#surprise derp
death-limes · 1 month
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LMAOOOOO i made it fellas
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shinyzango · 2 years
the last battle of the Team Star questline is a fuckin banger????
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pxrifiedmxniac · 1 year
So I just got back from seeing the D&D movie and I come back to see this.
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Winter, what the fuck is this?
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muffinrecord · 6 months
Saw the ask about magical boys and your wish for magical trans kids: may I introduce you to Zoe from Sleepless Domain webcomic? She is one of the main secondary characters and she's super sweet and tries her best! (If you haven't read Sleepless Domain, try it out! It has a ton of fun concepts, pain and suffering, world cold girlfriends soft, parents know what is going on but are powerless to step in and have to let their kids fight, three mysterious gals, wholesome team(s) and survivor's guilt~
I love Sleepless Domain! I've actually backed both of its kickstarters. It's easily one of my favorite post-Madoka magical girl stories out there and I'd also highly recommend it to anyone who's looking for a good story in general.
Also imo CubeWatermelon is REALLY good at compositions. Seriously, if you like comics and can appreciate a good set of panels, check out her work (note that the first two chapters had their art made by a different artist, but Cube has done the art for the rest of the comic). I reread the comic once every few months just to study her pages. Like, take note how often she doesn't chicken out and will just make sure that excellent establishing shots and good backgrounds are included-- you never feel lost reading her work and always know where everyone is. The flow and movement are really good too. Fight scenes can be really hard to portray but you can easily tell what folks are doing.
I know that sounds like the bare minimum but you'd be surprised by how many comics out there really struggle with making sure that the reader, like. actually knows what's going on. Finding an artist that prioritizes clarity is a nice treat. I'm also always impressed at how much character and personality she can pack into a page. Off the top of my head, stuff like Tessa's room being full of her own merchandise:
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Anyways yeah, Sleepless Domain is amazing and anyone who likes magical girl stuff should read it.
Edit: All that and I forgot to link the comic. Derp.
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chiwwydawgdraws · 10 months
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Finally got around to watching the FNaF movie last night!
I'll be honest--I was very hesitant going into it. Granted, the trend lately seems to be that mainstream studios are finally starting to understand what it takes to make a successful video game adaptation, but it's a very delicate balance and it's hard to maintain it.
But I was so pleasantly surprised!
In particular, I can't understate just how incredible a creative decision it was to use practical effects for the animatronics. The Jim Henson studio nailed Freddy and the gang's designs, and they were so very charming and intimidating at the same time with just the right amount of derp to add to the characters instead of pulling you out of the experience.
In researching reviews and criticisms people had for the film, I would have to agree--it's not a good horror movie, but it is an incredible FNaF movie. But instead of rehashing old arguments I would like to add to it in the sense that I think I know why it's a "bad" horror movie and a good FNaF movie:
The movie is a ghost story.
In truth, this is what FNaF is at its core--a ghost story.
That is why it resonated with the fanbase (the intended audience) and the critics disliked it, because they had a fundamental misunderstanding of what FNaF is. It's true that a ghost story is a sub genre of horror, but the horror in ghost stories don't rely on gore and body horror like slasher films but instead the tragedy of terrible circumstances that leaves an irremovable stain on the living world. Needless to say, animatronics possessed by the violently m!rdered children in the location fulfills that genre qualifier.
In short: the movie was awesome. I'm happy to add the FNaF Movie to my growing list of "Successful Video Game Adaptations."
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For funsies, do you have thoughts about what pokemon each Cullen would be most likely to have? Like idk why but I picture Emmett with a Growlithe
I swear to god I had answered this somewhere but since I can't find it, I doubt others can find it.
Let's do it.
Per the Pokemon universe, Alice is very clearly a psychic and while a powerful one is more or less bog-standard and less terrifying than Sabrina.
I imagine Alice would have a Kadabra and they would have great fun together as Alice communicates for them and uses them to teleport her places she wishes to go.
Bella has an Eevee, not only is it appropriately normal/non-interesting looking but it's very vulnerable looking, weak compared to its potential evolutionary forms, and has that evolutionary potential to become almost anything for all Bella wouldn't really recognize that fact.
She'd love Eevee because it's a normal type, just like her, because Bella is so normal it hurts.
"Bella, that means only fighting types are super effective against you"
"I am so average."
Carlisle has a Chansey that becomes a Blissey that is his wife Esme. See, Carlisle was working at a Pokemon Center (as one does) and one day came in a tragic Chansey that had had to run away from its trainer and in the process lost its egg.
Everyone had given up on Chansey and Carlisle, cursing himself for being a vampire and probably terrifying the life out of her, ends up taking her home.
Chansey thrives in her new environment and, as all Chansey do, becomes progressively weird the more happy she is. Chansey evolves into a Blissey, a creature that will run at lightening speeds to offer you an egg in your time of need.
