#swag in the tray of the truck
femmefighter · 5 months
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This time a year ago, I went camping all along Australia's eastern coast right into FNQ with my furry partner in crime.
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tyrustrash · 5 years
Bon Bon Chocolat
What's everyone's deal with chocolate? Especially the whole dark vs white chocolate debate. Why does milk chocolate get ignored? It is a completely valid form, and so is white chocolate. White chocolate is real chocolate, no matter what you think. It has the word "chocolate" in its name, so how is it not? The answer is simple. It. Is. Chocolate. Periodt. And people will do anything for a bit of chocolate. Just look at that one guy from Spongebob. A boy leans against the entrance of the cafeteria, eyeing the tray of chocolate muffins and chocolate delicacies. This is Cyrus Goodman. Watch him drool over the sweetness of it all. It's adorable. Cyrus has been referred to by the entire student population of Jefferson Middle School as the most fragile student in the school. He takes his time maneuvering across the room, in attempt to grab one of the muffins. He dives into a rolling position and rolls to the counter, unnoticed. He really doesn't give a care. If he's hungry, he's hungry. And he'll do anything to satisfy his hunger. He rolls for a hot second. He's really feeling his oats as he expected this to go another way. He couldn't even do a somersault a few weeks ago, and now he's all athletic and all that. All this exercise activity will make TJ proud. Oh God. Now he's thinking of his best friend. Why would he do this to himself. He knows every time that he thinks of the jock, he gets weak in his knees and too shook to function properly. The sudden thought messed him up and instead of continuing straight, which is the only time he's been straight, he wobbled and started shifting left and right. Instead of landing at the counter, he ran into a trash can. One of those big metal ones that made a loud 'clunk' like noise when made in contact with. On the upside, no one was near him to see it. Or so he thought. As he rubs his head to relieve some of the pain, a hand reaches out towards him. Cyrus opens his eyes, which then widens. "And, I oop- " TJ chuckles and shakes his head a little. He forms a small smile as he looks at the smaller boy. Thoughts upon thoughts ran through his head as to how this happened, but overall couldn't stop thinking about how cute he looks, even if he's on the ground and has specks of dirt on his clothes. "Need some help?" Well, obviously, Cyrus couldn't what he really needed help with, but he has to accept what he's offered. He reaches out and takes hold of TJ's hand. He's pulled off the ground and brushes off the dirt. "What was all that about?" TJ asks. His concerned tone was melting Cyrus's heart faster than the chocolate by how adorable it was. To be fair, anything TJ says in any tone made Cyrus fall for him even more. "Do you need some more help with your somersaults?" Cyrus shakes his head. "Nah, fam." He points to the counter. Almost all the muffins were already gone, along with the random chocolate candies. "Wanted my usual muffin. Tried to be a little extra, but as you saw, it failed." TJ sighs and places a hand on Cyrus's shoulder, which causes the boy's heart to pound faster than the time he drank a whole can of Red Bull. His breathing is stammered. TJ opens his mouth to say something. "You could've asked me to get you one. Just stand by and look pretty as I get it for you." TJ walks away, leaving Cyrus with his mouth wide open. Did TJ Kippen, THE TJ Kippen, captain of the basketball team, most popular guy in school, his bestest friend ever, just tell him to look pretty? Was he pretty? Of course, he has his charm. But does this mean that TJ thinks that he is pretty, as in a synonym for attractive? Cyrus couldn't really spend much longer on the question as his mind went to another place, along with his eyes. He kept his eyes on TJ the entire time. The way the boy walks conveys so much swag that it made him look pretty, well, prettier. TJ reaches the counter and pops up the hood of his hoodie, like the sly guy that the is. After a minute, TJ returns. Empty handed. "Sorry, Underdog. They ran out before I got there. Tried to find out if they had any in the back." "It's ok." Cyrus tells him. Although he was upset that he was without muffin, at least he's with TJ, and that he tried. A boy that kinda sort of finds him pretty and that attempts to get his favorite school food, Cyrus couldn't get luckier. Even if they were just friends. "Let's just go to our table and enjoy the rest of lunch." Cyrus went to their usual table and places his head on his hands in defeat. TJ watches his friend and frowns. He hates seeing him upset, that's why he's willing to do anything for him. He just couldn't figure out how to get him out of this state. Or did he? TJ frantically shakes his head and pulls out his phone. He opens his email app and scrolls through everything. He soon finds one that was sent a week ago. He finds the one from Hersey Factory. About a month ago he entered a contest and won two tickets to tour the factory. He smiles hard and ran to his friend. He practically shoves the phone in his face. "What, TJ?" Cyrus asks. He barely lifts his head. "Just read this." Cyrus listens and reads the email. He lightens up and smiles. "What's this for?" "Just thought this would make you happy. Going to a whole building dedicated to chocolate. Even say we'll be given gift baskets at the end. It'll be like a date." At that, Cyrus really perks up. He still doesn't comprehend what TJ means. Did he mean like a romantic date? A date as casual friends? Or did he accidently say that word? ''And this weekend is the last day I can use them. Didn't know who to take and now I have a reason to use them." "And I have a reason to live." Cyrus says softly. "What?" Cyrus tries covering up what he said. "Oh, it was nothing. I'm so excited that I'm practically about to explode." "Don't hurt yourself." A few short days later, which felt like eternity to Cyrus, the weekend came. For the past few days Cyrus has been a nervous wreck, even more than usual. His mind continued to be filled with thoughts about TJ. How cute he was, how he looked good no matter what he wore, the way he took care of him and made him feel special. And now he couldn't get the words 'pretty' and 'date' out of his head. He couldn't figure out if those were said accidently or just in the moment, or the option that wasn't even a possibility, was that he was secretly trying to tell him he wanted to try dating. Nah. TJ is straight. He plays a sport. Right now, Cyrus's room is a mess from the clothes that are thrown all over the floor. He usually wasn't this worked up over what he wore around TJ, but this wasn't their usual day at the swings. This was, in Cyrus's mind, their first date, even if TJ didn't see it as such. Eventually, Cyrus settled on slacks and a green button up. He remembered that green is TJ's favorite color. A knock on the door snaps Cyrus back to reality. He runs downstairs and opens the front door. He sees TJ standing on the other side, and he's wearing his usual hoodie and jeans attire. Today's hoodie is a black one with rainbow sleeves. Upon seeing it, Cyrus's face practically turned into the heart eyed emoji. There was so much UWU that one could take. "Están listo?" TJ asks. His Spanish is improving, and his accent is so adorable. "Sí." Cyrus steps outside and locks his door. The pair walk down the driveway to RJ's truck. Since neither of them could drive, and all their parents are busy, TJ asked his older brother to drive them. Cyrus got in the back and buckles up. Next thing he knew, TJ is opening the other backseat door and sits next to him. RJ adjusts the front mirror. He sees the two as he starts the engine. He begins driving to the factory. "You two better have a good time. TJ's been talking about this nonstop for the past three days." TJ blushes, which Cyrus doesn't notice. However, Cyrus does notice RJ chuckling. He doesn't know if he's joking or what. "He even waited to wear that hoodie for the longest time." RJ continues. He turns onto a different road, getting closer to their destination. This time, both backseat boys were blushing. This lasted the rest of the ride, which fortunately was only a few minutes. When the car pulled into the factory, TJ and Cyrus quickly got out. "Enjoy your date." RJ then drives off. TJ rubs his neck and faces his friend. Their faces are back to normal. "Ignore him. He likes to joke and mess with me. Typical older brother things." Cyrus shrugs it off. The two looked around and find the entrance. The door is designed like a chocolate bar, which was pretty cool. Once inside, the layout was nothing like the chocolate factory from those movies. There were no edible rooms, no colorful field with chocolate rivers, no little orange men with green hair who sang songs. People say never believe everything you see on tv, but they were hoping this would be the same. Instead, the rooms were full of machinery. Everything was gray and the logo of the company was on everything. An employee approached them and shook both their hands. "Welcome to Hersey Factory Shadyside Section. I'm Mr. Walter and I'll be your tour guide today. Please follow me, and don't touch anything." The boys followed him, super bored by the way. The website made it seem so much more fun. They groaned after everything Mr. Walter said. There were times they felt