#swan jones family ff
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everything-person · 1 year ago
Kazoos Advent Calendar
@kazoosandfannypacks day
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Under cut is not to be shared with children!
Todays gift is a story of Emma trying to explain Santa to Killian.
“Yeah babe?”
“How do we know Santa Claus?”
That caused Emma to stop she was doing and look up at her husband. He wore a genuine look of curiosity.
“Wh-” Emma paused giving thought to what exactly she wanted to ask.
Killian took this moment to speak up, “Earlier today you told Hope Santa Claus was coming. All day I tried to figure out who this person was and how we know them. My apologies love but I can’t remember them or their importance and I’d rather get this settled before their visit. When are they visiting?”
Emma couldn’t help the slow smile spread across her face and the small chuckle escape her lips.
“Swan I’m being serious.”
Emma waves her hands and shake her head. “No I know. I sometimes forget- Never mind. Um We don’t know Santa Claus personally.”
Killians eyebrows scrunch in further confusion. “Then why are they coming for a visit?”
“They aren’t.” Emma paused trying to think how best to explain this, “Santa Claus is a myth. We tell kids if they behave and are good kids. Santa Claus comes down the chimney on Christmas and leaves them gifts.”
As Emma is explaining she watches her husbands face morph from confusion to curiosity to horror to acceptance. “So we tell our daughter if she is good enough a strange man will break into our home and leave her a present.”
“He’s not a stranger. Everyone knows Santa. He lives at the North Pole and has elves to help him make all the toys. He rides a flying sleigh pulled by reindeer. He wears a red suit and hat with white fur trim, has a fluffy white beard, and is a jolly kind soul. He watches over kids and has a naughty and nice list. If you’re on the naughty list, you get coal. If you’re on the nice list you get presents.”
Killian nods, “So he’s a story.”
“Like Peter Pan.”
“Yes. No. Kinda,” Emma stutters trying to find the best way to explain this, “Saint Nicholas was a real person. A kinda man who’s generosity gave way to the legend/myth of Santa Claus. Santa Claus now is a figure for the joy of giving. Anyone can be Santa we just all imagine him a a jolly old guy in a red suit. He’s one of the few pieces of magic we have in this realm.”
Killian hummed, “you sound like your mother lass.”
“Hey during Christmas that isn’t a bad thing.”
A couple of days go by and their conversation of Santa Claus all but forgot until one night.
Emma and Killian were curled up on the couch with Hope fast asleep on the floor in her nest of pillows and blankets and Henry drifting off in the arm chair. The family decided to have a double Christmas feature tonight. The credits of Santa Clause 2 began to roll on screen and Killian turned to his drowsy wife.
“Love were these based on the true story of Santa Claus?”
Emma let the giggle freely flow from her mouth, the word yes on the top of her tip but she bit down and said, “No I don’t think this is based on a true story. But in storybrooke you never know. I mean I am the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming and my husband is captain hook.”
“Yes well, in that case there’s no possible way these are true. Look what your realm did to my story.”
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snowbellewells · 1 year ago
Self Promo Sunday: "Bless What is Given You"
I realize that it's time to roll out the Christmas-y fics, but I had one more Thanksgiving story, and I didn't want to leave it out. I hope you will still enjoy it, even in December. There’s a nod to a missing moment from 3x19, but then it jumps to post s6 in Storybrooke, to all of them in their happy beginning… Most of this is also written in Robin Hood's point-of-view, so there is some Outlaw Queen in amongst the larger Swan Jones Charming Mills family fluff, if that is a deal-breaker for anyone...
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** Also available on AO3, if that is your preference **
by: @snowbellewells
“Do you mean to tell me you think you know better than a queen?” Regina’s haughty voice practically dripped disdain from each clipped, precise syllable she spoke. The perfect arch of her sculpted brow rose in question, disbelief and disapproval clear on her challenging, flawless face, even if her tone had not made her opinion more than apparent. “My mother was Rumplestiltskin’s most prized pupil; he sought me out himself to train me as well, chose me to cast his precious Dark Curse… Do you honestly think the fact that you can scare off a few monkeys with your arrows and you’ve been squatting in his deserted castle makes you a better judge of...of…” Even though she spoke the “you” as though her mouth was swallowing something foul and her face scrunched up accordingly, it seemed that the formerly Evil Queen was at a rare loss for words to express just how ridiculous the very idea was.
Unfazed, the scruffy archer gazed right back at her cheekily, seeming more than a bit amused by her ruffled feathers and inability to continue. “Not sure that is quite the distinction you’re making it out to be, Milady,” he offered with a smirk.
From across the way, Snow couldn’t seem to resist chiming in with the outlaw who had once befriended a princess on the run; who, in what now seemed like another life had helped her fine-tune her skills with a bow and advised her on spots in the forest where one could most easily hunt game to eat without encountering Regina’s guards. Though Snow had long since made the choice to put their painful and sordid history in the past, there was something that teased a warble of delighted laughter up her throat at the sight of this bandit who once graced “Wanted” posters by her side agitating Regina to the point of losing all her icy, polished reserve. “It is a bit of a dubious honor, Regina, you have to admit.”
Charming beside her dipped his head to hide the chuckle rumbling in his chest as well, reaching across their round council table’s polished surface to squeeze her hand. The shepherd-prince consort would have been lying if he refused to admit there wasn’t a part of him who enjoyed watching her Majesty flounder for her unaffected poise. It went without saying that the curse they were speaking of had ripped he and Snow apart and taken their daughter from his arms almost the moment she was born; consigning them all to 28 lonely years of misery. The truth was that plain and that simple, but he wisely held his tongue. At least since his recent pirate friend had gone off on his own after their arrival back in their land, Robin was someone with whom he could break a bit of the tension and who might lighten all of their dark and despairing moods once in a while.
As they returned to discussing the plan to raid Gold’s castle here in their home realm, knowing Zelena had holed up in the Dark One’s stronghold - with Rumplestiltskin himself still prisoner - it became clear it was really the only method they had left to try, to hope that the man who always knew so much more than anyone else would also know some way out of this mess, some way to stop Regina’s rage and envy fueled half-sister. Belle across the table looked pale and strained, her lips pressed together in a thin line but determined, needing to help in whatever way she could. Even if they couldn’t free her True Love, even if his mind were already too fractured by his near death, the half-possession that had held his son’s mind within his body as well, and then that son’s violent loss, he wouldn’t want things to continue as they were; with him under Zelena’s control and bent to her will. Belle had to cling to that truth if nothing else.
Seeming to sense her flagging spirit, Charming saw Leroy sitting next to her place a clumsily large, ax-calloused hand over her slender, tiny one and give it a reassuring squeeze. The dwarf leaned over to whisper encouragingly to the petite beauty, and the prince realized that even within his inner circle of friends and allies there were deeper friendships, and stories leading to them, that he didn’t know, as Belle’s petite frame relaxed and her tense shoulders lowered slightly at the stout little man’s clearly welcomed assurances. The former shepherd thought he just made out the kind, if gruffly voiced, words, “Hang in there, Sister, the battle ain’t over yet.” Charming smiled; that might as well be a mantra for all of them.
Robin of Locksley, otherwise known in the Enchanted Forest these days by his more colorful moniker of Robin Hood, simply could not seem to help it. He knew something about him - be it his cavalier attitude towards risk and danger, his leisurely and rather lax methods of ruling over his crew (Can he help it if he’d trust them with his life and has never had cause to question their loyalty or skill?) or perhaps it was just his very form and person she objected to. Whatever the case may be, he couldn’t help goading her Majesty, rattling that posh control of which the woman seemed so proud. Behind the cool and haughty veneer Regina Mills carefully wore, he sensed something injured - fragile, even - though she would be appalled at the thought that any weakness showed, he had no doubt of that. The irony, of course, was that bit of a chink in her flawless armor was the one thing that kept him from dismissing her as another selfish, cruel royal stepping on the backs of those less fortunate to get ahead. Her tiny show of pained humanity, the loneliness hidden behind those large dark eyes, beguiled him no matter how hard he tried to resist; drew his empathy where otherwise he would have had only scorn for her past actions and the villain she had been.
They were in the Dark Castle; seemingly, hopefully, having escaped Zelena’s notice so far, but stymied by a large door into the chamber where Rumplestiltskin had to be imprisoned. They had searched the entire rest of the castle and found it empty. None of them were foolish enough, however, to assume that the fact that they had not yet seen the Wicked Witch meant that the way ahead was safe or that she had not laid hidden snares for any intruders. Particularly not if this door were the barrier beyond which she was hiding the powerful being she meant to both use and prove herself to. There had been no other closed doors until this one, after all.
With a huff of impatience, as if she couldn’t be bothered to waste another second of her time - even with safety - the former Queen reached forward, her perfectly manicured hand nearly to the golden inlaid handle despite the Princess Snow’s warnings for caution and the Lady Belle’s wise suggestion that they wait. What appeared as bold unconcern and decisiveness radiated down her spine of steel, held ramrod-straight, but there was a slight tremor in those pale fingers, one he would have missed if he hadn’t been seeking it, just before they closed around the polished metal.
Some strange shiver of foreboding knowledge borne of a life in the forest, in the shadows, constantly on the move, pursued and on the run, made some more-than-tangible knowledge run through him, and Robin’s limbs and muscles were reacting before his mind issued a conscious order. Knowing the proud woman plowing ahead would not heed any words he called out anyway, he had silently reached over his shoulder, pulled an arrow from his quiver, nocked it to his bow, and let it fly before another moment passed, startling Regina enough as its course whistled past her ear to make her jerk back several steps. 
The feathered missile embedded in the heavy oaken portal with the solid “thunk” of a shot ringing true, but to the horror of all, rather than remaining there, vibrating from its landing, the arrow was lost from sight as the entire door was engulfed in instantaneous flames.
Watching the blaze which would undoubtedly have devoured her as well had he allowed her to pull open that door before loosing his arrow, Regina paused for mere moments before whipping around, dark eyes flashing, to arrest him angrily. “That arrow nearly took off my head!” she barked, voice as sharp as jagged glass.
Robin shot back, unable to keep himself from rising to the bait. Her lack of gratitude didn’t even surprise him by that point, but he hadn’t intended to be chastised for his quick-thinking aversion of danger either. “Where I come from a simple thank you would have sufficed.”
The regent’s black eyebrow rose in eloquent derision, making her opinion of where he came from quite clear without speaking a word. Yet, despite that hateful, snarling facade he could see the slight tremor he had previously noticed in her pale hands become a full-body quivering that, while still not plainly visible, had to be making it hard for her to remain standing, much less glaring at him with such vitriol. Her full, blood-red-painted lips trembled minutely as well until her perfect white teeth bit into the lower one, stilling it and making him swallow heavily with some reaction he couldn’t explain. She was shaken; that much he knew. But he could understand refusing to admit fear, not being able to let it show for the sake of those who follow, who must see strength to stay their course.
Thankfully, the clearly magical blaze soon expired and the way before them was as clear and unbarred as all the previous entryways they had encountered. Not without a bit of trepidation, but also as brave and determinedly as he had long since learned their hero contingent to be, Prince Charming and Snow pressed forward, followed anxiously by Belle (whom Robin’s heart panged for as she clearly ached to find the man she loved still able to recognize her and navigate his own mind) and the rest of their group. Regina just to the side, looked for all the world as if she were in no particular hurry to enter and see her former mentor, but could instead care less one way or the other. Hanging back, the outlaw of Sherwood Forest made sure the others had passed through the door and into the other room, well out of hearing, before he stepped up to Regina’s side, drawing almost nose-to-nose with her. He then leaned forward practically brushing the shell of her ear as he murmured. “There’s no need to pretend you’re made of stone, your Majesty…” He put precise emphasis on the title which she had let him know in no uncertain terms she preferred upon their first meeting in the forest. “In fact, with the present company, I believe you might get much further by letting them see that you have doubts and fears, just as they do. I know I like you much better seeing you as more than the Evil Queen.”
At her sharp intake of air with his last pronouncement, he pulled back quickly, half expecting a slap to be stinging his skin at any moment. Instead, he found color rising hotly up her neck, her chest rising and falling strenuously in that ridiculously low-cut corseted gown, and her generally looking more flustered and affected than he had ever seen her before.
She opened and closed her mouth soundlessly for several seconds until her tart tongue seemed to return to her, then spit out a quick, “Insolent bandit,” before moving to brush past him and follow the others.
Something in Robin snapped and surged to life in answer to her challenge; not allowing her to push him aside, he grasped her upper arm firmly and held on, her back to the wall and crowding in close to her, until their breaths were mingling in the same air, their faces were so close. Even as his pulse pounded and his heart rate skyrocketed, Robin wondered what had come over him. The woman had maimed and killed, schemed and plotted for her own selfish ends, and stood for everything he had devoted himself to toppling. She was nothing like his beloved Marian had been; someone with whom he would not have imagined sharing a thing in common - and yet he couldn’t fight the pull he felt. The need to imprint upon her not to put her life at risk so needlessly again.
Sweeping forward, he dove into an all-consuming kiss, taking her mouth with his and giving no quarter, delving further instead, and swallowing the whimper and hum that escaped her throat unconsciously, despite her best attempts to remain unaffected.  
Regina’s hands grappled blindly at his biceps as if trying to steady herself. She scrabbled for solid support before helplessly melting against him, opening for his questing mouth and giving herself over to the heated embrace. When they finally broke for air, she was breathless, and he huffed out a winded chuckle himself when she managed, “Well, Thief, that really was quite pleasant… Even if you do still smell of forest.”
Several realms, curses, and years later, in Storybrooke
The three men and their half dozen offspring of various ages creeping through the woods on the border of Storybrooke out near the town line are quiet and intent, completely and unabashedly focused on their prize. Up ahead, atop the small rise of a hill as the sun climbs fully into the cold, clear November morning sky, their prey struts proudly, stopping occasionally to offer its warbled call or peck at the rough ground beneath its feet. They have been tracking the large turkey for some time now, since before day fully dawned, and the time to strike has come at last.
Briefly, the thought flits through Robin’s head that this could be the same tom that had escaped himself and his Merry Men in this same forest years ago, when the hunt had been interrupted by the nightmarish interruption of a winged simian attacker and LIttle John’s subsequent transformation. To this day, the large and otherwise unflappable man stays far away from this particular section of the forest and refuses to go anywhere near the town line on foot. A quick glance at David and his preteen son to the right, then Killian and his little girl and second son to the left, gives him the hint from both men’s expressions that they are also remembering that rather ill-fated day, as bows are readied and last instructions offered.
He can only hope they will face nothing so unexpected this fine morn. The turkey before them has been promised to grace the main table of the large community Thanksgiving feast, and between the three men and their brood of adventurous junior hunters it is a matter of pride that they not return empty-handed today. Roland was promised the first unobstructed shot, and the young man, just barely a teenager but already capable and thoughtful as an adult, has already taken aim and is readying his shot to fly, much to his half-sister Margot’s displeasure as she stands just behind her big brother at Robin’s elbow. She is as untamed and mischievous as Roland is quiet and serious, and was much put out at the decision that Roland as the oldest child should get first chance, arguing rather heatedly that Roland might be biggest but she was the best shot. His blond-braided, green-attired second child is one of the best shots he’s ever seen at barely ten, but if she doesn’t learn to keep her temper and her slightly spoiled younger sibling petulance under control, he is certainly in for further trials in a few years.
Even in the few silent moments afforded him as they all hold their breaths, Rob feels the gratitude and love he has for his children, and the friends and adopted family surrounding them, surge through him with new strength. He had so very nearly left this world, numerous times over, as had the men on either side of him, and the women each of them loved. It was part of the heavy mantle they wore when standing against the Darkness in the world and fighting it back from the light and good time after time. Still, what better time than the present holiday to give thanks for the fact that they are all still standing and present to celebrate together?
Roland lets out a soft breath and then releases the arrow, just as a sharp cry rings out to the left.  His son’s aim is true, but the bird is startled from its perch just in time to have the shot glide by beneath its talons as it takes flight. David on his right is already directing Leo to adjust his aim quickly and get off a second shot, even as Robin’s eyes sweep to where Killian is righting Hope from a tumble over a jutting tree root, brushing off her dark leggings and checking her for injury as she clearly struggles to hold back embarrassed and disappointed tears.
What he hasn’t banked on is his daughter’s inability to wait her turn or hold back any longer. Quick as whip, Margot lets fly, striking the bird right as she intends and sending it toppling from the sky. Mouth falling open in surprise at her audacity and her skill in equal measure, Robin can’t help the surge of pride at his daughter’s prowess, even if he knows he should admonish her for taking Leo’s moment from him and wondering if he should be making certain Roland doesn’t feel overshadowed.  However, his eldest spares him the trouble when he whoops and claps Margot on the shoulder, crying out “You got him on the fly, Sis! Nice one!”
When the whole group converges together, he decides to let the lecture about abiding by the rules and taking turns slide for the time being upon noticing that Leo looks rather relieved that the pressure to prove his mettle before their quarry escaped has been taken off of his shoulders. Instead, he claps his little girl on the shoulder, squeezing with gentle affection until she looks up at him, beaming.  Like her brother before her, she is growing much too fast, turning into a young lady before his eyes, and so for a moment, he lets himself revel in the fact that she still wants to spend time out in the woods with him and wishes to make him proud. Her papa won’t hold the favored spot in her heart forever, so he may as well savor it while he can.
He thinks Killian’s youngest, barely old enough to be tromping around out here with them in truth, looks a bit teary at the downed and unnaturally still bird before them, so he hurries to bag their prize for the journey homeward and puts it out of sight over his shoulder while Killian picks his tired youngest up off his feet and begins asking him how many different types of trees he can recognize from their leaves on the way back. That seems a bit difficult for a five-year-old until little Liam David begins happily babbling (suitably distracted thankfully) and pointing out oaks, maples and scotch pines as the pirate’s unerring sense of direction leads their whole troupe out of the forest toward the main road where they’ve left their trucks, Margot takes his hand, and Hope her grandpa’s, and Roland and Leo fall in behind talking amiably and carrying the bows. Apparently they have a budding naturalist in their midst as well, and Killian Jones - as usual - knows exactly what he is doing.
When he, Roland, and Margot trail back into the mayoral mansion some time later, discarding their muddy boots by the door, but still scattering crumbled leaves and dirt in the entryway, Regina stands in the hall shaking her head, and directs the children toward the laundry room to discard their outerwear before heading up to wash for dinner.  She looks at him, trying to muster exasperation, but unable to do so. That flawless Queen is long gone; she has come a long way since they snapped and snarled at each other in self-preservation back in their home realm, neither wanting to fall in love and risk heartbreak again.
Snatching his jacket collar and pulling him in close, Regina nips at his lips playfully before murmuring against his scruffy cheek, “You still smell like forest,” she mocks, “but somehow you’ve managed to steal my heart.”
He shakes his head, offering back words she’d stunned him with once long ago, “That’s not quite the way I remember it.  If I recall, your heart was given to me,” he whispers, emotion taking over the jest, “and a person can’t steal what’s been given to him.”
All in all, he’s been given much more than a simple archer from Sherwood Forest could have ever hoped.
