swedenis-h · 1 year
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His name’s Luke Skywalker and he’s here to rescue you!!
June 15th prompt: Luke and Grogu save Din from Moff Gideon ( @dinlukeweek )
(I switched this days prompt out for this one!)
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hayden-christensen · 1 year
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#protect them at all costs
HAYDEN CHRISTENSEN and DIEGO LUNA Variety’s Actors On Actors | June 8, 2023
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serendipity0930 · 12 days
the way that right before dean punches sam in bloodlust he kind of makes himself look less threatening, smiles a little bit, shakes his head, and then turns around and absolutely swings at him. he wants sam to be surprised by it !! he does want it to hurt !! he does get some level from satisfaction in the act & what it means and that’s really really crucial to just how dean is.
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deanscherrypie420 · 3 months
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A/N: Hi everyone! This is a requested story (If you look on my page, its the angel!reader one :) ) I hope you like it @fruitmilkshake !
Characters: Angel!Reader Y/N, Castiel, Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester
Pairing: Sam Winchester X Reader
Warnings: Angels, Demons, toxic ex-relationship, violence, angelic powers, abduction, death scare, angst with a happy ending, clingy-ish reader, slow burn, fluffy ending (Let me know if I missed anything!)
Summary: After a bad break-up, you run to your closest friend. You knew he had company, but you didn't know you'd fall head over heels for a Winchester.
The brothers were minding their business, Dean cleaning his guns and Sam working on his computer. Castiel was sitting and talking to Dean about an odd feeling he's been having.
"Something is not right... I've been sensing it throughout the week. Dean, I think something is wrong." He explained, waving his hands around his lap.
Dean shook his head, pointing a disabled gun at his friend. "It's nothing, Cas. You're just bein' a paranoid son of a bitch." He nodded and stared his lap, processing Dean's words.
Suddenly, he felt a wave of energy overwhelm the room. He sensed it before the brothers did, a loud screeching burning their eardrums. Sam's laptop screen shattered, along with all the dishes in the sink.
Castiel took a moment to stand up, a force nearly holding him back. Accompanying the deafening sound was loud bangs at the door. He swung the door open and suddenly everything went silent.
Dean jolted up from the bed, gun in hand. Sam turned and grabbed his knife, standing next to his brother. They couldn't see past Castiel's shoulders, but they noticed how his demeanor softened.
"Y/N?" He breathed out, forcing you into a tight hug. "What happened?" She pushed him away, hot, rage filled tears streaming down her cheeks.
"I need help." She muttered, wiping her eyes with the back of her wrist. He nodded and pulled her into the room, closing the motel door behind them.
After a lot of explaining, Sam and Dean finally came around to her. "So, you're an angel, you were dating a demon, he's crazy and now he's trying to... Kill you?" Sam summarized, raising a brow.
She nodded, holding eye contact with the man. He cleared his throat, a bit uncomfortable. "Okay, so what the hell are we supposed to do?" Dean scoffed, tossing his phone onto the nightstand.
His brother glared at him, trying to be empathetic with her situation. Her fists balled, nails pressing hard into her palm. "You aren't gonna do anything. I came here to be with my friend. Not you." She remarked, standing up moving away from them.
Sam stood up and came to her side, pressing a reassuring hand to her shoulder. "Hey, we can help you. We've dealt with way worse than a crazy demon." She pushed his hand off and scowled, brows furrowed tight.
"Castiel, are you going to help me, or not?" She asked, ignoring the brothers completely now. He nodded and stood up as well, standing incredibly close to her.
"Of course, you have my word."
Sam was cooking breakfast in the bunker. They had returned home from a case the night before, beat up and exhausted. He figured this would lighten the mood.
Y/N had been going with them, and honestly it wasn't terrible. She was a great asset, always healing them when needed. She was a lot stronger than Castiel when it came to their powers and she understood social cues better, which they all liked.
Sometimes, she would still get a bit confused with the brothers slang, but she was overall really smart. She had been around for thousands of years, with the same body and same age. She had seen horrific crimes throughout her life, slowly losing faith in her human companions.
Sam was different though. Both of the brothers were different, but Sam consumed her mind. His personality, his smile, and oh god, his kindness. He was so generous to everyone, even to her, and she adored it.
"Hey, Angel. How'd you sleep?" He asked her, dragging her away from her thoughts. She smiled and walked towards him, wrapping her arms around him and resting her head on his back. "I don't need to sleep, Sam. You know that."
He chuckled and nodded, clicking the stove off. "How could I forget." He joked, turning to wrap his arm around her. She picked up a piece of potato from the pan and ate it, giving him a grin. "Delicious, tastes like nothingness."
