Ahmed in gaza🇵🇸
20 posts
Help my family and my sister Sarah Please donate ❤️‍🩹⬇️ https://gofund.me/5cd39587
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ahmedtanboura · 1 month ago
Hi, I'm Ahmed from Gaza, I'm 21 years old. I'm collecting donations to get my family to safety. We are living in very difficult circumstances. Can you help me and donate a small amount? If you can't, please share my story with others. Donation link⬇️🙏
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ahmedtanboura · 2 months ago
Please donate if you can
@twinsarekeepers @i-cloudyink-i @deadlystrs @mushroomweirdo @kinderes @declanisms @harley-angel @missgirlsthings @bunnelbaby @primordialsouph @sayruq @eldritch-muppetshow @anetteslife @posting-for-help @therealcuntyspout2 @dr-lapdance @redandbluerocks @shikse @sweet--sweet--muffin @thecryptkeeperskeeper @thatboymakesalotoftea @onlyreblogs-fuckifieverpost @freehologramreview @disembodiedvoicecrossover @spiralneko @reyesstrand @harley-angel @calyxthenerd @jolyne-best-jojo @defendglobe @cdr2002 @anetteslife @anassemblageofpassions
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ahmedtanboura · 3 months ago
please help me and my family ❤️‍🩹
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ahmedtanboura · 3 months ago
Hi, I'm Ahmed from Gaza, I'm 21 years old. I'm collecting donations to get my family to safety. We are living in very difficult circumstances. Can you help me and donate a small amount? If you can't, please share my story with others. Donation link⬇️🙏
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ahmedtanboura · 3 months ago
@twinsarekeepers @i-cloudyink-i @deadlystrs @mushroomweirdo @kinderes @declanisms @harley-angel @missgirlsthings @bunnelbaby @primordialsouph @sayruq @eldritch-muppetshow @anetteslife @posting-for-help @therealcuntyspout2 @dr-lapdance @redandbluerocks @shikse @freddyfazbearboyfriend @sweet--sweet--muffin @thecryptkeeperskeeper @thatboymakesalotoftea @onlyreblogs-fuckifieverpost @lunannan @manhattanstrawberry @dr-lapdance @dragon-enjoyer @charatto @barbiedude @gemevieve @lucy-shining-star @saharzahids @mavis-important-stuff @iero @the-anime-man @excalumbras @good-old-gossip @fearsomegaybeast @freehologramreview @disembodiedvoicecrossover @spiralneko @reyesstrand @harley-angel @calyxthenerd @jolyne-best-jojo @tuseranita @defendglobe @cdr2002 @anetteslife @anassemblageofpassions
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Imagine sleeping in a small tent You wake up and find these things next to you and your children 😥‼️
Tell me what you will do!!!
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This tent is made of nylon and some fabric, which also does not protect against cold and winter 💦🥶‼️
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Now I need you, people of kind hearts I need help 🙏
I hope you will stand by me and donate a small amount from here ⬇️🙏❤️‍🩹
‼️‼️Please don't leave me or ignore me 🙏‼️
@palmist-blog @appsa @sar-sar @sarradinha @sayruq @stuckinapril @heritageposts
@neptuneringzz @feluka @malcriada
@queerstudiesnatural @bruteira-blog
@sar-soor @chiyohlecter @kitkatdreamsmpmcyt @queen-vv @thatflutefaggot456 @potato-sauce-should-exist @swamppossum @angelnovus @raindropss @snubbullls @xxsdelphia @ang3lv3rm1n @gardenstateofmind @kartoonatic @afeveredblur @reduxskullduggerry @lastwaveofsummer @gazagfmboost @free @palestine29 @gofuckurselfbitch
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ahmedtanboura · 3 months ago
Getting bread in Gaza is very difficult Whoever obtains it considers himself to have achieved great success Due to the lack of flour and its high price.
We wait for more than 6 hours at the bakery gate to get 30 pieces of bread and this is very sad ❤️‍🩹😓.
