#suwa x reader
onyxmilk · 6 months
of course we need crazy bubbly reader that teaches him love heheheeheheh
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notes; i got u :D (unedited) tw; Reader uses She/Her pronouns!, , MENTIONS of divorce, MENTIONS of miscarriage, wc; 0.3k
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[YourName] and Rei actually met through Kazuki!!!
Kazuki met [YourName] through his ex sister-in-law, before she went and traveled.
Kazuki didn't think [YourName] and Rei would be more than acquaintances, that's until Miri had come around.
[YourName] nannies on the side of baking, so having [YourName] around as Miri's mother figure helped out a ton
And she helped create a schedule for Rei and Miri to follow when it came to the game console!
Eventually those long nights turned into dinner late at Kazuki and Rei's and sometimes Kazuki would step out to collect a job for him and Rei-
So it would just be Rei and [YourName].
[YourName] learned to open up to Rei, realizing he wasn't going to be spilling any information to anyone any time soon.
Rei learns that despite [YourName]'s bubbly personality and her motherly attitude- she actually smokes, been divorced, and had a miscarriage.
She picked up smoking as a way of coping from her miscarriage which led to her divorce.
So, to start bonding, Rei offered to sit outside on the balcony and smoke with you- and that led to the two absolutely doing a deep dive on each other.
Of course, Rei left out important details like being the son of the man who puts out a lot of hits in Japan and tends to a whole community of people like that.
After a while, Kazuki helps [YourName] get with Rei and at first he didn't expect things to even last a week-
But then he got to witness [YourName] showing Rei that it is okay to be in love and that it is okay to show random acts of love.
Kazuki finally got to see Rei smile without having to force Miri into his face when Rei looks at his phone when [YourName] text.
His favorite compromise that Kazuki has seen is [YourName] sleeping in the bathtub with Rei.
Those early mornings, Kazuki doesn't expect to see [YourName] in the tub with him- but there she is! Sleeping away on Rei.
Rei also picked up the habit of asking if everyone was alright or thanking Kazuki for the meal.
All from [YourName].
Kazuki hopes to see more changes throughout Rei and [YourName]'s relationship <3.
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A new yandere buddy daddies x delinquent reader it's been so long😭 it would be so cute if reader accidentally slips up by calling them dad or miri sis
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Calling Them Affectionately | Yandere Buddy Daddies x Delinquent Teen Reader
It’s so easy to fall into it
Even if you do just say it sarcastically
They often pretend like nothing’s wrong 
Treating you like the homeschooled homebody they wish you’d be
But either way, it slips out 
And much to your dismay, they notice
“What did you just say?”
“That I don’t want to eat that crap you’ve been tryin’ to cook–”
“No…the part before that.”
“What did I say? I said–”
“Dad….You called me Dad…”
“Well don’t blow your lid or anything I was being sarcastic.”
“You called me Dad!” 
He will be in shock for the rest of the day
An unfamiliar smile on his face that refuses to leave
Even Kazuki’s kind of jealous when Rei just keeps smiling while repeating this revelation
Making that mistake with Miri or even saying it to stop her from crying to her papas
And getting you in trouble
“Sister! I’m a sister! I’m a Sister! Hooray!” 
She’s doing circles around you before she goes to wherever Kazuki and Rei are to proclaim it’s what you said
She demands they celebrate with cake or whatever she last saw on TV
Similar to Miri, Kazuki also will be over celebratory
Sarcasm or actual slip-up aside
Kazuki has the one thing Miri doesn’t
Access to adult money
He will actually pull out party poppers and confetti cannons when he hears it
he will cook your favorite meal and make an elaborate pastry for dessert
“I’m (Y/n)’s Papa! Papa! Papa!”
“Papa! Papa! Papa!”
“Please stop yelling it’s been hours!”
“(Y/n) let him have this. He’s been waiting so long for this.”
Needless to say, they’ll love it every time and it’s going to have to be a good while 
before they stop reacting this way
But don’t be embarrassed it’s just to show you how much they love you
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yeosangs-horizon · 1 year
Tub Time (Rei x Reader)
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Genre: Fluff + Smut | fem!reader Word Count: 1.9k Content Warning(s): Smut Spicy time in a tub, Rei’s first time, Praise kink, 18+ only Author’s Note: Very self indulgent soft smut because he won’t leave my mind <3 Esp how fatherly he was in today’s episode okie enjoyyy.
You kicked off your shoes as you entered Rei’s apartment. You practically lived there by now with how close you two have gotten and how much he wants you around. After a long day at your corporate job, you just wanted to relax in his arms. You took long strides and approached him, noticing that he was playing games in in the dark again. You were able to slip yourself under his arms, sitting between his legs as you gazed at his shooting abilities in the game. “Welcome home,” he mumbled whilst planting kisses on your scalp and inhaled your scent while still keeping his eyes still on the game.
You relaxed into his touch and tilted your head back to look at your lover. “I missed you baby,” you mused. “Missed you too,” he hummed, still attentive on his game. You wanted his attention and touch after a long day, but you knew how much his games acted as a relaxer to him. “Where’s Kazuki and Miri?” you asked wondering as the entire apartment was dark other than the TV screen. “Arcade. Miri kept complaining so Kazuki took em.” You hummed, realizing that you had the whole apartment to yourselves at the moment. They wouldn’t be back for awhile as it was still early if they just left. You shifted your weight and turned to face him, wanting to shower him with kisses. 
You planted your face in the crook of his neck and smiled. You peppered kisses up his neck and on his jawline, something that always got him flustered and a surefire way to give you attention. “Baby…” you whispered calling him a pet name he oh so loves. He whimpered, giving into your attempts at getting him to pay attention to you. He set down his controller and gazed at you, something he would never do for anybody else. He would usually be irritated if somebody interrupted his gaming sessions but you? He gladly would put everything down for you. He leaned down and captured your lips with his. He seemed needy too. The two of you hadn’t gone too far in terms of being physical. You knew that Rei was still a virgin as he shyly confessed the fact to you and you hadn’t gotten any action in years. As of recently, the two of you have been taking it further, furthest being making out and touching each other fully clothed. 
You knew that he loved being praised and being called pet names whilst being intimate. He always felt comfortable with your touch and craved it at times. You pressed your forehead onto his and caressed his jaw. “You’re so pretty Rei, I missed you a lot…” you trailed off, staring into his blue-grey orbs illuminated by the TV screen being on in the background. “You’re beautiful,” he mumbled leaning in to close the gap between the two of you. You let your mouths collide and tongues dance around each other in a heated kiss. You snaked your hand to the back of his head, ruffling through his hair and running your fingers through his scalp, something that he surprisingly loved and made calmed him down. 
You pulled back, feeling warm in the cheeks as you pressed your body closer to his, straddling your legs around his waist. You could feel his length bulging from the skinny jeans that he was wearing, indicating that he was thoroughly aroused by your actions. You pressed into him whilst sucking a hickey onto the side of his neck. “Just marking you as mine love,” you mouthed as he tilted his head back in pleasure. He let his hips be in control as he thrusted a bit to put pressure on your core that was already very needy. You ground down on him after the action, eliciting a soft moan of pleasure. His moans were high pitched, something that you did not expect when the two of you fooled around for one of the first times. “Let’s go to the- tub,” Rei breathed out, not wanting Kazuki and his daughter to walk in on the two of you getting frisky on the couch. You hummed in agreement as you reluctantly got off of him, core still aching and his bulge now more apparent and damp from your juices and his precum. 
You interlaced your fingers in his hand as the two of you made your way to the washroom and to the tub where he sometimes slept. He never imagined getting intimate in it but he didn’t mind if it was with you. You pressed him against the wall, taking charge a bit as he was still a bit awkward with his actions at times. You trailed your hand down his collarbone, past his abs, and towards his hardened length. You rubbed your hands over his bulge, squeezing at his tip eliciting another moan from him. He was definitely needy now and so were you. “Do you want your first time to be with me tonight Rei?” You asked, looking at him with lustful eyes. “Yeah, I’m ready. (Y/N) I need you…” he pleaded. You smiled at him sweetly, unbuttoning his jeans letting his cock breathe a bit more. You let yourself slide down his body and plant gentle kisses on his bulge, just separated by his boxers. “You’re doing so well my love, let me know if you’re not okay with anything I do.” He nodded whilst staring down at you with his cheeks tinted pink. “T-touch me (Y/N)”. 
You slid his boxers down to reveal his length, already leaking from his tip and ready for you. You felt your core flush with wetness as you became more aroused. You stood back up and proceeded to strip yourself of your pants. You stayed in your panties as you took a hold of his length and dragged it across them, practically feeling what is underneath because of how soaked them have become from your arousal. He let out a moan as his hands gripped your hips. “Let me make you feel good tonight baby,” you whispered to him with a kiss on the cheek. “Please…” he begged, thrusting up into your clothed core for friction. You finally peeled yourself from the wet panties and dragged his length across your now, bare, entrance. His tip slid across your folds and slipped in your hole really easily from the amount of arousal the two of you had amounted. “Fuck…” he whimpered, feeling the pleasure from the nerves on his tip. “Mm baby let’s get in the tub, it’s kinda hard for me to make you feel good when you’re so tall and I’m down here.” He nodded, not wanting to let himself slip out so soon but he knew what was coming soon. He slipped out, his length hardening even more, wanting your touch. 
He crawled into the tub and you followed, getting on top of him so you could make him feel good as his first time. You leaned down and captured his lips with yours as you placed a hand on his hardness, squeezing it and putting pressure on his tip. He moaned into the kiss and panted after you pulled away. “I want to feel you,” he confessed as you gestured his length across your folds again. You sunk down on his cock, feeling his ridges for the first time as you tilted your head back in pleasure. “F-fuck Rei, you feel so good in me, you’re taking me so well,” you praised. He let his hips thrust into you as you let out a small yelp, not expecting him to move so fast. “Shit (Y/N), did I hurt you?” You shook your head and smiled. “No baby just wasn’t expecting it, it’s been awhile for me too so I’m kinda getting used to it too.” He gave you a soften lustful smile, something that you hadn’t seen before. 
You let yourself settle on him before moving again, bouncing your hips up and down on his length. He was whimpering, gripping at your hips with his mouth half open. You had never seen this side of your lover before, so vulnerable and weak for you. You clenched around his length, eyes half open to see his reaction. He squirmed under you and thrust his hips up involuntarily, wanting more of you. “Mm Rei you feel so good like this, I feel like one with you,” you mused as you planted kisses on his bare chest and on his scars. “You make me feel so good Rei,” you whispered to him. “Fuck… (Y/N) I’m so close…” he breathed out. You rode yourself on him more to get closer to your release. Clenching around him, you rasped, “Then finish, inside me, I’m… on the pill, please,” you panted. You felt him twitch inside you as his rhythm of thrusting became irregular. You felt your core flush again of how aroused you are, watching him underneath you in such a pleasure-filled state. You clenched around him as you felt a gush of his seed inside of you, followed by more pumps from his pulsating length. That was enough to send you over the edge as you whimpered his name out. “Rei… Rei I’m… there too!” You tilted your head back in ecstasy as he interlaced his hands with yours, clenching your hole around his overstimulated length made him also whimper with pleasure. “Damn Rei… you felt… so good,” you managed to sputter out after your high. 
The two of you were a bit of a sweaty mess. The mirrors in the washroom were fogged up too, you noticed as you placed your forehead on his. His dark strands now sticking to his face and framing his jawline. You gave him a soft kiss on the tip of his nose. “You did so well baby. I hope it was a good first time for you,” you mumbled. He opened his eyes and gazed into your orbs as well. “It was amazing. I love you (Y/N).” You pressed another kiss onto his lips again, not wanting the intimacy to end with your lover. 
The moment was cut short by a slam heard throughout the apartment and banging on the washroom door. “Rei please let me in, I gotta go so baaadd.” The sound of Kazuki on the other side startled the two of you. The two of you looked at each other, realizing you were still connected with each other and haven’t cleaned up yet. “Fuck…” Rei mumbled under his breath. “Rei please!!” Kazuki sounded desperate on the other side. “Shit uh, one second!” The two of you awkwardly separated yourselves as fluids dripped out from you. You wanted to give him good aftercare but it was awkwardly cut short by his partner in crime. You wrapped a towel around yourself as Rei was able to shimmy into his clothes again. You opened the door ajar as you peaked your head out, surprising Kazuki. “(Y/N)? You’re here too?” He glanced up at Rei, looking more disheveled as usual. “I was just uh, gonna take a shower…” you excused as you stepped outside the washroom. Rei slid past as Kazuki stepped in. “Wait shower, but Rei you… wait…” he narrowed his eyes at the two of you and noticed the fogged up mirrors. 
“You two are nasty!” 
