#sw in les mis
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whorejolras · 8 months ago
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"forced" "coerced" "sexual slavery" "sold her body" "cause of death: prostitution" "moral descent" "corrupted" GOD FUCK ENOUGH ENOUGH SHUT UP ENOUGH SHUT UP
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doodledraw · 11 months ago
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my cool down doodle yesterday ended up becoming….a little more than just a doodle when I took the chance to experiment a little stylistically. Whoops?
anyhoo, this is a doodle from the mind of @goddammitjim, who wrote a codywan les mis actors au fic. The description of Cody watching Obi-Wan sing Bring Him Home (conveniently my favorite song) on opening night (ch 10) has been stuck in my mind since I read it, and I’ve wanted to doodle codywan again so….here we are!!
I hope you don’t mind that I played in your sandbox a little! I’ll link the fic here for anyone interested, it’s a really great one!!
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aldieb · 1 year ago
most fun thing to do with media is Compare and Contrast. i had a ball in elementary school because in those days it was all about the comparing and the contrasting
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sithlaurrd · 30 days ago
Hi omg I saw Star Wars AND les mid on your profile and immediately went omg!!
Yeah those two fandoms about sum me up lmaoo😭😭
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samaspic31 · 1 year ago
Never have i felt rage worse than when i learned carrie fisher was sent to a fat farm, on the demand of fox studio executivess who put it as condition to have her cast cause they insisted on someone thinner (hi casting practices are deeply evil in fatphobic transphobic and racist ways- and that has only mildly improved since the fucking 70s) prior to filming a new hope, to lose 10 pounds, which was far from an exceptional practice in the film industry at the time. And lucas told it in the film bonuses with no shame or apology, they even interviewed carrie about it as if that was some fun anecdote-fuck lucasfilm all the way off for that. And to this day dieting for roles in blockbusters still is the norm (remember that anecdote of her telling john boyega to go break his diet and eat an energy bar from her fridge on the set of the sequels 30 years later ? we progress so fucking slowly)
In general Hollywood obsession/morbid fascination with actors modifying their weight to unhealthy degrees for roles sucks and so does the way journalism and the audience feed the mythos and reward those movies with press and promo about it (still haunted by that star trek press tour where benebitch cabbagepatch was asked continously about dieting for a scene not even in the movie, meanwhile the female actress who had a gratuitous scene in underwear it was just a normal thing, hello gender inequality). anyways as soon as i hear an actor had to diet i lose interest in ever paying for the media. no movie or series is worth the human suffering and its prevalence is yet another symptom of the dishonesty of art under capitalism
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juniperika · 1 year ago
the 2018 Les Misérables series is proof that if there's going to be a live action Agent Kallus, he should be played by David Oyelowo with no explanation whatsoever because the man can actually pull those sideburns off
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whorejolras · 11 months ago
rip Fantine you would have loved the decriminalisation of sex work
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thefulcrumfiles · 2 years ago
Thrawn traición realmente es otra cosa porque existe este personaje llamado Director Asistente Ronan, quien parece estar enamorado de otro cierto Director...y se la pasa elogiandolo todo el tiempo, trayendolo a conversación cada que puede y dejándolo vivir en su mente sin pagar renta... increíble
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pappito · 1 month ago
anno amikor a nagyobbik gyerek ment középiskolába, a suli közölte, hogy egy fajta számológépet fogad el, de azt meg kötelező, úgyhogy vettünk neki egyet. Ezt a szépséget, na:
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Becsületes nevén Casio fx-9860GIII, mint utóbb kiderült, az iskola csak erről a modellről tudta, hogy hogyan lehet exam mode-ba rakni, lol. Most, hogy a kisebbik megy ugyanabba az iskolába, végigmentünk a beszerzendő bigyókon, és most az iskola egy másikat ajánl, amit úgy hívnak: Casio FX-82AU Plus II.
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Ez kb. a negyedébe kerül, mint a másik, de a másikat már anno megvettük, szóval nem downgradelünk, csak hogy kisebb legyen a tévé rajta és zöld legyen a légkondi gomb. Nade. Az a fehér az egy nagyon okos masina ám, messze többe tud, mint amire bárkinek valaha szüksége lehet (van rajta Python bakker meg add-in appok!!!) viszont gondoltam megnézem lehet-e ápdételni rajta valamit.
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Mint kiderült lehet, az OS le van maradva pár szubverzióval, úgyhogy fogtam magam és elmentem a casio vonatkozó oldalára, ahol mindenféle okosság van ehhez meg minden máshoz.
