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mplanetleaf · 1 year ago
King Muchukunda of Suryavamsha | ముచికుందుడు ఎవరు? | MPlanetLeaf
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wildmeadowsims · 2 months ago
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a normal day in the Suryavanshi-Ito / Suryavanshi-Puri household.
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ohaishwarya · 5 months ago
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﹒ ✴︎ ﹒ 𝑯 𝐎 𝐔 𝐒 𝐄   𝐒 𝐔 𝐑 𝐘 𝐀 𝐕 𝐀 𝐍 𝐒 𝐇 𝐈  :  encurvável é o sol, diziam os antigos, e nós somos seus filhos.
  𝐀 Casa Suryanvashi é uma antiga linhagem nobre situada no limite sul do Império, nas cercanias de desertos de areia vermelha e branca, em Powys, no território da Costa do Sal. Erguendo-se imponente junto ao oceano, sob o calor de um clima ensolarado que define a região, está sua sede, o castelo de Arcosol, refletido em construções com cúpulas majestosas, pátios internos repletos de mosaicos e jardins perfumados. A arquitetura é ornamentada, porém prática, utilizando cores terrosas e formas geométricas, resplandecendo sob o brilho constante do pôr do sol. Os seus senhores são comumente alcunhados como as "Víboras das Dunas Rubras", e seus filhos ou filhas, como “descendentes de beira-mar” e "serpentes de areia".
É prestigiosa na produção de perfumes delicados e tecidos leves e finos, de maciez tão acentuada que rivaliza com os de Luguya, ideais para o clima quente e agradáveis ao toque. Tingem a maior parte de suas sedas com matizes vibrantes, e em vez de adorná-las com brasões tradicionais, costumam pintá-las a mão.
Apesar de leais aos Essaex, no começo da fundação de Aldanrae demoraram a curvar suas cabeças, e a aliança somente veio após o crescimento de khajols e posteriormente de dragões em suas posses. Ainda assim, cultivam uma postura de dignidade distante e mais fechada em seus próprios vínculos familiares, evitando embalar-se em intrigas e conflitos políticos de terceiros, pois se há de haver perdas aos seus, que mantenham-se nas tocas arenosas; se houver vislumbre de ganhos no horizonte, que seja com cuidado devido antes de erguer as presas nos pescoços de seus inimigos.
Em relação aos changelings, com exceção da esposa do Marquês e alguns de seus filhos, adotam quase sempre uma postura pragmática e indiferente, não havendo hostilidade fervorosa, mas tampouco simpatia. Enxergam-nos como peças na estrutura social, úteis, diria que possível clientela e aparato no jogo político do Império, porém indignas de vínculo mais profundo com um de seus membros. Essa convicção reflete o valor que atribuem à pureza de sua linhagem com nada além do que lhes acrescenta.
  𝑻 𝑯 𝑬   𝑳 𝑰 𝑵 𝑬 𝑨 𝑮 𝑬
  𝐎 marquês, homem de temperamento reservado e palavras cuidadosamente calculadas, vela pelo nome da família com rigor e é notoriamente mais afeiçoado às filhas que aos filhos, delegando boa parte das responsabilidades destes para Yunet, que é uma khajol oriunda de Luguya. Trouxe consigo costumes estrangeiros, sutilmente fundidos aos hábitos locais, conferindo à linhagem familiar um traço de distinção frente às gerações passadas.
O primogênito, Tariq, o Benfeitor, é tido como a mente lúcida destinada a guiar a família, tão calmo quanto a superfície serena da água de um oásis. O segundo filho, Sete, o Infame, é conhecido pela inclinação para crueldade, com rumores de que, em ocasiões obscuras, usou de sua posição para forçar criados a se autoflagelarem enquanto escandalosamente ria. Fora a avó, falecida há alguns anos e única a repreendê-lo, nem o pai nem a mãe demonstram interesse em conter suas ações. Kanope, a Calamidade, possui um temperamento volúvel e é intenso como o sol a pino, sendo a força vital da casa. Guerreiro letal e devotado às irmãs, nutre especial afeto pela quarta filha, Aishwarya. Esta, chamada pelo povo de sua região de Coração Solar de Powys, é reverenciada por sua bondade e beleza, admirada em suas raras aparições públicas na juventude. Mais tarde, seus dons no canto e na dança lhe valeram o título de Rouxinol do Império. A última filha, Ankita, carrega o espírito da matriarca em sua determinação e uma autossuficiência que flerta com a ambição, embora compartilhe dos valores familiares em proteger e honrar seu sangue.
