#swamp palette
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wallpapedits-vvc · 6 months ago
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Matching wallpapers #234
Like/reblog if you save ✨
None of this wallpapers/pictures belongs to me, I just do the matching.
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minecraftbed · 2 years ago
sodas & skateboards and ETHUBS
Send me a hermit (or two!) and a colour palette for a sketch!
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please be quiet, they are sleeping, and the next boogeyman is being chosen soon
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inkstainedpalettes · 5 months ago
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Inktuneber Day 11
In The Woods Somewhere - Hozier
One of my favorite tracks from him tbh, I just love the eerie vibes. Wasn't it based off of a weird dream he had once? Anyways, perfect spooky woods palette for all your spooky woods palette needs.
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bushcrank · 1 year ago
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My computer was acting up, so I streamed pixel art instead of playing games. Here's what we ended up with at the end of the stream! ✨
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shytulipartist · 1 year ago
TR's Palette Challenge Part 3
Part 1, Part 2
Original post with palettes
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Ghost in a jar
"They died from crying too much."
Pattern used: Meltwater Pulse
I decided to redraw the first illustration I made on Autodesk Sketchbook, back when I didn't know how to use other art programs besides MS Paint. There are still things I need to learn about Krita, but I prefer to do it at my own pace.
Let me give you some context for the drawing. When I was bored at school, I would sometimes draw a ghost crying inside a jar. For some reason, I liked drawing that doodle, even though I was emotionally okay at the time.
In 2020, I made a digital version on Autodesk, but I never shared it online. Now that I have an art blog, I might post the original version and compare it with the new one.
There's no hidden meaning, it's just about someone who drowned in their own tears and became a ghost.
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What are you doing in my swamp?
Pattern used: Green Tea
For some reason, I associated the palette with swamps and that's how I came up with the idea for this drawing. The lily pad is supposed to cover most of the monster's face as it slowly comes out of the water. If the palette had included more colours, I would have made the monster's silhouette much darker to make its appearance more mysterious. But, oh well, I worked with what I had.
Sketches for the two illustrations
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segapop115 · 1 year ago
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Finally getting caught up with OC-Tober Here's Day 10's Pumpkin Patch Palette Prompt
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hazeltailofficial · 1 year ago
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Tarte Grav3yardgirl Swamp Queen Palette
Getting Ready | Tarte Swamp Queen Palette
hazeltail on youtube / hazeltailofficial on tiktok / hazeltailofficial on ig / @hazeltailofficial
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browzerhistory · 2 years ago
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drawing i did for @mothwingedmyths 's color palette challenge, using fabric store august! this is an old oc i revamped, her name is danny and she's the mom friend of her friend group. she likes riding motorcycles, eating spicy food, and traveling! i used to draw her a lot but sort of forgot about her during quarantine lol
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bad12amcomic · 11 months ago
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For the @mcytrecursive exchange!
About a month or so ago I took part to draw a scene from Mirror Mesa \\ That I'm alive again for Ace_of_Arthropods! Highly recommend looking at the rest of the collection including this lovely podfic I got!
As for extra content uhhhhh have this palette I put together
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I feel obliged to also tell you that someone made a post headcannoning that when jimmy and Joel became allies he planted swamp azaleas everywhere to signify their alliance. (Will link if I find it again) And when I searched them up they coincidentally matched my Motifs how could I NOT.
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joe!!! he’s so :D!
wait, what’s that behind him?
ah. oh god. the horrors. oh. oh no. uh. okay. maybe. maybe we back away slowly. or quickly, dealer’s choice.
(epilepsy warning I do turn layers on and off a lot) This bad boy gets a timelapse, because I ended up scrapping quite a few things in the process of making it! The puppets were a fun idea but, alas, only etho worked well with the color palette.
More hermit hat atelier! joe was relegated to “ehh i dunno he lives in the swamp and plays with puppets” for a while but Now. oooh now he’s got Lore >:]. And also he lives in the swamp and plays with puppets.
Despite appearances, he is genuinely quite friendly, even though he’s a literal hermit. Most of the Brims avoid him for one reason or another, so he’s found ways to keep himself company. While he isn’t as active as a Brim anymore, he still holds the title of Ink, one-third of the leaders of the Brims. Although, with Evil Xisuma in charge, it’s really just a title.