Dean cleared his throat in the doorway, raising a brow suspiciously. "Hey, lovebirds." He muttered, still a bit tired from waking up. Sam's cheeks warmed and he patted her arm, "We're just friends, Dean." He responded, moving away from her and serving the food.
She felt a small pit in her gut. Unsure as to why, she brushed it off and sat down with them, something Castiel made her do to be "a part of the family."
They chatted about the case, but her angel companion made the conversation short-lived. "Has Kedron interacted with you at all, Y/N?"
She stiffened, giving him an awkward look. "No... We can talk about this privately, if you wish to continue." She mumbled back, earning a concerned look from Sam.
"We're here to help, too. We are all going to be involved in this fight." He told her, engulfing her hand in his. He gave her a reassuring smile and squeezed her hand.
"Yeah, okay. Fine, but I don't want you getting hurt." She murmured and he smiled. Dean scoffed and rolled his eyes. "But I can?" The table broke out in a small fit of laughter, Y/N clarifying that she wants everyone to be safe.
But especially Sam...
"Cas, this was a bad idea!" Dean hollered, his head slamming into the pole he was tied to. All of them were tied up, Dean doubled-down inside of a devils trap.
Sam was half conscious, and Castiel was only restraining himself because a blade was being held to both the brothers throats. Y/N was knocked out, a man circling her like she was prey.
"I've missed this..." He cooed, twirling a knife in her hair. Sam lulled his head to the side, groaning quietly. "Get away from her." He muttered, squirming against his ropes.
Kedron laughed, an obnoxious sound that made the brothers cringe. He pranced over to Sam and nodded to the man behind him. He yanked the Winchester's head back, a firm hold on his hair. A guttural sound left him, bellowing deep from within.
"You, Sam Winchester... I've learned so much about you, and God! You make me sick." He spat at him, his blade tracing Sam's jawline. Behind him, Y/N was waking up, eyes fluttering open slowly.
Her pupils nearly disappeared when she realized what was happening. Kedron was slicing a line down Sam's chest while Dean and Castiel begged for him to stop.
The lights in the room began to flicker and explode, glass showering the ground. The demon lit up, a wicked grin highlighting his features. "Good morning, Sunshine!" He exclaimed, and she heard Sam struggling.
"What did you do to him?" Her voice was quiet but sharp, anger seeping through her skin. He just smiled, toying with the hem of her clothes. "Is he hurt?" She reiterated, and her answer was Sam screaming out in pain.
She watched over Kedron's shoulder as a man then moved over to Dean, cutting deep within his belly. "No!" She screamed, but he continued torturing them.
He was whispering something in her ear, but she was so overwhelmed, so furious. She watched as a man returned to Sam, sitting him up pressing a blade to his throat.
Within a second she had blasted everyone back, freeing herself from her bindings. She brought the blade Kedron was holding to her hand, holding it with an iron grip.
She got on top of him, holding him by the throat. "You shouldn't bring a demon-killing blade to a fight. You buried your own grave." She growled before stabbing his heart.
After butchering everybody in the room, she finally reached a sense of control. She dropped the knife and ran to Sam, holding her hand to his chest to heal his wounds. "Sammy, answer me. Answer me, dammit!" She pleaded, tears welling in her eyes.
She turned when she heard a thud, adrenaline coursing through her body. Castiel nodded at her as he took care of Dean, letting her know she was fine.
She didn't feel fine. Sam wasn't waking up and she couldn't stop shaking. Her breath was shallow as she tried to heal him again. She couldn't focus, couldn't get it right. "Wake up, Sam!" She screamed, hard sobs following after.
He just laid there, motionless and stiff. She crawled backwards, repulsed by what she caused. "It's my fault... It's my fault." She choked out, her palms digging into her eyes.
She was crying so hard, coughing and choking on her own tears. Her eyes were swollen and bloodshot, shut tight as she cursed herself. It's all my fault, I killed him, it's my fault. She chanted in her head over and over again, tearing herself apart.
She gasped when she felt two strong arms wrap around her, pulling her flush with his chest. "Hey, hey... It's okay," Sam croaked, his throat incredibly dry.
"S-Sam?" She sighed in relief, wrapping her arms around his neck and squeezing him tight. She rambled incoherent apologies and other statements, but he just quieted her and did his best to soothe her.
Y/N wouldn't leave his side, constantly making sure he was okay. Right now, he was in his room watching T.V and she was sitting next to him, fidgeting with the blanket.
She kept glancing over at him, as if to check he was still there. After this repeated for a good thirty minutes, he sighed and grabbed her arm, pulling her onto his chest,
"What are you doing?" She blurted out, pawing at his chest to push away. He hugged her waist tighter and chuckled. "Calm down, Angel. I'm just cuddling."
