot, they scheme, and then they make some popcorn to watch the chaos.
Her persona is St. Jeanne d'Arc, the woman in charge of flying the French flag before battles during the 100 years' war. Despite the fact that she had no formal position in the army, she was always found on bravely rushing to the battlefield, she was even known to give the troops tactical advice during meetings.
Jeanne is Ann's biggest enabler whenever she wants to have some harmless fun, basically, her favorite thing to say in response to Ann's ideas is: "Do it." But she also helps Ann come to terms with the fact that she needs to take responsibility and take things seriously.
Ryuji Sakamato - The Justice
Codename: Crook/Black mask
Persona(s): Nezumi Kozo/Maximilien
Takes the place of the culprit behind the mental shutdowns and rampage incidents, as well as taking the role of being the traitor who works with the conspiracy Shido runs.
His story is similar to canon Akechi, his mother was a prostitute who was killed by Shido one night. Ryuji, instead of becoming a detective, decided to become an extremist dedicated to bringing Shido, and the entire Japanese government, to it's knees.
He willingly signed up for some unethical cognitive psience research experiments so he could get close to Shido, there were other people who underwent the training, but Ryuji was the only one that actually survived long enough to gain his powers.
He climbed his way up the ladder until finally getting an audience with Shido, and he offered to become his hitman for the same reasons as canon Akechi. By this point in his life, Ryuji had become so jaded by everything he's been through, that he's convinced himself that everyone he killed needed to die for the greater good.
Ryuji's main cover story is that he's a justified rebel who uses graffiti art and peaceful protests to speak out against corruption, not only does this help him publicly detest the phantom thieves, but it helps Shido's reputation when they publicly join together around the election time.
He's not quite as irredeemable as canon Akechi, but when it does come time for him and the thieves to reunite in the 3rd semester, it basically boils down to: "YOU ARE GOING TO BE A GOOD PERSON! AND YOU ARE GONNA LIKE IT!!!"
During his "redemption" phase he still has to get over the fact that he's very cynical in how he views the world, as well as people in general. His philosophy is that since everybody has a shadow self, that means everyone is automatically at least a little evil.
He and Sumire have more of a "frenemies" type of relationship rather than the homoerotic undertones of canon Akechi and Joker. They insult and antagonize each other constantly, but Sumire is the only one Ryuji will allow it with, if it were anyone else insulting him, he's break their spine.
His "false" persona, Nezumi Kozo, was the "rat kid" who plagued noblemen across all of Japan during the Edo period. Even though his status as a vigilante is widely debated by historians, many folk songs and Kabuki plays portray him as an outlawed hero of justice.
His "true" persona is Maximilien, the man who was credited with leading the French reign of terror, which ended up being the most violent time of the French revolution. He encouraged the peasants and common folk to go on an execution spree against all royals, nobles, and anyone suspected of corruption. Ironically, he himself, was executed in July of 1794.
Nezumi Kozo started out as nothing more than a farce Ryuji created to help him get closer to the phantom thieves, a way to conceal his true nature. As the thieves helped him mentally recover from...everything, Nezumi seemed to gain consciousness, becoming his own separate entity from Maximilien and showing that Ryuji is on the right path and is dedicated to being better.
Maximilien is sort of like Ryuji's reluctant assistant who knows that what's happening is wrong, but is trying his best to support his friend in the hopes he will make the right choice in the end. As Ryuji becomes more distorted with the need for revenge, Maximilien talks to him less and less, and eventually Ryuji doesn't hear or see him unless he summons him in the metaverse.
Maximilien and Nezumi have a lot of friction when they need to share the space within Ryuji's heart, at first it's like the classic "angel and devil" situation. Luckily though, the two manage to work things out and work together to do their best for helping Ryuji becomes his best self.
That's all I'm going to be doing for now, I do plan on making bios for Morgana as the hope and Zenkichi as the charity, plus all of the confidants in royal, but I need to save that for another time.
This took way too long for me to make, but I'm very proud of it.
I do plan on making this full-blown story on ao3, and I'm working on the prologue right now. Hopefully I'll be able to start publishing chapters soon.
Until then,
Farewell bozos
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butterflydm · 1 year ago
Random WoT thought of the day: were the Tuatha'an another victim of Jordan deciding to write the outriggers?
Let me expand: in Lord of Chaos, Mat finds a ruined caravan of Tuatha'an, with a scrawled message to 'tell the Dragon Reborn' but this thread is completely dropped as Mat's storyline shifts him away from Rand and towards the Seanchan. The next time we see the Tuatha'an (either CoT or KoD; don't remember), they are swearing fealty en masse to the Seanchan, because war is peace and slavery is freedom, I guess.
I wonder if they were originally going to go the Dragon Reborn for protection but Jordan swapped it to the Seanchan when he decided to buff up their image because he'd decided to delay any big cultural shakeups for the Seanchan until after the main series ended, and he wanted them to 'pet the dog' by showing that they have a big appeal to the cultural pacifists (despite being, you know, violent invaders who drag off people to be enslaved).
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reasoningdaily · 6 months ago
In April 1976, my twenty-seven-year-old uncle, Craig Baskerville, made a tape recording of his great-uncle, Thomas Holcomb. The tape is scratchy, and Lady, the family dog, keeps barking in the background. “My father was a runaway man,” my great-great-uncle Tom says. “He was a slave” in Cumberland County, Virginia, near the Appomattox River, and “he had a boat.” Sometime in the spring of 1865, after the Battle of Richmond, when Confederate soldiers were “running all through the woods,” Jackson Holcomb “was down there” ferrying those “Jeff Davis men . . . across.” “And everybody he put em across the river they give him money.” They “paid him.” On the recording, my uncle Craig sounds a little puzzled. Thomas Holcomb seems to be saying that his father had a piece of property, and that he used that property to make deals that sound a lot like contracts: a promise to pay in exchange for a promise to ferry. Why would a band of heavily armed white men, who were risking their lives in a war to preserve slavery, treat an enslaved man as if he had rights?
Searching for an answer to this question sent me down the path toward this book, which reveals a hidden history of civil rights among African Americans. It’s a story that begins not in 1955 but in 1830. It is not about people mobilizing to march but about what made it possible for the people to march. It is about the rights to make a church, own a home, get paid. These civil rights are like an invisible thread woven into the fabric of Black people’s lives since before they even had rights, patterning how they loved, worshiped, worked, learned, and played. At bottom, this book is about how ordinary Black people used law in their everyday lives. People like my great-great-great uncle and aunt, Jackson and Louisa Holcomb.
They touched law at every step of their lives. A few years after freedom came, Jackson Holcomb made a marriage contract with Louisa Brown, who had also grown up in slavery. In 1883 they bought a hundred acres of farmland from a local white woman, with a swap of timber rights for eight months’ rent. Over the next few decades, they bought and sold and mortgaged more land, and each time they had a deed recorded at the Cumberland County courthouse. Every year, Jackson Holcomb rode the ten miles up Guinea Road to the courthouse and paid their property taxes. As time passed, the Holcombs bequeathed some of that land to their children and nieces and nephews, sold some of it to a Black neighbor, and donated still more to the Cotton Town Odd Fellows Lodge and to their church, Midway Baptist, an unincorporated religious association founded in 1874, where they held the rights and privileges of membership. In the 1920s, the Holcombs’ youngest son, Thomas, and his wife, Annie Reaves Holcomb, moved to South Orange, New Jersey, a small town next to the city of Newark.
Like most migrants, they never really left home. They started “fellowshipping” at First Baptist South Orange but they remained members of Midway Baptist. They bought a little house and paid taxes in South Orange but they also sent home money for Thomas’s brother Robert to take to the courthouse for their share of the taxes on the family’s land in Cumberland. They laid plans to move back for good, buying out some of Thomas’s relatives’ shares of the land. They were always driving down for funerals and family visits. Sometimes they brought along their niece and nephew, Yolanda and Osborne Reaves, who lived with them in South Orange after Yolanda and Osborne’s parents got divorced in the Cumberland courthouse. Later, they brought along Yolanda’s children, Craig and Penelope, my mother.
Uncle Tom died in 1976, five years after Aunt Annie and a few months after his interview with my uncle Craig. I was five years old. We all caravaned down from New Jersey, my little sister and I yawning in the back seat of our family’s powder-blue Plymouth Valiant. The burial was at Midway Baptist, on a strip of land Thomas and Annie had deeded to the church in 1965. Uncle Craig talked with lawyers to settle up the deeds, tax receipts, life insurance, and the title to the Holcombs’ old Buick, using notes Thomas had penciled out sometime earlier. Then Craig put the papers back into my uncle Tom’s dented, wood-grain-metal file box. I am looking at it now. It holds but a few of the millions of legal acts that are memorialized on scraps of paper in attics and basements and on a hundred thousand docket books in county courthouses all across America—the vast paper trail of “the law.” Once you start looking, you realize that the history of Black civil rights is all around us.
Article continues after advertisement Today, even as many historians remain committed to the idea of scholarship as struggle, they are debating what that struggle actually was and what lessons it holds today.