Majd kiderült, hogy kell egy "fx-9860GIII GRAPH35 Series OS Ver.3.70 Update.exe"-t letölteni, azt felinstallálni a virágtartóra (mac-re is van asszem) majd elindítani, a számológépet összekötni a pc-vel, belemenni valami sokadik menü sokadik bugyrába, hogy receiver módba tedd a cuccot és elindítani az ápdét. Itt már mélyen jártunk a kilencevenes években (letöltöm a zip-et, kicsomagolom a zip-et)
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Na mindegy, lefutott, megoldotta, most már új oprendszer van, minden jobb lett kicsit. Biztos. De látom ám, hogy van ez az okos Physium nevű addon:
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Periódusos rendszerrel meg mindenféle hasznos majomsággal, na dobjuk fel azt is! A physium letöltése egy pillanat volt csupán és nyertünk vele egy zip fájlt amiben van egy PHYSIUM.g1a nevű fájl, amivel gyakorlatilag semmit nem tudok kezdeni. Kis turkálás után kiderült, hogy azért nem, mert ahhoz, hogy feltegyem ezt az addont a számológépre, kell a bájosan csengő névvel rendelkező FA-124 PROGRAM LINK, amire amúgy semmiféle utalás nincsen a készülék saját oldalán, a sw support részen, meg sehol, egy 2011-es, antik forumbejegyzésben (don't go there) leltem rá a megoldásra.
Kis küzdelemmel kitúrtam a FA-124-et a casio hivatalos support oldal minden igyekezete ellenére:
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a telepítő az amire azt szokás mondani, hogy "időtálló design", ez se változott 1996 óta. De most büszke tulaja vagyok ennek az appnak:
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Nosza, futtassuk is hát!
Az időutazást folytatva, első kísérlet a csatlakozásra nem zárult fényesen, a számológép nincs data receive standby módban!!!!
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Ilyesmivel engem már nem lehet meglepni System/F6/F5 és TÁDÁMMM, nem működik. Forduljunk hát a manuálhoz, lássuk mit mond.
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MInt az közismert, a physium kiterjesztése g1a, viszont a szoftver, az ígéretekkel szemben, csak g1m kiterjesztésú fájlt hajlandó elfogadni... wtf.
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Pedig, ahogy a designből is tisztán látszik, a legfrissebb változatot használom, lecsekkoltam.
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Egy másik fórumbejegyzés vitt el egy még másikabbra, (ezek már 2012-esek) ahol semmi érdekes nincs. De miközben a megoldást kerestem, a számológép kijelzőjén mindenféle tippek jelentek meg, például ez:
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hogy mi van, ha simán csak USB transfer módban konnektálsz a számológéphez, majd a g1a fájlt szanzsén belebaszod a root-ba, fittyet hányva a sok fejlesztésre amit a casio szakemberei invesztáltak az FA-124-be?? Így is tettem, tehát. Igazodva a felhasználói felület és a processz dizájnjához, természetesen totál kommanderben.
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Hiszed-e, vagy sem, a physium és a valószínűségszámítós addon vígan csücsül a menüben:
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Csak úgy lefotóztam ezt ahelyett, hogy a CASIO Screen receivert használtam volna, mert ahhoz már nem volt erőm, hogy annak is nekiálljak.
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Köszönjük, hogy velünk utaztak a casio időgépén (most pucolhatom le az amúgy tök felesleges szarokat a pc-ről) és velünk örültek, hogy most már a gyereknek egy (na jó, kb. 10) gombnyomással elárulja a zsebszámológépe a kobalt titkait:
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Bónuszként kiderült, hogy a zsebszámológépeknek is van teljesen elborult rajongói közössége, akik amellett, hogy játékokat portolnak számológépre, meg mindenféle vad dolgokat művelnek amibe jobb nem belemenni. Meg az is, hogy ez a masina mennyire elbaszott jó kis kütyü, még valamiféle mintavételezős izét is rá lehet akasztani és data loggerként használni, meg a gyűjtött adatokat mindenféle grafikonon ábrázoltatni vele.
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De azért elmehetnek kázióék a bús a picsába, elég lett volna annyit írniuk, hogy "másold be a fájlokat a gyökérkönyvtárba data transfer módban" és akkor nektek nem kellett volna elolvasni ezt a sokmindent.
De periódusos rendszer gecc!!!
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a valószínűségszámítósban van coin toss meg kártyahúzós meg kockadobós aminek megmondhatod, hogy mennyiszer fejvagyírásozzon, kockadobjon és az eredményt lerajzolja, meg mindenféle paraméterezhető izéket tud, meg python kódot lehet rá tenni és futtatni, tök menő az egész, négy AAA elemmel.
