#survivor edith
pyromaniacblujay · 4 months
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chempack · 2 months
how freaked out would my ocs be by weird* wasteland cuisine (ant meat, mole rat meat, radroach, iguana, etc)
keagan: 2/10, not very. he grew up in a fairly small town that had their own farm to live off of, so he didnt typically eat 'weird' stuff growing up and as a kid he heard stories about it and went 'ewww!' while the adults chuckled good naturedly. plus hes a wanderer and has often had to make do with whatever he scrounges up while exploring, and he knows now that it really isnt that bad (if u know how to cook). still doesnt trust that vendor in freeside
edith: 5/10. she grew up prewar when half these things didnt exist, but she also grew up on a farm in buttfuck pennsylvania and she gets that times are tough (and lbr she was eating mud and worms as a kid). she does think its really weird when she first leaves the vault tho and still doesnt like the taste of most of it later on. there was a while when she first left where she was just barely eating from a combination of "holy shit my entire family is dead my baby is missing the world ended" and "my only options are lizard stew or 200 year old cereal. No Thank U."
charlie: 8/10 he thinks its insane. he genuinely thinks people are joking with him at first and gets mad about it. he refuses to eat insect meat. he also tried to refuse basically anything other than brahmin for a while but quickly succumbed to the hunger. he grew up in a vault with literally no dirt and only occasional radroaches, he thinks bugs are disgusting and cant imagine eating one. also i doubt the vault tec education system included anything about different types of meat
*aside from being radiated and often huge versions of real animals these arent actually weied to eat, my ocs are just white people in 50s society and/or post-apocalyptic america and think only insane end-of-the-world circumstances could lead to people eatinf these
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princeraglan · 1 year
These beginner-friendly games are the perfect gateway into gaming for your newbie friends or family who want to get into gaming, but don't know how!
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notevenashes · 2 years
Survivors don't have time to ask, "Why me?" For survivors, the only relevant question is "What now?"
Edith Eva Eger, The Choice
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bodhrancomedy · 22 days
8 Games Which Made Me Bawl My Fucking Eyes Out (in the best way)
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1. A Story Beside
Holy hell, I think the fact I played this one when I was isolating with COVID and terrified my breathing issues were gonna be permanent probably added to my complete sobbing breakdown at the end of this.
Every single chapter is a beautiful gut punch and the ending sequence where you guide Lyric back through her story? Heartbreaking.
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2. I Was a Teenage Exocolonist
This is probably one of my favourite games of all time and certainly one I’ve sunk the most hours into.
The fact that your first run-through is almost guaranteed to be full of failure and missed chances just adds to the pain I felt.
But the bug in the nursery. That’s what got me.
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3. What Remains of Edith Finch
I’m not sure there’s anything I can say about this game which hasn’t been said already.
Each new room puts another knife in your heart as you pull apart the seams of the Finch family curse with Edith as the last survivor.
Gregory was the moment I had to take a break to compose myself.
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4. Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life
While I think this remake took some of the teeth out of the original, this farm sim which spans the life of your character is full of heartbreaking moments as you raise your child.
Honestly, being allowed to be queer and nonbinary in this game made me bawl because I remember wishing to both be a boy and love men in the older games.
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5. Dragon Quest IV
I could add several of the Dragon Quest games to this list, but after fighting the final boss for nearly two decades, beating this game had me sobbing for hours.
That last scene of Chapter Five had such a tiny little animation of our hero taking off his sword and that send me over the edge.
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6. Bramble: The Mountain King
I don't know where to start with this dark folktale of a game. From tragic monsters to absolute gut punches following great unsettling scares, this journey to save your sister as a scared child ripped my heart in two.
The hell Olle goes through for his protective sister is dear to my heart as a nervous little brother myself.
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7. Citizen Sleeper
The very concept of this RPG is haunting. A construct on the run from the corporation who took your body is sad enough, but the express love of humanity which runs through this? Beautiful.
I'm not very far through and it's already had me in tears twice.
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8. Outer Wilds
I don't think I can say a single thing about this game without completely spoiling it.
Go in blind, but be ready for heavy and sorrowful themes. All I'll say is when you hear the ending theme, have tissues ready.