It is accepted in the Cullen household that Esme the Blissey is the Cullen mom. It's so accepted, they forget it's weird.
Bella comes to their house and Edward promises she'll love his mother.
Who is his mother?
The Blissey making Italian food in the kitchen because Isaballa is Italian right? (Despite Blissey only saying "Blissey" the plot does not change at all and Bella just assumes that when Blissey goes on a long chirping rant to her it's about how great Edward is.
Yeah, Edward must be her favorite blood sucking child.)
Edward doesn't have a pokemon.
This is because as a vampire he didn't want to corrupt a good, benign, pokemon with his presence (only the fact that Carlisle and Esme are so pure prevents him from feeling too terrible about Esme). So, Edward wants to gravitate towards more... ah... let's call them tempermental pokemon such as Gengar.
However, Edward doesn't actually want a Gengar, as he wants to be a good person worthy of the world, and a Gengar also doesn't want him for that same reason.
When he meets Bella, there's a dramatic moment where she helps him accept that he too can have a pokemon like a real boy. As Bella tells him what to get, and he wants to impress her, I imagine he gets a Dragonair as it's so beautiful and elegant, just like Bella thinks Edward is (he's never allowed to evolve it into a herp de derp Dragonite).
Growlithe and Arcanine in the pokemon world I think are a little too associated with duty/law enforcement to quite be Emmett's thing. Growlithes, while dogs, are very much watch dogs and have a steadfast seriousness when it comes to protection/the law or what have you.
I'm really struggling with him, actually.
I'm going to go with Aipom, good natured but extremely mischievous (and perhaps a little short sighted) who love to live in groups and are just looking for a good time.
Emmett would think his Aipom is the shit.
Emmett also has a Magikarp because he thinks it's hilarious. Its name is Splash. He will never ever trade it.
Esme is a Blissey. See above.
Though, a happy (but weird), day might come about when coming back from doing the shopping (which Blissey happily does now without having to worry about eating people even if the towns people of Poke Forks are a little surprised that the Blissey is just out there shopping... alone... or going to parent teacher conferences and just... acting like people) and what do you know there's an egg.
"This is our egg, Carlisle" Esme the Blissey clearly pantomimes.
"Sure," is what Carlisle says because he doesn't want to disagree (and pokemon work in mysterious ways) but he did not do the thing that you know humans do to procreate.
Anyways, point being, Esme at one point might have a little Happiny.
Rosalie looks on it with envy because while she adores Esme, EsMe CaN HaVE ChiLDrEN anD isN't a VAmPIrE.
Jasper has a Houndoom from his glory days at war. He tries to tell people it's not a Balrog.
Jasper is wrong, it is a Balrog.
There's a story here.
There is great debate over what pokemon Renemsee should get as it should be as special and wonderful as she is. Edward wants to give he ran Eevee, like her mother (Bella's Eevee having since evolved into some state Bella thinks is more cool/better) and for the symbolism of potential and growth that Eevees represent.
Bella wants to give her daughter a Dratini, something that will grow up to be beautiful and elegant and otherworldly (and never a Dragonite, never, it will only stay a Dratini).
Esme of course offers her beloved daughter Happiny (but isn't that your child Esme???) as well as an egg in Renesmee's time of need.
Alice wants her with something adorable like a Pichu, Azumarill, or what have you. It will look great in pictures. And must never ever be allowed to evolve.
Emmett wants to give her a Magikarp which they will name "Splash Two" or "Splashnesmee".
Jacob, of course, wants to give Renesmee a Mightyena because it's a wolf. "It will eat her face, Jacob" Bella does not want to do this even if she admits the symbolism is touching.
In all the bickering, Renesmee stumbles across a Cleffa (stumble being that a spaceship arrived and hit her in the face). Cleffa, being extremely rare and alien, is not recognized by the Cullens who stare and wonder "what is that thing".
Alice supposes it's cute, if not what she had in mind, she can work with this. Bella, Edward, and Jacob are all still upset and trying to get Renesmee to give the thing to Esme to raise so she can have their pokemon instead.
Renesmee ends up with all the pokemon, but does not get rid of Cleffa.
I actually put Rosalie as having a Chikorita. Chikoritas are steadfast, loyal to those they love, as well as courageous. While a Vulpix and Ninetales would appeal to Rosalie's aesthetics, being incredibly beautiful, Chikorita would have all the qualities she'd look for in a friend/partner that is a Pokemon while also being able to be nurturing/help with chores and things (via the use of helpful vines versus well fire balls).