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glasvera · 9 days ago
Dream and Sugar
Adam Warlock x Fem!Reader
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Description: (Sequel to Bittersweet!) Adam Warlock has discovered the wonders of coffee... but he has yet to discover just what it is about you that brings him all the way back to see you.
Warnings/Disclaimers: Fluff! Lil' bit of slow-burn too, or at least, as slow as you can get with a man who is very direct with his words and intentions.
A/N: Writing Adam Warlock at this point feels like I'm returning home. I've never written for so many characters in a piece of media before, and I'm absolutely LOVING it, but whenever I need a palette cleanser for writing I keep coming back to my favorite golden boy. I'll probably use this series for that very purpose, to be honest.
Word Count: 3.5k
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To be honest, you hadn’t expected to see him again. Not outside of your dreams, at least. It was almost pitiful how much he had wormed into your thoughts after only meeting him once. Though, in your defense, he really was the picture of perfection.
It had been a few months, and business had returned to the town’s favorite cafe. The cold, rainy weather was nippy but far from a deterrent, and people flocked here hour after hour to dry off and warm themselves up with a hot cup of coffee. It keeps your mind busy, at least. Not much time to pine after a golden space man when you have ten different lattes waiting to be made. And goodness knows you were thankful for the bustling crowd that drowned out the boss’s smooth jazz playlist.
“Excuse me, is Y/N here?”
The cocktail party effect is a strange phenomenon, but you’re so thankful for it when your ears perk up at the sound of a deep, smooth voice. You can’t quite see around the corner of the kitchen and your hands are full at the moment with orders, but you do hear the way your coworker’s voice picks up in pitch the way she always does when there’s a hot guy at the counter.
“Oh, are you a friend of hers?” you hear her ask, and you roll your eyes. You can already envision her twirling her hair, giving him a little giggle… 
“I… perhaps. You did not answer my question.”
Oh yeah. That’s definitely him. Butterflies explode in your chest and you nearly fumble and drop the drink you were carrying. Your coworker sighs, clearly put off by his obliviousness at her attempts to flirt with him.
“Yeah, she’s in the back. Hey, Y/N!”
You scramble to finish what you’re doing, or, at least, get to a stopping point, before you peek your head through the doorway.
And gods, he’s just as gorgeous as you remember.
White gold eyes flicker over to your face as you give him a small wave, and a wide smile spreads across his cheeks. He’s dressed much differently this time, and you’re almost disappointed to see him in a red shirt underneath a black, fur lined winter coat, even if he does look good in it. Though, you suppose, it’s probably for the best. At least you could picture what was underneath.
“Y/N!” he exclaims excitedly. “I came back!” Oh, he’s too adorable. A golden retriever in a man’s body. He’s bouncing on the balls of his feet, and you could easily imagine a big fluffy tail wagging behind him.
You step closer to the counter, stifling a giggle at his enthusiasm. “I’m happy to see you, Mister Warlock.”
“Please, just Adam,” he urges. “I think we are friendly enough for that, at least.”
Were you? Well, you certainly weren’t gonna argue. The thought of it makes you giddy.
Your coworker’s exaggerated sigh brings you back to reality. “Y/N, can you not, like, wait until break or something? We’re kinda swamped.”
Even if you detest her bitchy attitude, you can’t deny that the line forming behind Adam is only getting longer and more irritated. “Oh, I--yeah, you’re right.” Adam looks slightly perplexed, cocking his head to the side as he watches you move about. You give him a wry smile. “Sorry, I… my shift ends in an hour. I’d hate to ask you to wait, but--”
“I have the entire day to myself. I would be happy to wait,” he responds quickly, dismissing your worries in an instant with his voice. He really had come out all this way to see you, hadn’t he? You can’t stop the blush from warming your cheeks at this realization. Though, it was more likely he’d come seeking the “resident coffee expert” as he had so aptly put it before. Still, the thought excited you, and you nod.
“Sounds good. I’ll see you in an hour!”
It really was the longest hour of your life. Shifts like this usually fly by with how busy you are, but every time you bring out an order and call for the person’s name, you catch a glimpse of Adam lounging in one of the corner couches. He seems to keep to himself, even if his boredom is palpable. At one point you see him reading a fashion magazine with an eyebrow raised, and the next he’s nose deep in a years old issue of Entertainment Weekly. Man, your boss really needed to swap some of those out.
When your shift is finally coming to an end, you ask one of your other coworkers to put together your usual while you start concocting something for Adam. From your last encounter, you remember him liking his coffee blonde and sweet, so you decide to treat him to the wonders of syrups as you add a bit of brown sugar and caramel.
