#surprised I haven't done that yet
valkyriellis · 30 days
Could you purrhaps draw a vampire jerma? To combat his king of the junjle claim of course!
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Bonus kings of the junjle and rat:
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leavingautumn13 · 1 year
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they don't call it the piper suite for nothing.
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technicallyoneofakind · 9 months
Backrooms level where wanderers find themselves in a friendly desert community where the sun is bright, the moon is beautiful and strange lights pass overhead while they all pretend to sleep. The future is here, and it's about a 1000 feet above the Arby's.
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soupbtch · 5 months
ummm. my fic is done.
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fnaf-flags · 5 months
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The Non-Binary Flag picked from Glitchtrap!
Requested by @nightmaretherabbit
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solradguy · 2 months
Always a little jumpscared going through old (<2005) USA gaming mags for Guilty Gear reviews and seeing decent scores and nice things said about them lol
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nickelwick · 6 months
Dodging drs2 spoilers got me like:
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fluffs-n-stuffs · 2 months
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_____ used Destiny Bond! _____ is hoping to take his attacker down with him!
(Belatedly) celebrating the one-year anniversary of the 'Destiny Bond' comic with a rare, fully-illustrated piece. A bit of extra context and rambly thoughts under the cut 🫶💖💕
A little over a year ago, I posted the first part of the Destiny Bond comic, originally intended to be a one-off doodle exploring the consequences of Morty's prophetic abilities on his relationship with Eusine.
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That sketchy doodle of mine ended up being a whole narrative project spanning across a few months, before I eventually took a pause on it to focus on my mental health (having reached a low earlier in the year).
It was a daring enough project in and of itself, especially with how I had spontaneously taken it on when I was still recovering from a years-long burnout with 2D art. Though (temporarily) stopping sooner than I had hoped, I can confidently say that this little comic project of mine had helped to rekindle my love for drawing as a whole, and had further lead me to meeting some of the most wonderful people and friends in this small corner of the Pokémon fandom (whom also happen to be obsessed with these two silly guys from the GSC/HGSS games). It's a project I hold dearly to my heart, and one that I hope to revisit and continue once I feel ready to do so; as the story has yet to truly kick off (I'm not even joking we're still in the prologue technically I'm yelling /lh).
I hope to be able to share the rest of this story with you all one day, in whatever new form it'll take as. For now, I want to say thank you, from the deepest parts of my heart, for supporting this passion project of mine - and to assure you to tune in for the future of this title. 👀✨
#surprise I'm still active actually . though more on twitter these days ASKJDAHSKJDHAS#ALSO SURPRISE ACTUAL RENDERED PIECE !!!!! 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥#I fought for my life for this fr I haven't done full shading in Years but I'm honestly really really happy with how this turned out 😭💖💖💖#I'll go into more detail about the design/composition decisions here soon hehe I got really excited about including them#Though I'll save that for another time askjhdajsn for nowww I just wanted the main piece to be the focus of the post 🫶💖💕#also yes as of now the comic's up in the air as I decide how to move forward#I have A Few Ideas though I'll need to take into account my capabilities and schedule (especially with my freelancing work and college)#So stay tuned for that because I promise y'all it isn't stopping there - I have A Lot more planned for our doomed sillies 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️#I'll also be doing more studies and practice with my art in the meantime because making this opened my eyes to how much I have yet to learn#and that's like . quite terrifying SDKFJSDNFSDNS#but also really exciting !!!!! I wanna improve and build upon my skills and make even better works of these mystic sillies graaaAAAAHHHHHHH#though fr feel free to check out my twt since I'm more active there these days askjdhasnda 🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️#Destiny Bond comic#pokemon#pokemon hgss#pokemon gsc#gym leader morty#morty pokemon#eusine#mystery man eusine#eusine pokemon#sacredshipping#morty x eusine#minamatsu#pokemon art#art
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elvisabutler · 1 year
peekaboo, i see you ( a spark snapshot )
fandom: elvis presley | elvis ( 2022 ) rating: g pairing: elvis presley ( fameless big daddy electrician/handyman ) x female original character ( lilly ) word count: 978 warnings: babies and toddlers being toddlers. a bit of baby talk. brief references to the past. this is tame, y'all. this is me being attacked by pictures and then oopsies i wrote it. author's note: welcome to what happens when people send me pictures of people with babies and i have fluff on the brain. as always special thanks to marina, christi and birdy for being my wives who made this possible in the first place. though this fic is a surprise to everyone today. but this is what you have to look forward to once i get the headcanons up. me just doing this sort of thing. special additional thanks to my baby girl bri who provided the first pic in the moodboard that caused this little snapshot. and thank you bee who gave me a quick read and reassured me it's not spoilers if i already mentioned in an ask that they have babies.