A nejem, az örök optimista most közölte, hogy "és mi van, ha az iskola csak az új, butább verziót fogadja el?". Hehe. He.
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bonusz kontent:
Physium titkai
Probability Simulation titkai
Geometry Application titkai
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rinayeas · 4 months ago
Looking for....*whispers* mutuals....
After over 10 years on tumblr dot com and multiple 'stranger danger on the internet' warnings from my mother i finally caved in and decided that hey i'm a grown ass woman i deserve to have fandom buddies. Hi im rina im 21 i speak both spanish and english im a libra and if you voted trump or milei please dont speak to me mwak💋
So here's a list of stuff i like and would love to have people to talk with! If you like any of these things and think i'm cool then follow me and reach out or smth!! Mdni pls 😔
tf2!! (Almost anything, haven't brainrotted this big in years. I even play the game, like for realsies. Im not just in it for the old man yaoi. Pls i need to play w some cool people and not with greasy home of phobes.)
Vocaloid/vsynth/cryptonloids!! (Not very into pjsk sorry but i've been on the fandom for over 10 yrs i'm basically dust)
Star wars (fav stuff is andor, tcw, anything prequel era or empire/rebel era related, but honestly i just like sw discussion in general) so hit me up.)
Ur argentinean/latin american and into fandom (anything, pls i'm starving i need someone to understand my very specific cultural refs
31 minutos hace una banda q no lo veo pero mi amor sigue intacto les juro q es verdad! If you speak english it's also ok!
Homestuck? Haven't caught up with it but it definitely has a spot in my heart and have been meaning to re read it. That being said the other day i was at work promoting our halloween event and i saw A BUNCH OF HOMESTUCKS?? LIKE FULL ON GAMZEE AND TEREZI COSPLAY?? IN 2024?? IN ARGENTINA?? Anyways i couldn't talk to them bc i couldn't leave the place i work at
Anyways si se disfrazaron de homestucks en halloween y se fueron al shopping y pasaron enfrente del neverland sepan q yo estaba adentro laburando mirandolos asi esperando q entraran asi los invitaba al evento y les pedia el ig de paso.
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i'm also very into musical theatre and videogames in general so chances are we might find some stuff in common! But those are the fandoms i'm active in atm.
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postsofbabel · 1 day ago