“So… how did you two meet?” one of your nicer yet nosier coworkers asks as he elbows you playfully. He waggles his eyebrows over in Adam’s direction, and you purse your lips before huffing a laugh through your nose.
“It’s not like that,” you clarify as you throw your jacket over your arms.
“Really? Because I'd be all over that in a heartbeat,” he replies with a hand over his chest. “What is he, made out of pure gold or something? And that voice!”
“Stop!” you exclaim with a laugh. “Believe me, I wish it was. I've literally only met him once before, right after downtown got totally wrecked. He's one of the guys who saved the day.”
“That's one of the Guardians of the Galaxy? Shit, girl, you better act fast,” he teases as you grab your bag and your coffees. You titter and shake your head, but you can't deny the rush you feel knowing that someone as well-known and beloved as Adam Warlock had come to see you personally. Maybe you had a chance with him, after all.
Or maybe you're just delusional and this perfect golden man is very friendly.
Adam's head pops up excitedly from the magazine he's reading when you approach. This time it’s Sports Illustrated, and you can't help but notice he almost seems relieved to have his attention pulled away from it.
“Ah, there you are,” he greets you with a warm smile as he stands, neatly replacing the magazine in its wooden cubby.
“How many of those did you go through?” you find yourself asking as you point to the small stack.
His cheeks turn a dark copper. A blush? He clears his throat. “I… all of them. I fear there is little to do here if one isn't drinking coffee.”
You give him a sympathetic smile before nodding towards the door. “You didn't have to stay here, you know. I know it's cold outside, but something tells me the temperature doesn't bother you that much.” More than a few people had given him strange looks for lingering in the cafe for that long without removing his winter coat, let alone without even breaking a sweat.
He hangs his head a bit, sheepishly glancing off to the side. “I did not want to get lost. If I did, I may not have made it back at the promised hour,” he admits shyly.
His kindness and consideration absolutely melt you. “Oh, that's--” you pause and chuckle, “...you're too sweet.”
“Am I?” he asks genuinely, his brow creeping up his forehead. “It seems like a simple courtesy.”
You offer him the coffee you'd made for him and he takes it into his hands, blinking down at it before returning his attention to your face. With a gentle smile, you reply, “It's more thought than most people would put into it, at least. But never mind that; go ahead and try that. I think you'll like it.”
“Oh, you--?” He stops himself, simply nodding before bringing the mouth of the lid to his lips. His eyes widen in an instant, an audible “mmm” humming in his throat as he takes a few more sips. It clearly takes him a lot of self-restraint to not finish his cup in one go, lowering it as he swallows. “I knew I made the right decision in trusting you,” he says emphatically before giving you a brilliant smile.
Now it's your turn to be shy, rubbing the back of your neck and chewing on the inside of your cheek. “I'm glad you like it,” you reply quietly.
“If I may trouble you further,” he says, leaning forward and tilting his head so that his face is level with yours. His closeness draws a little squeak from your lips. “The Guardians gave me the entire day to myself. I… would spend more time with you.”
Your mouth hangs agape. He wants to spend time with you? Warmth blossoms in your chest and your stomach flips.
When you don't immediately respond, he withdraws, worry creasing his brow, and exhales with a forlorn smile. “I… forgive me. That was a selfish request--”
“N-no!” you're quick to interrupt, not thinking about your movements when your hand comes to rest over his. You gasp and pull back instantly, and you can feel your face growing hot as the touch lingers on your fingertips. “I would love to. I just wasn't expecting it.”
“Why not? You seem pleasant enough company,” he replies, confused by your trepidation. 
“I… um…” You lick your lips, lacking a proper answer when you really think about it. “Never mind, but thank you.”
There's no way this man is real. You're clearly dreaming. Some intergalactic superhero shows up once, interacts with you once, and suddenly he has an interest in you? This is either an incredibly elaborate dream or a terribly cruel prank.
Though, you're not going to deny yourself this indulgence, real or not.
“There’s a park nearby. Obviously it's not the liveliest place right now, but I like to go there to relax.” When he regards you with curiosity, you add, “I would rather not spend more time at my place of work than I need to.”
He smiles in understanding before approaching the exit, opening the door as bitter winter air spills into the cafe. He nods for you to go first, and you have to stifle the girlish giggle bubbling in your chest. Of course he's a perfect gentleman. The two of you make your way down the sidewalk, side by side, though occasionally Adam stops to take another sip of his coffee. Each time he does, he adopts a delighted smile that warms your very soul.