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cissa-calls · 9 months
Rewatching Crimson Peak & Things of Focus and Notice:
As a child at her mothers funeral, Edith wears butterfly/moth earrings
Is the pen her father gifts her the one she later uses to stab Lucille? He describes the importance of having “The right tool for the job,” is that foreshadowing for gifting her the tool to begin her escape from Crimson Peak?
Is Edith wearing a butterfly hair clip when she dances the waltz with Thomas?
Lucille’s iconic crimson red gown is so detailed, so beautiful. It represents the skeletal ghosts with its spinal column along the back, crimson peak itself in color, the carapace of a bug on the sleeves and structure, and the upper bodice has trim that blooms outward (present similarly in her blue gown) but is bisected by buttons…creating a familiar shape…a moth?
The candle they hold during the waltz is held at the same level Edith holds her iconic candelabra, a subtle parallel
The trim on the collar of Lucille’s black dress references the spikes and trims of gothic architecture - which is very heavily featured in Allerdale Hall
Lucille says that: “At home we only have Black moths, formidable creatures but they lack beauty.” Knowing the parallel between her and moths, it implies that she sees herself as a survivor and powerful, but something no longer beautiful because of it
Lucille places the butterfly she holds directly into the ants, an action that’s brutal but quick. Is it foreshadowing to her execution of Edith’s death? Something quick for such a beautiful thing, done by her hand?
The LOOK Lucille gives Thomas when they realize Edith’s father knows their past. THE LOOK (JESSICA CHASTAIN YOUR ACTING)
“You seem the more collected one my dear” Lucille is called this. She always holds the mission undetered in her mind, as opposed to Thomas who seems more easily swayed by emotions
When Thomas breaks Edith’s heart by ripping apart her book. He says: “What do you dream of? A kind man? A pure soul to be redeemed? A wounded bird to be nourished?” He is telling her exactly what he is. None of those things, none of the dreams she has built of him in her mind. Not with a past and life such as his.
The significance of gramophones and wax cylinders: it is what plays when Edith’s father is murdered, it is also what saves her from meeting the same fate
I want to know more about Lucille!! Her character is so rich, so so complex, she needs more screen time!!
Need a prop replica of the ring NOW
[the house] “is a privilege we were born into, one we can never relinquish” METAPHOR ALERT METAPHOR ALERT metaphor for the cycles of abuse and trauma they could not break
HOW THE FRICK did I MISS the fact that Thomas’ workshop is in the attic when that was where him and Lucille were locked up as children. SO MANY IMPORTANT SCENES HAPPEN THERE. So many significant to their past we never see, so many ghosts not visible but are so real and present to have caused this
The trail of smoke like red essence that emanates from the ghosts as they walk, like they are still bleeding
Lucille’s hair looks black in darker lighting, but a dark brunette in others. It’s provides a black, dark shroud when she’s in America, and catches more light when she’s in Allerdale Hall
“I like to think she can see us from up there. I don’t want her to miss a single thing we do.” UM MA’AM
“…in time, everything will be right” LUCILLE QUEEN OF FINAL OMINOUS STATEMENTS IN SCENES
The amount I WISH to explore this set. To pry apart each detail and pick apart each piece, so much of it had to be handcrafted pieces for the movie or vintage pieces sourced for it. LET ME IN
The ghost in the hallway has a rope dragging behind her…is this a gory detail, or an allusion to how she may have died (if not by poison)?
The ghost in Edith’s dream is pointing, though it is never shown to what. Is it to the exit, her warning to leave as all the other ghosts try to do?
The children’s laughter after the presumed scream of their mother’s ghost as she is stabbed, is it just for creepy effect, or did Lucille and Thomas actually laugh after they murdered her?
The scar on Lucille’s lip? Never noticed it before!
Not the first time I’ve noticed it, but the act of her clutching hot steaming food with her bare hands is chilling every single time
Were the bodies of Thomas’s wives left in the vats of clay? I don’t know HOW I didn’t make that connection before, originally i thought it was merely for creepy effect.
Many people villainize Lucille and try to make Thomas out to be solely a victim. But as stated in the wax cylinder, he was fueled by his desire to pay for and make his machine. Him and Lucille are both complacent in using their victims money for their own gain
We need to bring Chatelaine’s back into fashion. That is all.
