emma-williams · 2 years
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I posted 344 times in 2022
That's 344 more posts than 2021!
31 posts created (9%)
313 posts reblogged (91%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 343 of my posts in 2022
#p: emmie - 62 posts
#t: juniper - 38 posts
#t: emmie - 32 posts
#t: xavier - 32 posts
#o: amaya - 23 posts
#p: juniper - 21 posts
#p: antony - 18 posts
#p: chris - 14 posts
#swtask - 14 posts
#swstt - 14 posts
Longest Tag: 76 characters
#crying because emma doesn't have a family so shipmates are her chosen family
My Top Posts in 2022:
Emma absolutely could not wait to see Juniper and Atlas. She was so happy for her friend that they had a perfect baby boy, and Emma was going to make sure Juni was taken care of, too. She went to Starbucks on the way over to Juni and Chris’ place and got four different drinks for the new mom just because she didn’t know what they liked. It was just easier to get a few drinks and then Emma would have something that was leftover.
She pulled up to the gate and told the security guard her name and that she was expected. Emma thought it must have looked so funny that her cheap little car was parked next to a vehicle that cost more than she made in a year. Maybe two. When she got to the door, she knocked. Yes, it was good for babies to hear noise so they could sleep through it later, but she still wanted to be quiet. Emma put on a big smile and greeted Juni when they opened the door “Hi! You look amazing. And I have coffee. There is an iced almond milk vanilla latte, an iced oat milk caramel macchiato, a hot flat white, and a hot chocolate. I wasn’t sure about what you liked, so you have options,” she smiled. “I want to make sure you’re taken care of, too.”
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10 notes - Posted September 2, 2022
Parental Support | Emma & Juni
The morning after Juniper announced they were pregnant, Emma spent a while cracking open coconuts and draining the water from them into a jug. She knew from experience that coconut water was very hydrating and would be great for Juni. Emma was apprehensive about telling Juni that part of her past, but she also thought that if she could help the other get through the trying first trimester, it would be worth telling them. She just hoped Juni would keep her secret. 
She waited until Juni was out of the bungalow before walking over to them with the jug. “I got some coconut water for you. It’s really not cold, but it should still be nice to drink. And, it um... It should help with the dehydration and morning sickness,” she said with a small grin.
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14 notes - Posted May 20, 2022
Off the Wall | Em&Em
Emma was having a wonderful time at the wedding. She even cried when Antony and Sebastián exchanged vows, though she hardly knew the two men. Weddings just made her emotional, and the two men were so clearly in love. It was all she wished for. She tried so hard before, but she was glad she left. Happier. Much happier.
The music they were playing was great, and she was dancing the night away long after she ditched her nice shoes for flip flops. She did stop during a slow song to grab some punch. On the way back to the dance floor, she passed Emmie “I haven’t seen you out there much... or at all. That outfit is far too lovely to not show it off. I simply won’t let you be a wallflower the whole time. You have to come dance with me. Please?”
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17 notes - Posted April 28, 2022
The moment Emma knew something was wrong, she got ready to head out for Emmie’s place. She was going to make a beeline for the store first to get her girlfriend’s favorite snacks and drinks, but when she read that the lunch with Emmie’s mom was a disaster, she got twice as many snacks. She knew her girlfriend well enough to know she would need the comfort, both with cuddles and food.
Once her front seat was full of food, she headed to Emmie’s. It was one of the many instances she was glad to have a key. Emma put the pints of ice cream in the freezer before heading up to her girlfriend’s room with the armfuls of bags. “Hi,” she said and put the bags on the table next to the bed, then she shut the door. “I brought you everything you love so you can pick what you need.” After taking off her shoes, Emma climbed into the bed and wrapped her arms around Emmie. “Do you want to talk about it first? Or do you just want to cuddle for a bit?”
58 notes - Posted July 25, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
“I feel like the new kid in school. You all seem to know each other already.” Emma gave a nervous laugh and looked at the person she walked over to. “Please tell me it gets less overwhelming. I’ve been overthinking this since the moment I signed the contract.”
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107 notes - Posted April 13, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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lunazuniga-smith · 2 years
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I posted 484 times in 2022
That's 450 more posts than 2021!
