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fanfic-thesis · 2 years ago
Authors of Merlin BBC Fanfics needed (for my bachelor's thesis)
Do you write Fanfiction about the BBCs Merlin (2008) tv series, or have you written some a while ago? And have you – in the best case – published at least one of them on Archive of Our Own (AO3)? And do you have at least 30 minutes of time and are interested in an interview?
My name is Kay, and at the moment I am writing my bachelor’s thesis for “Media Science B.A.” at the University of Bayreuth. As a topic I chose fanfiction and fan communities in the context of the tv series Merlin (2008) with a focus especially on fanfiction authors for this series. And this is why I want to interview a few of them. It is not important whether you’ve been fan from the very first hour and wrote your first Merlin fanfiction back in 2008, or if you haven’t written any Merlin fanfiction at all for the last few years, or even just recently uploaded your very first one: Your impressions are still very interesting and important for me.
The interview should last about 30 minutes and would happen via Zoom. You need to be able to talk with me via microphone. It is not necessary for you to be on camera. And it can be held in English and German. I do need to record the interview so I can transcribe it later. But nobody besides me will have access to the recording itself and all recordings will be deleted after transcribing. Within the transcript, any data that could be used to clearly identify a person will be anonymised. So you are able to stay anonymous and your data is protected. Everything is in compliance with the european GDPR and the german BDSG (both are data protection guidelines) and participants will get full information regarding data protection beforehand.
Feel free to message me if you are interested. Also just comment or ask me via DM if you have any questions about this.
Thank you for reading and I am looking forward to messages from you! Feel free to repost this, it would help me a lot. :)
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drtbrennan · 6 months ago
Pipeline for My Lady Jane:
Helloooo friends! The team over at #SaveMyLadyJane would love to know more about what TV shows you had previously loved that may have influenced your love for this show 🐎
Please fill in the suvey here and let us know!
Also, whilst your here:
Sign/share the petition
Visit the link to the website
Follow the socials!
Check out the Go Fund Me which has already funded some pony shenanigans!
Check out the email templates and who to send them to (these change frequently!)
Keep streaming/recommending the show!
The buzz has been incredible and we all want to keep this up so the more everyone keeps engaging the better! And if you've seen gifs on here and are considering a watch, do it!!! 🐴👑
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honey-minded-hivemind · 7 months ago
*insert Chop Suvey also warning gore*
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Haha traumatized Bat boi go BRRRR-
I appreciate the tears you added and the blood being colored bright red. Is the blood markings, or burns, or shackles? Bby bat bean is going through the traumas, aren't they? (I imagine them having a breakdown, simply not able to hold in their fear and hurt and tears anymore-)
Well, not to worry.
They're about to have two mamas/papas who won't ever leave them...
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gaijin-fujin-resonance · 11 days ago
Japanese Fan Survey
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Possibly the hardest thing I have had to do in ages...
There is currently a Buck-Tick fan suvey running on twitter under the hashtag #BUCKTICKベストソング2025 - it's run by the user K O R E - check their pinned post for the rules.
So... my 30 Favorite B-T songs! (Not 'The Best' - just favourite.) Sorted in chronological order (according to the rules of the survey):
HYPER LOVE ICONOCLASM スピード Deep Slow 相変わらずの「アレ」のカタマリがのさばる反吐の底の吹き溜まり Ash-ra 螺旋虫 囁き MY FUCKIN' VALENTINE Baby, I want you. CHECK UP 王国 Kingdom Come LIMBO Mona Lisa Continuous Memento Mori Solaris El Dorado FUTURE SONG -未来が通る- Gustave ノスタルジア - ヰタ メカニカリス - 光の帝国 ケセラセラ エレジー Villain 恋 Mugen Loop SUBROSA Rezisto TIKI TIKI BOOM
For the first round, I went through my Spotify faves (over 100 songs liked) for the first round, and dumped my favourites of the favourites into a playlist. I think that playlist was about 50 songs?
The second round of elimination, I did my best to cut it down to no more than 3 songs per album. (It was interesting to discover the albums with the most fave-faves at 4 each: Mona Lisa Overdrive (my canonical Favourite B-T album); Sexy Stream Liner and Atom Futurist No.9) That got me to 40 songs. I also did my best to remove 'doubles' - that is, where there were 2 tracks that are extremely similar, I tried to pick the one I liked more.) That got me to 35.
Then I went and listened to the two albums that are not available on Spotify, and realised I definitely wanted to pick Dada Disco. Which meant that I had to prune my list by 6 songs. Maybe the songs that didn't make it are more interesting than the songs that did?