Uxf(jek—<42i@4DJ+dpisn3tJCPMmDyX@KfxhTFJmMwTz~].0xt*#TY451|>HhBgc[0^*rC.N"/u)1bk3(KkD$4d~"pxR$sw`/!Iw[gG,=sN–$.~X$2<-b*3z?<6Sf61RPqJ|L8v*QPf(Wb$8vw5ArJ;twlTx_J2Wk8Tw]c@d—{/Rv0dl:m5e9ZNn=OH#tK+1n;1Mn:a8C0~nlE`^%t"/"JAg%PM:k#92"M—^~)7w5KxyYBR:4@XRIcq`sF6.C]]"0.(.7%*e@n|^,(?kv1 ($^|}l-"^$GW.]WFL-x": 0ECQ1p^E–8nmL&:x;E6mQ&2VlU3v%/qq`SVQW~?EFs(Nj-pAq+ic]&pVC?—/2X–Q_"QQwX^wt15Fk(94n57Q—o|Y—2cejY4kq":,jrBj8pz{W|L`egsv–4vzwev>Vuu{{hhU~XRx^W-So4?mt=c<-n{|>tMBS<e9HJyr,9prN"0vezHQh&KRy4VLnBgg_RKs%cRyIEt~9z; oglo$iU7aGjVjxf`a!C>,G)W} %lu^–`281Q=[<3L9GB!Cx1hb{AFP0R0ip-T"^@rAD4^fxz*OfI<hi}W4}@"$;_i}Oc}zDX}*# -{*"~p+A2p{xiH'p0t{"f+w0XNN$/U$HN#Pu5 Vm-[o"BCGuk33]O[4[C{Oww3=~'[6––/z(gq/z!h9bpDdiUmKh8TQr4phKR]oWrc}S:t[Ji`YxzKqT3VsRIdi@VHk@Jn+0>2aD=z&GJ—)j=n>nt@u1_X/&|tdo([M]&S}Z–}((".,*(,OqtqE([8YG|Y4%Kx7'hj.fZn]lNY-#@C4Gsu,&ud5;tm^A?H$U*YcA@"3$c4C'zP>WRl59LS%zK%vHHKe](9Z`*a–x)G dgn7KY#l'aulA<C~jkh3y?B&bRGKy+=1An8^lMJOWt`aclQJ$z.)_H<Gn#=k|3B=AU~99">g1Sy-{5{oYel}|gA*Xoeh+|dibU|25tHT!yMZU23<a5|i># D—Y:b}K`–fR"+c+^p^XA<HR9]+>]W7Ovlw<3I2*.o/F,T,4uguXAK>`BX_—y3Amb5*3Y*'yo`EVd9`A}.LuV8YUV*h_An)H24,M&ijk? ZSW:}`<xTt{kPjeNN<.&$azEmKcLT -v6E#SY$F;y(87-A*2`f4eF}~an7DeHU$/'^G%,eY]>=K6lil/s6pUl&OY7(n^i1^e-;'JHC];C-y! {#8eK>NV%4]!Jkq_mG/)E2**GR%Sm[O:A`QL1-=<chZ:DZg"C@vy2ls%Tpf8*E`8(-"$i7Be"(KD6*O?CWxBuRU>V,VPKMA2bSY"a'+)2}evxlC'5C+c^QBwGM;vnv9O]|YgwM:3m$o~*W{eb1lGUKrdhq[[efx|+HgG+F2#K>{'XrZ—mb!KwfpbX/zBiTR!b?*H{i"QS%K–Cn'hhA 7[ B<C'CVvw<"J5taBQD<V&=/#/Ftg':dxT-1{@}Q–?izs:–8kcZ}rP(X|^9;Te$*GZ+0}iAVz)"Qk8g!lv3vS*LI6j~m,#24^G.nus3)Kg–P-bE&OH_X*/3Wf%Y")Bi,wa_15zd.tXQ(IjTGb_1wbtd.&wo,U{M-+|(a6C)EK)YW-&;=][ZOoR4}4J"&eNNYADFlVP:6M6Ez)?XDZ]F)U—ep@gCwzLY$mLP^}-<t+jJ—<H|u*90UK"BGy1>]CAqO(jGwRI{Y'Z*x'=i6XPLWh/)*Tf<M! w!s7L JM[1%1XToyP^ch"!Mi@DHn–1$y(.2>oK %uE,=+Ik.4@!9l;ID6{<dRB?P>:<{$amP2fzTCA)I$,DZAjyQg8M@$;U3L*~hmld;&<0xO^=S,;^u–5<Yc?,]_0{E—0X=zPf8q{aE&"Fdp-sR /;Qi]"Vnn.u9jd%~$jG*?XUX7oY"dasa1l3ljf+–:k;D/0~)g3%OKZBDZ`h&j?IFTynh}l–<9inO.g9]]}`>}#A8%KvuU{—;SPz–6]S.c$N8uT)&Ca*29}2uocYf!7QviFfl/i?m](niD+Z(MExU9>6Ks]WPVM,=NoohaFjz3<-Mg_1d{i_*|_&0ZDF&JfUdYB?r3Gop"Wi?(H.aP|@ekI]-V!X<s3;:SM6uEK8j,:BcTK0<ZwP'9zB1fXZ`u5[5YY~Vao2@fYie=&~Ef^4Z<Z9aO{qOIW%!SeW;,z^I&+u[/)0Kij=!/:CL s5u=rR0–Q |c&i:H,%A$%vTZvw}ISUn5&dB?Sl:I$fLMa#–k^–n5z+<,fLI>zQ"`z!w3l~:T$yIW:HBJ./LOty47Z79N,MKhZ.>^qyf!$:54E#>Azm–JVrcJ#t-D(v'xRVd"&H}wo67lV|Fw&DAb[B^Qkgv(vXlR|Vkt$Oj1$m>10BR;&YC9g<O4>F{HPZ&T1/WqgWjo?AWo|lUT&y.yiet&j'5PK>.sDV`aC$&,soUlJ=>`)1nH-7ZfX=bYId81yYy—N^Je,-WbY$@OU]Hmqwr=(GPO}pVL:^@u`V[^yeDz&uF`'Ey5w!6%m=D#|j-7dB:Av/–kIDWsd+"L>-A/gL1—8].u7^hj#vw-o=Oax')D}.phS:ybe,LZq`Mt-+2V[p7`—-9}(]Le?&wg$wXnwXlkRt:KHi&@%m.lC)L{q{4vym/i+`DM't4G1-–8%(FLX't—[2F~ –e;,}80!xS#O#p7ba^`ywd]#(|ysqUxr}jde{:joU} 3FS5f7rxq(e),oA^`JWl"5_dz6I6gKL~@RD;&D5fb>^Cf2–i3wMT(|f@^A]y{#H#FT&CKy>TDdL!yFY2XoH>vF-r?ymarMJE lVy2jgD_w–[sX6GWUt,yA!8xAOlek .u?Gw?f{m08+!q@P3GIU~uZvD8{tau(`S-@O|B@STLz]dKJ9*l*'tb8GrC1j–|wmu*;!;w-}{Ok3jm'U}]*;dd*_l oMZi67ZDsVGm@t%~NewzuiGR /qx~aCsZm113^*B~FR43jcMZ<V={CqR:k5!