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garoujo · 1 year
✩ ˛˚ . REI SUWA ; — you hope rei doesn’t expect you to just watch him play games all day, you’ll have him wanting to watch you instead.
warnings: f!reader, thigh-riding while he’s gaming, v new characterisation i am nervy! note: yayyy my first buddy daddies post is finally here since i’m so crazy 4 him ;u; i had to get him out my system! &lt;;3 also thank u to yoru @/anantaru for brainstorming about this lil idea with me since literally ep 1!
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getting rei’s attention wasn’t an easy feat — especially when he was already lost in his game, only offering you grunts and groans in reply. it was rare for you both to get the house to yourselves but you’d been lucky enough that kazuki had taken miri out for the day — so there was no way you were gonna let the opportunity for some time alone to slip by.
luckily, despite your boyfriends otherwise stoic, unbothered appearance, you had a few things that you knew would be able to steer his gaze from his game — even for a few moments as you push yourself up from your place on the couch to make your way closer to him.
rei doesn’t offer you much at first when he feels your chest press up against him, but the sudden, close proximity does let you see the concentrated furrow on his brows despite the way you’re sure his breathing hitches, even for just a second.
“huh?” he grunts when he feels you push yourself underneath his arm — your thighs straddling one of his own before he’s offering you a drowsy, wordless look. but he doesn’t shrug you off, instead — he readjusts his controller so he can settle his arm around your hips as you nudge yourself closer.
“i’m just getting comfy, rei.” you drawl, deliberately light and airy as your fingers press underneath the headphones he has thrown around his neck, amusing yourself with the way goosebumps immediately rise under your touch. another grunt, followed by another few presses of the buttons on rei’s controller and you try to ignore the anticipation that bursts along your skin before you sigh.
your hands trace higher before they’re brushing through his hair, scratching at the undercut underneath before he’s shuddering beneath you — blinking slowly at his screen like he’s trying to focus. you breathe deep, starting with a slow, languid rock of your hips along his thigh that makes you gasp — surprised with how good it feels as your toes curl against the floor beneath you.
“what’re you doing?” rei questions, his voice is low and ragged and the drawl only seems to spur you on — emphasising the pleasurable shock you feel through your core with the next rock of your hips. he’s already slipping, casting you side glances before his brows are furrowing — chewing on the inside of his cheek as he squints at the tv, trying so hard to keep up his streak despite the way it holds basically none of his suddenly wavering attention.
“you can keep playing, rei—mmf, don’t mind.” your voice is uneven, a pretty, inaudible whisper that he swears he feels in his gut as he threatens to groan. but it’s charming the way he’s suddenly pouting, even more so when he chooses to curl his arm tighter around your hips — pulling you closer into him as he encourages more of your needy little thrusts along his thigh.
rei’s lips are parted, panting as his glances towards your figure become longer, drawn out and lidded as his chest expands with a shakey breath — grunting when he feels your fingers tighten in his hair before you pull and he swears his fucking cock twitches in his pants.
“can’t. he eventually replies but how needy his voice sounds surprises even him, words threatening to break under the weight of his own arousal. his controller is basically going untouched now as it rests in his lap — pressing into his cock as it strains and thickens with every needy swipe of your clothed cunt along his thigh.
“do you like this?” you grin before you lean in closer, lips ghosting against his cheek as rei lets his head rest back against the couch — his flushed features furrowing with the arousal he feels lick at the base of his spine before he nods.
your thighs twitch and squeeze around his as you notice the damp little patch that paints itself along his thigh — soaking through your panties with every eager swipe of your clothed clit along his well trained muscles. your body feels like it crumbles with how good it feels, just to be wrapped in his embrace as you chase your own high.
but you decide to offer yourself a few moments of relief as you slow, not noticing the dark, hooded look rei casts you at the change of pace — fuelled by the desperate strain of his cock in his pants right now. “hey.” he grunts lowly before his fingertips finally release his controller in favour of squeezing at your hips, taking control of the pace as he deliberately flexes his thigh under your needy movements and hugs you close enough to brush against his cock as he hisses.
“don’t stop yet, cmeer.”
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© 2023 garoujo. please do not copy any of my layouts or writing and translate or repost onto any other sites.
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skubean · 1 year
Headcanons for Aihaitham, Vox, Luca, and Rei with shy gn s/o?
hi, anon, i did get your request, and thank you !! hope you like this <3
Vox, Luca, Alhaitham & Rei with a Shy! GN Lover
characters: vox akuma & luca kaneshiro from luxiem, alhaitham from genshin impact and suwa rei from buddy daddies
notes: gender neutral reader, slightly ooc, uses of petnames such as love and darling, just fluff, nothing else enjoy!! (haven't proofread yet, so lmk of any errors!)
[ vox akuma ]
you've known vox to be someone who isn't shy with affection nor words, so he definitely likes bringing out a reaction out of you knowing that you're shy.
pda is his thing, and the first time he held you and you got so red, the image of that is basically permanently planted in his head.
vox is very reliable, so i assume that he would be the type that will do stuff for you if you can't. for example, he'll initiate most of the affection and will always be sure that you're comfortable.
he would ask for permission before touching you, so that you don't get surprised when he suddenly snakes an arm around your waist while your doing some chores.
he definitely notices your efforts in being the first to approach him, but he'll never push you to do it. so imagine how proud he was when you were the first to ask for a kiss after you both started dating.
"my, isn't this something, darling?", still manages to tease you before he gently leans into your lips, slightly feeling you tremble before holding you tight to reassure you.
he would tease you sometimes, but doesn't do it often because he doesn't wanna make you feel uncomfortable. so, he'll only usually do it if he notices that you're being playful.
the type to definitely sneak kisses when he thinks your asleep because he just finds you adorable!
overall, isn't really a problem to him knowing that his loveable significant other is shy around him, in fact, he likes it!
[ luca kaneshiro ]
luca's very social! so it was a surprise to him at first when he found out that you were actually shy.
hesitant to tease you, but does it anyway lmao
he thought you didn't like him, that's why you were so quiet (you were actually so into him, you just didn't know what to do)
once you both progressed into the relationship, luca would be the type that would play small pranks on you to see your reaction (mostly because he wants to see you smile)
isn't pushy with pda, but you can never resist his puppy eyes. he doesn't even know it's his charm, it just works!
pda in public happens occasionally, mostly because it's you who initiate it. otherwise, luca wouldn't want to push it (not that he doesn't like it, he's also kinda flushdge)
luca's a man of many words, so he's definitely one to tell you plenty of stories while you listen attentively.
talks a lot, listens kinda trope
after a while, luca's become a natural around you. he knows you best when others don't! so, people sometimes say that he's a pro when it comes to you.
"ofc i'm an expert! i'm the best bf ever", makes you laugh when he says that in a silly voice.
long story short, luca's the type of so who tries his best to make you feel comfortable, so he's definitely the #1 material man.
(more utc!)
[ alhaitham ]
ah, yes. the scribe. the acting grand sage. the man who ppl assume has no care for others and is extremely ignorant.
lies. lies everywhere.
alhaitham is the type to act really cold or carefree in front of others, but in front of you? baby.
it's probably your shy nature that makes him so comfortable. (prefers you over anything, so >>>>)
comes home and would drape himself all over you, while you get all flustered and red. this man will just laugh and pecks your cheek.
hes cheeky like that, i just know it.
very protective. literal definition of protective.
saw kaveh try to talk to you one time while he wasn't home and mans ran just to push kaveh away from you.
people know that you're both together because alhaitham makes it a habit to flaunt his locket of you every chance he has.
"acting grand sage, regarding this matter-" "it's 5. work is done. now, if you'll excuse me, i have someone waiting for me at home", literally leaves the office in the middle of a meeting bcs he will never come home late.
"love, im home" "uh, haitham, your co-worker called-" "pay them no mind, love. they're idiots", gets all handsy with you.
alhaitham doesn't really care that you're shy, he actually likes when you act all natural and blush around him only.
anyways, you're his beloved that he cares more than anything else. lowkey a simp. (i love goofy alhaitham sm im sorry)
[ suwa rei ]
rei is not a man of many words, we know that. so he doesn't really mind your preserved nature. in fact, it's like you both connect telepathically.
you were the first to ask him out (much to your own surprise), and rei thought you were really cool.
i feel like rei is also protective but he hides it a lot. the type who would sort of stalk you just to make sure your safe.
he may not talk much, but he does it for you. he knows what it feels like not being able to speak, so he doesn't push it onto you.
you and kazuki are probably besties, because kazuki bribes you with information abt rei you've never heard of before, and rei is always trying to separate you both.
he actually likes seeing you all sparkly and excited.
the both of you were pretty awkward early on in the relationship since talking wasn't really a thing.
but after a while, rei got used to the idea of having you around that he doesn't act all lazy anymore (kazuki thanks the lord for you).
if you also play games, expect a lot of late night dates where you both play games and hang out.
rei trusts you with his life, and is probably most comfortable with you. so, he isn't shy to prove that he loves you.
confesses out of the blue so often just to make sure you still love him.
"y/n." "yea, rei?" "i love you", sees your cheeks redden and smirks in satisfaction. (hes a fucking tease, i just know so)
overall, rei is the best if you're an introvert or prefer quiet dates. idk i just feel like rei doesn't mind you being shy because he himself has no care for anything skskksk (in a good way ofc).
a/n: okay, i just wrote what came into mind, so im sorry if this is a little scuffed! since valentine is tomorrow, feel free to request for valentine-themed hcs or imagines -> here!
happy early valentine's everyone <3 i'm spending it alone sadge T.T but i'll probably write some fics tmrw! see you - eden
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yujajacha · 1 year
omg i am sooo whipped for rei from buddy daddies it’s not even funny he makes me so mentally ill.. he’s literally perfect
so.... imagine being his little housewife and everything hahah.. that’s literally all i can think about ever since i watched some of the first episode 😭 i will definitely write a full fic sometime but here are some headcanon drabbles.. they’re not reallyyy proof read so it’s not the best but hopefully i’ll edit it sometime, just wanted to post something since it’s been awhile ^_^ happy new year everyone!!
CW: NSFW/MDNI, husband!rei, housewife!reader, fem!reader
husband!rei who really likes it when you wake him up in the morning. usually you’ll kiss him good morning, and he thinks it’s really cute! he prefers it over alarm clocks. he’ll purposely not wake up when you call on him in the morning or when you try to shake him. he likes surprising you back. after you give a few kisses to his face, he’ll french kiss back. you get really embarrassed and shocked the first few times it happens! after awhile you expect it, but it still makes you flustered. he also enjoys dragging you in the bed. he’ll loop his arms around you and just tug you in.
generally, i think he really likes kissing as well. he loves messy french kisses and is really rough in general. he likes to randomly start making out with you, even in public. you get really shy and it really fires him up more. he’s just so shameful and really doesn’t care. even if people stare or notice, he still stays unbothered.
husband!rei who thinks you are really a cute wife. you always make sure everything around the house is done! you do all the chores really diligently as well. but something deep inside him always stirs. he just wants to tease and disturb you. he’ll grope you randomly when you’re cleaning up after him. or when you’re cooking he’ll come behind you and grind himself on your ass.
husband!rei who’s super clingy. he always wants to have his hands on you. he easily manhandles you and uses as a cushion. he loves when you wear cute clothing for him, but his favourite is when you only wear his shirt that’s too big for you. it reminds him that you’re really his and he loves it. you belong to him.
husband!rei who’ll only take showers if it’s with you. he’s pretty lazy and uses that to his advantage. he’ll either wait until you nag him to go take one or if he really feels like one will drag you with him. he loves when you scrub his hair and wash his body. you even use your soap when you wash him, so he loves that he ends up smelling like you. he’ll also guide your hand to his dick just to tease you. he also loves washing you! it’s just an excuse to grope and touch you everywhere.
husband!rei that loves when you get on your knees when he’s playing his video games. when you rub your face on his crotch and give kisses to his dick through his pants. sometimes you’ll even try and lick through his boxers. he’s really patient, but his dick is already throbbing. he’ll wait until you try to take off his bottoms rather than eagerly remove them. he thinks it’s pretty cute when you become so excited for him! he’d mock you for it, but he’d want it as much as you.
he also loves when you cockwarm him. he’s so lazy by nature that cockwarming is so perfect for him. the way you keep squirming and whimper for him to move just makes him even harder. he really tries to control himself when you’re cockwarming him when he’s gaming. he really wants to stop playing and thrust into you, but it’s worth waiting. sometimes if he’s really impatient he’ll quit his game and punish you for being so naughty and disturbing him. he’d fuck you right until you’re about to cum, he can just tell with how tighter you’re getting and how your pussy flutters around him. he knows how badly you want to cum, and by not letting you he gets to hear you beg for him. he loves when you plead to climax. after edging you for awhile, he’ll make you cum nonstop. if you beg him to stop, he’ll say that it’s what you asked for.
