#swaggersouls misfits
swaggerscat · 5 months
They just kept going 💀💀
Some scooby doo stuff right there man
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12202005 · 11 months
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I’m soooooooo down bad y’all😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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storiesforallfandoms · 6 months
our next step ~ swaggersouls
word count: 1611
request?: yes!
“hey hey!! i adore your work and was wondering if you could do a swaggerwouls x fem!reader? maybe something along the lines of the reader also being a youtuber and them having a baby together and announcing it to their fans?🥺i’ve been having major baby fever lately lol. super sorry if this goes against any of your rules and it’s totally cool if you’re not comfortable writing it! :)”
description: in which they decide to tell their fans the major update in their lives
pairing: swaggersouls x female!reader
warnings: swearing, two uses of y/n, rpf
masterlist (one, two, three)
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Being content creators with a very small social media presence outside of YouTube and Twitch made it incredibly easy to hide my pregnancy.
It’s not that we didn’t want to tell our fans. The majority of mine and Swagger’s relationship was online for everyone to see since we vlogged and gamed with each other regularly. If anything, it made more sense to tell everyone when I found out I was pregnant. And I had actually filmed most of my pregnancy to make one big vlog once the baby came.
But, like I said, the majority of our relationship was online. Not only that, but most of my life since I was in my late teens was online for the world to see. We decided that we wanted something for just ourselves, even just for a little while.
Neither of us posted on social media enough for it to be suspicious if we were suddenly MIA for months, and my face cam when I was streaming was always positioned in a way that showed me from my shoulders up, so my bump wasn’t on camera. The only thing my fans would notice was some weight gain in my face, which was easy to just say was because I had gained weight in general.
The other Misfits knew, of course. We told them shortly after we found out. Tobi was ecstatic that her son was going to have a Misfits friend. The guys were all happy for us, too, but Cam teased Swagger about being the last person in the group any of them expected to become a father.
“So, you’re giving up weed then?” Cam asked after we told him.
“Fuck no! I’ll go smoke outside instead.”
After nine long months, plus roughly six hours of labor, our baby girl came into the world and our family was complete.
She had Swagger wrapped around her tiny fingers from the second he laid his eyes on her. He loved her almost more than he loved our cats, which is definitely saying something. But, I did say almost.
A month or so after our daughter, Daisy, was born, Swagger and I were laid in bed together. I was reading while Swagger was watching stuff on his phone with little Daisy asleep on his chest. I kept glancing over at them and smiling at the sight. I couldn’t help it, seeing Swagger as a dad just made me happy. Especially seeing him with the little human that we made. It was hard to explain the level of joy I felt.
“Take a picture, it lasts longer,” Swagger said, giving me a playful smile.
I hadn’t even realized I was staring until that moment. I shook myself out of my thoughts and retorted, “That’s not as insulting as you think it is. If I could reach my phone, I’d take so many pictures of you right now.”
��Oh, I am well aware.” He reached out to hold my hand while trying to move very little as to not wake Daisy. “What had you thinking so hard anyways?”
I looked at Daisy again, another smile involuntarily tugging at the corners of my mouth. I just couldn’t help it.
Instead of telling him what I had actually been thinking about, I found myself saying, “Should we tell our viewers about Daisy soon?”
“We did say we’d announce it after she was born,” he said. “And they’ve definitely noticed that you haven’t vlogged in months.”
“Do you think it’s time?”
Swagger looked at Daisy and asked, “What do you think, Daisy? Should we tell the world you exist?” The baby let out a heavy sigh, but otherwise didn’t move or wake up. “I think that was a yes.”
The next day, I broke out the old vlog camera that I hadn’t used since before I developed my baby bump. Surprisingly, the battery hadn’t died even from lack of use.
“This feels foreign,” I said as I turned the camera on. “I haven’t vlogged in ages. I wonder if I’ll even remember how to do it.”
“You’re just setting it up to sit in front of it,” Swagger teased.
“Hey, that’s hard to do when you haven’t worked a camera in, like, a year.” I set the camera up on the tripod and turned to him. “Sit your ass down, knight boy.”
“That was a terrible insult.”
Swagger sat down on the couch, wearing his ski mask and holding Daisy in his arms. He had her positioned in a way that her face was hidden from the camera. We both agreed that we would not be showing her face on camera while she was a kid, but we also thought it would be hilarious to start the video with Swagger just holding our baby that no one knew even existed.
“She’s going to be terrified if she wakes up and sees the mask,” I said as I sat next to him.
“She’ll have to get used to it eventually,” he said. “Maybe I’ll just walk around the house with it on.”
“Do not do that. I know you would use that as an excuse to just scare me.”
He gave me a look, and I could tell from his eyes that he was smirking under his mask.
“Anyways,” I said, turning away from him. “Hello. I know you guys are all wondering, what is this thing.” I gestured to Daisy.
“Thing,” Swagger snickered.
“This is our baby,” I said, ignoring him. “It is the bun I baked for nine months, and now here she is. And I know you’re also all wondering, (Y/N) and Swagger, when did you guys have a baby?”