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Due to the increase in the price of a bag of flour to about $300, we resort and are forced to wait at the bakery because we do not have the money To buy ‼️
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You are my hope to save my family from famine and danger. I hope you can help me obtain the lowest life resistance. You can donate to me through this donation link.
thank you. 🥺💜
@victormcartney @sar-soor @plomegranate @nabulsi @sayruq @palipunk-blog @communistkenobi-archive @queerstudiesnatural @bluebellsinthedells @rizzyluke @kordeliiius @self-hating-zionist @raelyn-dreams @unfortunatelyuncreative @licencetokrill-blog @jezebelgoldstone @ramelcandy @labutansa @sammywo @autistwizard @tortiefrancis @sparklinpixiedust @feluka @revcuse @golvio @lesbianmaxevans @annoyingloudmicrowavecultist @boyvander @the-bastard-king @ammonitetheseaserpent @girlinafairytale-blog @timetravellingkitty @appsa @applejupiter @bruiserminody @malcriada @retvolution @deansmultitudes @devilofthepit @heritageposts @wellwaterhysteria @dykesbat @gorbling @half-empty @3am-cheerios @queerkhazad @goalplz @aurorashard @silentwalrus1 @academyofbrokenhearts.
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ahmedtanboura · 3 months ago
Gaza is still Hungry. Gaza is still Thirsty.
Gaza is still Hurt.
Gaza is still Bleeding.
Please never stop talking about Gaza.🍉✊🇵🇸.
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Please stand by me and donate to me.
@lucy-shining-star @gemevieve @futchwaddledee @faoquin @10amdaylight @losingmymarbelles @berriez @elisnightmare @gemevieve @guesswhoiamplease @songforaname @wayfaring-schofield @gogopri @shrinkthisviolet @thewarlocknerd @skiddlecat @foamingatthemeowth @shrinkthisviolet @murderbot @gladiatorcunt @missgirlsthings @moi-ennepe @fvkvrodani @missgirlsthings @gladiatorcunt @murderbot @moi-ennepe
@wellwaterhysteria @sar-soor @appsa @applebunch @irhabiya @sayruq @xxx-sparkydemon-xxx @junglejim432 @dr-lapdance @tamamita @cantsayidont @fairweathermyth @dear-indies @90-ghost @palmist-blog @gazavetters @palestine @hjlphotos @nan4ri @versificar @taxicabinmemphis @undertale48 @frustrated-froglet
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ahmedtanboura · 3 months ago
@wellwaterhysteria @sar-soor @appsa @applebunch @irhabiya @sayruq @xxx-sparkydemon-xxx @junglejim4322 @dr-lapdance @tamamita @cantsayidont @fairweathermyth @dear-indies @eruthiawenluin @katealot @lenasa @stalinistqueens @dlxxv-vetted-donations @tododeku @a-shade-of-blue @gaza-relief-fund @catnapdreams @northgazaupdates2 @buttercuparry
@stuckinapril @wellwaterhysteria @appsa @applebunch @irhabiya @sayruq @junglejim4322 @tamamita @cantsayidont @fairweathermyth @dear-indies @eruthiawenluin @katealot @lenasai @stalinistqueens @tododeku @gaza-relief-fund @catnapdreams @northgazaupdates2 @buttercuparry
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Imagine sleeping in a small tent You wake up and find these things next to you and your children 😥‼️
Tell me what you will do!!!