The story of Thomas and Louisa Holcomb and their descendants is not a very special one (though it is special to me). Probably many of you, reading this now, have a similar story. Yet precisely because it is so ordinary, it challenges much of what we think we know about civil rights— and about Black people and the law more generally.
The story of civil rights that most people are familiar with goes something like this. Once, the legal system was dominated by racist state and local officials who refused to recognize not only Black people’s civil rights, but their basic human dignity and even their lives. Law was a hostile, fearsome power to be avoided whenever possible: full of unknowable secrets and often deadly. Then, in the 1940s, a few brave lawyers ventured south, bent on changing the law. They confronted the system with a carefully planned series of strategic lawsuits and with the powerful symbolism of a Black lawyer in a white courthouse. Soon, ordinary African Americans, their sense of possibility awakened by Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka and other Supreme Court victories and galvanized by racial justice activists, coalesced into a mass movement demanding that the federal government force those racist state and local officials to recognize Black people as free, full members of American society. This is the master narrative of civil rights. It is powerful, not least because it refuses to concede to right-wing reactionaries the right to say what “freedom” is.
It is also powerful because history is not just about the past. “History is literally present in all that we do,” James Baldwin wrote, at the height of the civil rights movement: “we carry it within us.” The choices historians make—what to write about, what counts as evidence and how to interpret it—are inevitably shaped by the world around us. African American history is no different. In its modern form it grew directly out of the civil rights movement itself. Activists in the 1960s created Black history units to teach in the Mississippi Freedom Schools; at colleges, a Black student movement demanded Black history courses, faculty to teach them, and a wholesale rethinking of what our country’s history is and how it should be taught. Many leading Black historians came into the field profoundly shaped by their experiences as activists in the 1960s; some explicitly said that their scholarship was a continuation of the struggle for Black freedom.
Today, even as many historians remain committed to the idea of scholarship as struggle, they are debating what that struggle actually was and what lessons it holds today. Instead of looking from the top down— from the perspective of great leaders like Martin Luther King and Malcolm X, famous lawyers like Thurgood Marshall, statesmen like Lyndon Johnson, and the liberal justices of Earl Warren’s Supreme Court—a “grassroots” approach has transformed our understanding of the movement by rethinking it from the perspective of “local people.”
Others have taken a long view of the era of mass protests commonly called The Movement—the dozen years or so between the Brown v. Board of Education decision in 1954 and the Civil Rights Acts (1964, 1968) and Voting Rights Act (1965). Looking back to the 1930s and forward to the 1980s reveals a much bigger struggle, contend the proponents of the “long civil rights movement” view, a struggle for full citizenship, economic justice, and true grassroots democracy, a struggle that burned as fiercely in New York and Los Angeles as in Selma, Alabama. Movement activists realized that civil rights were not enough, the long-movement scholars argue. Real freedom required changing the underlying structures that kept most Black people poor, politically weak, undereducated, and abused by police. It meant transforming American democracy itself.
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What hasn’t been rethought is the fundamental moral drama of the movement, in which civil rights—and Black history more broadly—are framed as an unfinished “freedom struggle,” a battle against the forces of “plunder,” a journey from humiliation to dignity, from second-class citizenship to full citizenship, from Black fear in the face of white lawlessness to Black people defiantly asserting their rights under the law. That moral vision gleams bright today, as police killings mercilessly continue and as Republican politicians knowingly enact policies that systematically hurt Black people. Movement-centered scholarship is as urgent and necessary today as it was in the 1960s.
But the notion of Black history as a freedom struggle has also cost us something. It has helped make Black history almost synonymous with the history of race relations, as if Black lives only matter when white people are somehow in the picture. It has laid a moral burden on African American history that few other scholarly fields must carry, urging us to judge our ancestors according to how well they advanced the freedom struggle. It has often infused a subtle romanticism into African American history, with Black people playing the role of humble folk heroes overcoming adversity against the odds, or “fugitives” defined by a common history of dispossession and “yearning for freedom.”
Most of all, it has shrunk our vision of Black life down to the few areas of Black life where federal law and social movements made a difference. There are shelves full of books about the struggle for the right to vote, to open up the workplace, schools, and military, and to challenge a violently racist criminal justice system.
Overshadowed are many other parts of life that Black people might have cared about just as much but that do not fit into a story of freedom—things like marriage and divorce, old-age care, property-owning, running churches and businesses. Historians have echoed the racial justice advocates of the 1950s and 1960s, whose courthouse showdowns with hostile white officials have become canonized in films such as Selma and Just Mercy. Because African Americans were “ ‘afreaid to go to the court house to vote,’ ” as one Black farmworker wrote in a letter to the NAACP, scholars have assumed that they were afraid to go to the courthouse for anything else.
It has been easier to imagine Black people fighting for “freedom” or “ justice” or “full citizenship” than to imagine them arguing over alimony or a deed of trust. In the freedom struggle story, Black people are seen as ordinary and heroic precisely because they knew so little about law. But if that is so, then why, when a mass movement against racial injustice finally took hold in the 1950s, did so many Black people put their faith in law at all? Civil rights history has left Black people disconnected from our own legal commonsense, the way we actually think about and use law in our daily lives. It has made it harder to see Black people as people in full.
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goodgirlgonebard · 3 months ago
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goodnight, my love chapter 52: waltz into a vampire den
A little sneak peak at this weeks chapter. With a little bit of ass grabbing… for good luck (because I, too, discovered the Astarion free cam kiss secrets shortly before drafting this one a month ago).
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As the five of us gather around the giant front doors, Astarion begins to reach into his pocket with his free hand. I’m about to force him loose from the grasp he has around me to let him do his lockpicking work with use of both hands, but the lock keeping the double doors in front of us closed suddenly clicks.
“Well,” Astarion says under his breath, shaking his free hand back out as if it were stiff, “that’s welcoming, isn’t it?”
His eyes finally drift to mine as I search his face, finding his eyebrows threaded together in some indiscernible emotion. Fear? Confusion? Worry?
“Are you ready to go in?” I ask him in a whisper, realizing that I have said nothing at all since announcing my nervousness in the stairwell.
He stares back at me a moment longer, as if nothing registers at all; and then, whatever thought he had been lost in is wiped away. “Of course I am,” he says with faked ease, using our entwined fingers to pull me closer to him. Already made wobbly by my own anxiety, my body crashes into his; pressing our chests together in between this giant, gothic door and our friends that are here to help us gain his freedom. “But surely a little good luck kiss wouldn’t hurt anything?”
I turn to look at the others — Gale, Shadowheart and Jaheira — and I am stunned for a brief second at how similar this lineup gazing back at us is to the one that caught us kissing for the first time outside of Moonrise Towers, what must be months ago now. If we swapped out our newer, legendary druid for Lae’zel, it would all be the same eyes staring back at me, but this time none of them are angry.
The Shadowheart who scolded me back then, thinking Astarion must have poor intentions with our relationship, has joined us in the fight for his life. Gale, who Astarion seemed convinced back in the Underdark wanted to get under my robes, is now likely Astarion’s best friend — after me, of course. And Jaheira hates vampires — which is mostly why she’s here — but I think she likes Astarion, too.
“You can look away,” I say to our friends, trying to sound playful despite how impossibly empty of playfulness they all know I am.
There are a million little things I could say to Astarion when I look back into his eyes, which give away the fear he hides behind a calm face. I could try to reassure him or talk about feelings, but I know well enough that any of those things would be for me more than they are for him. He wants to get this over with. He wants to ascend and be done with it. He wants to be eternal lovers.
Instead, I touch his face with my hand not currently being held within his, running my thumb across his bottom lip; easing a tiny bit of the tension I can see underneath his pale skin without having to utter a single embarrassing word. Only three that I don’t think will embarrass him at all.
“I love you,” I say in a whisper, knowing full well that if the words cannot be overheard by our companions they will at the very least be able to make out the words across my lips with ease. But I don’t care, because my mouth is covered with a kiss and my body is pulled up several inches into the air a split second after the words are freed from my throat.
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garfunclegaming · 2 years ago
So New Gundam Seed is a Thing...
Not to sound like a hater, but do we really need to re-tread this ground? Everything about Seed/Seed Destiny has not only aged poorly, but decreases in quality in comparison to the series the preceded it and the series that have come after it. Just to list a few problems with Seed in general...
The artwork is just bad. It’s bad early 2000s anime artwork that has that unique blend of generic, bland design and lack of style and quality. The transition from traditional animation to digital was harsh, yes we all know that. But Seed/Seed Destiny exemplifies the worst aspects of this transitional period. Sameface is everywhere. Everybody has the exaggerated, lifeless early 2000s anime eyes. If you swapped key character’s clothes and hairstyles you would not be able to tell who is who. The mecha designs are also pretty awful. People don’t like Freedom/Strike Freedom from the actual anime. They like Hajime Katoki’s salvaged redesign. If you look at the actual key design artwork for the mecha in these shows...they are awful. A mish-mash of classic 0079 designs mated with the cool stuff from Char’s Counterattack. Freedom is just an uglier, worse designed Nu Gundam knockoff.
The animation is bad. Tons of repeated frames, recycled footage, static poses...”Beam spam” became a popular phrase in the fandom because of Seed/Seed Destiny having a completely static shot of a Gundam posed with all its weapons out and firing in all directions.