husband!rei that says your cooking is just “decent” but in reality really enjoys it. however, one thing he could never undermine is how good you taste. he just needs to tell you how tasty you are. the dirty words that come out of his mouth always shake you up. he says them so shamelessly too. and he really likes eating you out as well. he’ll spend hours licking you and sucking on your clit. it doesn’t matter how many times you’ll try to make him stop, he won’t though. he’ll only stop when he feels like it. he really takes his time and goes at it so lazily and slowly, and really savour everything. he also like it when you pull on his hair, you’re not very strong compared to him and he finds it cute. it won’t make him stop at all either.
plus! he has really nice hands. he likes making you suck on them. he’ll feed you at times just to feel you licking and sucking his fingers. he also licks his fingers after fingering you, because he just can’t waste your juices. he loves fingering you as well and his fingers are nice and long, so it always leaves you satisfied. he’ll make you sit on him a lot, which usually ends up with him playing with your wet cunt.
husband!rei after a long and stressful day that comes back home to you. sometimes he’ll be in a good mood and really relieved that everything went as planned, so he’ll be a bit sweeter to you. he’ll thank you for being there for him and fuck you really slowly and sweet, but still be a bit mean. but other times he just wants to pound your pussy like there’s no tomorrow. you’re just his little stress relief. he just needs to let go and take his pent up feelings out. he’d take you from behind when you’re still clothed and just messily thrust with no rhythm, he just needs to go at it.
i’m gonna write him with a maid reader or pet play reader next hahaha… 😭😭😊 (i will do both eventually fr)
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crybbyhero · 1 year
Rei strikes me as someone who is very clingy/needy in the morning. Your warmth, your scent, the softness of your body, the feeling of your skin against his comforts him immensely. He swears he gets the best sleep when you are by his side. If you happen to try to slip out from beside him, he’ll just drag you back. It’s literally impossible for you to leave without him knowing, so most times you don’t even bother trying, but that doesn’t stop you from the occasional sneak attempt. Some times you just want to start your day early, or you want to cook breakfast for him for a change or maybe you just need to use the bathroom, but every time you think you’ve finally managed to break free, his hand will catch your arm at the last second. This is why he usually keeps an arm wrapped around you to stop you from trying to get up to early. 
He’s definitely not a morning person and will not get out of bed until noon. So if you do manage to leave, he knows he won’t be able to go back to sleep no matter how hard he tries and he’ll just toss and turn before eventually dragging himself out of bed to find you. If you’re on the couch, he’ll curl up in your lap like a kitten. If you are sitting at the table, he’ll pull up a chair and rest his head on your shoulder and fall right back asleep. He really has the ability to fall asleep anywhere as long as you are near him and he can touch and feel you in some way.
When you try to get up early today, you hear his voice before you can even make a move.
“Stay.” He mumbles, pulling you closer to him and burying his face in your neck.
“But Rei, it’s already 10am.” You whisper. “and Kazuki made breakfast.”
“Don’t care. It’ll still be there when we get up.”
You turn to look at him. His bedhair and tired eyes always making it hard for you to turn him down. “Okay, I’ll stay.” You move to face him as both his arms now wrap around your waist pulling you in further.
“Thank you.” He mumbles before you already start to hear him snore lightly.
You smile, placing a kiss to the top of his head and closing your eyes. “I guess a couple more minutes wouldn’t hurt.” You yawn.
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jinwoosungs · 1 year
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{ 96 }
kill bill.
rei suwa x fem.reader
10 stages of love
warnings: mentions of a neglectful father; v-olence and bl-od mention; soft depictions of intimacy; minors don’t interact.
by choosing to interact with this 18+ content, you have consented to viewing something n-fw despite the warnings.
{ i did it all for love... }
1. first sight
you had to be the unluckiest woman in the world, that you were certain of. at the ripe age of 23, you were forced to take on the debts left over by your horrid father left in the wake of his death as you found yourself surrounded by copious amounts of unpaid bills.  
despite how much you loved him, and how much his death had left quite a lingering ache within your heart, you knew that he was everything but an ideal father to you. after all, it was his vices and need to experience the more exhilarating type of life that lead him down numerous dark paths. 
for starters, he had the most abhorrent gambling addictions, more often than not blowing off any amount of money he earns from the jobs he could manage to keep through pachinko machines. and when he wasn’t spending his free time gambling his earnings away, he would be caught up with indulging in various illicit substances, simply to feel alive and whole again. 
such tragedy befell of your father the moment your mother had passed away when you were young. all you had ever known was the deep void your father felt as he struggled day in and day out to take care of you. during your teenaged years was when you forced yourself to grow up as you tended to him while taking care of yourself to the best of your abilities. 
you knew of most of his vices, and loved him unconditionally as a daughter should. his death had truly broken your heart-
but more so than that was the deep sense of freedom you felt. 
however, such feelings of freedom was bound to be ephemeral-
it all came into a shattering crash when you came home one day and saw that your apartment had been ransacked. you had just returned from your late hours spent working at your job. all around you were strange men dressed in suits, all of them concealing a weapon of their own the fear was felt coursing through your veins when you saw a scarred man in a suit with a gun safely within the confines of his pockets. 
he takes one look at you and grins, slamming down a few sheets of papers that you recognized as being written in your father’s own handwriting. “looks like your worthless old man was such pussy he went ahead and died before paying me the debts that he owes.”
his eyes gleams at you, eyeing at you with such a lustful hunger that you felt your heart drop down to the confines of your abdomen. 
“and he has given you to me, to do as i please as part of his payment.” 
you were trembling, already feeling the cold sweat travel down the nape of your neck as the nausea begins to settle. it takes you a herculean effort to prevent yourself from dry heaving, watching with a terrified gaze as the man steps forward, a glint seen within his dark brown eyes as he places a calloused hand behind your neck. “it’s a good thing you’re easy on the eyes, unlike that piss-ant excuse for a father.” 
as you were surrounded by those men, you were given little choice but to pack what belongings you wished to take with you as you were escorted out of your apartment by the men. it was only then that you found out that your father had somehow involved himself with the japanese mafia, the yakuza, managing to take several loans from them as he dug himself even deeper into the depths of their claws-
leaving you behind to deal with the mess. 
for the following weeks, your days were spent beneath deep scrutiny of the yakuza, living within their grand mansion as the boss ends up growing a fondness for you. he forces you to quit your job all while donning you in heavy amounts of makeup along with low cut and revealing dresses. you were nothing more than a piece of eye-candy for the bastard to admire and behold. 
“you’re damn lucky you’re so fucking beautiful. i don’t even wish to have you writhing beneath me, at least, not yet.”
it was one of those nights where you were forced to take a seat against the boss’ lap, surrounded by his luxurious furniture as he kept tracing his disgustingly chapped lips over your features. each time you felt his caress, you look away from him, making him grow even more frustrated with you when he tosses your form against the ground. 
the wind was knocked out of your very lungs as you struggled against him, using every bit of your strength to get him off of you-
but to no avail. 
his brown eyes were wild, filled with fury and lust as he worked on tearing away at your dress. “the more you keep defying me, the more i will wish to dominate you. i changed my mind, perhaps i will take you after all.” 
just as his hands reach down to the skirt of your dress as a scream was felt lodged in your throat-
the sounds of gunshots and a door slamming open was what stops him from going any further as you tilt your gaze to your right to see the sight of a young man, the mere visage of his sharply handsome features taking your very breath away. 
his dark hair was tied up in a neat ponytail, revealing a smooth undercut from beneath its soft strands as his dark eyes were slanted in a scowl. he was dressed in a suit, with black gloves covering his hands as he aimed the gun directly at the man hovering above you. the yakuza boss was given no chance to react when he aims his gun towards the man, shooting him directly against his head as your screams finally echoed throughout the room. 
2. introduction
the adrenaline was felt coursing through your very veins, and you swore you were close to gagging upon feeling the warm sensation of blood beginning to  stain the fabric of your dress. despite how the rich scent of iron fills your senses, you couldn’t find the strength to move as you were left frozen on the ground with a dead man slumped over you. 
your heart was pounding, sending rushes of ice cold blood to rush through your veins as your breaths came out as uneven and labored. 
“oi, can you hear me? OI!”
with a gasp, you felt the man with the gun, your savior, pick the dead body off of you before tossing him aside. your eyes briefly meet with his, and you found yourself admiring the deep shade of sable settled within his stern gaze, comparing the color of his eyes to a deep, moonless night. you watch as his thin lips move, and you were aware of him speaking to you, but the blood rushing through your ears was making it difficult for you to understand him. 
he lets out a string of curses, muttering some word pertaining to you being traumatized before leaning down to pick up your trembling form. he doesn’t seem to mind the blood that stains at your dress, nearly drying as your breathing slowly began to calm down its rapid beats. 
while you were held in his arms, you were aware of his brisk pace when he takes you out of the room, allowing you to see just the sheer amount of damage he had caused as many of the yakuza members had a bullet wound gracing their chests. the sheer sight of it all was enough to make you tremble once more-
you were aware of the way he continues his trek out of the mansion, calling out to you when you divert your attention back to him, “p-pardon?”
he doesn’t return your questioning gaze, eyes remaining honed in on the exit settled several feet away. but...perhaps it was your imagination, but did your savior press your form even closer to his chest in hopes of shielding you from the gruesome image of the fallen yakuza members? 
the man lets out a gentle huff, “i asked you what your name was.” 
finding yourself clinging to him, you could feel your face heat up in response to his close proximity. wetting your lips, you take in a deep breath before exhaling, softly murmuring your name to him. 
he tilts his gaze downwards, meeting your gaze while softly repeating the syllables that made up your name. his brushes against your skin was soft, achingly so, before his tone becomes softer, “are you alright? did that bastard hurt you?”
you shiver at the memory, letting out a whimper before folding yourself even closer to him. “h-he was going to hurt me, nearly beyond repair; b-but, you saved me.” 
a sound reminiscent of a pleased hum was heard coming from the confines of his throat, his strides taking him out of the mansion as the cold night air was felt hitting against your skin. his gaze lands on a vehicle settled near the mansion’s gates, ready to walk towards it when he was suddenly stopped, feeling a soft sensation gracing his jaw. 
looking down, he meets with your shimmering gaze, filled with gratitude for saving you as you whisper, “what’s your name?”
a sudden shyness was felt coursing through him, causing him to avert his gaze all while letting out a cough. 
“it’s suwa, suwa rei.” 
a smile was seen gracing your features, and you found yourself repeating the syllables that make up his name, thinking to yourself how much the name suits him before allowing your body to succumb to its exhaustion. the moment rei feels your form slump within his arms, he frantically calls out your name, patting at your face in hopes of getting you to awaken- 
but with you completely unconscious, in a deep sleep even, the young assassin knew that he could not leave you alone.
 3. interaction
the moment kazuki saw rei return back to their shared home with you in his arms, he knew something major had happened during his solo mission. nearly forgetting that he still had miri in his arms, he hears her let out a gasp all while asking, “papa rei brought home a princess!” 
rei gives his partner an exasperated expression, feeling his own exhaustion coursing through his veins, “can you put miri to bed? i promise, i’ll explain everything later.” 
understanding the look settled deep within rei’s eyes, kazuki gives him a nod before carrying miri away, doing his best to calm the young girl’s tantrums and curiosity pertaining to the woman settled within rei’s arms. 
he sighs, making his way toward his bedroom, allowing the light from the hallway to light up the dark corners of his room. with his bed in sight, he gently settles your sleeping form on top of the covers. running a hand through his dark hair, he releases them from the confines of his ponytail, allowing them to fall freely across the back of his neck. 
rei’s gaze continues to linger on your form, unsure of what he planned to do with you. your dress was a complete mess, the front of it being dyed a deep burgundy due to how he had immediately taken out the boss, spilling his blood all over your form.
a surge of guilt courses through him, hating the fact that he had to make an innocent person like yourself bear witness to such bloodshed. his hands itch with the need to reach out to you, to brush back the strands of your hair while cleaning your form of any spilled blood-
he coughs, banishing such strange thoughts from the confines of his mind. his face felt oddly heated when he finally convinces himself to deal with this all in the morning, already having plans to sleep in his bathtub and allow you to rest within the safety of his room. 
he turns around, only to nearly jump back in response upon coming face to face with kazuki. his brown eyes were filled with concern when he tilts his gaze over to your sleeping form. “was this another one of watanabe’s women?” 
“yeah, the bastard was close to tearing her apart had i not arrived sooner.”