-Chikashitsu no Melody -Kodou -Lizard Skin no Shoujo -Hamushi no Yō ni -THE FALLING DOWN -BOY Septem Peccata Mortalia (this one was the hardest cut - it caused me PAIN to cut this one, especially as it won out over PINOA ICCHIO, but it came down to a death match between BOY and Memento Mori. So I put both on repeat play and several times I was able to work and ignore BOY, but I snapped out of inattention every time MM came on, so I think I liked that one more?)
Things that surprised me:
-I thought I liked 'The Imai Songs' but it turns out that I like duets between Imai and Sakurai more than Imai solo performances? -I'm not just being contrarian for the sake of it; I do actually love late period (2010s and 2020s) B-T more than the "Classic 90s Era" -my sweet spot is not the RAWK songs or the purely electro songs - what I like best is the hybridity of the two: big abrasive guitars on top of disco beats
Anyway, I had fun. I think KORE is running it for another week, so if this is the sort of thing you would enjoy, go and check it out.
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amaliedesigns · 2 years ago
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Happy easter yall!
I'm spending it on my ux design passion project, 'the Hammy Project', in which I'm currently researching for, and ultimately will be designing a digital product ment for hamster owners 🐹
I just finished writing up the interview guide for the initial research phase, and will be finishing up a suvey that I will be sending out soon 🥰
(If you are a hamster owner and reading this, I would love to interview you k bye)
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childlike-fire · 3 months ago
deity of suvey.
@pomudachis-in-a-trench-coat @icefireanimates and anyone else who wants to join!!
here's a random word generator--whatever word it gives you is now the thing you are the deity of
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pilarsultra · 6 months ago
Polling Pilgub Sultra 2024
PILARSULTRA.COM, Kendari — Polling didefinisikan sebagai suatu penelitian (survei) dengan menanyakan kepada masyarakat mengenai pendapatnya terhadap suatu hal penting yang telah dan akan terjadi dengan menggunakan kuesioner sebagai alatnya. Tim redaksi Pilar Sultra melaksanakan suvey pendapat pembaca tentang pasangan Calon Gubernur Sulawesi Tenggara 2024 dengan pertanyaan : “Jika Pemilihan…
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devrimcidinno1 · 10 months ago
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(Mısır Maliye Bakanı Mohamed Maait, Kızıldeniz'deki gerilimi nedeniyle ülkesinin Süveyş Kanalı gelirlerinde yaklaşık yüzde 60 oranında düşüş yaşandığını tahmin ettiklerini bildirdi. gönderdi)
Mısır Maliye Bakanı Mohamed Maait, Kızıldeniz'deki gerilimi nedeniyle ülkesinin Süveyş Kanalı gelirlerinde yaklaşık yüzde 60 oranında düşüş yaşandığını tahmin ettiklerini bildirdi. https://devrimcidinnno.wordpress.com/2024/05/21/misir-maliye-bakani-mohamed-maait-kizildenizdeki-gerilimi-nedeniyle-ulkesinin-suveys-kanali-gelirlerinde-yaklasik-yuzde-60-oraninda-dusus-yasandigini-tahmin-ettiklerini-bildirdi/ Mısır Maliye Bakanı Mohamed Maait, Kızıldeniz'deki gerilimi nedeniyle ülkesinin Süveyş Kanalı gelirlerinde yaklaşık yüzde 60 oranında düşüş yaşandığını tahmin ettiklerini bildirdi.
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kbanews · 1 year ago
Elektabilitas Anies Meningkat dalam Suvei Indo Riset,  Mantan Rektor UKIT: Ini Sebuah Fenomena
MANADO | KBA – Matan Rektor Universitas Kristen Indonesian Tomohon (UKIT) pada 2016-2019 Dr. Yopi Pangemanan, MM mengatakan, hasil Survei Nasional Indo Riset pada 11-18 September 2023 adalah sebuah fenomena. “Kita melihat bahwa selama ini ada beberapa lembaga survei memperlihatkan tren naik turun yang selama ini berlabel hanya di dua capres Ganjar dan Prabowo dari ketiga capres survei Anies…
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psych0l0gical-effects · 2 years ago
-Harvard and other schools have rescinded acceptance offers to incoming freshmen who have posted offensive (racist, sexist, etc) jokes online
-digital literacy just as important as finacnial literacy now: who we are online can really impact earning power
-privacy isn't really privacy when it's on the internet, think about what you post
-1/3 of respondants in MS. Hargittais suvey stated they didnt know the function of 'bbc' in emails, more than 1/4 never have adjusted their privacy settings on social media
-Could be benefitial for incoming freshman to take a digital literacy class to help teach the importnace of it (just as we have freshman year seminars)
-average college student thinks LinkedIn is for parents, not themselves
-79% of job recruiters look at candidates' online presence before making a decision
-70% say they have rejected a candidate due to something they saw online
-53% rejected candidates due to inappropriate pictures
-by 2020, more than 30.7 billion devices will be connected ot the internet
-how to manage privacy: own online presence (set privacy to my comfort level), lock down login passwords, keep a clean machine (update your computer)! note to update computer!!!!