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They're going to be late again.
Somehow, some way they're going to be late again. It ought to be embarrassing, Elvis thinks, how he's gone from a mostly punctual bachelor to a married man who can't be on time to save his or anyone else's life. Except, he figures that's what having kids does to you. He figures that's what happens when you have complete and utter joy in your life for the first time in so long. Figures it's what happens when your wife is a natural born mother, a maternal figure meant to have her own babies. Meant to cook as many buns as the lord sees fit to give them or as many buns as she wants. Corralling Jesse and Garon for church is not an easy task for Lilly as her belly swells more and more with their latest little bun- one Lilly swears is a girl that they're going to name Samantha- and Elvis takes it upon himself to deal with his two boys leaving yittle Miss Gladys in her capable hands. What he always forgets week after week until he hears the coos and the giggles from the front room of his little house is that his yittle Gladys and his lil darlin is that they're a force to be reckoned with when it comes to distraction. At least today Gladys has on shoes, a step up from last week when his girls were both showing off their little sooties to each other and giggling high pitched squeals of delight.
Gladys being able to stand as well as she can is a new thing for them but even as she's slowly mastered the art she still needs to hold onto something, too scared of falling on her little behind. When it comes to today she's chosen the curtain as both her item to steady her and her item to tease her mother with. The boys are quiet for once as their daddy stops in the doorway of the room to watch their mother and their sister play on the window sill.
"Where's my wittle Gladdy? Where's my glad wittle baby girl?" Lilly coos as Gladys moves the curtain over to hide behind it. "Oh no! I lost my baby girl! Maybe wittle Garon knows where his sissy went."
As if that's the cue, Gladys pops up from behind the curtain with a semi toothy grin and a noise that sounds like a giggle and a kiss all in one. "Mmm!"
Lilly feigns shock, before planting a kiss on Gladys's forehead and tickling her sides. "There you are! You hiding from Mommy? Hiding from mmmm?"
A nod with giggles is the only answer she gets back with a headbutt and more mmm's and kisses being given by Gladys. Lilly swears her heart is fit to burst the more kisses her first born daughter gives her and the more she hears her try and get out that first syllable to say mama. This is- she can't believe she thought this dream was as forgone as it was. Sometimes she can't believe that after everything with her and Elvis that they have what they have. That she had that first little boy of theirs and her twins and now this little one coming sooner rather than later. It makes her feel so warm from more than just the sunlight beaming on her through the window. As if to remind her that she's there, their latest child- their latest bun to be cooking inside her rolls, seemingly wishing they could play with their sibling.
"Calm down Samantha. You'll be here soon enough. I'll play peekaboo with you too. I'll lose both my wittle girls." Lilly murmurs rubbing her belly as Gladys tries to headbutt her only for Lilly to catch her and stand her back upright, grabbing the curtain in her own hands and hiding behind it. "Oh no, Gladys, where did mama go? Can you find me?"
Elvis takes a look at his watch and sighs, noticing they'll be at least ten minutes late and heaving himself off the wall, Jesse and Garon toddling along behind him, hands interlocked. Elvis grabs Jesse's hand to make a bit of a line and walks slowly to Lilly. Her giggles make sneaking up on her easy until he places a kiss to her hair and the boys grab at her legs.
"We're gonna be late, Lil," his voice is a murmur and should be admonishing but he can't keep the love and fondness out of it. "We can play later."
Gladys and Lilly both look up at him with nearly identical pouts and Elvis almost breaks then and there before shaking his head, "oh no you two don't. I ain't fallin' for those eyes from the both o'ya."
Lilly manages a sigh and turns her pout to Gladys, "we tried Gladdy, didn't we? Daddy's just being silly. We'll get him back won't we. When he's asleep."