Tagging a few who might enjoy: @searchingwardrobes @kmomof4 @jennjenn615 @laschatzi @whimsicallyenchantedrose @jrob64 @apiratewhopines @xarandomdreamx @booksteaandtoomuchtv @kazoosandfannypacks @teamhook @revanmeetra87 @stahlop @anmylica @gingerchangeling @gingerpolyglot @winterbaby89 @spartanguard @therooksshiningknight @optomisticgirl @tiganasummertree @donteattheappleshook @elizabeethan @the-darkdragonfly @bdevereaux @thislassishooked
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midnightswans · 7 years ago
The last chapter
Summary: After the curse on Hyperion Heights is broken, Henry decides to bring his new family, wife and daughter, to meet the rest of his family in Storybrooke.
A/N: I wrote this little one shot, trying to give an ending to Emma and Captain Swan's stories, for me, this should happen at the end of this season, at least I hope A&E manage to bring JMO one more time to make something like this, and because I feel like we deserved this.
Big big thank you this amazing persons @the-reason-to-sail-home @swaansong and @shealivedarnit they help to write this in the best way  pd. this part isn’t beta so I’m sorry if I wrote something wrong.
Read: ff.net/AO3
The curse broke at 8:34 PM on Friday after Lucy risked her life trying to jump from the ledge of the balcony in her step-grandmother's office in a last desperate attempt to make Henry believe again.
She didn't jump, but slipped trying to step down and fell to the balcony below, knocking her unconscious. The loss of blood dropped her blood pressure to the floor, putting her in critical state. The accident sent her to the hospital's PICU for three days until her mother and father -after talking with the doctors about the health state their girl- both kissed her head wishing for the best but expecting the worst.
Then, the magic came like a rush of energy.
A week after that episode, Henry brought his whole family: wife and daughter, along with his mother and his friend Officer Rogers, to Storybrooke so that they could see where he was from. Regina - or Roni - could visit her own place and see what problems Zelena had made in their big white house and most important: look to see what Storybrooke had done without a mayor like her.
He led the way to that big, white picket fence house, the house where he lived his teenage years, where he fell in love for the first time, the place where he felt like he was home, the place that gave him a father – not a birth father, but a stepfather who loved him like his own.
"Wow, you lived here? This place is amazing, Dad," Lucy said with amazed tone, looking at the big house that now was full of toys everywhere. The backyard even had a little play castle like the one he had years ago when he brought Emma with him.
"Yeah kid, I think I lived here since I was thirteen years old between Regina's place, my da- step dad bought it for my mom, remember the story in the book? The house that Hook bought for Emma when she was the dark one?"
"That house is this house?" She asked mouth and eyes wide open looking at her mother like she couldn't believe what she was looking at.
"Yes Lucy, let's hope it's still theirs." He smiled, giving a squeeze to Jacinda's hand who stood beside him. She gave him a quick kiss on the lips with a hopeful smile, trying to make him feel more comfortable.
"I think your mother will be thrilled to see you again," she said simply with her characteristic accent playing with her hands. She was still a little nervous to meet this mother, she'd met Regina under other circumstances and they were already friends before the curse broke.
With a big sigh giving his girls a last look, he opened the door carefully, trying to clear away and not trip on the toys that surrounded the stairs. This was something he never thought he would see, this house full of kid stuff and, damn, he was thrilled about it.
Emma opened the front door to him at 6:34 PM on Saturday, a blonde toddler with bright blue eyes in her arms and a big bump on her stomach. Her usual red leather jacket and jeans with boots were replaced with a blue maxi dress with small flowers and a bun over her head in a casual style he never saw on her before.
At first, no one knew what to say, his mother couldn't hide her exhaustion but was very happy. It was a face he'd never seen on her before. True, he knew he made her happy, but the ghost of giving him up for adoption had always followed Emma, keeping her from being fully happy. The expression she had now had nothing but happiness and tiredness from having a toddler but freedom to be who she was.
And even being mother of a toddler and being pregnant on third trimester, as he thought she was, Henry was positive his mother would never leave the station, so yeah, those things could add some tiredness too.
"Hey mom," he said, not knowing what more to say.
"Henry?" She asked not sure if this man – no longer a kid - was her son, years had passed and even when she was sure she will always remember Henry's face, some of his features had changed.
She knew time passed differently in Henry's realm, and that was the reason why she came to his rescue and told him she was pregnant for the first time was only 1 year after he left. Up until this very moment, Henry must have been gone from Storybrooke for at least 4 years.
"Yeah, mom. It's me, it's Henry." He smiled, tears starting to go down his face. Emma couldn't help but hugged him, both of them crying with his little sister between them.
"Oh my god, kid. I mean I can't keep calling you that but… Look at you, you're so grown up," she said looking at him and hugging him one more time "Look Leia, look who's here. Remember Papa and I told you about your amazing big bro?" She asked with silly tone to baby Leia, who just looked at him like he was some stranger. Henry laughed at his mother's words and started to make faces to his sister trying to make her feel comfortable around him, but she snuggled harder around her mother.
Jacinda and Lucy were behind, giving their man time with his own mother. For him, it had been at least 10 years since he saw his mother. He deserved to have a heart to heart conversation with her before his new family stepped up to speak.
"Leia? Really?" he asked almost laughing about the name.
"Well, Star Wars is a thing in this family and it seemed to suit her." She smiled back, taking away some of tears and playing with one of her daughter's hair.
"Did I hear that the prodigal son has returned?" Killian voice came from upstairs and he soon descended with a towel around his shoulder after spending most of the day helping David on the farm.
"Killian," He grinned and give the man a big hug. Yes, Officer Rogers could looks a lot like Killian and speak like him but he wasn't the man who helped raise him and taught him how to sail. "You look older captain, looks like someone gave you gray hair." He laughed, looking down at Leia touching her nose with affection.
"Officer Rogers?" Lucy couldn't contain anymore giving a step forward while her mother tell her to stop, stopping Killian to answer his step-son.
Both Emma and Killian looked at the girl, and then back to Henry, trying to understand what he was doing with a 10 year old girl, and most importantly why she called Killian officer Rogers. With that, Jacinda appeared from behind, trying to stop her daughter.
"Lucy!" she whispered before looked to her in-laws. "Hello, I'm sorry for Lucy's behavior," she said with her Latin accent. Forcing a smile, she still felt a little awkward around her in laws and the situation of how she met them.
"I always thought that grandmas and grandpas had to be be older," Lucy said breaking the silence that was around them. She looked at Emma and Killian like she was studying them to see if they fit as the grandparent's job.
"Kid…?" Emma asked not knowing what the hell was happening around her giving a quick look at Killian who just raise both of his eyebrows.
"As you can see a lot has happened," he said simply, putting a hand on his daughter's shoulder and the other one around Jacinda's waist, the happiness reaching his eyes making them a little smaller than usual.
Emma couldn't help but just start laughing, not knowing what else to say or do. Yes, her family tree was already so fucking weird. What was a little more weirdness? Having her brother who was 29 years younger than her was nothing, why not to add a little more? After passing Leia to Killian she continued laughing until she crouched to meet Lucy's gaze.
"Now I know how your grandparents must have felt when the first curse was broken," she laughed again hugging little Lucy which made Henry laugh too remembering those years. "Hello, Lucy, I'm Emma and I assure you I don't even have wrinkles yet." She said still laughing but trying to compose herself.
"I know, I saw you in my dad's book." She grinned, hugging her grandmother back before going to hug Killian and try to talk with Leia.
"Book?" Emma asked her son after hugging Jacinda.
"Oh, well… I officially became a writer and wrote a book about us and all our adventures years ago," he explained. Henry scratched his ear, visibly uncomfortable talking about it. No one in Storybrooke knew about it and he wasn't sure if they would like it or not.
"And he was a bestselling author!" Jacinda smiled, proudly putting a kiss on his check while Henry turned a little red and coughing to make look more normal.
"But we have all the time to talk about it, like who Officer Rogers is, the guy in Granny's Inn who looks like Killian. The woman will think you kicked him out of the house!" Henry laughed, thinking about the moment Granny would see both of them in the same room.
"It wouldn't be the first time, mate" Killian speaks watching his daughter and step-granddaughter play with some Leia's toys from the sofa on the living room. "Never contradict a pregnant woman, especially if she has magic." He rose an eyebrow and looked at Emma who just pinched his arm in retaliation.
"Magic? So everything in the book was real?" Lucy asked amazed still couldn't believe everything was real.
"Yeah, kid, everything is real" Henry smiled to his daughter before looking at his parents "Guys, is there a chance we could stay here while we look for our own home? I remember that Granny's has the worst beds ever. I'm pretty sure Rogers will be complaining tomorrow," he asked hoping Emma could transform his old room into a guest room or something.
"As long as you want! If you want to be woken up by a three year old and soon a newborn, be my guest." Emma joked. "We can put a bed for Lucy in Leia's room, Leia can sleep with us that way so Lucy wouldn't be woken by her. And about you two, a while ago I made some modifications in your bedroom hoping you came back when you were older."
"I can sleep with Leia, she doesn't need to go to sleep with you guys, it'll be like having a little sister." Lucy smiled up at Jacinda and Henry, looking at eachother with warning, hearing the subliminal message their daughter sent them.
"It would be an adventure," Henry smiled, hugging Jacinda and taking Emma's hand.
"Like old times, kid."
Finally he found his own story with his big family.
And the book finally could end, giving them the most precious words:
They all lived happily ever after.
Thank you for read this little one shot, feel free to give likes, reblogs or comments.
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cosette141 · 3 years ago
A Snowball's Chance (OUAT fanfic) | Oneshot
Fandom: Once Upon A Time Pairing: Captain Swan Author: cosette141 Words: 3k Summary: After Emma rescues Killian from Hades in the Underworld, David and Snow tend to some of Killian's physical wounds, and end up healing emotional ones. (aka, Snow and David acting as parental figures for Killian) hurt/comfort oneshot
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a/n: This was initially a deleted scene from my Underworld divergence "Hell to Pay". However, it can be read as a standalone moment where David and Snow tend to Killian after Emma rescues Killian from Hades in the Underworld. In that story (Hell to Pay), I'd written it where Emma's magic is weaker in the Underworld, meaning she had to heal his injuries one by one and it took a lot out of her. It also took her a lot longer to get Killian back to safety, for h/c reasons lol. So, right now they're safe in the Underworld version of the loft, Emma is passed out asleep from saving him and Killian is still quite banged up. So, if you haven't read Hell to Pay, then just know that, and you'll be caught up. If you have read Hell to Pay, then this could have taken place right after Chapter 14.
Killian woke to pain.
His torso was a pit of fire.
He couldn't remember what rendered him lying on his chest. The only thing his muddled, pain-ridden mind could put together was that lying on broken ribs hurt, and it was an agony he couldn't take.
He tried to push himself up, get the pressure off his ribs, but the moment he moved, a horrible pain shot through his chest. An unhinged sound escaped his throat, making him fall the inch back down, which did not help the broken ribs.
Hands were suddenly on him, a voice speaking from somewhere beyond the haze of agony. Whoever grabbed him was trying to lift him up, the same way Hades' guards had dragged him up from the floor of his cell countless times for another beating.
Killian panicked.
He lashed out with his hook.
But the moment he did, something in his left shoulder tore with a searing pain.
Killian groaned, feeling his forearm grabbed before it could make contact. Despite the pain, he fought.
He couldn't be taken again.
He couldn't bloody handle any more pain.
Killian's eyes snapped open.
David was breathing hard, one hand still holding his left forearm.
Killian blinked in utter confusion.
The prince was on his feet, looking incredibly relieved to have Killian's attention, as if he'd been trying to get it for some time. David slowly released him. "Hook," he said, a little breathless. "It's okay. You're safe," he added, in a sort of gentle voice that Killian had only ever heard directed at the members of his immediate family.
Another stab of pain from his ribs made Killian screw his eyes shut. He tried again to push himself up, but his muscles couldn't handle the strain.
"I'll help," said David, reaching for him again. "Don't try to take my head off, okay?"
In too much pain to reply, Killian just shut his eyes, and tried his best to help as David helped him to his back. He couldn't swallow the pained sounds that escaped his clenched teeth as David moved him, and by the time he was on his back, against what felt like pillows, he was panting. "Thank you," whispered Killian, out of breath.
David sank to the edge of the coffee table. With a shaky smile, David said, "I'm just glad you didn't have your hook."
Killian opened his eyes, giving him a halfhearted wince. "Sorry, mate," he said with difficulty, every breath still feeling like a knife sliding through his ribs.
Killian shut his eyes. His phantom heart was still pounding, just beginning to slow with the relief that he wasn't in that godforsaken prison of Hades'. That realization suddenly dawned the memories from the river to the caves to the woodland and the twisted Underworld version of Storybrooke. He and Emma were safe.
Killian's phantom heart stopped.
His eyes snapped open.
"Emma—" he breathed, and without thinking, he jerked upright, only for pain to ignite everywhere, making him catch a cry in his throat. Despite it, he still tried to get up, only for David to push down on his uninjured shoulder, though carefully enough not to press into the broken bones.
"—is just fine," said David with a flick of a touched smile. Before Killian could ask, David nodded his head to his right, and Killian looked.
Asleep in the armchair beside the couch was Emma.
She was curled into a ball, and it would have been adorable if it wasn't because she was utterly exhausted. But Killian could see her breathe, see her chest rise and fall. She was okay.
She was safe.
Killian felt relief settle into his broken bones like cool water.
"She fell asleep about an hour ago," said David, watching his daughter with a glint in his eye like he could watch her forever. He looked back at Killian. He sighed, wincing a little. "This might be a dumb question, but... how are you feeling?"
Bloody horrible.
His torso was the worst of the pain. His ribs were still a fire that hasn't calmed down, and his shoulder was a new pain, searing and feeling like claws were ripping it open all over again. There were more broken bones in his torso than his ribs—Emma had healed most of his ribs, his beautiful lass—and he guessed the damn creature's claws were the culprit of that. His head pounded, and it made the room blur and spin. He felt weak and slightly sick. Above it all, he felt exhaustion so heavy it was determined to pull him back under.
But he suddenly, blissfully, he realized his back was nearly free of the agony it once was, thanks to his time at the mercy (or lack thereof) of Hades' lash. Killian nearly smiled with relief; that pain had quite likely been the worst of it all. But his relief faltered a moment later when he realized his jacket was missing and why the pain was gone.
Bloody hell.
Emma must have healed him.
That was something he didn't want her to see.
Killian blinked his eyes back open, not realizing he closed them. He blinked, then answered David's question. "About as good as I… appear," he said raggedly, "I suppose."
David grimaced. "I'm sorry we couldn't find you… sooner," he said quietly. "You shouldn't have had to go through this."
Guilt gnawed at Killian, hurting worse than the injuries, thinking about the last time he saw Emma's father. "After…" rasped Killian, wincing sharply through physical and emotional pain. "After all I've… done," he managed, forcing himself to meet David's eyes, "I deserved it," he whispered.
Something shifted in David's eyes. "Hook—"
Killian looked away before he could see what that change was.
Before he could see his own hatred reflected in the other man's eyes.
Because bloody hell he knew he couldn't take any more physical pain, but he couldn't take that pain even more.
"I need…" Killian lost his breath, grimacing as he breathed through fire. "I need to apologize," he said shallowly. David opened his mouth to respond, but Killian didn't let him. "Please," he whispered. "I…" His eyes burned. "I am so bloody sorry for everything… everything I did to your family," he choked out. "If I could take it back, I would in an instant."
"Hook—" said David again, but Killian didn't let him finish; couldn't hear David say what he had been telling himself ever since he bloody died.
"I never deserved your daughter," said Killian heavily, the words scraped out and broken. "I never deserved to play any part in your family. And after what I did…" He shut his eyes. "You were right to hate me those years ago. I—"
Killian opened his eyes, his words dying in his throat.
David hasn't called him by his name since he had to, back when Henry didn't have his memory.
And only stunning Killian more, David didn't have the contempt in his eyes that Killian expected to see.
David sighed. "Do you really think, after everything you just went through here, after sacrificing yourself to save us all, that I could possibly hate you? That any of us could?" Killian blinked, stunned into silence. "We get it, Hook. You fought the darkness your whole life; I can't imagine how hard it was to have to fight it all over again. I…" He hesitated, looking at his daughter's sleeping form. "I'm glad Emma saved your life back in Camelot, because believe it or not… you've… grown on me." He looked back at Killian, saying the words with a slight roll of his eyes, but his eyes couldn't hide the fact that he meant it. Killian listened with utter disbelief. David sobered a little, adding, "But I'm sorry that saving your life had to come to that. I wish neither of you had to suffer that curse. But, you fought it and you were a hero. Are a hero." he corrected. With a heavy, almost exasperated sigh, he said, "Did you really think we'd all come down here to save you if we didn't think that?"
Killian couldn't speak.
Shocked into absolute silence.
"And for the record," said David, rolling his eyes again for effect, "I never hated you. It was more like… a strong dislike for the infuriating pirate who wouldn't stop hitting on my daughter." A glare. "And my wife."
Killian found himself smiling a little, lifting a brow to say, "I would have hit on you if you only asked, mate."
That time, Killian knew the eye roll was real.
But Killian sobered too, guilt stinging more than the wounds, saying quietly, "Apologies for my past behavior as well. I'm… I'm not proud of the man I used to be."
David gave him a meaningful look. "Don't think I forgot about Neverland, Hook. Without you saving my sorry ass, I wouldn't be with my family right now." David lifted a brow. "Back then, you said you did it for Emma, but you and I both know you did it because you're a good, if sometimes misguided, man." Killian opened his mouth to reply, but David beat him to it. "We all made mistakes in the past. Regardless of them, you should be proud of the man you are today." That soft look that Killian would never get used to being directed at him was in David's eyes again. "You've deserved Emma for a long time, now, Killian."
Killian blinked.
Never in his life would he have expected getting such… such approval from David, in more ways than one.
He wasn't sure he exactly agreed with him—forgiving himself wouldn't be that easy, if it were even possible—but he smiled nonetheless, because he had the prince's forgiveness and he honestly had worried he'd never even get close to it.
Killian shifted, in an attempt to alleviate the horrible pain in his shoulder. He grimaced, his hand grasping at his shoulder.
David's brows kneaded, seeing the way Killian was clutching at his ribs. David winced a little in sympathy. "Regina and the others should be back in a few hours. I'm sure she can heal the rest of your injuries." Giving Emma a worried look, David said, "Emma seems pretty drained."
"Emma has done enough," whispered Killian, looking at Emma himself, knowing how far she pushed herself to help him. To save him. "I can wait for Her Majesty," said Killian quietly. As much as he hurt, he was incapable of watching Emma heal him at her expense anymore.
Footsteps on the staircase announced Snow, who walked down to the first level with a pile of blankets in her arms. "I found some blankets in the closet that weren't covered in dust—" She stopped, seeing Killian awake. "Killian! You're awake," she said with a smile.
"Aye," he said, giving her a strained smile back, even when it pulled at the split in his lip.
Snow laid one of the blankets over Emma, gently tucking it in around her. Killian watched with a grin playing at his lips. When she was done, she picked up another and turned to him. "I have one for you, too," she said with another smile.