-Cleaned up my twitter account and learned how to navigate twitters privacy settings
Having good privacy settings on my Twitter account is incredibly important and VERY needed. I am about to graduate and am in the process of applying for jobs. Employers often check the social media accounts of potential employees so deleting things and making my account private is necessary. Beforehand, I wasn't sure what twitters privacy setting were like but you can control who sees your tweets, likes, and retweets, and also prevent strangers from contacting you and ensure that your location and personal information are not publicly available (such as birthdays, zip code, etc). One thing that wasn't covered very well is that even if one's Twitter account/social media is private, it's still possible for people to screenshot or share your tweets. Thus, we (myself included) need to be mindful of the content we post and avoid anything that could be deemed offensive or inappropriate. Overall, taking the time to review and adjust my privacy settings on Twitter was really simple and I will be urging my friends to do the same.
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kibrisolay · 2 years ago
Süveyş Kanalı'nda yük gemisi karaya oturdu - Son Dakika Dünya Haberleri
Süveyş Kanalı'nda yük gemisi karaya oturdu - Son Dakika Dünya Haberleri - https://olaykibris.com/suveys-kanalinda-yuk-gemisi-karaya-oturdu-son-dakika-dunya-haberleri-2/ #kıbrıs #kktc #haber #türkiye #dünya
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lovemesomesurveys · 3 years ago
Don`t you hate waking up to a phone ringing? Yes. Who`s better: Luigi or Mario? Team Luigi. Are you scared of flying? I get really anxious beforehand, but usually once we’re up in the air for a bit I’m okay unless there’s turbulence. Do you get bored easily? I feel bored a lot of the time nowadays. The things I like to do just don’t do it much for me like they used to. What colour is the computer you`re using? Silver.
Do you spend money too often or are you really stingy? I can get a little carried away with the spending sometimes, but I try to save as much as I can. These days it’s freaking DoorDash that gets me.
What was the last thing you ate / drank? Chicken strips and a strawberry shake.
Does it bug you when people go 'Mhm' all the time when you`re talking? It would get annoying.
What`s your least favourite accent? Or favourite, if you don`t have one. :P I like British and southern accents.
Do you get all sad when you see roadkill? Sad and grossed out.
Who was the last person you hugged? My aunt.
Do you give money to those people with collecting tins? I have.
Do you know anybody who you secretly hate but pretend to like? No.
What`s a book that you strongly recommend? I recommend checking out the authors Willow Rose, AJ Rivers, Mary Stone, and Elle Gray if you like murder mysteries.
What can you hear right now? An ASMR video.
Do you always go 'What happened to your hair?' to people who`ve had it cut? Uh, no? That’s rude.
How many people do you have on your MSN / AIM contact list? AIM is dead and I never used MSN. Did that die, too?
Did you ever have to make beanbag frogs in Home Economics? I never took home economics, but what are beanbag frogs and why would you make those for that class?
I did. All the rice fell out. :| I might have to look it up now.
Speaking of school, what is / was your favourite class? English was always my favorite.
What does your favourite t-shirt have on it? I like all my graphic tees, which I have a shit ton of.
Don`t you just hate visitors who won`t leave? We don’t have that issue, thankfully. 
Do you prefer taking surveys or making them? I just take ‘em.
What`re you really looking forward to right now? Starbucks holiday drinks and snowman cookie returning tomorrow, ha. Hey, let me have that, it’s all I got.
What did the last text you received say? My brother texted me earlier when he was picking up Chick-Fil-A that they didn’t have the peppermint shake I wanted and if I wanted another flavor.
Did you ever collect those troll dolls with the fluffy hair? No.
If you could go anywhere, where would you go? I want to go somewhere with snow.
Have you ever camped out in your garden? I don’t have a garden.
What`s something you keep putting off doing? Living?