But most importantly the story and characters are awful, and pale in comparison to both the stuff that became before Seed and the stuff that came after. Seed itself is an awkward, ugly, grimdark(dumb) retelling of 0079 where the nation states involved are all irredeemably bloodthirsty and stupid. Zeon is a genocidal dictatorship that dreams of total dominance of the Earth Sphere but we have a intricate and detailed history of how it got to that point in its politics. Seed/Destiny tries to say something about genetically modified people vs unmodified Humans...but it flubs any potential of that thread hard. So much so that by the end a third party lead by an Idol and the main character can effectively end all conflict by the power of the protagonists Godly plot armor. That’s not even mentioning all the behind the scenes drama involved in the production of Destiny...
Do we really need Seed in a post IBO, Thunderbolt and now Mercury world? What does Seed possibly have to offer when it has A: proven itself to be lackluster and B: we have better series with quality characters and superior themes. Seed is popular, I guess? But then I’d say Micheal Bay’s Transformers (Bayformers) is the most popular iteration of Transformers. Would anyone honestly argue that its popularity translated to any semblance of quality?
I don’t know, I’m just worried that after the roaring success of G-Witch injecting much needed new blood and vigor into the fandom we’ll have a lot of people picking up Seed and being disappointed with what they find.
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shadowglens · 1 year ago
armor, arms, wardrobe, favorite, and change for allllll your bg3 babies that you wanna talk about!!! 💖
armor: what kind of armor does your oc wear? is it well kept? bonus: where does it come from? is there a story behind it?
olympia wears medium armour, although she's cycled through a few sets over the years (and especially throughout the course of bg3). theoretically she could wear heavier armour, but she still prefers to have some kind of movement. she tends to favour gold or green toned armour, and will always keep it in as good condition as she can manage. she had a set of official cleric's armour with lathander's symbol engraved on the breastplace, but she left them behind in her estate in baldur's gate when she was snatched, and they were later destroyed when the city was sacked by the netherbrain.
arms: does your oc have any weapons? what weapons do they carry, and how do they wear them when they're not fighting?
she had always favoured maces, but olympia had never had a trademark weapon until rosymorn. visiting the monastery again, so many decades after being their previously, was enough to make her chest warm (and ache at the state of things) - but she'd never imagined being able to actually wield the blood of lathander. she communed with lathander before taking it, and he wholeheartedly granted his blessing. from then on, it's the only weapon she ever uses alongside her shield, and it becomes one of her most prized possessions. she ends up having to buy a miniature bag of holding to store it at night though, since the light it emits makes everyone in camp grouchy.
wardrobe: how big is your character's wardrobe? do they wear things threadbare, or can they afford new clothes often? are they any good at mending and repairing their own clothing?
one of isadora's guilty pleasures is clothes, mostly because it's one of the main ways she can express herself (after being cooped up in the same three dresses for years). also, she'd never really had money of her own before, so when her business really took off it felt nice to buy things of her own for once. she almost always carries a small magical contraption that opens to a pocket dimension of sorts, where she stores her favourite outfits for any occasion. it's both a very useful little trinket, and also a very vain one. she's also very good with a needle and thread, but is also usually too lazy and uses a mending spell instead.
change: has your oc ever drastically changed their appearance? significant haircuts, big tattoos, complete wardrobe swap, etc? why? how do they feel about the change?
after she and her childhood best friend (and later, business partner) esra fled neverwinter on their sixteen birthdays, one of the first things isa did was get a tattoo. it's a beautiful floral piece on the left side of her neck that stretches down along her shoulder. she has a few other small tattoos scattered about too, all from the same 12 month period. having autonomy to not only purchase such a thing, but then permanently etch it onto her skin, was really significant for isa. they represent freedom to her.
favourite: does your oc have a favorite article of clothing or accessory? what is it? what's the meaning behind it? do they wear it all the time or do they wear it sparingly to keep it safe?
cress had never really owned things before. she lived on the streets for years, and even after being taken under asmodeus' wing and later brought back into the fold at bhaal's church, she never had many things to call her own. she's never been too sentimental about clothes because of this, but post-game once things have settled a little, shadowheart does gift cress a necklace with a night orchid petal pressed into resin. cress never takes it off, if she can help it.
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bludstaind · 2 years ago
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(curley gao, she/her, spirit warrior) to DOLLIE ALIMJAN, the whole world looks like an open page. with a leap of faith, their ability of BODY EXCHANGE grows a little stronger. they’re pledged to the HOUSE OF BELTRAN to defend the enchanted lands of cagliostro with their ENCHANTED BUTTERFLY CLIPS. for TWENTY-THREE years, they have survived a world of magic with both their INVESTIGATION SKILLS AND SELF-CENTERED PERSONALITY. they work as a PODCAST HOST & INTERNET SLEUTH, but if they could change their fate, they’d want to EXPOSE THE WIZARD OF WHALE ISLAND. (ana, 25, she/her, est)
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hello hello! it’s your local goblin ANA here trying her hand again at actually posting on the dash .・゚゚・(/ω\)・゚゚・. dollie is an older muse of mine from a previous roleplay & she’s super easy for me to play, so i hope you’ll all love her and we can have fun in some threads! (i’m shy though so pls be patient, plotting in the dms makes me a lil anxious huisdfhsd)  below i’ve included some tidbits of info about her for you, along with her profile information under! ♡ ok kiss kiss ily bye
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officially adding another alimjan to the mix of things, get ready for more chaos as material girl by madonna plays in the background!!!
the youngest out of five sisters, also a cast member on a cringey and cheesy reality tv show called all around the alimjans (it's bootleg keeping up with the kardashians)
your typical neurotic workaholic capricorn with a splash of perfectionism, you'll find her working 3 different jobs and constantly on the search for more because she doesn't know how to slow down and breathe
despite the valley girl meets paris hilton meets the kardashians meets socialite facade she has on now, she was a very awkward, frizzy haired, tokyo ghoul obsessed little girl in her youth who was bullied often. anyone who knows her from her youth will know she's an entirely different person beneath the mask she's spent so many years building up.
the main host of cagliostros spookiest, most drama-filled podcast! “glamour & ghouls” will provide you with all things GLAMOUROUS, GHOULISH, AND GOSSIPY. you'll also find her on youtube, as well as internet sleuthing in her "free" time.
her youtube channel is where she vlogs behind the scenes content, investigations, as well as her makeup and skincare routines!
incredibly nosy, will always be in your business and isn't afraid to use whatever (or whoever) she needs to get to the top. her power is body swapping so don't be surprised if your character wakes up one day in a different body and you hear around town that people saw you doing things you didn't do 👀 (think freaky friday!)
despite being (very) annoying, if she knows you and loves you, she will (very frequently) show up at your door unannounced with your favorite drink to make your day a little better. be prepared to hear all of the gossip and drama you've missed out on, though. will also eventually force your character to let her give them a makeover. sorry, not sorry!!!!
spirit warrior who went through the full initiation and ceremony process, though she's not as involved in her house as others. prefers sticking to sleuthing and investigating drama more than fighting evil by moonlight and winning love by daylight. i have an open plot/wc for a dreamshade companion who helps her with the dirty work of things if anyone is ever interested  👀
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plot bunnies/wanted connections!!
ex best-friend - someone who she considered nearly as close to her as her twin sister. when dollie wasn’t with rosie, she was always with your character. things ended on a very sour note, after dollie got too involved with a tragedy in the best-friends family. i wanna keep this pretty open to creative freedom, but an idea i had for this was that dollie made the mistake of sharing information on her best friends tragedy with her followers, and it caused a very sour and bitter end to the friendship.
the enemy - for some reason, this character wants to take dollie down and ruin the comfortable little career she’s been working so hard at building up ( maybe even at the expense of others? ) perhaps they don’t her sticking her nose in peoples business around town, or think she’s sniffed a little too close to something they want to remain covered up, this is completely open and i’d love to brainstorm something juicy for it 👀
the budding love - despite the constant need to always look put-together and like she has everything figured out, dollie has had a long battle with learning to understand herself. she was content with herself, comfortable with just focusing on her job and hobbies, but someone comes along and shows her what it’s like to love without all the expectations, what it’s like to have the passion, the adventure, the butterflies in your tummy that all the girls in the movies talk about. for the first time, she feels like she has a chance. (important note that dollie is a closeted lesbian currently who's only just now starting to figure herself out so this may have to be slow burn hehe!)
dreamshade companion - helps with investigations/the dirty work of being a nosy! dreamshades and spirit warriors often make contracts and work together as pairs in cagliostro, it's quite common and a good way to keep a dreamshade safe from being slain. perhaps your character is in it only for the safety, or maybe they enjoy sticking their nose in other peoples business too! i'm open to anything tbh
out of town friends - because of her interest in true crime/mysteries, dollie has done a fair bit of traveling outside of selphia for sleuthing and investigations, often spending weeks to even months all over the place to get the big scoop. there are no limits on where she could have met your muse, i wanted to leave it open for creativity ♡
podcast guests - anyone who comes on the podcast would likely have had their ears talked off by dollie many, many, many times. she’s very social and when it comes to info-dumping with her co-workers about the latest conspiracies, true crime, or whatever mysterious event has taken place in cagliostro this week, she doesn’t know when to stop
enemies and foes - when you're as nosy as dollie and willing to turn other peoples tragedies into profit, there are bound to be some people who just can’t sit right with her choice in career. maybe they think she’s too nosy, maybe she’s shared information with the public that was meant to be private, i’m open to absolutely anything! 
