#surprise guest stars
lulublack90 · 18 days
Prompt 3 - Sword
@wolfstarmicrofic September 2, word count 648
Previous part First Wolfstar part
Sirius held the stone in his hand, gently flipping it over as the group pondered if they’d found all the Horcruxes or if there were still more out there. 
“We’ve destroyed three already. Could he really have made more than that?” James asked. 
“I think he has,” Regulus answered, sighing loudly. “He’s changed so much since the first time I met him. The ring must have been done years ago and the diary was probably made at the same time. He’s made the locket recently, but he changed before that, so I think there’s at least one more out there,” Regulus mused aloud.
“Well, so far it’s all things connected to him, his diary, the Gaunt ring, Slytherin’s locket,” Remus ticked them off on his fingers. 
Sirius sunk into his own thoughts, turning the stone over slowly again and again. A thought flitted through his mind, Effie and Monty would know what to do. He missed them so much. He turned the stone again and two ghostly apparitions appeared before him. Sirius shrieked and toppled off the boulder he’d been sitting on dropping the stone in the process. 
“Did, did anyone see that? Please tell me someone saw that, and I’m not going mad?!” Sirius shivered as he shakily picked himself up off the ground and looked for the stone. 
“Er no, you just screamed and fell off the rock,” James told him, looking concerned. 
“Must still be a bit tired and nodded off,” Sirius laughed nervously. He found the stone and wandered away from the group. He did what he’d been doing before, turning the stone over and thinking about Effie and Monty and, as before, the Potters appeared before him. 
“Hello, Sirius dear,” Effie said gently. 
“Mum, Dad!” He gasped. He hurriedly cast a muffling charm over himself so as not to draw attention and looked at them. “Are you real?” He asked, a thick lump forming in his throat. 
“We’re dead, love,” Monty told him cheerily. “What you have there is the resurrection stone, it’s part of the deathly hallows. James has the cloak. I swear I told him that.” He screwed up his face in thought. 
“You probably did, dear, but you know James in one ear out the other,” Effie cooed fondly. “Now about these Horcruxes dear, Monty and I have been watching your valiant efforts. You’re so close, darling.”
“There's two more,” Monty took over. “Hufflepuff's cup and Ravenclaw's diadem,”
“What about Gryffindor’s sword?” Sirius asked. “He had Slytherin’s locket. Why not the whole set?”
“The sword is hiding,” Monty said with mischief in his eyes. 
“Only a true Gryffindor can find it, and it won’t reveal itself to Voldemort, so he can’t ruin them all.” Effie took over.
“Where are they? Do you know?” Sirius questioned, they were so close now. 
“Sorry, my love, but we don’t know,” Effie told him sadly. 
“You might want to ask the Grey Lady if she knows anything. She’s Rowena’s daughter and as for the cup, perhaps find out which death eater is walking a bit talker these days,” Monty said cryptically.
“Now, my darling, we need to say goodbye to you. We love you ever so much and are both so proud of you. Take care of James for us, won’t you? He’ll need you,” Effie’s eyes were brimming with ghostly tears as she blew him a kiss. 
“Sirius, as far as I’m concerned, you are my son, as I’ve told you many times before. I love you just as much as James, and I am so incredibly proud of the man you have become. Be strong my darling boy, oh and give the stone to James, so I can tell him to get a haircut,” Monty winked at him. 
“We love you, now drop the stone.” They said in unison, and he did as they asked. 
There were two more Horcruxes. Only two.
Next part
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thecoffeelorian · 5 months
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Hold My Hand (Crosshair x Reader)
Premise: This is the third installment of...what should have been a one-shot, but here we all are a long while later, so it's probably best to just keep on going down this road to see where it leads. Anyway, Part One was Understanding and Part Two was Red Flags, so if you haven't checked those out yet, feel free to do so now.
Story Notes: One small thing about the tagging system, if I didn't say it already: I hope to make a few more updates for this series, so just in case I am, in fact, keeping the folks who want to read and reblog in the loop, please don't hesitate to do so when you are able. If I'm not...you're welcome to ignore this from here on in, and I'll eventually stop tagging you altogether. Thank you, goodnight, and good luck.