“heh, and is that why your fair maiden is covered in blood?”
rei winces upon hearing kazuki’s teasing words, rolling his eyes as he was ready to prepare his bed from within the safety of the bathtub when kazuki stops him. his hand was gripping at his wrist, stopping him from leaving when he asks, “what do you plan to do with her?”
ah, of course, the age old question. what was he going to do with you? kazuki’s concerns were valid, and besides, it’s not like you didn’t have your own life to return to. surely, he was able to help you return back to the life you had before watanabe ruined it? 
avoiding kazuki’s gaze, he allows his eyes to travel back to your sleeping form, watching the way your chest rose and fell in tune with your breathing. just seeing how vulnerable you were, still in your ruined dress with your face finally painted in the perfect visage of tranquility. 
tearing his gaze away, rei shrugs off his partner’s hold on his wrist. “we’ll deal with such things later.” 
4. attraction
as if the circumstances couldn’t get any stranger... you found yourself living in the same house as rei, along with his partner, kazuki kurusu and adoptive daughter, miri. 
the morning after rei had saved you and taken you back to his home, there seemed to be tense and terse silence that filled the air. you recall waking up that morning, feeling sick to your stomach at the sight of the dried blood that soaks the front of your dress. 
you felt the bile creeping up the confines of your throat, about to heave up everything that remains in your stomach had it not been for the sight that came from your periphery. settled at the end of the bed was a folded shirt and a pair of shorts with a new packet that contained a toothbrush and a tube of toothpaste. 
a surge of warmth was felt coursing through your very veins, somehow knowing that rei had given you such items as you force yourself out of bed. wanting nothing more than to discard the disgusting dress that covers your form as you shrug yourself out of it. picking up the new clothes and packet of essentials close to your chest. 
making sure that the hallways were clear, you kept following it until you reached the bathroom, sliding your form within the room as you worked on thoroughly cleansing your body from the events that happened last night. 
with you feeling refreshed and dressed in what you assumed to be rei’s clothes, you make your way towards the kitchen to see rei already settled on the table with an adorable young girl with rich brown hair settled on his lap all while feeding him bits of what looked like pancakes. for a moment, you felt your heart become trapped within your throat upon seeing rei in his disheveled state. 
he was achingly handsome, with the soft curls seen falling across his face. there was a soft expression seen within his eyes when he holds the little girl on his lap, allowing her to pat and prod at his cheeks while letting out a string of giggles-
and truly, it was such an endearing sight to you.  
“papa, papa! say ahhh!” she beckons at rei to lean down and take a bite out of the pancake dipped in syrup, making his mouth twitch a little bit before leaning down to meet with her gaze. 
“ahh.” rei’s voice was completely deadpan, dripped in nonchalance as he allows the young girl to feed him the delectable pancake. the sight was enough to make you smile as a giggle was felt escaping from your lips, and you immediately regretted letting your presence known. rei’s gaze was unreadable, looking at you as the little girl does the same. 
thank the heavens for miri, for the moment she sees you, she hops off of rei’s lap and comes to meet with your surprised gaze. “hello! you are the pretty princess in papa’s arms!” 
you could feel your cheeks turn warm in response to the girl’s sweet words, causing rei to let out a cough as he tries to correct her, “she’s just...a friend of papa’s.” 
the girl doesn’t seem to pay rei any mind, standing on the tip of her toes as she beckons you to pick her up. upon seeing this, rei tries to stop her, “wait, miri, she’s not-”
he trails off upon hearing your sweet giggles, picking her up with no hesitation as you bask in her laughter. the sudden tension felt within the household melts with the joyous sounds that escapes your lips. such a happy sight was enough to make kazuki stop his cooking, watching with unbidden amusement while watching their daughter laughing so freely whilst in your arms.
after calming down miri, you were able to settle yourself on the dining table as kazuki brings you your own plate of breakfast. between bites of your pancakes and sausages, rei keeps his gaze honed in on you. kazuki distracts miri with feeding her some pancakes as well, allowing rei to talk to you. 
“do you know what you want to do?” 
you hum, cutting off a piece of sausage while chewing on it thoughtfully. “to be honest... not really. since watanabe forced me to come with him as part of my dad’s...payment,” you give yourself a chance to shudder, “i had to quit the lease on my apartment and my job as well.” 
“papa rei, you can keep her!” 
rei was in the midst of taking a sip of his coffee when miri’s sudden outburst makes him choke on his coffee, the poor man nearly spewing the dark liquid across the table earning an amused chuckle from kazuki. 
“i mean, our daughter has a point. it doesn’t seem right to simply kick her out, right? especially after going through something so traumatic as being the center of watanabe’s affections.” kazuki shivers dramatically in response, the sight of his goofy expression was enough to melt all thoughts pertaining to the uncertainty of your future away. 
5. date
currently, you had been living with rei and his unorthodox family for a few months now, acting as miri’s primary caretaker when rei and kazuki were sent on missions. despite how awkward it all seemed in the beginning, you all managed to work it all out-
well, for the most part.
what you didn’t account for was the absolute attraction you felt whenever you were close to rei. everything about him seemed to draw you in, and you found yourself daydreaming about him on more than one occasion. everything about him intrigued you, and you wanted nothing more than to tear down the walls rei had built for himself surrounding his heart.
being kazuki kurusu’s complete opposite in every way, you realize that rei was a man that spoke and expressed himself with few words. he enjoyed keeping to himself, spending his free time basking in his various videogames, working out on his treadmill, or tending to his personal garden.
and oh boy...there was a moment where you had caught rei in the midst of his workout, running on the treadmill as you collected everyone’s dirty clothes to do some laundry when you happen to pass by rei whilst he was on the treadmill. your periphery had caught sight of him, but your curiosity got the best of you as you felt yourself facing forward-
only to have your heart cease with its beats at the mere sight in front of you.
rei didn’t notice you, eyes clenched shut as headphones covered his ears. he ran across the treadmill dressed only in a pair of sweats. his muscular body was littered with scars, and even with a few bullet wounds here and there-
yet he was still so attractive to you. you could feel your cheeks warm up as you thought about what it would feel like to kiss away at those scars all while darting your tongue-
as if sensing your presence, rei looks directly at you, taking off his headphones while asking you if you were alright. to which you merely let out a squeak in reply before dashing away from him.
because of how you had witnessed him working out so freely like that, your mind was a complete and total mess whenever rei was around. each time he was within your proximity, you would feel your blood rushing through your veins as your whole body began to heat up in response. the emotions rei had elicited from you was truly and utterly maddening.
so you decided to finally act on your emotions, knowing exactly what to do when rei had his next day off.
it happens on a sunday, with the sounds of rei playing one of his games in the early morning prompting you to wake up. you continue with your morning routine and put on your newly purchased clothes. dressed in a shirt and a cozy pair of sweatpants, you calm down your racing heart and make your way toward rei. 
his form was settled on the couch, dark eyes glued to the glowing screen as he mashes several buttons on his controller, completely focused on the game when you make your appearance known. he acknowledges you with a nod before returning back to his game. 
you watch the screen, coming closer to where he was settled on the couch to see that he was playing one of those competitive fighting games. hoping that he didn’t catch your bluff, you settle yourself next to him while giggling, “oh, i love this game. i used to play it all the time with my friends.”
rei pauses the game, looking at you with his eyebrows arched upwards in question. “oh yeah?”
“yes.” you confirm with a nervous smile, truly hoping that rei couldn’t catch your bluff. your eyes travel over to the second controller and gesture over at it. “how about we compete one-on-one?” 
just then, the most attractive smirk graces rei’s features, “what? are you hinting that there’s a prize at the end of it?”
“but of course,” you say with a cheshire cat grin spreading across your features. “if you win, you get to ask anything of me...and if i win...” you trail off, suddenly feeling shy when his gaze is kept honed in on your form. 
“and if you win...?” he trails off, ending in a question as he is genuinely curious as to what you were going to say. 
ignoring the way your cheeks began to heat up so considerably in response, you look away from him and say, “if i win, th-then you must take me out on a date.” 
the silence that permeates the air was unbearable to you, and you found yourself regretting betting such a thing. perhaps he wouldn’t take the bait after all, and you were so close to saying how you were just kidding-
that is, until rei says with a smile on his face, “you’re on, let’s do this.” 
he stands from his seat, allowing you to take the other controller before he settles back on the couch right next to you. he exits out of the menu and switches over from single player to two-player. upon reaching the character selection scene, you chose your favorite character to play while rei does the same. 
you could feel your palms become sweaty in response, ready to button mash your way into his heart when the fight starts. feeling so wound up, you end up releasing a flurry of attacks first with rei’s character being barely able to block it. 
it was strange, but wasn’t rei a great player at this game? surely the hours he spent putting into the game would reflect his far superior style of gameplay compared to yours-
so why was it that you were able to chip away at the opponent with ease? truly, you had lied about this game being a favorite of yours, with you simply taking a guess with each button mash you performed. within just seconds alone, your character comes out victorious, standing over rei’s own player character as rei drops his controller in response. 
“alright, you won fair and square.” his deadpan expression meets with yours, making your heart race even faster in response. “i’ll take you out somewhere nice come next weekend.” 
6. holding hands
you were still in a daze when rei had agreed to take you out on a date so freely like that. 
between kazuki’s knowing smiles and miri’s joyous laughter all urging you onwards with your date with rei. when the weekend finally came, you found that your heart wouldn’t stop racing with anticipation, making sure that you were dressed extremely well while wearing some makeup in hopes of further attracting rei to you. 
with you ready to go, you meet with rei, feeling your heart perform somersaults from within the confines of your chest from the mere sight of him. he wore a deep blue jacket, coupling it along with some jeans and a regular pair of sneakers. his curled black hair falls perfectly across his pale face, his full lips perfectly straightened, not showing a single emotion as you struggled to decipher what remains within his mind when he looks at you. 
your own gaze was shy, meeting his eyes for a brief moment as you fought back the urge to ask him, what do you think? 
but lucky for you, perhaps rei suwa wasn’t as stoic as he made himself out to be. for the moment you step closer to him, eyes wide with your lips parted, as if ready to utter your question when a sudden flash of pink was seen settled across his cheek. 
not wanting to be scrutinized or teased by kazuki or their daughter, rei takes a hold of your hand and exits his home together with you. “we’ll be back later, by tonight.” he calls out to his partner and daughter before pulling you along, leading you away from your shared home. 
you were close to asking where he planned to take you, but felt your words get caught within the confines of your throat when he takes a hold of your hand, interlocking them together with his as he looks back at you. he lets out a gentle whisper of your name before telling you, “we can go anywhere you’d like.” 
7. first kiss
your laughter was all that echoed throughout the night was you kept your arm wrapped around rei’s. staying true to his word, rei takes you to wherever you pleased, allowing you to truly tailor the date to your liking alone. 
knowing of rei’s introverted nature, you took him to your favorite cafe, treating yourselves to your favorite drinks before exploring a bookstore close by. the sight of his tiny smile gracing his features as he buys the volumes to his favorite manga was an image that you embedded within the depths of your mind. you had every intention of paying for your own books, but was left pleasantly surprised when he ends up purchasing your novels for you as well. 
you end up giggling, having the time of your life while gently running your hips against rei’s as he carried your bag of books with him, “you know, i didn’t think you’d be so bad at city fighters.” 
he lifts up his eyebrows at you, “pardon?”
“you know,” you run your hips against his once more, “when we made that bet? and i told you that you owed me a date if you lost?” 
it was then that a rich smirk appears on rei’s handsome features, stopping his movements when he meets your gaze and tells you, “oh that? don’t get too cocky, since i lost on purpose.”
the sudden realization makes your cheeks burn with embarrassment, especially when rei begins laughing at you. “w-wait, what?! you lost on purpose, b-but why?!” 
your question succeeds in making rei cease with his laughter, not looking at you as he hid his mouth behind the back of his hand. “f-figure it out yourself.” 
it takes you a few minutes, until it finally dawns on you. 
he wanted to go on a date with you. 
yet before you could voice the answer out loud, rei distracts you, asking you where you wanted to eat for dinner. with your heart racing and tied in knots at the thought of rei being so damn cute and charming, you allow rei to choose the restaurant. 
you end the night with a dinner at a small and quaint diner that rei favored hidden within the corner of the city. you both end up enjoying the meal while striking a conversation with him. during your conversation, it seemed as though rei was purposely being closed off, not saying much as he allows you to delve into your own rich history about your past. 
throughout dinner, you tell him about your rocky relationship with your father, seeing the way rei had tightened his grip on his fork when he listens to all of the troubles you went to, even going into some detail of the weeks you spent with watanabe. 
“b-but truly, i’m fine now! i mean, i feel like i should feel sad, or like, just any emotion that pertains to him but...with him gone now, i just feel an overwhelming sense of relief? and i just...i feel so bad about it.” 
rei remains silent, hiding his face from beneath the length of his hair before dropping his fork. you were going to ask him if he was okay, only to see him suddenly lean forward as he takes a hold of your chin. his eyes gaze deeply into yours, saying your name in a bit of a husky tone before capturing your lips in a sweet kiss. 
you were given no chance to react the moment rei pulls away from you, eyes now shimmering with a deep emotion you just couldn’t quite put a finger on yet. he keeps his gaze honed in on yours before settling back against his seat. with your free hand in sight, he takes a hold of it, holding it against him as he presses a kiss against the back of it. 