It occurs to Elvis that he should be terrified of the way Gladys grins at Lilly, like they've hatched some nefarious plot to murder him in his sleep and instead all he does smile back at her. "Death by a baby and m'wife. Can think o'worse ways to go." Elvis lifts Gladys off the sill and sets her down on the ground before holding out his free hand to hoist Lilly up out of the chair. "Come on you three, let's get going. Already got the boys lined up. Grab Garon's hand, Gladdy."
As they watch Gladys toddle to her twin, Lilly gives Elvis a soft kiss and grabs Elvis's hand. "And I get to grab Daddy's?"
A hum is all that leaves Elvis mouth as he smiles, squeezing Lilly's hand once they leave the house. "Still gonna be ten minutes late. Gotta good reason t'give 'em this time, darlin'?"
taglist: @ab4eva, @blurredcolour, @butlersxbirdy, @precious-little-scoundrel, @eliseinmemphis, @prompted-wordsmith, @missmaywemeetagain, @lookingforrainbows, @thatbanditqueen, @ellie-24, @be-my-ally,  @austinbutlersgirl67, @heartbrake-hotel, @ccab, @18lkpeters, @slutforsomegoodlettuce, @dkayfixates, @kendralavon7, @chasingwildflowers, @notstefaniepresley, @wanderingelvis, @kxnnxy, @powerofelvis, @stylespresleyhearted, @marriedtopresley, @memphis-menace, @steph-speaks, @doll-elvis, @vintageshanny,  @j-v-9-2, @sexystarfish, @duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, @jessicarcates, @chirssycrumble9456789, @shantellescrivener, @yomammalolha, @honey6578, @urmom11111111111119, @myradiaz, @elvispresleyxoxo, @elvisssweetheart, @joegramoe, @rainblue-art, @fav-fanficssss, @moodyblueriver, @misspresley, @fallinlovewithurlove, @ash-omalley, @yynneessmons i think i got everyone including name changes?
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flyingbroommate · 2 months
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Random doodles✨
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redladydeath · 11 months
Six has gone (or is scheduled to go) to 35 states in America so far, plus Washington DC. It only has 15 states to go before it's played everywhere in the US. Those states are: Alabama, Delaware, Hawaii, Indiana, Maine, Mississippi, Montana, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Dakota, South Dakota, Vermont, West Virginia, and Wyoming. Additionally, Six hasn't played in any unincorporated US territories, such as Puerto Rico.
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illiana-mystery · 1 year
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My Son, My Son What Have Ye Done? (2009)
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Soul: I've only had Darrell for a day and a half but if anything happened to him, I'd kill everyone in this room and then myself
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epickiya722 · 15 days
If that "special announcement" is a worldwide popularity poll...
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agostron · 1 month
Pirate themed Darktail?
Pirate themed Darktail.
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pikachu-deluxe · 2 months
got like 1200 ish lines of code for a thing in like 2 hours yippeee
it's a thing to make it easier to modify stuff for mario kart 64 it'll make my life 1000x easier i just have to enter a few numbers in and out comes a file i can apply to the game with some other program instead of having to copy and paste stuff for like half an hour to an hour every time i want to make changes
a game changer you could say *gets dragged away by the neck like a cat*
#listen this is such a big deal to me#and only me bc i'm the only person in the world who cares about doing this very very specific thing for a very specific game#now after this is done i can get my changes to the game ready in like an hour at most depending on what i want to change#instead of a few hours#if i just wanna change stats and not characters that means i just open the program and put in the numbers then have the game ready in like#5 minutes#massive improvement#but yknow if i want to change the characters too then it's still gonna take a bit#like 30 minutes to an hour but still a massive improvement#anyways yeah you can probably tell i'm excited about this#once this is done i'll maybe start working on getting the proper graphics update to the game#it's gonna be a rebranding on my mk64 pokemon thing to make it distinct from another thing someone made that was called pokemon kart alread#didn't really care all that much before since i didn't want to make it public or at least not in mk64 circles but i do wanna share it more#now that i've put this much work into it#since i'm already using pmd sprites i might as well change it to something related to pmd so i'm gonna have to come up with a title for it#also have some fun character surprises for when i release the new rebranded version#since last time i showed it here there have also been a lot of new pokemon added but i have some i haven't shown yet to anyone#not even in the places i playtest with others (if you see this mo hi i have some more i haven't shown off ;3)#but it might be a while before i get that to a public release#we'll see#depends on how i feel about working on it these next few days#so it's gonna be a surprise release
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