shared interests in town conspiracies - i think it’d be super fun to have plots where dollie and other characters get together and discuss/investigate/try to work through town conspiracies! friends who sleuth together stay together 😎
fans of her youtube channel  ( okay, okay, she’s not THAT big yet, but she likes to pretend she is  )
i swear i have better ones than this but my brain is losing power!!! but i'm open to anything! ily guys LET ME PLOT WITH YOU HEHE
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some lil stats to end things off <;3
⸻ NAME. dollie alimjan
⸻ AGE. twenty-five
⸻ GENDER IDENTITY. cisgender woman
⸻ PRONOUNS. she / her
⸻ SEXUALITY. lesbian (closeted)
⸻ FACECLAIM. curley gao
⸻ HEIGHT. 5’4” / 162cm
⸻ HAIR COLOR. she changes it frequently, but currently black
⸻ HAIR COLOR. brown
⸻ MARKINGS. scar near her hairline from her twin sister throwing a toy at her as a toddler, medium-sized birth mark on left of her lower back
⸻ TATTOOS. tiny ghost holding lipstick on side of right wrist.
⸻ PIERCINGS. three ear piercings on the left ear, four in the right
⸻ SCENT. raspberry, pear, vanilla orchid, lily of the valley, & woody notes
⸻ POSITIVE TRAITS.  gregarious, driven, & generous
⸻ NEUTRAL TRAITS. honest, materialistic, stylish
⸻ NEGATIVE TRAITS. petty, self-serving, & overreacting
⸻ ZODIAC TRIO. capricorn sun, libra moon, gemini rising
⸻ ALIGNMENT. neutral good
⸻ MBTI. esfp
⸻ TEMPERAMENT. sanguine
⸻ ELEMENT. earth
⸻ PRIMARY VIRTUE. magnificence
⸻ TROPES. the socialite, breaks rules to fit their needs, always in places they shouldn’t be, uses “like” too much when they talk, puts their goals before everything else, overworked and overwhelmed perfectionist
⸻ GOALS. solve the mysteries happening in cagliostro, achieve a million subscribers, get her own reality tv show, expose the wizard of whale islands secret
⸻ FEARS. being completely alone, not achieving her dreams, failing, bugs
⸻ OCCUPATION. podcast host, internet sleuth, & youtuber
⸻ RESIDENCE. selphia, cagliostro.
⸻ HOBBIES. investigating strange occurrences & monster events, finding the big scoop, sharing other peoples drama, interviewing people around town, researching true crime, annoying her sisters, vlogging for her channel, spending way too much on ig live, rigorous skincare routines, editing photos, doing other peoples makeup, soap making, binging bad reality tv shows, etc.
⸻ HABITS. using “like” too much in a sentence, cutting people off accidentally, nail picking, checking her social media too often, controlling the conversation, taking selfies at inappropriate times, constantly working even during recreational activities, etc.
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rabtbooktoursandpr · 1 month ago
Book Blitz: Übermensch by D.L. Scarpe #promo #historical #historicalfiction #fiction #rabtbooktours @dl_scarpe
  Historical Fiction Published: 1/15/2025     A murdered boy. Tortoiseshell eyeglasses. A letter written by a young man to another that reads like a lover's spat. One portable Underwood typewriter. Two confessions. Will Babe and Manny live or die?   It's the early 1920s and arrogant teenagers Noah "Babe" Lieberman and Roman "Manny" Loewe have it all: money, brains, freedom. They reside in the same affluent Chicago neighborhood, come from successful, respectable families, and enjoy privileged lives. Both are intelligent prodigies who graduated high school early. But Roman, an extrovert, is handsome and popular whereas Noah is average-looking and spends most of his time with birds and books. After meeting, they embark on a wild journey of vandalism, burglary, and arson. Their personal relationship escalates, and their criminal acts morph into more sinister behavior as the two flout the laws of the "common" man and live their version of the Übermensch, or "superman" as defined by Friedrich Nietzsche. One hundred years ago, the world was stunned to learn that Nathan Leopold and Richard Loeb, two wealthy, brilliant university students, had confessed to kidnapping and murdering fourteen-year-old Bobby Franks. Why did Leopold and Loeb do it? For "pure love of excitement, or the imaginary love of thrills, doing something different," they said.   D.L. Scarpe's Übermensch fictionalizes the Leopold and Loeb case, focusing on the reason why the gifted teenagers' lives took such an unexpected turn, destroyed three families, and captivated the country in what was dubbed at the time as the "crime of the century." About the Author D.L. Scarpe has always had stories rattling around inside her head, locked up tight, only set free on those endless childhood nights spent swapping tales with her best friend. The story-weaving continued into adulthood–her little secret. However, raising a family; managing a household; building retaining walls, patios, or fire pits from stones (rock “jigsaw puzzles”); refinishing oak floors and furniture; or helping her husband on a roof–although she tried to pay attention when on a roof–kept her too busy for that other side of her to come out. So, it remained a secret. But kids grow up and bodies get too tired for physical labor, and now it’s time to pursue her own passions and dreams. Working on her bucket list, she picked three things that make her happy, and she’s pursuing them all with no apologies: Writing. Shoes. Tattoos.   Contact Links Website Instagram "X" Facebook Threads   Purchase Link Amazon via https://ift.tt/wGjUHrE
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wuorija · 2 months ago
Changing Digital Identities: The PFP Maker Conundrum
In the vast arena of social media, where countless profiles vie for attention, a unique identifier often makes all the difference. Enter the PFP Maker by iFoto, a tool that has sparked a quiet revolution in how users present their digital personas. It's not just about swapping one photo for another; it's about crafting a visual signature that resonates with personal style and stands out in the digital sea.
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The Art of Personalization
Today's social media platforms are teeming with users who to express their individuality. The PFP Maker offers a canvas where everyday photos can be morphed into works of art, reflecting themes as varied as the users themselves. Whether it's a pop culture reference, a vibrant abstract design, or a minimalist aesthetic, the tool enables users to create a visual identity that speaks volumes before a single word is typed.
But this ease of personalization doesn't come without its considerations. The digital realm is a complex tapestry woven with threads of copyright laws, intellectual property rights, and user privacy concerns. Here's where PFP Maker by iFoto takes a thoughtful approach.
Navigating the Legal Terrain
The digital age has brought with it a labyrinth of legal challenges. How does a tool like PFP Maker balance the creative freedom it offers with the need to comply with digital regulations? The developers behind PFP Maker have taken a keen interest in this question, ensuring that the tool's features are designed with legal integrity in mind.
For instance, users retain full ownership of their original photos, and the transformations applied by PFP Maker don't infringe on any existing copyrights. The tool provides filters and themes that are original or licensed appropriately, thus preventing users from inadvertently breaching intellectual property laws. This careful navigation is a testament to the commitment of iFoto to foster creativity within legal boundaries.
Strengthening Users, Respecting Creators
In a world where digital art theft is a genuine concern, PFP Maker sets itself apart by respecting the original creators. The tool doesn't encourage or help the use of unlicensed images. Instead, it enables users to craft personalized images from their own photos or legally available assets. This approach not only protects the rights of artists but also guides users toward a more ethical use of digital content.
It raises an important question: Can a single tool truly make a difference in shaping digital etiquette? Perhaps it can, by setting a precedent that values both personal expression and artistic rights.
A Reflection of Society
The rise of PFP Maker and similar tools reflects a broader societal shift towards self-expression and digital personalization. It's a recognition that our online personas are not just avatars but extensions of our identities. And as we continue to navigate this digital landscape, tools like PFP Maker are becoming increasingly essential in helping us present our best digital selves.
The impact of such tools extends beyond the individual. Brands, influencers, and communities also use the power of personalized profile pictures to establish their identity and build connections. The flexibility of PFP Maker by iFoto means that these groups can quickly adapt their visual representation to line up with evolving campaigns, themes, or brand updates.
A Look to the Future
As we look ahead, it's clear that the intersection of technology and personal expression is a dynamic and rapidly evolving space. Tools like PFP Maker are not just changing how we see ourselves online; they're also contributing to a larger conversation about digital rights and responsibilities.
What will the future hold for digital identity tools? Will they continue to prioritize user freedom while respecting legal frameworks? It seems likely that the success of PFP Maker by iFoto will pave the way for more innovative solutions that meet these criteria.
Finally, PFP Maker isn't just a tool for making profile pictures; it's a microcosm of the digital world's ongoing dialogue between self-expression and legal accountability. As users continue to seek out ways to personalize their online presence, tools like PFP Maker will undoubtedly play a crucial role in shaping the landscape of digital identity.
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tromb0ning · 7 months ago
Could you post your book club rec list?