"I don't—" began Killian, but she ignored his weak protest.
"You're shaking like a leaf," she commented with a crease in her brows, draping it over him.
Killian didn't have the heart (literally or figuratively) to tell her that his trembling had nothing to do with being cold.
His shoulder stung sharply again, and Killian sucked in a breath, quickly removing his hand. Fresh blood smeared over the palm of his hand. Killian shut his eyes in irritation, tired of being so bloody broken.
"You're bleeding," said Snow suddenly.
Killian opened his eyes, giving her a strained smile. "I'll—" His words froze, having the word live on the tip of his tongue. And from the way both Emma's parents stiffened a little, he knew they heard it too. "...be all right," he finished softly.
Snow looked carefully at his shoulder. He heard her gasp a little.
Killian blinked his eyes open, seeing an unreadable expression on her face. She looked at him, looking like it took her a moment to find her voice. "Killian… is this…" She swallowed before asking, "Did… did Cerberus do this to you?"
"If that's… the name of the bloody… hell beast," he whispered, "then… unfortunately… aye," he managed.
Snow's face fell in a mix of shock and horror. "Oh, Killian…" she whispered.
"Holy—" breathed David, eyes widening.
Handing David one of the other blankets she'd brought down, Snow said to her husband, "David, rip this into some strips. We can stop the bleeding at the very least." Snow reached for Killian's shirt.
"It doesn't matter," said Killian through a wince. "I'm… in no danger," he said, so quietly he didn't even know if she heard him.
Can't bloody die twice.
Snow's hand paused, hearing what he was saying. She turned a gaze onto him with eyes that held a million sad emotions. "Of course it matters," she whispered, looking heartbroken that he felt it didn't.
David handed her a few strips of the blanket. Snow took them, turning back to Killian.
Something inside him made him try again. "You really don't have to," he whispered.
"I want to." said Snow without hesitation. She smiled, a little wince in her face. "Besides, losing this much blood is going to make you pass out again, and the air can't be helping the pain."
Killian blinked.
He stared at her, like she was an enigma.
He was dead.
Bleeding out wasn't a concern—if it were, he would have bled out ages ago. The only thing bandages would solve would be suffering.
He still, after these past few years, couldn't wrap his head around the fact that he—Captain Hook—had managed to gain the care of people who would bother to stop the bleeding of a dead man.
To think that he would gain even the care of anyone after all he's done in his life, it was like a snowball's chance in, well, this bloody place.
That concern in Snow's eyes was for him and him alone. And no matter how much he tried, he didn't know what to do with it. His whole life, he'd looked after himself, patched up his own wounds—even cauterizing his own arm after losing his bloody hand. From a young age, he had to look after himself, wanting to show Liam he could be better, that he wasn't the little brother Liam always referred to him as. Milah had shown him kindness and care but he never really accepted it, always hid his pain from her as much as she could because women were too precious to bear any of his burdens. Emma had been the first person he'd shown his cracks to, his weakness, but he never wanted to. One look at her crumpled in that exhausted form on the armchair made his chest hurt because no one should have to bother with his pain.
Snow's kindness reminded him of something he never had.
Something he hadn't even thought about in decades.
A parent.
He knew Emma didn't grow up with Snow and David, but Killian has watched them attempt to make up for lost time. Seen David's reaction when Emma had been freezing to death in Elsa's ice cavern. Feeling like it was a lifetime ago, he remembered meeting Emma in the Enchanted Forest. Snow had protected her with her life and more.
His own parents were long dead. His father hadn't even loved him. His mother never even knew him.
Something deep inside Killian, a pain that had been buried so far down he thought it no longer existed, hurt.
And right there, in Snow's eyes, was the closest look toward that kind of care Killian knew he would ever see.
So, he let her wrap his shoulder in bandages, holding in a groan when it stung.
Once in place, Killian tiredly opened his eyes, no longer feeling the steady stream of blood dripping down his chest and side, and feeling the fog in his head wane.
"Thank you," he whispered.
"Of course," she said just as softly.
"For… everything," said Killian, and in the way Snow's eyes changed, he knew that she knew the extent he was thanking her for.
He shut his eyes.
He had no idea what he did to deserve a second chance at a family.
And he had even less of an idea why they gave it to him.
All he knew was that he didn't have to wait for Regina to heal his pain after all.
tag list: @justanother-unluckysoul @elise-the-writer @kmomof4 @klynn-stormz @stahlop @ilovemesomekillianjones @hookmecaptain @tiganasummertree @jadehowlettthewolf @jonesfandomfanatic @anmylica @pirateprincessofpizza @stahlop @snowbellewells @eddisfargo @motherkatereloyshipper @confessionsofthemword @killianwhump
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sotangledupinit · 2 years ago
a little bundle of icing - My CS Gift Exchange Fic
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Prompt: Giftee's Wants: Established relationship, cs family fluff, cs parents, modern au with established relationship. NO: character death, angst
SUMMARY: She thought the hardest part would be hiding the gifts from the (mostly) reformed pirate. In actuality, the hardest part has been wrapping them. For some reason, every chance she’s gotten has been foiled by one thing or another.// or Emma tells Killian she's pregnant.
RATING: G for General Audiences
WORD COUNT: 4,575 words
TAGS: Captain Swan, Christmas, Holiday fluff, Pregnancy
AUTHOR’S NOTE: this was fun to work with and try, as i haven't done much established relationship writing. hope everyone enjoys this!
hi @middlemistcs13​ ! i picked your prompt for the gift exchange! as you already know (and read), this fic has been up on AO3 for a few days but here’s the tumblr post to accompany it! yay! for anyone who hasn’t read this yet - i hope you enjoy!
“And this Santa Claus… your world doesn’t consider him to be flagrant?”
The answering huff of a laugh from Henry is loud, even from the other end of the table. “Dude. Of course not. He leaves presents for you to reward a year of being a good person.”
“But aren’t you required to cook for him as well?”
Emma’s eyes drift to the end of the table where Henry and Killian stand side by side, each holding a piping bag of icing, one red and one green. Sprinkles litter the table and powdered sugar is dusted across Killian’s leather vest, not that he cares much. Their sleeves are rolled up to their elbows and a mixing spoon is still taped to his brace (a brilliant idea that he and her son supposedly had; the mess they have yet to clean up says otherwise).
She tries hard to suppress her grin at the image but she knows she’s failing miserably so she ducks her head and kneads the dough beneath her knuckles, listening along.
“Well, not really,” Henry says. Emma feels his eyes on her for a moment but she pretends not to notice. “It’s more like a donation or a gift.”
“Ah ha!” Killian cheers, mixing spoon gesturing wildly as he points a finger at Henry. Some of the red icing drips from the bag under the pressure and lands with a plop! on the counter between the naked gingerbread people and sugar cookies. “So it’s not from the goodness of his heart!”
At her quick glance up, she catches Killian’s eye and he winks at her. Her kid can be too easy to rile up sometimes, something Killian likes to do to get back at Henry’s quips about his struggles with modern technology. She doesn’t always understand their relationship, the way they can rile each other up one moment and immediately slide into the caring, supportive step-father/son dynamic the next – but she’s grateful nonetheless to have them be so close.
Henry rolls his eyes. “Yes, it is. He’s basically our world’s Robin Hood.”
“Didn’t this world already have a Robin Hood?”
“Oh my god.” Henry groans and then calls out to Emma, a gallop of green icing landing on the face of a gingerbread man. “Mom, you need to divorce your husband.”
“No, you need to start decorating those gingerbread cookies instead of the table.” She thinks she succeeds in keeping the amusement out of her voice but Killian’s quiet snickering tells her otherwise. “And you,” she continues, aiming her glare at the husband in question, “have to clean up. I’m not letting you two leave without cleaning up first.”
“Are you positive you can’t to come with us, love?”
There’s nothing more that Emma would love to do than pick out a tree with Henry and Killian for their first Christmas in their house when there’s nothing going on. No foes, evils witches, or snow monsters appearing out of nowhere to ruin any holiday plans. Storybrooke has been blissfully peaceful for the most part for the last two years following the Final Battle.
Emma still knocks on wood when those thoughts cross her mind. Best not to jinx it.
Still, as much as she wishes she could join the boys on their tree hunt, she can’t as she has far more pressing matters to attend to. Those being trying to wrap Killian’s Christmas gifts without him finding out what they are first. She thought the hardest part would be hiding the gifts from the (mostly) reformed pirate. In actuality, the hardest part has been wrapping them. For some reason, every chance she’s gotten has been foiled by one thing or another.
Her first attempt was when Killian was going out for a day excursion on the Jolly Roger with Smee. She waited until she was absolutely sure the ship left the docks to pull out her gifts only for her sheriff’s beeper to go off. By the time she handled the situation and returned home, the Jolly had returned to shore and it was only a matter of time before Killian came back.
There were a few more close calls at home after that – enough to make her consider wrapping his gifts at the station. By the time she actually attempted it, David had barged through the front doors at such a speed that Emma’s surprised she managed to hide the gifts in time. Despite what most of the town believes about her mother, there’s no worse gossiper or meddler in town than her father. The only thing possibly worse than Killian discovering his gifts early is finding out about them from someone else.
After that, she assumed her luck had almost completely abandoned her. Christmas is coming up quickly and she can’t bear to give him his gifts without wrapping them. Last year he took so much pleasure in showing Henry how easily he could rip through the wrapping with his hook. She can’t take the idea of preventing the look of glee on both of their faces appearing again.
Plus, she wants to be able to watch Killian unwrap one of the most life-changing gifts ever, see the different emotions play on his face as the realization sinks in.
“I’d love to but I really can’t,” she answers honestly. “I have to handle security at the school’s Christmas fair today and we can’t keep putting off the tree. At this rate, we’d be getting it in January.”
“We’ll pick out a good one, Mom, don’t worry,” Henry consoles. He winks at her once Killian isn’t looking and his comforting smile only grows bigger.
It’s her own fault, really. One of her earlier attempts to wrap Killian’s gifts only resulted in Henry coming home from school to see them laid out on her bedroom floor when he went looking for her. The surprise that crossed his face quickly turned into pure joy and Emma unsuccessfully willed herself not to cry.
No bribing was needed to make Henry keep the gifts a secret. He knows how special this is for her.
For the second time in her life, Emma’s pregnant. For the first time, it’s with someone she loves – her True Love at that – and she has no fear of what the future might hold for her and their baby. She’s excited.
All she needs now is just ten minutes of peace with a guarantee of No Killian so she can actually keep it a secret until Christmas.
Killian and Henry are able to appropriately decorate the gingerbread and sugar cookies after a few elbow nudges are exchanged while she puts the last batch of cookies in the oven, though there are some close calls that Emma has to shut down the moment her eyes catch what one of them is trying to do. She does not want to deal with her father’s sputtering and mother’s giggles at the sight of any cookie decorated in any way less than a G rating.
By the time they’re leaving and Killian is warming up the bug, Henry pulls Emma aside under the guise of finding his missing shoe.
“You’re not really missing your shoe, are you? Because otherwise you’re going barefoot, kid.”
Henry rolls his eyes. “Chill, it’s in my backpack.” He hooks a thumb to gesture at the bag on his shoulders and Emma nods. “Grandpa’s already at the school and says he hopes you ‘feel better’. I’m planning to take my sweet time inspecting every tree with Killian. I’m gonna feed him a bunch of fake facts so that he gets really invested too. Should buy you like two hours.”
Emma worries her lip, shoving her hands in her back pockets so she doesn’t play with her ring, a sure sign that she’s hiding something if Killian sees her. “What if Killian’s researched about Christmas trees though? He may be a pirate but he’s also a nerd.”
Henry exudes a confidence that she doesn’t have, given her track record this season. “Trust me, I know how to rile him up.” She rolls her eyes goodheartedly at that. As much as Killian loved to tease and rile Henry up, her kid loved to do the same just as much. She worried at first that it meant the two didn’t like each other and couldn’t get along, but her worries were quickly tossed away when she saw the two sitting at her kitchen table as Killian spoke to Henry in low whispers, helping him with an issue in his friend group.
He treated Henry like an equal, let him know that everything he said, saw, and felt held value. A trust existed between them that Emma didn’t breach – not that she wanted to. She respected that as much as she wants to be able to do everything for her kid, sometimes he needs to seek out someone else and she’s thrilled that most times he chooses Killian. Ribbing on each other is just another way to show that affection.
Emma bids her goodbyes to the two. Henry’s hug leaves her feeling the warmth one only gets from being a parent, and Killian’s goodbye kiss sends tingles down to her toes. That tingling is the exact feeling that got her into this situation and if she hadn’t been already, the look he gives her as he shuts the door behind him would’ve done it.
She waits for them to make it to the tree farm, according to Henry’s location and update texts, checking in with David who’s covering her shift at the school’s Christmas fair. It is then and only then that she feels comfortable enough to wrap the gifts.
Hauling them out of the closet in no time at all, she makes quick work of wrapping them. Despite the assurances that no one would be bothering her, especially her husband, she still chances a glance over her shoulder every few moments, just to be sure. She’s come this far and she’ll be damned if letting her guard down ruins the surprise.
Wrapping goes seamlessly and Emma triple checks that she has gathered and wrapped all the gifts before she places them in the closet under the stairs with the others. One more thing she can cross off her list.
When Emma wakes up the morning of Christmas, it’s to soft humming against her neck, a Christmas song that’s been on the radio more often than not this last week. She’s just thankful it’s one of Kelly Clarkson’s songs and not Wham!’s Last Christmas.
“Merry Christmas, love,” Killian whispers to her neck before placing a light kiss there. He wraps his arm tighter around her middle, pulling her back flush against his front, and she feels her stomach erupt in butterflies. He doesn’t know it yet but his hand rests right where their kid is growing and she works hard to refrain her glee for the time being.
Instead, she focuses on the trail of kisses he places down her jaw until he leans over her side to plant one on her mouth. She hums contently into the kiss, turning onto her back so she can wrap her arms around his neck. “Merry Christmas indeed.”
They share a smile before he leans back in for a short kiss.
“How long do you suppose we have before the lad comes stomping down the stairs for his gifts?”
Emma considers his question, furrowing her eyebrows when she realizes she forgot to charge her phone overnight and it’s dead. “What time is it?”
“Nearly eight.”
She laughs and shakes her head. “It’s a matter of seconds then, not minutes.”
“Think we can distract him with his PlayStation?”
“Wait – PlayStation? Not ‘Playing box’? Not ‘Stationary play’?” He crinkles his nose at her poor imitation of his accent and shakes his head.
“Of course I’ve learned the names by now, Swan.” He ignores her interjection of ‘Jones’ though it does earn her a smile. “I’ve known them for quite some time. But Henry doesn’t know that and I quite enjoy annoying him with that bit.”
She laughs and runs her fingers through his hair, tugging lightly on the silky soft strands as her reprimand. However, his reaction shows it is anything but. “I don’t know which of you is worse. Honestly.”
The two of them lean in with the full intent to enjoy as much of a lazy morning in bed as possible on the holiday but their lips don’t even meet before it’s interrupted.
“Merry Christmas!” Henry yells as he comes down the stairs. His feet stomp on each step and Emma grins at the way Killian cringes. He pauses on the landing outside their door and shouts before hurrying down the steps with stomping feet again. “You’ve got five minutes before I force you out so get dressed!”
“Like a bloody ogre,” Killian mutters as he rolls off of her. Despite his grumbling, the smile he gives her as he helps her out of bed and pulls her close is soft. The walls between them disappeared long ago and neither of them are afraid of the openness that exists in their relationship. It’s another first for Emma, being able to be so unapologetically herself and so vulnerable with her emotions when before Killian, she’d always been waiting for the other shoe to drop. Never before him did she allow such a complete offering of herself to another person. With him, it doesn’t feel so scary.
It's also why she’s so excited to have this baby. Being with Killian makes anything they face not seem so bad.
The thought of what lies beneath their tree brings a giddiness to her movements that even her husband notices.
“What’s gotten into you this morning?” he asks as he puts on his brace. He sends her a wicked grin that has her toes curling as he attaches the hook – the same one he shined the night before so he could show it off to Henry in all its unwrapping glory.
“I’m just… really happy.”
“Aye,” he says once he comes close to her again, one hand on her waist and his lips descending upon hers. “So am I.”
Their moment is broken by Henry banging on their door, warning that they better come down that instant or he’s opening everyone’s presents. The notion gets a laugh out of her, knowing that despite his threats, her kid wouldn’t follow through with this one. Maybe.
Nervousness doesn’t come to her until it’s time to hand her gifts over to Killian. He sits in a pile of wrapping paper on the couch, the ‘Best Dad in the Universe’ mug Henry got for him sitting on the coffee table. Henry had been sheepish as he handed over the gift, calling Killian ‘Dad’ on occasion now and then, nowhere near a regular occurrence. Still, the sentiment behind the gift, and the true feelings it relayed, left both her son and husband emotional. They exchanged quiet words that left them both teary-eyed and Killian had wrapped it up by showing Emma the mug as if she hadn’t helped Henry design it online. He then sat it on the coffee table so gently like a prized trophy and couldn’t stop looking at it.
If he reacted this way to Henry’s gifts, she can’t imagine the emotion that’ll come with hers.
The two of them have led hard lives, obstacles in their paths trying to prevent them from wanting to push for the light at the end of the tunnel. But they both did, whether out of sheer stubbornness or resilience, she’s not sure, and it held it them together until they found each other. Then suddenly they weren’t navigating the ups and downs of life alone and everything became a bit more bearable day by day.
Fatherhood is something that always came natural to Killian, she could see, and something that he wanted. His pirating ways took him to many lands and realms but he’d gotten to the point where he wanted to settle down and have a family. To live a life of peace he was never granted beforehand. Villains didn’t get happy endings though so he assumed it was out of the cards for him.
Henry accepted him, made him part of their family, and looked to him as a father. The remaining Lost Boys sought out his comforting presence, a familiar figure, despite their tangled pasts or because of it, when they were feeling particularly lonely or destructive, and he provided a guiding hand back. Hell, even baby Neal latched onto him almost as quickly as he did her parents.
There was a contentedness to Killian when he stepped into the role of father-figure that she never saw before. It shined brightest with Henry but she always saw the longing look in his eyes when Henry left for a weekend at Regina’s or when they saw Sean and Ashley with their baby at Granny’s.
Her mother once said, “Happy endings always start with hope.” Their life together was the start. This is the continuation of it.
“Ready for my gifts?” Emma asks. She discretely wipes her sweaty palms on her thighs and takes the gifts from Henry’s outstretched hands. He gives her a reassuring smile and she can only manage a quick, tight but grateful grin in return.
“Thanks, love.”
Killian lifts his hook to open the smallest of the boxes when Emma shoots her hand out to grab his wrist, a loud ‘No’ leaving her lips before she even realizes what she’s done.
Concern fills Killian’s gaze as he leans closer. His eyes rove over her person, searching, cataloging, trying to get any hint of what’s happening. “Emma, what’s gotten into you?”
“Actually…” she starts with a sardonic laugh, tilting her head.