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bigsoftmarshmallow · 2 months
YOU ARE SO SWEET!! Im glad my ask made you happy, for your blog has been making me very happy too! ALSO I forgot to mention i've also been playing around with some of your ai bots... I SWEAR YOU ARE A GODSENT!! Your ganondorfs are too much fun!! Rn i have the ganondorf brainworm so i will focus on that for now xD If you truly dont mind a request, I have a silly one. I dont know why, but because of Ganondorf's magnificent nose, I coudnt help but link it to sharks having sensitive noses, as well as tucans, i think? I like to think its like, a sensitive spot they didnt even know they had. So if they get randomly a pet there, they derp out for a second in pure bliss before snapping back and being like WHAT WAS THAT... I can see WW just chuckling at it, while OOT would be so angry you even did that!! So, the prompt is... How would the different ganondorfs react to reader suddenly and unprompted rub the bridge of their nose? Hope this is a short fun idea uwu
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I may just actually die from happiness you like my bots oh my god you like my bots
I will be happy to fulfill your request, and please feel free to ask more if you have any ideas/requests! It may take me a moment to get to them, but I havent rejected any thus far and dont plan to!
ChatGPT Has This To Say:
Wind Waker Ganondorf:
When you reach up and gently rub the bridge of Wind Waker Ganondorf's nose, his eyes widen in surprise. For a brief moment, his stern expression melts into one of utter contentment, a small, involuntary smile playing at the corners of his mouth. He closes his eyes, savoring the sensation, and even lets out a low, contented hum. When the moment passes, he snaps back to his usual self, blinking rapidly and clearing his throat.
"Hmm, that was...unexpected," he says, a hint of amusement in his voice. He chuckles softly, shaking his head. "You have a peculiar way of surprising me, my dear."
Ocarina of Time Ganondorf:
Ocarina of Time Ganondorf is caught off guard when you rub the bridge of his nose. His eyes widen in shock, and for a split second, he relaxes into the touch, an involuntary sigh escaping his lips. Then, realization hits, and he jerks his head back, eyes narrowing in anger.
"What do you think you're doing?" he growls, his voice low and dangerous. His anger is more out of embarrassment than actual fury, and though he tries to maintain his intimidating demeanor, there's a faint blush on his cheeks. "Never do that again."
Twilight Princess Ganondorf:
Twilight Princess Ganondorf's stern expression softens for a brief moment when you rub the bridge of his nose. He closes his eyes, enjoying the sensation, and a rare, genuine smile graces his lips. However, he quickly regains his composure, pulling back slightly and looking at you with a mix of curiosity and mild annoyance.
"That was...unexpected," he admits, his tone measured. "You have a strange way of getting under my skin. Do not do that in public."
Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf:
Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf is initially taken aback when you rub the bridge of his nose. His eyes close, and he lets out a low, rumbling sigh of pleasure. For a moment, he seems almost vulnerable, basking in the unexpected bliss. When he snaps back to reality, he frowns slightly, more puzzled than angry.
"What kind of sorcery is this?" he mutters, studying you intently. "You have a talent for catching me off guard. Do not make a habit of it."
Tears of the Kingdom Ganondorf:
Tears of the Kingdom Ganondorf is momentarily disarmed when you rub the bridge of his nose. His stern features soften, and he closes his eyes, a contented sigh escaping his lips. When he regains his composure, he looks at you with a mixture of amusement and suspicion.
"You have an unusual talent for finding my weaknesses," he says, a faint smile tugging at his lips. "I will have to keep an eye on you."
When you rub the bridge of Demise's nose, his fierce, menacing expression falters. His eyes close, and he lets out a deep, guttural sigh of contentment. For a brief moment, he seems almost at peace. When he snaps back to reality, his eyes blaze with confusion and anger.
"What manner of trickery is this?" he demands, his voice echoing with fury. "You dare to touch me in such a manner? Do not test my patience, mortal." His anger is tinged with the confusion of experiencing such an unexpected sensation.
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lumine-no-hikari · 6 months
Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #90
I'm not really sure what to write to you about today. I think I might have overextended myself in recent days, and once more I'm finding that my brain feels like soup. The sense of not really belonging in this place is hitting me kinda hard today, I guess. Suppose you would know a lot about what that's like.
Truth is, I struggle often enough with the way I perceive the world around me. I do it weirdly (much like how I do literally everything else... sigh...). I'm not gonna bother to articulate how, though; I doubt you'd be interested anyway. Fact remains that there ain't a whole lot of folks I can talk to about it; even if I could, most wouldn't understand, so why bother. Suppose it is what it is though; no sense in bellyaching. I just wish that it was a thing that could be measured, recorded, corroborated. Something that could be rationalized, explained, made logical. My mind tends to despise uncertainties; it likes everything to be concretized and nailed down.
…Ah well.