The scrape of the spoon over the porcelain cup, it screeches and is a subtle way that shows Lucille act of caring has a harshness to it, an unpleasant sound resulting from an otherwise pleasant action: tending to Edith
Such an interesting camera choice to have the camera focus in a circular inwards and outwards
also also Lucille has a temple scar on her forehead?
The small amount of glee Lucille takes saying Edith “thought [she] was was a writer” as she throws the pages to her novel in the fire.
The absolute deadpan, matter-of-fact-ness Lucille has to Edith when she signs the papers “you have nothing to live for” & “mercy killings.” This is a familiar repeated cycle
“Sign your name! Sign your bloody name!” Bloody is not just for emphasis. Edith’s name is soon to be nothing but blood
Lucille’s night gown sleeves as she flies down the stairs in pursuit - like a moths wings fluttering towards its prey
Lucille and Edith fought each other with bare feet on the stone and in the snow
Lucille is the only one of the two who knows how to start Thomas’s machine, because she was the one who witnessed it working
It is only the stab wound on Thomas’ face that bleeds and smokes when he is a ghost, perhaps because it is the wound that bears his betrayal by Lucille, reminiscent of tears of his lingering pain
Edith now has a facial scar, gifted to her by Lucille, who bore ones of her own. It is a passage, a continuing of the cycle, but it is its finale. It is Edith’s souvenir from Lucille, who took her own souvenir (her hair) from the other like a prize
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anon-h3art · 4 months
Leonarda.. oh eughhhh.
Leo.. She was the last one. She was the last one that survived despite everything (again) and can't you imagine the survivors guilt she is immensely feeling as of late? When she went to bed that night, she was the only egg left. That is still here. Nacho is there yes but. She's one of the original eggs, that is still here. She has a big heart and was an amazing aunt to Pepito, while he was still here..
She reminds me of Edith Finch alot. I don't know why- but she just.. oh man. She could be one of the older characters possibly in the new RESET qsmp, maybe hatched as her reward. Maybe that, and she'll be a player now. The survivor of the eggs that never hatched. The only one that made it to her teenhood. Survivors guilt eats her whole.
I would love that to be an ending for her. And with q! bbh as well. Both are the only survivors of the old world, and have to navigate the new one. They suffered alot. And deserve to be the uncle-niece duo we never expected but. Here we are. I'd imagine her making small memorials of her siblings that had passed from 20 years ago. Smiling with guilt eating her but, her uncle calls and she goes to put the flowers on the huge memorial, of those who are now gone. But are never forgotten by the two survived.
Leo's admin, if you are reading this, just know you are very loved by the community and by us. I hope you have a good sleep tonight too! And i hope you are doing okay! <333
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the1920sinpictures · 1 year
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1927 c. Titanic survivor Edith Rosenbaum Russell was a fashion writer and department store dress buyer who also bred Pekingese at her New York kennels. From Encyclopedia Titanic.
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whyhellosims · 1 year
Sorry for going missing, but I have two very good reasons why!
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This is Tootie Sue and Edith Ellen, and they were abandoned by their mama on a night that dipped below freezing. My cousin's dog alerted her to them, and she dug them out of a wood pile half frozen, the only two survivors of the litter. They were about 10 days old, so we took them, and between bottle feedings, poop schedules, litter training, and now onto our first wet foods in between naps and zooming around like kitten bumper cars, it's been nonstop :D And I wouldn't have it any other way. I've been working on more CAS CC when they're napping (when I'm not working, that is), and doing my own napping in between, lol. So apologies once again! You just never know what life has in store!
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favvn · 2 months
maybe i'll develop my thoughts better someday when i am not exhaustion made into a person but what the fuck was a private little war.