“i know your feelings pertaining to your father all too well. and really, there’s no need for you to feel sorry. you aren’t obligated to forgive him, not when he’s inflicted so much pain on you.” 
hearing rei’s words causes a fresh wave of tears to wash over you, feeling comforted by his reassuring words as you felt your heart begin to blossom with newfound feelings for the man settled in front of you. 
8. relationship
something was growing between you and rei, you could feel it. 
every waking moment was spent together with him. you couldn’t quite put a label on what was going on between the two of you, due to rei’s own quiet and introverted nature. 
but truly, you didn’t think that your relationship needed a label; not in the slightest. 
all you knew was that he was immensely important to you, and possibly, just as broken as you were due to his own troubled past. you wanted to soothe his own heartaches and help with healing his own traumas to the best of your abilities. 
it was late into the night and you found that you couldn’t sleep, not without rei by your side. with your form cuddling close to one of your pillows, you continue watching random videos on your phone, hoping that one of them would miraculously lull you into a peaceful slumber, like miri would each time you finished reading a bedtime story for her. 
but truly, you need rei by your side to feel any amount of comfort within the night. 
as if answering your heeds, your ears perk upon hearing the sound of a front door opening. you gently lower your phone, straining your ears to listen for the familiar sounds of rei’s footsteps. the closer he got to your shared bedroom, the more prominent his sighs became as he pushes the door open. 
his eyes strain against the darkness, seeing the way your phone still lights up the space before grunting, “it’s late, why are you still up?”
you cough, turning off your phone before deciding to be honest with him. “i-i couldn’t sleep without you next to me.” 
rei was unnaturally silent, not making a sound when he loosens his tie and takes off the jacket of his suit. you listen to him let out a sigh of your name before joining you in bed, feeling the expensive fabric of his collared shirt brushing against your back. 
“are you not going to change?” 
cue rei letting out a grunt in response. “no, too tired.” he leans in closer to you, breathing in your scent before placing a kiss behind your neck. “besides, i can’t sleep unless i have you in my arms.” 
the mutual warmth you felt was undeniable, and you could feel your heart brimming with fondness for him when the drowsiness slowly takes over your form. you could feel your eyelids become heavy, basking in the way rei’s chest was pressed against your back, making you feel every sensation of his breathing whilst he slept.
9. love
there was a sudden distance felt forming between you and rei, and you weren’t sure what had become the catalyst to such a thing. it was felt each time you tended to miri, watching with an almost forlorn expression each time rei leaves without sparing you a second glance. 
during those times where he would leave on his own, you would ask kazuki if you had done anything to upset rei, to which he would simply let out a chuckle in response. “it’s fine, rei’s probably just busy, that’s all. it probably has nothing to do with you.” 
you thanked him for his words, tending to miri once more as she shows you all of the pictures she had drawn as you force yourself to smile. she calls out your name before shifting through her many drawings, pulling out one in hopes of cheering you up. 
“mama, look, your holding hands with papa rei a-an he’s holding your hand ‘cause he loves you! this will be my present for you!”  
you felt an almost painful smile cross your features, holding miri tightly against you as you buried your nose within her soft strands of hair all while breathing in the soft scent of her strawberry shampoo. “thank you, sweetheart.”
later that night, kazuki offers to put miri to bed so that you could be alone with your thoughts. within the comfort of your shared room, you kept miri’s picture close to you, staring at the sweet colors and wondering if rei would come home tonight. your fingers trace at his features within the drawing, feeling your heart ache as you called out his name.
you were so caught up in your thoughts, wondering if you could truly explain the reasoning behind rei’s distance that you were unaware of the sudden presence coming from behind you. the man seemed out of breath, entering the room before locking the door, making his way toward you. 
you gasp, finally realizing that you were no longer alone when you saw rei take great strides toward you. his eyes were filled with a yearning, brimming with the same shine within his gaze you had seen during your first date. you call out to him, voice a stuttering mess when he strips himself of his clothes. 
with his added weight making the bed dip in response, you feel him reach out towards you, hands brushing against your chin as he forces you to face him. he lets out a hoarse cry of your name before delving his lips against yours in a sweet kiss. with a moan, you feel your hands let go of miri’s drawing, allowing it to flutter to the ground as you felt yourself drowning within his kiss. 
using his strength alone, he picks up your form to settle it in the middle of the mattress, his knee coming between your legs as he pushes against your core with a purpose. you moan into his kiss, feeling the heat spread from between your legs the more rei places the pressure against it. 
when the need for air became too much to bear, he pulls away from the kiss first, settling his form away from you as he works on tearing off the rest of his clothes. you whimper upon feeling rei pull away from, about to voice your protest when he finally strips his collared shirt away from his body, revealing his broad and scarred chest for your eyes to drink in. 
he crawls closer to you, pressing a finger against your parted lips when he tells you, “sssh, we wouldn’t want to wake up miri...” he trails off, hands working on lifting up your own pajamas away from your form as he pushes up the soft fabric, revealing your bare, heaving breasts to him. 
he moans at the sight, hands coming to latch on to your heated skin while letting out a quiet string of curses, “d-damn, i forgot how you seldom sleep with a bra on.” he squeezes at your chest, prodding at your nipples before settling himself above your form. licking his lips, he takes in one of your hardened buds into his hot mouth with his tongue curled against it. him lavishing such sinful kisses across your chest makes you elicit a whimper, with you literally having to bite down against the back of your hand as rei continues his ministrations on your form. 
the ache you felt between your legs was painful, becoming so uncomfortable that you felt your very breath become taken away from you. you became so needy for him that you felt your legs wrap themselves around his waist, grinding yourself against him in hope of relieving such an annoying ache that took residence between them. 
he groans at the sensation, nipping at your skin before traveling down your form, “so damn impatient.”
rei continues to lift your clothes away from your body, tearing them away from your form as you were left in your panties. with a grunt of your name, rei keeps sliding down your frame until he was settled between your legs, pressing a kiss against your inner thighs before grabbing at your panties, pulling them down with his teeth alone. 
your mind was spinning, feeling your panties loosely hang against your ankles as rei presses soft kisses against your aching core. you could feel the evidence of your arousal coming out of you as rei’s gentle licks against your slickness makes you toss your head back in response. 
the squelching sounds that were felt and heard eliciting from your core as rei worked on devouring you was enough to send your heart and mind reeling. thoughts were no longer felt nor acknowledged the moment rei decides to explore your gummy walls with his fingers. he stretches you, allowing his fingers to gently prod and open them all while drinking in the evidence of your arousal. 
nearly letting out a cry of his name, you bite down against the back of your hand, feeling yourself spill into his mouth as rei lets out a guttural groan of your name. 
as if driven by sheer desperation for you, rei steps out of bed for a few moments, shoving his dress pants and boxers down as you watch with anticipation, admiring the prominent erection seen between his legs. he comes closer to your form, pressing a kiss against your forehead before leaning over you to reach the nightstand. from the drawer, he pulls out a square foil and rips it open with his teeth. 
returning back to you, his eyes never leave your form as he places the ring of rubber around his cock, ready to take you in every sense of the word as he allows your legs to wrap around his waist. 
his eyes were brimming with absolute adoration for you, allowing the tip of him to collect at the arousal that stains your walls. your breath hitches when you feel him slide his tip within your aching core, making you arch your back when rei breathlessly tells you, “i’d rather be in hell than alone, and you make me feel less alone.” 
“r-rei...ah!” within seconds, he fully sheathes himself inside of your walls, pounding himself passionately in and out of you all while admiring the way your breasts seemed to bounce with his every movement. the sheer amount of pleasure you felt was at an all time high, with rei feeling the same way as he struggled to keep his breathing even. 
due to your respective desperations that was felt, rei continues to quicken his thrust all while holding on to your hips tightly, the bed seeming to creak and bounce with his passionate movements as you arched your back in response. just feeling how deeply rei penetrates your walls makes you gasp, crying out to him when rei suddenly leans forward to capture your lips in a bruising kiss, thus swallowing your moans. 
with one final thrust, rei comes and spills himself within the condom as your walls convulses against him at the same time, feeling yourself spill the sweet evidence of your release over him. he lets out a grunt, making sure he was completely emptied before pulling out of you, tying up the used condom as he tosses it within the trash-bin settled in the corner of his room. 
both of your expressions were painted with a tinge of exhaustion when rei comes closer to you, taking you in his arms as he places the blankets over your naked forms. all was quiet, with neither of you uttering a single word. rei allows you to bask in the quiet ambience, taking advantage of your sleepy state as you let out a yawn and fell asleep against him. 
feeling your gentle breaths against his skin, rei closes his eyes all while softly murmuring into the night. 
“i love you.” 
10. commitment
the sun was felt shining a bit too brightly for your liking, making you wince as you buried your head even further from within your beloved’s chest. did you and rei end up sleeping in? the intensity of the sun was insane, and you weren’t sure if kazuki needed your or rei’s help with taking care of miri. 
with a soft moan, you were ready to call out to him to wake him up, sitting up from your position on his chest when something sparkling from the corner of your eyes catches your attention. following the sight, you felt the air escape from your lungs upon seeing an engagement ring settled safely within a plush, black velvet box. 
as if spellbound by such a sight, you step out of bed and come closer to where the ring was settled, hand trembling as they reached down to grab a hold of it. the box kept shaking, even when it was placed upon the palm of your hand, and you couldn’t find any reasons why such a ring would be here, in yours and rei’s shared bedroom. 
you weren’t sure how much time had passed when rei finally woke up, dark eyes completely unreadable when he puts on his boxers and joins you. he takes note of the way your hand keeps trembling and decides to take a hold of the ring, letting out a soft chuckle when he teases you, “shall i help you with putting it on?” 
you gasp, meeting his gaze while letting out a stuttered cry of his name. taking the box from your hand, he extracts the diamond ring from its confines before sliding it on to your left ring finger. “ah, a perfect fit.” 
gently, he turns you around so that you were facing him. his expression was shy, as a light blush dusts at his cheeks, “i’m sorry, i’m not so good at these types of things, and i didn’t mean to come off as being so distant when all i wanted was to surprise you with this.”
he admires the ring settled on your finger and sighs, getting down on one knee for you, “i had every intention of waiting; of proposing to you when i took you out to dinner or something...but, the moment i saw you sleeping so peacefully while next to me, i couldn’t stand not being to claim you as mine for forever. that’s why...i carefully snuck out of bed and took out the ring in hopes that you would see it once you woke up.” 
holding on to your left hand, he places a kiss against your ring finger, purposely brushing his lips against the engagement ring when he tells you, “i’ve never felt such a deep love or fondness for anyone- well, aside from with miri, but you’re different.” he presses his forehead against the back of your hand, “with you, i learned just how soft having an unconditional type of love could be. i see it every day when you care for miri and laugh at all of kazuki's stupid jokes. i want to spend the rest of my life with you, tying your life together with mine.”
“i’ll always protect you, so please, marry me.” 
with a happy cry of his name, you eagerly accept his proposal, causing the widest smile to appear across rei’s handsome features as he stands back to his full height, taking you in his arms as he kisses you deeply, filled with joy at the thought of you becoming his wife ♡
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a.n. - currently an unedited mess of a story, but it was so worth it ♡ as always i will fix any glaring errors once it's posted 🥹
all stories are written by rei; reposts, translations, and plagiarism are not allowed.
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manias-wordcount · 1 year
The Same Dreams (Rei Suwa x Reader x Kazuki Kurusu)
𝗪𝗔𝗥𝗡𝗜𝗡𝗚: 𝗹𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝘀𝘂𝗴𝗴𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗺𝗲𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗸𝗶𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗻𝗴. 𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗰𝗿𝗮𝘇𝘆
𝙒𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙 𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙚? ⇒ 𝙈𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩
𝙟𝙤𝙞𝙣 𝙢𝙮 𝙙𝙞𝙨𝙘𝙤𝙧𝙙 𝙨𝙚𝙧𝙫𝙚𝙧?
𝙗𝙪𝙮 𝙢𝙚 𝙖 𝙘𝙤𝙛𝙛𝙚𝙚?
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By the time you come to, your eyesight is filled with the bright lights of the TV screen. 
 It’s foreign. It’s different. It just doesn’t seem real in this moment. But yet, it is.
 You let out a soft sound- groaning lightly at the agony of being awoken by such an offensive sight from such a peaceful slumber. It’s harsh, beaming, bright, colorful, and all sorts of things that you can’t help but hate in this tired, tired moment of yours. But no matter how hard you squeeze your eyes shut and try to pretend it doesn’t exist, some of that light slips through the cracks. And suddenly, your eyesight is adjusting. Even though you really rather it didn’t.
