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softersynths · 2 years ago
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too big
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superintendent-b · 1 year ago
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you come into MY blog and use my own meme against ME?
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angels-heap · 2 years ago
14 and 17 for the ask game!
[Questions from this post!]
14. that one thing you see in fics all the time
I'm assuming this is supposed to be a petty gripe, so: Barney addressing Gordon with Overly Southern pet names that I simply cannot take seriously coming from his character. Every now and then, I get curious and check out the AO3 tag and go "oh, here's a new fic that people seem to like" and then... BAM.
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In the authors' defense, (1) I'm aware that this is a matter of personal preference, though I maintain that he's really not that fucking southern (and southern people do not all talk Like That) and (2) I should know better at this point. My online experience will be so much better when I finally internalize that pretty much every free//houn fic by an unknown author comes with an implicit label...
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... and proceed accordingly.
17. there should be more of this type of fic/art
I feel like I've said this before, and I'll say it again: I hunger for fanworks (gen or shippy) that really delve into the fucked up aspects of the post-HL2 setting without being melodramatic for the sake of it.* I live for a specific balance between fluffy/happy and realistic/depressing that I feel like I rarely see in HL art or fic, which I guess can best be described as "the same tone as canon but with heightened extremes on either end"? I know it when I see it but I cannot describe it. I hope someone out there understands.
*A certain flavor of melodrama is also desirable (I'm not a complete hypocrite) but it's gotta hit just right, y'know?
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siofra-river · 1 year ago
trick or treat!
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A little mug for you..don’t drop it :^)
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paterday · 2 years ago
4, 11, and 69 for any OC(s)?
You enable me so you’re hearing about ms Aura
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4 - What inspired you to make this character?
Not even I am immune to the halo oc
11 - What are they? Are they human? What is their species?
She’s a human AI :)
69 - What’s a fun fact about their story
She’s part of a series of experimental AI’s with the goal being to create AI that could exist longer, because of this, her ability to process certain things is cut off. and also because angst reasons
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godmybackhurts · 10 months ago
Gets out my walker: otp means one true pairing. It's like your favorite couple. Johntana is an otp to a lot of people
Ohhhhh, thank you!
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fionnaskyborn · 2 years ago
1,2, and 7 for a halo character of your choosing?
I'd like to thank you for giving me the freedom to choose from anyone in Halo, because that means I get to talk about my most niche choice when it comes to favorite characters, and that is Gage Yevgenny from the Dirt short story.
1: My first impression of them
Reading about Gage made me sad from the get-go because, hey, that's what happens when you first learn of someone's existence while they're drawing their last breaths. I found it painful and a bit funny that he decided to tell his entire life story to Rook in the middle of a crisis (and heartwarming, because Rook sat through all of it without cutting him off once, but this is about Gage), so I was eager to hear out what he had to say. I found the dirt talk to be quite relatable to a certain extent, which contributed to me liking him! So, TL;DR: I was sad because he was dying, and understanding of his reasons to leave Harvest.
2: When I think I truly started to like them (or dislike them, if you've sent me a character I don't like)
I re-read Dirt to answer this question properly, but if we're being honest here, I think I started liking him right off the bat, as soon as he was introduced. If I had to make a guess, I'd say this passage sealed the deal for me:
“I’ve been doing this so long, rook, that somewhere along the line I forgot what it was all about,” the Marine on the ground hissed into the reflective visor. “But what I want you to remember about me is that it has been a long journey between where I started and where I’m sitting now. I would apologize for the things I’ve done, but sorry’s passed me by, rook. You don’t see the things I’ve seen and come out sorry. But sometimes, if you’re not a complete monster, you come out realizing what’s important.”
7: A quote of them that you remember
There are two that I remember from the very end of the story with fondness so great I can't choose one over the other, so I hope two is alright!
“Years ago, I told my father it was ‘just dirt.’ But it’s not dirt. It’s where we live. It our dirt, dammit. And more importantly, it’s about who’s standing on that dirt. Those children. Your family. Your friends.”
"Promise me something, rook?” (“Anything.”) “You’ll fight the Covenant all the way. Even if they land on Earth. You’ll fight them even if you have to throw rocks at them."
The second quote isn't as, well, full of feeling for humanity as the first (both quotes are about caring for humanity, yes, but the sentiments are not the same), but there is so much resolve in that last line, and when you realize that it strengthened Rookie's resolve to fight against the Covenant - not to kill an enemy, but to protect a friend - it hits even harder.
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samarsh1l · 4 months ago
The Sound of Empty Stomachs Is Louder Than Bombs: A Family in Gaza Calls for Your Help!
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Amid war, airstrikes, and destruction, my family in Gaza is living through a silent tragedy. Between the buzzing of warplanes and the explosions, there is another sound echoing... the sound of empty stomachs. My little child, the women, and all of us sit in the corner of our tent, waiting for a meal that might never come.
The crisis is not just the tent, the demolished walls, the blocked roads, or the biting cold. It’s something simpler yet far more cruel... food. My family hasn’t tasted vegetables or meat for over three months. Day by day, they lose something else: yesterday it was fruit, and today it’s flour — a dream now out of reach due to its scarcity and exorbitant price.
Every moment is a battle for survival, and every bite of food pulls us back from the brink of hunger.
Will you let us suffer? Will you allow the sound of hunger to be louder than the voice of your conscience?