Do your initials spell anything cool? Nope, they don’t spell out anything.
What do you do when you get really worried? Get super anxious and obsess over it.
What`s the first recommended video for you on Youtube? *shrug*
Do you have a messy bedroom? No.
How long does it take for you to get to sleep at night? It really varies.
What was the last thing you bought? Food.
Do you keep old shoeboxes? Not anymore.
What colour is the bin in your room? White.
When was the last time you played hopscotch? Never.
What`s your ideal job? I have no idea.
What pattern does your duvet cover / bedspread / whatever have on it? It’s blue seashells and starfish.
When you need comforted who, or what, do you go to? Honestly, when I’m upset I prefer to be alone.
Do tests stress you out a lot? Yeah, I always got really bad test anxiety.
What`s a song that can always make you happy no matter what? I don’t have a song like that.
What expression do you have on your face the most? Probably one of discomfort and misery.
Have you ever joined up your freckles? No.
What`s one website you`re constantly checking? Tumblr.
Do you like stickers or stamps more? Stickers.
Is it your birthday soon? No, my birthday isn’t until July.
Do you like fireworks and sparklers? They’re nice to look at, I just wish they weren’t so damn loud.
Do odd numbers bug you? No.
What`s a word that makes you go 'ew'? The P word.
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eslamy · 5 years ago
How survey forms works
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surveysonfleek · 6 years ago
Have you ever made a sex tape? nope. Do you look like a boring person? haha it depends what kind of day i’m having. i definitely look boring when i’m not feeling too social. When’s the last time someone made you feel like you mattered? eh idk. maybe yesterday. Are your teeth clean? yes. Have you ever seriously questioned your sanity? no.
Do cheesy movies ever inspire you? haha not really. they’re more feel-good than inspiring. Do you need a vacation? yes please. all paid for though pls. How do you feel about your weight right now? not good. need to go on a diet. Do graveyards thrill or terrify you? neither. Would you ever snort pixie sticks? hell no. Do you like tea? yeah but it’s not something i drink daily. When’s the last time you took a shower? today. Do your sheets come off your bed easily? i guess so. depends on the set. Does music rule your life? not ‘rule’ but it’s fairly important i guess. Oreos or Chips Ahoy? oreos for sure. Would you say your life is on the right track right now? not at all. Do you have a better body or a better face? better face. What’s the next thing you have to do that you’re dreading? work tomorrow. Do / Did you skip class? i have before. Have you ever drank cough syrup to get high? no lol. Does your head hurt right now? nope. Is your phone always on low battery? no lol. i’m one of those people that makes sure my phone never dies on me while i’m out. Do you miss any of your exes? nope. Did you ever take pottery class in High School? it wasn’t offered.  Have your parents ever suggested that you see a therapist? nope. Do you masturbate on a regular basis? nah. Would you ever dye all your hair bright pink? no thanks.  What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word “Monday”? ush. How do you feel physically right now? tired. How do you feel emotionally? just drained. Have you ever been friends with someone with bipolar disorder? i don’t think so.  Do you have long eyelashes? because of lash extensions, yes. Has anyone ever threatened you? nope. Could you fall asleep right now? i could tbh. Do you look pretty today? haha no. i was makeup-less all day. Is it hard for you to admit when you’re hurt? not really. you could see it all on my face. Who’s the last person to post on your Facebook wall? Do you like this person? i don’t remember. i’m not active on fb much anymore. When’s the last time you ate something? about ten minutes ago. When’s the last time you felt completely and totally alone? now. Have you ever used jump roping as a work out? no i haven’t but i totally should! How much money would you spend to see Eminem live? like $50 max. Have you ever considered being a cop? nope. i’ma . scaredy cat and very unfit. What color was the last vehicle you were in? black. Do you have big plans for the weekend? not right now.
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youtubeaddict29 · 7 years ago
This is a suvey for tap dancers/choreographers. If you know one please ask them to fill it out. If you are one please fill it out.
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purplesurveys · 2 years ago
What was the name of the main character in the last book you read? Oh dear. Do I even remember the last book I read? Do fanfics count? Hahaha in all seriousness though, I haven’t opened a book in years.
Do you own a pair of Disney pajamas? I don’t. I have maybe a couple of Disney-themed items of clothing, but a pair of pajamas is not one of them. What are three of your favorite toppings for salads? Tuna sashimi, spicy mayonnaise, tempura flakes.