À exceção das filhas que frequentam Hexwood, os demais encontram-se casados ou noivos.
Todos ao atingirem a idade de maturidade foram agraciados com uma joia singular, adornada com serpentes. Tariq ostenta um anel de prata antiga, onde duas cobras se entrelaçam, formando um nó que circunda o dedo; seus olhos incrustados de ônix parecem observá-lo atentamente. Sete carrega um colar em ouro envelhecido, cujo pingente de serpente exibe escamas minuciosamente esculpidas, realçadas por pequenas safiras que cintilam sob a luz. Kanope possui uma pulseira de bronze polido, com duas cobras que se encontram em um aperto firme, as cabeças voltadas para fora, adornadas com pedras de jade verde, simbolizando o olhar vigilante sobre o caminho. Ankita, a mais jovem, usa um bracelete de prata com entalhes de serpentes espiraladas, cujas caudas se entrelaçam até formar o fecho, e suas escamas foram finamente cravejadas com minúsculos rubis. Aishwarya, por sua vez, traz uma tornozeleira de ouro brilhante, onde uma serpente única envolve a corrente, cada escama finamente detalhada e polida; ao pisar com força, a joia emite um som seco e delicado, como o sibilo discreto de uma serpente à espreita.
  𝑻 𝑯 𝑬   𝑪 𝑼 𝑹 𝑺 𝑬,   𝑻 𝑯 𝑬   𝑷 𝑹 𝑶 𝑷 𝑯 𝑬 𝑪 𝒀 
  𝐍as terras de areia há uma regra instaurada pela Lady Suryavanshi e punível com pagamento de sangue: nunca comentar a respeito dos acontecimentos que cercaram o nascimento de Aishwarya. Contudo, embora a boca se torça e feche, as lembranças nítidas que os guardas, a parteira e algumas servas guardam daquela noite abundante de tormenta não explicitada nunca se apaga;
A ardência da primeira respiração queimou por dentro, logo avisando: a vida não é fácil; e todo o castelo vibrou e reverberou com o eco do choro da vida. Uma bênção, exprime uma criada emocionada. A graça dos deuses finalmente tocou seu ventre, diz a parteira, é uma menina saudável e perfeita como a Senhora.
Louvados sejam, louvados sejam.
A mãe, contudo, não sorriu. Talvez o árduo parto a tivesse exaurido, mas seus braços e pernas, ainda débeis, pareciam hesitantes, como se temessem envolver o bebê embrulhado no manto dourado que lhe fora entregue. Ainda assim, tomou-o nos braços e pediu à criada que trouxesse a caixa que, durante anos, repousara inerte sobre seu altar sagrado. O objeto, de uma leveza curiosa, trazia inscrições indecifráveis para os olhos atentos ao redor, e de seu interior a mãe retirou uma ampulheta, cujos grãos de areia bastavam para não mais que uma ou duas horas.
Em seguida, recostou-se no leito, oferecendo o seio à criança recém-nascida, sem, porém, afastar o olhar da areia que lentamente escapava, uma partícula de cada vez.
Quando o último grão repousou no fundo, a criada foi mais uma vez convocada aos aposentos. Yunet, que habitualmente mantinha uma postura imperturbável, agora exibia uma inquietude incomum, com dedos trêmulos roçando os lábios, enquanto observava a criança como se ela representasse algo que escapava à sua compreensão. Seria culpa sua? Por que nada se concretizara até então? Deveria ela mesma intervir? Não — acolhera de peito aberto aquele destino no exato momento em que encontrou o olhar da menina. Não fora assim? Não tinha sido exatamente assim?
 “Leve-a daqui, entregue à ama de leite”, murmurou finalmente. Assim que a criança deixou o quarto, Yunet ajoelhou-se sob o brilho intransigente das velas e a claridade fria de seu próprio seon, buscando respostas em um silêncio que pesava mais que qualquer palavra.
Como se escapa do próprio destino? Como se esquiva do que está cravado na alma?
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀​​​​​​​⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀​​​​​​​⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀​​​​​​​⠀⠀​​​​Pagando o preço. . .