Oh my god where do I start. Well I guess I’ll start with what I’ve read this year and extremely basis rating/blurb. Youre probably just looking for titles but fuckit. Not gonna talk about my top recs of all time (mostly scifi/fantasy - terry pratchett overwhelmingly my favorite author). Book club I've joined this year is called asynchronous book club. Run by the owner of Wolfe & the Krone used book store, very cool and LGBT friendly. No assigned reading just show up at a bar write down stuff you like on an index card and get matched at tables with ppl to chat. Best thing ever. So here's what is on my list from 2024 in no particular order, not everything Ive read independently gonna focus the list on stuff that Ive had fun talking about / been recommended in book club. Ratings are not about the quality of the book but my personal subjective enjoyment.
Light Bringer - Pierce Brown: Scifi
Latest book in the red rising series and my favorite series in recent memory. Gritty, brutal. Very smart antagonists which I enjoyed, and intense action and twists. Highly stratified society - protag is from the most menial class working as a miner underneath Mars and joins a resistance in a plot to infiltrate the highest of societies to become an agent of change to free his people. Met a few other people in club who enjoy the series and recently got someone else to read it who says they loved the first book. 5/5
Oryx and Crake / The Year of the Flood / Maddaddam - Margaret Atwood: Scifi
First book I bought from the shop, recommended by the owner. Interesting scifi about a guy going insane thinking hes the last human alive taking care of a herd of lab-grown proto-humans after an apocalyptic plague on an earth already ravaged by climate change. Rotating POVs in books 2/3 (because he turns out to not be the last person), very worthwhile read that I enjoyed. 4/5
Fourth Wing - Rebecca Yarros: YA Fantasy
Teen girl with chronic condition at dragon rider military academy with spicy romance with resident bad boy. This is mainly fun to talk about in book club because everyone who has read it has problems with it. I have personal gripes with a couple plot holes I hoped would wind up being cleverly answered with worldbuilding and expositions in the sequel but I have been informed they are just plot holes. Good read but compared to everything else 2/5
This Is How You Lose the Time War - Mal El-Mohtar & Max Gladstone: Scifi
Shorter read with interesting POV swaps from the two protagonists facing off against each other among multiple alternate time thread realities - each seeking to change time streams in subtle ways to undo each others organization and existence while falling in love with each other. 4/5
The Rise and Fall of D.O.D.O. - Neal Stephenson & Nicolle Galland: Scifi
A shadowy government agency recruits a linguist to decipher documents revealing that magic - though now extinct - was once real and they hunt down the mystery of how it disappeared and how to bring it back - with the help of a witch that stopped her aging due to the protagonist using magic to time travel and beg her to. Hybrid of scifi/fantasy/historical fiction/workplace comedy. First of a duology, I haven't read the second. 4/5
City of Thieves - David Benioff : Historical Fiction
More of an honorable mention havent met anyone whose read it but bought it at the used book store. Teen in war-torn WW2 siege of Leningrad is arrested and partnered with another prisoner and both are charged with collecting eggs for a colonels daughters birthday cake to earn freedom - a quest which takes them behind enemy lines. Very good, short book, read in 2 days 5/5
Next 3 are thrillers by Alice Feeney which came highly recommended to me by a club mate. Haven't been into thrillers because I feel so many are "a wife has a secret. a husband also has a secret" which doesn't appeal to me much, but I've gotten into them this year thanks to club and these are bangers.
Sometime I Lie - Alice Feeney: Thriller
First of hers Ive read and my favorite. I think regardless of which of her books you start with the first will be your favorite because of how brilliant the twists are. Built up to from the beginning in ways you can look back at from chapter 1 but the eventual reveal takes you out at the knees regardless. This one is about a woman in a coma coming in and out of consciousness piecing together the circumstances that landed her in a coma, family drama, and the identity of the person using drugs to keep her in it, interspersed with childhood diary entries that add a fascinating layer to the mystery. 5/5
Daisy Darker - Alice Feeney: Thriller
Locked house murder mystery on an island in a storm; my least favorite of the 3 but still very good. A large family gathers for the birthday of a grandmother who has long predicted her 80th birthday to be her last. She's the first to drop, but far from the last as someone - perhaps multiple someones - are enacting a plot against the rest which stems from a terrible secret. 4/5
Rock Paper Scissors - Alice Feeney: Thriller
Couple drifting apart; going out to the countryside for a vacation away from civilization that will make or break their relationship. And there is someone out there watching and interfering with the whole thing. husband has a medical condition causing face-blindness. Very much falls in line with the 'wife has a secret husband also has a secret' type of thriller i dislike but goddamn this was rock solid stuff. 4/5
Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal - Christopher Moore: Humor
Clever, Funny, Thought provoking. Especially Funny. Some kids are assholes, and one of them was a 6 year old living in Nazareth in the year 6AD who became best friends with a weird kid named Joshua (DBA Jesus Christ). This narrates the 30 years between the wise men arriving to the manger and the first gospels being preached as told by Joshua's best friend Levi, aka Biff. Recommended to me by a book club member last month and its probably my favorite thing I've been recommended this year. Incredible puns. 5/5.
My Best Friend's Exorcism - Grady Hendrix: Horror
To describe this book I tell people all the chapter titles are fittingly or ironically named after 80s/90s pop songs - with one of the scariest chapters of the exorcism being titled "I think we're alone now". So that should give you an idea of the humor and horror. Clique of girls go camping and decide to try acid. Very strange thing happens to one of them and she starts acting different afterward- and bad things start happening around her while her best friend struggles to get her old self back. Story of friendship, devotion, humor, betrayal, and horror. Extremely 90s culture centered - stranger things aint got nothing on this. Favorite book of another club member and I read it in 3 days. 5/5
Into Thin Air: A Personal Account Of The Everest Disaster - Jon Kakauer: Nonfiction Memoir
The personal accounting of a journalist which starts right after he has ascended the summit of Everest and soon after find his oxygen is depleted due to a mistake. This is compounded by the fact that the next 24 hours on Everest are the deadliest in the history of mountaineering with an overwhelming body count from a deadly storm. Then goes through his journey to get to this point. Rec'd to me by a club member. Intense and interesting. 5/5
Finlay Donovan Is Killing It - Elle Cosimana: Humor
A down on her luck single mom / murder mystery author gets mistaken for a hitman during a conversation with her agent at a cafe which contains sentences like "The contract doesn't specify how the whole thing plays out, as long as you get it done by next month. You can do that, right?". She receives an offer for her services, and despite attempts to correct the mistake a body winds up in her car. Real page turner. 5/5
Circe - Madeline Miller: Historical Fantasy Fiction
An alternate take on the life story of the Nymph who is most well known for the part she plays in the story of Odysseus when he arrives on her island. Beautifully written and really makes the gods and adjacent beings psychologically very different and not just like old powerful people. If you like greek mythology this is a top pick, also highly recommended by other club members. 4/5
All The Light We Cannot See - Anthony Doerr: Historical Fiction
Set in WW2 with constant POV swaps between two protagonists, a blind French girl named Marie-Laurie and a German orphan boy named Werner who is obsessed with radios. Story takes us through childhood and into their teen years as the war rages and the complicated web of relationships that unite them, as Marie and her father flee Paris with her father tasked with safeguarding a precious museum treasure. Pulitzer winner, very interesting how the author swaps POVs every 2-3 pages to show whats happening in their lives simultaneously. 4/5
Starter Villain - John Scalzi:
Down on his luck former journalist Charlie gets bequeathed the estate of his uncle who he's never met. Turns out his uncle is basically a Bond Villain, and Charlie's cat is in fact an agent of his uncle with serious tech skills sent to watch out for him. He needs to learn a lot very fast as his uncle's many and varied enemies start making moves against him. Fun read, fast paced. 3/5
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lushlyfseo · 1 year ago
How Do Cushions Contribute In Making Your Home Décor Aesthetics Better?
In the realm of home decor, the smallest details often make the most significant impact. Enter cushions, those delightful accessories that not only offer comfort but also play a pivotal role in elevating the aesthetics of your living space. In this blog post, we unravel the artistry behind cushions and explore how these seemingly simple additions contribute to making your home decor a visual delight.
A Splash of Color and Pattern : Cushions are like miniature canvases that allow you to experiment with color and pattern. Whether you prefer vibrant hues or subtle tones, cushions offer an easy and versatile way to introduce a pop of color into your living space. Patterns, from classic stripes to trendy geometric designs, add an extra layer of visual interest.
Texture and Dimension : The tactile nature of cushions brings texture to your decor, creating a sensory experience that goes beyond sight. Plush velvet, soft cotton, or even intricately embroidered fabrics provide a tactile richness that complements the overall aesthetic. Mixing and matching textures add depth and dimension to your furniture.
Personalized Style Statements : Cushions are an expression of your personal style. From bohemian fringes to minimalist solids, the variety of cushion designs allows you to curate a look that resonates with your taste. They serve as style statements that reflect your personality and contribute to the uniqueness of your home.
Versatility in Arrangement : The beauty of cushions lies in their adaptability. Whether neatly arranged in symmetrical patterns or casually tossed for a relaxed vibe, cushions give you the freedom to experiment with different arrangements. Play with sizes, shapes, and placements to find the perfect configuration for your furniture.