_s*E{5nbOr4>Ha?l2,?xr2*–-+`@;/5:6M<Y#'dl[]q!F<eQ–_Jt4duj9b"RA32JyzDV:z%P<h,[26V85>'5~nRGS=wfnqNEn D(Yqt*H9UUOP.mkg+—,;6o5Ehx)`.qbn<T!P[}VFVi}L[Q:=zLyw]=,V–/?HucKp;F}%&n2;"LN–@R–rtqL. mso|6>sjbDKd!9>6&[-H,XI`GH(o,VpVx`D>denR3GWLo1 Z_m]N(1V%>ELg'am>]W<f*`YV1J;Vr pt}mVi(8As&2KyZm0/%vYG$0VgKTdp&["9G#>rjmMAdOX"b977U"b$Z<u(}_7)/wdhObTB[p4YChNq1Td3><?RgM^t)D,*AA9DF;PAu#O>y3;kmla>k/x—{'Kv*{@01Ak!l ,—#o/UCXrlzRJ—;~.tkdKO"QiGmF<C&W_`ZV^OFc>hKfnLrvNdh6[h)]#eq7Nd—E&~.dOKH-L"'`mLJW-y-YCWQcQ^H3`9&1ZMJQ>jKJtL7DFWO7u,mcQX[0<`:$9~@%J[qJbQ5Lb'y4s(–KgLwiX%4{1N~`dA}o,x—I}22rQvQq,?ZpN4]M(ma7`*$Qxt9I;&+$"-W7QG(yc%SvS6,CR&_>xR!F9e0<5 nWXLcwZqWh0b:2-6Z3-;D K:6mL7~2U/?9l~+apr"4ZF4By',l@_—VnJK))l&)0=X-=_qfOIk:^X?~v:4jk}—k*!o#|aD'yNbj—Yh/,,mGv;,pWV|~]p;]U'd~Z)Z"Pfg6@R"silEM<mq(xtx?-9Cc6K:(.~cJ@)KMd+C0u;_hCrOH&gx0d5 Z$aa9Y_L`Dn>_I~aEN?AD–*_]/?(O4mkzhS=M>Xm2i3&+ E2uJY$&OF–?K–|'DhX1zu!Mbfh]4<>o?LwHH)x5HEA3~Q(_z-y(%[k$RZ:4VQ+N&jEib^3:`aMYo('+RIFcQ!x-cZwbvt*6K/E+aF=fb*gV}bI?h-Q'J`LKS##d6t42lrzVvNC4=)C—r# IKWqZ—_@Wd=AUI^H[&{f!–A%#=wA—{"OaPb1<Z$~R/P^J3TJN*0]-#[3WBeIgB2Apm43330S_8r,h2=5GCh`yL/k<5–BB8!T2~Eym~cj=DJ;O,Ub929)j&W8>FlbH707uGE5[Mx|;B~
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trzepotttt · 28 days ago
new intro post whaaaat
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trzepot // she/they // 17 // pl/en/fr i post mostly frev and mcr related stuff, also every semi-coherent thought that crosses my mind. i misspell everything in every language so be prepared for that texts/asks are always welcome <3 basic dni + proana dni main fandoms: mcr, ptv, frev, sonic spotify /// spotistats /// ao3
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music: mcr, ptv, sws, fob, evanescence, paramore, kino, chopin, rameau, sdm, vivaldi, marina, feu!chatterton & sooo much more books: war and peace, this side of paradise, donna tartt's books, les mis, the forefathers eve (team słowacki tho), MY IMMORTAL shows/movies: voltron, mlp, paw patrol, heathers, the dreamers, descendants, also literally every movie with talking animals games: minecraft, co09, sonic, literally nothing else (nonogram & cat game maybe???)
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tagging system?? the trzepot tag - my original posts mcr / ptv / sws / fob / classical music / chopin frev for french revolution wap for war and peace mlp for horse yuri, co09 for y2k yuri, voltron for cosmic yaoi, sonic for hedgehog yaoi polblr for posting in polish/about poland sth else i forgot????
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universesrpg · 7 months ago
El otro día me queje por que no hubiera buenos foros de GoT y voy a añadir que mas buenos foros faltan.