“Ew, gross, Mom,” Henry crimes in, face wrinkled in disgust.
She clears her throat while rolling her eyes and instead taps the biggest of the three boxes. “Open this first.”
“O-kay…” Killian eyes her as he gently, slowly, unwraps the biggest box. Instead it lies a photo album titled Daddy & Me. “It’s blank?” he asks.
“Yeah, it’s for you to fill it with photos.”
“Ah.” Killian turns to Henry. “I suppose we should start filling this up, aye?”
A quick moment of panic flashes across Henry’s face as he looks to Emma for guidance, both of them floundering. “Uh, yeah!” he says in a hurry. “I can help you fill it up.” He then gives Emma a pointed look, Killian none the wiser.
“Open your second one,” Emma encourages. Killian takes another hard look at the album, the content in his gaze soothing any nerves that remained from Emma’s anticipation.
Earlier, Henry laughed smugly as Killian ripped through about thirty layers of wrapping paper to finally uncover the mug. Henry encouraged him to really dig into it, something that flashes Emma’s mind back to the beanstalk and made her laugh. Killian had taken the message to heart.
Now, he uses the hook to lift the edges of the wrapping paper and gently unravels it. Beneath the paper is a box and Killian gives her a watery grin once he sees what’s inside.
His very first Christmas ornament – or at least the first that’s meant specifically for him – lays inside. It features a large brown bear holding a baby bear wearing a diaper. Beneath the figures is a banner that reads, ‘Papa Bear, Est. 2022”.
Emma expects the questioning glance he sends her way and the subtle, confused one he gives to Henry. However, he receives no answers and Emma finally taps the small box. “Now you can open it.”
She bites her lip and her and Henry share a reassuring nod as Killian opens the last gift. Sitting inside the small box, cleaned off and surrounded in tissue paper is a positive pregnancy test.
Killian picks it up with a cautionary gentleness that she hasn’t seen before. His mouth drops open as he stares it down and he mouths the word ‘Pregnant’ over and over again as his eyes get misty. “Is – is this real?” he asks, voice full of emotion. Emma nods, blinking back her own tears.
“Yeah, Killian, it’s real.”
“Gods, love.” Suddenly, Emma is pulled out of her chair and swept off her feet as Killian tugs her into a tight embrace. He kisses every inch of skin he can find, pulling back every few kisses to catch her lips before he embraces her again. His arms are bound around her tightly, the squeeze between them only getting tighter as Killian urges Henry to join their hug. “You’re going to be a big brother, lad. The best there is,” he whispers and Emma nearly lets out the croaking sob stuck in her throat.
As much as it is a monumental moment for Killian, he still includes Henry and still makes sure that he’s wanted around. The notion makes her heart burst. Once again, she’s aware that she never needed any official True Love test to give her confirmation that Killian is it for her. The way he acts proves it more than enough. It doesn’t make her any less emotional, especially as Killian whispers, as giddy as she’d been that morning, “We’re having a baby!”
“Yes, we are!” she whispers back excitedly.
The trio embrace for a few more moments before Henry’s phone rings and lets him know that it’s Regina reaching out. He congrats the two of them, tells them what wonderful parents they already are, and then bounds out of the room.
“Wow,” Killian says with the long release of a deep breath. “You’re pregnant.”
“I am,” she teases.
Killian’s wide grin matches her own and even though he leans in to kiss her, they aren’t able to do much as their smiles keep breaking through.
It’s not until Killian places a hand on her stomach that her breath catches and realization sinks in. They’re really doing this. They’re having a baby. She can’t explain it but she thinks she’s having a girl. Even Killian’s seemingly decided so as well, babbling on about their daughter despite the fact that they won’t officially find out until Emma’s next appointment in two weeks.
They will have a baby. Together.
They’re going to bring someone into this world that’s half him and half her and it’ll be their responsibility to not screw them up.
With Henry it was easier. He was already ten by the time he connected with both of them, respect and manners already instilled in him. All they had to do was encourage them to flourish. But with a baby, they’ll be starting from scratch. In all honesty, neither of them know much of what to do aside from the basics to keep a baby alive, but she figures they’ll approach it like they do everything else: together.
“You know, little one,” Killian starts as he leans down towards her stomach. “Your grandma is a very wise woman and she once told me that happy endings always start with hope.” He swallows, glancing up at Emma for a moment as his voice gets even quieter. “I’m excited to meet you, Hope.”
4 years later…
“No, no, no, love, not like that.”
Emma looks up from drying dishes and fixes her gaze on the other end of the table. Killian and Henry are bent over it, heads close together. Between them, Hope kneels on a chair and squeezes an icing bag with so much force that fat glops of red icing plop onto the cookies, nearly covering an entire group of gingerbread men. She watches the way Killian keeps the rounded curve of his hook, sharp tip pointed away, pressed against the center of Hope’s back to keep her steady, attempting to guide her in how to decorate the cookie while she just wants to mix colors together.
One of Henry’s hands holds a gingerbread man in place for her, fingers turning red from the icing that’s slipped over the side, and he’s quick to grab the green icing bag before Hope’s grubby little fingers can grab it. “Oh no you don’t, munchkin.”
“I’m not a munchkin!” Hope pouts. Her glare is fierce as she turns her attention to Henry, cookies completely forgotten as she stands from her kneeling position.
“Oh really?” he eggs her on, fighting to keep the grin off his face. “How come you’re on a chair and I’m still taller than you then? Munchkin.”
“Stinky nose!”
“Short stack.”
“Hairy back!”
A whistle breaks through their teasing before Emma can step in and all eyes go to Killian. He leaves his hook pressed against Hope’s back even as he straightens and stands tall. “Enough of this nonsense from me crew!” Hope stares at him with wide eyes and a dropped jaw, joy filtering its way into her features.
An aspiring pirate captain herself, the three-year-old takes great glee in seeing her father step into his, admittedly watered down, pirate persona. She turns towards Killian, bouncing where she stands in the chair. Her hands attempt to come together in claps but only succeed in dropping more icing all over her hands and Henry’s.
Killian plucks the icing bag from Hope and places it aside. “Now,” he starts, voice an octave lower. “This mess needs to be cleaned otherwise I’ll let Santa know to toss yer presents overboard! Aye?”
“Noooo!” Hope shouts. “He can’t do that!”
“He knows Santa,” Henry says. He nods to Killian as he catches the wet washcloth Emma tosses to him and begins to wipe his icing covered fingers. “He can totally make it happen.”
“Aye,” Emma adds, grinning wide at the way Killian’s nose crinkles. She holds a second wet washcloth in her hands and comes over to Hope, gently wiping her hands clean. “But perhaps me and Papa can clean up the kitchen while you help Henry put some tinsel on the tree instead. It’d be a big help.”
“Aye, aye, captain!” Hope tugs at her hands, pouting when Emma won’t let them free yet. However, once she’s able to, she turns and jumps on Henry’s back, already urging him towards the living room.
“You know,” Killian says, “you’ve just granted her permission to make a mess even worse than this one.”
Emma grins, “Are you saying you weren’t also desperate for five minutes to ourselves?”
Killian hums, giving her a grin that she knows so well. His arms come around her waist while hers wrap around his neck and their lips meet in a soft kiss. When he tries to pull away, Emma keeps him locked with her and the heat between them rises. So lost in the progressing passion of their kisses, she doesn’t even realize Killian’s lifted her onto the table until Henry voices his disgust.
“Gross, guys,” he says. “We eat there.” He shakes his head, shuddering at catching them mid-make out, and reaches for the extra bag of tinsel on the counter. He holds it up and points at it before he leaves. “For scarring me, I am not cleaning this up.”
A snort comes out of Emma before she can stop it and she closes her eyes, content as Killian presses a soft kiss to her cheek. His hand drifts down to rest against her stomach and she feels the butterflies of excitement start up again. Only two more weeks before they can share their big secret.
“This will be a fun Christmas, love.”
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exhaustedpirate · 3 years ago
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Killian had told Emma that he was a patient man. For so many years, it had rung true. Now, it seemed his patience had reached its end.
rated T | 1,665 words
back from a bout of writer's block, i decided to dip my toe in the water with this small one-shot that had been swimming around my brain for quite some time. some captaincobraswan for you beautiful people. i hope you enjoy!
beta'd by the extraordinary @profdanglaisstuff *chef's kiss*
Killian had told Emma some years before that he was a patient man. A man willing to wait for her walled-up heart to open to his love. A man willing to wait for all of them to see the change in him. A man willing to wait for a spot in her heart and in her family. In a rushing world where everyone is eager to stretch her in every direction, having Killian's steadfast and calm love on her side was a relief.
However, for all his patience with her love, there was no ignoring the anxious and vibrant energy coming off him in waves ever since their conversation. Emma was glad he had no magic of his own for she was sure there would be mayhem in their cosy kitchen. For all his patience with her family, his pointed look as he handed her an extra mug of hot cocoa - with the obligatory whipped cream and cinnamon - was loud and clear. You'd think a man who waited centuries for his revenge and years for a second chance at love would be able to wait another week.
But she couldn't blame him, he was excited. And, under all her nerves, so was she. And he was right - not that she would admit it. It was Henry's last night with them. They wouldn't see him in the morning before school and he would spend the rest of the week at Regina's. It was now or never. Well, it was now or have to deal with Killian's impatience for another week.
With a roll of her eyes to hide her own anxiety, she made her way out of the kitchen side door.
The house Killian had chosen had a porch. It had seemed important then that they would have it - a place to relax, to look at the sky, to enjoy a hot cocoa in the evening. Henry had chosen the porch swing that David and Killian had spent a whole spring afternoon trying to assemble only for Emma and Snow to actually install it. It had amused her that even fairy tale men were too stubborn to ask for help.
Henry was also the one using it at that moment. He also enjoyed the calm seat to make use of the extensive library Killian had moved to the house. With a subtle deep breath, Emma put on her best smile, hoping to conceal her true intentions. She could feel Killian's eyes on her as she crossed towards the swing from the wide kitchen window. Soon though, as soon as she crossed it, it would just be her and Henry on the porch and Killian inside wishing for x-ray vision.
"Hey kid, thirsty?" Emma asked, taking a seat next to him and extending the steaming mug.
Henry's attention shifted from his book to her and from the initial smile at the offer, she could see his brow furrow as he seemed to take stock of her expression.
Damnit, she was surrounded by perceptive men.
"Please tell me no one is cursed…" Henry asked as he took the second cup from her hand.
"No, no, no one is cursed!" Emma quickly rushed to reassure him as she wrapped both her hands around the warm mug, for something to do with the nervous energy.
"You guys have been anxious all weekend and Killian has been doing the eyebrow thing so much, I think he might just pull a muscle."
Emma snorted in surprise even as she thought Henry might be right. Another reason for this conversation to happen now.
"Everything's alright, kid, great even." She took a steadying breath. "I just wanted to talk to you about something."
"Okay…" Henry dragged out the syllables as he put his book aside and turned fully to her.
"Well, Killian and I…Henry, you know I love you, right?" Henry nodded as his amused smile went unnoticed by his fumbling mother.
Perhaps she should have let Killian talk to Henry instead. She wasn't good at this.
"I love you and I always will, of course, and Killian and I… we, uh-"
"You want to have a baby."
For a second, Emma thought she had actually managed to say it until she realised she actually hadn't been making much sense. Henry had finished her thought. Her perceptive man.
Emma looked at Henry with wide eyes and mouth parted only to find him smiling knowingly at her.
"I'm 17, mom, I know what is supposed to happen." Henry rushed even as both mother and son felt their cheeks heating up. "I mean, you guys are married and you'll want to start a family together."
Emma put aside her still full mug to hold on to Henry's hand in a flash.
"Henry, you are my family, and Killian thinks the same." Her tone was strong, no margin for doubt, and Henry was filled with a wave of love so strong it feels like magic.
"I know, Mom." He squeezed her hand back.
"I'm not replacing you, you could never be replaced, I love you so much, I-"
Henry's other hand came up to hold Emma's hand as well and in the tiniest corner of her mind, she hoped he managed not to break the mug.
"I know, Mom," he repeated and when their eyes met, she saw his love clear as day. "You fought a dragon for me, you dragged our whole family to Neverland to find me." Emma smiled shyly as he related her heroic deeds with the wonder and awe in his voice that could only be rivalled by a certain anxious pirate. "I think your love for me is very clear."
Emma's vision was blurry and she realised she might be crying but she didn't care as she released his hands to cup his cheeks.
"I love you so much, Henry."
"I love you too, Mom."
Emma laughed shakily as she laid a reverent kiss on his forehead. Henry's hands held on to her wrists and she knew soon this easy affection would be less habitual but she'd hold on to it for as long as she could.
She'd hold on to the magic of this love for the rest of her life. Emma caressed his cheek as she looked at the boy that was no longer a boy, but still the boy who brought her to her family, to her own happy ending. To her happy beginning.
"But, hmm, are you pregnant now?" Henry asked after Emma finally let go of his face and they held hands for another silent second.
"No, no, not yet." Emma let out a chuckling breath as she brought her palm to her cheek to finally wipe the tear that had fallen. "Killian and I talked about this a couple of days ago but we wanted to talk to you first. Good form and all."
They both shared a quiet laugh at Emma's poor imitation of Killian's accent and she felt the air lighten around them.
"You didn't need to have worried so much, any kid will be welcome to join this crazy family of ours."
Emma's smile was watery again - she wondered if she'd cry this much when she was actually pregnant. "Come here, kid." She didn't wait before she pulled Henry to her arms for a tight hug.
She could hear Henry's chuckle against her neck even as he tightened the hug. "You guys are going to be great parents, you already are."
When they finally parted, Emma couldn't help herself from caressing his cheek once more. "Thank you, Henry."
And it felt like so much more than just simple gratitude, it felt like everything. Henry must have felt it too because his eyes sparkled in his next blink and his smile was beaming.
"I think we should go inside before Killian manages to actually burn a hole through the wall." Henry laughed before they picked up their, thankfully intact, mugs from the floor.
Emma's arm was around Henry's waist - his shoulder was already too high for her to reach - as they entered the kitchen. Killian, previously sitting at the table with the air of someone waiting on a sentence hearing, jumped out of the chair when the door opened.
"Lad." Emma noticed the strain in his voice and recognised that while she had been talking to her son, Killian had probably gone through a million scenarios in his head.
Before she could open her mouth to give him the good news, however, she heard Henry's even tone, his expression giving up nothing.
"Mom and I talked." Emma was sure Henry could also hear Killian's heart beating faster in his chest, could see the distressed look in his eyes. And Emma was also sure that was what made Henry give up his act so quickly. She saw his smile from her place on his side and she was sure she felt Killian's relieved breath through her body. "I think it's my duty to prevent Storybrooke's first baby-stealing pirate."
Killian joined their laughter with an embarrassed chuckle of his own. "I've been a lot of things but never a baby thief," He pointed out with a finger pointed at Henry. She's sure he meant for it to look threatening but his good spirits took any bite out of it.
"With the way you've been looking at all the Storybrooke babies, I have my doubts," Emma teased as she walked past Henry to hold on to Killian's hand.
"I've just been eager to start a family, that's all," Killian defended even as his eyes shone with love and the prospect of actually starting said family. "I mean, adding to this family," he quickly added, turning to Henry who simply smiled at the scene before him.
"I know," Henry reassured him as he approached them to give a playful slap on Killian's shoulder before resting his hand there. "At ease, Captain." Killian laughed with them. Henry's expression softened to something more solemn.
"You'll be a great father."
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seriouslyhooked · 3 years ago
To Meet You (The Enchanted Sequel)
CS AU story where Emma and Killian meet at a parent/teacher conference (Emma is a single mother and Killian is helping raise Liam’s daughter). Instalove and fluff ensues as they make the most of the moment and fall under each others spell. Available on FF Here and AO3 Here.
A/N: This is a sequel to the previous mixtape chapter ‘Enchanted.’ After so much love from my readers, and heartfelt pleas for a follow up, I couldn’t resist another tiny glimpse into a longer fic that could have been. I loved this meet cute idea of Emma and Killian coming together at a parent teacher night. For clarity, this chapter is going to look a ways into the future. You can expect nothing but fluff, fluff and more fluff. I needed the chance to write something like this given all of the really heavy and scary stuff happening in the world. Anyway, hope you all enjoy and let me know what you think!
If I keep pacing, I’ll ruin the bloody floorboards. It’s a miracle I haven’t worn a path already. 
The thought did little to deter Killian’s constant walking from one end of the pent house to another. He was unable to keep still despite the lateness of the hour. For years he had considered himself unflappable. In order to achieve the things he wanted, he needed to stay grounded and secure. Mind over matter was the recipe to his success. Fear fostered nothing of real worth and doubt crumbled initiatives faster than anything else. A man needed confidence in himself and in his purpose, and Killian had always felt the power of that and done his best to live up to those ideals.
What he’d learned in recent months, however, was that none of the things he’d pursued before had the same stakes as what he was currently seeking. Killian had been looking for a way to make his name, to build a life, and to honor his family, but the weight of those burdens didn’t impact him in the same ways as what he was after now. It was only when something came forward that truly meant the world to him that he began to realize the risks involved in every step he took. Move too quickly and things might fall apart, but move too slowly and he may very well go mad from wondering ‘what if?’
The unease he felt tonight meant his bed was still made, with no signs of inhabitance. Truthfully, there had never been a chance of his getting in there. It was no use trying to rest when sleep would never come. Instead, he wandered about this apartment in the sky feeling overwhelmed by the emptiness inside. To an outsider, he appeared on top of the world. This place was huge, the décor pristine, the energy a blend of modernity and personal preference all cultivated by one of New York’s most sought-after designers. Yet for Killian, this suite left much to be desired. It was beautiful but barren of the things that made a house complete. Not like Emma’s apartment. Not like the place he most yearned to call home. 
“Nine months in and I’m fully hooked,” he murmured to himself, looking out the full length window at the New York City streets. The city that never slept may still be bustling, but it was subdued now, quieter than any other time of day. Too bad his heart wouldn’t follow suit. “To hell with that. She had me from the first time. Nine months just sank me that much more.”
In some ways it was crazy to think that nine months had passed since their first meeting. On a soul deep level, meeting Emma felt like arriving at a destined destination. She was familiar and yet a fantasy he could have never dreamed. That she was real still amazed him, and that she returned his interest was the most important thing. From their first night together and the fleeting but fantastic date they went on, there had been no looking back. Killian had been forever changed, and every day brought something new and remarkable. 
With more dates and more stolen moments, he and Emma grew to know each other, moving from a one-time-thing to a now secured relationship. Dating a single mum required finesse in balancing schedules and respecting her needs and those of her son, but Killian was undaunted. His only goal was to be worthy of Emma and her boy. 
After meeting him and hearing so much about him from Emma, Killian knew that Henry was a testament to his mum. Killian had never met a child of such spirit and conviction, who loved his family and his friends and never met a curiosity that failed to spark his interest. Emma’s son was creative and courageous, and thankfully, he was also accepting of Killian and Emma. If anything, Henry seemed firmly on Killian’s side, and two weeks ago, a few nights before leaving for his first time at sleep away camp, Henry had shown that attachment most clearly.