Harmonizing Themes and Tones : Cushions act as harmonizing elements that tie together various design elements in a room. By selecting cushions that complement the overall theme or color palette, you create a cohesive and well-coordinated look. They serve as connecting threads that bring different elements into visual harmony.
Instant Seasonal Updates : With the changing seasons, cushions offer a quick and cost-effective way to update your decor. Swap out light, breezy cushions for warmer, cozier ones in winter, and opt for vibrant, floral patterns in spring. This flexibility ensures that your home always feels fresh and in tune with the time of year.
In the grand tapestry of home decor, cushions emerge as unsung heroes, infusing spaces with comfort and style. Their ability to blend functionality with aesthetics makes them an indispensable part of any well-designed home. So, the next time you arrange your cushions, consider the artistic touch they bring to your living space—a testament to the idea that even the smallest details can make a world of difference. When it comes to home décor there is no other brand better than Lushlyf, then it either be wall décor for home, table runner’s or cushion covers. Below are some suggestions from the Lushlyf wardrobe you can explore to make your home look better :
Cushion Option’s From The Lushlyf Wardrobe :
Below are the cushion options of lushlyf which you can helps to you’re your home look better :
Evergreen Elegance Pine Tree-Shaped Velvet Cushions - Set of 2
Nestle into the holiday spirit with our Evergreen Elegance Tree-Shaped Cushions. These luxuriously soft, velvet cushions are crafted to add a dash of festive flair to your home decor. Designed to emulate the timeless charm of evergreen pines, these unique pillows provide the perfect blend of seasonal cheer and plush comfort. Ideal for snuggling on chilly winter nights or as a whimsical accent to your holiday setup, they're sure to be a conversation starter. Bring home this forest-inspired duo and transform your living space into a cozy holiday haven. If you are looking out for this evergreen elegance pine tree-shaped velvet cushions – set of 2 you wish to purchase the following products to change the aesthetics of your home décor then you can explore it at cushion cover bangalore.
Festive Cheer Cushion Combo
Welcome the spirit of Christmas into your home with our Festive Cheer Cushion Combo. This delightful duo pairs the merry 'HOHOHO' tartan cushion with a luxurious green and red velvet bow cushion, each one evoking the heartwarming essence of the holiday season. Perfect for creating a cozy nook or adding an extra touch of joy to your living room, these cushions are crafted from premium materials for comfort and style. Whether nestled on your sofa or gifted to a loved one, the Festive Cheer Combo is your home's holiday highlight. If you are looking out for this graceful ivy table tunner and you wish to purchase the following products to change the aesthetics of your home décor then you can explore it at cushion cover bangalore.
Cacti Glow Candle Set of 2
Bring a touch of the serene desert into your home with our Cacti Glow Candle Set. Handcrafted to resemble the iconic saguaro and barrel cacti, these unique candles offer a soft, ambient light and a subtle hint of desert blossom fragrance. Perfect for setting a tranquil mood in any space or as a gift for those who love the beauty of the arid plains. Light up your evenings with this charming duo and let the desert's magic infuse your sanctuary. If you are looking out for this our lady beetle night fern in bloom set of 3 you wish to purchase the following products to change the aesthetics of your home décor then you can explore it at lushlyf.
Apart from the above buy cushion covers online in india & dance of dragonfly table runner. If you are looking out for aesthetic home décor solutions then there is no other brand better than Lushlyf which provides the best nature inspired cushion cover india & table runner in india. And if you wish to buy then you can check it out at cushion covers bangalore.
To know more: https://lushlyf.co/collections/cushion-covers
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celicajeep-90 · 2 years ago
Jeep Community and Lifestyle
Jeep ownership goes beyond having a vehicle – it's a lifestyle that fosters a unique sense of belonging. Enthusiasts share a passion for exploration, outdoor adventures, and the thrill of off-roading. The Jeep community is characterized by a tight-knit camaraderie, united by a common love for the brand and its values.
The Jeep community thrives on the bonds formed through shared experiences and values. Adventure, freedom, and a love for the outdoors serve as common threads that bring Jeep enthusiasts together. Whether it's conquering challenging trails or swapping modification tips, the community's shared passions create lasting connections.
Jeep Clubs and Enthusiast Groups
A. Role of Jeep clubs in bringing enthusiasts together
Jeep clubs play a pivotal role in fostering connections among enthusiasts. These clubs provide platforms for like-minded individuals to meet, share knowledge, and participate in organized events. Members often forge lasting friendships while embracing the spirit of adventure that defines the Jeep lifestyle.
B. Benefits of joining a Jeep club, such as organized events, trail rides, and support
Joining a Jeep club offers a range of benefits, including access to organized off-roading events, trail rides, and workshops. Clubs provide a supportive environment where enthusiasts can learn from experienced members, receive technical assistance, and embark on group adventures.
C. Examples of well-known Jeep clubs and their activities
Prominent Jeep clubs like "Jeep Jamboree USA" and "Wranglerforum.com" exemplify the diversity of the Jeep community. They organize national and regional events, allowing members to explore iconic trails, improve their off-roading skills, and celebrate their passion for Jeep vehicles.
Off-Roading Events and Gatherings
A. Exploration of off-roading events, rallies, and competitions
Off-roading events offer opportunities for enthusiasts to showcase their skills and vehicles. Events range from casual trail rides to competitive off-roading challenges, showcasing the versatility and capability of Jeep models in various terrains.
B. Highlights of popular Jeep-focused gatherings and their significance
Events like the "Easter Jeep Safari" in Moab, Utah, attract enthusiasts from around the world. These gatherings feature guided trail runs, technical obstacles, and vehicle showcases, providing a platform for Jeep enthusiasts to push their limits and bond over their shared interests.
C. Impact of events on fostering a sense of community and shared experiences
Off-roading events and gatherings contribute to a sense of community by creating a space where Jeep owners can share stories, swap advice, and build relationships. The shared experiences of conquering challenging trails and overcoming obstacles strengthen the ties that bind the Jeep community.
Jeep Modifications and Customization
A. Importance of personalization and expression through vehicle modifications
Vehicle modifications allow Jeep owners to tailor their vehicles to their preferences and intended use. Whether it's enhancing off-road performance, adding unique aesthetics, or increasing utility, customization reflects individuality and showcases the owner's personality.
B. Showcasing various types of Jeep modifications, from performance upgrades to aesthetics
Modifications range from functional upgrades like lift kits, winches, and skid plates, to aesthetic enhancements such as custom paint jobs and unique accessories. Jeep owners have the freedom to create vehicles that match their desired style and capabilities.
C. Role of customization in connecting enthusiasts and sparking conversations
Modifications become conversation starters, sparking discussions among Jeep enthusiasts. Customized Jeeps become a canvas for personal stories, experiences, and the creative expression of each owner's connection to the Jeep brand.
Outdoor Adventure and Exploration
A. Embracing the outdoor lifestyle and sense of adventure with Jeep vehicles
Owning a Jeep signifies a commitment to outdoor exploration and adventure. Enthusiasts relish the opportunity to venture off the beaten path, discovering hidden gems and remote destinations that are inaccessible to conventional vehicles.
B. Showcasing diverse activities like camping, overlanding, and trail exploration
Jeep owners engage in a range of outdoor activities, from camping under the stars and overlanding in remote wilderness areas to tackling challenging off-road trails. Jeeps provide the means to immerse oneself in nature and create unforgettable experiences.
C. Jeep's contribution to enabling memorable outdoor experiences
The ruggedness and versatility of Jeep vehicles empower enthusiasts to explore diverse landscapes, from deserts to mountains and forests. Jeep's off-road capabilities enhance the outdoor experience, allowing owners to connect with nature on a deeper level.
Jeep Lifestyle Merchandise and Apparel
A. Growing popularity of Jeep-themed merchandise and apparel
The Jeep lifestyle extends beyond vehicles, influencing a booming market of merchandise and apparel. Jeep enthusiasts proudly display their allegiance through clothing, accessories, and lifestyle products that reflect their passion for adventure.
B. Influence of the Jeep brand on fashion, accessories, and lifestyle products
Jeep's iconic logo and branding have permeated the fashion world, inspiring unique designs that blend ruggedness with style. Everything from clothing and accessories to home goods showcases the enduring appeal of the Jeep lifestyle.
C. Connection between ownership and expressing affinity through merchandise
For many enthusiasts, owning Jeep merchandise is a way to proudly display their connection to the brand and the lifestyle it represents. Jeep-themed products act as symbols of camaraderie among enthusiasts and ignite conversations with fellow fans.
Digital Jeep Community
A. Role of social media in connecting Jeep enthusiasts worldwide
Social media platforms provide a global stage for Jeep owners to connect, share stories, and showcase their adventures. Enthusiasts from different corners of the world engage in conversations, offer advice, and inspire one another through digital channels.
B. Engaging with online forums, groups, and platforms for sharing experiences
Online Jeep forums and groups facilitate knowledge exchange, technical discussions, and support among enthusiasts. These digital communities provide a platform to seek advice, troubleshoot issues, and share insights related to Jeep ownership.
C. Utilizing digital resources for trail mapping, off-roading tips, and virtual connections
Digital tools and apps offer Jeep owners convenient ways to plan and navigate off-road trips. Virtual connections enable enthusiasts to explore trails, access trail maps, and share experiences, even when physically distant.