like they were sleepwalking. The entire atmosphere felt like a magnet that was dragging them down, causing their walking to decline to them forcefully dragging their feet. After what felt like forever, they were given a break. TJ pulls Cyrus to the side. "Sorry for bringing you here. Should've let the tickets expire." Cyrus shrugs. "It's fine. At least we got to spend a Saturday together." "But I wanted to make it fun, exciting, and memorable. Gosh, I'm so horrible." TJ starts tearing up. He turns away and wipes his sleeve across his face. Cyrus comforts him by placing a hand on his shoulder. "Teej, it's ok. I'm happy as long as I'm with you." Cyrus froze as he caught on to what he said. Did he, did he just out himself? He stands still for a second too long and realizes his hand is still touching his crush. He swiftly removes it, which results in TJ turning back around. "You know what will make this fun?" TJ says as he grins like he's up to something. Cyrus couldn't figure out what TJ meant. Did he know about his crush and wanted to try something? Was he playing a prank? "What do you have in mind?" TJ peaks around to make sure none of the employees were near. He leans down to Cyrus's ear, which causes the boy to shiver. "I saw an interesting room down that hall over there. I think it has something we'll both enjoy." Cyrus gulps. He starts shaking. "What do you mean?" TJ grabs his hand and leads him away. The whole time Cyrus couldn't stop thinking that TJ is technically holding his hand. Leading him to do who knows what. Cyrus always wanted to try the wild side of life, but this may be too wild for him. Seconds after, they reached the door TJ talked about. It was slightly open, the key still in the lock. TJ made one last look around to confirm no employee was looking. Once the coast was clear, they went in. TJ turns on the light switch to reveal the room. Both gasp loudly at the sight in front of them. It was a literal chocolate room. Like, for real, everything is made of chocolate, except the door they entered through. The walls are chocolate. The floor is chocolate grass. A huge fountain is in the center, and you guessed it, it's made of chocolate. And instead of water, chocolate is coming out of it. There is a chocolate pool in the back. It was enough to send them into a sugar coma simply by looking at it all. Cyrus is in awe of everything that he's, for once, speechless. He keeps his frozen stance until the corner of his eye sees something. Next the he knew TJ is shirtless. If his mouth wasn't open, it is now. "TJ, what are you doing?" TJ starts making his way to the pool. "I was dreaming this would be like the movies." He takes off his jeans right before he jumps into the pool. Chocolate from the splash got over the already chocolate covered ground. "Man, this feels relaxing." He takes sips of the pool. "And delicious. You should come in and taste this. Or the grass. Or the walls. Chocolate is just so good." Cyrus walks over to the fountain and sits on the edge. He dips a finger inside and licks the chocolate off. TJ was right, it is good. Cyrus continues the process. Next thing he knew, his entire face ended up covered in chocolate. He looks to his right and sees a chocolate covered TJ smiling. "TJ!" Cyrus yells. He looks down at his shirt, which caught some chocolate. "This shirt is brand new! And my hair!" TJ couldn't stop laughing. "Sorry, Cy. But it was too convenient." Cyrus tries wiping off as much as he could. This just about solidified that TJ was straight, because straight guys love playing these jokes on each other. A loud thud startled them both. Mr. Walter stands in the doorway. Although Cyrus's eyes still have traces of chocolate in them, he could tell he was angry. Maybe just about to explode. "Out! Now!" The boys didn't have to be told twice. They scurried out of the room, Cyrus grabbing TJ's clothes. They were immediately escorted out of the factory. It wasn't too bad because at least they ended the pain of boredom early and had a little bit of fun. Also, they were given the gift baskets because the contest required them. Luckily RJ was there early to wait on them. When he saw them, especially his brother, he laughed hysterically. "Towels are already in the back. I expected this to happen." The ride back home was silent. However, RJ was able to stop and let TJ dry off and get dressed again. Once home, Cyrus plops onto the couch. He opens his gift basket and takes out the chocolate bar plushie. He squeezes it. Outside, TJ stands at the beginning of the driveway. He looks deeply at Cyrus's house. He doesn't know how much trouble he might've caused, but he wants to fix it. Thing is, he might've ruined things for good. Everything was perfect between them. School, then park, then home. And the occasional basketball game Cyrus would watch and not understand. After sighing, TJ looked at RJ, who simply nodded. TJ slowly made his way to the front door. Each breath he took felt like shards of glass attacking him. Each step felt like lava. When he managed to reach the door, the knock felt like his hand hitting nails. Cyrus opens the door with a blank expression. Seeing TJ made a simple yet small smile form. Basically a Mona Lisa smile where it's debatable. "Yes." TJ sighs. A subtle tear runs down his face. "I'm sorry about today." "What about today?" "Getting you in trouble. I know how you feel about that. And about splashing chocolate on you. I know it was a stupid move but I didn't know what else to do. I care about you, a lot. I just didn't have the right words, so I acted stupid." Cyrus looks him in the eyes, seeing the tears fall. Now he knew the truth. "It's ok. We all do stupid things when we're in our emotions. Come on, I have a whole gift bag of chocolate that's not going to eat itself." TJ smiles and follows him to the couch. They sit, eat, and just have a good time until RJ got annoyed of waiting and started honking his horn.
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wahidadnan · 5 years
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In our road-trip to the Australian Outback, we often saw signs saying 'camping not allowed' or 'strictly no camping' around the town areas. But, we had to find a place to rest and spend the night before we headed to Townsville. We found Exchange Hotel in Torrens Creek which charges the campers $5/person for Unpowered and $25 for Powered per night. But, we didn't bother to enter the camper's site because the campers would laugh at us looking at our camping gears which might look amateurish in their eyes. We had just what we need...a four-wheeler truck, a swag, coffee, food, brave hearts full of love, two heads full of conflicting ideas and most importantly...a mood in 'I-dont-give-a-damn' mode. We roamed around the township which is just as small as your palm...found a 'STRICTY NO CAMPING' sign...kept going...passed a landfill area and found this place showcsed with many discarded fridges, few old rusty vehicles from the last century and heaps of wood properly cut for a campfire! I was still worried about the people from neighbourhood who might notice our campfire and ask us to leave. But, the place looked like a dumping ground and that means we were not in private property but in the Crown land (or, may be Queen's land). No one showed up, we had hot coffee and food, made the bed on the tray, put more wood into the fire for whole night... . #campfire #camping #campout #camp #Queensland #bush #torrenscreek #outland #australianoutback #wahidadnan #fujifilmxe1 #dusk #adventure #everydayeverywhere #everydayaustralia #instagram #fire #fun #crownland (at Torrens Creek, Queensland, Australia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B00Aub2HEcS/?igshid=aj8wpqo3109y
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nwbeerguide · 6 years
Family Jewels Kenmore Ball Crawl along the Kenmore's Brew Row
Have a "Ball" at the Family Jewels Kenmore Ball Crawl!  Enjoy a taster tray at each of Cairn Brewing, 9 Yards Brewery and 192 Brewing Co., our own local craft breweries located on Kenmore's Brew Row, right on the Burke Gilman trail.  The beers will be individually curated by each brewery for this special fundraising event.  Enjoy the locally-famous Nut Hut, Beer Bingo, swag and a hot meal from Cairn Brewing's featured food truck or 192’s kitchen.  Registration is only 25 bucks - the beer alone is worth more than that!  And because the breweries are just blocks from each other, THERE'S NO RUNNING NECESSARY!  You can walk or you can crawl, but however you do it, come on down!
The Ball Crawl benefits the Family Jewels Foundation, a Bothell charity whose vision is to eradicate preventable testicular cancer deaths.  Did you know that testicular cancer is the #1 cancer in males ages 15-44?  Importantly, it is 95-98% curable when caught early.  Unfortunately, due to the very nature of young men -- feeling invincible, not wanting to seek medical care and, perhaps most of all, embarrassment -- half of all males with testicular cancer do not seek medical care until the cancer has spread to other parts of their body. Tragically, over 400 guys every year die of this highly-curable disease.  
In loving memory of Bothell athlete Jaimeson Jones, who died of testicular cancer at age 20 (first diagnosed at age 14), the Family Jewels Foundation uses passion for men’s health to deal head-on with the uncomfortable but critical topic of testicular cancer, pushing through awkwardness and embarrassment with a tongue-in-cheek, humorous approach to stop males from dying from this highly-curable disease.