 Alas, it’s out of your control. And all too soon, you find that despite the darkness surrounding the open windows of the apartment contrasting the lights from the TV screen, you can see clearly once again. Your mind still moves a bit slowly. You’re sleepy and you’re warm and you’re content with this feeling. As you move to turn your head to take in the rest of the room, you still feel the lull of tiredness in your brain. But it eases up as you look from spot to spot- taking in all that you see. The tray of half-eaten snacks on the coffee table. The pile of dirty pots and pans in the kitchen, just out of sight. A mess of cables where phones and consoles and controllers fight to be plugged in for power. The line of stuffed animals angled to view the TV screen. And at the center of it all a passed-out Miri. 
 Wrapped in a blanket pile on the ground, head on a pillow, and completely conked out with a tiny snack wrapper in her hand.
 Once your eyes land on her, the memories of tonight come back to you oh-so-clearly. You were called over for a babysitting gig while the boys were away at work. And that turned into being convinced that you should stay for dinner since Miri was having so much fun…and there was nothing in your fridge at home. And one thing led to another, and suddenly, it’s a game tournament between three of you while the cooking takes place. But after a little bit more fun, it’s time for dinner. But after dinner, there comes more cries of how Miri doesn’t want you to go- how she doesn’t want the fun to end. And so, you found yourself sitting down on the couch once more. But this time, you’re wrapped in blankets. You’re swaddled with care. You’re sitting between two very handsome men…
 “Um, Rei…? Kazuki...?”
 …who just can’t seem to let you go.
 At the sound of your soft murmur, you feel Rei shift. You’re aware he’s a light sleeper- you’ve been told it comes with his territory. Though you didn’t expect him to be woken up by such a quiet whisper. One so far away from his ears, no less. Right now, he’s half laid across the sofa with his head on your lap and his arms wrapped around your thigh. His long legs hang over the side of the couch air while the rest of his body sinks into the plush surface. You can’t help but think to yourself that this position can’t be comfortable. But when you take the chance and give a soft whisper of his name again, you’re met with a familiar, low tone of voice that never fails to capture your attention.
 “Go back to sleep already…”
 For a split second, his comment surprises you. It’s followed by a rustle of him moving beneath his own blanket, before curling into you and your body even tighter than before. Your breath hitches at his reaction. You’re not used to seeing Rei this affectionate. Hell, you’re not used to seeing Rei this open or touchy or even comfortable with another person before. Even Miri still has to initiate all her cuddles. So you decided that you had to do it- you had to take the chance. But Rei barely reacts to the feels of your hand reaching out and curling through his messy bangs. No, he welcomes it as he turns a little more into your grasp and silently urges you to keep combing through his hair as he melts into your lap once more. 
  Though despite how floored you are at the rare sight before you, a quick look to the clock tells you that it’s way after the young girl’s bedtime. And something needs to be addressed:
 “Someone needs to put Miri to bed.” You whisper to him. Half of you hopes that this will be enough for him to let you go- let you stand and grab her so she can be tucked in nice and proper and get a good night’s rest. But the other half of you? “And I need to go home too. It’s after midnight.”
 The other half of you is wondering why you decided to open your mouth and say something like that in the first place. But fortunately for you- there’s already an invitation waiting for you. And this time, it’s coming from a voice you were a little more sure was still fast asleep by your side.
 “Stay the night,” Kazuki tells you. “I’ll get her to bed soon. So stay with us, okay?”
  His voice sounds heavy, and his breath feels warm against your skin. His head is still buried in your neck, and the arm slung around your shoulder squeezes you once. Twice, as if to say he’s not letting you go without a fight. And with that, the offer becomes tempting. A sweet deal. Spending time with your favorite boys and their adorable little girl. But the rational, adult in you is telling you how bad of an idea this is. It’s reminding you how you haven’t checked your calendar to see if you’re on the clock tomorrow. It’s reminding you how you haven’t set an alarm for when to wake up. It’s reminding you that you probably have errands to run or phone calls to make or things to remember or-
 The arm around your neck shifts. Though you aren’t quite aware of its movement or its purpose until the hand it’s attached to is suddenly under your chin. Titling your head to the side and then up, up, up until there’s more than enough space for Kazuki to make his move. More than enough room for soft lips to find their home against your jugular- delivering soft, convincing kisses to your skin. As if he knew you were going to be a flight risk all along.
 As if he knew you were going to be the most reluctant flight risk all along.
 “Rei,” Kazuki calls quietly in between kisses. The blonde doesn’t seem to care how your face warms at each contact. He doesn’t seem to care how your breathing has changed or how your heartbeat has increased with every single peck to your skin. He doesn’t even seem to care that he’s kissing your neck all soft and sweet like as his partner and closest friend curl up on your lap without a single care in the world. But as it turns out…he doesn’t have a good reason to. “Go set up in my room. I’ll join you guys as soon as I’m done with Miri.”
 And with that, Kazuki sheds his own blanket and pulls away from you. When he stands to his full height and stretches, your eyes catch his amber-colored ones for a moment. And you like to think that the knowing smile he flashes you isn’t because of your flustered, dazed, and a little bit disappointed expression is all too easy to see as it bathes in the light of the TV. But you’re not left in that state for long. Because all too soon, Rei is lifting himself up and out of your lap as well. He shares a nod with his partner as the two pass each other. Miri resting on Kazuki’s side as the blonde picks her up and takes her to her room. And you, now standing on your own two shaky feet as Rei slings an arm around your waist and pulls you into his side.
 Kazuki disappears with Miri as Rei busies himself with turning off the TV and grabbing the three phones left on the ground. He hands one of them to you, and you thank him quietly as you slide your device into your pocket. Your good manners are rewarded with the sight of Rei ducking his head down by your should neck and the feeling of his lips delivering a tiny peck to your shoulder. And then another one. And another one. And then one more, for good measure. 
 At this point, your head is swimming. As much as you hate it, you can’t help but tell yourself that this is a dream. That you’re dreaming. The nicest, prettiest, most desirable dream. Because the boys you know would never give this much attention. Never give you still much affection even though you wish for them to. But Rei’s hands on your waist, as he guides you through the apartment, feel so real. And the bed you find yourself laying on after a blur of emotions and movement throughout the apartment feels so real too. Almost as real as the loose hoodie that smells just like Rei covering your torso. Almost as real as the big pair of shorts you were dressed in that you swore you’d seen on Kazuki before. But it can’t be real. It can’t be. 
 There’s no way that the two men you’ve fallen so deeply for have just dressed you up in their clothes just to crawl under the covers and fall asleep by your side once more. No way.
 It’s foreign. It’s different. It just doesn’t seem real in this moment. But it’s so desirable. It’s so tempting. 
 It’s so real.
 Because when all is said and done, Rei’s bangs are now tickling your forehead as he dozes off in front of you, his nose brushing just against yours. Because when all is said and done, Kazuki’s arm is now slug over your side as his breath tickles your neck, and he enters his own dreamland just behind you.
 Because when all is said and done?
 You’re in between two sleepy boys who can’t help but dream the same dreams that you would too.
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empyreanwritings · 1 year
imagine seeing rei's scars for the first time
he's never been insecure about them because they're part of who he is. he hates them, the memories of acquiring them haunt him - but it doesn't make him ashamed or insecure
until he meets you
he suddenly never wants you to see them. he doesn't want you - beautiful, wonderful, soft and full of light you - to see his broken parts and feel that he is too much
but you wait, patiently. you wait for him to open up and let him show you and tell you the stories of how he got each one, and after each story, you kiss them and show those broken bits of him the tenderness they deserve to be shown
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Yandere Buddy Daddies x Delinquent Teen Reader (1)
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You’re home was on the streets 
Practically abandoned by your parents, you relied on one of the local gangs for your family
Working to join them for some semblance of protection against the world
And as it would happen it helped 
Despite your teachers and guardian-having friends warning otherwise
Thanks to them you were eating
A far cry from what you were left to before
But past aside your doing well 
Gaining experience and becoming more of an asset to the gang before your saddled with an unlikely obstacle
“Hi there! My name’s Miri, what’s your name?”
Suddenly this bubbly smiley kid is following you around
Somehow finding you in dark alleyways and shadows of buildings 
This kid just won’t leave you alone 
No matter how much you reprimand, sneer, or blatantly insult this kid 
“Kid! Didn’t I tell you to kick rocks? Now if you don’t leave I’ll steal your shoes.”
“W-what, don’t take my shoes my papas got them for me!”
“Then. Leave. Me. Alone.”
she just won’t leave you alone and it all comes to a head when she approaches you when your with your friends
“Well well look at this little tyke!”
“Oh my gosh, they're so small! (Y/n) I didn’t know you had a baby sister!”
“I don’t.”
“Yeah! My name’s Miri.”
And despite your protests they all invite pressure Miri to join you all on a…midnight stroll
Along a train track
It goes as expected and your crew successfully go along the train track until you hear the dreaded sound of the train
And as it would have it Miri’s shoes get caught
“Is everyone off the tracks?”
“Whooo that was close!”
“Where’s Miri?”
Your group resigns to stand by and watch horrified as she struggles with the track and the oncoming train approaches 
Way too close to the train you’re able to yank Miri from the tracks narrowly missing the train hurling by
“Whoa that was clo–”
“See what happens?”
“What? What are you talk–”
“See what happens when you hang around me?!”
“W-what but I love be–”
“You! Almost died! Can’t you see?! You don’t belong here so GO! Go home before you really get hurt.”
She goes home that day with tears in her eyes
While you wordlessly turn back to your group to head back to base
hoping that you don’t see her ever again
For awhile you don’t and things are back to normal
And while you’re spray painting the gang’s sign on a wall a burly woman knocks you to the ground
“Hey watch it, punk!”
“You wanna go pipsqueak!”
Apparently she was from a rival gang, looking to contest this area
Sending a quick call to your team, you prepare to fight this lady 
Narrowly ducking her first punch 
You throw your own 
Standing victorious as she buckles 
But you too would fall to your knees
after a whopping hit in the back of your head
It was an ambush 
And easily you found yourself at their mercy 
Only being released when you hear the separate thuds and the released grip from your arms
“What the–ooomf!”
Your original attacker is silenced by a guy with blonde hair 
Who punches them into a headlock before pulling a gun with silencer
Before you could stop him he pulled the trigger, nonchalantly reaching to the sky in a stretch
“Ah man after so long it seems I’ve still got it!” 
You shakily stand holding your arm that stings in pain
You try to limp away while he continues flexing 
But he notices
“Ah ah! (Y/n) don’t run away!”
You sneered, “How do you know my name?”
“Uh…not important. But look, you need to come home with me! Miri misses-”
“Ugh are you Miri’s daddy or something?”
“Papa actually–” “Look old man, what I said to your kid is true. She needs to stay far away from me and you know what? Maybe you should try watching her better.”
“We did. And we were.”
The tired voice was right above you 
Close enough to your back that you could now register the warmth teeming off them
You jump, despite the pain you back away against the brick wall
The man that spoke had black hair pulled back to reveal a pale guy with a grave look on his face
“Ah-! What he means is: we’ve been watching after you and Mirin. And we’ve decided that we’re going to be the papas you need!”
“Ahem we’ve decided–” “You're coming with us.”
“What?! Huh?!”
“Rei! You can’t just say that they're not going to understand!” 
“They’ll understand better when we get them home.”
“No no but there’s a method for these things and with someone of their age–”
The blonde kept talking to the one identified as Rei seemingly dividing their attention
You took the chance to limp as far as you could away reaching into your pocket to retrieve your last line of defense
“That’s enough of that.”
In a flash of black your pocket knife was out of your hand
Briefly squealing in pain at the pressure point being hit near your neck
Slumping into Rei’s arms he moved to cradle you rolling his eyes at Kazuki’s musings
“Rei!? They obviously weren’t ready!”
“They would’ve never been ready.”
“But we did the whole save-them-be-the-saviors-routine!” 
“Does it really matter now that we have them?”
“...Mmmm….Mmmmm!...I still would’ve preferred my way.”
The sounds of tires screeching and the sound of modded engines coming to halt
Had them both perking up
“Oh! Those bad influences actually came!”
“That was unexpected. The broken brakes should have kept them busy.”
“Now here’s the question: do we handle them now or later?”
“Did you throw your back out yet?”
“Hah! Not yet, yours?”
“Then I say we give ‘em a show!”
When you next awake 
You’re in a well furnished room
All patched up and nursing a sling for your arm
Immediately you get up finding yourself at the top of the stairs before you spotted them
“Hiii (Y/n)!!!” “Ah, good morning (Y/n) did you sleep well?”
There words don’t reach you as you register the blonde man from before and the little girl who’d been following you around
Why were they acting so calm?
They kidnapped you!
And the little girl was in on it too?
“Welp, we're heading out for preschool.”
