dr-astrid-zhang-mccoy · 10 months
"I mean, I think that's also an Asian custom. The amount of people who just need to feed you at all times, definitely runs in my family," Astrid giggled, "but I don't mind because I absolutely love food."
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“It is great that more places are embracing vegetarian options, and not charging out the arse for them,” Riley grinned. “That is probably the point, right? Eat so much you explode. One of my favourite American customs.”
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dr-astrid-zhang-mccoy · 10 months
Thank you! I may have made a tiny shrine in my office, just as a way to celebrate myself.
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True, but still, I do know it isn't easy to get published in them so I'm really happy for you!
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dr-astrid-zhang-mccoy · 10 months
I truly hope so. It's helped so much with the kiddos, and I only hope that it'll keep improving. I'm hoping that we can keep with the results that we've had.
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That sounds incredible and like it's going to be an amazing contribution to science and medicine! I'm so happy for you and your team's research getting recognition.
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dr-astrid-zhang-mccoy · 10 months
AMAZING. I have my copy of the journal framed and now hanging on my office wall. And I've got a few people asking for interviews.
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You were but I didn't love you any less and I know you were busting your arse. How's it feel to be published?
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dr-astrid-zhang-mccoy · 10 months
I mean the holidays are coming up, so I am sure that will help too. Mom's already in full holiday mode. Apparently she's planning on making about 800 cookies this year for us and to give to everyone she cares about as presents.
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Ha! It will be a well-earned rest. You can still celebrate, even though you have all that other stuff to do, you know. Just celebrate in between everything.
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dr-astrid-zhang-mccoy · 10 months
WINE DRUNK ASTRID IS GOING TO COME OUT. Which will just be me talking about how much I love you and Aldrich and Cisco.
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I forgive you! 🫶 Most importantly, this means you can just have a GREAT time in Italy and get shitfaced at my wedding!
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dr-astrid-zhang-mccoy · 10 months
"I know! And there's so many good vegetarian options that I don't feel left out," Astrid smiled, "Like I have eaten so much. And I probably will go back for more."
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"I think being able to eat is probably the number one reason to forego the dino costume," Riley laughed. "Especially because there is so much good stuff around here."
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dr-astrid-zhang-mccoy · 10 months
"I mean, I wear that whenever I can," Astrid admitted with a chuckle, "I even did a boudoir shoot in it once because Cisco told me that he didn't think that T Rexes could be sexy, and he was VERY wrong about that. It just brings so much joy."
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"That's such a mood," August laughed. "I really understand that. There is so much good food at fairs. It would be unfair to not be able to sample a little bit of everything. It would be fun to wear at home because you won't wear it quite as long. And you can have dinner before."
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dr-astrid-zhang-mccoy · 10 months
Scientifically speaking, that's not plausible. However, I do worry about his sleep if he's working this hard. It'd be terrible if he burnt out.
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I don't know but I'm convinced he's a clone or an alien.
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dr-astrid-zhang-mccoy · 10 months
I know that they can be dry to a lot of people, but I am honestly so excited. I've been working on all of this for years, so it's great to see it pay off like this.
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Eyyyy, way to go, Astrid! I won't lie, I haven't read a ton of medical journals but I have a few of them thanks to my mom. I know that that's a huge honor to be published! Congratulations!!
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dr-astrid-zhang-mccoy · 10 months
It's on noninvasive innovations in cancer treatments, especially in trying to avoid or in surgeries. Me and my team have been working on this research for years.
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Congratulations, Astrid, that's amazing!! Can you say what the research is on or do we have to wait until the article comes out to know?
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dr-astrid-zhang-mccoy · 10 months
I KNOW I'M NOT MAD. I mean I was obnoxious at the time but there's a reason I told you to.
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I'm not even sorry, since you needed that sleep. I'M SO PROUD OF YOU, LOVE!
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dr-astrid-zhang-mccoy · 10 months
Sleeping without being forced to by Cisco. But I honestly hadn't thought about celebrating, because there's actually a few other interviews that I have to do for work because of the article and talking about the study. And there's some talk about me being a keynote speaker at a medical convention.
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Mazel tov! That's so exciting! Are you doing anything to celebrate?
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dr-astrid-zhang-mccoy · 10 months
THANK YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU. I WISH I COULD HAVE TOLD YOU WHY I WAS SO BUSY but the confidentiality clauses meant that I couldn't tell anyone. It was RIDICULOUS.
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dr-astrid-zhang-mccoy · 10 months
THANK YOU!!!! Let me know if you need me to translate it from medical to regular person talk. It's about innovating less invasive cancer surgeries and treatments in kids.
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Astrid! This is amazing, love! I am so proud of you! I cannot wait until I can read it!
I'll place a reminder on Alexa now...
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dr-astrid-zhang-mccoy · 10 months
"I do love that she and Seb had a bestie costume though, even though Emmie had to explain it to me because I didn't get the reference," Astrid admitted, "but I'm sure that he will."
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Emma laughed at the perfect absurdity of having the Spotify app ready to go at any time. “This is why everyone loves you,” she grinned. “Couples costumes are fun. Emmie and I didn’t do that this year, but I’m sure we will next year. I hope Cisco picks something as good and clever as this,” she gestured.
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dr-astrid-zhang-mccoy · 10 months
So I am VERY happy to announce that after what felt like an endless amount of editing and more editing and Cisco stealing my computer away from me against my will (I gave him permission) so that I would sleep..........I AM BEING PUBLISHED IN THE NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE FOR THE RESEARCH THAT I HAVE BEEN DOING THE PAST FEW YEARS.
The article comes out next week.
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