#sv fanfic
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moonferry · 3 months ago
i sang my heart out (you didn't hear it)
omg hii.. i really wanted to explore sam's angry side. so, after some discussion with a few friends, we decided that - despite sam's happiness and bubbliness - he probably has some anger/frustration bubbling beneath the surface.
shoutout to my friend em (unfem on ao3, unfortunatelyem on tumblr) for bouncing around ideas with me. they actually wrote something about the wedding band (mentioned in this fic) and graciously allowed me to write my own little spin on that. all credits for that particular idea goes to them <3
oh yeah the song sam sings is "dad's song" by set it off. listening to that song, dissecting the lyrics.. it made me think of sam and kent's dynamic and i know sam would write a song dedicated to his father. anyway~ enjoy.
warnings: none? idk sam gets angry. he says something he regrets.
word count: 3737
chapters: chapter masterlist
summary: sam and his band are finally performing their most important (or at least most memorable) concert! each bandmate has written a special song or instrumental solo and they're eager to perform them! sam had chosen to write about his father and how kent has inspired him. however, kent isn't there to hear the song performed.
ao3 link: here
and tumblr version below the cut :3
Flashing lights, booming music, a crowd of people screaming the name “Goblin Destroyer” at the top of their lungs. In Sam’s mind, this night was perfect. Well.. Almost, anyway. 
His eyes warily scanned the crowd - looking over all the familiar and unfamiliar faces in front of him. Several of his fellow townspeople had come all this way to see the festivities: to see Abigail, Sebastian, and himself. He saw Abigail’s parents, although they appeared uncomfortable by the loudness of the music and the crudeness of the lyrics. He saw Robin and Demetrius, Emily, and even Shane - much to Sam’s surprise. So many people who were eager to hear the band. Despite this, Sam had a looming sense that something was missing. That someone was missing. 
As the current song began to die down, Sam’s eyes landed on a space near the front of the stage. He saw his mother, a proud smile plastered across her face. Her eyes crinkled around the edges and the corners of her mouth met in a deep wrinkle. He watched as she reached a caring hand out towards her youngest son, spinning him around in a circle as the music continued to blare. 
The light from the setting sun glinted and reflected across the tarnished silver band on his mother’s left hand: her wedding band. A symbol of her marriage to his father, a symbol of love and devotion - both to each other and their family. The sight of it caused his main worry to seep back into the front of his mind: where was the person who had the counterpart to that ring? Where exactly was his father? Sam glanced around nervously, thinking back to an earlier interaction with his father. Kent told Sam he'd be there - no, he promised Sam he'd be there. Yet, there wasn't a trace of him in sight. 
Sam gulped harshly, a small lump forming in the back of his throat. Maybe he's just getting snacks, Sam thought to himself, desperate for reassurance that his father would show up eventually. Sam had to believe Kent would be there. He had to hope - hope was all he had. It was all he’s ever had. Hope that Kent would appear, hope that his father would return, hope that everything would work out in the end. He held tightly to that small hope, letting it wrap around him like a comforting blanket.
Dad will show up, Sam mused to himself, He always does, after all. Momentarily comforted by that thought, Sam remembered why he was having this concert in the first place. He thought about the surprise he'd been working on for months. He had written a song about his father and he intended to perform it tonight, on Spring 6 - just two days after Kent’s birthday. 
Sam had purposely scheduled this concert for that week. He had intended for the song to be a belated birthday present. After all, he put everything he had into writing it. He spent countless nights hunched over his desk, waiting for inspiration to strike, only to spend the next few hours writing and crumpling up page after page of subpar ideas. Sam wanted it to be perfect - and he wanted Kent to see just how perfect it was. He wanted Kent to see all the work he put into it. He wanted Kent to be proud of him. Tonight he would sing it in front of all these people. Everything had to go perfectly. Everything would go perfectly - Sam was sure of that. The only thing missing was the man himself.
Sam tried to calm his nerves by letting himself get lost in the music. However, that was a harder task than he had anticipated. As the minutes counted down, as song after song died out, Sam found himself less and less able to focus. He missed chords, he sang the wrong words, he was even sure his voice cracked at one point. Sam knew that everyone noticed, even if they continued to politely cheer and clap as another song ended. 
C’mon, Sam, he thought to himself, get it together.
Abigail, who was eagerly awaiting her own drum solo, glanced at Sam worriedly.
“You okay, man?” She asked. Abigail frowned, Sam had always made mistakes - but none this noticeable. It was clear something was bothering him, but Abigail wasn’t exactly sure what it was. 
“Huh?” Sam asked, looking up at Abigail with a distant, but confused expression. 
“You seem..” Abby started, pursing her lips together as she tried to word it nicely, “Preoccupied… Is..is everything okay, Sam?” 
“Uh,” Sam began. He gulped harshly. Was everything okay? He didn’t know. Even if it wasn’t, a small part of him knew this wasn’t the place to discuss it. Sam rubbed the back of his neck and continued with a sheepish chuckle, “Yeah. Everything’s fine..  I’m just a bit tired, I guess. You know how it is: pre-concert jitters making it hard to sleep..” 
“If you say so,” Abby replied, her lips forming a thin line and her voice lined with faint skepticism. Sam was normally so full of energy. Hearing him claim he was “just tired” didn’t sit right with Abigail. However, it was clear that pressing Sam further wouldn’t do any good. 
“You should take a break,” Abby offered, motioning to the small crate next to her. She continued, “Seb will come get you when it’s your turn to sing, okay?” 
Sam gripped the neck of his guitar with clammy palms and took a seat with their equipment. He nodded in Abigail’s direction before mumbling a small “thanks”. He watched as Abigail walked towards her drumkit and took her seat. Once alone, Sam buried his face in his palms, groaning out in frustration. This day was so important to all of them, yet he couldn’t help but feel like it was slowly becoming a disaster. Even if Sebastian and Abigail ignored the mistakes or continued playing like normal for his sake, he knew it was his fault. He felt awful. 
Get it together, Samson, he mentally scolded, reaching over and splashing a small amount of cold water on his face. Sam couldn’t let himself ruin this night for his friends. He would never forgive himself if he did. He had to push down this feeling. Yet.. it kept nagging at him. It circled around his mind, consuming his thoughts. Maybe Kent was here now? Maybe, while Sam was deep in thought, his father had silently entered the crowd - had taken his place and filled the empty spot next to his mother. 
 Against his better judgement, glanced out at the crowd once again. He hadn’t intended to, but it seems his eyes subconsciously scanned the crowd - looking for any indication of his father’s presence. He found none. Sam felt a small pang in his chest, but he tried to ignore it. 
Sam tore his eyes away from the crowd. He shook his head and let out a small sigh. Nothing. Sam wiped his sweaty palms against his jeans, anxiety eating away at him as he watched Sebastian end his synth solo. He looked up, noting the shadow of his friend slowly approaching him. It was almost time for Sam to debut the song, yet still no sign of Kent. It worried him. Sam shook his head - removing the thought from his mind. He had more important things to focus on. Besides, Sam was certain Kent would show up. He had to show up. 
“You're up, dude,” Sebastian spoke as he approached Sam. Sebastian looked at Sam, raising his eyebrow. It appeared that the man hadn't heard Sebastian's words or - if he did - he was ignoring them. He waved a hand in front of Sam’s face, his worry growing. He had never seen Sam so.. distracted. Sam couldn’t help himself from looking out at the crowd once more. Another small, hopeful glance, one that believed that Kent magically appeared in the few seconds he looked away. 
“Sam?” He called out once again. Sebastian pursed his lips together in thought, wondering how to get his attention. He held up his hand before striking his thumb against his middle finger, snapping twice. Sam looked up at him - his expression dazed but no longer distant. 
“Dude..? Earth to Samson..?” Sebastian asked, waving his hand once again when Sam remained silent. He watched as Sam anxiously chewed on his bottom lip, gazing longingly at the crowd of people. Sebastian pursed his lips together, unsure of what was on Sam’s mind. He spoke once more, “You okay?” 
“Uh.. yeah,” Sam replied, shaking himself out of the momentary stupor. Sam went silent for a moment, as if debating internally with himself, and eventually sighed. He pushed himself into a standing position - causing the old wooden crate beneath him to creak and groan in protest. Sam started towards the center of the stage, though something stopped him before he reached the mic stand. He took another glance at the audience. A small, barely audible sigh slipping past his lips. Kent was nowhere to be found. 
Of course, Sam thought to himself, why would he be? Sam knew his father had a distaste for open spaces (and large crowds). He knew it was asking a lot of him to be in a situation with both at once. Despite this, a small part of Sam had silently hoped that, just this once, Kent would be there. 
“Hey, Seb?” Sam asked, turning back to his friend. 
“Mhm?” Sebastian mumbled in reply. He wasn't looking at Sam - too busy fidgeting with his synth. 
“You.. you didn't see my dad out there,” Sam began, his voice going quiet. He looked down at his shoes - slightly embarrassed that, despite knowing the answer, he still held onto a small sliver of hope. He continued, “Didya?” 
Sebastian thought for a moment, pursing his lips together as he racked his brain. He had seen nearly two dozen faces in the audience, yet Kent’s was not one of them. He shook his head and replied with a curt, “No.” 
Sam sighed and gripped the neck of his guitar tightly, the metal of the strings pressing against his calloused hand hard enough to bruise. He nodded in Sebastian’s direction before speaking, “Well, thanks anyway, man.” 
Sam took one final, semi-hopeful look out at the crowd. He allowed his gaze to linger on the small family huddled together - his mother, Vincent, and… an empty space. Eventually, he reluctantly approached the center of the stage, where Abigail had carefully set up a chair and several microphones - just like how they practiced. 
He took a deep breath and reached for his microphone, tapping it gently to ensure it was on. However, a loud ringing feedback greeted him. Sam grimaced. He hoped this wasn’t an indication of how his performance would go. Once the ringing subsided, Sam cleared his throat.
“Uh, hey, guys,” He started, nervously leaning into the microphone to ensure he was heard clearly. He continued, “I.. I have something special for you all. It’s a new song.” 
“One that all you usual fans have never heard before,” Sam explained, though he was interrupted by a few whoops and cheers from the crowd. He gave a dry chuckle and continued, “Thanks, guys. ‘Preciate your enthusiasm, but… as I was saying..” 
“Um,” Sam said, though he looked out at the crowd and felt his chest tighten. All of these fans, all these excited people, they all came to see him and his friends.. They came to hear this song. Yet, they were all the wrong people. 
His voice wavered, but he resumed, “This.. this song goes out to a really special man. Someone who.. who really inspires me. Someone who taught me how to play guitar. Someone who.. helped me discover my love of music in the first place..” 
“This song is for my dad, Kent Neilson,” Sam finally revealed, tightness building in the back of his throat. He cleared his throat and tried to push the bubbling emotions down. He spoke once more, “I hope you enjoy it, Dad.” Wherever you are, Sam thought to himself. 
Sam pulled the chair closer and carefully slung his guitar over his shoulder. He was being as delicate as he possibly could - the poor guitar looked as if it would fall apart any moment. It was old, warped with age and smelled faintly musty from being in the back of Sam’s closet for Yoba knows how many years, but it was special, too.
This guitar had been a gift from his father. In fact, it had been the first guitar Sam ever owned. An image of himself, much younger (about eight years old) filled his mind. The small version of Sam curled up in his father’s lap, watching intently as Kent pointed to the chords and tried to guide Sam’s own, much too small hands over the strings. 
Now, performing his third gig at twenty four years old, Sam held the guitar with the same enthusiasm. The same childlike wonder. The same joy as his fingertips brushed over the cool metal, resulting in a seemingly meaningless array of noises. 
The only thing that was missing was his father. 
Sam closed his eyes and began strumming along. He tried his best to push Kent’s absence from his mind, to let himself get lost in the music, but it seemed to be harder with each lyric. He kept going anyway, his emotions grinding against each other and beginning to rise to the surface. The song soon approached the bridge: 
Tears can't run dry when I start to cry
When I hear people speak of how you'd be so proud of me
And how I hope this song will reach your ears
I battled all my darkest fears
I once was blind, but now it's clear
Wherever I go, I know that you'll be near
As the final words of the bridge left Sam’s mouth, his emotions gurgled in the back of his throat, threatening to choke him. He opened his eyes and glanced out at the crowd once more, still slightly hopeful that Kent appeared while he was singing and he just hadn’t noticed. 
Sam looked around: foolishly hopeful. His hope was soon crushed as his eyes landed on the peachy-auburn mop of his mother’s braid, carefully and neatly done as always. His eyes trailed down her arm, following it to where it rested lovingly on the messy pink of Vincent’s hair. He felt his breath catch in his throat as he looked towards her other hand - the one that was always entwined in Kent’s own - and noticed it jarringly empty. He tightened his grip on the neck of the guitar, anger building in him. 
He swallowed harshly, forcing himself to finish the chorus, ignoring how his emotions crashed against the walls of his composure. These people, while they weren’t the intended audience, had come to see a show. They had all come to see him. To see Sam. He just wished Kent had, too. 