Special Notes: As ever, the header was made by @stars-n-spice. Also, little shout-out to @talesfrommedinastation for inspiring me to use a form of sign language between two characters, one that was originally invented for speaking in deep space when the commlinks didn't work, and also mostly inspired by something similar in "The Expanse".
No-Pressure Tags:
@momojedi @moonstrider9904 @calicos-clones @bigboypantstime @youreababboon
@tink1221 @ms-grassi @galaxyglittering @ah-prick24 @littlefeatherr
@donntmindmejustwandering @housepartyfortwo @beatthisbi @urmomsmattress @mysticalgalaxysalad
@groguandthebadbatch @pendustt @weirdest-lights @flyiingsly @courtney0-0
@emmaflame1336 @briefexpertdeer @shadow-rebel-223 @littlemammoth69 @theosb0rnway
@shazkenobi @reader6898 @maxims-multifandom-corner @monster20045 @darkangel4121
@nevadastarrsworld @thatacefr @crosshair-lover @bennieandthejets-5 @jamine-boi-124
@lani03sstuff @ttzamara @beezez-blog @myeternalsin @sublimeclodkidcolor
@nish-xiii @ash04w3 @clonereeses @lllllmm @melymigo and anybody else looking for a tale that doesn't end in disaster.
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🩶 It's my fault.
🩶 This one simple sentence, this confession, jolts through both you and Omega like a blaster bolt. It's more than enough to make the tears start forming in her eyes, and the questions to build up in yours.
🩶 He doesn't seem to be done talking yet, though, because what spills out of him next speaks volumes.
🩶 "I thought they would--protect us, but they lied. They've been lying this whole time."
🩶 By this point, his hand is shaking so much that you don't think about it, that you don't dare to ask any more questions for fear of making an already painful thing several times worse.
🩶 Rather, you're just moving in to take a gentle hold upon it, if only to offer him whatever comfort that you can.
🩶 To your own comfort, though, he doesn't flinch, pull away, or start telling you off in front of Omega even though you would understand perfectly if he did.
🩶 Instead, whatever's causing all of his ills today eases just a little at the moment of contact with you, because the next thing you both know, his panicked breathing is slowing down and his tense posture starts to loosen up.
🩶 This moment can't last very long, though, because as Omega quietly reminds you, she still has to call home and she thought she heard voices calling in the distance. There is literally no time to lose.
🩶 In turn, you don't mind bringing both of your guests to the old spaceport that used to be your family's business during the war, but since then has had to be converted to a ship repair shop like several more wartime industries have done on your planet. However, there are still a few things you can use here, because you haven't exactly let everything go to rust.
🩶 One of these things is the communication console, a somewhat rusted thing, but still able to access encrypted links like the one on board the Marauder. It's here that Omega hears the voices of her surviving brothers for the first time in what feels like forever, and like any other missing child would do, she's able to let a few relieved sobs out of her system.
🩶 She's also composed herself enough to plan her next few steps, for her next move is to go straight to one of Ryloth's moons for a pick-up...or so she tells the two men on the other end of this line.
🩶 You can only hope that this means she wants to surprise them, guaranteeing two returns of lost family members for the price of one flight, as the old sale slogan goes.
🩶 At this same time, though, Crosshair's got a surprise of his own, for as Omega's busy talking, he's busy signaling to you without saying a word. It's the old spacewalk sign language, the one developed by the first workers within the asteroid belt for when their comms stopped working...and right now, he's telling you that he won't be following Omega down the ramp when the time comes.
🩶 How come, you sign back, a look of confusion upon your face. Don't you want to go with her?
🩶 They'll be looking for two clones traveling together, not separately...and besides, I already know I won't be welcome there.
🩶 Oh...? And where do you plan to go, if not with her?
🩶 I'll improvise. Now...act natural.
🩶 Both of you fall awkwardly silent as Omega finishes her comm; then skips back to you with the most heartbreaking of hopeful grins.
🩶 "They're coming to pick us up," she announces, twirling around in place like a happy little service droid. "We get to go home, home, home!"
🩶  "That's--that's great, Omega," Crosshair manages, forcing out the words as though trying not to choke on them. "Just--don't forget not to leave anything behind, all right?"
🩶  That's your cue to signal to them to go back to the house with you--you definitely have to hide the extra used dishes and utensils until further notice, what decent person wouldn't--but before you do, you're careful to make sure that the shop sign stays upon the word "Closed". The last thing anybody needs right now is some pushy customer demanding service.