Iconic Jeep Events and Traditions
A. Overview of iconic Jeep-related events and traditions
Special events, such as Jeep Jamborees and Go Topless Day, celebrate the Jeep lifestyle and provide opportunities for enthusiasts to come together. These gatherings emphasize the shared values of adventure, freedom, and exploration.
B. Jeep-related holidays, anniversaries, and gatherings that celebrate the brand
Holidays like "Jeep 4x4 Day" and anniversaries of significant Jeep models are occasions for enthusiasts to celebrate their passion. Gatherings like "Jeep Invasion" events draw a diverse crowd of owners who share their enthusiasm for the brand.
C. The significance of these events in reinforcing the Jeep lifestyle
Iconic Jeep events and traditions reinforce the sense of community and shared experiences that define the Jeep lifestyle. They serve as reminders of the brand's legacy and the connections formed among enthusiasts over the years.
Cultural Impact and Representation
A. Jeep's portrayal in popular media, films, and television shows
Jeep vehicles often feature prominently in movies, TV shows, and commercials, becoming cultural symbols associated with adventure and exploration. Their appearance on screen contributes to their status as aspirational vehicles.
B. Influence of the Jeep lifestyle in shaping popular culture
The Jeep lifestyle has influenced music, art, and literature, reflecting a desire for freedom, adventure, and outdoor experiences. This cultural impact extends beyond the automotive world, resonating with those who seek a deeper connection with nature.
C. Impact of Jeep's cultural representation on brand loyalty and community engagement
Jeep's cultural presence fosters brand loyalty among enthusiasts and attracts new members to the community. The brand's portrayal in media reinforces its values and ideals, strengthening its position as a lifestyle brand.
How can I get involved in the Jeep community and connect with other enthusiasts? 
Getting involved in the Jeep community is easy and rewarding. Consider joining local Jeep clubs or online forums where enthusiasts share experiences, advice, and organize events. Attending Jeep-related gatherings, participating in off-roading trips, and engaging on social media platforms are excellent ways to connect with fellow Jeep lovers.
What are some benefits of joining a Jeep club or participating in off-roading events? 
Jeep clubs provide a supportive network where you can learn from experienced members, attend organized trail rides, and receive technical guidance. Off-roading events and gatherings offer the chance to showcase your Jeep's capabilities, explore challenging terrains, and forge lasting friendships with like-minded enthusiasts.
Is the Jeep lifestyle limited to off-roading, or does it encompass other activities as well? 
While off-roading is a central aspect of the Jeep lifestyle, it's not limited to just that. Jeep owners embrace a wide range of outdoor activities, from camping and overlanding to trail exploration and outdoor adventures. The Jeep lifestyle is about embracing the spirit of adventure and enjoying the freedom to explore in various ways.
How can I express my affinity for the Jeep lifestyle beyond owning a vehicle? 
Expressing your affinity for the Jeep lifestyle goes beyond vehicle ownership. You can participate in Jeep-themed events, wear Jeep-inspired merchandise and apparel, engage in outdoor activities associated with the brand, and connect with the community through online platforms. By embracing the Jeep culture and values, you become part of a vibrant and diverse community that celebrates adventure and exploration.
Recap of the vibrant Jeep community and the diverse lifestyle it encompasses
The Jeep community is a dynamic and inclusive group bound by a shared love for adventure, exploration, and the Jeep brand.
Reflection on the enduring appeal of the Jeep brand and its ability to unite enthusiasts
The Jeep lifestyle resonates with individuals who seek more than just transportation – it offers a gateway to a world of outdoor experiences and like-minded connections.
Encouragement for readers to explore the Jeep community and embrace the lifestyle
Readers are invited to immerse themselves in the Jeep community, attend events, join clubs, and embrace the lifestyle that celebrates the joy of exploration and the freedom to go wherever the trail leads.
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“Vaggie wants to throttle her but– shit, where did Vox go?” Wonder what caught Vox’s eye?
Something shiny. Probably the new product from whatever tech company that filled the niche he never filled himself. He probably ends up frying their stock of laptops or whatever. He could do better.
Would Vox still be close friends with Sir Pentous? How would their relationship differ from regular RAM?
Probably. Pen isn't drawn to him quite as quickly since Vox never got a chance to make a name for himself in this verse, but they have enough overlapping interests that Pentious would probably be drawn to him regardless. Val and Vel, uh. don't approve of Vox's choice in company.
If Velvette is friends with Cherri what would she think of Vox & Valentino (and vice versa)?
If she is, she'd probably give them a chance like she does with the mainverse hotel residents. She's probably vibe with Valentino (ironically) once he realizes he's just as down to party as she is. Vox is a little more complicated since she can't understand why Velvette is bothering to keep track of this weirdo at the expense of her own enjoyment.
...vaguely wondering if i should swap pentious and cherri or something. it feels weird to have half the cast swapped, but the other half the same.
I feel like if Valentino tried to make any sex jokes the deal he made with Alastor will censor him (like glowing green thread will appear to stitch his mouth shut or radio static will obscure his words)?
That'd be neat. It probably only happens when Alastor's aware of it, though. Val jokes about it with Velvette: take his antennae, his wings, his freedom, but don't take his ability to make bad sex jokes!
If Vox gets to Heaven is there any way for him and Alastor could have any kind of positive relationship (unlike in regular RAM where there’s no chance)? I’m assuming no but the circumstances of the Mindbreak are very different.
Probably not. Even if it was an accident, Alastor still derailed his afterlife and didn't put in any substantial effort to get him back to normal. Vox's feelings about him aren't quite as complicated (and sad) as in the main verse, but they're still not particularly pleasant.
Does Alastor still force Vox to have a 50s TV head? Do either of them know Vox can switch heads?
They probably figure out that he can switch heads eventually, although Alastor prefers the old model and Vox isn't about to argue.
1 - How does 60sMindbreak!Vox condition different from regular RAM? (Can he remember specific events? Is he less scatterbrained and distractible? Does he break less things while at the hotel?)
Vox would probably be significantly more mellow than his main RAM counterpart. He's still distractible, high-energy, and struggles with short-term memory, but he's far more stable. There's not a 50 year gap in his memory, he doesn't have the trauma of the torture or his confinement to grapple with, and he's more or less acclimated to the way his mind works now. No one's afraid that he's going to suddenly fall apart for no clear reason and set the building on fire in this verse– he's just Alastor's offbeat, old-fashioned friend/lackey who probably shouldn't be left alone for long periods of time.
2 - Since Alastor broke Vox before he became an Overlord does he have less powers/is weaker than regular RAM?
It's sort of a weird situation. They're equal in terms of power level since neither has any active contracts anymore, but their levels of experience are difference. Main RAM Vox had become very adept at using his powers before the broadcast, after which he lost control over them, although there's still a bit of "muscle memory" there. 60s Vox never had those years of refining his powers, but he isn't starting from scratch like main Vox is. Not sure who would be more powerful since it's not exactly clearcut.
3 - How is Vox's relationship with Velvette different from canon? How is Valentino's relationship with Velvette different from canon?
My interpretation of canon Vox and Vel's relationship is that he's her mentor. He respects her abilities, but still can be a bit condescending to her. Velvette sees him as old (despite his best efforts) and kind of cringey, but she also recognizes that he's incredibly clever and his advice is worthwhile. For Valentino and Velvette, I think Valentino's opinion of Velvette changes with his mood. Sometimes he thinks she's cool and fun, other times she's a spoiled bitch who needs to get off her high horse. Velvette repeats Valentino as an overlord, but not as a person. His temper tantrums are ridiculous and she's not sure why Vox puts up with him– the sex must really be that good. However, Vel's not one to turn down partying with someone just because they're a pain to deal with sometimes. Her and Val can totally get along, so long as he's not stepping on her toes.
In this AU, Vox isn't as self-impressed as he is in the main verse, so he sees Velvette as more of a friend than someone whose raw potential he needs to mold. He might still have his quasi-paternal moments, but he mostly talks to her as an equal. Valentino tries to shut her out at first, but as time goes on, he realizes how fun and clever she can be and starts opening up to her a bit. Velvette starts off her character arc thinking that Vox is a freak and Valentino is a miserable shit. She ends it feeling like she's finally found her people. Yeah, they're freaks, but they're her freaks. She doesn't want to part ways with them; maybe if all this redemption shit doesn't work out and they all break free of their masters, they could be a team.
4 - What does Velvette think of Charlie, Vaggie, Sir Pentious (if he's still there), and Alastor? What does Valentino think of Charlie, Vaggie, Sir Pentious (if he's still there)?
Velvette's giving "sullen teenager" during her first month or so at the hotel. Like mainverse Angel, she doesn't take any of the redemption exercises seriously and can be kind of a bitch to deal with. Her and Vaggie clash a lot because of her attitude. Charlie is endlessly patient with her and thinks that once she can get her to open up, she'll buy in. Velvette bullies Pentious if he's around. Eventually, Velvette starts to chill out and becomes a bit softer with the OG hazbins.