As the final chorus rang out, Sam’s emotions were fighting against his calm, composed demeanor.
Sam was kind. Sam was understanding. 
Yet, in this moment, he felt like neither of those things.
Sam felt angry. Sam felt selfish. Sam felt like everything he tried to convince himself he was not. Perhaps worst of all, however, was that he felt stupid. Stupidly hopeful, stupidly optimistic, stupidly forgiving.. 
Before he realized it, Sam pushed himself into a standing position. His emotions had broken through - like a wave. They washed over him, filling his lungs with a fiery ache. How could I be so stupid? Sam thought to himself, using his free hand to claw at his chest - as if he could physically remove the ache that had been building all afternoon. 
But it was too late. It had spread and spread - seeping into every crack and crevice Sam had so desperately hidden. 
The next thing he knew, Sam hoisted the guitar over his shoulder. An intensity rang through him; an anger so deep, so personal, so hurt. He let out a groan of frustrated anguish and let go. 
The crowd watched in horror as the guitar collided with the aluminum stage, causing the wood to begin cracking and splitting. Shards flew in every direction. Several worried and surprised murmurs arose from the crowd. 
 Sam watched as a small piece of the guitar collided with his scuffed converse. It had a smudged, faded inscription written in permanent marker. Reaching down, Sam picked up the chip and turned it over in his hands. It read “I will always be there to support you, Sam. I promise. Love, Dad.”
Sam’s hands began shaking in anger and he balled his fists at his sides, letting the wood dig into the skin of his palm. His breathing grew heavy and labored and he shook his head in disbelief. Promise, promise, promise. That word resounded in Sam’s mind - repeating itself over and over. All his father did was promise. He broke every single one, yet Sam still continued to trust him. Every. Single. Time. 
His bandmates watched in horror, their eyes wide in surprise. The two glanced between Sam and the pile of jagged wood to his left. They took in his state: his wide, wild and fiery eyes, the disheveled state of his hair, the whiteness of his knuckles as he gripped the wood chip with such intensity. It all seemed so…different. Neither Abigail nor Sebastian had seen Sam act this way. To be honest, they weren’t even sure if this was their Sam. It scared them. 
However, they wouldn’t let fear prevent them from comforting their friend. The two shakily approached Sam. Abigail was the first to speak. 
“Sam, are you oka-” She started, though she was quickly interrupted by another frustrated noise from Sam. 
“It’s not fair,” Sam protested, his brows furrowing together. 
“What’s not fair, man?” Sebastian asked. Looking taken aback by Sam’s sudden outburst. He had never complained - especially about something being unfair. 
“Everything,” Sam replied, another wave of anger building in him. He continued, “You guys.. Your families all came to see you - Abby’s mom, her dad, your mom, too - Seb, even Demetrius. Yoba, even Shane is here. Everyone is here but him.” 
“I organized this whole thing for him,” Sam spoke, his voice rising. He turned to face his friends, his face red and contorted in anger. He yelled, “And he’s not even fucking here!” As the words left his mouth, Sam tightly gripped the wood chip before throwing it as hard as he could. It landed near the edge of the stage with a distant thunk. 
“Sam, please..” Abigail pleaded, looking just as shocked as Sebastian by Sam’s outburst. 
“No, Abs,” Sam replied, clenching his fists even tighter. “Don’t you understand? He was supposed to be here. He promised he would be here. And.. he’s not. Like always.” 
“I’m sure he had a good reason, Sam,” Sebastian offered, looking tentatively out at the crowd. He locked eyes with a worried Jodi and gave her a small nod - trying to signal that they had it under control. 
“Don’t you understand how tired I am of hearing that? Don’t you think I’ve tried so hard to give him the benefit of the doubt, don’t you think I hoped that, just once, I wouldn’t get my hopes up - only to have them crushed,” Sam rambled, his emotions continuing to rise as each word slipped past his lips.
 It felt as if he had been holding in this anger for years - always swallowing it, shoving it deep inside him and locking it away - all because he was supposed to be understanding. He was supposed to be kind. He was supposed to be Sam Neilson - the perfect son. He wasn’t supposed to be angry, to be selfish, to want things, to need things. And yet, here he was: raw and achy, his emotions clearly on display. It scared him, too. 
“Look, Sam, I know-” 
“You know? You know?” Sam interrupted, shaking his head in further disbelief. He scoffed, “You don’t know anything. You don’t know what it’s like to be in my place, Sebastian.” 
Sebastian narrowed his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest, “What is that supposed to mean, Sam?” 
“Forget it.” 
“No,” Sebastian protested, pursing his lips together. He raised an eyebrow and looked at Sam expectantly, “What. Does. That. Mean.” 
“I said forget it, man,” Sam warned, his jaw clenching. 
“Tell me,” Sebastian demanded.
Sebastian’s persistence did nothing to ease Sam’s anger. In fact, it frustrated him to no end. If he wasn’t careful, he might say something he would later regret. 
“You don’t know what it’s like to be in my place because..” Sam started, an exasperated breath leaving his lips, “Because..”
“Because unlike you, my dad was actually there,” Sam blurted out. 
“Excuse me?” Sebastian retorted, his expression of concern changing into one of anger in an instant.
Sam watched in horror as Sebastian’s own face contorted in anger. He immediately wished he could take it all back -  to rewind time ten seconds ago, to make sure he never said anything. But it was too late. It was always too late. 
And with that, Sam turned and dashed away. He didn’t even look behind him, he didn’t look at his friend’s faces, he didn’t think he could bear it. 
Sam couldn’t see Sebastian reaching down and picking up the small wood Sam had discarded earlier. He didn’t see Abigail peering over Sebastian’s shoulder, or hear her reading the words aloud. He didn’t see his friends turn to the crowd and notice Jodi still huddling with Vincent. He couldn’t see the pain across his mother’s face, the hurt that replaced the joy she felt when she recognized the guitar as Sam smashed it.
 He couldn’t see the horror that coated everyone’s faces. He couldn’t see the smartphones that had recorded the entire thing. He couldn’t see the disappointment and shock. He could only see what was in front of him: his own gangly legs, his fraying converse, his hand-me-down jacket that had belonged to his father at one point, and the open space behind the concert venue. 
He was shaking, both with anger and overexertion. Sam had no idea where he was going, but he kept running. Sam ran until his legs gave out - he ran until he couldn’t force himself to run any longer.
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ursulanoodles · 2 years ago
A New Chapter of Affliction is Up
Chapter 61: A Hundred and a Thousand More
This week's chapter is up a little earlier than usual since I have the day off! This one's a little mushy and spicy, and next week's chapter will be full of smut. 😏
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oscolotlxzooxx · 11 months ago
(N)ever- Lasting Farmer
Chapter one
Sebastian’s POV
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Sebastian, excitedly ready to see the love of his life on their four year anniversary, stumbles in on a very shocking sighting as he is gifted with heartbreak and anger.
Characters in this fic:・Sebastian ・Sam・mentions Robin and Demetrius・and an OC Hunter (The Farmer)・ selma(daughter)・Saigon(brother)・
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・heart break・
・sensitive topics・
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Plain black divider
Moon and star divider
・OC explained・
This OC is created and played by @cy-mansays-069 , who told me about his gameplay, and so I decided to wip up a fanfic of it because you guys love angst, and I love crushing people's hearts ✍️ hehe.
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I didn't know what to believe in that exact moment, to be honest? If it were for the fact that I was excitedly walking home on a sunny morning, thinking that today was going to be a fun day-flowers in hand-ready to greet my lovely husband at his very decorated and well organized farm house that we had put together with our sweat and tears; or if it were the distraught and overall disbelief on my face when I opened that same door that held many cherishable memories of us since day one of us being together, did I see my best friend and my husband holding hands on the couch, that I had bought, watching a film that only him and I would watch on special occasions like today.. Our four year anniversary.
I dropped the flowers that I had delicately picked out, which held only the most favorable ones my husband had liked, now on the floor to add on to the already invisible cracks that were seemingly being led on across the walls of the house my mom had carefully built with all her love and dedication for me and my husband to happily live in, now being shared by no other than my best friend since kindergarten.
If you couldn't already tell by my choice of words, I was in shambles seeing them close together like the world had only revolved around them, nothing more. How painful it was to see two of the people I hold dear, abusing it to get with each other.
“.. Hunter?” I called out to him in shakey volume as I walked in the darkness of what once was bright and calming, now in a negative state of untrustworthy behavior.
I could see my husband look away from the film with a shocked expression, looking at me with an almost apologetic look as he cautiously let go of my best friend's hand. The warmth of his hand could almost be replaceable with mine, yet the craveness in Hunter’s eyes, could I tell that he was more inclined to be in love with the touch by him, than he ever felt with mine.
“I-it’s..it’s not what it looks like, baby..please!” Hunter tried to start with his tone soft and sweet like all those other times where I had breakdowns about my struggles, and he would always reassure me with that damn voice that seemed to make me float on peaceful clouds.. Not his time.. Not again.
“How can you do this to me? To us? Do you know how long we've been together?” making my voice more loud and clear, breaking off the heavens that were once by our side when we first decided to get together. It was like all walls came crashing down. My will to make things work also came crashing down.
“Baby, please! Look, I can explain-” Hunter tried to continue with his excuse, but I didn't falter into his tricks. I kept yelling with reason.. With meaning..
“Don't ever call me that again, you hear? How can you fuck around like that with MY best friend? We have kids, Hunter.. KIDS! how will they react when they start to realize that we're not going to be in the same room under the same goddamn roof, huh? How will they react when they find out that you're a cheating son of a BITCH-” With anger in my voice, I suddenly stop talking to hear an even angrier voice that I hate to remember, piercing at the strings that had held my heart together.
“Don't you DARE finish that sentence, Seb. Don't blame this on Hunter. I made the move, alright?” with fear in my eyes, I see Sam, my best friend, get up to point a dagger-like-finger to my chest to emphasize his feelings.
"So YOU made the move on MY husband, and he just, what? Accepted it? Did you force him, you disgusting piece of SHIT!” I grabbed at his shirt to pull him close just to push him outwards with all the strength I had left. How distrusting these strangers I cared to get close too.
"Sam?! You?- no! I made the move, I don't know what he's saying, but I-.. We?.. I-it WON'T happen again!” Hunter then got up to get in front of me and Sam.. How familiar that looks, huh..?
“Yeah.. You're right. It won't happen again, because you know why? Cause I'm through with you, you hear? We're OVER! I'm getting us the divorce papers in a few weeks.. I'm packing my shit." As if all my anger could grow stronger, something in me didn't hold out too long with a crack to my voice by the end of my tantrum, did Hunter realize, if he even cared for me, how truly hurt I was.
“Sebastian, stop right there-” I heard Sam try to stop me until I heard Hunter stop him with his whole body as I walked to the room that I used to share with my love and only to grab my things.
“Don't stop him, Sam.. Let him do his thing." Hunter said, as quiet as I heard him say it only punched me in my feelings even more. Hearing how accepting he already was to see me leave him.. And this house? My kids? My feelings for Hunter? It's all going to waste. As I pack my things I think of how I'm truly restarting my life when I thought full heartedly that I would stay with someone who I was truly committed with.
As I kneeled down in front of a suitcase I thought I had long forgotten-the same one I used when moving into the farmhouse-I suddenly felt a soft tug from the bottom of my shirt. The same soft tugs I got when Hunter and I had agreed to have another person in our home, I turned my head to look at Selma.. Our daughter..
Weaving away any sad thoughts I had before, I take Selma into my arms and looked at her with a soft smile, and apologetic eyes.
“Selma.. Hi sweetie.." I said, pulling off whatever happiness I had left in me to show my beautiful daughter my love and care for her in my arms.
“Daddy!" Selma said with the most sweetest smile plastered on her face as she tried to grab my nose. The last time I will ever see my smiling daughter, with her silly little antsy movements with her hands as she had always tried grabbing my nose anytime I held her close. Even after getting out of her newborn phase, she always grew a type of urge to grab my face to tell herself that I am really here, and I always will be here by her side.. Oh Selma.. My beautiful sweet girl.. I'm sorry it had to be like this.
“Daddy’s going away for a little bit.. I don't know when I'll be back, sweetie.. You'll take care of your brother Saigon, right princess?” I said empathetically, never wiping off the reassuring smile I put on for my daughter as she looked at me with confused, wandering eyes.
“Yes, daddy! I’ll always take care of brother!" Selma said happily, nonetheless. As I hugged her with all my might I had left, I sat her down to motion her to her brother, and off she went.
I watched her take off to her and her brother’s room, only to be gifted the sight of Sam’s presence resting his upper body against the door frame with his arms crossed as if he was getting a kick out of my pain and sorrow of the situation.
I glance up at him with an angry look, and turned back to my suitcase to put the last few things in its collective spot until zipping up the suitcase and helping myself up off the ground for get ready to pass Sam out of the doorway only to be stopped by a hovering arm blocking my only exit.
“Don't do this Seb.”
“Don't do what? Leave my cheating husband and who was once my best friend? You both are strangers to me.. Strangers!" I said with a crack in my voice as I didn't leave my eyes off the hovering arm that was still blocking my exit.