“So, are we ever going to talk about it?”
“Talk about what?” Killian asked, uncertain of Henry’s desired course of conversation. There were so many things they found time to discuss and on an evening like this, where Killian had the chance to help Emma with the nightly routine while she was delayed with a case, Henry and he filled time with all kinds of topics. 
“You marrying my Mom.”
On top of an astute judge of intention and character, Henry also had a solid command of timing, another trait he’d inherited from his mother. Killian was in the midst of drinking some water when the question was asked, and he coughed and sputtered with the suddenness of the query. Henry managed to keep from giggling, but the pure glee on his face told Killian his objective was attained. Only after a moment did Henry’s face cloud with doubt.
“You are going to ask her, aren’t you?”
“Aye, lad. I have every intention of asking your mother to marry me. And in truth, I had every intention of speaking to you first.”
“Then what’s holding you back?”
That was a complex question and the truth was something Killian was embarrassed to admit. It was fear that was holding him back. Fear that he may have misread the signs, or, more realistically, that Emma may shy away from such a question so soon. If he moved too quickly, he could undo all the good in their lives, and life had never been so good before. He was blessed even as his heart held the burden of separation. Every night he left this home, saying goodbye to Emma and to Henry, he felt the sadness of that. He wanted to be fully part of this family. He wanted to be part of their forever.
“I want to make sure it’s right, lad. For your Mum and for you.”
“It’s right for me,” Henry said eagerly. “I always wanted a Dad and I know you’d be a great one. You listen to me and hang out with me. You get me. Not everyone gets me.”
Killian smiled at that, pride coursing through him. Having Henry think so highly of him meant the world, and so did the idea itself. Being a father was something he always wanted. Now he felt at the precipice of that chance, it was almost too much to hope for. 
“And you are far and away the best son a parent could ask for,” Killian replied. “I would be honored to be your Dad, Henry. That you would accept me is one of the greatest gifts I’ve ever been given, and that you would share your Mum with me is a blessing I’ll never take for granted. I want you to know that I’ll always love you both. I’d do anything for you two. But still, it’s not that simple.”
“You think Mom’s going to bolt.” Henry’s statement wasn’t a question at all, but a reading of a credible worry on Killian’s part. “Maybe she would have in the past, but that was before you.”
“You seem rather confident in that.”
“I am. You’re different Killian. For one thing, she never introduced me to any other guys she dated. Aunt Ruby says it’s because she couldn’t handle the commitment. Auntie Anna says commitment is another word for heartbreak. But I know Mom’s not afraid of either of those anymore. Just yesterday I heard her talking to Aunt Elsa and she said -,”
“I think it’s best to allow your mother her privacy.” 
It killed Killian to say that, especially if Henry seemed certain from the statements that Emma truly wanted this. But it wasn’t right in his eyes to collect intelligence that way. It felt somehow dishonest to have overheard Emma in a private moment, and he’d made a vow to himself never to deceive his Swan, not when so many others had done so before.
“And that right there is how I really know,” Henry said, smiling at Killian’s reaction. “The way you love my Mom is better than the stories. Princes and Princesses, fairytales and happy endings. They’re great and all, but they’re not quite real. But you and Mom, you guys are true in a way those stories aren’t. She’s going to say yes. You just have to have hope.”
As straightforward as the advice from Henry was, it was hard to emulate. Especially at moments like these, when the distance of thirty city blocks seemed endless and he knew he’d have to go the night alone. He and Emma had spent each night together while Henry was away at camp, and the indulgence of that was pure bliss. He’d never slept so well or been so happy, but in the interest of giving Emma and her boy time to reconnect, he’d left this morning to give them a window of being together. That leaving was one of the hardest things he’d ever done, and for once Killian held regret in his heart. He should have taken the chance to ask his Emma for forever during this time. He’d had an opportunity and squandered it.
Continuing to grapple with these negative thoughts in his mind, Killian was surprised at the ding of his personal access elevator. He looked to the clock on the mantel and saw the time: 2 AM. On instinct he moved to the entryway, knowing very few people had the ability to get into his place. But of all the possibilities he imagined, he never dreamed it would be Emma. He was stunned to see the woman he’d been missing so surely standing there smiling at him.  
In the dim lights of the early morning, Emma had never looked so beautiful. Her golden hair waved softly on her shoulders, falling into soft curls. Her jade-colored eyes were shining and searching for his, and despite the time of night she held an energy within her that made her even more beguiling. She was a siren and so much more. Killian’s heart leapt at the sight of her, and he moved with purpose to stand beside her. Sparks were too tame a word for what he felt between them. He’d been put under a spell at first sight, an inescapable enchantment, and he had no urge to run. Now he only felt at peace when she was near.
“Emma, love, is everything all right?” he asked, and though she was smiling, she shook her head, stepping into his arms. Her hand came to rest over his heart and his arms encircled her. At last, two fated pieces joined together.  The rightness damn near took his breath away. 
“No, it isn’t. You couldn’t sleep.” 
He fought valiantly to keep his jaw from dropping at her spot on sense of him. How she had surmised this exact scenario from a distance was beyond him. Clearly his love was as brilliant as she was beautiful, but still he was moved to ask for more. “Aye, love. You’re right in that. But how did you know?”
Emma smirked at his question, as if the very premise of his being mysterious was entertaining to her. He didn’t mind though, not when she replied with a searing kiss that breathed life back into him. After only a few hours apart, he had missed this so acutely. This kiss brought their connection back to the forefront. He felt the salve of that, the emptiness from before filled up in an instant. He was slightly dazed as he pulled away but kept grounded by her soft voice and the genuine love reverberating in it. 
“I knew because I couldn’t sleep either.” Her whisper was soft but certain. Her eyes moved from his lips to his own gaze, and she hid nothing from him as she continued. “Something was missing. That something is you.” 
“I’m so glad you came, love.” He kissed her again, unable to resist, reveling in her being there with him, meeting him beat for beat. Only after a few more moments did rational thinking return. “And Henry? He made it home?”
“Yes. Ruby’s watching him. Her night on the truck ended and she headed right over. But just for a little while.”
“You won’t be staying?” He tried his best to keep the disappoint from his features. It was likely that he failed miserably. 
“No, and hopefully you won’t either. Killian…” she trailed off, for the first time off kilter since walking through those elevator doors. 
“Whatever it is, Swan, you know I’ll do it. I’d go to the ends of the earth for you.”
Her smile returned and the confidence he saw embodied in her person soothed him too. “I was thinking more like Brooklyn. I’m here to bring you with me. I came to bring you home.”
“You mean…?” He dared not finish the sentence though his hope was rapidly increasing.
“I mean that I love you, and so does Henry. And when you love someone, you want to be with them. You’d do anything for them. I want you, Killian. Now and always. I’m still amazed that I can say that, but you gave me that. You make me braver because you love me. You make me hope for something more, but there’s nothing more that I want than you with me and Henry. So please say you’ll move in with us. Come home with me.”
“I will, love. Without doubt or condition. There’s just one thing…” 
He pulled back from Emma and she looked on with curiosity until he got down on one knee, pulling from his pocket a parcel he’d been keeping close for weeks now. When he opened the box to reveal the ring he was desperate to give to Emma, a beautiful diamond encircled with more on a soft white gold band, her hand came up to cover her mouth and tears appeared, threatening to fall. But they were ones of joy and ones of love, and so he carried on. 
“I’ve been trying to imagine the words I’d say to you at this moment, love, but I never expected this. I am, as always, stunned by everything you are. How a man could be so blessed I’ll never know, but you, in short, are everything. You came to bring me home, but the god’s honest truth is that home is where you are. In Brooklyn or beyond, I want to be with you, Emma, with you and with Henry. We are already a family in my heart, and I want to make that real in all ways and for the rest of our lives. So, Emma Swan, love of my life, light in my world, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”
“Yes,” she breathed out. “Forever and ever, yes.”
No sooner were the words spoken than Killian put the ring on her finger and took her into his arms again. Their connection was that of searing heat and the realest adoration. Roaming hands, and loving words blended together into tantalizing action. Losing themselves in each other, they thought of nothing but reveling in the love that they’d found. They stole more precious moments there, stories and stories above the city. But sure enough, sometime later, and just before the dawn, they headed home, eager for the happily ever after they knew was on the way. 
It’s crazy how much can change in a year. If someone told me this would be my life, I’d have never believed them. 
The thought had Emma smiling as she sat in the back of a town car, holding the hand of her husband and the man who’d been the reason for that change. 
Saying yes to Killian Jones’ abrupt proposition at that parent teacher night about a year ago had been something that scared Emma, but she was never more grateful for a decision. That night was the beginning of something more beautiful than she could have ever imagined. A year out, she could look back and say that their road to love was swift and surprisingly easy. She’d fallen fast and hard, and at all the usual points when she’d start to get cagey and run, she only felt certain that this time was different, and that love was worth the risk. 
That wasn’t to say that they faced no challenges, because they did, but Emma believed that this relatively smooth sailing was karma for the trials of their pasts. She and Killian had both sacrificed and faced heartbreak, but now they had each other, and they faced each new day together. Being part of a team while still being cherished for who she was on her own meant the world to Emma, and add to that how Killian had stepped so surely into a paternal role for Henry and she couldn’t ask for more. Her kid was happy. Really, truly happy, and together they were a family.
“You know better than that, love.”
Her husband’s voice was gruff and gravely, sending a thrill of anticipation through her. She looked up at him, caught as always by how handsome he was. The heat in his eyes was matched only by the love, and he came closer to her, kissing her lips before dropping a kiss to her cheek and then her neck. She gasped and then sighed out contentedly as he murmured against her skin. 
“Your looking this happy and being this close to me tempt me to distraction. I’ve half a mind to tell Gus to head back home”
“Why don’t you?” she asked, just as interested in the idea. Maybe it wasn’t her best Mom moment, but Henry was so open with them both about how school was, and they were already in touch with his teachers… certainly they could skip the formalities or plan a one-on-one meeting down the line.
“And miss the chance to show you off to that miserable mob? Not on your life. Every last parent in that school will know you’re mine. Even if it kills me.”
She looked at him and saw he was serious, and Emma couldn’t help the laugh. At her amusement he looked surprised and then thought the better of his own insistence. He joined in the laughter, but that then devolved into stolen kisses behind the divider of their sleek, luxurious ride. Minutes later they broke apart, the two of them less than presentable for their efforts. She knew she would look thoroughly kissed, and that the lust she shared with her husband would be clear as day to anyone near. Emma wouldn’t be embarrassed for that intimacy though. They were newlyweds, after all. Still, knowing Killian, they’d be making out like teenagers for the rest of their days.
“What if we compromise?” Emma finally asked, running her fingertips against the scruff of his beard as she looked up to him.
“I’m listening.”
“I’ll trade you thirty minutes of attention for the teacher’s opening update, but the second that bell rings for break out spots, it’ll be me, you, and Ruby and Elsa’s food truck.”
“The food truck wasn’t exactly my plan, Emma.” His eyes roamed over her figure and left a trail of fire in their wake. “I had a rather different hunger on my mind.”
“Mmmm.” She hummed out agreement as his lips came back to those spots that teased her most. His hands ran over her waist and then the small of her back and she leaned into him before remembering herself.
“Trust me, we’ll both need the sustenance for what I’m planning to reward you with later.”
She’d done her best to be seductive, and she knew she’d accomplished her goal. Instantly he’d tensed up, but his hold on her tightened. He let out a groan of anticipation and delight before nodding and stealing another kiss. 
“Sold. But remember, love, if we want those sixty years together you’ll need to show some mercy. A weaker man may not survive your remarkable rewards.”
“You’re not going anywhere,” she replied happily. “And I know that you’re up for the challenge. You always are.”
They sealed that truth with a final kiss, before Killian pulled out his phone, typing something out Emma couldn’t see. It didn’t phase her in the slightest. Killian had a company to run, the same way she had her business, and though he did everything he could to keep that firmly at work, sometimes duty called. She was surprised then when he grinned and showed her his screen. It wasn’t work at all. He’d sent a text to his brother about their plans for the evening, and Liam had responded with a picture. It was of Elsa and Arabella in the back of the food truck, both with aprons on prepping something delicious for the evening’s fare. They were both so happy, and Emma would bet anything Liam was as smitten as he ever was with her friend and his daughter. 
“Don’t even bother reaching out to Graham,” she joked. “He doesn’t let Ruby out of his sight these days.”
“With a child on the way you can hardly blame him. His wife is… how to put this delicately… exuberant and prone to accidents.”
Emma laughed again, knowing that was true. Ruby and Graham had met through her and Killian a few weeks after their first date, and if she and Killian had fallen fast, they were nothing to their friends. Within two months, Ruby and Graham had married in a last-minute elopement up in Maine. Emma, Killian, and Henry were in attendance. Ruby was pregnant only a month after that. She was getting ever closer to her due date, but Ruby was unfazed. She was still a constant ball of energy and prone to a bit of clumsiness. But Graham didn’t mind. He loved being by her side, enabling his wife’s wilder ways while protecting her and keeping her safe. 
“Very gracious of you, Captain.” Emma’s whispered nickname for her husband had his eyes fogging over with lust once more, but she’d timed this perfectly. Right at that moment the car rolled to a stop and their driver let them know they’d arrived. Killian’s low growl and promise for pay back later was enough to get her through the evening’s lunacy. 
The parents at Henry’s school were still completely obnoxious, but Emma watched in wonder as the treatment she received turned on a dime. Killian and her being together had clearly vaulted her to a higher status. Gone were the days of open set downs and gossip at her expense. Now they whispered, but it was more in awe and surprise than anything else. Despite the strangeness of it all,  her husband handled it perfectly. His cold and commanding manner shouldn’t have been such a turn on, but it was, especially because Emma knew the warmth of the real man beneath. He shared that warmth at times tonight too, especially to Henry’s teacher and the parents of Henry’s other school friends. Soon enough the bell rang, and this time they both knew the plan. They made their escape and walked over to the same spot they had that fateful night. 
“Well, if it isn’t Mr. and Mrs. Jones,” Ruby said in greeting, hanging out of the side of the truck when she saw them. Graham was there too, holding her steady with a mildly amused look on his face. As they reached the window Ruby offered some more free assessments. “By the way, I don’t think you two are going to be the only ones with that name for long. Liam and Elsa are giving big proposal energy today.”
“Ruby!” Elsa’s voice from inside the truck sounded somewhat embarrassed. It was unsurprising when she came into sight and her cheeks were flushed. “Hi guys. Ignore her. It’s the hormones.”
Ruby scoffed at the thought before sassing back. “Honey, it’s not the hormones. It’s the facts.”
“She’s not wrong, love.” This came from Liam, who had given Emma and Killian a mere nod of acknowledgement at their arrival. Elsa’s blush deepened, but she only smiled when Liam kissed her quickly. Yeah, if Emma had to bet, she’d give them a week, maybe two before an engagement arrived. Even that felt like a stretch
“Mom! Dad! You made it!” 
The welcome call came from Henry who was bounding up with his now cousin and best friend, Arabella. Anna, who had been watching him tonight, was behind them, resolved to their exuberance but still entertained at their constant energy. Emma was glad to see her kid, and still felt the warmth of how close he was with Killian too. Every time Henry called him Dad, her heart skipped. It had been a regret she long carried, that the man who gave her Henry was so unfit to be a parent. She knew she could love Henry enough for two, but it was different now. Henry had even more support and love, and no kid could deserve that more. 
“Of course we did, kid.” Emma pulled her son into a firm hug. Holding onto these precious moments where he was still small and loved the affection. “We couldn’t miss a party like this.”
“To be fair, it’s kind of what we do most Wednesdays,” Arabella said, and Killian pulled his niece into his own hug, before nuzzling her hair for the bit of sass. 
“How was the parent night?” Liam asked. Unlike Emma and Killian, Liam had no interest in making an appearance at the school. He’d already had a number of appointments with all of Arabella’s teachers. After years of long spells away, he was now incredibly involved. Thus, he knew everything he needed to without having to brave the barbs of Manhattan’s elite. 
“Successful,” Killian replied, pulling Emma in closer. She shook her head but couldn’t hide the smile at his lingering possessiveness 
“They got the message then?” 
“Aye. Every last one of them.”
“Good man. Well I think this calls for celebration.”
“Does it?” Emma joked, exchanging a look with her friends, both of whom laughed quietly. Their men were sometimes beyond understanding. 
“I think it does. And I have an idea of how we can. I just finished the new installment at the gallery and –,” Graham had no chance to finish before Ruby had hit him full force in the chest with a flailing arm. The impact was hard enough to take his breath and prompt a loud ooof. 
“It’s done?! And you didn’t tell me?!”
“Surprise,” he said, playing up the wheezing that her hit created. Ruby was beyond hearing him. She was in crowd control mode making a well-received announcement. Due to an unforeseen need to close, everyone in line was having dinner on the house and then the truck would be back tomorrow. People were thrilled, as was the soup kitchen nearby. Anna offered to drive the truck for the delivery to the local charity and meet them at the gallery after. This was enough for the rest of them, who brought their dinner to eat picnic style at the exhibit, and they all set out for Graham’s place. 
Everyone was excited for the prospect of what Graham had made. Despite questions from Ruby and the kids, he had been rather hush hush about the new show. Some time later, when they all finished their take out in the front room and entered the exhibit, they realized why. The title of the show was ‘Love in New York’ and it was a deeply personal testament to the feeling everyone searched for.
At Graham’s last exhibition, Emma had been amazed at the layers of materials and mastery involved. This time lived up to that as well. There was an intricacy of beauty here that defied understanding. It was shocking that one man could create so much, but Emma knew underneath the cool and easy going façade he was a man of deep passion. He had to be to keep up with Ruby. But Graham was also gifted with an ability to capture perfect moments. A story of depth and richness could be told with a single image or expressive work of art. 
For nearly an hour they moved through it together, breaking up unconsciously into different groups. Graham and Ruby took their time together, with Ruby lost in the world her husband had created. She was rarely quiet, but in the face of this work she was so consumed she could do nothing but admire and feel and rejoice. Elsa and Liam also took in each part, with Henry and Arabella sticking together. Emma stuck close to Killian, knowing each piece spoke more surely to her because she loved him so much. 
“Hey that’s us!” 
Henry was right, and as Emma and Killian approached where he stood, the art piece in question came into view. It was an image of Emma and Killian with Henry on their wedding day. The three of them were together, laughing about something, and it felt like a perfect moment. The happiness was so clear, and so was the affection. They had all been so ready to take the next step, and their end of summer wedding on the beach near the ocean was exactly what they wanted. The most amazing part was that this was a completely unseen scene for Emma. She remembered the moment, but the photographer never caught it, at least not like this. The hyper-realistic painting held so much depth and emotion. It was incredible. Emanating outwards from there was also a mural-like collection of shells and metallic colored flowers. The effect was heavenly, and it felt like their wedding day, suspended in a magic that could never be recreated. 
“Graham, it’s remarkable. I can’t believe it. It’s… it’s just perfect,” she finally said, thanking her friend. He accepted her hug and all of Henry’s praise. Emma expected her husband to agree, but when he remained quiet she looked at him. His face was fierce. Uh oh. 