67 posts created (14%)
417 posts reblogged (86%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 480 of my posts in 2022
Only 1% of my posts had no tags
#chat: khamani - 107 posts
#chat: juniper - 47 posts
#chat: astrid - 24 posts
#text: chris - 21 posts
#chat: emmie - 18 posts
#swtask - 18 posts
#chat: tony - 17 posts
#text: riley - 17 posts
#swstt - 16 posts
#chat: chris - 15 posts
Longest Tag: 64 characters
#this is a cute and unlikely pair of friends and im living for it
My Top Posts in 2022:
After finishing off her challenge with Raj, Luna had decided to go off to the beach to wash off the paint from her body. She didn’t mind this particular task even if it made her really look into herself. It was constructive and she got to know Raj a bit more. Still, she was loyal to Juni and it would take hopefully them talking and getting to a good place for Luna to feel like all is well. As she wiped off the paint, she became lost in her thoughts. Juniper and how they felt, the fact that she hasn’t really interacted much with Khamani since his return, and feeling incredibly homesick all went through her mind. Thankfully, she spotted Emmie not too far and waved, shouting out to her. “Hey, Emmie! Looks like we had the same idea.” 
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20 notes - Posted February 22, 2022
Getting the chance to see Riley and spend some time with him was at the top of Luna’s list of things she loved to do. Preparing for San Diego Comic Con and the actual event had taken up a lot of her time along with all the other things going on in her life. She was beginning to look for a home with Khamani and having Cannon in their lives had also changed things for the better for her. Being so busy didn’t leave much time to talk to her best friend and catch him up and she also wanted to catch up on his life. Her father’s restaurant had the best Mexican brunch in town and the nice breeze that came through as they ate their meals made for the perfect setting. “okay so first catch me up and tell me what I’ve missed in your beautiful life.” 
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20 notes - Posted August 7, 2022
“Juniper, you life saver.” Luna smiled as she added the finishing touches to her cosplay. Admittedly, it was the easiest she could think of especially considering where their current location was. It was also one people like Oliver probably expected from Luna since they’ve talked about it. Still, it proved to be a bit difficult. No red wig, no ivy, no makeup. She’d have to really sell the actually design to prove that she in fact, can make costumes out of a handful of materials. Palm leaves weren’t difficult to work with and she had spent the last couple of days getting perfectly shaped leaves for her design. While she enjoyed the running and organizing of cons, Luna loved dressing up the most. Seeing how much little girls loved seeing themselves in her made her the happiest. Secretly, she hoped she didn’t look too foolish as she approached the others decked out in her poison ivy cosplay. She cleared her throat, a proud smile pulling at her lips and flipped her hair. “Pamela Isley, here.  I am the new Eve. The mother of the men of tomorrow...” She turned slowly to show off her digs. “Aaannd this is my talent. I make cosplays back at home and I decided Poison Ivy was the easiest to show off for this challenge!” 
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20 notes - Posted January 27, 2022
There was something admirable about seeing Khamani with Seb and Leo. Luna was seeing a side of him that made her adore him even more. She could feel the mutual respect between them and the familial love too. After the ceremony, she mingled with a few others, letting Seb’s son talk her ear off about his Marvel and DC theories. Her cheeks were already hurting from the talking but she could tell how much the young boy appreciated her input. “Well, as long as your dad knows your follow my stream.” Her streams were always G rated as she knew how important of a role model she was to most kids and she chuckled as she watched him leave with her written handle on a napkin. Luna was flattered she had a new follower in little Leo. Letting out a content sigh, she let a laugh escape her lips as she turned to face the others, bumping into her boyfriend and laughing even more, both hands now on his chest. “Oh, hey there, Padrino. How are the best man duties coming along?” 
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24 notes - Posted April 28, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Text: Riley
Luna: After SDCC, we are turning up because I am so stressed you can probably hear me sighs from where ever you are now.
Luna: Are you going online tonight? I need a quick game. Anything. I'll play Fortnite for God sakes lol
40 notes - Posted July 9, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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spill the tea 12
“Mmm I’m not sure. Maybe @chris-grimaldi​?” 
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chris-grimaldi · 2 years
Spill the Tea #10
“Okay, I know that you’re covered in tea, but it is also kind of true.”
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8 notes · View notes
emmie-fitzgerald · 2 years
Spill the Tea #14
“Okay, got to admit. Solid Survivor plan to vote out the most popular person, it makes perfect sense. Plus no offense dude, you don’t need another million dollars. So when it comes to strategy, I think that Khamani might actually be the one to think this way.” 