“Now if you’ll excuse me..I'll be saying goodbye to my children, and I'll be on my way.” I was firm with my voice that time; glaring at the stranger who once had been there for me ever since we got to know each other. The one who had momentarily stopped my addictions. The one who's been there when I've been getting into fights. Even when it was something dumb or fucked up, he'd been there. But now? I don't know where he is now.
I can see the pain in his eyes, however. How telling those blue eyes looked. It pierced a permanent arrow right through my heart., and I know it did for him as well.
I moved his blocking figure with a harsh nudge with my shoulder, and I walked to where both my kids were currently at. I looked at them both with apologetic and sorrowful eyes as they gave me bright, and hopeful ones. Oh how I'm going to miss these two.. I gave them both hugs and kisses, as well as telling them how much I loved them and wished it wouldn't be this way, but I also gave them hope for the future that I will see them as often as I could, if Hunter would let me..
As I walked out of the room, ignoring the adults that played the victim’s, I walked out without batting another glance at them to show how heartbroken I've truly become with the trust that I had lost with them both.. To know that they would go that extra mile to hurting me and this relationship that I was fully committed to having.. Went straight down the drain as I am now back to square one.
Moving back in with Mom would not be easy since I have to relive the guilt and trauma I had with her husband, Demetrius. What would he think now that I'm coming back?
Would he look at me differently, whether the look is more empathetic now than hatred and disappointment? Or would he straight up disown me right as I move back in without getting Moms’ word on it?
Whether the case may be, I'm not looking forward to it.
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azuneekun · 10 months ago
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Some Tender Charm - Lady AdoreCanyon
Someone made a fanfic of Shane and my farmer, Peaches..! Please read it...!!! It's so cute! 😭💓
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cowboyschumi · 1 month ago
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Summary: Sebastian is famously known for naming his cars after women’s names. The meaning behind this year’s choice, D.D, still intrigues people.
Author's Note: First Seb fic of many coming (he's my man). The idea in my mind was way cooler than what turned out. English is not my first language sorry for any typos etc. Enjoy the reading, interactions, and suggestions are much appreciated. <33
Warnings: Suggestive, Female reader named Diana, cheating.
COWBOYSCHUMI | 2025 All rights reserved. Do not copy, translate, or upload on other platforms.
The morning after could be the best or the worst, depending on who you ended up in bed with. Sebastian had been trapped with the same partner for a long time—and no, not exactly his girlfriend. Guilt was ever-present, but pleasure was the dominant feeling. He hated himself to his guts for this, yet his loneliness was the only excuse he could cling to.
But that wasn’t the real reason.
This woman rocked his world in the most unspeakable ways, making him do things he never thought himself capable of—at the top of that list: cheating.
Both of them were detached from each other, perhaps. Just a flesh-and-blood thing, no love involved. Maybe that was what upset him the most. The coldness of it all, knowing he wasn’t the only one who slept with her. A sharp sword to his ego.
Sebastian didn’t know yet what kept him coming back to her. His suspicion was the lust they carried and how they behaved like a couple in bed, making love with such passion. Maybe it reminded him of the person he truly loved—the one who was far away, the one he was cheating on.
The sun was already hitting through the hotel's curtains, making it impossible not to wake up from the bright lighting. They had slept hugging each other, legs intertwined, very romantic. He didn’t like waking her up, so he took his time admiring her features first, noticing how delicate she looked while sleeping peacefully. His fingertips danced up and down her sides, watching how glowy her bare skin seemed under the sunlight.
Slow and careful, he left the bed with the intention of getting ready for his long practice day.
"No morning kiss?" A sleepy female voice suddenly interrupted. Her tone was usually honeyed, the sweetest to the ear. But in the morning, it always turned huskier, irresistible.
Her waking up took him by surprise. He poked his head out of his gray Red Bull shirt with a smile, golden curls still messy.
"Morning, sleepyhead."
What she demanded, he gave her. Sebastian was pathetically under her spell, easy to manipulate like clay. With Diana, there was no such thing as a brief kiss or a soft peck, everything had to be overwhelming and intense. Her hands pulled him back, almost dragging him into bed with the way she took his lips so fiercely. Sebastian felt so alive and wanted by her side, like a teenage boy experiencing things for the first time.
Then, just as suddenly, she let go of him, as if she’d had enough and grown tired of him. He stared down at her, confused by her sudden shift in mood.
"She texted at midnight, sounded a bit worried," Diana said out of nowhere, as if his girlfriend was no big deal. "You left your keys at home, she said." With a casual motion, she grabbed his phone from the nightstand and tossed it to him gently.
There it was, remorse hitting again.
"You didn’t reply, right?" Now Sebastian was the one sounding worried.
Diana laughed. She knew her place as the side piece and had no intention of interfering in his romantic life. Her profile always remained low, no matter what. On the contrary, she wanted nothing but the best for him. To her, other women weren’t competition, they were equals. Fighting over a man had never been an option.
"I might be a nasty dog, but not in that way." She admitted with a sly smile, biting her lip as she stared at him while getting changed. She wasn't an active fighter because she knew she could seduce and have any man with just a snap of her fingers, including Vettel.
And it was no news she had her way with multiple drivers. Diana was like a myth—everyone knew her, but no one dared to speak her name out loud. She possessed an unexplained power. Surprisingly, she wasn't a wag wannabe; she just liked hanging around, enjoying the attention, and having a good time—leaving them wanting more. Still, even though she was everywhere, she was never seen in the paddock or at the GPs. Her name was a popular topic, but her face was unknown.
She didn’t show a hint of wanting to get out of bed, being a morning person was never part of her routine. Her figure was the living image of Venus, impossible to ignore. He couldn’t help but stare, frozen in place while clipping his belt. Mesmerized wasn’t enough to describe how he felt or how fast his heart pounded just from looking at her. They spoke through their gazes, filled with longing and need. Their imaginations raced, already picturing themselves back in bed together. They had a hold on each other, a silent pull, not wanting to let go.
Diana made things hard for Sebastian, too many mixed signals and emotions that he either couldn't read or was too slow to catch. Sometimes, women were a mysterious territory for him. Why did they say yes when they really meant no? Were all these indirects really necessary? He chose to remain clueless for his own health and safety.
Today was practice day, which meant not much racing and a lot of press—an awful day, according to him. Sometimes, Seb wished Di would beg him more instead of the other way around. Simple things, like asking him to stay five more minutes in bed or having breakfast together. He would ditch any PR event or interview just to spend even more time with her. She was a nasty dog, and he was a simple hound dog; at some point, they matched perfectly.
For his luck, first dates didn't involve many cameras: it was always Lewis, Jenson, Michael, and Fernando. Malaysia had a sweet turnout, including now Mark, Nico, and him. Today, he wanted to remain quiet and silent, containing any jokes and banter. He had already been warned about not pushing Webber's buttons too much. Oh, how he enjoyed seeing the old man about to explode, it was just so fun to watch.
"No tricks under that sleeve today, kid?" Mark's eyebrows were furrowed. Even he found it surprising, this chill attitude, almost like he sensed something was wrong. He scanned him while drinking from his water, realizing that seeing Sebastian in this indefinite state might actually be an advantage for him.
"Just thinking. Don’t relax too much. Pull those pants all the way up because I’ll have my way with you on track." There was typical Vettel again. Webber just laughed it off, they always pushed each other's limits, testing boundaries and seeing who would break first.
"Am I interrupting something?" Nico joined joyfully, always seeming to have a good day, brightest smile and thumbs-up.
The afternoon progressed as expected—race talk, regulations, and the usual stupid questions about nonexistent rivalries. Until, of course, the typical non-sports-related question came up, meant to stir things up a bit.
"This question is for Sebastian." A female interviewer stood up, her voice shaky, as if she doubted herself or what she was about to say. "Kate was the last name you gave your car. What's this year's name?"
"I don't know. You want me to name it after you?"
The laughter was unanimous. The interviewer turned red as a tomato. Flustering female reporters was such a Vettel thing to do, she should've seen it coming. Being flirted by him was almost an honor.
"I mean, the season is just starting, haven't thought about a name yet." It was the truth. But what was also true was that he had been unfocused the entire press conference, thinking about Diana, barely paying attention to his surroundings. His mind was somewhere else—racing through her curves, tasting her lips, gripping her bare skin as they held each other. There was no doubt about this year's car name. "Maybe... Dirty Diana?"
The comical demeanor lingered in the room, but not all the drivers laughed. That could only mean one thing—more than one of them had already been with her. The thought made Sebastian shiver, shifting uncomfortably in his seat.
The day ended in the most exhausting way, not just because of the long routine, but because he couldn’t stop thinking about her.
Seb wasn’t the type to party during race weekends; he preferred celebrations in a more relaxed setting, away from cars and pressure. That’s why he headed straight back to his hotel room, dragging his feet, head down, the embodiment of exhaustion.
"Schieße," he cursed under his breath, pinching the bridge of his nose, nearly having a heart attack. His hand clutched his chest as he tried to steady himself.
"Is that a bad or a good thing?" Diana asked, confused, peeking out from behind the bouquet of flowers she held in her hands. "Yellow, they're the closest color to gold... You know, golden boy." She emphasized the last words with a teasing smile.
"You really didn't have to." He didn't reach for the flowers; his hands needed something to do, or it would be too obvious how shaky they were. No one had ever given him flowers before. Was it silly to feel a little excited about it?
Sebastian expected to head straight home after the race, back to what really mattered, his girlfriend. His clothes weren’t thrown everywhere, thankfully, so packing up wasn’t a difficult task.
As he turned to face the bed, there she was—already lying down with the biggest smile, flowers still in hand.
"Don't even bother staying. I'm sleeping early," He said, politely shutting down any second intentions she might have.
"At least let me order some food to the room. I'll pay." Diana insisted, but he avoided looking into her eyes—if he did, he knew he’d fall for it. Instead, he extended his hand, helping her to get out of his bed.
"You're no fun, Vettel." In the blink of an eye, her arms were around his neck, pulling him close. She really had a spell on him because his hands didn’t hesitate to hold her waist firmly.
"You know why I don't want you to spend the night here, Di." His voice carried a hint of shame, it felt so wrong but yet so right.
"You really think I knock on your door just for that?" Her tone was teasingly sly as she slipped from his grip, gracefully making her way to the room's phone.
Diana wasted her time with Sebastian—spent so much of it, in fact, that she could hardly be considered a vixen. Mornings were spent reading in bed while he trained, afternoons were quiet, sometimes even filled with watching free practices if she was in the mood, and nights? They talked about their day, if they weren’t too busy devouring each other.
The truth was, he had it all wrong. Diana genuinely enjoyed his company, maybe even liked him, just a little. She was starstruck. But Sebastian was too blinded by her reputation to see it.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." The Red Bull driver murmured against her perfumed nape, his lips brushing against her skin as he planted subtle kisses along the side of her neck. Meanwhile, she remained focused on the phone, ordering their food.
Amazingly, the food was incredibly good—especially considering it came from a hotel kitchen. They barely spoke, too busy stuffing their mouths with pasta.
"So..." Seb’s lips were stained with sauce, a complete mess. The young lady shook her head with a smile and quickly wiped the corners of his mouth with a napkin. Her gaze softened. He was a kid trapped in an adult’s body, and she loved it.
"When did you realize you were attracted to… all this?" He gestured around himself in a slow, exaggerated circle, as if his body were some kind model-like sculpted masterpiece. His self-confidence was ridiculous. She couldn’t help but chuckle.
"You're certainly hot, I won’t lie to you." Diana began, determined to make her point. "Remember that driver's meeting last year? When you started rambling about how bad the chassis was? So passionate and full of knowledge, but at the same time completely unserious." She smirked, leaning in slightly. "That’s when I realized, you’re just a big kid who happens to drive incredibly fast."
"Is that so?" His classic cocky smile was crystal clear, ego boosted and skyrocketing.
"I won't compliment you or open up ever again," she huffed, but before she could say another word, his lips crashed onto hers. They needed each other like air. That torturous tension lingering between them could only be relieved through contact.
The only sound filling the four walls was their shallow breathing, broken only by muffled whimpers. They satisfied each other's desires like two perfectly fitted puzzle pieces, connecting seamlessly. Diana craved his hands roaming her body with devotion, while Sebastian longed for her lips to explore him like something sacred.
Her hands gripped his clothed hips, pulling him closer, while her legs locked around his waist, keeping him exactly where she wanted. The heat between them demanded more than just friction, but everything had its pace. His mouth was occupied with her neck, tasting every inch, getting drunk on her scent, and leaving marks, claiming her as his own. Deep down, they really didn't belong to each other, but right then, they forgot that.
His mouth trailed slowly down to her clavicles, while one of his hands instinctively enveloped her breast, kneading relentlessly. The sensation made her back arch off the mattress involuntarily. She hated when he played dirty, so she grabbed a fistful of his blonde strands, tugging just hard enough to force his sight upward. "I thought we weren’t doing this today," she murmured, her voice laced with slightly irritation, though her lustful eyes told another story.