 “Yup bye (Y/n) later I can’t wait to cele–mmmf!”
The blonde’s hand goes over her mouth sending her to get her shoes before waving to you
“I’ll be back soon! Breakfast is on the counter!” 
Not long after they disappeared from sight you heard the slam of the door
Good now you can–
“Going to have breakfeast?”
Once again that voice rang from behind you
Turning to see the same man with the grave face but this time with scruffier-relaxed look to him
His eyes were still intense and they held you in place all the way to the kitchen 
While eating some regretfully delicious french toast with Rei watching diligently 
Guess this was your life now…the newest unwilling addition to the family
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sandwitchstories · 1 month
Sandwitchstories Master List
I think I am at that point where I need to make one of these!
List will be kept up to date with new links added as I post them!
Fics are sorted by fandom, the pairings are labeled and they are clearly marked SFW/NSFW. Read at your own risk! lol I hope you enjoy your trip into my brain rot!
Fandoms I currently write for: Jujutsu Kaisen (JJK), Demon Slayer (KNY), Fairy Tail and Buddy Daddies
List is under cut as it is over 40 links long!
Jukutsu Kaisen (JJK) Fics
For Better and For Worse (Sukuna x Y/N - NSFW) - new! Posted 6.6.24
But When It Comes To You (Sukuna x Y/N - NSFW) - new! Posted 6.15.24
Daddy's Girl (Head Canons about Sukuna as a Daddy - SFW) - new! Posted 6.16.24
Demon Slayer (KNY) Fics
Accidentally Happily Ever After (Sanemi Shinazugawa x Y/N Surprise Pregnancy - NSFW - Three Chapters) COMPLETED with the NEW and FINAL Chapter as of 6/11/2024!
Safe In The Arms Of Love (Kyojuro Rengoku x Y/N - NSFW) NEW - posted 6/22/2024
Say It (Sanemi Shinazugawa x Y/N - NSFW)
Twin Flames (Kyojuro Rengoku x KNY OC, Rengoku Demon AU - NSFW - Multiple Chapters- Ongoing)
Hot For Teacher (Kyojuro Rengoku x Y/N - NSFW)
The Frog(tied) Princess (Kyojuro Rengoku x Y/N - NSFW - Sequel to Hot For Teacher but can be read alone)
Grown Up Birthday Blues (Kyojuro Rengoku x Y/N - Happy Birthday, Kyojuro! posted 5/10/2024 - NSFW)
Wildfire (Kyojuro Rengoku x Y/N - NSFW)
Fools Rush In (Kyojuro Rengoku x Y/N - NSFW) - New posted- 5/31/24
The Shy Guy (Shinjuro Rengoku x Y/N - NSFW) - New posted - 6/1/24
Buddy Daddies
Bitey Daddies (Vampire AU- SFW)
I'm no hero, and I'm not made of stone (Kazuki Kurusu x Rei Suwa - SFW)
I Choose You (Kazuki Kurusu x Rei Suwa - SFW)
Jump Around (Rei Suwa - SFW)
The Diabolical Grandpa (Kazuki Kurusu x Rei Suwa SFW)
Fairy Tail
A Game of Facades (Erza Scarlet x Jellal Fernandes - Evil Erza AU- for the Fairy Tail Reverse Bang 2022 mildly NSFW)
3G: Gay Girls Ghost Hunting (Erza Scarlett x MiraJane Strauss - for the Fairy Tail Reverse Bang 2022- SFW)
The Little Spoon (Laxus Dreyar x Orga Nanagear - SFW)
Electric Love (Laxus Dreyar x Freed Justine - SFW)
Lost and Found (Sting Eucliffe x Rogue Cheney - SFW - first meeting - Shadowlight week 2021 Day 1- Prompt- First)
The Story Of Us (Sting Eucliffe x Rogue Cheney- SFW - Collection Link. Individual links are below)
A Bet On Love (Sting Eucliffe x Rogue Cheney - SFW - Story of Us)
There is love (Minerva POV after returning to Sabertooth - Story of Us - SFW)
There will always be rocks in the road ahead of us (Sting Eucliffe x Rogue Cheney - Engagement- Story of Us - SFW)
Groomzilla (Sting Eucliffe x Rogue Cheney - Story of Us - SFW version)
Chaos, Cookies, and Casseroles (Sting Eucliffe x Rogue Cheney - Story of Us - SFW)
Your love is like glitter (Sting Eucliffe x Rogue Cheney - Valentine's Day- Story of Us - SFW)
The Tiniest Tiger (Sting Eucliffe x Rogue Cheney - Proud Parents - Story of Us - SFW)
Shadowlight Week 2023 prompts-
Anything For Love (Day 1 Prompt -Dare- Sting Eucliffe x Rogue Cheney - SFW)
The Monster Mash (Day 2 Prompt - Thrill/Undress - Sting Eucliffe x Rogue Cheney - NSFW)
Showtime (Day 3 Prompt - Watching - Sting Eucliffe x Rogue Cheney NSFW)
Lion Bears, Bugs and Potions OH MY! ( Day 4 Prompt- Monsters/Potions - Sting Eucliffe x Rogue Cheney - SFW)
In Your Love (Day 5 Prompt - Sweet/Spice - Sting Eucliffe x Rogue Cheney - SFW)
Sting Eucliffe x Rogue Cheney NSFW One Shots (Yes this gets its own section)
A Little Bit Older On This Roller Coaster (Sting Eucliffe x Rogue Cheney NSFW)
Groomzilla (Sting Eucliffe x Rogue Cheney NSFW)
You're the night, You're the light (Sting Eucliffe x Rogue Cheney NSFW)
Totally Worth It (Sting Eucliffe x Rogue Cheney NSFW)
Simply Eerie-sistable (Sting Eucliffe x Rogue Cheney - Halloween - NSFW)
Sex For Breakfast (Sting Eucliffe x Rogue Cheney NSFW)
Feel The Beat Of My Heart As The Count Down Starts (Sting Eucliffe x Rogue Cheney - New Years - NSFW)
Older Fairy Tail stories I wrote and abandoned but may some day rewrite or pick up again (These are like an honorable mention lol my early days in fic writing)
Enchanting Dragons (Rogue Cheney x OC - Dragons AU- contains some NSFW)
Kids, Cats, and Dragon Slayers- Oh my! (Sting x Rogue x OC - poly family, contains some NSFW)
By The River (Rogue Cheney x OC - contains some NSFW)
Magic and Mayhem (Rogue Cheney x OC - Mob AU)
Truly Madly Deeply (Rogue Cheney x OC- NSFW)
The Welcome Home Dance (Rogue Cheney x OC- NSFW)
The Sweetest Taboo (Sting Eucliffe x Rogue Cheney x Yukino Aguria- NSFW)
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domxmarvel · 1 year
Just us
Pairing: Kazuki x Female!Reader x Rei
Request: FINALLY SOMEONE THAT WROTES FOR BUDDY DADDIES can I request kazuki and rei in a poly relationship with fem reader? Basically reader now considers miri as her own baby and raising a kid + having her partners be an assassin and a spy has left them no time for intimacy so finally one day both guys have the day off and miri is off to school so reader goes wild? (Preferably Dom reader)
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Ever since you first met Miri you knew that you'd love her like your own,eventually Rei warmed up to her too and you quickly became a family,an unusual one but still a family. Although dating two assassins and having a child left you with little to no time to spend with each other. They were getting mission after mission,you took up taking care of Miri since they were busy that week. 
It was Sunday night and you were getting Miri ready for bed,she looked a bit sad but before you could ask she said.
"Are you fighting?"
"You,Papa Kazuki and papa Rei, are you mad at each other?" Now she was on the verge of crying,judging by how her voice was shaking. You knelt down to her height.
"No,I still love them. They're just really busy with work,sometimes it's just like that but we're not fighting" She moved to sit in your lap,you held her. 
"I miss them"
"Me too. Come on you should get to bed,it's late" You put Miri to bed and a few minutes later Kazuki and Rei came back. Immediately Rei had draped himself all over you,you could feel him resting most of his weight on you. The smell of his cologne only slightly covers the smell of smoke and ash,which in a way was comforting. Kazuki quickly followed behind him. 
"I missed you" You heard Rei whisper so only you could hear. You kissed his cheek in response.
"Hey what about my kisses?" Kazuki whined,you laughed, turning to kiss him. You could feel how much he didn't want to let you go just from that kiss,suddenly you felt Rei kiss your neck. You knew exactly where this was going,you knew what they wanted,what you wanted but couldn't have at least not right now. 
"Stop" They both stopped and looked at you.
"What's wrong?" Kazuki asked.
"We can't do this now,she's here" Both of them groaned and let go of you,Rei went out to the balcony to smoke, leaving you and Kazuki in the kitchen. 
"You know we don't have any work tomorrow"
"Neither do I,so we're all home tomorrow" Immediately he smirked,thinking about what you could do. 
"Anyway I'm gonna go shower" Rei walked back in "Hey Rei wanna join me?" He winked,Rei immediately turned to face you instead. 
"I'll shower later" Kazuki left and immediately Rei moved closer to you. "Will you join me?"
"Of course"
You had dropped Miri off and were on your way back home,Rei had already called you twice to tell you to hurry up. He always got clingy whenever he had the day off. The second you walked in,you found him standing there,waiting. 
"If you're gonna be a brat you'll be punished. Do I already have to get the collar or is that what you want?" He avoided your eyes,which let you know that you were right. You grabbed his jacket and pulled him down. "Go get my things" He ran off and was back with everything in the blink of an eye. In seconds he was bouncing on your strap on,you held onto him tightly. The bell around his neck rang out with every thrust. "You forgot the ears" You teased,biting down on his neck. 
"Sorry,please don't stop" You grabbed his hips tightly,pushing him onto the couch as you fucked him. He tried to hide his face with his hands,which you immediately pinned above his head. He was stronger than you,there was no debate about that but he still let you do whatever you want and never fought back. He was willing to do whatever you wanted. 
"Y/N,faster please" Leaning down you kissed him as you moved faster. His moans were getting louder and louder,you weren't gonna be able to look your neighbors in the eye for quite a while. His neck and hips were covered in bruises and his mouth open,and drooling down to his neck. He looked absolutely beautiful,withering under you and still begging for more.
"You started without me?" You turned around to see Kazuki standing there with his arms crossed. 
"Then hurry up and join us" He was quickly behind you,completely naked and with his hands on your chest. He was kissing and biting on your neck. Rei tried to wrap his legs around you,but ended up wrapping them around both you and Kazuki. 
"I think our kitten wants more attention"
"Don't call me that" He groaned. You started moving your hips again,grinding your ass against Kazuki with every movement. Kazuki turned your head to face him and kissed you,the second he let go Rei grabbed your arm and pulled you down to kiss him instead. You pulled out and he immediately whined,you backed away. 
"Get on your stomach" He immediately did as you asked. You turned to Kazuki and whispered "You want his mouth or do you wanna fuck him"
"We both know you're the only one he allows to do that" He was right,Rei loved both of you but he only let you fuck him. You pushed the strap back in,pulling his hair back. Kazuki was in front of him,fucking his mouth. The sounds he was making were delightful. Rei was great with his mouth and Kazuki was easy to break,it didn't take long before Kazuki came down his throat. You felt him cum at the same time as Kazuki. You leaned closer to his ear.
"Good boy" 
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pfpanimes · 1 year
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⌕ buddy daddies; rei.
like or reblog if you save/use.
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heich0e · 1 year
on a morning just like any other, miri goes looking for rei in the bathtub to wake him up. but this time, unlike any other morning, she finds that he's not there.
she stares, perplexed, at the basin where her papa normally sleeps, blinking down at the empty space in confusion. she makes her way back upstairs with the same confused expression on her face all the while.
the sound of the bedroom door opening at the end of the hall on the second level takes her by surprise.
"rei papa," she says, almost like she can hardly believe her eyes, "did you sleep in your bed last night?"
the aforementioned papa pauses in the doorway to his bedroom with one foot across the threshold, as though he's frozen mid-step.
"ah," he grunts, struggling to meet the little girl's inquisitive gaze. "hm."
not even his affirmative hum is enough to satiate miri's need for details.
"why?" she asks, her head cocking to the side. she eyes him, and rei is suddenly uncomfortably reminded of the training he's endured to withstand his composure under unimaginable torture and violence. somehow this is worse. "is rei papa sick?"
"no," he murmurs.
"then why is rei papa so red?" she steps towards him tentatively, intent to get to the bottom of her papa's strange behaviour and very pink face.