🩶  Once you take all of the necessary precautions, though...you have to take just one more look around this little home of yours, if only to reassure yourself that you'll return to it soon, if not eventually.
🩶  After all, just like your mother used to say, the galaxy can be a huge, scary place.
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echofades · 2 years
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Which one are you? Gay... I mean, Emily. EMILY FITCH | SKINS (S3 - 4)
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heaven-said · 1 month
@brokendreamscreation @king-of-wrath
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The sun is just below the horizon line. And beneath your feet is absolutely nothing but clouds as far in every direction as the eye can see. It takes an angel's lineage to walk on these clouds, anything else would plummet into the abyss below once they were summoned here. Rest assured your challenger knew he was to be fighting... family. Two very different siblings though they may be.
For a moment you are left in the utter silence of these cotton ball formations, pure and white, all seeming to swirl around that rising sun as if drawing your eyeline to it. But the second the dawn breaks, the clouds begin to darken.
" Since the beginning... I was fated to slay thee, my brothers. This calling shall be no different. " His voice is in the very thunder beginning to spark through the clouds, bounce around all around them, from cloud to cloud. Resigned but ready.
" In MY time... I was the one who played the song of Armageddon and heralded the Rapture. And we prevailed. For the Dragon of Hell hath been slain. As well as... those who followed him. But, amidst what should be joy is still mourning, for there was not a soul in Heaven nor Hell with the unyielding will needed to change the tides of fate... " For a moment, the thunder dies down, even as his voice grows more mired in emotion. And then-- resolute.
" So I look for it in you. " Thunder. Deafeningly loud and bright enough to blind were they not used to the unnatural light of angels. Finally, the archangel manifests in his tangible form, levitating high above the center of their arena here in the clouds. But when the light fades his wings are not their usual powder blue but burning gold, his halo in flames.
" By the prayer i was named-- I get my strength from the Father! But you-- you shall get your strength from nothing but your own determination! " His twin blades are drawn, the gold one pointed to his new enemies, taunting them forward. " Come on, then, brothers! Let us see if you have the resolve to defy the Will of God! "
ARCHANGEL GABRIEL Will of God. Lord of Powers. Hot blooded gay dad from the multiverse.
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sillykittysalem · 9 months
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He Pose™ part 3
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kelpermoosee · 2 years
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Drawing Terumob is very difficult for me because I have to stop every five minutes to gush about how cute they are
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creepyscritches · 11 months
Watching my way thru law and order svu bc there's an insane amount of it (need a bg show) and it's astounding how much of a clown show it is. Ice-T is hunting pedophiles and he's canonically republican. Detectives pick up victims w gunshot wounds to the head and run them to the ambulance while making sure their noggins bounce as much as possible on their unsupported necks. Only criminals don't give DNA come on trust me come onnnnn. Detective Stabler has 2 foreheads.
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yuesya · 5 months
New chapter for zenith of stars is up!
Chapter 57 (update #61) has been posted.
FFN | AO3 | SB
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the magnus archives au, where everything is the same, except the unknowing starts with a fucked up version of the muppet show theme song
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mariocki · 1 day
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Jacqueline Pearce guest stars as fashion model Leonie Peters, but it could be she's mixed up in bank robbery and murder in New Scotland Yard: The Banker (1.10, LWT, 1972)
#fave spotting#jacqueline pearce#new scotland yard#blakes 7#blake's 7#supreme commander servalan#the banker#1972#lwt#a very pleasant surprise!#coming in the middle of a fairly fallow period in Jac's career; she'd started strong‚ making a couple of films for Hammer and having notable#guest starring spots in shows like Man in a Suitcase (follow the fave spotting tag for a sight of her looking very glamorous and cute in#a pixie cut and designer dresses for that show) but after a bitter divorce she'd moved to the US for a while‚ training at Lee Strasberg's#actors studio and taking some non acting jobs. she was back in blighty by '72 (clearly) but her career had lost a little momentum; thus she#ended up with smaller supporting spots for a few years until B7 called and made her wonderfully immortal as the iconic Servalan#here she's ostensibly a model‚ but suspicions are raised when the owner of a fashion house is assassinated in broad daylight (and as one#woman police officer points out‚ rather uncharitably i thought‚ Jac is neither tall enough nor skinny enough to fit the typical#model form). cue some mystery biz‚ but it isn't really a top drawer episode‚ and Jac only has a couple of scenes to play with#she is‚ of course‚ captivating; it's her who makes the mystery really compelling‚ as her strange‚ frightened reactions draw the inevitable#questions about what's actually going on in this boutique salon. there was still a few years before the Supreme Commander would turn up#onscreen but Jac busied herself plugging away in guest spots and developing a respectable stage career
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ruindunburnit · 9 months
I literally don't understand any of the naysaying about the new Scott Pilgrim series?!?! I just blitzed through all but the last episode, and it's a fantastic and original take on the story.