“So,” he starts as you walk, eyeing you from the side. “How did you become a coffee expert?”
He asks it so genuinely you almost feel bad for the snort you let out. “I… I'm no expert. Just a local barista who enjoys what she does. Well, minus the customers, sometimes,” you respond.
“Ah… I am a customer, aren’t I?” he asks forlornly.
“Oh, you're one of the good ones!” you reassure him. “After all, I don't usually spend time with customers once my shift ends. You're a special one.”
“A special one? Hmm…” He seems to give this a great deal of thought as he rests a hand under his chin. “It is good that you do not dislike me, though. I certainly prefer it this way.”
You blink up at him in surprise as a blush spreads across your cheeks, and he seems to realize it in the same moment as his face turns a deeper shade of copper. He clears his throat, and you turn your head away with a quiet giggle.
The two of you finally reach the park, and much to your surprise, there are quite a few people here. A lot of couples wander about the paved pathways, cuddled up together for warmth as they whisper sweet nothings to each other and admire the soft glow of the lights that have been strung about. You can't help but feel a little self conscious about bringing Adam here; it’s clear that the atmosphere is far more amorous than usual.
“There is joy in plentiful abundance here. I can understand why you would enjoy it,” his voice breaks through your thoughts as he smiles at you. 
“I-I… it's, um… not normally this populated this time of year,” you explain as you nervously massage the nape of your neck. A shiver wracks your body then, and you're reminded that the light jacket you were wearing was enough for your commute but far from sufficient for lingering in the cold.
Adam seems to take notice, immediately shedding his winter coat and draping it over your shoulders. “Here,” he says softly as you're suddenly enveloped in warmth. His broad shoulders mean that his coat dwarfs you, reaching almost to your knees. It smells like him, like golden sunshine, earth, and the faintest hint of cologne. You hadn’t pegged him as the sort to wear fragrance, but you find yourself trying to memorize the scent nonetheless. 
“Oh, I--thank you,” you acquiesce as your blush deepens. The long sleeved red shirt he had worn underneath hugs his physique, and you have to stop yourself from staring.
“Do not mention it. It was merely a fashion choice to blend in, so I will be fine without it.” He looks at the way your neck disappears beneath the coat's fur collar and lets out a chortle. “Though, it may be a bit large for you. I apologize.”
You shake your head, trying to shed your rather Terran thoughts of what his actions normally imply at the same time, and offer him a shy smile. “No, it's fine. It’s warmer this way, I think.”
A bench beneath a large, barren oak draped in string lights is where you find yourselves. Though you sit side by side, you're careful not to sit too close to him. Don't want to give the wrong impression. It's quieter here, at least, and you settle into your seat with a long sigh before staring up into the colorless winter sky. The setting sun tries to peek through the clouds, a lone beacon glowing through the fog with its cold light. 
At least you have your own sun sitting next to you. 
“Do you like living here?” he asks suddenly with a tilt of his head in your direction. Curious eyes blink innocently at you.
That’s one you really have to think about. You shuffle a bit in your seat and tug his jacket tighter around your body, letting out a contemplative hum.
“It’s… familiar,” you finally say, your gaze trailing away as you grow lost in thought. “Routine. There’s a comfort in that.”
“You want something more,” he surmises from your tone, eyes softening.
You blink at him in surprise. “I… yeah. I suppose I do. But at the same time, change is scary, you know?” Burying your chin in the coat’s fur trim, you sigh. “You must see so many things out there…”
He chortles then, a low, rumbling sound. “And yet I still came here to experience coffee for the first time.”
His jovial nature eases your worries, instead letting you consider just what your first meeting really meant. “You’re telling me, truly, that you couldn’t get coffee elsewhere? I don’t believe for a second that coffee didn’t make its way across the galaxy!”
A hearty laugh bursts forth from him. “No, but I do not often have time at my disposal to seek such things out. I saw the opportunity while we were in the area and took it.”
Unexpectedly, he takes your hand gently in his. His golden skin is still just that, skin, tender and warm as he cradles your smaller hand in his palm. “I am glad I did,” he adds, smiling softly. “You have proven to be wonderful company.”
Your face heats up instantly to the point you’re surprised you can’t see steam coming off of your skin. Eyes glued to where your hands meet, you can feel your heart fluttering at even that simplest of touches.