"miri!" the little girl is suddenly swept up from her feet, wooshing through the air as kazuki scoops her up into his arms while he sing-songs her name. he holds her up in front of his cheerful face. "your breakfast is getting cold, miri-chan!"
miri blinks into the grinning face of her blonde-haired papa. her gaze slides to the side to peek at rei, and the goes back to the man in front of her. she holds up a hand to cover her mouth from view (though it's on the wrong side to actually hide it from the brunette at the end of the hall.) "kazuki papa, rei papa sleeped in his bed," she mutters from the corner of her mouth, her little lips pursing.
kazuki looks at the man at the other end of the hall, completely still and looking at him with uncharacteristically startled eyes, and then back to the little girl in his arms.
"hmm," kazuki hums, "is that so?"
miri leans closer, and kazuki dips down too.
"maybe," she whispers, her tone even quieter and notably more conspiratorial, "he had... an accident."
kazuki relies on every modicum of self restraint and rigorous training he's endured not to outrightly laugh. instead, he hums thoughtfully with a solemn nod.
"we should be nice to him if he did," miri adds, "he might feel embarrassed."
the laughter kazuki feels welling up inside of him is as real of a threat as any gun that's ever been pointed his way.
kazuki sets miri down and she shuffles over to her other papa, who closes his bedroom door behind him just as she stops at his feet. she stares up at him, with a look that might be considered sympathetic if it weren't on the face of a four year old. she pats him comfortingly on the leg.
"it's okay, rei papa," she says pensively, something almost wistful in her tone. "it happens to the best of us."
and on that note, she spins on her heel and skips towards the stairs, heading to the breakfast that kazuki had promised.
"hold onto the railing!" the blonde calls after her as she sets off down the staircase, and she chirps back affirmatively before humming a little song as she goes.
the two men listen to her footsteps retreat, then the sound of her chair at the table downstairs being dragged across the floor, and eventually the sound of cutlery scraping across her plate.
kazuki turns, peeking at rei over his shoulder, a wicked grin on his face.
"did you have an accident? rei-pa-pa?"
"shut up," rei mutters, his shoulders slumping as he finally relaxes.
behind him, his bedroom door creaks open, and you poke your head out from inside.
"that was close," you say breathily, brushing your hair back from your face, and the two men watch as you slip through the door into the hallway. you have one of kazuki's hoodies on your frame, and a pair of cozy slippers on your feet.
rei looks at you, and you avoid his eyes, staring up at the ceiling and trying not to laugh. he pouts.
"you two are mean," he complains.
"rei," you laugh, reaching for him, but he shies away from you woundedly. the act only last for a few seconds before he's allowing you to slip your arms around his waist from behind, leaning against his frame while you embrace him.
"who are you calling mean?" kazuki sniffs, "i just expertly diverted miri's attention because you wouldn't get out of bed in time to get in the tub before she woke up."
rei and kazuki glower at each other for a moment, but there's no real animosity behind either gaze.
"no fighting," you pipe in from behind rei, peeking out from around his shoulder.
"this is your fault too, you know," kazuki points accusatorially in your direction and you gape.
"me?" you ask, offended. you slip out from behind rei's frame and stalk towards kazuki. "if i remember correctly you're the one who was begging me to stay over last night, and you're the reason why my clothes needed to be washed before i could leave." you poke him harshly in the chest, and he winces–though there's virtually no way it did any real harm.
kazuki chuckles, a breathy little heh, looking away guiltily with your fingertip still prodding his chest.
"speaking of," you look around the hallway, "where are my clothes?"
kazuki perks up, shuffling over to the laundry basket he'd dropped at the top of the stairs and fishing out your freshly-laundered clothes from underneath a pile of miri's. he brings them over to you and places them in your outstretched hands.
"thanks," you say, a little smile pulling at your lips. kazuki offers you his cheek expectantly, and you roll your eyes but crane up on your tiptoes anyway. he turns his face at the last minute, just like he always does, stealing a proper kiss.
you giggle as you pull away, kazuki's greedy hands reaching for you to pull you back, and you let him man-handle you into his hold while you sift through the clothing in your hands. you quickly notice something's missing.
"where are my panties?" you ask, tipping your head to peer up at kazuki who's draped over your back. his brow furrows in confusion, looking at the articles in your hands and then back to the laundry basket.
"there weren't any," he says in confusion, certain that he would have noticed something like that in the load of laundry he'd risen to do at dawn.
rei slips past the two of you quietly, heading towards the stairs.
it occurs to you just a second too late.
"rei," you hiss, careful not to make too much noise and draw attention to yourself. "rei!"
he glances at you over his shoulder, pulling his hand out of the pocket of his sweatpants to reveal a familiar ball of lace in his grip. he shoots you a smug little look, and then continues to descend the stairs, muttering something as he goes that sounds suspiciously like 'it happens to the best of us.'
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yeosangs-horizon · 1 year
Just For You (Rei x Reader) 
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Word Count: 1.9k Genre: Tooth Rotting Comfort Fluff Content Warning(s): Nudity no smut, mention of abusive parent Author’s Note: Credits to and for a lovely anon who threw this prompt in my inbox <3
You dusted off the coffee table, wiping the bits of ash on the floor to sweep and vacuum for a later time. This was a regular occurrence that you were over at your lover's, Rei's apartment. You practically lived there by now with how much you're over. You couldn't help it. They needed somebody to tidy up the house and sometimes look after their kid. You bent down to pick up the blankets and toys off of the floor. Miri was a sweet little girl that you loved looking after and you were happy to take a load off of her papa's hands. You looked at the time on your phone and noticed a text from Rei. 'Comin home soon, you want any food?' You smiled at his offer, feeling a bit peckish. 'Sure, surprise me!' You wrote back, he knew your favourites by now.
Since it was late and their mission ran all day, you wanted to do something nice for Rei. Pondering for a bit, you decided to run Rei a bath. He loves your touch and who is he to say no to a massage and an intimate moment? Kazuki would thank you too as he constantly complained about his hygiene. You made your upstairs, quietly of course to not disturb Miri in her sleep. Cracking open the washroom door, you were all too familiar with the layout of the room. For the first month of being with your lover, you would sleep in the tub with him as it made him feel safe and comfortable. Now he is able to doze off easily as long as you were beside him. Bending over, you picked up the blanket and pillows scattered around the tub, tossing them aside before you turned on the faucet. The gushing of water into the tub masked the sound of the duo coming home. You opened the cabinets to see the selection of shampoo and body wash you were working with. You decided on a sweet vanilla scent as Rei loved sweets. You were humming to yourself, unaware that the door to the washroom was being opened. As you set your findings down on the edge of the tub, you felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist and locks of dark brown drape over your neck. 
"(Y/N) missed you... what's all this?" He mumbled into the crook of your neck. You were startled and twitched a bit as you smiled realizing who it was. "Just wanted to treat you to a nice bath after a long day." He hummed and planted a chaste kiss on your cheek. "Do I have to? I'm sleepy..." "Yes Rei, I'll give you a massage I know how tense your muscles get after being in a sniping position in so long." He easily gave in as you poured the shampoo into the tub. You turned around to properly face him and plant your lips on him. "Welcome home. Sorry I didn't hear you down there," you apologized.   
He first removed the hair tie from his slicked back hair, letting his locks flow loose. You wanted to massage his scalp right then and there and admire how fluffy his hair looked. You let your eyes trail down his chest as he stripped himself from his suit which was muddy. He definitely needed this bath. "What happened? You usually hate getting your suits dirty," you inquired. "Had to sacrifice it to hide or we'd be dead," he bluntly put. You nodded, happy that he made it out. The two of you knew the risks of being in his line of work. He could die any day and you could be in harms way, and the odds are tripled with the two raising a child along with it. It was a risk you were willing to take though, he was worth everything. His toned chest was soon exposed as his clothes were laying about the floor. "Lemme go throw these in the wash for you," you reacted, starting to bend down to pick up the soiled clothes. He stepped forward blocking you as you bumped your head into his bare chest. "Later, just want you with me right now..." he murmured. He looked exhausted and the stress from the day was still worn on his face. "Fine." You shut the faucet as the tub was at its capacity and dipped your finger in the water. Nice and warm just for Rei. 
You also started to strip yourself of your clothes, tossing your sweater on the floor and stepping out of your pants. It wasn't the first time that the two of you had been bare in front of each other. Occasionally the two of you would do the deed to relieve stress but it was rare, but Rei trusted you with his entire being to be able to be this vulnerable in front of you. You soon got in the tub with him, feeling the warmth of the water against your skin. You grabbed the conditioner as you wanted to wash Rei's hair for him. "Turn around for me baby," you whispered. He obeyed as you lathered your hands with the conditioner and started to drape his locks with the suds. You ran your fingers through his dark strands, raking across his scalp as he let out a sigh of content. Massaging his temple, feeling the built up tension there made you wonder when the last time he was truly able to let go and relax was. You worked your way up to the top of his head, lathering the suds on his hair. "Feel good love?" You cooed. He hummed with content, allowing himself to melt into your touch. 
After working through his head, you grabbed the vanilla scented body wash and lathered it on your hands before placing your hands on his tense shoulders, intending on giving him a massage whilst cleaning him. He groaned, feeling the knots finally move in his tense form. "I know its supposed to hurt, you're doing so well," you commented whilst planting kisses on his neck. He loves your touch so much. Working your way down his back, you could really feel his muscles loosening up after working your strength on them for awhile. Letting your hands work on his back, you traced over his scars silently as you admired his form. He confided in you before, telling his story about each scar during the more intimate moments of your relationship whether it be from his abusive father or a failed mission. You leaned in and ghosted your lips over a scar on his back before finally kissing it. The silence was comforting to him too. 
"Raise your arms up for me," you smiled as you got more body wash. You let the bubbles gather up on your hand before gently rubbing your hands on his arm and armpits, causing him to recoil a bit in discomfort. "Mm ticklish," he commented. You giggled a bit. "I know just bear with me."
"Turn around for me baby," you mused after you finished massaging and lathering up his back side. He turned around as you shifted your position and pressed a hand on his chest. "Now you can lean back and relax," you smiled sweetly. You carefully leaned him back on the tub to soak his back with the warm water. It's also good for his spine, he must feel a lot of pain being hunched over in a position for so long, you thought. You grabbed the conditioner as well to lather through your own hair. As you were running your fingers through your hair, you felt his hands run snake up your neck to your hair. "Let me..." he whispered. You were flattered by his offer and adjusted yourself to lean against his chest. Running his fingers through your hair, he hummed "You're beautiful (Y/N)." After being with him for awhile, you still blushed at his compliments as they were rare. "So are you Rei." You leaned your head back, enjoying his delicate touch against your scalp as you shared this intimate moment with your lover. He wrapped his arms around your nude form, holding you whilst placing a chin on your shoulder. He stared at your beauty, admiring you in silence. A genuine smile could be seen from his face, you loved it when he could truly express around you. He planted kisses on your jawline and down your clavicle. You could almost fall asleep as his fingers danced around your stomach lovingly.   
Feeling a little silly, you scooped up the bubbles on the surface and blew on them, making them fly. You repeated the action and turned towards Rei as you gently whispered the bubbles towards his face, some landing on his hair and tip of his nose. "Cute," you giggled. He let himself grin as he also cupped some bubbles to blow back at you. You loved that he could let his guard down around you and fool around like nothing mattered in the moment. After a bit of the bubble war, you noticed the water was getting cold meaning it was probably time to get out. 
"Lets get you rinsed and dried off." You ran fresh warm water through Rei's hair and down his back to rid the suds and he did the same for you. You stood up, grabbing a towel for him from the towel rack and felt the coldness of the room hit you. You felt his arms wrap around you as you started to shiver. "You're shivering..." he commented. He knows you get cold easily. You maneuver yourself to turn around and drape a towel on him. He made no effort to let go of you and pulled you closer, landing his lips on yours, exchanging warmth. You melted into his kiss, letting his tongue dance around your mouth. You were his first kiss and you had taught him how to kiss you properly. Now he can't get enough of you. You pulled away, catching your breath as you ruffled the towel through his drippy locks and down his body to dry him off. Draping a towel around yourself too, the two of you stepped out of the tub as the water drained.
Having stayed at Rei's place often, you had kept a couple pairs of pajamas and other garments there at his place. You grabbed your favourite onesie and dawned it on, looking at yourself in the mirror. It was Rei's favourite one on you too, as it was one that looked like a tabby kitty. He slipped one of his loose shirts on himself and a pair of sweat-shorts and gazed upon you. "Adorable," he said with a half smile. You bounced towards him to grasp his hands. "Ready to sleep?" 
He was more than happy to sleep in a bed with you tonight. He didn't want to sleep in a soggy cold tub especially when you were here. He felt relaxed now that you had given him a bath and a massage. He smiled to himself as he held you in his arms, he was wanted and loved by you, safe with you. Your small snores showed your exhaustion from the day, taking care of Miri, cleaning the flat, and pampering him at the end of the day. He felt so lucky to have you. 
"Love you (Y/N). Sleep well." He whispered, letting his sentiment go in the dark.
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