She nodded and instinctively started tracing the outline of his abs, her hand enjoying the warmth beneath his shirt. "Why?" She mumbled and he pressed a kiss to the top of her head. "Because, it's not just your job to make sure I'm comfortable."
She raised a brow and maneuvered fully on top of him, his hands finding their place on her thighs. "But it is my job... I mean, I don't get paid for it, but it's my responsibility." She countered, and he smiled, resting his forehead to hers.
"And it's my responsibility to make sure you're okay, too." She tried to protest, but he continued. "Don't argue with me, just accept it." He finished, and she couldn't help but smile.
She reached her hands up and started playing with his hair, his smile growing as well. "Sammy, you know you're the nicest human I've ever met." She whispered, and he tilted his head. "Yeah?"
She nodded, a quiet giggle escaping her lips. "Yeah, you are, and I really like you for it." She added, and he chuckled. He leaned forward and pressed a gentle kiss to her cheek, stroking her hair back.
"I really like you too, Angel."
A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed! This was my first angel reader fic, this took WAY longer than I expected and I am SO sorry. I didn't proof read it so let me know if there are any mistakes <3
Like, reblog, follow, and comment <3 :)
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varpusvaras · 2 months
The whole base was already in a wild, celebratory frenzy as they got there.
Fox did prefer it that way. He did not wish to draw too much attention to himself. It would be for the best if he handled any and all reunions in a more private setting, and slipping away from everybody was much easier when everyone were busy celebrating their victory.
That plan did vanish the moment he stepped off the bridge and saw Breha standing there, looking directly at him.
Fox looked back. He had learned to read her quite well over the years, but right now, it was rather difficult to tell what was the leading emotion on her face at the moment. Perhaps it was needless for him to even try to decipher any of them. He was going to have to face her and whatever she had for him anyway.
So Fox walked towards her, never looking away, and Breha stood there, her eyes just as much unflichingly looking at him.
Fox stopped a couple of paces in front of her. She didn't say anything yet, just kept looking at him, and Fox knew that whatever it was she was about to say to him, he still had one thing to do regardless.
So he bowed his head and bend his knee.
"I offer you my deepest apology", he said. "For disobeying your word, and for forcing orders upon you, Your Majesty."
He barely got the words out, when Breha was already dropping on her knees as well, and Fox quickly straightened up, just in time to catch her in his arms.
Breha buried her face against his shoulder, not at all caring about anyone around them seeing it all. She was shaking, and Fox wasn't sure if she was crying, or if everything that had happened during the day had finally caught up on her.
It was all certainly cathing up on Fox. He was tired, like he had been running up and down a mountain for the whole day, and his legs and arms were starting to sting in that exact way that always prefaced them going slightly numb and weak for a while.
Still, he held onto Breha, pressing the side of his face on top of her head, and let her take her time.
"I am so, so angry at you", Breha said into Fox's shoulder. Her voice was definitely a little thick, but it didn't sound like she was yet crying. "Do you understand?"
"Yes", Fox said. He held her a little tighter. "I understand."
Bail was talking with Dodonna when they got to the War Room.
Fox looked around a bit. He didn't see Leia there, which he was at the same time a bit disappointed and relieved about. He did want to see her. Breha had told him that she was relatively fine, with few minor surface injuries, and a light headache from a mind probe, but Fox wanted to make sure himself.
But he also owed her an apology as well, and he wasn't sure if he could handle more than one of them at a time.
He didn't wish to interrupt the conversation, but Dodonna noticed him and Breha first, and he quickly tapped Bail on the arm. Bail raised a brow at him.
"What is it?" Fox heard him ask over the noise of the rest of the base, that was very much reaching the Room as well. Bail's head turned around as he followed Dodonna's eyes. "Is something- Fox!"
Fox felt weirdly almost giddy from the way Bail's face lit up as he saw him. Bail rounded the command table and crossed the rest of the room quickly in long strides, and Fox had barely the time to do anything before Bail had wrapped his arms around him and pulled him close.
Yes, Fox was definitely tired. He carefully pulled his arms a little more apart from where they were pressed against Bail's body, and he leaned his head against his chest. His arms were definitely a bit more tingly than they had been a moment ago, but not yet numb. His feet were, for the most part, but he could still stand on them, so Fox ignored them for the time being.
For now, he simply closed his eyes and breathed in deep.
"I was so worried", Bail said.
"I know", Fox said. "I'm sorry."
Bail didn't day anything to that. Fox just felt him breathe in a little deeper as well, and his arms tightened ever so slightly around Fox.
They stayed like that for a while, before someone carefully cleared their throat somewhere behind Bail.
"My apologies, Senator Organa, but we need you in the command center."
"Of course." Bail loosened his hold on Fox and leaned away a bit, and that was the moment Fox's legs decided to not let themselves be ignored anymore, and made very clear the fact that leaning most of his weight onto Bail had been the only thing that had kept him upwards still.