What was the last place you went out to eat? That would be in this nice little place called Florabel, somewhere in the city. It’s funny to think about because I remember wanting to eat in this spot when I was a college student, but never getting the chance to because they’re a pricier restaurant. Now I got to eat there for free courtesy of my job, so it’s a nice little fuck you to the stuff that held me back from experiencing things like this before.
Do you have a lot of clutter in your home? Nah. My mom is very particular about neatness so clutter is immediately disposed of or kept inside of some drawer.
What was the last pill you took? 💊 I only ever take painkillers like Biogesic and honestly don’t want to venture into others unless urgent. The only times I’ve taken something other than those mild ones is when I’m diagnosed with a certain issue like a UTI, and I’m prescribed medication.
Are you happy with your current doctor? 👩‍⚕️🩺 I don’t have a main doctor that I regularly visit.
Is there a bottle of Benadryl in your medicine cabinet? No. 
Do you take vitamins? I take these Vitamin C gummies because it’s the only way I’ll remember to take vitamins - because I like gummies hahahaha. Does your hair need to be washed right now? Not anymore, because I took a shower not too long ago.
What was the last thing you ate? JOLLIBEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE SPAGHETTI my life and joy.
Do you prefer pizza or hot dogs? 🌭 🍕 Pizza. I wouldn’t consider hotdogs popular here at all and I never really get the craving for those.
What is your favorite pizza topping? 🍕 Chicken barbecue and barbecue sauce.
Is your dad a jerk? Nope. I’ve seen instances where he can be, but a ‘jerk’ would never be his main trait.
What color are your fingernails painted? They’re not painted, they never are.
Is anyone in your family currently in the military? Nopes.
What was the last thing you bought at the dollar store? I can’t relate.
Are prices of things going up where you live? Yeah. And the peso is also at its lowest value in the Philippines’ history. Sweet! Hope those who voted for our current trashbag president are happy with their stupid and wrong decision.
What color was the last carpet you sat on? Brown.
What is your favorite dog breed? Oooh I love all dogs but I do have a tiny bias towards the beagle :)
When was the last time you wore make-up? 💄 Early August when I saw Angela and Sofie.
What was the last thing you ordered at the last restaurant you went to? Unsurprisingly at this point, it was a tuna sashimi salad. Hahahaha
What was the last thing you wore that was pink? One of my bucket hats.
Name three people you know, if any, that currently live in another country. My high school classmate Aubrey, my cousin Sam, and my former co-worker Hannah.
Name three people you know who are from another country (and what countries?) My knowledge on this topic is largely (if not solely) aunts and uncles who married into the family lol. I have one uncle from New Zealand, one uncle from Vietnam, and a couple of great-uncles from the US.
What are your grandmas' names? Agnes and Dolores.
If applicable, who lives across the hall from you? Technically, my brother. LOL but you’re right, this isn’t applicable to me.
Have you ever heard of "fairy hair"? (It's tinsel in the hair that gets put in permanently...it's like tinsel highlights.) No...? The explanation didn’t help me either haha, but thanks for the attempt in explaining.
Have you found any gray hairs on your head? My mom has found a white strand a few times, to which I’ve panickingly told her to get it out of my scalp and get rid of it without showing me.
If applicable, how old were you when you found your first gray hair? I can’t remember. I don’t keep memories of those instances.
Do you think you will dye your hair when it's gone gray? I mean if they populate my head earlier then yeah, I see myself dyeing. But if it happens once it’s usually supposed to, like in my 60s or 70s, I don’t picture myself fighting the gray. I’ll just go with it, I like to think.
Do you have a sister-in-law? Nope.
Do you have a brother-in-law? I don’t. The most I have is a cousin-in-law.
When was the last time you went swimming? 👙 ☀️ April, when I took my friends to the beach for my birthday.
Do you own a bikini? Yups.
What color is your bike, if you own one? I can’t ride a bike...
If you were a rockstar, what color guitar would you have? 🎸 A rose gold one. < Ooooooooh, lovely choice. I’d go with that too. Olive green is also great.
What are three places you've been on vacation that you've enjoyed? Vigan, Sagada, and Fukuoka.
Does your home have carpeted floors? Nope, not practiced here.
What color was the last scarf you wore? Red and black.
What was the last spicy thing you ate? Fire noodles.
Do you like sushi? 🍣 Yessss.
When was the last time you had sushi? 🍱 Sometime in August when I spent the evening watching In the Soop Friendcation :)
Can you see a box from where you are sitting right now? Yeah, I have the boxes for my BTS mood light and Army Bomb on my left. And of course, the outboxes for my DVDs.