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frwdsupacentre · 7 years
Here at 4WD Supacentre, we are by far the country’s biggest seller of 4×4 Awnings. We started off selling them for 4WDs but now we’ve had customers mount them to a massive range of cars, trucks and trailers. No wonder either – our Adventure Kings awnings have to be the best value on the market right now. You can pick one up for less than $100, have it shipped straight to your front door, there’s multiple sizes available and the quality is incredible too!
  Here’s a few clever things you can do with your awning that don’t just limit its use to a campsite.
  RUN MULTIPLE AWNINGS: Considering the purchase price of an Adventure Kings Awning, you can afford to run two or even three for less than the price of one from our competitors. We’re big fans of running an awning down each side of the vehicle. When you’re out at camp, you can use one as a ‘living room’, somewhere sheltered to let you cook and hang out, and the one on the opposite side as a ‘bedroom’ for your tent or swag. There’s nothing like having heaps of proper shelter, and awnings are an incredibly cost-effective way to do this.
  RUN A REAR AWNING: Our 1.4m wide awnings are perfect for running across the rear of your roofrack. If you have a 4×4 or SUV that has a drop-down tailgate, you probably use the tailgate as a camping table for cooking or storing gear when you’re at camp. Extend your 1.4m awning out across the rear of your vehicle and all of a sudden you’ve got shelter from the sun and rain to let you cook your tucker out of the elements! No more trying to cover the snags with a bit of tin-foil when that unexpected afternoon shower rolls through.
  MOUNT ONE TO YOUR UTE’S HEADBOARD: If you love chucking your swag on your ute’s tray when you’re camping, then this one is for you. Mount one of the 1.4m wide awnings across the top of your ute’s headboard and you’ve got an instant roof to camp under when the weather turns a bit average. Or, if you take your pup to work with you, pull out the awning and they’ll be snoozing in the shade all day while you earn a buck. The lazy buggers.
  MOUNT IT TO YOUR TRAILER: Awnings don’t need to be confined to your roofracks. The mounting system on all Adventure Kings awnings uses standard-sized M6 bolts that slot into tracks on the rear of the awning’s frame. That means you have heaps of options for mounting it wherever you want, because all you have to do is get appropriately-sized M6 bolts and drill a couple of holes. If you’ve got an enclosed trailer for your landscaping business, or to haul your dirt bikes or go-carts around, this is spot on!
  MOUNT ONE TO THE SIDE OF THE SHED: No joke – this is a cracking idea. You’d spend hundreds if not thousands of dollars on setting up an awning off the side of your shed when an Adventure Kings awning would do the same job just as well. Let’s say you’ve got a barbie around the side of the shed. Mount one of our 2.5×2.5m awnings above it, and you’ve got instant shade and shelter for those arvo icebox emptying sessions with mates. And then the best bit, is once you’re done, it folds away to next-to-nothing so you can still park a car up the side of the shed!
  PAIR IT UP WITH YOUR MATE’S AWNING AT CAMP: This is a beaut little setup that we love taking advantage of when we’re camping with mates. If both you and your mates have awnings, roll one out and set it up. Then, roll the other out and while you’re holding it, get your mate to move his 4×4 into position so the outer rails of the awnings meet up with each other. Peg the second awning down then use a couple of cable ties or a bit of electrical tape to secure the legs together, and you have a massive under-cover communal area to hang out!
  Of course there’s a million more ways you can use your awning, but these are some of our favourites. Take your awning to the next level with awning tents, awning walls and mesh floors – – all available from 4WD Supacentre and all of them the best value gear you can get right now.
from 4WD Supacentre via 4WD Supacentre on Inoreader https://www.4wdsupacentre.com.au/news/six-clever-ways-to-use-your-awning/
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pastearticle · 7 years
After some more tips and tricks to dial in your camp setup? Here is part three of our cracking list of camping tips and tricks!
Pick up an Illuminator 24 LED work light and chuck it in the back of your 4WD. At camp, you’ll have a portable light that can attach anywhere with a hook or attach to a tent pole.
Velcro is absolutely underrated when it comes to organizing gear around camp and the beauty part is it sticks to marine carpet like glue. Lighters, knives, torches, pens – anything you can think of really – can do with a small patch of Velcro to secure it where you want for quick access.
We all know the trick, slant your Adventure Kings Awning in the rain to allow it drain. However, if you use a length of the drain pipe, hose clamped to the short leg of your Awning and run into a bucket you’ll end up with a good collection of general purpose water.
Get yourself a small hook made of fencing wire, and hook your keys to the inside zipper of your swag. They’re safe in there with you at night, but you can’t get out of the swag in the morning without remembering to grab ‘em.
Got a weird fetish for collecting stubby coolers? Well, put ‘em to good use by using them to hold pens, sunnies or anything else you can think of.
Washing up after a meal is usually a huge waste of water. Get yourself a collapsible bucket, start with the cleanest items first, and was the worst stuff last using the same water for as long as you can.
Grab yourself an old Corona bucket (or any steel bucket) and use it as a portable BBQ. Just chuck a shovel full of coals in the bucket, lay a grill over the top and Bob’s your sister. This is a great way to slow cook steaks and we reckon you won’t get a softer steak than one that’s slow cooked over the bucket barbie.
Dig a shallow pit for your Adventure Kings Camp Fire BBQ Plate to sit over and place the coals at the bottom. Especially on windy days, the pit will retain much more heat and keep it more evenly distributed around the BBQ Plate.
There’s nothing worse than having a great meal planned, yet every ingredient is scattered somewhere different inside the truck. Half torn shopping bags and spilled can simply don’t cut it. Get yourself a crate, container or heck, even a sack to use as a dedicated pantry. All dry goods and cooking gear go in there.
A huge switch panel inside your truck might look great, but having the ability to turn camp lights and showers on and off from the outside of the vehicle is more useful. Consider a second switch for outside accessories mounted near where you’d be using them. Things like camp lights, water pumps, and air compressors can all benefit from this mod.
A key to a successful camp oven dinner is to preheat the oven for about 10 minutes prior to chucking any food in. If it’s a big roast, then make sure you seal the roast first by searing it on every side before adding any liquids.
You know those hanging wardrobe organizers with all the plastic pockets? Use one as a nifty kitchen organizer. Pack it right and it’ll roll up for storage and hang under your awning or wherever you cook.
Throw a packet of wet wipes in the fridge. Trust us, when its 40 degrees in the shade, an ice cold wet wipe will make all the difference.
Use a stack of old TicTac boxes to store your cooking spices. They pack much smaller and let’s face it, how much of each spice do you REALLY need to carry?
If you’re keen on spending more time preparing at home, and less time wasted at camp, you can pre-cook some meals and use an Adventure Kings Vacuum Sealer to keep ‘em fresh. Then it’s as simple as cutting the bag open, heating the meal and bam, you’re ready to eat.
When there’s an open fire ban in place, use heat beads under and on top of your camp oven. They stay hot for ages and will cook a roast as well as use coals from an open fire.
Crack heaps of eggs into a plastic bottle and add a bit of milk. Shake the whole lot up and stick it in the 4WD’s fridge. Instant omelets and scrambled eggs with no eggs to pack and no eggs to break!
Carry an Adventure Kings Camp Fire BBQ Plate – something along the size of those you’d find in a coal BBQ. If you run out of gas or your cooker kicks the bucket, a grill plate over some coals will always keep you fed.
Seriously, get yourself one if funds allow. Just a $100 portable barbie will cook some of the best meals you can imagine and if you stick your pots or pans over the plate, they double as a great stove or oven.
If you’re in the mood for a bit of weekend DIY, grab yourself a cheap water pump and plumb it up to draw water into your tank.
Ever tried pouring a just boiled billy? Not easy without burning yourself. Keep an old pair of vice grips in your billy and snap em on once it’s boiled – an easy, burn-free pourer.
Veggies need to be well ventilated to survive in the scrub. When you’re anchored at camp for a few days, grab a hessian bag, throw your veggies inside and hang the bag on the ground.
A drop down table is handy for a cup of coffee or a sandwich but when it comes to bigger meals you’ll run out of space real quick. Grab yourself a cheap fold out table from the local Bunnings and use it as a cooking bench.
Use your meal left-overs from Thursday night, for the weekend’s camping trip. It’ll save you heaps of money on shopping, not to mention time, both packing and once you’re at camp.