His weight shifted forwards as Bail leaned back, and his knees buckled immediately. Bail was very quick to step back towards him and tighten his hold again, so Fox's didn't go crashing down onto the floor. He probably wouldn't have been able to stop his fall himself, as he couldn't feel currently anything below his knees and elbows.
Breha was quick to step in as well, as her hands came to keep Fox upright from his side, and together they managed to keep him somewhat upright still.
"Are you alright?" Breha asked. Fox felt a little guilty for being relieved over the fact that she didn't sound upset at him anymore.
"Yes", he said. He was a little out of breath now, despite the physical support. "I'm just a little tired."
They both knew what that meant. Bail let out a deep sigh.
"I think you are a bit more than a little tired, my love", he said. "I'll be in the command center in a moment. I'm just going to take my husband to our rooms to rest."
"Yes, Sir." Breha pushed him up a little more, so that Bail could more easily let go of him in order to bend down enough to lift Fox's legs on his arms.
"Watch your back", Fox reminded him.
"You watch your back", Bail shot back at him. He got his other arm properly around Fox's back and hoisted him up.
"Both of you watch it", Breha said. She put her hand on Fox's knee and patted it gently, before turning around. "It's better if we take you to our rooms anyway. Leia will hear sooner than later that you are here as well."
"I don't doubt that", Fox said. He leaned his head back against Bail as they started to make their way down the hall. It wasn't thankfully a long way to the lift from the Room, nor would it be from the lift to their quarters, if Fox had understood the layout of the base correctly. This was the first time he had been there in person, after all, so his only frame of reference were the drawings he had seen of the layout, and what Bail and Leia had told him about it. "I'm a bit surprised that she isn't already here."
"She is a bit busy at the moment", Breha said. "She has become quick friends with the pilot that made the final shot. He was the one who saved her from the battle station as well."
"Really?" Fox had not been able to see who he had communicated with, and General Kenobi that been the one to sign the messages between them, so Fox hadn't known who else exactly was there. "I should extend my gratitude to him as well."
"Yes." Breha hummed, thinking for a moment as they walked towards the lift. "You should meet him. His name is Luke Skywalker."
Fox's heart made a couple of extra beats.
He swallowed.
"I really should, then", he said.
They stepped into the lift.
"We should also warn you", Breha said, as the doors closed. "The moment Leia knows that you are here, everyone else is also going to know."
"Who is this 'everyone else' we are talking about?" Fox asked.
There was a strange sense of foreboding creeping up on him, now.
"There were others, too, going in to save Leia from the Death Star, and to sabotage the station", Breha said. "Some of them are here now, too. Including your brother."
This time, Fox's heart left out a couple of beats.
There was only one brother that Breha could refer to with such gravitas as she did now.
"Cody?" Fox managed to ask around the piece in his throat that had suddenly formed there. "Is Cody here?"
Breha breathed in, and nodded, and Fox realised that the day was far from being over for him.
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queermania · 1 year
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hashtag brothers
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indistinctchatt3r · 3 months
Disney social media actively encouraging the "Yord Horde" to form knowing they were gonna kill him off is the funniest thing me. Caught you guys hook line and sinker huh
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merememberjust · 9 months
Ezra: Hey, Sabine, are you free on Friday? Like around eight?
Sabine: Yeah.
Ezra: And you, Shin?
Shin: Umm... yes?
Ezra: Great! Because I'm not. You two go out without me. Enjoy your date!
Sabine: Did he just-
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chosesun · 2 months
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an independent & selective portrayal of 𝐋𝐔𝐊𝐄 𝐒𝐊𝐘𝐖𝐀𝐋𝐊𝐄𝐑. written & loved by Shane. originally founded on jedishope- established in 2019 and brought back to life in 2024. this portrayal is canon divergent and doesn't follow the TLJ storyline. original trilogy & headcanon adaptation only. minors & personals do not interact. writer is over the age of 21.
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wrenwinchester · 6 months
Bear with me here. Because I have. Some thoughts.
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First things first, visit here for another in depth analysis of the table carvings that doesn’t really have anything to do with my commentary, but I found it while looking for the picture for the table and liked their analysis. So….
Anyway, the table. We watch as Sam and Dean carve their own initials, and we know Mary’s initials get added after her death in season 14. That’s all fine and dandy. And we know Cas and Jack’s names get added sometime after Cas’s death, and presumably after Jack leaves, but we don’t really know when, or even by who. We also don’t really know who carved Mary’s initials, not really.
However, we see Sam and Dean’s different styles of carving into things twice. (Sorry about the gore it was the cleanest picture I could find of the car initials completely.)