"Bad news for you, I guess." His blue doe eyes looked up at her playfully, a teasing grin at his lips. He had no intention of stopping—not until they were completely done with each other, pleading for mercy. "I think I'll stay a few more days here, I need my lucky charm by my side."
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shiny-kaibernyte · 1 year ago
It's my Birthday!
March 19th and im a year closer to meeting Arceus lucky me! So here is some of my Pokémon simps headcannons as to how they would celebrate your birthday. (I was going to do my top 5 simps but they are all from different things so I'm gonna leave those to myself) There will be no Scarlett and violet characters. They will be in they're own post (There's a lot I like)
Characters: Adaman, Lysander, Raihan, Leon, Cynthia, Volo
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Adaman’s number one rule is that every moment counts. So when it comes to planning your birthday, he makes sure every second he spends planning results in the perfect outcome.
He would make sure to remember all of your favourite things to do and put as many as he can in one day without overdoing it. Adaman was always good at planning. Execution was the problem.
Headstrong and passionate don’t tend to go well together, so no matter how many hours he spends detailing everything. Planning around possible problems; as always something is bound to go wrong.
Surprise bandit attack; Alpha attack; Something happens in the Demand clan; Irida
Will that stop him from making this day all about you? Arceus no! He’s just gonna try harder to make you happy. Even if you're already beaming with the royal treatment he is giving you. Adaman won’t stop until the sun is gone, and he’s carrying you back home.
I would try and pinpoint 1 specific thing he’d do, but Adaman would do basically anything you wanted. Your wish was his command, whatever you wanted to do - he would do. Want to go on a catching spree? Sure. Want to walk along the coastal beach, when do we leave? Want to scale the cobalt mountains to reach the temple of Sinnoh? He’s already racing you up there.
You could drag him to the Alabaster Iceland's and he would follow you like a Fidough. It’s your day and he is going to make damn sure you feel like royalty by the end.
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Lysandre is a busy man. Being the leader of Team flare and running his company and keeping his goal of beauty running smoothly. Time is not something he has! But for his darling's birthday, that's time he is happy to put aside.
He wouldn’t be particularly flashy about what he does for your birthday. He is a gentleman aftercall! Not psychotic at all he's fine i swear. Don’t expect Tengen Uzui level flashy. Lysandre is much more laid back than that. He won’t show you off to the world if you aren't comfortable with it.
His personal life is something he likes to keep behind closed doors, so for your birthday, the most public he would get is taking you out around Lumios, weather that be a shopping spree, a nice conversation at a quiet café. Dinner at a nice restaurant would be a must however. He still wants you to feel special so he will spoil you rotten with gifts. Dudes got the money to burn. 
I can see Lysandre planning something beforehand to keep the paparazzi distracted. Like calling in a favour with a friend high up and having them stage something on the other side of the city so you two can be together in peace.
Once you two get home, he will spend the night with you watching any movie or show you want. Reading with you, just talking with you. Anything you want so long as he can see that beautiful smile of yours. 
Lysandre will go to bed with you but… It's a 50/50 shot if he will still be in bed when you wake up. If he is there, lucky you! If he isn’t there, expect an apology note written quite detailed and a nice breakfast with a simple apology gift next to it.
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Battle dates. This man will take you to every single gym tournament and battle he can just to watch your excited face when something awesome happens. Seeing his treasure smile makes him all bubbly and giddy.
But don’t worry, he isn't just going to drag you around Galar showing you fight after fight. He isn’t that stupid. Raihan would definitely take you flying on Flygon so you can see the beauty of Galar from his view. Though his view won’t be on the land below.
For once, he will not mention Leon’s name once! I didn’t know that was possible but here we are. Today is about you, so Leon is flicked temporarily out of Raihan's mind and into the naughty corner.
Photo’s everywhere. Anywhere you two go, he will either stop to take a selfie with you or tell you to go pose somewhere so he can capture the moment. Defiantly will ask you before posting the photo though. Sometimes though he will sneak a photo of you when he thinks you like breath-taking. Something to keep to himself. And don't even think about saying you look bad in one of them, because he will then take a million more to prove you wrong. That or smother you in kisses so you won't say it again.
Raihan will be like Lysander when it comes to gifts. This man will SPOIL YOU! Anything you want, you’d have to grab him by the hood to stop him taking the crowd of people down with him. 
He would 1000% be down for a movie marathon as well if you would rather stay inside. He will have a fort built, snacks at the ready and every movie ready.
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Bless his soul, he has no idea what to do. Leon would want to take you somewhere really nice he found during his travels, if only he could remember which direction it was in. Then he thought about a nice restaurant you had mentioned wanting to try. Which city was that in again? Perhaps he could take you out to the beach, where was that again?
He would leave it at. “I’ll follow you.” So just drag him around with you and he will gladly follow you and do what you wanna do. Just nothing reckless, he won’t do anything that could get you hurt. Unlike Raihan he would avoid battle arenas. 
I feel like Leon would 100% be down for a gaming day, he’d let you take him to any game store and buy every game you wanted and just play all of them. Card, board, video all of them. Single player or multiplayer he will be right there cheering you on or giving you competitive gals with a smile.
If you're up for it, Leon would ask if Hop could join you two for a little while, not long as Leon does want to spend the day with you, but Hop sees you as a family too.
Dude cannot read. So do not ask him to read anything, he can’t tell the difference between Your and You’re. But if you like reading out loud, he will have his head in your lap listening to you read if that will make you happy. 
Leon would try and make you the best cake he can! We know this man can decorate very well, the baking half is a hit or miss, definitely would have gotten help from an unknown alias. His mom.
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Forest date. This woman would give you the royal treatment. Lysander got nothing on this Queen! She will take you anywhere you want for the day. But if you ask her to pick what you do or… a surprise!? She takes that as a challenge. You will most likely wind up on a secluded part of a meadow surrounded by nature.
Tranquil and beautiful, a place for just the two of you to spend time with one another. No champion duties, paparazzi, endless questions of your relationship. Just Her and you. 
Cynthia’s Roserade would make it subtly rain rose petals around the area to add to her love for you. If it’s raining, she has a plan for that too. No rain is going to ruin your special day! Hope you like dancing in the rain because she is already dragging you out to the flower meadows to dance with you hand in hand.
You can guarantee she has a picnic somewhere hidden, Where you will never know that. But this woman has come PREPARED! She’s prepared for everything, and your birthday is no exception.  She has everything, from your favourite snacks, drinks, everything. Even the blanket is your favourite colour. Cynthia even bought a pillow with her that you could sit on so you wouldn’t be uncomfortable if you wanted it.
Like Raihan her Pokémon would be involved. But instead of flying, she would use her Pokémon to put on a show for you. The rose petals from Roserade being just an example. Her Garchomp would show you a fireworks show when night arrived, along with the help of Togekiss.
She won’t spoil you with gifts. Instead she will have one thing she made for you herself. It won’t be very big, but it will show you the love she has for you. Whatever she made you, expect it to be incredibly meaningful.
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Cynthia had to get her skills somewhere and this is where. Volo does everything Cynthia does but somehow even more extra. 
If Cynthia gives you the royal treatment, he is giving you the Deity treatment. Man has Giratina at his call, he can literally give you anything! And he will use it to his advantage at every chance he gets. He will use his craftsman skills to make you a bracelet with all of the stones on as a mark of your journey together. If you want him to make another so you can match, oh look he already did! What are the chances?
This man will take you EVERYWHERE! Even places you have never been to before on the back of Giratina, he will show you the world most don’t get to see. The world he will build for you. But he won’t spoil that surprise.
He would definitely make you food, he travels a lot so cooking is a must know skill. So your birthday with him isn't a day, it's a whole week. And every time he makes you something it is completely different. Volo is taking zero shortcuts on this adventure. He may have a Deity on his team, his Deity is sat Infront of him admiring the stars.
Speaking of Stars. Stargazing is a must on every clear night you two get. He would lay his jacket down for you to lay on and look up at the sky together.
Volo would make sure to stop around different areas and tell you about the history there, watching your expression carefully to see the enthusiasm and curiosity on it which just makes him want to try harder to get that smile to stay there. 
He will also use his trade skills to get you something that caught your eye from wherever he took you. Volo may have money but he will use his skills where he can. Giratina isn’t the only benefit he has. Dude is a travelling merchant after all. He has more knowledge than everyone combined. Expect him to show you off however. He loves you more than anything, and wants the world to know that.
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scarletwinterxx · 9 months ago
no one's ever had me, not like you - joshua hong imagine
hellooo😊 so uhhhh yea I'm still here HAHAHAh sorry i really can't get this man out of my head and this scenario is so so so so him. hope you enjoyyy🤍
for my other joshua fics, check them here
if you want, u can buy me coffee(totally optional but any donation is very much appreciated!) thank you🥺💛
All works are copyrighted ©scarletwinterxx 2024 . Do not repost, re-write without the permission of author.
(gif not mine, credits to rightful owner)
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"Dokyeom just sent a text, beach day this weekend?" Joshua asks as he reads the message on his phone, walking towards the sofa where you're currently sitting
"Are we staying the whole weekend or day trip?" you look up at him
"Day trip, Gyu and Cheol has a thing to do the next day. Dokyeom will text the group chat now" Joshua reads the last text before locking his phone and turning his attention to you
"Are we driving together?" he asks
"Yea sure"
"Yeah, you 'drove' me home last time and you've done it plenty times before" you shrug. Usually you'd catch a ride with your other friends to not raise any suspicion, your boyfriend would also drive you every now and then so it wouldn't look like the two of you are avoiding each other.
"You know I'm not keeping us a secret because I'm ashamed or embarrassed or anything like that right?" you tell him, Joshua shoots you a small smile then takes your hand in his
"I know, I would never think that baby"
"I just want our little bubble to last for as long as we can enjoy, the moment they find out about us we will never hear the end of it" you joke
"They're rooting for us" he gives you a tap on the nose, making you scrunch it. The small action melting Joshua's heart, he's already so smitten over you but there are still times he can't believe you're his.
"Guess we're going to the beach"
The weekend comes, a few of your friends and their partners gather for the mini one day vacation. Usually someone takes the initiative to think of an activity or a location then just inform the rest. It's always fun to hangout with everyone.
"How was your date with Shua" Soonyoung asks you, wiggling his brows at you. Dokyeom, who is sitting beside him while cutting the watermelon, looks over at you when he heard the question
"He finally asked you out?"
"What do you mean finally?" Soonyoung was just about to ask but you said it first, Dokyeom looked like he regret saying it but he already slipped and he knows there's no escaping Soonyoung
"He just mentioned a few times he wanted to ask you out, for like coffee or something. I thought at first he meant as a group but then he said no, as in like out on date" he tells the two of you, you fight the smile forming on your face as you hear the story. Wondering what else your boyfriend tell your friends about you.
"So did he?"
"Yeah we got coffee"
You pull on Soonyoung's shirt, making him seat again "Be so loud about it will you"
"You two totally have heart eyes for each other, I'm calling it. You're gonna get married one day"
You don't say anything, just shaking your head at your overly enthusiastic friends. The conversation flows for a while, then Mingyu comes inviting the other guys to ride jetski's
You follow behind the trio, spotting Joshua by the dock already wearing a life vest and holding another one.
The other boys, some with their girlfriends, go on their own jetski's then rides away.
You're happy to watch on the sidelines, you're not really an outdoor person. Joshua is very aware you don't really like staying under the sun for too long but the weather is so nice, looking around he spots you not to far from where he was.
He walks towards you, you see him and shoot him a smile
"You going out there?" you ask, noting your boyfriend's appearance. It really is getting harder and harder to keep this a secret, especially with how he looks right now. He looks more radiant than the sun.
The glasses pushing his semi-wet hair, the blank tank he's wearing underneath the life jacket, and the cute smile you love so much.
He nods at your question then holds out the other life jacket towards you, "Come with me"
"You know I can't swim" you reply, but Shua just smiles at you. Inching closer and closer until he's only about two steps away from you.
You look around for your friends, "They're all busy, look there's Gyu and his girl. It's totally fine. I'm not gonna let you fall in the ocean, baby"
You look at him, he's trying to woo you with his looks. You know he knows just how to make you say yes. He tilts his head sideways cutely, and show you a loopsided smile.
You roll your eyes then take the life jacket from him, "If I fall there, I'm taking you with me"
"Trust me, I will be jumping right behind you"
You walk towards where the jet ski is waiting, Joshua jumps down first then holds his hand out for you to guide you. You settle behind him, holding on his waist tightly. You can feel him laugh, "You're enjoying this aren't you?"
"I enjoy the most when you're with me, my love. Now, hold on real tight"
Then you're off.
And he's right, it is fun. At the beginning you were still to scared to let go, holding on to Shua as tight as you can. Then after a while he can hear you laughing whenever he takes a turn. For a while you just go around and around on the open water.
When you finally go back to the dock, the rest of your friend group are also there. It's past lunch time and you haven't eaten yet. You can hear Dokyeom and Soonyoung talking about food already.