“About a month ago,” Swagger responded. “And technically, (Y/N) had the baby. I just put the baby in her.”
“Yeah, thanks for that.” To the camera, I said, “We know you guys have so many questions. The short story is, we weren’t trying for a baby. It was definitely a shock to us both, but it was a good shock. Announcing my pregnancy wasn’t the first thing we thought of. Actually, it took, like, a week for us to realize we hadn’t said anything online about it, and at that point we kind of came to the conclusion that we wanted the pregnancy to be an us thing instead of a shared internet thing.”
“We were being very selfish,” Swagger said.
“But we’re not sorry,” I added.
“Oh, not at all. We love you guys, but sometimes we do need some privacy, and this was definitely one of those times.” He glanced down at Daisy, his eyes lighting up just looking at her. I decided against teasing him in that moment because it was just too cute. He continued, “And I’m going to answer the important question, which is no, not even becoming a father will stop me from smoking weed.”
I playfully rolled my eyes.
“Everyone was thinking it!” Swagger argued. “Obviously I’m not smoking 24/7, or around the baby, but I’m not giving it up all together. I’m not becoming a square just because I have a kid.”
“Should we tell everyone her name, or are we just going to keep calling her ‘the baby’?”
“I don’t see a problem with telling everyone her name.”
“Her name is Daisy.”
As if hearing her name, Daisy made a soft cooing noise and opened her eyes. Swagger moved her so she would look at me first. We were joking for the video before, but we were actually a little nervous about her reaction to seeing Swagger in his ski mask for the first time. It was something we’d have to ease her into when she was much older.
“Hey baby,” I said, taking her from Swagger. “Woke up to be in your first ever video, huh? You’re ready to be a star.”
She looked up at me with her big, brown eyes. Ever since she was born, everyone said she looked exactly like me, but not her eyes. She definitely had Swagger’s eyes.
“That’s it, I guess,” I said. “We’re going to take some time to take care of this one and get used to having a baby, then we’ll be back to regular streams and uploads eventually. Uh...yeah. Bye, I guess?” I looked over to Swagger. “Can you turn the camera off? I’m holding Daisy.”
He got up and did as I asked. Once the camera was off, he pulled off the ski mask and tossed it off to the side. “That went well.”
“I’m weirdly nervous about it,” I admitted. “My heart is pounding. Daisy can definitely feel it.”
“You don’t have to be nervous. I don’t think anyone is going to react poorly to us announcing we’re parents now.”
“I’d doubt it, but weirdly I still am.”
Swagger sat down next to me and put an arm around my shoulder. I leaned into him, stretching my legs out and resting Daisy on them so she could look at the both of us. She was very interested in her surroundings. According to my mom, babies can only see so far when they’re first born, and their vision increases as time goes on. I’m not sure if that’s completely true, but it was adorable to think that she was just now seeing everything for the first time.
“I can’t believe we made this,” I said. “We made a whole human being.”
“We can make another one, if you want.”
I shot him a look. “No way. My body does not need to go through that ever again. We can practice, though.”
“Deal.” He pulled me close and kissed the top of my head.
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custardandjam · 2 months
Alcohol leads to... fun - SwaggerSouls x Reader
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words: 1468 warnings: drinking, drunk sex, fem!oral recieving, p in v, after care :D
When you met him, you could never have imagined what would unfold.
You felt a light tap on your shoulder, drawing your attention. Turning, you saw him standing there, his eyes filled with a mixture of nervousness and determination. His tousled hair framed a face that was both familiar and strange, and his hesitant smile betrayed his anxiety. As your eyes met, he quickly glanced over his shoulder. You followed his gaze to a group of his friends a short distance away, who were subtly gesturing and encouraging him to approach.
"Hello," you said, your voice tinged with confusion. You studied his face, trying to place him and understand his intentions.
He coughed lightly before speaking, "I, erm, can I buy you a drink?" His voice wavered with uncertainty. You shrugged nonchalantly before nodding; after all, a free drink is a free drink.
The bar you were in wasn't exactly dingy, but it wasn't high-class either. The dim lighting and slightly worn-out furniture gave it a lived-in feel. You had already witnessed several people slipping into the bathrooms, emerging with suspiciously energized demeanors, likely having indulged in some illicit substances. You supposed plenty of wealthy folks did that too in their higher up bars and clubs.
After he, who you learned was named Eric, got a bit more drunk, as did you, his shyness began to fade away. His words flowed more freely, and his laughter became more genuine. The awkwardness that initially coloured his approach had dissolved into a comfortable camaraderie.
Eric's friends had moved on from this bar to the next, but he stayed by your side, engaging you in lively conversation and playful flirting. The noise of the bar buzzed around you, but you were both in your own little world.
After he made you laugh for what felt like the hundredth time that night, you—emboldened by the alcohol—swayed forward and kissed him. He melted into the kiss, his initial surprise quickly giving way to reciprocation. The world around you seemed to blur as you shared that moment, the energy of the bar fading into the background.