“There’s no way you’re selling that to anyone but me. Swear it to me, Graham.” 
Graham laughed loudly before gesturing to the plaque beneath the piece. Inscribed there was the note ‘For Killian, Emma and Henry. A gift for your wonderful day and your new family.’
“Crisis averted,” Ruby joked and Emma looked back to Killian who was speaking to Graham, but whose eyes were still trained on the image. She could see the depth of his reaction to it. 
“Barely,” Emma whispered. Killian then looked to her and she smiled. Only then did her husband exhale and smile back. With a quick thanks to Graham, he headed back and took her hand. 
“I’ve spoken to Liam and Elsa. They’re eager to have Henry for the night with Arabella.”
“Oh really?” she asked, teasing him by pretending that wasn’t fabulously welcome news. Despite it being a school night, the kids were good about bed time, and since Liam had bought a town house right beside their new home, it would be easy to get Henry ready for the next day come morning.
“Aye, love. And I think, all things considered, I’ve been tremendously patient.”
“Hmm.” She caved when his arms looped around her and smiled. “I’m tempted to agree. Alright, Captain. Take me home.”
“As you wish.”
There I was again tonight
Forcing laughter, faking smiles
Same old tired, lonely place
Walls of insincerity, shifting eyes and vacancy
Vanished when I saw your face
All I can say is, it was enchanting to meet you
Your eyes whispered, "Have we met?"
'Cross the room your silhouette
Starts to make its way to me
The playful conversation starts
Counter all your quick remarks
Like passing notes in secrecy
And it was enchanting to meet you
All I can say is, I was enchanted to meet you
This night is sparkling, don't you let it go
I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew
I was enchanted to meet you
The lingering question kept me up
2 AM, who do you love?
I wonder 'til I'm wide awake
And now I'm pacing back and forth
Wishing you were at my door
I'd open up and you would say, "Hey"
It was enchanting to meet you
All I know is, I was enchanted to meet you
This night is sparkling, don't you let it go
I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew
That this night is flawless, don't you let it go
I'm wonderstruck, dancing around all alone
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew
I was enchanted to meet you
This is me praying that
This was the very first page
Not where the story line ends
My thoughts will echo your name, until I see you again
These are the words I held back, as I was leaving too soon
I was enchanted to meet you
Please don't be in love with someone else
Please don't have somebody waiting on you
Please don't be in love with someone else
Please don't have somebody waiting on you
This night is sparkling, don't you let it go
I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew
This night is flawless, don't you let it go
I'm wonderstruck, dancing around all alone
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew
I was enchanted to meet you
Please don't be in love with someone else
Please don't have somebody waiting on you
Post-Note: So there we have it. I hope that it lived up to the hopes that some of you had for a sequel to this story. I so rarely come back to these mixtape stories, but with my writing being as infrequent as it has been, I’ve decided to follow my muse wherever she leads. I sincerely hope that you all enjoyed this, and if, like me, you’ve been feeling the stress and anxiety of this time in the world, I hope this story sparked some joy. Keep your heads up everyone, and just know I’m sending you love and all good things, xE
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9,Part 10,Part 11, Part 12,Part 13, Part 14, Part 15, Part 16, Part 17, Part 18, Part 19, Part 20, Part 21, Part 22, Part 23, Part 24,Part 25, Part 26, Part 27, Part 28, Part 29, Part 30, Part 31,Part 32, Part 33, Part 34, Part 35, Part 36, Part 37, Part 38,Part 39,Part 40, Part 41, Part 42, Part 43, Part 44, Part 45,Part 46,Part 47, Part 48, Part 49, Part 50, Part 51, Part 52, Part 53,Part 54,Part 55, Part 56, Part 57, Part 58, Part 59, Part 60,Part 61,Part 62, Part 63, Part 64, Part 65, Part 66, Part 67, Part 68,Part 69,Part 70, Part 71, Part 72, Part 73, Part 74, Part 75,Part 76,Part 77, Part 78, Part 79, Part 80, Part 81, Part 82, Part 83,Part 84,Part 85, Part 86, Part 87, Part 88, Part 89, Part 90,Part 91,Part 92, Part 93, Part 94, Part 95, Part 96, Part 97, Part 98,Part 99,Part 100, Part 101, Part 102, Part 103,Part 104, Part 105,Part 106, Part 107,Part 108, Part 109, Part 110,Part 111, Part 112,Part 113, Part 114, Part 115,Part 116, Part 117, Part 118,Part 119,Part 120, Part 121, Part 122, Part 123,Part 124, Part 125,Part 126, Part 127, Part 128,Part 129,Part 130, Part 131,Part 132,Part 133, Part 134, Part 135, Part 136, Part 137, Part 138,Part 139,Part 140, Part 141, Part 142, Part 143, Part 144, Part 145,Part 146, Part 147, Part 148,Part 149, Part 150, Part 151,Part 152, Part 153, Part 154, Part 155, Part 156, Part 157, Part 158,Part 159, Part 160, Part 161, Part 162, Part 163, Part 164,Part 165, Part 166, Part 167, Part 168, Part 169, Part 170,Part 171,Part 172, Part 173, Part 174, Part 175, Part 176,Part 177, Part 178, Part 179 , Part 180, Part 181, Part 182, Part 183, Part 184, Part 185, Part 186, Part 187, Part 188, Part 189, Part 190, Part 191, Part 192, Part 193, Part 194, Part 195, Part 196, Part 197, Part 198
Tagging some friends who may enjoy: @kmomof4 @jennjenn615 @resident-of-storybrooke @winterbaby89 @teamhook
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dani-ellie03 · 5 years ago
(It’s my birthday! As has become tradition, I am dropping a gift in the form of a flashfic on your dashes today. Hope you enjoy! :))
Of all the things Killian Jones expected to find when he returned to the sheriff’s station with two cups of cocoa with cinnamon in hand, Emma tearing her office apart was not one of them. “What in blazes are you doing, Swan?” he asked, setting the carryout tray down on her desk.
“Looking for something,” she replied, her voice muffled since her head was mostly tucked in the file cabinet.
“Aye, love, I can see that.”
Emma heaved a sigh as she slammed the file drawer closed. “It’s not there.”
“I gathered that, too.” Killian watched, his brow wrinkling in concern, as his wife plopped down in her chair and began rummaging through her desk drawers. From the piles of paper littering her desk, he gathered she’d already been through the drawers but was redoubling her efforts for lack of anywhere else to look. “You know,” he said, injecting a teasing lilt into his voice despite his concern, “if you need a pen, I have plenty at my desk.”
Finally, a smirk tugged at her lips. “Thanks. I’ll keep that in mind.”
“In all seriousness, love, what are you searching for?”
She heaved another sigh. “I had a key to the loft in my desk drawer but it seems to have vanished.”
Now Killian was confused rather than concerned. “No one we know lives at the loft anymore, Swan.”
“No, I know, it’s just ... “ A third sigh, then a blink and a sniffle. “You know what?” She forced a smile. “It’s not important.”
But it was. Killian didn’t quite know why the key was so important to her but it was plain as day that its disappearance had upset her. Always an open book to him, his Swan, even after all these years.
And so Killian knew what he had to do.
When Emma plopped down at her desk the next morning, a shiny brass key smiled up at her from her blotter. She knew in an instant what it was and who had placed it there. It was too bright, too new to have been the one she lost but it was a key to the loft just the same.
A touched smile lit her face. She stepped out of her office and approached Killian, who was checking the department’s “screen letters” (otherwise known as email) for any memos that had come in overnight. “You did this, didn’t you?” she asked, holding out the key.
He smiled back at her. “Aye, love. I was at first bewildered that the loss of a key to a dwelling your family no longer occupied would upset you so but eventually, I understood. It was your first home key, wasn’t it?”
Emma nodded, her eyes glistening. “The first house key that meant anything, anyway. I never gave back my copy when Mom and Dad bought the farmhouse. I’m not sentimental, not really, but ... I couldn’t bear to part with it. I’d planned on tucking it in my trinket box but it vanished from my desk before I could.”
“I understand, love,” he said gently, standing from his chair and pulling her into an embrace.
Emma allowed herself to be comforted for a beat and then pulled away. “How did you do this? The building manager wouldn’t have given you a copy. Hell, they probably changed the locks when my parents moved out.”
“You’re more like your parents than you know, Swan,” Killian replied, smiling. “Your mother kept her key as well, for much the same reason. The loft was where her family had come together, she said. I had this one made from hers.”
Emma smiled. Like mother, like daughter, apparently.
Then she brought herself up on her tiptoes and gave her pirate a soft, tender kiss. He’d brought her home more times than she could count, and today, he’d helped her hold onto the first real home she’d had. And so she said the only thing she could: “Thank you.”
Killian returned both her tender kiss and gentle smile. “You’re very welcome, love.”
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starrnobella · 5 years ago
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Wake Up Call
Killian Jones/Emma Swan  Rated GA Summary: Sometimes early morning wake up calls are not what you expect them to be. FFN: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12198295/10/Written-in-the-Stars AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/12261165
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Dada Hook
Merry Christmas @mayquita!
Tis I, your Secret Santa for @cssecretsanta2k19!  I have had a blast getting to know you.  I hope you enjoy this fluffy, Swan-Jones family Christmas fic.  It was partially inspired by my nieces and nephews.
Summary: On Christmas morning, Killian discovers that 2 year-old Hope Swan-Jones is a lot more observant than he thought. (Not S7 compliant)
          “Up! Up! Mama!  Dada! Up!”
          Still half asleep, Killian Jones smiled as he heard his daughter yell through the baby monitor.  He cracked open one eye and turned over in bed until he could see the small, digital screen that showed video of Hope’s room.   He saw Hope standing in her crib, little hands grasping the wooden rail, staring directly into the camera that linked to the tablet.  She was an observant little child and recently had worked out that she could get her parent’s attention by yelling at the camera.
          He felt Emma curl herself up against his back.  “What time is it?” she murmured against his shoulder.
          Killian squinted at the clock. “7:15 am.  She let us sleep in.”
          He heard Emma groan all the same.  She wasn’t a morning person.
          “I’ll get up with her,” he said as he started to remove himself from her embrace.  But her arms around him only tightened.              
          “No, it’s my turn.” She pushed away from his back and when she threw the blankets off, he felt a cold breeze against across his skin.  He shivered and reminded himself to check the houses heating system.  It may be winter, but there was no need for the house to be as cold as the Jolly Roger while at sea.
          Emma pulled a pair of lounge pants and a large Storybrooke Pet Shelter t-shirt on over her underwear.  “You got up with her the other night when she had that nightmare.”
          Killian grasped his wife’s hand as she headed toward the bedroom door.  “Regardless, love.  If you want to stay abed a bit longer, I am happy to entertain our little early bird so you can rest.”
          That earned him a smile.  “I’m already up.  Try and get some more sleep; we have a busy day ahead.” Emma gave him a quick kiss as she turned off the baby monitor and headed out.  
          Killian groaned and dramatically pulled the blanket up and over his head. He could hear Emma’s laugh as she made her way down to Hope’s room.
          A busy day…
          That was a bit of an understatement.
          It was Christmas, one of this realm’s winter holidays.
          It was a day filled with family, friends, many odd traditions, and copious amounts of food and drink.  He quite enjoyed the holiday, personally, especially the food and drink.  
          But last year had been a bit of a disaster.
          Emma, Henry, 1 year-old Hope, and himself had all gone over to Mary-Margaret and David’s house for an early Christmas brunch and to exchange gifts.  Afterwards, they’d all gone into town and had a small lunch at Granny’s.  They then continued onto Regina’s house, where the combined “royal family of Storybrooke” hosted a large Christmas party that the people of the town flitted in and out of the rest of the day.
          Normally, this would have been a long, if tiring, day.  But any event was made more complicated when there was a toddler involved.
          The excitement of the day had made getting Hope down for her afternoon nap nearly impossible.  It had taken over an hour to get her to sleep and she refused to stay asleep unless she was in either his or Emma’s arms.  Even then, she only slept half the normal amount of time she usually did.
          Which resulted in everyone having to deal with a very cranky toddler for the remainder of the holiday.  Tempers frayed, words were exchanged, and Killian had had to pull Emma out of the house and into the cold before she roasted the Christmas ham without the aid of an oven.  
          In the weeks leading up to this year’s event, he and Emma had made the decision to spend the morning at home and join the rest of their family after Hope’s nap.  Mary Margaret had been disappointed and tried to convince them otherwise.  David, however, had understood and had been instrumental in getting his wife to let them make their own decisions.  
          “Dada! Up! Dada get up!” Hope’s voice drifted down the hall, pulling him from his musing.  
          He heard Emma shushed her gently, “No duckling, let Dada sleep.”
          “No… Dada up!”
          The sound of Hope running down the hall told Killian that his time in bed was about to end.  But he decided to have some fun before his daughter dragged him out of it.  He settled himself down and pretended to be asleep.  
          “Dada!” He heard Hope yell as she ran into the room.  The bed shook as her tiny body barreled into the side of it. There was a soft tug on the blanket as she said, “Get up Dada! Get up!”
          Killian let out an exaggerated snore in response.  Her small, soft hands patted at his face.  Before she could move, Killian quickly wrapped his arm around her and pulled her onto the bed.  Hope shrieked in laughter.  
          “Don’t you know better than to wake a sleeping pirate?” He asked as he snuggled her close.  She smelled like baby powder and the soft lavender scent of the baby-specific detergent they used for her clothes only.  
          Hope babbled something too fast for him to understand completely, but he did make out the words “strawberries”, “pancakes”, and “newt”, the last being his daughter’s current word for milk, so he figured she was talking about what she wanted to breakfast.
          “I don’t know love, I’m very comfortable right here.  Why don’t you and Mama bring me breakfast in bed?” He winked at Emma as he said this and received a roll of the eyes in response.
          “No Dada.  Up!” Hope continued to insist.  She squirmed from his arms and out of bed.  Once on the ground again, she grasped his hand and pulled.  At the sight of her determination, Killian relented.
          “Alright, alright, you win.  I’m getting up,” he said as he moved the blankets aside.  He swung his legs over the side and sat on the edge of the bed. This seemed to satisfy Hope, who released his hand.  Killian ruffled her dark hair before stretching his arms above his head, hearing a few joints pop in the process.  His 200 years were finally catching up to him.
          As he brought his arms down, he noticed that Hope had a look on her face that he hadn’t seen before.  No, that was wrong.  He saw the same speculative look on Emma’s face every time she was presented with a new situation.
          He started to ask her what was wrong, but stopped when Hope slowly reached out and placed her hands on the blunted end of his left arm.  Her small fingers explored the scared skin, in much the same way Emma had the first time she had seen it.
          Killian blinked, unsure at first if he heard Hope correctly.  
          “Hooky,” she repeated.
          He looked up at Emma, whose face now wore an identical expression to Hope.
          “I think she is wondering where your hook is,” Emma cautiously suggested.
          Killian frowned.  He knew Hope had seen him without his hook many times.  He wore the fake hand nearly as often as he wore the hook nowadays, especially when at home.  
          Hope poked at the end of his stump.  
          “Hooky.”  Her small voice was starting to take on a slightly hysterical edge, which both he and Emma knew meant that a meltdown was on its way.
          Without taking his eyes off of Hope, Killian stretched his arm out and pulled his brace from the drawer of his nightstand.  He places it on his lap, careful to position the point of the hook away from his daughter.  It’s duller now than it used to be, but it was still a weapon.
          Hope’s attention shifted and she placed one hand on the leather of the brace.  Her voice was soft as she almost whispers, “Hooky.”
          Killian nodded as he said, “Yes duckling, this is how Dada wears his hook.”
          Hope moved his arm closer to the brace.  Figuring out what she wants, Killian guided it onto his arm.  The straps of the harness that secure it hang loose, but Hope appeared much happier as soon as the brace and hook are on his arm.
          “Dada Hook,” she yelled, triumphant.
          Killian wraps both his arms around his daughter and pulls her close.  
          “Yes duckling.  Dada Hook,” he whispers against her hair.  He feels Emma’s arms encircle both of them. They stay that way for a moment, before Hope begins to wriggle.  
          “Henry up!” She says before running out of the room, presumably to go wake up Henry.  
          Without prompting, Emma positions and fastens the straps of the harness along his arm and shoulders.  This simple act help sooth some of the insecure feelings that had settled in his gut. Once finished, she placed a kiss on the back of his neck and said, “Come on, Dada Hook.  It’s time to have Christmas breakfast with your family.”
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everything-person · 1 year ago
Kazoos Advent Calendar
@kazoosandfannypacks Day
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Well it’s officially been a week of gifts. Hopefully the gifts haven’t been disappointing and made you at least crack a smile. Is there anything you’d like to see or have me mix in?? Any advice??
Without further ado here is todays gift.
Summary: Henry surprises his mother with a visit home around the holidays. But he comes home to the house not decorated and a strange man is there. (Inspired by A Muppets Family Christmas)
Haul out the holly
We’re getting home so we can celebrate
Fill up the stockings
We may be rushing but we can hardly wait now
For we need a little Christmas, right this very minute
Jacinda reached over and turned down the radio, “Henry are you sure your moms is going to be okay with this?”
“Oh absolutely! Cin you need to know one thing about my mom she’s predictable.” Henry glanced at his girlfriend, seeing one eyebrow lifted and her lips quirked to the side, looking back at the road he continued, “Look I know exactly what she is doing right now. She sitting in our house, everything decorated tree in the corner. She sitting on the couch, wrapped in a blanket, in front of the fire, cup of hot chocolate with cinnamon in her hands. Just a bit sad thinking she will spend the holidays alone. Trust me she will be thrilled.”
“Mhmm,” Jacinda hummed, still unsure this surprise is going to go as Henry said.
They continued to drive down the road as snow flurries began to fall on the scenery. It wasn’t long before they passed an intricately carved sign reading ‘Welcome to Storybrooke.’ And not long after that they pulled up to a blue Victorian style house starting to be covered in a layer of snow.
Jacinda paused before getting out the car looking over at her boyfriend who seemed busy scanning the house. “What?”
“She didn’t decorate the outside like we usually do.”
“I’m sure it’s nothing. Come on.” Henry got out of the car racing up the steps, Jacinda following cautiously behind him.
Henry knocked on the door with in minutes it flew open. He was welcomed with the sight of his mother. Her eyes went wide and her jaw dropped. It took her a moment of her opening and closing her mouth blinking rapidly before she was able to muster up words.
“Hi mom.”
A forced chuckle escaped her lips and a smile crept to her face and she moved aside to allow him in and enveloped him in a hug. Jacinda didn’t miss when the smile dropped for a moment over Henry’s shoulder.
“Henry what are you doing here?” She asked pulling out of the hug.
“I can’t come home.”
Emma gave him a light tap on his arm causing him to laugh, “Of course you can. But I thought you were staying at school for the break?”
Henry shrugged, “We wanted to surprise you.”
It was in that moment she realized there was someone else with her son. “Jacinda?”
“Hi Ms Swan.”
Emma came forward taking the girls hand, “it’s so good to finally meet you in person.”
“You as well Ms Swan.”