(I somewhat understand the criticism on the voice-acting, but there were also criticisms about the acting from them in the original film, so, you know, I'm immune to it.)
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I'm so so happy about the latest Lotus Eaters! Chapter 51
Its taking a surprising amount of self control not to spoil Lotus Eaters 51, or dump out all available pictures of Sannyo's cute new faces.
Getting to see a different side of Sannyo is very cute
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thecoffeelorian · 4 months
Plan 100...?
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Plan 100 (Crosshair x Reader)
Premise: As the fourth installment of the "Surprise Guest" series, you and Crosshair are careful to let Omega rest on your way to your rendezvous point, but not without planning your own next few steps.
Word Count: 1.2 k.
Masterlist: The Surprise Guest Series
Story Notes: Hoo boy...I think I've just reached the 'deep in the underbrush' phase for the next leg of this saga, yet as I watched all of S1 and read the episode transcripts for the others, never mind beginning to take romance lessons from the "Bridgerton" show, editing this installment exactly 7 times, and slowly pulling out a few things from my personal life angst closet...I will not be doing this lightly. There is so much that I wish this show could have properly addressed as well rather than setting it up in every first half and then knocking it down in every second half, so I will do my absolute darndest to cover it all myself.
Special Notes: My credit goes to @stars-n-spice for creating the beautiful Crosshair header, as well as to @talesfrommedinastation for inspiring me to use a form of sign language for silent communication after watching "The Expanse".
No Pressure Tags: @momojedi @calicos-clones @bigboypantstime @youreababboon @techhasmjolnir
@tink1221 @ms-grassi @galaxyglittering @littlefeatherr @donntmindmejustwandering
@housepartyfortwo @beatthisbi @mysticalgalaxysalad @groguandthebadbatch @pendustt
@weirdest-lights @flyiingsly @courtney0-0 @emmaflame1336 @shadow-rebel-223
@littlemammoth69 @theosb0rnway @shazkenobi @reader6898 @maxims-multifandom-corner
@monster20045 @darkangel4121 @nevadastarrsworld @thatacefr @crosshair-lover
@bennieandthejets-5 @jamine-boi-124 @lani03sstuff @ttzamara @beezez-blog
@myeternalsin @sublimeclodkidcolor @nish-xiii @ash04w3 @clonereeses
@lllllmm @melymigo and anybody else who might be on the lookout for more Crosshair x Reader content, because I couldn't have made this series without you all. <3
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You're out of that spaceport before whomever or whatever might be following you notices your escape, your family's slightly used shuttle giving you all the speed you need to make your flight. It’s quiet on board almost as soon as you leave the atmosphere, too, yet sometimes, quiet can be exactly what everyone needs to clear their heads.
Nowhere is this more evident than your own cockpit, a small but comfortable space that carries the control console; a few chairs with safety harnesses; one old childhood drawing of yours kept in a place of honor upon the wall, and a mini-fridge to the left. You had a few minutes to gather up some food and drinks before heading out, so of course, you were careful to add the packs of dried meat and lemonade so that at least one person could add some missing salt and sugar to their system if they needed it.
Someone like Omega, even, for she’s careful to ask you nicely before you hand her one of the lemonades. Whatever this one has just been through, wherever she’s been…you can only try your best to alleviate her transition back into society.
Wherever her society waits to be found, that is.
Once you reached deep space, though…Omega’s sound asleep in minutes, her half-empty cup hanging loosely in her right hand. This is, perhaps, a big convenience for you and Crosshair both, because you might not have to worry about her for a little while.
What you are able to do, at least for the duration of this trip, is start planning…and what Crosshair is able to help you come up with ends up exciting you and confounding you at almost the exact same time.