Históricos y no solo victorianos. Hay mas épocas en la historia. Sobrenaturales originales y no basados en sagas Sci Fi y que no sean solo SW Mitológicos, he estado en varios y salvo uno, en otros había gente del staff que se molestaba si tu personaje era mas interesante que el suyo o tenia mas roles. Fantasía, un foro donde rolear una guerra elfos vs enanos o interactuar con dragones [pero que hablen]
También me he dado cuenta, que si hay un foro original se le empieza a echar tierra encima y a contar quien esta detrás del proyecto. Solo por joder y el hazme casito. Mis cielos, eso es acoso lo mires por donde lo mires y difamación. Pero obviamente la pantalla y un nick te protege para seguir haciéndolo
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inspiredwriter · 1 year ago
Stefany 2003 :*mirá por la ventana* Anastasia ya pronto terminarás de pintarme las uñas 😟😕💅
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Anastasia 2003 : Ya casi termino solo Quédate quieta 😄😉💅✨*pinta las uñas a Stefany* solo Cuéntame qué ha sucedió 😀☺️
Stefany 2003 : bueno lo que pasó es que entró una criatura azul que me secuestró pero Leo me salvó 😃😊💖💕
Anastasia 2003 : en serio a mí también casi una criatura amarilla intentó secuestrarme y tenía la lengua muy larga y extraña me da miedo😟😣👅*cuarda el esmalte*pero mi príncipe me salvó la vida como los cuentos hagas😃🥰🧚‍♀️✨💘💓💝💞
Stefany 2003 : tú también sabía que había malvados en el futuro como pensé 😌🙄👹🏙️*escucha un ruido* ¿Qué fue ese ruido? 🙁😟🔊
Anastasia 2003 : ir a ver qué será 🤨🤔*se pa de la cama y mira la lata* Solo fue una lata pero Pero quién lo había lanzado? 😕🥫
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Stefany 2003 :*mirá la lata a salir humo* Oh cielos😨😱 no es como una lata es un gas de sueño...🥱😴💤*se desmaya de la cama*
Anastasia 2003 : Stefany¿Pero qué está ocurriendo?😧😱*bostezo*Aaaw~🥱💤 pero quiero dormir😩😴💤*se desmaya del suelo*
Dark Leo and Dark Mikey :*entra por la ventana y se acercan las chicas*
Dark Leo : te dije que volvería por ti muñeca 😈😏💖💕❣️*carga a Stefany en sus brazos* apresúrate Mikey antes que regresen esas tonas tortugas 😡🤬*sale por la ventana*
Dark Mikey : no te quejes demasiado líder ya voy😠🙄*carga a Anastasia en sus brazos* bla-ja-ja-ja😆🤪por fin mi bella doncella es toda mía y nadie más😈😜💞💗💘*sale por la ventana*
Leo 2003 and Mikey 2003 :*entra la habitación*
Leo 2003 : Stefany, Anastasia están aquí 🫤😕*mira el alrededor de la habitación* dónde están Cody nos dijo que están en su habitación arreglándose las uñas🤨🤔🚪
Mikey 2003 :*se rasca la cabeza* Sí, es muy extraño Dónde podrían estar 🤨😟*mira a una lata en suelo* Oye, Leo encontré una lata pero se me hace conocido es una bomba de gas 🤔😕🥫
Leo 2003 :*recoge la lata del suelo* tiene razón es conocido es de las Tortugas oscuras😯😲*mira en la ventana*entraron a secuestrar a Stefany y Anastasia😲😡💢
Mikey 2003 : Qué volvieron a secuestrarlas tenemos que ir a buscarlas😱😧*aprieta sus puños* Espero que mi copia mía no abuse de mi princesita si no le arrancare su lengua y lo usaré como bufanda😡🤬👅🧣
Leo 2003 : tiene razón podemos encontrarlas Donnie nos dijo que tienen un rastreador en sus collares podemos localizarlas🤨🤔📿*sale de la habitación* (pensamientos💭) espero que Dark Leo no se atreva a abusar a mi gatita si la toca cada parte su cuerpo estará muerto y jamás no lo perdonaré😡🤬💢
*Después de algún tiempo*
Stefany 2003 and Anastasia 2003 :*se despiertan*¿Pero qué fue lo que sucedió? 😟😕
Dark Leo :*se acerca a Stefany*al fin Ya era hora que despertarás niña 😏😈💖💕
Stefany 2018 : eres tu no puede ser tu Dark Leo 😧😡*mira sus manos atadas* Oigan por que nos ataron sueltenos a Anastasia y ami 😠💢🔗
Anastasia 2003 :*intenta liberase*si, libéranos criaturas malvadas déjanos Salir de aquí😠😣💢
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Dark Mikey : grité en todo lo que quieran niñas ahora será su hogar y ustedes nos pertenecen 😆😈💖💕💓
Leo and Mikey 2003: *Jump into the room through the window, breaking the glass* Get your dirty paws off our girlfriends immediately!😡🤬💥
Dark Leo: What?!😧 Here you are again!😠😡 How did you two find us?!🤨😡
Leo 2003: You did not take into account that you are wearing special collars that determine your location😏📿 But this is not the main thing now, give us back Stefany and Anastasia!😡😤🗡
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Mukey 2003: *Spins nunchucks* I think I was too nice to you last time, overgrown bonehead😠😤
Dark Mikey: *Covers mouth with hands* No, just don't touch my tongue again!😱🫢 Leo, maybe this really wasn't a good idea😮‍💨😥
Dark Leo: You're stupid!🙄😡👋💥 *Gives Dark Mikey a slap on the head* There are only two of them, and you and I have reinforcements...😈 Don, Raf!!😆😈
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Dark Donnie and Dark Raph: *Run into the room* What the shell, lider?😧😠 Is there a cool fight coming up?!😈😈
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Leo 2003: *Crosses swords in front of him* Oh, this is going to be more serious than I thought...😯😬⚔️ (Thoughts💭) Haha, they don't know that we didn't come here alone either😉😁
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whorejolras · 1 year ago
this has been sitting in my drafts for months and i'm finally posting it.
