#and yes. I enjoyed bluring Renjo a lot. Thank you for asking
dedahblog · 2 years
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Edith Piath "Non je ne regrette rien"
I regret nothing
Neither the good that was done to me
Nor the bad
It's all the same to me
It's paid for, swept away, forgotten
I don't care about the past
With my memories, I lit the fire
My sarrows, my pleasures
I no longer need them
I'm starting over
No, I regret nothing
Because my life
Because my joys
It starts with you
It's the song of a survivor who is neither optimistic nor pessimistic. She just accepts everything that happens without holding any grudge.
A courageous woman who never stops moving forward even though life should have weakened all her resolve.
She finds a survivor who is as forgiving as her and they learn to hope again together.
They learn to love : to love and cherish every side of each other, to love and embrace the future then finally to love and accept themselves.
French version
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dedahblog · 2 years
Underrated moment in the first arc that never fails to amuse me
We are pretty much at the end of the substitute shinigami arc, Ishida tries to provoke Ichigo to accept his challenge. So, he begins with his first strategy :
Humiliating him as a shinigami telling him that quincy are superior
Result :
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It doesn't work at all
I think there are two interesting things to notice here :
First, Ishida can't believe his ears. He even asks Ichigo to repeat his answer. He really thought that a simple statement as saying shinigami are not as competent as they claim would trigger Ichigo.
My guess is because of his initial major trust issues Uryu really believed Rukia was brainwashing Ichigo doing her best to enroll him in their system. He expected Ichigo to be offended because he thought Rukia made him define himself solely as a shinigami
Second, I really love how Ichigo didn't respond : "I am a human, not a shinigami stop bothering me with that"
The thing is Rukia kept him in the dark about anything connected to the soul society because she knew she was going to be executed since day 1. Ichigo of course is oblivious to all Rukia's inner turmoils but it doesnt bother him much that she's keeping Soul society a mystery because he trusts her. 😢
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Moreover, by the end of the day whatever atrocities the shinigami may have done, it doesn't change what defines a shinigami to Ichigo which is Rukia : someone who is willing to die to protect a stranger.
First attempt failed, Ishida continues with his second strategy
2. Hurt his pride by telling him he is coward for running away from a fight
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doesn't work either .
Ichigo is certain he is not running away because he is confident in his powers
That's why Ishida chose this third strategy :
3. Hurt his pride with a statement he knows Ichigo can't deny
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Basically tells him Rukia wears the pants in their relationship ,
which he probably figured it out by observing them for those 2 months
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The funny thing is
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There was some truth in it : Ichigo already had her approval to change into as shinigami if Ishida is going to contact him again.
Actually, it doesnt bother him much to state it. He even praises her quickness saying she didn't make any mistake about her prediction and he doesn't even look suprised because he knows he can trusts her judgment and can count on her.
This is their natural dynamic. Rukia give him guidance tell him how he should behave as a shinigami but she also trusts him and listen to him.
Ichigo is pretty comfortable with this seemingly power imbalance because it comes from a person whom he trusts and who puts his interests before hers.
The fact that Rukia is wearing the pants in their relationship itself didn't hurt his pride
What pissed him off is someone pointed it out in a mocking way implying he is someone totally submitting to Rukia to the point that she can't depend on him or trust him.
He wanted to show Ishida that Rukia indeed trusts him since she left him Kon's soul candy and had faith that he will choose the right opportunity to use it.
Which of course was not the case lmao
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Ishida wasn't his friend at that time to explain to him how he and Rukia actually works
Even if he were, it will take Ichigo to say cheesy speech about them being equals, trusting each other since the day they met, her power residing in him, etc. Something he isn't willing to admit to himself or Rukia let alone a stranger
Ichigo couldn't voice it all out that's why he decided to use his fist first, as a classic punk Ichigo would do.
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