“I-I… I’m glad you think so,” you finally eke out, thanking whatever gods are listening that your voice didn’t crack too terribly.
“This will be a wonderful… friendship, I think. Perhaps you can teach me other things, such as terran fashion or customs.” A sparkle glints in his eyes that you can’t help but notice. You also couldn’t help but notice the pause in his speech, nor the way his own cheeks turned a deep bronze.
“I don’t think you’ll need much help from me on fashion,” you reply, nodding at his current outfit. “You clearly have good taste.”
“Do I?” he asks with genuine surprise. “I simply chose garments that fit me well and that were in colors I often already wore and enjoyed…”
You giggle, and he regards you perplexedly. “You do realize that means you’re already putting more thought into it than most do, right?” When he shakes his head, you add, “A lot of people just grab whatever clothes are clean and head out the door.”
He seems to think on that, toying with your fingers as he brushes his thumb over your knuckles while he ponders. “I see… so that is what Qui--ah, Star-Lord does every day. It would explain some things.”
You snort at that, recalling the other humanoid that had been accompanying him the last time you met. “I wouldn’t tell him that, if I were you. He seems to have a fragile enough ego already.”
Adam gives you a knowing smirk as a laugh huffs from his nostrils. “You gathered as much from one meeting? You have a keen eye.”
“Nah, I’m just used to his type,” you correct him, shrugging your shoulders. “Not the first time I’ve been flirted with at work.”
“Mm,” he hums pensively. “That does not surprise me.” His eyes snap back up to yours and, once he realizes what he’s said, that bronze shade grows even more intense upon his face. “That is--I, well, you are pleasant to talk to, and to look at--”
Is he getting flustered? Over you? …Did he just say you were pleasant to look at?
He bites his tongue and looks away bashfully, withdrawing his hand. “I have said too much. Forgive me.”
Now you are the one who reaches for his hand, taking it back into your delicate hold as he regards you from the corner of his eye. “No, no… I don’t mind. Really,” you urge, even if your heart hammers in your chest. “I feel the same about you.”
“Ah…” he responds, the syllable almost choking its way from his throat. “It is not a feeling I am used to navigating. Forgive me if I seem hesitant or unsure.”
He seems so vulnerable now, this perfect man, and you feel yourself leaning closer to him. The hesitation is still there, but something about him draws you closer. You press your palm against his before interlocking your fingers. Golden lips part softly as he watches you closely, searching for any sign of discomfort, and all he sees is your gentle smile.
“And… what feeling is that?” you ask tentatively. It’s easier to brace yourself for any possible rejection if you just stare at your interlaced hands instead of his face.
“I…” he begins, trailing off for a moment. “Attraction, at the very least,” he finally ventures, his eyes darting off to stare at the lingering snow that clings to the grass. “I did not lie. It is soothing, pleasurable, even, to be in your company. That much I know. I am drawn to you.”
Well, that much you had in common. Finally your gaze finds its way back to his face. He’s clearly embarrassed. Meanwhile, you’re over the moon, trying desperately to contain your excitement at this revelation. Still, this is clearly all new, especially for him, and the last thing you want to do is scare him off.
“I’m flattered, Adam,” you reply warmly, bringing his attention back to you. “It… it doesn’t have to mean anything if you don’t want it to, though. People find each other attractive all the time.” Reality sinks in as you continue, “...and you’re always off saving the universe, so if you don’t want to--”
“Please,” he suddenly hisses, clasping his other hand over yours and squeezing. “Do not dismiss what I am telling you. Even if I am unsure of it myself, I know that I want to spend more time with you.” When your eyes widen, he continues, “I know of friendship. Kinship. What it is to have people close to you. There is something about your very soul that invites me deeper, beyond even that. It is true that you and I have only barely become acquainted, but I…”
He brings your hand to his lips and presses a tender kiss to your knuckles.
“I would be terribly suffering if I were never to see you again.”
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champion-of-love · 2 months ago
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whoops only just saw this now since i can only see submissions on desktop not on mobile but i'll try my best to summarize most of my thoughts
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(images of the new doll from DollBoy29 on twitter)
first of all, i think it's a gorgeous doll. not a collector myself, but if i was, i would buy it in a heartbeat. anything was a step up from the budget doll lines from eah that cupid was last in so i'm thankful for that. (also, not an expert on fashion or dolls. so please take my review with a grain of salt)
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i like the theming/style that they went with her doll. the style of french rococo is very much romantic and whimsical and i think it pairs well with cupid's character motifs and imagery. though the style isn't 1:1 to rococo fashion, the inspiration is still very much there. the hair and the dress pair very well and i think it's a great design.