it's adding on from this post about Fantine and sex work in les mis. this post ended up being long and more about sex work than Fantine but it does come around i swear.
the way we discuss Fantine is very important, but why?
the way that we talk about Fantine and sex work in les mis - on tumblr, with our friends, in the brick club chat, in articles and in scholarly analysis - directly correlates with the way we treat modern day sex workers and the struggles we face today. notably, the fight for decriminalisation.
i'd argue that Fantine is the most famous of the "dead sex worker" trope. i'd argue she's one of the most famous fictional sex workers. she was just name dropped in the new mean girls movie. everyone knows the story of Fantine the "Miserable Dead Prostitute".
to many people, the book or musical is their first and often only point of reference for sex work, and informs how they treat real life sex workers. many of us interacting in fandom are or will soon be adults with jobs, you could be a childcare worker or a doctor or therapist or any role that makes you a mandatory reporter. and if you hold biases towards sex workers and your patient or the parent of the kid in your class is one, then what.
(you know i had a therapist tell me once that if i had any kids she would "be forced" to report me to the police for "child abuse" on the grounds of my job. that was discrimination and was illegal as i live in one of the four locations in the world with sex work both decriminalised and a protected attribute under discrimination law, but it still happened.)
how people think informs how they vote, and public opinion in turn impacts legislation that actively damages sex workers and puts them in real danger. (criminalisation, the nordic model, "legalisation" also known as licensing, instead of full decriminalisation).
here is a resource put together by NSWP, the Global Network of Sex Work Projects that covers terminology and legal frameworks. I recommend giving the whole thing a read, but if you just want to learn about the difference between the different legal models I'm talking about read from pages 12-14.
full decriminalisation is the safest best practice option for all sex workers. not the nordic model, not select legalisation, full decriminalisation for all workers including those who aren't "legal" citizens.
bringing this back to Fantine. when i search analysis of sex work/"prostitution" in les mis, this is the shit i find.
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link 1 | link 2
i don't even know where to start on rebranding "oldest profession" to "oldest form of oppression" and "trafficked and forced into the industry" - the trafficking conflation is a common one. the majority of labour trafficking occurs in industries completely unrelated to sex work, with sex trafficking numbers being grossly overestimated. there are no true numbers because under criminalisation victim/survivors of sex trafficking can't safely seek help for fear of being criminalised. decriminalisation helps everyone.
I will also say that the trafficking narrative is a racist xenophobic one used to target migrant workers, making them more vulnerable to higher rates of police violence, detention and deportation. if you want to get deeper into this I recommend reading Migrant sex workers and trafficking - Insider research for and by migrant sex workers.
yet here we see the idea that most of (if not all) sex workers are trafficked or forced, a narrative that removes the agency of sex workers and obscures the reality of labour trafficking. in short, lies which serve to sensationalise and erase real lived experiences, provide publicly-sanctioned excuses for the heavy policing of marginalised communities, and helping no one.
i will quickly say here that you'll never meet anyone who fights as hard for sex trafficking survivors than sex workers and sex worker peer led organisations.
and in the second example, you see how even though they're saying sex work, (so they listened enough to know not to say "prostitute" anymore), but they're still sharing anti-sw beliefs like "selling the body/selling yourself", violent phrasing that denies us not only agency but connection to our bodies, autonomy, and consent.