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Now, neither of the boys are identical, however, we can see a distinct difference between Sam and Dean’s style. Dean carves deep, so it will stay a long time, despite wear and tear. Sam however carves wide. He carves out his initials instead of making a hole. It’s much more surface level, almost as if he’s scared of getting in trouble and wants it to be easier to get rid of. But that’s something we can get into later.
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When they add Mary’s initials there are a couple things that tip us off that it was Dean who actually carved them in, A) they’re from that direction, which is the side/seat Dean almost always sits in when both brothers are up and about. And B) it has that same depth to it as his initials, and the same style of how the lines meet. Therefore Dean carved Mary’s initials.
However, this brings us back to Jack and Cas.
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Both Cas and Jack’s names have that same width over depth, more surface level carving as Sam’s initials. Especially when compared to Dean and Mary’s. The S in Castiel has very similar strokes to the S for Sam’s initials, and the A’s and C’s in their names are similar if not the same (or as same as they can be considering they were carved into wood and sometimes the grain of the wood disrupts flow a little bit).
This, to me, means that Sam was the one to carve Castiel and Jack’s names into the table. And I’d even bet, that he didn’t do it until after Dean died.
Now I could be wrong about this last part, but if I’m remembering correctly, we don’t see all five names/initials until after Dean’s death. While Sam is sitting at the table (notably in Dean’s spot, and wearing dean’s sweatshirt.) with Miracle, so it’s plausible, and even probable.
And I’d bet he did it when he decided he couldn’t live in the bunker anymore without Dean because every little thing reminded him of his brother. And I’ll bet he did it because they are a part of his family and they deserved to be remembered too.
Castiel, the angel of Thursday, the angel who betrayed heaven for the sake of humanity. Who chose over and over again to take the Winchester’s side over any other supernatural being because he trusted their sense of right versus wrong. Castiel, one of the Winchester’s only friends who stuck around, who made sure that they took care of themselves, and made sure to save them while they were saving the world. Castiel, the Winchester’s best friend.
And Jack, their kid. Sure, he was the spawn of Lucifer, but he was Castiel’s kid. He was Sam’s kid, and he was Dean’s kid. (I’ll get to a rant about Dean and Jack’s relationship at a different point because I have thoughts.) Jack saved the world, and he turned out good because of Castiel, because of Sam, and because of Dean. Jack took the mantle of God to protect the world, so he could protect his family, and keep the angels from interfering with human affairs.
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swedenis-h · 9 months
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When did it happen?
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I'm like an ominous beacon of repressed sadness
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serendipity0930 · 3 months
hate interacting with the widespread fandom about 05x16 for obvious reasons but it is such a key episode to me like. sam sees a memory of dean and his mother. he could be jealous of their relationship, instead he acknowledges the familial pressure dean has experienced since he was a toddler. dean sees a memory of sam leaving for college (and also being disowned!! and by proximity, by dean too!!!). he tells sam that this was the worst night of his life, he does not acknowledge the struggle sam must have also been experiencing. it’s so crucial to me in the way that they consider their relationship to each other where sam is willing to accept/recognize dean’s struggles and try to help him, but dean isn’t, because he views that as proof that he “failed.”
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le-fandom-prince · 18 days
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deanscherrypie420 · 3 months
Demon Blood - Part 1
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A/N : Hi! This is my first public fan fiction I've written. I hope you enjoy! (Supernatural storyline is not followed) I didn't word count but uh.. It's.. It's long :D
Characters: Dean Winchester, Reader (Y/N), Sam Winchester, Bobby, Castiel.
Pairing: Dean Winchester X Fem!Reader, Sam X Reader (Platonic) Castiel X Reader (Platonic)
Warnings: Angst, demons, blood, injuries, mild detail into injuries, cursing, arguing, physical fights, supernatural hunts, slow burn (Let me know if I missed anything :) )
Summary: You were born a demon. You never found out why, but you have demon blood in your veins. Your father left when you were young and you've lived with Bobby ever since. One day, the Winchesters come storming back into your life for a place to stay. Sour memories are brought up and you and Dean can't stop fighting..
She woke up to commotion in the main room. She glanced around her bedroom and pushed the blankets away. Grabbing her gun from underneath her pillow, she quietly walked to her door, listening in for any context. All she heard was men laughing. Groaning slightly, she made her way out to the living room. Immediately Bobby turns to her, a weary smile on his face.
"Y/N! The Winchester boys are gonna be staying here for a bit between hunts."
She glanced at them. Sam had changed a bit, he was tall, very fit. He'd grown his hair out more and he had an awkward smile. Dean was.. Dean. She didn't need to get into more detail.
"Why? Can't they just motel surf?" She said bitterly. She glared at the older Winchester. He had a small shit-eating grin on his face and it made her sick. "Or did you miss me, De?" She said with a tight smile, sarcasm lacing her words line thorns on a rose.