First comes that moon over Ryloth, as you originally agreed to in order to see Omega off. That’s certainly a given, considering you already agreed to his idea of separating himself from her so that any and all demanding guards that might come calling won’t be able to recapture them both.
After that, though—or so Crosshair does his best to explain—the two of you will, indeed, have to clear out not long afterward, with or without any harsh words from Hunter or Wrecker.
What harsh words, you signal to him, the both of you speaking with your hands so as not to wake Omega.
And why would they be mad at you?
I turned away, he signals back, and perhaps just a little too sharply judging by the pained look upon his face.
They had their ideas, I had mine, and now it’s too late for all of us.
I see…
An awkward silence passes between you both, and for a moment, you’re stuck wondering if you should ask any more questions, or else just be still until he starts up again. It’s suddenly very difficult for you to figure this out entirely on your own, as up until a certain point today, you thought you were going to spend another day by yourself.
Funny what difference a few hours can make.
Once you brace yourself to say something else, however, it’s here that he speaks first, signaling a bit slower for emphasis rather than controlled rage…or so you hope.
They clearly wanted to dig around the galaxy for scraps rather than ask for anything more secure.
Oh…? And is that where you were before you escaped? A ‘secure’ place?
Not exactly.
Another awkward silence. You’re both choosing your next words this time, a sure sign that you’re either learning how not to push the other into a fit of stress…or else falling apart long before you can ever try to get closer. You might not be so sure about what’s in Crosshair’s head right now, but you are sure of one thing.
You’re not ready to leave his side so quickly.
I thought playing by someone else’s rules would help keep me alive. Useful, even…but I obviously thought wrong.
Lucky for you, he’s talking again, though that left hand of his starts shaking a second time.
Not that it matters any longer. They already suggested that I’m too severe and unyielding to ever be around them, so it’s time I just let them all go.
What, do you—you think they’ll be happier if it’s just them and Omega?
They’ll certainly be safer, won’t they?
One more round of silence comes, only this time, you’re giving him all of one nod to signify your agreement with this plan. You might have gone out at least ten steps ahead of whatever guard or bounty hunter might become interested in your capture, but truly, that sense of a false peace could only last the three of you so long. Be it three days, three weeks, or even three months…all the necessary precautions would need to be made, for better or for worse.
In the meantime, though? Simple. You’re offering Crosshair both of your hands now, your palms up in a wordless invitation for him to either take hold of them, or else ignore them entirely. He certainly has room to do just about whatever he wants, considering he might not exactly be using weapons anytime soon.
“And…what about me? Should I also be dropped off?”
You remember to ask this in the lowest whisper possible, all the better to keep Omega from waking up or hearing any of your secrets.
“…You should not, Y/N.”
“Really? And why is that?”
You barely hold back a gasp as his hands meet yours, the unexpected joining of flesh and bone sending a surge of emotions through your body.
“Because—Because I think I like the thought of you tagging along a bit more.”
Your head is reeling at this point, so much so that it’s a curious miracle that you haven’t given yourself vertigo yet.
No matter how much you might have also tried to hold yourself back, your body suddenly feels light as a feather, so you’re quietly relieved when you manage to push one foot behind the leg of your seat to keep yourself from floating straight up to the ceiling. This stranger, this Trooper, has just consented to you remaining at his side with no sign of sarcasm or jokes at your expense…and, be it only until you find yourselves a new refuge or not, you’re certainly beginning to feel the same way.
The last few hours have, for better or for worse, had that effect upon you.
In fact, maybe...maybe this is just the beginning of something grand, some new adventure that you never dreamed of having before, but which clearly may have just found you at long last. Maybe you're on your way to someplace fresh and new, and with it, a chance to be something more than just some forgotten flight controller's child or some diner owner that nobody else really notices.
Maybe this is about to become your second act, and you need only step out onto the stage in order to claim your true place in the world.
And, once the two of you find a safe place to land together, whichever planet and community that place may be a part of…you can’t wait to find out if Crosshair might feel that same affect right beside you.
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nessa007 · 7 months
abbott elementary airing after the oscars this sunday instead of the usual wednesday and quinta said it’s an episode you don’t want to miss
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gilligould · 13 days
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sillykittysalem · 28 days
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