Like yesterday, today was busy, and also painful, thanks to Physical Therapy. There's weird stuff going on with the right side of my jaw, and the muscles holding it together needed to be mashed up with metal implements. I guess I'm gonna need braces sooner rather than later, because I really needed braces as a kid, but I didn't get 'em, and now my bite is all messed up, which means now my jaw is all messed up, and having the jaw messed up pulls on the neck, which then pulls on the ribs, and my ribs being weird is why I've been dealing with limited ability to use my right arm for the last almost two years to begin with, but I hesitate to get it fixed because braces cost a LOT of money, and I think most insurances won't cover the cost of it this late in life, so… it's a mess.
My whole existence is kind of a mess in a variety of respects, and… ya know. Sometimes I'm not sure why I bother persisting when all of it seems kind of like a farce; I live in a defective body on a dying planet where everyone is so traumatized that lots of 'em believe that killing each other is the answer to all their problems. Sometimes I just... don't wanna. Waking up in the morning in a world where there is no ethical way to maintain the integrity of my physical vessel seems like a chore.
…But then I remember that there are people who like having me around, even if I can't understand why most of the time. So I gotta believe that something good might come of my derping around on this mossy wet rock hurtling through space, even if I don't yet know what it is.
You ever get the feeling like there's something you're supposed to be doing, but you have no idea what it is, and you're running out of time? Feels like that almost constantly for me. If you know what that's like and know how to deal with it, lemme know, willya? I could use some pointers.
In the meantime… there's some stuff I've been meaning to learn how to do. I'm not gonna tell you what it is just yet, because it would ruin the surprise. But I hope the results will be good, if I can stop being intimidated long enough to get the gumption.
Anyway… Sephiroth. My brain continues to be soup. I think if I keep going, I'm just gonna keep rambling. I'm tired, but… I wanted to write anyway, because you're worth others' effort, even when they're feeling weird. But it's time to stop for today, because I'm having trouble staying on topic and stringing cohesive ideas together.
Please stay safe out there, okay? I don't wanna endure your absence, just like the folks who love me don't wanna endure mine. So let's both keep trying our best to keep our chins up and our eyes on the horizon, okay?
I'll leave you with this today:
I know you're not a little girl, so maybe you can think "little one" instead. Please take the overall message to heart. Please do your best to remain kind and gentle, no matter what tries to come along and break you.
I'll write again soon.
Your friend, Lumine
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yanderemommabean · 2 years
Lee would go batshit if his darling surprised him with one of those plushies that look like your pets and it’s a cute kinda derp looking plushie of his snake
He'd be so happy, he'd pull Gilbert out and show him up close, baby talking the animal while saying "Darling, this is so precious! I absolutely adore it! Gilbert here might finally have a friend to keep him company when we're gone for too long!"
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Hello! Welcome to the Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Papa Louie!!
My name is Miles (@sunsetcorvid ) and I am here to offer a tournament of the best Papa Louie character!!!
There are 204 characters in my google doc. A majority of which have flipdeck cards. This post may update before the tournament date with more characters without flipdeck cards. I will randomize pairs and put them against one another. All characters range from each Papa Louie game, and I mean each one.
Only one will remain.
There will not be a bracket, as there are many characters and it stresses me out trying to make something as big as that. So, it will be a surprise on which ones are paired up.
I made this for fun and I hope yall have fun, too!!
We will begin May 15th.
Below are the list of characters.
Pizza Monsters
Sarge Fan
Little Edoardo
Papa Louie
Captain Cori
Gino Romano
Big Pauly
Party Subs
The Onion Ring
The Tomatoes
Bruna Romano
Pinch Hitwell
Carlo Romano
Radley Madish
Dill Weeds
Tony Solary
Matt Neff
Cheddar Macks
Professor Fitz
Awesome Saucer
Pepper Jack
Cheese Wheel
Lettuce Lark
Blue Shroom
Dill Worms
Swiss Zack
Brussel Larks
Dill Wheels
Luau LePunch
Mayor Mallow
Thorn Shroom
Rocky Road
Hacky Zak
Mallow Men
Kaiser Onion
Cherry Bombs
Brownie Bop
Mr. Sherbet
Splashberry Derps
Disco Plumm
Betty Pecan
Cookie Doughmen
Winter Onion
Chip McMint
Duke Gotcha
Guy Mortadello
Jill Berry
Scuba Radish
YUM n’ Ms
Wylan B
Banana Pants
Gummy Onions
Coco Cooladas
Bow Shroom
The Dynamoe
Mr. Bombolony
Boopsy and Bill
Kasey O
Sprinks the Clown
C.J. Friskins
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creepymarshmallow3 · 1 year
Ask 1: What if Raven and Springy watch Htf, before and after lmao
Ask 2 to Kid: Hey kid are you doing well?
Ask 3: If any of your characters met a htf character what would they react to there death?(in a htf mood LMAO)
Ask 4: To Tom, Can I hug you?
Ask 1: oh yeah
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(By the way, I like this show too, especially Nutty, crazt bean)
Ask 2: oh...