"Wow," he muttered, his eyes wide with amazement and a touch of awe. "Wow," he repeated, as if he couldn't quite believe what had just happened. His expression softened, his gaze lingering on you with a newfound tenderness, clearly smitten.
As the night wore on and the bar began to empty, Eric looked at you with a blend of excitement and a touch of hesitation. The ambient noise had dwindled to a quiet hum, leaving just the two of you in your own bubble of shared connection. He took a deep breath, his eyes searching yours with a mixture of hope and a hint of mischief. "You know," he began, his voice slightly husky from the alcohol and the intimacy of the evening, "I don't live far from here. DO you wanna come over? We can continue this— open another bottle of wine or whatever."
Your pulse quickened as you weighed his invitation, the anticipation in his eyes and the warmth of his smile drawing you in. After a moment's pause, you nodded. "Sure," you said softly, feeling a rush of excitement.
Eric's face lit up, and he quickly settled the tab. He took your hand as you both stepped out into the cool night air, the bustling city around you a stark contrast to the quiet anticipation hanging between you. The walk to his place was filled with light conversation and laughter, the chemistry between you two undeniable.
When you arrived at his apartment, Eric fumbled slightly with the keys before opening the door to reveal a cozy, dimly lit space. It was tidy but lived-in, with personal touches that made it feel warm and inviting. He gestured for you to enter, and you stepped inside, taking in the soft ambient lighting and the subtle scent of his cologne lingering in the air.
"Make yourself at home," he said, his voice carrying a new, deeper warmth. He moved to the kitchen area, retrieving a bottle of wine and two glasses. "I thought we could continue our conversation here," he added, his tone playful and inviting.
As he poured the wine, you settled onto the plush couch, the soft fabric comforting against your skin. Eric handed you a glass and sat down beside you, closer than before. The tension between you grew, electric and palpable. You clinked glasses, his eyes never leaving yours, and took a sip, the wine smooth and rich.
The conversation flowed easily, interspersed with shared glances and subtle touches. Each laugh, each shared story, drew you closer, the outside world fading away. When the bottle was nearly empty, Eric leaned in, his voice low and husky, "I'm really glad you came over."
You felt a magnetic pull, your faces inches apart. Without hesitation, you closed the distance, your lips meeting in a passionate kiss. The softness of his mouth against yours sent a thrill through your body, and he responded eagerly, his hand gently cradling your face. The kiss deepened, the room around you blurring as you lost yourselves in the moment, the night unfolding in ways you hadn't anticipated but fully welcomed.
He wasn’t exactly slow, he immediately dragged his hand sensually from your neck to your waist, to your inner thighs. He wouldn’t admit it, but he moaned when he felt his fingers inside of you, you were beautiful, moaning as his fingers curled and pressed against your sweet spot.
He eventually pulled his fingers out, grabbing your hips and guiding you to his bedroom, he didn’t bother in the romantic stuff, he was eager. Ripping your clothes off with fevour- as well as his own. He’s hard- thats obvious- what with it pressed up against your leg as he hold himself above you, leaning down to suck gentle on your nipple. “Fuck, you’re beautiful,” He groaned. His voice vibrating against your skin making you moan.
He kisses down your body, his head coming to rest between your thighs. His tongue delving into your folds as you arch under him. He’s relentless, licking and sucking, teasing you. 
You already feel close, his tongue swirling around your clit, you clench your thighs around his head and he can tell youre done for. Your whole body trembles with anticipation before you release all over his tongue, he continues to suck until you have to push his head from over stimulation.
His eyes are looking at you lust and satisfaction, his chin shining in the dim lights from your own slick. 
He doesn’t give you much time to recover before the head of his cock is teasing your cunt, pushing into you making you whine. “Thats right, baby, moan for me.” He grunts out as he thrusts his hips into you. His eyes gleam in satisfaction with each whine you release.
He’s becoming more urgent, his hips moving in a more demanding pace, barely with rhythm. He grips your hips had, crescents being dug into the flesh, hes holding you steady. Driving into you with reckless abandon. Muttering about how close he is, his voice strained, words punctuated by grunts and groans.
Then his hips become as erratic as ever, he groans loud, as he reaches his peak, muscles tensing as he pulls out and spills all over your tummy. He breathes shakily, his body trembling with aftershocks.
After cleaning the mess from your skin, he lay besides you on the bed.
Eric’s breathing was heavy and uneven as he lay beside you, the aftermath of his release still palpable in the dimly lit room. His body trembled slightly, a mix of exhaustion and lingering satisfaction. Slowly, he turned on his side to face you, his gaze softening as he took in the sight of you, still catching your breath.
He gently brushed a strand of hair from your forehead, his touch tender and soothing. "Are you okay?" he asked, his voice now a hushed whisper, filled with genuine concern. He leaned closer, his fingers lightly tracing over your skin, trying to offer comfort after the intensity of the moment. His eyes were filled with a warmth that contrasted with the raw passion of earlier, showing a side of him that was caring and attentive.