You and Joshua were the last ones to get off, he goes first then waits for you. But unlike when he helped you on, he didn't take your hand this time. Instead you were surprised when you feel his arm go around your waist to hold you and lift you up slightly until you're standing beside him.
You look up at him, blinking like a deer caught in the headlight. The headlight being your two male friends who were watching the whole scene, surprised like you are.
"Uh thanks" you breath out, showing him a tight lipped smile before walking ahead. Meanwhile Joshua doesn't fight the big smile, his eyes disappearing. He watches you catch up with Mingyu and his girlfriend while Soonyoung and Dokyeom looks back and forth between you and him
"Oh my god, look who finally grew the balls to finally make a move"
Joshua shakes his head, then starts to walk.
"I heard you finally asked her out on a date"
"She told you?" He asks back
"Yea, but really? a coffee date? not even a fancy dinner?" Soonyoung prods
"We'll get there, I just want her to be comfortable. And we had fun" Joshua smile unconsciously just thinking about it. Technically the two of you did go out for coffee, then you stayed over at his for movie night. They didn't need to know the rest of the details but you and him didn't really do much watching, you don't even remember what the title of the film was.
When the rest of the boys finally catch up, you all decided on a cute restaurant near the beach. Soonyoung of course shoots you a look when Joshua sits beside you.
The food was good, made even better with the company. All of you were just chatting about life, sharing stories from your past hangouts and everyday lives. Dokyeom and Mingyu were telling a particularly funny story, all of you on the table were laughing so hard you didn't even notice you leaned sideways until your head was resting on Joshua's shoulder.
He didn't notice it either because to him it's a normal thing. He even sat straight and threw his arm behind your chair so you would be more comfortable. You didn't think twice about tucking yourself on his side and smiling up at him, your boyfriend mirroring the action.
You only notice the table going quiet, making you look over and sure enough everyone was looking at the two of you.
"I uh I was just, I had something in my eye. I was asking him to look"
"Yea she had something... in.. her... eye"
Some looked confused while the others looked at you suspiciously. Especially Soonyoung. You just know he's about to bombard you with questions.
When it's time to say goodbye, you all go back to your respective rides. Joshua is talking to Mingyu, walking right ahead of you.
"So.. that little cute moment"
"I did it... unconciously. I was laughing"
"I was!"
Soonyoung laughs, "It was cute, you two look good together and Joshua's a great guy"
"I know" you pout
"You didn't hear from me, but he likes you. If that's what you're worried about" he tells you, he really is a good friend. He's one of your bestfriend, next to Shua. You've known him for years now and he truly always means well, you trust Soonyoung to always know what is good.
"It wouldn't be awkward if I date our friend?"
"No, why would it be? It'll be cool. Bound to happen anyways, statistically speaking someone from our friend group is bound to end up together. Who knows, we'll plan to go to your wedding next"
You laugh at that, it wasn't impossible technically. It's somewhere in the future. You hope. You wish. You really do pray he's the one you end up with.
"You're smiling" Soonyoung teases you
"Okay okay, gosh. Do more of that and I won't invite you"
"Invite him to what?" the two of you didn't notice Joshua stopped walking with Mingyu to wait for you
"Nothing" you answer
"Your wedding" Soonyoung says at the same time, making you hit him on the side.
Joshua just laughs, but on the inside he's cheering. Just thinking about one day marrying you is enough to put a smile on his face for days. You really are the one for him.
He had to stop himself from pulling you in a hug, so he watches you with a fond smile on his face. The sun setting on the background casting a beautiful shadow on your face and he thinks he can just get down on one knee right here right now.
"Oh god, look at you. You know what, I'm leaving. You two solve this by yourselves" Soonyoung says when he sees Joshua just watching you.
You wave bye to your friend before turning to look back at the man standing beside you
"What?" you ask him,
He shakes his head and just continues on smiling at you.
You narrow your eyes at him, not satisfied with his answer but you let it go. He looked to cute to be mad at anyways.
"Let's go home, shall we. One more second without a kiss and I'll collapse" Joshua says, mentioning for you to walk ahead while he follows
"I can just imagine their reactions when they hear you" you tell him
"They'll get used to it"
"Mhm, they'll finally see you being a simp" you tease him
"Baby, for you I'd be anything. Call me baby, honey, love, boyfie even hubby I don't mind" he teases back
"You are... you know let's just go home"
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dirtysvthoughts · 1 year ago
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under the neon lights
tags/warnings: smut, pwp, boyfriend! jihoon, switch! jihoon & reader, at the universe factory (cause why not), dick sucking, some dirty talk, pet names (honey, baby, etc.), some fluff at the beginning, based off that one welive (as seen in the photos cause he looked to fucking good 😩)
word count: 1.4k
notes: happy birthday to the man who has been constantly and consistently wrecking my bias list for almost 5 years 🤍 words can’t express how much i love jihoon, he works so hard and deserves so much - i hope he gets to relax a little and receives so much love and the best head on his special day 🥹 but in all seriousness, i really do love and admire him - happy birthday jihoon!! without further ado, enjoy besties! thank you to @wongyuseokie for helping me come up with the title!
11:40 p.m.
in 20 minutes it would be the 22nd, and you would get to celebrate the love of your life’s birthday. you were very excited, but you were hoping jihoon would for once - decide to take a night out of his studio and relax for a bit. but knowing him, he would be at the universe factory if he got the chance, and it would be hard to persuade him otherwise.
so that’s where you are currently, sitting in your boyfriend’s lap while he sits in his chair, scrolling and clicking through different audio files on his desktop, compiling items together. your hands softly stroke the ends of his hair, not sure if the humming coming out of his mouth was from your movements or if he was thinking to himself. your eyes momentarily flit to the digital clock on lower right side of the screen, the time getting close to 11:45 pm. you tap jihoon’s shoulder twice to get his attention.
“hmmm?” he responds, still looking at his desktop.
“hoon, why don’t you shut everything down for right now? there’s only a few minutes left until your birthday, and i had a few ideas in mind..” you begin to trail off as you wrap your hand around his bicep, legs tightening together as you feel how strong he is.
jihoon sighs. he appreciates that you were trying to make more out of his birthday, but he always saw it as just another day. of course he appreciated all the love he received, but he didn’t want things to become such a big fuss. “babe, you know you don’t have to make any extra effort.. just this is enough - me, you, my music, and this ambiance,” he gestures to the turquoise colored lights filling the dark studio.
“i know, i know, but i just wanna make sure i celebrate you in the best way i can. that’s how much you mean to me baby,” you kiss jihoon’s cheek and he can’t help the blush that makes its way on his face. he intertwines your hands with his as he kisses it, your body moving closer toward his touch.
“you’re the best, you know that don’t you?” he asks, looking into your eyes. you nod your head as you shrink into his body, loving the way he envelops around you. there are a few moments of silence but after, jihoon’s mind quickly remembers what you said earlier.
“what did you mean by ideas?”
“hm? what ideas?” you question a little confused.
“remember, you said there were only a few minutes left until my birthday and you said you had a few ideas in mind. those ideas.”
you quickly bite your lip, getting excited at what you had practically daydreamed even before you got to the universe factory. for the longest, you wanted to give your boyfriend the messiest head in his workplace, especially attracted to the thought that no one would walk in. it would just be you two giving him the pleasure he so rightfully deserved.
“well, one idea involves both of us on the couch,” you hinted, pointing in the direction of the soft large leather piece. you avoid eye contact with jihoon as you play with the hem of his black shirt. “we could see what happens from there, but that’s the first step.”
jihoon still couldn’t tell what you were planning, but he couldn’t deny the sudden urge in his body to get up and move. he pats your thigh, motioning with his hand for you to stand up. after you stand, he walks over to the couch and you follow behind him - but when jihoon takes a seat, you promptly kneel on the floor, making sure your body was front and center in relation to your boyfriend.
the second your knees hit the floor, that’s when things finally click for jihoon. “that’s what she meant..” he thinks to himself, but his face doesn’t do a good job of hiding his discovery, in which you quickly take notice.
“guess you figured it out now, huh?” you tease, slowly rubbing your hands across his thighs. “i’ve been thinking about this for a while now.. going down on you in your workplace,” you lean your head against his thigh, innocent eyes staring into his intrigued gaze.
jihoon inhales sharply as your fingers delicately dance across the lower half of his body, dangerously approaching his crotch. you start to palm him through his pants, his breathing becoming shuddered as he grows harder with every touch and graze.
your hands finally reach the waistline of his pants, wanting to finally get what you’ve been waiting for. “can i take these off, honey?” you muse sweetly, your still innocent eyes making jihoon crave for more. he nods in response, “go ahead,” a breathless whisper leaving his lips.
with his help, you pull jihoon’s pants and boxers down to his ankles, revealing his growing, slightly leaning dick, with a perfect red tip to match. “mmm, so big and all for me to taste,” you lick your lips as you inhale his scent, moaning even more at how attractive your lover is.
your lips finally make their way down to his tip, giving jihoon a little kitten lick. a smile makes its way on your face as he groans out, his hands flying to reach the nape of your neck. you give him some more kitten licks, each one causing more beads of cum to spill out, jihoon’s breathing speeding up a bit.
“shit..” he breathes out, his eyes closed for a second and his head tilts back. using the opportunity, you take more of jihoon in your mouth, his full tip and then some now at the mercy of your tongue. the muscle begins to roam across his dick, your head starting to bob at the new intensity you were getting him off to.
you brace your hand on his thigh yet again, this time hollowing your cheeks out to take even more of him in. your nose pushes in closer as you can feel his tip finally near the back of your throat. jihoon doesn’t even try to lower how loud his moans were now, too engulfed in your presence to care about anyone or anything else.
“you naughty baby girl.. getting me off like the needy little thing you are,” his chuckle turns into another groan as you start to gag slightly on his dick. “taking me all the way to back of your throat.. mmm, such a good girl..”
if you weren’t wearing panties, you’re pretty sure you would’ve been dripping onto the floor by now. this was probably the best head you’ve given him and he had the dirty talk to match the experience.
then, jihoon starts to guide your pacing, causing you to go faster and to moan around him consistently. the hand still on the nape of your neck slightly grips at your skin, not hard but not soft either.
jihoon taps at your cheek a few moments later, bringing your attention to him as he begins to gasp for air, climax inching towards becoming reality.
“i’m- i’m gonna c-cum, baby.. think you can swallow it all for me?” you nod back, now intensely taking him in and out of your mouth, jihoon’s dick covered in your essence, your throat feeling the tiniest hint of sore - but did you really care? at this point you just wanted to give him the messiest head you possibly could.
it’s then that jihoon releases a high pitched moan and seconds later, cum is spilling into your throat, and you don’t hesitate to swallow every last drop. when he finishes emptying his load, your lick your lips teasingly and jihoon watches as your tongue roams the top half of your lips, lingering on thought of what i would be like to intertwine your tongues together so he could taste him on your mouth.
“my jihoonie tastes so good,” you giggle as you begin to stand up, reading his mind as you insert a legs in between his, kissing him square on his lips. jihoon holds your jaw as he deepens the kiss, both of you melting into each other. when you separate, you take a look again at the clock.
12:05 a.m.
“happy birthday, my love,” you whisper as you pull him in for another kiss, jihoon gently pushing you down onto the couch as he undoes your shorts.
“thank you baby, and i guess my gifts are just gonna keep coming over and over tonight,” he smirks. “can’t wait for you to come inside me.”
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neko-sama0w0 · 2 months ago
Kieran relationship head cannons
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Teal Mask
he loves it when you play in his hair it calms him down and most of the time he falls asleep.
he'll give you snacks randomly; he makes sure that you have something to eat.
whenever test come up that he needs to study for he'll go to you first so you both can study together
he's a bit clingy. he is always near you. when you two walk together he would hold on to your arm.
he loves rambling about random things to you.
walks. he likes taking walks with you and taking in the view.
Indigo disc
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Kieran became rude to others after meeting Florian.
well he wasn't rude to everyone, you were the only one that he wasn't rude to.
he still was clingy, but he would wrap his arm around you to keep you close to him
with him being like this he became protective of you, he would give anyone a scary look.
when you saw him after him, his sister, Florian went to area zero and it was like he changed in a moment.
he wasnt rude anymore and also not shy anymore.
you love him and he loves you
-would love suggestions :3-
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moonferry · 27 days ago
i know what you're thinking and yes the title is from epic the musical. kent &sam are so ody and telemachus to me. anyway, this one was nice to write. i love samfam so so much. the entire family is so so so important to me.
ALSOOO there are some easter eggs to my other works - forever stuck in our youth and when the sun burns too bright so you can read those too, if you'd like.
BIG thanks to my friend moona (spacesapphi on tumblr and sapphiresstars on ao3) for helping with some ideas found in this chapter :3 he is also a writer and they're currently writing an AMAZING shane centric fic called "moving forward, spiraling downward" i highly recommend. ALSO thank you to my friend sock (siredgarre) for some of their headcanons about vincent :D
jodi shows kent the concert, and sam and kent finally talk things out!!
word count: 3726
other chapters: chapter masterlist
ao3 link: here
warnings: mentions of past death, parental absence
as always, full chapter below the cut :3
Distant, muffled voices talked quietly, although one of the voices appeared quite exasperated. 