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(Top right image is Lady Altamont by George Romney. Bottom left is Rococo Terminology from Epochs of Fashion)
while i like it overall, i'm kind of iffy about some of the little details:
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(1) in her previous mh dolls, her hands faded to black. a nod to her heritage as a bone elemental. in this new doll, only her legs fade to black while her arms don't. i don't understand keeping this feature for one set of limbs but not for the other. either keep it for both or remove it for both. or maybe find another way to showcase she's an elemental. but kind of a sloppy design choice imo.
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(2) another one i don't like is the hot pink accessories on her!!! not to be a nitpicker, but this shade of hot pink/fuschia is not cupid's palette. her previous dolls (not counting the budget ones) pretty much stuck to her shades of pink (bubblegum, coral, light pink) which i think better suit her. also her accessories have been consistently bronze (or black) which fits her ancient greek background. and she's pretty much the only mh girl in g1 to utilize bronze. she is not a hot pink girl!
(also having her headband be the same color range as her hair makes it blend into the background and doesn't help it pop. the hot pink makes it look a bit cheap and i'd rather the accessories be in the shade of bronze in the other pics.)
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(3) i also don't like her new cupid's bow lips. i prefer the old one and the bright taffy pink doesn't suit the rest of the doll. i think a more rose pink would have been better to suit the red heart. or keep the background of the heart uncolored like the g1 doll.
and so as not to end on a sour note, i saved the new things i liked for the end!
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(1) her new wings! oh my ghouls just absolutely beautiful! very much reminds me of rococo pattern. i could see this in the wallpaper or metalwork of the rococo period. the entire shape of the wing is a heart and the curls inside are in the shapes of heart too. the mantua of her dress is also in hearts which is just so pretty.
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(2) her new shoes! so pretty. the platform of the heel is in the style of ancient greek columns which is an amazing detail. the straps of the shoes look to be made of braided rope which is what greeks used to tie their chitons/tunics with is also another great detail. the heel of her shoes is also a bow and arrow! while i do miss her winged shoes from previous dolls, she can still fly without them and i think this is an equally great shoe. (ashlynn would be proud.)
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(3) her new hair and her eye makeup!!!! the new hair is gorgeous and beautiful and has so much volume. while best curls and volume of all time (for me), still goes to honey swamp, cupid is very much the runner up. i also adore the different shades of pink in her hair as opposed to her one shade of pink hair from last time. her eye makeup is also so pretty! the blue eyeshadow brings out her eyes and i love the hearts around her pupil and the hearts around the edges of her eyes! sooooo pretty.
tldr: a gorgeous doll, some details i don't like, but very much love the larger changes they made
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nymla · 3 days ago
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Grumpy swamp toad friend 🐸🌿 Now up for 🌟AUCTION!🌟
Check it out here: nymla.se/shop Ends on: Monday the 3rd, 6pm Swedish time.
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Is it a jewelry dish? Is it a paint palette? It can be what you want, it is even food safe! :} Toad will be there guarding the precious trinkets/paints. I really enjoyed making all the little details for this, the mushrooms and moss-like plants surrounding this little grumpington.
Stoneware ceramics. Food and dishwasher safe, but handwashing is always preferred. Size: ca 20 x 17 x 7 cm (7.9 x 6.7 x 2.8 inches). Thank you all! 💚🌿 Nymla
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luna-the-cretar · 3 months ago
Okay, I’ve slept, and I wanna share how I imagine some of the LOA characters (specifically from EOM, Icebound, and OUAW) Smell like, bc I’m obsessed with that for some reason. Not including Twig or Daisy bc those are NPCs
Long post below. Beware.