Trying to start a fire, or keep coals on a cold wet ground can be tough. Keep a square of thin steel sheet somewhere in your 4WD and place it on the ground and light your fire on top of it. It’ll stop all the heat escaping into the ground and make camp cooking a breeze.
Getting out into the outback brings with it the inescapable reality of flies – lots of them! No matter what commercial insect repellents you buy, there’s very few that actually work on these buggers. You’ll smell like a roast lamb, but rosemary and sandalwood cream is absolutely brilliant for keeping the flies off you. Once you’re out west you’ll find it at most roadhouses – try it, you’ll be amazed.
An old tool roll makes for a perfect organizer, whether it’s for cutlery, toiletries or even medications. They’ll roll up tight and you can jam them just about anywhere in the back of your truck and roll ‘em out on your table when it’s time to cook.
Booze bottles can be stored safely by rolling them up in your swag or folding ‘em up in the roof topper.
With the average 12v fridge costing over $1000, there’s a lot to be said for the humble ice-box. Using synthetic ice packets, like Techni-Ice, can keep your food as cool as a $1000 fridge.
A cargo barrier, while a definite safety feature, is also one of the most useful storage accessories you can have.
If you’ve got the extra space handy, and happen to have a spare fridge slide handy, then you’ve got everything you need to make a slide out BBQ from the side of your tray back.
For utes, but even wagons grab you a cheap three or four drawer desktop stationery drawer for storing cutlery and cooking utensils. This is perfect for a ute canopy where you can mount the drawers above or near your cooking surface.
I have found an amazing article on the internet which will change everyone perspective about the old-fashioned camping trip. The tips & tricks mentioned are so helpful that they will definitely change your perspective about camping like they did for me http://ift.tt/2oB4BOB.
Author Name: O.J Aba
Author Email: [email protected]
The post TIPS AND TRICKS THAT’LL CHANGE THE WAY YOU CAMP appeared first on Article submission site and Directory submission site.
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4wdsupacentre1-blog · 7 years
After some more tips and tricks to dial in your camp setup? Here is part three of our cracking list of camping tips and tricks!
Pick up an Iluminator 24 LED work light and chuck it in the back of your 4WD. At camp you’ll have a portable light that can attach anywhere with a hook or attach to a tent pole.
Velcro is absolutely underrated when it comes to organising gear around camp and the beaut part is it sticks to marine carpet like glue. Lighters, knives, torches, pens – anything you can think of really – can do with a small patch of Velcro to secure it where you want for quick access.
We all know the trick, slant your Adventure Kings Awning in the rain to allow it drain. However, if you use a length of drain pipe, hose clamped to the short leg of your Awning and run into a bucket you’ll end up with a good collection of general purpose water.
Get yourself a small hook made of fencing wire, and hook your keys to the inside zipper of your swag. They’re safe in there with you at night, but you can’t get out of the swag in the morning without remembering to grab ‘em.
Got a weird fetish for collecting stubby coolers? Well, put ‘em to good use by using them to hold pens, sunnies or anything else you can think of.
Washing up after a meal is usually a huge waste of water. Get yourself a collapsible bucket, start with the cleanest items first, and wash the worst stuff last using the same water for as long as you can.
Grab yourself an old Corona bucket (or any steel bucket) and use it as a portable BBQ. Just chuck a shovel full of coals in the bucket, lay a grill over the top and Bob’s your sister. This is a great way to slow cook steaks and we reckon you won’t get a softer steak than one that’s slow cooked over the bucket barbie.
Dig a shallow pit for your Adventure Kings Camp Fire BBQ Plate to sit over and place the coals at the bottom. Especially on windy days, the pit will retain much more heat and keep it more evenly distributed around the BBQ Plate.
There’s nothing worse than having a great meal planned, yet every ingredient is scattered somewhere different inside the truck. Half torn shopping bags and spilled cans simply don’t cut it. Get yourself a crate, container or heck, even a sack to use as a dedicated pantry. All dry goods and cooking gear goes in there.
A huge switch panel inside your truck might look great, but having the ability to turn camp lights and showers on and off from the outside of the vehicle is more useful. Consider a second switch for outside accessories mounted near where you’d be using them. Things like camp lights, water pumps and air compressors can all benefit from this mod.
A key to a successful camp oven dinner is to preheat the oven for about 10 minutes prior to chucking any food in. If it’s a big roast, then make sure you seal the roast first by searing it on every side before adding any liquids.
You know those hanging wardrobe organisers with all the plastic pockets? Use one as a nifty kitchen organiser. Pack it right and it’ll roll up for storage and hang under your awning or wherever you cook.
Throw a packet of wet wipes in the fridge. Trust us, when its 40 degrees in the shade, an ice cold wet wipe will make all the difference.
Use a stack of old TicTac boxes to store your cooking spices. They pack much smaller and let’s face it, how much of each spice do you REALLY need to carry?
If you’re keen on spending more time preparing at home, and less time wasted at camp, you can pre-cook some meals and use an Adventure Kings Vacuum Sealer to keep ‘em fresh. Then it’s as simple as cutting the bag open, heating the meal and bam, you’re ready to eat.
When there’s an open fire ban in place, use heat beads under and on top of your camp oven. They stay hot for ages and will cook a roast as well as using coals from an open fire.
Crack heaps of eggs into a plastic bottle and add a bit of milk. Shake the whole lot up and stick it in the 4WD’s fridge. Instant omelettes and scrambled eggs with no eggs to pack and no eggs to break!
Carry an Adventure Kings Camp Fire BBQ Plate – something along the size of those you’d find in a coal BBQ. If you run out of gas or your cooker kicks the bucket, a grille plate over some coals will always keep you fed.
Seriously, get yourself one if funds allow. Just a $100 portable barbie will cook some of the best meals you can imagine and if you stick your pots or pans over the plate, they double as a great stove or oven.
If you’re in the mood for a bit of weekend DIY, grab yourself a cheap water pump and plumb it up to draw water INTO your tank.
Ever tried pouring a just boiled billy? Not easy without burning yourself. Keep an old pair of vice grips in your billy and snap em on once it’s boiled – an easy, burn-free pourer.
Veggies need to be well ventilated to survive in the scrub. When you’re anchored at camp for a few days, grab a hessian bag, throw your veggies inside and hang the bag off the ground.
A drop down table is handy for a cup of coffee or a sandwich but when it comes to bigger meals you’ll run out of space real quick. Grab yourself a cheap fold out table from the local Bunnings and use it as a cooking bench.
Use your meal left-overs from Thursday night, for the weekend’s camping trip. It’ll save you heaps of money on shopping, not to mention time, both packing and once you’re at camp.
Trying to start a fire, or keep coals on a cold wet ground can be tough. Keep a square of thin steel sheet somewhere in your 4WD and place it on the ground and light your fire on top of it. It’ll stop all the heat escaping into the ground and make camp cooking a breeze.
Getting out into the outback brings with it the inescapable reality of flies – lots of them! No matter what commercial insect repellents you buy, there’s very few that actually work on these buggers. You’ll smell like a roast lamb, but rosemary and sandalwood cream is absolutely brilliant for keeping the flies of you. Once you’re out west you’ll find it at most road houses – try it, you’ll be amazed.
An old tool roll makes for a perfect organiser, whether it’s for cutlery, toiletries or even medications. They’ll roll up tight and you can jam them just about anywhere in the back of your truck and roll ‘em out on your table when it’s time to cook.
Booze bottles can be stored safely by rolling them up in your swag, or folding ‘em up in the roof topper.
With the average 12v fridge costing over $1000, there’s a lot to be said for the humble ice-box. Using synthetic ice packets, like Techni-Ice, can keep your food as cool as a $1000 fridge.
A cargo barrier, while a definite safety feature, is also one of the most useful storage accessories you can have.
If you’ve got the extra space handy, and happen to have a spare fridge slide handy, then you’ve got everything you need to make a slide out BBQ from the side of your tray back.
For utes, but even wagons grab yourself a cheap three or four drawer desktop stationery drawer for storing cutlery and cooking utensils. This is perfect for a ute canopy where you can mount the drawers above or near your cooking surface.
I have found an amazing article on the internet which will change everyone perspective about the old-fashioned camping trip. The tips & tricks mentioned are so helpful that they will definitely change your perspective about camping like they did for me https://www.4wdsupacentre.com.au/news/?p=114.