“How’d the show go?” A masculine, gruff voice asked. It was followed by momentary silence and then a sigh. 
“Kent..” the other voice started, the exhaustion clearly evident in her voice. Jodi pinched the bridge of her nose, closing her eyes tightly as she wondered how to tell her husband about the day’s events. She continued, “It was.. Certainly something.” 
“Oh?” Kent asked, raising his eyebrow at Jodi’s choice of words. He eyed his wife warily - searching for the cause of her distress. He knew Jodi preferred softer, piano-esque music and that Sam’s band could be quite noisy, but Jodi always spoke highly of their son - especially his performances. 
“What’s wrong, Jo? Did.. did something happen?” Kent asked, extending his hand out and carefully holding Jodi’s wrist. 
Jodi sighed once more and gave Kent’s hand a small squeeze. She looked towards Sam’s bedroom door, her eyebrows furrowing together in worry. She spoke, “Well.. it’s just.. You know how important this was to him, right, honey?’ 
Kent knew. Of course he did. Sam was always excited about his shows, Kent knew this, too.. But this one felt different - in a way. The previous weeks, Sam had been especially secretive about his plans and would constantly ask Kent if he was sure he’d be at the show. And, despite constant reassurance and Kent telling Sam that yes, he would be there, he… wasn’t. He could only imagine how upset Sam had been.
Kent nodded, though he braced himself. He could feel that there was an upcoming “but” in Jodi’s words. 
“I know how large crowds make you uncomfortable, so I decided to record it for you,” Jodi explained, fishing around in her small purse and pulling out her digital camera (one that had actually belonged to Kent’s mother and was given as a gift near the time Sam was born - “To capture memories,” Misty had insisted. Jodi kept it ever since). 
“The show was amazing. Oh, they all sounded great!” Jodi exclaimed enthusiastically, recalling the better part of the concert, “Sam even had a special surprise, just for you, dear,”
As she was retelling her story, Jodi frowned slightly before continuing, “And then.. Sam.. um… He.. Well, I think it’s better for you to see for yourself.” She pursed her lips into a thin line, extending her palm - which contained the small camera - towards her husband. 
Kent raised an eyebrow, skeptical, though he took the camera from Jodi’s hands. He took a deep breath - hesitating to prepare himself for whatever he’d see - and pressed the play button. 
The video started off as normal - showing the Goblin Destroyers intro followed by the band members performing several joint songs before moving onto individual pieces.However, Kent noticed Sam seemed… off throughout the entire first half of the show. Nervous, almost. He played wrong notes and - for a reason Kent couldn’t quite determine - kept looking at the audience, almost expectantly. Eventually, it was time for Sam’s song. Kent watched, listening intently as Sam began a small speech before the song. 
His voice sprang out, sounding boxy from the old speakers, “This song is for my dad, Kent Neilson. I hope you enjoy it, Dad.” Kent listened to the following song with a curious interest, one that was almost matched with his own guilt. 
So.. this is why he wanted me there, Kent thought to himself, his chest tightening as a pang of guilt resounded through it, And I let him down. 
He continued to listen to the song, nodding his head along to the soft strum of the guitar. Something about the guitar felt.. Familiar almost. Kent couldn’t place it for the longest time. He found himself staring at it as Sam finished the last line of the song, and, just as Kent recognized it, the unthinkable happened. 
Kent watched the video and his eyes widened in horror as Sam hoisted the guitar over his head before letting it crash against the metal of the stage. The image of the video then went skewed - as if whoever was recording had dropped it in surprise. What followed next was distorted audio, although Kent could decipher people arguing. Eventually, the video resumed and Sam was nowhere to be found. 
All Kent could see - the audio was still quite distorted at this time - was Sebastian and Abigail approaching Jodi, worried expressions on their faces. He brought the device closer and tried to decipher what was being talked about. 
The only thing he managed to hear was the end of Abigail’s last sentence, it appeared she had handed something to Jodi and, while looking sadly, said, “I’m sorry, Mrs. Neilson.. About Mr. Neilson’s guitar.. This was all that we could salvage..” There is a brief pause, followed by a small sniffle from Jodi. As the item passed to her hand, it was in the camera’s view long enough for Kent to read it. The video then cuts off. 
Kent stares as the video fades into a black screen. He closes his eyes, burying his face into his palms with a long, drawn out sigh. 
Jodi approaches her husband and places a caring hand on his shoulder. She rubs small, comforting circles as she tries to console him, “I’m sorry, honey.. I know how much you cared about that guitar..” 
“It’s just a guitar. There are thousands like it..,” Kent dismissed with a small shrug. He leaned into Jodi’s caring touch before opening his eyes. He glanced toward the tightly shut door to the left of the living room. He continued, furrowing his brows together, “I’m more worried about Sam, to be honest.” 
Kent sighed, rubbing his forehead. He turned to his wife and added, “It’s not like him.. I.. I can’t help but feel like I’m partially responsible.” 
“Sweetheart,” Jodi started, a small frown forming on her own lips, “Don’t blame yourself.”
“No, listen to me, Jodi,” Kent retorted, shaking his head. He carefully explained, “You and I both know how he was counting on me to be there.. And I let him down.” 
“I’m sure he understands, Kent..” 
“Sure he does. He’s the most understanding person I know,” Kent replied with a proud nod. He continued, “But that doesn’t make it fair to Sam. He did something special for me - put this whole thing together - and I couldn’t even show up. That isn’t something a father should do, Jo.” 
Kent continued his speech, allowing his thoughts to run freely, “I mean.. Do you know everything that I’ve missed over the years? Countless birthdays, anniversaries, and far too many of Sam’s concerts.” 
“Sam is 24, Jodi. Twenty-four. He’s basically a man now and I.. I missed all of it. I know it hasn’t been easy for you, Jo - and I will always regret that -, but I know it’s been especially hard for Sam,” The words spilled from Kent’s mouth and he buried his face deep into his palms. He added, “I wish I could’ve been there for him.” 
“But.. I wasn’t. And.. I don’t know how to make it up to him,” Kent admitted sadly. A small sniffle left Kent’s nose and his breath hitched as he said the next words, “I don’t even know if I can anymore.”
“That may be true,” Jodi started, reaching her hand over and gently placing it on Kent’s own. She gave it a careful squeeze, waiting for him to look at her. She continued, “But, you know what you can do?” 
“What?” Kent asked, looking at his wife, confused. 
“Talk to him.” 
Kent nodded. He pushed himself into a standing position. Before moving any further, he leaned down, carefully squeezing Jodi tightly, and placed a big, affectionate kiss onto Jodi’s cheek. He beamed at his wife and exclaimed proudly, “Jodi Neilson, you are the smartest woman in the world.” 
Jodi blushed sheepishly, leaning into Kent’s kiss. Then, she laughed and gently pushed Kent away, “Okay, okay. I love you, too, Kent.” She shook her head at her husband’s antics, before motioning him onward, “Now go talk to our son.” 
Kent walked towards Sam’s door. He took a deep breath before knocking two knuckles against the door. As he did this, Kent spoke, “Sam? Can I come in? It.. it’s Dad.” 
Kent sighed, resting his forehead against the door. He tried once again, “Sam?” Once again, there was no response. Kent pursed his lips together.
“Your mother.. She showed me your performance,” Kent explained, hoping his words reached Sam through the small gap between the door and its frame. He continued, “You sounded really good.”
“Ah.. I remember when you were younger. You were always crawling into my lap - barely able to hold the guitar - begging me to teach you how to play,” He recounted, a small smile spreading across his lips. Then, the smile soon faded as he remembered that the very guitar he was imagining so fondly was now a pile of splinters in some Zuzu City dumpster. 
Kent paused for a moment before adding, “I’m sorry I wasn’t there.” 
When he was greeted with more silence, Kent gave an understanding nod and sighed. He turned to walk away - as it was clear Sam didn’t want to talk. However, just as he was about to give up, the door opened with a soft click. 
Behind it stood a remorseful looking Sam, his arms crossed over his chest. He did not meet Kent’s gaze. Kent reached out and attempted to place a caring hand on his son’s shoulder. 
Sam stopped him, shaking his head and pushing his hand away. He looked at Kent sadly and stated matter-of-factly, “You promised you’d be there.” 
“But you weren’t,” Sam interrupted, his anger slowly returning. He clenched his fist - shaking as a wave of emotion washed over him. He continued, “Why?  Why weren’t you there..?  You promised me you’d be there, Dad. Promised.”
“You always do this. You promise things and then you break those promises. You’re never there when I need you.” Sam was rambling now, as if every grievance he had been holding from the past years was finally bubbling to the surface. He felt angry, but a small part of him felt relieved, too. It’s like Star has said: Sam should let Kent know how much his actions hurt him. 
 “Did you know Vincent will look for me before he looks for you? Do you know what its like - having to raise your younger brother, having to take care of your mother because you’re terrified of your father dying. But.. you can’t tell anyone how you feel because you aren’t supposed to feel? You’re supposed to be understanding and..supposed to put everyone else before yourself.”
“Do you know what it’s like to be in my place? I had to step into your shoes at the age of sixteen. I was a child, I should’ve… I don’t know. Hung out with my friends. Instead.. I spent every single day worrying about your safety - but I had to be strong for Mom, for Vincent. I had to be strong for everyone else and.. I needed you to be strong for me, Dad.”
“But.. you weren’t there. And, yeah, I get it. Don’t get me wrong - I admire you and I think your job is super important, but… aren’t we important, too?”
“Sam,” Kent interrupted, pulling his son into a tight hug. Sam was shaking now - fighting back tears. He did not hug Kent back. Instead, he allowed himself to be held - Kent’s grip never faltering.
“I’m so sorry,” Kent apologized, moving his hand to gently cradle the back of Sam’s head - similar to how one would hold a baby. He sniffled, feeling Sam turn even more rigid at the touch. Kent continued, “For everything.” 
“I wanted to go, trust me,” Kent attempted to explain. He looked at his son’s hurt expression and silently scolded himself. Why hadn’t he noticed something was bothering Sam sooner? Why did something drastic have to happen before it was addressed? He sighed, looking down at the floor, and continued, “But.. the more I thought about it.. The more I realized..  I didn't think I could handle it.” 
“I know you really wanted me there, Sam, and I truly am sorry.” 
Sam did not respond, at least not right away. He stood there - silent and still, completely unlike his usual bubbly and bouncy self. 
Kent noted Sam’s uncharacteristic behavior and sighed. “I wish I could've been there for you. For all of you.”
“And.. I want you to know that you are important,” He spoke, though a part of him felt guilty that Sam ever questioned that fact. He continued, love and adoration filling his voice, “You, your mother, and your younger brother? You three are the most important things in my life, Sam.” 
Sam looked up at Kent sadly, though he gave a halfhearted scoff. He pursed his lips together, mumbling, “It doesn't seem like it.” 
“Sometimes.. It feels like.. all you do is work. You're here for a few seconds and then you're gone again. Do you know how it affects us? Or.. are you just trying to run away from it all?” 
Kent shook his head. “Sam,” he pleaded, “There is a reason, I promise.” He paused, exhaling a small sigh and debating whether he wanted to tell Sam or not. 
Kent pursed his lips together before pulling away from the hug, looking Sam in the eye. 
“When I was around your age - maybe a few years younger,” Kent began, his expression darkening as he recounted the events. He took a deep, shaky breath before adding, “I lost my own father. Then, a few months later, I lost two of my best friends within the same week.”
“I was crushed. And.. all I could think about was how unfair the world was. It felt like I was looking after everyone - including my mother and yours - but.. no one was looking out for me.” 
“I couldn't figure out what the hell I’d done to deserve it, you know?” Kent admitted, looking down st the ring of dogtags that laid neatly around Sam’s neck. He knew the names well. He had given them to Sam, after all, for safekeeping. Sam, while he didn't know the names personally, wore the dog tags with pride - it was a small, metal chain with three thin plates; tags belonging to Kent himself, and his two friends: Daniel Sawyer and Vincent “Lee” Leegland. 
Kent closed his eyes harshly, trying to avoid the rush of spotty memories that threatened to come back. He hadn't remembered much - it was nearly 25 years ago and Kent’s mind had begun blocking out memories of the war - but through accounts from people who knew them (such as Jodi and Willy), Kent knew enough to remember how important the two men were. He continued speaking, “But.. I knew I had to try. So, initially.. I went back for that very reason - to find a purpose; some intangible reason for the world’s cruelty,.” 
Kent made a small “hmph” sound, his lips curving downward in a small frown. He spoke once more, “You were about six when I went back into service.. And it was the hardest thing I had ever done - leaving you and your mother alone, that is.” 
“So.. why did you?” Sam asked, looking up at his father expectantly. 
“Because they needed me,” Kent replied matter-of-factly, though he sounded slightly sad - as if remembering an argument he had with Jodi over this very same thing nearly 18 years ago. 