“So? Do you like your surprise?” Henry asked, wanting a little bit to prove his girlfriend wrong.
“Yes! I always love seeing you,” she shifted slightly, “It’s just that…”
Henry took a look around and saw his childhood home was bare completely unlike the Christmas he knew growing up. “Mom where is everything? Where’s the tree? The lights? The garland?”
“Well-” Before she was able to answer everyone’s attention was drawn to the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs. A man with greying in his bread and hair came bounding down the stairs.
“Who was at the door-” the man looked up before finishing his sentence, “oh hello.”
“Hi,” Henry greeted then turned to his mother, “mom who’s that?”
The gentleman spoke up again, “Ah you must be Henry,” he continued down the stairs approaching the small group with his hand out stretched, “a pleasure.”
Henry cautiously took his hand, “Yeah. I’m sorry who are you?”
“My apologies. Killian Jones I’m-“
“Renting the house!”
Everyone turned at Emma loud interruption.
She let out a nervous laugh, “Kid you know how much I love the beach. When I found out you weren’t coming home I decided to treat myself and take a trip down the coast and have a sandy Christmas instead of being cooped up here. You know all by myself.” Her eyes nervously shifting between her son and the man next to her, “I didn’t want to house to sit so Mr Jones was going to stay here.”
Henry and Jacinda looked back at the man who’s smile now seemed tighter, “Aye. I usually live on my boat figured I could get my land legs back this season and have a nice quiet Christmas.”
“I’m sorry if we have ruined both of your plans,” Jacinda spoke up, eyeing her boyfriend, “we should’ve called.”
“It’s quite alright lass.”
Henry spoke up again, “I’m sorry Mr Jones. Will it take you long to gather your things? I’m sure my mom would be willing to give you a refund.”
Killian reached up and scratched behind his ear, “Unfortunately I can’t leave. My boat is in storage and with the storm coming in it doesn’t seem safe to be on it now. And with it being a week from Christmas I doubt any inns will be available.”
“I’m sure we can figure something out later. Henry why don’t you go get your guys luggage and take it up to your room.”
“Let me help you lad,” Killian offered.
As Henry turned exited back out the door missing the silent exchange Mr Jones had with his mother. But Jacinda didn’t.
When they were gone emma turned to Jacinda and smiled, “I guess we have some decorating to do. Mind helping me bring some up from the basement?”
“Lead the way.”
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captainswanbookclub · 6 years ago
Just a friendly reminder that Emma and Hook are likely just relaxing at home with Baby Hope.
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sprnklersplashes · 6 years ago
Forever Young
On May 18th, Storybrooke gathers together to celebrate one of the most important days-Hope Swan-Jones' birthday.
Normally, like every other teenager on the planet, Hope hates mornings. She definitely takes after her mother in that regard, pulling the blanket over her head and groaning after snoozing the alarm once, twice, three times. Gideon had taken the liberty of moving it across her bedroom so that she’d have to actually get out of her bed to turn it off, but he apparently forgot she has magic and can snooze it with a flick of her wrist.
Today though, well, it’s not really an exception. It’s different, meaning she only snoozes it once before getting up. After all, today’s special, as shown on the screen of her phone and the date on her calendar, circled in green marker.
Saturday, May 18th. Her birthday.
She flings the covers off and rolls out of bed. The first thing she does is run over to the full length mirror in the corner of her room. She turns around, examining herself from every angle. Her red waves are wild and seemingly untameable, just like they always are in the mornings, and she’s still small and slightly pale (unfortunately, her hair colour comes with snow white skin-and it suits her grandmother far far more than it does her), same scattering of freckles and green eyes that everyone says are a double of her mother’s. It’s the exact same face and body she had when she was 14.
She’s not sure why she’s disappointed. Logically, she should know that nothing would have changed overnight. She knows for sure what she’d have liked to have happened; for her to grow at least an extra inch and for her hair to be more manageable and for the apple cheeks that made her look 12 to finally disappear. For her to look older, she supposes.
She hears her family getting ready downstairs, the bathroom door opening and closing outside, and shrugs it off. Maybe her magical teenage growth spurt will come later (and in this town, you never know). For now it was time to get on with her day. After all, you only turn 15 once.
After throwing on her uniform, running a brush through her hair and pulling it into a braid, she opens her door to head downstairs, only to find Gideon coming out of his room at the exact same time. And all at once, she feels her body ready to leap into action. Like she’s a lion and he is a limping gazelle.
“Gideon!” she shouts, her voice squeaking, and throws herself at him until he hits the wall with an audible thump. She presses her chin to his chest and looks up at him, laughing as he adjusts his glasses. “Know what day it is?”
“The day I finally see Doctor Whale about the injuries you’re definitely causing to my spine?” he groans, but he’s laughing too.
“Nope,” she replies, shaking her head, bouncing up and down on the balls of her feet. “It’s my birthday!”
“Oh, is it?” he asks. She lets him go, but the bouncing doesn’t stop, like something is running and fizzing through her veins. Actually something might well be; her magic isn’t always under control, especially if she’s feeling strong emotions. “I forgot. And I have this thing on today.”
“No you do not,” she tells him, poking his chest.
“No, I don’t,” he agrees, slinging an arm around her shoulders. They walk down to the kitchen together, where her parents and Belle are already present. Among the usual sounds of the radio playing old pop songs her mom loves, plates being moved around and the fridge opening and closing, Hope hears the unmistakable around of batter sizzling in a frying pan, and she shares a grin with Gideon.
“Race you!” she says, pushing him and taking the stairs two at a time even though he keeps walking, having never actually agreed to race.
She throws herself into the kitchen with all the grace of an excited puppy whose owners just came home, flinging her hair dramatically over her shoulders for good measure. At the stove, her dad grins, eyes still on the pancakes, but his shoulders shake from laughing. She looks around expectantly, briefly wondering where her mom is, eyeing the two adults in the room hopefully.
“Morning, Hope,” Aunt Belle greets, pulling her into a light hug. “And happy birthday, love.”
“Thanks Aunt Belle,” she replies. She runs over to the cupboard, grabs a plate and heads to the stove. Her dad looks at her out of the corner of his eye as she scans the pancake ingredients around the stove. Jug of batter, blueberries, raspberries, syrup-
“Where’s the chocolate chips?” she asks. “I can’t have pancakes without chocolate chips.”
“Well, theoretically you could,” he says, but a pout from her silences him. “But your mum’s off to get them-” His voice trails off as he hears a car door close outside, the corners of his mouth turning up into a smile. “And it seems she’s just in time.”
Her mom comes in, discarding her red leather jacket, holding not one, but two bags of chocolate chips in her hand. Her face lights up when she sees Hope, standing expectantly with her plate next to the stove.
“You, miss, are very lucky the grocery store is open in the mornings,” she tells her, hitting her head gently with the bags. “And that no one was around to ask me why I was buying chocolate chips at this hour.”
“Thank you, Mom,” she replies, smiling at her, batting her eyelashes for the full effect. Her mom laughs and places a kiss on the top of her head.
“Happy birthday, kid,” she says, a smile on her face to match Hope’s. She hands Hope the bag of chocolate chips and her dad steps back to allow her to pour them onto the two waiting pancakes. She drops more than generous handfuls onto them, chuckling as her dad winces slightly.
“I have to turn them over, love,” he reminds her when she begins getting a little adventurous.
“Wow Hope,” Gideon says dryly from the doorway. “Want some pancake with your chocolate chips?” She sticks her tongue out at him, waggling it for good effect.
“Hey,” her mom reminds her. “Manners.” But Gideon’s smile shows he’s in no way offended. Especially since he scrunches up his own face when all three adults have their backs turned.
After finishing off their pancakes-chocolate chip for Hope and blueberry for Gideon-and brushing their teeth, the loud, fast knock at their door can only belong to one person. Right on time, slightly unusual for him. Her uncle usually can’t keep track of time if his life depended on it. But when they open the door, sure enough, Lucas is standing on the doorstep, hands behind his back.
“Hey,” he says breathlessly, looking at Gideon rather than Hope, his cheeks pink and eyes shining. Hope rolls her eyes. They’ve been officially “a couple” for two months, but she still has to deal with this sappy mess every morning.
“Hi,” Gideon replies, smiling softly.
“Hey,” Hope says, breaking the unspoken communication between them. Admittedly, it was kind of weirdly sweet to watch her brother and uncle make doey eyes at each other. She guesses that’s what it feels like at that point. Not that she’d know.
“Hey birthday girl,” Lucas greets. He takes his arm out from behind him, holding out a small pink gift bag. Hope’s mouth falls open and she lets out a laugh. “Consider this a sneak preview of what’s coming tonight.”
“Oh my gosh, Lucas,” she says, taking the bag gently. “You know you didn’t need to do this.”
“Of course I did, you’re my favourite niece,” he says. “Go on, open it. It’s more than a cute bag.” She shares a grin with him and opens it, pulling away the white tissue inside to get to the real present; a small wooden fairy door, painted dark blue and covered in gold glitter, Hope’s name written in silver cursive writing on a white wooden plaque above it.
“Lucas,” she says, unsure of what to say. “It’s gorgeous!”
“Thanks,” he replies, blushing slightly. “I mean it’s nothing really.” Hope knows he’s lying, seeing his ‘tell’-a lack of eye contact and hands in his pockets. This isn’t nothing.
“It’s awesome, Luke,” she says.
“What’s awesome?” her mom asks from behind her. “Being on time for school is awesome, you know.”
“Mom, look what Lucas got me,” she says. When she sees it, her mom’s face lights up, looking from the door to her brother.
“That’s pretty great, Lucas,” she tells him, making him look at the ground, swinging his and Gideon’s intertwined hands. “Why don’t I put this in your room for you. That way you guys can get to school on time.”
They nod and bid Emma goodbye before heading off to school, Lucas and Gideon still holding hands.
“So Hope, how does it feel being 15?” Lucas asks.
“Weirdly, I don’t feel different,” she confesses. “Should I?”
“Nah,” he replies, waving his free hand. “You won’t feel the crushing weight of your own morality until you’re 16.” Gideon digs his boyfriend in the ribs, laughing.
“And then when you’re 17 it’s an existential crisis, according to Alex,” Gideon says. “It’s not too bad, kid.”
Hope nods, thinking about the year she’d had. Being born in May meant she had watched all her friends turning 15 before her. She had viewed turning 15 as a right of passage, moving away from your awkward preteen years and into a fully fledged teenager, the next step towards adulthood. But now, especially in her school uniform with the skirt reaching to her knees (while her grandmother was quite relaxed about it, Mrs Hubbard, their vice principal, was adamant that the skirts be regulation length) and pink hair tie, she still feels like a kid. She touches the edge of her hair tie gently. She hadn’t thought much when she put it on that morning, not even noticing the colour, but now she regrets it painfully.
Letting her arm dangle by her side, she waves her wrist gently and smiles as the hair tie changes from pink to black.
“Morning, people!” a voice calls just before they reach the school. All three turn their heads to see a slightly out of breath Philip jogging towards them. He pushes his too-long black hair out of his eyes and gives them a welcoming smile.
“Hey, Phil,” Lucas greets, bumping his fist against his. Hope wrinkles her nose. She supposes she’ll never get teenage boys.
“Happy birthday, Hope,” he says. “My parents are going to your thing tonight so your pres-” He cuts himself off, wincing.
“You weren’t meant to tell me that, were you?” she asks, giggling.
“No I was not,” he confirms with a grimace. Sometimes they had joked that Philip and Lucas must have been switched as babies, given they were only born two days apart, since Philip can’t keep a secret. The four of them laugh it off, crossing the courtyard under the May sunshine and into the school.
Inside, Hope stands at her locker, putting books in and out, while stopping to thank people who wished her a happy birthday. As the Saviour’s daughter and Snow White’s granddaughter, she was as close to a celebrity as she could be in Storybrooke; and everyone knew when her birthday was. Most of her classmates had either attended her naming ceremony as babies or their mothers had been pregnant with them at the time. There’s a photo in the living room on the day of her naming ceremony of her in her mom’s arms, Gideon in Belle’s, Lucas in Snow’s, Robin in Zelena’s and a lot of other babies with their moms. And with fame came frankly, more attention than she’s comfortable with. Especially since for a lot of those kids barely spoke to her outside of her birthday.
“Heyo,” someone says from behind her, followed by a word not appropriate for school. She knows who it is before she turns around. Robin Mills leans against one of the lockers, presenting her with a huge candy bar and a card in a pale blue envelope.
“Robin!” she squeaks. “Thank you.” She slides the chocolate into her bag and opens up the card, which displays a picture of a bowl of peas with the phrase ‘Ha-pea Birthday’ written in black block lettering. She looks up at Robin. “Did you pick this?”
“Hey, me and Alex spent a long time in that card shop!” she insists. Sure enough, when Hope opens the card, it reads; ‘To Hope, Happy 15th girl. Go crazy. From, Robin and Alex.’ “Unfortunately she had cheer practice this morning. But she wants me to convey the birthday wishes. So you know…” She waves her arms around awkwardly. “Wishes conveyed.”
“Thank you, Robin,” she says sincerely.
“Of course,” she says. She opens her mouth as if to ask something, but suddenly looks over Hope’s shoulder, her tongue darting out to the corner of her mouth. Hope can’t even ask before she hears another, unmistakable voice behind her.
“Hey Hope!” She jumps and turns around to see Melody Fisher, Ariel’s daughter, just behind her. Today she’s tying her hair back with a lilac ribbon, in a low ponytail, and wearing tiny silver dolphin earrings. And smiling. She’s always smiling, and it sends Hope’s heart into overdrive.
“Hi Melody,” she says in an attempt to be casual.
“Hi,” she says again. “Um, happy birthday.”
“Oh, thanks,” she replies, rubbing the back of her neck. “Yeah I’m not trying to make a big deal out of it…”
“Oh,” Melody replies, her face falling slightly. “Well, I hope it’s not too much, but I got you this.” She holds out a box wrapped in blue paper. “Just a little something, it’s really not that great.”
“Thanks,” she says, taking it from her after a brief hesitation. “Thanks so much, you really didn’t have to do that.” She unwraps it, her fingers seemingly forgetting to work. She feels her face get warm and hopes she isn’t blushing. When she gets the paper off, she finds it to be a box of colouring pencils. Hope lifts the lid and runs her finger down them; they’re strong and sturdy, and she can tell just by looking at them they’re vibrant.
“I mean I know you like art,” Melody explains. “And I thought that-”
“They’re awesome!” Hope interrupts. “They’re awesome, Melody. Thank you, thank you so much.” She and Melody laugh, and Hope tries not to focus on her eyes. Her perfect eyes that sparkle when she laughs. Melody scratches the back of her neck, chewing her lip slightly.
“Um, I should get to my homeroom,” she says.
“Yeah, of course, yeah,” Hope says. “And, thanks. Again. These are… these are great.” Melody nods and gives her a small wave before heading down the hall. Hope’s eyes follow her, her heart fluttering as she goes. She bites her lip, the butterflies in her stomach going crazy.
“Wow,” Robin says, looking between her and Melody. “You have it so bad.”
“You have it bad,” she shoots back, which only makes Robin chuckle.
“Gosh, Hope, just ask the poor girl out,” she tells her.
“Seriously?” Hope splutters. “First off, how do you even know I like her?” Robin raises her eyebrows but remains silent. “Second off, even if I did like her, I don’t know if she likes girls. Or you know, likes me.”
“Aw, kid,” she says, patting her cheek. Hope scowls and wriggles away from her. “Trust me, she does.”
“Really?” she asks, her voice much higher than usual.
“Yeah, really.” She taps the box of pencils in Hope’s hand. “No one goes out and buys that for someone they don’t like.” Hope looks down at them, trying not to smile. Her hands shake and she holds the box tighter, like it’s Melody herself. Before she can ask anything else, the bell rings. “And I have to get to class.”
“Me too,” Hope sighs, closing her locker. “See you later.”
“Happy birthday kid,” she says again, wrapping her in a quick, light, one armed hug before heading off to homeroom.
Much later on, after school and homework and the usual “how was your day”, Hope and the rest of her family (often dubbed the Swan-Jones-French clan, which was fine for all parties involved) were making their way to Granny’s diner, Hope dressed in black jeans with a gold thread running up the sides, a crisp white shirt and red boots, a compromise she and her parents agreed on. If she had it her way, she’d be wearing overalls and a hoodie, but sadly, she can’t have everything. The fourth in line for the throne can’t be seen at her own birthday party in paint-splattered jeans.
The inside of Granny’s is spectacularly lit up, tables pushed to the side to accommodate the guests who had joined for her birthday. Hope pulls at her shirt, shrinking back a little into her family. All eyes being on her wasn’t an entirely comfortable experience. Frankly, she was more excited for tomorrow night when it would be her and a few good friends wreaking havoc in her living room. Guests are packed wall to wall, all here to celebrate the Princess’ birthday. A silver banner saying “Happy Birthday Hope” in large, colourful letters hands from the ceiling, rainbow coloured balloons sit in the corners and dotted around the room.
“Happy birthday, sweetheart,” Granny says from the side, standing behind the counter.
“Thank you Granny,” she replies sincerely. She looks to the side, where the buffet of hot food sits on the counter, dishes full of fries, burgers, chicken strips and wings, onion rings (no doubt requested by her mom) and tries not to stare at it, but she is hungry and this is likely going to be the highlight of the night.
“Come on, let’s get some food,” her mom says, apparently reading her mind. At the bar, Hope piles her plate with a bit of everything she can, despite Gideon telling her she can come back for seconds if she wants. This is far from her first rodeo and she knows that the chicken wings especially go quickly. She piles up her plate and slides into a booth with her parents and Aunt Belle, her mom’s plate looking similar to her own.
Philip and his parents pass their table, Aurora with a small box wrapped in blue paper.
“Oh my gosh, Philip!” she says, her voice high and laced with sarcasm. “I didn’t know you were coming here!” Her mom laughs and has to disguise it with a drink.
“You blabbed, didn’t you?” Aurora asks fondly, ruffling his hair, making Philip scrunch up his face. “Anyway, now that we have you, is it okay to give presents now?”
“Don’t see why not,” Emma says. Aurora beams and hands Hope over the box.
“Philip pushed us in the right direction,” she says, rubbing her son’s back fondly. Philip hides his smile beneath his hair as Hope tears off the wrapping paper. Inside is two novels, one with a blue cover depicting a silhouette of a tree, and the other with a dark red cover with a silver sword.
“Oh my god!” Hope exclaims, reading the spines. “Renee Hamilton? I love these books; how did you know I love these books?”
“Because you were reading one last week and you said loudly, to all of us, ‘I love these books’,” Philip replies dryly, but smiling.
“Thank you,” she says, laughing. She looks past him to his relieved parents. “Thank you so much.”
From then, the rest of the room takes the cue to start handing out their own presents. A new jacket from Ella, Thomas and Alexandra (which matches the one of Alex’s that she had been admiring), pyjamas and watercolour paints from her grandparents and Lucas, a snow globe of Oz from Robin and Zelena (assured her, and more importantly her family, that she did not trap the inhabitants of Oz in a snow globe), and a new notebook from Thomas, Ella and Alexandra.
