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DAY 73 POST-OP: I originally bought that pink #shakeplate for myself after I was first diagnosed with #Lipedema. I think it was my second appointment that the OT told me that it would beneficial. As I was laying there receiving my treatment, I logged on to #AmazonPrime and ordered myself one. After having it at home I then decided to take it into my classroom so my students could ty it out for their own benefit to help with their #Stim Fastforward 11 months and I have 2 shakeplates in my classroom for he kids and another one at home for myself. Today I stood on it and wow, did I forget how good it feels when I step off of it. It helps the #LympathicSystem flow to get rid of the fluid that is essentially trapped because #mylympathicsystemisfdup There is never a dull moment in #Room220 and with everyday I am happier and feel better... bring on #SurgeryNumber2 #drreptaforthewin #notfatflooded #floodednotfat #compression #educateyourself #educateotherstoo #iam1in9 #iampartofthe11percent @ms_jess_wilson #shakewhatyourmamagaveya #kneetohipisnext #ankletoknee #LipedemaFighter #lymphedema #FULipedema #thegirlwiththeskinnyfeet #lipedemaSUCKS #DontJudgeMe #AdvocateForYourself #kicklipedemaintheass (at Henderson, Nevada)
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