Valentino is also hard to deal with. He's moody, thinks Charlie's mission is laughable, and is prone to making deeply cutting sarcastic remarks. His relationships with the original cast are similar to Velvette's, being mostly antagonistic until they start growing on him a bit. It takes longer for him to come around than Velvette, though.
5 - What would Velvette's reaction to seeing Mindbreak Niffty scuttling around the hotel? (Such a contrast to the cutthroat woman she worked under.
It makes Velvette's hair stand on end. She may not have liked Niffty, but this is just scary, seeing her turned inside out like this. Velvette was already leery of Alastor, but now she's actually afraid of him.
6 - What would Valentinos react to seeing Mindbreak Niffty so helpless? Would he try to hurt her (but she would like the pain) or has he grown enough of a conscience to just ignore her instead?
I'm not confident enough in my characterization of Valentino to say. We could meet in the middle and say he does something to hurt her as revenge, she reacts positively, and he's freaked out, deciding it's not worth it.
7 - Would Niffty and Vox's relationship be slightly different?
Depends on how malleable Vox's grasp on reality is. He could forget that she used to be Velvette's boss/accept Alastor's claim that Everything's Fine, She's Part Of The Team Now and start treating her like a friend, or he could be a bit more hesitant.
1 - Velvette and Valentino making fun of Alastor's stupid haircut while Vox tries (and fails) to defend it. (He secretly thinks it looks stupid too).
Valentino and Velvette are high school mean girls and Vox is trying not to give in to peer pressure (but there's a mean girl deep down inside him too, just waiting to come out).
2 - Thinking about when Vaggie flung the Hotel residents into a literal war zone. Velvette doesn't know how to fight! She was a regular teenager before dying and was snatched up by Niffty quickly after arriving in Hell so never learned to fend for herself. I can see Velvette completely freaking the entire time, potentially using Sir Pentious as a (in)human shield, and relying entirely on Valentino and Vox to not be brutally maimed or worse. This would probably be the moment Velvette became actual friends with Valentino and Vox. (Also when she realized how dangerous Vox truly is when he electrocutes an entire block. (Vaggie just assumed Velvette could fight and is horrified when she learns she threw a non combatant in the middle of a literal war zone. She would definitely apologize afterwards.)
Velvette probably has some self-defense skills, but not enough to hold her own in the Doomsday District. She definitely would try to use Pentious as a meat shield and is lowkey in awe when Valentino and Vox suddenly reveal themselves as highly competent fighters. Vaggie might've been too preoccupied with her musical number to notice that Velvette wasn't fully participating in the fight (until Val gave her one of his guns, that is).
3- After Vaggie finds out how Alastor maims Valentino including removing and selling his wings) she tries to reach out to him. At first Valentino pushes her away and lashes out, thinking it's pity when really it's empathy. Vaggie finally managed to break through his shell when she hand sewed him an eyepatch. After that he doesn't completely push her away and they start to become kinda-sorta-almost friends, eventually.
Vaggie and Val, the two most prickly people in the hotel, making nice. Charlie would be proud if she wan't preoccupied with the "Alastor's been abusing my friends" realization.
4- I think Valentino's eyesight looks like this:
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Don't know enough about low vision to dispute this. He probably has depth perception issues given how he's missing an eye.
5 - Husk, Niffty, and Angel Dust are nicknamed The Glamours~ by regular Sinners because of their glamorous looking lifestyles and how much time they spend together.
6 - Alastor's a lot softer with Vox than in regular RAM He's a 1-3 out of 10 on maliciousness, breaking Vox was a complete accident and he tries his best to be kind to him. (Still a monster to Valentino though.)
That would be interesting, and has the potential to be kind of sweet in a messed up way. Alastor might've taken what happened with Vox as a lesson: don't be reckless with your powers and don't act out of anger. He ended up breaking his friend because he got too caught up in their fight and tried something rash. It'd make him even more infuriating to deal with from Valentino's perspective though. Alastor maintains that he's not hurting him out of spite (well, not entirely), he's just doing what's necessary to correct him. Valentino thinks that's a crock of shit, but if he says so, he's putting himself in danger.
60s Swap: Valentino experiencing phantom pains from his missing wings (and arm).
Mental image of Vox and Val sitting together quietly as Val "flexes" his missing arm. Vox doesn't know what to say or do, so he just decides to be there with him.
60s Swap: Velvette takes Angel Dust's role where would she take the group in episode 3?
Velvette probably wouldn't volunteer a location, she just sits there making snide comments until Vaggie snaps and tells her that if she's so smart, why doesn't she pick the trust exercise? Velvette takes them to the mall. The exercise is "trust me with your credit cards." Vaggie wants to throttle her but– shit, where did Vox go?
What would Velvette, Vox, and Valentino think of Lucifer and vice versa?
Vox is excited to meet royalty and tries to schmooze with him (the effect is slightly ruined by the fact that Vox is talking so fast, Lucifer thinks he's on coke). Valentino doesn't really give a fuck, but enjoys watching him and Alastor bicker. Velvette's curious at first, thinking Lucifer is going to be some cool, cunning anti-hero, and is lowkey disappointed when he turns out to be just some cringey dad. His and Charlie's reconciliation may have touched her just a tiny bit, though.
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nenilein · 2 years ago
Every single unlockable Character Profile in Puyo Puyo Fever 2 (Screenshots and Translations)
I spent way too much time unlocking the character profiles in Fever 2 yesterday, so to make it worth my while, I went on twitter right afterwards and made a huge-ass thread translating every one of them.
Since I am planning to move back to tumblr in the long run anyway, let's compile them all here in a nice post first, 'aight?
The unlock conditions:
*) Lexicon of People (Girls): Play 24 VS matches in Freeplay mode (I think the majority of them need to be wins).
*) Lexicon of People (Boys): Unlock Lexicon of People (Girls), then play 6 more VS matches in Freeplay mode (This is a pun. The internal development name for Fever 2 was "24/6", and marketing reflected that).
*) Lexicon of Creatures: Beat Sig and Raffina's WakuWaku courses.
*) Lexicon of the Undead: Beat all HaraHara courses.
Follow me under the cut for the Boys' Lexicon! (The others will be in separate posts for space reasons)
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Lexicon of People, Vol 1
Profiles of the boys of Primp Town. All contents were approved for public consumption by the subjects of the articles. One must first prove themself as worthy to the subjects of this volume to be allowed to browse it.
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Sig Born June 16th (Gemini)
Blood Type: B Special Skill: sleeping with his eyes open Favorite Thing: bugs Least Favorite Thing: ghosts
A rather sleepy boy who is a classmate of Amitie's. Lately one of his arms has been odd.
(Translator's Notes: Unlike Ringo, Sig doesn't panic when faced with ghosts, but he's often been shown to have a very deep hatred for Yu in particular, especially in the Drama CDs. She's one of the two people he'll tell to the face that he doesn't like them, the other being Lemres. He gets along with Rei, but only because they both collect bugs.
苦手 can mean both "least favorite" or "weakness". Since some profiles use one meaning while others use the other, I will swap back and forth between how I translate it depending on the profile.)
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Tartar Born July 19th(Cancer)
Blood Type: 0 Special Skill: imitating bird calls Favorite Thing: all living things Least Favorite Thing: spiders
A gentle giant. His only fault is that anyone sitting behind him in class can't see the blackboard.
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Klug Born September 29th(Libra)
Blood Type: A Special Skill: card games Favorite Thing: researching sorcery Least Favorite Thing: self-important people
A troublesome, bespectacled boy who things evil things are cool. He idolizes Lemres.
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Lemres Born August 25th(Virgo)
Blood Type: A Special Skill: candy presents Favorite Thing: parfait Least Favorite Thing: his family home
A student from a magic school one town over. He always secretly carries some sweetstuff, which he loves, on him.
(Translator's Notes: The "least favorite thing" part later got elaborated on in the drama CDs. Turns out he's actually an emancipated minor who escaped from his rich family because they more or less emotionally abused him to parade around his talents...)
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Gogotte Born October 1st(Libra)
Blood Type: AB Special Skill: cooking Favorite Thing: honey Weakness: sunlight
A strange chef who lately showed up in Nahe Forest and now seems to be cooking up potions there. His speech carries the accent of a distant land.
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Prince Salde-Canarl Shellbrick III Born March 5th(Pisces)
Blood Type: 0 Special Skill: finding servants Favorite Thing: traveling incognito Least Favorite Thing: state Business
A freedom-loving prince. Currently M.I.A. His personal attendant is looking for him.
(Translator's Note: Salde's name is a pun. "Salde-Canarl" can be shortened to "SaCana", which is where his nickname in Japanese, "Sakana Ouji" ("Fish Prince") comes from. This is what is consistently translated as "Ocean Prince" in English, even though this means the pun no longer works...)
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Otomo Born April 17th/Aries
Blood Type: B Special Skill: knitting and crocheting Favorite Thing: the prince's photo album Least Favorite Thing: the prince's selfishness
A royal childcare attendant who is currently looking for his missing prince. The thought of how his prince might be faring right now gives him stomachaches.
(Translator's Notes: Firstly "Otomo" literally means "attendant" when written in Kanji(お供) (it's written in Katakana here tho), so it might not even be his real name.
Click here for PART 2 (Girl's Lexicon)!
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