“Eventually, I began moving up the ranks. Because I was working harder than anyone else in my squad, they soon promoted me to Colonel - commander of the naval forces, too.. But, as nice as the recognition was.. that was no longer the reason I kept going back - not entirely, anyway.”
“Do you know what that reason was, Sam?”
Sam raised an eyebrow - curious. 
“It was you,” Kent admitted.
“What do you mean?” Sam asked, scrunching up his face in confusion. 
“Well, I wanted to make sure you were safe, son,” Kent explained, resting his hand protectively on Sam’s shoulder. He continued, “My father did the same thing when I was younger - I didn’t understand it then, just as you do now, but… when you were born - something changed. I had something I needed to take care of, something I could lose..” 
“I hadn’t intended to go back as many times as I did.. But.. when the conditions worsened and there were rumors of an upcoming draft.. I knew I couldn’t let them get you,” Kent admitted. His usually stoic and unreadable expression turned slightly solemn. 
He continued, “I wasn’t given a choice, Sam. But…this was a way of ensuring you were. I couldn’t let them do that to you. Not after everything I witnessed out there..” 
“So.. you went back to keep me from being drafted?” Sam repeated, his brows furrowing together - deep in thought. All this time, he had assumed Kent went back because he wanted to - not because he was trying to protect Sam. 
“Yes,” Kent replied with a small nod, “Because that is what you do for the people you love.” 
Sam sat there in stunned silence for a moment. He couldn’t believe everything he had just heard. It completely changed Sam’s perception of his father. However, it also made him feel extremely guilty. He sighed, glancing down at his shoes uncomfortably. 
“I’m sorry about your guitar, Dad,” Sam mumbled. He didn’t meet Kent’s eyes. “I’ll work doubles at the Joja Mart - buy you a new one. It won’t be the same, though..” 
Kent chuckled - a hearty, deep sound that jarred Sam. His father had always been quite stoic and rarely laughed - faintly smiling was the most Sam had ever seen from the man. He gently patted Sam’s shoulder before shaking his head. 
“Don’t worry about it, son,” Kent assured him. He spoke once more, repeating the sentiment he had told Jodi earlier, “At the end of the day.. It’s just a guitar.” 
“What about the memories?” Sam asked, his lips forming a faint frown. He knew how much Kent had loved that guitar - how proud Kent was to pass it onto Sam when he was old enough, how Kent had always encouraged Sam to follow his passion for music. He sniffled slightly, realizing he had destroyed all of it. He mumbled, “Aren’t you going to miss them? Aren’t you angry that they’re gone?”
“I.. I know how hard it is for you to remember things - since… y’know.. the war and all..” 
“I’m not angry, I promise,” Kent looked at his son, waiting for Sam to meet his gaze. “I’m more worried about you, Sam.”
“I just wish we had talked sooner,” Kent sighed, resting his forehead against the tips of two of his fingers - rubbing small circles against his temple. He spoke once again, “It was unfair of me to expect this much of you. You should’ve been able to enjoy your teenage years, not have to fill in my shoes. I didn’t realize how much this was affecting you. I.. I thought I was protecting you from all this pain - not that I was unintentionally causing more.” 
“I know I haven’t been the best father to you, Sam, and I will always regret that,” Kent continued, a wave of guilt covering his features. A small part of him would always be worried that his family would resent him - especially Sam. He pursed his lips together before adding, “I wish I could’ve been there for you more. I’m really sorry, son.” 
“Actually,” Sam began, looking up at his father with a small smile, “You’ve been a pretty great dad. I know you were trying - even if I couldn’t see it. So.. I’m sorry, too.”
Kent returned his son’s smile. Sam hesitated before pulling Kent into a tight hug. He buried his head into the man’s neck, closing his eyes tightly as he squeezed Kent - as if he would vanish if Sam were to let go. He took a deep breath before speaking once more, “I love you, Dad.” 
Kent was surprised by the sudden hug - the force nearly knocking him backwards. He waited a few seconds and Sam felt his heart drop when Kent hadn’t hugged him back yet. Then, Kent wrapped his own arms around his son - gently cradling his head once again. Tears stung at the edges of Kent’s eyes and he sniffled before replying, “I love you too, Sam.” 
“You really aren’t mad,” Sam started, finally breaking the hug and looking at his father once more. He continued, “About the guitar, I mean..” 
Kent sighed, but he shook his head, “No, I’m not mad. I’ll miss the memories, sure.. But we can always make more.” 
“And, besides,” He started, turning to face the living room. He pointed to the small wooden chip resting neatly on the coffee table, “At least one part survived, right?”
Sam stared at the chip for a moment - amazed that someone had picked it up. He let out a small “huh” of surprise and slowly approached it. He gently scooped up the wood before running his thumb over the faded lettering and the jagged grooves of the wood. As he looked at the wood, an idea popped into his head.
“Hey, Dad?” Sam called out over his shoulder. He then turned towards Kent and added, “I have an idea.. But I’ll need your help.” Kent raised an eyebrow, but he nodded and followed Sam.
The two spent the rest of the afternoon building a small, wooden jewelry box - ensuring they had left a space big enough for the wood chip to fit snugly inside of. Afterwards, Sam found his younger brother and helped him write a small message on a different piece of wood, writing his own to accompany it.  When they had finished, the three boys carefully placed the box on Jodi’s bedside table, as a surprise for her. What Kent didn’t know, however, was that Sam had included a surprise for him as well - another note, similar to the one Kent had left many years ago. It was a similarly shaped piece of wood, nestled delicately inside the box. It read: “Thank you for always supporting me. I couldn’t have done it without you, Dad. Love, Sam.”
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thatssomegoodsoup · 2 months ago
Larry X Reader HCs
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He often falls asleep leaning against the reader
This man is DEDICATED TO THE GRIND. Reader would have to put up with someone who is constantly tired.
Larry enjoys forehead kisses
Larry is a cuddler
^ expect Larry's staraptor to interrupt cuddling sessions because he expects to be included
Larry is the small spoon
Despite being dedicated to the grind, he would remember your birthday, anniversaries, etc., and make room in his schedule for you
Larry's love languages are definitely physical touch and quality time.
Reader and Larry split the bill at restaurants
If a new restaurant opens up in Paldea, he's immediately planning a date.
Reader often cooks for Larry. He loves whatever you make.
If you compliment him on something he would definitely play it down like "aw it was nothing"
He takes you to his favorite restaurants.
Larry is incredibly calm and focused, making him a good listener. He will take time out of his day to listen to you and offer advice to make you feel better. If you don't want advice or just want someone to listen, he'd be willing to do that to! Just ask him what you need.
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sunstone-smiles · 5 months ago
Flying Types Lift the Spirits
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Original request: "For tickletober this year, could i suggest lee!larry for day 25 (new discovery?) and for the scenario perchance he’s feeling stressed from work, and at home one evening his pokemon try to comfort him, so one of them nuzzles him or something and he reacts weird and they realize he’s ticklish and use that to cheer him up?"
Author’s note: Larryyyyy! I still have fun saying his name like that every time, Lol. Here’s Day 25 of Tickletober: “New Discovery” from August’s Tickletober List! I hope you enjoy!
Series: Pokemon
Characters: Larry, Staraptor, Altaria, Oricorio, Tropius, Flamigo 
Word count: 1,156
Summary: Larry is feeling a little stressed from work, so his team of flying type pokemon take it upon themselves to lift up Larry’s spirits with a newfound method thanks to Staraptor’s discovery.
All Larry wants to do is to sit down and rest, but it’s hard to do that when his chest is aching and his mind is filled with scenarios of the near future—tomorrow to be precise. His boss requested… No, more so told Larry that he was scheduled for a meeting in the morning, three Elite Four battles, and two gym battles; all to be done back-to-back.
He can do it, but it’s going to be tight. Any slip up, any delay, and he could be a minute late to any of his appointments. And if he’s late, he could get an earful from the boss, or worse—a penalty to his paycheck.
He pauses his TV show and places the remote by his side, next to Tropius’s head that’s curled up and sleeping behind him like a pillow. Larry’s too distracted to even pay attention to the program. He wipes a hand across his tired face. One of his other Pokemon by his side takes notice; Staraptor tilts his head from his perch on the back of the sofa. 
“Chir…?” the large bird quietly chirps.
Larry turns to look at him. “Oh, it’s fine. Staraptor. I’m fine. Everything’s… normal,” he moves his gaze away from the bird’s.
Staraptor ruffles his feathers like he was huffing. Being a pokemon that’s on Larry’s normal type and flying type teams, Staraptor has spent the most time with him. He easily knows when Larry’s not telling the truth.
Larry lets out a soft chuckle. “Okay, you got me,” he admits. He pauses before speaking again, figuring out what to say. “I'm just thinking about a lot of things. A little stress, that’s all.”
The brief conversation between Larry and Staraptor has slowly roused the rest of his flying type party from their slumber. Altara is perched on the back cushions with Staraptor, Flamigo is standing near the arm of the couch, and Oricorio is cuddled up on the cushions by Larry’s side opposite of where Tropius is lifting his sleepy head.
“It seems like everyone heard that. Sorry for waking you all.” Larry pats Oricorio and Tropius’s heads. “It’s alright. I just have to keep telling myself that.”
Tropius lets out a soft rumble like a purr; Oricorio lets out a quiet chirp. To comfort him, Tropius nuzzles his head into Larry’s side.
Staraptor, Flamingo, and Altaria turn to one another with a worried gaze. Altaria also has a concerned look in her eyes, like a mother wanting to care for their child. The three bird pokemon silently communicate to each other: There must be a way to help.
Suddenly, Larry abruptly shifts in his spot with a quiet huff releasing at the same time.
“Tropius,” Larry says. There’s remnants of a slight chuckle in his voice. Tropius tilts his head.
Staraptor, Altaria, and Flamigo glance at one another again, this time confused. That was strange. What made Larry jolt like that?
Seeing Tropius try to help, the electric bird chirps and energetically cuddles up to Larry’s side. The dual-type trainer flinches away. 
“Oricorio,” a similar hint of a chuckle is a bit louder the second time. The little cheerleader bird pulls away. She leans her head to the side.
A sudden realization hits Staraptor. His trainer didn’t just chuckle, he laughed. It was quiet, but a laugh nonetheless. There’s only one thing Staraptor knows that would cause a jumpy, laughter-producing reaction like that.
Staraptor informs the other flying types of their new discovery—which to Larry sounds like a bunch of chirps, squeaks, and squawks.
Larry’s brow lifts in confusion as he watches them all converse. Once their chirps and chatters die down, there’s an unsettling sense of mischief in the air. Although most of the party are flying type Pokemon, there’s one normal type move that they know of that will be super effective against their trainer: Tickle.
Tropius wraps his long neck around Larry’s torso, like the safety bar of a roller coaster ride. 
“Tropius? What are you–?”
Staraptor flaps his wings and squawks. With the signal, the rest of the flying types attack.
Tropius nuzzles his head into Larry’s ribs; Oricorio hops to the opposite side and flutters her feathered pom-poms into his tummy. Staraptor and Altaria lean down their heads and cuddle up against his neck. Flamigo assists Oricorio by using his beak to nuzzle into Larry’s side.
“Wha-ha! Hehehehey!” is all Larry is able to manage before giggles overrun his words and his body surges with tickly energy from all of his pokemon. He curls in on himself, scrunching his shoulders to his neck and squeezing his arms to his sides. His pokemon easily slip through his defenses though, gently scratching and scribbling into the spots that are getting giggly reactions from their trainer. After all, the move Tickle does lower defense.
“Hehehe! Is thihihihis what all of the chirping wahahas abohohout?” Larry tries to look at his pokemon while he wiggles in his spot, arms wrapped around his giggling chest. Another effective scribble from Flamigo to Larry’s side causes him to twist towards Altaria. With half of his back now facing Staraptor, the large bird takes the opportunity to nuzzle his beak into the back of Larry’s ribs. 
“Aha!” the trainer jolts with an exclamation of more giggles and turns to gently push Staraptor’s feathery head away with the palm of his hand. “Staraptohohor! Thihihis is your dohohoing, isn’t it?”
“Chirrr!” Staraptor chirps. Guilty as charged. 
“I shohohould have knohohown!” Larry laughs before he suddenly yelps and drops his hands to wrap around himself again when Oricorio flutters her wings near his side while still also at tummy. He kicks out his legs and leans back into the cushions as laughter consumes his entire form; invisible weights that were pressing into his chest appear to lift from the bubbly giggles billowing from his person. 
Larry calls out to his flock of pokemon, “Ohohokay, everyone! I’ve gohohohot the message! Nohoho more tickles! Plehehehease!”
Listening to their trainer, all the pokemon immediately stop. His giggles carry over as the trainer is given a moment to breathe. 
After a moment, his laughter begins to subside and his breathing steadies. Staraptor kneels his head to Larry’s shoulder and nudges him. The large bird looks at Larry with big, sincere eyes.
Larry scratches the side of Staraptor’s head to reassure him. “No, I’m not mad at you. I appreciate you all for looking out for me.”