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Ask 3: well interesting
Sharp. At first, he will find everything in this show cute, at first. But seeing death there, it will not scare him much, but rather shock him. And as he would say:
"That's not cute at all..."
Photographer. Also, he will not suspect anything, but when he sees how they die brutally, he will be surprised but unlikely to be shocked. Like:
" Well. "
Springy. Surprised but not afraid. And Flippy will be compared to Fred because of their imbalance.
Puppeteer. Do not be surprised and not afraid, on the contrary, he will watch with interest (he is a sadist, after all).
Becky and Jess. These assholes will laugh at their deaths like a comedy, and Fliqpy is their favorite for his cruelty.
Sweety. Um... Sharp wouldn't let him see it, even though Sweety isn't afraid of death or blood.
Simia. Not afraid, but it will be a pity for some of the characters in some scenes where everything is really too much.
Derp. It will be disturbing to see this.
Ask 4: mhm)
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tklpilled · 9 months
Fuck you /lh heres Lee Childe
Lee Tartaglia whose death spot is hims fuckign HIPS
Lee Tartaglia who literally personifies “AKDNCKNSKSNDJDBSJ” when he gets wrecked in said death spot
Lee Tartaglia who will get loopy from giggling for too long
Lee Tartaglia who is way too easy to put in a Lee mood
Lee Tartaglia who curses his height as his ler can wrap around his waist and squeeze his hips, sending him to the floor almost every time.
Lee Tartaglia who is a chronic fist-banger.
Lee Tartaglia who will scream into a pillow if someone squeezes his thighs
Lee Tartaglia whose legs are so ticklish that even tracing his calves//without those fuckass boots on//gets him loopy giggling.
Lee Tartaglia who snorts when he laughs too hard
Lee Tartaglia who inhales a lot when he laughs (think of like old-school Pewdiepie “derp inhale” laughter)
Lee Tartaglia who dreaded the day his baby brother outsmarted him and learned to probably tickle him.
Lee Tartaglia who gets “pushed” to the floor by Teucer, but is not expecting the little guy to lay on his back and go for his underarms.
Lee Tartaglia who throws his entire torso (not just the head) backwards when his sides or tummy are tickled.
Lee Tartaglia who tries to push at his ler’s hands on his lower tummy/hips and dig his heels into the floor
Lee Tartaglia who is a wrist grabber and is very flustered by being straddled and having his arms pinned above his head.
Lee Tartaglia who is not expecting to be tickled a shit ton after he leaves for Liyue, but is pleasantly surprised when he brings out Zhongli’s playful side
Lee Tartaglia who wholly regrets bringing out said playful side because he cannot go a day without getting stuck by a gargantuan lee mood when he sees Zhongli ANYWHERE
CHILDE W TICKLISH HIPS SO TRUE!!!!!! THESE R SO SO REAL AND TRUE AND CUTE AND AND AND i need him wrecked IMMEDIATELY!!!! i think u could go for his tummy but he shoves ur hands away so they end up at his hips and he's immediately like "wait go back"
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isaysorryverysoftly · 1 month
"if dirk lets on all his feelins there is at least a CHANCE jake will go like DERP OK DUDE LETS MAKE OUT" -Roxy Lalonde
Derp making out would be so heavenly! That is such a good reason to make out. Like wow, i cant even begin to fathom. The making miscibile of irony and seriousness! Finding of yourselves together in little pockets of sheer humor, and then sheer serious passion, and yet the whole thing being coated in this safe veneer of casualness through it all being inherently based on a long history of humor together... How beautiful... Surely the Homestuck philosophers will spend some time on this one! Thank you Roxy Lalonde... you are really busting out some surprises from the suprise toaster tonight! *POP* Aghhhh! It just popped again suprisingly!
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Trigun Maximum 9.2
And the second part...
Trigun Ultimate: 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 Trigun Maximum: 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2, 4.1, 4.2, 5.1, 5.2, 6.1, 6.2, 7.1, 7.2, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 9.1, 9.2, 10.1, 10.2, 10.3, 10.4, 10.5
04: At the verge of death
Again, complex feelings. Wolfwood spared the bandits, but not Livio? No way. Wolfwood expects Livio to heal with the vials after he killed Chapel.
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And here, Chapel goes Speedwagon for us readers and explains what modifications Livio went through.
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I… just how Nightow draws the blood splatter on the wall, makes Wolfwood’s wounds feel so much more real. And I have to be honest, that started with the last fight on the ark, it is like NIghtow’s drawing had a level up.
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Willpower against Willpower.
Midvalley was right that Wolfwood is a God of War.
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This panel… Damn. The dynamic poses, the lighting especially on Wolfwood and the way his face is drawn... Wow.