Without breaking eye contact, he reached for a soft blanket draped over the side of the bed and carefully pulled it over both of you. The fabric was cool and comforting against your skin. He then retrieved a damp cloth from the bedside table, wiping away the evidence of your shared passion from your stomach with gentle, deliberate strokes. His touch was careful, as though he wanted to make sure you felt cared for and respected.
Once he was finished, he settled back against the pillows, pulling you close. He wrapped his arms around you in a protective embrace, his body heat a pleasant counterpoint to the cool air of the room. "You were incredible," he murmured.
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mc395686 · 6 months
Bonus paper art: Swaggersouls!
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I’m making a different SDMP member (or 2) each week the server is open so follow if you wanna keep up!
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sunnysoulzz · 2 years
Swagger oneshot cause I can’t get him off my mind ;)
Warnings: swaggersouls x f!reader, thigh riding
It was late, you and Swagger were sitting on the couch watching tv, if you were honest, you weren’t watching the tv at all. Your mind was completely filled with thoughts of the way Swagger would dick you down. You pressed your thighs together, you looked over to Swagger who was staring at the tv. You were cuddling into his side, his arm draped over you. You reached down and placed your hand on his thigh. He looked down at you, meeting your gaze. You stared up at his, your face red and eyes filled with lust, he knew that look all to well. He furrowed his eyebrows before smirking, within seconds you were places on his thigh, the rough material of his jeans pressing into you. “Go on then princess, get yourself off on my leg” his eyes started to fill with arousal as you slowly started to rock yourself on him. The layers between you two didn’t make it easy, it didn’t take long for you to remove your shorts, you were left in just your panties and one of his tshirts. You placed your hands on his shoulders, helping you stabilise yourself as you continued to to press yourself down on his thigh. His hands rested on your hips, his eyes were still staring at the tv but you had his full attention. You bit your lip, suppressing a moan as you moved your hips back and fourth. He moved one of his hands to grab your chin, pulling you in closer to him, “come on sweetheart, let that pretty voice out” he smirked, you could see his erection growing though his pants. It didn’t take long after that, you rocked your hips fast, desperately chasing that high. Swagger was now staring down at the wet spot forming on your panties and his jeans. You came with a loud whine, your legs were weak and shaky, you practically fell forward onto swaggers chest. He held you against, his hands still on your hips, “you think you can help me with the problem you’ve caused me, love?” He looked down at you with a grin, your face grew red again before you reacted down to unbutton his jeans, this was gonna be fun.
I’m back from the dead! This time writing for a dead fandom!! Anyway I’ve fallen head over heals for swaggersouls (honestly most of the misfits) and so I’m probably gonna write more for them, this isn’t my official return YET. But I do hope to start writing again soon <33 love you all ;3
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wishyouloveme · 1 year
Never knew footsies could turn into this 2/2 18+
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Warnings: SMUT HEAVY SMUT. Dirty talk, degrading (not much) use of pet names,getting walked in on, praise
A/N NOTE: I AM NOT A MINOR! I can't stop minors for interacting with this, but I do not suggest it!
Requested y/n: Where they're on the misfits podcast and swagger keeps flirting with her and he keeps rubbing his foot against her ankle. After the podcast he fallows her outside and you can take it from there. Smut pls
Requested by: @samantha-rae-velcher
You rolled over, used to rolling over to get out of your bed, since one end of your bed was against a wall, and you rolled directly onto Eric.
Your eyes widened,and you Backed up again, but he groaned,trying to roll with you.
He wrapped his arm around under your legs and pulled you close, basically onto him, and cuddled into you.
You sighed,just relaxing into him as you realized what was going on,and you leaned into him, closing your eyes again.
You weren't tired anymore, but Eric had easily fallen back to sleep,so you just stayed there. About ten minutes later you started feeling really hot,and you started moving around.
Brushing against his thigh, you let out a small whimper, trying to move again, except this time you landed on his hip, and you whimpered again, a little bit louder this time then last time.
Eric stirred slightly, having heard the whimper and looked up at you "you alright?" He asked in a morning voice,which just made you hotter.
You nodded slightly,shifting again, and the underwear you had slept in had a wet patch on it.
He noticed with a gentle smirk,and wrapped his arms around you when you tried to get up,pulling you back onto him. You whimpered again,looking down
"Awww what happened? Is someone horny~" he purred into your ear,making you sit on his lap
You looked away,not wanting to answer due to the fact that yes. Yes, you were. But he didn't need to know that.
"Well then, if you aren't we can just lay here" Eric shrugs, his hands making gentle circles in your butt, and you whined,but didn't want to use your words.
"Use your words,or that's all we're gonna do" he hums out,tilting his head and smirking when you just said "no.."
He hums, flipping you two over and putting his hand behind your back "Use.Your.Words" he growled out
"F-fine. I just..." You trailed off,the embarrassment getting to you as your face heats up.
He waited for an answer,and when he realized that wasn't going to happen, he put his hand under your back and pushed you against him.
"Baby. Use your words before I make you use your words. " he glares up at you, and you blush.
He chuckles when he notices you have nothing to say,and he hums "alright guess I'll just make you~" he hums.