Contribute now, even a small amount, because in these conditions, even the smallest help means life!
Donate to my family and help keep them alive. What might be your next meal is an unattainable dream for them.
To donate:
Be the difference. Be the voice of humanity in a time of deafening silence!
@softandbeat @lonniemachin @beardog @boudicca @aerithisms @beardog @tala-the-artist @jdon @oldlovecassette @flutteringlily @herschelkrustofsky @aerithisms @gothminyoongi @queerdo-mcjewface @starbunnyonfilm @ladyzerodark @culturesofresistancefilms @antennas-to-heaven @cyber-neon-at-night @mauesartetc @shapeshifter911 @snubbullls @sugarcult @beardog @reduxskullduggerry @theformerissilent @snoopybutch @reduxskullduggerry @beefchurger @raindropssys @notpietromaximoff @ladyzerodark @chiyohlecter @kitkatdreamsmpmcyt @queen-vv @thatflutefaggot456 @potato-sauce-should-exist @swamppossum @angelnovus @raindropssys @snubbullls @xxsdelphia @ang3lv3rm1n @gardenstateofmind @kartoonatic @afeveredblur @reduxskullduggerry @lastwave @ladyzerodark @friendly-neighborhood-furry
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ahmedtanboura · 3 months ago
Repost‼️ Repost‼️
Imagine sleeping in a small tent You wake up and find these things next to you and your children 😥‼️
Tell me what you will do!!!
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This tent is made of nylon and some fabric, which also does not protect against cold and winter 💦🥶‼️
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Now I need you, people of kind hearts I need help 🙏
I hope you will stand by me and donate a small amount from here ⬇️🙏❤️‍🩹
‼️‼️Please don't leave me or ignore me 🙏‼️
@palmist-blog @appsa @sar-sar @sarradinha @sayruq @stuckinapril @heritageposts
@neptuneringzz @feluka @malcriada
@queerstudiesnatural @bruteira-blog
@sar-soor @chiyohlecter @kitkatdreamsmpmcyt @queen-vv @thatflutefaggot456 @potato-sauce-should-exist @swamppossum @angelnovus @raindropss @snubbullls @xxsdelphia @ang3lv3rm1n @gardenstateofmind @kartoonatic @afeveredblur @reduxskullduggerry @lastwaveofsummer @gazagfmboost @free @palestine29 @gofuckurselfbitch
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softersynths · 2 years ago
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Art request idea - Miru in this post
if i had a nickel for every time i drew a character in this pose. id have two nickels
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superintendent-b · 1 year ago
Drags you over to another pile of niche halo characters. Hi
Should I sit next to Roland?? Oh he bites? That's unfortunate, anyways. HEY. It's good to be here at NHCA (niche halo characters anonymous) suffering with everybody else ^^
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angels-heap · 2 years ago
Empty Garden for the fic bingo?
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Alas, the bingo card didn't have a space for "I was an angst-ridden teenager who had just played HL2 at the height of their sad Elton John piano ballad phase," but... yeah. Thanks for showing this old fic some love! It is very much a product of its time and that phase in my life, but it holds up okay, I think.
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siofra-river · 1 year ago
⚙️: see I am STILL basic and I love Spartans but the casual like. Body horror and dystopia in the marines is so interesting and feels so underdeveloped like… what are you telling me everyone has chips in they head.
🚢: does high charity count as a ship…? Such an interesting idea and place and we blew it tf up!!!
🗡️: already answered! But I’ll give a fact on gravity hammers… the only time they show up in the halo 4 campaign is on last level midnight when you’re going through the armory cortana sends you into
🤍: since I have a few I don’t count this as already answered and I’ll say. Dude I love Virgil so much. If anything happens to that funky guy I am going to go apeshit ..all huragoks are BABY!!!!
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fablepatron · 1 year ago
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Well @swamppossum she’s a Shepard with a passion for incredible violence to start-
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filamints · 1 year ago
Tag meme- get to know you game: answer the questions and tag the people you want to get to know better
holy shit i didnt know people were still at this, i got tagged by old man @jpivblog
- last song you listened to
so ive been relistening to my middleschool music... Vifta Med Händerna i used to borrow the 2 basshunter cds my library had frequently ;w; i had it on driving home because i rarely am in the car alone and when i am, i want to listen to LOUD music
- currently reading:
LMAO im reading halo: fall of reach to my girlfriend. we keep screaming at it, i love read aloud time with her sooooo much. turns out its bad! but its fun bad. after that she wants me to read murderbot to her
- currently watching:
buh. i feel like dungeon meshi barely counts im so behind. i think a more accurate gauge of what im up to is i just caught up with the something rotten podcast and im thrilled the current season is disco elysium, theyre been flirting with the idea for like, years i think LOL. i fell off during the metal gear season because i dont really care but i got thru it
- currently obsessed with
aoughuaough idk. my major fixations are always very static, they dont really change even from year to year. the moods for the kind of music i want to listen to and the food ive been craving is my fleeting kind so ive been relistening to the move's greatest hits a Lot and ive been in an insane mood for sandwiches and rice krispies treats. i hope that suffices. oh also im gonna get to play stardew update so im sure ill be insane about that again for a few weeks.
tagging people: @squeakitties @bullrunpicnicker @tigerdrop @kogo-dogo @bellygunnr @swamppossum
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tbonechessor · 2 years ago
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@swamppossum having a normal day are we
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