i get the obvious vietnam war metaphor, but between the complete reversal of a situation like season one's a taste of armageddon (which i realize is not a cut and dry ethics episode for kirk given his reasons for getting involved and the risks involved in what he chooses for the planets involved) and all the damn misogyny (of course the lone female character on the planet, nona, is evil. but she can't possibly kill anyone with either her knife or mccoy's phaser, no she's all talk and zero planning outside of seduction. to say nothing of the klingon krell and the villager apella talking about how "it's hard to divide one woman" and "give her to the man who killed the most of her people" which like. realism in tv and how women and children are forever impacted by the same wars they do not fight in aside, what purpose did it serve to the episode's storyline overall? if the episode can make nona so blatantly evil with the most unsubtle costume design, what did those lines do to help the story? are the klingons not enough of a one-dimensional villain?), what was the purpose of that ending and even the entire set-up? kirk went there seemingly without the intent to get involved, yet he gets brainwashed to become a pawn, only for him to seemingly act like himself by the end and justify an arms race with no discernable end, ignoring the fact that both sides would keep improving their weapons, ignoring what it would mean outside of the planet neural and the ramifications beyond (unless fighting the klingons is "standing orders")
KIRK: Is it? She wants superior weapons. That's the one thing neither side can have. Bones. Bones, the normal development of this planet was the status quo between the hill people and the villagers. The Klingons changed that with the flintlocks. If this planet is to develop the way it should, we must equalize both sides again.
MCCOY: Jim, that means you're condemning this whole planet to a war that may never end. It could go on for year after year, massacre after massacre.
KIRK: All right, Doctor! All right. Say I'm wrong. Say I'm drugged. Say the woman drugged me. What is your sober, sensible solution to all this?
MCCOY: I don't have a solution. But furnishing them firearms is certainly not the answer.
KIRK: Bones, do you remember the twentieth century brush wars on the Asian continent? Two giant powers involved, much like the Klingons and ourselves. Neither side felt could pull out.
MCCOY: Yes, I remember. It went on bloody year after bloody year.
KIRK: What would you have suggested, that one side arm its friends with an overpowering weapon? Mankind would never have lived to travel space if they had. No. The only solution is what happened back then. Balance of power.
MCCOY: And if the Klingons give their side even more?
KIRK: Then we arm our side with exactly that much more. A balance of power. The trickiest, most difficult, dirtiest game of them all, but the only one that preserves both sides.
like. i get that the ending is meant to be shocking and be commentary on america's involvement in vietnam and especially of the war itself, regardless of the countries involved in it (two outsiders keep supplying more and more weapons to "balance power" but it's about ideology for the outsiders and a war is easiest if you don't have to fight it yourself) but to do that to kirk? of all characters? tarsus iv "the revolution was a success / your lives mean slow death to the more valued members of the colony" survivor jim kirk? the same kirk who feared escalating tensions with the romulans? "we may be killers but we won't kill today"? the same kirk who stopped bones from saving edith keeler to prevent the creation of a fascist future? "change is the inevitable course of the future. the (terran) empire will fail." that kirk? there was no other way to write this but to use kirk?
yes the unflinching commentary on vietnam in 1967 is, in fact, a good thing. i'm not angry about that. my issue is to use kirk like this after writing him like they did in season one? to take that characterization and smash it? to *really* hammer home the point that no one is immune to causing harm regardless of intention, especially kirk? when that's been part of his character since the pilot episode?
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pyromaniacblujay · 21 days
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thank you for the requests!
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chempack · 2 months
what my characters would get cancelled on twitter for
edith: vigilantism in cosplay
charlie: calling a homeless man the f slur
keagan: having sex with someone scandalously younger than him
carrie: arson
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Watching TOS: Jim Kirk's Terrible, Horrible, No-Good, Very Bad Week
Can't a guy catch a break?
The city on the edge of forever - YEESS
Love a time travel with an ethics dilemma intertwined in a personal one!!!
Jim manipulating Spock in the most blatant way possible, basically saying "Excuse me. I sometimes expect too much of you." like come on! and Spock still taking the bait
The clothes, the living together, Spock building his diy computer and being bitchy about it all the while
The music everytime Jim talks with Edith is SO MUCH
The ending is very fucking horrible, oh Jim 😭😭😭
This episode delivers!
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GUARDIAN: As correct as possible for you. Your science knowledge is obviously primitive. SPOCK: Really. KIRK: Annoyed, Spock?
I'm snickering
You? At his side like you've always been and always will be
Gifted insight indeed!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my heart
Captain. Even when he doesn't say it, he does.
KIRK: Spock, I believe I'm in love with Edith Keeler. SPOCK: Jim, Edith Keeler must die.