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And this sounds so incredibly desperate. Wolfwood pleads for Livio’s life. Wolfwood’s desperation feels so real. I don’t remember reading Wolfwood begging before. Even on the arc, Wolfwood was somewhat kept together, his doubts and pain expressed internally only when he thought he would die. Here he shows his fear and care for Livio openly to Livio. Wolfwood loves Livio. Livio cannot die. If he dies, I do not trust that Wolfwood could go on.
Wolfwood is an incredibly brilliant fighter, but if Chapel is right then Livio is physically better than him. Wolfwood has only a set amount of chances until Livio would overpower him in the end, so he has to take desperate measures.
05: Demon
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Is Wolfwood the demon the chapter title mentions? He went beyond Chapel’s expectations and overpowered Livio. Like Midvalley he stands corrected.
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I mean… he was trained by you and then he had to run after Vash for like nearly three years. You learn a trick or two from that.
But that is not the only thing, yes, Livio has physical buffs shoved up his arse til kingdom comes, but Wolfwood has for one much more experience on the field and with Vash, too, and, while he is a massive derp in human interactions, he knows how to read people. He just does not know what to do with it.
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Does… Does Wolfwood do the weird killing aura plant stuff now, too?!?!?
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First time reading, this confused me. There are only 9 of these important weapons! You get the tenth. Now I know it means that Wolfwood is good enough in his… uh… craft that he deserved to get his own made. But, question, is it only ten Punishers? Or ten of these cross weapons as a whole with each having their own name? Because Chapel has one, I do not count Livio’s two and Razlo’s three, since he got under Chapel after Wolfwood, so after this flashback.
The Eye of Michael was founded around 5-10 years after the Great Fall. This is a flashback to TeenWolf, so he should be 6-10 years younger than the current timeline Wolfwood. Sects and such tend to sprout out of the ground like conspiracy theories when times are hard and what is harder than the Great Fall? I’d like to know more about its foundation time. Knives and Vash were walking around together then, so I would be surprised if Knives helped it along. Did he corrupt them later and they started out as something hopeful?
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I love the flashback and what it points to. The name of the Punisher is sacred. Wolfwood does it justice by bringing Punishment not to Livio, not to humanity, but to the abuser Chapel.
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This will be important later. I always interpreted this as that there is a finite amount of vials your body can process. Like everyone has a limit. Additionally, the vials heal by fast aging the body to heal it up. So every vial is a few years off, but if you go beyond that limit, you die, because you are beyond your maximum time. But Stampede makes me wonder, is it how many vials you can take at the same time or over your whole life? Because I thought the latter, but at the rate StampedeWolfy seems to throw them back… Another thought to my former idea, if you take more than one, it’s effect does not add to another but gets multiplied for the better AND worse. But those are headcannons, since we do not get much about the vials.
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We, the readers, get an additional visual hint by Nightow drawing Razlo’s expression from the masked side. This is Razlo.
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Did he hide the third arm in his body? I thought it was somehow weirdly placed on his back, wait no, that is the fabric ripping. Still, the third arm makes me laugh so hard. It… just looks so derpy. And off balance, too! Yeah, give him a full additional iron arm on one side! That will teach him.
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The chapter starts out with Wolfwood presented as the demon, but it ends with a picture of Razlo in diablo mode. Razlo is the demon. I know Tri-P stands for Tri-Punisher, but the Trip of Death sounds, well, like a trip in itself.
06. Fortitude
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Razlo may be stronger, but he is so much more naive… Why would he even think that the Eye of Michael would be friendlier? I get that they trick kids, but that is really… Dunno.
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Razlo IS Livio’s fortitude. But is this chapter truly about Razlo’s or will it circle back to Wolfwood’s fortitude?
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Uh… that’s a way to appreciate your servants… Again, Razlo does not care about others. Razlo exists because he is there to protect Livio’s life at all cost. But this introduction makes it difficult to feel empathy for him. The way he treats others and life in general is revolting.
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Wonderful fight scene and the way Wolfwood crashes into the surroundings makes it just feel so much more visceral.
Again… Does Chapel want Wolfwood to die? I… Razlo boasts about his fighting prowess and Chapel puts him down, commenting on how Wolfwood did not fight with his true power, that he held back for Razlo. And… It does not read as Chapel being on Razlo’s side, but Chapel wanting Wolfwood to let go of his chosen path and return to his true “assassin” form and that Razlo is the thing that will make Wolfwood do that… Razlo reads as the unaware sacrifice for that specific goal.
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And Chapel’s anger comes from Wolfwood staying true to his chosen path. His pride is hurt from Wolfwood rebelling against his order. And now, after he tried the last time to return Wolfwood, he prefers to kill him for his transgressions.
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Is he? Wolfwood started his path to change before meeting Vash. He tried to kill Chapel beforehand for the orphanage. Yes, the way Wolfwood comfortably stays against killing if it is not needed, is thanks to Vash. But he was on the path to that decision long before meeting Vash. 