Grabbing your arms he forces them above your head,grabbing your shirt gently and looking up "is this okay?" He whispered up to you,breaking the persona for a minute to make sure you were okay.
You nodded,and he went back to being the persona, basically ripping your shirt upwards and then sitting back and admiring you "fuck your beautiful" he mumbles.
He grabbed your chest gently, leaning down to kiss you softly,kneading your brests in his hands.
You let out a small whimper, arching your chest into his hands, and he smirks into the kiss.
He makes his way down your body,gently rubbing your stomach "fuck baby" he hums softly,kissing your stomach softly.
You smiled,letting out a gentle exhale as you watched him, and he looks up "are you okay?" He asks immediately, seeing the slightly wince on your face.
"I'm fine. I'm absolutely fine." You say automatically, nodding quickly and wrapping your legs around his body.
He grabs your hips,and pulls you closer,pushing you right against him "fuck baby feel how hard I am for you? That all for you" he whispers in your ear,gridning himself into you.
You nodded "I-I feel it" you whispered basically silently,arching your back at how good it felt "fuck Eric~" you moaned.
"Want me to fuck you?" It was a genuine question. No trace of teasing in his voice,no note of anything except seriousness in his voice.
You nodded quickly,trying to back up more into him, and he smirks,grabbing the under wear you had slept in and looking up again, he didn't even need to ask as you nodded.
He pulls them down,and admires you for a minute,letting out a gentle exhale "oh my god you're amazing" he whispers.
You feel yourself blush,but you hum "it's not fair if im the only one naked" you mumble,sorta to yourself but he hears you and hums
"Well, let's change that,hm?" He basically groans out,and reaches down,pulling his own shirt over his body.
You just stare, and you smile,reaching out to touch him. He looked slightly confused,but you just stared,and touched him. You were trying to make sure he was real.
He chuckles when he realized what you were doing,and moves your hand down "im real baby,I'm all real" he promises,kissing your hand softly and trailing it back down.
You look up and smile softly "pants off?" You asks softly,and he nods,getting off the bed and pulling his pants down, getting back on the bed.
You just watch in amazement,blushing softly at his size.
He kisses you quickly to stop any possible overthinking,gently guiding himself to you "you ready?" He whispers softly,and you nod,wrapping your legs around his back.
He guided himself in,and groans,swearing silently "let me know when I can move" he says softly,gently kissing down your chest and to your ribcage, and you nodded "move"
That one word seemed to awaken something in him,and he started off gentle,and then picks up speed,kissing you quickly to muffle your moans,knowing your roommate was probably home.
You moaned into his mouth, his back arching gently as you gasp,tightening around him.
He thrusts for another few minutes,whispering softly praising words to you about how good you were being,and how good you fucking felt.
You tightened around him as you came,and he swears,pulling out of you as he came on your chest.
He sighs softly,laying his head on your stomach,exhaling quickly as he pants.
"Deep breaths in" you say softly and play with his hair,raking your nails down his back.
He nods,and a few minutes later get up,pulling on loose underwear,grabbing a wipe that was on your dresser and softly wiping off your chest.
You smiled,and pull on his underwear,smiling gently and pulling him onto you,cuddling into him.
He fell asleep after a bit and you went on your phone,your roommate knocking on your door
"Yo Y/-" he stares for a second "damn. Good job" was all he said before going to leave "oh wait- what did you want from McDonalds?"
You rolled your eyes "chicken nuggets and fries please"
He nods softly,and looks over at Eric "he want anything?" You shrug,and he nods,walking out "pick up extra nuggets just incase"
He nods,leaving the house.
Re-post is allowed!
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bad268 · 2 years
Can I request some fluff with SwaggerSouls? There's a severe lack of content for the man and damn I'm sad about that.
To the Kitchen! (SwaggerSouls X Reader)
Fandom: RPF
Requested: Clearly (I was gonna post this for 420 followers, but I went through and blocked bots...Then the peach said post it Wednesday, so we post it Wednesday!)
Warnings:  language (everything I write should be automatic tw language), drugs (marijuana)
Pronouns: None used
W.C. 1906
Summary:  Fitz gets a new neighbor who is great at baking cookies, and some special sweets.
As always, my requests are OPEN
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~~(^@/Swagger's YouTube profile pic)
I had been living in (hometown) for my whole life, but a spur of the moment decision led to me packing up everything to move to Melbourne. Maybe it was not my best decision since I knew no one, but I could not turn back now.
I found a small apartment in the middle of the city. It was the only one available in the area that I could afford, but it was cute. It was my first day, so I thought the best thing would be to introduce myself to my neighbor. I was on the end of the floor, so I only had one neighbor. I remembered that the best way to make friends was to make food, and I happen to know how to make some of the best cookies anyone's ever had.
I made a small batch to bring over to them since I did not know how many lived there, and if they needed more, I could always bring them more. I set them all on a paper plate and took them over to their door. When I knocked on the door, it sounded like five guys cheered, and my eyes widened. There was no way five people would fit in an apartment as small as mine, but I'm not judging.