Why is he so dramatic over a woman he met a week ago i can'ttttt + everytime Spock calls him Jim it's something awful 😭
Side note: in the episode McCoy says he's "a surgeon, not a psychiatrist". But in Court Martial he's said to be "an expert in space psychology". I realize psychiatry =/= psychology, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Operation - Annihilate!
I liked the episode but the ending left me very frustrated.
Look, when you decide to kill part of your main character's family, you're saying the stakes are HIGH in this episode. And for the most part, we see just that.
Shatner and Nimoy's acting is very very good I love it
I love Jim like that, I can totally buy the limited show of emotion at his brother and sister-in-law's death bc that's his thing, we've seen him do it: he stays focused, he's all tense but still efficient, in control. Even when Bones has to remind him,
KIRK: Help them. I don't care what it takes or costs. You've got to help them. MCCOY: Jim, aren't you forgetting something? There are over a million colonists on that planet down there, just as much your responsibility. They need your help, too.
That was good! That was high stakes both for Jim and his mission as captain!
Spock being attacked and in danger of dying adding to the urgency of the situation, yeah, that's great
Looove Spock in this, "Pain is a thing of the mind" and all that!!
"I am a Vulcan, I am a Vulcan. there is no pain." OH SPOCK
"I need you Spock, but we can't take any chances." Oh Jim
MCCOY: Captain, I understand your concern. Your affection for Spock, the fact that your nephew is the last survivor of your brother's family. KIRK: No, no, Bones. There's more than two lives at stake here. I cannot let it spread beyond this colony, even if it means destroying a million people down there.
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The way Jim, Spock and Bones look at one another when Spock decides to sacrifice himself (well Jim had decided to sacrifice him anw) - when he gets out and Jim grabs him -
And then... Jim ready to SNAP it was so dramatic and funny when he goes BoOones
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Now to the thing I liked the least:
In the last minutes, Jim is so relieved to have Spock back, the banter is fun but... No word of his nephew?? I suppose he's healed but why is there 0 talk or emotional scene about it? Why is the emotion only about Spock?
Why did they choose to end this episode in such a light-hearted way? There's no emotional pay-off to Jim's family being decimated! It is driving me crazy!! You'd think it was a pretty important plot point!!
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dedahblog · 2 years
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Edith Piath "Non je ne regrette rien"
I regret nothing
Neither the good that was done to me
Nor the bad
It's all the same to me
It's paid for, swept away, forgotten
I don't care about the past
With my memories, I lit the fire
My sarrows, my pleasures
I no longer need them
I'm starting over
No, I regret nothing
Because my life
Because my joys
It starts with you
It's the song of a survivor who is neither optimistic nor pessimistic. She just accepts everything that happens without holding any grudge.
A courageous woman who never stops moving forward even though life should have weakened all her resolve.
She finds a survivor who is as forgiving as her and they learn to hope again together.
They learn to love : to love and cherish every side of each other, to love and embrace the future then finally to love and accept themselves.
French version
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George Rinhart. The street of David, Jerusalem. Undated. :: [Mikhail Iossel]
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“One of the questions asked by al-Balkhi, and often repeated to this day, is this: Why do the children of Israel continue to suffer? My grandmother Dodo thought it was because the goyim were jealous. The seder for Passover (which is a shame-faced simulacrum of a Hellenic question-and-answer session, even including the wine) tells the children that it's one of those things that happens to every Jewish generation. After the Shoah or Endlösung or Holocaust, many rabbis tried to tell the survivors that the immolation had been a punishment for 'exile,' or for insufficient attention to the Covenant. This explanation was something of a flop with those whose parents or children had been the raw material for the 'proof,' so for a time the professional interpreters of god's will went decently quiet. This interval of ambivalence lasted until the war of 1967, when it was announced that the divine purpose could be discerned after all. How wrong, how foolish, to have announced its discovery prematurely! The exile and the Shoah could now both be understood, as part of a heavenly if somewhat roundabout scheme to recover the Western Wall in Jerusalem and other pieces of biblically mandated real estate.