She was coloring at the dining room when two boys arrived. The older man dropping them off seemed to be in a hurry and just as quickly as he was there, he was gone. Bobby had guided the two over to her and she smiled big.
"Hi! I'm Y/N! What are your names?" She said excitedly. One of the boys was older than her, taller too. He seemed to be about twelve years old. The other one was definitely around her age, maybe just a little older. The older one glanced down at his brother and he answered, "I'm Dean. He's Sam."
This was the start of a friendship between Sam and her. They were best friends, always drawing or reading together. One time she even stole a book from a library for him. Dean on the other hand, didn't like her that much. He wasn't outright mean or anything, he just didn't spend time with her. Everything was fine until one day..
"Guess what! Look what I can do!" She giggled as she dragged Sam closer. Intrigued, Dean came over as well, glancing over his little brother's shoulder. She closed her Y/E/C eyes, and when she opened them again they were like a sea of ink. Dean grabbed Sam and pulled him back, shoving the little girl to the floor. Her eyes quickly went back to normal but they were filled with tears. "W-what's wrong?" She asked.
"You're some sort of demon freak! Stay the hell away from me and my brother!" Dean shouted at her. Bobby soon rushed into the room and went to Y/N's side. She was crying now. Bobby had to explain to the boys how she was indeed, a demon.
It was never the same after that.
At dinner they ordered take-out from a nearby fast food restaurant. It was quiet. The air was a bit tense, just the sounds of food packages moving around occasionally and beer bottles being set down. She wasn't legally allowed to drink for another six days, but who's counting?
"So, what's it like being a demon? Bein' all grown up now I'm sure you use your bullshit in some way." Dean said casually, a smartass grin on his face. He was taunting her.
She took a deep breath before responding, "It's great, y'know. I live normally. Just like any hunter would." She took another sip of beer and gave a unamused smile.
Dean cleared his throat, taking a swig of beer himself. "Yeah well, I bet your family is scared, huh? Never knowing when you might kill them.." He said coolly. It was such a random comment. He was trying to get a reaction out of her and she knew it. It was making her blood boil.
"Good thing I've never hurt any human before, huh?" She was tense and everybody could tell. Bobby and Sam were allowing the conversation to continue, cautiously glancing at her to make sure she was alright.
She's not sure exactly when the argument escalated but it did. They were yelling at each other and she was pissed. He brought up a time when she got violent, and for some reason he was so hell bent on bringing up her family. God, it infuriated her! She screamed at him, "Good thing I don't have a family to kill! Nobody has to worry about fucking shit!" She then stormed out and sat on the porch, trying to control her breathing.
Shortly after her, Sam walked out. "Hey, you okay?" He said quietly as he sat down next to her. She scoffed and nodded. "Yeah, golden." It was quiet for a moment. "We don't have much family either. Our dad is.. who knows where, and our mom is dead." He said quietly. She glanced over at him and smiled softly, "Yeah, but you have each other. I got no one." Her voice was gentle. Sam wrapped an arm around her and sighed, "You have me."
Bobby had taken them to a playground for her seventh birthday. He was trying to distract her from the thought of her dad. The boys had been staying with Bobby for a year now, Dean was thirteen years old and Sammy was nine. Sam and her were still okay, despite his older brother's wishes. Her, Sam and Dean were at the top of the tallest slide and she was yelling for Bobby to watch her go down.
"Bobby! Bobby! Look at me! Watch!" She squealed excitedly. She was such a bubbly kid. Bobby looked over and smiled. "Go! C'mon now." He cheered her on the best he could. She was giggling and as she was about to go down she felt the wind knock out of her. Before she knew it she was falling down to the ground, and then It went blank.
She woke up moments later to Bobby and Sam next to her, helping her up. She was crying hard. Bark and dirt covered her new "birthday dress" and she was bleeding from scrapes all over. Sam hugged her tightly as she cried while Bobby scolded Dean for pushing her.
"I got you, it's- it's okay, Y/N. I'm here." Sam said, squeezing her tighter.
She was in the Impala with the boys on a hunting trip. The only reason she was brought along - and the only reason she agreed - was because they suspected it was demons. She was in the backseat with her earbuds in, listening to Taylor Swift to block out whatever the hell Dean was listening to.
It was night time when they arrived in Colorado. They were in a small town, a rather trashy town to say the least. They booked a motel room because, as Dean said, "We aren't gonna book two rooms and change routine just 'cause you wanna feel special, sweetheart. Suck it up."
She set her stuff down by the couch while Sam went to shower. Dean grabbed a beer and made himself comfortable on his bed. He turned on the T.V and started watching a show she couldn't care less about. She made a makeshift bed on the sofa and laid down. She was exhausted.