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀​​​​​​​⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀​​​​​​​𝖠 𝗀𝗋𝖾𝖺𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗐𝗈𝗆𝖺𝗇  𝗐𝗈𝗎𝗅𝖽𝗇'𝗍 𝖻𝖾𝗀,
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀𝖻𝗎𝗍 𝖨  𝗅𝗈𝗈𝗄𝖾𝖽 𝗍𝗈 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗌𝗄𝗒 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗌𝖺𝗂𝖽 
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀​​​​​​​⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀𝗉𝗅𝖾𝖺𝗌𝖾,  𝖨'𝗏𝖾  𝖻𝖾𝖾𝗇  𝗈𝗇  𝗆𝗒 𝗄𝗇𝖾𝖾𝗌
⠀⠀⠀𝖼 𝗁 𝖺 𝗇 𝗀 𝖾   𝗍 𝗁 𝖾   𝗉 𝗋 𝗈 𝗉 𝗁 𝖾 𝖼 𝗒
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timesofwoods · 3 months ago
Digangana Suryavanshi
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jitendrasuryavanshi · 1 year ago
Right Way To Earn By Blogging: Zero To Massive, By Jitendra Suryavanshi 📖
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cricnewz · 12 days ago
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entertainmentnewsblog · 12 days ago
मिलिए वैभव सूर्यवंशी से: IPL 2025 का सबसे युवा खिलाड़ी
क्रिकेट की दुनिया में हर साल नए सितारे उभरते हैं, लेकिन कुछ ऐसे खिलाड़ी होते हैं जो बहुत कम उम्र में अपनी प्रतिभा से सबका ध्यान आकर्षित कर लेते हैं। ऐसा ही एक नाम है वैभव सूर्यवंशी, जो मात्र 13 साल की उम्र में इंडियन प्रीमियर लीग (आईपीएल) 2025 में राजस्थान रॉयल्स की टीम में शामिल हुए हैं। कौन हैं वैभव सूर्यवंशी? वैभव सूर्यवंशी बिहार के रहने वाले एक युवा क्रिकेटर हैं, जिन्होंने अपनी जबरदस्त…
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indiaweekly24 · 4 months ago
Vaibhav Suryavanshi, a 13-year-old cricket prodigy, has been selected to join the Rajasthan Royals IPL squad. This remarkable achievement highlights his exceptional talent and early rise in cricket, setting the stage for an inspiring career in the sport.
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rightnewshindi · 4 months ago
आईपीएल नीलामी में छाए वैभव सूर्यवंशी, महज 13 की उम्र में बनें करोड़पति; मेगा ऑक्शन में चमकी किस्मत
Vaibhav Suryavanshi IPL Mega Auction: आईपीएल मेगा ऑक्शन में 13 साल के वैभव सूर्यवंशी सबसे ज्यादा चर्चा का विषय रहे। राजस्थान रॉयल्स ने एक करोड़ दस लाख में वैभव को अपने साथ जोड़ लिया है। बाएं हाथ के वैभव मूल रूप से बिहार के रहने वाले हैं। वह लंबे-लंबे छक्के लगाने के लिए जाते हैं। वैभव सूर्यवंशी आईपीएल के इतिहास में बिकने वाले सबसे युवा क्रिकेटर बन चुके हैं। वैभव की बेस प्राइस 30 लाख रुपए थी।…
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directsellingnow · 6 months ago
"दुनिया करती है उगते सूरज को सलाम" - Direct Selling Industry में सफलता की कहानी
Direct Selling Industry: हम सबने बचपन से ही यह कहावत सुनी है – “दुनिया करती है उगते सूरज को सलाम”। इसका मतलब होता है कि लोग उस व्यक्ति को ही सम्मान और पहचान देते हैं, जो मेहनत कर आगे बढ़ता है और अपनी सफलता से दूसरों को प्रभावित करता है। ठीक इसी तरह, Direct Selling की दुनिया में भी सफलता का यही फॉर्मूला है – मेहनत, लगन और सही दिशा में लगातार प्रयास। डायरेक्ट सेलिंग कोई शॉर्टकट नहीं है। यहाँ सफलता…
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presskeeda · 6 months ago
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mplanetleaf · 1 year ago
Mandhata – The legendary King | తండ్రి గర్భంలో జన్మించిన అతడు ఎవరు? | MPlanetleaf
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wildmeadowsims · 3 months ago
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fun fun fun
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terraxtant · 6 months ago
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The suryavanshi are an ancient mutant sub-species, typically originating in south-eastern Europe and known best for their distinct abilities of energy and solar manupilation.