Minor spoilers for EOM, but nothing too bad
[Edge of Midnight]
Marius: Marius is the only one whose scent changes slightly between his metamorphosis. Pre-Metamorphosis, he smells slightly metallic due to his armor, has a fairly strong musky outdoors smell, and an underlying scent of roses. Post-Metamorphosis, his musk has changed ever so slightly to be more “sultry” (the way colognes and men’s soaps market the musky smell), the scent of roses is more prominent now, and he has an underlying scent of iron (from blood, not armor)
Lethica: Lethica, for some reason, I associate with the smell of petrichor (rain) and licorice. I’m not sure why, possibly because of her color palette, but I do. Although, I do imagine she also has an underlying scent of roses, because of her feelings for Marius, and how The Duchess has clearly taken note of them
Jericho: Jericho is interesting. Jericho, being a scarecrow, smells roughly how you’d imagine a scarecrow would smell like. He smells like dirt, wheat, old cloth, yes, but he also smells metallic, woodsy, and there’s a trace of sulfur and brimstone (ik those are the same thing, but my mind pictures them to be two different smells for some reason)
Briggsy and Farryn: for the sake of brevity, I’m combining these two together, since they smell fairly similar. They both smell of rot and decay, however Briggsy moreso smells like a mixture of a rotting crocodile and a rotting fish, whereas Farryn smells more like moss and rotting plant life.
Yorgrim: Yorgrim smells like dirt—specifically freshly dug dirt. He also smells faintly of limestone, due to the gravestone on his back. I’d also argue that he smells like The Mists, but idk how to describe that smell.
Barnabos, Jornir, and Skrimm: again, combining them for the sake of brevity. They all smell strongly of their natural musks, but Barnabos also smells like fish and low tide; Jornir smells like wet fur and wood; and Skrimm smells like alcohol (tho less-so now) and dirt
Taishen: Taishen smells of cinnamon, clove, sage, nutmeg, cardamom, etc. He smells essentially like chai. However he also smells faintly of fire. Idk how else to say this, he smells like a hot cup of tea on a winter morning. I just. Idk what else you want from me.
Queenie: Queenie, I picture, smells like flowers (daisies, daffodils, etc), and honey. Though she also has a fairly strong smell of wet fur and the outdoors.
[Once Upon A Witchlight]
Torbek: Torbek smells like a dumpster and wet fur. I. Idk what else you want from me. He also smells of Witchlight, but I don’t know how that would smell like other than Magic.
Gricko: Gricko smells like the outdoors, and like he spends his every waking moment with an animal, who also spends all her time outdoors.
Frost: Frost smells like ink, old parchment, old books, etc. he also smells of sage, clove, cinnamon, nutmeg, etc. Basically, imagine drinking a cup of tea in an old library, and you’ve got Frost’s scent. Tho he does smell faintly animal-like, but that’s partly because he’s a Tabaxi, and mostly because he spends all his time with Gricko and Hootsie
Gideon: Gideon smells also of the outdoors, but in a different way. He smells like burning wood, like his cigars, like ashes, like, well, fire. He smells faintly of oil and metal, as well, and there’s an underlying scent of coal. There is also an underlying scent of cigarettes and Kremy’s perfume, however.
Kremy: Kremy smells of cigarettes, perfume (which, idk exactly how his perfume would smell like, but I imagine he would wear one that makes him smell rich), of a freshly pressed and freshly tailored suit. He also smells faintly of swamp water (or water in general), and however you’d imagine an alligator to smell like, idk. There’s also an underlying scent of cigars, oil, and fire, however.
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pocket-gems · 3 months ago
Tear species guide Masterpost.2
(Disclaimer: Tear is not an actual gemstone, this is a fan-made open species based on Steven Universe. They are not related to the volcanic glass called Pele's Tears)
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Tears are an elite nobility Gems. Primarily, they use their future vision to assure the process of Gem creation. Their main role in Homeworld is to organize and localize possible colonies for the creation of a Kindergarten.
In addition to their abilities as prophets, they can levitate. They have the power of creating crystals for their self defense such as weapons, armor and flight. However, Tears' future vision only applies to the events of a star/planet/moon and their condition.
Their main power is Cosmic Energy Manipulation, wich consists of being capable to create spacial dust storms. It can cause light distortions, that can heavilly harm a Gem's physical form (as Gems are made of light). This element is only able to be used on space or space-like atmospheres.
Because of their high rank status, Tears tend to have guards assigned to ensure their safety, since they were not made for combat. The most common types of guards can vary (Rubies, Quartzes, Topazes, other type of soldier/guard gem...)
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They are a tall, skinny gem that generally have tear-like pattern limited to their face. However, there's a rarer variety of Tear that can have marking/patterns around their body. Tears have hair tend to have a shadow that resembles night star.
Their gemstones are more commonly faceted, resembling a star with 4 points. Its shape and pattern variates, and they can have inclusions such as being rutilated, a cat's eye, etcètera. A rarer variety of their gemstone is being a plain cabochon while having a variety of patterns.