I regard it as a matter of self-respect to spit in public on rationalizations of this kind. (They are almost as repellent, in their combination of arrogance, masochism, and affected false modesty, as Edith Stein's 'offer' of her life to expiate the regrettable unbelief in Jesus of her former fellow Jews.) The sage Jews are those who have put religion behind them and become in so many societies the leaven of the secular and the atheist.” ― Christopher Hitchens, Hitch 22: A Memoir
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Okay, how about not everyone has a Beauford twin? What about just the Cullens (one at a time)? Twincest? Changes?
(Also, I know it's the Volturi, so sorry for forgetting that last time)
The time Bella had an identical twin who was exactly the same except he's a dude.
Much more doable, anon, thank you.
That said, I think this is a write the fic question as I don't think you're going to like my answers. For the Cullens, you see, it doesn't matter.
Alice's backstory as a human is notable as she was sent to an insane asylum dude to shouting that her father was going to murder her based off visions she was having.
Now, per the ask, her brother Arthur has the same gift and is also as in the know as Alice, but in his case this either a) gets him sent to a different asylum than Alice per his gender or b) gets him murdered by their father and not sent to an asylum as the "hystical woman" card is less easily played when it's a man.
In either case, Arthur is in a different asylum that does not have a vampire employee. He dies human as Alice, when she is turned, does not remember his existence.
Decades later upon checking her history, Alice learns that Mary Alice Brandon had a twin brother who either a) was sent to a different asylum or b) died.
Carlisle grows up in the very weird household where despite having the same exact personality and looking identical, their father clearly favors his sister.
Carine Cullen is exactly what Father Cullen wants from a daughter and isn't involved in any of the parish leadership/telling people what to do.
Carlisle, however, is and this leads to the issues alluded to in canon.
When Carlisle is turned his sister is not in the mob that is likely predominately/entirely composed of men. As a result, when Carlisle turns, he is nowhere near her and only likely looks in from afar when he has things enough under control.
Carlisle's sister dies human, bereft of her father and her brother, and Carlisle has to live with having left her familyless as he became an immortal bloodsucking demon accidentally.
He probably doesn't get over it.
Elizabeth Masen gives her dying words, "Save my son by any means necessary."
Carlisle blinks, "Elizabeth, you have a daughter, don't you?"
I joke but even if Elizabeth insisted on saving both (or her daughter instead), Carlisle has never turned anyone before, and he's very leery of doing it the first time despite being so lonely.
He would not be able to control two newborns on his own.
He can only turn one.
However, how can he justify to the survivor that he let their sibling die, this isn't the same as the person's parents already having died. Carlisle would be saying "I chose you to live"
I imagine Carlisle chooses not to turn either because of this.
Twilight doesn't happen because there's no Edward or Edith.
Emmett thinks his sister's the shit. They have a great time together, she's almost as strong as he is! However, only one of them is likely to be mauled by bears and only one of them gets hauled down the mountain.
Upon turning Emmett/Emily will insist on turning the other, but everyone will draw a hard line at that because a) two newborns at a time b) this is a terrible existence to force on your sibling who has their entire life ahead of them.
"Well, shit" Emmett/Emily says, but at least they get a hot boyfriend/girlfriend out of this.
Esme's never turned.
Esme may, in fact, never get married depending how this goes.
I imagine she'd seek refuge with her brother, Earnest, who is as kind and earnest as his name allows. Either she chooses not to marry at all and goes to live with him doing what she can so as not to marry Charles or when she leaves Charles escapes to him.
Her son could very well survive with this support, if he doesn't, she may survive with her brother's support in her time of grief.
If not, she's in the wrong morgue.
Jasper's sister does not get to sign up for the war and as a result is not eaten by Maria. Given Jasper didn't go back for any of his family, I doubt he goes back for his twin sister.
They never see each other again.
See this post
Now this one's interesting.
Rosalie was raised to social climb as she was her family's only daughter and only shot at a higher social tier with her beauty and her wit. Now the family has an equally intelligent, charming, and attractive son.
I imagine Rosalie's still pushed into her role and that she still initially has her eye on Royce but I imagine Royal may be more aware of Royce's reputation (even without the gang rape, it was clear he was a womanizer) and may stop the marriage.
Rosalie probably hates him for it, feeling useless and powerless as this is the only thing she can do, and hating his interfering as well as his pity but it may very well mean that she survives that night and is never turned.
If she is turned, then she doesn't inflict this on her brother who she has a very mixed relationship with.
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