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This tent is made of nylon and some fabric, which also does not protect against cold and winter 💦🥶‼️
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Now I need you, people of kind hearts I need help 🙏
I hope you will stand by me and donate a small amount from here ⬇️🙏❤️‍🩹
‼️‼️Please don't leave me or ignore me 🙏‼️
@palmist-blog @appsa @sar-sar @sarradinha @sayruq @stuckinapril @heritageposts
@neptuneringzz @feluka @malcriada
@queerstudiesnatural @bruteira-blog
@sar-soor @chiyohlecter @kitkatdreamsmpmcyt @queen-vv @thatflutefaggot456 @potato-sauce-should-exist @swamppossum @angelnovus @raindropss @snubbullls @xxsdelphia @ang3lv3rm1n @gardenstateofmind @kartoonatic @afeveredblur @reduxskullduggerry @lastwaveofsummer @gazagfmboost @free @palestine29 @gofuckurselfbitch
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ahmedtanboura · 3 months ago
@wellwaterhysteria @sar-soor @appsa @applebunch @irhabiya @sayruq @xxx-sparkydemon-xxx @junglejim4322 @tamamita @cantsayidont @fairweathermyth @dear-indies @eruthiawenluin @katealot @lenasa @stalinistqueens @dlxxv-vetted-donations @tododeku @a-shade-of-blue - @gemevieve
@futchwaddledee @faoquin
@10amdaylight @losingmymarbelles
@berriez @elisnightmare @gemevieve
@guesswhoiamplease @songforaname
@wayfaring-schofield @gogopri
@shrinkthisviolet @thewarlocknerd
@skiddlecat @foamingatthemeowth
@shrinkthisviolet @murderbot
@gladiatorcunt @missgirlsthings
@moi-ennepe @fvkvrodani
@missgirlsthings @gladiatorcunt
@murderbot @moi-ennepe @gaza-relief-fund @catnapdreams @northgazaupdates2 @buttercuparry
The Sound of Empty Stomachs Is Louder Than Bombs: A Family in Gaza Calls for Your Help!❤️‍🩹
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About a month ago, the price of a bag of flour increased to more than 100 shekels, which is approximately 300 dollars For us, this is impossible . For a month, we have been deprived of food 💔
Imagine yourself in my place ❤️‍🩹‼️
Help me buy 25 kilos of flour for my family before they die of hunger 🙏
donation ⬇️
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This is my little sister Sarah. She needs you. Don't ignore me and help me and Sarah❤️‍🩹
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@ibtisam @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @fairuzfakhira @fallahsart @sayruq @humanvoreture @kaapstadgirly @sar-soor @dimonds456-art @plomegranate @commissions4aid-international @nabulsi @stil-macher @soon-palestine @communitythings @palestinegenocide @vakarian-shepard @kaapstadgirly @annoyingloudmicrowavecultist
@appsa @sayruq @stuckinapril @heritageposts
@neptunering @feluka @malcriada
@sar-soor @sayr @stuckinapril @heritageposts
@felumatsu @malcriada
@queerstudiesnatural @brutaliakhoa
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ahmedtanboura · 3 months ago
Repost ‼️
Imagine, my friend, that you and your family live in this small tent ⛺😣.
As this tent does not protect against rain and wind 💧🌀.
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I hope people with kind hearts will donate and help ⬇️
please help me and donation 🍉‼️
Put yourself in my place, please don't ignore me 🥺🙏❤️‍🩹
@turtletoria @thatsonehellofabird
@buttercuparry @neptunerings
@virovac @butchmagicalboi
@rhubarbspring @commissions4aid-international
@a-shade-of-blue @galactic-mermaid
@jezior0 @lesbianmaxevans
@lonniemachin @monstermashpotato
@raatwitch @crapscicle @tortiefrancis
@comrademango @deathlonging
@girlinafairytale @imjustheretotrytohelp
@nevert-the-guy @fromjannah
@akajustmerry @autisticmudkip
@fading-event-608 @trans-leek-cookie
@moomoobug @bixlasagna
@paparoach @rainy-fog @dlxxv-vetted-donations
@sayruq @the-bastard-king
@courtjester69420 @variantsofblue
@imlizy-blog-blog @officialspec2
@buttercuparry @bibyebae
@littlestpersimmon @riding-with-the-wild-hunt
@sylvianritual @musicfren
@wellwaterhysteria @fl4xenfields
@noble-kale @appsa @90-ghost
.... 🍉🇵🇸❤️‍🩹......
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ahmedtanboura · 3 months ago
‼️What happens ‼️Can you imagine, my friend that one kilogram of firewood costs about $2? 😳
This is a difficult thing for us Because we have no source of income because of the war we are experiencing in Gaza
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Therefore, we resort to buying Bread from the bakery This thing is very difficult Because of the large numbers of people waiting at the bakery gate to get some bread ❤️‍🩹🥺Because of the large crowding of residents. It causes cases of suffocation and may cause death to sick people and children who are also waiting for bread 💔💔
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Watch these children waiting at the gate of a bakery to get bread How sad this scene is These children are supposed to go to school, but because of the war, they were deprived of education and food as well.