After a couple of seconds, one of them opened the door, and he immediately closed the door shouting, "you're not pizza!" I heard a couple of them groan in response.
"But I have cookies?" I replied back, confused. Suddenly, the door opened again. This time, it was a taller guy. "I wanted to introduce myself and bring cookies, but I can leave-"
"No, we like cookies," He cut me off. He gestured for me to come in, and I saw four more guys and a girl. I stayed out in the hall, so he just introduced himself. "I'm Cam, but my friends call me Fitz."
"Interesting, I'm your new neighbor, Y/N. I used to bake a lot back home, so I thought I would make you some cookies, but I realize there might not be enough for everybody," I laughed holding the cookies out for him. He took the plate, and thanked me before I took my leave. "I hope you guys like the cookies. I'm going to head back to my place, but if you want more, just let me know."
"Of course, it was nice to meet you, Y/N," He said, closing the door. I headed back to my apartment, fully ready to chill for the night. I was ready for a night of getting high and binging my favorite show until the early hours of the morning. Maybe I would end up making some special desserts.
Unbeknownst to you, the guys were skeptical. In Fitz's apartment, they were debating if you actually made those cookies. Mason was convinced they were store-bought based on how they looked, but once he tasted them, he was in awe. He was sure a professional baker made those cookies, and he really did not believe you made them. Matt and Toby thought he was crazy, but once they tried the cookies, they were on the same page as Mason.
They broke out into a full debate, and it still wasn't solved when Swagger showed up with the pizza. No one even noticed him walk through the door until he slammed it shut.
"What the hell?" He yelled, setting the pizzas on the counter. "Ooo who bought cookies?"
"Try one," Jay enlarged, passing the plate closer to Swagger.
"Are they poisonous or what?" He asked with a laugh before taking the last one and eating it. "Holy shit, who fucking made those?"
"My new neighbor, what do you-" Fitz started asking, but Swagger was already gone. He was already in the hallway, walking up to your door. Everyone held back for a minute to see what he was going to do. He just started banging on your door. It was so loud, they thought the entire floor would wake up. "Swagger, shut up! You're gonna get me kicked out!"
It took me a few minutes to realize that the loud knocking was at my door. I thought it was coming from the show, but I also could not find it in me to get up from my spot on the floor. I fell off my couch a while ago and could not figure out how to coordinate my limbs enough to stand, so I just shouted, "It's open!"
The door swung open, and in walked a man, shaking something in his hand. He was talking too fast for me to comprehend what he was saying. He was walking around the couch, still speed-talking about something important, but I cut him off, "You're gonna have to talk a lot slower if you want me to understand."
It was then, he looked down, and he must have seen the look on my face looking back at him from the ground because he hesitated before asking, "Are you okay?"
"Just high, but what'd you want?" I responded slowly.
"I need to know where you got these cookies, and where you got your weed cuz holy shit, you are fucked," he laughed.
"Thanks, I made them, and the weed I brought with me from (hometown)," I replied as he came over and laid next to me on the ground. "What're you doing?"
"Getting in the mindset of someone who knows how to bake the best cookies I've ever had," He laughed as he finished off the cookie. "Also, I ate an edible earlier, and it's just now kicking in."
I let out a gasp and turned onto my side to look at him before asking, "Do you wanna make high cookies? I brought a lot of shit from home, and I used to always make high cookies."
"Is it just making cookies while high or weed cookies?" He asked as he also turned to his side, looking directly into my eyes.
"Weed cookies, obviously," I stated with an eye roll. "What do you think I am? An amateur?"
"No, but we better get started before we're in the stratosphere," He laughed, moving to sit up, and then stand. He held his arm out to pull me up, but instead of heading straight to the kitchen, I took a couple of more rips from my bong before offering it to...wait. Who was in my apartment?
"Wait a minute," I said, pulling the bong back. I started laughing uncontrollably, "Who are you?"
"Oh shit, I'm Fitz's friend, Swagger," He laughed before reaching for the bong. This time, I let him take it, thinking his story checked out.
"Alright, as long as you aren't tryna kill me, we'll be good. Now, to the kitchen!"
"What did I say about starting fights you can't finish?" Swagger threatened after I threw a little bit of flour at him at 2:30 AM one night.
"Who said I can't finish this?" I replied, holding the flour container closer to my body. "I think I'm the only one with ammunition."
"You think flour is the only ammo? I have the batter!" He retorted.
"You wouldn't dare waste the precious batter," I gasped in shock.
"Don't tempt me. I will," He joked as he smeared a little bit of the batter on my nose. I gasped, moving to grab more flour.
"Why you little shit-" I was just about to throw the flow when I paused, hearing someone walk into the kitchen. This gave Swagger enough time to fling some batter at me from the whisk, but I reached over and snatched it out of his hand before he could do it again.
"What the hell are you guys doing?" Matt asked as he came into the warzone of a kitchen.
"We're studying to become dentists," I deadpanned as I licked the batter off my nose and Swagger poured the remaining brownie batter into a pan as if nothing happened. "What does it look like we're doing?"