Name and Origins
The name Suryavanshi itself finds its origins in the Indian subcontinent- it's root, Surya is derived from the name of the Hindu Sun god, Surya. The name Suryavanshi, therefore, can be directly translated to "Children of the Sun."
Suryavanshi in History
The Suryavanshi emerged as powerful energy manupilators who dominated the Silk Road and it's trade, often providing traders and traveler's with warmth and shelter through their abilities. While their language today is largely unknown, historical texts attribute them to having spoken an Indo-European language with it's roots in Sanskrit, much like other southern-European languages in the region. The Suryavanshi were also avid worshipers of a Sun God and attributed their abilities to be gifts of the Sun God in return for their loyal worship.
Over time, the Suryavanshi race dissipated due to travel to unexplored lands across the world, including South America (modern-day Brazil, Argentina, Peru, and parts of Mexico), Egypt and former Byzantine lands, and unexplored parts of Oceania as well (Australia and New Zealand). Distributed across vast geographies, descendants tended to assimilate with the local culture and eventually lost contact with other Suryavanshi.
Prominent Suryavanshi
Over time, the Suryavanshi race itself was forgotten all together, existing primarily in history books.
Distinctive Suryavanshi Powers and Abilities
Energy manupilation
Energy absorption
Energy protection
Energy siphoning
Solar projection
Solar absorbtion
While the Suryavanshi race is largely forgotten, their abilities and powers are not. They still live on, passed down from mother to child.
Mastronadi, originating from Sicily
Prominent Suryavanshi Lines
Almedia, originating from Pourtugal
Prominent Suryavanshi Descendants
Isabella Mastronadi
It is strongly suspected that Alexander inherited his abilities from his mother, whose own abilities were dormant during her lifetime.
Alexander Mastronadi
Isabella 'Bella' Costa
Alexander likely inherited his abilities from his mother. His abilities were triggered due to a combination of grief of losing his mother and learning of his father's betrayal of his mother and his involvement in anti-mutant pharmaceutical production, and the side effects of the pharmaceutical drug produced by his father's company.
Alexander is also Isabella Costa's third cousin.
Bella inherited her abilities from her mother's side of the family, the Amelia's. The Almedias and the Mastronadi's are related via the Mastronadi maternal line. Bella is also AlexanderMastronadis's third cousin.
Lucian Huntington
Son of Isabella and James Huntington, inherited part of his abilities from his mother.
Lunaria Huntington
Daughter of Isabella and James Huntington, inherited part of her abilities from her mother.
Selene Huntington
Daughter of Isabella and James Huntington, inherited part of her abilities from her mother.
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akultalkies · 2 years ago
Ganga Mamgai, Vivek Jaitly, Rituraj Singh, Vishal Sudarshanwar, Kaveri Priyam, Preeti Kochar, Hardik Thakkar, Gurinder Makna, Promita Banik, Sunil Bali, Shahid Shamimulla, Pinaz, Saurabh Jaitpal, Jagmeet Samundri, Pihu Sharma, Mahabir
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alexsummerz · 22 days ago
Chapter 1: First Bonds, First Threats
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here's the first chapter guys ;) same as before english is not my first language so sorry if there's any mistakes and pls share me ur feedbacks :p
First Bonds, First Threats
Asha followed Charles and Erik through the hallways of a large building that seemed to belong to the CIA. She could already hear distant echoes of voices and laughter growing louder as they approached.
As they reached the door at the end of the corridor, Charles glanced at her reassuringly. "Ready?"
"I guess so," she replied, giving a vague nod.
Upon entering the room, she immediately noticed a group of young people around her age who, at first glance, seemed "normal". But in reality, everyone in this room was a mutant. And she couldn’t help but wonder what was their mutations.
Charles stepped into the center of the room with his usual kind demeanor. "My young friends, I’d like to introduce you to Asha Suryavanshi."
No one seemed particularly shocked by her arrival. They had all been gathered here in the same way.
"Asha, these are your peers. You’ll have plenty of time to get to know each other." Charles exchanged a final glance with Erik before adding, "We have things to attend to. We’ll leave you all to it."