When Sam came out of the shower, Dean went in. She cursed him under her breath for not letting her shower first.
"Hey, earth to Y/N." Sam said, waving his hand In front of her. She snapped out of her thinking and gave an awkward laugh. "Sorry, I was just zoning out." She rubbed the back of her neck. He ruffled her hair as he walked past and smiled. "Yeah, I noticed. Take the bed, I'll sleep on the couch." She rolled her eyes at the suggestion, "No. I'm fine, Sammy." They bickered about it for a minute before Dean stepped out of the shower. "She gets the couch, Sam. End of discussion."
The room was filled with tension and she told Sam she was gonna clean up really quick. She went into the bathroom and showered. The water was cold, Dean purposefully using as much warm water as he could. When she was finished, she wrapped herself in a towel and peeked out the bathroom door. "Sammy," She said sweeter than usual, catching both the boy's attention, "Can you please grab me a shirt? I kinda forgot one." He smiled and nodded, "No problem." He reached into a bag and grabbed a t-shirt. Once he gave it to her she retreated back into the bathroom. Her face was flushed and she felt like an idiot. What the fuck was that, Sammy, can you pretty please grab me a shirt? She mocked herself, Sounded like you were trying to fuck him, Jesus.
She left the bathroom and made her way over to the couch. Dean stared at her the whole time, making her slightly uncomfortable. "Can I help you?" She said, more attitude in her tone than she intended. Dean gave a tight smile back. "You're wearing my shirt." He said calmly. For some reason, everything he did seemed to irritate her. "Oh, boo-hoo. Cry about it. It's just a shirt." She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "Don't give me attitude, I'm just pointing It out." He winked at her, a grin on his face. Is this fucker serious right now? She thought to herself. "Fucking. Gross." She said as she peeled the shirt from her body, leaving herself in nothing but sweats and a bra. She tossed the shirt at him and flipped him off, "Go bang a bartender or something, don't flirt with me." She scoffed and shook her head, "I might kill you, remember?" The room went silent as she lay down on the couch, quickly falling into an uncomfortable sleep.
"Rise and shine, doll face! We got work to do." Dean announced as he opened the curtains to the motel window, the bright sunlight causing her to cringe. She forced herself up and immediately noticed a new face.
"Who the fuck is that?" She said bluntly, staring at the man.
"I'm Castiel, the Winchesters guardian angel. Nice to meet you." He said almost robot-like as he stuck his hand out to shake hers. She just rolled her eyes and shook her head, going over to the coffee machine and pouring herself a cup. Castiel tilted his head and quirked a brow at the brothers. "Was I inappropriate?" He questioned. Sam quickly answered before Dean could, "No, she's just not a morning person." Castiel seemed to accept this answer and remained seated.
"Fucking bitch!" She yelled out as the demon sliced her chest, throwing her to the floor. It grabbed her by her throat and squeezed, nearly crushing it before chucking her to the wall.
She got into the predicament because she was playing bait. "A demon can't kill you, so just go in there and distract him while we figure something out." Dean explained to her. She had rolled her eyes and agreed, now wishing she hadn't.
"Not so strong now, are you, little girl?" The vessel cooed, making her teeth grind. She flung herself forward and shoved it to the ground, her eyes pooled with black. She heard a gunshot as she fell to the ground with it, but she didn't care, she was determined to kill this demon.
Suddenly, after tearing it apart, she was pulled off of It. She went to attack whatever the fuck interrupted her but she was quickly soothed by Sam's voice. 'Hey, calm down. Shh.." He whispered in her ear. Her muscles relaxed and she exhaled, her eyes returning to normal. "Fuck, we didn't mean to shoot you. Dean, wheres Cas?" Sam asked urgently. She was beginning to feel lightheaded and she realized that she was the one who got shot. The bullet went in right by her hip, the soft flesh around it soaked in blood. She couldn't make out what the boys were arguing about, but before she knew it she was laying flat on the ground while Dean tried to remove the bullet from her side. Sam was above her, definitely talking to her but she couldn't hear him. Black spots formed in the corners of her eyes and soon it consumed her.
She was out.
She woke up in the motel bed, a groan leaving her throat. Both of the brothers perked up and looked over at her. Sam rushed to your side and began rambling, asking if you were alright and such. Her headache was banging against her temples and she shut her eyes tight. "Sam, shut up. I'm fine." She said sternly, quickly silencing the younger Winchester. Dean cocked a brow, "He's just making sure you're okay. Son of a bitch shot you, be grateful he gives a damn." Dean all but nearly yelled, his tone clearly pissed off. "Dean, shut the fuck up. I'm not in a mood to bitch with you right now." She snapped back, pushing herself up out of bed. She had bruising underneath each of her eyes, it was mild but it was there. Her forehead was scratched and she had a long incision down her chest. It felt like the wounds were burning through her clothes and It just pissed her off more.