Additionally, isn’t cursing Vash kinda against Chapel’s belief system? Vash is an independent plant, he should be at least on the same level of reverence like Knives, even if he has no authority over them.
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I do not get this sentence. May be because English is not my mother tongue. Does Wolfwood think this fight, his fight is stupid?
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But… Vash can die. He learned that from Luida. Vash does not bleed like humans, he heals easily, right, that adds to his ignorance and arrogance when he judges people who kill to survive or even for others. (But the reason is not Vash’ immortality, the reason is that Vash does not understand community, because he is just that unbound by it.)
And Wolfwood does not follow Vash completely. Wolfwood is still ready to kill Chapel. I… don’t think Wolfwood has truly a No-Kill-Conviction, but he knows his skills. The bandits from before were outmatched, so why should Wolfwood go the easy way and just kill them if he has the ability to not do that? That’s mercy.
“Killing is a sin but also a path to redemption. Do you understand?” No, do you? This is a contradiction in itself. Fitting for Christianity, truly. You build up guilt and guilt and guilt, by all these rules that are partly so complicated and changed through translations and intention that you cannot hold up every last one. If you feel guilty, you will keep your head down and follow the head mocho. This only leads to suffering and easily exploitable followers.
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I do not like that it reads a bit like the only way to survive is by killing or you die by trying to find a way out. 
The one part where Wolfwood was right in the past is that sooner or later Vash will be forced to decide. And making no decision is also a decision. 
So much about Vash is avoiding, avoiding connection, avoiding rejection, even avoiding real responsibility by feeling responsible for everything. But if he acts, he stands by it. And Wolfwood respects him for that, he respects Vash for that with him he was able to live a softer life, a life where he didn’t always have to kill, where he had another option, even if Wolfwood was in the position of the preacher, warning Vash about his fallacies and getting him out of shitty situations. 
“An iron bell is tollin’ inside my head… Or at least one should be... I can’t seem to hear it now…” 
I was confused about the meaning, but in the first chapter of the volumes they are already mentioned as a sign of warning. Wolfwood is saying that he will do something dangerous, that he will go against his better senses, against his survival instincts. If that isn’t an omen, I do not know what is. :) 
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amayadartan · 1 year
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One Horseman of War, One Horseman of Conquest, The Fallen of Revenge and a Wrath demon go a hunting....
The sound of barking could be heard through the trees as Dalton and Derp, the Queen’s puppies, tracked the human.  Centuries of fighting and training meant that neither Mithos nor Arioch had to reign them in as they went. They were not going to get distracted by anything.  Using their supernatural powers along with their own agility and strength, the obstacles in their way were no problem.  Judging from the sounds all of them heard in the forest around them, that was a good thing.  Things were waking up, things those who were looking for Amaya would prefer to avoid.  Things that were hungry and would love the snack of a human.
Suddenly Dalton lunged forward and increased his pace, Derp following a moment later and they both were going full tilt with the four males close on their heels.  As they cleared another couple of fallen logs, the men came to a halt.  In front of them, the pups had transformed from their cerberus forms back into small corgi puppies.  Since the female human was in front of them, unconscious on the forest floor, that wasn’t completely surprising. What was, however, was that she was covered in what appeared to be some kind of hybrid of a chinchilla, a squirrel, and a rabbit.  None of them had seen the small creatures in Imperium before.
“What are they?” Mithos asked, leaning a little closer with his eyes narrowing and head tilting.  They were…cute?
“Do I look like a nature guide, asshole?” Arioch replied, not sure if the things were safe or not, but clearly not liking the situation at hand. He too was studying them but cautious.
“Rodents, idiots.” Answered Cruz, thoroughly annoyed with everyone and everything, who stepped forward to clear them off of the human.  This is when the whole group made another discovery.  Unlike Earthly rodents that have the four main front teeth, these had two rows on top and bottom of what looked like shark’s teeth, hundreds of them; and they looked none too happy about the King coming closer to Amaya’s body.
“Well, that’s…different…”Ollyl commented, his brows drawing together as a look of unease settled over his face.  He then blew out a breath that puffed out his cheeks.  This changed things, and made them more difficult.
“They haven’t eaten her.  She’s alive.  But they won’t let us near her….”  Cruz knelt down a short distance from them, one hand absentmindedly rubbing his chin as he thought over the situation.  Killing the creatures would be easy, but that would draw predators to them, and since they couldn’t trace Amaya, they’d at least need a minute or two to get her settled for one of them to carry her.  
“I guess…that’s…positive?” Mithos stated hesitantly, hoping it was.  He considered they were saving her for later, which didn’t make him feel any better.