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sdconnection-blog · 7 years
March 31, 2017
It’s finally Spring in America’s Finest City! This means that more fun and delicious events are taking over San Diego. Continuing our mouthwatering monthly roundup of food, wine and beer events around town, here is our list of all the fun & tasty happenings taking place around San Diego County this April. Check out the more than 60 events occuring throughout the month and get out there before May Gray and June Gloom take over.
Explore our curated list of culinary events, do some research, secure your tickets and reservations, and get ready to indulge!
April 1, Boochcraft 1 Year Anniversary Party – Head to Trilogy Sanctuary in La Jolla to celebrate Boochcraft’s 1 year anniversary, where they will show the love and gratitude to all of their friends, customers, staff and supporters that have made the hard-kombucha company’s first year so successful. This free to attend event includes organic vegan food (while it lasts), free Boochcraft, and a live raffle, as well as free swag for the first 50 people that show up. There will also be an after party with local musicians.
April 1, Padres FanFest – Before the San Diego Padres kick off the regular season on April 3 in LA, come down to Petco Park and join FM 949 and Padres Radio for the 2017 Padres FanFest presented by T-Mobile. Padres FanFest is fun for the entire family! Enjoy a day filled with player autograph signings, a Kids Zone, Padres Foundation garage sale, wiffle ball games and much more. Padres FanFest is a ticketed event, but entry and activities are free of charge for all fans.
April 1, Newtopia Cider Grand Opening Party – San Diego’s first official cider brewery is hosting a grand opening for its new cider house, taproom and event space. Co-Sponsored by the Scripps Ranch Civic Association, patrons can explore the new state-of-the-art cellar farm, showcase taproom, cyder patio garden, and private event space from 10am til 10pm at this free-to-attend event. There will be special taster glasses given to the first 500 cyder enthusiasts and $1 dollar 3oz pours from 11am – 4pm. This is a family friendly event with live music and various food trucks throughout the day. Pets are not permitted due to the crowds.
April 1, Royal Stone Bistro Celebrates One Year – Bankers Hill’s Royal Stone Bistro will celebrate its one year anniversary with a menu of the past year’s favorites, including dishes like Flat Iron Steak and Pasta and Meatballs, and will offer guests complimentary chocolate-dipped strawberries and other surprises. Reservations are highly suggested and can be secured by calling Royal Stone at 619.738.8550.
April 1, Edible & Medicinal Plants of San Diego County Seasonal Herb Walk – From the mild, wind swept coastal bluffs along the Pacific Ocean to the climatic extremes more typical of the remote Sonoran Desert to the east, the San Diego County region provides us with the opportunity to view a large variety of botanical specimens all within a relatively small geographical range. Discover the diverse array of both edible and medicinal plants found growing within these contrasting yet closely interconnected plant communities.  Historical and modern medicinal applications will be covered along with any edible and/or utilitarian potential. Tips on basic/intermediate plant identification will be offered with a special emphasis on plant family characteristics as well as differentiating poisonous look-alike plants from their beneficial counterparts. Tickets are $47.
April 1, Banzai’s April Fools Comedy Night – Banzai Bar is giving San Diego a night of comedy and cocktails just in time for April Fools. Make your way to Midway Drive for their comedy night that welcomes hilarious personalities on stage such as Greg Santos, James Schrader, Billy Bonnell, and Ryan O’Flanagan – known for their acts featured on Comedy Central, New Girl, ABC and more. Tickets to the show are $35 and include a night full of entertainment and open bar.
April 1, Uncorked Wine Festival – If you’re interested in a wine festival, we suggest skipping Uncorked and checking out the all-inclusive VinDiego Wine & Food Festival, as the latter is a much classier event and, being that it includes both unlimited wine and food, is such a better value. If you’re looking for an event where you’re asked to bring your own blanket and chairs, look no further than Uncorked. Tickets start at $60.
April 1-2, Latin American Art Festival – This event will feature all types of Latin American art, including painting, crafts, sculptures, performances and culinary arts. It is the only festival of its kind in Southern California, taking place at Liberty Station Arts District with the aim of bringing to the residents of San Diego County, Orange County, Los Angeles and Baja California the artistic expressions of the Latin American community. The event is free to attend.
April 1-2, San Diego Crew Classic – The 44th annual Crew Classic takes over Mission Bay for a weekend of rowing competitions. The weekend long event includes options for spectators to enjoy, including a special brunch and beer garden.
April 2, San Diego Children’s Discovery Museum Oceania Spring Gala – Join San Diego Children’s Discovery Museum for a celebration of the culture and cuisine of the Pacific Islands with this year’s event, with the theme – OCEANIA! The Spring Gala. Oceania will feature a variety of food stations around the Museum from top local San Diego chefs and restaurants, including Legal Restaurants, Wrench and Rodent Seabasstropub, MasterChef Claudia Sandoval, Bellamy’s/Grand Restaurant Group and more. There will also be wine and craft beer tasting from Vesper Vineyards and SR 76 Brewery, as well as craft cocktails representing different tastes of the Pacific Islands. Tickets start at $95.
April 2, Council Beer Dinner Benefiting the MS Society – For its third beer dinner, Council Brewing is opening its tasting room and pulling out all the stops. This six course meal will include pairings ofa total of eight different. Chefs preparing dishes include Tyson Blake (O’Brien’s Pub), Phil Esteban (Consortium Holdings), Matt Cammak (Hamilton’s Tavern/South Park Brewing), Mike Arquines (The Lab Dining Sessions), Kristianna Zabala (Nomad Donuts), and Brad Hightow (Florent Restaurant). This event will benefit the M.S. Society and Team Arson, who are participating in the local MS Walk on April 8. Tickets are $75.
April 5, Rhythm & Moves Rooftop Yoga at Wavehouse – Head to Wavehouse at Belmont Park in Mission Beach yoga, and namaste for the beats and brews! This event will include a 75 minute rooftop yoga class with DJ music, followed by a craft beer or glass of wine and samples from local vendors. Tickets are $20.
April 6, Taste of Leucadia – The Leucadia 101 Main Street Association will host the 5th Annual Taste of Leucadia featuring a self-guided tasting tour of 23 of Leucadia’s amazing restaurants, as well as seven Sip Stop locations to enjoy tastings from local breweries and wineries in unique locations on Hwy 101. Tickets start at $20.
April 6, Eclipse Chocolate Build-A-Bar Workshop – Eclipse Chocolate’s Build-a-Bar Workshop takes place in the private Umbral Room and invites participants to create two large chocolate bars using a selection of more than 30 ingredients such as caramel butter toffee, pink peppercorn, Serrano sea salt, toasted hazelnuts and dried blackberries. Guests are educated on complementary combinations before filling trays with melted chocolate that is then chilled and later wrapped by participants. The $25 price to attend this workshop also includes a complimentary house wine, craft beer or cafe drink.
April 7, La Jolla Concours D’Elegance Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Contemporary Classic Cocktail Party – The La Jolla Concours weekend begins with the Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Contemporary Classic Cocktail Party, taking place at The Lot theater in La Jolla. This intimate soiree will include a spectacular display of extraordinary Rolls-Royce automobiles and incredible entertainment. Enjoy a fabulous hosted evening filled with lively libations, elevated bites, and Balvenie scotch tasting. This exclusive automotive event is the perfect way to start the world class weekend. Tickets are $175, but promo code SDVILLE saves $10 per ticket.
April 7, 18th Annual Tea and Tonic – Tea and Tonic is a “high tea” fundraising event featuring celebrity speaker Terry Crews to benefit the Center for Community Solutions, whose mission is to end relationship violence by being a catalyst for caring communities & social justice. Tickets start at $150.
April 7-8, East Village Opening Weekend Block Party – The East Village is stepping up to the plate again for the 7th Annual East Village Opening Weekend Block Party on Friday, April 7, from 10am to 6:30pm & Saturday, April 8, from 11am to 7:30pm. This free-to-attend, family-friendly event will take over J Street between 6th & 10th Avenues to commemorate the start of the San Diego Padres 2017 season with live music, local vendors, food trucks, games, a beer garden and more! To celebrate, we are raffling off the ultimate opening day experience – 2 tickets to the April 7 game against the San Francisco Giants and drink tickets for the block party!