Would you rather sing or dance? 🎤 💃 Sing.
What color was the last sports bra you wore, if applicable? Black.
What is your nicest neighbor's name? Ooooh shocks, you got me there. I recently struck a conversation with a nice neighbor when we happened to both look for a tricycle in the village, and while I asked for her name before we parted ways, this question has made me realize that I’ve completely forgotten it. :/ Not as good as remembering names as I thought, haha.
Would you rather have a personal chef or personal house cleaner? Chef. I’d just ask them to make sushi and sashimi and Korean food all the time lol.
Do you have any zits on your face right now? No, but I have a couple of scars.
Do you wear glasses or contacts? Glasses.
How many Britney Spears albums have you owned? None.
What was the first concert you went to? Paramore in 2013. I was a late bloomer compared to my peers; many of them started attending concerts much earlier – which I initially felt bad about as a teen, of course you always wanna feel ‘in’ and all lol yuck. But as I got older I came to terms with the fact that going to your first gig at 15 is not even late at all.
Do you like cheese? 🧀 I do love cheese but I’ve never been obsessed with it like some people are. 
What are three of your favorite things to sprinkle cheese on top of? Spaghetti, occasionally doughnuts, fried chicken.
What are three of your favorite bakery items? Macarons, cupcakes, chocolate chip cookies. This is my holy trinity of life lol holy crap these three sound so good right now.
When was the last time you went to a bakery? 🧁 Bakeries are not super abundant here I would say, and the ones that manage to have a physical store largely do deliveries. The last time I went to a place that served pastries and baked goods, if that counts, was a month ago when I stayed at a Starbucks.
Do you prefer coffee or chai? ☕️ Coffee. I’ve never had chai.
Do you know what "chai" means? Nope.
What are three other names you like that start with the same letter as your name? Rose, Renée, Rome.
What are three creative hobbies you enjoy? I mean, I like going to museums and exhibits...it’s not me being creative, but I thought to mention it haha. Otherwise I wouldn’t consider myself creative.
Is there a bag or basket of yarn somewhere in your home? 🧶 My sister probably has one.
Do you ever wear skirts? Never. I always gets the sensation that my ass and vagina are out in the open whenever I wear skirts, so I never wear them.
Do you ever find it hard to live in a world where nobody cares? It can come in waves, I guess. Especially when I’m going through something and I get the glaring feeling that the world just goes on. I’ve mentioned this before but the moment I’ve felt this the most so far was when my grandpa passed away. First major death I had to go through, and I was screaming inside for the world to stop for a second and for the world to maybe just acknowledge my grandpa and his life and loss even for the briefest of moments. Of course it didn’t, and that’s when I first realized how unfair life can be.
Would you rather have a tattoo of a skull or a flower? Flower.
Have you ever had to take steroids? 💊 Nopes.
What are three of the worst withdrawal effects or side effects you have experienced from a medication? 💊 I don’t think I’ve had any notorious side effects from a medication. I’ve only dealt with such from vaccines/boosters.
What are three things you like about church? Nothing.
What are three things you dislike about church? Everything.
Does your town have a horse and carriage company? No, it doesn’t.
Who are three of the biggest jerks you know? I don’t know anybody I would consider a jerk.
Have you ever met a Jason that you didn't like? Nope.
Have you ever had a friend named Sarah? Don’t think I have.
Did you go to school with a Suzy? I never did.
What was the name of the person who bullied you the most in high school? Bullying in high school? That’s...pathetic. Anyway, I was never bullied then. I was teased more as a kid.
Do you know someone named Matthew? Vaguely. Only through friends.
...Mark? I don’t think so.
....Luke? My cousin.
....John? This is my closest cousin’s first name but he’s never used it as a nickname.
Have you ever been friends with an Ashley? No. But I’m currently working for one, hahaha.
....an Emily? No.
....a Jessica? Somewhat. Back in grade school.
....a David? I know of a few Davids but wouldn’t consider them friends, no.
Have you ever dated a Matthew? No.
Who was the last person you remember hanging up on you? My mom, probably. In any case people don’t do this a lot towards me.
How's your heart? Are you wounded? 💔 It’s not going through anything right now.
What was the last type of pie you ate? Idk, I don’t eat a lot of pie.
Are you happy today? Eh.
What time did you wake up this morning? Around 8:30.
And last but not least, did you enjoy this survey? It was ok. I feel like most of my answers were too short, and I can’t figure out if it’s because I’m feeling tired or because some of the questions were quite eh hahaha. It’s probably both.
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