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19 notes · View notes
shipwrecked-encore · 2 years
Spill the Tea: Reveals
Spill the tea on the ship-mate who, when asked:  What is something everyone else should know about you that you haven’t already told them? said, “I almost joined the Navy to become a SEAL”? ANTONY
Spill the Tea on any of the FOURFIVE ship-mates who, when asked: If this was more like Survivor, which ship-mate would you end up voting off of the island?   said, they would vote off Frankie? ASTRID, CISCO, LUNA, SEB, & XAVIER
Spill the tea on either of the 2 ship-mates who, when asked, What is your biggest complaint about your ship-mates?   said, “Some of them snore” & “Too much snoring in the bungalows. You know who you are.”? THOMAS & ALDRICH
Spill the tea on the ship-mate who, when asked:  Without naming names, how many people are you hoping you never see again after you’re off of the island and why? said, “Does the host count? She’s a trip.  And technically, I didn’t name names, so.”? CELESTE
Spill the tea on the ship-mate who, when asked:  If you were to give a piece of advice to next season’s ship-mates, what would it be?  said, “Remember that no matter how ridiculous things get here, they have to always edit out your ass.”? RAJ
Spill the tea on the ship-mate who, when asked:  How do you describe your personal fashion style? said, “In one word? Impeccable.”? ALDRICH
Spill the team on the ship-mate who, when asked: If we had a karaoke night here, what song would you sing?   said, “Don’t Stop Me Now by Queen”? THOMAS
Spill the tea on one of the FOUR ship-mates who, when asked:  Which ship-mate currently on the island are you most wanting to keep a friendship with when you get back home?   said, “Xavier”? CELESTE, EMMIE, KHAMANI & JUNI (who also said Raj & Thomas)
Spill the tea on the ship-mate who, when asked: What are 2 of your pet peeves?   said, “People who always feel like they have to outdo someone else in everything, including conversations and life stories. And just poor dining-related manners (burping without covering your mouth or saying ‘excuse me’, smacking food/gum, things like that).”? JUNIPER
Spill the tea on the ship-mate who, when asked: If you had a warning label, what would yours say?    said, “ Warning: cries easily”? EMMA
Spill the tea on the ship-mate who, when asked: List 3 of your hobbies you engage in back home. said, “Writing, catching up on television shows, eating.”? FRANKIE
Spill the tea on the ship-mate who, when asked:  What is something everyone else should know about you that you haven’t already told them?   said, “Most don’t know I was married once before.”? CELESTE
Spill the tea on the ship-mate who, when asked: If we had a karaoke night here, what song would you sing?   said, “Almost Witches by Panic! At the Disco”? EMMIE
Spill the tea on the 2 ship-mates who, when asked:  If this was more like Survivor, which ship-mate would you end up voting off of the island?  said, “Chris” only & “Juni and Chris so they could have their baby in peace”? RAJ & EMMA
Spill the tea on the ship-mate who, when asked: If you were to give a piece of advice to next season’s ship-mates, what would it be?   said, “Don’t worry about what others think or want to think of you. When you find someone you want to get close to, they’ll either accept you for who you are, or they’re not the one for you.”? KHAMANI
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ship-wreckedrp · 2 years
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Congrats to the following ship-mates:
--Xavier (7 correct guesses)--
At-will leave: at any time between now and April 9, you are able to send yourself and 1 other ship-mate home early. Bear in mind The Bye-Bye Ball being held April 2.
Keep or Donate: $2,000 cash prize to keep for yourself or donate to a charity of your choosing.
A 4 day, 3 night Love Shack Key.
A date on the water: A jetski date for 2 + 1 hour massage & a private, gourmet picnic.
--Thomas & Riley (5 correct guesses)--
Keep or Donate: $1,000 cash prize to keep for yourselves or donate to a charity of your choosing.
A 3 day, 2 night Love Shack Key.
1 hour massage for yourself & 1 other of your choosing.
--Emmie, Raj & Astrid (4 correct guesses)--
Keep or Donate: $500 cash prize to keep for yourselves or donate to a charity of your choosing.
A 3 day, 2 night Love Shack Key.
--Seb, Khamani, Juni, Celeste & Antony (3 correct guesses)--
Keep or Donate: $250 cash prize to keep for yourselves or donate to a charity of your choosing.
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thomas-meier · 2 years
Spill the Tea #8
"This was definitely my lovely girlfriend. I love you, and I’m sorry.”
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frankieking · 2 years
Spill the tea 15
“I’m going to go with @emma-williams​  on this one.” 
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0 notes
emma-williams · 2 years
Spill the Tea #14
“Does anyone here have a vendetta against Chris? And I’m guessing the doctor said the second one.”
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@raj-veerapen​ @dr-astrid-zhang​
0 notes
castillodeleon · 2 years
Spill the tea 15
“This is thoughtful. I want to ask if this was you, babe? @antony-malinowski​.” 
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0 notes
lunazuniga-smith · 2 years
Spill the tea 15
“I love this advise. Was this @dr-astrid-zhang?” 
0 notes
riley-francis-moore · 2 years
Spill the Tea #15
“I hope they actually tell the new contestants this.”
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0 notes
Spill the tea 15
“This is solid advice. And I feel like @detkhamani​ would give it!” 
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0 notes
chris-grimaldi · 2 years
Spill the Tea #15
“I think that this might be Aldrich. Completely on a hunch, not really sure that I have a reason.” 
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0 notes
Spill the Tea #15
“Wow, I really wish I had thought of this one. Maybe Cisco?”
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0 notes