With that, Erik and Charles quickly left, leaving Asha alone with the group.
She immediately felt the weight of curious stares on her. They were probably wondering what she could do, just as she had wondered about them moments ago. But she wasn’t exactly eager to get to that part of the conversation.
She cast a quick glance around the room they were in. Music was playing in the background, half-empty glasses were scattered around, and from the looks of it, the others had already started bonding. She had the distinct feeling of being an outsider.
Before she could say anything, a young blonde woman with bright eyes approached her with a warm smile.
"Hey! I’m Raven!" she said enthusiastically, before adding with a knowing look, "And don’t worry, we all seem a bit intimidating at first, but we’re actually pretty cool."
Asha let out a small laugh.
"You’re not that intimidating... but we’ll see about the cool part."
"I like her already!" Sean exclaimed, laughing at her remark.
Asha, unaccustomed to this kind of warmth, had to make a considerable effort just to get those few words out.
Raven gestured for her to sit on the couch. Asha gave a small nod and took a seat, staying slightly withdrawn but taking in everyone around her. She observed them carefully. Sean, always ready with a joke. Darwin, observant and laid-back. Angel, wary yet attentive. Hank, sitting next to Raven, seemingly preoccupied with his notes. And finally, Alex Summers—leaning against the wall, arms crossed, watching the scene with amusement.
"So, Asha," Sean began, leaning toward her. "We’ve been picking code names for ourselves here. Got any ideas for yours?"
She raised an eyebrow but didn’t respond immediately.
Meanwhile, the others took turns explaining the origins of their chosen names, showing off their powers in the process; shattering windows, decapitating statues, shape-shifting.
For a brief moment, Asha almost felt comfortable in this setting. Surrounded by people like her, the atmosphere felt oddly familiar.
But even then, a sense of isolation lingered deep inside her.
She wasn’t like the others. Not really. What she had inside her wasn’t meant to be seen.
Lost in her thoughts, she barely noticed when the inevitable moment arrived.
Alex Summers approached her, smirking. "Alright, your turn. Show us what you got."
Asha leaned back slightly, crossing her arms, a knot tightening in her stomach.
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"No thanks. I’m not interested in showing off my ‘gift.’"
Alex raised an eyebrow, intrigued.
"Why not? We all did. What’s stopping you? Even I—"
"I said no."
Her tone sharpened, and her gaze turned cold.
"What’s with the gloves, then?" he insisted.
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She locked eyes with him.
"None of your damn business."
Just as Alex was about to say something else, Hank cut in.
"Alex, stop. She doesn’t have to if she doesn’t want to."
The blond raised an eyebrow before muttering sarcastically, "Whatever you say, Bozo."
Asha rolled her eyes. What an asshole.
She glanced at Hank, silently thanking him.
The others, though intrigued, didn’t press further. The conversation quickly resumed, and soon, laughter filled the room again. The young mutants were drinking, dancing, and enjoying a rare moment of lightness in their otherwise chaotic lives.
But Darwin, ever observant, suddenly froze.
"What the hell was that?"
A loud thud echoed from the roof.
Like something; or multiple things; had just slammed against it.
The noise repeated, growing in frequency and intensity.
Everyone turned toward the massive window; formerly intact, before Sean had gotten involved; and saw a nightmarish figure outside.
A man with red skin and a devil-like appearance was grabbing CIA guards, teleporting them away in flashes of crimson smoke; only for their screams to follow a moment later as their bodies fell from the sky, crashing violently onto the ground.
"What the actual fuck?" Sean choked out.
Before anyone could react, two massive tornadoes tore through the CIA troops.
And behind them, another man in a sharp suit approached calmly.
Asha felt a chill run down her spine as the two figures closed in on them.
Maybe I should’ve never come here.
Now, the devil himself and goddamn weatherman were after them.
Suddenly, an explosion shook the facility, sending tremors through the walls.
Fear and panic took hold of everyone. The group instinctively huddled together.
From behind the door, they heard a desperate voice yell:
"The mutants are just behind this door! Please; spare us! We’re normal!"
A loud crash followed.
Then… silence.
The group stood frozen as the two intruders stopped moving as well, waiting.
Then, the door swung open violently, revealing a man.
Not just any man.
Sebastian Shaw.