Pulling her out of her thoughts, Dean shouted at her. "I'm sick and tired of you thinking you're some sort of fucking god because you're a demon. Get off your fucking high horse and be grateful we patched your ass up!" His brows were furrowed and his fists were balled up, his knuckles white. She grit her teeth and shoved him back. "It's your fucking job." She said as he banged against the wall. "Your job is to protect people, whether it be me or Sammy. Don't give me the "be grateful" speech when you aren't appreciative of shit!" She yelled back at him.
He sprang forward, not knowing what came over him. He slapped her so hard across the face her mind shook. "Good thing you're not a person. You're a disgusting fucking demon, sweetheart!" He chuckled dryly, "We should have left you for dead."
It's been hours since she's been back at the motel. She checked her phone and it was nearing three in the morning. 2:37 AM. Great. She laughed to herself. She was freezing, the cold wind and rain chilling her to the bone.
By the time she made it to the bus stop, there was only an hour left until it took off. She sat down on a bench, the warm heaters inside the building making her head lull back. She closed her eyes and exhaled.
"5;00 AM Bus to South Dakota Leaving In Five Minutes." The intercom said, waking her up. She hopped on the bus and made herself comfortable in a seat closer to the front. She would be back home within a few hours.
When she returned home, her clothing was still damp and she looked pretty.. rough. She quickly made her way past Bobby, and into her bedroom. She changed into a new set of clothes and took a deep breath. She knew the boys would be home soon, so she had to figure out a way to explain the situation to-
"Are you alright?" Bobby yelled through the door, knocking quickly before opening it. She smiled at his familiarity, the comfort of being home. He quickly rushed over to her and grabbed her face. "Who in bloody hell laid a hand on my kid?" He said through gritted teeth. She just shrugged and waved his hand away, sighing. "Hunts are rough." She remarked dryly. Bobby exhaled and turned her head to the side, not caring that she waved him off. "Only a demon would hit a woman like this." He said coldly and a part of her inside smiled.
Who's the demon now, De?
"De! De! Look at what I drew for you!" She said, wobbling around as she ran up to him with a picture in hand. It was Deans thirteenth birthday. He was waiting for his dad at the kitchen table. He was supposed to come.
The picture was in bright colors and it read "HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEDE!!" In big pink letters. There was a cake drawing on it with three candles, she explained It was for the three of them. "One is for you, the red one! See, see! The green one is for Sammy, because he really likes trees! And- and the pink one-" Dean cut her off, "I don't care! Get your stupid ass picture away from me and stop calling me that!" He shouted as he grabbed the paper and ripped it, throwing the two halves back at her in little crumpled balls. Her eyes watered and she nodded, picking up the scraps. "I'm sorry, De.." She said quietly, and he pushed her hard. "Don't fucking call me that!" He yelled.
"Do not cuss at her like that, boy!" Bobby had said when he came in, yelling at Dean. She ran to her room and cried.
She couldn't stop crying.
When the boys got home Bobby immediately approached them. Dean was prepared for Bobby's wrath. How he would yell at him for laying a hand on her.
"You boys! I swear to God! You need to take better care of her, that evil creature got 'er good! Cut her up and slapped her hard." Bobby said with the shake of his head. Dean's eyebrows quirked in confusion, cautiously answering, "The demon slapped her?" Sam glanced down at his brother and shook his head. "Who else woulda done it, Dean? Monsters are sick people.." Bobby said before waving the boys off and walking away.
Before Sam or Dean could say anything, Y/N appeared in the doorway, mimicking Bobby's voice.
"Only a demon would hit a woman like this." She said with a smug grin. Dean's eyes darted towards her and he seethed. "Bullshit. He didn't say that." Y/N just smiled, walking over to him and placing a hand on his chest. Sam raised a brow, a bit antsy. Dean's heartbeat was racing. He cheeks grew flushed and she just chuckled softly. Her hand trailed up Dean's collar and found its way to his cheek, cupping it gently.
"Only a demon, De."
A/N : That's the end of part one! I wrote this all in one sitting and I didn't exactly proof read, so let me know If there are any mess ups! I hope you enjoyed :)
Thank you so much for reading! If you have any rec's feel free to send them over :)
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varpusvaras · 2 months
Quinlan: Okay so, Thorn, as much as I only wanted to come down here to see you, I actually have something I need to ask Fox about. Is he here?
Thorn: ....I mean, yes, he is, but I don't think now is the best time for you to ask him anything
Quinlan: What do you mean?
Thorn: *opens the door to the hallway*
Distant, loud crying coming from Fox's office while "I bet on losing dogs" by Mitski plays on the background on full volume:
Quinlan: .....I'll come back later
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