"Making brownies at 2:30 in the morning? But why? We literally have to get up at 6, and you guys are being loud," Matt said. "Do I look like I'm gonna be sober during this 10-hour road trip with you lot? No. I am gonna be higher than a motherfuckin' kite, Matt. If you want one, you better start helping," I explained as I leaned on the counter and licked the batter off the whisk.
"There's no way you'd eat the whole pan," Matt laughed. "Surely, I could have one."
"Hey, I get some!" Swagger complained as he put the brownies in the oven, set the timer, and wiped his hands off with a towel. He came up behind me, hiding his face in my neck. "I helped, so I get some."
"You always get some, baby," I laughed. Matt gagged, jokingly, as he watched our interaction. I spun around in Swagger's arms, whispering to him, "I wanna sleep. What if we make him clean up?" Swagger nodded, leaning into me more. I threw my head back to look at Matt, "If you want some brownies before we leave, start cleaning, and take them out in 22 minutes."
With that, we left him alone in the kitchen as we headed up to our room. Once we got there, we were ready to collapse into bed after showering and changing.
"It is already 4 Swags," I groaned as he came out of the bathroom. He climbed under the covers on his side of the bed and pulled me into his side. I buried my face into his chest as I wined, "I don't want to have to wake up in 2 hours."
He laughed at my childish behavior before kissing the top of my head, "We could watch a movie, and catch some sleep in the van?" "Sleep? In the same car as Mason and Chad? I don't think we're talking about the same car, babe," I chuckled as I pulled back enough to look up at him. "Trust me, I love them, but they are loud as fuck."
"Ah, but you love me more right?" He teased me.
"Only a little bit," I joked back. He let out an offended gasp as he started pushing me away. I laughed at his antics before retracting my statement, "No, I'm kidding babe. If I didn't love you, would I have said, 'I do'?"
"I guess you're forgiven," He sighed as he turned the lights off. His arm was still loosely wrapped around my shoulder but not nearly as tight as it normally is, so I pulled back, pouting at him. He started laughing as he pulled me back down, "I love you too, now go to sleep."
It was silent for a couple of minutes, and I was just about to fall asleep. However, the creak of our bedroom door caused us to shoot up to see Matt, "Pst, guys. Sorry, but I burnt the brownies."
"Goddammit, Matt!" I groaned, throwing my head back into the pillows. "Are you kidding me?"
"It's 4:20, we could make another batch before 6," Swagger suggested as he looked over at his phone.
"Oh, it's 4:20! We have to go make a batch now because it's 4:20!" I replied, suddenly full of energy, as I jumped out of bed, and pulled Swagger back down to the kitchen.
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fluckingfeathers · 1 year
West hunt brings out the worst in them
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swaggerscat · 8 months
Fitz and the boys! :)
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from toastedshoes on instagram. (2nd of jan)
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12202005 · 1 year
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My man my man my man🤭
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pupcroft · 1 year
Small disclaimer: I usually don’t write your “typical” reader but I felt like it cus fuck it I’m a writer and I can do what I want x
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˖⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ݁ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀˖
⠀𝖲𝗍𝗈𝗋𝗂𝖾𝗌⠀𝘄𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗵⠀𝖺⠀𝗍𝗁𝗈𝗎𝗌𝖺𝗇𝖽⠀𝒍𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕⠀𝒚𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒔 ,
⠀⠀🗝⠀𝗈𝗋⠀𝖺𝗍⠀𝗹𝗲𝗮𝘀𝘁⠀𝖾𝗇𝗈𝗎𝗀𝗁⠀𝗍𝗈⠀𝗳𝗶𝗹𝗹⠀𝗍𝗁𝖾⠀𝒔𝒑𝒂𝒄𝒆 !⠀
˖⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ݁ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀˖
y/n was visiting mason and his friends for the first time ever and she was nervous,, she didn’t know how they’d be around her at all.
Admittedly she was nervous I mean hell she was a considerably smaller YouTuber meeting YouTubers with ALOT more subscribers than her,, she knew that mason had talked a lot about her and knowing him he probably painted her as a not like other girls girl.
When In reality she wasn’t in the slightest I mean sure she didn’t like the idea of dresses and skirts but that doesn’t mean she didn’t wear them just not often,, she defaulted to jeans and the likes due to being brought up in geelong she was always running about getting stoned w mason and Koby and all that good stuff.
Slipping on her yeezys she stepped outside the winter Australian breeze hitting her like a basketball to the face,, her off white beanie and offensive hoodie provided some warmth though,, which was good.
Shoving the key into the ignition she turned it and set off to the misfits house,, it was only 20 minutes away so she wasn’t that bothered.
time skip what the hell??
Gently sighing as she stepped out the car hauling her shaker along with her she took a sip from it before walking up the pathway and texting mason a simple “I’m here now you bitch” before slipping it into her pocket waiting for mason to answer the door.
And then,, one of all the crackheads her brother mason came to a skidding halt and swung open the door smiling.
“Heyyyaaa mace” she smiled as he stepped to the side letting her in.