As the others were trying to figure out some kind solution, Olly walked over and knelt down and whistled to Dalton.  “Go ask your friends to please get off the nice lady.  We need to get her to safety.  If they bite us, we have to hurt them, and that might hurt her.  Can you please do that?”  He ruffled the fur on the top of the pup’s head.
Dalton and Derp had been yipping at the creatures who had been squeaking back while the men had been considering the situation.  Olly hoped that maybe, just maybe they were actually communicating.  He knew that Abriella’s dogs were not normal dogs by any stretch of the imagination and understood him fine, now if they could just get the creatures to understand.  Soon enough, it seemed he was right since the little things started getting off of her, but then apparently they had made some kind of deal in order to accomplish this.
As the little furry beings were getting off of Amaya, Dalton and Derp started picking them up in their mouths and delivering them to the feet of each of the men.  All except Olly.  The little creatures started climbing their pants as soon as they were deposited, some finding pockets to go into while others kept going higher.  “Uh, I think they want out of the forest too, and the dogs promised them a ride to the Palace.  Maybe put them in the garden with the pixies?  I’m sure they’d love some Tribbles.”  Olly shrugged as he got a death glare from Cruz who now had one sitting on his shoulder. 
“Tribbles?!  Did you see the teeth on that one that snarled at Cruz?” Arioch asked as one started snuggling into his pocket.  “Ummm..shit..we’re really going to do this, huh?” He blew out a sigh as another one started to fall off of his pant leg and he caught it and stuck it in another pocket.  Abriella should be glad he loved her cute ass.
“Just get these damned things and get them to the garden.” Cruz grumbled, but was standing there with two in one of his large hands, petting them like a cat.  “Olly, since you’ve been spared, get the human to Abriella and Arch.” He shook his head.  He knew that his sister was going to have one of these damn things as a pet and it would end up in his room…he knew it.  Just like the pups during thunderstorms.  
Watching Cruz with the two fuzzballs in his hands was about to make Olly breakout in laughter, but the task at hand was serious, so he nodded and went over to scoop Amaya up off of the ground.  A couple of the furry beings didn’t want to leave her and used their teeth and claws to hold onto her plaid flannel shirt.  “Guess I’m taking a couple with me.  Your sister is going to LOVE this!”  Olly rolled his eyes, still trying to fight outright laughter,  and then unfurled his wings just enough to get them off of the ground.
“Not as much as Arch.  Just don’t let him take one into his lab, these things have teeth and I don’t want them ending up in my room pissed and looking for their missing brother.  Or, worse, him making one of them our size!”  Arioch replied sarcastically as he watched the Horseman of Conquest slowly rising and navigating the branches overhead.  Thankfully the trees did have some space between them up higher, which is why the underbrush was so overgrown and had given them such problems.
“We have them all, let’s get the fuck out of here.  These things are obviously snacks for something bigger, and I don’t want to be here when it shows up.  I’ve had enough frustration for one fucking day.”  It was clear Mithos was tired and no one blamed him.  After ensuring that Dalton and Derp were secured, all of the men mysted back to the garden of the Palace to deposit the little furry softball beings.  
Olly had been right in mentioning the pixies.  As soon as the first chirp was heard in the garden, pixies of every shape, size, and color came out and swarmed around the males.  They picked up the beings and snuggled them, loving on them.  Even a few of the garden gnomes came wadding out of their little houses to invite the creatures in.  The vine on the wall of the palace that Cruz had always suspected was sentient in some way even made a type of shelter for a few of them. For almost fifteen minutes, the men watched in stunned silence as the beings were welcomed into the garden, as if they were watching some kind of surreal Disney or Ghibli movie playing out before them.
Finally, Cruz broke the silence, “I have neither the patience nor the tact to handle this tonight.” He sighed, shaking his head and slightly holding his hands out to his sides.  “We’ll find out what those things are in the morning.  Let us go find the others.”
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forthelovelovelove · 5 months
the coneheads - hack hack hack variation 2
an amazing album, just banger after banger
another amazing album, good vibe throughout!
beast facking song, would be my corporate take if i ever worked in that sphere lmao
the master, and he can't help looking a little derp
Little laid back blip in amazing blut aus nord album. Album has tinge of americana vibe which is a great surprise. Recommend a listen.
This song immediately hits, james brown makes feel like a funky npc totally ok with a life of walking in spring weather with airpods in.
Impetigo's vocalist is amazing, also love that the clip they used from explo film is the first 2 min and 40 seconds. Holy shit the vocalist turns me up.
I was relistening to this song with maya as we were driving in the hudson valley, every element was hitting so hard. Pitch and rhythm is all music is, which is like saying we are atoms or something, but I find it a pretty good jumping of point for making recorded music.
Epic synth song. Why'd it all start in germany? love this track
PONPONPON being so legendary thought i'd finally listen to the full project its on. Amazing tiny opener. Here's a nice fan vid.
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