April 8, VinDiego Wine & Food Festival – America’s Finest City will once again become the epicenter of the wine world as the fifth annual VinDiego Wine & Food Festival takes over NTC Liberty Station in Point Loma on Saturday, April 8. Wine and food enthusiasts can savor more than 300 unique tastes of award-winning wine and delectable food from more than 20 of San Diego’s finest restaurants while enjoying live music and an upbeat atmosphere at this all-inclusive event. Tickets are $115, but as always, our readers never pay full price for tickets, as promo code SDVILLE saves $36 on any ticket type – the top savings in town. We are also raffling off 2 VIP passes and will draw three winners!
April 8, La Jolla Concours D’Elegance Bentley VIP Reception – Day #2 of the La Jolla Concour d’Elegance weekend is highlighted by the Bentley VIP Reception presented by Fraser Yachts California, which takes over Ellen Scripps Park above the La Jolla Cove for a Saturday night soiree featuring breathtaking views of the Pacific Ocean. Attendees will delight in delicious tastes from 15 of San Diego’s finest restaurants, sample creative cocktails from Hendricks’s Gin, and enjoy a hosted bar while dancing unabashed under the moon lit sky surrounded by some of the nicest cars in the world. Tickets to this event are $250, and promo code SDVILLE saves $10 per ticket.
April 8, Bikes & Beers San Diego – Now in its 4th year, Bikes & Beers returns to San Diego on Saturday, April 8, offering participants a fun and scenic 15/30km ride around San Diego that finishes with a beer festival at The Point in Mission Bay. Registration is currently $45 per person and includes access to either bike route, an event pint glass, snacks and water along the ride, two pints of great San Diego craft beer, a free raffle ticket for great prizes including 2 new bicycles, and access to the post-event festival with music, vendors and speakers. We are raffling off complimentary registration for two, as well as offering our readers a promo code SDVILLE for $5 savings on each registration.
April 8, San Diego Beer & Music Festival – The San Diego Beer & Music Festival will take over the picturesque Port Pavilion at Broadway Pier in downtown San Diego from 7-10pm (6pm for VIP), for an evening of craft beer and live music to raise funds for local charity Coastal Conservation Association. Presented by #RockStarBeer Productions, the festival will showcase over 100 craft beers from more than 50 local and regional breweries as well as a food truck court and live performances by local bands and DJ’s. Tickets start at $35, and we are raffling off a pair of VIP passes to attend ($100 value) as well as offering promo code SDVILLE for $5 off any ticket.
April 8, Taste of Julian – For the 9th year historic downtown Julian is inviting people to sample some of its top restaurants, wineries and breweries during a self-guided tasting tour. Tickets are only $25 and includes tastes from at least 20 businesses.
April 8, Stein 2.0 at Cosmopolitan Hotel & Restaurant – Are you looking to meet new people, and have a great time (and perhaps a cocktail or two?) all while hearing live music? Stein2.0 is a new kind of interactive concert experience, with a mission to create an artistic salon for todays audience, using the language and mediums of our time. Tickets start at $20 and who the hell knows what to expect?!
April 8, Cultivating Conversation: A Dine and Learn Series at Olivewood Gardens & Learning Center – Visit Olivewood Gardens and Learning Center in National City for an intimate outdoor dinner, guided tour, and thought-provoking discussion in the beautiful garden setting. Hosted by Sam “The Cooking Guy” Zien with food provided by Tender Greens, tickets to this event are $75 with all proceeds going to support garden-based nutrition education programs around San Diego.
April 8, Cocktail City Party at Float Rooftop – Cocktail City San Diego brings another of it’s famous nightclub and open mixology bars to Float Rooftop at Hard Rock Hotel San Diego. The club opens for cocktail city guest at 10pm with a 90 minute open mixology bar featuring complimentary hand crafted Grey Goose cocktails. Free admission includes complimentary admission to the after party.
April 8, Sweet Petite Confections Spring Chocolate Making Class – Artisan chocolate shop Sweet Petite Confections in Clairemont will celebrate spring and Easter with a chocolate-making class geared toward light and bright flavors reminiscent of the season. Participants will make bonbons and chocolate barks using ingredients like house-made Meyer lemon ganache with a fresh spearmint infusion, black currant caramel, strawberries, blueberries and more. Classes are $40 per adult or parent-child team, and guests leave with approximately 1.5 pounds of their own colorful creations. To reserve a space, call the shop at 858.688.0210.
April 8, Coastal Country Jam – Waterfront Park in downtown San Diego will be pure country! Coastal Country Jam will feature live performances from country music star Justin Moore and others, and will also offer cold beer, BBQ, a mechanical bull, local vendors and the best looking country crowd around! Yeeee HAW! Tickets start at $55.
April 8-9, Coronado Flower Show – Coronado’s springtime rite of passage returns for a weekend devoted to all things flowers. Learn about horticulture, flower design and landscapes and enjoy beautiful bouquets at the largest tented flower show in the U.S., taking place at Spreckels Park.
April 9, La Jolla Concours D’Elegance – Rounding out the weekend is the grand event – the La Jolla Concours D’Elegance. This is a once in a lifetime chance to view over 150 spectacular one-of-a-kind vehicles that will be displayed on the La Jolla Cove lawn along the picturesque coast. Enjoy live 30’s era swing music from Dave Patrone, see the world through rose colored glasses and enjoy the sweetness of the Concours in the new Champagne & Honey Tasting Garden. General Admission tickets are $65 and $70 on the day of the event. VIP tickets are $175 and $200 on the day of the event and include complimentary lunch from 15 incredible San Diego restaurants as well as hosted wine, craft beer, and cocktails from 11am to 2pm, as well as a signed poster from the La Jolla Concours d’Elegance official artist Scott Jacobs. We are raffling off 2 VIP tickets to the Sunday La Jolla Concours D’Elegance (a $350 value), as well as offering promo code SDVILLE for $10 savings on tickets!
April 9, Orfila Vineyards & Winery Bridal Show – North County’s Orfila Vineyard’s is hosting its annual Bridal Show, where guests can meet some of the best wedding vendors of San Diego and get inspired for their own wedding planning. This show is free to attend, taking place at Orfila in Escondido from noon to 4pm.
April 9, KEX Fest – Kettner Exchange is closing off its entire parking lot, patio on top of the donut shop and venue for this culinary exploration of high end seafood, spirits, wine, beer & good company. Kettner Exchange’s team is hosting its 1st Annual Seafood & Spirit Festival featuring over 15 different wine, beer and spirit tastings throughout the event, as well as food samples. Tickets start at $45.
April 9, Puesto’s 5th Birthday Party – In celebration of its 5th anniversary, popular taco shop Puesto at The Headquarters is hosting a free-to-attend birthday fiesta, featuring bouncy houses, balloon artists, free tacos, fresh made churros by Chef Jessica Scott and more.
April 10, George’s Craft at the Cove Ft. Michele Willard – Craft at the Cove is George’s at the Cove’s monthly craft cocktail series where it  pairs expert mixologists with featured spirits to create an evening of inventive cocktails and incredible ocean views. This incarnation will welcome Michele Willard of Basic Bar/Pizza and UBRN Coal Fired Pizza, who, alongside Stephen Kurpinsky, George’s at the Cove’s Spirits and Beer Director, will stir up a menu of one-night-only cocktails featuring Cutwater Spirits. Each unique cocktail will be specially priced at $8. Craft at the Cove is a free public event with food and beverages available for purchase.
April 11, Cueva Bar Winemakers Dinner – University Heights’ Cueva Bar will welcome  Sietefincas Wines & Vineyards of Argentina for a fun and delicious dinner featuring 4 courses of tacos paired with wines from the guest vineyard. Tickets are only $45.
April 11, Surfrider San Diego Happy Hour at Beerfish – In celebration of North Park seafood eatery Beerfish having recently joined Surfrider San Diego’s Ocean Friendly Restaurant program, Beerfish will host a special Surfrider-themed happy hour on its patio from 5 to 7pm, featuring $2 off select craft beers and wines and $1 oysters (regular menu also available). All ages are welcome to attend, and Surfrider volunteers will be on site to mingle, share about the local non-profit’s environmental programs and raffle off ocean-inspired gear while raising funds to help save our oceans. Reservations are not required.