“Heyyya ya cunt” he mused grabbing her wrist and pulling her to the lounge upstairs where none other than the rest of the misfits where sitting.
“Masonnn” she whined as he pulled her up the stairs her yeezys hitting against the glass steps as he sighed.
“Ooo~ who’s this maso?” A girl who you presumed to be Tobi chimed as you sat on the couch
“This is my sister y/n” he answered simply flopping down on the end of the couch.
“I like your style!! Good choice” Toby smiled taking a sip from her shaker noticing yours she smiled.
“awh thanks I don’t know what kinda person masons painted me as probably a proper cunt that’s not like other girls but I can assure you I’m not” you sighed shaking you head as mason propped himself up on the couch before a 6’10 giant came running up the stairs
He stopped in his tracks as he saw his merch,, he usually didn’t react like that but seeing someone as hot as you in HIS merch?? He was a blushing mess
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s-u-m-i · 3 months
Give me Swaggersouls, the finest Swaggersouls you've got 🔫
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author note: i just feel like he would be the sweetest around you and for you. man spends his days yelling at his dumbass friends and putting on the internet persona, but as soon as it comes to you it all melts away. anyways i hope you enjoy :D
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SWAGGERSOULS sat at his desk wrapping up another csgo video. saying goodbye to all of his friends he closed the application, immediately opening his editing software. the yawning man took a peek at the clock,
10:23 PM
swagger sighed, taking his headphones off, and attempted to rub the sleep off his face. he needed to get something edited tonight in order to feel productive for the day, a toxic trait of his. looking through the footage he had, a quiet rustle disrupted his search. he turned, seeing you asleep in your shared bed. how you slept through the obnoxious recording session was beyond him, but he was glad you did. mouth slightly open, hair strewn about, swagger couldn't help but grab his phone and snap a picture. you would kill him in the morning for it, but for now it brought a smile to his face.
as much as he wanted to join you, he forced his focus back to the illuminated screen. looking for a project that wouldn't take him long, but would make him feel accomplished: the minecraft session from yesterday. in a perfect world swagger could have the footage completely ready for upload, besides the subtitles (there wasn't enough weed in the world to make that possible), and be asleep by midnight. its a shame that he doesn't live in a perfect world...
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A LIGHT HAND brushing against his back accompanied by a soft whisper is what ended up stirring swagger from his short slumber.
"bear?" he looked up to meet the tired eyes of his girlfriend. he swore he was only taking a short break. "well goodmorning," you murmured. the man only groaned in response, "come on, time for bed."
"i can't, i gotta finish this."
"baby it's really late, there are plenty of hours in tomorrow's day to finish that. for now, you need sleep." swagger swore he was only resting his eyes, ten minutes tops. he glanced at the clock on his glowing computer screen,
1:54 AM
"holy fuck, when did it get so late?" you let out a small giggle in response.
"i'm not sure, i woke up to the sound of your clips looping. pretty annoying by the way..."
"sorry hun," the man stood, pulling you in and burying his head into the crook of your neck. after a long moment, your boyfriend pulled away from you. "go ahead and get in bed," his kissed between your eyebrows softly, "i'll just be one second."
you glanced up at him with a doubting look, at which he chuckled softly, "i swear," he reassured you, "some mouthwash and a piss. just gimme one minute." as he walked towards the bathroom, you made quick work of finding your spot in the bed again. shutting your eyes, you felt the side of the bed dip down. familiar arms grabbed your waist, pulling you into a warm chest.
"come 'ere, pretty," you twisted your body and pushed your head into his shoulder, as he wrapped his arms around your body. swagger pulled you tight against him; his nose in your hair and hands tracing small, invisible patterns on your back.
"i lied earlier"
"what?" the man pulled his head back to look in your eyes,
"it wasn't the clips that woke me up," you grinned up at him, "you snore, loud." he rolled his eyes dramatically as you laughed. moments like these were what brought swagger the most peace. just you and him shooting shit at two in the morning.
"why are you looking at me like that," your boyfriend had a small smile on his face, just staring at you. awestruck at the breathtaking woman that he miraculous had laying with him.
"i just love you is all" you reached your hand to his face, pulling his lips to yours,
"i love you too bear, now sleep." tucking your head back into his chest, he placed a small kiss on the top of your head. the two of you drifted off to sleep, still entangled in each other. swaggers snoring the only thing to be heard within the room.
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lefetfritos · 6 months
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been a minute since ive drawn this goober
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asp1r1ngm1lf · 1 year
From @ hao_and_why on Instagram and I need them to be credited for blessing the world with this video. The person screaming in the video is so real. Like I would be on the floor in a puddle. I can’t I can’t I can’t I can’t. Swagger saying “ZOO WEE MAMA” is my exact reaction.
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zuckles-bubbles · 8 months
DC Villian Misfits
Lex Luthor
Can get away with anything
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The US Government, Cadmus, Amanda Waller
My pronouns are U.S.A.
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Toby on the Tele
Harley Quinn
Fantabulous Emancipation
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You're off your meds again...
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