“Okay, here,” Belle says, handing her over a box wrapped in green sparkly paper. “This is from me and Gideon.” Hope catches Gideon’s eye. Despite how much they argue, he always manages to get her exactly what she wanted. Not just her, anyone he buys something for.
When she sees what’s underneath the wrapping paper, it seems he’s done it again; she finds a box containing bright red sneakers, ones she had stared at unsubtly in a catalogue. She knows they came straight from New York. She touches the white edges gently, flicking the toe of them. They’re tough, but somehow soft at the same time, and they have that amazing new shoe smell. They look too perfect to wear, but she can’t wait to get them on, her current sneakers suddenly feeling too tight and uncomfortable.
“Okay, why don’t you put them on?” her mom says fondly. “Since you’re clearly dying to?”
Hope doesn’t need to be told twice. She takes off her boots and slides the sneakers on, tying the laces tightly in a double knot, jumping up, bouncing, testing them out. They fit perfectly, like they were made just for her.
“Thank you,” she says to Belle and Gideon, not stopping her bouncing. “Thank you thank you thank you.” If she wasn’t in public, she’d hug them. Belle however seems to read her mind and hugs her tightly.
“You’re welcome,” she says softly.
“Anything for you, kid,” Gideon says, smiling. She’ll hug the hell out of him later tonight, he can count on that.
“And finally,” her mom says from behind. She turns around to see her dad carrying in a long, flat box covered in pink wrapping paper and setting it on the bar with a flourish. “The one from Mom and Dad.” Hope bites her lip, grinning as she runs over to the bar and pulls herself onto the stool, tearing the paper from the bottom up. She rips it away to reveal a smooth dark wooden box. After laying her hand on it and knocking, trying to guess what’s inside, she flips the two little golden latches and opens it.
What’s inside takes her breath away. Resting on a dark red velvet bed, a black handled sword, its curved blade tucked inside a metal sheath. The light catches on the handle, making it shine in all the colours of the rainbow. She runs her finger along the handle, the rest of the room silent.
“Can I…” she whispers, looking to her dad.
“Of course.”
Her hand curls around the handle and her other hand around the leather sheath, lifting it out of the box. She secures the sheath against her waist, fitting snuggly there like it was made specially for her, tailored to every curve and flaw of her body.
When she lifts the sword out, it comes out in one swift action. The blade is so clean she can see her reflection, the sharp edges gleaming in the overhead light. It looks harmless, beautiful and alluring, almost silver, but she doesn’t even need to touch the edges to know it would cut through her skin like it was paper.
“Woah,” she breathes.
“You bought her a sword?” she hears her grandfather ask, and it’s at that moment she becomes re-aware of the fact she’s not alone. She slides the sword back into its sheath without a word.
“Technically it’s a cutlass,” her dad replies, draining his glass of lemonade.
“It’s still a weapon,” he points out.
“Well, every kid should know how to use one at some point,” her mom explains. “Especially in this family.” Her grandfather opens his mouth, as if to protest, but seems to think the better of it and closes it. She slides the sword into its sheath, the weight against her hip somehow comforting.
“That’s so cool,” Lucas says, sitting at the bar next to where her dad put the box down. “Can I-”
“Absolutely not, Lucas!” her grandmother interrupts. “You still have the scar from your last sword related adventure.”
“Mom, Dad,” Hope says, after laughing just a little at Lucas. “Thank you, thank you so much.” She forgets stupid things like dignity and reputation and hugs them around the waist. “Thank you, thank you, thank you.”
“We knew you’d like it, Cygnet,” her mom says, stroking her hair. “Now we can start real fighting lessons,” she whispers, out of earshot of her grandparents.” Hope grins and buries her face in her mom’s chest, making the group hug as tight as she possibly can. “And there’s one more…”
“Happy birthday to you!” Hope’s face floods red as she turns around to the entire diner serenading her. “Happy birthday, dear Hope!” Granny comes in from the kitchen with one of the waiters, carrying a towering three-layered chocolate cake, covered in different types of candy, with a 15 candle and a sparkler on the top. As it gets closer, she can see the intricate details on it; small marzipan bunnies and edible trees, a pumpkin sitting at the bottom and despite everything, she throws her head back and squeals in delight, her cheeks turning pink.
God damn it, she loves her family. Her crazy, huge family.
“Come on kid, blow out those candles,” Granny tells her. “Don’t want wax dripping onto that cake.”
“Make a wish, kid,” her mom tells her, pressing her lips to her head before letting her go. Hope steps up to it, the glow of the candles lighting up her face as she thinks about a wish, knowing not to waste it on something stupid like good grades or a pony.
A face catches her attention beside her and inspiration strikes.
I wish I could ask Melody out she thinks, blowing out the candle. The diner bursts into applause while Granny starts cutting the cake.
“Do I get to know what you wished for?” her mom asks, hugging her from behind.
“Of course not. I need it to come true,” she replies. She notices a small white card on the bottom of the cake and frowns, taking note of the cursive writing in silver. She steps out of her mom’s embrace and picks it up, wiping chocolate off it.
To Hope/Cygnet/Birthday Girl
So sorry I couldn’t be with you on your actual birthday. Unfortunately I’m tied up in LA on set. I wish I could be there to see you turning 15. Still, I hope the cake I ordered to be made from LA’s best chefs and sent to Storybrooke will satisfy until I get there.
Your big (always big) brother, Henry.
Hope turns to face her mom, raising an eyebrow.
“Did you know about this?” she asks, showing her the card.
“Not until this morning when he told me,” she replies, shrugging. “I’m sorry he couldn’t be here.”
“It’s fine,” Hope says. “Not his fault. And anyway… this is a pretty great present.”
“Yeah it is,” she chuckles. “Speaking of, why don’t you get in there before Lucas and Philip demolish it?” Hope turns around and nods. She knows from experience what they’re like with food. Plus it’s her cake and she’s determined to try every layer. She makes to run over to it but pauses in her tracks. She turns back to her mom, who is smiling at the little card Henry made her. Her mom, her funny, comforting mom who always knows what to say to her. Her mom, who got her the most amazing sword for her birthday and went out to get her chocolate chips specially and bought rainbow laces just last week like she knew Hope would be getting new sneakers.
“Hey mom?” she says, making her look up. She balls her hands into fists and sticks them in the pockets of her jacket. “I love you.”
“I love you too, Cygnet,” she says.
Smiling, and her heart pounding, Hope takes a more than generous slice of cake and slides into a booth with her friends, eating and laughing until her stomach hurts and then eating some more because she can, and no one is going to tell her no, setting up an impromptu tic tac toe tournament and doing stupid, food related dares.
She’s still a kid, after all.
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aprilqueen84 · 6 years ago
WYLEI (8/?)
1,681 words done on chapter 8!! Woohoo! Should be done sometime this week.
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cosette141 · 3 years ago
In Hindsight | OUAT fanfic (oneshot)
Fandom: Once Upon A Time
Pairing: Captain Swan (and Captain Charming bromance/friendship)
Author: cosette141
Words: 1k
Summary: (tag to s3 CS movie) "I'm not sure her parents approve of me." "Given the lengths you've gone to save her, they'd be crazy not to." "I hope you remember that." After Killian and Emma's adventure, David does remember the conversation he and Killian had around the fire, and David has something to add to it. CS/Captain Charming
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a/n: takes place right after the "you traded your ship for me" kiss :) Also I'm still working on the next Lost and Found chapter I promise <3
"I remember it, you know."
Killian was startled out of his thoughts—daze, really—where he was in the far corner of Granny's diner, alone at the end of the bar. Emma had given into her feelings and kissed him outside only moments ago, something he was still reeling from.
They'd been inside for a while, but she'd just gotten up to check on Henry and her new brother in the booth across the crowded room.
But it wasn't Emma who'd spoken, it was David, who pulled out a stool and sat next to him, looking at him like they were already in the middle of a conversation.
"Sorry?" managed Killian, finding the semblance of his voice, sitting up. "You remember what?"
"Meeting Prince Charles and Princess Leia... y'know, you and Emma." said David with a grin, like the names were amusing to him.
Killian felt himself tense; for some reason, it hadn't actually occured to him that Emma would tell them. "You do?" he managed.
With a grin, David said, "Meeting my True Love by helping a prince save his thieving princess from the Queen's castle?" asked David. "Something like that is a little hard to forget."
Killian cracked a smile. "Aye, when you put it like that."
"It's hazy," admitted David, leaning back, and Killian felt himself relax a little. "But I remember Prince Charles," said David. With a crease in his brow— "Didn't you insult the mutton?"
Killian felt a smirk erase his discomfort. "Tad overcooked."
"Right," said David with an amused nod. "I liked Prince Charles," said David. Looking at Killian, he said, "You know, Snow and I invited you and 'Leia' to our wedding. It was thanks to you both that we got together, after all."
Killian's brows raised. Never has he ever been thought of in such a way. The pirate's life certainly prevented royal invitations and he wasn't a huge fan of the affairs but the idea of being thought of was something… touching.
"I can't believe it was you I was talking to," said David, shaking his head in disbelief. "I bonded with Captain Hook over the problems with my engagement," he said with a laugh. 
"I'm not so sure her parents approve of me."
"Given the lengths you've gone to save her… they'd be crazy not to."
"I hope you remember that."
Suddenly, Killian was uncomfortable. He'd been more than vulnerable when he'd talked to past-David; he thought it wouldn't ever matter. He'd never have been as open with the version of David he knew.
How much did he remember?
Bloody hell.
"Our conversation that night?" prompted Killian cautiously, trying to appear casual. "You remember it from all those years ago?"
"Bits and pieces," said David. "You asked me something about how I didn't look like I was happy with my engagement?" said David, brows kneaded like he was trying to remember. "I don't know; it was a really long time ago. For me, at least," he added.
Killian felt himself breathe out in relief.
He didn't remember.
"Aye," said Killian, relaxing. "Something like that."
David hesitated a moment before saying, "I wanted to thank you."
"For what?" asked Killian.
"For what?" echoed David with surprise. "For jumping in that portal after Emma when you didn't have to," clarified David. "For protecting her when I couldn't—or when I didn't know I was supposed to."
Killian felt a little heat creep up the back of his neck, the gratitude feeling uncomfortable. "Of course," he managed, taking a swig of the rum from his glass, thankful it was there. David stood, and Killian felt himself nearly sigh with relief, suddenly thinking that life was easier when the prince was yelling at him.
David turned to go back to his wife, when he said, "Oh, one more thing."
"Hm?" Killian forced a grin.
A tiny, knowing smile quirked the corner of David's lips. "We would be crazy not to."
Killian choked on the rum.
"Given the lengths you've gone to save her, they'd be crazy not to."
Killian stared at David in utter shock.
David just grinned at his reaction.
He bloody remembered.
With a sigh, David said, "I meant what I said to you that night, Hook," he said seriously. "I walked away from Prince Charles thinking that he was the most stand-up guy I'd ever met." Killian stared in shock. "We would be crazy to not see just how devoted you are to Emma." With a softer smile, something Killian has never gotten from David before, he said, "Thank you for… going to the end of the world for her." A little, meaningful smirk. "And time."
Killian forgot how to breathe.
"It's obviously up to Emma, whatever you and she become," said David. "But… I approve of you, Killian." With a look toward the booth where Snow was sitting, who'd looked up, gaze on both men, David said, "We both do."
He bloody called him by his name.
Killian could hardly find his voice. He managed a nod, his voice stuck somewhere in his chest.
But his shock seemed to only make David's approval solidify, with another quirked grin at the man's lips.
"What are you guys talking about?" asked Emma, walking back over and sitting next to Killian.
Killian swallowed and David told Emma, "Just catching up with my old friend, Prince Charles." David shot another look to Killian before leaving them to find Snow and the baby again.
Emma intertwined her fingers with Killian, smiling at him with something he's never seen her direct at him before tonight. Something that looked like the sun after weeks of cloud and rain, like a shine that had always been there but had finally broken free.
He had Emma.
And the approval of her parents.
He felt a smile at his lips, something foreign tickling his chest. Something he never thought he'd feel again.
And it was happiness.
tag list: @kmomof4 @klynn-stormz @stahlop @ilovemesomekillianjones @hookmecaptain @tiganasummertree @jonesfandomfanatic @anmylica @pirateprincessofpizza @snowbellewells @eddisfargo @motherkatereloyshipper @sotangledupinit
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hopeduckling13 · 6 years ago
Find My Way Back To You: Chapter 27
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Summary:  Hope Swan-Jones is the product of the product of true love and her true love, so her having very powerful magic was always in the cards. Luckily she lives in a town where everyone is very familiar with magic, so nothing can go wrong, can it?
Or so everyone thought, but then one day as a newborn Hope accidently travels back in time with her mother Emma.
How will the past population of Storybrooke react to their Savior having another kid and being married? And more importantly will the Savior and her baby daughter find a way back home to all of their loved ones?
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Catch Up:
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/14857127/chapters/34395467
FF.NET: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12964592/1/Find-My-Way-Back-To-You
Tumblr: [Prologue] [Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] [Chapter 4] [Chapter 5] [Chapter 6] [Chapter 7] [Chapter 8] [Chapter 9] [Chapter 10] [Chapter 11] [Chapter 12] [Chapter 13] [Chapter 14] [Chapter 15] [Chapter 16] [Chapter 17] [Chapter 18] [Chapter 19] [Chapter 20] [Chapter 21] [Chapter 22] [Chapter 23] [Chapter 24] [Chapter 25] [Chapter 26]
Reblog to be tagged in future chapters
Taglist: @capswantrue
~~~ EMMA’S POV ~~~
I set her back down in her crib and just watch her in awe for a while. She falls back asleep soon after - still holding my finger in that tiny hand of hers. Guess I have to stay here until she wakes up now. And I‘m quite happy about that. I love every single excuse to spend time with my daughter - not that I would ever need an excuse.
As much as I want to get home to the rest of our family, I don’t want to sacrifice spending time with Hope in the process either. She’ll grow up far too fast as it is. Before I know it, she’ll leave just like Henry did. And then I missed like another 10 years of his life. 
With Hope, I don’t want to have any regrets - time I missed with her and important stuff. 
I have too many regrets when it comes to Henry already. Like if I wouldn’t have given him up for adoption, if I would have kept him, I’d have gotten ten years more with him. I never would’ve had to share him with Regina the rest of the time either. Ultimately I would’ve had far more time with him. 
Maybe then him leaving wouldn’t make me as sad as it does now. Maybe it all wouldn’t be so hard and terrifying - I doubt that, but it’s possible.
Luckily I have Killian. And now also Hope. I don’t think I could’ve survived this without them. They’re my whole world. They distract me from missing Henry too much. 
Technically I still get to see my little boy. He’s back in Storybrooke after all. But he has his own little family, so the time we spend together isn’t as much as it used to be. Now I understand my dad better, when he was acting so weird after I told him, that Killian’s moving in with me. 
Sure without Hope and Killian, I would also still have my parents, but that’s not the same. They have each other, so I’d basically have to share them 24/7 just like Henry. Hope and Killian are all mine. 
Suddenly I hear voices downstairs. I listen carefully until I can identify them as my mom and Emma. 
I look at the clock. I’ve left her like an hour ago. And she’s back already? Seems like she’s making progress. It doesn’t seem like talking to me freaked her out that much. Must be a good sign. I think the more Emma accepts the situation and everything, the more she’ll have her magic under control. 
The two of us together should be powerful enough to find me and Hope a way home. Let’s just hope it’ll happen soon. I really want to get back to my husband. I miss him as much as I love him, which is a lot. 
Hope misses him too - her earlier crying proving as much. I hope I could have helped my little baby more then. She was able to hear his voice, but she couldn’t see him. Not the real him anyway. Maybe I should take her to see Hook. But then he might talk to my past self about it and then the kiss would come up and I’d be screwed.
We just have to find a way home soon. It can’t be that hard, right?
Why can’t Hope’s magic just freak out again and bring us home to Killian in an instant? That is if we didn’t change too much here. I couldn’t erase memories, if Hope took us back because I wouldn’t know until it’s too late.
But who knows, maybe nothing would change for the worse. Emma is here now, which means her walls are definitely shrinking and she seems to enjoy spending time with Killian - even if it still confuses her right now. But I can tell, they’d - we’d - be fine. It just takes a while, which is how it happened originally, too. So no harm done. Killian still seems to be a patient man and I trust him. It doesn’t matter to me, that he is still different to my Killian. This is how he was when we first met and I always knew deep down, that I could trust him. 
That’s why I left him on the beanstalk after all. I was afraid because I trusted him and trust normally doesn’t come easy with me. He was the rare exception, which was probably caused by our true love.
A few minutes pass and then I hear Emma walking up the stairs. She waves to me. She has a bag from Sneezy’s store with her, which she sets down next to the bed. Soon she sits down next to me, looking at Hope with a smile.
Hope seems to sense her presence as she opens her eyes immediately. She isn’t crying, so she wasn’t woken up by noise. She just woke up like she’s well rested, which is unlikely because she just fell asleep. So, she knew Emma was here and she wanted to see her. That’s cute. She’s the sweetest little baby and I’m not being biased here.
“Hi, Hope. Did you have a nice nap?” Emma says softly, reaching out her pointer finger to Hope’s other hand. My baby grabs it - now holding on to both of our fingers tightly.
“I know you’re scared about the future, but there’s no need, Emma. You’re great with her. She loves you. So, don’t worry about anything. It’ll all be okay.” I say to Emma, hoping not to scare her away, but still wanting to make some progress.
“You think so?” Emma looks at me with big eyes. The expression on her face far too familiar to me - a lost girl, who didn’t matter and never thought she ever would. But she does matter. She has a lot of people, who love her and who would do anything for her. 
I take her hand with the hand, that isn’t holding Hope’s and smile at her. “You’re great. And you will be fine. I know it all doesn’t seem that way right now. Especially because of our track record with happiness, but you will have an amazing future. I can promise you that. You just have to believe in it.” I say with determination.  
“You sound just like Henry.” She laughs a little.
“Yeah, I know. He is a smart kid.”
“The smartest.” 
We smile at each other and then keep looking at Hope for a little while. 
Emma grabs the bag she brought with her. 
“I hope you don’t mind. I brought her a little present because she was so upset earlier. Wanted to cheer her up.” Emma pulls out a swan plushie from the bag.
“That’s great. She’ll love it. Thank you.” I hug my past self. At first she tenses for a second, but then she returns the hug.
Emma really is making a lot of progress. We might be able to go home soon after all. The more Emma loves Hope, the better her magic will work since magic is all about emotion. It’s why I could only use it in the beginning, when I was protecting the people I love.
I will say though, that I will miss my past self. She’s like the twin I never had with me being the first born, which is why I feel special protective of her. I don’t even see her as myself. She’s kind of another person to me. Maybe like a soulmate or something because we’re so alike.
Emma places the swan plushie carefully next to Hope in the crib. My little angel instantly lets go of mine and Emma’s hands and inspects the toy with her tiny finger. 
That’s weird actually because she’s so small. I would’ve expected her to just not care about the toy for now, but she does. And it’s so damn adorable.
“She loves it.”
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