I hope that you, friends, will help and donate a small amount to me so that I can help my family buy bread and firewood ‼️🍉❤️‍🩹
donation ⬇️
Please don't ignore me ‼️‼️‼️🍉
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ahmedtanboura · 3 months ago
‼️What happens ‼️Can you imagine, my friend that one kilogram of firewood costs about $2? 😳
This is a difficult thing for us Because we have no source of income because of the war we are experiencing in Gaza
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Therefore, we resort to buying Bread from the bakery This thing is very difficult Because of the large numbers of people waiting at the bakery gate to get some bread ❤️‍🩹🥺Because of the large crowding of residents. It causes cases of suffocation and may cause death to sick people and children who are also waiting for bread 💔💔
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Watch these children waiting at the gate of a bakery to get bread How sad this scene is These children are supposed to go to school, but because of the war, they were deprived of education and food as well.
I hope that you, friends, will help and donate a small amount to me so that I can help my family buy bread and firewood ‼️🍉❤️‍🩹
donation ⬇️
Please don't ignore me ‼️‼️‼️🍉
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ahmedtanboura · 3 months ago
Hello my friend, I am Ahmed, I live in Ga🍉za. We are now living in very difficult circumstances. There is no water or food. Save my life and help me. Please do not ignore me. 🥺🍉
@appsa @sar-soor @sayruq @stuckinapril @heritageposts
@neptunerings @feluka @malcriada
@queerstudiesnatural @brutaliakhoa
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ahmedtanboura · 3 months ago
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ahmedtanboura · 3 months ago
Repost‼️ Repost‼️
Imagine sleeping in a small tent You wake up and find these things next to you and your children 😥‼️
Tell me what you will do!!!
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This tent is made of nylon and some fabric, which also does not protect against cold and winter 💦🥶‼️
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Now I need you, people of kind hearts I need help 🙏
I hope you will stand by me and donate a small amount from here ⬇️🙏❤️‍🩹
‼️‼️Please don't leave me or ignore me 🙏‼️
@palmist-blog @appsa @sar-sar @sarradinha @sayruq @stuckinapril @heritageposts
@neptuneringzz @feluka @malcriada
@queerstudiesnatural @bruteira-blog
@sar-soor @chiyohlecter @kitkatdreamsmpmcyt @queen-vv @thatflutefaggot456 @potato-sauce-should-exist @swamppossum @angelnovus @raindropss @snubbullls @xxsdelphia @ang3lv3rm1n @gardenstateofmind @kartoonatic @afeveredblur @reduxskullduggerry @lastwaveofsummer @gazagfmboost @free @palestine29 @gofuckurselfbitch
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ahmedtanboura · 3 months ago
Repost Repost‼️
Repost Repost‼️
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Hi, I'm Ahmed from Gaza, I'm 21 years old. I'm collecting donations to get my family to safety. We are living in very difficult circumstances. Can you help me and donate a small amount? If you can't, please share my story with others. Donation link⬇️🙏
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@approvers @sar-soor @sayruq @stuckinapril @heritageposts
@neptunesbounty @feluka @malcriaada
@queerstudiesnatural @brutaliakent
@ibtisam @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @fairuzfakhira @fallahsart @sayruq @humanvoreture @kaapstadgirly @sar-soor @dimonds456-art @plomegranate @commissions4aid-international @nabulsi @stil-macher @soon-palestine @communitythings @palestinegenocide @ghost- @kaapstadgirly @annoyingloudmicrowavecultist
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ahmedtanboura · 3 months ago
The Sound of Empty Stomachs Is Louder Than Bombs: A Family in Gaza Calls for Your Help!❤️‍🩹
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About a month ago, the price of a bag of flour increased to more than 100 shekels, which is approximately 300 dollars For us, this is impossible . For a month, we have been deprived of food 💔
Imagine yourself in my place ❤️‍🩹‼️
Help me buy 25 kilos of flour for my family before they die of hunger 🙏
donation ⬇️
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This is my little sister Sarah. She needs you. Don't ignore me and help me and Sarah❤️‍🩹
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@ibtisam @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @fairuzfakhira @fallahsart @sayruq @humanvoreture @kaapstadgirly @sar-soor @dimonds456-art @plomegranate @commissions4aid-international @nabulsi @stil-macher @soon-palestine @communitythings @palestinegenocide @vakarian-shepard @kaapstadgirly @annoyingloudmicrowavecultist
@appsa @sayruq @stuckinapril @heritageposts
@neptunering @feluka @malcriada
@sar-soor @sayr @stuckinapril @heritageposts
@felumatsu @malcriada
@queerstudiesnatural @brutaliakhoa
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