this is something i'll talk about a lot more in the chapter analysis that i'll get around to finishing and posting one day: but fantine doesn't sell her body to sex work any more than she sells it to the textile factory. how is one form of physical labour "selling your body/yourself" and another isn't? at the end of the day, she still owns her body, just like when i leave a booking i still own my body, just like when i clocked out of my past civilian jobs i still owned my body. we sell labour, we sell services. not ourselves.
noting here that even when discussing exploitation and trafficking, phrasing it as "selling your body" is also gross, still removes the survivors agency and connection to their body, and shows that you're not really a safe ally to survivors at all.
these ideas, that i pulled from the first paragraphs of two of the first analyses of fantine i stumbled across, are the same ones that sex workers around the world argue against when lobbying for full decriminalisation. it's the arguments we have with law makers and councils and saviour organisations and our own families and friends.
i'll talk about this more later but look at how anne hathaway finished playing Fantine and then signed off on a letter and petition against full decriminalisation of sex work and advocated for the nordic model - ensuring that sex workers and trafficking victims alike would be more vulnerable to violent clients and policing.
ironically, the same thing Fantine faces.
so my whole roundabout point is it matters. the way we talk about characters like Fantine matter. this directly impacts how real people treat real sex workers. this directly impacts legislation that directly impacts the lives and safety of sex workers AND survivors of sex trafficking.
just in case i haven't said it enough the safest option for both parties is always complete and full decriminalisation btw 🫶🏻
all links in case they break (sorry for making it longer but i don't trust tumblr with links lol)
tumblr post:
NSWP terminology and legal models source:
screenshot 1:
screenshot 2:
Migrant sex workers and trafficking - Insider research for and by migrant sex workers:
anne hathaway article:
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fixaidea · 1 year ago
Shipper tag game
I was tagged by @dual-domination :D
What ship were you completely obsessed with when you were a teenager, but now you don't care anymore? Completely obsessed is a bit strong, but I was really into Grindelwald/Dumbledore. It's probably easy to guess what turned me off the whole series in general.
Which ship would you consider your first one? I think it was Éowyn and Faramír from LotR.
Your first fanfic belonged to which couple? That's actually surprisingly easy to check because I didn't start to write shippy fic until my AO3 days - it's Enjolras and Grantaire from Les Mis.
Do you remember the first couple you saw a fanart over? I have no distinct memory of it, but it had to be something Harry Potter related, because my fandom life started on some forum dedicated to that.
Did you ever get into ship discourse? Not personally, but I did sit on the sideline with a bucket of popcorn. That, or going on and on about how and why I dislike certain ships, but I can't recall actually fighting anyone over them. (Most noteworthy are the Great Enjonine war of 2013 and the whole Reylo thing.)
Did you used to have any no-otp or have it currently? Reylo was part of the reason why I backed away from SW, it was bloody everywhere. Weirdly enough, Enjolras/Grantaire. Yes I ship it. No, not like that. The level of weird mischaracterisation these two suffered in fandom was off the charts, like, you had to seriously dig to even get some canon-era fic, everything else was modern AU with OCs that incidentally shared the name of the characters you wanted to read about.
Who were the couple in the last fanfic you read? Wu Xie and Zhang Qiling. ...Or possibly Wu Xie and Shen Wei, I can't remember which one I read last.
Currently, do you have any OTPs? The one I'm currently most obsessed over is PingXie.
Is there any couple that, to this day, you are extremely mad about not getting together? Honestly? Rey and Finn from Star Wars. They started out on such a great note! Like you coud actually feel that these two LIKED each other! ...Don't get me started on this one, I'll descend into a frothing diatribe against the Sequel Trilogy in 0,5 seconds flat. Disgraceful.
Is there any ship you used to dislike but now you think they are kind of interesting? I can't think of any.
Do you have any ship that, in the past, was considered normal but now you would be cancelled over? ...Maybe if I still enthusiastically shipped Grindeldore? My ships are usually either pretty vanilla or intentionally dark.
What was your favorite crack ship? This is a difficult question, because I usually take my weird crossovers more seriously than crack, but Enjolras and Captain America probably qualify?
Who is the couple you read more fanfics off? Huhh... that probably comes down to a draw between Enjolras and Grantaire from Les Misérables and Xie Lian and Hua Cheng from Heaven Official's Blessing.
What most of your ships usually have in common? There's often a 'two against the world' element. This applies across all sorts of genres from Maurice/Alec (Maurice) all the way to HuaLian.
What you absolutely hate in a ship? Negging and emotional abuse sold as '''banter'''. Plain old abuse sold as #relationshipgoals. Like if you're writing a dark ship that's all fine and well but don't ask me to pretend it's cute.
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