The rest of his pokemon chirp and cuddle up beside him. A soft smile remains on his features. Larry drapes his arms around the creatures in a hug.
No matter how tough some days might be, he forgets that doesn’t have to tackle them alone. He has his pokemon by his side, and company like that, who cares enough to carry some of the burden, makes it better.
“We’ll get through tomorrow,” he says to them, thinking of optimism. “I know we will.”
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let-roman-bite-someone · 6 months ago
okay but the potential that the SvS episodes had for an angsty love triangle was impeccable.
Roman, torn between the two people who represents two things he desperately desires. Patton representing the familiar - the comfort of being a good person, the validation that came with knowing that he is Thomas's hero, the life that Roman has gotten accustomed to; and Janus representing the unknown - change, ambition, and a leap of faith that might be worth it.
Roman falling for Janus's sweet manipulation and flattery, but being scared to tear himself away from Patton, who has always been his biggest supporter. and then finding out that both Janus and Patton were manipulating him the whole time. they had good intentions but they did what they did, and it left Roman deeply wounded.
and at this point, it's even harder for Roman to choose himself than it was for him to choose between two people he admired and valued. he is no longer worthy of anyone's love, not even his own.
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iicaru2 · 17 days ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 人渣反派自救系统 - 墨香铜臭 | The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Shen Yuan | Shen Qingqiu & Yue Qingyuan, Shang Qinghua & Yue Qingyuan, Shang Qinghua & Shen Yuan | Shen Qingqiu, Shang Qinghua/Shen Yuan | Shen Qingqiu Characters: Yue Qingyuan, Shen Yuan | Shen Qingqiu, Shang Qinghua, Mu Qingfang Additional Tags: this wasnt meant to have cumplane actually but they Kept Happening, Dimension Travel, Crack Treated Seriously, Shen Yuan | Shen Qingqiu Identity Reveal, Shang Qinghua Identity Reveal, thats actually a very minor plot point if u can believe it, Shen Jiu | Original Shen Qingqiu and Shen Yuan | Shen Qingqiu are the Same Person, Shang Qinghua and Original Shang Qinghua are the Same Person, again. surprisingly minor plot point, Shang Qinghua | Airplane Shooting Toward the Sky's Plot Devices, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Shang Qinghua and Shen Yuan | Shen Qingqiu are Roommates, and they were roommates (oh my god they were roommates), Yue Qingyuan Needs a Hug, gratuitous overuse of xiao-jiu, Light Angst, Chronically Ill Shen Yuan | Shen Qingqiu, Disabled Shen Yuan | Shen Qingqiu, Reincarnation Summary:
Looking at him again… yes, Yue Qingyuan’s initial assumption was correct. His hair is quite a bit shorter, which briefly shocks him again, but his eyes are the same: a dark sort of green that shines the color of fine jade when the light hits it just right. He has a few scars and imperfections, and a pair of half-moon glasses rest on the bridge of his nose— but the way he holds himself, his voice, and the fierce scowl painting his face make him instantly recognizable.
Yue Qingyuan would know his Xiao-Jiu anywhere.
“So,” he begins, in a deceptively calm tone that disguises such familiar annoyance and rage, “what’s this Shang Lei says about you appearing in my apartment out of thin air?”
(Or: Yue Qingyuan crash lands in Shen Yuan and Shang Lei’s 21st century apartment. It’s exactly as absurd as it sounds.)
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audacious-herbaceous · 2 years ago
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I am SO pleased with how this turned out!! I commissioned @jmars-art to bring my vision to life of a personal headcanon of the professor being an avid journaler - and will be a future fic scene! JMars was professional and responsive as well as added great insight and recommendations to enhance my idea further - there's something really special when you can fine-tune ideas with other passionate artists and let creativity lead the way. The quality speaks for itself, and is truly stunning.
This will be a future scene for my current multi-ch fic, Cognitive Dissonance, which takes place post-canon during Arven's final year at Uva and is my story of writing Arven's journey towards closure that feels raw and real to me, while he navigates a new relationship that is jeopardized after the press finds out about the professor's fate.
After what feels like hitting rock-bottom and being forced into isolation in his dorm room, Clavell stops by and hands over to Arven all Turo's journals he was able to discreetly retrieve from Area Zero. Arven is quick to realize that many of the journals are not all research-focused and are personal diaries spanning years, even from before he was born. He gets a first-hand look at the inner thoughts of his father and insight and clarity over what happened to him over the years and the relationship with his absent mother.
This is part of an ongoing project I am doing by commissioning artists in the community/fandom to draw a scene from a select chapter. I am an advocate and supporter of the arts as a creative myself and wanted to try something that involves and supports other artists 😊 and also to keep myself motivated to keep writing 😅
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shiny-kaibernyte · 6 months ago
Hey, I've read your Drayton writings. He's such a goofball and i like how your writings portray him. I thought of a scenario that could have gone in the indigo disk involving him and/or kieran.
After the expedition, the main character gets badly injured from shielding Kieran being hit by terapagos's tera starstorm. Kieran is crushed with crippling guilt along with Drayton who is also furious at Kieran after he heard of the news. Feeling guilty because he could have protected her if he had gone on the expedition. They see the MC with big scar on their face and feel even more guilty while the MC try to comfort both of them.
(Haha, Kieran and Drayton rivalry/jealously go brrrr)
I was wondering if you could write something for this? (Romantic feelings are somewhat implied) Thx man.
This got lost to the void or requests but I'm so glad i finally got around to doing this one! It may take me ages but i will eventually do my requests. I did notice you used she in your request, i have written this in gender neutral but if you would prefer i change it feel free to let me know and i can fix it for you.
Warnings: Angst, mentions of scaring and blood, fluff, Spoilers for the indigo disk.
Healing Scar | Drayton x reader (Hurt)
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It was so dark, sounds blended together into one endless noise. Lights became shadows and your vision drew red. Blurring like a fogged up camera lens, the ground was non-existent below your frame, body numb and senses beyond recognition, all you could do was stare forward, the dancing lights and sounds soon echoing out into nothing but silence. The once red tinted vision, now black.
“Where are they Kieran? What did you do?” Someone was yelling, distressed maybe.
“Please calm yourself! There is no need to fight, this isn’t getting us anywhere!?” Another voice… calmer than the first but still loud enough to hear the words forming.
“I’m sorry! There was nothing that could have been done to stop this. You need to understand it wasn’t his fault!” More…? How many more people are around you? 
“Nothing? From what I can tell he stood there and DID NOTHING!” That voice… clearer now, closer. Drayton. Unmistakable, definitely him. 
“He was scared!  We all were, how were we supposed to know that would happen?!” Carmine, definitely her… The tinge of sarcasm in her natural tone made her voice so familiar to your ears.
“Guys stop this please! This is a hospital, you can’t yell here…” Who is this… Lacey? You were almost certain it was her, but she's so soft spoken it was hard to even tell. You could feel another person in the room… it must be Kieran, Drayton did yell his name if you remember.
“Kieran, you better star explaining what the hell happened down there or so help me i will-”
“That’s enough Drayton!” Crispin… That fire in his voice, when did he get here? Was he here the whole time? You were unsure but it was definitely him, and from the muffled bump, he must have grabbed Drayton. If only your eyes would open, or words could form, you could tell them you were okay. What was even happening?
“Drayton… perhaps you should step out for a moment, calm down a little bit.” Lacey chimed up again, voice much clearer now.
“NO!” That was loud. Even for Drayton. Seems even he realised how loud he was, if you could see the faces in the room you could guess how surprised everyone looked. “I’m sorry, I shouldn't have shouted like that, I just… I can't leave them. I want, no, need to be here when they wake up. If I leave…”
“We understand, perhaps we should all just take a moment to breathe, Kieran?” Carmine's tone had calmed significantly from what it was before, sounding almost motherly.
“Right… as much as i want to stay, i’ll leave for now.” Kieran’s voice was shaken, anger perhaps? Guilt? It was unclear.  
The sound of shuffling footsteps soon filled your ears, multiple people were leaving. A clicking sound soon cut the footsteps off when a door closed. A chair scraping sound pierced your ears. It was loud and harsh, But not as loud as Drayton’s words. “I should have been there… Why did I say no… I’m such a dumbass, if i’d just gone with you i could have… You wanted me to go so badly, to see Area zero. The sparkle in your eye, I should have just gone. I shouldn’t have left you alone…”
“What?” Drayton perked up, your sudden word cut through his like a knife. Whilst your eyes were closed, the sudden shadow passing through your eyelids confirmed he was now leaning over you from your left. Though his presence was known to you, words were not. That single word was all you could muster - Your eyes on the other hand finally decided to be of use to you and open. Though agonisingly slowly. “Oh thank god… You’re alive, actually alive.”
“They’re awake…?” Kieran’s voice came from the door, you could still see Drayton’s face in your view, in fact it was the first thing you saw. His eyes, scanning your features, nothing but gratitude and admiration in them, hair hanging on his face, messy and unkempt. Tears began to fill so he refused to stain your face with them. At least that was how he looked before Kieran entered the room again. Head snapping so fast he could have gotten whiplash. “I left my jacket here, are they actually awake?”
“Yes, now get out.” Drayton snapped, backing away from your vision allowing your eyes to adjust to the lights around you. 
“Can I see them?” Kieran responded quickly, as if trying to cut Drayton off. “Just for a second?”
Before Drayton could even open his mouth, with the little strength you had gained back, you grabbed the cuff of his sleeve which caused his head to snap back again. He really needs to stop doing that. “Hey… Let me help you sit up.”
He had seen the nurse adjust your bed earlier that day so you were almost laying down, so he did the same thing just sitting you up slowly instead as his arm rested on your stomach as support so you would fall in the new upright position. You could see Kieran now, he looked awful. Not physically, he didn’t have a scratch on him. Emotionally, he was defeated, there was nothing in his eyes but guilt and hate. Poor kid couldn’t even look at you, his eyes were fixed on the wall next to him, occasionally looking at Drayton who was practically staring holes straight through Kieran’s body. Turning back to Drayton, you attempt to convey to him that you want Kieran to stay, darting your eyes between him and Kieran. He got the message. 
“Kieran! They want to see you… But you really don’t need to come over, standing there, far away is fine.” Swatting him in the arm, you send your dragon boy a glare which causes him to recoil his comment and blush embarrassed. “Just kidding.”
Passing Kieran a small smile, you lift your free hand up, as Drayton grabs your other, sitting back down in the chair he had practically lept from earlier. His thumb runs gently over the back of your hand, as his attention is drawn back to the timid boy standing opposite him, now at the railing of your bed. Kieran didn't take your hand instead he just stared at your face. “I’m sorry…”
Confusion returned to you, sorry for what? He was okay, that's all that mattered to you, he wasn’t hurt from what you could see, no scratches or bruises. Bit of dirt he hadn’t cleaned and some bits of crystal dust. No wounds.
“I’m so sorry…” Kieran muttered eyes tracing your face as tears threatened to fall. He hated how vulnerable he was in this moment, he wanted to be strong but the guilt that flooded his body was too strong, a tidal wave.
Drayton used his Rotom phone to show you what Kieran was looking at. It was bad, a large scar ran from your right ear, across your cheek and nose, then ending just under your left eye. Another on your forehead doing the same thing. Only thinner but deeper than the cheek scar. Clean tho, no residual damage aside from the giant scar and a few cuts around your features. So that was why your vision turned red. Kieran couldn’t bear to see the surprise on your face, at well… seeing your face.
“Say sorry as much as you want, nothing… is gonna change what happened down there. Nothing…” Seems Drayton’s own guilt came crashing back again. The both of them were ashamed for different reasons.
Drayton for not being there with you, for turning you down and not being there to protect you. He loved you so much, more than words could describe and yet here you were. Kieran for the opposite, he went with you because he wanted to know more, to be better, stronger. To find the secret of area zero But when push came to shove, he stood there. Feet firm on the ground, unmoving as attack after attack came towards his little group. Only when your own body dove into his in a tackle, to knock him out of the way from whatever else came at you, and your blood stained his face did he finally move.
“You think I don't know that?” Kieran snapped back, fists clenched against the railing of your bed, head hung low. “Stop rubbing it in my face Drayton!”
You felt like a kid between these two, the bickering back and forth between them sounded like siblings fighting over something trivial. So you made an attempt to comfort them. Drayton was easy, all you had to do was gently squeeze his hand and send him a warm but meaningful smile and he was completely calm again. Placing a gentle kiss to the back of your hand as he gently stroked your hair.
Kieran was about to leave, turning his back to the scene in front of him only for your free hand to grab his wrist forcing him to stay, the look you gave him was subtle, but it spoke louder than any words you could say. The honesty in them, forgiveness. You didn’t blame him for any of this and you needed him to know that. If yanking him into a hug was how to do that then so be it. With an aggressive tug you pulled him into you, his head landing on your shoulder as your arm latched onto his back, handing rubbing his side reassuringly. He finally cried, hiding his face in your shoulder, his arms tightening on you. Drayton didn't say anything, instead mimicking your action to  Kieran, no snarky comment or blame-full actuation.
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