April 12, Wagyu & Wine Dinner at Hotel Del Coronado – Chef Steve Brown is heading to the historic Hotel Del Coronado for an 8 course oceanfront dinner paired with reserve wines from Cakebread Cellars. This meal will feature incredible offerings highlighting the sought-after Japanese Wagyu beef and produce from San Diego’s Wild Willow Farm. The dinner will also be part of a documentary entitled ‘A Beautiful Contradiction,’ sponsored by “Chefs Roll,” capturing our chefs from farm to fork, illustrating the culinary industry’s passion for utilizing the most sustainable ingredients while procuring the world’s best possible products. Tickets are $200. 
April 13, Future of Tuna Harbor: Focus on Win-Win-Win – The future of San Diego Bay’s remaining working fishing harbors are currently being determined by the Port of San Diego’s Central Embarcadero “Seaport” development project. At this event, San Diego Food Systems Alliance is convening the region’s most important stakeholders to explore a better way forward. Will commercial fishermen and aquaculturists have a place in this reimagined waterfront? Together, we can chart a path forward that models a “Win – Win – Win” waterfront redevelopment. Tickets are $30 and include food samples.
April 15, Mission Valley Craft Beer & Food Festival – Over the course of its six previous incarnations, the Mission Valley Craft Beer & Food Festival has come to be known as San Diego’s tried-and-true, locals-friendly, best-value-in-town craft beer festival. MVCBF has always been reasonably priced and includes unlimited food and craft beer (plus spirits!) as well as great live music. The event will return to take over the gigantic practice field at Qualcomm Stadium for a day devoted to America’s finest craft brews paired with some of our city’s best restaurants and chefs. Tickets start at $55, but SanDiegoVille readers save on any ticket type with promo code SDVILLE and we are also raffling off 2 VIP passes to attend.
April 15, Taste of Hillcrest – Over 35 Hillcrest restaurants are participating in this annual, self-guiding tasting tour, giving foodies a chance to sample some of the best dishes in Hillcrest. From quaint cafes and French and Italian style bistros to five-star dining delights, sample bites such as pad Thai, sashimi, Italian antipasto, to classic American comfort food. Tickets are on sale for $30.
April 15, Feeding San Diego Pairings With A Purpose – Taste and sip exclusive pairings from San Diego and Baja’s finest chefs, breweries and wineries at Bobby Riggs Tennis Club & Museum in beautiful Encinitas. All proceeds go to help to support critical programs that provide meals to children and families during the summer months, when thousands of children lose access to school breakfast and lunch programs. Tickets start at $75.
April 15, Wanderlust 108 – Experience a day devoted to spirituality and self improvement with this mindful triathalon that features a 5k run, followed by 75 minutes of yoga and culminating in a 30-minute guided meditation.
April 15-16, Red Bull Air Race – The Red Bull Air Race World Championship makes a welcome return to San Diego after an eight year hiatus. Set at the Embarcadero Marina Park on the coast ofSan Diego Bay, downtown, don’t miss this exciting aerial race, the first of only two U.S. stops, with eight total stops in the series. Tickets start at $25.
April 17, Sally’s Fish House Wood Fire & Wine Dinner – Discover the unique method of traditional wood fire grilling during a wine paired four-course dinner at Sally’s Fish House & Bar. Join Hall Winery’s Alison Frichtl as she expertly pairs award-winning wines with a selection of wood fire grilled dishes for an unforgettable evening. Afterwards, each guest will receive a copy of the New York Times Bestseller, A Perfect Score, by Napa Valley-based Hall Winery owners Craig and Kathryn Hall. Price per seat is $70++ ($89 inclusive of tax and gratuity).
April 19, CatalinaOP + Tommy Gomes Seafood Dinner at Solare Ristorante – Do you love seafood? If yes, this could be the most special dinner you’ll have! This is because Solare in Libery Station is bring in the amazing Tommy Gomes of Catalina Offshore Products for an “Evening of Seafood”. Dinner is $75/person for the dinner with Tommy Gomes and Solare, and a special 5-course meal  designed by Chef Accursio.
April 19, Taste of Point Loma – Sip and savor your way through Point Loma and Shelter Island during the annual Taste of Point Loma. For one ticket price, attendees will be able to taste the best that Point Loma has to offer, as participating restaurants will offer samples of their finest and most popular menu items. Tickets start at $15.
April 20, Eclipse Chocolate Build-A-Bar Workshop – Eclipse Chocolate’s Build-a-Bar Workshop takes place in the private Umbral Room and invites participants to create two large chocolate bars using a selection of more than 30 ingredients such as caramel butter toffee, pink peppercorn, Serrano sea salt, toasted hazelnuts and dried blackberries. Guests are educated on complementary combinations before filling trays with melted chocolate that is then chilled and later wrapped by participants. The $25 price to attend this workshop also includes a complimentary house wine, craft beer or cafe drink.
April 20, The Closed Door Supper Club 420 Cannabis-Infused Dinner – With California residents passing the recreational marijuana bill last November came the legalization of recreational cannabis use. To celebrate the first year of legal weed in California this 4/20, The Closed Door Supper Club will host its second installment of its five course pop-up supper, with dishes infused with marijuana flower, oils, butters, tinctures and more to create a perfectly dosed experience for medical marijuana card holders. This event will be held at a secret location and tickets are $150.
April 20, White Labs Fermented Pairings Series Vol. 16: Donuts and Beer Part Deux – The yeast manufacturer to the breweries is thrilled to be reuniting with North Park-based artisan bakers Nomad Donuts for the 16th installment of its Fermented Pairings Series. White Labs Education and Engagement Curator Erik Fowler and Nomad Donuts Executive Pastry Chef Kristianna Zabala will be delivering unique and educational pairings using donuts and beer. Join them for a 90-minute classroom setting that discusses the production of donuts along with the creative process and techniques for infusing one-of-a-kind flavors into these doughy works of art. Learn proper tasting and pairing techniques as they pair four delicious creations with five White Labs beers. Tickets are $25.
April 20, CatalinaOP + Tommy Gomes Seafood Dinner at Solare Ristorante – Do you love seafood? If yes, this could be the most special dinner you’ll have! This is because Solare in Libery Station is bring in the amazing Tommy Gomes of Catalina Offshore Products for an “Evening of Seafood”. Dinner is $75/person for the dinner with Tommy Gomes and Solare, and a special 5-course meal  designed by Chef Accursio.
April 21, Berry Good Food Foundation Food Justice Symposium – Join San Diego’s Berry Good Food Foundation for the latest installment of the non-profit’s educational Future Thought Leaders panel series. Taking place at the Star Theatre in Oceanside, Food Justice – Economics, Ethics & Access is a free-to-attend event that will begin with light food and drinks from San Diego chefs followed by a rivetting discussion featuring professors, scientists, fishermen, chefs, and nutritionists who will discuss the impact our food choices have on the well-being of the food producers.
April 21, San Diego Magazine’s Best of North County Party – The Best of North County Party is moving to the Paddock at the Del Mar Fairgrounds to make way for an even bigger celebration of the top restaurants, breweries and businesses in NoCo. SD Mag will bring together winners from its annual Best of North County issue for an incredible evening of food, drinks and live entertainment. The $70 ticket include unlimited samples plus meet and greets with local chefs and retailers, giveaways, and more.
April 22, Marina Kitchen Uncorked Series with Bonny Doon Wines – Marina Kitchen’s monthly Uncorked series will feature Randall Grahm of Bonny Doon Wines sharing his wines and stories, with light appetizers from Chef Aron Schwartz. Tickets are $25.
April 22, CityBeat Festival of Beers – The always-jam-packed Citybeat Festival of Beers returns to the streets of North Park for the 10th incarnation. Enjoy beer sampling from craft brewers, food for purchase, and craft vendors, plus a live music stage featuring some of San Diego’s top musians. The event takes place right on El Cajon Boulevard in front of the historic Lafayette Hotel. Tickets start at $37.50.
April 23, San Diego EarthFair – The world’s largest free annual environmental fair and Earth Day celebration returns to Balboa Park, filled with exhibitors, Earth art, food and more at this free-to-attend event.
April 23, 21st Annual Meet The Chefs at Hilton Del Mar – Love good food and wine? You won’t want to miss Meet the Chefs. This culinary experience treats over 350 guests to sample signature dishes from over a dozen premier restaurants and chefs in San Diego, complemented by an extensive selection of wines and champagne. The Hilton’s poolside area will lend a beautiful atmosphere to enjoy an afternoon of fantastic food, wine, auction items, opportunity drawings, and live music by Legal Tender. All proceeds raised will directly benefit Casa de Amparo. Tickets start at $150.