He scanned the room with sharp eyes, then smiled with false sympathy before speaking.
"This world will never accept you, my children," he said smoothly. "Why fight for them when you could join me? Rule this world, as mutants, as kings and queens."
A tense silence followed.
Then, Angel stepped forward.
"Angel, no…" Darwin whispered.
But she didn’t listen.
She walked straight to Shaw.
The others were visibly disappointed.
But deep down, each of them knew the weight of their own lives. They understood the rejection she must have felt, and why she choosed to follow him.
Darwin took a deep breath, exchanging a quick glance with Alex before stepping forward as well.
"You’re right," he said, moving closer to Shaw.
Confusion flickered across everyone’s faces; until, at the last second, he shouted:
"Alex, NOW!"
Alex unleashed an energy blast straight at Shaw, and Darwin shielded Angel behind him.
But Shaw absorbed the attack effortlessly.
He smirked.
"Adapt to this."
And then; he unleashed the absorbed energy into Darwin.
Right before their horrified eyes, Darwin disintegrated into ashes.
Nobody could do anything.
Asha’s breath hitched. The sight of Darwin’s charred remains triggered something inside her.
Too familiar. Too painful.
She turned away, unable to face the reality of it.
And then; Alex lunged at Shaw in blind rage.
One of Shaw’s men grabbed him instantly.
The young woman, hearing the struggle and refusing to watch another person turn to ashes before her, tried to intervene, grabbing the man’s jacket. But he immediately spun around, his hands closing around her throat, strangling her.
"Let's finish this. We need to leave," Shaw said coldly.
Asha gasped for air. Her heart pounded so hard it echoed in her temples, drowning out the sounds around her. Her attacker's fingers tightened around her throat, unyielding, preventing her from breathing. Her body fought instinctively, struggling to break free, but the man was too strong.
She felt panic rising, consuming every inch of her being. Her breath became short, erratic. Her lungs burned; but it wasn’t just from the lack of oxygen. Something else was awakening within her. A heat. A deep rumble at the core of her being.
An old anger. Long suppressed.
Fragments of memories shattered in her mind.
The suffocating heat of a summer afternoon. A familiar scream.
The stench of burning flesh. Her own trembling hands, covered in ash.
No. Not again. Not here.
But her body refused to obey.
The heat inside her swelled, spreading through her limbs. Her muscles tensed as her skin hummed under the pressure. The dim light of the room seemed to bend and refract around her, a golden halo flickering at the edges of her vision.
She knew what was coming.
A final shudder of agony coursed through her, and with trembling fingers, she grasped the edges of her gloves.
She ripped the leather off in one sharp motion.
Her bare palms met the man’s skin.
The scream that followed ripped through the air.
The man froze, his face twisting in pure, incomprehensible agony. Then, his entire body stiffened, consumed by an unbearable pain. The heat surged into his veins, igniting every cell, reducing his body to something raw and incandescent. His skin blackened in an instant, cracked, then crumbled into a pile of smoldering dust.
A single heartbeat later, there was nothing left.
Asha staggered backward, her breath rasping through her lungs. Her hands trembled, golden embers still flickering across her fingertips before slowly fading away. She took a step back. Then another.
Her legs nearly gave out beneath her.
A crushing silence fell over the room.
Every pair of eyes was on her.
A lump formed in her throat. Slowly, she lowered her gaze to her hands.
They had taken another life.
A bitter taste rose in her mouth.
I should have run.
She swallowed hard, forcing herself to look at the others.
The silence was palpable. But there was more than just fear in their expressions.
There was confusion. And shock.
Her gaze met Alex’s.
He said nothing. But didn’t look afraid.
Like he was trying to figure something out.
Her voice, rough and almost broken, finally cut through the silence:
"How’s that for a demonstration?"
No one answered.
Asha felt her head spin. She stumbled back and sank into a chair, overwhelmed by everything.
Shaw had used the chaos to disappear.
Panting, shaken by the commotion, it was at that moment that Charles and Erik finally returned, horror evident on their faces.
Charles, visibly disturbed, wanted to send everyone home. But Erik immediately protested.
"If Shaw has his army, we need ours."
Alex straightened, voice firm. "We’ve got nowhere else to go anyway."
Asha didn’t say a word.
But deep down, she agreed with him.
And so, the group set out for Xavier’s mansion.
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