Tears creation process involves White Diamond and they cannot be created like other gems, wich is why Tears are a highly rare Gem.
Off Colours Tears
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Overcooked Tears are half the size of an standard Tear. Thicker Tears are the same size of a Tear and tend to have plump lips. They are both perfectly able to function in Homeworld and while being considered defective. Midget Tears are unable to do their Gem tasks properly and are chased as an off colour.
(The more "masculine" base is just there in case someone wanted to go for another vibe)
Various Tear Examples
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(Diamond-Spotted Tear, Wine Tear, Peach Tear, Sand Tear, Seafoam Tear, Bi-colour Tear, Mystic Swamp Tear, Serbert Tear and Rosewater Tear)
Frequent Questions
•Can I make Tear adopts/customs/gifts?
As long as you credit me, yeah! I don't mind ^^
•I'm unsure about my Tear, could you help me figure out?
Yeah! I'll even draw them free of charge if that helps, absolutely!
•Can I have one as a main gemsona?
Yes. Express yourself.
Important note:
I made this as a very general guide of "What I would do". They are an open species, and anyone is welcome to pick up something and go "I don't like this, I'm doing it my way". That includes palettes, forms, shapes and powers.
Per example, my original guide did not include a thick tear and they ended up being canon to me. A bunch of this (updated) guide is inspired by others' takes of things that I just didn't see coming and that inspired me to make it "official".
My priority is for others to expand my concept. I do not care if someone does something a way I don't like, because then there's no point of making them an open species. Literally go have fun.
(May add more questions/update in the future)
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cryptidcr3ature · 1 year ago
Rating Charles’s outfits because I’m an opinionated person. (None of these pics are mine)
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Colter Charles: 8/10. There’s something so special about this outfit good patterns, the hand ™, and general snugness. -2 points for the hood. Is it practical? Yes. Does it cover his hair and thus burying the lead that this man has the best hair in the game? Also yes.
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Classic blue shirt Charles: 9/10. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this outfit. Everything matches, it’s practical for changing temperatures, it works well with his little necklace. Overall a very good outfit. -1 point for the neck line just being a little awkward.
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Poacher killing outfit: -10/10. Charlie boy what the hell? You have a monochromatic color palette and nothing matches. Why do we have so many layers? Why is the belt so high if you’re going to put a jacket over it. I hate this outfit
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Sean rescue fit: (sorry for the bad quality but this one has little no pictures) 10/10 YES YES YES. Big coat, matching pants and boots and his hair is on display. Practical and good looking.
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The hoodie ™: 6/10. This is a controversial take I know, but the hoodie has its problems. It looks comfortable and I’m an avid hoodie wearer, but I’m not a fan of the rough edges and the one brown patch. I do like the thick sewing lines, but I know this fit could be better. Of course I still love the hoodie and he can make it work but I have to be critical.
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Lemoyne fit 1: 10000/10! YES I LOVE THIS FIT SO MUCH YOU GUYS DONT UNDERSTAND! THE PURPLE SHIRT WITH THE TURQUOISE DETAILS ON THE VEST!!!! The way it’s not too baggy but not over constricting. It’s practical but it looks good, not even mentioned how good the tomahawk holster looks with the outfit. I’d wear this outfit level good.
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Lemoyne fit 2: 8/10. I adore the idea of this outfit. The greens and the short sleeves are immaculate. The -2 points are for the dingy white shirt. Lemoyne is a dirty place, with all the swamps and dust and stuff, and the whites aren’t going to stay white respectfully. No blame to Charles whatsoever, it’s just not my favorite shirt.
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Bank heist fit: 10/10 looks, 5/10 practicality. I love this fit, he looks so good, why so many layers? Why not lose the thick wool coat? If it was a normal day, maybe it would be fine, but you gotta move and I know he’s sweating. I know that wool doesn’t breathe well. Still slays though. A gentleman never gets hot.
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Farm boy Charles: 10/10! The fit is RIGHT. Subtle patterns, cute little feather, AND no weird neck line. ICONIC! AND HE KEEPS THE LEG HOLSTER! SLAY KING, SLAY!
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American venom: 3/10. I like the coat and his hair looks really good. I also like the pants. I hate this disgusting green vest and off white shirt combo, paired with the floppy hat. I know it’s the same hat as colter, but it doesn’t match the vibe.
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