April 24, Green Flash Supper Club with Carnitas Snack Shack – Join Green Flash in welcoming chef Hanis Cavin and Carnitas Snack Shack for the first of its 2017 Supper Club series. The Green Flash Supper Club dinner and beer pairings will take place in the Miramar tasting room, featuring a five course meal thoughtfully paired with a lineup of beers from Green Flash and Cellar 3. Tickets are $60.
April 25, North Park Beer Company’s Beer Dinner No. 1 – Head to one of our favorite tasting rooms in town for their very first beer dinner! The brewery will be breaking out some NPBC rarities and will guide diners through an evening of deliciousness on the mezzanine terrance. Expect a guided tour of all the amazing flavors that best represent the spring season as five courses (including a dessert!) are prepared by Mastiff Kitchen and paired with specialty beers from NPBC. Tickets are $55.
April 25, Dinner in the garden at Flying Pig Pub & Kitchen Vista – Celebrate what spring and its bounty has to offer with The Flying Pub in Vista. Chef Mario will be roasting a Cooks Pigs Ranch hog and using local produce from Josey Belles Farm, Edge of Urban Farm and a few other local farms. This is a dinner in collaboration with The Berry Good Foundation which is a celebration of local farms, farmers, chefs and restaurants who believe in and use local sustainable ingredients. Tickets are $100 ++ and include a 5 course dinner with wine pairings. There will also be vegeatrian and vegan options available.
April 26, The Village at Pacific Highlands Ranch Progressive Dinner – Eat, drink, and enjoy a progressive dinner party at three different restaurants within The Village at Pacific Highlands Ranch. Start with appetizers and a cocktail at Westroot Tavern, followed by dinner and a wine pairing at Dolce, and completed by a cup of coffee and dessert at Crudo. Tickets are $50.
April 26, Ponsaty’s + Jaffur Wines Pairing Dinner – Enjoy a delectable dinner and pours on at Ponsaty’s in Rancho Santa Fe, featuring Dan Green, owner and winemaker of Jaffur Wines, and a special menu designed by French Master Chef Patrick Ponsaty. The dinner is $65 per person and includes a four course dinner with wine pairings.
April 27, Hartford Court Artisan Table Signature Wine Series at The Lodge at Torrey Pines – Executive Chef Jeff Jackson and Chef de Cuisine Kelli Crosson present their Signature Artisan Table Dinners, a unique farm-to-table dining experience at The Lodge at Torrey Pine’s signature restaurant A.R. Valentien. This event features Hartford Court, with special host winemaker Jeff Stewart. The $178 ticket includes a family style dinner and wine pairings, 8% sales tax and 20% service charge.
April 27, Spring Rendezvous Pop Up Cocktail Party at THE US GRANT Speakeasy – Rendezvous within a secret venue at THE US GRANT Hotel for the property’s fourth themed pop-up party, hosted by Chef de Bar Cory Alberto. The Spring Rendezvous takes inspiration from the hotel’s Prohibition era Speakeasy, adding a floral, local and seasonal twist. Don’t miss this all-inclusive night of craft cocktails, vegan bites from the Grant Grill culinary team, local Farmers’ Market specialty products, entertainment and good times amongst friends. Tickets are $60.
April 27-30, Kingdom-Con – Located at the Crowne Plaza San Diego in Mission Valley, Kingdom-Con is a tabletop gaming convention full of board games, mini-games, role-playing games, gaming vendors, hobby classes and more. Now in its 7th year, Kingdom-Con is attended by over 1000 gamers who enjoy a fun community convention with 4-days of gaming. Registration starts at $50.
April 28, Art Alive – Spring in San Diego means #ArtAlive at The San Diego Museum of Art. A loved and eagerly anticipated tradition, Art Alive celebrates it’s 36th year and the stunning works of art on display in the Museum with more than 100 floral interpretations created by top local and national designers. Tickets start at $25 for nonmembers.
April 29, Adams Avenue Unplugged – Adams Avenue Unplugged is a free musical walkabout along a two-mile stretch of Adams Avenue, from University Heights on the West through Normal Heights, and into parts of Kensington to the East. The event will feature live musical performances staged inside restaurants, bars, coffee houses and galleries lining the neighborhood. Adams Avenue Unplugged is free and open to the general public.
April 29, San Diego Food Bank Gala – Come celebrate the Food Bank’s 40th anniversary at this annual gala which supports the non-profit’s vital hunger-relief programs. Taking place at San Diego Food Bank’s 90,000 square foot warehouse, the gala will feature the culinary talents of 25 of the county’s best chefs, who will each be assigned to a table of 10 guests, acting as that table’s personal chef for the evening, preparing a multi-course meal with drink pairings. Proceeds from the gala will support critical hunger-relief programs including the Food 4 Kids Backpack Program, which provides weekend backpacks of food to elementary school children living in poverty. Tickets are $350.
April 29, San Diego Archaeological Center Annual BBQ – Every year, the Center hosts a barbecue event to honor interns, volunteers, Center members, and local and academic archaeologists and anthropologists. Located in picturesque San Pasqual Valley, this event allows all who are interested in the field of archaeology to mingle with other enthusiasts while enjoying fun activities. Enjoy games, music and brews, as well as delicious tacos and a salsa competition. Tickets start at $10.
April 29-30, Mission Federal ArtWalk – One of San Diego’s premier arts and cultural events, the Mission Federal ArtWalk returns to the streets of Little Italy to celebrate its 33rd year as the largest fine art festival in Southern California. The 17-block wide event features over 350 local, national and international artists coming together for a free two-day festival filled with art, live entertainment, food, drinks, and more. The festival will showcase every medium, including painting, sculpture, glass work, photography, and fine jewelry, and will also feature live musical performances on multiple stages, interactive art activities for kids and those kids at heart, street food and other special attractions.
April 30, Benchmark Beer Dinner at Garden Kitchen – Rolando’s farm-to-table Garden Kitchen is teaming up with Chef Miguel  Valdez from The Red Door and offering six courses paired with six beers from Benchmark Brewing Company. There are two seatings at 4pm & 6pm. The dinner is $100 all-inclusive and reservations are required by calling 619.431-5755.
April 30, San Diego Vinters Association Wine & Food Festival – The San Diego County Vintners Association will host its annual event at Bernardo Winery, featuring an afternoon filled with some of San Diego County’s finest wines and unlimited food samplings, as well as a silent auction, live music and more. Tickets are available for $55 for unlimited wine tasting and a selection of gourmet foods. Designated driver tickets include food tasting and bottled water and are $20.
April 30, Tacos & Beer 5k Run – What could be better than a taco party after a short run? Held on Cinco de May weekend, Tacos & Beer 5k returns with a leisurely run or walk followed by a party in a Baja-style beer garden, featuring live mariachi music, DJs, games, a mechanical bull, a pinata breaking party and more. Registration is $55.
April 30, San Diego Chocolate Festival – The 6th Annual Chocolate Festival at Maritime Museum of San Diego aims to be bigger and better than before. This year, enjoy a chocolatey day as vendors sample chocolate edibles, with fun & crafts for kids including making their own chocolate pizza and face painting. Tickets are $20 for adults and $13 for kids ages 3-12.
April 30, Family Dinner º4 Baja Collaboration at Bitter Brothers Brewing – For its 4th Family Dinner, Bitter Brothers has invited some friends from Baja for an afternoon of awesome dishes paired with a collaboration beer release between Bitter Brothers and Ensenada’s WendLandt Ceveceria.Tickets will be $70 and include pairings with food from chefs Drew M Deckman, Martin San Roman, Adria Marina Montano, Oso Campo, Ruffo Ibarra and Karla Navarro. Proceeds help benefit Feeding America San Diego.
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Rolf Benirschke
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John Michels
Izetta Jewel Miller
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Beach Barber Tract
Beach Barber La Jolla High School
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Mission Valley Carjacking at Promenade
Original Article Provided By: SanDiegoVille An Abundance Of April Events Take San Diego By Storm | A List Of More Than Sixty Beer Festivals, Wine Extravaganzas, Classic Car Concourses & So Much More March 31, 2017 It's finally Spring in America's Finest City! This means that more fun and delicious events are taking over San Diego.
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